Plan for your college education ... 10

Predictions for 1999 ... 1:

Girls fight for regional title ... 15

" " Volume 57 Number 5 January 1999 The Official Publicati on of LOHS The new vear of wrestling begins Jacob Mitchell January 24. The is an down for Hollywood Hogan, who house! Sports Editor a.ll out battle royal with 30 wrestling spearheaded the black and white. With the New World Order back superstars, who enter one at a time Now, the original founders, Scott in full force and good 01' Stone Cold The world of professional wres-' every thirty seconds. The number Hall, Nash, and Hogan are aU back rippin' heads in the WWF, wrestling ding has gone haywire. (Even more one .entrant is Stone Cold, and num­ together and revitalizing their reign is better than ever. (Except of than before.) Owners becoming ber two. . . you guessed it, Vince of terror on WCW with Hogan at course the late <80's). Wrestling is wrestlers, wrestlers becoming presi­ McMahon. You can bet your bottom the helm. At the WCW pay per view the hot: ticket everywhere, so get it dents of the company, its all adding dollar that there are going to be "SuperBrawl" in February, Hogan on the excitement. Oh beck yeah! , up to some awesome "story" lines some fireworks from the beginning. is to face the new president of occurring in the world of profes­ Results cannot: be published, but I'm WCW , sional wrestling. The new year is gonna go out on a limb and say that " Nature already packing heat, so buckle up Stone Cold wins. Why?

Lucy Jackson to state. There are four types of Future Problem Solving is the position that are at the end of this Co-Edilor-in-Chief competition. One is Written As­ third category of competition. A month. Regionals are later in Feb­ sessment; which contains math, sci­ team of four students is given a ruary and State will be March 141h January 291h, the best of the best ence, social studies, language arts problem and they create a solution and 15111 in LouisviJle. will be traveling to Heath High and general knowledge sections. in a given amount of time. " I am pumped. We've got a very School to begin their trek towards These sections each contain 50 Quick Recall is the fourth type of good team!" said Mr. Toy when success in the District Governor's questions taken in 50 minutes. competition. asked how he was feeling about the Cup Competition. Governor's Cup There . is also a Composition DiStrict Writing Assessment and upcoming competition. is the only cincuential academic Component. In this section each Quick Recall are on Saturday Feb­ competition in Kentucky that. goes competitor is given 90 minutes to ruary the 13111 following the Future from districts to regionals and then write a paper from a prompt. Problem Solving ' Team and Com-

1IIDId nillist il CO.I FILA invades LOHS Jay Swader week for teachers, too. Members DtWIilJoUg Coroner give small tokens of appreciation to StaJJ;.Writer the teachers, administrators, and February 8-12 is the annual employees here . .. LeI Miller (12) is • finalist FBLA (Future Business Leaders of Also on the FBLA agenda is the the CCD­ !n eoca-Cola SshoIanbiP America) Week. The week is de­ regional FBLA conference. The test: signed to promote the club among event is the meeting of all the A four-year member of the student body here at school. FBLA clubs from schools around LOHS V~ team, he was soccer Club members and sponsors plan the area. The conference is on cboIeD out of 137,000 appliC8lU. on putting up signs in the halls, March 11 at Murray State Univer­ Miller is four-~ ..... of also. putting out ads, and having the fes­ sity. Delegates to the convention LOHS track team and • member of tivities posted on the daily an­ elect officials, compete in different the Beta Club. - nouncements. competitions ranging from web Miller'. plans for the future The week isn't just for the mem­ page design to desktop publishing, to attmd Rhodes Vanderbih are or bers of the club, it's also a good and have-a great time. and double or triple major in mathe­ matics, physics, and some form of engineering . .. It is a very pleasant sur­ prise to be selected," said Miller. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • :• Valentine's Day February 14th:• • • • G • * * :": fa.. GOllatl'! ottaUQ / V:ti: : ~ FloPls" IRe. ~ : 3560 Loru Oat1(ptu{ · PtUlucaft, 'JtU 42003 • ~m~~~~~ : • Roses, teddy bears, balloons and •

Lone Oak at 1M iratfk:.Ughl nuJ to PeoplBS Sank • more ... Show your sweetie they're the • .2724 HoC-Mathl. Drive : one you adore. : Pho,.. 554 -3617.nd 442.()27tJ @e(9) . fF 6J fJ IJiJ 6@1li1(j(/) @(§)@t:!df/i) @ • •~ ...... - ...... Kev·Club plays malchma er Tracee Werner own personal dating s stem. a list of our best matches in your Fealure/News Editor The have a questionnaire that grade level, or you can purchase a each student fills out during his/her list including the rest of the school. Valentine' s Day is just around the English class. Filling the forms out The cost will be $3 for one list and comer. I know, ou ' re probably is strictly optional. The then send $5 for both. thinking "Don't remind me. ' If the responses to a compan that Even if you do have a significant you' re dreading this holiday simply matches ou with the people Wlth other, it' s still fun to see whom ou because you don't have a special whom you are most compatible. might have things in common with . someone, never fear Data Match is You do, however, have to pay to here. Data Match is the Key Clubs receive your matches. You can buy

Candv Grams go on sale ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n~~~~~~ ~Nine students accepted to i Jody Suhrheinrich or students can purchase them dur- . Staff Writer ing lunch. n III-Stall Band and Choir n These sweet little valentines are Mqtln Williams before ' said Sisto. Looking for the perfect way to tell n n three for a dollar or 35 cents each. R Co-Editor-in-chie/ The LOHS band is not the n that someone you love them and you You can choose from a friendly R onl group that wi U be represented at n think they' re the great­ message or a slightly flit On February 6 three seniors a state musical coneen. Six students flit est person alive this more love-<>riented note. -_ from LOllS will be playing at tbe AU- ~om the LOHS choir ~ be singing -_ Valentine's day? Say .flBt~'" Best of all there's a wide n Stale Band coneert in Louisville. 10 the AU-State Chot!. They are n it with a sucker be- variety of suckers, but n Carrie Sisto. Elizabeth Rigdon and Frances Owen (12) Josh Reid (II) n cause yes, that's right unfortunately students ... ola Goehman were selected to play Josh Lusco~ (11), Kell Seel . (10), flit __ with oung musicians from all 0 er the Jonathon Llgbt (12) and Michael __ it's Cand Gram time cannot choose which st3ie. -- . Crouch (12). agam. sucker they want. n n LOHS' very own Mrs. Stubblefield, Pit After trying out (or the AlI- ~ J> D q District Band, the girls were recom- FHA (future hOl1N- FHA' s sponsor, com­ mended by judges to tryout for the AlJ- makers of america) is once again ments "Candy Grams are perfect n ?rJ n State Band sponsoring Candy Grams. Students n n to send to friends, faculty or to take flit ' I was very surprised I made flit should be able to place orders dur­ home to family members." So bu q All-State because I have never done it -_ ing the week of February first a Candy Gram and spread the love. through tenth. FHA members will n n be coming around during Channell , nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

SHOP AT SUPER VAl ~ AN D SUPPORT OUR SCHoolSI ..... Dollars ~~ for .. .. Mo,eo NOrllfaH iZosllfotlcs Scholars .. PfTZONf .. 2223 Broadway '1NIdIJJJI11IIIk Mertlll" '1'13·'1002 Call Now to schedule S .. 554-9808 .. a new look for your FOODS .. 21 M lone Oall Rd. .. Big Night! Two Locations 10 Serve You · ~ Pad utah, lenluucky ~ 2969 Jackson Paducah, KY 1JJT 42001 WJT

2855 Lone Oak Rd . Lone Oak. KY • •••• Big lockers lacking at lone Oak High School

fallen out. After stuffing everything opened by another student. Full-length lockers would Megan Williams back in, I run to class only to enter The solution to these prob­ not only benefit students, but teach­ after the bell. lems is larger, full-length lockers. ers as well. They would decrease Co-Editor-In- hie! This is a situation every stu­ Coats, backpacks and gym bags the number of students late to class dent faces six times a day. They are could easily be stored and students and alleviate stress in the halls. forced to cram six giant books, note­ could quickly access books. Stu­ While the cost for the new lockers books, backpacks and coats into a dents could even share the lockers may be expensive, in the long run tiny locker while being trampled b and each would still have enough the benefits would outweigh the ex­ As I approach my bottom their peers. Sometimes it is so room for their things. Full-length pense. locker, I find that it is surrounded by crowded, students are late to their lockers would also alleviate the a mob of people desperately trying next class. Also, the size of the crowded conditions around the lock­ to get their books from their own lockers is so small that people who ers. Students would no longer find tiny locker. I stand back and wait share one are forced to carry books themselves standing on top or below for a person to leave so I can take that won't fit along with them all . another student. their place in the mob. After a cou­ day. Another problem with the So how do we get these new ple of minutes I reach my locker. I lockers is that gym bags for PE or full-length lockers? The old lockers open it and my backpack, coat and a sports practice won't fit in the could possibly be sold to another few books spill into the hallway. I locker and have to be left in a school in need of lockers or the grab the books I need for my next teacher's classroom where there's could be exchanged for the bigger class and retrieve the items that have no guarantee the bag will be un- lockers.

:r: t)oN 'r 1='£E.\.. So How do vou weigh inil ~ooo . Since when has being skinny meant Jody Suhrheinrich that you possess an eating disorder? It's not considered politically correct Staff Writer to criticize over-weight people, yet the media (and everyone else for that matter) feels that they have the right to place a harmful label like ano­ rexic on people like her. For exam- :r .. ~ ~t.,~ YOIJ. Today in the 90's the skinny wai­ ple, you would never tell an obese person that they were fat and needed IT'S A (O N$pl 2Ac.~. fish model is 'considered to be a symbol of beauty. Magazines, run­ to eat less, but to tell a skinny per­ ways, movies and television shows son that they are anorexic and are plastered with incredibly slender should eat more is quite normal. To young women who represent what describe anyone's weight as gross or most every female in America disgusting is wrong in whatever con­ strives to be. However controversial text. it may be, it's still basically ac- . The answer to this weighty issue cepted that the skinnier you are, the lies in acceptance. Acceptance of more beautiful. So what happens yourself and others, whether you 're when you are too skinny? These 80 pounds or 800. The human race days it's not only unacceptable to be will never ever look the same, peo­ too heavy, but it's also unattractive ple are naturally born with a differ­ to be too skinny as well . ent chemical make-up . Wetgi1t ex­ tremes are not the result of some 2860 Lone Oak Road Recently such celebrities as Ally McBeal's Calista Flockhart have sort of disorder. We must put our 42003 received harsh criticism for looking own personal preferences aside and anorexic or sickly because of a sup­ receive our differences with glad­ 7(1) Bleich Road 554-2428 posedly unhealthy body weight. ness. None of us has the right to Paducah, KY 42004 judge how one another should look. (502) 554-2642 800-669-1043 lulgaritv is quicklV taking over societv news, it is inevitably a common The President of the United States States! If Presicient Clinton, the Kelly Reeves topic of conversation. I've already whom the American people saw fit model American, engages in sex bas i c a I I y to elect has outside of marriage, how can the Editorial Editor learned my" fu 0d unfortu- parents of today explain to their morals from Our ture preSI ents nately been children that this man did not be­ my parentS and 0 0 1 so indis- have like a normal, respectable they include the who are Just now In e e- creet in his American does, he's only our Presi­ fact that this sexual con- dent! There I am on Christmas Eve h 1 kind of behav- mentary SC 00 may duct that it The only way that we will stop the with my entire family talking about now commonplace discussion of sex the season, our lives, and ... ior should be hOnk h t t °t 1 has become conducted only tIt a ex ramarl a com m 0 n and the President's crude miscon­ President Clinton's sex life? My duct for the next generation of chil­ grandfather would roll over in his in the san.ctity ° s part of the prereq- discussi~n of mamage. sex 1 at the din- dren is to not discuss it ourselves. grave if he knew that a common Although the normal job of middle family discussion nowadays was of But what about uisite to become the ner table. the younger So now our school and high school teens is to be ... basically sex! I remember in the outspoken and vulgar, can't we in­ 4th grade when I overheard some kids that don 't President of the United f u t. u r e have strong preSIdents fluence our younger siblings and other kids talking about a certain morals yet and who are their friends not to talk about such a form of this crude behavior and was States!" think that not just now in private thing out in public? That's completely puzzled as to what that ' only is sex ac- elementary really the only way that sex will get was. I now understand completely, ceptable to talk about, but to do as school may think that extramarital back to where it should be, in pri­ thanks to the 6 o'clock news. well? "Monkey see, monkey do," sex is part of the prerequisite to be- vate discussion between two married If sex is a common subject of they say. come the President of the United people.

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Check With Us For Prom! Over 1,000 Tuxedos in Stock Down with the Dixie : ."'" . / , So what if you're from the south . .: ~ ' .. " and one time a few decades ago your great-great-uncle's brother fought in the Civil War and so that makes the South your homeland and so you think that the Dixie flag represents your heritage? Well, first of all, to me it represents a sad heritage. The I was driving down Lone Oak Civil War was fought and lost by Road the other day, enjoying my the South over slavery. I am music, the sunshine, everything in ashamed that part of m country general, and that's when I saw it. It and probably some of my ancestors had to be the most horrible bumper fought to keep humans sticker I have ever set in chains. Anyone who eyes on. It was a rebel considers that time pe­ flag and through it were ~~ riod to be romantic and the words

somebody. His lawyers decide that in conscious decision to imitate what Tracu Werner order to get him a lesser sentence, he saw. If he is a competent citizen they' ll blame it on rap music, or a of the United States, his defense Feature !New movie the kid saw. The parents go should not even be considered. As Editor along with this defense because by for the parents, maybe it is their blaming it on the media; they escape fauk. The fact that their child does­ possible persecution as being bad par­ n't know that killing someone is ents. This brings us back to free will. Every human has been blessed or wrong is a very good sign that they in some cases cursed with free will. may have failed in their Of course free will has its setbacks. parental duties. Sometimes we make the wrong deci­ Why do we blame oth­ sions. Granted., nobody's perfect - ers? Because it's easier my mom spends the greater part of than actually accepting the her life pointing out that fact to me - fact that we made a mis­ but why can't we admit and accept take. There's an old ex­ Brad S. Mills. D.M.D•• M.S. ~ Orthodontist responsibility when we do mess up? pression and it goes a little something like this, "To 1435 Lone Oak Road Scapegoats are the key to our suc­ Paducah, Kentucky"2003 cess. We blame others when we err is human ... " Face it, (502)55<4-1993 screw up in order to avoid a punish­ we'll never be a perfect being, but that's okay. 212 North 7th Street ment. Mayfield, Kentucky ..2066 Here's a real life situation we see Just accept it and the re­ (502)2<47-27<47 Sure the kid may have seen some cropping up more and more in this sponsibilities that go along with movie or heard a song where a kid did 1625 121 Bypass North country. Some kid goes and. kills making the wrong choices. the exact same thing, but he made ·a t.MJrray, Kentucky ..2071 (502 753-7151 January 1999 The Oak "K" 7

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Memories 1209 Paris Rd. Mayfie/d,KY 42066 (502)247-6717 contact Amanda Canter for more information 554-0662 • unil Manchikanti Each semester, club members Circulation Manager have to earn a deSIgnated number of pomts, some school and some com­ At the begtrming of every school mumty. TIus semester, club mem­ ear, sophomores, JunIors and sen­ bers have to earn 4 pomts working Iors, with at least a 3.5 grade point on community projects and 3 points average are mvited to jom the Beta working on school projects. Club lub. The LOH chapter of the members work very bard to com­ Beta Club is part of a national or­ plete these requirements, while gain­ ganization of clubs, the motto of ing fulfillment from helping others. which is Lead by serving others." It is easy to see how much work In this spirit, each Beta Club has its the Beta Club does every semester. own set of service projects for mem­ From talent shows to canned food bers to participate in . LOHS Beta drives, the Betas are always busy Club members participate in activi­ and working bard. ties that belp both the school and the community.

Here are some samples of activi­ hunt at Hendron Lone Oak Elemen­ ties that Betas participate in: tary School for any young children Fall yard work - every fall , club who would like to participate. members visit the bouses of elderly Blood drive - Beta Club members shut-ins and rake all of the leaves in assist in organizing a blood drive at . their yard. the bigh school. H.B. Fuller Baskets - Betas meet Beta Club serves LOHS and the once a month to assist in preparing with its brightest and food bags that are sold to the need at an incredibly low price. onventioo - students from the school's chapter of the Beta Club attend a convention with other club members throughout the state. Talent show - club members or­ ganize and participate in a talent show for residents of the Jackson House Retirement Horne. Trick~r-Treat for canned goods - Every October, the club collects packaged food and donates it to the Paducah Cooperative Ministry. Easter egg hunt - In March the club will sponsor an Easter egg

Jackson & Jaggers Attorneys at Law Steven C. Jackson & Serieta G. Jaggers 2200 Broadway P.O. Box 7766 442-3551 In order to be allowed to enter the and regulations and plan to abide by Were- program, the students and theIr par­ them. Mr Werner also fills out a r. rn ents must SIgn several forms sho - "Feedback Sheet" informing the par­ Tracee Werner mg that the understand the rules ents how well their child IS Feature ews Editor where students who have been kicked out of their regular schools 0 , Mr Werner (a.k.a. my dad) because of habitual misbehavior, has not retIred. That IS a nasty ru­ located m a building next to Charter. mor that was started by people who Its attendants are from an school in have absolutel no idea what they the county, both rruddle and high are talking about. There is a new schools. As of now there are six program run b the McCracken Co students m attendance. Board of Education called MAPS. The students stud the subjects On the last day before Christmas the would be studying if they were break, Mr. Hanrahan asked Mr. at their regular school as well as a Werner ifhe would like to be the regular gym period. The also at­ teacher/principal of a new program tend ''tberap " sessions with their called MAPS. parents. The students are never left So, what is MAPS? MAPS is the unsupervised, even when going to acronym for McCracken Alternative the restroom. Placement School. It is a school Aspiring lIodels head lor the runwav Tracee "roll" as Junior Rotarian

teach them manners and how to KellvR«v~ "The Awakening" by Kate Chopin walk down a runway. Editorial Editor and the movie "Buffy the Vampire '''The reason you take classes is Slayer" are her favorites. Her Look out Tyra Banks be- because you are representing the Scholastic as well as athletic mother pushes her to what she needs cause here come two sisters and agency and you have to know what achievements have made Tracee to do, however, before she enjoys LOHS students, ------. you are doing," Werner, a senior at LOHS, a prime any of these activities. Jessie (11) and Jen- said Jessie. candidate for January's Junior Ro­ ''I'm honored to be selected," nifer Gholson (9), A few weeks tarian. Playing piano, inlme skating Werner comment. who are on their into the classes the and playing with cats Precious, wa to runway girls will have a Pepsi and Snuggles keeps Werner stardom. After be- portfolio of them- active when she's not involved with ing introduced to selves made that school activities. Playing Varsity the modeling world will be sent to soccer has earned her the honor of by their five-year- companies such as October's Athlete of the Month. old cousm who Guess and Calvin Sbe's actively involved with FHA models for an KJein . and the Newspaper staff, as well. agency in Louisville, the sisters sub- "Modeling is just a job. I did it Werner is planning to attend mitted pictures of themselves to Ad- just to see if 1 could make it," said David Lipscomb University for col­ vantage, a model agency based in Jessie. lege and they would be lucky to ashville. "I feel 1 have the motivation to have her. Being adopted has influ­ After an interview with Advan- fujfill my dream of modeling, " said enced her choice of pursuing social tage, the girls were accepted into the Jennifer. work as a career. program. The classes are designed At school Werner enjoys English to build the model 's confidence, class the most, but in her spare time



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so you don 't have to try to re­ out. It doesn't hurt to start do­ member everything when you're ing this even as early as your Jody Suhrheinrich filling out applications. sophomore year. Sometimes it Staff Writer Enjoy your high school career (the 2. ~ake sure you sign up to take is better to take these trips dur­ uh ... best time of your life), but your ACT and if you're looking ing the coUeges' semesters so Since we' re closing in on don't get so caught up in the fun of into going out of state you need you can see how the school is ot only a new decade but it that you forget there is life after to take your SAT also. It's best daily. Don't be afraid to talk to also a new millennium, I ' you walk through the doors of to take these tests for the first the students! They can teLl you ought I'd refresh your LOHS on graduation day. There time your junior year and taking a lot. memories with some of the are things you have to do to prepare them a second time usually Get involved!!! CoUeges love a well­ fuier points of the early for that venture into the great be­ raises your scores. SAT II sub­ rounded student. Being involved in yond and neglecting these prepara­ ject test are also offered and ac­ clubs, sports (Varsity or intramu­ tions while you're in high school cepted by some out of state ral), community service, and differ­ Hyper-color shirts may lead to no venturing at all. schools. (If you' re interested in ent departments is a major plus Slap bracelets Below are some tips for the col­ upping your scores you can look when applying . Tight-rolled jeans lege bound student on things to do into classes on the ACT and the .... _- Ankle boots throughout these four magical years SAT offered in Paducah.) in order to prepare for the ones that 3. Check out on the internet, at the BamJ!1er pants foUow. library, or in the guidance of­ Clear Pepsi fice, the colleges that you're in­ Wayne's World 1 . Start a CV or a resume. List all terested in to see what their high Hot pink everything of the activities you have been school curriculum qualiflcations The Fresh Prince of Bel- involved in and the honors are. See that your schedule y'ou've received. Keep up with matches up. it fro~ your freshmen year on 4. Visit schools before time runs

1>tJductJb, K.~ '±'±2-2~G5 the engine coolant is at the proper 1IIIthi Wlmlr level and strength. Charged the"bat­ Sruld ~e over 65 wllthlr Idds tery fuJly and see if battery cables are free of corrosion and tightly con­ nected to their posts. Emily Riggs take the rem test again? Know your car! Front-wheel- Co-Editor-in- hie! drive vehicles handle better than rear-wheel-drive vehicles on slippery Amber McDuffee (11) - Yes, they shouldn't be able to drive at all. The winter weather can roads. The weight of the engine is should have to take another driver's cause many problems. Haz­ test because they are sometimes Shane Pirtle (11) - 0 because we' ll on the drive wheels, which creates ardous roads can lead to more traction. The back end of hazardous to other drivers. be there one day and I don't want to wrecks or the cold weather can have to take it again. rear-wheel-drive cars tends to slide lead to car trouble. Following Stephanie Smith (11) - Yes, so . from side to side while turning on are a few tips to better yourself they don't lose their knowledge of Omar Sosa (12) - If they' re blind, icy roads. Pick-up trucks with rear­ driving. yes. though these winter months: wheel-drive should be extremely Clothing-The sugg~sted attire careful on icy roads. These -vehicles are light over the wheels so they are Jennifer Hayden (12) - Yes, that elena Dumbacher (10) - Yes be­ is loose fitting, lightweight, warm prone to rear-wheel skids. If you bothers me. They can't drive. cause we always get stuck behind clothing in several layers. The air add weight to the bed of the truck just when we're in a hurry to get that is trapped between the layers . will held give a little stability. Brady Geurian (11) - The ratio of somewhere. acts as insulation. Outer garments Anti-lock braking systems wrecks between old and young should be tightly woven, water re­ CABS) provide a nice stopping advantage, people is much greater than that of Evelyn Mason (10) - If they wear pellent, aDd hooded. If you get too but they are only effective if the are middle-aged people. That's why the orthopedic shoes, yes. warm layers can always be .removed properly used. If you have ABS, old and young should test. to avoid perspiration and chill. "Don't let up!" ABS brakes will Most of our body heat is re­ automatically pump the brakes for Ryan Clark (12) - Yes brcause leased through the head so you they' re old. you if applied steady pressure. If should always have a hat you don 't have ABS .to keep the around. Cover the mouth and wheels from locking and the vehicle nose with a scarf to help pro­ from sliding you should pump the Erik Fowler (12) - No: they tect the lungs from cold air. brakes gently. Mittens should be worn over Other helpful tips: gloves. Gloves allow your fin­ • Clear away as much snow pos­ Reruns: you know you gers to cool fingers than mit­ sible around the tires and the tens do. Also. try to keep your car. feet as dry as possible. If you wanna watch 'em . • To improve traction scatter cat do not wear these. you st litter or some sand around the Blake Owen night. For aU of the ten years of this at least have them some" wheels. There are special mats Staff Writer great show, The Simpsons has in your car in case you ha made for this purpose. Floor brought us many laughs, which every be in the cold for a long p' mats can also be used for this Everyone watches them. They week night we can enjo and remem­ of time. -' purpose. might not admit it, but they do. They ber. Reruns give us a place to go to help us remember the good times and slip away from everyday life .. They Car-Make sure all mechanical • Place the car in low gear recoUect the bad. They' re television make us laugh or cry. Reruns help you problems are taken care of. If any (automatic transmissions) or reruns. If it's The Simpsons or an old remember the first time you sat down system is not in working condition second gear (manual transmis­ episode of The Price Is Right you sit and watched a show or the first time the winter weather can only intensify sions) and apply gentle pressure down, relax and think: of how times you really laughed. to the accelerator. Ease off if used to be. your condition. Check belts, hoses, Some of the best reruns come from the tires begin to spin. With so many shows in syndica­ our child hood. Sesame Street and wiper blades and tires to make sure tion, most of television today is filled Mr. Rodgers was always there for us they are in good condition; also see • Do not accelerate. Acceleration with reruns. The Simpsons, for ex­ and so was Captain Kangaroo. that lights are in working order and can only worsen the situation, ample, comes on Fox every week- causing the tires to spin and dig­ ... -.,. giitg the tires further into the R. Donald Heine, _eire -.-eel_I .Pellce. I.c. snow. D.M.D. - • If you stay in your car, tie Armored Car, Courier, & Security Oral and Maxillofacialm Surgery something bright to the antenna to alert rescuers. If you run 554-2026 your engine to keep warm, make Bayley Square sure nothing is blocking the ex­ Suite #5 haust pipe. Otherwise, danger­ 5650 Clinton Road -. 2850 Lone Oak Rd. ous fumes can back up inside Paducah, KY 4200 1 the car. .. Paducah, KY 42003 . Justin is gone ... as well as his headlines JavSwacker 5 .. The Spice Girls make a come­ 2. Ms. Morefield's fourth hour oroner back, or as I call it, the econd class finaJly breaks down into a The Oak "K" sign Qfthe Apocalypse. giant "Springer-like" brawl, 1. Mrs. Campbell finaUy teUs Ja­ In case you lived in cave until this shoes, chairs, and wild accusa­ cob that year, or you if you' re a freshman, tions fly. is fake and to stop writing arti­ every year, we make predictions for Business 3. Jay and Dave are mercilessly cles about it, he challenges her the new year. First, let's see how beaten for this article (Dave to a "first blood match." He last year's predictions held up . 1. Mentos surprises the rest of helped). wins the and every issue from chewy mint market by making 4. The fence around the parking lot then on has an entire page dedi­ an ad that isn 't absolutely aw­ will be topped with razor wire. cated to wrestling. Oops! ful. That's already happened, check 98's Correct 2. McDonald's and Burger King the front page. merge, this actually hurts the Sports 2. The rest of the staff finaUy tell Predictions company because no one wants Blake the Freshman, that he to eat at " Burgonald's." 1. Mark McGwire will shatter his iSD't a staff Writer at aU, but 1. Ted "Pantsdropper" Kennedy 3. DaimlerChrysler makes a new own record. just the paper boy. once again managed to disgrace brand of cars. They say it will 2. Vikings ... all the way. 3. Sunil gets pneumonia and the family name for another combine the high prices of Ger­ 3. Now that Michael iordan has misses an entire month of whole year. man cars and the sloppy ineffi­ retired, it is discovered that none school. The paper is put on 2. President Clinton ended up with ciency of American cars. of the other Bulls have any tal­ hiatus until further notice. a huge scandal In the end, he 4. The government wiU force Mi­ ent whatsoever. 4. After extensive testing, it is couldn't weasel his way out of crosoft to change its name to 4. Lone Oak wins regional track proven that Jody is, in fact, this one, and now he is im­ "lbe Evil Empire." competition, St. Mary's was Ms. Powless' clone. peached. suspiciously absent. 5. Meagan dispels circuJating ru­ 3. The New Beetle carne out and mors that she is a mute . was a big success, despite the News and Poli­ fact that they left out one tiny detail, LEG ROOM!!!! tics 4. The new Star Wars Trailers carne out. I . Ted Kennedy (insert scandalous 5. People did return their Tama­ affair here). . Bride's Corner gotchis, not due to a fatality as 2. China and destroy each Justin predicted, but people fi­ other in w~r, all of a sudden, nally realized that they were the market for cheap electronic giant wastes of time. junk vanishes. 3. Saddam Hussein is assassi­ nated. Weapons inspectors be­ Entertainment come SUSpICIOUS when he is buried with 200 tons of an­ I . The new Star Wars will open, thrax. crushing Titanic's box office 4. After resigning in shame from record, Leonardo Dicaprio's the House of Representatives career, and Mandy Langston's last December, Bob Livingston heart (but her heart will go on). becomes severely depressed. 2. Just a scarce month after claim­ He turns to the bottle and a life ing the crown as box office of crime. Icing, "Star Wars: The Phantom 5. Bill Clinton, the sly fox, will Menace" will be knocked off by narrowly escapes removal from Austin Powers II . office. 3. "The Saved by the Bell Chan­ nel" begins broadcasting on DSS. The next day, every girl on the staff goes out and buys a LOHS satellite. 4. Marilyn Manson releases the I . Due to lack of demand, the biggest album in history, or as I salad bar is closed. Mr. Toy call it, the first true sign of the quits in disgust'. outh 2nd Street Paducah, Ky. 42001 Phone: (502)443-4331 Apocalypse. Mr. Rushing looks outside the cafeteria and is ready to regu­ • late any wrong-doing. • As Katie Harris takes her noon-time • nap, she dreams of all her friends that • she entertains throughout the day . •

Tracy Smith, Natalie Taylor, Stacy Taylor, John Carmichael, David Ham, Brandon Ragsdal, and Josh Watkins enjo their lunch after posing for a quick snap-shot.

Becky Clausen has a blast picking up lea es for the elderly. This is one of the man BET A activities. urple Flash hope Regional tournament is in the cards Jacob Mitchell who expected a better record at this Sports Editor point in the year. "We play hard, but our offense struggles at times," PICT681D The Purple Flash basketball team commented Srnithrnier. is currently struggling, and their rec­ Senior forward Jon Shelby leads ord has slipped to below .500 for the the team in both scoring and re­ Junior Ryan fi rst time this season. bounding, scoring 14.4 points a con­ Dunn works on test and pulling down 10.6 boards. On Friday, January 15, the Flash his free throw had a big time district game against Junior guard Ryan Dunn contributes cross-county foe Reidland. The 11.5 points a game and adds 4.9 re­ shot during prac­ Flash lost, plummeting their record bounds per battle. Senior center · tice. Dunn is one to 5-6 on the season and 2-2 in dis­ Matt Hopper adds 6.8 points and sophomore guard Bryan Powell of the team's lead­ trict play. "I am disappointed about our cur­ scores 6.6 points on average. ing scorers. rent status. We lack consistency," The key match-ups ahead for the said Coach Lawrence Srnithrnier, Flash are district competitor Heath and powerhouse Graves County. The boys hook it up with the Eagles "We work hard each twice, once on the 30th at Graves and again on February 18 at home. The and every practice. - big game against the Pirates of Hopefully, we . will Heath comes February 5 at Heath. continue to improve These games could be pivotal to the Flash's success for the rest of the and do well in the season. districts." District tournaments come Feb. 22-26, and Regionals are March 1-6 at 'Murray State's new Regional -Bryan Powell Special Events Center. ophomore Guard · 'We should have another trip to the regional-We have to beat Reid­ land at Reidland in the district tour­ ney," said Srnithmier.

1999 Purple Flash Basketball

Overall Record: 5-6 Feb. 12 vs. Carlisle County District Record: 2-2 Feb. 16 vs. Ballard Co. Feb. 18 vs. Graves Co. Remaining Games Feb 22-26 District Tourna­ ment at Reidland January 29 vs. Fulton City Jan. 30 @ Graves County March 1-6 Regional Tourna­ ment at Murray State February 2 @ Livingston Co. Feb. 5 @ Heath March 15-20 State Tourna­ Feb. 6 @ Pope County (TIL) ment at Lexington Feb. 8 @ Mayfield Girl Fight For Regionals Hockey, the oth, ~r , ~~~t , ~~~~ . I . / . I I ' • • J ~ ~ J J J ~ J J J , David Joller Blake Owen Oak had to rely on their field goals Staff Writer J.Terms of the Game J.; laffWrlter and free throws. ../. . Crease- The area in J I lt With victories While basketball is off to a ,well, J. front of the net. It is ille- .•/, over Heath and slow start, may I suggest taking a / Tilghman and the gander towards the ice rinks. ..I- gal for players to stand -' ~ recent demolishing Hockey has a lot to offer sports "/' in this spot when attack- ./- of ReidJand, the fans. First, it's played 00 ice, a J. ing to goal. .I~ Lady Flash have al­ nearly zero frictioo surface, making -1 . Body Check- A good :7., ready overcome their it the fastest and coolest game hard hit. It occasionally the other teams in I ~eatelSt clJallenge in earth. Second, it's full contact and .J.. ./- our district. our district. ~ nathing is better than a good check.';' results in injury, but J. Hopefully, we fully, the Lady Flash Except maybe the third rule: theY're.J.. they're hockey players. .J. wiD see ~ be headed to the allowed to fight! These guys know .J.. Offensive zone- The .J. Vaughn and his ~icm- how to bra~1 and they do it quite.J. area between the goal .J. Lady Flash add ship and ~ regiOll- ,often. . .J. line and zone line where .J. me more district als right after. With There are some new rules that.J. players shoot on the .J. champioosbip to a litanding record of add to the excitement this year. The / / ..I- goal. ..I- Looe Oak's list. 8-2 the Lady Flash · crease (see terms) is smaller, so ~ • .J. However, .... ~=;;;;;;;;;;;==~===--... is led in scoring by goals are scored more frequently. ,;../1 Defensive Zone- the / . • ..I- the Marshall game, same would Heidi Seltzer, who averages 9.7 The clock is runrung noo-stop so same area as the offen- / doubt our Lady Flash. With the fi- points per game, and by Tanya players have to skate hard. The goal . ....; sive zone, only when ..I; oat score being a cIiffennce of 40, Stan1por, who averages 6.9 re- line is moved back as well making ..I;_ . they defend the goal. . ..I~ Looe Oak add8d ~ loss to their rec:. bounds per game. A big match up the zone bigger and opening the ..I' ..I' onl. The Lady Marsbals m8de SO widl HeItb is comina up OIl Febru- shooting range. .J.. Face off- when tWo cen- ..!. perteDt of their shots con.,ared to ary 5 which should determine the Hockey is a great sport and you.J. ter men face off to a .J. Lone Oaks 33 percent. With DO Oabr's rmkins in the region. ean usually catch it Tuesday nights,.J. dropped puck. .J. successtW 3-point IIItemptI Lane between 6:30 and 7:30, 00 National ;. . When .J. Hockey Night on ESPN or ESPN2. j.. Off-Sides- a ..!...... ------.. ;. player is in the offensive .J. Byron M. Forbes, R.Ph.;. zone when the puck ha~ ,;. Owner/Manager j. not entered the zone as J j. weU. ;. 1-. long- not a cake top- .J. I- ping ... when some one .J. MEDICAP I- shoots the puck from .J. PHARMACY. I- the opposite side of the .J. I- center line. .J. 1-. Penalty- given for mi- .J. 84 Plantation Drive I- nor violations such as .J. Paducah, KY 42001 I. tripping or sI~shing. Via- .J. Store: (502) 55"':5696 I- lating teams play with- .J. ToO Free: (800) 884-5696 I- out one man. .J. Sylvan Learning elller's uick Pace"" is me most complete reading ~~~~~~;. .J. course avail;lble because it improves reading peed alld l"ompn:hen Ion. .J..J..J..J..J..J..J..J..J..J..J..J. In 1:lct. wt" arc 0 confidt"nt that Quick Pace will produce n: ul[S. it's ~lI.Halltet"d to improve your etfectivc reading Idte (word I llllllutl' x (502) 443-6493 Business wmprehellSlon) at lt2St SO'x.. NEIL WARD OwnerlOperstor (502) 898·3314 Residence . tronger re:ading kills lIIean you 'U cover iliOn: course ,vurk in I es.~ time: with greater lIndcr.;tanding than ever tx:fore. Huild a foundation lo r greate:r academic and pe:rsOllal uccess. Call Sylvan today to enroll in Quirk Pace. 2856 Lone oat~tul - Ptulucafr. (502) . 554·4111 ~ SYLVANs~~~e2 ·CENTER 2429 Bridge Street Paducah, KY 42001 16 The Oak "K" January 1999

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