MESSENGER VOLUME 13 1 JANUARY 2013 January 2013 Vol. 13 No. 1 Messenger IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH AND SCHOOL, BRISTOL, CONNECTICUT OUR MISSION The people of CHORAL EVENING PRAYER Immanuel Lutheran Church are living proof Music of the Christmas and Epiphany season will be of the grace of God presented by the Kantorei of Concordia Theological through salvation in Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana Jesus Christ. Empowered by Christ, Saturday, January 5, 2013, 4:00 p.m. at our mission is to reach Immanuel Lutheran Church out in love to those who 154 Meadow Street Bristol, Connecticut. have not yet responded to the Gospel that all The Kantorei is a 16-voice choir of students studying may be united in Christ. for the Office of the Holy Ministry at Concordia, Fort Wayne. Led by Richard C. Resch, Associate Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Missions Kantor, the choir will lift their voices in praise and lead the congregation in celebration of Christmas and Epiphany. Immanuel Lutheran Church and School Admission is free. A free-will offering will be collected 154 Meadow Street after the performance to support the work of the seminary. Bristol, CT 06010 860-583-5649
[email protected] Rev. Kevin A. Karner Pastor Mr. James F. Krupski School Principal MESSENGER VOLUME 13 2 JANUARY 2013 Women of Immanuel LWML MISSION GRANT CHILDREN’S NUTRITUION AND CARE – VIETNAM $72,255 Less than 10% of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is Christian and the government is traditionally closed to outside religious The next meeting of the Women of Immanuel will be held on organizations.