Event Horizon #2 October 2019 An efanzines exclusive & A Ninth Fandom Publication Fandom is a Way of Life—for Dogs and Other Trash----Squink Blog Fandom is jest a goddamn hobby—you’ll find them in Hell, working at what they cannot accomplish, suffering utter damnation in blind unknowingness. The above quotations, although they may add quality to our publication as headings due to their literary nature and link to fannish tradition, are not true and lack nobility; what are their authors but those lacking true enlightenment? This is a publication wrought by Oort Cloud Publications/VacHume Press, intended for circulation in fandom. Anyone not liking it does not respect the publisher or the press. The editor is John Thiel, 30 N. 19th Street, Lafayette, Indiana 47904, who may be accessed by email at
[email protected] . The cover shows a fearless spaceman who has elected to be in outer space in the visible vicinity of a black hole. We need men like him. Of course a Live Coward has something to be said for him also, but will anyone say it? It is unintended matter that a live coward has banked up for him. But are we in fandom more like the live coward or the dead hero? We are more like the live cowards, and we write the reports, etc. Anyone who goes near a black hole isn’t going to come back arguing about what we say about him. But, again, doesn’t a black hole somewhat resemble the world we live in? We lie around in our bunks, searching for an event horizon that will be the sign of our emergence from this so-called “black hole” that we are metaphorically to be found in.