Alexandra Hidalgo Curriculum Vitae Michigan State University Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures 434 Farm Lane, Room 265 East Lansing, MI 48824
[email protected] Updated November 4, 2020 Academic Appointments Michigan State University Associate Professor of Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures, June 2020-present. (Documentary Production Minor Core Faculty, Chicano/Latino Studies Program Core Faculty, and Center for Gender in Global Context Core Faculty). Co-Director of The Documentary Laboratory for Creative Non-Fiction Film at Michigan State University. September 2017-present. Assistant Professor of Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures, August 2013-June 2020. Purdue University Graduate Teaching Assistant of English, August 2008-May 2013. Film Production Company Sabana Grande Productions, LLC. Owner, director, producer. Education Ph.D. in English Purdue University, August 2013 West Lafayette, Indiana Primary Area: Rhetoric and Composition Secondary Areas: Digital Rhetoric (Film and Video Concentration), Public Rhetorics M.F.A. in Creative Writing - Fiction Naropa University, May 2004 Boulder, Colorado B.A. in Philosophy Ohio University Honors Tutorial College, June 2000 Athens, Ohio Magna Cum Laude Minors: History, French, and Russian General Interest Documentaries (See “General Interest Documentaries” section for detailed screenings, publications, press, and awards) The Weeping Season (in production) In this in-production feature documentary, I investigate the 1983 disappearance of my father—inventor, writer, and martial artist Miguel Hidalgo—in the Venezuelan Amazon. As I return to the site of his vanishing decades later, I uncover dark secrets about the man I always idolized and after whom I molded my identity, forcing me to come to terms with a very different person from the father I remember and to rethink my own life and who I now want to become.