, The seer of seers', the prognosticator of prognosticators', Punxsutawney Phil, foretells to tile nation in ''groundhogese '' whether or not the weather will continue to be bad or good.

The During the 1700' s the German settlers 15 pounds with a diet consisting of ice cream brought over a tradition known as Candlemas . and dogfood. Phil lives in a climate-controlled Day. This holiday fell midway between the home located at the Punxsutawney Library. On to be another 6 Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. At the festive day; the groundhog is placed in a eks of winter because this time the clergy would bless candles and heated burrow on Gobbler 's Knobb. This res­ was spooked by his distribute them to the townspeople, to light and idence is a simulated tree stump and holds Phil own shadow! place them in their front window. They would until his annual appearance scheduled for 7:25 Dana Marinelli On Tuesday In 1723 the Delaware Indians settled a camp­ light the candles until February 2, and if the sun am. Staff Writer February 2, the site 90 miles northeast of Pittsburg. These came out the weather predicted 6 more weeks This year's _Groundhog'S Day ' s festivities small rural town of Indians named this settlement halfway between of winter. includes chain saw carvings by Jacob Marzullo, Punxsut a w n e y the Allegheny and Susquehanna Rivers The first official celebration occurred on Polka Music performed by John Serian, and celebrated the 114th Annual Trek to Gobbler ' s Punxsutawney; a word meaning ''the town of February- 2, 1886, where The Punxsutawney even Kettle Korn (a Colonial-style kettle korn Knobb in commemoration of Ground Hog ' s the sandflies." The Delaware Indians believed Spirit editor announced Punxsutawney Phil, made right in fr~)llt of the visitor's eyes). The Day. The 6,000 residents welcomed the many that groundh9gs were honorable ancestors. As Seer of Seers, Sage of Sages, Prognosticator of town of Punxsutawney surely knows how to ' thousands of visitors to enjoy a day filled with the story goes, the Delaware Native Americans Prognosticators, and Weather Prophet throw a party for one hell of an important citi­ live entertainment, music and fireworks. Why believed that that their "foresquirrels" were Extraordinary; to be the groundhog ' s offIcial zen! is there so much attention about a groundhog once animals that evolved into humans to hunt name. named Phil who hops out of his hole to check and live off of the earth. The present Punxsutawney Phil weighs in at THE DOME INVITATIONAL

Daniel Pfeiffer Beg inn i n g able in both categories, the journalistic and Staff Writer February 7th, the business sides. Everything from Sports to DOME will be Investigative Pieces are open for publishing. hosting a series of The second invitational will address the layout invitationals, or seminars. The purpose of these functions of the newspaper.. Layout is by far invitationals is to familarize the DOME staff as the most intensive part of the newspaper well as any potential DOME staffer (that means process. The DOME is equipped with a num­ you!) with the important functions of the news­ ber of high-powered Macintosh's which handle paper. The first invitational on February 7th will most of the layout. Finally; the third invitation­ consist of a lecture by Proffesor Greg al will cover photography and it's role in the DiMartino addressing basic news gathering newspaper process. The DOME also has techniques and story structures. Tiffany numerous opening for photographers. Matt Blaski, the assistant, director for SAC and the DiFil1ipo will be conducting this seminar. Pizza DOME's advisor, will be speaking on the the fis­ and soda will be provided for all those that cal responsibilities of the newspaper, the busi­ attend. ness side. There are plenty of positions avail-


WIDENER Beastie Boys ' Student B·BAll. Anthology Spotlight!!! Review Page B3 SUPERBOWL!!! Page B1 Page B4 P~ge2 Widener University: The Dome February 4, 2000


Brian O'Rourke Communism is a great Editor in Chief theory; it just doesn't work in practice. I 've heard > or·CC4JRSE :~tNt,£R mE Homer Simpson and many college professors utter this phrase, or some variation of it, and you ' ve probably ~ tfJ1~~\ heard this bromide before. You might even be guilty of saying it yourself. Allow me to paraphrase this statement: Communism (or its sister, Socialism) is the ideal, but man is incapable of ~- achieving it. Man is evil, selfish, and corrupt, they claim. 'That is their explanation for the failure of Communism. I am writing this column in response to all those who would make these fallacious assertions. Communism is not the ideal theory, and obviously not the ideal practice; man is not evil by nature. A theory is a "plausible or scientifica11y acceptable gen­ eral principle offered to explain observed facts," accord­ ing to Webster's Dictionary. A theory, to paraphrase good old Noah, offers an explanation of reality. Take for example, the theory of gravity, proposed by Sir Isaac Newton. It attempts to explain why objects "fall,'1 why planets orbit, etc. This is a solid theory because of its validity in reality. How else do we rate a theory, other than through its practical application? Theory and practice go hand-in-hand; there is no dichotomy between the theory (abstract principles) and the real (the concrete examples). 1berefore, the belief that Communism is the glorious ideal and a sound theory is entirely bogus: it achieves none of its aims, because its premises are flawed. OUT WITH THE OLD, IN WITH THE NEW The reality, or the concrete examples, of Communism should be stark indicators to anyone who has opened a Michael Roakes T h e but Primeau will do that in time. He is the goal in only his second game. On the other history book, read a news story on conditions in Soviet Staff Writer Philadelphia former captain of the Carolina Hurricanes. hand, Brind ' Amour has zero points in four Russia, or heard about Chinese practices. Under the Flyers finally Brind ' Amour is an average second-line games with the Caroline Hurricanes. I ' m oppressive yoke of the altruistic system (and believe me, sent Rod Brind 'Amour away and in return center. Primeau is far from a second-line not sure how Brind ' Amour feels about the Communism is nothing more than forced altruism, or sac­ received an outstanding center, Keith center; but with Mikael Renberg and Mark trade, but I know that he is crying because rificing the self for others in pursuit of the greater good), Primeau. Primeau brings attitude and size Recchi on his wings, the Flyers have a potent he is no longer a ~art ~f a g:eat team with a Ithere has been genocide, a one-child-per-family pl~n to the team, things that Brind 'Amour does second line that no other team can match. lot of history behind It. His thoughts can enforced by infanticide, an overall lower standard of liv- not have. Some say that trading Personally, I think Brind ' Amour wore out only be to continue playing; it's not like he . Brind 'Amour was a mistake, However, his welcome last year. When trade talks is going to change a fairly new franchise or Img, and a strangulation of economies. Throughout his- along with Roger Neilson and Bobby clark, I began involving him last season, he even bring leadership to it. He cannot bring what tory, Communism (and every system based on altruism) . b h h H' has only produced disastrous effects. feel that the Flyers ' received a better over­ knew that his stay was not going to be much P nmeau roug t to t e urncanes' l . . Prim k th Sta I C One thing that everyone tends to overlook when Judg- all athlete in return. longer. Primeau will fill Brind ' Amour 's However, eau ma es e n ey up . ing Communism: man is prohibited from owning proper- Rod Brind 'Amour was loved by the city skates with size and physical play. Within ever more attainable. ty, or the goods that he has earned. There is a name for of Philadelphia, but his stay here was too time, .Brind ' Amour will be forgotten if he the man who has no right to the fruits of his own labors: long. He did bring leadership to the team, hasn ' t been already with Primeau ' s first a slave. Communism creates a slave-state, where people stand in line hoping to get their daily allotment of bread, QgOTE OF THE WEEK no matter how hard they have worked, or how much food their work merits. Make no mistake about the nature of Loving oneself is the beginning of a life-long private property. It is the distinction between the free man and the slave. romance. These specific examples of Communism are not acci­ dental; the reality is not divorceable from the abstract - Oscar Wilde principles guiding it. It is no mistake that Stalin commit­ ted genocide in ' a society that did not acknowledge " " man' s right to life. It is no mistake that people were QUESTIONS OF THE WE.EK thrown into jail without trials in Soviet Russia, a society that acknowledged no individual rights. Under a Communist regime, anyone may literally be sacrificed to serve the greater good, or the collective. Why do you drive on the parkway and park on the driveway? I could continue ad infinitum (or more appropriately, ad Why does your nose run and your feet smell? nauseam) with examples debunking Communism, or any collectivist morality. But until the sophists of our culture realize that the theory breeds the reality, that the two 'are inseparable, they will continue to commit philosophic blasphemy: Communism is a great theory; it just doesn't work in practice. THE DoME: EDITORIAL BoARD The only reason so many people have failed to realize EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Lindsey Hedden Tht Domt is published by the editor will be printed unless this, or fail to publicly acknowledge it, is due to society's Brian 0 ' Rourke Dana Marinelli students of Widener University they are signed and co ntain a for the college commu nity on phone number. fleeting grasp on the morality of altruism, the philosoph­ RELATIONS MANAGER Dan Giordano Fridays during the academic Ben Myers Stan Wojculewski year, except during final exami· The Domt does not endorse any ical premise of Communism. The religionists told man to NEWS/UNIVERSITY EDITOR Michael Roakes nations and immediately follow­ advertiser or accept responsibil· give his life to God and to his neighbor; the communists TBA SPORTS WRITERS ing vacations. Opinions ity for claims or actions made expressed herein do not neces­ by the advertisers. simply removed God from the formula. They did not SPORTS EDITOR Mike Sager sarily coincide with those of the change the fundamental premise of altruism in any way. Pam Gargano Philip Stiefel administration. It is Do .... policy DOME PHoNE ENTERTAINMENT EDITOR DISTRI.UTlON MANAGER that unsigned letters to the edi· (6 10) 499-4421 People should be saying: Communism is a horrible, evil Joey Odorisio TBA tor will not be accepted. Letton DoME FAX must aDow for the publication (610) 499-4531 theory; reality has proven that. LAYOUT EDITOR ADMINISTRATIVE ADVISOR of the submitter 's full name. E-MAL Ben Myers Tiffany Blaski Mail subscription price is $15 [email protected] GENE"AL STAFF WRITERS TECHNICAL ADVISOR per year. Postage paid by Dan Pfeiffer Greg Martino Chester, PA 19013 Tht Do ... t reserves the right Kim Cacciatore not to publish aD materials Katie Hammond received and no Jetters to the Widener University: The Dome Page 3 NIVJERSITY

Eileen Boltz The Student tion of various committees that will strive to committee was also created, in which their A Sophomore Qass President G 0 V ern men t improve the recognition of the Student main focus will be to offer new ideas that will Association Government Association. enhance the social community at Widener. The (S.GA.) held their The committees formed are the Budget, next Coffeehouse will be on February 1st at 6 BI-WEEKLY SGA Retreat this past Saturday; January 29th. Homecoming, Mascot, Advertisement, PM, where there will be the viewing of "Lean Current and past S.GA. Executive Officers as Fundraising, and Election Committees which On Me." Also, the Student Government well as current S.GA. Class Officers brain­ all plan to help the association run more Association will be holding their meeting on stormed on ideas for new events for the Spring smoothly for the semesters to follow. The Wednesday; February 9th at 6:30 PM in Room 2000 semester. Such ideas included the forma- SWAT (Supporting Widener Activities Team ) C of the University Center. - THE DOME INVITATIONAL MONDA~S .FEBRUARY 7, If & 21 COME & LEARN VARIOUS ASPECTS OF IN THE UNIVERSITY CENTER A NEWSPAPER • NOON TO 1PM

.The Widener 'University . ..~' African American Alumni Chapte:" and The Widener Black Student Union

Invite you to a Lecturel'l!erformance Event

Jazz - Funk - Rap ~ Hip Hop A Global Transformation


Marcia Pendelton, former Outreq,ch Coordinator "Bring in da Noise ... Bring in.da Fu~k"

James Spady, author of: Street cJ'.::J>c~fLs Rap: Twisted Tal'esi ~ \ the Hip Hop Streets ofPhUlY; a!f.dNatiot"CorisciousRaD. / .

Richard Cooper, WidenerU1iiuersityNofes~r, ...... '.. nationally syndicated colufrmisi, and researcher of4frir;dn American music aru.lculture; ......

Thursdo,y, Febryrory 10, 2000 7:30 p.m. Alumni Auditorium Widener University .. 610-499-4111

Reception to follow Free Admission .

THE DOME: Classified Ad Request RAm LIsnNGS CLASSIFIED ADVER1lSING POllCY DOME PHONE: (610) 499-4421 CLASSIFIED ADS ARE SOLD ON A PER-LINE BASIS. DOME FAX: SPECIAL FORMATTING REQUESTS INDUCE ADITIONAL CHARGE ALL PAYMENTS MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO PUBUCA110N. (610) 499-4531 AS SUCH: WIDENER UNIVERSITY, 1 UNIVERSITY PLACE REGUI.AR UNE CHARACl'ERS MAX) Clearly print your ad in the space provided below. Be sure to skip spaces CHESTER, (36 $8 between words. Your may hyphenate your words to flow onto the next line if PENNSYLVANIA Bow IlNE (36 ClIARACmlS MAX) $10 necessary. When finished, calculate your cost using the rate listings. 19013 HEADUNE (24CHARACI'ERS MAX) $12

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Thursday Friday Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy 10 18 hi 31 1021hi32

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New York NY, Thursday Dec. 2 Buffalo NY, Thursday Dec. 2 Partly Cloudy: 10 20 hi 33 Snow: 10 17 hi -6

Washington D.C. Thursday Dec. 2

Partly Cloudy: 10 17 hi 32 NJI'E: '!HE LCME IS NJI' ~R:NSIBLE FOR THE WEATHER CHANGING! Miami FI, Thursday Dec. 2 WEATHER MAP PROVIDED BY THE , , Partly Cloudy: 10 67 hi 57 , ~' __~ ~ __~ __~ ______~-J NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE

~ ,. ~,f>.·t /', February 4 , 2000 Covering all the good stuff Section B





Joey Odorisio Over the past fit- Entertainment Editor teen years, the Beastie Boys have become one of the sounds that would normally sound odd next to number of hard-to-find b-sides, remixes, and There are some alternate versions of familiar most influential and important bands in the each other, like punk and Latin jazz, just flow outtakes. There 's even a helping of the songs as well. There's Fatboy Slim's great "modern rock" era. Although the B-Boys are together naturally: Their old-school ... 80 ... s rap band 's early, hardcore days with "Beastie remix of "Body Movin' ,", and the original, far from being through, they released an hits don't sound out of place right before a Boys" and the classic "Egg Raid on Mojo". Hendrix-sampling version of "Jimmy James." "anthology" last year entitled The Sounds of hard core song or an instrumental. Some other highlights include the bossanova One cif the best parts of this two-disk collection Science that compiles most of their greatest hits. The Sounds of Science isn 't just a greatest song "Twenty Questions" from the Hello Nasty is the 78-page booklet that comes with it. MCA, The surprising thing about The Sounds of hits compilation. In fact, some of the biggest era, the brand-new single ''Alive,'' and Biz Ad-Rock, and Mike D wrote the extensive book Science is how nicely it flows. It' s the perfect hits from Licensed to In aren't even on here. Markie helping out on a cover of Elton John's themselves, with the stories behind each and Beastie Boys mix tape. The songs aren't in "She's Crafty", "Girls", and even "No Sleep Till "Benny and the Jets." We finally get to hear every song in the anthology: 1bis collection chronological order at all, so this allows them to Brooklyn" are all missing! It's a well known some songs from the Country Mike sessions, truly shows the diversity and impact of the just put songs in the order that they sound fact that the Beasties aren't fans of their early, like the hilarious "Country Mike's Theme" and Beastie Boys over their impressive career. good in, and it works. Like on their albums, tongue-in-cheek yet still sexist past, but those "Railroad Blues", which are real, foot-stompin ... songs still belong on here. However, we get a country songs.


Stan Wojculewski Staff Writer

The most surprising and wel­ come turn of events in many months in the WWF took place in the first match of the evening as former WCW stars Dean Malenko, Chris Benoit, Saturn and Eddie Guerrero made their presence felt on is War. Watching such athletic technically proficient mro~tlor~ as Malenko and Benoit in lame non-storylines, sa wiched between the under-card losers and old-as-dirt headli on WCW snoozefests used make me wish they'd time before disappearing this past over and showcase their talent exceptions ... STAFF WRITER now at its Monday Night. on the WWE My wish came true Monday when the The Rock was in rare form as he first laid the ver­ lowest point More bad news for WCW fans: if you quartet butted heads with Degeneration X in the best bal smackdown on and the physical kind on possible. guys watched any of Raw on Monday, plot-twist since the Corporation I Ministry of pompous-as-hell Olympian Kurt Angle. The Rock, for It's like a football team starting its third you will notice four men that look all too Darkness union last Spring. the first time in a while, executed more than his nor­ stringers. As far as I ' m concerned, it's familiar. Chris Benoit, Perry Saturn, Trouble-maker Cactus Jack brought Malenko, mal 3-actual-moves-with-a-bunch-of-punches match amatuer night. They have the n Wo as a Eddie Guerrero, and Dean Melenko are Benoit, Saturn and Guerrero to the WWF to make and put on a varied and technically sound show one man team. He's got his two gigo­ all leaving the fine organization of WCW waves for nemesis Triple Hand DX. The events of the against Angle. The Rock was the first in the WWF to la's who used to be the corporate ..what­ for ... you guessed it--WWE night after the exciting first 15 minutes seemed only pin Angle, and did so after delivering the People ' s ever. I mean himself is one of reportedly has not yet signed his contract so-so with a couple of exceptions. First the so-so part. Elbow. the biggest gigolo 's in the game. Now I for the WCW However, it is my belief Big Show manhandled Grandmaster Sexy and Scottie The final match of the evening was supposed to be have nothing against Sid Vicious; he's that he will stay, because he 's in the Too Hottie in a handicap match. One chokesIam and The Game, against the Big Red Machine, huge and all, but he is a terrible wrestler. major storyline. one later the Show was raising his mas­ who was betrayed by Tori and beaten by DX on He is far too fake, you can obviously tell One mo~e piece of bad news: despite sive paw in the air in triumph. Viscera was beaten by the last Smackdown. But Kane failed to show and that he lets up on his punches. His mic the fact that he is slated to be wrestling Hardcore and in a "who really cares about instead Cactus Jack, Malenko, Benoit, Saturn, and skills are that of a chimpanzee. Scratch at SuperBrawl, these guys" match. Jericho lost a non-title match to X­ Guerrero came out and, after bashing Triple H 's skull that, the chimps on TNT after WCW are has been telling friends that he will never pac (of all people) after Tori clocked Y2J with his own with his own belt twice, left Stephanie cradling the much better actors. That is what makes again wrestle for the WCW His contract belt. did layout Tori after that, so it wasn 't all beaten WWF Champ in the middle of the ring. up your WCW World Champion at this states that he needs to be on for 6 more bad. I sat shaking my head wondering how the WWF I felt pretty cheated after Halftime Heat on Sunday: moment. What 's more, the only one who pay-per-views. As far as Hogan is con­ can afford to waste airtime worth mi1lions on a "ring It was great seeing the Rattlesnake, but last year dur­ could beat Vicious is Jarrett. Jarrett is cerned, it has been reported that he may full of snow" women ' s match between the Kat and a ing Halftime Heat, Mankind beat the Rock in a now now slated to face off with the champion be starting his own wrestling organiza­ disguised Harvey Wippleman. I mean, let's see infamous "Empty Arena" match for the WWF at SuperBrawl, due to Bret Hart 's injury: tion with Eric Bishoff. It has also been Malenko and Co. kick some ass, not a cheesy gim­ Championship. Seeing a re-run of the Speaking of injury, there is a lot to talk reported that he may return to the place mick match with a few real women ' s wrestlers and swimsuit contest and Stone Cold talking about how about. Bret Hart 's concussion looks like where Hulkamania was born ... the WWF. walking mummy, , surrounding the ring his neck-brace prevents him from drinking beer kind it is worse than originally thought. He will however I don 't think that he will. and throwing snowballs at the participants and ref. of left me wanting for '99. Austin did say he expects be out for another 4-8 weeks. The return One more final piece of insider news. Speaking of Mae, here's some good news. No, she's to be back in 3-4 months, though I doubt he'll be of Goldberg doesn't appear to be any­ Despite their "more family oriented" plat­ didn't die, but as it turns out, the "puppies" she back quite that soon. In the meantime, the boys for­ time soon. I I m sorry, but why is it again form, WCW is reportedly in talks with exposed at Madison Square Garden last month were merly of WCW can fill in some conspicuous gaps in that the writers chose to have him break porn star Jarnine St. Claire. What she fake, . plastic, "Hollywood" breasts (ala There's the card left by Austin, the Undertaker, and Ken the limo's windows with his hands. may be doing at the WCw, who'll she'll Something About Mary). Thank God. I mean, even see­ Shamrock, all out nursing injuries. . , the only good wrestler left, be with, or when she'll be coming are all ing fake 70+ year-old puppies was enough to make the is also injured. He broke his ankle at a questions I can't answer. One thing I do pizza pocket I was eating at the time turn into a lump house show. that he didn't want to know about Jasmine, is that she is a attend. came back for a short stuck in the back of my throat. And now onto the ... damn fine actress. .... '" ...... ~ , ,~ -, '. ~ Page 82 Widener University: The Dome February 4, 2000 lIXlIN'Vf lIT' UP


Disclaimer: We encourage·the Widener community to submit their questions with regard to any inter-personal rmItionships to the extremely experienced DOME staff. Our combined ages proba­ Scorpb (OCtober 23 to NoYerriler 21) I know you hate it when evfry­ bly don 't exceed tmt of the workls oldest person nor can we claim any doctorate's, master ' s, or body stares at you n class. I have even a puny bacllebrs degrees among us, but we 'n do our besLor mve fun trying! only one suggestion: PUT SOME Q.OTrES ONI Not too many people at Widener a-e nucists. You probably Pessimistic Parents Missing My Other Half was really hurt at first, but I shoUdn't be. I am a sophomore and over My best frtend transferred came to realize that being Winter Break, my parents out of Widener this semester friends would be better than ---.;.J,.--"":'<"+------1--1----...:~~--4------freaked out on me when they and 1 feel so lost without her nothing. He S!oPped talking (t ... /'.",.,,',., '''..'' \ TIUUS ~ 20 to May 20}- I once l ".... ( found out that I got a B in one here! I think about her every t.o me after thIS happened. I ~ dated a la\rus. She tut a sITi1e to :' )p...... ~-!\. of my classes. They are R I11k Royd and asked to marry her. ,i (No¥BrriJer 22 DecerriJer day, and even at meals and JUst !Alant my fnend back. . ' l. me 0 ~ to threatening to send me to a things I feel so much different. Any 14eas? . { I,.;;...- ! \ I told her Royd sucked, at whch pan 1 v . , 21} You- mother told you Nov 25 less - expensive school if this Any suggestions? I think that a lot of people )' . Q \.... ~ ~ ttTee FBI agents ru-st nto the room :,~,. _ ', was yOU' bi1hday, but it isn't Ha Ha! happens again. What they RealIze that you're not in have been in your si.tuah.on \ \ '0ii: i and took her away. I had to chang ~ ", You're actually a Germ. And you're sma really hurt me. What High School anymore. I know before. It's a ~ard Sltuaho.n \ \.... "MliHH / my rane and , transfer to \'Mener ;.~,.. "''''''1 adoptedl should I do? that transitions are hard but because you don t want to rUin \. ~,:., < "'., : ,., .. ""'.,.,.,. after that 'Ibu re not her. a-e you . First of all, I would have you also need to see that the friendsh~p . l guess that <;::ii:~::: :" How I ~ I never met her. been so happy to be in Jour chan~s can be a good thing the best thmg In this case shoes! lVu got all As an one too. This is a chance for you would be to be upfront with B? Be proud of your achieve­ to exPlore and meet new peo­ him. Just tell him that you ments, because I know it must Ple. Keep in touch with your regret what happened because CIIprtom (I)eceImer 22 to .III'UIy not have been easy. How do best friend but don't necessari­ you feel avoided now. He 19)- You receNed a call from a gi'l you get your parents to appre­ ly think of it as such a bad Probably feels odd calling you ' t~ you she had the facts for yOU' ciate the hard work that thing. because he doesn't want to Weat novel. Fnd her. At all costs, you're doing? Start off by lead you on or anything. fi1d her. calmly telling them how hard Friends? Keep In touch but be sure not - ...... ---.,.",....:.,...-+------1 you studied to receive the I had really strong feelings to end up being the one getting grades you did. While doing for one of my guy fnends and hurt. this, make sure that you make we hooked up a few weeks A(JBtJs (JInBy 20 to FebnBy it clear to your parents that ago . A few days later he Need advice?? Slip your A::.aI~~~~I~h):I~k~ofo~o~~~:~? 19}- The TIC Tac Toe Ola"lliOl1S/1iJs their opinion means a lot to made it very clear to me that questions under the door of yOlJ'se/f a little "fall.· Widener are corri1g up. I tti1k its tiTle to n't done anythng with the ice .--, dust off the old notepad and get you. we were not going to have a the Dome and we will be snow there yet, but they soon relationship with each other. I happy to help you out! some practice n. You were on you' Act now! ' j ~J way to sta-dom. Its tiTle to step ~K '; back up to the plate. Q-eatness stil awaits. Leo t.l*f 23 to ALeJst 22)- I all your friends thnk you're ARE YOU A GOOD ROOMMATE? when you tell them you need to P&:es f'«JnaY 19 to MImI 20)­ a Copier. Its okay. Be your Tred of hearng the ·old Leap Year person. Go out and buy one. I Srthday Joke? Ths'li get every­ gest dong business with ( bodys attention-.fake your own ~l )~),~ death on your bi'thday. When every­ Dynarrics, Inc , n Pennsauken, NJ. TAKE THE DOME'S EXCLUSIVE QYIZ AND FIND OUT! ; :~. V~\?-1 . 'i one!; feeing sorry about you, come out from your hidng place as a '-: .. <~,,~ . ghost, tellng them you' II be around c~. ~)t: to haunt them every four years. DEVIL OR ANGEL? YN' ~~ .... 1.) If your roommate is. sleeping, do you try to be qUlet? DO ---'--"""--;,., ---,--,- 'I '"--t--* I _----; 2.) Do you ~void "makeout sessions" in your ~''] room WIth your rommmate present? (Septerrber 23 to October 22)­ 1r.%':':~~~.. f) you night not be that good- ,. DD someday you'lI fi1d some­ .\\, J""1 I:i'\ . not today, maybe not 3.) Do you o~ly bor:row Y0ll! r90mmates posses­ rr: well never rrfid .... good luck SIOns WIth permlssIOn? \::3fG:~~e anyone. DD ,,-',..y!J-iir\~ 4.) Do you try not to let your "moods" get involved wlth you and your mate's relationship? DD 5.) Are you willing to share with your mate? DD, 6.) Would you consider yourself a friend to your roommate? DO 7.) Do you call and tel} your roommate if you are sleepmg-out? 0: : ,~~~" 8.) Do you have "pillow talk" with your mate? D. · 9.) Do you always relay phone messages to your roommate? DD IScoring: If you answered yes to: I 1 1GET A SINGLE NEXT SEMESTER. You are a room· 0 ..3 mate from hell. Grow up and realize, the room is only HALF yours. 14 1You are a pretty decent roommate. You aren't perfect, but ..6 who is? Maybe you should try a little harder to be more considerate. su mf1Jers~~~ip : RS ;:'

University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Summer Sessions