Jlan Jjfrantfeto Jfogljorn
Dr. Robert Thornton Defies the Odds by Herman Cowan, Jr. other odds, as he went on to finish not This is the first of a series on the life only grammar school, but high school and philosophies of Dr. Robert A. and college. Thornton. Dr. Thornton is a (retired) As a child in Houston, Texas, Dr. professor of physics at the University Thornton attended grammar school of San Francisco. in a one room schoolhouse, where In this series Dr. Thornton will one instructor was responsible for emphasize the quality of education, teaching six grades, "if you can in this country and at the University of imagine that," retorts Thornton. San Francisco. After grammar school Thornton Part one of this series will feature transferred into the Houston public Dr. Thornton's background, his school system. "I attended the education, and his teaching colored high school,'' says Thornton. endeavors. "Our high school didn't have the When he was born on February 6, same curriculum as the white high 1897 (according to the bureau of schools," he claims. census) the odds were that he, "The wood and metal shops were because he was born a Negro, would excellent," says Thornton, "but we not even finish grammar school. Dr. had no good courses in the sciences, Robert A. Thornton defied those and Dr. Thornton will discuss the quality of education at USF. Continued on Page 3 jlan Jjfrantfeto Jfogljorn Volume 73 Number 14 University of San Francisco November 3, 1978 'Freedom Fighters' Oppose FA They've been called but Dr. Paul Lorton of the College of of curriculum, are still made by the student input in the decision-making "traditionalists" and they've been Business Administration, who Administration; these are decisions process, had its difficulties, but that called "The Freedom Fighters"; they recently resigned from the faculty which, in the University of California the faculty union was even less have been viewed with both scorn union, related several reasons for his system, for example, are made by the effective.
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