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Georgetown Prep fine printing i-----·-·--·-·-·-·----·-·-·-1 ! I .I 1 I ! Kloman Instrument Company [ ! I ! Complete Hospital & Physician's Supplies j ! and Equipment I .I !. ! I ! I ! ! ! r ! i ! Four Stores to Serve You: i ! ! ! 1822 I Street, N.W. Washington, D. C. f ! .I 1021 Quarrier Street Charleston, W.Va. .I i j 907 Cathedral Street Baltimore, Md. 1 I 1713 King Street Alexandria, Va. I i . I. I The Area's Most Complete Reproduction House . I En I i ineerinr and Draftinc Supplies • Blue Prinb • O:zalid Prints • Photoalat Prinh I I ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA • BETHESDA, MARYLAND • WASHINGTON, D.C. +.-·-··-··-··-• .. -·-·-··-··-··-·--·-·-·-··----+I GEORGETOWN PREP Nine Miles from "The Hilltop" ·on Route 240 Garrett Park, Md. Grades 7- 12 Boarding and Day JESUIT FATHERS For Information Write THE HEADMASTER Phone: Oliver 2-4900 EOR'lETOWD UDilJERSIT~ LUmnl mAqAZIDE Member of the American Alumni Council SEPTEMBER 1954 • VOLUME 7, NUMBER 3 CONTENTS Annual Giving Score Board__________________________ 2 Bishop Minihan, '25 ________________________________ 3 e EDITORIAL BOARD OF ALUMNI MAGAZINE New Georgetown Volume Reviewed____________________ 7 JOHN G. BRUNINI, '19 Necrology ----------------------------------------- 9 DONALD F. FLAVIN, '28 Class Notes ---------------------------------------- 9 JOHN T. FLYNN, '02 MARTIN S. QUIGLEY, '39 Note on the Cover Picture DR. TIBOR KEREKEs-Faculty REV. GERARD F. YATES, S.J.-Faculty The Mosr R EvEREND J EREMIAH JAMES S. RUBY, '27, Executive S ecretary and Editor F. MINIHAN, A.B. '25, enthroned follow ing his consecration as Aux· iliary Bishop of Boston in the Cathedral of the Holy Cross on Sept. 8. Copyright 1954 Georgetown University Alumni Magazine Retw-n Postage Guarantee d • MNI M !\.GAZINE: published each two months by the Georgetown University GEORGETOWN UNIV ALU D- E~sr-r:Y 7 C · ; Sttstaining Membe1·ship $25.00 pe1· year, R egular Membership $5. 00 per Alumni Association h ~r., Washbng.t.o~. • t~ the Alumni Magazine. • Entered at the Post Office at Washington, D. C .. as year, of which $9.00 ts .fo1· Stt !~np t on under the act ; Ma?·ch 8, 1879. • Editoria 1 18 0 l and E xecutive offices: GEORGE­ S econd Class matter F!ibl·ttaUrYM-N'+I· f"s c: OCIATION Alumni Ho use, 9604 0 S t1·eet, N.W., Washington 7, D. C. TOWN UNIVERSIT1 AL - ·"" ... ' ANNUAL GIVING FUND-SEPTEMBER 28, 1954 ALUMNI GIFTS TO TilE FUND $81.037.13 ALUMNI DONORS-1688 Donors Amozmt Contributors Percentage College ----------------- ----- 255 $ 7,003.32 College --------- ----------- 647 11.6 29 411.00 Graduate School -------------- Graduate School -----------~ 76 10.3 Medical School --------------- 451 15,607.18 --------------- 442 19.3 Law School ------------------- 220 6,056.17 Medical School DentalSchool _________________ 114 2,136.00 Law School ----------------- 369 6.78 Foreign Service --------------- 142 2,157.25 Dental School --------------- 128 8.51 School of Nursing ----------- - 9 132.00 -------------- 189 4.87 Institute of Languages --------- 3 60.00 Foreign Service Gymnasium ------------------ 169 21,716.28 Nursing School ------------- 4 4.21 Undesignated __________ ________ 494 25,757.93 Percentage Contributing to Annual Giving to TOTALS ---------------~ 1688 $81,037.13 Date-8.45% Size of Gifts to Date $1.00 and up $81,037.13 is the equivalent of the return @ 31h% on an invested endowment of $2,315,346.51 HILLTOP CAFE Serving THE G. B. MACKE CORP. Fine Foods-Steaks-Chops-Sea Food Sandwichf:s- Fountain Service 212 H Street, N.W. Beer- Draft or Bottled 1226 36th Street, N.W. Serving Georgetown with a Complete Vending Machine Service. STANDARD FLOORS A. Goldman F.S. '34 13th & Eye Sts., N.W. Washington, D. C. M. Gelfand F.S. '40 Dl 7-0488 Phone ST. 3-8200 George A. Comley Florists HUGHES DENTAL LABORATORY 3209 M Street, N.W. ADams 2-0149 COMPLETE PROSTHESIS Immediate Pickup and Delivery Daily 9 to 6, Saturday 9 to 2 Room 109, 613 7th Street, N.W. Enjoy WASHINGTON, D. C. NAtional 8-1644 MEENEHAN'S HARDWARE 3241 M ST., N. W. 2004 14TH ST., N. W. 6447 lEE Bl YD. NORTH 7-3600 2 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY ALUMNI MAGAZINE JEREMIAH F. MINlliAN '25 ' CONSECRATED BISHOP On September 8th, 1954, His Excellency, the Most Rev· Among the Alumni in attendance were James S. Ruby, erend Jeremiah Francis Minihan, A.B. '25 was consecrated '27, Executive Secretary of the Alumni Association, John Titular Bishop of Paphos and Auxiliary Bishop of Boston L. Hagerty, '26, Director of Athletics at the University, in a brilliant three hour ceremony in the Cathedral of the Hon. Joseph L. Hurley, '20, Justice of the Superior Court Holy Cross in Boston. Consecrator was His Excellency, the of Massachusetts and President of the Georgetown Club of Most Reverend Richard James Cushing, Archbishop of Boston, Anthony J. Plansky, '27, Director of Athletics at -Boston. The Co-Consecrators were the Most Reverend Vin­ Williams College and former Georgetown star athlete, cent Stanislaus Waters, Bishop of Raleigh and the Most Very Reverend James J. McLarney, O.P., '25, Prior of St. Reverend John Joseph Wright, Bishop of Worcester. Right Joseph's Priory, Somerset, Ohio, Hon. Frank J. Murray, Reverend Monsignor Edward Gerard Murray preached the '25, Associate Justice of the Superior Court of Massa­ consecration sermon. chusetts, John O'Dea, '26, Washington attorney, David H. Georgetown men of the mid-twenties remember the new Cummings, '25, Peoria, Ill., business man, Daniel G. O'Con­ bishop as the scrappy center of Lou Little's first George· nor, '17, Boston contractor and member of the Alumni town football team in 1924. He has always been very close Senate, Rev. Louis M. O'Leary, O.P., '26, Professor at to his Alma Mater, having served the Alumni Association Barry College in Miami, Rev. Frederick M. Hickey, O.P., as a member of its original Board of Governors, and for '26, Professor of Chemistry at Providence College, Rev. fourteen years as a member of the Alumni Senate. Large Edward R. Glavin, '32, of Albany, N. Y., Rev. Paul A. numbers of Gorgetown men were present at the Consecra· McDonough, '29, of Manchester, N. H., Rev. Robert E. tion. Among those in the throng of three thousand who O'Kane, '33, of Fairfax, Va., John F. McGowan, '24, attor­ witnessed the rites were Very Reverend Edward B. Bunn, ney of Bridgeport, Conn., Dr. Robert S. York, '24, of S.J. President of the University, Rev. Louis J. Gallagher, Watertown, Mass., John M. Cunningham, 18, Massachu­ S.J.: former Dean of the College during Bishop Minihan's setts Chairman for the Alumni Annual Givi~g Fund, Francis student days, and Rev. Vincent A. Gookin, S.J., former H. Farrell, ' 29, United States Commissioner for Boston Professor of Chemistry. Walter E. Doherty, '34, Boston attorney, Charles P. Paone: '31, Treasurer of the Georgetown Club of Boston, Andrew F. Gaffey, '25, of Medford, Mass. Also present were Thomas F. Moriarty, '14, of Spring· field, Mass., Hon. Bolick A. DeGasis, '28, of Nashua, N. H., Edward M. Brooks, ' 25, of Medford, Mass., Joseph A. Burke, '26, of Washington, Vincent A. Murphy, '24, of Boston, Matthew Sullivan, '24, of Canton, Mass., Vincent Downey, '25, of Boston and John S. Levis, '35, of Haver­ hill, Mass. The new Bishop's coat of arms, designed by Mr. Robert Walsh of Boston, is pictured on this page. The surface or field of the shield is blue, when the coat of arms is drawn in color. It contains three charges or devices, a crown, spears, and shamrocks. The first two of these, the golden crown and the three silver spears, are an allusion to the family name of Minihan. The crown is taken from the shield of Munster (Eire) , since the surname Minihan means in Gaelic "descendants of Munster men." The three spears recall an ancient legend concerning the forebears of the Bishop's family, who were of the O'Driscoll sept. After they had returned to Munster from a defensive expe· clition in a neighboring province, they alone retained the surname Minihan. The new Bishop greets his family GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY ALUMNI MAGAZINE 3 ... ..~. - :~OCKWOOD :e~~~~ ;;·--+~I THE S. S. WHITE DENTAL MFG. COMPANY Ritter, S.S. White and all other Leading Dental Equipment DENTAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES Teeth and Supplies I 900- 17th Street, N.W. Washington 6, D. C. Expert Dental Office Planning I 1722 EYE STREET, N.W. NA. 8-1240 ,. NAtional 8-5272 WASHINGTON, D. C. -ti-ll-ttl--·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-··-··-·-·-... J. FRANK KELLY INC. Lumber & Millwork Compliments Hardware - Paints - Tools of a 2121 Georgia Ave., N.W. NOrth 7-1341 Friend PLENTY FREE PARKING HUBERT, INC. 'doctor'js Caterers and Confectioners DIRECTION-HENRY J. TRILLING clinic' • WEDDINGS TEAS LUNCHEONS IMMEDIATE SERVICE DINNERS RECEPTIONS ANY TIME ANYWHERE • Complete Rental Service Washington Maryland Virginia • ~ EVENINGS - SUNDAYS- HOLIDAYS 2001 S Street, N. W. \t;:1 For Sick T~levision Sets! DUpont 7- 1212 FACTORY AUTHORIZED SERVICE • ADMIRAL • DUMONT • PHILCO • MAGNAVOX • MOTOROLA • ZENITH • RCA VICTOR • ALL OTHER MAKES B E N A • B U S C H E R. 90 DAY GUARANTEED SERVICE • ANTENNA SPECIALISTS UHF Electtical Contractor REPAIRS - INSTALLATION RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL AND OUR MOTTO, "EXPERIENCE PlUS SKill INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL WORK HONESTY & QUAliTY · MEANS SERVICE." COlumbia 5-1110 3906 Yuma St., N. W. 3207 Grace St., N. W. EM. 3-0060 wo. 6-0095 4 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY ALUMNI MAGAZINE The three silver shamrocks, which are set upon the blue field around the crown, are a tribute to the late William Cardinal O'Connell, Archbishop of Boston from 1907 to 1944, whose coat of arms bore these three charges in green and silver. Bishop Minihan served His Eminence as Secretary and as Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Boston. In the upper compartment of the s hield a red ship is placed upon a silver background. This refers to the Bishop's descent from O'Driscolls, who before the twelfth century were the first famil y of South Munster and whose si lver shield bore a two masted ship.
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