The Keswick Convention 1934



Reproduced by the X-tended Missions Network By the authority of The Keswick Convention

Not to be reproduced






Lord, I have shut my door, Shut out life's busy cares and fretting noise, Here in this silence they intrude no more; Speak Thou, and heavenly joys Shall fill my heart with music sweet and calm, A holy psalm.

The Keswick Convention


E write to extend to you a cordial invitation to be present with us at W Keswick for the Convention to be held. (D.V.) from July 14th to July 22nd, 1934.

The following hope to take part in the ministry of the Convention as chairmen and speakers: The Rev. W. H. Aldis, Fred, W. Wilson Cash, the Rev. William Dalgetty, Dr. Northcote Deck, the Rev. F. C. Gibson, Mr. A. Lindsay Glegg, Mr. W. H. Going, Preb. H. W. Hinde, the Rev. Colin C. Kerr, the Rev. E. L. Langston, the Rev. J. Chalmers Lyon, the Rev, W. W. Martin, Dr. A. E. Richardson, Mr, W. B. Sloan, Mr. R. B. Stewart, the Rev. H. Earnshaw- Smith, the Rt. Rev. Bishop J. Taylor Smith, the Rev, 5, Milton Thompson, Canon A. St. John Thorpe, and Mr. J. M. Waite, For the servants of the Lord we earnestly solicit daily prayerful remembrance, that each, in the fulness and mighty power of the Holy Spirit, may with faithfulness and boldness declare the Truth of Holiness by Faith in Christ, the Almighty and All-sufficient Saviour,

The opening meeting will be held (D,V,) on Saturday, July 14th, at 7.45. On Sunday, July 15th, at 8 p.m., arrangements have been made for a Broadcast of the Convention Meeting on the North Regional, when Bishop Taylor Smith is to give the message. From the Monday to the Friday the programme of the meetings will be as last year; but for the second Saturday, special arrangements have been made, and it is proposed to hold Convention Meetings at 10 a.m. and 7.45 p.m. On the closing Sunday, the meetings will be held as usual.

We are confident that the desire and prayer of many is that the Holy Spirit may be manifestly in the midst, so that the Lord Jesus Christ uplifted shall be glorified in the lives of all who assemble in Keswick this year.

The Apostle Paul prayed that the believers at Ephesus might "know what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power to usward who believe. '' Shall we make this prayer our own, for ourselves, and for all who intend to be present at the Convention? and then, setting our faces towards Keswick, let us go forward with a buoyant and confident expectation, believing that God will grant us an abundant answer to our prayers.

On behalf of the Trustees,

Your sincerely in Christ's service,

J. M. WAITE, Chairman May, 1934 C. H. M. FOSTER, Hon. Secretary


Contents PAGE THE INVITATION, .... 33 RIVERS OF BLESSING,.. 51 SATURDAY, 14th JULY. THE TRYSTING PLACE, 55 God's Purpose of Blessing, Mr. J. M. WAF TS, 57 A Vision of God's Holiness, Rev. W. H. ALOIS, 59 SUNDAY, 15th JULY. THE UNIVERSAL INVITATION, 69 The Unchanging Eternal Christ, .. Prebendary W. WILSON CASH, . 71 A Christ-Centred Faith, ..Mr. A. LNDSAY GLEGG, .. 78 Broadcasd Service , . . 82 The Meaning of Keswick, . , Bishop TAYLOR SMIT H , 85 MONDAY, 16th JULY. T HE SURE FOUNDATION, — .. 91 TEE Cross or OUR LORD Te e ns „, CHRIST- 1. Pardon through the Blood of the Cross, Rev. W. W, MARTIN 93 The L i fe that Pleases God, . Rev. F. C. GI BSON, 103 The Place of Triumph, ..Mr. A. LINDSEY GLEGG, 108 Unrealised Realities, Rev. COLIN C. KERR, . 112 A Promise for To-day, Prebendary H. W. HINDE, 118 The Heavenly Potter Prebendary W. WILSON CASH, 122 TUESDAY, 17th JULY. ABUNDANT PROVISION. „ .. 129 THE CROSS OF OUR LORD Jeer's CHRIST— II.Purity through the Blood of the Cross, Rev. W. W. MARTIN, 131 Until the Spirit, .. .. Rev. J. CHALMERS LYON, 143 Instruments of Blessing, .. .. Canon A. ST. J O H N THORPE , 144 Effective and Infectious Witnesses, Dr. NORTHCOTE DECK; .. 149 God's Amazing Provision, Rev. J. MILTON THOMPSON, 156 The Enthroned Lord, .. Rey. W. H. A LDIS , .. 161 WEDNESDAY, 18t h JULY . UNBROKEN FELLOWSHIP, .. ..167 THE CROSS OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST— I II . Peace through the Blood of the Cross, Rev. W, W. MARTIN , .. 169 An, Entwined Life with Christ, ,. Rev. WILLIAM DALGETTY , 179 Unbroken Fellowship with God, .. Rev. E. L. LANGSTON, .. 184 The Morning Watch, Prebendary W. WILSON CASH, 188 Victory in Christ, .. Canon A. ST, JOHN THORPE , 194 The Light of the World .. Mr. A. LINDSEY, 198 THURSDAY, 19th JULY. EXPERIENCED POWER, ...... 205 THE CROSS OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRI ST- IV . Power through the Blood of the Cross, Rev. W. W. MARTIN , 207 Life in the Holy Ghost, Rev. F. C. GIBSON , 217 The Abiding Christ, .. Prebendary H. W. H INDE , 222 The Message of God's Love, Bishop TAYLOR SMITH, . 226 A Coronation Time .. Rev. W. H. A LDIS, 231 The Searchlight of God, .Rev. E. L. LANGSTON , . 237 FRIDAY, 20th JULY. THE SACRED RITE, 243 The MISSIONARY MEETING, 245 Filled with the Holy Spirit, Dr. A.E. RICHARDSON . 252 EARLY MORNING PRAYER , . . 258 YOUNG PEOPLE'S G'ATHEEINGS , 258 IN THE OPEN-AIR 258 SATURDAY, 21st JULY. THIS PÆAN OF PRAISE . 261 The Peril of a Superficial Consecration_ . Rev, J. MILTON THOMPSON, 263 Christ' s Last Prom ise, Rev. KENNETH H HOOKER, 269 The Divine Strengthener, .. Rev. LAURENCE P. SHEATH, 272 Oh, Blessed Man! Dr. D. S. MacColi .. 275 loci's Glory in the Earth, Bishop TAYLOR Smith, 279 SUNDAY, 22nd JULY. THE CONSUMMATION, .. 287 The Christian's Walk,.. Dr. A. E. RICHARDSON ...... 289 God's Demand for Man's Best., Rev. F. C. GIBSON, 294 The Miracle of the New Birth, Rev. J. CHALMERS LYON, 29S

THE ANNOUCEMENTS of SOCIETIES, ETC.. . 5 PHOTOGRAPHS—The Vale of Keswick, the Speakers, Dr. J. Stuart Holden, the Broadcast Service, the Missionaries, . . . 31, 56, 64, 88, 240 GENERAL INDEX: 307

Rivers of Blessing

THE Convention of 1934 will be memorable because of the large numbers who were present, Not since 1907 have there been so many; not only was the great Tent full to overflowing, but there was difficulty in the early part of the week in finding even a vacant bedroom in the town. To those who know and trust in the Lord, He is the ever present reality; but there are seasons when the vision of faith grows clearer and the veil between the unseen and the seen seems to grow thin. One young clergyman, who was present, said that it seemed to him as if there were some One with and behind the speakers, and that it was this unseen Presence that made their ministry effective; and so it surely was, for there were not only two or three met in the Lord's Name, but some four thousand, and He was surely in the midst according to His promise. In the long history of almost sixty years at Keswick, there has not been one in which Christ crucified has not been the foundation of the message; but there have been seasons where special emphasis has been laid upon the Cross and the Resurrection, and this was so this time. The Bible Readings, in great detail, set forth "the Blood of Jesus;" as the one true source of Pardon, of Purity, of Peace, of Power: but in addition to this, we heard again and again that only in the Saviour's death can we find the power that delivers us from the life that is natural and carnal, and that only in the power of our Lord's resurrection and in His living fellowship, can we actually walk in newness of life. These truths are as old as the New Testament, and the whole Christian Church confesses them; but this great gathering of God's children has called the Church to step out in faith upon the promises, and so to prove in the experience of ordinary life that unbroken communion with the Son of God is to be our normal life in the midst of this present evil world.

It seemed as if the crisis this year came early in the week, for Tuesday stood out as a day of remarkable power. In giving his Bible Reading that morning, Mr. Martin had great liberty, and the rivers of blessing flowed until there were "waters to swim in." The evening meeting also was one of remarkable power. Of new speakers we had the Rev. Cohn Kerr, from East London,

and the Rev. F. C. Gibson formerly in Dublin, now in Belfast; also the Rev. Kenneth H. Hooker, and the Rev. Lawrence P. Sheath, who assisted at the meetings for the young people; but each giving a testimony in the large Tent, and preaching in two of the Churches on the Sunday. We reverted to an old custom this time, and held a special meeting, late on the second Sunday evening, when four of those who had been principal speakers during the week gave a brief heart-to- heart account, from the platform, of their own spiritual history. This "unbending" of the platform not only was of interest to the audience, but it greatly helped the hearers, and the meeting was spoken of as one of the best of the whole week. Thus closed a Convention, which has certainly been one of much blessing to many, with a meeting in which a few of the speakers revealed some of the secrets of their own lives, a meeting which was felt to be truly helpful to all those privileged to be present .

Rejoice to-day with one accord, Sing out with exultation; Rejoice, and praise our mighty Lord, Whose arm hath, brought salvation His works of love proclaim The greatness of His Name; For He is God alone, Who hath His mercy shown; Let all His saints adore Him!

When in distress to Him we cried, He heard our sad complaining; Oh trust in Him, whate'er betide, His love is all-sustaining; Triumphant songs of praise To Him our hearts shall raise; Now every voice shall say, "Oh ! praise our God alway; Let all His saints adore Him!"

JULY 14, 1934


7.45 p.m.—Opening Meeting GOD'S PURPOSE OF BLESSING



The Trysting Place

FTER passing through much rain in the journey from London A on Friday, it was pleasant to find it dry on our arrival at Keswick; and Saturday proved itself to be one of the finest days that even the old attenders have ever seen there. The members of the platform met both morning and afternoon to wait upon God, and these seasons of prayer will live long in the memories of those who took part in them. We prayed as men who were speaking to the living God; because we prayed in the fellowship of Christ , and as brethren in full heart sympathy one with another. As we waited together, the sense of our total dependence upon Him was deepened, largeness of heart was granted to ask great things, and we had a full assurance that we were obtaining answers to the petitions that we were presenting. When the Chairman, and the Speaker, the Rev. W. H. Aldis, came on to the platform for the evening meeting, the audience were singing, "Speak, Lord, in the stillness, while I wait on Thee;" and the Rev. E. L. Langston, who conducted the singing, warned us how "terribly solemn" a thing it is to ask the Lord to speak to -us. As Mr. Waite rose to commence the meeting the Tent was well filled, and when a number came in, after the first prayer, there must have been about 3000 people present . The Rev. Colin Kerr led in a prayer of adoring worship and triumphant thanksgiving, exulting in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and claiming the Divine presence and blessing to come upon us all, through Him. In welcoming the attenders in the name of the Trustees, the Chairman referred to two deaths which, had occurred during the past year; the Rev. Norman MacFarlane of Edinburgh, who had for many years presided over a large party of Scottish Ministers attending the Convention, and Dr. Donald Fraser, who received his call to the Mission Field at the Convention in 1891, and who in later years took a leading part in the Missionary organisation of the Church in Scotland. The passage of Scripture selected for reading was Exodus 3. 1-14, and Mr. Allis spoke on Acts 10. 33, last clause, and in a deeply impressive address he laid emphasis on God's revealed presence, and on the hearing of God's voice. The impression increased as the address proceeded, and a stillness fell upon the audience, that only comes when the Holy Spirit is speaking to hearts, and awakening consciences The meeting closed under a deep sense of the presence of God, and it was manifest that prayer was already being answered

God's Purpose of Blessing


DEAR FRIENDS,—It is my duty and great privilege to welcome you to this Convention on behalf of the Trustees. We extend a hearty greeting to the friends from other countries, especially to God's honoured missionary servants from the battle-front in many, and often dangerous, spheres of labour. Since last we met two of God's honoured servants, who have been associated with the Convention, have fallen asleep. The Rev. Norman MacFarlane will be missed from the seat on the platform which he occupied for so many years. Few men held Keswick in greater affection, or with such a Christ-like life witnessed to the truths here proclaimed. For years he was instrumental in arranging for a house-party of ministers from Scotland, and no doubt many of these, with his other friends, gathered in this sacred spot, will give thanks to God for the memory of his fragrant life. It was here in Keswick in 1891 that Dr. Donald Fraser heard the voice of God saying, "Who will go for us?" and his whole-hearted response was, "Here am I; send me." With his passing Scotland as lost one of her greatest and most beloved missionary statesmen. During the past months those of us who have had the responsibility and privilege of making arrangements for the holding of this Conven- tion have had abundant evidence of the Divine inspiration and guid- ance, and we are met here in confident expectation that God Almighty will manifest His presence these days. Surely the ground on which we stand is holy ground, and should we not in our hearts bow down before Him in adoration and in praise ? We have read together the record of God appearing to Moses in the burning bush. You will remember that Moses was busy with the ordinary duties of everyday life, tending the flock at the backside of the desert, when his curiosity was aroused by the sight of a bush on fire, which was not consumed. This curiosity led him to definite action, for he turned aside to see the sight. It was then that God spoke to him. There are probably a number here who have been attracted to this Convention by mere curiosity, that they may find out something about the strange miracle that is wrought here year by year; for God has kindled into being a

58 THE KESWICK CONVENTION , 1934 Movement which like a flaming torch has lasted nearly sixty years as a testimony to the truth of Scriptural holiness, and has been a blessing to a vast multitude of people at home and abroad. A Divine Curiosity When Moses turned aside to see the miracle of the burning bush, the Lord's message to him resulted in the deliverance of a nation from slavery and bondage. Shall we as did Moses of old, turn aside that we may investigate for ourselves the miracle of this great Con- vention, and as we do so, may God reveal Himself to us in mighty power, liberating many a life from the slavery and bondage of sin? For some time the burden of my prayer for all gathered here is that we may not be so occupied with things of secondary importance, or be too busy, to hear His voice. Dr. Meyer once said: "If your spirit is reverent it will discern God on a moorland waste; if your spirit is thoughtless and careless, it will fail to find Him in the face of Christ." There are in our midst a number who have come to this Convention for the first time. To them the lovely scenery of the mountains and lakes, and the happy Christian fellowship will tend to detract from the main purpose for which we are gathered. To one and all, to myself as well as to you, may I emphasise the importance of allowing a Divine curiosity to possess us, a curiosity so keen that we shall listen, as it were, on tiptoe to hear what the Lord may have to say to us It is not for me to pass on the Keswick message. God's messengers will, in due course, proclaim the truths for which He raised up Keswick, but on the threshold of this Convention I do want to impress upon each one here assembled, that it is in the purpose of God we are gathered together that He may bless us with a mighty blessing, and that through us, as channels, may flow rivers of living water to a parched and needy world.

I hunger and I thirst.. Jesu, my manna be; Ye living waters burst Out of the rock for me. Thou true life-giving Vine , Let use Thy sweetness prove; Renew my life with Thine, Refresh my soul with love.

A Vision of God's Holiness BY REV. W. H. ALDIS

"Now, therefore, are we all here present from Heaven. We look out over a before God, to hear all things that are com- world seething with unrest, torn with manded thee of God.''—Acts a. 33. uncertainty, gripped with fear, and NEED hardly tell you that it is sometimes apparently drifting towards I with a very solemn sense of re- an inevitable catastrophe. Now Kes- sponsibility, and with an equally deep wick does not concern itself with world sense of one's own personal unworthi- politics, nor has it any message for the ness and insufficiency that I rise to nations as such. None the less, how- give the opening message of this Con- ever, Keswick's message is one which vention of 1934. It is a responsibility has had, and will yet have, a great from which anyone might well shrink. influence upon the world and its life. And yet I am conscious that the Lord The message of Keswick is for the has told me to do this in response to individual believer, and its goal is the the invitation of His servants, and I adjustment of every life to the will and must obey. I stand here with the purpose of our God. And if that assurance that God Himself will be message be received, and that goal my sufficiency. I take my stand, in realised, the result must be such a common with my brethren on the transformation of life as cannot but platform, amongst the foolish, and the influence the whole world. There will weak, and the base things of the then go forth from this Convention, as world, which God has chosen to bring God grant there may go forth, hundreds to nought the things which are mighty, and thousands of men and women to that "no flesh should glory in His fulfil the word of their Lord when He presence." said, "Ye are the salt of the earth," "Ye are the light of the world.” But is it not terribly possible that so many Influencing the World in the Christian Church to-day, and Now it is no light responsibility to maybe many who have come to give an adequate message, because we Keswick, are like the salt which has are living in days which can only be lost its savour, and like the light that described in that somewhat hackneyed is hidden under a bushel? And, word "critical," days which, for the therefore, they have so little influence world and in the Church, are certainly in the world to-day. clays of crisis; and in this great Convention we need to have some spiritual message for the hour. The Need of Separation Convention is being held at a time Then as we look out over the Church, when many in all parts of the world what do we see? We see a great deal are growingly convinced that that that cheers and encourages and fills great event for which we are all looking our hearts with joy at what God is and longing, is drawing very near— doing; and yet that is only part of the Return of our Lord Jesus Christ the story, for we are compelled to

60 THE KESWICK CONVENTION, 1934 acknowledge, if we are honest, that heard his command to 'come out,' he the only words which rightly describe came out of the man. It was other- the condition of the Churches in our wise when the seven men started on land to-day are those solemn words of him. He turned on them, and said, our risen Lord, addressed to the Church 'You little dwarfs, you Liliputians, of Laodicea. "Thou sayest, I am who are you? I know Paul! I don't rich, and increased with goods, and know you, I never heard about you have need of nothing; and knowest before; your name has never been not that thou art wretched, and talked about down in hell. No one miserable, and poor, and blind, and knows you, nor about you outside this naked.” There is far too little of that little bit of a place called Ephesus.’ separation from the world and its Aye, and there is the question that ways, which was the desire and prayer was put to me to-day: 'Does anyone of our blessed Lord Himself, and know of F. B. Meyer down in hell?’ which is one of the great secrets of Do the devils know about us? Are spiritual power. There is far too little they scared about us? Are they of that holiness, without which no frightened by us? or do they turn man shall see the Lord, that holiness upon us? When we preach on Sunday, which is the command of our God or when we visit in the streets, or take Himself. "Ye shall be holy, for I our Sunday School class, the Devil am holy.” And there is far too little says, 'I don't know you, you are not of that passion to win others for Christ, worth my powder and shot; you can which is always the true mark of those go on doing your work. I am not going who are living in personal and vital to upset Hell to stop you." contact with the Lord Jesus Christ I ask myself the question, Does the Himself. The Church seems largely Devil fear us to-day? Does he tremble? to have lost its clear ringing authori- Do the demons say to us, "Jesus we tative message, and far too often it is know, and Paul we know, but who occupied with things which are trivial are ye? Where are your credentials? and non-essential. I sometimes ask Where is your evidence of power? myself whether the Devil is Where is your witness of a life like seriously troubled about the Church of your Master?” God wants a Church God to-day. I was reading recently (it that is going to be a glorious Church, searched my own heart, and so I pass a Church "fair as the moon, clear as it on to you), a- message which you the sun, and terrible as an army with may have read, given some years ago by banners.” And something is going to that great saint of God, Dr. F. B. happen in Keswick this week, or it Meyer, speaking of those words may be to-night, towards the fulfilling addressed by the demons to the sons of of our Lord's desire concerning His Sceva, "Jesus I know, and Paul I Church; and there shall go forth from know, but who are ye?” And Dr. Keswick men and women empowered Meyer said, at that time, "These for service, so that the devils in hell demons said, 'We know that Paul is up shall fear and tremble. to our tricks, because he exercises himself every night to have a con- The Divine Presence science void of wrong before God and Now I have been asking the Lord man. He keeps such short accounts.’ to give me a message for to-night, and The man who pays cash, and keeps the message He has given me is a short accounts, gets off best. The very simple one, and one which I pass demon knew this in Paul, and when he on to you, the words of Cornelius to

61 THE KESWICK CONVENTION, 1934 Peter when he came to Caesarea. In however attractive, no conversation, those words which I read to you there however fascinating, no engagement, are two outstanding things which I however urgent, must deflect us from want to bring to your notice, first of this holy determination that, by the all, the Presence of God, and then, grace of God, we are going to get right the Voice of God . "We are all here into the immediate presence' of God present before God, to hear all things Himself, into the very holiest of all. that are commanded thee of God," The Lord is saying to you and to me The presence of God and the voice of to-night, "Seek ye My face.” May God are two things which are abso- our hearts respond to Him, "Thy face, lutely essential. If each one of us, after Lord, will we seek." this Convention, is going to realise the purpose of God concerning our fives; The Urgency of the Hour each one of us must be brought Now I am not one of those who definitely and really into the presence believe that all the best days were in of the living God Himself, and each the past. No, I believe that if only one of us must hear the voice of God. we are in the right attitude towards That may sound to you very trite and God the best days are yet present and quite unnecessary, and yet I venture to before us. And the days of this holy say that nothing to-day is more far- convocation may be the greatest that reaching, for if this holy Convention Keswick has ever known. The good were brought consciously into the days are not all behind, but we are presence of God, something great in danger of losing what has been would happen. If it were to hear the the outstanding features and ex- voice of the living God, things would periences of the Keswick Convention happen which would reach the very in days gone by—the hush and the ends of the earth. I suggest to you as stillness of the presence of God, and we think for a moment about this, the desire to get alone with Him. In that each one of us should make it the early days—and I speak not as our prayer, that whatever it may mean, one who knew the earliest days; there whatever it may cost, we may be are those on this platform who can brought into His presence, and may speak with a far better knowledge of hear His voice. them than I can—but I know that in Now we all rightly value the fellow- the early days of the Convention the ship which we have one with another lakeside, the riverside, the mountain- as we are gathered here in this Conven- side, and the fields had many a sacred tion. We rightly value the contacts spot hallowed by the tears of God's which we have with friends whom people who were broken-hearted under we have not met for years; and we their conviction of sin, and they met shall have happy fellowship with them. God face to face. There is many a But do not mistake me when I say place here round Keswick that could that that in itself may be a snare. be called Peniel, where men and If you miss the presence of God, and women saw God face to face just as only have contact with your fellow Jacob did. There is a danger of Kes- believers, you are going to miss God's wick degenerating into a kind of best for this Convention. And if you spiritual picnic. The programmes are are, at all costs, determined to get fuller, the houses are more crowded into the presence of God, there must (too crowded, I think, sometimes), the be a settled purpose, from which excursions, and the increased facilities nothing will deflect you. No society, for transport; and the hundred and

62 THE KESWICK CONVENTION, 1934 one other things that claim our atten- cerns of our Lord that we shall be tion, these may all militate against our joyous because He prayed that "your realisation of the presence of God. joy may be full," and in His pre- Some years ago—I am not quite sure sence there will be discovered the how many years ago—during the Kes- secret of the fulness of joy. Then in wick Convention there was a group of God's presence there is salvation, for godly women gathered in a room in the Psalmist reminds us that "His Keswick oppressed by the urgency of presence is salvation.” We are here to the hour, and longing that the pre- proclaim the fulness of salvation that sence of God should be realised; and there is in the Lord Jesus Christ, and they met together to pray during the as God's presence is realised in this meetings. One day they were praying Convention, many here will enter that God would make His presence a into the enjoyment of that full salva- great reality when suddenly there tion. Some may enter into it to- came to that little group of godly night, that full salvation from the women simultaneously the conviction penalty and condemnation of sin, that God had answered, and that His from the tyranny and the power of power had fallen on the people gathered sin, from the defilement of sin. in the Tent. They rose from their But I want to go deeper than that; knees, and went out to see what had there is something to come before that,

- happened. They went down the for many of you, before you will street, and they saw some people ever realise the fulness of joy, or leaving the Tent, for God's power grasp the fulness of His salvation. had fallen on the gathering, and There is the humbling and the breaking they had been convicted of sin in their for we need to know something more lives. They were afraid of the pre- of the broken and contrite spirit, to sence of God. The power of God had which God is pleased to reveal Himself. fallen on Keswick that day, so that And it is only in the realised presence conviction of sin came to many hearts, of God that we know what it is to get and not only on those in the Tent. that humbling. I notice frequently in the Word of God where there is a The Fulness of Salvation reference to the presence of God this God does not necessarily do the same invariably is the first result. I think thing twice, but I am quite sure of of Jacob who had lived a life of pro- this, God wants to make this Keswick fessed godliness, and yet what an Convention memorable for the realisa- unsatisfactory life it was, full of tion of His presence. If only we will scheming and insincerity, utterly un- give ourselves to prayer, and will able to witness, and entirely lacking believe in God, we can have this in spiritual power. And there are realisation right from the very first here to-night men and women like meeting. What will it mean for us if Jacob, whose lives are just a reflection God's presence is realised here? it of Jacob's life. But I see Jacob will mean a great many things which coming face to face with God. I hear I have not time to speak of now. It him crying; I see him clinging; will mean fulness of joy, for as the hear him confessing out of the broken- Psalmist says, "In Thy presence is ness of his heart the secret of his fulness of joy.” I believe this Con- failure, He confessed himself a trick- vention is going to be a time memorable ster, a supplanter, a hypocrite. But he for joy filling the hearts of God's went forth from the presence of God, people. It is one of the great con- Israel the prince. It may be that some

A VISION OF GOD'S HOLINESS 63 here to-night, while I am speaking, hosts.” What is the effect on him? may hear God speaking to them. You "Woe is me, for I am undone, because know of the insincerity in your life, I am a man of unclean lips . . . for mine and you are coming face to face with eyes have seen the King, the Lord of God, and what happened to Jacob can hosts.” Something of that kind may happen to you. And as you confess to happen here. Someone who has God the failures of your life you too, spoken for God in the past may be may go forth to be a prince with God. brought face to face with the holiness of God, and may hear the song of the A Breaking Down seraphim, and, like Isaiah, may say, I think, too, of Job, that man of "Woe is me, for I am undone. For high moral character, of true benevo- mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord lence, of commendable uprightness. of hosts.” But that was not the end. If Job had lived to-day he would have The conviction was in order to the held a very high office in the Church. cleansing and to the commission, And yet there comes a day when Job is as we know in the case of Isaiah. I bowed down and broken. "I have want to say this—we all of us need heard of Thee by the hearing of the (and I need it just as you do; I have ear,” he says, "but now mine eye seeth been praying on the hillside that it Thee. Wherefore I abhor myself, and may be true of me) that during this repent in dust and ashes, “Upright Convention, in a way that we have Job, brought face to face with God, never known before, we may be brought and seeing God he is broken down into the conscious presence of God and convicted. It may be there are Himself, some Jobs here. Maybe you talk to your friends of the number of times A Realised Presence you have been to Keswick. You speak There is in Keswick to-day—she of it as though it were counted to you may be in the Tent to-night—a mis- for righteousness. You think to your- sionary from China to whom God has self, All must be well with me because given a terrible and yet wonderful I have come to Keswick year after experience of what the realised pre- year. But you may yet have to be sence of God means, Away in China bowed down before God, and to be for months, for years, men and women convicted in His presence. It has hap- have been praying, "Oh, God, revive pened time and again in Keswick, and Thy work, and begin with - me.” it has got to happen this time. job Perhaps they did not know when they cleansed and liberated became a mighty prayed that prayer what it might mean intercessor. If God breaks you down for them. That missionary, if she as He broke Job down, and if you are was standing here, would tell you how brought to realize your own unworthi- God began to deal with her, and how ness, it is in order that God may re- He made real to her His presence in make you, that you may be a mighty all its searching power; and then how intercessor in His hand. His presence came into the churches Or I think of Isaiah, that noble young in searching and compelling power, prophet of God, who, in an hour of until men and women under the crisis, saw God, and possibly for the searchlight of the holiness of God were first time, I believe, realized the constrained, either publicly or pri- intense holiness of God as he heard vately, to confess their sins. Men and the song of the seraphim saying, women who had been Christians for "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of years were compelled to acknowledge

64 THE KESWICK CONVENTION , 1934 that they were unclean, and had message that Bishop Taylor Smith will sinned against God; that there were in give; and some of those sets will not be their lives sins of hypocrisy, sins of able to adjust themselves to that wave- impurity, and those things which we length; and so will not be able to get speak of as the grosser sins; they were all the sound of his voice, and his message. confessed under the sense of this deep, Some will find it difficult because of overpowering presence of God. That is other sounds breaking in that will a heathen land, you say, why do you hinder the reception of the message. speak about these things in Keswick? You have got to tune-in if you want to Well, it is true we may not be guilty hear the voice of God. You need to of these sins, although I would not have your heart adjusted. and your assume the impossibility of even spiritual ears adjusted, you would that; we may not be guilty of those hear His voice. Oh, that His voice may things which we call the grosser sound through this Tent to-night, and sins. But who are we to say that some every day this week! sins are gross and some are not? In the As you read the Word of God you sight of God every sin is hateful. have references again and again to When you read the category of the the voice of God speaking. You sins of the flesh, you will see what remember how Adam and Eve heard God couples with those things which the voice of God walking in the we call the grosser sins. There is garden in the cool of the day, and the anger, and envy, and jealousy; and voice of God was saying, "Where art in the sight of God they are just as bad thou?” It was an enquiring Voice; and as those things which come out of I think God's enquiring Voice is going heathenism. If you and I could get a to be heard to-night. Like Adam sight of the holiness of God, I think you may be hiding from Him, seeking many a cheek would blush, many a to evade Him. You have come to head would bow, and many a heart Keswick because your friends brought would break. We need to be searched you here, and the voice of God to-night, and I pray that our God Who is a comes to you, "Where art thou in consuming fire, whose eyes are as a relationship to Me?” Face up to it. flame of fire, from whom nothing is Are you farther away from Him than hidden, may so reveal Himself that you were this time last year? Are we may see ourselves as He sees us. you hiding from Him because your sin which is a barrier between you and The Still, Small Voice God? He is enquiring, because The first thing we need to realise is He wants you for Himself. And the presence of God. The second there was not only that voice, but thing we need is to hear the voice of there was another voice, the voice God. May I remind you of what that Elijah heard, "the still, small Voice," will mean. You are going to hear a reproving Voice, "What doest thou many voices during these days, voices here, Elijah?” Elijah, that man of from the platform, the voices of your wondrous faith, the man of the great friends; maybe, you are going to hear victory on Carmel; but now he was the voice of the tempter. But I pray discouraged, he had lost his faith, that the one voice you may hear may and was dispirited and hopeless. be the voice of the living Lord Him- "What doest thou here?” Are there self, To-morrow night in hundreds any Elijah's in the Tent to-night? of homes people will be tuning-in their You have come up here after some receiving sets to try and catch the glorious victories in your

life. But if you are honest you will somehow. You are going to hear the have to say, that you have lost your voice of God calling you as he called faith, that you are discouraged and Saul of Tarsus, "Why art thou rebel- disheartened, and you are almost giving ling against My will?” I pray that up. God in His grace and mercy, is what happened to Saul of Tarsus may calling out to you, "What doest thou happen to you, and in an act of self- here? “ He wants to recommission surrender you may say, "What wilt you. He wants to get hold of you as Thou have me to do?” He got hold of Elijah, and send you Then there will be the challenging forth in His Name. Voice, the voice that Isaiah heard. And finally there is one other voice, Christ in You the wooing Voice, the Voice of the Then there is another voice. You Lord Jesus Christ, saying, "Behold, I remember how Paul giving his testi- stand at the door, and knock. If any mony said he heard the voice on the man hear My Voice, and open the door, I road to Damascus, saying, "Saul, will come in to him.” The wooing Saul, why persecutest thou Me?” Voice of the Lord Jesus Christ comes Here was a man determined to go his to you to-night, that you may open own way, to live a self-planned life, the door, and let Him in, that you a man in rebellion against the will may know the great secret for which of God. And the Voice of the Lord Keswick stands—Christ in you. "I Jesus Christ arrested him, and said, live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in "It is hard for thee to kick against me.” That is the life to which we the goads, I am trying to guide thee witness here in Keswick. As I close, in the way. But you are in rebellion let me say that Christ wants you to against My will.” From that day life hear His wooing Voice, and open the for him was transformed and conformed door, and He will come in, and you to the will of God. Are you living in will know that life which is life rebellion against the will of God? abundant, a life of joy and of victory. Have you come to Keswick rebelling May God grant that that may be the against what you know to be God's experience of every one of us, and will for you? Is there something which may the sense of the presence of God God has revealed to you, and you have now come upon us, and may the Voice of come to Keswick to try to get out of it God be heard in every heart.

Spirit of God, that moved of old Upon the waters' darkened face, Come, when our faithless hearts are cold, And stir them with an inward grace.

Nor let us quench Thy sevenfold light; But still with softest breathings Stir Our wayward souls—and lead us right, 0 Holy Ghost the Comforter!


Breath of God

BREATHE on me, Breath of God; Fill me with life anew, That I may love what Thou lost love, And do what Thou wouldst do.

Breathe on me, Breath of God, Until my heart is pure, Until with Thee I will one will, To do and to endure.

Breathe on me, Breath of God, Till I am wholly Thine, Till all this earthly part of me Glows with Thy fire Divine.

Breathe on me, Breath of God; So shall I never die, But live with Thee the perfect life Of Thine eternity. EDWIN HATCH

JULY 15, 1934


10.45 a.m.—Forenoon Meeting THE UNCHANGING ETERNAL CHRIST


3 p.m.—Afternoon Meeting A CHRIST-CENTRED FAITH



The Universal Invitation

T. JOHN'S CHURCH, where Bishop Taylor Smith preached S on Sunday morning, was quite full some time before the service commenced; at Crossthwaite there must have been nearly a thousand present, the other Churches were well attended, and the tent was two- thirds full; all this going to show that the number present this year must be a very large one. Prebendary Wilson Cash conducted the Service in the Tent with true reverence and with brotherly sympathy, entering into the real needs of his fellow-worshippers. His message centred in the person of the Saviour, "Jesus Christ, the same yester- day, to-day, and for ever," and he showed how through all the Epistle to the Hebrews the writer sets forth the glory of the Lord, and warns his readers not to turn away from Him, Who is the eternal, unchanging Son of God. Sunday evening brought a great number of people together to take part in the Service which was to be broadcast. An accurate estimate of the number present was four thousand, several hundreds being unable to find seats in the Tent; but the evening was fine, and with the curtains raised, many who were sitting round about could hear quite well. Again there was community singing, and it was delightful and uplifting to hear that immense concourse of people singing, as from full hearts, familiar hymns. Punctually at 7.30 Mr. Waite took the chair, and along with him Bishop Taylor Smith and Admiral Sir Harry Stileman occupied their seats on the platform. During the first half-hour the whole congregation sang together the hymns that were to be broadcast, and one or two led in prayer. Then exactly at eight o'clock the actual Service commenced, and after Admiral Sir Harry Stileman had led in prayer, Bishop Taylor Smith rose to speak, beginning with the brief introduction that he has made so familiar to those who have often listened to him. "Let us pray, you praying for me, I praying for you; let the words of my lips and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, oh Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer.” The verbatim report of his address is included elsewhere, but we may recall here the divisions, of his audience, "those who are longing to see, those who are rejoicing to know, and those who are eager to tell; " and the contrast he drew between the forces that are against us and those that are for us. “ The world, the flesh, and the devil all say, Come, and they all disappoint. Christ says, Come, and no one is ever disappointed.” The audience was perfectly quiet all the time while the Bishop was speaking, and the service closed exactly at the moment that had been agreed upon.

Thou Speakest

0 HOLY and mighty and marvellous Word. That speakest ever to me; As of old in the silence of Eden heard In the shade of the sacred Tree.

O Word! from the depths of the ancient years, From the deserts Thy pilgrims trod, From the hidden chambers of saints and seers , From the secret place of God,

From the well of Sychar, the gate of Main, From the winds of the midnight sea, Thou speakest in marvellous songs again In the stillness of night to me.

From the noonday darkness the solemn Voice Tells of my judgment borne; And it calls to my soul to sing and rejoice From the glow of the First-day morn.

Unsilenced yet to the ear that hears, Thou Voice of eternal bliss, Thou speakest in speech that is deeper than tears, And sweet as the Father's kiss. T. S. M.

The Unchanging Eternal Christ BY PREBENDARY W. WILSON CASH "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and have just had a cold bath you don't to-day, and for ever. "—Heb. xiii. 8. dream. It was a reality. The living O you remember how some Greeks Christ—He can turn an enemy into a D came to Philip, and said, preacher of the Gospel. He has given "Sir, we would see Jesus"? That is me peace, not for a few hours merely, just how we have come into the tent but for sixteen years, a peace so won- this morning. This note was struck derful I cannot describe it; but I can last night; we strike it again now. testify to its reality.” Now there are "We would see Jesus.” Then, you thousands of men like that, and St. remember, how in the Mount of Trans- Paul was one of them. He met Christ figuration "they saw no man save on the Damascus road, and there, with Jesus only.” The other things fell the same vision of the Risen Lord, he away, and their eyes were unto Him. gave his life to Him, and followed in a Then after the Cross, and the desertion pathway of obedience from that day. of the disciples, when they were in I want us to travel this morning in a that Upper Room, and they had shut Bible Study through this Epistle to the door and had locked it, for their the Hebrews, that we may catch some- hearts were filled with fear, Jesus thing of this vision that the writer Himself stood in the midst, and He gives us, this marvellous vision of said, "Peace be unto you," or in other Jesus Christ, "the same yesterday, words, "Get rid of your fear.” Then and to-day, and for ever." you remember how the two disciples The Epistle breaks quite naturally were on the road to Emmaus when into two halves. First of all, there is Jesus drew near and went with what we will call the doctrinal section, them. And so we can travel right which runs from chapter i. right on down the ages from the first century to chapter x. 18. And then there to to-day, and we will find in every follows from verse 19 of chapter x. age men who have had the same to the end of the book a practical experience of the living Christ; Christ section, which applies what God has has met them and transformed their been saying to us in the chapters that lives. Some of you, perhaps, met have gone before. Sadhu Sundar Singh when he came over The Sinless Saviour to this country years ago. That man's life was changed from a Sikh to a So we turn back to chapter You Christian. He was completely trans- will notice how the Epistle opens. formed through the vision that came "God hath spoken in His Son.” That to him of Christ, and this is what he is the burden, the theme of the whole said: "What I saw was no imagination Epistle. Right through this Epistle of my own. Up to that moment I there is the voice of God. running hated Jesus, and I did not worship through every word, the voice of God to Him. It was no dream. When you us His people, through His Son. And

72 THE KESWICK CONVENTION, 1934 right through the Epistle there is an things which we have heard, lest at unfolding vision of the glory of Christ. And any time we should let them slip." interspersed all through there are a series Here is a solemn warning; God has of solemn warnings in which the writer spoken. He has spoken of salvation; He shows us what will be the consequence of has spoken in the Incarnation of His a loss of that vision. So chapter i, opens Son—the voice of God seeking man. God with the picture of Christ, the "Heir of has taken the initiative and come to our all things," the Creator of the world, rescue. He has spoken in the Cross in pre-existent "in the 'brightness of the utter love and sacrifice for the sins of the Father 's glory ," in the exact image of world. He has spoken of His God, so that in Christ we see God, for Fatherhood, and now He calls to us Christ is God, and as we see Him we and warns us. Let us read these know what God is like, for we see God's verses; they are very familiar to us; and let us ask ourselves exactly what this character in Christ, and God's attitude warning is going to mean. Christ is not to us in Christ. Then the Epistle only more than angels, He is more gives a summary of all that is to follow, than men in His sinless character, in for not only is it a picture of Christ in His sacrifice for sin, in His perfect His wondrous glory, but of Christ in His obedience to the Father 's will, How are Incarnation (v. 3) offering Himself as a we going to give heed? The first Sacrifice for the sins of the world; and of warning is not so emphatic as the Christ in His risen power. Then the writer others that follow. The first is a says, This Saviour of ours is greater warning against our familiarity with than any angel, or any created being in the God's Word, and a refusal to obey whole world; He is greater because He what it says. Almost unconsciously we Himself is the Creator. "Thy throne, 0 become backsliders, unconsciously we God, is for ever and ever." And those drift, and refuse to admit that we have words are used of our Lord. The Jews drifted; and often we deny that our believed that angels were mediators, devotion to Christ has become dim, and and, in many cases, they were putting refuse to admit that we have disobeyed their hope in them. The writer wants to Him, or been disloyal to Him; we refuse show that no angel can atone for sin; to admit the sin to which He points in our they have no power of forgiveness; they lives, and so we drift, we go on drifting, can never be mediators between God and and the vision fades, and we lose all sense man. But Christ, because He is of the Risen Christ, and of His power, greater, because He is the Eternal and there follows inevitable defeat. revealed in time, because He is the sinless As you study chapter ii. you will Saviour coming in redemption to a needy find that two things stand out. world, because the grave could not hold "Therefore," says the writer, "we Him, and because He is alive for ought to give the more earnest heed to evermore, He can meet man's need. He the things which we have heard" (v . 1) , is the same yesterday, to-day, and for and then in verse 9 he says, "we see Jesus . . . for the suffering of death, ever." crowned with glory and honour." The A Solemn Warning writer never leaves us in this Epistle in Turn over to chapter ii. and you will despair. He warns us; he shows us the see the solemn way the writer begins inevitable result of backsliding; and to apply this message. Here is the first then he lifts us right up again into the warning, "Therefore we ought to give the presence of Christ . more earnest heed to the


So we stop in our meditation, and Lest we drift. Now it is, "Harden not we ask ourselves whether we can check your hearts," because we must hear our lives at that point, and see how far the voice of God. The Apostle through we have drifted, how far we really are this chapter calls us to consider Him, seeing Jesus this morning crowned "the Apostle and High Priest of our King of our lives. The Lord of glory— profession.” And the word he uses is yes; and that means making Him Lord the word an astronomer would use, in of the thing we do not want to give the Greek language, when he had his up in our own personal lives. eye fixed on some great star; a concen- trated study, an unswerving gaze upon Christ's Supremacy the Son of God, fixed on Him, until Then the writer passes from that everything else falls away. Why picture into chapter iii., where he is consider Him? As a Prophet and trying to show how Christ is not only Apostle He has a message for us. He greater than angels, and greater than offers to bring us nigh to God, for He other men, but greater, too, than any has made reconciliation for the sins of particular man that people in the world the people. He gives us a confidence, may honour. So he picks out, first of and a hope, and an assurance that can all, Moses, and he says that God spoke be found nowhere else in the whole to Moses, and through Moses. Moses world. He offers us His grace which was one of God's most honoured ser- will enable us to obey Him. He carries vants, a great leader, a great prophet, us forward, and offers us a rest in the one who did marvellous things for the midst of the busy activity of our life children of Israel. He does not detract to-day. If you read right through anything from Moses when he says, chapter iv. you will see that the theme Christ is greater, and can do what no is one of listening to the voice of God, Moses in the world can ever do. There- and obeying Him, of the rest we find fore, he says in verse I, "Consider as we obey, rest of heart, rest of mind, Him.” Get your eye on to Christ, and rest of conscience; and how that rest nowhere else. All our other allegi- in God becomes real in our experience, ances, whether to Moses, or anybody as the living Christ is manifested to us. else in the world, have got to go. When Christ is supreme in human life, there The Way of Obedience is only one allegiance, one primary, Will you turn on, then, to chapter iv. supreme allegiance that the Christian Now the victorious life is opened out owns, and that is to our Blessed Lord. before us, and the first thing about the Nothing can stand in the way; nothing victorious life that we are called upon can come between. You will notice to live is that it is the way of that we have reached the stage where obedience to the voice of God. It the Apostle is calling us to a tremen- means the acceptance, first of all, of dously new discovery of what alleg- our inability to win through in our iance to Christ means—the cost of it, own strength. We like to do God's and the sacrifice of it. Having brought will in our own way. We like to us to this point where all else is put think we are doing God's service, but aside, he brings in a second great we tell God how we ought to do it, and warning. "To-day if ye will hear His we plan for God instead of letting God voice, harden not your hearts" (vv. 7 plan for us. And the primary lesson and 8). There is something here a little we must learn is that we are utterly more solemn, a little more emphatic nothing before God. We must bring than the first warning, which said, this self of ours, even our Christian

THE UNCHANGING ETERNAL CHRIST 74 self, and lay it down at the foot of the greater than all created beings, and Cross. We must take these ambitions greater than Moses. Now turn to and aims of ours, even our Christian chapter v, and you will see Him service, and lay them down at the foot greater than Aaron, the high priest. of the Cross, realising our utter in- Here we enter on a new phase in this ability to live this life in our own Epistle; the most wonderful of all the strength, or through anything that we teaching of the Epistle as we begin to can do; letting God work in His own enter into the mystery and into the way; and we make this possible by a glory of the Cross of Christ. The complete and real surrender of our priests of old, says the Apostle, were lives to Him. appointed to offer sacrifices; Christ Now that the Apostle has brought us offered Himself as the One Sacrifice to this point, is it not striking that he for the sins of the whole world; and says in verse II, "Let us labour, then he carries the thought through, therefore, to enter into that rest.” and says that as a Son, Jesus Christ It sounds almost contradictory, but it learned obedience, and, therefore, He is not because if you read on you will demands obedience from us. So we see what he is driving at, for he says, come to the third of these great warn- "The Word of God is quick and ings,—a much more solemn one than powerful, and sharper than any two- either of the other two that have gone edged sword.” The Word of God before. When we ought to be teachers comes to convict; it divides between we need to be taught. When we ought the real and the false; and they are to be fed with strong meat, we are fed very mixed up in our Christian service. with milk ; and the writer goes on to It comes to divide between what is explain why there is this arrested honest and what is hypocritical in our development in the spiritual child; He Christian life; it comes to divide says in chapter vi, "It is impossible for between what is a borrowed experience, those who were once enlightened ... if and what is our own. It comes to test they shall fall away, to renew them our motives, our purposes, our aims. again unto repentance" (vv. 4, 6). All And there stands out as we come to the through this chapter we have this end of chapter iii. the thought that terrible warning. So long as we resist we may go on living a wilderness life, the Holy Spirit in any single direction as the children of Israel did for forty in our lives, so long are we shutting out years ; and it will be a barren, waste the Son of God. Let us make no mis- wilderness, a dry desert , and it will be take about it. The Apostle is talking an unfruitful Christian life. We may in the most solemn language in this limit God, and we may live a limited, epistle. While we are rejecting the defeated life; or else we may come Son of God in any way, and putting right through in our Christian ex- Him to an open shame, we are crucify- perience, finding, as we listen to the ing the Son of God afresh. We were voice of God, and as we obey Him, a warned, first of all, about drifting; new way of victory through a new and then we were warned about definite real obedience to God. acts of disobedience; and now we are warned about a stubborn defiance of Arrested Development the will of God. A stubborn defiance Now notice how the theme develops. of the will of God in the heart of a God has spoken in His Son. `Jesus Christian believer seems almost an Christ the same yesterday, to-day, impossibility. This stubborn defiance and for ever.” We have seen Him is a self-defence of sin in your life and

THE UNCHANGING ETERNAL CHRIST 75 in mine. God says, There is that for faith in Christ. There is a change sin in your life. Get rid of it; bring in priesthood. The old Aaronic priest- it to the Cross, and do as I tell you. hood was temporary, and it is super- And you say, No. And you begin to seded in Christ, the great High Priest. argue with God that it is not sin; you He says that there is a change in argue that others were more to blame method, for no longer is the ceremonial than you were. But whatever the law the thing that matters. Christ argument, it is the sure road to a per- "Who is made, not after the law of a manent type of backsliding. This carnal commandment, but after the warning stands there right in the very power of an endless life" (v. le). centre of this teaching about the Cross Now we are getting into the heart of of Christ. it, The old law, the old ceremony is Let us pause again, and let us ask swept away in the great fact of the God to search our hearts. We shall not living Christ, living in this world in get this vision of Christ unless we are the heart of the believer "after the going right through stage by stage, power of an endless life.” There was a letting God turn the light of His Spirit change in time and range of this priest- upon our hearts, allowing His power to hood. The Jewish sacrifices were work in us, and honestly throwing open swept away because they were no real every avenue of our being to Him. remedy for sin. But Christ comes to So the writer passes on from that us with His one Sacrifice for sin, with warning back again to encouragement. all the effectiveness of His power, And if you read from vv. 15-18, you saving "to the uttermost all that come will see that he shows us how we are unto God by Him, seeing He ever right in the midst of a big fight with liveth to make intercession for them," the Devil and with sin. But God is Here we have three thoughts that with us in the fight; so do not get down stand out. We have been brought a into the depths of despair, for God has long way on this pilgrimage. He is never let you go; and He is not going working according to the power of an to let you go now. He comes with the endless life. He is able to save to the promise that God will make good His uttermost, to the very end of time, to Word, and then that He will fulfil His the very depth of need, all that come promise ; and so we are told as the unto God by Him; He is the one and chapter closes, that we have a great, only High Priest Who ever liveth to strong hope in Jesus Christ, our High make intercession for you and for me. Priest, Who has entered in within the And so, perhaps dimly at first, we veil. begin to see something of the possi- Our King-Priest bility of a life where Christ is in the We pass from there to the central centre, where Christ comes and dwells theme—Jesus Christ, greater than in us "after the power of an endless angels, greater than men, greater than life.” Where there comes to us the Abraham, greater than the patriarchs, vision that there is no situation in our the prophets, the priests. And now life but that Christ can handle it, no the writer takes the illustration of temptation, no sin, no difficulty, no Melchisedec, the King-Priest, the high problem, nothing that we cannot bring priest and the king combined. And he to the Son of God, Who has life for begins to sum up in chapter vii. some evermore. Think of it, and think of of the things that have taken place. the transforming power that it is going He says there is a change in the old to mean in your life and mine as we law—the old law of sacrifices is changed find Him able to save.


There is only one thing running and the first one is the holiness of God. right through this Epistle—that is the How can I worship Him, Who is al- one unchanging, permanent fact is the together holy, Whom the Heaven eternal, unchanging Christ, "the same heavens cannot contain? And then yesterday, to-day, and for ever.” Christ comes, and He shows us how worship is possible, how we can lay A Stupendous Fact our lives at His feet, and worship Him. Now we pass on to chapter viii. It As you go through chapter ix. you will gives us a summary showing how in find more and more the emphasis on Christ we have a better covenant, a the great gulf between the holiness of better ministry, a better hope. He God, on the one side, and the sinfulness sums it up something like this: I will of man, on the other. In the first ten give you one reference. Jesus Christ at verses, in all that is said about the God's right hand is in the place of Tabernacle, you will see man's ap- power; and He is in you in the place proach to God, man's desire for wor- of power. Jesus Christ is in the place ship, man's sense of sin and of his of mediation. He stands between me need of pardon; and then from verse 11 and God, my one and only Redeemer. you will see how the order is reversed, He is in the place of intercession, for you will find God revealing Himself, "He ever liveth to make intercession" fulfilling man's desire for worship, for me. He is in the place of forgiveness, offering man the one pathway of perfect for He offers me now absolute, full, and complete reconciliation, free, and complete pardon for every sin that I have ever committed. He An Expanding Vision is in the place of revelation, for He So we pass for the last few moments comes to us revealing God, for He is into this practical section. It follows God. Think of the wonder of it; from the 19th verse of chapter x. think of what it means; it is the most It begins something like this: Let us stupendous fact in the history of the draw near; let us hold fast; let us con- world. Instead of man reaching out sider one another. And chapter xi. and searching for God and failing to follows. You are all familiar with that find Him, the whole order is reversed, wonderful chapter on faith. Faith and God comes down searching for always means vision. Abel had faith man, looking for man, seeking to bring to see that God could accept man’s into the lives of men His divine life, offering. Enoch saw that acceptance His pardon, and His peace. You of an offering meant communion with know what God is like now; He is like God. Noah had the vision to see that Christ. Does it not make us feel that sin meant punishment. In Abraham the we want to bow down before Him, and vision expands from the person to the worship Him? Is not that the one tribe; from the city of God to the dominant thought in our heart, how people of God. So the vision goes on we may bow in real worship before Him? expanding and expanding, but always If you look into chapter ix. you will centring in God. see that it approaches the whole Then, if you turn to chapter xii. you question of the Cross along the avenue will see the Apostle 's summing up; his of worship. It begins in a very re- final message to us. "Wherefore, markable way. We never understand seeing we also are compassed about the Cross until we approach it from the with so great a cloud of wit- angle of worship, until we approach it nesses, let us lay aside every weight with two dominant ideas in our mind, . . . and let us run with patience the

THE UNCHANGING ETERNAL CHRIST 77 race that is set before us, looking unto And inside the city there was re- Jesus." The same thought runs right presented all that was orthodox, all through that chapter. That is a sum- that stood for the then civilisation. of mary of all that I have been trying to the day, and of social life. And on say this morning. It is the laying that hill, nailed to the Cross between aside of all the weights of sin. It means two thieves, was the Son of God. He our specific sin, and our specific calls to you and me to go forth to live weights; no mere generalisation. We a consecrated life , outside the camp ; love to say, "Oh, God, forgive me my to identify ourselves with that Cross, sin," and that is done with. We like to identify ourselves with Him Who to forget about our sins; but God never died in utter selflessness. Let us lets us forget. He brings that sin identify ourselves with Him so that, home, that weight, that hindrance, like St. Paul, we, too, may say, "I am that thing, whether it is pride, or crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I jealousy, or envy, or irritability, or live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in strife, or dishonesty, or impurity, me." Can we honestly say that whatever that sin is God brings it "Christ liveth in me." I have given right home to our hearts, and by His Him all. He has come in His redemp- Spirit, He shows us the hideous sinful- tive love and met my need ? We can ness of sin. Get rid of it at the Cross, say it, my friends, as we "go forth unto and then you will be able to run the Him without the camp bearing His race looking unto Jesus. And lest reproach;" and it is going to mean a you should think that this applies to complete identification with Christ in the first century only, the Apostle His humiliation, in His suffering, in reminds us that He is the same for His death, as well as in the glory of ever ; He is the unchanging, eternal His resurrection. Son of God. And so He meets us one by one. He And because Jesus is "the same is in this tent; He has been here all yesterday, to-day, and for ever," "let the morning; He has been talking to us go forth unto Him without the camp, us. And now we would bow our heads, bearing His reproach." You know the and ask Him to come in anew into our old hymn, "There is a green hill far lives to meet our need, to forgive us away" ? Out from the gates of Jeru- our sin, and to help us to take a new salem there came a procession, the step into the victorious life. For Son of God bearing His cross, and on Jesus Christ is "the same yesterday, the green hill they crucified Him. to-day, and for ever ."

Thy truth unchanged hath ever stood,. Thou savest those that on Thee call; To them that seek Thee, Thou art good, To them that find Thee, all in all! 0 Jesus, ever with us stay! Make all our moments calm and bright; Chase the dark night of sin away, Shed o'er the world Thy holy light!

A Christ-Centred Faith By MR. A. LINDSAY GLEGG

"And such were some of you: but ye are as being any different from them- washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are selves, and say, "What has the Christ- justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and ian church to offer us? We see no by the Spirit of our God. "-1 Cor. vi. 11. difference between our lives and the lives of professing Christians." Let me THE Apostle, in writing to the say first of all that Christianity's Corinthians points out some of the greatest evidence is that of a changed terrible sins the people were guilty of, life. and mentions many of the things Changed Lives which characterised the life of the city, On Sir Christopher Wren's tablet in and then he says this significant St. Paul's Cathedral there are these thing: "And such were some of you, words: "If you seek a monument look but--" A great change has taken around you." If you wish to see a place, and there has been a mighty monument to the power of the Gospel transformation. We are met together look around you at the changed lives of at Keswick just in order that similar God's people. That is the evidence of transformations may take place in our the value of the message we preach. lives. The reason we believe in Christ- The ultimate evidence of the all-suffi- ianity is because it works. ciency of Christ, is seen in the changed, Somebody once said to W. T. Stead, transformed lives of His people. And "I am going in for literature, and that is what the world is waiting to see. would like your advice, I want to I believe there are very many hungry write." "Well," said Mr. Stead, people to-day, ready for the message "and what do you want to write for?" of the Gospel if they can see the power "Oh well, I suppose for position, and of it in your life and in mine. fame, and money." "Oh," said Mr. At one of our London Clubs the other Stead, "when I started to write I did day a man walked through the Card so because I wanted something to Room. When he reached the middle of happen." We are gathered here at the room he stopped, and said in a clear Keswick, and God's messengers from voice that everybody could hear, "Does this platform are telling forth His full anybody here know Jesus Christ?" salvation, because we want something The men playing cards looked up, and to happen. We want to get into touch the majority of them shook their heads, with the living God, and to know the but one man said, "Why?" The stran- transforming power of His indwelling ger answered, "Because I have made a Spirit. The world to-day is longing terrible mess of my life." There was for reality, the world is watching us, no one to help him, but one man and waiting to see if this "but" has present wrote on a visiting card the come into our lives, and whether there name and address of a minister, and has been a real transformation. World- handed it to him. There are people lings look at a great many Christians longing for the real thing . to-day, and do not recognise them


We put a text of Scripture on the regiment, his sword was taken from, notice board outside our Mission in he epaulettes were torn from off his Wandsworth. It is varied from time shoulders, his uniform was stripped from to time, and at the moment it reads, him, and then he was imprisoned. "Thou shalt call His name Jesus, for Afterwards, by the influence of some He shall save His people from their friends, a trial was brought about, sins.” A month or two ago there were and ultimately he was pardoned and two girls passing by. That they were was set free. You might ask, What very worldly girls was quite evident more could he want? how wonderful from the amount of paint and powder that he was forgiven and liberated! on their faces, and one of them looked But Captain Dreyfus was not satisfied, across at the notice board, and touched nor would you have been. He had been her friend on the shoulder and said, publicly degraded. Another trial was "Look, you read that.” Her friend brought on, and this time he was read it, then she turned and said, "If justified in front of his old regiment. I believed that were true I would go He was given back his sword, his inside that place every night of the uniform was placed upon him, he was week it was open.” There was a reinstated, and more than that he man strolling behind them, he said, was given the position in his regiment "If I were you I would go inside that he would have occupied had he there, for they have the real thing.” never been condemned. It was There are people waiting for the real reckoned that had he never left his thing, but they must see the change regiment he would have risen to the in your life and in mine before they will rank of Colonel, and, therefore, he be convinced that we have the message was made Colonel. That is justifi- they need. They must see that the cation; and God in His wonderful faith we profess works in daily ex- mercy puts us into that position, just as though we had never sinned. perience. Set Apart Blessings in Christ Well now, what is this change? The How is this threefold blessing Apostle mentions three things. "But brought about? "In the Name of the ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our but ye are justified.” First, then, God.” First, then, these blessings we are washed, and some of us are re ours "in the Name of the Lord conscious of how much we need it. Jesus.” This expression occurs very And then we are sanctified. God, often in Scripture. "Whatsoever ye having washed us and made us fit for shall ask in My Name.” The Name use, sets us apart for His own holy purpose. Then, more than that, we stands for the Person. It is His life, are justified. It is a wonderful thing what He did, what He accomplished, to have our sins forgiven and blotted what He is—it is all summed up in the out, but God does more than that, He Name. These blessings are not found justifies us, that is, He gives us a in a creed or a church, but in a Person, position such as we should have in Christ Himself. They are the bless- occupied if we had not sinned, for ings that come to us through Him, and He makes us just in His sight. through faith in His Name. The illustration of Captain Dreyfus If you and I in this holy week are is sometimes given in this connection. to come into vital contact with Christ, You will remember how he was taken he result will be tremendous. But our and condemned in front of his own faith must be centred in Christ, or we

THE KESWICK CONVENTION , 1934 will go away with hearts unsatisfied. because she slipped straight down on I remember when a boy at school her knees, and taking her pencil and saving up my pocket money—and I paper wrote it down, and then rising assure you it was not very much, for from her knees she said, "I have it Aberdeen. It is all very well for you to now, I will never forget it, that brings smile, but I had a good upbringing, and me salvation." I thank God for the Puritan blood that flows in my veins. I still love to Living for Him hear my mother tell of how she kept the It is faith centred in Christ, and Sabbath, nobody was allowed to whistle, these blessings are to be had in Him, "in or even hum a hymn, and Sunday, you the Name of the Lord Jesus, and by had to compose your soul for the Spirit of our God," because, when worship, and then go and hear a two- we come to Him and yield our lives to hour sermon! Well, those days have Him, then His Spirit indwells us, and passed, but there is no wonder that the transformation begins. I am Scotland produced some mighty men of thankful these blessings flow from the God, they learned the truth, and they Lord Himself, for if it depended upon learned the value of worship, and they my determination and ability, or on knew the power of the Word of God. my will power and my persistence I Well, I saved up my pocket money, should go away from Keswick with a and I put it in a bank. I had great heavy heart; but these blessings are mine faith in that bank, I was sure I had because I have such a mighty Saviour. put my money in the safest place on What a wonderful week this will be if earth. But one day I opened the the Spirit of God sweeps through this newspaper and discovered that the but it tent, and fills our lives like a mighty, was of no avail for it was centred in the rushing wind, as in the day of wrong thing. It is faith in Christ, in the Pentecost! Divine Son of God, that brings I was at the Liverpool Convention a salvation. All these blessings are month or two ago , and they very kindly yours in Him. It is not the greatness, took me down to have a look at the Great or the magnitude of our faith, it is the Mersey Tunnel, which in a few days time the greatness and power of the Lord in King is officially to open. I was able to get Whom our weak trembling faith is underneath, and see something of the There was a girl gave her testimony construction of the tunnel. It is a wonderful here from this platform last year. piece of engineering, but the most difficult Prior to that she came to me and told problem of all was the question of her what her trouble was. She re- ventilation. I went down, and saw the huge plied, "I have not enough faith.” I fans, and walked down the great channels said, "How much faith do you think through which the air will be forced at you need to have?” She said, "I something like 60 miles at hour. As I stood don't know, that is my difficulty," in the tunnel I thought: If the Holy Spirit "Well," I said, "it is not your great came as mighty rushing wind, and swept. faith that will save you, but your through my heart, I could go out and live this little faith in a great Saviour.” She transformed life. My friends, so could you! was evidently a very practical girl You need not wait until this week is over, you can open that life of yours to Christ, you

A CHRIST-CENTRED FAITH 81 can make Him Lord, you can give this new life, and people will say, Him His rightful place, and as we "And such were some of you, but ye sang just now, it can be "None of self, are washed, but ye are sanctified, but and all of Thee." Then the mighty ye are justified in the Name of the power of the Spirit of our God will Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of come in, and you may go out to live our God."

At the Name of Jesus Every knee shall bow , Every tongue confess Him King of glory now; 'Tis the Father's pleasure We should call Him Lord, Who from the beginning Was the Mighty Word . Name Him , brothers , name Him With love strong as death! But with awe and wonder, And with bated breath; He is God the Saviour, He is Christ the Lord , Ever to be worshipped , Trusted , and adored In your hearts enthrone Him; There let Him subdue All that is not holy, All that is not true; Crown Him as your Captain In temptation's hour; Let His will enfold you In its light and power.

Broadcast Service SUNDAY EVENING, 15th JULY, 1934

OPENING PRAISE Hymns of Consecration and Faith, 199 Full salvation! Full salvation! Love's resistless current sweeping Lo, the fountain opened wide, All the regions deep within; Streams through every land and nation Thought, and wish, and senses keeping From the Saviour' s wounded side. Now, and every instant, clean: Full salvation Full salvation! Streams an endless crimson tide. From the guilt and power of sin. Oh, the glorious revelation Life immortal, heaven descending, See the cleansing current flow, Lo! my heart the Spirit's shrine: Washing stains of condemnation God and man in oneness blending— Whiter than the driven snow: Oh, what fellowship is mine! Full salvation! Full salvation! Oh, the rapturous bliss to know! Raised in Christ to life Divine Care and doubting, gloom and sorrow, Fear and shame are mine no more; Faith knows naught of dark to-morrow, For my Saviour goes before: Full salvation Full and free for evermore !

PRAYER - ADMIRAL SIR HARRY STILEMAN "Be still and know that I am God. " Our Heavenly Father, on this hallowed ground of Keswick, with all its wondrous memories, we draw near to Thy throne of grace to-night in the Name of Thy Beloved Son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, We thank Thee for the welcome that has been given to us in His Name, He Who has redeemed us with His precious Blood, He Who has brought us from darkness to light, from the power of Satan unto God. We worship to-night, and thank Thee with all our hearts for the unspeakable gift of Thy love in the Person of our Lord and Saviour, and we ask that His Name may be glorified. We thank Thee that He holds the highest place in the universe, seated at the right hand of the Majesty on high, ever living, as our great High Priest, to make intercession for us in Thy presence. We thank Thee we need no earthly priest, that we may come to Thee direct through Him, and know that we are welcomed, and have access into Thy very presence. We do thank Thee for this. We thank Thee for the gift of Thy Holy Spirit. May His sacred presence be realised in our midst to-night. May He guide and control this great gathering. May He take the message of life far and wide that it may find entrance into many hearts, and bring glory and honour to Him Who died for us and rose again. And now, our Heavenly Father, we commit to Thee the messengers during this Convention. We pray Thee that Thou wilt touch their lips with the live coal from off Thine altar. Very specially we commend to Thee Thy servant, Bishop Taylor Smith, who is to be Thy mouthpiece to-night to speak forth the words of truth and soberness, the Gospel of the grace of God in Jesus Christ. Anoint him, we pray Thee, with Thy Holy Spirit, and may the words which he shall speak be indeed the words which Thou shalt give him, that they may find their lodgment in many hearts. We ask it in the Name of Him Who taught us to pray, and say:

"Our Father, which art in Heaven. Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for Thine is the Kingdom, the power, and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen. "


PRAISE Hymns of Consecration and Faith, 256 - Lovan with everlasting love, Things that once were wild alarms Led by grace that love to know; Cannot now disturb my rest; Spirit, breathing from above, Closed in everlasting arms, Thou hest taught me it is so! Billowed on the loving breast. Oh Oh, this full and perfect peace! to lie for ever here, Oh, this transport all divine! Doubt and care and self resign, In a love which cannot cease I While He whispers in my ear-- am His, and He is mine. I am His, and He is mine ! Heaven above is softer blue, His for ever, only His: Earth around is sweeter green! Who the Lord and me shall part ? Ah, Something lives in every hue with what a rest of bliss Christless eyes have never seen: Christ can fill the loving heart ! Birds with gladder songs o'erflov, Heaven and earth may fade and flee, Flowers with deeper beauties shine, First-born light in gloom decline; But, Since I know, as sow I know, while God and I shall be, I am His, and He is mine. I am His, and He is mine.

SCRIPTURE Romans viii. MR. J. M. WAITE LESSON There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus bath made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: that the righteousness of the law might be ful- filled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For they that are after the flash do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of His. And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness. But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you. Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh, For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: and if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together, For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the mani- festation of the sons of God, For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of Him who hath subjected. the same in hope, because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body. For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.


Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And He that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because He maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose. For whom He did foreknow, He also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom He did predestinate, them He also called: and whom He called, them He also justified: and whom He justified, them He also glorified.

What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? Who shall lay anything to the charge of God's elect? It is God that justifieth. Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, Who is even at the right hand of God, Who also maketh intercession for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, For Thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

ADDRESS -The Meaning of Keswick" BISHOP TAYLOR SMITH (As reported on next page)

CLOSING PRAISE - Hymns of Consecration and Faith, 242 Jesus! I am resting, resting Simply trusting Thee, Lord Jesus, In the joy of what Thou art; I behold Thee as Thou art, I am finding out the greatness And Thy love, so pure, so changeless, Of Thy loving heart. Satisfies my heart; Thou hast bid me gaze upon Thee, Satisfies its deepest longings, And Thy beauty fills my soul; Meets, supplies its every need, For, by Thy transforming power, Compasseth me round with blessings: Thou hast made me whole. Thine is love indeed

Oh, how great Thy loving-kindness, Ever lift Thy face upon me, Vaster, broader than the seat As I work and wait for Thee; Oh, how marvellous Thy goodness, Resting 'neath Thy smile, Lord Jesus, Lavished all on me! Earth's dark shadows flee. Yes, I rest on Thee, Beloved, Brightness of my Father's glory, Anew what wealth of grace is Thine, Sunshine of my Father's face, Know Thy certainty of promise, Keep me ever trusting, resting, And have made it mine. Fill me with Thy grace, Aver lift Thy face upon me,


Broadcast Address The Meaning of Keswick By BISHOP TAYLOR SMITH LET us bow our heads and lift up our hearts more, "He lifted me up out of an horrible in silent prayer—you praying for me, and I pit. He cleansed me from the miry clay. He for you. put my feet upon the rock. He established "Lord, uphold me that I may uplift Thee, and my goings. He put a new song in my grant that the words of my mouth, and the mouth.” Yes, the "waiting time" was not meditation of our hearts may now be acceptable in Thy sight, 0 Lord, our Strength and our Redeemer." "wasted time.” It led to the experience of a "I am come that they might have life, and that full salvation! We realised afresh the won- they might have it more abundantly. “ —John x. 10. derful grace of God! God, the Father, God ANOTHER year has passed, and another the Son, and God the Holy Ghost! God the Convention begun; and those of you who Father (Emmanuel), with us at Bethlehem. are assembled before me, having been here God the Son, for us at Calvary. God the before, or are here for the first time, are not Holy Ghost, in us as at Pentecost. only thinking of the thousands who are To more than the shepherds of listening-in, both far and near, but wondering Bethlehem have the angels been sent, telling what this week has in store for this great con- once again the Good News "Unto you is gregation gathered here from all parts of the born a Saviour," and we have realised that world, as well as for yourselves. unto us a Child was born in His humanity, Some of those listening-in are asking the and unto us a Son was given in His Divinity. question, "What is the Keswick The ladder Jacob saw in his dream, and Convention?” "What is the aim or purpose Nathanael meditated upon under the fig tree, of those who have been gathering there year has been set up on earth, namely, the Son of by year now for fifty-nine years?” The Man, our Lord Jesus Christ, resting on the answer may be summed up thus: We are earth in His humanity, and reaching unto here to meet with God. In the midst of Heaven in His divinity; the only ladder with- beautiful scenery, and amongst those out broken rungs, and which, unlike all other glorious mountains we have come apart human ladders, does not come short of from the busy scenes of labour—workshop, Heaven's gate. "I am the Way the Truth, and office, college, mission field, and mart to hear the Life! No man cometh unto the Father once again in the stillness the voice of the but by Me." Lord our God. Some of us have passed this Some years ago I was visiting Cam- way before. Some of us have proved in past bridge when an undergraduate friend years that "waiting time" is not "wasted invited me to address a "Squash" time.” Like the Psalmist of old we can say: "I (which means an overfilled room of waited patiently for the Lord, and He undergraduates!) Not knowing my inclined His ear and heard my cry.” Nay, audience I divided it into three classes,

namely: Those who were "longing to —"Come," "Receive.” Yet so pro- see"; those who were "rejoicing to found the gift! "The gift of God is know"; and those who were "cagey to eternal life through Jesus Christ our tell"! And it may be that a similar Lord.” Why are men so slow to come classification might well describe my to Jesus, and so quick to respond to the audience to-night. world, the flesh, and the devil? The Christ's Invitation world says, "Come unto me, and I will give you rest and happiness," and we Though the prime object of these have all come and found how false the Conventions is the "Deepening of the invitation, and how hollow the gift. Spiritual Life," it has ever been the The flesh says, "Come unto me"—and experience of those who have come, we have all come in some form or that there are some who have not yet another, but have found no satis- realised the first step in the Christian faction. The Devil says "Come unto life, namely, the pardon and peace of me," and we have all come, and found sins forgiven. Their request would what a liar and a deceiver he is: but be echoed in the words of those Greeks Jesus has never failed any who have who came to Philip, saying, "Sir, come unto Him; and He will not fail we would see Jesus," and who received you. that strange reply from Jesus, "Except a The history of the Old Testament is corn of wheat fall into the ground and one long story of God's demands and die, it abideth alone. But, if it die, it man's failure to do God's commands bringeth forth much fruit.” What and merit eternal life. The history of did He mean? I think He was the New Testament tells of One Who, speaking of Himself. He was the as Man for men, did fulfil the Law, corn of wheat, the soil-less seed in the and merited eternal life; and now Garner of Heaven; and had He re- makes the possession of eternal life mained there, Heaven would be un- possible, in response to man's obed- peopled to-night. And we—poor hu- ience in coming, and gratefully re- manity—were the seedless soil on ceiving the gift. Blessed—happy are earth, and had- He not come down and those who saw and believed in the days been sown in our flesh, and died for of Christ's flesh! Blessed—happy are our sins, there would have been no those who have not seen, and yet fruit on earth. To any who are have believed! "longing to see" the Saviour is longing to give the eternal vision, to bestow A Life of Victory "faith" (as the sixth sense has been But there are those who are not called) whereby we see God and in- rejoicing, though believers. How is visible things, It is a "gift"; hence this? Can it be that they have taken never ours by money or merit. Like the gift of life, but have not pressed little children--an empty hand without, forward for the abundance of life? and a hungry cry within, and the Christ came, as He tells us, that we blessing is ours. "Come unto Me, all might have the abundance of life. ye that labour, and are heavy-laden, "I am come that ye might have life, and I will give you rest.” As St. and that ye might have it more abun- Augustine says, "We believe to know" — dantly.” Here is the object of the not, "we know to believe.” The Keswick Convention. Here is the reasonableness comes after; the under- purpose of our coming together as at standing mind follows the surrendered this time. Not only to remind one will and the obedient heart. So simple another of the forgiveness of sins (a

87 THE KESWICK CONVENTION, 1934 like other Christians, have felt the fruitlessness of the struggle, precious truth and trophy indeed!) and and cry out, "Who shall deliver eternal life, but to proclaim freedom me from this dead body?” He from sin's power, and the possibility seems to be picturing himself as the to live a blameless life. "Sin shall criminal of old, who had been tied not have dominion over you.” "The to a dead body, foot to foot, hand to law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hand, his face resting on the putrid hath made me free from the law of sin face of the dead—an awful position and and of death.” Why should it be more condition, only to be relieved by mad- difficult to persuade believers to trust ness or death. The despairing cry, and obey for the abundance of eternal "Who shall deliver me?” is suddenly life, than to persuade unbelievers to changed to the triumphant shout, "I trust and obey for the experience of thank God, through Jesus Christ the beginning of the eternal life? our Lord.” He realises that he is The aim of this Convention is to bound by faith to the body of Jesus put before Christians the possibilities which never saw corruption, which of eternal life down here on earth; rose triumphant over death, which that they may be numbered amongst ascended into Heaven, and is now those who are " rejoicing to know.” waiting on the throne for the great And so the original purpose of the Home-gathering of the redeemed. Keswick Convention was not evangelis- tic, that is to say, to bring souls to God's Rich Treasures the new birth, but to lead those who Mark well what follows: "There is had been born again to a realisation of therefore now no condemnation to the abundance of life which Christ them that are in Christ Jesus, who walk came to make possible, and the Holy not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Spirit to bestow. The question is, to For the law of the Spirit of life in what extent can I be sanctified here on Christ Jesus hath made me free from earth? What degree of holiness is the law of sin and of death.” “No possible to those of us who are yet in condemnation"—the judgment passed the flesh? Scripture leaves us without in the Person of Jesus. "He died for doubt that holiness (which means all," "No longer debtors to live after wholeness) is possible, and possible the flesh," but enabled by the Holy because God has commanded it, and Spirit to mortify the deeds of the every provision has been made to bring body. To be henceforth "more than it about. "Be ye holy, for I am holy.” conquerors through Him that loved And Paul, writing to the Thessalonian us.” Spoil-gatherers after every battle, Christians, says, "And the very God of and crowned after every victory. peace sanctify you wholly," and "I "All things working together for good pray God your whole spirit, soul, and to them that love God.” Not 999 in body be preserved blameless unto the every 1000; but 999 and 1 in every coming of our Lord Jesus Christ," and 1000! "All things work together for he adds, "Faithful is He that calleth good to them that love God.” Not you Who also will do it.” Yes, "Whom ever struggling in the flesh towards a God commands He enables! Whom credit balance at the Bank of Heaven, God calls, He equips?” Alas How but working from a credit balance many fight shy of holiness because which can never be exhausted. "All their own experience, and the ex- things are yours, for ye are Christ's, perience of others, are followed rather and Christ is God's.” No separation than the commands of God. They speak in the words of Paul, who,

from the love of Christ I No separation not. But to as many as received Him, to from the fellowship of saints! No them gave He power to become the separation from the joy of angels I No sons of God." And so, just as the new separation from "the love of God spiritual life is the gift of God, so the which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” abundance of life is ours by reception What a position! What a possession is also. We are not the authors of our first ours in Christ Jesus I "All things are birth, nor of our second birth. As the yours; for ye are Christ’s.” Lose no old saying hath it : Once born, twice time, if you are not already the happy to die—the death of the body, and the possessor of such wealth, in "letting death of the soul, for, "the soul that go" and "letting God." "Letting go" sinneth it shall die" ; but twice born, the things of the world, the flesh, and never to die, only to fall asleep. It is the the Devil ; and taking hold by faith of Christ received. "Behold I stand at the the rich treasures of God's grace. The door and knock ; if any man hear My abundance of life will daily inform voice, and open the door, I will come and unfold. Walking with God will have in." a new meaning , and reveal a richer We cannot work out our own salvation experience than you have ever known. (or sanctification) with fear and Enoch walked with God, and "before trembling, as Paul writes to the his translation he had this testimony, Christians at Philippi, until God has that he pleased God." Talking with God first worked it in; and then it is still I Prayer will be breathing the atmosphere God working within us to will and to of Heaven, making conversation with God do of His good pleasure. through Christ unceasingly 1 If you would ask me, ere I conclude, for "Abiding in Christ" and "Abounding some helps to maintain this high in fruit" ! "If ye abide in Me, and My standard of Christian living, I would say, words abide in you ; ye shall ask Keep your early morning watch with what ye will, and it shall be done unto God; enter into your closet and when you." "Yoked with Christ"—learning you have shut the door, pray to your and experiencing a deeper rest of soul, Heavenly Father in secret, and He will in walk and work as the hours of each day reward you openly. I know of nothing unfold. more helpful than rising early for the adjustment of the spirit, the mind, and The Morning Watch the body by the Master. He will take our Does some one ask , How can I temperature, and save us from being become the happy possessor of this lukewarm—neither cold nor hot He abundant, victorious life ? My answer will see whether our spiritual is, Not by a fresh resolution, but by a barometer is rising or falling ; and set it for fresh revelation. Not by a human the coming day . Who can estimate the effort, but by a Divine gift. Not by value of such an adjustment? Henceforth turning over a new leaf , but by the may you, by God's grace, be victorious in reception of a new life. "He came unto life, and effective in service. "Faithful is His own, and His own received Him He that calleth you, Who also will do it."

Living for Christ, my members I yield, Servants to God, for evermore sealed, Not under law," I'm now "under grace," Sin is dethroned, and Christ takes its place. Glory be to God!




11.45 a.m.—Forenoon Meeting THE LIFE THAT PLEASES GOD REV. F. C. GIBSON





The Sure Foundation

THE Tent accommodated comfortably the audience that assembed for the Bible Reading. The Chairman reported the receipt of a cablegram from Dr. Graham Scroggie, and promised to dispatch a reply from the Convention, He also mentioned that the engineer in charge of the Broadcasting had spoken to him with great satisfaction of the success of the transmission, and of the way in which the service had been so punctually conducted, After singing three verses of the hymn, "Speak, Lord, in the stillness," the Rev. W. W. Martin gave his first Bible Reading. He announced his general subject as a fourfold one (1) Pardon through the Blood of the Cross; then (2) Purity, (3) Peace, and (4) Power, all from the same wondrous source. In speaking on Pardon, he sought to show how the foundation of our whole relationship with God has its only true centre in the Lord's atoning Sacrifice. There was increasing power and liberty in the following meeting, when the Rev. F. C. Gibson—a new speaker—and Mr. Lindsay Glegg took part. The former speaking on the Life that is Pleasing to God, a life obedient to His will revealed in His Word. In the fol- lowing address Mr. Lindsay Glegg emphasised the truth, that the life that pleases God is a life of warfare in which we must expect strenuous opposition and real fighting. There was a thunderstorm in the evening and heavy rain; but it did not come on until the large audience which met in the Tent had dispersed. There had been a deep impression while Prebendary Wilson Cash spoke on the Potter Moulding the Clay. He was able to illustrate the details of his subject from his own experience in visiting a potter in Egypt and watching him at his work, how he first began by fashioning the outside of the vessel on the wheel, and then how he worked at the inside ; and he pointed out how surely God, as the Great Potter, works from within when we have truly yielded our lives to Him ; and he evidently spoke from his own experience when describing how in the last process the vessel must pass through the fire, and how inevitable it is that we must all feel the burning heat of the furnace. The result of such trial will either be self-pity, or else a deeper yieldedness. God does not bargain with us. He will give us all; but first He must take all from each of us.

Upheld by His Hand

HOW firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word! What more can He say, than to you He hath said— To you, who for refuge to Jesus have fled:

"Fear not, I am with thee; oh, be not dismayed! For I am thy God, I will still give thee aid; I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand, Upheld by My gracious, omnipotent hand.

"When through the deep waters I call thee to go, The rivers of sorrow shall not overflow; For I will be with thee, thy trials to bless, And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress.

"When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie, My grace, all-sufficient, shall be thy supply: The flames shall not hurt thee; I only design Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine.

"The soul that on Jesus bath leaned for repose, I will not—I will not—desert to its foes; That soul—though all hell should endeavour to shake, I'll never—no, never—no, never—forsake!"


The Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ (i) Pardon through the Blood of the Cross BY REV. W. W. MARTIN

"In whom we have redemption through which burst the dam, and so released for His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the Church of God. the blessings of the the riches of His grace. "—Eph, i. 7. Gospel in such abundance. N this and the following three Four Crucifixions O mornings our Bible Readings will have as their theme, "The CROSS Keswick has ever had as its message the lessons which gather around the four OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST . " To-day we shall consider "Pardon through the crucifixions mentioned in the Word of Blood of the Cross"; to-morrow, God. (1) The great historic crucifixion "Purity through the Blood of the at a place called Calvary, where our Lord Cross.” These will be followed by, actually died for our sins, of which St. "Peace through the Blood of the Cross," Paul speaks when he declares, "God and our concluding study will be, forbid that I should glory save in the "Power through the Blood of the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Gal. Cross.” Pardon, having to do with vi. 14); (2) the Cross whereby "the world the past. Peace and Purity, having is crucified unto me" (Gal. vi. 14); (3) to do with Keswick. Power, having "And I (am crucified) to the world" to do with the days that lie ahead, (Gal. vi. 14); and, (4) "They that are and right on to the end of our lives. Christ's have crucified the flesh with the Surely the subject is a fitting one for affections and lusts" (Gal. v. 24). this place. The banner of the Cross These four crucifixions from one point has from its earliest days ever flown of view determine the attitude of God's supreme above this Tent. The burden children towards sin, the world, and the of the messages given has ever been the flesh; and these are largely connected Cross, and the benefits which flow there- with the truths for which this place has from. The motto of the speakers ever stood. and the hearers has always been that It is well that for a brief moment we of the Apostle Paul, "God forbid that I consider the implications of these aspects should glory save in the Cross of of the Cross of Calvary, but re we do We believe that all vital religion this we must be quite clear on one has at its centre the fact of the Cross. preliminary supposition. Keswick We are convinced that the Old Testa- assumes that all who attend this annual ment pointed forward to it, while the gathering have had a vital, personal New Testament looks backward to experience of the forgiveness of sins that great historic happening. We through faith in Christ Jesus, apart believe that the Cross is the pivot upon altogether from merit, religious exercises, which the world's history has ever sacraments, or good living. In other turned. Nay, more, it was the Cross words, it pre-supposes that


every one who comes to Keswick can The Church's Heritage quite definitely, and without hesitation But there are other crucifixions say, "I know Whom I have mentioned, which have a definite believed.” Alas, this cannot always be bearing on the teaching for which we taken for granted, and experience has stand. We remember the words used by shown that many whom we so gladly St. Paul in Gal, vi. 14, "The Cross welcome in this place have never known the whereby the world is crucified unto secret of the New Birth, and of conversion me.” The world! The significance of to God. this phrase is that it determines the Let us now turn and consider these four relationship of the believer to the crucifixions ere we enter upon the main "world.” St. Paul looked out upon a theme of our study this morning. First, world which was once a living, vast, the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. tremendous reality upon which hung all Sufficient is it at this moment to say it his hopes, and whose frown was his has transformed the whole religious ruin. There came a day when he outlook of men of the greatest theological discovered that its service was a mind which have ever existed. Here is hopeless and degrading bondage. He Paul, a man of great intellect and deliberately nailed it to the Cross, and power, highly educated, instructed from that moment he experienced the under one of the most renowned gladness of a new freedom of which he teachers of his day, Gamaliel, learned in never tired to speak, and which he the sophistries of human wisdom, one jealously guarded as a heritage of the who had powers of discernment Church. Yes, and countless numbers beyond most men. This man was have in this place faced the same problem honest in his convictions, and could of their relationship to the world. Here, truthfully say as he looked back from a too, often after long straggle, and with distance on his past life, "I know much searching of heart, not infrequently nothing against myself.” In other accompanied by an agony of tears, many words, his life was above reproach. He have calmly, definitely, and deliberately was a man true to his convictions, who, nailed the world to the Cross of our thinking Jesus Christ was a great Lord Jesus Christ. The world, defined Impostor, spared. no pains, but himself as that which is antagonistic to the headed a campaign to stamp out this claims of Christ, has ever been a problem heresy, as he thought, against the faith which Christians in every century have of his forefathers. In a never-to-be- had to face. Its special characteristics have forgotten hour he came face to face changed with the years, but it ever remains with Christ, the One Whom He had the opponent of Christ. opposed; and all his reliance on his Let us be clear on this matter. Not religious efforts vanished, his op- everything which we commonly include position was quelled, and he surrendered in the word "world" is included. To put to Him Whom he had till now been it simply. There is that part of the persecuting. In other words, he world in its social and other became at that moment Christ's characteristics in which the follower of adherent and faithful follower. This Christ may and should enter. He is but illustrates what, through the cen- never required to shut himself up in turies, has been the experience of cloistered cell, or in isolated community countless men and women, and reveals the life. There is a part, manifestly dynamic power of the Cross to transform tainted with evil, with which no and to save. Christian can have anything to do.


Drinking, betting, gambling, sweep- affections and lusts.” Affections, pas- stakes, etc. It is the third part, the sive; lusts, active. Oh, what a prob- part which has to do with that about lem this antagonism of the flesh has which there is controversy which causes ever been to the believer! The such searching of heart. That part in flesh is ever lusting against the Spirit, which some who name the Name of and the Spirit against the flesh Christ enter; the doing of things which Oh, how often the flesh has fettered may be harmless in themselves, but him in his Christian walk! How often when considered in relation to our own through it has defeat had to be ac- spiritual growth, or in respect of the knowledged What Herculean efforts effect of our example on others, these have been made to get the victory are the cause of heart-searching, and Keswick has stressed another method, have often led to the surrender of surely Scriptural in character, that of things legitimate in themselves, but making actual what is potentially in their effect on Christian loyalty and true of all Christians a life in which witness have been abandoned. the Spirit may ever triumph . The act of crucifying the flesh, deliberately A New Life nailing it to the Cross. In other words, This surrender ever leads on to the identification with Christ crucified. third crucifixion of which the Apostle But I can imagine some one saying, "Is speaks. "And I to the world" (Gal. the Christian life nothing but a matter vi 14) St. Paul might have become of dying and putting to death, implying an honoured Rabbi; he might have sorrow and pain? “ A hundred times NO! reached a position of high attainment; The Cross and the Resurrection are he could have gloried in his genius; he for ever linked. Never once did our would have been a religious leader Lord refer to His coming death noted for his zeal and enthusiasm. without coupling it with His Resur- He surrendered all in that day when rection. "He shall rise again the he nailed it to the Cross, and when third day.” The early disciples seemed inevitably, as a result, his name was to speak far more of the Resurrection cast out as evil. Yes, and if we dare than of Calvary. The death to the to let the Cross determine our relation- world ever issues in the freedom and ship to the world, we shall have to gladness of a new life. The entrance tread a path never popular, and often into the abundant life so full and so beset with ridicule and scorn. "Jesus, free is ever by death. Mors janua also that He might sanctify the people vitae is a motto for the spiritual realm. with His own Blood, suffered without The Paul of the new life is poles apart the gate. Let us go forth therefore from the Saul of the former Pharisaic unto Him without the camp, bearing observance, and conformity to the His reproach.” Full well many in world's fashions and ways. So is it this tent know that isolation; the one with the follower of Christ who wishes solitary witness in the home, the one to follow Him through death and witness for God in the factory, and resurrection. in the place of business. "Go forth;" stand there as a witness; abstain from The Shadow of the Cross that which others do. Go forth bearing His reproach. All this has been by way of intro- duction. We must now study the The fourth crucifixion mentioned is phrase which suggests our theme for in Gal. v. 24, "They that are Christ's to-day: "Pardon through the Blood of have crucified the flesh with its the Cross.”


The Cross This undoubtedly stands overwhelmed with dread, and cries out in for the crucifixion of our Lord. Was it agony, a spectacle of failure and only the instrument through which He defeat, unless there was something gave a great final manifestation of heroic unique about His suffering. self-sacrifice for mankind? Undoubtedly that it was. The Cross does reveal the An Atonement greatest act of self-abandonment in Now the Word of God gives us some human history, but this by itself fails clue as to the secret. His death, so the to explain its significance. Was it, Word of God says, was in connection with sins not His own. "Christ died for 1 that finding His appeal and teaching were failing to accomplish what He had our sins." Nay, as He Himself declared, hoped, He, in a last final attempt to gain "He was to give His life a ransom adherents for a cause which He came to (antilutron) for many." Yes, even more establish, laid down His life to seal His profound than this is a declaration as testimony? This, again, fails to solve in 2 Cor. v. 21: "He (God) hath made its character. Nay, something far Him to be sin for us Who knew no sin, more is needed to explain the that we might be made the mystery. No one can read the righteousness of God in Him." Or, Gospel story without coming to the Gal. iii. 13: "Christ hath redeemed us conclusion that from the beginning of from the curse of the law, being made a His ministry, Christ was ever thinking curse for its." Christ's death was more of its culmination at Calvary. The than a martyrdom; it was an student sees that the Incarnation was atonement. It is necessary to stress this but the initial act which was to reach its fact in the face of much of the teaching consummation and finality on the of to-day, and, at the risk of repetition, Cross. He remembers that in the midst it must needs be clearly stated. The of His ministry our Lord began to speak emphasis in the Gospel story is not on quite openly and plainly concerning Bethlehem, marvellous as it is, but on His coming death, and as it drew near, Calvary. One has stated it well, thus: the shadow of the Cross was increas- "Now if our reconciliation could have ingly lying darkly across His path. been by incarnation, then that death And another thing must be taken into was the most awful reflection on the account. One feature characterised power and wisdom of God that has those last hours of our Lord. The occurred in all human history. Unless dread and fear which He exhibited, there be some profound meaning, unless and His partial collapse as He entered it be as St. Peter said it was, of "the on His hour of suffering; in this determinate counsel and foreknowledge there is a grave contrast between Him of God," unless there be something and others. How is it to be explained? infinitely more than the capture of a Many martyrs have gone to the stake victim by brutal humanity, and His calm and even triumphant; many murder, then the permission of that men, women, and even children, have murder undermines my faith in the stood in the arena quiet and unafraid, goodness of God, and in His waiting for the wild beasts to spring righteousness, for the problem of evil is upon them. Cranmer, Ridley, and focused here." Other theologians, learned Latimer, showed no fear in the hour of in doctrine, have written in the same their burning; the Uganda boys sang strain. E. K. Simpson says, "Deny praises to God amid the flames; and yet that Christ death was peculiar, and a Christ in the hour of death is mystery more confounding still confronts you,

PARDON THROUGH THE BLOOD 97 namely, why God should have suffered A Scarlet Uniform the most atrocious miscarriage of Pardon through the Blood of the Cross. justice on record, aggravated by every Every word in this phrase is suggestive. indignity that hellish malice could The blood has ever been the theme devise to overtake Him Who was which runs as a scarlet line throughout unique, holy, harmless, and undefiled. the pages of Holy Writ. The blood Strange example this of the reward- of animals whenever exposed must ableness of virtue, and eminently needs in Old Testament days be hidden little fitted to encourage later aspirants with handfuls of dust. The blood of to perfection to tread the same thank- man was ever jealously protected. less path of self-sacrifice.” Does Dr. "Whoso sheddeth man's blood by man Campbell Morgan exaggerate when he shall his blood be shed.” On that states, "If incarnate purity must be night of Israel's redemption the em- mauled to death by vile impurity, phasis was put, not on the death of the and God never interfere; if a life Passover Lamb, but rather on the absolutely impulsed by love must sprinkling of its blood upon the lintel be brutally murdered by devilish and side posts of the door. It was this hatred and God say nothing, and if application of the shed blood which that is all, then I decline to believe in alone determined the safety, or other- the goodness of God." wise, of the eldest son of the house. Plucked from the Burning At the consecration of the High Priest his cleansing by ceremonial washing, Here is a burning house, and a man his sacrifice of the chosen animal had to standing with his children, and he be completed by the anointing with the turns to them, and says, "I am going to give you an exhibition of my love shed blood upon the tip of the right for you And he goes into the burn- ear, the thumb of his right hand, and ing house, and comes out scorched and the great toe of his right foot. scarred and blistered with the heat, Similar ritual must be undergone by and says unto them, "See this mani- the leper to be cleansed, and it is quite festation of my love to you.” That definitely declared "Without shedding was not love; that was folly. But of blood is no remission” St. John if the house is burning, and the man evidently knew the importance of its is outside, and his children within, emphasis. Listen to what he writes in and the man plunges in to save the Chap. xix. 34: "But one of the soldiers lives of his children, and he comes with a spear pierced His side, and out scorched and scarred, then you forthwith came there out blood and begin to understand something of water. And he that saw it bare record, the love of that man for his children. and his record is true, and he knoweth And when I look upon the wounds of that he saith true that ye might Jesus Christ, I do see in them a mani- believe.” By a threefold asservation festation of God's love He plucked he declared the fact of the pouring out us from the burning, and in rescuing from the Saviour’s pierced side of us He was scarred more than any man. blood and water. He makes the state- The Cross is either the life of our re- ment that a soldier thus used his ligion, or it is the death of all religion. spear, that he himself saw it, that he Forgive so great an emphasis on the bares record of the fact, that his record is Cross. Present-day teaching concern- true, and that he who saw it is quite ing the Cross requires that the position certain as to the fact which he saw. be made quite clear. Why this emphasis? Partly to refute

98 THE KESWICK CONVENTION , 1934 the early heresy that Christ only word does not actually appear in our swooned, and revived when taken New Testament, though its equivalents down from the Cross and placed are manifest right through its pages. in a cool grave, and partly because In the Old Testament it is of frequent of the significance of His heart's occurrence, and its use there seems to blood pouring forth from His sacred imply it has a generic, comprehensive B o dy . We know full well that sense, and that it is not confined to the emphasis on the precious Blood one particular aspect of the blessing calls forth criticism to-day. Yet a which comes to us through the mercy Gospel which lays no emphasis on the of God. For instance, there is the precious Blood is not that of the Bible. phrase, "Our God will abundantly "It is the Blood which maketh atone- pardon.” We notice in the margin, ment for the soul.” It is "the Blood of Jesus Christ which cleanseth us "multiply pardon”; it seems to indi- from all sin.” "We have redemption cate that the word is inclusive. It is through His Blood, the forgiveness of in such sense we use it in our study sins.” The saints in glory sing, "Thou together, and we will examine four art worthy, for Thou wast slain, and of its aspects under four heads. hast redeemed us to God by Thy Propitiation: "Whom God Lath set Blood.” Father Stanton, of St. Al- forth to be a propitiation through bans, Holborn, a man far removed faith in His Blood" (Rom. iii. 25). from us in theological outlook, spoke Redemption: "Being justified freely true words when he declared, "Never by His grace through the redemption you be ashamed of the Blood of Christ. which is in Christ Jesus" (Rom. iii. 24). I know it is not the popular religion of Reconciliation: "And not only so, the day. They will call it mediation, but we also joy in God through our but you know as well as possible that Lord Jesus Christ by Whom we have the whole Bible from cover to cover is now received the (atonement, A .v incarminated, reddened with the Blood reconciliation" (Rom. v. 11). of Christ Never you be ashamed of Justification: "Being justified freely the Blood of Christ. You are Blood- by His Blood" (Rom. v. 9). bought Christians. It is the song of These are four aspects of the inclusive the redeemed, of the saints, and of all term "PARDON,” and are the work of Christians on earth redeemed by His different offices of our Lord Jesus Christ. Blood. The uniform we Christians Propitiation is the work of a Priest; wear is scarlet. If you are ashamed of Redemption is the work of a King; your uniform, man, for goodness sake Reconciliation is the work of a Prophet; leave the service. Never be ashamed of Justification is the work of God, a Christ. That is the song of the re- Judge. deemed. To Him be glory and praise for ever and ever, Amen." Making Propitiation Propitiation. "Wherefore in all An Inclusive Word things it behoved Him to be made The way is now clear for us to study like unto His brethren, that He might Pardon through the Blood of the Cross. be a merciful and faithful High Priest It has been needful in these days of in things pertaining to God to make loose thinking and conflicting views to propitiation (not reconciliation, an define the Scriptural teaching of the unfortunate translation) for the sins of Cross, and the Blood shed upon it. the people" (Heb. ii. 17, R..V.). In Pardon. It is quite true that the the Old Testament the word is translated atonement, and is there seen to be the

PARDON THROUGH THE BLOOD 99 priest's work. The phrase, "the priest back again. If he had got into diffi- shall make an atonement," comes again culties, and had to sell his cottage, the and again. None but a priest could Goel came and redeemed him. If the make atonement. The greatest ex- man had been slain he was obliged to ample was that on the yearly Day of avenge him, The Goel must needs be Atonement. You will remember that a kinsman of the man he sought to on that occasion the high priest did help. He must be bone of his bone, everything; all others had to leave the and flesh of his flesh. None other could Tabernacle precincts. As he was par- aid. Was the writer of the Epistle to taker of a sinful nature even as others the Hebrews thinking of this when he he must needs first offer a sin-offering wrote, "Forasmuch as the children are for himself in order thus to become partakers of flesh and blood He also ceremonially perfect. Christ had no Himself took part in the same”? such need, as He was holy, harmless, The redeemer must be willing to pay undefiled, and separate from sinners. the price of the redemption. You will Then the high priest must offer a remember in the story of the forfeiture bullock for the sins of the people, and of Naomi's inheritance her near kins- solemnly present and sprinkle its man refused to accept the obligation, blood in the holiest before the Mercy and another, Boar, had to step in and Seat, and in the Holy Place on the secure it again for her. Christ was golden altar of incense. He, by this willing to pay the redemption price. act, made propitiation for the people. We see how wonderfully Christ has You will recall how the inspired writer acted the part of Goel-Redeemer. of the Epistle to the Hebrews uses this We, through Adam, lost our inheri- as an illustration of the work of Christ. tance. Christ has bought it back, and "Christ being come an High Priest of we now enjoy the earnest, the pledge good things to come, by a greater and that later on we shall enter into full more perfect tabernacle not made with possession. We had sold ourselves hands, that is to say not of this build- into slavery. Christ has paid the ing. Neither by the blood of goats ransom, and has set us free. The great and calves, but by His own Blood He enemy, sin, had slain us, and we were entered in once into the holy place, by nature "dead in sins.” Our Re- having obtained eternal redemption deemer has avenged our death, and for us" (Heb. ix, 11-12). Yes, and this given us newness of life. propitiation was not for the Jewish people only, for we read in I john ii. 2: "And He is the propitiation for our Restoration to Favour sins, and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world." Reconciliation. Propitiation is the work of Christ God-ward; Redemp- tion is His work of delivering us from was the work of a Redemption the powers which enslaved us; Re- king. "In whom we have redemption conciliation is a prophet's work. "All through His Blood" (Eph. 1. 7). The things are of God Who has reconciled word antilutron has to do with loosing us to Himself by Jesus Christ, and away, setting free by a ransom paid. has given to us the ministry of Recon- It corresponds to the Hebrew Goel of ciliation" (2 Cor. v. 18). Reconcilia- the Old Testament days, who had tion implies a restoration of an original roughly three duties to perform. These relationship which has been ruptured. illustrate for us Christ's work in In the early dawn of human history redemption. If the Goel's kinsman had man and God walked in perfect har- lost his inheritance, he had to buy it mony. In the cool of the day God


delighted to come down and hold con- justified in His sight" (Rom. iii. 20). verse with the man He had created. Its source is Grace . " B e i n g Then came the tragedy of the Fall, justified freely by His grace" (Rom. and man became alienated and separ- iii. 24). Grace shuts out all idea of ated by his own act and will. The merit or works. Grace can make no whole of human history is a record of plea of character. You can never come man in opposition to God, and, alas, into relationship with God by anything men individually know the experience you do. Grace means the of alienation and conflict with the outstretching of an empty hand. will of God. Christ, by His Sacrifice Grace precludes payment of any on the Cross, has made it possible for kind. I took down a dictionary, and I man and God to be reconciled, and the looked up the word "grace," and I old enmity to be slain. Remember found that grace was "undeserved this reconciliation is attached to kindness.” I do not think that is Christ's death and to expiation. In a full definition. "By grace are ye that classic passage which speaks of saved," saved by God's undeserved God in Christ reconciling men to God, kindness. Think of that in these words occur: "For He 'lath made connection with the Cross. "Justi- Him to be sin for us Who knew no fied freely by His grace." sin" (2 Cor. v. 21). Reconciliation is linked up with expiation. Yes, and Its ground is the Blood of Christ. in the moment of personal surrender to "Being justified by His Blood" Him we experience a new relationship (Rom. v. 9). Our justification with Him which issues in a desire to is connected with the shedding do His will, He and we are thus of Christ's Blood . We are not reconciled, and from henceforth we justified by His Incarnation, won- can live as Joseph with his brethren, derful though it is. We are not in harmony with Him. justified by His life and example, spotless and perfect though it is, nay, we are rather condemned by it. Justified by Grace We are justified solely and only by His death. Justification is not Justification is the act of God as simply a pardon. A pardoned Judge on the basis of the work of our man in this sense is not on ticket- Lord Jesus Christ. The problem all of-leave, he is not under police down the centuries has ever been how supervision, nor is he a man who has can God be just, and the Justifier of offended against the law, and been let them that believe on Jesus? (Rom. out on probation with a caution. iii. 26). How can God, on the basis Justification reestablishes a man in of infinite rectitude and justice, ever the position in which he was before become the friend of men who have he fell. It means he is fully restored become alienated from Him by wicked to Divine favour. The legal works? Now the Bible is quite clear consequences of sin are cancelled, its that justification is: Not by works. very record destroyed, and blotted This is again and again affirmed. out. It means that the past is "Knowing this that a man is not justi- forgiven. The judicious Hooker tells fied by the works of the law, but by us, "We are accounted as righteous the faith of Jesus Christ" (Gal. ii. 16). before God as if we ourselves had ful- "That no man is justified by the law filled the law, because our Repre- in the sight of God, it is evident" sentative fulfilled the law." (Gal. iii. 11). "By the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be There are dangers we must avoid in our thinking. Never contemplate


God as hard and vengeful, who delights in

PARDON THROUGH THE BLOOD 102 blood and needs to be propitiated into Cross, and by their own efforts, loving us through the death of His Son. some day they will eventually get to "God was in Christ reconciling the Heaven. I do not think that is a world unto Himself.” It was God's wrong description, brutal though it love that prompted and designed, in may seem, of the conception that many eternity, the death of the Cross. He a man has concerning salvation. All has ever yearned over us. He so loved pardon must be free. We are "justi- that He gave. Do not for a moment fied freely by His grace.” God refuses imagine Christ died in order to make part payment. It was "when they God love us, but He died because God had nothing to pay he frankly forgave had already set His love upon us. them both.” All else is excluded. We Right away in eternity, long ere the come now to the practical side. It is world was formed, He loved us with connected. with the acceptance of Christ. an everlasting love. He does not give pardon apart from These four truths are needed in order Himself. "As many as received Him" that we may get a complete view of obtain all salvation's blessings. To pardon. As we look at the Priest we put it in other terms, it is a response to see the heinousness of sin; as we look the Gospel invitation "Come," for at the King we see One Who has "him that cometh I will in no wise power to ransom us from all iniquity; cast out.” Do we need an illustration and as we look at the Prophet we see of this, exquisite in its simplicity, One ever proclaiming God's readiness pregnant in its implications? "Jesus to welcome us; and as a Judge One called a little child unto Him, and waiting to be gracious, a God of love set him in the midst of them (the dis- Who yearns over us. ciples), and said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and be- A Free Gift come as little children ye shall not Just a few simple considerations in enter into the kingdom of Heaven" conclusion. We have discovered the (St. Matt. xviii. 2, 3). "Except ye be foundation of our pardon is the love converted.” Do you see the symbolic of God. It was this which designed act by which Christ illustrated con- the Divine plan far away in eternity version? He called a little child. In for our salvation. The greatest reve- other words, He said to the boy, lation of the Cross is the Love which "Come"—and he responded and came. prompted the sacrifice. We have May I picture the scene. Jesus saw, learned that pardon is on the basis of a perhaps it was Peter’s little boy, and satisfied justice, not the caprice of a He said, "Come, laddie," and the Judge. It is a judicial act because the little lad came. "Now," He says in law is satisfied. Christ became our effect to His disciples, "did you see Surety, He took upon Him our re- that? Here you are squabbling about sponsibility, and paid our debts. who will be greatest in the Kingdom of The final question may be asked, How Heaven. Why, the thing is to get into may it be obtained? It is. free. How the Kingdom of Heaven. You must hazy men and women are about the do as this little child did. I said, Cross. They have an idea that Someone `Come,' and the little boy responded.” (they are not quite sure whether He is Can you have anything more exquisite? God or man) living nineteen hundred Sometimes we darken the simplicity of years ago did something on the Cross; the simple Gospel. That, says Christ they are not quite sure what, but by in effect, is what entrance into the means of that which He did on the Kingdom of Heaven is—Christ saying


"Come," and the individual responding, thought of Pardon through the with no preparation of change of Cross. We end on this simple garment, or of cleansing, just re- note because it may be that in sponding to His "Come." Oh, the this vast assembly there are some wonder of the simple facts of our faith, as who have never done what that little well as its fathomless depths! I do not child did. Perhaps they have never wonder that St. Paul writes, "0 the heard the invitation "Come," or depth of the riches, both of the perhaps, they have been so busy that wisdom and knowledge of God, how they have never responded. And in unsearchable are His judgments, and the last moments of this meeting, in His ways past finding out" (Rom. xi. my Master's Name, I give you this 33). Oh, the wonder of the simple invitation. He stands among us with things concerning the Gospel! So hands out-stretched, and with His simple the little child can come—some of pierced hand He offers to you and me you know little children a few years old pardon. He is ready to clasp our who have come to Him, and have put trembling hands in perpetual friend- their little hand into the pierced hand of ship. He is ready to stand by us all Christ, the person of weak intellect can the way through life. And the extra- come, the man with his mind clouded ordinary thing is that men and women with close engrossment in things of the hesitate to respond to that invitation. world, or dulled by sin, or hardened by Will you this morning consider your rejection, can come. attitude to Jesus Christ? He says to We have been thinking of some of the you this morning, "Come.” Will profound things gathered around this you respond?

Not all the blood of beasts, On Jewish altars slain, Could give the guilty conscience peace, Or wash away the stain.

But Christ the heavenly Lamb, Takes all our guilt away; A Sacrifice of nobler name, And richer blood , than they.

My faith would key her hand On that dear head of Thine, While like a penitent I stand And there confess my sin.

Believing, we rejoice To see the curse removed; We bless the Lamb with cheerful voice, And sing His bleeding love.

The Life that Pleases God


"And He that sent Me is with Me: the The thing that really matters is this: Is Father hath not left Me alone: for I do always the life that we are now living pleasing to those things that please Him. "—John God? Is it pleasing to the God Who viii. 29. made us? Is it pleasing to the God with AM sure there is not a single one of Whom we have to do, and to Whom at I us in this tent this morning really last we shall be accountable? As the satisfied with the life that he or she is Apostle Paul, you remember, now living. It does not matter what writing to the Thessalonians, says, "Not as pleasing men, but God, which heights of spiritual attainment we may trieth our hearts." Is the life that we have reached, we all recognise that are living pleasing to God, Who there are unsealed heights still above knoweth the reins of the children of us; and no matter what depths of men, Who looketh not on the outward spiritual experience we may have appearance, but on the heart? To live passed through, we all know that there that life leasing to God is one of the are still unfathomable depths beneath fundamental, duties of, our Christian life. us. The Christian life is like the river "Ye know how ye ought to walk and to which Ezekiel saw in vision, a river to please God," says Paul to the wade in, a river to swim in, a river Thessalonians. And this is the highest that could not be crossed over. We aspiration of the Christian soul. Then in have not yet attained, neither are we writing to the Corinthians he says, "I yet perfect, but "we press on towards labour that whether I am present or the mark for the prize of the high absent, whether you see me, or you do calling of God in Christ Jesus." not, I may be pleasing to God. If, then, the life that we are now "That to perfection's sacred height We living is not the life that we know nearer still may rise ; And all we think and all we do Be that by God's grace, we might be pleasing in Thine eyes. " living, the life which in our heart of hearts we know we ought to be living, In Harmony with God what is that life? I think we will all Now when we ask the question, agree to this statement to start with, What is the life that is pleasing to that the life we ought, as children of God?—we get the answer here in Jesus God, to be living is the life that Christ, as in every question regarding the pleases God. After all, it does not Christian life. Twice the voice of God ;matter whether the life that we are spoke from Heaven, saying, "This is My living pleases ourselves: that may Beloved Son, in Whom I am well only be a self-satisfaction that is pleased." Once, and only once, in the destructive of all future spiritual pro- history of the human race, was there gress. Nor does it matter whether the One Who could say, "I do always those life we are living pleases others; that things that please may be simply because their standard of Christian life is on a lower level.

Him." in His perfect life we have the

pattern Of The life that pleases God. where we cannot have the smile of And that leads us to ask the further God's approval on us. Here is a question, How did Jesus please God? To principle that cuts to the very heart's core that question we have a twofold of your life and mine. Here is a principle answer. First, He pleased God by a life that may work a revolution in our lives. of implicit obedience to the will of God. Quietly and calmly to determine that we "I do always those things that please will do nothing that we know to be Him." From the earliest days of His contrary to the will of God revealed in His life when as a lad, He said, "Wilt ye Holy Word; that we will be nothing that we not that I must be about My Father's know to be inconsistent with the mind business?" to the last hour, when He and spirit of Jesus Christ, and that we will cried, "Not My will, but Thine be done," go nowhere where we cannot have the smile His meat and His drink was to do the of God's approval on us Father's will, and to finish the work God When I was commencing my Christian gave Him to do. And our Lord not only life a good . many years ago, a very pleased the Father by a life of implicit dear friend gave me a New Testament obedience to His will, but He pleased on the fly-leaf of which there were Him by living a life that was in perfect written these words, "Misunderstood harmony with the holy character of by all, still dare to do, what His own heart God. On the Mount of Transfiguration, would prize." That friend said to me, "I when He was transfigured, when His wish you to take that as the motto of your outer body became transparent, so that Christian life. Never mind whether you His inner self, His true life, His glory shone please the world, or not. See to it that through, it was in that moment that the voice of God spoke, and said, you please Him." We are persuaded in "This is My Beloved Son in Whom I am our heart of hearts, as children of God, well pleased. There was nothing, to the that the life we ought to be living is the life innermost core of our Lord's being that that pleases God. the heavenly Father could not approve of. A Universal Gift You ask, What is the life that is Now, if that is God's will for us, and pleasing to God, after the pattern of if that is the life that we should live, Christ? It is a life of imiplicit obedience naturally we would expect to find in to the will of God as far as we know it, God's own Word very clear and very and it is a life in harmony with the definite instructions with regard to it. And holy character of God, in which there that is exactly what we do find. In the is nothing of which He can Bible there are a great many references disapprove. Not a faultless life, but a to pleasing God. I have not time to go blameless life. And if you ask, What over them this morning. But I want to guiding principle is there that will enable us to live that life? I would give you just two conditions in the say that the simple guiding Word of God for a life that is pleasing to principle is this—to do nothing we Him. And the first condition is faith. know to be contrary to God's holy "Without faith it is impossible to please will revealed in God's Holy Word, to Him, for he that cometh to God must do nothing that we know to be. believe that He is, and that He is the inconsistent with the holy character of Rewarder of them that diligently seek God revealed in the life of Jesus, and to Him." Yes, you say, but what is faith? go nowhere Faith is not a mysterious

THE LIFE THAT PLEASES GOD 106 something that God arbitrarily de- anything. I should like to know what mands of us as the condition on which it is.” I said, "When I was beginning He saves and blesses us. No, faith is my life there came into my hands a a gift of God and like every gift of little book by Brother Lawrence called God, it is universal. Faith is that `The Practice of the Presence.’ As I spiritual faculty that God has given to read that little book it made God a every one of us, by the exercise of living reality to me. That reality I which the unseen and the spiritual came afterwards to know in a fuller become real. As the writer to the measure in the Risen Christ.” And Hebrews says, "Faith is the substance the matron said, "Do you know that of things hoped for, the evidence of I also have come across that book things not seen.” It is faith that twice. The first time I read it was makes God a living reality, and only in when I, like you, was starting life, so far as God is a living reality can we and as I read it I, too, felt here was have any real desire to please Him. something real, and my whole soul me it is a significant thing that the one was yearning for that reality. I went man in the Old Testament about whom to Confession on the Saturday, and the we are told that he pleased God is the priest said to me, 'My child, I am man of whom we are also told that by afraid your mind is being disturbed. faith he walked with God. By faith Give that book to me.’ And he took Enoch walked with God, and he it. In the light of what you have said had this testimony that he pleased I now realise that that priest did me Him. Day by day, by faith Enoch an irreparable wrong.” And she went walked with God, and God became on to say, "We had a nurse in this so real to him that He was his daily and hospital. She was not a very efficient hourly companion, and into his heart nurse, but she was a most beautiful there was born the passionate desire to character, and always most placid. please his Divine Companion. One of Nothing seemed to put her out. One the very first conditions life that is day I had occasion to give her a good pleasing to God is the practice of scolding; but she took it so quietly the presence of God by faith. that I was quite angry, and I sent for her, and I said, 'Nurse, can I say The Divine Presence nothing to annoy you? "Matron,' When I was in Dublin on one she said, 'I am awfully sorry for my occasion I had to go to a certain stupidity, but I hope that nothing hospital. I went to visit a nurse, but will ever annoy me, or upset my she was engaged at the moment, and peace of mind.’ I said, ‘Why?’ the matron, seeing me waiting, asked And she said, 'Because since I read a me into her private room (she was a little book, "The Practice of the Roman Catholic), and as she was Presence of God," God's presence is an having her afternoon cup of tea, she abiding reality to me, and in His asked me to join her. As we sat there presence I am kept in perfect peace, no I was trying to find some point of matter what happens. The only thing contact with her, and I said, "Matron, that would disturb my peace would be do you know that I owe your Church the thought of displeasing Him." something that I can never repay.” I wonder do we realise the abiding "It is quite interesting," she said, presence of God? Are we prepared to "to hear a Protestant minister say take that word of our Lord home to that he owes the Church of Rome ourselves, "Lo, I am with you always, throughout all the days”? That

107 THE KESWICK CONVENTION, 1934 means to-day, it means to-morrow, it into God's azure blue, and pour out means the next day, and every day. its song of liberty. So Christian men Take that word of the living Lord, and women may become so engrossed believe it, and go out and live in His with the things seen and temporal as Divine presence, and I know what will to neglect the things which are not happen before one single day of that seen and which are eternal. Men and Divine companionship is over. Into women may be so enmeshed, and so your heart will be born a desire to entangled with the things of the world please God, and to do nothing of which that they cannot live the life that is He would disapprove. pleasing to God. Away up in the "And so beside me on the way north many years ago a gentleman one The unseen Christ cloth move; morning, walking out early, found a And I can lean each hour upon His arm, and say, Dear Lord, do you approve? little eaglet lying at the foot of a That is the first secret of a life that is lofty cliff. There it was, a little pleasing to God. helpless thing. What was he to do with it? He could not replace it in Disentanglement from the World the nest, and he had not the heart to leave it to die. Just then the thought The second condition of a life that is struck him. At his own home he had a pleasing to God is disentanglement hen which had some chickens just at from the affairs of this l i f e , The Apostle the same stage of life. He thought he Paul writing to Timothy says, "No man would try and see if the hen would take that warreth entangleth himself with kindly to the little stranger. And the affairs of this life that he may please it did. The little eaglet lived Him Who hath chosen him to be a with the chickens, and they grew soldier ." Let us be careful as to what together until they were full grown. that means. It does not mean that we And there was that great eagle walking are not to engage in the legitimate about the henhouse, just as if it was pursuits, and in the innocent pleasures a hen. One morning the gentleman of life. was looking at his fowls, and he "We need not bid for cloistered cell, thought to himself, It may be very Our neighbour and the world farewell. nice to have an eagle for a pet, but it The daily round, the common task, Will furnish all we need to ask, is not right; God never meant an Room to deny ourselves, a road eagle to be shut up in a henhouse. On To lead us daily nearer God. " the impulse of the moment he took the It was in Nazareth, in the home, and eagle out into a field. It began to in the carpenter's shop, that our feel the sense of the greater liberty Blessed Lord for thirty years lived that And then something happened. It life that was pleasing to God. So in stretched out its wings, and mounted your ordinary life and mine we find up into the air, higher and higher, the sphere in which we can please Him. until at last it was lost to human ken, This is what it does mean. It means right into the gate of the sun. It had disentangling ourselves from every found its eagle nature, and had risen influence of the world that would keep up into its true element where God us from living the life that God means meant it to be. us to live. There is a fish caught in the meshes Putting Away Hindrances of the net; and that fish can no longer What a tragedy there is in that swim out into God's boundless ocean. illustration! Men and women made by There is a lark caught in the snare of God, made for God, made partakers of the fowler ; and it can no longer rise


the Divine nature, born of the Holy from thee." It is better for you to Ghost, indwelt by the Holy Ghost, enter into life as God meant it to be, and yet living a life like that of an than that you should keep the things eagle shut up in a henhouse, living of the world, and miss that life which poor, grovelling, unworthy lives, when is life indeed, the life that is pleasing God meant them to soar up into the to God. heavenlies with Christ. Is there May "the very God of peace, Who anything clogging our steps, and keep- brought again from the dead our ing us from running in the way of Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the God's commandments as we ought to sheep, through the blood of the ever- do ? Is there anything clipping the lasting Covenant, make you perfect wings of our souls, and keeping us from in every good work to do His will, rising into the life God meant us to working in you that which is well- live? By God's grace may that thing pleasing in His sight , through Jesus go this morning. "If thy right eye Christ; to Whom be glory for ever and offend thee, pluck it out and cast it ever."

Lord Jesus, I have found in Thee Abundant life;

Life that as a river floweth, Life that deeper, fuller groweth 'Mid earth's strife ,

Lord Jesus, I have found in Thee Eternal peace; Peace which passeth understanding, Peace , which day by day expanding Shall not cease. Lord Jesus , I have found in Thee Exceeding joy; In Thy presence joy for ever, Joy which, even Satan never Can destroy. Lord Jesus, I have famed in Thee The love of God; Perfect love that never faileth, Love which evermore availeth By Thy Blood .

The Place of Triumph BY MR. A. LINDSAY GLEGG

"These shall make war with the Lamb, this, they go down with great joy and the Lamb shall overcome them: for He is Lord of lords, and King of kings; and they that and liberty in their souls, but they are with Him are called, and chosen, and forget that the testing days are to faithful. "—Rev. xvii. 14. come, and that they are most assuredly THERE are three things I would say - in for a battle. Yes, when we come to about this Scripture, if I may take it Christ the war begins; "the flesh lusteth out of its context; there is a call to against the Spirit, and the Spirit war; there is a call to win; and, there is a against the flesh, and these are con- call to worship. trary the one to the other.” We are A Call to War to "make no provision for the flesh to fulfil the lusts thereof.” Are you A call to war. "These shall make ready for that battle? No provision war with the Lamb.” You have been for the flesh; no compromise with listening to a message from God, and evil; no living a "caged-in" life that to the words of our Lord Himself when the first speaker has described. Are He said, "I do always those things you willing to let God captivate you, which please Him.” And if you and and set you free, that you may soar I are to make that the purpose of our up into His Heaven? Then you will lives, let there be no mistake about it, have to make no provision for the flesh. we are in for a war; we shall find You must not get entangled with the ourselves in the thick of a conflict. things of this world. There was a You would not think it, to see some boy who went out one morning, and Christians, that there was much of a his father said, "You must not bathe battle on. There seems to be an idea this morning, son," and when he abroad that when we are born again, came back he had his costume over we are put into a bandbox, and labelled his arm, soaking wet! And his for Heaven, and marked, "This side father said, "Why did you take your up, with care.” But the Christian bathing costume with you?” "I experience is not a mere picnic. took it," he said, "in case I might be There is a war on, and the world, the tempted.” You and I have to make no flesh, and the Devil, and all the provision for the flesh; we are in for a forces of darkness are against us war against sin and evil. Let us see when we take our stand in this to it that we go down from Keswick world to please Him. And, there- with no compromise in our hearts fore, it is well that we should face in regard to any of the things that we up to this battle. You cannot fight know would displease Him. a battle with kid gloves on; you do not walk the narrow way in satin The Battle with Sin slippers. We are called to a real fight, I sometimes say to young people, and the trouble with a great many "Remember three things about sin. people who go down from Keswick is First of all, never expect to sin. Why

THE PLACE OF TRIUMPH 109 should you with such a Saviour ? "You will stop it," said the business Secondly, never excuse sin. You may man. "I will make it worth your excuse it in the lives of others ; while, I will bribe you; you state may look at -their difficult circum- your own figure." And the station stances and say, Well, I am sorry master said, "I cannot do it." And for them, their surroundings are the business man then went down the against them, their environment is platform to the signal box, and he very hard. But never excuse sin in went in and said to the signal man, your own life. "If thy right hand "When the express is due, you will offend thee, cut it off . It thy right keep your signal up ; you will pull the eye offend thee, pluck it out." Have no train up for me. I must leave for Lon- parley with sin, no compromise with don at once." And the man in the the devil. Thirdly, never excite sin. signal box said, "Sir, I cannot do it ; Did you get hold of that, young it would be as much as my job is people ? You and I must mean worth." And the business man went business. It is the biggest thing in down the platform, and he heard the the world to be a Christian. There is roar of the train in the distance, and no hail and half affair about it . You he had to make up his mind quickly. have to throw your whole soul into it, He ran down the line, and stood in the and if you do , God will see you through. middle of the track waving his hands When sometimes I look around at my and gesticulating; and the engine colleagues in the commercial world, I driver jammed on the brakes, and the see the zeal and the enthusiasm that train pulled up, and my friend, who at they thrown into their work. They will the last moment had jumped clear of stop at nothing to get a contract. the rails, calmly opened the door of I sometimes think how half-hearted a first-class carriage and got in. Well, we are in our Christian life and ex- he was fined twenty-five pounds. But perience. We are not in the front what was that ? He got his contract . rank of the battle. God get us there, I do not commend the morals of my and keep us there, in the thick of the friend, but I do stand amazed at his fight for Him. enthusiasm. It is time that some of There is a man who is next door to us did something. It is time we me in business. I just have a nodding threw ourselves into this battle against acquaintance with him , and as he passes sin with a determination that we will on to his office I wave my hand, and stop at nothing until victory is ours. say, "Good morning," to him . A A Call to Win little while ago he was in the North of England, and he received a telegram There is a call to win. My first to say that there was a f,50,000 con- Keswick was in 1905, and I have tract waiting for him in London if he memories of that Convention that 1 could get there at once, and be right do not think eternity will ever dim. on the spot to capture the order. He I saw men and women handing up to at once went to the Railway Station, the platform, jewellery, tobacco and asked the time of the next train to pouches, and all kinds of articles that London, and the station master said, they felt came between them and God. "There is no train to-day ; the London That meeting went on until two in the connection left an hour ago ." "But ," morning . Men and women got through he said, "there's the express due from because they meant business, because the North." "Yes," said the station they were ready for something to master, "but it does not stop here." happen, for anything to happen.


And when we mean business with God, Who died to accomplish the work of we are on the victory side, we are salvation. It is because the Lamb is standing on victory ground. It was triumphant that we may be victorious like those days when the Ephesians in too. "They overcame him by the the 19th chapter of Acts brought their Blood of the Lamb." books together and burned them before all men. When I went down from A Call to Worship Keswick that year I visited a young And, lastly, there is a call to wor- man who was at the Convention with me, ship "They that are with him are and he told me that he had had a great called and chosen and faithful," for bonfire. He had stripped the walls of He is Lord of lords, and King of kings. his rooms of certain pictures, and he You will notice that they are called. had taken some of his letters and There are no conscripts in God's books, and he had made a bonfire of army; it is a voluntary service; they them. Exactly, there was a war on. are chosen; they are picked men; There was no compromise with sin. It they are the men of His choice. Gideon may be that you ought to go home and had an army of 32,000 who were have a bonfire. There are some things in called, but only 300 were chosen your life, that, if you had listened to the What a privilege it is to be chosen by voice of God, you would know that as God! Somebody has said: "I should long as they are there, you would have been proud to have held the never be able to please Him. Have spyglass for Columbus, to have picked you stood in the battle line and up the fallen brush for Michael Angelo; declared war against everything that to have carried Milton's bag, and to dishonours the glory of Christ? There is a have blacked Shakespeare's boots," But call to war, and in the second place, I will tell you something more wonderful there is a call to win. "And the Lamb than that. Listen to the word of our shall overcome them.” Oh, yes, Lord, "Ye have not chosen Me, but I there is victory! Here is a reference have chosen you, and ordained you.’ to the death that Christ died. "He was Would you be faithful? Would you led as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a own your allegiance to Christ in this sheep before her shearers is dumb, so morning hour? Would you say from He openeth not His mouth.” If you your heart, Lord of lords, and King of had passed by the Young People's Tent kings? That is all. That means last night soon after nine o'clock, you everything, for it He is Lord of lords; would have heard them singing: and King of kings, there will be victory 'On the victory side, On the victory side, No all along the line. foe can daunt me, I sometimes read the pages of No fear can haunt me. On the victory side,” history, and see how men and women have owned allegiance to earthly kings 'On the victory side, On the victory side, With Christ within, and to human leaders, and I often think The fight we'll win. how poor is the allegiance we own to On the victory side." Jesus Christ. You remember when Thank God, that is true. There is Napoleon took his great army and victory. When our Lord cried, "It marched on Russia. Four hundred is finished," it was not a cry of despair thousand men started out on that great , it was not the cry of One dying on the campaign, and only forty thousand Cross as if all were lost, but the bedraggled, starved, emaciated sol- triumphant shout of the Son of God diers ever found their way back to Paris. When lie marched on Moscow

THE PLACE OF TRIUMPH the Russians set fire to their city; and Cross of the Legion of Honour of there was no other alternative for France on. the breasts of the dead men Napoleon but to turn round and as they stood frozen in the icy water. return to France. He went to Marshal Ney, And then one day, away back in and said, "You are in charge of the Paris, there were four young officers rearguard; keep the Russians back from my playing cards, and there appeared at the main army. Hold them back at any cost, door of the room an old dusty, bent so that I can get my men back safely man. His tunic was torn, his hair was with me to Paris," And Marshal Ney matted over his face, he was covered with gathered his faithful troops around dust from head to foot, And one of those him, and they fought their way back bit young officers jumped to his feet, and by bit. And the cold nights set in, and said, "It is Marshal Ney !" And the those mien loved their Marshal, and he other three rose to the salute. And they would lie down to sleep at night in a little said, "Marshal, tell us. "Where is the improvised tent ; and one morning when rearguard?" And the old soldier squared he got up feeling warm, for he was his shoulders, and said, "Sirs, I am covered with overcoats, he stepped out of the rearguard." It was almost literally the door of his tent, and there were two true, for he alone was left. Tell me, if soldiers standing there stiff and erect men will own allegiance to a human leader on either side. They were frozen like that, what is your allegiance worth dead! They had not their overcoats on! to Jesus Christ ? Are you standing for Him And when they made improvised bridges, in the conflict down here on earth ? Will some of the men plunged into the icy you hear again His call in this morning hour, cold water, and held up the parapets and from your heart will you say, "He is while the rearguard went over; and as Lord of lords, and King of kings" ? If so, Marshal Ney passed over the bridge, he the day is coming when God will honour pinned the you.

Fierce may be the conflict, Strong may be the foe, But the King's own army None can overthrow. Round His standard ranging, Victory is secure, His truth unchanging Makes the triumph sure.

Chosen to be soldiers In an alien land; Chosen, called, and faithful For our Cafitain's band; In the service royal Let us not grow cold; Let us be right loyal,

Noble, true , and bold.

Unrealised Realities BY REV. COLIN C. KERR

"And when the children of Israel saw it, they said one to another, It is manna; for An Unrecognised Supply they wist not what it was, "—Ex. xvi. 15. It is good to be unconscious of some "And it came to pass, when Moses came down from mount Sinai with the two tables of realities in life, while it is fatal to be testimony in Moses' hand, when he came unconscious of others. My subject this down from the mount, that Moses wist not afternoon is some unrealised realities, that the skin of his face shone while he talked with him. “ —Ex. xxxiv. 29. some for better, some for worse. "And she said, The Philistines be upon The first is an unrecognised supply a thee, Samson, And he awoke out of his salvation for a physical need. Wit it is sleep, and said, I will go out as at other hope, sustenance, life; but without it is times before, and shake myself. And he wist not that the Lord was departed from death, following despair. "The wist not him. "—Judg. xvi. 20. what it was.” There were no eager hands "And He said unto them, How is it that ye outstretched to take a manna, no glad sought Me? Wist ye not that I must be about hearts broke out into a song of praise, no My Father's business? "—Luke ii. 49. lives dedicate afresh to God in the light of "C HANGED in the twinkling of an this great gift, for although around them eye." God speaks, and it comes was plentiful supply they wist not what it to pass. It will be so when the last was. They cried out one to the other as trump shall sound. Praise be to His Holy Name, several hundreds of they beheld this strange spectacle, What is people gathered in the tent this it? There to hang was bread from afternoon believe that God can change Heaven, exactly what was needed to meet lives and destinies, inlook and outlook their desperate condition, but they knew in the twinkling of an eye, even here it not the time a gracious God was and now. We have come again and ministering to a needy, ungrateful people again in prayer as touching this There is no reason why He should do so, meeting, and we believe that things save that He ever is, ever and ever will be, will happen this afternoon which shall a God of grace The Children of Israel had cause hearts to be glad, and the Name grumble and doubted God, they had cried of the Lord Jesus to be glorified. Oh how mighty is the power of an omni- out not to God, but against Him. The potent God! He is from the begin- wanted to return to the flesh pots of ning to the end, and yet, equally, He is Egypt, yet in spite of it, God, in Hi grace, the God of the moment, revealed in His provided for them in their extremity, and Son, Who can but describe Himself as there was an abundance of that for which the ever existing One: "Before Abraham they cried. was, I am.” With this introduction This afternoon my mind has been I want to remind you that He is the travelling from the Israelites in the days of God of this moment, of this afternoon. Moses to certain people is

UNREALISED REALITIES 113 the days of our Lord, when He said, but this we know, that as food is "Moses gave you not that bread from received into the body and passes into Heaven; but My Father giveth you the the whole system to give life and true bread from Heaven. For the power, so the reception of Jesus Christ bread of God is He which cometh into the soul, in some mysterious way, down from Heaven, and giveth life lightens the whole, so that there is no unto the world.” “ And Jesus said part dark, and there is a new life unto them, I am the bread of life: he coursing through what we might call that cometh to Me shall never hunger; the spiritual veins and arteries. and he that believeth on Me shall Has there been a reception of the never thirst.” If then the mystery of Manna sent down from Heaven? Has the wilderness be admittedly strange, there been that feeding upon Christ how much greater is the mystery of life Jesus by faith, which has brought to-day. So many , when they see Him, the conscious reality of spiritual life? see in Him "no beauty that they Has there been the taking of Christ should desire Him," and turn not Jesus into the nature? "I am the to Him as the God-given provision Bread of Life: he that cometh to Me for the craving of their soul. It shall never hunger; and he that may be that they wist not that believeth on Me shall never thirst.” He is indeed the sent One of God, It may be I am talking to a modern Who has appeared in the flesh and dwelt Israelite who sees in Christ Jesus among us. Their eyes are holden that something He cannot understand, of they should not know Him. whom it might well be said, "He wist not who it is.” Will you pray now, it I cannot but believe that in the tent may be to an unknown God, and ask this afternoon God's Spirit has drawn Him to reveal the glory of Himself in together among the many who know the face of Christ Jesus, and cause and love the Saviour, some who are you to hear that Divine and mighty not conscious of the reality of Jesus utterance of Deity, "I am the Bread Christ. In Him "there is no beauty of Life”? Beloved, has there been a that they should desire Him.” Al- reception into the spiritual being of though we hardly like to utter it, He is the Lord Jesus, which finds its parallel almost despised in the light of science in the reception of food into the and reason, they cannot believe that physical body? Do you know the life the Jesus of Nazareth of B.C. 4 can which is the product of His incoming? be God's great solution for the soul It may be you are like those of problem of man of 1934. Oh, my whom it can be said, "They wist friends, it may be this afternoon that not.” You see in the Lord Jesus some that great thing will happen, and One of a bygone age, a mighty Teacher, there will be a mighty realisation that One who came into this life as an at hand all the time is God's solution Example, but you have never yet seen for the soul's problem, although He the relationship between Him and is not known as such. your soul and its need. Will you ask Him for that mighty revelation? The Heavenly Manna There is a marked parallel between the receiving of food into the body, A Right Relationship whereby it is strengthened, and the Now I pass on to the second passage. reception of Jesus Christ into the soul May I say in passing that I verily by faith. We cannot quite understand believe that it is the third of these the mystery of the indwelling Christ, passages to which God has specially 8


drawn attention this afternoon. down with shining faces. They are "Moses wist not that the skin of his possessed by an unconscious power of face shone,"—yes unconscious of a testimony which leaves the hallmark God-given power of testimony. When- of Heaven wherever it goes. ever men or women get apart with God upon the mountain, and talk face to The Transfigured Life face with Him touching His holy will, There can be no transfiguration they come away changed. There are without the mount of transfiguration men and women to-day, and to meet However blessed, or necessary, or them is to be blessed. They may be gloriously possible it may be to keep talking about the ordinary things of in touch with God through the stress life, yet the whole time you are con- and strain of life, that kind of intimacy scious that you are in the presence of a can never take the place of that quiet man or woman of God. When they get ness when the soul is alone with God up to speak there is a Divine unction upon the mount of transfiguration resting upon them; if they speak to an There are some people, as they walk individual about holy things, holy work, or witness give you the impress- things happen indeed; when they get sion that it is easy for them to talk to down to pray they reach the One who God, for they sense His presence is seated on the Throne; their testi- But, however great the value of such mony is that God is the rewarder of wonderful experience, it can only. them that diligently seek Him. There supplement , and never be allowed to are those who have been alone with God supplant the experience of getting en the mountain, and have come down alone with God, My brethren and with their faces shining, but of this sisters in Christ Jesus, if you forget all they have been themselves the least that you hear this afternoon save this conscious. word, our gathering together will not After being in Keswick but a few be in vain: your life in public truly hours you probably became aware reflects your life in private, you may of the different doctrines of holiness, not think so, but it does. You never and you have found one emphasising rise in public above the spiritual level one truth and another something else, of your private life with God. I would maybe no one has the whole truth, but plead with you to keep the mount of the many truths are complementary to a transfiguration if you desire to be trans- great whole, which one day we shall figured. realise. But remember, no man is What is the mount of transfigura- made holy by doctrines of holiness, tion? In the first place it is getting however correct. Holiness is not due alone with God. I am always inter- to right thinking, but to a right ested to know that it was a "high relationship; it is due to a personal mountain" upon which the Lord was contact with the Holy One, through transfigured, and up which He led the the Holy Spirit There are many men disciples. I do not think a holy life who have right doctrines and wrong is ever easily attained, there is no real lives, and I believe there are very experience of God for lazy Christians. many who have right lives but wrong God never blesses sluggards or slug- doctrines. The point is that they are gishness, for it is contrary to the best living in touch with the Holy One, and interests of spiritual character, becoming holy in consequence. They though He will encourage the slightest are living on the mountain top, they endeavour. The smoking flax He get alone with God, and they come never quenches, He never breaks the

115 THE KESWICK CONVENTION , 1934 bruised reed. Those who would know "Let us make here three tabernacles; the transfigured life must be prepared to one for Thee, and one for Moses, and make the effort of climbing to a high one for Elias.” Immediately Moses is mountain top By that I mean to called away, and so also is Elijah, secure the silence and quietness which is and then a voice is heard, "This is so necessary. What will you find My beloved Son, in Whom I am there? You will find Jesus Christ well pleased; hear ye Him.” Christ first of all in His glory, for you glorious; Christ supreme. When will see your Lord transfigured. you get alone with God on the moun- As I think along this line I seem to tain top you will see His glory, and hear St. Paul say, "I beseech you, next you will see His supremacy. No therefore; brethren, by the mercies of other may hold supremacy over life, God, that ye present your bodies a but He alone. Take heed to yourselves living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto whenever you are tempted to put God, which is your reasonable ser- Jesus Christ in the category of mere vice. And be not conformed to this men, even the best of them. "This world: but be ye transformed by the is My beloved Son, hear ye Him.” He renewing of your mind, that ye may will never, then, be shorn of His prove what is that good, and accept- Deity, there will be no apologies for able, and perfect will of God" (Rom. His utterances. There will be an xii. 1, 2). How does a man become authoritative Christ, and you will transformed? It is by his mind being hear His Word. Hear ye Him, for occupied with the Lord Jesus and His God's Spirit is not given unto Him by glory, or such of His glory as God may measure. No wonder those who get reveal. That is the secret of trans- alone with God on the mount come forth figuration; the renewing of the mind. with shining faces. Their faces have The link between God and the believer become mirrors, and in the mirror is, of course, the Holy Spirit, operating they have beheld the glory of the Lord, in the soul through the mind, hence and they have come out transformed the need for the renewed mind. We into the same likeness by the Spirit shall behold the Lord in His glory of God, from glory to glory. They "We beheld His glory," says St. John, have asked Him to deal with life as a "the glory as of the only begotten of the sovereign deals with a subject. No Father, full of grace and truth.” In wonder they come out with an uncon- the beginning was the Word, and the scious power of testimony. Have you Word was with God, and the Word was that? Some one says, "I am not clear God. The same was in the beginning even now as to the doctrine.” Do not with God," No wonder when He worry about that, worry about the showed Himself to Thomas he fell down experience, get the contact that is and said, "My Lord and my God." far more valuable than doctrine. You will soon get your doctrines adjusted Christ's Supremacy when you have been adjusted to the On the mount we shall see His Lord Himself. glory, but we shall see more than that, Now I pass on far more briefly, we shall see His supremacy. Picture but with a good deal of conviction, to Moses, Elijah, and Jesus (if for one the third passage. "He moist not that moment we may be allowed to as- the Lord was departed from him.” sociate the Son of God with mere Poor old Samson I The oak of the forest sons of men) on the Mount of Trans- has fallen, the flower in all its wonder figuration, Peter rises up and says, has faded, and he is unconscious that

116 THE KESWICK CONVENTION , 1934 something radical has happened. "The early morning prayer meeting, but Philistines be upon thee!" cries out you find it difficult to pray. When Delilah in her joy, Samson had poured it comes to personal conversation to out his heart and soul to the heart of a the unsaved you feel as if you were worldling, which is always a dan- almost mocked, and your words seem gerous thing to do. She stole from him to come back off the wall of the man's his secret, and broke for him his cove- soul, You are excusing yourself by nant with God. When she cried out saying, "Of course things are not Samson stirred himself, and said, "I what once they were, indifference is will go out as at other times before." the order of the day," that may be He did not know that the Samson of so, but that is not your trouble, you other times was no longer. I cannot but are not the person of the other days! believe that in this Convention God When a brother gets up to speak would strike this solemn note. I wonder jealous thoughts fill your mind, whereas if there are here in this tent those who once you would have upheld him with are conscious of the fact that they are no prayer, and if you had been tempted longer the men and women of former to jealousy the thought would have been days? banished as the ail-prevailing Name was claimed; to-day you sit criticising the A Dead Orthodoxy address, it may be open to A month or two back, in a moment criticism, but it is your attitude of spiritual reverie, maybe talking that matters. Worse than all this with self, something like this was you are beginning to have serious heard: "Soul, Keswick will soon be doubts of which at one time you here, you have been before, go again; would have been ashamed. The the fellowship will be sweet, the meet- Person of the Lord has almost been ings will be helpful, and God's pre- allowed to come into the realms of sence will be a conscious reality." doubt, and the Bible, well, you have You have said, "Yes, I will go out as grave suspicions, although you would at other times." You have come, yet not voice them publicly. As touching somehow the fellowship is not sweet, prayer, well, after all, God is a -God and the meetings are not so helpful, of Law, His Universe bears testimony, and God's presence seems to be re- we cannot expect anything more than ceding into the land of absence. You a reflex blessing through prayer. are wondering why it is. You are What is wrong? Were those your saying, "It was not like this in other sentiments in the other days? Why are days." No, but then neither are you those your thoughts to-day? I can tell like the you of other days. Something you. Like Samson you have had your has happened. I care not, for the hair cut! A covenant with God, moment, whether I am speaking to pledged and sealed perhaps with those who know they have lost the old some vital act at a meeting, has been experience, or to those in far greater broken, and you are to-day conscious, peril, those who are not conscious of or maybe you are unconscious of the the fact that they are not what once fact, that the power of the Lord has they were. What has happened? left you. "Samson, the Philistines are You stand up to speak, your orthodoxy upon thee!" Can you rise as aforetime cannot be questioned, but there is and shake yourself , and destroy them? no power—and there is nothing so Rather sadly, when you would do so dead as a dead orthodoxy. Your you discover you cannot, you have enthusiasm has brought you to the lost your power.


A Broken Covenant will not do the will of God." In a third case it may be toying with some I am not going to leave you there. secret habit of which you should well I have spoken about the test whereby be ashamed. "Oh, yes," say the more we may know where we are, I have respectable folk, "we quite believe reminded you that if that solemn that." Yes, but is that the trouble? searching brings you to face the Nay, it is the same trouble as yours, it negative the reason is to be found in is the attitude underneath the act. one fact, that of a broken covenant. Exactly the same attitude as when the 1 would just add this before leaving Lord prompts you to put £5 in the the subject. I believe increasingly plate and you put 5/- instead, and go that it is nearly always one thing in away with such a complacent smile, life that is the trouble. You may have while saying, "What a marvellous many troubles, but to be Irish, they meeting we had!" are not your trouble. There is one thing concerning which you have had Now I cannot close my talk without controversy with God, and until that a word of encouragement. Samson's one thing is put right very little else hair began to grow again; he was given will ever be right in life, and you will a second chance. Beloved people, be the Samson of ridicule, of ignominy, believe, though I cannot say for and of lost power right to the end. certain, that God will give you another I do not believe that God as a rule chance, a restored covenant, and this leads people to enumerate sins, time may it be kept to the end. because in talking about sins we are I close with one word upon the last apt to lose the root principle which is of the passages of Scripture. "Wist rebellion; and the real thing which ye not that I must be about my Father 's destroys fellowship with God is the business?" Our Lord's earthly parents attitude of defiance, and not the act. were unconscious of the fact that God's To some it may be an attitude of will must be supreme in life. Do you defiance expressed in the drowning of recognise that fact? Can you say, "I the voice of God's Spirit which is delight to do Thy will, 0 my God; calling to the Mission Field. You yea, Thy law is within my heart"? will never be the same until you have What an ideal of life! A life lived in faced up to it. To another the act may the light of God's will! "This one he expressed in a going back into the thing I do, forgetting the things that world „but the attitude is the same. "I are behind, I press on."

What various hindrances we meet In coming to the Mercy-seat; Yet who that knows the worth of prayer But wishes to be often there? Restraining prayer, we cease to fight; Prayer makes the Christian's armour bright; And Satan trembles when he sees The weakest saint upon his knees.

A Promise for To-Day


"From this day will I bless you."—Hag, ii. one bear holy flesh in the skirt of his 19. garment, and with his skirt do touch IN Haggai we have four prophecies, bread, or pottage, or wine, or oil, or any three of them are spoken to the people meat, shall it be holy? And the priests of God generally, and the fourth is answered, and said, No.” The skirt spoken to Zerubbabel. Of the three was made holy by the holy flesh. Now which are addressed to the people of the holy flesh was what had been God generally, the first is addressed to offered in sacrifice, and if then the priest a thoughtless people who are living bore some of the holy flesh in the skirt careless of God and of His honour. of his garment, it rendered the skirt The third is addressed to a thoughtful holy. But this is the point, that skirt people who have been aroused to seek coming into contact with meat, or God and His service by the first pottage, and the other things here prophecy, and have been encouraged by mentioned, did not make them holy. the promises and purposes of God set The skirt was made holy, but it did not forth in the second prophecy. Now automatically impart holiness. it is to the third prophecy that I Influence on Others would ask you to turn. And if I take a text it would be the words in Then further on, in the 14th verse, God the 19th verse of the 2nd chapter: says, "So is this people, and so is this "From this day will I bless you." nation before me, and so is every work of their hands; and that which they offer A Divine Complaint there is unclean.” This speaks to me Let us consider this Prophecy, be- about my life. Having been in contact ginning at ch. ii. verse 11. The first with the Sacrifice offered once for all for part of it sets forth a Divine Complaint. the sins of the whole world, I am holy "Ask now the priests concerning through the precious Blood of Jesus the law.” Why ask the priests? Christ. I have been pardoned. "The Because the priests were the expounders blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us of the law. They were to set forth from all sin.” But it may be that, God's Word as given by Moses. So though I have myself thus been saved, Malachi says, "If the priests' lips my life is exerting no beneficial influence should keep knowledge, they should upon anyone else. I may be like the skirt seek the law at his mouth, for he is in this prophecy; myself made holy the messenger of the Lord of Hosts.” through the blood of the sacrifice, but The appeal to the priests was that they imparting nothing beneficial to anyone might make known the message from else. While it is perfectly-true that the the Lord of hosts; that they might grace given to me cannot automatically pass expound His Word. "Ask now the from me to another, priests concerning the law, saying, if


it is also true that my life may have We are to be "the light of the world," but an effect on others, and it is in the the light may become obscure, We are purpose of God that my life should to be "the salt of the earth," but the salt have an effect upon the lives of others. may lose its savour. If the Lord cannot In other words, that I have been saved shine through me, if the Lord cannot work to serve; that if God has called me to by means of me, then my life, as far as Himself through Jesus Christ, it is that He may use me, and in these two the service of God is concerned, is ways certainly, in leading others to without profit, and I fail in the very God through Jesus Christ, and in thing for which the Lord has redeemed promoting holiness of life. It is God's me. That understand to be the purpose that I should lead others to application of this 12th verse. Him; but my life will not be of service "Then said Haggai, If one that is in advancing the Kingdom of Jesus unclean by a dead body, touch any of Christ, unless it is the means of these, shall it be unclean? And the bringing others into direct contact with priests answered and said, It `shall be Christ Himself. In other words, I unclean" (verse 13). If one that is un- myself can do nothing, and contact clean, because he has been made unclean with me will mean nothing to others by contact with a dead body as the law of unless I am used to bring them to Jesus Moses teaches, comes into contact with Christ. I may be born of a Christian home, but that will not save my soul; the bread, or pottage, or oil, or meat, or I myself must be brought into personal wine, will it be unclean? Yes, it shall be touch with Jesus Christ. The skirt unclean. Sin defiles all with which it might be made holy by the holy flesh, comes into contact. Sin is not only a but it could not impart holiness to the terrible thing because of its effect upon meat with which it came into contact. the sinner, but sin is a terrible thing A pastor, or a Sunday School because of its effect upon all those teacher, may know the grace of God around. If a man has been defiled by sin, in Christ Jesus as concerning his own its defiling effect concerns everything soul, but he will not necessarily bring around him. Now here at Keswick we others to know Jesus Christ, even believe, and think we are, for the most though he may attract many around part, the people of God who know Jesus him, He may be loved by his children Christ as our Saviour. Bat you will let me in the class, he may be a most popular here for a moment pause and say that if there minister, but he may not necessarily thereby be the means of winning others is anyone here who does not know the to Jesus Christ. But God means us saving grace of Jesus Christ, and does to do it. And I would ask you humbly not know that his sins are forgiven, I and reverently before God whether would beg of him to pause and think for a you are being used of Him to win moment, not only because of the effect of others to Jesus Christ, and, if not sin upon his own soul for time and for can you see something in your life to eternity, but because of the effect of that explain why not? sin upon the lives of those who are around him. "No man lives unto himself.” A Promoting Holiness man sins, and the effect of that sin Again, God means me, as one who defiles all those around, You will notice has been brought into contact with that these words here are addressed to the Christ Who died for me, to promote people of God, for whom propitiation has holiness in the world around me. been made,

but who have allowed sin to enter into Us; but sin stands between us and His their lives, and thus to render them blessing. As we read in Jer. iii. where unprofitable in God's service. It is God points to some specific sins, and just such people who are here in view goes on to say, "Therefore, the showers as the prophet speaks. Sin in the have been withholder, and there bath believer, while it is unpardoned, been no latter rain.” There has been uncleansed, unconfessed has a defiling no blessing because of sin. And God effect upon all those around. It is a says to these people, Such has been dreadful thing. It checks the pro- your state that I have had to withhold gress of holiness in the individual who the blessing which I longed to give. sins, and it frustrates the work of How often is that the case in our or- God through him. dinary experience. God Who is able to do exceeding abundantly is "Then answered Haggai, and said, hindered from bestowing His So is this people, and so is this nation blessing upon us, and, we may before me, saith the Lord; and so is reverently say, unable, because of sin, every work of their hands; and that which checks the blessing. which they offer there is unclean.” (v. 14). Where there is sin in the life it defiles even our holy things; it Not only has blessing been with- stands between us and God, while it held because of sin, but God has been remains unconfessed and unpardoned. chastening them, too, that He might To how many here to-night would bring them to Himself. "I smote you God say what He says in this 14th with blasting and with mildew and verse? with hail" (v. 17). Why? Not vin- dictively, but in mercy, that He might A Divine Chastening draw them to Himself. It was the chastening of a loving God. "Whom Now we come on to the second part the Lord loveth He chasteneth," of this prophecy, from verses 15 to 17. and for our profit, that we might As the first part sets before us a be partakers of His holiness. So Divine Complaint; these verses speak God in His mercy has been chastening of a Divine Chastening. "And now, His people that He might draw them I pray you, consider" (v. 15). God's to Himself, and bestow upon them dealings with His people show His more fully His blessing. But this is concern about their state, and His how that 17th verse goes on: care for their welfare. God is showing "Yet ye turned not to Me, saith the them that He knows their condition. Lord," Though the blessing was But He now drives it home with some withheld, though I chastened you in force and power. He says in verse 16 my love, yet you continued that blessing has been withheld because rebellious, Has God been dealing of their sin. There were only ten heaps with some of us like that ? Blessings of measure where there ought to have we know we have needed so much been twenty; and where one would our consciences tell us have been have been entitled to expect fifty withheld because of the sin that has there were only twenty. Sin has been tolerated in our lives, interfered with the blessing. How unconfessed and unforgiven, Has many times over in Scripture do you God not only been withholding 1-1c1 this? But God is more ready to blessing, but are we conscious that bless than we are to be blessed. God is He has been chastening us in love, yearning over us with love, waiting pleading with us that we would turn to bestow His fullest blessing upon from the sin which has stood in the way of His Divine blessing? I would


ask you to notice the words at the that He will receive them and bless beginning of verse 15: "I pray you, them. They stand fearful about it, consider from this day and upward.” though the disposition to obey has now Consider this matter; look at it been stirred within them. They stand calmly in the light of to-day. Has it hesitating at the remembrance of their paid to resist Him? Has being re- former failure, or at the adverse bellious to His will brought happiness? circumstances, or at the hostile sur- Because we thought it was more in roundings. Though they have now a our interests not to do it, we did not longing in their heart to do this do it. Even though we knew the thing, they are fearful about it. voice of God was pleading, somehow, And God challenges them now to at the moment, it seemed more advan- believe that He Who has called them tageous not to do what God said, and will make it possible for them to obey. so we did not. But now in the light He Who has put the desire within of to-day, was it really worth it? them will enable them to carry out its Has it brought us what we hoped? truth. There is nothing at the moment Has it saved us from what we feared? to encourage them as far as eye can it is a wonderful truth, those words see, but there is the Word of God. which we sang: True it is that there is no seed yet in the barn; no sign of fruitfulness. "Trust and obey, for there's no other way, There is nothing visible or tangible to To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey." show God's working. But God has spoken, and He challenges their faith. The Divine Challenge If you have a longing desire He says to Notice the Divine Challenge of you, yield to it, and from this day verses IS and 19. What God is saying will I bless you; from this particular is this: That because of their sinfulness, day. Here and now will I bless their indolence, their indifference, and you. That is God's challenge to us their carelessness about His honour; to-night. There is grace and power in having neglected His service, having Him to meet our every need. He says to failed to do His will, and having now us, yield, obey, take Me here and now been aroused by the call of God to at My word, cast yourself upon Me, and them, He challenges them to believe "from this day will. I bless you."

What though no flowers the fig-tree clothe, Though vines their fruit deny, The labour of the olive fail, And fields no meat supply? Yet in the Lord will I be glad, And glory in His love; In Him I'll joy, who will the God Of my salvation prove.


"0 house of Israel, cannot I do with you wheel revolving all the time, and the as this potter? saith the Lord." — Jer. tender and wonderful touch of the xviii. 6. potter shaping and moulding the pot IN my Mission Station in Egypt I After a little time he took his hand went down one day to the house of away and looked at it; and then the the local potter, who must have wheel stopped, and he put his hand been very much like the potter in inside, and drew out something and Jeremiah's day. I made my way flicked it away; it was a stone, and through the native streets which were that stone could not remain in narrow and dirty, and I came to a mud- clay if the clay was to be formed into built house; and outside it there were a vase, or a pot. He went on again strewn about on the ground rows and and ran his hand round and round the rows of pots of different kinds; some clay, inside and outside, shaping and of them were black, waiting to be put moulding. And he stopped again into the furnace; some of them had this time he took out a bit of rough been brought out of the furnace. And slate, and he pushed it underneath the then I went inside the potter's house, pot, and he lifted the pot up with very just as Jeremiah did, and I saw on one great care, and he held it out to ME side a great pile of black earth; and and said, "It is nearly finished. in the middle of the room there was a Afterwards he took the seal that he hole, and the potter was sitting with had beside him, and he stamped the his legs inside the hole, and he was pot, and then he carried it very working a treadle; and a small boy carefully away to put it out i n was bringing to him lumps of dirty, the sun, and he left it there for muddy, black clay, and he slapped a time. Later on it was put into the lump down on to the top of the wheel. furnace and baked, and when it was Then his feet began to work as the taken out of the oven it was hard and wheel revolved. As long as it re- useable. These pots were then packed volved, and the potter did not touch together into a kind of big, strong it, nothing happened to the clay. basket, and put on the back of Then his hand went in and out, and donkey, and were sent down into the it almost looked like magic, for market place to be sold. If you had as he put his hand round the black followed the pot one stage further you mass of clay, there began to arise would doubtless have seen an Egyptian something shapeless. I watched and woman go through the market and watched, and then round the outside buy that pot, and take it home, and he worked for a little time. Then he fill it with water, and hang it outside poked his finger inside the clay, and and in the hottest days of summer you the wheel revolved, and he worked will find that that pot contain a away with his hand deftly and skil- supply of delicious, cool water ready fully, forming, moulding, making; the to refresh the thirsty one.


Moulding the Life going to live it, how the future is That is what Jeremiah saw when going to work out. Do not let us fool he gave his great message to the ourselves into believing that we are Children of Israel, and said, "Can- going to evolve into something beautiful not I do with you as this potter? by our own efforts. God sees us black saith the Lord." The dictionary and sinful in His sight, and yet God defines pottery as "including all ob- sees the possibilities of every human jects fashioned from clay and har- soul, of lives He can transform, and clay dened by fire." The clay is the raw He can make and mould into something material for the Kingdom of God, and wonderful for His Kingdom. So the first you and I are the clay in the Potter's challenge that comes to us as we sum hands. We ask ourselves, In what up this day is this: "Cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the Lord.” way, then, can the Potter take hold What can God do with our lives now? of us? There are two qualifications God will not force us. He is not necessary for that clay when the coming to us with any sledge- potter begins to collect it in its ugly hammer method, He is coming to us black mass. It must have a quality with all the appeal of His Divine love. of plasticity; and it must be a kind of There is going to be no compulsion clay that is convertible by fire into about it, You can resist; you may something hard and strong, and almost resist; and you will spoil your life if indestructible. Those two qualities you do resist God. God will not are essential elements in all real force you. Will you bring that life pottery work . of yours and give it to Jesus Now let us think for a moment of Christ? where we stand as we bring this great day in our Convention to a close. We The Master Hand have been hearing God's Word; mes- sages of various sorts have been given Now the clay in the hands of the to us from this platform right through potter was utterly given over to the this day. Now we stop and ask if we will of the potter. The clay had no are the raw material in the hand of will of its own; it could do nothing of God, and if so, are we plastic? Are we itself; but in the hand of the potter malleable? Can God mould us? Or there was the master-hand, the master- are we in that attitude of mind where mind, the master-workman, who .was we harden our hearts and our going to mould, and plan, and shape. minds against the thing that God is There was the creative mind of a great saying to us? Let us go a stage further. master. Think how God is going to We imagine the potter taking hold take that life of yours, with His Master- of that clay, and we see how as he mind., planning your life as if there looks at it there is no pretence about were no other life in the world to plan, it He does not pretend that that clay moulding it, and making of it some- is beautiful. It is just as ugly as it thing you never could make of it your- can be. He does not claim any very self, Bat the condition stands there wonderful thing for the clay. What he unalterable. "Cannot I do with you does claim is that he can make some- as this potter? said' the Lord.” thing very wonderful out of it. That Are you going to give God utterly is exactly the way that God is looking and absolutely your life? Are you at us to-night . We have got our lives going to hand over entirely the con- before us. We are wondering what trol, the planning, and guiding of the life is going to hold, how we are whole of life for the days to come?


In other words, are you going to bring go back to your room to-night, and that life of yours just as the clay is when you kneel down in silence and put on the wheel, are you going to quietness before God, and you re-

. place your lives on the altar of God's view this day, you will say to yo ur- :service, and on that altar of God's self, "Yes, I have made a fresh conse- service are you going to say, "From cration of my life to Christ. What is this night forward. I shall have no will it going to mean, what is it going to but the will of God. I shall have no involve for me? Then God will ambition but the will of God. I will show you things in your life that submerge everything that life may hold will mar and spoil the work of to the will of God." t h e Po t t e r s Stones have got to be taken out. Through your That may sound to some of you who conscience He will b r i n g t o yo u r are young, with all life before you, - memory those s i n s which you almost hard . Think it over. That know about, but which one else , clay could make nothing of itself knows about. He is going to work in until the master-mind, and the won- your life. But the difference now is derful touch of the master hand was this, that whereas before there was upon it. And you and I can do no - clay and the hand moved round the thing outside the will of God. God. outside, God is going to work from the knows all the potentialities of our inside of your life. You gave your lives. He knows all the possibilities life to Him ; you threw open that every single life holds; every t h a t heart of yours to Him, and He talent you have got, every qualifica- took possession of it; and now it is tion, all those gifts that God has Christ i n yo u . I t i s G o d endowed you with He knows every w o r k i n g f r om within. That is one of them. And He knows that you where the difference lies. You are - will spoil those God-given gifts of going to see the out-working of the yours unless you lay them down there creative mind of God the planning of .at the altar of His service, unless you your life. You a going to see the bring that life of yours to Him, and out-working of the Divine will, that allow Him to work in and through you. will plan and guide and control that life of yours; and at every stage you Transforming the Clay will be led on as God fulfils His plan and His purpose for you. Then you come to the second stage in the potter's work. The clay is put on the wheel. That assumes that you The Testing Fire have made that act of surrender; that you have given your life to Jesus Now notice what happens when the Christ. Let us assume that we are vase has reached that stage . It to-night handing over our lives to soft and just like putty. You dare Him. He begins to work in our lives; not touch it. The man may not put He begins to run His finger round the his finger on it except to do one thing , clay; and there is grit and there are before it goes into the fire. He puts stones, and there are things in that his seal upon it, that when it comes clay that are going to spoil the smoothness through the time of testing it may be of the surface; things that are going marked as belonging to that man. to make it crack and crumble when it That is what God is doing to us. God is put into the oven. And so the knows what life holds. Life holds a Master-hand is working, and His - great deal more than we ever bargained touch is transforming the clay. You for when we began it. Life is not going to be a picnic for any of you . It is

THE HEAVENLY POTTER 125 not going to be all smiles and sunshine and very foundations. I know what it nice choruses, Life is going to lee a means; a great many of you know; and stern battle with sin. We are you know that in the long last you come to going into this warfare as real men; we the place where there are things that cannot are not going to play at it. And as we he shaken, But there is a great deal that make our dedication to God He seals our can; and we go into that furnace because lives; we belong to Him from henceforth, the Potter knows that we will be no good and from that day you will say, Whatever until we have gone-through the fire. happens I am God's man; I gave myself God knows there is going to be no to Him; I will not take my life away; I depth and no reality until we have have placed it there on the altar, and I looked life fair and square in the face, will live a life that is utterly given over until we have been honest in facing the to Him. great problems that life holds out, When we reach that stage you realise Peace and Strength what follows. That pot would be no good at all unless it went into the fire; Now notice the furnace is opened, and and when it goes into the fire instead of in the furnace that pot has gained two feeling the wonderful touch of the things—it has gained strength and master-hand, it feels the burning heat of it has gained beauty of colour. There is the furnace. Is not that what happened something that is burned into our lives. in the Garden of Gethsemane? Is not As we are tested in the furnace there is that what happens when there comes something that brings to us that into life a sorrow that leaves an awful inexpressible "peace of God that passeth blank? Is not that what happens when we all understanding," something that makes face perplexities and problems, and sick- God so absolutely sure, that we know ness, and pain, and suffering? Does not that whatever happens He will never let God allow our faith to be tested, and us be put to shame. God will perfect tested, and tested again? Feel the heat of the faith of His children. And the child the furnace; and we feel alone; and we of God comes out of that furnace strong, wonder why God should allow these not in his own strength, but drawn in things to happen. My friends, one of through that testing, he gains a two things happens when God allows strength that he never knew before, a as to go into the furnace, We are either stability and a strength unknown until cracked and become useless; turning in he went through that furnace. upon our souls, and complaining and I come back in closing to this one murmuring, and allowing self-pity to thought. "Cannot I do with you as this take hold of us. Or else we realise that potter? saith the Lord," I should be we can never be perfected in the service of untrue to my mission if I tried to hide God unless He allows us to go through the from any of you the fact that there is a furnace That we will never be the real testing-time in every life, that there is men and women that God wants us to be a furnace in the will of God for you. unless we can face that testing, unless we There is suffering that cornea into every can put ourselves unreservedly into the life; and it is going to make all the hands of God, unless we can look up difference between the real touch of and say, "Though He slay me, yet will God in our lives, and the lives that are I trust Him.” You and I know the superficial and more or less useless. storm of testing that comes and makes So God has drawn us to this one our faith shake to its thought as we bring

126 THE KESWICK CONVENTION , 1934 this day to a c l o s e . Shall we bring into unity the things that are now ask ourselves, Am I ready for that? out of joint. He will bring to your Am I prepared to give my life in that life a peace and strength and joy, I way? God will not argue with you. will bring to it a plan that is going There will be no bargaining between make your life just what God wants you and God. He will give you it to be . Himself. He will put at your dis- So we are going to bow our heads, posal all His good gifts. He wi ll and we are going to tell God that we bless you all your life. He asks of want no will but His will; th at you that you will take your life and we want nothing more, nothing less place it on the altar of His service. and nothing else. That we wa nt He will bring into harmony the things His will to be the will of our lives that are now disjointed. He will from this time forth for evermore.

O Love, Who formedst me to wear The image of Thy Godhead here; Who soughtest me with tender care Through all my wanderings wild and drear; O Love, I give myself to Thee! Thine ever, only Thine to be.

O Love, Who once in time vast Pierced through and through with bitter woe; O Love, Who wrestling thus didst gain, That we eternal joy might know; O Love, I give myself to Thee! Thine ever, only Thine to be.

O Love, Who lovest me for aye, Who for my soul dose ever plead; O Love, Who dost my ransom pay, Whose power sufficeth in my stead; O Love, I give myself to Thee! Thine ever, only Thine to be.

O Love, Whose voice shall bid me rise From out this dying life of ours; O Love, Whose hand o'er yonder shies Shall set me in the fadeless bowers; O Love, I give myself to Thee! Thine ever, only Thine to be.


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11.45 a.m.—Forenoon Meeting UNTIL THE SPIRIT REV J. CHALMERS LYON





Abundant Provision

THERE was a restful quietness over the audience that assembled to listen to the Bible Reading on the second morning. After singing the hymn, "Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, alone can turn our hearts from sin," the Rev. Colin Kerr led in prayer, acknowledging the depth of our dependence upon God, and claiming a full blessing to meet the whole of our need. Having sung in the attitude of prayer three verses of the hymn, "Speak, Lord, in the stillness, while I wait on Thee," Mr. Martin rose to give his message on "Purity Through the Blood of the Cross ." The subject was perhaps more in line with the usual. Convention teaching than on the first day, at any-rate, the audience seemed more responsive, and the speaker had fuller liberty. The ceremony of the red heifer was outlined, and the reference to it in Hebrews 9. 13 was used to illustrate how the Sacrifice of the Cross was available to cleanse at all times from all kinds of defilement. Accordingly we learn to hate sin, and to seek the casting of it out from every region of our lives. The Rev. J. Chalmers Lyon, who gave the first address at 11.45, had only spoken once before at Keswick, but he has had large ex- perience in conducting missions. He spoke on the outpouring of the Spirit upon all flesh, and the wonderful difference that that blessed ministry should make in our lives. The evening meeting will stand out in the memory of many. The Rev. J. Milton Thompson, another fresh voice, helpfully laid a foundation by a clear exposition of Romans 6. 1, "Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? " and there was a good atmosphere when Mr. Aldis began to speak on Romans 12. 1. It is only true to say that the Spirit was upon him, and with liberty and power he got into very close touch with the hearts of his audience. Following a personal appeal at the close, several people in various parts of the Tent rose to indicate their response to the message, in the dedication of their lives to the Lord.

To humble, glad surrender now Thou dust my will inclined,. 0 Master, Lord, about my heart Thy love-wrought fetters bind!

"19 ...11T

His Blessing

O H Saviour, if Thou bless us, We shall be blessed indeed I For in Thee dwells all fulness , Thou knowest every need , We wait on Thee, Lord Jesus, Our hungry souls to feed.

We dare not face the journey Of Life 's uncertain way, Unless, Lord, Thou go with us, To lead us day by day. Be Thou at all times near us, 0 Christ, we humbly pray

What depths of untold riches Lie hidden in that Word ! No human mind can fathom The wealth Thou there hast stored— All good, and every blessing

Thou wiliest for us, Lord.

God of divine compassion Our eyes are unto Thee, We give Thee life 's whole burden, With its perplexity, Thou hearest each heart-whispered "Lord undertake for me!"

Thy biddings are enablings, Thy leadings always right, Thy presence is salvation, Thy prowess is our might, Thy smile our compensation, Thyself, our life, our light.


The Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ (ii) Purity through the Blood of the Cross


"If the blood of bulls and of goats, and thing more than pardon. We asked ourselves the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean, sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh: concerning the present and the future. Alas, we how much more shall the blood of Christ, know by actual experience we all have a bias Who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, purge your towards wrong; we have hearts which are ever conscience from dead works to serve the ready to prompt us to evil. The old nature is living God. "—Heb. ix. 13, 14. strong, and yet we are urged to be "pure even URITY through the Blood of the Cross. as He is pure." We long for such purity; but is it P "The Blood of Jesus Christ His Son possible? Is there any provision, not only for cleanseth us from all sin" (1 John i. 7). May I the actual sins we commit, but also for the say that all through the study to-day we shall control of the heart which has to do with the take the word purity in its largest sense, and prompting to the sinful act? David cried out not be confined to its connection with the "Create in me a clean heart, and renew a right seventh commandment. Not that this spirit within me." Has the Gospel which speaks commandment does not need to be sounded of pardon a message also which tells of purity ? forth to-day in clarion tones. It is in this Can the heart be made pure? Have we larger sense that the word purity is - undoubtedly used in the Word of God. continually and ceaselessly to be engaged in a Yesterday we were considering the great struggle to maintain cleanliness of life, or is theme of pardon through the Blood of the there some other method? Cross. We reminded ourselves that we were The Conscience Purged in a fallen condition, that we had contracted a great debt which we were unable to Let us turn to God's Word. "If the blood of liquidate, in fact, that we were in a position in bulls and of goats and the ashes of an heifer which "we had nothing to pay." We found sprinkling the unclean sanctifieth to the we required pardon and mercy. This pardon purifying of the flesh, how much more shall the we gladly discovered was available for us on Blood of Christ, Who through the eternal Spirit terms of free grace. Its foundation was the offered Himself without spot to God, purge love of God towards us. It was based on the your conscience from dead works to serve the sacrifice of the Cross, and that it is obtained living God" (Heb. ix. 13, 14). "Purge your freely by all who, having heard the gracious conscience"—yes, this is our theme this morning. invitation of our Lord Jesus Christ to come, Not so much the sins which we have have responded. And yet as we closed our committed, and for which, as we saw yesterday, study yesterday we must have felt conscious pardon has been obtained through the Blood that we needed some

132 THE KESWICK CONVENTION , 1934 of the Cross. Our subject to-day is The Jews say there was only one rather consequent holiness. Full well sacrifice up to the time of the Cap- we know when we consider the matter tivity, that a second was burned in that the root of all our trouble as to Ezra's time; that seven more were sinful acts is the heart which prompts to burned before the destruction of the evil. It is "out of the heart are the second temple, and that the tenth will issues of life.” If only the source were be offered in the days of the Messiah. clean, so would be the stream. Or, Its ritual consisted in the provision, by to use the phraseology of this passage, if the people, of a red heifer which was the conscience were purged the life brought to Eleazer. He examined it, would bear witness to the fact. Now led it forth without the camp, and we are here told that the purging alike there slew it, catching the blood which with pardon comes through the blood he sprinkled before the tabernacle of Christ poured out in sacrifice. All seven times. The heifer was then through Holy Scripture, in the Old burned together with logs of cedar Testament and in the New, much bound round with hyssop and scarlet stress is laid upon the need of purity. wool. The resultant ashes were sifted, Quite elaborate provision in the Old pounded, and stored for purposes of Testament economy was made for purification. purification. For instance, at Pass- over times the command was given to A Perfect Sacrifice the Jews to purge their houses, and What is the key wherewith to unlock to turn out all trace of leaven. We the meaning of this sacrifice? The know how to this day the order is New Testament is ever unlocking the scrupulously observed. Leaven was Old. It is given in Heb. ix. 13: "For ever a symbol of things which spoiled if the blood of bulls and of goats, and and defiled. Or, if a man had touched the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the a human bone, or had come into contact unclean sanctifieth to the purifying with a dead body, or had stepped upon a of the flesh, how much more shall the grave, he needed ceremonial cleansing, Blood of Christ, Who through the and provision was made for it. Yes, eternal Spirit offered Himself without and a special sacrifice, namely, spot to God, purge your conscience that of the red heifer was ordained from dead works to serve the living with considerable precision, and the God.” “ The ashes of an heifer sprink- ashes resulting therefrom were laid up in ling the unclean" refers back to this a clean place to be available at all times sacrifice of the red heifer in the Old for special needs of cleansing. This Testament economy. Thus we see the sacrifice of the red heifer so red heifer is a type of the Lord Jesus wonderfully illustrates our topic this Christ, and immediately we see how morning that I venture to digress, and appropriate it is. A very kindly critic ask you with me to consider something of asked me yesterday if we were not its character and symbolism. The putting too much emphasis upon the perusal of Numbers xix. 1-19 will death of Jesus Christ, and not enough reveal some things quite definitely. on His perfect life. We shall remedy This sacrifice differs from all other that this morning, Red heifer—is there sacrifices in that it is not one of ex- not something suggestive in the colour? piation. Let us read the description "Though your sins be as scarlet they given. It was only offered at long shall be as white as snow; though they intervals when the need required. be red like crimson they shall be as wool" (Isa. i. 18). See you that red

PURITY THROUGH THE BLOOD 133 heifer being led forth without the camp ? Does down that upon this heifer there must never have it not remind you of Him Who bore our sins, come yoke (v. 1). It must never have come took upon Him our sins, became identified under the compulsion of service. Is not this with sin, was made sin for us? Red, too, another point in which it suggests an aspect suggests suffering. "Wherefore art thou red in of our Lord's life? No yoke was ever laid upon Him, no compulsion was ever thine apparel, and thy garments like him that necessary to urge Him to fulfil His Father's treadeth in the winevat? I have trodden the plan for His life. Listen to what He declared: wine press alone" (Isa lxiii. 2). A fit reminder of "I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay the fact of the sufferings of our Lord alike in it down, and I have power to take it again." the realm of body, mind, and spirit. This heifer He was only impelled by His love to His must be "without spot"—"wherein is no blemish.” Father and His determination, as a servant to The Jews have a tradition that if the priest fulfil to its last item the predetermined path discovered two white hairs the animal was He was to tread. His purpose was, "Lo, I discarded. I have examined a good many red come to do Thy will, 0 God." heifers, but have never yet found one without Ceremonial Cleansing white hairs. Yes, and it suggests to us the The red heifer was sacrificed "without the absolute perfection of our Lord's character and camp" (v. 3). So Christ suffered without the life; no discord ever marred it. He offered camp at the place of execution. The blood Himself without spot unto God. Neither was sprinkled seven times before the friend nor foe could ever detect a trace of evil tabernacle (v. 4), making in ritual an expiation in His words or acts. He could point quite before the Shekinah glory, and in the place confidently to His life largely lived in public, where God dwelt. Its solemn presentation and say, "Which of you convinceth me of sin?” indicated that the sacrifice had been offered, He was surrounded by those with critical eyes, and the demands prescribed had been satis- who were ever trying to catch Him in His talk, fied. So Christ "neither by the blood of goats or ever seeking to involve Him in situations in and calves, but by His own Blood He entered which they might obtain warrant for handing in once into the holy place, having obtained Him over to the civil or Roman authorities. eternal redemption for us" (Heb. ix. 12). He Even in the trials before the courts they had no thus presented His own sacrifice to God. The railing accusations they could make, but must ashes had perpetual efficacy. Though the red heifer needs suborn false witnesses. He always did might have been sacrificed hundreds of years those things which pleased His Father. Right before, yet the ashes were immediately avail- down the centuries men have examined and able for anyone who needed ceremonial weighed His every utterance and deed, and, in cleansing. Yes, and though it is nineteen spite of all, nay, through it all, He stands out as hundred years since the great Sacrifice was the Unique Man in human history. His very offered, the results of it are available to-day, perfection was necessary if He were to offer the and are just as powerful to cleanse, as when perfect unblemished sacrifice for sin, which the they were first made. People may decry the remission of our guilt demanded. The power of the old Gospel which in the clays of condition was laid our forefathers

PURITY THROUGH THE BLOOD 134 wrought such wonders. They may Spirit" (St. John vii. 38, 39). Hyssop declare that its efficacy has diminished, suggesting sorrow for sin, and repen- and that other expedients must be tance. Yes, and the moment we, with substituted. But the testimony of the hand of faith, take and appro- thousands to-day unite in witnessing priate the wondrous results of the to the cleansing power of the Blood of sacrifice of the Cross, the Spirit of Jesus Christ , and to the fact that some- God does apply the cleansing we how His death on the Cross away back need to heart and conscience. in the dawn of the Christian era can Pardon the digression, bat it illus- make men pure in heart, and purge trates what we have already considered, away in them whatever defiles their and what still remains to be said, life, and hinders their witness. A Sanctifying Process Cleansing for All We can never read the pages of the Notice that the benefits were avail- New Testament without being im- able for all without distinction. Yes, pressed with the insistence which is and even a stranger might participate laid upon the necessity of holiness and in its blessing. A great lesson this is purity of life in all those who have for us who might be tempted to think experienced pardon through the Blood that this experience is for the few, of the Cross. In our study of the No, anyone, every one, all who in subject we should ever remember the this tent so desire, may be cleansed distinction there is between the teach- from this thing which soils the life, ing of the Old and the New Testaments and hinders the witness. in the matter of purity. In the Old It was available for all classes of Testament cleansing from sin was defilement. The touching of a corpse ceremonial, prophetic, and hopeful. (v. 11), contact with what was un- In the New it is positive, dynamic, clean, treading on a grave—all came and experimental. Now there are within the scope of its operation. We some quite definite facts which must need cleansing from many things: ever be remembered in our meditation unclean thoughts, hurtful words, con- together. tact with that which is unholy and Purity is not synonymous with par- tainting. Every conceivable form of don. The two are entirely distinct, impurity can be purged by the sacri- though related. Pardon comes first; fice of the Cross. It was available at purity second. The one has to do all times. We need not wait until with justification; the other with we get into a solitary place, by the sanctification. The one is definite, lake-side, or in the bedroom, or in instantaneous, and received in the the House of God; not a single person hour of conversion; the other is a need go out of the tent uncleansed, life-long process in which we are con- Here and now this cleansing may be tinually becoming more like unto our obtained. You ask how? The ashes Lord, Who was "holy, undefiled, and (v. 17) were put in running water, separate from sinners.” Take, for pure water from the stream, and instance, our text: "The Blood of sprinkled by means of a bunch of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin.” hyssop upon the person concerned. Now what does it really mean? Simple, you say, but how suggestive know that it is often quoted without in its meaning. Living water is its context, and has brought comfort typical of the Holy Spirit. "Rivers to many an anxious sinner. It is of living water. This He spake of the often placed on banners, for instance,

135 THE KESWICK CONVENTION , 1934 which enthusiastic followers of Christ thou wash my feet? Jesus sometimes carry through our streets. answered and said unto him, What I It does imply that God is willing on do thou knowest not now; but thou the basis of the shed Blood of Jesus shalt know hereafter. Peter saith unto Christ to forgive sin. But, at the Him, Thou shalt never wash my same time, this is not precisely the feet. Jesus answered him, If I truth which St. John would here bring wash thee not, thou hast no part out. It is gloriously true, "I have with Me. Simon Peter saith unto blotted out as a thick cloud thy trans- Him, Lord, not my feet only, but also gressions, and as a cloud thy sins," my hands and my head. Jesus saith but the word here used is "cleanseth," unto him, He that is washed needeth not pardoneth, and these two are not save to wash his feet, but is clean distinct. And, also, this cleansing every whit.” “ He that is washed is dependent on our Christian life. (justification) needeth not save to "If we walk in the light, as He is in wash his feet (sanctification).” Or, as the light ... the Blood of Jesus Christ one has paraphrased it "He who has cleanseth us from all sin.” Pardon is already taken a bath at morning needs not conditional, it is a free gift from do no more than wash off the soils God through the merits of Christ given contracted in the course of the day.” the moment a sinner turns to God. The sinner washed in His Blood and And then, too, the text is in the cleansed from all the defilement of his present tense ("cleanseth"), a con- past life before his conversion but tinual process, whereas pardon is full needs to be cleansed continually and perfect. This verse then, un- from such pollution as he has doubtedly, refers to sanctification, contracted by contact with the not justification. world. A Continual Cleansing Tendencies to Evil Yes, but it is not only the defile- Take another example. An act of ment contracted in our pilgrim walk our Lord evidently performed partly which needs to be dealt with; the to illustrate the difference between problem is far deeper than that. It has pardon and purity illustrates this. to do with our own evil thoughts and You remember how in that never-to- desires which are ever ready to soil be-forgotten night on which He suf- our inner life, and to mar our lives. fered, in the hour when He was with Wrapped up in this is the problem of His disciples, partaking for the last the two natures in regenerate man. time of the Passover Feast, we read The fact that when the Spirit of God (shall we refresh our memory again by recalling the passage ?): "Jesus knowing implants a new nature within a man, that the Father had given all things into the old is not expelled, but rather there comes at once to be antagonism His hands, and that He was come from God, and went to God; He riseth between the two. You remember that up from supper, and laid aside His pregnant passage in which St. Paul garments and took a towel, and girded relating the struggle between the two, Himself. After that He poureth water cries out, "That which I do I allow into a basin, and began to wash the not, for what I would that do I not, disciples' feet, and to wipe them with and what I hate I do.” "I find then a law that when I would do good, evil is the towel wherewith He was girded. Then cometh He to Simon present with me" (Rom. vii. 15, 21) Peter: and Peter saith unto Him, Dost "The flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh, and

PURITY THROUGH THE BLOOD 136 these are contrary the one to the and Levites on the annual Day of other, so that ye cannot do the things Atonement had to leave the precincts that ye would" (Gal. v. 17). You of the tabernacle, and the high notice the three things concerned—the priest alone had to perform all the flesh—the spirit—you. The flesh in exacting rites of that day, so it was deadly conflict with the Spirit, and the with Christ our great High Priest. battle-ground is you. The flesh trying His own arm it was which obtained to control and dominate you; the Spirit our salvation, and it was His unaided seeking to exercise His sway over you sacrifice on the Cross which made and thus in continual opposition with pardon possible. But in the matter the flesh. The flesh is ever tending to of purity, may I repeat it, there must drag us down and prevent the exercise be co-operation between the Spirit of of purity in our lives. The Spirit is God and ourselves. God and man ever cleansing wherever He comes each taking part. There is un- into possession. You know how the next doubtedly our part. Frequently the verse proceeds. "This I say then, walk (by command is given. "Be ye holy in all the rule of) in the Spirit, and ye shall manner of conversation.” "Keep thy- not fulfil the lust of the flesh.” Let self pure.” "Purify your hearts"— the Spirit be your Adviser and all indicating activity on our side. Controller, and the flesh will become Alas, many Christians never enter powerless to spoil and mar your life. into this experience of purity of heart. Alas, we all know by experience how They are troubled all through life strenuous is the struggle within. Purity with thoughts and desires which cripple of heart is largely concerned with this and spoil their Christian witness and matter. Are we by sheer force of will and joy. They are often conscious that mental activity to keep under the old their imaginations are like a cage of nature, and ever to be conscious of strain unclean birds. The old flesh wants to and anxiety? What is the Scriptural have you, and drag you down, but the method of dealing with the problem? Spirit of God desires to have you to Does it not maintain that through the cleanse you; but how are you going to Blood of the Cross we may be free from counteract and paralyse the power of the domination of this ceaseless foe? the flesh? How are you going to That instead of continual conflict obtain the mastery over the flesh? there may be the rest of faith? You How is this experience of purity to say, What is its method? Not by be gained? It is a process worked out eradication or annihilation of the old from within under the control of the nature, but by its continual subjection Holy Spirit. "Work out your own and paralysis through faith. In other salvation with fear and trembling for it words, by surrender to the Spirit of is God which worketh in you, both to God, Who indwelling our hearts ever will and to do of His good pleasure" controls and holds in check these (Phil. ii. 12). "Your own salvation" tendences to evil. —a salvation which we have received, implanted by the Holy Spirit into the Unholy Desires innermost part of our being. We Purity is a co-operative process, and obtain it by gift before we can work it herein it differs from pardon. The out. Work out from within, as a latter we have no part in securing. stone cast into a pond produces at its We can have no share in the provision of point of entrance, rings which radiate our own salvation. As the priests out concentrically until the whole surface of the water is under its

137 THE KESWICK CONVENTION , 1934 influence. We must so work out our passionately desirous to become pure own salvation from within until every and holy. You will remember that part of our life comes under its in- Joseph in the house of Potiphar fluence. The hymns talk of "body, cried out, "How can I do this great soul, and spirit.” Scripture has wickedness, and sin against God?” It another order, "spirit, soul, and would have been a sin against his own body.” All false religions have the body, and against Potiphar's wife, order of the hymn; they urge bodily and against Potiphar, but that did not mortifications, denials, mutilations, concern Joseph so much as that it penances, etc., to reach the spirit would have been a sin against God. It through the flesh. The Divine order is strange that men should ever need is different. It is ever "spirit, soul, the exhortation, "Go and sin no more," and body.” It is a working out from after such a wonderful experience as that within, from the spirit which reaches to of Divine forgiveness from the sinning the soul, and on to the body until the past. whole of us comes under its influence. Desire for purity is inspired by the The text reminds us that this out- thought of Christ's Return, "Every working must be under the super- man that hath this hope (of His return) vision of the Spirit. "It is God which purifieth himself, even as He is pure" (1 worketh in you both to will and to do John Hi. 3). If the great truth is not of His good pleasure.” In other more than a sentiment, the very fact words, our working out must be that that His coming drawled near, and in which we are ever seeking "to will that even now He may be at the and to do" the things pleasing to Him, door, will make us seek to live lives under His definite instructions, and in worthy of such a great event. Remember accordance with His Divine plan an impure heart is dangerous. "Out of the heart are the issues of life.” A Passion for Holiness Many of the tragic falls of God's Purity comes by the Blood of the children have come through harbouring Cross. The Cross not only shows us unworthy and impure thoughts. David is how sin is forgiven, but it reveals also not the only man who thus fell, and the hatefulness and hideousness of whose subsequent life was ever scarred sin. It strips sin of all its adornment, with its consequences. At any moment and we see it naked and repugnant in evil desires in the heart may break forth. its true character. While it teaches You may be a worker for God, one us that sin is forgiven, it never be- whom God uses for the winning of littles sin. It tells us how God souls. Are you troubled with unclean, hates sin while loving the sinner. It immoral, wrong thoughts? You may shows us that sin is the abominable be free from that domination. This is thing that God hates. And as we see one of the glories of our message at the terrible cost of our salvation, we, Keswick, You can be free from the too, learn to hate that which God domination of those thoughts which hates, and there is thus created in us a spoil your joy and happiness, even passion for holiness, and for Christ- from this day. The greatest cataclysms in likeness. It is not the fear of result of Christian life are not so sudden as they impurity in our lives, but rather the seem. The fire has been oftentimes long thought that things unclean grieve smouldering before it breaks forth into Him, "Who loved me and gave Him- flames. The unclean heart is ever like self for me.” The Blood of the Cross a pent-up river, which inspires the motive which makes us

138 THE KESWICK CONVENTION , 1934 may burst its banks. We thus see the the seat of authority for their thoughts importance of our theme to-day. and lives. This is potential if they fulfil their part of "coming out and Need of Separation being separate" from the unclean thing. What are the Divine methods to In other words, if they separate them- produce in us hearts clean and pure? selves from all evil, on the warrant 1. Abandonment of all evil. "Let us of His own Word, He will indwell cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of them, and, as the Spirit of purity, the flesh" (2 Cor. vii. 1). This is our will turn out from their lives all that part in the co-operation. "Let us is unclean. If they crown Him King, cleanse ourselves"—separate ourselves and maintain a vigilant watch against from all which tends to defile. It things which defile they will be holy. implies abandoning all that stimulates The Prayer Book has it described in whatever is unclean; it means burning another way. We therein pray, the suggestive picture, refusing to "Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by listen to the suggestive story, destroying the inspiration of Thy Holy Spirit." the impure book. It means expelling jealous and bitter feelings. It means The Spirit in Control never harbouring unkind, resentful, The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is unchristian thoughts. It means giving of supreme importance. We read in a wide berth to all that would allure us Holy Scripture of one whose house from the path of holiness. It is, for had been swept and garnished. In instance, little use to pray "Lead us other words, had undergone a great not into temptation," if we go into the spring cleaning in which all evil and place where we should feel its subtle impurity had been turned out ; and influence. yet the last state was worse than the 2. Appropriation of God's promise. first, because the house was left un- "Having, dearly beloved, these pro- occupied, and with no one in control. mises, let us cleanse ourselves from Alas, Keswick has had many sad all filthiness of the flesh and spirit" illustrations of this tragedy. Many (2 Cor. vii. 1). We see, here, the have come here, and by surrender, twofold character of purification. On and by faith in the cleansing Blood of the one hand, as we have just seen, we Christ have known what it is to be are to cleanse ourselves from all filthi- purified as regards the past, and yet ness, and to separate ourselves from ex- there has been no permanency about it. ternal defilement. On the other hand, In the course of a few months the old it is connected with "these promises," conditions, or worse, have prevailed, the promises just mentioned. We because there has been no response to naturally ask what these promises are the appeal of Christ to come in, and, which we are to appropriate. We see by His Spirit, to dwell as supervisor they are conditional. The condition and ruler in the heart. It is the want of is, "Come out from among them" this enthronement of Christ in the (i.e., set off by bounds) "and be ye life which has been the secret of the separate, saith the Lord, and touch tragedy. We may be living with God not the unclean thing.” His promises one year, and living with immoral are, "I will dwell in them, and will thoughts the next. There is no magic walk in them. I will be their God, about Keswick; you cannot get an and they shall be My people.” In experience this year to last for life. other words, He will indwell them; You will begin with an act, then go take posession of them, and become on to an attitude. Well may we pray:


"Oh, come and reign, Lord Jesus! makes us more Christ-like. He con- Rule over everything, tinually reveals to us things in life And keep me always loyal And true to Thee my King." until now unknown, which need puri- 3. Future obedience. It is, alas, fying. May I give an example. only too possible at one period of our Years ago, in my engineering days, life's history to renounce all that is when seeking a post I occupied myself evil and claim the promise of the in making a small horizontal engine. indwelling of the Spirit of God, and at In the course of it I had to cast some another period to forget we have been glands for the engine piston, and cleansed. St. Peter in his second choosing the brightest pieces of brass, Epistle speaks of those who have clean to the eye, I cast them into the clean forgotten that they were purged crucible and applied the heat. As from their old sins, Yes, whatever our the metal melted I was astonished to experience in the past may have been, see how much dross had arisen to the there is always need for watchfulness surface, and which needed to be and obedience. "Seeing you have skimmed off if I were to make a successful purified your souls by obeying the casting. It was there all the time truth through the Spirit.” "Obeying unseen, but intermixed with the bright the truth” This must be our continual metal, and the application of heat made attitude. At every moment, under the brass let go, and the dross coming every condition, obeying the truth. to the surface was exposed and re- And the truth is always what the God moved. Even so the Spirit of God as of truth reveals and desires. In all our fire deals with our hearts. At first all ways seeking to know His will, and seems cleansed and pure through His humbly obeying it. This will react incoming, and yet as He continues His on our souls, and purge us from the gracious operations, designed to make evil which ever lurks there. We thus us all pure metal, we discover con- see that our part is the abandoning tinually much dross in our lives which of evil, and the surrender of our the great Refiner has to remove until hearts and lives to the incoming of at last He can see His own image the Holy Spirit, and on His part the reflected in us, and we increasingly cleansing of our hearts through the become more worthy representatives application of the Blood of Christ. of Him in life and character.

"What can wash away my sin? The Great Refiner Nothing but the Blood of Jesus. What can make me pure again? But the Holy Spirit's work within Nothing but the Blood of Jesus." us is progressive. He continually

O may Thy spin' seat our souls, And mould them to Thy will! That our weak hearts no more may stray,

But keep Thy precepts still; That to Perfection's sacred height We nearer still may rise, And all we think , and all we do, Be pleasing in Thine eyes

Until the Spirit By REV. J. CHALMER.S LYON "Until the Spirit be poured upon us from A Habitation of God on high. "---Isa. xxxii. 15. Had time allowed I would have liked I TAKE those words out of this great to point you to many passages chapter. You know what the in the Old Testament, beginning with chapter is about. It opens with a the 1st chapter of Genesis, verse 2. picture of a renewed society under the "And the Spirit of God moved upon Messianic King reigning in righteous- the face of the waters.” 'Why, there ness, with princes decreeing judg- you have got a prelude and prophecy ment—a blessed change after what of what was going to take place. That Judah had been experiencing of the word "moved" is one of the sweetest miseries of injustice and misrule. If words in the Bible. It only occurs you want to know the condition of three times in the Old Testament, and things under which they were living, each time it is a word of intense emo- just glance through the opening chap- tion and parental tenderness. "As ters of Isaiah up to the 35th chapter, the eagle fluttereth (the same word) and then think of what it meant when over her young" (Deut. xxxii. 11). they had a promise like that. "Be- Jeremiah speaking in chap, xxxii, 9, hold, a King shall reign in righteous- says, "All my bones shake" (same ness, and princes shall rule in judg- word). He is shaken with intense ment," and so on. As we go on emotion. So here almost in the first .through the chapter there is from sentence of the Word of God you have verse 9 onward a warning to the —shall we say? dare we say?—the women of Jerusalem, especially to the deep emotion of our God, as He looks women of the upper classes, indulgent upon the scene of man's creation, upon and care-free. It tells of the judgment what is going to be man's home for a God would bring upon their fair land time, a home for man whom He is through its sin. Desolation and failure about to create. Creation is an act of love. Why did God call man into and fruitlessness; thorns and briars existence at all? Men talk about found everywhere in a deserted land. "the Riddle of the Universe. ” Till when? "Until the Spirit be poured Surely we get the answer when upon us from on high." It is one of - we remember that God is love, the many Old Testament promises of and love must have an object. God Pentecost. For until Pentecost no- called us into being that He might thing was possible but failure. We love us, and that we might love Him might say truly that the great plan and in return. He called us into being in purpose of God for this world could be order that He might make our hearts, summed up in that one word, "Pente- as Paul puts it, "A habitation of ,cost"—the out-pouring of His Spirit God in the Spirit" (Eph, ii. 22. x.) from on high. That is made plain all It is the thought of our Lord's words in 111-1rough the Scriptures. John xvii. 23, "I in them, and Thou

UNTIL THE SPIRIT 147 in Me, that they may be made perfect and at the close a young man came in one.” That is the very purpose of up to me, and he said, "I have been our existence. Then sin entered in very much interested in what you have and the purpose of God seemed de- said. I have been listening to this feated, But God cannot be defeated, fellow for the past fortnight; and you and when man by sin turned away from have put a new side of things. You Him, God sought him, speaking words are a broad-minded man"--And so I of grace and truth, calling him ten- am, and so are you if you are a Christ- derly and graciously, showing him his ian; but you are not broad-minded if sin and its sad issues, but making you are an atheist, because you cannot promises of salvation to the man who see further than the end of your nose. had sinned and had brought in the But if you are a Christian, you look curse. God purposed to deliver him beyond the things of time to the things from the curse, and to bring in a day of eternity, beyond the seen to the when there shall be no more curse. unseen. Thank God for that kind of The curse was to be turned into a broad-mindedness!—"You are a blessing, and in due time God called broad-minded man," said this young Abraham, and gave him the great fellow, "and of course you don't promise, the echoes of which ring all believe in miracles, and all that sort through the Old Testament, and swell of thing," That was news to me! "Well," I said, "I do not know how I out in the New Testament in the glor- could be a Christian if I did not ious Gospel of Christ, and the Cross, believe in miracles, because the Bible and the Resurrection, and Pentecost. from start to finish is full of miracles. God said to Abraham, "I will bless Creation itself was a miracle. The thee, and make thee a blessing, and Incarnation of the Son of God was a. in thee and in thy seed shall all the miracle. His whole life was a miracle. families of the earth be blessed.” His Resurrection was a miracle. His And what was the blessing of Abra- ascension to glory was a miracle. ham? Paul tells us that "Christ hath And the sending forth of the Holy redeemed us from the curse of the law .... Spirit was a miracle. And every time that the blessing of Abraham might the Holy Spirit comes into the human come on the Gentiles through Jesus heart a miracle takes place.” I hope Christ; that we might receive the pro- we are going to see miracles of that mise of the Spirit through faith" (Gal. kind here at Keswick, in the tent, and iii. 13, 14). That is the blessing of in the open-air. We want to see those Abraham, this out-pouring, this in- miracles. But "until the Spirit be filling of the Spirit of God; this coming poured upon us from on high," that of the Spirit of God into His temple, great miracle of regeneration was not to make us "a habitation of God possible. through the Spirit.” Until Pentecost God's great eternal purpose could God Alongside not be fulfilled. "Until the Spirit be Supposing there had been no Pente- outpoured, and the wilderness become cost—what then? We read in the a fruitful field, and the fruitful field closing verses of. Luke's Gospel that, be accounted for a forest" after the ascension of our Lord, the

Christian Broadmindedness disciples returned to Jerusalem with great joy, and were continually in the I was having a debate some time ago temple praising and blessing God. in the open-air with an atheist; I say, supposing there had been no

Pentecost! Well, there would not have Some of you missionary brethren and been any preaching. There would not sisters, yes, and not only those who have been any New Testament. There have gore abroad, but those who are would have been no Church of God. at home, you know something of the The disciples would have remained difficulty of working on and on against rejoicing together, doubtless, as they adverse conditions. One of the holiest, thought of the great things they had and most Spirit-filled men whom I seen and learned and experienced. ever knew in my life worked in one of And they would have gone away to the most difficult of Mission Fields, Heaven one after another, and the among the Moslems of North Africa, whole memory of the "things that are I said to him once, "In your twenty- most surely believed among us" would five years work there do you remember have died away. Thank God it was ever making one single convert ?” He Pentecost that changed all that, said, "No, I do not think I ever did. Pentecost, the long-promised out- We had a great many who professed, pouring of the Spirit of God. For but I doubt if there were any genuinely it was the purpose of God that converted.” He did not know, doubt- His Spirit should be poured out less, all the story; that is only known to upon all flesh. I believe that has God, and His Word shall not return taken place. If you go to mid-China, void. Thank God we do not all have and begin to speak there, you will to work under those appallingly diffi- find the Spirit of God waiting to take cult conditions. We can believe that hold of your message, and bring it in spite of everything, if we sow the home to the heart of the Chinaman. good seed, of the Word, the quickening And the same is true in India, or Spirit of God will cause it to spring up Africa, or wherever you may be. "I and bear fruit. In Southern Palestine will pour out My Spirit.” Oh, the I am told that you can sometimes look difference that it makes in our Christian across a vast area, arid and dry. work and Christian living when we realise And yet if you .were to examine the the meaning of that lovely word— ground you would find it teeming with Paraclete1 Whatever else that word the possibilities of life, and verdure, means it means that God is right and beauty, for there are seeds every- alongside of us. When He is with us where. And after a downpour of heavy we are linked with Omnipotence; rain, in twenty-four hours the whole fellow-workers with God the Paraclete. face of the countryside is transfigured. That name is the fulfilment in a In a few days there are flowers every- world-wide and age-long form of the where. That is the promise of Isaiah prophetic word "Emmanuel "—God xliv. 3: "I will pour water on him that with us; for He is the Spirit of the is thirsty, and floods upon the dry Lord Jesus, He bears witness to Christ. ground: I will pour My Spirit upon He opens our understandings, and thy seed, and My blessing upon thine continually shows unto us the things of offspring." Christ. He it is who enables us to work The Yielded Life on under difficulties and in spite of all discouragements. We were singing a And it is a picture something like moment ago: that that Isaiah draws in our text "Jesus triumphant, when in work for Thee, "Until the Spirit be poured out upon Sad and disheartened, no results we see, us from on high." But do not let us When gathered force of evil seems to win, And work for Christ seems lost in work get hold of a wrong idea as to what this of sin. " out-pouring of the Spirit is going to


mean for us personally. Sometimes faith. "That is another thing . folk get the idea, "Well, if the Spirit enables us to live a righteous and a of God were out-poured upon me it holy life. (3) "The fruit of the would be a good thing for my Church; Spirit is love, joy, peace, long- I would see those empty pews filled. suffering, gentleness, goodness, re- I would become persuasive and elo- liability, meekness, self-control" (Gal. quent; I would have a strange, mys- v. 22). (4) And one thing more. In tical power wherever I went to speak. Phil. i, 19-20 Paul tells us that through Everywhere I went people would be the supply of the Spirit of God, Christ excited and moved.” No, no! is going to be magnified in his body. that is not the first thing that is That is what we want. Christ to be promised to us. I do not think that magnified in our bodies by the indwell- is promised at all. We want ing of His Holy Spirit. Oh, if one revival, we want wide-spread revival, but it must begin in the could begin to speak of the things yielded, individual life. one has seen and known of the in- So let me just mention the kind of coming of the Lord into different thing that the out-pouring of the lives. Why, even in these past twelve Spirit is going to mean for us all, for months, what transformations I have anyone, for every one. (1) "The love seen wrought through the Holy Spirit of God is shed abroad in our hearts so out-poured. And this equipment of by the Holy Ghost which is given unto the Holy Ghost is given to them that us" (Rom. v. 5). I think that is one ask (Luke xi. 13). Let us make it our of the first things that happens when prayer continually. For we need the Spirit of God comes in. He makes continually to "be filling with the us love God. He makes us know what Spirit" (Eph. v. 18). the love of God is. And He makes us love others whom we did not love "Oh, Breath from far eternity Breathe o'er my soul's unfertile land! before. He makes us sweeter at home So shall the pine and myrtle tree and easier to live with. (2) Then in Spring up amid the desert sand. Gal. v "We through the Spirit And where the living water Cows, wait for the hope of righteousness by My heart shall blossom as the rose. "

Gracious Spirit, dwell with me: I myself would gracious be; And with words that help and heal, Would Thy life in mine reveal; And, with action bold and meek, Would for Christ my Saviour speak.

Holy Spirit, dwell with me: I myself would holy be; Separate from sin, I would Choose and cherish all things good; And whatever I can be, Give to Him Who gave use Thee.

Instruments of Blessing


"Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of So important was this event, namely, that Tiberius Caesar, Pontiac Pilate, being governor of Judea, and Herod being tetrarch "the Word of God came to John," that its of Galilee, and his brother Philip tetrarch date is fixed by the choice of names of Ituraea and of the region of Trachonitis, and Lysanias the tetrarch of Abilene. well-known in history. We have a Arenas and Caiaphas being the high priests, parallel example in the vision of young the word of God came unto John the son of Zacharias in the wilderness.” —Luke iii. 1. 2. Isaiah, when he says, "In the year that Y way of introduction to our king Uzziah died, I saw also the thought this morning, I would Lord.” It was a vision that meant askB you to turn to these words in St. so much in the life of the young Luke iii. 1, 2 and I want you care- prophet, that he marked it by another fully to note the historical significance great event in the life of the nation—the of the names of the people mentioned. death of the king. That vision meant to Of these verses a modern commen- Isaiah conviction, cleansing, tator writes: "There is nothing further consecration, and commission. How from St. Luke's mind, when he penned many of us here in this tent are going these sentences, than the idea of using to date a like blessing by Keswick, the dangerous weapon of irony. Yet 1934? As the years roll by, and we as we read his words now, we cannot look back, how many of us are going but see how much of ironical history he has imported into them. You to say, "At Keswick, 1934, the Word must read the sentences in a tone of the Lord came to me"? Or, "At befitting their dignity. Remember Keswick, 1934, I saw the Lord"? that you are speaking of empires, The fact that the Word of God came to states, principalities. Give them their John is the action of grace, as the order due. Honour the great ones of the of the words imply. All through Holy earth.” And again he continues: "One Scripture God takes the initiative in high priest would have been im- matters related to man’s spiritual pressive enough. But here there welfare. So we find John the Baptist in are two. What a list of eminent people a line of great men to whom the Word and majestic dignities from Rome to Jerusalem! And here is the irony— of God, or the Word of the Lord, came. unconscious, but withering—all this And this morning I wish us to study is but stage scenery and setting. The together the message of this phrase, really big thing is what follows, "The Word of God," as related to some bigger than anything you could find of the men to whom it came; and apply it in empire, state, or synagogue, al- to ourselves. though you searched with microscopic eye from Rome to Jerusalem, "The The Word of Promise Word of God came to John in the First of all, turn to Gen. xv. 1, 4, 5: wilderness. '" "After these things the word of the Lord came unto Abram in a vision, *Dr. James Hastings in the Speakers' Commentary. saying , Fear not , Abram: I am thy

INSTRUMENTS OF BLESSING 145 shield, and thy exceeding great reward. to take our part in the fulfilment of . . . And, behold, the word of the Lord God's promise. What a responsibility it came unto him, saying, This shall not brings! What an opportunity it be thine heir; but he that shall come presents! It is not so much the forth out of thine own bowels shall be question of the blessing I receive; but thine heir, And He brought him forth what blessing am I passing on? abroad, and said, Look now toward That is the question for us to ask our- Heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be selves in these days and at this hour. able to number them: and He said unto We have not come to Keswick to him, So shall thy seed be." Here we obtain a blessing which ends selfishly. have the word of promise; and, what is Whatever blessing we get will fail of more, it is the promise of the im- God's ultimate purpose unless we possible, as far as human nature is pass it on. No Christian is a terminus concerned. So much so, that when in the service of God. Every child Sarah overheard the promise being of God through faith in Christ is re- made to Abraham, she laughed at the sponsible for the blessing of the world. very thought of it. It was not only Shall we stand up to that fact, and ask the promise of children, but the ourselves the question, Is this true of promise of blessing to the whole world. me? Is the world learning more of the "I will bless thee, and make thy name saving knowledge of Christ because I great; and thou shalt be a blessing" am a Christian? (Gen. xii. 2). Now Abraham believed in the promise of God, and it was "counted to him for righteousness" The Word of Judgment (Gen. xv. 6); and upon this fact St. Secondly, I would ask you to turn Paul builds up his argument of justi- to 1 Sam. xv. 10. First of all, the word fication by faith in Romans iv. He of promise, the possibilities within the then goes on to show that Abraham reach of every one of us for Christian was justified years before he was cir- service. And now, here is the word of cumcised. Therefore his righteousness judgment. The Lord had chosen Saul came to him as an individual, and not to be king. He was a man of humility as a Jew. And to us also the promise (1 Sam. ix. 21); he was a man of is sure, who are by faith the children patience (1 Sam. x. 27). "He held of Abraham. "Therefore it is of faith, his peace.” Most men would have that it might be by grace; to the exercised their power and authority end the promise might be sure to all against those who opposed them. the seed ; not to that only which is of These are two characteristics of a great the law, but to that also which is of luau—humility and patience. But the faith of Abraham ; who is the father there was sin in his life, and it was the of us all" (Rom. iv. 16). Therefore, sin of disobedience. In 1 Sam xv. 24 this word of promise comes to us. Do we read: And Saul said unto Samuel, I we realise it—the promise that we have sinned: for I have transgressed the are to be blessings to others ? What a commandment of the Lord, and thy difference the realisation of this is words; because I feared the people, going to make as we come into contact and obeyed their voice.” Here is a with others in daily life; all such word of judgment upon one whom people receiving blessing, according God had chosen to rule. Why had he to the purpose and promise of God. failed? On his own confession— And if they are touching our lives and because of sin. And if Christ is not getting no blessing, we are failing ruling in our hearts through the Spirit, there is only one reason


for it ; it is disobedience.; sin indulged. I in this tent this morning who doubts want us to trace Saul's excuses for one moment that the purpose of before he makes the frank confession I our redemption is the evangelisation have just quoted. He resents the of the world, to the glory of Jesus very thought that he had been dis- Christ; that our responsibility is to obedient, and he tries to bluff the whole pass on the blessing. That we are position as recorded in the 13th verse, saved to serve not one of us doubts. when he greets Samuel with the words, But in the light of that belief, does the "Blessed be thou of the Lord : I have Holy Spirit convict us of the fact that performed the commandment of the we have not been wholly obedient in Lord.” But, of course, he had only surrendering what the Lord has half obeyed. Much of the trouble in demanded. I want us to think for a Christian lives to-day is this half moment of the weights, the things that obedience. And then came Samuel's God has put His finger on, that others pertinent question in verse 14: "What may not look upon as sin; but God meaneth then this bleating of the wants it out of our life. It is not sheep in mine ears, and the lowing of what the thing is. It is our attitude the oxen which I hear?” Now Saul, of disobedience towards God's reve- tries to shift the blame on to the people, lation that matters. These things come and to justify his disobedience by in so often and cripple our usefulness, formal religion; and so we read in and they rob us of power and victory, verse 15, "And Saul said, They have which is God's gracious purpose for brought them from the Amalekites; for every one of us. You say, "Yes, I am the people spared the best of the sheep still fulfilling my ordination vow.” and of the oxen, to sacrifice unto the But the Lord says, "What about that Lord thy God; and the rest we have thing I have asked you to give up? Are utterly destroyed.” God will be say- you still indulging it? “You say, "I ing to some of us these days, Destroy still give up my Sunday afternoon that I all. And our usefulness in the days may teach in the Sunday School.” to come will be in proportion to our But God says, "What about that thing obedience. Are we going to be like on which your conscience is so tender? “ Saul, and say "the rest we have You say, "I still go to my Bible Class, I destroyed," or are we going to say "we still go regularly to public worship, I have destroyed all”? So we come on am a worker.” These things may be to the 20th and 21st verses, and in the among "the rest," and all the time 24th verse we find that Samuel's heart- our hearts are aware of the fact that searching application of true religion God is putting His finger on things breaks Saul down. "And Saul said which ought to go; but they have unto Samuel, I have sinned: for I not gone; and there is a lack of blessing, have transgressed the commandment and loss of power. We cannot live of the Lord, and thy words: because I our lives according to the standard of feared the people, and obeyed their others. We stand or fall according to voice " (verse 24). What Saul had done the revelation that God has given us. was legitimate to a victorious king of Though my brother on my right or his time, but for him it was disobeying left may be permitted to do a thing, to the Lord. him absolutely innocent; it may become to me a cause of stumbling, The Purpose of Redemption because there has been given to me a Now, has this word any meaning to revelation that God wants to remove us? I suppose there is not one of us it; and I have said , "No. All the rest,


Lord, but not that." It is not harming Damascus, "Lord, what wilt Thou anybody. No, but our unwillingness and have me to do?” The only thing to disobedience show a condition of heart do is to wait, ready for service, which is disloyal. May we be willing without demanding to be used; not to open our hearts and our lives, so that jealous because one is being used, the Lord Who sees these things, and longs and another is not. I like to remember to remove them, may find in us, not that Christ was a Carpenter, and to disobedient and disloyal children, but those think of Him choosing first one and who love to do His will. This is a matter then another of His tools that waited for each of us to face up to in the ready for use. I like to think of Him presence of God's Holy Spirit; and so I still as a Carpenter, and His choice ask, Is there an indulgence, innocent in of tools is just as absolute. Let no itself, in your life that you know God is speaker think he is on this platform putting His finger on, something that because he is more sanctified than those you are doubtful about? If there is, give who sit before him. Don't let us think God the benefit of the doubt; and let it because we have been led to surrender go. some things that other Christians have not felt led to give up; or even because The Word of Sanctification we strictly keep our quiet time in the Then there is a third passage I want us morning, that we are worthy to be used. to turn to briefly in closing—Jer. 1. All these things are the least that 4—and here we have the word of we can offer for all that the Lord has sanctification. As the Lord chose done for us, but they do not constitute Saul to be king, so He chooses and our claim to be used. There is no sanctifies Jeremiah to be a prophet. merit in sanctification any more than Note how God's choice was in such in justification, both are of grace. contrast to Jeremiah's temperament. Do we believe this? Are we humble "Then said I, Ah, Lord God; behold, I enough to accept this position? Be- cannot speak; for I am a child.” When cause I believe it is vital to Christian the word of the Lord comes the power of usefulness. There were better vessels the Lord enables. Praise God for than the earthenware pots in Cana of that. Those of us who are most Galilee, but Christ chose them. Thank conscious of our natural limitations, if we God He did, otherwise some of us are obedient to the Lord's word, will find would never be used at all. Dear that the Lord's power will more than fellow believers, who have entered into make up for our shortcomings. this place of sanctification, and who There are three things mentioned here know the joy of full surrender to the that apply to all Christian workers. First, the Lord, remember it is still of His grace Lord's Choice (verse 5), with its New that you are used, and not on account Testament parallel, "Ye have not chosen of your own merit. Me, but I have chosen you.” So our minds have been led to the Secondly, the Lord's Commission, in word of promise, that we are to be that same 5th verse, with its New instruments of blessing to the world; to Testament parallel, "Go ye into all the the word of judgment, with its world and preach the Gospel to warning of the terrible possibility of every creature.” And, thirdly, the the loss of power through disobedience; worker's obedience (verse 7), with its and to the word of sanctification, New Testament parallel, when Paul said which is apart from all human merit, to Christ on the road to and does not constitute any claim on God on the part of the believer to

148 THE KESWICK CONVENTION, 1934 be used. But rather is our position at Thy feet, as a sinner saved by expressed in the words of Sister Eva of grace, Thou crucified Love! I am Friedenshort: "Delivered from all self- afraid of myself, and of all self-exalta- holiness, I only want to remain tion." To this let us say, Amen.

My life is Thine, Lord Jesus, Bought with Thy Blood divine, And given to Thee with gladness, No longer mine, but Thine, My heart is. Thine, my Saviour, Not part, but ALL Thine own; Oh, it is sweet to know that there Thou hast Thy royal throne!

My body I have yielded, A sacrifice to be; Oh, keep me pure and holy , Lord A temple meet for Thee. My members, too, are Thine, Lord; To Thee I all resign; Then use them for Thy glory now, And live Thy life through mine.

Yea, everything is Thine, Lord, Let this my portion be— That I have nothing of my own, And yet have all in Thee. And make my lift, Lord Jesus, Brightly for Thee to shine: That word and deed, that 1ook and tone, May witness I am Thine.

Effective and Infectious Witnesses BY DR. NORTHCOTE DECK "For whom He did foreknow, He also did lives of cannibals and savages right to predestinate to be conformed to the image the other side of the world. The act of a of His Son, that He might be the Firstborn among many brethren."—Rom. viii. 29. long-ago day is being perpetuated in the lives, habits, and customs of men THESE verses are considered by on the other side of the world. Those many to be the end of the doctrinal liberties, won from a reluctant despot by portion of this Epistle. And I think the barons, have been handed down and we may take it, the whole purpose jealously guarded from generation to of God toward each one of us is very generation, and carried around the simply and wonderfully summed up in world in ships, so that to-day what these few words "to be conformed (Gr., happened then is profoundly changing summorphos) to the image of His the lives of people right to the other Son," We are told only once to "do side of the world. the work of an evangelist," little is A few months later we were sitting in directly said as to going to the another field, not by a river, but on a Mission Field, in the Epistles, for rocky hill, just outside old hoary both these are assumed as Divine Jerusalem. Opposite were the battle- obligations all the time. If these ments, while below was the Damascus lives of ours are wholly yielded Gate, thronged by the usual rabble of to God, and we really are being an Eastern city. There on that grassy conformed to Christ’s image, all else hill together we read of something will fall into its proper place. So the still more wonderful that happened great climax and objective of God for nineteen hundred years ago, when the every one of us can be summed up in Son of God re-won for men the pardon those words, "to be conformed to the of their sins and the liberties of their image of His Son." souls. It only took a few tragic hours I remember about nine years ago, to happen, but thank God its blessed after many years absence from England, effects have been widening and deepen- we were motoring up the Thames ing ever since in the human race. Valley. We stopped in a field to have To-day they are profoundly influencing lunch, and consulting the map to not only the customs, but the hearts and find out where we were, one got a lives of cannibals and savages away tremendous thrill to find that we were on the other side of the world. That sitting in the famous meadow of is rather wonderful, when you think Runnymeade, and opposite was Magna about it, that salvation, won on that Charta Island. I had known those two long ago day for the human race by names from boyhood, but I had never the Lord of Glory from the Prince of seen them before. Now here is an darkness, has been carefully preserved interesting fact; what happened there and guarded for the children of God by about six hundred years ago, is to- day most profoundly influencing the the Holy Spirit. And to-day those very liberties are available to any sincere


and seeking soul on the simple terms the end it is still only an imitation of of faith—faith in Christ Jesus. Christ. It is not the real thing. The trouble is we have a nature, called No Separation by God "the flesh," and we are And now to come back to the great warned, as I trust we all know here, 8th chapter of Romans, where our that "those that are in the flesh cannot subject "to be conformed . . .to His Son" please God.” We have no standing is found. As has very often been said, before Him. We know something of this wonderful chapter is a "land of the acts of the flesh as mentioned in corn and wine" after the wilderness of Galatians v. 19. Now, of course, the 7th chapter. In this 8th chapter we we know that acts lead to habits, find the Holy Spirit bursts forth in and habits when formed lead to fulness, like the Jordan full-born on character. As "in the flesh" we are Hermon, for in this chapter He is unable to perform any acts to please mentioned more than in any other God, habits are formed, maybe re- part of the Bible, save in the Lord's spectable ones, but they, too, cannot paschal discourses. please God, and the resulting character It will be noted that this wonderful cannot become "conformed to Christ.” chapter begins, "There is therefore For Christ cannot be imitated; He now no condemnation to them which must be imparted; and thank God are in Christ Jesus" (that is, from the He is imparted when we throw open guilt of sin). And the chapter ends the doors of our heart, by inviting with no separation from the love Jesus Christ to enter in the person of of God. So it begins with no con- His Holy Spirit and to take up His demnation by a holy God, and it abode for ever. And now, having the ends with no separation from a loving Divine nature, we can perform acts God. It sounds very beautiful, and it is that do please God, and that will result very wonderful, but it does not follow in godly habits and finally turn automatically. If the one is to lead into character and conformity to to the other, something must happen Christ. in between. And that happening is really the subject of Keswick, and Living Epistles meetings like this. If that "no con- Lately I came across a new and demnation" is to lead to "no separa- interesting label of a Christian. Char- tion," between the two extremes there acter, you know, is something that must be no dislocation of our will from is engraven, not merely written, but the will of God. Let us try and keep engraven with a sharp cutting instru- that as a summary of the chapter—no ment in the way they used to write condemnation from a holy God, no in the olden days. They would obtain dislocation from the will of God, there- the papyrus, and glue it together in fore no separation from a loving God. strips into leaves about a foot long How, then, are we to become "con- and four inches wide. Then they wrote formed to the image of the Son of on the papyrus with a sharp instrument God”? By imitation? That is an ideal which cut the letters into it. But as that has been very attractive to many the material was rather valuable, very sincere souls, and has been assiduously often when it had served its purpose practised. Books have been written once, they obliterated, the old charac- about it, and lives lived in pursuit ters with fluids, and used it again. of it. It has been no doubt a sincere These twice used leaves of papyri were ideal and sincerely pursued. The called palimpsests. Some such docu- great fallacy about it is, that right to


merits found in graves have written Just so a great many Christians have upon them portions of the Word of dislocated wills. They have life, eternal God, and just here and there can be life which, thank God, they can never seen the original secular characters lose, and they have many other qualities, which were not completely erased. but they cannot possibly run if their So you see that a palimpsest is will is dislocated. from the will of God. something that has been twice writ- And until that will is dealt with they ten upon. Just so, when we were will get no further, there will be no unregenerate there was being written running, they will just go on limping upon what God calls "the fleshy tables through life when they ought to be of our hearts," characters that were "leaping." riot of God, but of the flesh and the And Keswick, and meetings like this Devil, thus forming our character. for the deepening of spiritual life, are However, when we came to Christ held that the dislocations may be that old writing was "blotted out," "reduced." This can be done by a skilful and God began to write anew upon those surgeon for a dislocated ankle in a few fleshy tables of our heart by His Holy moments. And a "dislocated" will can be Spirit, and to form in us the character reduced to the will of God. equally in a of Christ. So we might humbly and few minutes, so that to run in the way of reverently say we are Christ's palimp- His commandments again becomes sests. I know the Bible phrase is possible. The "crisis" of reducing the that we are "living epistles known and dislocation enables the "process" of read of all men," but here is some- running the race, and becoming thing that carries a further reminder. "conformed." It reminds us that once there was other writing in our hearts, and that Growth in Grace thank God it can be, and I hope has Let us now turn to an interesting been, replaced by the blessed writing passage in Hebrews xiii, 20, 21: "Now the of God. The pity of it is that in many God of peace, that brought again from a Christian's heart the old. character the dead. our Lord Jesus, that great still remains, and it needs to be Shepherd of the sheep, make you perfect in blotted out more completely as we every good work to do His will." Many yield ourselves to God, so that we may people when they get to the word indeed become conformed to the image "perfect" become nervous, they do not of God's Son. know quite what it means, because So regeneration brings us a new they are afraid, and rightly so, of sinless nature, growth in grace results in a perfection. It is certain the Greek word new character, yet between that regener- never implied "perfection." The Greeks ation, and the resulting character of those days had no word to correspond something must come, for there is an to our English word "perfect." In in-between need. Take a runner, his Heb. xiii. 20 the meaning of perfect business is to win races, he has a is "adjust you, fit you thoroughly." Our strong body, strong muscles, good wills may be dislocated from the wind, but he gets a dislocated ankle. known will of God. Here is the He has life right enough, there is needful crisis in many lives that the God nothing wrong with that, and he has of peace should adjust them, and make big muscles too, and the right kind them perfect to do His will. of bones, but a dislocated ankle. In contrast turn to Philippians iii. So, in spite of all his advantages, he 12: "Not as though I had already cannot run or make any progress.

attained, either were already perfect.” A Maintained Calm This is still more interesting, the word You say you want something a little here is Telios, to "reach the mark," more practical for everyday than that. and the Apostle's prayer for himself Let me say, then, that the Spirit- is that he may reach the mark in the filled life will be a life of rest. I do race set before him. He is running as not mean sitting back in an arm chair hard as he can, and making good in lazy quietude, that is not what progress, for he has no dislocation. God has called us to. If we get into So the first is the adjustment of our the abundant life we will want to work will to Goa. The reducing of the tremendously hard, harder than ever dislocation, and the other, the growth before. Let me give you a mechanical in grace, resulting in conformity to illustration of what this rest will the image of God's dear Son. The first mean. When I bought my first car may take only a few moments, and about thirty years ago, they used to may be done here and now; the other have to take out and grind the will take all our life to the end . bearings every five thousand miles, If you are dislocated from the will and it cost about L5 each time. of God, you may ask what will be The car I have to-day however has the result if you get your will adjusted already done about fifty thousand back to the will of God, if you are miles, and yet the bearings still made perfect in that sense. Here, untouched are in perfect adjust- again, I want to remind you of two ment. I asked a great engineer one beautifully contrasted verses. I Thess- day where was the difference. He told alonians v. 23: "And the very God of me that if the two metal surfaces of peace sanctify you wholly; and I the bearings come into contact wear pray God your whole spirit, and soul, must result. But as long as those two and body, be preserved blameless surfaces are kept apart by a thin unto the coming of our Lord Jesus film of oil they will never wear. The Christ" (Greek, amemptos , blameless). great improvement in modern engines A little child may be blundering, lies in maintaining that film of oil at all and sometimes falling down, but to speeds. Just so, surrounded as we are its father it may yet be blameless. by a world that is in opposition to It may be innocently doing things Christ, we Christians are confronted which in others would be faults, by the jars and shocks and difficulties but to his father he is blameless. of life day by day, and yet there may That is the possibility of our lives, be maintained between us and all those by God's grace moment by moment we disturbing influences that beautiful may be preserved blameless. calm of the peace of God, which shall Now we turn to a verse which we hope keep our hearts and minds undis- may soon be fulfilled, when our Lord turbed through Christ Jesus. One returns. Jude 24: "Now unto Him claims to have had some little that is able to keep you from falling, experience in maintaining this and to present you faultless (Greek, peace of God, for one has spent amomos) before the presence of His a good deal of life on a crowded glory.” Now and here, moment by schooner with a large number of moment, God desires to keep us natives and their families on board. blameless, and some day, we hope very We had the babies crying by day and soon, we shall be presented faultless. the men snoring by night, with These are the two possibilities of the storms blowing both day and night Christian life. and there by God's grace and help we

EFFECTIVE AND INFECTIOUS WITNESSES 153 did learn, to some extent, to maintain other people. We want to infect that "calm serenity" that belongs to others with the joy of the Lord, in every child of God. This is what God fact, it is one of the most infectious promises for every one of us. Oh, my things there is. I hope we shall try troubled. friends, there is that peace to look as we feel inside, if we are available for all! And one of the most feeling joyful in God. Infectious and beautiful results of the abundant life joyful lives are the best sermons that is that very peace of God, keeping can ever be preached. our hearts and minds in the most Why, then, don't more people extraordinary and diverse circum- live more of this life? (I) I think half stances. I think another of the the trouble is ignorance. I am told beauties of the abundant life is joy, there are certain people who say we the joy of the Lord is to be our strength. must stay in the 7th of Romans, and As we go on to serve God, we shall be we go on groaning until the end of the up against it, up against the Devil chapter. Thank God I got out of that and all his opposition, there will be chapter long ago, and over into the many sorrows, many tears, but even 8th. These convention meetings are sorrows and joys are not inseparable, held to try and bring to our wondering they can go on at the same time, for gaze the Divine and Scriptural possi- that is one of the paradoxes of Christ- bilities there are in Christ Jesus for ianity. The Apostle cried, "As sor- us moment by moment. rowful, yet always rejoicing.” Thank (2) Then there are many Christians God, the two are not incompatible, who are spiritually lazy. There is a and God's joy can be maintained, with a verse, Proverbs xix. 24, which say: little practice and God's help, "A slothful man hideth his hand in his through sorrows and difficulties. bosom, and will not so much as We must not be like the man of bring it to his mouth again.” What a whom I heard, who unfortunately lot of Christians are like that with was known to be engaged in Christian the Bible, they will not take the work, and carried a bag with the trouble to feed themselves. name of his mission on it . One (3) But I think the worst of all is day he went into a Bank while my the unwillingness of the will. Do let friend was there, and transacted his us try and get clear in our minds as to business with the longest face, my the problem of the will, and the friend said, that he had ever seen. personality. Let us remember that As he walked out the clerk at the "1," or the ego in us, is not the same counter winked to my friend, and as the flesh or self in us. There is noth- pointing after this long-faced Christian, ing intrinsically wrong with the ego in whispered, "Sunny Jim!” Thank us. The problem is that the ego has God for the many people with a "per- two natures, the new nature, called manent shine," because they have the the "new man," energised by the permanent peace of God in the soul. Holy Spirit, and the old nature, the "flesh," moved upon by the Evil One. Spiritually Lazy Christians And that "1" in us has to keep on Then I think we may claim and making the choice, which of those expect power, or, perhaps, we might two powers is going to control, and use the word "effectiveness.” We when we do really yield all to God's want to be effective witnesses, in Spirit all God's blessings do become fact, infectious. There are people who ours . If then we do seek to allow the are carriers of germs, and they infect Lord Jesus to have His way, h: we do

154 EFFECTIVE AND INFECTIOUS WITNESSES honestly sing and mean "I surrender now and then turned and fought with all," what happens? ferocity those rear-guard actions now famous in history. And so will the Antagonisms of the Flesh flesh. That is true of the Christian Well, as soon as we try to take a life, you and I have to face up to the step like that, there is going to be a fact that the flesh will bring up something struggle. When we yield ourselves and contend for it, and I am sure that wholly to God's Holy Spirit that old at a critical time like that we have to flesh begins to fight, and it may be give God the benefit of the doubt, and over some very insignificant thing. side with Him against the flesh about Prebendary Webb Peploe tells of a that doubtful thing. girl he knew personally who once came to Keswick, heard the message, saw The Soul on Top the possibilities, and yielded her How are we going to make this yielding heart and surrendered, then God set effectual? I want to turn you to the His finger upon something He wanted only other passage besides Rom. viii. her to give up. It was really a test 29, where this word, sunmoyphos, is question between God and the flesh in used, Phil. iii. 10: "Being made her. It happened to be a jewel which conformable unto His death.” I think I had been given to her by her grand- hear some one groan, and say, mother, and as soon as God spoke "There you are again, always talking about that, the fight began. He could about death. I already have life, ask for anything else, but not that. eternal life, what I want is abundant The struggle went on actually for Life, and you at once begin to talk of seven years, and at last she yielded death." to God, and took it to a jeweller's Well, here are two comforting to be valued, and sold for God's work. facts. The death of Christ is never men- The jeweller looked at it carefully, tioned except in the pas/ tense, and and after long examination told her it never apart from the Resurrection But was just an imitation jewel, and all it that we may share and enjoy that was worth was only seven shillings. resurrection life with Him, you and I That I know to be a true story, but it is have to know conformity to His also profoundly true to life. It may, death. Thank God He does not provide perhaps, be some doubtful habit, or us with a hearse, though many friendship, and somehow the Devil is Christians look as if they were in one, able to make it seem more needful and and travel through life like that. No, desirable to us than all the power and He has provided us rather with a blessing of God. You say, is it reason- chariot. And in that chariot we are to be able that God should make such a fuss "more than conquerors" through Him that about a jewel? It was not a very big loved us. But we must reckon ourselves thing itself when Eve took that as dead to sin. "If any man will follow fruit in Eden, but behind it was Me, let him take up his cross and the conflict of her will against God's, deny himself"—say "no" to self. That and it wrecked the world. As soon as old self can be put out of action, and we do really seek to yield the control then we can enjoy the chariot of God. of our lives and hearts to God's Spirit, But it must be done moment by the flesh begins to fight a series of rear- moment. A crisis at first, perhaps, but an guard actions, as did the French in attitude quietly maintained afterwards. the retreat from Moscow. There you Yet do not think you have always to be remember the French soldiers every looking on the

gloomy side of life, always thinking will fight for it rights and its life, yet about dying. Normally, habitually, a dead person really has no rights, and we shall look on the bright side of we have died with Christ. God grant things, for if we are wise, we shall that there may be this growing con- live "looking unto Jesus." formity to the image of God's Son A little girl was once asked how in each of us. This adjustment can be Wesley kept the flesh under, and she made in a moment, at Keswick, and rather wisely replied that he did it by then we can go back to that lonely keeping his soul on top. The keeping mission station, or that counting-house, under of the flesh will be a conscious or difficult home, and work it out by effort at the start, the deliberate ad- God's grace day by day, growing in justment of our will to the will of God, grace and the knowledge of our Lord but later it may become a habit of life. Jesus Christ, and having His character We can be occupied keeping our soul on engraven upon our hearts , so that each top, looking unto Jesus. This old flesh one of us can become God's palimpsest!

The Saviour died, but rose again Triumphant from the grave; And pleads our cause at God's right hand, Omnipotent to save.

Who then can e'er divide us more From Jesus and His love, Or break the sacred chain that binds The earth to Heaven above ?

Let troubles rise, and terrors frown, And days of darkness fall; Through Him all dangers we'll defy, And more than conquer all.

Nor death, nor life, nor earth, nor hell, Nor time's destroying sway, Can e'er efface us from His heart, Or make His love decay .

Each future period that will bless, As it has blessed the past; He loved us from the first of time, He loves us to the last,

God's Amazing Provision BY REV . J . MILTON THOMPSON "Shall we continue in sin, that grace may nation; (2) it bears directly upon abound ? God forbid. "—Rom, vi. 1, 2, the present, for it offers a glorious W E are all familiar with the emancipation from sin's dominion prophetic words of the angel to and slavery; (3) and it reaches out to, Joseph, "Thou shalt call His name and embraces the future, promising a Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins.” God's people love complete and final deliverance from to dwell upon that Name which is the defiling presence of sin. above every Name. But the pathetic Slaves of Sin fact in Christian experience is that normally that prophecy of the work Now, of course, each one of these which the Saviour was going to do aspects of salvation is not important, only bears a limited interpretation. nor can any one of them rightly be For, alas, far too many Christians separated from the other two, for live as though deliverance from the they are all three integral parts of guilt and condemnation of sin ex- one glorious whole. But while we hausted its meaning. To multitudes remember this and in all our of Christians that promise, "He shall exposition seek to relate what is save His people from their sins," only taught from this platform to the means that by His death on the Cross other two precious aspects of the Lord Jesus purchased a free pardon salvation which are not specifically for them—the fulness and rich content enlarged upon, yet we do not forget of which word was so helpfully drawn the purpose for which Keswick was out for us by our brother yesterday raised up by God, namely, specially to morning, who reminded us that it emphasise and to insist upon the is as a precious jewel, with its four second of these glorious aspects of facets of propitiation, redemption, re- salvation, that is, that the Lord Jesus conciliation and justification. Now Christ died on the Cross, was buried that is a very wonderful experience for any soul to pass through. Because in the tomb, was raised again by the they have believed on the Lord Jesus glory of the Father, and has been Christ dying in their stead, they have exalted to be a Prince and a Saviour in passed from death unto life, they have order that He might redeem us from received forgiveness of sins, and are, the thraldom of sin, setting us free therefore, no longer under condem- from its dominion, no less than from nation. Thank God it does mean all its guilt, and thus to make it possible that, every whit of it; but, blessed for us, who are rightly called "frail be His holy Name, it means a great children of dust, and feeble as deal more than that, much more, frail," to live a life that is pleasing to for salvation in the New Testament is God as we walk in holiness and a word which has a threefold implica- righteousness before Him all the tion: (1) It looks back to the sinner's past; and, as we have seen, is con- cerned with sin's guilt and condem-

GOD'S AMAZING PROVISION 157 days of our life. If God has thus the death of Jesus Christ on the made such a complete provision in Cross, he has succeeded in cheating us His Beloved Son for our emancipation out of a richer experience of its saving from the slavery of sin, so that we may and sanctifying power, and he will be enabled to walk worthy of the Lord have jockeyed us into that kind of unto all pleasing, is it right for us to tug-of-war life described in Romans go on living as the slaves of sin? vii., that life in which the new man, or With such a wonderful redemption the new nature delights in the law of in Him Who is able to save to the God, consenting to do, and desiring to uttermost, and Whom we have accepted do it. But, on the other hand, the flesh, in simple faith as our Saviour, shall or the evil nature hates it, and the we continue in sin? God, in the Cross inevitable result is failure, of the Lord Jesus Christ, has con- transgression, sin. It is essential, demned sin in the flesh. To continue therefore, that the eyes of our in sin, therefore, is to contradict understanding should be opened in order God's purpose of deliverance, and that we may "know." to nullify His power to save and to Yes, but what is it that we should keep, whereas God means His redeemed now? In a phrase, we should know our people to be, not a contradiction, but identification with Jesus Christ. When a confirmation before the world of His He died on the Cross He died as our ability to "break the power of can- representative. "One died for all; celled sin," and "to set the prisoner therefore, all died.” "We have been free." crucified with Christ.” Our old man, How, then, can these things be? that is to say, the flesh with its affections What is the secret of the victorious and lusts, was nailed to the Cross when life, a life in which sin, as a tyrant Jesus, our blessed Saviour, was nailed monarch, is hurled from its throne, there. Thus our evil nature was and the Lord Jesus takes His place as completely identified with the Conqueror and Keeper? The answer Crucified Saviour, so that what His is given to us in this great chapter, death was to sin, that our death was too. and I would ask your prayerful atten- Now death is the penalty of sin, and by tion to three important words in it, His death the Saviour "exhausted sin's for they give us the three steps into claim by discharging its penalty.” But the life of victory. The first word death was not the end, for it was not is "know," and it occurs four times possible for Him to be Holden of it, and, in verses 3, 6, 9, and 16. The second therefore, having exhausted sin's claim, is the word "reckon," which occurs in the Lord Jesus Christ rose again in "the verse 11. And the third is the word power of an endless life," so that if we "yield," which is found in verse 13, have been crucified with Christ, we, too, by virtue of our union with Him, A Fuller Knowledge are raised up together with Him and enter First of all, the word "know.” upon newness of life; that is to say, "a "Do you not know?” (v. 3). It is life without precedent in our most important that we should know. experience ;" because it is a life in For by the prophet Hosea (iv. 6) God which sin no longer has dominion says, "My people are destroyed for over us, seeing that we are now reigning lack of knowledge.” If only Satan in life by One, even Jesus Christ. This is can keep us in a state of ignorance or God's amazing provision for His haziness, or even partial knowledge redeemed children in the crucified about the deeper, fuller meaning of

158 THE KESWICK CONVENTION, 1934 and risen Saviour. Yes, it is all in The exact teaching was so carefully Christ, because only in Him are we outlined to us in the Bible Read- made a new creation, and given a new ing yesterday morning that I need position, where we are beyond the not go over the ground again. But reach of sin's enslavement. And the just as long as you and I are in this first step into the life of emancipation mortal body we shall always have the from the slavery of sin is to know about presence of sin there, ever ready to the great objective fact of the Cross of assert itself again and again through Christ, and what it has done for us. those manifold temptations which are always carrying on a campaign against A Subjective Experience the soul; for not until we enter upon But, having learned about God's our future inheritance, with its glorious provision in the Cross, the next step redemption of the body, shall we be is to find out how that great objective completely delivered from the presence fact of the Cross may become a sub- of sin. In this life, however mature jective experience. In other words, we may become in knowledge, in how may God's provision at Calvary grace, or in experience, there will become operative in my life? How always be the tendency, the liability may this purpose of full salvation to sin, and it will always be necessary be realised in Christian experience? for us to obey the Master's command This brings us to the second wonderful to watch and to pray lest we enter into word in this chapter the word temptation. Only as we keep on put- "reckon" in verse 11. "Likewise ting to death the deeds of the body, reckon ye also yourselves to be dead shall we be enabled to reckon ourselves indeed unto sin, but alive unto God as dead indeed unto sin, but alive through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Now unto God. this is the point where faith, having gained the knowledge, begins to act Trifling with Sin upon it, and steps out upon God's Now we may search our hearts just Word in full assurance. In verse 10 we at this point. "Reckon yourselves, read, "He died unto sin once," but now therefore, to be dead indeed unto sin, "liveth unto God.” Even so, we are but alive unto God.” Is that what to "reckon ourselves to be dead indeed we are doing, we who have come to unto sin, but alive unto God.” Keswick so often, perhaps, or we who Reckon, that is to say, take it for have come for the first time? Are we granted, act as though it is so, act, dead to sin? If so, may I ask very and continue to act until action tenderly as one who has experienced becomes crystallised into a maintained the full force of this himself, why are attitude. For the word "reckon" we so lax about our sin? Why do we here is in the present tense. Go on tolerate it? Why do we secretly acting as though you too died unto indulge in it? Why is it that sin still sin, and are alive unto God. What has dominion over us? It has been exactly is meant by being "dead unto remarked by a student of history that sin”? Does it mean that sin is now the general standard of morality was dead or eradicated? Does it mean that never so low during the last fifty years henceforth the believer is not able in our beloved land as it is to-day. to sin? The New Testament never Have you asked yourself, why? I teaches that. Keswick believes all think, ultimately, the answer is this. that the Word of God teaches, but it Because you and I as Christians are never goes beyond the Word of God. not dead indeed unto sin. Because

159 THE KESWICK CONVENTION, 1934 there is no strong recoil in us from the owner is freed from that owner, but sins which are so fatally accepted by only by becoming the property of the Christian community to-day. The another. We who have been purchased professing Christian Church to day by the precious Blood of Christ have, as has been drugged by worldliness, by it were, been bought out from the tyrant convention, by fashion, by scientific master Sin, but by that very transaction dicta, which repeated often enough we now belong to the Lord Jesus come to be accepted as the truth, by Christ, our Purchaser, and have the desire to be thought up-to-date, become the slaves of holiness. In other even in the theological world, and by words, we have changed masters. Then specious philosophies which only pan- we must let the new Master have His way der to the baser instincts, and, alas, if we are to live as those who are dead to eulogize what God condemns And sin. there is no silent, convincing, protest A Definite Command from our lives strong enough to con- demn it all, and to put to silence the And that brings us to the third won- ignorance of foolish men. We half derful word, the word "yield.” "Yield accept it as inevitable, and become yourselves unto God" (verse 13). indifferent to it, because our desire That is a very definite command. for holiness has never reached a passion. Yield is more than desire. It is not We profess and call ourselves Christ- an often-repeated wish that never ians, and should be dead indeed unto materialises; it is rather a deter- sin, but, alas, we are very much alive mination that is realised indeed. It to it, answering to its subtle calls, involves a definite decisive act of the responding to its seductive charms, will. "Yield yourselves unto God”: yes, and often indulging in its gilded that is the way to keep sin from reigning vices, and hence becoming enslaved in the body. And this is the simple by its power. When, if we had been and profound secret of victory over sin, crucified with Christ, and raised into and emancipation from its slavery. We newness of life, we ought to be most come to see, and gladly to emphatically as dead and as impassive acknowledge that we are not our own, and as immovable to sin as Christ was. but are bought with a price. As a How can we toy and trifle with sin result gratitude and love should impel when we remember that it is the us, with deliberate intention, to yield abominable thing which a holy God ourselves, once for all to our new hates, when we see it in the light of Master, Whose we are, and Whom we Calvary's Cross, and remember that desire to serve. And as we reckon it is that stinging, scourging, defiling, ourselves dead to one old master, sin, debasing, blighting, blasting, damning and yield ourselves to our new Master, thing which crucified the Son of God? Jesus Christ Himself , we come to have a There is only one consistent attitude completely changed attitude towards sin. towards sin for the Christian, and Instead of loving it, we loathe it. Instead that is to enter into God's reckoning of indulging in it we shall resist it in about it, and by faith to take up the His strength. We shall not find it is dead attitude of being dead to sin, and because we have changed masters; it will refusing to be its slave any longer. continue to entice us, and try to get us The Apostle emphasises this in verses under its control again, but we shall 16 to 23 by using a very simple illus- be dead to it. It will meet with no more tration, that of a slave. He says in response from us, because our new effect that a slave purchased from one Master will ravish

our heart , and captivate our affections until He has taken complete possession and purify and direct our desires, and of His new property. He longs to we shall prove that to be His slave is make His home in the life that thus to be a king ; to be His property by yields to His ownership. "I beseech purchase and conquest and surrender you therefore, brethren, by the mercies is to have Him as the Owner-Indweller. of God, that ye present your bodies a For the amazing wonder of this is that living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto He is not going to be an absentee God, which is your reasonable service." landlord. He will never be satisfied May we do so in His Name.

Never further than Thy Cross; Never higher than Thy feet; Here earth's precious things seem dross; Here earth's bitter things grow sweet.

Gazing thus, our sin we see, Learn Thy love while gazing thus; Sin, which laid the Cross on Thee, Love, which bore the Cross for us

Here we learn to serve and give, And, obedient, self deny; Here we gather love to live; Here we gather faith to die.

Symbols of our liberty And our service here unite. Captives, at Thy Cross set free, Soldiers of Thy Cross, we fight

Pressing onward as we can, Still to this our hearts shall tend: Where our earliest hopes began, There our last aspirings end.

Till, amid the hosts of light, We, in Thee redeemed complete, Through Thy Cross made pure and white,

Cast our crowns before Thy feet .

The Enthroned Lord BY REV W. H. ALDIS

"l beseech you therefore, brethren, by really at to-night. According to the the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable suggestions issued by the Trustees of unto God, which is your reasonable service. " the Convention to the speakers, the --Rom. xii, 1. objective of to-day 's teaching is a life yielded to God, expressing itself in a DESIRE to carry on where my dear practical recognition of the ownership brother left off, and lead to some and lordship of Jesus Christ over our definite issue at the close of this lives. meeting, because, as you all recog- Now my brother concluded his nise, we are here in Keswick at this message with that wonderful and Convention for a definite purpose, and urgent appeal of the great Apostle : to do definite business. We are not here "I beseech you, therefore, brethren, by merely to listen to, or to give pleasant the mercies of God, that ye present addresses, but in order that some your bodies a living sacrifice." You definite step may be taken towards were reminded that in the 6th chapter the fulfilment of our Saviour's desire of the Epistle three times the Apostle and purpose concerning us. I think makes the same appeal, although the one of the tragedies of these Conven- word is differently translated. There tions for the Deepening of Spiritual it is "yield yourselves," and then in Life is that so many of God's people this 12th chapter we have the final attend, and they have what they call appeal. We have been reminded a good time , and they go back again and of some of those things which are no one sees any difference in them, included in the "mercies of God." for the simple reason that no definite May I just recapitulate in order that step has been taken, such a definite we may be reminded of the background step, for instance, as my brother has of the appeal, and then we will face been urging upon you to-night in the the appeal and the challenge put to us power of the Spirit. by the Holy Spirit through the Apostle . In the opening address we were reminded that the goal of the Conven- Ruin Caused by Sin tion is the adjustment of every life to the will and purpose of God, and we You remember the Epistle com- all recognise that one great element mences with what we might call in the will of God is our sanctification, Man's Desperation. The opening chap- "This is the will of God, even your ter and the third chapter present that sanctification," I question very much awful, black picture of man's sin, whether any other element in the will and the ruin caused by sin. Then we of God concerning us will ever be fully pass on at the close of the 3rd chapter, realised until this purpose of God has and in the 4th and 5th chapters, from been experienced by us, that is, our man's desperation to Man's justifi- sanctification, our setting apart wholly cation by faith, that wonderful stand- for God Himself This is what we are ing before God of which we were re-

minded on Sunday afternoon, a stand- all apprehended and accepted by ing before God as though he had never faith." That is true, but what is sinned. Oh, the wonder and the glory faith? Do not speak of faith as of it ! Then passing from that we get though it was a small and tiny thing. to Man's Liberation, of which my I think we are in great danger brother has been speaking. The of doing that. Faith is a tre - liberation from the power and dom- mendous word, and it makes a tre- inion of sin, described as "the glorious mendous demand on every part of liberty of the children of God," My a man's being. There is no true faith friends, are you living in the enjoy- apart from surrender, and although we ment of it? Is it yours to-night, the appropriate these blessings by faith, glorious liberty from the dominion yet it is because faith includes sur- and the power of sin? Then, passing render. on from justification we come to A Free Act Man's Sanctification by the Spirit of God dwelling in us, as we have it It is interesting to notice that St. revealed in the 8th chapter. In Paul, guided by the Holy Spirit of that same chapter we go on from God, uses the word "body." Of sanctification to Glorification: For course he was not referring to our whom He justified, them He also bodies apart from mind and spirit, glorified." Then, Man's Adoption, or but he did deliberately use the word what the Apostle Paul calls "the re- "body." Do not let us forget it; it is demption of our body." That has this body which has been the instru- not taken place yet, but it is coming, ment of sin, this body through which when our Lord Jesus Christ returns, the mind and spirit function, which and by His mighty power changes may be the temple of the Holy Ghost, this body of our humiliation, and and which must be presented to Him. fashions it like unto His glorious Never think or speak lightly of your body. These are some of the mercies body, it is marvellous, it is a wonder- of God. I do not wonder the Apostle ful piece of living mechanism—our bursts out, "Oh the depth of the hands, our feet, our eyes. Truly we riches, both of the wisdom and know- are "fearfully and wonderfully made." ledge of God! How unsearchable are This body is to be presented unto Him His judgments, and His ways past as a living sacrifice, placed upon the finding out!" Now then, it is because altar, not to die, but to live—yes, to of these mercies of God he makes his die in the sense in which we die to appeal: "I beseech you, therefore, live—but, truly, to be a living sac- brethren, that ye present your bodies rifice every clay. Why should we do a living sacrifice." Why? Well, it? In order that we may be wholly for two reasons. First, it is the only His, that we may be temples of the possible response of gratitude. I Holy Ghost, and in order that we may present this body to Him because of be at His disposal. His manifested mercies toward me; You are not only charged to do this, but that is not the only reason. I but you alone have the power to do it, venture to say the other and the you have the power to yield or with- main reason is this, that it is only as hold. I say it reverently, God cannot we make this response to Him that compel you to present your body to we enter into the full enjoyment and Him as a living sacrifice. It must be your free act responding to the realisation of these mercies of God. wonder of His mercy, and because you "Oh," you say, "but surely these are desire to have God's best. To this

163 THE KESWICK CONVENTION, 1934 step I would, in my Master's Name, employed. I know a girl who refused urge you to-night , this step of handing to tell a lie over the telephone be- over to Him your body, and all that cause she was a Christian, and because it is and can be . her body had been surrendered to the Before we finally face the issue, I Lord , and she had to give up her job If want to bring two other considerations you are going to yield your body to to your notice, and I want to borrow Him face it out, you cannot take part two Old Testament incidents which in any business lie, no matter what will to show the costliness and it costs, and I am not speaking un- urgency of this step, and I do not sympathetically. You may be want to deceive anybody. First of minister, you have a church and a all the costliness. I would not for situation may arise in your church one moment suggest, because I would where you are face to face with some- not deceive you, that this presentation thing which is going to involve a of our bodies to Him is not going to compromise with evil, and if your body cost us something It may be for belongs to the Lord you cannot do it, some here to-night a very costly and you have to refuse, and it may matter. I know it has cost some of mean you lose your pastorate, or God's people a very great deal to whatever it is. Dear friends, these take this step of full surrender of their are not days for compromise, if we are bodies to Him. going back from Keswick to be right with God, and with bodies yielded to The Fiery Trial Him we have to face this as a possibility which may arise in other ways. You There is in the 3rd chapter of may be holding a position to-night Daniel that incident of the three which brings in a large remuneration, young Hebrew youths who went but a position which God has made through their fiery test. King Nebu- you conscious, since you came to Kes- chadnezzar at the end of the chapter wick, has in it compromise, and which is recorded as saying in regard to these if you are out and out you cannot three young men that they "yielded continue to hold. We must not sing: their bodies." Much earlier they had resolved that God should be glorified "In full and glad surrender, I give myself to Thee, in them when they refused the luxuries Thine utterly and only, of the king's table, and went in for a And evermore to be, " wise and salutary self-discipline. What did it cost them? It cost them if we are going to hold on to something the burning fiery furnace. I want to which is really compromising with say to you, my dear friend, be prepared something which God hates. If we for the cost, but it is well worth while, are going to yield our bodies we have because of the enrichment it will to recognise it is going to be costly. bring into life, which cannot come in Are we prepared for the cost? any other way. It may be you are in Thank God the fiery furnace is not a situation, and an occasion will arise the end. For we read: "When the when you are expected to tell a lie, or princes and the councillors came round be a party to a lie. Now, if your body to see the men they saw three men, has been surrendered to the Lord you upon whose bodies the fire had no cannot lend your lips to the devil to power, nor was an hair of their head tell a lie, and you have to refuse; you singed," All that was burned was may lose your job in consequence their bonds, and in a double sense they and have to join the army of the un- were free men. Beloved, there may be

a furnace, but that is not the end, Him. Perhaps you are afraid he will there is a glorious liberation which make you a foreign missionary, and comes to every one who is prepared to you do not want to be that. You go through the furnace for the Lord remember there was a wise man Jesus Christ, and because they want there, and I want to take the part of to be wholly His. God looks after His the wise man now. Abner was a people. You may have to go through wise man, and said to those people, the furnace, but the Lord will bring "You have longed to make David you through in His own time and in king, you have talked about it, and His own way. you know perfectly well it is the only Further I want you to remember thing to be done, you know that God the urgency of our surrender. It is has ordained that by the hand of His not something which can be postponed, Son, great David's greater Son the because every moment you postpone Lord Jesus Christ, you shall be de- it you rob your Lord, and every livered from your enemies. It is moment you postpone it you rob only through the enthroned Lord that yourself of the best of life, and of the you are going to enter into this victory life more abundant, because you never over your enemy. You young men and have that until Christ has full control. women, you want victory in life, and it is only as you have an enthroned Lord, Victory in Life only as your body is wholly yielded to There is another Old Testament Him that He can give you the victory. story. You remember the story of the You want those enemies turned out. enthronement of David, how David You cannot deal with them, but our was kept out of his possession for a David can, and our blessed Lord Jesus long, long time. He was waiting, Christ can, and will, deal with those just as our Lord is waiting to get Jebusites in your life to-night if only possession of His possessions in you you will present your body a living David was kept waiting, I suppose, sacrifice. Not only will He give you because they were afraid of what he victory, but you will go out of this might do with them if they surrendered Tent with the glad consciousness that to him, just as, perhaps, you are now you belong to Him. Listen as I afraid to-night. Maybe you are a repeat some lines which will reveal the little bit afraid of what is going to meaning of what I have been trying happen to you if you yield your body to to say to you:

"Thou hast no tongue, as once of old, To tell the story of Thy love Divine. The story- still the same, so sweet, so true. But there's no tongue to tell it out but mine. "Thou hast no hands, 0 Christ, as once of old, To feed the multitude with bread Divine. Thou nest the living bread enough for all. But there's no hand to give it out but mine. "Thou hast no feet, 0 Christ, as once of old, To go where Thy lost sheep in sorrow pine. Thy love is still the same, so deep so true, But now Thou hast no feet to go, but mine. "Oh, shall I use these ransomed powers of mine For things that only minister to me? Lord, take my tongue, my hands, my heart, my ail. And let me live, and love, and give for Thee. "


JULY 18, 1934








Unbroken Fellowship AFTER the singing of the hymn, "Like a river glorious is God's perfect peace," Mr. Martin referred to Col. 1 20, "Having made Peace through the Blood of His Cross." He showed that there must be peace established between us, as sinful men, and the Holy God. Then how there is to come into our hearts the very peace of God as we live out our lives, amidst all the conditions of the world's unrest and darkness. A beautiful reference was made to Daniel in peace in the den as the angels shut the mouths of the lions ; and to our Lord in the wilderness, with the wild beasts and the angels ministering to Him. At the forenoon meeting the Rev. Wm. Dalgetty, who, as colleague of Dr. Donald Davidson, ministers in Leith to the largest congregation in Scotland, gave a very fresh address on a subject that has very frequently been spoken of. He called it "An Entwined Life with Christ," and it was all based on the familiar words of Gal. 2:20. So the Cross has to be with us all through our life, and although Calvary is but a low hill, it throws a long shadow. Mr. Langston followed suitably on the life of unbroken fellowship. Christ, by His sacrifice, has made this possible. He accepted our conditions, that His way of life might become ours. In the evening the attendance was very large, and there were people standing all round the sides and the back of the Tent. After the singing of "Crown Him with many crowns, the Lamb upon His throne," Canon St. John Thorpe spoke on the Knowledge of Christ, and the Power of His Resurrection; and Mr. Lindsay Glegg followed with a very graphic address on the Light of the World, and what it is to have it shining in our hearts. He used a specially striking illustration of an advertisement which he often passes; the electric light only shines forth, through it, when another light is shined upon it. In closing, he urged his hearers to "venture out on Christ," and a number expressed their response to his appeal by rising in order that they might be prayed for

No darkness have we who in Jesus abide, The light of the world is Jesus! We walk in the light when we follow our Guide, The light of the world is Jesus!

His Fellowship

TELL me, Lord, where Thou abides— I would daily dwell with Thee— And the way by which Thou guidest Must be the right one for me; If that way, in clouds, Thou hidest, Still, I satisfied would be.

Tell me, Thou, whom my soul loveth- That I may go forth with Thee; Tho' I seem as one that roveth,' Yet my path is planned for me: Wheresoe'er Thy presence moveth, There may I Thy glory see.

Oh, for heart that ever heareth Softest whisper of Thy voice Step by step, that ne'er despaireth Since my will but asks Thy choice; If, amidst life's storms, it feareth, Yet, with Thee, faith can rejoice.

Tell me, for love always needeth The response of heart to heart; Thy great love for ever pleadeth, Its high secrets to impart While Thy Spirit intercedeth To reveal Thee as Thou art.

Tell me, for I fain would follow— Know true fellowship with Thee; Where Thy flock feeds in the hollow, By still waters—o'er the lea— Let me rest beneath Thy shadow With love's banner over me. J. H. STUART

The Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ (iii) Peace through the Blood of the Cross


"Having made peace through the blood "Peace with God," and "the Peace of of His cross, "—Col. i, 20. God.” The Bible declares that the OUR subject on Monday was Par- carnal mind is enmity against God. don; yesterday it was Purity; and The natural man not only does not now to-day it is Peace. I can know the things of God, but is in a imagine some one challenging this state of antagonism with God. Owing order, and thinking it should rather be, to the taint which has come upon him Pardon, Peace, and then. Purity. They through the original Fall he is out of will ask, Is not the first experience harmony with God, and, given the cir- after Pardon that of Peace? Does not cumstance, his antagonism is quickly the surrender of the will and accept- revealed, The whole world lieth in the ance of Christ after antagonism to wicked one, and he is a component in Him issue immediately in peace? this, and is under the control of him The answer is from one point of who is the definite enemy of God, Now view, Yes. This makes it imperative this antagonism is not always apparent, that we should at once clearly dis- or even known by the individual. tinguish, as has often been done on There is such a thing in the Bible as this platform, between "peace with false peace, a peace in which an God" and "the peace of God.” Rom. unregenerate soul often is wrapped. v. 1 declares, "Therefore being justi- To him there is no alarm as to the fied by faith we have peace with God future, no concern as to the justice of through our Lord Jesus Christ.” I God, no regard for the demands of the know and reject the other reading "let law and of his liability with respect to us have peace.” This "peace with it, no yearnings for pardon. The trum- God" is the heritage of every one who pet call of warning sounds on unheed- is justified by faith. It comes at the ing ears. The wooings of love by the moment of receiving Christ by faith Spirit find no response. The story of into the heart. On the other hand, the Cross never stirs his soul. The we read also in Phil. iv. 7. "The man has a peace which is false. You peace of God which passeth all under- remember the charge against the false standing shall keep your hearts and prophets. "They have healed also minds through Christ Jesus.” The the hurt of the daughter of my people peace of God" is conditional on many lightly saying, Peace, peace, when things, and, alas, is unknown in the there is no peace." The charge is experience of many of God's people. again repeated in Jer. viii. 11. One In this it differs from "peace with of the great methods of the enemy of God," which is unconditional. souls is to maintain this state of false It is well that we should spend a security. Where men begin to get short time on these two phrases. restless and anxious about this con-

170 THE KESWICK CONVENTION , 1934 dition how often has he not sung his last resource to find out whether she lullaby softly in their ears, and gently could get peace. Others have tried rocked them to sleep as a mother does various methods for satisfying the her restless babe. Not long ago in thirst within, and having found the my own Mission Hall where I was wells of this world's providing fail, preaching, in the front row was a mo- instead of asking for the Living Water ther with her baby in her arms. It which Christ alone can give, they have began to get restless, and with a truly given all up, and have ceased to motherly skill she gently rocked it to seek the peace for which their hearts sleep. Surely a picture, from a crave. One of the great characteristics different point of view, of what so of life to-day is the unsatisfied con- often happens when men begin to get dition of so many. Too well they restless in their souls. know the experience described in St. John iv. 13. "Whosoever drinketh The Living Water of this water shall thirst again." With some this want of harmony Yes, and many, too, thank God, with God is revealed by the definite realising the folly of the unequal hostility they exhibit towards His struggle and antagonism towards God, children. They are ever ready to have surrendered to Him. They have ridicule, to point the finger of scorn, laid down their arms, they have to malign, to persecute, and to cause delivered up their swords, they have laughter at their expense. Many of capitulated and flung themselves on our offices and places of business bear His mercy, and, having received His witness to this, and some of God's pardon, they now have "peace with children are the continual target God." The old antagonism is gone, against which they direct their oppo- justice is satisfied, and God and the sition, ridicule, and even persecution individual soul are at peace. Christ, for righteousness' sake. Many young by His Cross, has slain the enmity, people could tell us of such experiences. not only between Jew and Gentile, Others, conscious that their relation- but also between the returning soul ship to God needs adjusting, plunge and Himself. into meritorious religious acts; they are assidious in their worship, they Destroying the Harmony use all existing means of grace, they "The peace God" is a vastly deny themselves, they are zealous of different experience, and, as has been good works—all excellent in a soul said, though it is the heritage of every united by faith with God, and yet ransomed soul, is too often unex- unavailing for those who, by them, perienced by many of God's children. seek to find pardon and peace. Only Many do find in actual experience the other day I had a girl come into points of controversy between them- my study. She had been to ten selves and God, which hinders peace different ministers of the Gospel trying of mind, and cripples their effective to find from them the secret of peace. witness. They realise that there are She had been told by one that she must things in their lives which are contrary do penance, by another that she must to God's will, often they treasure go to Holy Communion every morning that which God would have them in the week. Another told her to read surrender; they indulge in that which the Lives of the Saints, yet another the Spirit of God declares to be in- that she must practise fasting day after consistent with discipleship. The day. In despair she came to me as a destruction of harmony through the

PEACE THROUGH THE BLOOD 171 Fall of man was so stupendous, the pang—waiting for the adoption, to whole creation seems to have been wit, the redemption of our body." The involved in it. As we look out on the picture is of a strong man yearning animal world we see it "red in tooth to fulfil one purpose for which he was and claw," we see the animals preying made, but who is kept down. The whole upon one another, the one ever seeking creation is out of harmonious adjust- to destroy the other. Surely if we ment because of man's sin. Instead believe that God created them we of music and singing, alas, often there cannot believe He thus formed and is mourning and pain. Creation is in fashioned them. No one who reads a state of earnest expectation, waiting the first chapters of the Bible could for the coming of an hour when the full think so. Nay, they were not so in the results of the sacrifice of the Cross have Garden of Eden, where the picture their fruition, and man has come back given to us is one of harmony and into complete peace in the will of God. peace. It will not be so in the days It is pictured as in a state of "earnest to come. "The wolf also shall dwell expectation.” A wonderful word in (as guest) with the lamb, and the leo- the Greek, as of a woman waiting upon pard shall lie down with the kid, and tiptoe, with outstretched neck, for the calf and the young lion and the the coming of one she is expecting. fatling together, and a little child A Wail of Sorrow shall lead them. And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall Listen to what a writer has written, lie down together; and the lion shall somewhat pessimistic in tone if it eat straw like the ox" (Isa. xi. 6, 7). describes a final state, but fraught with You say, this is all figurative. Is it? hope if it is realised that in man's final Why do you say it is figurative? I redemption is involved the bringing am getting tired of hearing people of creation back into the original say that things they do not under- harmony. This is what he says, stand are figurative. When you can "Account for it as you may, a wail of interpret a passage literally do it. sorrow pervades the universe. The You cannot always do so. What wind coursing along moans in every reason makes us place it out of the tree, and mourns round every corner. realm of fact? The harmony so Go to the seaside, and every wave dies depicted was so originally, why not with a groan. Listen to the blackbird, again? It will be so again some whilst there is unutterable sweetness day. Listen to that pregnant passage in his whistle, yet underneath all his in the Epistle to the Romans, viii. 19. notes there is an undertone of sadness. I use Bishop Moule's version. "The There is not a bird in the forest which longing outlook of the creation is does not touch a minor key. Hear the expecting the unveiling of the sons of bleating of the iamb, and note therein God. For to vanity the creation was the tremor of sorrow. Ascend up to subjected, not willingly, but because man, and suffering dominates his of Him Who made it subject.” In history. Everything in nature seems other words, as the Bishop comments, abortive; nothing seems to realise its on creation has fallen physical ill destiny, achieving the full purpose corresponding to the moral evil of of its creation. When man fell nature His conscious fallen creatures.” And, grew sick." further, v. 22: "For we know that the All this is but temporary, for whole creation is uttering a common one day nature will "be delivered groan, and suffering a common birth- from the bondage of corruption into

172 PEACE THROUGH THE BLOOD the glorious liberty of the children of company among lions, when the lions God" (v. 21). Now not only has the became as lambs, a picture of coming Fall of man disturbed the harmony days, a picture of the coming re- existing before in the animal world, storation of peace? Again, when our but it has brought the latter into Lord was in the wilderness during those conflict with man. Originally man forty days of terrible conflict and temp- and animal were in concord. You tation with the devil, do we not read remember that pictorial suggestive that He "was with the wild beasts" day when they were brought in pro- (Mark i. 13). You say this aggravated cession before Adam to see what he the temptation. No, the word "with" would call them. Hear the Psalmist's always implies companionship with description of the great Creator's —Christ was in companionship with design. "Thou madest him (man) to the wild beasts. He found solace with have dominion over the works of them in that great hour of lonely con- Thy hands, Thou hast put all things flict. "Paradise Lost" will yet become under his feet; all sheep and oxen, "Paradise Regained," even in the yea, and the beasts of the field; the animal world, and peace will triumph fowls of the air, and the fish of the through the Blood of the Cross. sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas" (Psa. viii. 6, 7). Man's Alas, this design has been marred, Again, not only did the great catas- this harmony is not true of to-day. trophe of the Fall issue in alienation The New Testament has this signi- of God and man, in the break of ficant phrase. "But now we see not harmony in the animal world, and in all things put under him (man), but the displacement of man from his we see Jesus crowned with glory and position as the centre and controller of honour" (Heb ii. 8). To-day "we the animals surrounding him; it has see not all things put under him meant the introduction of enmity and (man)." They are going to be under warfare between man and man. Does man again. He has lost his old posi- not every war and conflict have its tion with regard to these. To-day root in this tragic event? We get an fear of man is evidenced everywhere. illustration of this in the antagonism The birds fly away at his approach; which for centuries existed between the rabbits run for safety into their Jew and Gentile. Paul deals with burrows ; the alarm is sounded by the this. In Eph. ii, he is dealing with parent , watchful over her offspring. the problem. He speaks of "a wall of To study bird-life, field glasses and partition" between them, he talks of telescope are necessary. Song often the enmity between them, and he ceases when man appears. Animals declares this condition of separation slink away into cover. And all this is comes to an end only as Christ is our so different from the picture given in Peace. "He (Christ) is our Peace who the primal Edenic bliss. Oh, the tra- bath made both (Jew and Gentile) gedy of man's fall, not only to himself, one, and hath broken down the middle but to the world around! But one day wail of partition between us (between we shall see this old dominion and Jew and Gentile)" (Eph. ii. 14). How harmony between man and beast does He accomplish this? He became restored. Nay, we see glimpses of Peace both for Jew and Gentile (verse what will be in two Biblical incidents. 14). The Jew believing finds Christ to Was not that night which Daniel and be "his Peace" through the Blood of the Angel of the Covenant spent in the Cross. The Gentile believing finds

Christ to be "his Peace" through the spoils and blurs my likeness to Christ Blood of the Cross, and thus He makes must go. In all doubtful things God in Himself of twain (Jew and Gentile) must be given the benefit of the doubt. one new man, so making peace between Anything which mars my testimony them, The Jew becomes a new man must be put out of my life, Wherever at peace with God. The Gentile there is a controversy on any matter becomes a new man at peace with God. between my will and God's, the peace Both Jew and Gentile in Christ of God will be jeopardised. His will become a new creation. They obtain is always right; He ever chooses the peace with Him through the Blood of best. There is only one method in the Cross. The old enmity vanishes; which the conflict with God may be they come to be at peace one with ended, and that is by unconditional another. Around the Cross they find surrender. This is easy to say, but a bond of unity through their common Lard to carry into practice. Oh, what union with Christ. Oh, that the long and weary struggles, lasting in League of Nations would learn that some cases for years, some of God's peace between nations can only come people have known before they said, through the Cross, and in so far as "Thy will be done"! The cry, "Not men become disciples of Him Who is so, Lord!" has often escaped their the Prince of Peace. lips. And if you are a stranger to Now the peace of God" differs this inward peace of God it were well from that of which we have been for you to discover the cause . Will thinking. The peace of God is the you not cry, "Search me, 0 Lord, and heritage of every believer in Christ. know my heart; try me, and know my If "peace with God" has to do with thoughts, and see if there be any wicked justification, the "peace of God" way in me, and lead me in the way has to do with sanctification. It everlasting ? " implies harmony with the will of God, with no discordant note. It Making Reparation means God has undisputed control of This prayer may issue in strange all the keys and stops of the organ revelations. There may be brought of our lives. It is conditional. When back to you the memory of a long-for- Christians are out of harmony with the gotten quarrel, which has never been will of God it often makes them cen- settled, and this may mean the writing sorious and critical. The man always of a difficult letter. It may mean the finding fault, for instance, is, I think, righting of an old wrong. You a man who is out of adjustment with remember in the instructions given the will of God, or a man who in nine with regard to the trespass offering in cases out of ten is harbouring some sin. olden days (Lev. v.), two classes of I say that after many years of ex- offences were dealt with, and in each perience. You get a man censorious case emphasis was laid on reparation. and inclined to complain and criticise In those offences against God, the cere- everything , and the fault is not in what monial pardon of sin came first, and he criticises chiefly, if he looks in a afterward an attempt to undo the mirror he knows where the fault really harm which the sin had done, In those lies. It depends on the definite against man reparation must be made abandonment of all things alien to first, then sacrifice. During my first the will of God. All that has been curacy my fellow curate had two of treasured contrary to the purpose of his Sunday School teachers who had a God must be surrendered. All that quarrel, and he knew that they were


both coming to Holy Communion on a there was stern determination, and we certain Sunday morning, so he wrote could see it had only come as a on two pieces of paper, "First be struggle. There may quite naturally be reconciled, then came." Instead of some hesitation in handing over the reins handing them the broken bread, a of life unreservedly to the control of fit emblem of the body of our Lord God. It is a big step when a man is Jesus Christ, he handed them the brought to the place where he cries, pieces of paper. They looked at them "Lord, anything, anywhere, anyhow." (they happened to be kneeling to- This may issue in an entire change in gether) , and they rose and went outside the daily occupation. It is not many the Church. My colleague told me he years ago that a scrap-iron dealer came did not know what happened, but they into this very Tent, and God revealed to came back hand in hand, and before him that there were things in his the service was over they received the business that he could not bring into emblems of the atonement of our Lord harmony with the will of God, and in this and Saviour Jesus Christ. "Leave very Tent he surrendered the business there thy gift before the altar and go and went home with his wife and child, thy way; first be reconciled to thy knowing that he was to face poverty, brother, and then come and offer thy apart from God's provision, and he gift." You will know no kind of peace went forth, never regretting it. with God while there is any kind of I have a man in my own congregation bitterness or feeling of any kind against who years ago was earning between anyone else; there will be no peace £2,000 and £3,000 a year and lived in until everything wrong has been put quite a big house. To-day he is living right. It may be the surrender of a in almost a bungalow, for in a great hour friendship dearer than life itself, soon after his conversion, with his wife "Be ye not unequally yoked together and two children he reviewed his with unbelievers" has been applied business and applied to it the principles largely to the relationship of husband of his Christian faith, and he found that and wife. I have never known a nearly all that business had to be marriage where the unconverted one amended. To-day his income is about has been brought to Christ when they £200 a year, so he told me. We are not have been unequally yoked in holy -matrimony It does stand as a univer- here simply to urge a thing without sal exhortation to those contemplating counting the cost. the marriage step, but it has a wider It may mean the Mission Field instead significance than this, and refers to of the City office. It may mean spending all our intercourse one with another. the evening in some Mission Hall rather than in the congenial company of friends. Wrestling with God It may mean going back from this place This place has witnessed many a with the knowledge that henceforth in jabbok wrestling ere God has prevailed, that spot, and among that company in and the sun of peace has risen after the which our lot is cast we are boldly to weary struggle. Some of us were in witness to our Lord . tears last night in the small Tent, as young people by a definite act faced Inward Tranquillity life, and deliberately, by an external "The peace of God" depends for its sign, showed that they were deter- continuance on obedience. It is not the mined to follow Christ anywhere and primal act of surrender which -everywhere. In some of their faces

guarantees the maintenance of peace. from sorrow; not assured prosperity ; The first act is essential. The peace of not a certainty of success; not simulated God cannot continue until it is ex- contentment of indifference, but in- perienced, but even after it has been ward tranquillity, ease of heart, and known and realised it may be lost , and confidence in God, What is tire con- many a man has cried out for the peace dition here laid down for this perfect, he once had when he was in the circle continual peace here spoken of? A of the will of God. He remembers "mind stayed upon Him," A mind how, perhaps, in this very Tent, or in which is in continual reliance upon some other spot for ever hallowed by Him. One who lives a life in which he the experience, the peace of God stole relies upon God 's strength, and wisdom into his heart, and yet through the and guidance. He knows God will stress of things corning after the sense of it has gone, there is a restless- keep him in the present; he knows that , ness and fret, and often dissatisfaction, come what may, He is assured of the because he has come to be out of har- upholding of God's arm, the enabling mony with the will of God. Oh, the of God's grace, and the protection of restlessness in the lives of many of God's shelter. He knows that what- God's children! Oh, the friction! Oh, ever befalls, God is able, and God will the fever of impatience because the supply all his need. This keeps him peace of God has, somehow, disap- care-free as to the future, and fills him peared. How many have cried out with with continuous peace. To be thus Job, "Oh, that I were as in months spiritually-minded (under the control past!" Would we know the secret of the Spirit Who causes him to rely of an ever-abiding peace? Look at that on Christ) is peace—perfect peace. passage with which we began our morning study. "Peace through the Conflicting Forces Blood of the Cross" (Col. i. 20) . Do I can imagine some one saying: you note its setting? It declares What about our Lord's saying: "Sup- Christ's central position. "By Him pose ye that I am come to give peace (Christ) were all things created" on the earth? I tell you, nay, but (v. 16). "By Him all things consist rather division" (St. Luke xii, 51). (hold together)" (v. 17). "That in all How does this fit in with what we have things He might have the pre-eminence " been considering? We must not con- fuse the peace within with the an- (v. 18) . He is there pictured as tagonism without. This world is the Creator and Controller in all definitely antagonistic to God; it is things in Nature because all things are lying in the power of the Evil One; it fulfilling His Word. So is it in the is controlled by the rulers of the spiritual realm. Peace prevails when- darkness whose head is the Prince of ever, and in so far as He is the Con- this world. Our siding with Christ troller of our lives, and in so far as He brings us at once into conflict with has the pre-eminence in all our daily these forces arrayed against Him. activities and concerns. In other "They who will live godly in Christ words, as we are actively obedient Jesus" will inevitably "suffer perse- to His will. Not a little does its cution." We are in the midst of a permanence depend on our communion world which not only declares "we will not have this Man to reign over us," but with God. "Thou wilt keep him in is ever alert to hinder the progress of perfect peace whose mind is stayed on the Church of God in its midst. In Thee, because he trusteth in Thee" the midst of this world's hate we can (Isa, xxvi. 3) . Peace—not freedom

176 THE KESWICK CONVENTION, 1934 have peace, inward peace through the gathering up casts a reflection on those Blood of the Cross. "Yes," says some who ate, and who flung aside and one, "I believe that which we have wasted twelve huge baskets full of food. been considering together is true, but They had been strangely stirred it hardly meets my difficulty. I have that day as they had witnessed how laid down my arms, and made the the crowd seemed to be spell-bound great surrender. I have experienced with their Master's message. They something of the coming into my had been thrilled as they had seen life of the rule of the Spirit Who now the effect produced upon them. There is in control of my heart and being. was a talk of urging Him to consent to As far as I am conscious, I am in the be their King. In that hour of line of God's will I have surrendered overwhelming wonder He had con- much for Him; I have obeyed His strained them against their inclination voice, and, as far as I know, there is to get into a boat and cross over the nought in my life treasured which Lake, while He dismissed the hinders Him from fulfilling His plan multitude. They had not progressed for me. And yet I have come up to far before daylight failed, darkness Keswick sorely perplexed in my life. descended, clouds gathered, winds I seem to make but little progress in rose, and soon they were battling things spiritual; my mind is filled against the storm, straining at the oars to with the problems of my path; trouble try and keep the boat head on to the wind, after trouble seems to be hindering and reach the other side. Then as they my witness and my life's purpose; peered out into the darkness, strained my plans oftentimes are thwarted, and overstrung as they were they saw and my way is frequently hedged up what to them seemed to be a strange with difficulty; and this all tends to spectre. You know the rest of the re-act on my peace of mind. I have story. It was Christ Who drew near, not the peace of God, yet as far as I and soon in place of toil, and hard, know I am in the will of God, I only unavailing rowing, there came peace wish I had the peace of God controlling and calm. Oh, friends, does not this my life." incident seem in more than one feature to recall your experience? Each of us The Master's Presence is as a little ship out on the sea of life There is in the record of our Lord's seeking eventually to reach the life an incident recorded which is not harbour on the other side. How often only absorbing in its character, but have we not encountered those head also contains a vital lesson to those winds, those threatening waves; and how who have the same experience. It is often, in spite of hard rowing, have we found in St. Matt. xiv. The day had seemed to make no headway. How been full of excitement to Christ's often has the thought not suggested disciples. The long hours on the itself, has Christ forgotten us? Is He so Gadarene shore in which the great busy dealing with the multitudes which Teacher had spoken of many things, throng Him, that He has no time for His had issued in its crowning miracle of individual disciples? Has He realised the Feeding of the Five Thousand with how we need His help? It was a strange but five loaves and two fishes. The puzzle to His followers. Were they disciples had had a strenuous part to not in the line of His will? Against their play in their distribution, and in the inclinations He had constrained them to gathering up the remnants that re- embark. If they had, like some dis- mained—I always think that that

obedient Jonah, embarked against the instructed to go over to the other side, will of their Lord, they could have and they had obeyed. They had understood the storm, but they had rowed and toiled till their muscles been obedient. ached, and their arms were weary. Against odds they had flung their Words of Encouragement whole strength into their work. And And so, tired worker, missionary, you, too, have been perturbed by minister, you know He has planned adverse difficulties; you have flung your present place. You are as far your whole soul and strength into the as you know, in the path of duty. work of that parish to which God has It was He Who sent you forth, to sent you, you have put forth all your China, to India, to Africa, to South energy in your Mission Station, in America, to that parish, to that club, your Mission Hail, in your Sunday- to that slum; and yet you seem to School Class, and with little result, have met with persistent opposition, and back of your mind there is an and to-day you are, oh, so tired and inarticulate feeling that God has not weary, and your very peace of heart appreciated or helped you in your has been disturbed! Oh, the opposing efforts, and you wonder whether God forces! You are working in Moslem has let you down, and though you countries, and though you have toiled would scarce utter the word, the peace and rowed, nothing but wave after of God does not reign supreme. Oh, wave of opposition has rolled towards child of God, I would dare to utter, you, and you seem hardly to have made as Christ did, those encouraging words, any headway at all. Yes, and in "Be of good courage!" Cheer up! countries like Egypt, recent contrary Don't despair! "I have come to give winds seem to have driven you back, you peace." and you have lost headway instead of moving forward. Ox, maybe, you are Christ in Control the solitary witness for God in the What was it that those disciples home; and the unceasing wind of learnt that night? (1) That He knew persistent opposition, varied with sud- all about them. On the mountain-top den gusts of ridicule, make you wonder He had watched them with eyes full of whether it is worth while to keep your sympathy and care. "He saw them boat head to the storm. Or you are toiling in rowing," so says the Divine working in some office where the waves record of St. Mark. He saw them of persecution and sarcasm oftentimes rowing Nay, more, He saw them rear their angry crests and make your "toiling in rowing." He knew all life one of continued difficulty; and it about aching muscles and strained seems so hard to go forward. Or, backs, the hurried breathing, and the you are rowing against currents in disappointment , He heard their sighs . which it is hard to progress, currents "Come tell Me all that ye have said and done, of indifference or misrepresentation, Your victories and failures, hopes and of physical handicap or mental tired- fears; ness and strain, and you have come I know how hardly souls are wooed and won; here to this place of blessing, conscious My choicest wreathes are always wet that all this, and much else has with tears." affected your inward peace. Dear (2) He was praying. As you have heart, God grant that you may get toiled on the sea, facing those contrary refreshment. Listen! The disciples storms and currents, up there He has had done their utmost. They were been ever making intercession. Moses

178 THE KESWICK CONVENTION, 1934 prayed during the hours of conflict perfect peace, which came into the between Israel and Amalek. Christ troubled souls of the disciples. is unceasing in His prayer for you. "Peace, perfect peace, with sorrows surging (3) He will be coming to us these days, round, On Jesus' bosom nought but calm is found. " Perhaps not quite as you expect. But He will come ere this Convention is "Peace through the Blood of the over. Bid Him come into your boat Cross." Let us never forget the cost. and take possession. Cease your "The chastisement of our peace was struggling and toil, cease looking at upon Him, and with His stripes wave and storm, cease dreading what (bruises) we are healed." Our peace the future holds . Calmly, quietly , has come to us through His chastise- bid Him come aboard. In this hour ment, and His stripes. Oh, stop and cast your care upon Him. Hold think—chastisement, stripes. Think! nothing back. Perhaps in the past Gethsemane , the soul anguish . Think the emphasis has been too much on your The Judgment Hall, the stripes, own efforts, on your own energy. Oh, Calvary. The conflict. His conflict weary, disappointed soul, restless and issues in our peace. All because of our storm-tossed, yes, even in the track of sin, and its consequent antagonism duty, hand over all to Him, tiller, oar, with God. His chastisement; His and boat, and ask Him to take pos- stripes. "Was it for sins that I had done session in a new experience. He groaned upon the Tree ? You ask, What will happen? "When Amazing pity E grace unknown I they (Christ and Peter) were come And love beyond degree!" into the ship the wind ceased." A His chastisement—our peace. "Peace great calm came over the surface of with God." "The peace of God." "Peace the sea, a fit picture of the peace, through the Blood of His Cross."

Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy side; Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain; Leave to thy God to order and provide; In every change He faithful will remain. Be still my soul: thy best, thy Heavenly Friend Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end.

Be still my soul thy God doth undertake To guide the future as He has the past. Thy hope, thy confidence let nothing shake;

All now mysterious shall be bright at last . Be still, my soul: the waves and winds still know

His voice Who ruled them while He dwelt below .


"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless Two Crucifixions I live: yet not I, but Christ liveth in me; and the Iife which I now live in the flesh I So I would direct your attention to live by the faith of the Son of God, Who those very familiar words in Gal. ii. 20. loved me, and gave Himself for me.''— We far too often restrict this verse in Gal. ii. 20. , have been singing of an en- its meaning, for we chop it into little twined life with Jesus Christ our pieces. We sometimes say, "Christ Lord, and it is of that entwined life liveth in me." Then we take another that I feel led to say something to you sentence, and we say, "I live, yet and to myself at this hour. When we not I, but Christ liveth in me." Then turn to Romans viii. 35-39 we find we take as a text the words, "The Paul giving a long list of things which, Son of God Who loved me, and gave he says, can never separate us from the Himself for me." But very seldom do love of Christ. And as you look at we begin at the proper beginning. "I them you realise that each one of these have been crucified with Christ." Do things in the list is calculated more and we realise that here is the fullest life, more to drive us to Jesus Christ, and the life more abundant, the endless more and more to lead us to an en- life, and that that life is hinged upon twined life in Him. May I direct your two crucifixions? Not only the cruci- attention to one word which is not in fixion on Calvary, of which we are that list, the only thing that can hearing so much in these morning untwine your life and mine from His. hours, and can never hear enough, but the crucifixion of ourselves. The There is no word there called "self ." Lord in His marvellous wisdom and Tribulation, persecution, powers, prin- power has brought many of us to that cipalities, famine, nakedness, and the crucifixion stage where we are able sword—these things cannot untwine to say, "I am crucified with Christ," our life from Christ. The sword would because we have been able to say, "I only take us nearer to His presence. have been crucified with Christ," as Famine and hunger would drive us we have the words in the Revised nearer to Him. But something may Version. come in between the soul and Christ, Now, has that crisis come into the and it is distinguished by that one lives of us all? Do not expect the full word, "self." Nothing can untwine life, the life more abundant, until that life of yours and mine from that crucifixion of self has taken place, Christ but self. We are seeking in and it can never take place until we this Convention to live a more abun- know what it is to see Him, and to dant, a fuller life; the only life that know Him upon His Cross, and to take the believer is called to live in all our place absolutely beside Him. the New Testament, the normal life There are only two in all the world, of the Christian, and it is a life that is so far as we are concerned, now, and for ever linked with Jesus Christ. for all eternity. "I am crucified" Far we say, "Christ liveth in me."


would be a terribly mutilated life. yet it is the light that is coming from But when it is "I am crucified with the power-house, and is shining through Christ"—what a full life; what an me.” Does not that remind us of the abundant life; what an overflowing words of the Saviour? It is not that life, not only for ourselves, but also we are to shine; it is He Who shines for the community in which we live, through us. "So let your light shine and for all the world. This full before men," He says, "that men, life, according to this text, and ac- seeing your good works, may glorify, cording to all the other texts on the not you, but Me." life of the believer in the New Testa- ment, hinges upon two crucifixions, The Christian March two sacrifices—His sacrifice, when He Now let us be quite sure that we loved me from all eternity, loved know all the different sides of the me through all the time He was Christian life. The Christian life is on earth, and not only loved me, a paradox in a very real sense, and but gave Himself for me; and through some young Christians are often misled dying on that Cross He calls you and by not understanding that there is a me in response to love Him, and to give life in the flesh, and there is a life ourselves up to Him for evermore lived in the faith of the Son of God. crucify ourselves. Our text is full of paradoxes; so is the Word of God. Let us think of this. A Practical Life "He hath set my feet upon a rock.” Every Convention has its characteristic Then there is security, security for all note. I have been trying to listen, to time and all eternity. Is that all-- tune-in to the mind of the Spirit as the feet set on the rock? The Christian to what is the dominant note of this life—is it only a sitting down, and Convention of 1934. Again and again enjoying the security that God gives us? one speaker after another has come to Is it only to be the "peace of God this, that there is to be that sacrifice which passeth all understanding," of ourselves in the light and in the keeping our hearts and minds? Is shadow of the great Sacrifice. Our there not something more than that? Chairman has asked, Could you put He has not only "set my feet upon a into a single sentence your wish for rock," but He has "established my the present assembly?--and he himself goings.” There is the standing-place, replied, and said, Yes, Gal. ii. 20, and the marching-place in the Christian "I have been crucified with life. Again we think of those Christ; nevertheless, I live, yet not words, "There remained, therefore, a I, but Christ liveth in me.” This rest (a keeping of the Sabbath) for is no alien, vapoury life, but a very the people of God.” Yes, but then serious, practical life; a very severe there is another verse. "Fight the life for many people, a living martyr- good fight of faith. Lay hold on eter- dom for some. Above us to-day there nal life.” “By grace have yet been are these electric bulbs, and in each saved.” And we also have this, of them there is the little coil of wire "Now is your salvation nearer than through which the current flows; when ye believed," And in between and we know that each bulb would say the two there is that wonderful verse, to us, if it could speak, when the "He hath delivered, Who will yet light has come in the evening hour: deliver, Who is even now delivering "I live, yet not I, but the electricity us.” Therefore, in our New Testa- lives in rue. I am giving light, and ment we have the word "Salvation"

AN ENTWINED LIFE WITH CHRIST 181 in three tenses, and in three senses. Pilgrim's Progress," and we shall We have been saved, we are being probably look behind, and say, "Grace saved, and we are going to be saved. reigns. Grace all the work shall crown." A Dependent Life (3) I come, again, to this, another But let me come to the paradoxes in paradox. I have referred to it. He our text. (1) The Christian is cruci- lives in the flesh. He is aware of it fied, and yet he lives. "I am cruci- in this earthly tabernacle, with its fied with Christ . . . nevertheless, I affections and desires. And the affec- live.” Crucified, and yet living. tions themselves sometimes get very "They that are Christ's have crucified wrong. There is this living in the the flesh with its affections and desires. “ flesh, and yet there is a living fy The old man in Rom. vi. 6 is crucified. faith. There are people in the pulpit, But the wonderful thing is this, that in the study, in the workshop, in the while the old man is crucified, the kitchen, in the school, and there are new man is living. There is that those who say of them, "They are just glorious fact. I can never forget the same as anybody else; there is no Pastor Theodore Monod saying, "What great difference between them and is the old man? The old man is the us to all appearance." We live just man you used to be, and the man that as other people live.. We have houses you may be now as you have come which we own, or we pay our rent; into this tent before you have ex- we order our daily bread, and meat, perienced the crisis; and the experience and milk ; and everything goes on the of which St. Paul speaks here." The same as with other people. Aye, but Christian is a crucified man. He has there is in the Christian something crucified the flesh with its affections deeper than that. As he lives by faith and desires. I use the word "desires," there is a godly principle within, because the word "lusts" is so small a because there is a Person in control, part of the meaning of the word. What One Who takes charge of the flesh in a lot of things the flesh of a holy man all its elements and all its spheres. sometimes desires that are not im- Christ living in me. You and I are moral! Those things that are called often like the besieged castle of old; worldly things. The Christian is the besiegers could not understand crucified, and yet he lives. why the water did not fail. They (2) Then, again, the Christian lives, afterwards discovered that inside the and yet he does not live. "I live, rampart there was fresh water in the yet not I, but Christ liveth in me." well, which was all the time hidden What does he mean? He lives from the view of the beseigers. in the comforts of grace. All his Life with Christ service is governed in his work for God, by an extremely quiet, happy This is a very difficult verse to mind; so that the fight of faith may be expound, and more important still, carried on. He lives in the comforts it is a difficult verse to live; and and the triumphs of grace; and that that is the point of the Convention; grace is not his own. It is a depen- and that is the point of the Word dent life; and as we go on in this of God. Wesley wrote in his Bible: Christian life, living, and yet not "Live to-day! Live to-day!" It living, we realise more and more how is a life with Christ. It is a life dependent we are. And then we come that Christ wants, for He gave us to the end, like old Honest in "The His life. It is a life that the world


wants. Preaching may not have much Blotting Out the "I" effect, but let me burn this into your soul, as it is burned into my soul. And then there is another crucifixion There is by faith, and by grace, as here. "I have been crucified with Christ lives in us, the silent eloquence Christ." When did that take place? For some it took place only last night . of a holy life, against which neither For some it may take place even at man nor devil can ever say a word, or this very moment, "I am crucified utter a sound. with Christ." For some that great Now this New Testament life of transaction has still to be made, in which Paul speaks, this life of the Word many cases. We all sing gladly, of God, for it is in the Old Testament "Oh, happy day, happy day, When as well, always begins at the Cross of Jesus washed my sins away." But Calvary; it cannot begin anywhere before we get to the end of the hymn else, and if you have not the new-born we have almost forgotten what Philip life, the life from above, which we Doddridge wrote in the last verse. He received when we came to Calvary first, said: let me urge you now to see that Calvary hill afresh, and begin there to live "High Heaven, that heard the solemn vow, That vow renewed shall daily hear," where Christ gave His life that you and I might live for evermore. Don't for- "I am crucified with Christ." What get that Cross. That is why the Bible does it mean? It means this, that Readings are on the subject of the Cross the "I" is to be blotted out of our this year, because that Cross is to be life. It means that the flesh is to be with us all through our pilgrimage, crucified with its affections and desires. and yonder our song will be "to Him That egotistic life, the life that is Who loved us, and washed us from our always saying, "I know; I do; I want sins in His own Blood." Do not let us to do; I am." leave the Cross behind us imagining There is a beautiful picture which that there are other things ahead to you may have seen in some of the blot it out. We will never have Christ picture galleries, underneath are the living within us till we begin our life words "I serve," the motto of the at His Cross, and go on day by day Prince of Wales. The artist has under- and hour by hour, taking that Cross stood the meaning here in our text. for our shadow. Calvary is a low hill, For the blood of the Lord Jesus is but it casts a long shadow. When the depicted as flowing over the "I ", and preacher in London forgot about the the "I" is almost out of sight. The Cross of Christ, and told us that first personal pronoun is cut out. there was such a thing as a new Gospel, That artist understood. I remember when his life began to strain, and the a Scottish minister, at his death, cords of the earthly tabernacle to saying to his friend, "When you loosen in the storm, his nurse, who preach my funeral sermon say nothing thought he was speaking in his sleep, at all about me, but tell the people and was delirious, heard him say: of the Saviour whom I have always tried to present." And as my friend "I take, 0 Cross, thy shadow For my abiding place. went down the west coast on the ask no other sunshine steamer to that man's parish on Than the sunshine of Thy face. the funeral day, he saw a lighthouse, content to let the world go by, To know no gain or loss. and he saw the revolving light, and My sinful self my only shame. he said, "That was what my friend My glory, all the Cross." was ." He was not anxious that his

AN ENTWINED LIFE WITH CHRIST 183 people should see him, but he was "Except a man take up his own cross, anxious that they should see the Light of and follow Me, he cannot be My men. disciple." The Christ-Glorified Life If "I am crucified with Christ" it will mean three things. First, I am That American in the camp meeting abandoned once for all to the will of in New York knew the meaning of God, whatever it may be. Absolute this; an ignorant man in many ways, abandonment is implied in the passage but he had a knowledge of saving here. The man or woman who is truth. Dr. Jowett went to preach crucified with Christ is abandoned for at the camp meeting, and at the ever to the will of God; and the will of beginning of the service a man prayed, God is always our weal, although our "Lord, Thou hast brought Thy servant short-sightedness may not always per- here; now blot him out.” It is not ceive it. And, secondly, if I am the servant we want to see; it is not crucified with Christ I will accept the servant we want to hear; but we Christ’s attitude towards all my fellow- want to see and to hear the servant’s men. His likeness will shine through. Master. Think of it with regard to The crucified life is the Christ-glorified our Lord and ourselves. Here is life. And, thirdly, if I am crucified a text that refers to the Crucifixion with Christ I shall choose Christ's way of Christ and our crucifixion also. "I of reaching the ultimate victory. We am crucified with Christ.” "Except a owe to the world, and to God our lives. corn of wheat fall into the ground The world needs us, and God needs us. and die, it abideth alone, but if it die, it And, lastly, we will love Him perfectly bringeth forth much fruit. People have and fully. been mystified by Dr. Matheson's "0 Cross that liftest up my head, hymn, "0 Love, that wilt not let me T dare not ask to lay from Thee go," and especially by the last verse. I lay in dust life's glory dead, "0 Crass, that liftest up my head.” And from the ground there blossoms red But if you get into the inner Life that shall endless be. " meaning of that you will find that what "He loved me and gave Himself up the poet is speaking about is this: Not for me.” Let us love Him, and give Christ's Cross, but our cross. ourselves up to Him and for Him.

Upon that Cross of Jesus Mine eye at times can see The very dying form of One, Who suffered there for me; And from my smitten heart, with tears Two wonders I confess— The wonder of His glorious love, And my own worthlessness. I take, 0 Cross, thy shadow, For my abiding place: I ask no other sunshine Than the sunshine of His face: Content to let the world go by, To know no gain or loss— My sinful self, my only shame, My glory all the Cross.


"That which we have seen and heard de- with Him. It is a life of divine union. clare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship "I in them, and Thou in Me." Would is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus it not be glorious if we could leave Christ. "—I John i. 3. this sacred place here and now in FEW weeks ago when I was in my divine unbroken union with God? study I asked the Lord for a special But, you ask, "How can God that message for this meeting; and very inhabiteth eternity, Who is the Lord clearly and very emphatically two God most holy, before Whom the words came before me. We have had angels fall down and worship, have unveiled to us the possibility of a life union and fellowship day by day with of entwined fellowship with Christ; us fallen, sinful men?" God has made and the message that the Lord gave to this gloriously possible by His Spirit me was the message of an unbroken in and through the merits of the atoning death of the Lord Jesus on fellowship. Yes, we are being entwined Calvary. The Lord Jesus, the divine into Christ, and Christ into us, into a Man, lived here on this earth a life of glorious unity. But, you say, Will it last? unbroken fellowship with the Father; Why is it that having had a vision at and the means and grace whereby He Keswick of a life victorious, a life of was able to live this life is placed at communion with God, a life of our disposal. In all that He did and deepest fellowship with Him, some- said, and wherever He went, He could thing happens that breaks that fellow- say, "I do always those things that ship? Why is it that after having please Him." Therefore, it is essential unveiled to us the glories of this life, that we should live the life that He and the power of this life, we have did. But how? That is just our failed? Again I want to put the difficulty. In our hearts we want to be question, Is this life possible? Rom. like Him; we want to live this life of divine union. But what is hindering ? viii. says, Yes; Rom. vi. says, Yes. In 1 John i. 3 we have the testimony of a Sinful Natures man who lived with God. "That which This second morning hour is we have seen and heard declare we devoted, in the wisdom of the trustees unto you, that ye also may have of the Convention, for instruction, fellowship with us; and truly our that any theological difficulties that fellowship is with the Father, and with come into our minds may be dealt His Son Jesus Christ." Now the Greek with. Now there is this difference word for fellowship is a very between the Man, Christ Jesus, and interesting one. It is a much deeper His servants to-day. By birth the Lord and fuller thing than our English word Jesus possessed a sinless nature; He was not a fallen son of Adam; He was describes. It seems to suggest by birth the Son of God; God was fellowship in the sense of God sharing His His life, His riches, His all with us, as we share our lives and our all


Father. By birth we possess a sinful work in us by the Holy Spirit, in nature; we are the sons of Adam; we every one who puts his faith in the inherit sin, Therefore we possess Lord Jesus. "To as many as received something of which He personally Him, to them gave He the power within Him had no experience. He (or authority) to become the sons of naturally loved God with all His God, even to them that believe on heart. He naturally was always His Name; which were born, not of loving, obedient, truthful, pure, up- blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor right, and holy. Therefore, if we of the will of man, "Born would live a life of unbroken fellow- of God." Man has got nothing to do ship and of divine union we must have with it. The moment we believe on the same divine nature, and the same the Lord Jesus Christ that moment divine spirit, and the same disposition. God the Holy Ghost takes up His But is it possible for a man born in abode in our heart , and a new creation sin, possessing a fallen sinful nature, comes into being. God becomes our to live this life? Yes, for our God has Father, and we become sons of God. made this gloriously possible. He has That is the first step. made abundant provision for those of The second step is this. Having us who are in Christ Jesus to live put our trust in Christ, immediately a life of unbroken fellowship with Him- we are conscious of His indwelling self. There is no reason whatever presence; we are conscious of a Divine why any one of us from this day life flowing through us, and we begin onwards should ever become the slaves to see things from God's point of view. of sin, or be in servitude to our fallen The things we once loved we now begin nature. God would have us live a to hate; and the things we once hated life of unbroken fellowship. But, we now begin to love. Our whole first of all, we must recognise the fact outlook upon life changes. We now that we cannot make ourselves good, see the world and sin in its true per- loving, or holy. No effort of our own spective; and we seek to adjust our can make us fit for fellowship with thinking, our living, and our conduct God. God, and God only, can do according to the Divine standard. this work. As a rule, He does it But immediately we are confronted in stages; though there is no reason with a difficulty. Desires well up whatever why we should not, here within us. We want to walk with and now, enter into the fulness of the God; we want to live with God; blessing. we want to be like God; but, somehow or other, there is something within us The Divine Standard preventing us from doing what we The first step to this divine union want to do. We can say with Paul in is the new birth. Our old Adamic Romans vii. 22, 23, "I delight in nature cannot be saved, it cannot be the law of God in the inward man; but re-formed, it cannot be sanctified. I see another law in my members, It is an unholy thing; it is vile and warring against the law of my mind, sinful; it is doomed; the judgment and bringing me into captivity to the of God is upon it. God can make law of sin." So we become profoundly nothing of our fallen nature ; therefore, dissatisfied with ourselves; and we every one of us needs a new birth. have come to Keswick because we are Now just as God, by His Spirit, be- dissatisfied with ourselves, and because came the Father of our Lord Jesus we have come short of God's best. Christ, even so God does the same We wonder why, now that we are par-

takers of the Divine nature, and now mises a life of habitual victory over that we are the sons of God, that there sin. "Now thanks be unto God which should be this continuous conflict. always causeth us to triumph in Again we must remember that our Christ." Not intermittent, but al- Lord never experienced as a man what ways, at all times, and in all places. we do; we possess what the Master Is this your paean of praise? God did not possess—a dual nature, the promises a life of unbroken fellowship. "Truly our fellowship is with the Adamic and the Divine; the Adamic, Father, and with His Son Jesus the earthly nature, and the Divine, the Christ.'" We are conscious that we supernatural nature, "For the flesh are not always in fellowship. God lusteth against the Spirit, and the promises a life of divine and super- Spirit against the flesh; and these are natural power. "Verily, verily, I contrary the one to the other ; so that say unto you, he that believeth on ye cannot do the things that ye would." Me, the works that I do shall he do We find ourselves constantly grieving also; and greater works than these and quenching the Holy Spirit. And shall he do; because I go unto My at times, after a fearful lapse it may Father." "Ye shall receive power be, out of the agony of our souls we after that the Holy Ghost is come upon cry out, "0 wretched man that I am, you." In our praying and in our wit- who shall deliver me from the body nessing we are so powerless. Why is it? of this death?" There is held out to us a life of winsome holiness. We turn to the Old Testa- Abiding Peace ment, and we find Moses saying , "Who This crisis leads to the third step, is like unto Thee, 0 Lord, among the to a divine, unbroken fellowship, to gods? Who is like Thee, glorious in a new revelation; and that, although holiness?" We turn to the Epistle of we are already sons of God, and Peter, and we find these words, although God is abiding in us, we have "But like as He who called you is no power in ourselves to make ourselves holy, be ye yourselves also holy in all holy. We are utterly impotent, utterly manner of living; because it is written, helpless to come up to the divine Ye shall be holy, for I am holy." standard, and we say again with Paul in Romans vii. 18: "I know that in Confession of Past Failure me, that is in my flesh, dwelleth no There are conditions; we want to good thing; for to will is present with live this life of entwined fellowship. me, but how to perform that which We want to put an end to all the is good, I find not." We begin to dissatisfactions of the past; we want realise in a new way how impotent to be conscious of this Divine union we are; and there comes up within us a with God. What are these conditions? yearning after holiness. We know that God has promised heart holiness, and There must be the crucifixion, the the possibility of a life of unbroken denial, and the death of our old fellowship with Him. And we take Adamic nature. Just as Christ came up our Bible, and we look at the pro- to the Cross for us, we, by an act of mises, and we long with an infinite will, by an act of faith, must make yearning for their fulfilment in us. an irrevocable decision as to who God promises to His servants a is to be lord of our life—the old life of abiding peace. "Peace I leave Adam, or Christ. "I beseech you, with you; My peace I give unto you." therefore , brethren , by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a Are you experiencing this? He pro-

186 THE KESWICK CONVENTION, 1934 living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto myself to Him, and to Him Who is God, which is your reasonable service (or, able to guard me from stumbling, worship); and be not conformed to this and to set me before the presence of His world, but be ye transformed by the glory without blemish in exceeding joy. I renewing of your mind that ye may trust myself to Him for all things, to prove what is that good, and acceptable, be used as He shall see fit, and where He and perfect will of God." The conflict shall see fit. Sealed by the Holy Spirit, is here. There can be no unbroken filled with the peace of God that fellowship with God whilst the old man passeth understanding, to Him be all is allowed to assert himself. A whole- glory, world without end. Amen." And hearted decision must be made. Dr. underneath, there is the date, and the man's Speer, writing "A Memorial of a True name . We may come to such a decision Life," a life of a young fellow who here in our mind and thought. during his short time here upon earth Everything depends upon this act of was mightily used of God, records how faith. I would urge you to steal away that "This 16th day of November, 1895, I , quietly to the mountain side, or to Hugh Beaver, do of my own free will the quiet of your own room, and let give myself, all that I am and have, there be a full confession of past entirely, unreservedly, unqualifiedly, failure. Let there be a handing over to to Him Whom having not seen I love; on God of your life absolutely and Whom, though now I see Him not, I altogether, that you may be indwelt by believe. Bought with a price, I give the Lord Himself. Come to Calvary; and myself to Him Who at the cost of His let there be that decisive action. Let it own Blood purchased me. I commit be no longer I, but Christ.

Jesus, Thy boundless love to me No thought can reach, no tongue declare; knit my thankful heart to Thee! And reign without a rival there; Thine, wholly Thine, alone I'd live, Myself to Thee entirely give.

O grant that nothing in my soul May dwell but Thy pure love alone! O may Thy love possess use whole, My joy, my treasure, and my crown! All coldness from my heart remove; My every act, word, thought be love

The Morning Watch


SCRIPTURE PORTION: 1 Kings xix. 1-15 real exultation of spirit, there comes a DURING this Convention we have been reaction. It came to Elijah, the man talking together about the call of God who had defied those prophets of to a new consecration of our lives and Baal, and was so full of faith that our talents and of our all to our Lord he could tell them to pour the water and Master. I want this afternoon to around the altar and dig a trench and talk to those of you who have attempted pour more water on, because he knew to make, or have made a fresh surrender that God would answer by fire. That of your lives to Jesus Christ. I want to man took to his heels and ran from take you to the story of Elijah first the face of a woman, "he arose, and of all. The word says, "Go forth, went for his life" (v. 3). and stand upon the mount before the Lord of hosts. And, behold, the A Sign of Backsliding Lord passed by, and a great and Now notice what happened in the strong wind rent the mountains, and reaction. First of all there is f e a r . brake in pieces the rocks before the The man who had been fearless sud- Lord; but the Lord was not in the denly found himself smitten with a wind; and after the wind an earthquake ; curious fear. Then there comes a but the Lord was not in the earthquake. kind of s e l f - pity. . "I, I only..." A And after the earthquake a fire ; but lot of us have said that, we have the Lord. was not in the fire ; and after looked round at what we have thought the fire a still small voice" (1 Kings xix. has been the deadness of our town, 11, 12) and the indifference and slackness of Will you notice that before that the clergy, and we have said to our- happened there had come to Elijah a selves, "Yes, I only . . ." We get so threefold experience. He had prayed self-pitying at times, and it is always that it might not rain, the prayer had a sign of backsliding, it was so with been answered, and a drought had Elijah. Then there follows discourage- come, and he had been miraculously ment. What is the use of it anyhow? fed from the widow's cruse. Then, I did slay those prophets and stood secondly, there had followed the in- before the people, but they have not cident of Mount Carmel, when the really repented, there is not the revival prophets of Baal were slain. Elijah we looked for throughout Israel? had stood there as God's represen- The poor man is down in the depths tative against four hundred false pro- of despair, discouragement, disap- phets. "The God that answereth by pointment. So he flees for his life, fire let him be God." Then there came and God meets him twice over, and the prayer, and the sound of abundance twice the Voice comes, "What doest of rain. It is a curious thing in the thou here, Elijah?" I am sure that experience of God's people how after a it does not carry with it a rebuke that time of great spiritual experience, of Elijah was running away from God,

THE MORNING WATCH 189 because when after the first time that there feeling the security of the cave, message had come he is instructed to things begin to rock. Those of you go to Mount Horeb to the cave, and who have experienced even a small in the cave there comes again the same earthquake will know something of message, "What doest thou here, what the prophet went through. First Elijah?" We will come back to that. of all he would hear that curious Picture to yourselves a mountain rumbling noise like a great cart and side in Palestine, picture to your- horses going over the roof of a house, selves one of the hundreds of caves making a rumbling noise rolling along. that there are in the mountains, and Then there would come the rocking of then see this man with his Arab cloak the earth, and he would hear the great wrapped around him, standing in the boulders of the mountain side above entrance of the cave , and quite suddenly him come rolling, crashing down into the wind gets up, and it goes tearing the valley below. He would realise and raging through the land, a real that there was no safety in the cave, tornado sweeping along. He crouches for it might turn right in and bury down in the shelter of the cave, and him, and make the cave his grave, as feels secure, because he is shut away had happened many a time in the little from the danger of the tempest , and caves of Palestine in an earthquake. outside the wind is whistling and A Sense of Calm howling. It is tearing the leaves from the branches, and in a great sweeping There was no security here, it was tornado with all the rushing noise of all right in the wind, but it is all the wind the prophet wondered, "Is wrong in an earthquake; and again he God coming to me in this way, in the bows down there, gripped by the tearing of my life, in the stripping noise that is going on around him, and from me of the things I love, and the says, "Is this the way God is coming things I count best? Is He coming to to me, the very foundations of my life me in a great strong wind, bending me are being shaken, things breaking up to His will? Is that the way God is after all we have done? Is God going coming to me?" Cannot you see how to forsake Israel, shall Israel be over- as the wind was howling round there thrown? Is He going to come to me, came to the prophet's mind the picture shaking the things I believed were of himself ? All that wonderful sense of unshakeable? " And as he bowed there God's power and blessing in the past he realised how little he had really is forgotten, and there rises before him known of the trustworthiness and the picture of a very self-pitying and stability of God. I imagine some- rather selfish servant of God, who has thing of a great fear gripped him, forgotten that he can trust God at and possibly he thought, "If God is all times, and not only in a great coming in the earthquake, I am ready, crisis. There rises before him the let Him shake all that can be shaken, sense of his own defeat, and he bows it does not matter though God shakes down there, and says, "If God is me to my foundations, let everything coming in this way, in the wind, I go , only let me meet God." am ready for it." The wind passes Then again there comes a sense of by, and there comes over the land, as calm, the earthquake is over, and he to this day, a hush. God is not in the is there waiting in the stillness, and wind, and with an aching heart the then he hears what always follows an man wondered, "Am I going to meet earthquake, a curious crackling for God this time?" And while he is the forest is on fire, and there rolled

190 THE KESWICK CONVENTION, 1934 up across the front of the cave great we are going to maintain what we have clouds of smoke, rolling and rolling found. Some of us have been up here along, and he realised again something before, we have made a new offering of the danger. "Is God coming as of our lives to God, and we have gone fire, this forest fire, sweeping the away, and in a month or two the mountain side, this fire that is blurring blessing has vanished, all has gone, the vision, and the smoke rolling in and to our shame we have to confess clouds in front of me?" He had slain that the things we found did not last. the prophets of Baal, now he wonders We have come back again and again, if God is going to burn out the dross and wondered why what seemed so of his life. So he waits, until the easy in Keswick seemed so difficult forest fire is spent. Such fires sweep when we went back to our home, or across the hillside, and very soon into the factory. We have wondered they are over. There you see the man why the sense of God's presence should bowed on his face before God. God be so real here, and so unreal when was not in the wind, or the earthquake, we were in an entirely different en- or the fire. He wonders, "Am I going vironment. Then we have said some- to miss God?" Then there comes a thing like this to ourselves: "If God voice to him again, "What doest thou would only change my environment, here, Elijah?" It is the still small if He would only lift me out of this sort Voice, and as he hears it he wraps the of home, and this kind of condition mantle round his face, and goes out, of life into something different, then, and stands at the door of the cave that of course, it would be easy." Some of he might meet God. The still small us imagine that if we could only become Voice comes to him. foreign missionaries, then life would be easy; if we could give up our lives The Still, Small Voice and go abroad, life would be won- We have probably been feeling derful. Unless we find God in our own something of wind and earthquake and environment , and find the victory there fire as the searching messages have in our home, in the factory, in the office, gone through from this platform into or wherever we are, we are not going our lives; we have felt something of to find God, even if we go out to the it , we have bowed here as Elijah Mission Field. did, and we have given ourselves afresh to our Lord and Master. Now God Alone with God comes to us again this afternoon, and Elijah had to find God in that cave He says, "What are you doing in this before he could go back to the great Tent this afternoon ? " Why have you task that lay ahead of him. That is come to Keswick ? Elijah in the long why this afternoon I want to stress last realised that in that question lay this, that the biggest factor in keeping the secret of his future life. So I want the blessing God gives us is what we us to get away from the thought of may call the quiet hour. I want to earthquake, and wind, and fire, put it to you that if we are going to and noise, and everything else to live the life that God has called us to the one thought of the still small then we must, morning by morning, Voice—God coming to us and speak- give up time in the early hour before ing to us. I want us to think, breakfast to get alone with God, to not only of that this afternoon, for wait upon God, with our Bible open you are soon going from Keswick down before us, to hear God speaking to us, into the valley. We want to know how to place ourselves in God's hands for


the day, to bring to Him our need, to dull and heavy, we go and have a wash, enter into fellowship with Him, to and then we dress, and go to our room draw from Him the grace and strength and sit quietly and wait before God. we need. I believe that is the first When I do that, all sorts of thoughts great secret. are whirling through the mind, and I Let us ask ourselves what it meant begin to think about the day's work, to Elijah to go apart . It cost him time and all that has to be done, and, in because he had to get right away to my case, it may be letters and corres- be entirely alone with God. Some- pondence, in yours it may be home or times we say, "I can give fifteen min- business; but I have to sit down minutes in the morning , at other times quietly, and put my life into God's twenty minutes." Sometimes we even hand. I believe that when I go there get bored in seeking God's presence. to meet Him, my Saviour, He is there The quiet hour seems to be so dull, waiting for me, it is a trysting place, so uninteresting. We do not know and every morning He is there waiting, how to shape our time, what to do with and many a morning one has disap- ourselves. We finish reading rather pointed Him, but if you go saying to hurriedly a chapter of the Bible. We yourself, "My Lord is waiting to meet utter a hurried prayer, then we won- me, He is here," it makes a world of der what next . We have to give enough difference. It matters not what our time to forget time, to give enough feelings are if God is there, Sit down time until the excitement goes. Some quietly and make that affirmation of of you spend every night in the week faith. The thing that helps me very at meetings of one sort and another, much is to sit quietly, to open every the Christian life being turned into a avenue of my being to the influence of kind of jazz, with all the noise of the His Spirit, to tell Him that I am singing. I want to put it to you this willing that all barriers and all hin- way, that you will not grow in the drances to my spiritual growth shall be Christian life until you put aside at put away, and to make, day by day, a least one evening in the week, when fresh consecration of life to Him, my you resolutely refuse to take on any time, my talents, my will, and every- social engagements, any form of thing. Let us in that simple, humble Christian service, until you refuse affirmation of faith go to our Master. to meet people, and get alone in your In a daily act of surrender, in a daily room, and study your Bible, week by affirmation wherein we meet the week. We are afraid to be alone with Master. St. Paul knew it, and he said, ourselves. Elijah had to detach "I am crucified with Christ, neverthe- himself, and he had to wait there until less I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth the earthquake and fire had gone, God in me." Many a morning when I have could not speak to him until the noise sat thinking over the problems of my was out of the way, then He spoke. life, I have said, to myself: "I know He liveth in me." Now what is our A Daily Surrender problem? This morning it may be How are we going to do it ? Let us that we really cannot love somebody get alone for a moment or two , We who is cutting across our path, and a are going to spend our half hour in sense of irritation spoils our prayer, the morning, and I do not think less spoils our quiet time, then it is that than that will suffice, you will want a we can realise that Jesus Christ is in great deal more when you get into it. us as love, and that His love rises up We wake up in the morning, we feel and drives out the resentment from our


lives . Again you may have the sense joy, peace, power, wisdom, life and that so many of us have had of irrita- purity. He is indeed everything that bility. We get very cross with one we can possibly need. another, and it puts us out of touch, Now, if that is true cannot you see and we cannot get back , the quiet hour how easily we lose the blessing when is spoiled, and the sin of irritability we neglect that time with our Lord takes away the sense of peace. Then and Master morning by morning. You comes the opportunity to realise that know how Moses made a mistake in Christ is in me as restfulness, taking Egypt . Having made it, he fled for his away the irritability. Or , we may meet life, just as Elijah did, and God could in the morning with a sense of dis- not use him again until he got right satisfaction. Then we realise that out in the desert and alone, and there Christ is in us as joy and happiness. at the burning bush God met him, and I come to Him with my worries , and I when he did meet God he did not at can pile them up as high as any of you. first realise that this was a call to I bring them to Him and I learn that worship and consecration. He looked Jesus Christ is in me as peace, and that at the bush with curiosity. "I will His peace conquers. When I sit turn aside and look at this great sight , a quietly in the morning, and begin to bush that is burning and is not con- think about my worries I say, "Lord, sumed." You and I sometimes read cannot carry these burdens, they God's Word, interested and curious, are too many for me, I cannot carry but without obeying it, and until we these worries, they are distracting me, realise God is here, God cannot meet take them," and He does, He takes us, for He says, "Take off thy shoes my worries right over, and He fills from off thy feet, for the place whereon my soul with a Divine peace that thou standest is holy ground." There "passeth understanding ." must always be that element of worship in our quiet time, always a sense of An Attitude of Worship deep reverence, that I am in the Or, "I come some mornings with a presence of God Almighty, that I sense of staleness, and I feel that I have come to meet Him, and He says, do not want to pray, I do not feel a "Take off thy shoes, you are on holy bit in the mood for a quiet time." ground, draw nigh here in an attitude And the devil says, "Yes, it is silly of worship and deep obeisance to to sit here, why not get up and write Me." So it was with Elijah and Moses, a letter instead," and in some way he both of them saw their faults, and both tries to get us away from God. Then saw the way through by returning to I pray that I may realise that Christ the place where they had made their is in me as power, overcoming my sin mistakes and there making good. and staleness. It makes a difference God is going to put His finger on when I realise it is not my own will sins in our lives, and the joy of our power, that makes the change, it is quiet hour in the days that lie ahead the fact that Christ is in me as power. is going to depend upon the degree Sometimes the day is baffling, and we of our obedience to God. You will cannot see our way clearly ; it is then begin all right, the thing will sound that we realise that Christ is in us as nice and happy, and the first week you wisdom, He has the answer. The will go forward with your quiet time more we wait upon Him, the more we morning by morning, then possibly realise that Christ in us can meet our you may have a misunderstanding every need. He is love, restfulness, with somebody, and you are too

ashamed to meet God the follow- ago is a blessing that is permanent. ing morning. So you spend the half- Moses had to come back to where hour in bed instead of getting up— he had failed in Egypt , where he had what we so often do when God puts slain a man. Elijah had to come His finger on the sins. So there is a back to Horeb where he had failed, call from God that we shall bow before and we have to come back into Him in consecration, in worship, in the home or factory, wherever our surrender day by clay, meeting Him, work is, to the place where we failed and as He shows us sin in our lives so our Lord. It may be in the mission we put that sin away. Let us obey field, we may have failed with our God. If we do follow in humble fellow worker, and we have to return to obedience to God, next time we come that situation, and prove that we now up to Keswick we will have a ringing have grace in God and victory in His testimony of the joy of the quiet hour, Name, and through His indwelling and the blessing we received a year presence.

My God! is any hour so sweet, From blush of morn to evening star, As that which calls me to Thy feet,

The hour of prayer !

For then a dayspring shines on me, Brighter than morn's ethereal glow; And richer dews descend from Thee Than earth can know.

Then is my strength by Thee renewed; Then are my sins by Thee forgiven; Then dost Thou cheer my solitude With hopes of Heaven.

Words cannot tell what blest relief Here for my every want I find; What strength for warfare, balm for grief; What peace of mind.

Oh! till I reach you peaceful shore, No privilege so dear shall be, As thus my inmost soul to pour In prayer to Thee! C. ELLIOTT

Victory in Christ


"That I may know Him, and the power knowledge of Christ as accompanies of His resurrection, and the fellowship of personal trust is progressive, so that His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death. "—Phil. iii. 10. St. Paul, towards the end of his life, when a prisoner at Rome, can still THE New Testament is consistent write to the Philippians, and express in its emphasis on the fact that a longing which has never grown the secret of Christian living is the cold with the passage of years, namely, soul's relationship to Jesus Christ. to know Christ. The more he knows, Our Lord says, "Follow Me, and I the more he wants to know, for Christ will make you fishers of men." St. is a living Person, and not a dead John says, "As many as received Him memory. to them gave He the right to become the children of God, even to them that The Pledge of Justification believe on His Name." St. Paul So starting with this knowledge of says, "As ye have, therefore, received Christ Himself, Paul's desire for Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in knowledge extends to the events of Him." And, again, in the Epistle Christ's redemptive work, and he to the Colossians, he says, "If ye goes on to say, "That I may know the then be risen with Christ seek power of His resurrection, and the those things which are above where fellowship of His sufferings." And to Christ sitteth on the right hand of those of us who know Christ I wish to God." St. John again says, "We shall speak of the power of His Resurrec- be like Him; for we shall see Him as tion. He is," It is Christ from start to finish, from reception to translation, (1) As the Pledge of our justification Christianity is Christ. The Creed "Who was delivered for our offences, emphasises the same truth in its open- and was raised again for our justifica- ing words. "I believe in Jesus Christ ." tion" (Rom. iv. 25). That is to say, A personal touch; a personal trust. "was raised again because of our justification." Christ's Resurrection A professional balancer having was not the cause of our justification, wheeled a barrow across a tight rope, but the proof of it. Christ having turned to a witness of his feat, and perfected our work of redemption on said, "Do you believe I could wheel the Cross, God raised Him from the you across in that ?" "Yes," was the dead. And this is why St. Paul says reply. "Then get in," said the in 1 Car. xv. 17: "And if Christ be balancer, but his friend refused. He not raised, your faith is vain; ye are believed he could do it, but he would yet in your sins." That is, unjustified, not trust his friend to do what he in the guilt of our sins. Man's first believed he could. How many there need is a true position before God. are to-day who have a belief in Christ This he lost at the Fall, and of this that has no relation to trust. Such a justification treats. Justification is


-not concerned with man 's moral im- I even had an interest in the Sunday provement, but with his standing in School. I had all these things, but I the eyes of the law. Man in the eyes had no assurance of Jesus Christ as my of the law stands before God as a guilty Saviour. And from that night, just sinner, and this without exception. over twenty-nine years ago , I have had Christ, through His sacrifice on the the assurance that my standing before Cross, enables that guilty sinner to God is one which I can rejoice in. I stand before God as a justified saint. wonder if there are any young men here By the which will we are sanctified to-night who are associated, as I was, through the offering of the body with all those things that the Church of Jesus Christ once for all." The can provide, and yet who have no Resurrection is God's proof of this. standing before God. A standing The power of the Resurrection is before my parents, a standing be- shown in the assurance it gives to the fore my clergyman, a standing believer of his standing before God. before my fr iends, a standing And as I look out on this great before my school-fellows, and my congregation tonight, I wonder if we office acquaintances; but before God, are all assured of our standing before no. Dear friends, you may have all God. that I had of standing as far as this My mind goes back to just over world is concerned, but if you are not twenty-nine years ago; to a temporary standing before God through justi- building, with a crowd very nearly fication by faith in Jesus Christ you as large as this gathered together; will never stand the test of the Judg- the speaker was Dr . Torrey, and the ment day. I pray God we, too, may building was in Brixton. And during know, with St. Paul, the power of the singing of the verse of a hymn, His resurrection as a pledge of our which was the last opportunity given justification, and so stand as humble that night to anyone in that great sinners, saved by grace, in the presence audience to make a decision to receive of our Heavenly Father. Christ as Saviour and friend, a young man got up from his seat in the choir, The Secret of Sanctification high up at the back of the platform, and And (2) I wish to speak of the in order to get into the front seats he power of His Resurrection as the had to pass the speaker; and as he Secret of OW sanctification, "Know did so, Dr. Torrey asked him what he ye not, that so many of us as were wanted, and the young man said, "I baptised into Jesus Christ were want to accept Christ as my Saviour, baptised into His death? Therefore Lord, and King." To the young man's we are buried with Him by baptism horror, he stopped Mr. Harkness at into death: that like as Christ was the piano, he stopped the choir, and raised up from the dead by the glory said to that great audience, "Here is a of the Father, even so we also young man who wants to give his heart should walk in newness of life" to the Lord." Then to that young man (,4). Baptism he said, Now you say after me, I symbolises to us death with Christ receive Jesus Christ as my Saviour, s to the past, and life with Christ as Lord, and King." And the young to the future; and so in the 8th verse of man repeated it. And that young man that same chapter we read, "Now if is talking to you to-night! I had been we be dead with Christ we believe that brought up in a Christian home, I we shall also live with Him." And went regularly to public worship, I from this follow three key words, was a partaker of the Lord's Supper. which I want to touch upon to- night. The


first is "reckon" (verse 11); the next these days of. Convention, and, per- is "reign" (verse 12) ; and the third is haps, some sin is hammering at your "yield" (verse 13). As soon as I find heart all the time. You may be my standing, by grace, before God I enjoying the blessing and fellowship live my life from that moment on a here, but there is that accursed sin new reckoning; I could not live the that is dominating your life. And that new life on the old reckoning. Let me is the thing you cannot get away from illustrate what I mean, remembering these days. There may be in the heart always that illustrations are not per- and life of some believer here a domin- fect pictures of truth. ating sin. Now if you are justified, if you have a new standing before God, A New Reckoning sin shall not reign in your body. This Suppose a wealthy man takes a is the law of the new life. Some of as liking to a little street arab, and are trying to live the new life under takes him to his home; from that the old law, and we wonder why we moment the boy's Life is on a different are so unhappy. Victory is a fact of reckoning altogether. In the past as experience that comes out from the regards his clothes, he probably had new reckoning. Praise God for that . to reckon for any change on the fact Every heart is longing for a fuller that his mother had enough money to experience of this victory. Sin shall go down to the parochial jumble sale, not reign in the life. The dominion and pick up something cheap. As to of sin shall be broken in the life of the his food it depended on the employ- believer through the power of Christ. ment of his father, or, possibly, on his own quick wits in picking up a few cop- The Condition of Victory pers, or possibly by stealing something Now we come to the third word, when no one was looking. But now which is the Condition of victory, in he is placed in a new environment; verse 13: "Neither yield ye your mem- and he cannot live that new life on the bers as instruments of unrighteousness old reckoning. He does not now have unto sin; but yield yourselves unto to reckon upon his mother going to the God, as those that are alive from jumble sale, for he is living with the the dead, and your members as instru- man in the mansion. He can reckon ments of righteousness unto God." on a new tailor-made suit that can And St. Paul in Romans xii. 1 says be bought and paid for. For his food "I beseech you, therefore, brethren, he can reckon on the full supply of the by the mercies of God, that ye present larder. By virtue of his change of your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, standing he, of necessity, has a change acceptable unto God, which is your of reckoning. St. Paul here, having reasonable service." Yielding—sur- emphasised justification by faith, now render . This is one of the secrets of goes on to the new reckoning of life in sanctification. And how are we to Christ. And it is that we have come yield ourselves to God? As those that here to try and learn the secret of, are alive from the dead, through the and to know more about. If you have redemptive work of Jesus Christ Have a new standing, you must have a new we done that? Are we prepared to do reckoning—the basis of the new life. that by an act of faith? It does not Then in verse 12 we read, "Let not concern those who are not alive from sin therefore reign in your mortal the dead. This is to believers; to those body." How many are conscious who are living on the new reckoning, of the rule of sin ? You are up here in and who long to know the meaning of

VICTORY IN CHRIST 197 victory , to those who are alive from the Consecrate yourself afresh to Him, dead. If we are willing to yield our- whatever the past may be, and however selves unto God, we may experience many the failures which may have the fulness of power that He is waiting marked your past endeavours. Come to bestow. It may be that some have back again, humbly confessing all, and thus yielded, but have taken back their yield yet again to the Lord. He will not lives. refuse to accept your consecration. He I have been reading recently the will not taunt you with the failure of life of "Sister Eva of Friedenshort," the days that are past. He will receive and greatly have I been helped by it. you, and take you to Himself. If the She tells of an incident when she was a believer, alive through union with the little girl playing with her brother. And Risen Christ by faith, yields himself to a sweet biscuit had been given to them— God, he shall partake of Christ's one such as they loved—and, as they resurrection power. If I stand in front wanted to make the best use of it, of a fire, it is no longer within my choice they thought the best thing was to to be warm or not, the law of nature give it to God. So they went to a little will see that I am, so long as I place place (I believe it was an island in myself under its sway. And so long as I the lake near their home, where they place myself under the sway of the had built a little shelter, or booth), Risen Christ, I shall know the power of and it was a place of prayer and His Resurrection, in victory. It will be quiet for the children. And she says no longer I, but the law of life which is she put the biscuit on a little stool in in Christ Jesus that will keep me this booth, and she and her brother hid victorious, and keep you victorious. My in the bushes at the side, and watched holiness is through the rule of the to see when God came to take the Risen Christ. And that is a biscuit. And they waited, but He holiness that every one of us may never came. Then presently she said share this very night. Those of you to her brother. "I think now God has who may be disappointed, those of you had the biscuit long enough; we will into whose life selfishness and sin, and have it !" And into that booth she went ; jealousy, and wrong affections, have and they ate the biscuit. It is a pretty crept in, you who have yielded these story, but it has a very solemn moral, things before, but the battle you thought was won has been lost again, put away Under His Sway the past, and think only of the present. There are hundreds of people who The Lord "is the same yesterday, and to- have been to Keswick, and who have day, and for ever," and the returning gone away maybe to the river-side, or penitent will be received by the mountain-side, to yield their lives to gracious hands of the Saviour. Oh, God; and because the emotional ex- will you come with me to-night , by perience that they had expected, for simple faith to the fire—the presence of some reason or another, never came, the Lord Jesus Himself, that will melt they have taken back the lives they that cold, stony, and rebellious offered to God. Are there any here of heart! Will you abide by faith in the whom that is true? I should be very warmth of His presence, that together surprised if there are not. My dear we may know, as we have never known brother, or sister, I appeal to you to before, the victory that is ours in bring that offering of yourself again to Christ Jesus our Lord! God, and yield to Him once more.

The Light of the World BY Mr. A. LINDSAY GLEGG

"I am the Light of the world: he that Who is the Light of the world flood:. our followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."—John souls, there is one thing that must viii. 12, inevitably happen—darkness, the dense FROM the human standpoint this is darkness of sin, must vanish as long as an amazing statement. A humble Man, the Light of the world indwells us and from an obscure village in a despised controls us. Somebody says: You know I country, among a conquered people, have great temptations. Listen to His stands up, and says, "I am the Light of Word: "I am the Light of the world. He the world." We read that it was early in that followeth Me shall not walk in the morning that our Lord came into the darkness." But have a fallen nature, says temple, and as He stood there doubtless another, "Ye shall not walk in darkness." the light was streaming in from the east. But I am jealous, and full of sin. "Ye First it caught the mountains; then it shall not walk in darkness." I am not burst in upon the fields and the speaking of the fact that a Christian may vineyards and the groves; and the not always see the path before him. God darkness had vanished. And the Lord may lead him through the valley of the Jesus stood, and, in effect, said, "This is shadow of death. He will not walk by My mission, I came to dispel darkness," sight but by faith, There may be in that The symbol is a beautiful one, for a ray sense darkness in his life. But I am of light is the cleanest, purest thing we speaking of the darkness of sin. And if know. A ray of light may pass through a Christ, Who is the Light of the world, polluted medium, but it comes out as comes into your life and mine, and if we perfect as it went in. open our hearts to the inflooding of that The Source of Light Light, darkness and sin inevitably must go. You will notice that the course of First, then, the source of all light is light is always to dispel the darkness of Christ Himself. He is not a reflector, sin. There is deliverance. The Greek but He is the spring and the source of word is very emphatic. The rendering is, light, and His purpose is to flood our "Shall by no means," or "Shall in no lives in this evening hour; and that will sense walk in darkness." And it may be only be as we yield, without any in this evening hour, as you yield your compromise, or any reserve, to Him soul to Christ, His light in a flash comes who is the Light of the world, In the in and floods your being. It may be as second place, let us look for a moment you come to Him this night, and, as far at the course of light. What does light do? as you know, yield to His will, that as you Follow its course. There is one thing go forward with Him, you will get more that light always does—it dispels light, and as you walk in it, you will find ourselves to Christ, when we open our as the days go by God's will hearts to His incoming, so that He

and His light revealed to you in fuller whole atmosphere of that camp was and greater measure. But let Him in, changed, changed for the better. let Him control, and the darkness of As I read that story I thought, this sin must go. is a parable. Two millenniums ago A Child's Influence there came into the world a gift from God, a little Baby Boy; and He grew I picked up in the railway train the up to be a Man; and one day in the other day a book of short stories; and temple He said, "I am the Light of I read there a story of a rough camp the world. He that followeth M.e where a little baby boy was born; the shall not walk in darkness." And He mother died, and there was no other has been changing the lives of men all woman on the camp, and these rough down the centuries. Will you let gold. diggers found themselves in pos- Him change yours? Inevitably, if He session of this little baby lad. They comes in, the circumstances of your wrapped him up in any cloth that was inner life will change. Darkness can- available , and put him in candle box . not abide there. Will you let Him in And they would come in and look to every room within your soul? There upon the sun-kissed face of the baby is the room of your imagination. Have boy. But somehow or other it did. you opened the door to His light there? not seem right that he should be There is the room of your ambitions. clothed in rags, and they sent a dis- Is that in darkness? There is the strong tance of forty miles that they might room where your money is kept. Is get him the best clothes that money the door of that room ever swung open? could buy; and he was dressed in Has the light come in? There is the beautiful garments. And then they room where you meet your friends. looked at the candle-box, and they What about that room? There is the said among themselves, "That's not place where you plan your pleasures— much of a cradle for a little baby young man, have you ever let Christ, dressed like that " And they sent off the Light of the world, in there? There for a cradle, one made of polished rose- is the library where you read your wood, the best one that they could books. Have you let God's light get; and the little lad was put into it. flood that room? There is the holy But, again, that cradle showed up the chamber where you worship God. Let rest of the furniture, and they said, Christ be central in your whole life, "What about that table? It could and the course of light is this, that do with a scrub, lads; and the floor is darkness disappears. "Ye shall not dirty. Let us get down and clean the walk in darkness." place up a bit . And perhaps we might put some paper on the wall." And The Force of Light the walls were papered. Presently Thirdly, may I remind you of they put the cradle out on to the force of Here we may experience veranda, and looking around, some- a positive blessing, "Ye shall have one said, "We might have a bit of the Light of Life." The darkness shall garden round here with a few flowers. " go, and Light of Life will come in, And when they came in to look at and then we may go out to shine as the little baby they took off their hats. lights in this world. My friends, there The rough, coarse language of that is plenty of darkness about us. Would camp did not seem right in the pre- you not like to be a light for Christ? sence of that little child; and the Would you not like to have the Light of profanity went ; and before long the Life in your own soul so that you may

200 THE KESWICK CONVENTION , 1934 go out and light other lives? There his offer was of such a character that are lives around us that are ready to he might be sent off at a moment's respond if they only see the light notice anywhere. One day he walked of Christ shining out in our lives. out of the War Office, stepped into a There are those whom we meet in the train, and was soon on his way to factory, and in the office, and in the Liverpool. When he arrived he got university, and in the college, and they on the deck of a great ship; there were might respond; but you must be thousands of soldiers all around him; shining every day. and there on the quay were their As I go home daily from business sweethearts and wives and friends; in my car I pass a sign on the side of they had come to bid their loved ones the road. It is a big board with an a farewell. But Rupert Brooke was advertisement on it. But the thing the loneliest man in all the world; he that interests me about it is this. did not know a soul there. He walked It is fitted with a photo-electric cell up and down that deck until he could which under the influence of light stand it no longer, and then he got off produces a current that switches on the ship and walked along the edge of the whole illumination so that when the quay, scanning it with his eye until a motor car draws near, it suddenly at last he spied a small boy. He went responds to the light of the car, and up to him, and said, "Sonny, would the light of the advertismennt flashes you like to earn a sixpence?" "Yes, out. There is in that board that which sir," he said. "Have you got a hand- responds to any light coming near it. kerchief? " "Yes, sir." "Let me have a And sometimes when I am some dis- look at it," said Rupert Brooke, and tance away, I say, "We will have a the boy produced a khaki rag. "Is bit of light," and I just switch on my that the best you can do? " he asked. head lights, and in a flash the beautiful "Yes, sir," answered the boy. "It sign lights up; it lights up in response was my father's. When he was killed to my light. There is another parable. out in France they sent some of his Your life might be lighting up other things home, and mother gave me his lives. Oh, the darkness that there is handkerchief; and I have had it in around us, the darkness of unbelief my pocket ever since." "All right," and sin and indifference And here said Rupert Brooke, "that will do. we are gathered together, and God Here is your sixpence. Now when you looks down upon us, and says, "Among see that great ship moving out with all whom ye shine as lights in the world." the soldiers on board, just stand here Can He say that about you? Don't and wave your handkerchief for all you covet this experience? Don't you are worth." And Rupert Brooke you want this blessing? Some of you went back on board that ship, and he remember the poems of Rupert Brooke. took up his place alongside the rest If he had not been killed in the Great on deck, and presently the boat began War I suppose he would have been to move out, and the handkerchiefs one of the greatest poets of the present were waved by the loved ones on the day. One of his poems runs at the end: front of the quay. And Rupert "Stands the clock at ten to three Brooke took his last look at the shores And is there honey still for tea? of Old England; but there among the I believe the clock at Granchester crowd was a little boy, waving his still points at ten to three in memory handkerchief, waving a last farewell. of Rupert Brooke. When the war Tell me, if our Lord should tarry, broke out he offered for service, and and one day you cross over to the other

THE LIGHT OFTHE WORLD 201 side, will there be any boy, any girl, time he picked up a stone of some fruit. any man, or any woman, that you have It was strange to him. He said: "That ever led to Christ who will wave you has never grown in the countries that I a farewell; who will thank God that know.” And there and then he had a you ever crossed their path? Would vision; across the watery horizon he you be a light to others? Would you seemed to see the light, and yonder go out and enlighten other lives and he pictured a land, another land, lead them to Christ? Is not this your where the sea had pearls, and the prayer to-night, "Lord is to me the veins of the earth were filled with light of life, that I may win those silver, and the rivers flowed over sands that are in darkness and sin”? And of gold. And he said to himself: "I He can do it, for you "shall have the will venture out across those unknown Light of Life." seas. I will venture out with strange stars above me.” And he got his boat Conditions of Blessing together; he collected his crew. And Now as I close, what is the con- Christopher Columbus set sail. There dition of this blessing? "He that he stood by the rudder of his boat, followeth Me shall not walk in dark- as he piloted it through uncharted ness, but shall have the Light of Life.” seas; he steered it westward. He had It does not matter what terms we use— winds against him; he had heavy seas yield yourself to Christ; follow Christ; that were contrary. The gales blew have faith in Christ. They are all and beat upon his little barque; but inclusive terms; the one is included in he kept the prow of his boat ever west- the other. It is just this, that you will ward. There was mutiny on board. open your heart to the incoming Christ, His men turned against him. They Who is the Light, that He may give you in said, "This is a fool's errand. We every part of your soul the Light of are lost; turn back!" But the brave Life. That is what it means; it means little man stood at the tiller, and he to venture out on Christ, to follow kept his boat westward, ever west- Him. It does not mean to imitate Him; ward, until one day from the mast- it does not mean to patronise or to head there came the cry, "Land in approve of Him. It means just to step sight.” And before the day had ended out , to venture out with Christ; to bank that boat found its way on to the sands your all on Him; to give your life as far of San Salvador’s shore. A new world as you know how to Him, and then to was discovered; and as long as the go out trusting Him to give you, as world lasts people will speak the name He promised to do, the Light of Life. of Christopher Columbus. Would you venture out like that? Would you venture out in faith? Would you do it to-night? Would you step out like that? You There was a man once walking the say: "It may mean an unknown sea for shores of Europe; and he stooped down, me.” Yes, it may. "It may mean and he picked up something that had stepping out into a life that I know been washed in by the sea, and he nothing of.” It may. But it is all looked at it, and he had never seen right Christ is with you; you shall anything quite like it before; he put have the Light of Life; for you will it in his hand, and he turned it over. have Him, Alas, you may go back It was, perhaps, a nut. He said to into a life which is to be a mere up himself, "That never grew on these and down experience, a life that is not shores.” He went on a little further, well-pleasing to Him. Or you may go and stooped down again, and this back to London, to Manchester, to


Liverpool, or even to the far ends of others. This is the issue before the earth, with the Light of Life, there us Shall we then make our to become a blessing and a guide to answer as we bow in prayer?

Hath He marks to lead me to Him, If He be my Guide ? "In His feet and hands are wound-prints, And His side." Is there diadem as Monarch That His brow adorns? "Yea, a crown in very surety, But of thorns." If I find Him, if I follow, What His guerdon here? "Many a sorrow, many a labour, Many a tear." If I still hold closely to Him, What hath He at last ? "Sorrow vanquished, labour ended, Jordan passed." If I ask Him to receive me, Will He say me nay? "Not till earth, and not till heaven Pass away." Finding, following, keeping, struggling, Is He sure to bless ? Countless hosts of ransomed sinners Answer—Yes!"

JULY 19, 1934



11.45 a.m.—Forenoon Meeting LIFE IN THE HOLY GHOST REV. F. C. GIBSON



7.45 p.m.—Evening Meeting A CORONATION TIME REV. W. H. ALDIS


Experienced Power

E heard this morning of heavy storms of wind and rain all over W the country, but our weather conditions continued favour- able, with bright sunshine and a fine cool breeze. The Tent was full for the final Bible. Reading, and a large number of people from the surrounding districts came in after we commenced, and many had to continue standing all the time. Mr. Martin was finishing his series, and the special subject was, Power through the Blood of the Cross He first called attention to the continuous aspect of salvation set forth in 1 Cor. i. 18, then passing on to the consummation of our Lord's death ha the Resurrection, he asked all to join in singing:

"Up from the grave He arose With a mighty triumph o'er His foes. He arose a Victor from the dark domain, And He lives for ever with the saints to reign, He arose! He arose! Hallelujah, Christ arose!"

Then he said that the power of God works through man's personality, and that, inasmuch as God's power is inseparable from God's- presence, He must be dwelling in us ere He can work through us. He closed with a brief but very definite expression of our consecration to God, in which he invited all willing hearts to unite with him. From the very early years of the Convention a meeting has always been held on Thursday afternoon for the benefit of friends in the neighbourhood, who have their early closing holiday on that day. No such crowd has ever been seen at that meeting as gathered on this occasion to hear an address from Bishop Taylor Smith. In closing a simple and very helpful address, the Bishop related an incident which had been a means of real blessing to at least one lady who had heard him tell of it. In speaking of our Lord saying to His disciples, "Receive ye the Holy Ghost," he put the question: "What happened then?" and a little girl answered: "I suppose they received Him:" and the Bishop indicated that we should be simple enough to do the same . In the evening not only was the large Tent full, but an overflow meeting was arranged in the small Tent, and there also gathered a good audience, Mr. Aldis spoke again, taking the place of the Rev. 19, Earnshaw Smith, who had been expected to take part. In a searching way he pointed out those things that must grieve the Spirit of God and hinder the manifestation of His power in our hearts and lives; and Mr. Langston followed, speaking on Ananias and Sapphira, and the keeping back of part of the price.

The Call to Conequer

THE Lord thy God has promised to be with thee, The pierced Hands in blessing o'er thee spread , The Everlasting Arms are round about thee, And thou art joined to Christ thy Living Head.

And He it is that calls thee to the conflict, Thou shalt go forward in the Spirit 's might , Beneath the blood-red banner of His sufferings, To conquer in the fight

For He, thy Captain goeth on before thee, A glorious, mighty Victor in the strife; He burst the bars of death and hell before Him And entered into resurrection life.

And now in glory He, thy Lord, is seated, And thou by faith art with Him even there; For thou need 'st never be defeated , As thou that life loth share ,

He waits the day of His appearing, When saints with Him shall manifested be, For He hath said He is preparing A place in Heaven for thee. L. BOTTEN

The Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ (iv) Power through the Blood of the Cross


The preaching of the Cross is . . unto saved." It takes place in a moment, us which are saved . . the power of God. " though its apprehension often may be --1 Cor. i., 18. gradual. PRESENT—as in our text— UR subject for the last of these salvation from the Power of sin. O Bible Readings is "Power This is an aspect frequently through the Blood of the Cross." mentioned. "If, when we were "The preaching of the Cross is unto us enemies, we were reconciled to God which are saved the power of God," by the death of His Son, much or, better translated., "The message of more, being reconciled, we shall be the. Cross is unto us who are being saved saved (kept safe) by His life" (Rom. the power of God." v. 10) . Or, "The Gospel which I It is well, ere we embark upon the preached unto you, which also ye main theme of our Study this morning, have received, and wherein ye to note that phrase "being saved." stand; by which also ye are saved. This text speaks of a continuous ex- (being saved), if ye keep (hold fast) in perience described by that expression memory what I preached. unto "being saved." Let us be quite clear you" (1 Cor. xv. 1, 2). about that word "saved." Salvation, These striking passages denote a as has already been mentioned, has process which commenced when we three tenses, and we need to keep these received the gift of eternal life by well defined whenever reference is faith, and which afterwards is to be made to it in the Scripture. So when worked out, until every part of our we come across the word "saved" we being comes under its saving ought always to enquire in which of influence. It is a lifetime process, these three meanings it is used in that and its completeness depends largely particular passage. on ourselves individually, and on our Salvation's Threefold Aspect care to maintain our own spiritual vitality. FUTURE—salvation from Salvation has, then, a threefold the Presence of sin. "Now is our aspect—past, present, future. PAST— salvation nearer than when we salvation from the Penalty of sin. believed" (Rom. xiii. 11). This This is an instantaneous experience. refers to an experience for which the Thus, for instance, it is described as a child of God is waiting. A day of final passing from death unto life. One emancipation from all the power of moment dead; the next alive--we sin, and from its very contact, and talk about one being half-dead, but when the problem of the old nature, that is not a correct phrase. Or a and its persistent antagonism, will change from the child of wrath to the be for ever solved; and when child of God. An instantaneous change temptation will have ceased, and of family. It comes through a look of the need for incessant vigilance and faith, "Look unto Me, and be ye watchfulness on our part be past .


Calvary and the Resurrection witnessed. But Good Friday was Now "Power through the Blood of succeeded by Easter. The whole the Cross" has to do with the second setting of that Easter story is one of of these experiences in which we are Power. The bonds of death snapped being saved; a period between the asunder ; the Roman seal, with all for receiving of Divine life, and the which it stood, ignored ; the mighty coming glory when we shall have for stone rolled back ; the powers of Hell ever done with sin's activities; a shattered. Each and all sound a note period between the hour of pardon and of triumph. Yes, and the Good Friday that of our entrance into the glory and Easter truth were ever linked which awaits us. There is another together in apostolic teaching. Nay, thing which arrests our attention in such was the emphasis those early this text. It seems strange to connect disciples put upon the Resurrection, the Cross with Power. Does not that it was this particular theme in the Cross rather suggest failure? At their teaching which caused the the moment when the tragedy at authorities, wherever they went, so Calvary was being enacted, did it much concern. “Up from the grave He arose not seem to be the climax of weakness? With a mighty triumph o'er His foes. Did it not also suggest despair? In He arose a Victor from the dark domain, that hour was not the hope of the And He lives for ever with His saints to reign. establishment of an earthly kingdom He arose! He arose! of Righteousness, such as Christ's Hallelujah! Christ arose." disciples were eagerly anticipating, That is the Resurrection power whereof rudely dashed to the ground? "We we speak to-day. It was this of which trusted that it had been He which the Apostle Paul desired to know the should have redeemed Israel," was experience, "that I may know the the burden of the hearts of Christ's power of His Resurrection"; that was followers, as they viewed the events of the ambition of his life. that first Good Friday. Yes, and to a superficial reader of the historic record The Secret of Triumph it must seem that that hour spelt the Oh, how some of us long and yearn doom of every hope of success of the to experience something of this power! plan which Christ had for three years By God's grace, we know what pardon so clearly outlined. The very disciples through the Blood of the Cross means. whom He had so carefully instructed We are seeking to be pure as He is had all deserted Him, and were pure; we are experiencing the sweet scattered. Their Leader Himself had consciousness of peace now that His been seized, condemned as a felon, and will is ours; but what about the future had been put to death as one inimical days? Keswick is not our permanent to the welfare of the country. The place of abode, neither are we always Cross seemed the finale of an attempt going to experience "the communion to set up a new order calculated to of saints," such as we have it here. ennoble the nation, and the whole We go back to the old conditions, to scheme seemed to have ended in ghastly a world cynical and antagonistic, to tragedy and ignominious failure. Well forces against us as potent as ever, to might the Apostle sum it up, "He the same problems in Mission Field, or was crucified through weakness." Yes, homeland, to the home, with its want and if Calvary stood alone, it would for of sympathy, and even hostility. ever have been a monument of the Back, perhaps, to the place of former greatest catastrophe the world has ever failure, back to face the same con-

POWER THROUGH THE BLOOD 209 ditions in office and store and work- the Gospel. "With great power gave shop. Oh, for a baptism of power ere the Apostles witness of the Resurrec- we leave this place! Oh, to know the tion." The atmosphere of the Apos- secret of continuous triumph over sin. tolic Church is charged with power. Power Does not the Church of God Oh, for a return to the power of need it to-day in its corporate capacity ? Apostolic days! How miserably small is the influence The Christian's Privilege which it exerts even in international politics! How little it counts in these "The power of God," May I sug- discussions on Disarmament How gest some obvious, commonplace things little is the power it wields in Parlia- about this Divine power. It is in- mentary concerns! How far has it an vincible! It is the power of God, thus effective say in a Betting Bill, or the it can never be seriously challenged. Licensing question, or the use of Listen to that illimitable description Sunday, or the morality of the pictures in Eph. i. from verse 18: "That ye screened in the Cinema, and in many may know . . . what is the exceeding other ways? Yes, and in Municipal greatness of His power to usward who affairs, its voice is so confused that believe, according to the working of those in authority turn deaf ears to its His mighty power, which He wrought demands and desires . Even in Church in Christ when He raised Him from life, of all places, how little those the dead, and set Him at His own living round our places of worship see right hand in the heavenly places. any evidence of the working of the Far above all principality, and power, power of God. And more tragic still, and might, and dominion, and every the lives of so many professing Christ- name that is named, not only in this ians are little differentiated from world (age), but also in that which is others in respect of the manifest out- to come." The words are heaped to- working of the power of God. There gether in almost ordered confusion to is often, alas, little apparent differ- describe the power of God. You ask, ence in habit between the Church-goer What is the application to us who are and the non-Church-goer. The manager here? Simply this, that there is no con- of a firm often has no more con- dition, or circumstance, or opposition, fidence in the employee professing or experience in your life which Christianity than in one who makes no cannot be rectified, and brought into such claim. This is an age of badges; conformity with the will of God, and we almost need a key to their meaning, which may not be strengthened by His Are those who wear these various might. No habit, nor custom, nor badges noted for integrity of life ? besetting sin can successfully challenge If we turn to the early days of the mastery of the Spirit. Church history, how marked is the This power of God is available for contrast. An open-air meeting on the all. The realisation of Divine power Day of Pentecost arrested the be- is the privilege of all the children of wildered attention of thousands. God, no matter what present or past Everywhere those early followers of history theirs may have been. We Christ went they created interest and may have come up here almost in aroused curiosity and opposition. despair of victory; we may have a Those in authority—the Town Council, past which is a record of failure follow- the Town Clerk, the presiding Mayor— ing upon failure; we may have a past were constantly perturbed as the in which we have conscientiously heralds of the Cross told the story of tried to follow Christ wherever He has

POWER THROUGH THE BLOOD 210 led, and have been checked and he was to be a fisher of men using his thwarted at almost every turn in the skill and knowledge gained in the past road. And yet here this year, this day, for a higher purpose—"to catch men.” this very hour, it is gloriously possible Here is St. Luke, the beloved physician, to learn the secret which will enable us who had received his training with a to go forth in the power of God, Are view to healing the bodies of men. you prepared for that? A young girl After Pentecost, he must ply his skill, said to me, "I shall not go down from and use his art in dealing with the Keswick until, somehow, I have learned difficult diseases of the soul. Here is the secret of this power.” I wish we all Saul of Tarsus, trained in one of the of us had the same determination. It is great colleges of his day, of giant necessary for all. Those early disciples intellect, a man strong and vigorous in were instructed to "tarry ye until ye be personality, who for years had focused endued with power from on high.” It is all his powers on stamping out this new the sine qua non of all equipment for sect which he was convinced challenged Christian life and service. No the faith in which he had been brought up. In the hour of his baptism from on missionary ought to go forth until he high it never meant a crippling of all his knows this baptism of power. No one mighty powers and gifts. Nay, rather ought to speak in a Mission Hall, or do they were brought into a new channel in any work for Jesus Christ unless he which he boldly advocated the faith he knows something of it. The had formerly tried to destroy. Par from exhortation, "Be filled with the Spirit," being stunted, those gifts found is a command to be obeyed. This is the opportunity for fuller exercise. Simon necessary equipment for every Peter would still be Simon Peter. I professed follower of Jesus Christ. believe that he still spoke with that God have mercy on any minister who broad Galilean brogue in that first dares to stand in his pulpit without sermon on the Day of Pentecost: knowing and experiencing the enabling "Behold, are not all these which speak power of the Holy Spirit of God. Galileans?” That brogue which be- The Divine Urge wrayed him in the Chief Priest's judg- The power of God largely works ment hall was the same after Pentecost. through man's faculties. It is an energy, The 'overshadowing of Divine power does not destroy the characteristic tones a force working within, through man's of our friends on the other side of the personality. It is not a blind, irresistible Tweed, nor the the roll of their r's, nor something like unto wind, but rather an does it suppress the inimitable method "urge" impelling men to do God's will, of speech of those who come from the and to refuse the wrong. It never Emerald Isle. We shall still be able to destroys man's personality, or detect the broad dialect of our friends suppresses his character and gifts. from Yorkshire and Lancashire. Their Scripture illustrates this. Here is Simon very speech will bewray them. Our Peter, skilled in the art of fishing, personalities, our characteristics ever whose long years of experience had remain marked and clear; never does shown him how best to cast the net , the out-pouring of the Spirit stifle or the best hour in which to ply his craft, restrain; it eve ennobles and enlarges the most likely places under differing our capacities. Paul will be Paul; conditions of sky and sea where he Barnabas will be the son of consolation. would be successful. After Pentecost


Strength in Reserve power, abundantly receiving grace Then in the second place this power as it each moment requires it. is not impersonal. Power is inseparable Sources of Failure from the Person of Christ. God does not let out His attributes; His power But, you are asking, how may I cannot be rented. It cannot be de- obtain this power? I have come up tached from His presence. He here so fully conscious of my own strengthens by indwelling. He is weakness, with an experience of many not a Giver of power, but a Wielder a defeat, knowing full well how power- of it. We need Him, not it. It is not ful are the antagonistic forces against spectacular; it is strength in reserve. me, both from without and within. This Divine power which comes How may I learn the secret vouchsafed through the indwelling of Christ as to thousands in this hallowed place the power of God is invincible and who have come here just as discomfited often astonishing to ourselves. Have as I am, and have gone forth to live you ever noticed the compass of that a life of normal victory and triumph? statement in St. Paul's doxology in the It would be well first of all to try to Ephesian letter? Let me read it discover the source of failure in order through first, and then analyse it, to learn the secret of Divine power. "Now unto Him that is able to do The physician must needs investigate exceeding abundantly above all we the reason of ill-health before he ask or think, according to the power prescribes the remedy. Our failure that worketh in us." Now notice it in may have come from one of the follow- its analysis, and you discover its ing causes: (1) Sheer weariness and fulness and scope. exhaustion. You may have been en- All we ask ; gaged in an enterprise for God in Able to do all we ask; which you have been challenged again Able to do above all we ask; and again. You may have been fight- Able to do abundantly above all ing against tremendous odds, and, we ask; through God's grace, the flag has never Able to do exceeding abundantly been hauled clown, but you are here above all we ask ; weary, and tired, and exhausted, Able to do exceeding abundantly and feeling, oh, so weak and unfit for above all we ask or think; the old task which will confront you Able to do exceeding abundantly again in a few days' or few months' above all we ask or think, accord- time. Do you remember that Old ing to the power that worketh Testament picture of Elijah as recorded in us. in 1 Kings xix ? I think, perhaps, If He is allowed to work in us to your condition may be very much will and to do according to His good like this. You, like him, have been pleasure, the result may astonish us jealous for the Lord God of Hosts. You, and be greater than in the days of our as he, have been facing opposition, wildest day dreams we ever thought and half-hearted indifference. You, possible. as he, have been engaged in a challenge Power is never stored within us as a which has drained you of your mental reservoir; it is given to us as the need and physical vitality. You, as he, requires, It is not as a motor which have during the past days had a life carries a supply of energy for the day, crowded with activities. You are but rather a tramcar, ever through its conscious, as Elijah was, that though vital connection with the source of outwardly there are signs of success,


yet there is so much which is shallow tired, cold, and weary. We and transitory; and though the people read, "Jesus stood on the shore," have cried, "The Lord, He is God," intensely interested in their work, yet you wonder whether it may be knowing their disappointment, and full more with the head than with the of loving sympathy. He would give heart, and only said in a moment of them a warm welcome, and so has enthusiasm. Elijah, in that hour, kindled a fire and prepared a morning felt awfully lonely. "I, even I only, meal for them. Do you visualise the am left," he said. And, perhaps, you scene? He who had lately been are here feeling your isolation, and engaged in a conflict, the like of finding by bitter experience that so which this world had never few seem able to enter into your witnessed, He who had arrayed problems, and understand your heart's against Him the combined hatred of yearnings, Whilst here, maybe, you his enemies and all the forces of hell, He who had emerged triumphant have ventured to unburden your soul, though for ever scarred with the and your confidant has not been conflict. He it is who walks that able to appreciate your difficulty. I morning up and down the Galilean would have you learn from the rest of shore and picks up dried seaweed, the story of God's tender compassion sticks, etc, and kindles the fire where- and care. Is there any incident in with to welcome those disheartened the Old Testament which illustrates it fisher folk. See the contrast! The more than this? God knew Elijah mighty Champion of the Cross, and through and through. He knew how now the Servant doing commonplace bravely he had witnessed for Him, things for His own. How wonder- the strain that the conflict had in- fully He cared for them. Oh, dear volved, the disappointments, the child of God, in like manner He cares weariness, the loneliness; He saw how for you. He specially watches by in the hour when fearful through the you. You are so weak in yourself. message of Jezebel, he had deserted his The days are fast rushing by; you mission and fled. All through those have not yet got what you desire. Be hours of ceaseless tramping away of good cheer; ere this Convention into the wilderness of Beersheba God's closes He will clothe you with fresh eye of compassion was upon him. strength, and you will go forth, as His heart of pity yearned over him. Elijah did, in the strength of the Lord And, such was His compassion, He for many days' service yet to render, deputes an angel to personally minister as the disciples did after that morning unto him. Twice over he provided meal , him with necessary food, and all Sinful Habits through those hours of weary sleep, Our failure in the past may have twice repeated the angel had sat as come also from (2) some six. It was a guardian. Do you visualise the scene? depressing sight which met the The heavy sleep; the gentle rousing by Saviour's gaze as He visited the the angel; further sleep; again food Bethesda hospital that Sabbath after- made ready. God must have cared. noon. There they lay, a great multitude, It reminds me of a similar New some blind, some lame, some with Testament scene depicted in St. John withered limbs, but all with this xxi. The disciples had been through- common characteristic, impotence. Alas, out the night fishing and had utterly this is not only a picture of the world failed. The morning was dawning to lying sick from sin, but it also depicts so find them disappointed, disheartened, many Churches in which the mem-

213 THE KESWICK CONVENTION , 1934 hers have life, but are often halt, and Face up to the problem of your life , maimed, and blind, and, above all, See to it that to-day ere the sun goes impotent. Among them was one down in the western sky, that thing man; for thirty-eight years he had has been put right with God. been impotent, living a circumscribed, Our failure may have come as a useless life. You ask, What was the result of (3) the breaking of our con- cause of his weakness? He was secration. What a mighty man of evidently there because of some sin. God Samson was! Consecrated to God Yes, the passage implies even at in infancy, separated unto God in his Bethesda he had been still a victim of upbringing as a Nazarite, carefully his sinful habits. After he had been maintaining this attitude to the world healed our Lord thus addressed him. around by the sign of the unshorn "Sin no more" (St. John v. 14). locks. What feats of strength did he "Don't keep on committing that not accomplish! Nothing seemed suc- sin," or, as Bishop Westcott points cessfully to oppose this man. Young out, "no longer continue to sin." It lions, enemies, city gates, new ropes— must have been a sin he was committing all were powerless before him. But even there, and which was the secret there came a day of shorn locks, of the of the failure of his life. This is the violation of the lifelong separation, secret of the failure of many a life. the destroying of that which made Some sinful habit, harboured, treas- him differ from other men. A day ured, indulged in, some jealousy, some when he became as other men, no bitterness, some grudge, some unfor- longer standing out as the Lord's own given past, something retained which possession. In that day he became should have been surrendered. Achan weak, powerless, and an object of kept a golden wedge which belonged ridicule. Whenever a man steps over to God; he kept a Babylonish gar- the line of separation from the world ment which should have been de- his strength goes. The moment a stroyed. The result was the power- Christian forgets he is for God's peculiar lessness of the army. Something kept possession, and allies himself with the back, something retained which should world, he is on the road to ineffec- have been destroyed, Friendship, tiveness. habit , they all tend to weaken spiritual Israel, a little nation hemmed in vitality—oh, what a weakening of by opposing world powers, were living spiritual vitality a single treasured sin on the most coveted spot of the world, may involve! Dare we pray, "Search yet they remained invulnerable as me, 0 God, and know my heart, try long as they kept themselves detached me, and know my thoughts"? It from the people round about, and were may be that hidden away, almost prepared to dwell alone unaffected by unknown to yourself , there is that the customs of those nations which which is the source of all your weak- surrounded them. Whenever they ness. Experience has revealed the sought alliance with other nations fact it is often but one single thing in they became weak. Is this the cause of the life which renders us powerless. weakness in some whom I address this A single habit, harboured, treasured, day? You remember those early indulged in. Has God during these days when you separated yourself days been putting His finger on one unto the Lord; when you took the particular thing? Get that put right oath of allegiance to Him in some with God to-day. These days of Con- never-to-be-forgotten hour of Con- vention are fleeting by. Don't delay. firmation, or Baptism, or at some con-

214 THE KESWICK CONVENTION, 1934 secration service. You cared little have had little time for Him? He then for your reputation; you were made us for Himself , and not first for prepared to be called narrow, fanatic, His work. Have we been tending the over-zealous. Has that consecration vineyard of others, and neglecting our been broken? Has the insistent call own? It may be that during these of the world found a response in days we shall have to formulate new your heart? Are things and habits rules with regard to our souls' require- indulged in now which years ago were ments, and to readjust our daily pro- put far away? You may be cloaking gramme, and in future to jealously it under the excuse that you have observe them. learned wisdom , that you are tempering (5) The place of abode . Is it in spiritually your zeal with discretion; that you unhealthy situations where there is were unwise and somewhat foolish little thought of God? Our weakness may You persuade yourself now that your come in regard to the place of our former isolation from things doubtful abode. Is it in places of amusement in was hardly discreet. The old witness which there is no room for the Christ of is not so clearly given. Does the call Bethlehem? Is it where the pure breath come to you to-day, "Come out from of heaven never comes to sweeten the among them, and be ye separate, saith air? Not that all amusement is wrong; the Lord, and touch not the unclean not that we must needs go out of the thing"? world. But there are places and Causes of Weakness crowds in which Christ's Name is not honoured, and where often He is Or it may be (4) carelessness in put to open shame. A Christian can spiritual diet. The analogy of physical never maintain his spiritual strength and spiritual life should teach us the in such localities. importance of careful maintenance of regular and suitable food. What Crowning Christ Lord stress our doctors are laying to-day There is power through the Blood of on what we eat! They juggle with the the Cross. "There is power, power, words proteids, starch, and such-like wonder-working power" in the Cross things. Is the debilitated condition in of Calvary. And in the last moment which we are in spiritually due to of our study I want to suggest how carelessness in our spiritual diet? this power may be obtained. I would How careful St. Paul was as to the put it under five heads; they have building up of his converts. Milk, often been pointed out before from this strong meat. Listen to his wise exhor- platform. tation to young Timothy, placed in Revelation. The knowledge of past a position of great responsibility. failure. The recognition that our Give attendance to reading, Timothy. lives have compared unfavourably You must keep your spiritual life well with what is laid down in God's Word, maintained. Take heed to thyself, as the normal. Lives of peace, of and to thy doctrine. "Rightly dividing victory, of influence, lives Christ- the Word of truth." "Continue in the like in character. The recognition things which thou hast learned," Is that the low standard of our spiritual our weakness due to want of care? Has living is not due to any defect in the our meditation on God's Word been provision of the Gospel, but is due to neglected? Has our hour of quiet waiting our own failure, our sin, our on God been curtailed? Have we been slackness in following the precepts so busy in His work that we laid down for us. The conviction that the


God Who has made such transforma- Master. In other words, to every one tion in the lives of others can trans- who will dare to crown Him Lord. It form our own lives as well. means a surrender of the whole of our Revuncicaion of everything that God life . It means the handing over to reveals as being displeasing to Him, Him of our ambitions, our reputation, or that is hindering our advance our talents, and our gifts. in grace. A surrender of everything The act of receiving Him by faith, on which He has put His finger , or of opening the door to Him Who knocks which is a hindrance in the lives of the and desires to come in and to possess weaker brethren. St . Paul's rules of and control, this act may not be life seem to have been the following: accompanied with any external con- He would never indulge in any habit sciousness of emotion, or accession of or custom which would enslave him. power. It is an act of faith altogether He would not be brought under the apart from feeling. It is an initial power of any. I know a certain girl act of faith to be followed by an who is a slave of sweets. I know a attitude of faith. It is not something young fellow who never plays foot- which takes place once for all, and ball unless he is chewing gum. I may then go out and live as I like . It wonder whether some men's pipes are is rather the commencement of a life not their idols. St. Paul put far from in which He reigns and rules, in which him anything which tended to dull his I am to maintain an attitude of con- spiritual faculties. He would do tinued obedience, in which day by day, nothing that would be a cause of and hour by hour, I seek to "do always stumbling to a weaker brother. If by those things that please Him," and eating meat he made his brother to actively to fulfil His good pleasure for offend he would eat no more meat my life. for ever. In preparing my Confirma- tion candidates, I get them to ask An Act and an Attitude themselves the question, Does what I Faith. "That we might receive am doing, or where I am going, hin- the promise of the Spirit through der or help my own spiritual life? faith" (Gal. iii. 14) . It is well to put Is it a hindrance or help to my weaker some emphasis on faith. We rightly brethren? Would I like to be doing it stress its importance and character in when Jesus comes ? Always give God relation to Conversion. We urge the the benefit of the doubt. Why do we seeker to "take God at His Word," want to sail so near to the wind in to believe the Divine record as to the these matters ? reception God always gives to the com- Receiving . Just as spiritual life ing soul. We point out that feelings is a gift, so is power. May I repeat. are criterion, but that believing on Not power apart from a Person, but the Lord Jesus Christ apart from all power because the Prince of Power is external experience issues in salvation. bidden to enter and is received into my So is it with the influx of power. It heart. That He Who died for us on is a matter of faith from beginning the Cross, and so accomplished our to end. "How much more shall your salvation, and Who rose again through Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit Divine power, and has been exalted to to them that ask ." But that asking the right hand of power, will come in "must be in faith nothing wavering ," all His fulness of power into every life If we thus ask, we shall receive, though which quietly, definitely, with faith, there be no external or internal witness

-invites Him to enter in as Lord and of the fact . This "faith" is not a single

POWER THROUGH THE BLOOD 216 act apart from consequent action. It is an act followed by an attitude. It is a Implicit Obedience stepping out on the path of faith to be Implicit Obedience."The Holy Ghost which followed by a walk of faith . "Be filled God hath given to them that obey Him." with the Spirit" was a command given to Disobedience always spells disaster in the the Ephesian Christians, and not only to spiritual realm. If during these days there them, but also to all followers of Jesus has been a revelation of something in your Christ. The tense "filled" is present , be life displeasing to Him, something treasured continually filled. The late Dr B, Meyer which has not His approval, some habit or tells that when he was seeking the custom inconsistent with your professed infilling of God's Spirit , when standing following of Christ , something which is out in the chilly air of the evening hours, he of harmony with your devotion and ardent just opened his mouth, and drew in a love to Him, then the only course open to long breath, and in that very act he you, if spiritual power is to be manifested in opened his whole being and drew in the your life, is to be obedient to the Heavenly Spirit of power ; and he says afterwards vision. that when he got home he wondered **** whether anything had happened. There And thus our Studies come to an was no consciousness of any experience, end. We need pardon through the there was no emotion. But from that day precious Blood. If we would know what he went forth, and he was a master man, continual fellowship with Him is we and to this day the Keswick Convention must be pure even as He is pure. Would misses him more than almost any man we know that rest of peace, the that has stood for years on this platform. birthright of all. It comes through the The reception was critical, the attitude Cross, as we go forth kept by the power continual. To use another metaphor of God unto salvation. There must be which has the same spiritual the burial of the old life, identification signification. The crowning of Jesus with Christ in death, and burial and Christ King of our lives must issue in a resurrection with Him, if we would life in which He rules and reigns The know the power of His resurrect ion moment the sovereignty of Jesus Christ becomes less real we lose spiritual Shall we, as a final act of consecra- power. Only as every part of our being is tion, say to Him what used often to be brought into subjection to Him shall we on the lips and hearts of a former experience the energising which is the generation in this place? outworking of His power within us, "I'll be what You want me to be, I'll do what You want me to do. I'll go where You want me to go."

Then in fellowship sweet We will sit at His feet, Or we'll walk by His side in the way; What He says we will do; Where He sends we will go— Never fear, only trust and obey.


"In the last day, that great day of the when it passes through the crucible feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto Me, and of human experience. What, there- drink. He that believeth on Me, as the fore, I desire to do is simply and Scripture hath said, out of his inner being shall flow rivers of living water. But this plainly to state four Scriptural facts spake He of the Spirit, which they that regarding "Life in the Holy Ghost" believe on Him should receive for the Holy Spirit was not yet given; because that Jesus in the light of human experience. was not yet glorified. "—John vii. 37-39. Christ's Perfect Life WISH to speak to you this morning about life in the Holy Ghost. In The first fact I wish to bring to dealing with this subject I think that your notice is the fact that lies at the we must ever keep clearly before our base of all Christian experience. It is minds the Scriptural warning about that the .perfect life lived by our Lord and darkening counsel with words, The Master, and which must ever be for Rev. T. Scott, who was associated us the pattern of our Christian life, with Matthew Henry in the Scott- was a life from beginning to end Henry Family Bible, published an that was lived in the :power of the edition of "The Pilgrim's Progress" Holy Ghost. On the threshold of with notes. On one occasion he was His public life we read that the Holy visiting in the home of one of his Spirit descended upon Him. It was parishioners, an old lady, and seeing by the Holy Ghost that He was led the book lying on the table, he said, into the wilderness to be tempted of "I see you have my 'Pilgrim's Pro- the devil, and it was through the gress'. I hope you have found it Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, helpful." The old lady replied, "Yes, that He gained the victory there. sir; I never had any difficulty in We read that He returned to Galilee understanding 'The Pilgrim's Pro- in the power of the Holy Ghost; and gress,' and I hope that in time I shall in the synagogue at Nazareth you understand your notes toot" He was, remember when He opened the Scrip- I am afraid, darkening counsel with tures, He read, "The Spirit of the words. Let us remember that in Lord God is upon Me, for He hath Scripture itself, interpreted by the anointed Me to preach good tidings Holy Spirit, we have always the to the poor." It was in the power of simplest explanation of Christian the Holy Ghost that He wrought His truth, and that the closer we keep to great miracles, that He cast out devils. Scripture itself the clearer will be our It was at the last through the Eternal conception of its meaning. "Ye Spirit that He offered Himself as the do err, not knowing the Scriptures," great Sacrifice for the world's sin, and said our Lord, or because we have He was raised. again from the dead by departed from the Scriptures. At the the Holy Ghost. same time, let us remember this, that Now, here is a fact that we dare not Scriptural truth becomes real to us ignore, and that is, that the perfect

218 THE KESWICK CONVENTION, 1934 life lived by our Lord was lived in the artist, he said, "Leonardo, I need power of the Holy Ghost, and we paint no more, for God has given to cannot escape the conclusion, which the world another painter with my is this: If He being what He was in skill and spirit .” When will we learn His perfect humanity, was dependent the simple lesson that we can only upon the Holy Ghost, not only in the live the Christ-life in the power of great crises of His life, but in every Spirit of Christ, and that without the detail of it, how much more should we Spirit it is impossible to live that life? be dependent upon Him, being what we are, in all our imperfections and New Testament Christians human weaknesses. May it not be The second fact I wish to bring just here that we find the source of so before you is this: that the Christian much ineffectiveness in modern preach- life depicted in the pages of the New ing? While it demands that men and Testament, and especially in the women shall live after the pattern of Epistles, is essentially and pre-emi- the life of Jesus, it does not clearly nently a life lived in the Holy Ghost, indicate to them that that life can only Indeed, apart from the Holy Spirit, be lived by the same power that Christ no New Testament Christian experience lived His life; that is, by the power is possible at all. As Christians who of the Holy Ghost . May it not be that have been born again we owe the very here also we find the secret of so much beginning of our Christian life to the that is unsatisfactory, so much failure, gracious work of the Holy Spirit so much defeat and so much disap- within us; we have been born of the pointment in Christian experience to- Spirit. To my mind one of the most day? Why is it? Because men and beautiful, and one of the most concise women are attempting the impossible. explanations or descriptions of the They are trying to live a supernatural work of the Holy Ghost in the beginning life without supernatural power. The of the Christian experience is that perfect life can only be lived by the contained in the Shorter Catechism, power of the Holy Spirit. and given in answer to the question, When Leonardo da Vinci, who "What is Effectual Calling ?” "Effect- painted the well-known picture of the ual Calling is the work of God's Last Supper, was a young man, his Spirit, whereby convincing us of our old master one day brought him to a sin and misery, and enlightening our half-finished picture standing on an minds in the knowledge of Christ, and easel, and said, "I have commenced renewing our wills He cloth persuade this picture; I want you to finish it .” and enable us to embrace Jesus Christ "I dare not attempt to complete a as He is freely offered in the Gospel.” picture that you have commenced," As Christians we not only owe the said Leonardo. To which the old man beginning of our spiritual life to the replied, "All I ask of you is to make Holy Spirit, but we are equally de- an attempt.” Kneeling in front of the pendent on His gracious help for every picture, Leonardo prayed: "Oh God, stage in our Christian experience, and Who didst give to my master the skill for every detail in our Christian life, to begin this picture, give to me, I pray It is the Holy Spirit Who teaches us to Thee, the same power that I may com- pray (Romans viii. 26). It is He Who plete it.” Then taking his brush, he teaches us to pray for things that are sat down at the easel and began to according to His will; it is through the paint, and as the old man watched him Spirit that we are enabled to witness tears filled his eyes, and gently laying his hand on the shoulder of the young

LIFE IN THE HOLY GHOST 219 and to work for Christ . It is the Holy Holy Ghost, if we have received the Spirit Who illumines our minds, and Holy Ghost, if we have been sealed by leads us into the knowledge of the the Holy Ghost, and if we are indwell truth as it is in Jesus (Rom. xvi. 13). by the Holy Ghost, why should we con- It is by the Holy Spirit that we are tinue to pray and plead for the coming led as children of God (Rom. viii. 14). of the Holy Ghost, whom we have It is by the gracious influence of the already received, and why should we Holy Ghost that day by day we grow continue to wait for the Holy Ghost in Christ's likeness, being "changed Who Himself dwells within us, and into the same image from glory to Who yearns over us with a holy yearn-. glory, even as by the Spirit of the ing to make us His own? To me it Lord" (2 Cor. iii. 18). Every single is a very significant thing that in grace that adorns our life as Christians the Epistles, in which we have the is the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. v. 22). maturest Christian experience, we are "Every virtue we possess, not told to wait for the Spirit, but And every victory won, to "walk in the Spirit," and we are And every thought of holiness Are His alone." not told to receive the Spirit, but to be "filled with the Spirit.” We are Not only that, but as Christians expressly warned against resisting who have been redeemed by the the Holy Ghost whom we have precious Blood of Christ, we are received, against grieving the Holy sealed as the property of Jesus by the Ghost Who dwells in us, and against Holy Ghost. The Christian life from quenching the fire which the Holy beginning to end is under the power Ghost has kindled in our hearts. I and influence of the Holy Ghost. As believe it is just here that the root the Apostle Paul reminded the Gala- cause of so much of the tians (and I think we need to be disappointment and defeat in the reminded, too), "0 foolish Galatians, Christian life is to be found. Some- are ye so foolish? Having begun thing in our lives as Christians is in the Spirit are ye now made perfect rendering the power of the Holy by the flesh?” Only through the work Ghost Who dwells within us in- of the Spirit can our Christian life be operative. We are somewhere, some- made complete. how, limiting the Holy One, so that He cannot possess us as He longs to do, The Christ-Life Within and cannot glorify Christ in us as our This leads us naturally to the third Lord wills . Surely the supreme prac- Scriptural fact regarding Life in the tical purpose for which we are gathered Holy Ghost, and that is that every here at Keswick, is that by the grace believer in Christ having received the of God we may discover, where in our Holy Spirit, and being indwelt by the lives, the trouble lies. In seeking to Holy Spirit, is therefore capable of liv- help you, let me very simply and ing the Christ-life in all its fulness. plainly explain what we mean by The moment we believe in Christ we resisting, grieving, or quenching the receive the Holy Spirit. From the Holy Spirit. very first hour that we accepted Christ as our Saviour we were sealed by the Resisting the Holy One Holy Spirit as His own peculiar pos- We resist the Holy Spirit when we session (Eph. i. 13, 14). If this is doubt His Divine Personality as the true, I want to ask a very simple Third Person of the blessed Trinity, question. It is this: If, as believers and when we deny to Him the place in Christ, we have been born of the

220 THE KESWICK CONVENTION, 1934 that He ought to have as God in our firmities, and to teach us to pray, or lives. We resist the Holy Spirit when by neglecting the private study of we are disobedient to His Voice as Scripture which the Holy Spirit Him- He seeks to lead us into the fulness of self has inspired, and through which the truth as it is in Christ Jesus, and as He is seeking to lead us into all the He seeks to guide our footsteps day fulness of Christian experience . by day in the path of Christian duty People sometimes complain that all If you are refusing to listen to the this teaching about the Holy Ghost voice of the Spirit, closing your ears to is not practical. It is the very op- the teaching about the Holy Ghost, to posite. As a matter of fact, it is so the teaching about the Christian life practical that we cannot get people in all its fulness, you are honestly to face it. What we want resisting the Holy One, simply because, is that men and women should face perhaps, you do not like the truth, or up to the facts regarding the work of perhaps you are not prepared to face the Holy Spirit. up to the consequences of obedience to it. If we are here at home when Christ's Lordship years ago the Holy Spirit told us to go That leads me to the last Scriptural to India, or China, or Africa, or South fact : there is one, and only one con- America, we are resisting the Holy dition for a life lived in the fulness of Spirit; and you are not going to ex- the Holy Spirit, and that is the abso- perience the filling of the Holy Spirit lute enthronement of Christ in the life, by waiting, but only by obedience to We read in John vii. 39, that "the His voice. We grieve the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit was not yet given, for when we allow anything to remain in Christ was not yet glorified.” But our lives of which He cannot approve; when He was glorified, when He was when we continue to cling to some exalted to the right hand of the Father, known sin of which He has convicted far above all principalities and powers, us; when we indulge in some secret sin, then immediately the Holy Ghost was which we know is marring the beauty of given in all His fulness in Pentecostal our Christian character and spoiling power, and the disciples were all filled the efficiency of our Christian service; with the Holy Ghost. Now here is a when we continue to do some question- simple truth, and, thank God, I have able thing, about the legitimacy of learned it: that what happened his- which we have doubts. We may quench torically on the Day of Pentecost may the Holy Ghost, not by putting out happen, and does happen experi- completely the fire which He has kindled mentally in the life of the believer. in our lives, as that we cannot do for That when Christ is glorified in us by He abideth with us for ever, but by lacing given His rightful place in our reducing that fire to a spark, at which lives, when He is enthroned as absolute no flame of devotion to Christ, or of Lord, no power on earth can keep that love for perishing souls can be lighted. man or woman from being filled with We can quench the Holy Ghost thus the Spirit of Christ. The enthrone- just as we may quench the fire on our ment of Christ means the dethrone- hearth, not by pouring water on it, ment of every person and every thing but by neglecting to replenish it with that would keep Christ from that coals ; so we can quench the fire of the rightful place of His. It means the Holy Ghost in our lives by neglecting casting out of our life of everything the secret place of prayer where the that hinders the Holy Spirit glorifying Holy Spirit waits to help our in- Christ in us. It means the sacrifice

LIFE IN THE HOLY GHOST 221 of everything that holds in our life the that is what is wanted. You are here to place that Christ ought to have . glorify Christ, and you can only "The dearest idol I have known, glorify Him by giving Him His rightful Whate'er that idol be, place in your life. We are longing for a Help ma to tear it from Thy throne, And worship only Thee " mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon us, and it will come only when we If we do that what is going to happen? each individually as Christians lay our When the sacrifice is laid upon the all upon the altar in absolute, altar , the fire descends and burns it unconditional surrender to, Jesus Christ up. Obedience to the Holy Ghost; as Lord .

0 Heavenly Fount of light and love, 'J 1 Adoring praise to Thee we pay Pour down, blest spirit, from above Fresh streams of grace this day

At Pentecost Thou contest down, As sound of rushing wind went by, With tongues of heavenly fire to crown That glorious company.

Thou on each new-born child of grace Dost now in hidden power descend, To strengthen for life's weary race, To comfort and defend .

Thou in each meek and lowly heart, With streams of living waters bright, Sweet Fount of strength and gladness art, Fresh Spring of life and tight

Thee Spirit blest, All-Holy One, In songs of triumph we adore, For, with the Father and the Son, Thou reignest evermore! W. WALSHAM HOW

The Abiding Christ BY PREBENDARY H. W. HINDE

That Christ may dwell in your hearts by as these that I can conceive of Paul faith. "—Eph. iii. 17. writing his Epistle to the Ephesians. HE testimony to the life-giving Jesus Christ comes to dwell in the be- T power of Jesus Christ must in it- liever. Paul sees the Ephesians with self constitute something in the nature all their difficulties and all their temp- of a challenge to every one here. What tations, and he would have them know does it mean that Jesus, Who died for Jesus Christ living within them, He us, lives? When the ten disciples would have the power of Jesus Christ said to Thomas, "We have seen the put forth in their lives. But Paul Lord," it was a testimony which at knew that the power of Jesus Christ, once constituted a challenge to Thomas, which was so necessary to overcome Thomas did not, for one moment, sin, and to live a life of victory and question the facts of Jesus Christ as triumph, was inseparable from Christ lie knew them. He did not call into Himself, and that they cannot have the question, for one moment, His death. power apart from the Person, If they "Except I shall see the print of the would have that power in their lives, nails in His hand, and thrust my hand Jesus Christ must live within them, into His side, I will not believe.” And so he says in a prayer at the end of He recognised the facts, as far as he this 3rd chapter, "That Christ may dwell knew them, about Jesus Christ. But in your hearts by faith.” The word here is a further fact set before him; there used for Christ dwelling in the and if that were true, if that were really heart, is a word which speaks, not only a fact, then Thomas saw that it carried of the initial entrance into the heart, immense implications. If it is true but the taking up a lasting and that Jesus, Who died, lives, then all permanent residence. In other words, that He had said must be believed. coming into the heart, and living there. If He could do that, then there was Those are blessed words which our Lord nothing that He could not do. And so, spake, when He said, "Behold, I stand when Thomas was persuaded of the at the door, and knock. If any man fact he was ready to acknowledge hear My voice and open the door, I will Him as his Lord and his God. We have come in to him.” But there is the testimony, not only that Jesus something more blessed here; it is Christ lives, a great fact which I suppose coming in to abide in the heart. It is every one of us believes, but we get that of which He spoke, when, in. the the testimony from one and another 14th chapter of John He says, "He that Jesus lives in us who believe; that hath My commandments and that Jesus Himself, by His Spirit, keepeth them, He it is that loveth Me, lives within the believer, and puts and he that loveth Me shall be loved of forth His almighty power. My Father, and I will love him, and will manifest Myself to him.” When A Permanent Indwelling Judas (not Iscariot) asked how He Now it was with some such thoughts would manifest


Himself to them, and not to the world, the whole of life must be brought in Christ answered and said, "If a man glad surrender to Him; the life must be love Me, He will keep My words: and open to Him; we must seek from Him the My Father will love Him, and We will blessing He would give. In how many come unto him, and make Our abode lives is it true, "Ye have not because with him.” Now Paul says to these ye ask not”? He creates in us the Ephesians that it is his prayer for disposition and the desire. But He them that Christ might dwell in their still waits to be gracious to us, until hearts; and his own testimony when we ask Him for this power of His. he wrote to the Galatians was, "I Prayer, of course, must be with am crucified with Christ. Never- faith. We must pray believing. And theless, I live; yet not I, but Christ here you will notice how Paul liveth in me.” Dr. Weymouth ren- prays this prayer. "I bow my knees ders it: "It is no longer I that live, unto the Father of our Lord Jesus but Christ that lives in me." Christ.” What could there be more encouraging to faith than bowing the Believing Prayer knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Now, Christian friends, it is in- Christ. It reminds us of His love Who conceivable that the Vanquisher of gave Jesus Christ to die for us. sin and Satan and death should live a life of defeat in an individual heart. Unlimited Love Can the Lord and Victor, Jesus Christ, And not only that, though it speaks live a life of defeat? It is impossible to us of unlimited love, a love we can For Christ to dwell in our hearts must never understand; it speaks also to us mean a life of victory. It cannot be of unlimited power. For it is the otherwise. And now to come down to Father of our Lord Jesus Christ of our own experience. What is it? Whom he speaks in this 20th verse as Is Christ dwelling in our hearts, living the One Who is able to do exceeding a life of victory in us? Can we say abundantly. So when he comes in that Christ is dwelling there, and yet prayer believing, it is to One Who be a slave to some sinful habit, and, loves with an unlimited love, and Whose therefore, cannot be free? Can Christ power is unlimited too. Now what does be a slave of sin in me? Will you he do?, "I bow my knees unto the notice something further about this Father of our Lord Jesus Christ ," prayer. The prayer is essentially that that, as an act of sovereign grace, "He we may have the power of the victorious would grant you, according to the Christ within us. "For this cause riches of His glory, to be strengthened bow my knees unto the Father of with might by His Spirit in the inner our Lord Jesus Christ . , that He man.” He has already spoken of would grant you, according to the the riches of His grace both in the I riches of His glory, to be strengthened st and 2nd chapters. Here he speaks of with might by His Spirit in the inner the riches of His glory, I suppose that man" (vv. 14, 16). It is a power which, if there is anything which can exceed unless we seek it, we shall not receive it the riches of His grace it is the riches of God the Holy Spirit will not force His glory. There can be no greater Himself upon anyone. God is willing wealth than that. He speaks of being to bestow the Holy Spirit upon the "strengthened with might by His Spirit believer, but He does not force that in the inner man, that Christ may Power into any department of our dwell in your hearts by lives. If we would know this power,

224 THE KESWICK CONVENTION , 1934 faith." "Strengthened"---I must not stop this Epistle Paul has much to say to point to other places where that about the Holy Spirit. And amongst word is found in the New Testament. It other things he says is, "Be filled with speaks of firmness, of spiritual vigour, the Spirit"---"Be filling with the of a virile force. Strengthened, made Spirit." If we would have given to us strong, made so strong that we do not consciously, so that we may know in fear, made so strong that the forces of our daily experience the victorious evil shall not prevail. Strengthened with power of the Living Christ, it can might—power; of which we read: "Ye only be as we are filled with the Spirit shall receive power, after that the Holy in the inner man. We must be filling Ghost is come upon you It was the with the Spirit When I was a lad my power which was given to the apostles father taught me this. He said: when the Holy Ghost was poured out at "You are a very leaky vessel. If you Pentecost. We have just been hearing would keep filled with the Spirit, something of the wonders of God the you must keep at the source of supply; Holy Spirit, the Gift of God, Whose you must keep filling with the Spirit ." work it is to glorify Christ. "He shall glorify Me," said the Lord Jesus. "He Yielding the Will shall receive of Mine, and shall show it There is a human touch in this. It is unto you.” "Strengthened with might the Divine power inseparable from the by His Spirit," Who mediates to us the Person, which is promised unto us; presence of Jesus Christ, so that the but it has something to do with me, presence of Christ becomes not only a and my personality; and there comes reality, but a felt reality. Jesus Christ in in my responsibility. I have to hand the heart is not only something which over the control of my life to Him. we believe may be true, but something That is where my will comes in, The which we may know in our experience, Lord gives me the disposition; He something which we are not only gives me the desire ; but He waits for persuaded about, as far as our me to yield the will. It is only His intelligence is concerned, but which the power that enables me to do this; it is heart knows to be a blessed fact. He all of grace. If I would have that power makes Jesus Christ real in us. "Lord in my life, the thing. which offends Jesus," we say, "make Thyself to me a and grieves the Holy Spirit must be living, bright reality.” And it is the Holy cast out. Paul has much to say further Spirit Who makes Him indeed a felt on in this Epistle. Will you notice what reality in our life. Where this blessed he says towards the close of the 4th Holy Spirit comes, Jesus comes; where chapter. He bids us "grieve not the the Holy Spirit abides, the Saviour Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are abides. sealed unto the day of redemption." "And be ye kind one to another, Leaky Vessels tender-hearted, forgiving one another, If you will look at the Seven Letters even as God for Christ's sake hath to the Churches in the Revelation, forgiven you." Unless there. is that you will see how inseparable are the adjustment of our lives, We cannot Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ. Paul's know this experience of which am prayer is that we may be "streng- speaking. These things must be put thened with might by His Spirit in the away, with all other things that the inner man, that Christ may dwell in Holy Spirit shall point out to us in our lives our hearts by faith.” Therefore , in as being inconsistent with His holy will.


Notice there is a negative side, as because God has given the Holy Spirit; well as a positive side. There are such and there is the claiming of the Holy things as bitterness and malice to be Spirit so that He becomes a new ex- put away, and there is to be a positive perience to us. It may be that for side—to be kind one to another. years and years there has been a struggle Believe me, it is not only in those with sin. It may be that we have been sins which we call the grosser sins content to live a life far below the where there is failure, but there is level of His grace and power. Now the failure also in the case of so many to challenge comes to us whether we are forgive another, and by that we can willing to adjust that, and if we are frustrate the blessed working of God's willing to adjust our lives so that He Holy Spirit. Mark you, that is not shall have the pre-eminence, then. all He has to say. Paul never wrote we may ask and receive. There is the His Epistle in chapters. He goes on, asking with faith. There is the "Be ye, therefore, followers of God as yielding. When the Lord Jesus came dear children. And walk in love," to His disciples and breathed on them, And the things that he mentions in and said, "Receive ye the Holy Ghost,” this .5th chapter must be dealt with if they did not stop to ask how He could we would have Christ dwelling vic- give it. They did not doubt whether toriously in our hearts by His Holy or not He could, for they were in His Spirit. The challenge which must living presence. It is the Lord Jesus come to us is whether there is in us Himself Who says to us this morning, any such thing. The "inner man" "Receive ye the Holy Ghost.” Throw must be rid of all such things if we open the whole of your heart to Him are to be truly surrendered unto Him, that He may come in, that you may be that Jesus Christ may, indeed, have strengthened with might by His Spirit the pre-eminence. in the inner man, that you may live the victorious, triumphant life. I say Claiming the Gift again, it is impossible that Jesus could But when we have said all that, live a life of defeat within us. He does if we are willing that He alone should not mock us. He comes to us that we reign in our hearts, if there is no such may have victory in our lives, that no rebellion in us, if we are holding on to sin may have dominion over us; and that nothing which is displeasing to Him— in the power of His Spirit we may serve then there is the Gift for us and Him, and please Him day by day. there is the claiming of that Gift,

I need Thy presence every passing hour; What but Thy grace can foil the tempter's power? Who dike Thyself my guide and stay can be? Through cloud and sunshine, Lord, abide with me.

I fear no foe with Thee at hand to bless; Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness Where is death's sting ? Where grave thy victory? I triumph still, if Thou abide with me.

The Message of God's Love By THE RT . REV. BISHOP TAYLOR SMITH

"God is love, In this was manifested lilies grow) they toil not, neither do the love of God toward us, because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world, they spin, and yet I say unto you, that that we might live through Him. even Solomon in all his glory was not John iv. 8, 9. arrayed like one of these. Wherefore, if HEN our Lord Jesus Christ God so clothe the grass of the field, which W walked this earth, as man for to-day is and to-morrow is cast into the man, He left no stone unturned to oven, shall He not much more clothe bring sinners near and saints nearer to you, 0 ye of little faith?” So if they His Father and their Father, to His looked up they saw the birds, and if they Father and our Father, now from looked down the flowers looked up at the Old Testament Scriptures, the them. God is a God of love and He Bible of His day, and now from the loves you. Light, love, showers and world of nature, God's revelation in dew come from above, and when form and colour. You may sum up the received and responded to, then God whole of Christ’s teaching, the whole of does the rest. His life, and death, and resurrection, and ascension, in this, His great mes- The Lord of the Hills sage to the children of men: "God is, Now you have probably all heard the and God is love, and God loves you.” story of St. Martin. One day when riding Every object that surrounded them he came across a beggar, and as the was a reminder of God's love, God's beggar was poorly clothed, in fact angel—if only they had eyes to was almost naked, he cut his robe see, and grace to seize! Yes, every into two pieces, and gave half to the object that surrounded them told of beggar. Our St. Martin has not divided God's love. There were anxious souls his cloak, our speaker, Mr. Martin, in those days, as in our days, but He this time has taken us to the place just told them to look up, and as they where some of us have, and all of us looked up, they saw the birds going may, obtain the seamless robe of home to roost: "Behold, the fowls of Christ’s righteousness. The Lord has the air, for they sow not, neither do been with us these last few clays, He has they reap, nor gather into barns; yet been in our midst of a truth, for only your heavenly Father feedeth them. His beauty and character could have Are ye not much better than they? " drawn the thousands, not only day by When He found them still anxious, day, but service by service, as in the and anxious hearts generally look down days of old. Yes, when Christ was upon instead of up, He gathered the lilies earth they found and followed Him at His feet, and said, "Consider the through the streets of the city, and along lilies of the field, how they grow (and the highway, by the sea-shore, and up probably they had never considered, the mountain slopes. He could not be perhaps some here in this great con- hid; "never man spake like this Man," gregation have never considered how and Der-

THE KESWICK CONVENTION, 1934 227 wentwater has become to us what Galilee enter in, and to see the King in His was to Peter, and James, and John, and beauty, He has been speaking words to the other disciples. The same Lord heedless ears and unwilling hearts as has used our boat, and made us fishers well as to those who are resting and of men, and by His grace and presence rejoicing as they are enriched by His has enabled us to catch men. Yes, and presence. the marketplace has heard His voice in the mouth of the prophet calling, Cleansing from Sin "Ho, every one that thirsteth, come Yes I He has been speaking words of ye to the waters, and he that Lath no good cheer to many a weary soul, the money; come ye, buy, and eat: yea, good cheer of peace and pardon. You come, buy wine and milk without remember the instance in the Gospel money and without price.” But not where four brought their palsied brother only the voice of invitation, there has into the presence of the Lord; and many been the voice of reproof and warning, a palsied one has been brought into as in the days of old: "We have piped the presence of the Lord during these unto you, and ye have not danced; we past few days, and the prayers of the have mourned unto you, and ye have not friends have been heard, and the Lord lamented.” Such was the reproof of our has spoken peace and pardon. "Son, Lord to His hearers of old, as He be of good cheer, thy sins be forgiven noticed the children playing at thee.” It is the first word of good cheer weddings and funerals in the market- spoken in the New Testament, and place, and, perhaps, "such are some of found in the mouth of our Lord. There you.” are no other words of good cheer Yes! Cumberland has become our spoken by Him until we hear the Holy Land; and Horeb, and Hermon, first word of pardon of our past and Sinai, and Calvary have brought sins. Until our sins are forgiven before us judgment and mercy. We through the precious Blood of Jesus, have lifted up our eyes unto the hills, there can be no service, there can be and above the hills to the Lord of the no acceptable worship. Oh, are there hills, from thence has come our any here who have not yet heard His help. Yes, we have realised these voice, and who realise their own last few days the presence of Jesus, the weakness? That man was quite helpless One Who went about doing good, He is and hopeless, carried by four on the the same for us to-day as yesterday for eastern mat, unable to help himself, those of old, calling the little ones, lifting and without hope in the world. His up the fallen, healing the sick, and raising malady was the result of the sins of the dead—the young man, the maiden, his youth, but the Lord said to him, the man of maturer years. I would ask "Son, be of good cheer, thy sins are the question as our days pass so rapidly: forgiven thee.” And the poor helpless Have you seen Him? Have you met slave of sin rises to his feet, and Him? Have you heard His voice carrying the bed which had carried him speaking to you? Many have, and are he goes home rejoicing, and God is rejoicing in consequence, and are glorified. If there are any here realising adding grace to grace, and strength to similar conditions, may the Lord speak strength, and joy to joy. If you have to them this afternoon, "Son, be of good not heard His voice, nor met with cheer; I died for thee; thy sins are Him, it would be better if you had forgiven; rise up and walk." After we have heard the voice of never come to Keswick, than to have come so near, and not to

228 THE KESWICK CONVENTION, 1934 Jesus telling us of our sins forgiven there was a great calm. Oh, my dear through His precious Blood, then He hearers, the same Lord Jesus is here in our comes to us in the various circumstances midst to-day, not far, far away, and He sees of life, and gives us His peace, "the peace you struggling and striving in the midst of of God which passeth all understanding." your work, doing your duty, for it is He It comes through the realisation of His who commandeth the voyage. He knows presence within the heart, the home, the all about the difficulty, and when your business, and under all circumstances of extremity is reached, and before, it will be life. His opportunity for adding to your ex- From Fear to Trust perience such as you would never gain You remember when those words of without the trial. I sometimes say to my good cheer were spoken it was at the end friends that every trial is a step, if you take of a tiring day of healing and teaching. In it up you are up, but if you take it down the early morning Christ had called His you are down. The moral is always take it disciples to cross the lake and go to the up. The Lord Jesus dealt with cause and other side, that they might find some rest, consequence, and then entered into the but the crowd had slipped round the head ship, and immediately they were on the of the lake, and were waiting on the shore other side, and they had a little rest that as the boat came upon the gravel. After night, but the greatest rest came from His the long day of service, healing, teaching, presence, and the words of good cheer and preaching, then there was the feeding when He said, "It is I. Peace be unto you." of the multitude, and the Lord full of The Word of Cheer compassion, knowing the weariness of His Then we turn the pages of the Book and disciples, said, "Take the ship, and go to come to John xvi. There in the last verse the other side, and have a night's rest, and He is pointing out to the disciples the I will send the multitude away." The storm difficulties they are going to undergo, and came on in all its sudden fury, and there that very soon, for He is going to leave they were at the fourth watch of the night, them. He says, "In the world ye shall have the darkest watch before the dawn of day, tribulation: but be of good cheer ; I have struggling still against contrary winds and overcome the world." To Christ all power waves, and He whose name is Jehovah- has been given, and that power is for you Jireh, saw His struggling disciples, and and for me, so that we may be numbered came unto them. Whenever Jesus with the overcoming ones. Yes, again and approaches weary and troubled souls they again when they missed His bodily are always afraid, but He changes their presence they would remember His words, fears into faith, and their sadness into "Be of good cheer." gladness. He said, "Be of good cheer; it is Then once again we find Him speaking I, be not afraid," Then He dealt with the the same words, which in the Greek is one storm, the cause and the consequence, as word, "Courage." This time it is spoken to He ever does; He deals with the root as a disciple who is lying in the cell of the well as with the fruit. When the Prince of temple fort. Saul of Tarsus, now Paul of Peace entered the boat the wind ceased, God, not exempt from trial has yet to and then He dealt with the stormy sea, the undergo other trials. He has been result of the malice of the Prince of the witnessing for the Lord, and has been cast power of the air, and said, "Be still; " and into the


cell, after being nearly torn in pieces in and for special purposes. The saints in the court-house Then at midnight (mark the Old Testament were rather like the time, for some might say it was not a the old sailing ships, sometimes coming proper time to call), the Lord appeared across experiences when there was very unto him, and said, "Paul, as thou hast little wind filling their sails. The testified of Me at Jerusalem, thou must New Testament brings us to a deeper also bear witness at Rome.” The reward experience of the Holy Spirit of God for work is more work. If you have Who has come to dwell within us. "It is come through a trial you have more trials expedient for you that I go away, ahead, but there will be the grace and the for if I go not away the Comforter enrichment, for it is only thus that ex- will not come, I will pray the perience and character can be formed. Father and He shall send you Yes, four times these words, "Be of another Comforter, that He may good cheer," the good cheer of pardon, abide with you for ever.” The Holy of peace, of power, and of praise. Spirit of God is not given just for some specific work, He is given for all the Salvation before Service children of God, and for all time. At the Keswick Convention we Notice, there must be the being emphasise one great truth, perhaps more before there can be the doting. than another, and that is the coming of There must be the root before there the Holy Ghost. Only this morning as I can be the fruit; there must be the was reading in Luke chapter i. I read birth before there can be the life; there these words, "The Holy Ghost shall must be the salvation before the service; come upon thee, and the power of the there must be Calvary before Highest shall overshadow thee.” Such Pentecost. So we read in the Acts of was the message of the angel to the the Apostles, "When the day was fully Virgin Mary, and I want you to notice come.” How did it come? It came when carefully the response, "Behold, the men and women were united in believing handmaid of the Lord.” No better prayer, when they were "all one in consecration prayer could I give to you Christ Jesus," then the Spirit of God my sisters than the prayer of the Lord's came like a mighty wind, with tongues Mother. Then Mary said, "My soul doth of fire, and they were all filled with the magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath Holy Ghost, they were all changed rejoiced in God my Saviour.” You, too, men and women. The fire of love shall rejoice in God and magnify the filled their hearts, and over-flowed to Lord as you have never done before, the salvation of the world. The same your spirit shall rejoice in God your Lord, the same Holy Spirit, is for us to- Saviour as you keep nothing back, but day as yesterday for them. hold your whole trinity of being as His The only hindrance will be a possession. Give Him all, keep nothing cherished sin or a cherished grudge. back, so that your whole being may be Either of these will cut you off from the full of light, that there may be no part blessing of Pentecost and the dark, then you will be able to say with blessing of Keswick. "Ye that do Mary of old, "Fox He that is mighty bath truly and earnestly repent you of done to me great things; and holy is His your sins, and are in love and charity Name." with your neighbour, draw near with In the Old Testament the Spirit of faith" and take the blessing from the God came upon men at special times, Lord, the abundance of life which Christ came to impart, for He said

"I am come that they might have life, you, and the Holy Spirit within and that they might have it more you. Oh, if this vast congregation of abundantly." thousands will go from this Tent this afternoon and receive the gift of God The Voluntary Surrender there is no telling what might be the I was walking down the street the result, other day when a lady met me, and Yes, intellectual conviction is not said, "May I shake your hand?” I enough, that, I presume, you already said, "Certainly," and she shook my possess, the voluntary surrender only hand and said to me, "I received the can bring you into line, and this Holy Ghost some thirty to forty years voluntary surrender only will enable ago, and it was hearing a simple illus- you to receive this abundance of life. tration that you used in one of your addresses in the Tent.” She asked roe if More than Conquerors I remembered it; of course I did, it Beware of receiving only half a was so simple, but it was very vivid, message. I was passing through St. because I have a pictorial memory. Helena on the anniversary of The illustration was this: It was in the Waterloo Day last month, and I was days of my curacy, and there was a reminded of that incident after the Garden Party for children, and there victory of Waterloo. The message they were all seated on the lawn, just as was sent over to England, you are before me this afternoon, only "Wellington defeated," then not so many, and I was speaking something went wrong with the about the gift of the Holy Spirit, and I transmission, men were depressed, was telling them how the Lord said, they thought the battle was lost. By "Receive ye the Holy Ghost," and I and by there came the rest of the said, "Welt now, what do you message, "Wellington defeated think they did when the Lord said Napoleon.” It made all the that?” There was a little child difference. Some of you have told me there with one of those starched quaker during the last few days that you are bonnets on, and she looked up and said, still being defeated, let me tell you "I suppose they received Him," and I that Christ has overcome Satan, and said, "You dear thing" (one must never you may be conquerors through Him, call children "things”, but I did on this and made more than conquerors occasion!). through Him who loves you, spoil- Oh, my dear people, "Receive ye the gatherers after every battle, and Holy Ghost"! I have told you that crowned after every victory. See that God loves you, He has done it in every you receive no half message, or half possible way, why not receive Him? "God so loved the world that He gave.” I Gospel. received Him when I was a boy, and have So I leave these few words with you to-day. God is waiting, yes, God never lost the consciousness of the joy is waiting. Niagara was not utilised by of His fellowship and friendship, and men for many years, they did not when He said, "Receive ye the Holy realise God's gift to America and Ghost," I received Him, and, oh, the Canada, but now it is used for distri- depth of the life, the power and peace, buting light, heat, and power all and the humour and strength. No around. Take God's gift that there cloud between, all of grace, nothing of may be light, and heat, and service, ourselves, saved by grace alone. and blessing wherever you may be Receive ye God's love in His Son for found. "Receive ye the Holy Ghost,"

A Coronation Time BY REV. W. H. ALDIS

"When He, the Spirit of truth, is come." time with many of God's children —John xvi. 13. here in this Tent, who have been LL of us who minister on this through these days. Or, to use another A platform come believing that Scriptural reference, I believe it is we are brought to Keswick by the Holy the evening when "the fair mitre" is Spirit of God. We would not come going to be set on the head of otherwise, and we seek to minister many of God's children, that fair the Word of God in utter depend- mitre upon which was inscribed ence upon the Spirit of God, recog- "Holiness unto the Lord;" and there is nising that there is nothing in no holiness unto the Lord apart from any one of us. It is only as God's the fulness of the Holy Spirit of God. Spirit works through us that any- Throughout the day we have been thing at all can be accomplished, listening to teaching concerning God's and we , every one of us, say from Holy Spirit. I wonder whether the heart, and we mean it as we sometimes we are not in danger in say it, "I believe in the Holy Ghost.” these days of almost ignoring the Spirit of Yet we like to think, and I feel we God, or of substituting something else are right in so thinking, that this for Him. There is a great danger in Thursday in the Convention week some movements to-day of substituting is especially, if I may use the word, merely mental processes for what the day of the Holy Ghost. I really can only be the work of God's suppose it would be correct to say Holy Spirit.; and the church of God that for many years this day has been needs to get back again to that word in regarded by many as in some senses, the Old Testament, and to learn it "the last day . . . the great day of again with deep conviction. "Not by the feast," carrying us back to that might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, other last day, when Jesus stood in saith. the Lord of hosts." the temple in the midst of the Now, at Keswick, we seek to honour throng and cried, "If any man thirst, the Holy Ghost; God grant that may let him come unto Me and drink," ever be so. It is as we honour the and I believe our blessed Lord is Holy Ghost that we magnify and standing here again to-night, and is glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, because the saying that to every thirsting soul. I office of the Holy Spirit is to glorify the think it is right to say that this Lord Jesus Christ, and when the Lord Thursday night has ever been "the Jesus Christ is magnified then God the coronation time” of the Father is glorified in the Son. convention. The day in which the Lord has said, as He did of David, "I have found David My The Secret of Sanctification servant; with My holy oil have I This is not the time, nor is there anointed him," I believe that to- any need, for any doctrinal state- night is going to be the coronation ment in regard to the Holy Spirit of


God. That I think would be out of with you, and shall be in you." We place, but I would like to say just a few know also that the indwelling of the very simple words, and you will pardon Holy Spirit is the secret of sanctifi- their simplicity I know, for I am cation, the secret of whatever there is of thinking more of the young people here holiness and Christ-likeness in our lives: who may not be so well taught in As we sing in the hymn: regard to the Holy Spirit as they need to And every virtue we possess, be. I want to make just two or three And every conquest won, propositions with which I think you will And every thought of holiness, all agree. May I remind you first of all Are His alone." that the Holy Spirit of Gad is a Person, A Sense of Need with all the attributes of personality. He We know also from God's Word that is as much a person as the Lord Jesus the indwelling of the Holy Spirit is the Christ. Never speak of the Holy Spirit secret of all soul-winning witness for Jesus as though He was only some abstract Christ, and the secret of all prevailing influence. You may hear such prayer. Therefore, if we know our own expressions, but they are not true to the hearts in any measure, we recognise that we revelation we have concerning the Holy need intensely this same Holy Spirit in all Spirit of God in the Word of God. No! He is the third Person in the blessed His fulness, this gentle, awful Holy Ghost, Trinity. this mighty, convicting, sanctifying, Then He is here in the Church, empowering Spirit in all His fulness in our guiding and controlling it, so far as we lives. I am quite sure we realise that God allow Him to, and He is here in every has been creating in our hearts a longing individual believer, as far as we will which may not yet have been satisfied, and I allow Him to have possession of us, am quite sure we are gathered here in this and He is here in the world. Just as He hour with a great expectation, and with a brooded over the chaos of the world in the early ages, so the Holy Spirit is in great sense of need, conscious of the the world to-day, doing the work that comparative barrenness of our lives, and our Lord Jesus Christ said He would out of this sense of our lack of holiness it do, convincing the world of sin, of may be we are crying out to God to-night, righteousness, of judgment, and there "Oh, that I might receive the filling of that is no conviction of sin apart from the blessed Holy Spirit !" Well, we can, and we operation of God the Holy Spirit. may, and, by the grace of God, we shall, ere Then may I remind you, that the we leave this Tent tonight, know what it is Holy Spirit of God is the Agent and the Power in the bringing about of the to be filled with the Holy Spirit. new birth. There is no new birth apart Now I do not need to stress it, for we all from the working of God the Holy know it to be so true, that every believer has Spirit. The Spirit of God came in received the Holy Spirit . May I remind you power at Pentecost to be through this again of those words which have already dispensation in which we are living, the been quoted, "If any man have not the executive of the Trinity. And we know Spirit of Christ he is none of His." Or, that this same Holy Spirit came as our again, "No man can say that Jesus is the Lord Jesus Christ said, to dwell in all believers, for Jesus said "He dwelleth Lord but by the Holy Ghost"; and in the Epistle to the Ephesians the Apostle Paul tells us, "When ye believed ye

A CORONATION TIME 233 were sealed with that Holy Spirit of we need to-night really is to obey the promise." There can be no manner command, "Be filled with the Spirit," of doubt about it, that every true for it is just as much a command as believer has the Holy Spirit of God, any other command in the New yet probably most of us here know Testament. Yes, it is the fulness of instinctively that there is something God's Spirit that we need, both for more God has for us than merely hav- life and for service, ing His Spirit. Wonderful as that is, we know that A Continuous Experience our lives simply do not measure up to Let me add this: In speaking of the standard of God's Word. We think of being filled with God's Spirit I hope some of the revelations in His Word we shall not think so much in terms concerning His purposes for us, and of our having more of God's Spirit, we have to confess that we have never but rather of God's Spirit having known these things in our experience. more of us, because the filling For instance, take a word like this: "I depends upon God's Spirit having pray God that your whole spirit, and the whole of us. I pray that it soul, and body be preserved may indeed be true of each one blameless," and there is not one of of us, that God's Spirit fills us, us but has to bow his head and say, because He has the whole of us. He "that is not true of me, Lord, I am can only fill that which we allow Him not in that condition." Or, take to fill, and if we allow Him to fill the that word, "Ye shall be holy, for I whole temple then He is ready and am holy," and there is not one of us waiting to do it right here and now. but has to say, "Lord, there is a great So beloved friends, very reverently deficiency in my holiness; I do not and very insistently I would urge measure up to the standard of Thy on you to-night this filling of purpose concerning me." Or, that God's Spirit. We urge it first of word spoken by our Lord Jesus Christ all as a crisis, because there must be a in regard to the result of the coming of first time, when you are filled with the Spirit upon him, "Out of him Shall God's Holy Spirit, and it is a big flow rivers of living water." I crisis. The emotional experience may wonder how many of us would be able vary with each individual, for whilst to say honestly and truthfully, Out of with some people their conversion me there flow rivers of living water. Yet may be a tremendous and revolu- if not, why not? Yes, we are conscious tionary upheaval, with others their that we do not measure up to the conversion is far quieter, and that standard of God's revealed purpose believe is so with the filling of the concerning our lives. That being so, Holy Spirit. With some there is a do we not all say, I long for the great breaking up of the very depths experience, I long to know God's best of their being, and with others there is ? I long to enter into the fulness that just the quiet response, the quiet God has for me in Jesus Christ. I long opening of the whole being, and the that my life shall be just the receiving of God's Holy Spirit to fill expression of His revealed will and the temple. We urge it as a crisis, purpose concerning it. If that is so, and we urge it also as a continuous what we need to-night is a gracious experience. Do not make any mistake, flood-tide of God's Spirit. Oh, may being filled with the Holy Spirit God grant that that flood tide may needs to be a constant experience. he experienced! What As you read the Acts of the Apostles,

234 THE KESWICK CONVENTION, 1934 you remember the words occur and ness in ourselves. I believe there is a recur, "They were all filled with the great deal of untruthfulness amongst Holy Ghost," and so we would urge Christian people. It may be uninten- very reverently, and I urge it upon tional, but none the less it is there, but myself as well, that we shall face this as how can we ask the Spirit of Truth to a crisis if we have never faced it before, come in and fill us when we are guilty and if we have faced it before, we shall of untruthfulness or insincerity, or to-night enter further and deeper into dishonesty in some one or other of its this experience, that every one may go many forms. forth from Keswick, filled with the I was talking the other day to a Holy Ghost. May I remind you in a friend about the terrible untruthfulness word or two that we believe this to be which we so often see in reports of the norm of Christian experience, we do Christian activity. We sometimes read not believe it is something specially for reports of meetings, and we know a few favoured people, whom God has perfectly well that the report is so chosen for this blessing. This filling of highly coloured as to be positively God's Holy Spirit is necessary for every untrue, and how can we expect the child of God, and it is the birthright of Spirit of Truth to allow His blessing to every child of God. There is not one rest upon such untruthfulness. We, here, however humble or insignificant moreover, occasionally see statistics he may be, but what has the right to be concerning the results of Christian filled with God's Holy Spirit. work so manipulated or exaggerated as to create a false impression on the The Sin of Untruthfulness minds of people who read them. I Now, if that is so, why is it that so hope it is not done deliberately, but many of God's children are not filled that thing is going on to-day, and how with His Spirit, for it is all too obvious can we expect the Spirit of Truth to that the vast majority are not filled with come in and fill us, whilst we are guilty His Spirit? Why is it? May I suggest a of such acts of untruthfulness. May it reason or two before I close? I believe not be that this untruthfulness is one reason is found in the very nature hindering the filling of God's Spirit in of God the Holy Ghost May I remind our lives. Beloved friends, I know that you first of a41 that He is called the the Holy Spirit of God comes as a Spirit of Truth? and whilst it is true that great cleansing power, but there must one result of His infilling is that we be a willingness on our part to become more and more conformed to abandon everything which is contrary the Divine standard of truth, I also to Him who is the Spirit of Truth, believe this, that He cannot fill us whilst otherwise we can never say "Spirit of in our hearts or in our lives we are the living God, come and fill me," retaining anything of insincerity or because He is the Spirit of Truth, untruthfulness or dishonesty. I say Holiness of Life from my heart, dear friends, that I Then may I remind you again that believe the Church of God, and we as the Spirit of God is the Holy Spirit, He individual members, need to be more is the Spirit of holiness, and whilst it is sensitive in regard to truthfulness. We true that the indwelling and in-filling of cannot expect the Spirit of Truth to fill the Holy Ghost does produce in us us while we are conscious of, or that holiness, apart from which no excusing any untruthful- man shall see the Lord, yet I believe it is also true that if there is

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deliberately retained in this temple its title, I saw the name of the author, of the Holy Ghost anything of unholi- and I marvelled that any girl, let ness, or uncleanness, or impurity, alone any Christian girl, could defile w e have no right to expect the her mind with it , for the book was Holy Spirit to fill us. I use the written by an author who is notorious word impurity in its wider, as for producing pernicious books. If we well as in its narrower sense. are going to have the fulness of God's Now, if we want the Holy Spirit to Spirit, let us face up to it, there must fill us, there must be a willingness to be nothing of impurity retained in make a clean cut with all things of our lives, we must be willing for the impurity and unholiness. Now that abandonment of everything that defiles touches us possibly on some very the flesh or the spirit There are many tender spots. It may possibly other forms of impurity which we must affect our reading, it may even be not stay to consider now, but God's that there will have to be a bonfire Spirit will convict our hearts con- before somebody can get the filling cerning them. of the Holy Spirit. If you read books that defile your mind it is utterly The Spirit of Love useless to ask God's. Holy Spirit to fill Further, I want to remind you that you. He is the Spirit of Love, and that may You may remember a story told from be one reason why we are not filled this platform some years ago of a with the Spirit. Whilst it is true that man, well-known in Christian work, the love of God is poured into our into whose life, to the amazement of hearts by the Holy Ghost, it is also everybody, there came an awful moral true that the Holy Spirit of God will crash. He could not face it, and he never fill the temple when there are fled and committed suicide . After- unlovely, angry, or unjust thoughts wards, when his friends were going with regard to others . I think some- through his papers and books, they times that the Lord's heart must almost discovered in a locked drawer in his be broken at the lack of love, the back- desk the secret of it all; there were biting, the criticism, the aspersions of books which he had evidently read character, the suggestive insinuations in secret, and these had so defiled his which are, alas, so common amongst mind, that the end was the moral God's people. These are all contrary crash, Beloved friends, I say it with to the Spirit of Love, and if we want to all earnestness, if you read books be filled with the Spirit of God, then that defile your mind, do not ask God's we must be done with them for ever. Holy Spirit to fill you, because it is Are we willing to abandon mocking God . He is the Spirit of everything contrary to God's will, in Holiness, and He will have nothing order that we may have the fulness of to do with impurity, and it may be as the Holy Spirit to-night ? I have said, you will have to go home May I say one other word ? He is and have a bonfire. I am amazed the Anointing Spirit, and this is sometimes at the books some professing typified by the anointing oil spoken Christians read. I was staying in a of in Exodus chapter xxx. There is Christian home not very long ago one condition in regard to that holy where there was a young Christian oil—"upon man's flesh shall it not girl, and when she went out of the come"—and the spiritual interpre- drawing-room on the Sunday afternoon tation of that is that God's Holy Spirit $he put down a novel she had been will never come and fill the temple if reading. I looked at the book, I saw

there is any desire for self-glorification, heart-break of a defeated life we may if there is any thought or desire that honestly say, "Lord, I am willing for men shall praise us, or that we shall everything that is out of harmony get a reputation for being great soul- with Thy purpose of holiness for m winners, or anything of this kind. to go out of my life." If that is our If such thoughts are there, we shall attitude, then there is no reason never be filled with the Holy Spirit . to-night why we should not know the It is only when we are absolutely fulness of the Holy Spirit. If we are willing for the glory of the Lord willing that all thoughts of impurity Jesus Christ, and that alone, . when and untruthfulness shall for ever be we are willing ourselves to be just put out of our lives, and if, as broken broken and empty vessels, nothing in and empty vessels, we come to Him, the sight of men at all, that we can we may every one of us receive the ever expect to receive the filling of fulness of the Holy Ghost. I trust God's Holy Spirit. God grant that that before this meeting closes this this may be the desire of every heart will be the experience of every one to-night, that out of the desperation of us, that we are "all filled with of my need, out of the sorrow and the the Holy Ghost."

Holy Spirit, Truth Divine! Dawn upon this soul of mine; Word of God, and inward Light, Wake my spirit, clear my sight. Holy Spirit, Love Divine! Glow within this heart of mine; Kindle every high desire; Perish self in Thy pure fire Holy Spirit, Right Divine! King within my conscience reign; Be my Lord, and I shall be Firmly bound, for ever free. Holy Spirit, Peace Divine! Still this restless heart of mine; Speak to calm this tossing sea, Stayed in Thy tranquillity. Holy Spirit, Joy Divine! Gladden Thom this heart of mine; In the desert ways I sing, Spring, 0 Well! for ever spring, S. LONGFELLOW

The Searchlight of God By REV E L. LANGSTON

'Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth Now in order that that great event in the whole lump? Purge out therefore the 00 Egypt should evermore be remembered leaven, that ye may be a new lump.” -I Cor. v. 6, 7. by Israel, there took place annually a passover season, and even down to I BELIEVE that God is going to do a this day every true son of Israel keeps the new thing in all our lives tonight. I am Passover, reminding them of that filled with a sense of the deepest awe, marvellous deliverance from the bondage for I feel we have reached 1 time which of Egypt We gather together round the will prove to be eventful in our spiritual Table of our Lord from time to time for the experience, and it may be, as a result of same memorial feast of the broken bread to-night's meeting, God is going to be and the outpoured wine, reminding us of glorified in an entirely new way in and the great love of Calvary. through every one of us as we place ourselves here and now deliberately Searching and Cleansing under the guidance and sway of the There was a feast that followed that Spirit of God. Passover Feast, the Feast of Un- You will remember that when the leavened Bread. Exodus xii, gives us Children of Israel came out of Egypt. the rules and regulations for the Moses was raised up to be their leader. keeping of that feast, and it is that It had been revealed to him that which I want to stress. It is one thing to judgment was to pass over the land, but see the Jew saved from judgment and that there was a way of escape. We are delivered from his feats; but it is all of us conscious that the judgment of another thing to see the household God is upon this earth to-day, and there feasting. That Feast of Unleavened is only one way of escape. You Bread was a feast of seven days. But remember how under the old there was one strict regulation laid dispensation on the tenth day of the down by Moses that had to be scrupu- month a little innocent, spotless lamb lously kept, and has been scrupulously was chosen, and on the fourteenth day kept from that day to this. "Whosoever it was slain; and on that night the door- eateth leavened bread from the first day posts and the lintels of every Israelitish until the seventh day, that soul shall be house were blood-marked; and when cut off from Israel" (v. 15). Saved from the avenging angel came over, those judgment, but cut off from communion who were within were saved from and fellowship and blessing And so that judgment. You and I have had that the Children of Israel, even to this day, great privilege. We have heard God say should not be cut off from covenant to us, because we have been sprinkled privileges and blessings, at Easter time with the precious Blood of the Lord when the Jew keeps his Passover, just Jesus, "Your sins and iniquities will I before the Passover Feast , in every remember no more." Jewish

238 THE KESWICK CONVENTION, 1934 house, the head of the house goes in Acts xiv. 31 how "when they had through two ceremonies the first is prayed the place was shaken where they called Bedigath-chamity, the searching for were assembled together; and they were leaven, and the second ceremony is all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they called Bi-oor-chamity—the purging of spake the Word of God with boldness; leaven; and as a result, joy, com- and the multitude of them that believed munion, fellowship, blessing. were of one heart and of one soul; "Know ye not that ye are the neither said any of them that ought of temples of the Holy Ghost.” During the things which he possessed was his this week we have been reminded of own; but they had all things common.” that; the Spirit of God Himself has Are we prepared to take that step? brought us here. Now the head of the Look at your banking account. Think Jewish house takes his brush, and, with of your stocks and shares. God wants a light in his hand, goes through the all, all we are, and all we have. May first ceremony of searching; he goes God anoint us with grace and wisdom through every room in the house, and power from on high for this through every cupboard, he takes out service, May He grant that there may be every drawer; he even lines the boys no compromise, no reserve. We often and girls of the household up in front forget at our Conventions that giving is of him, and goes through their as much a duty as praying. The work of pockets, so as to be absolutely certain; the Church of God to-day is being for there must be no leaven in a Jewish hindered. There is so much of self in house during this Feast. It is a the lives of God's people that has never thorough search. And the Lord, the been given to God, We read on: "And Holy Ghost, has been doing that with great power gave the apostles during this week, and some of us have witness of the resurrection of the Lord seen ourselves as we have never seen Jesus; and great grace was upon them ourselves before. We have seen sin in all.” There must have been a all its hideousness. We have realised marvellous atmosphere in the early something of the power of our fallen Church. Those early disciples loved nature. And we confess tonight our God with all their heart, and they loved sinfulness; we realise that there is no one another, seeking the interests of good in us, and that we are worthy of others rather than their own. There God's judgment. were, however, in that. Church two But then there is the second cere- notable people, Ananias and Sapphira, mony. The head of the house always undoubtedly. Christians, both of them purposely finds some leaven, Amongst enrolled in the Church at Jerusalem. the Jews after the ceremony of search- They had a friend named Barnabas, ing, there comes the ceremony of who did a very generous and very noble purging; the purging by fire. And in thing. Seeing the need of the Church, this Tent to-night, in all honesty in all he sold lands, and laid the proceeds at sincerity, we are going to ask the Holy the feet of the Apostles. This created a Spirit, the Spirit of burning, to burn up great impression, and we read that all the dross, the failure, the sin; and, Ananias and Sapphira sold a possession, oh, may we be honest to-night but they kept back part of the price. All Things Common Presently we are going to offer our May I draw your attention to a scene gift to God, the gift of our all, that God just after Pentecost. We read may give His all to us. Let us 1A


sincere in our gift to God. Do not let offering of their lives as a living sacrifice. us keep back part of the price. Let it be This friend who gave his testimony said: all, or nothing. During this week some "Thank God, he did not leave us there. of -us have been convicted about certain On the third morning we made our sacrifice; but on the fourth morning we were taken things in our lives. There are certain up into the heavenlies, and we saw the habits which we know we cannot pray Lord in the place of power and authority about and ask God's blessing upon. And and riches and glory and honour wor- in the gifts that are about to be given to shipped by the angels, and we heard His God, those things will have to be dealt voice saying to us, 'All I am and all I with, that every part of our life may be have is thine.’ And there and then we under the control and direction of the received the fulness of God. That was Holy Spirit. Are we prepared for that fifteen years ago, and I stand before transaction? you here and now as a witness that that which happened to us fifteen years ago is The Giving of All real," The first time I came to Keswick a Are you prepared to take such a step? man stood up in the Tent towards the We have confessed our sins; the end of the Convention. He spoke with searchlight of God has gone through an American accent, and he told this us; we dare not lie to God. I know that story. For years, he said, he and his wife this next step is going to cost, for it is the had been seeking to live a life of deliberate presenting of our bodies, wholly, communion and fellowship with God acceptable unto God, as a living that they had never before experienced. sacrifice, to spend and be spent for Him, They were not very wealthy in those to be at His disposal. And as we present days, but the little they had they took from the bank that they might come these bodies of ours to Him, to be His bond- over to Great Britain and visit Keswick, slaves, and to do what He wills, as we because they had heard that here a thus lay ourselves upon His altar, the fire doctrine was preached of deliverance of God will fall, and we shall be filled and blessing, and they felt that at all with the Holy Ghost. Now, do not costs they must have it. That year the imagine that you will be conscious of Rev. George MacGregor was giving the some tremendous emotion. I have not Bible Readings, and his subject was "An much confidence in those who talk about Holy Life, and how to live it.” On the their marvellous experiences. first two days he spread the banquet Personally, I feel that God does His before them, and spoke of the possibilities of the Christian life as a life deepest work in the stillness. But if we of union and communion, of are thus filled we shall have the inner unhindered, unbroken fellowship with realisation that God is in possession of our God, The third morning he dealt with lives, we shall go forth at one with God; the conditions and the power of God God in us and we in God. May His cattle down upon the Tent, and every glory ever be manifested and revealed in one present seemed to cry out, "Lord, all our life and character and conduct from this that I am, and all that I have is Thine f" day forward, There was the



10 a.m.—The Missionary Meeting A VISION OF THE NATIONS




The Sacred Rite A T the large Missionary Meeting, the Chairman, Rev. W. H. Aldis, in his opening remarks, assured. the speakers that they would find the audience they were about to address a most sympathetic one. There were several special features in the programme this year. One speaker represented the Mohammedan world, another spoke on Medical Missionary Work, and two recruits, both about to proceed to China, gave their testimonies. We also had the opportunity of hearing of the work at Dohnavur from one of the sisters who is on furlough. The representative of China gave a specially clear and well- informed statement of the actual present conditions in that great land, and as to what has led up to them. The Chairman, in closing, pressed for a threefold response to the claims that had been pressed upon us. (1) That parents should present their children, as a free will offering to the Lord for His service. (2) That all our possessions should be truly placed at the Lord's disposal. (3) That lives should be yielded to the Lord for personal service. Not a few parents responded to the Lord's claim, and very many young men and young women offered to go wherever the Lord may be pleased to send them. These met on Saturday morning with a few of the leaders in Missionary work, and they received advice and guidance as to training and how to make their applications to various Societies. This was the seventh year on which a United Communion Service has been held, and more were present than in any past year. It is a truly wonderful sight to see a congregation of 3,500 people all united in heart to wait on God, and to recall the dying love of the Son of God, and His presence with us now as the very life of our life. The service was conducted by the Rev. Wm. Dalgetty, who spoke some helpful words on, "He hath covered me with the robe of righteousness," before proceeding to dispense the bread and wine. He was assisted by some thirty or forty elders, and the whole service was conducted in perfect order and deep reverence. The quiet stillness of the great assembled company was most impressive and our hearts looked on to the great consummation.

All to meet in plains of glory, All to sing His praises sweet; What a chorus, what a meeting, With the family complete.


LORD JESUS , Thou art in our midst, May we Thy glories see, So that Thy saints may truly give Worship, 0 God, to Thee,

We have no merit of our own, Nor of ourselves we sing, But our heart 's sacrifice of praise To Thee, 0 God, we bring,

We would remember Lord, Thy Cross, The tempest and the flood, Thy soul an offering for sin, Thy precious out-poured Blood.

Thine open side, Thy pierced hands Are tokens of Thy woe; Unfolding a deep, shoreless love, Our hearts so feebly know.

Love that shall bring us safely home, Close to Thy throbbing heart, The Bridegroom with His blood-bought Bride Joined never more to part.

Oh, God, we worship, we adore! Thy love its theme must be, And ever as the ages roll It shall ascend to Thee,


Vision of the Nations HE Missionary Meeting on Friday morning was in the wise and T capable hands of the Rev. W. H. ALDIS (Home Director of the China Inland Mission). There were ten speakers, all of whom in a brief eight minutes gave vivid pictures of the work in which they were engaged in cities or in places of solitude, among snowy peaks or in sunny plains, and where the Gospel is being proclaimed to those who have never before heard its glad message. Impassioned and heart-moving was the opening prayer offered by Dr . D . H . DOLMAN on behalf of the Jews in Europe and the Mission Fields, and especially for those who were at present suffering great persecution. The Moslem Challenge THE challenge and also the opposition of the Moslem World was dealt with by the first speaker, Mr. ERNEST LONG, who referred to Tunisia, the smallest of the five countries which together made up North Africa, yet the most densely populated, and with great historical interests. In the heart of Tunisia stood. Kairouan, the holy city of North Africa, second only to Mecca in sanctity. There was a time in the days of the early Church when Carthage was the holy city of North Africa; it was a city of Churches, but it was never really a missionary-hearted Church. In the later centuries that Church became a corrupt Church, and in the eighth century God allowed countless Mohammedan hordes to pour over North Africa like some irresistible wave, and between four and five thousand Christian Churches disappeared. To-day it was Kairouan, the city of mosques, mosques which had been built, for the most part, from the debris of Christian Churches. Dominating them all was the grand mosque, with six hundred columns, the largest in North Africa. At that mosque there was a spiral staircase leading to the minaret, and the muezzin as he ascended that staircase trampled under foot a solid slab of marble which formed one of the steps and which was the lid of an ancient Christian coffin, with its inscription of the sacred fish, reminding them of the Saviourhood of the Son of God. And that sacred emblem was trodden under foot each time the muezzin climbed the staircase to call to prayer! In Cairo, in the Holy Land, in Persia, in India, in China, in the Isles of the Sea, five times a day did the muezzins fling their challenge into the air: "I affirm that there is no Deity but Allah. T declare that Mohammed is the sent one of God." The Koran declared that Jesus Christ was not the Son of God; and that He did not die, but another in His likeness. They had to face the question as they thought of those 230 million Mohammedans for whom Christ had suffered, and bled, and died. What were they going to do about it?

246 THE KESWICK CONVENTION, 1934 South America's Call

DR. SEWELL gave her message concerning South America, which, she said, because it was left out for so long from the missionary enter- prise of the Church, became known as "the Neglected Continent." To-day in face of the vital issues and the responsibilities which faced the Christian Church, they call it "the Continent of Opportunity." The Republics that made up South America were young nations of enthusiastic young men, who were awakening to a sense of their nationality, and eager to take their place in the world; they were casting off the shackles of the past, and those things which had kept them down ; eager to be led, but so often they were unguided or mis- guided. They were looking at Mexico, with her example of drastic revolution, and still further afield, at Russia, admiring her example, and were hesitating on the brink of a great decision. It was for them a moment of destiny. There were not only the problems connected with the new race formed from the blood of the Indians and the conquerors who came over; but there was also the great problem of the Indians, millions of them, some in the forest regions, and far down in the scale of civilization; yet Indians with a wonderful past civilization which had crumbled and fallen into oblivion. They were in the sad case of being a religious people with no religion, because on the basis of their own idolatry there was taken to them in the name of Christianity a form of religion which had in it no Christ, and no Saviour. The Indians had suffered wrong and oppression and neglect ; now they were on their feet looking round, and to them Communism made a great appeal. Those who composed the Repub- lics of South America were eager, willing, realising themselves, trying to find their souls, looking to an empty cistern that could hold no water. And they who had the Water of Life were faced with the responsibility of taking it to those thirsty souls in South America. Changing China

MR . A. K. MACPHERSON had the great task of representing the 450 million people of China. Once they used to hear a great deal about unchanging China, said the speaker, but now it was with changing China that they were concerned, Probably it was true to say that more changes had taken place in that great land within the past thirty years than in the previous millenniums. The men had given up wearing their hair in pigtails; the women had discarded foot-binding; railways and roads were bringing together the different provinces; telegraphs and telephones were linking up the various cities and towns; the number of schools for boys—and girls—were increasing; electric light and power had come; and even the air mail was a common feature. But the Chinese heart still remained the same. Its sin, its shame, its pride, its prejudices, its spiritual need were unchanged. In material things China was changing rapidly, and the

THE MISSIONARY MEETING 247 hole world recognised. in that transformation of China one of the greatest movements in human history ; and rightly so, if they considered the vast population that was being affected, 450 million, a quarter of the whole human race. It was realised that the consequences of that great transformation would eventually affect the whole world either for good or for ill. At the close of the period which is called the Dark Ages, two liberating forces were felt—the Renaissance, which was a new attitude of mind ; and the Reformation, which was a new birth of the soul. But instead of those social and political and intellectual revolutions being spread over a period of some five centuries, as with them of the West, they had in China come within the lifetime of one generation, and there was no going back. Could they wonder that there should be unrest, and banditry, and civil war, and a state of general chaos, and that China should be like a seething cauldron? The Chinese people were quite unable to use their new freedom aright that it might be a blessing to them, and not a curse. The only hope for China's future was in the redemption of Christ, for He alone could create an individual and national character on which a sound and progressive life could be built. A Christless China would bring ill to the world. China's deepest need was for a new birth of the soul. Education divorced from Christ might prove a positively dangerous thing. Many of the "Red" leaders in China to-day were educated men. In 1927 an attempt was made to destroy the Christian Church in China, and to bring to nought the work of Christian Missions in that land. The leaders in that attempt were graduates of Western Universities, men who while in the West, and in their contact with nominal Christians, had never seen anything in the Lord Christ to make them desire Him There were highly educated men who were still to be seen kneeling down before the idols in the temples. The springs of the character needed to be purified; the inner instincts needed to be changed; and only Christ could do that . In face of China's need should they not pray that they might he instruments meet for the Master 's use ? * * * Prayer was offered by Mr. TIPTON WILLIAMS for the ninety million souls in the empire of Japan that the Holy Spirit might work in their midst, that through the written Word many might come to know Christ, the Living Word.

A Cry from India INDIA, which always seems to have a special claim on the British people, was represented by Dr. CECIL DUNCAN . The first aspect of his message, which was a threefold one, concerned the native Church and the missionaries ; the second concerned the thousands who were within reach of the Gospel, but yet who still trod the same dusty roads of heathendom as had their forefathers all down the ages ; and, third, the millions who were out of the reach of the Gospel, living beyond the doors of some closed land, or in tracts of hitherto unevangelised


country. "If ever revival is going to spread over India," said Dr. Duncan, "I believe it must start first in the missionaries, and in the hearts of the Indian Christians themselves." The Church in India, for the most part, was lukewarm. "Would to God that every child of God in India could be laid hold of by the Holy Spirit," he said. And what about the missionaries themselves, and especially those who had caught a new vision at Keswick? Should they not take back that glorious message of victory to India? And there were the thousands in that land who were within reach of the Gospel; they needed to be told patiently again and again and prayed for persever- ingly. What about the millions who had never heard? There were five millions alone in the closed land of Nepal; there were hundreds of square miles thickly dotted with villages where Christ had never been proclaimed, and where the story of His redeeming love had never been told. Did it not concern them that there were "those other sheep" who were dying outside the fold? There was so much territory yet to be possessed for the Master. And what about those closed lands ? Might it not be that God was delaying the answer to their prayers for the opening of those doors until there was an adequate force on the border ready to go in and occupy the territory in His Name ? "God grant that we may all catch the vision of Indian 's need to-day, and help to bring her into vital touch with the Saviour.”

Our Indian Sisters Miss B . TAYLOR (Dohnavur) told her hearers something of the condition of life prevailing in India, especially in regard to the treat- ment of little girls, where in the name, and under the cloak of religion, they were dedicated to the temple for vile purposes. They were brought up in those evil surroundings, and grew up with no sense of what was right and wrong. Miss Taylor told of one little girl who persisted in refusing that kind of life, and she was beaten and cruelly treated. Finally when she could bear the life no longer, she rushed out and drowned herself in the courtyard well. There were many little children who were being brought up in evil surroundings, and who were out of reach, except by prayer . There was also the need of the Indian women ; many of them were not aware of their need. But behind many a closed door in an Indian house there were poor widows shut away to a life of exile in a dark room because of sup- posed sins committed in a previous life, and which it was said had caused the death of their husband. One such child, married when

she was only five, became a widow while she was still a child .. What happened? The relatives were summoned; her pretty clothes were taken from her, and she was clad in a coarse white garment, her hair was shaved off , her jewels were taken away , and her relatives pushed her from them, cursing and reviling her. After being shut up for some years she began to wander from town to town seeking for the true God, and after years of suffering and trouble, she found Him; and today, though herself a Brahmin, she was going among the out-


castes in the villages telling them of the love of Christ . Miss Taylor went on vividly to describe a Hindu festival, where sometimes more than a million people would be congregated in one town, and of a conversation that the missionaries had with one old Indian woman, whose wistful face spoke of her longing for God. For long years she had been searching for God, but never once, she said in her journeyings of sixty years had she met a single person who knew Him, or could tell her anything about Him! India's Needy Villages In excellent English, Mrs. SIRCAR , herself an Indian lady, told of the condition of India's women, and made a stirring appeal to their English sisters to go out and help them. Millions of them were still sitting in darkness ; and there were many untouched villages where the Gospel had never been proclaimed. So few of the Indians—who were, after all, but a mere handful compared with the heathen who were there—were preaching the Gospel to the people. Eight years ago, said Mrs. Sircar, God gave her a wonderful vision, and called her to undertake preaching work among her own people. Five small mission houses had been established in different places, but, oh, how few were the helpers! Among 26,000 heathen she herself was the only worker; those people had never heard about Christ—and that only eight hours' journey from Calcutta! God had showed her more and more the need of the untouched villages of India. But what could she, just one woman, do? She had decided to call for a volunteer preaching band among the Indian Christians to join with her in the work of preaching the Gospel in those villages. All she had was a linen map, but the Lord was going to work through His servants. "I do not want to be like a stagnant pool," she said; "I want to be a living stream for Him, going about the villages and preaching the Gospel as long as He gives me the strength." The door was open for receiving the Gospel message, and Mrs. Sircar asked for prayer that workers might be raised up .

Africa's Pagan Darkness WORK in the African Mission Field was represented by Dr. K. G. FRASER , and in the picture he gave he helped his hearers to visualise the need and the opportunity of that great Continent, and also to realise what God was doing there. There was no part of the whole of Africa, said the speaker, which so completely cast its spell over the European as the far south of the Southern Sudan. The country itself was full of romance; the people themselves were just like overgrown children, with all their faults, but with all their irresistible attractions too. Their work lay among twenty tribes, and realising that they themselves could never hope to reach all the villages, they decited to train some of the Christian boys in evan-

250 THE KESWICK CONVENTION, 1934 gelistic and medical work, and then to send them out two by two as missionaries to their own people in the remote parts of the district. They had now about eleven centres, and there was a slow, steady stream coming in from those centres to join the Christian Church. They had boys who were leading their fathers out of pagan darkness into the light of the Gospel. Referring to one of the addresses de- livered during the week on the Potter and the Clay, Dr. Fraser said there were heaps of that priceless, human, plastic clay in the Southern Sudan. To-day some of that priceless clay was beginning to set and harden and dry ; the breath of Islam was passing over it ; in ten years' time it would have set into a permanent mould, and the children of the coming generation would then be powerless to undo the harm that had been done. What were they at home going to do about it ? The Help of Medicine DR. N . EVERARD held the attention of his hearers as he told of the miracles that were being wrought out in the lives of many through the work of Medical Missions. The missionaries knew that in the healing of the bodies of men and women they had one of the best methods of evangelisation. Dr. Everard emphasised the necessity of their keeping up-to-date, seeing that their medical work was done with modern technique, so that the patients could be given the best possible treatment that was at least consistent with economy. But there was a greater danger, that of regarding the men and women who came to them as patients, instead of regarding them as souls for whom Christ died. They had wonderful opportunities for carrying on evangelistic work. In his own district, said Dr. Everard, they had two hospitals and five dispensaries ; and treatment was given to 2000 in-patients, and 70,000 out-patients each year. They heard the Gospel in the dispensary, in the out-patients' department, in the wards, in the operating theatre, and by conversations. The people also took away with them Gospels and New Testaments. Many visited the hospital from the closed districts, and they heard the wondrous story of God's love. Dr. Everard, speaking of the need of the divine infilling, said that no missionary should go to the Mission Field unless he was experiencing the power of the Holy Ghost in his own life. "Imagine a huge crowd in your out-patients' depart- ment all wishing to be treated first. Unless you know the power of the victorious life, you will get irritable, and then your preaching will be useless," he said. "I believe the Lord took me out to the Mission Field to teach me this wonderful secret of the victorious life, which I had never learned here in England. Why ? Because self had not been dethroned." They had many successes in their medical work, but sometimes there were failures. But no soul would ever be able to look up into the face of Christ and say, You tried to dc Your best for me, but You could not save me ." They longed that those who came to them for help might look beyond the treatment, and beyond the doctors and nurses, to Christ Himself the giver of life.

Here am I, send me." Two messages by way of testimony were given by two recruits who this year were sailing for the Mission Field. Mr. D. H. ADENEY spoke first, and said that the great gift of his life was the gift of the Lord Jesus Christ , while the great privilege of his life is the call to go out as His ambassador and to work among those who have never heard of Him. It was when he was fourteen that the Lord first began to turn his eyes towards China; and then later a little pamphlet came into his hands, and it showed how few amongst those millions in that land knew about Christ. Dr. T. B. L. BRYAN, the second recruit, said he had had a vision of Christ hanging on the Cross for him, and he had heard the voice of God saying : "Whom shall I send ? Who will go? " He had heard the call to preach the Gospel in China. God had wonderfully provided for all his needs, and he knew that He could trust Him for all the future days.

Closing Appeals IN a few simple words, the Rev. W. H . ALDIS summed up what had been said. There was not one of them, he said who was not conscious of the tremendous issues that were facing them, and not only the young people, but all of them. As they had listened to the speakers God had been bringing them a fresh vision of the world's need, and He had been showing them also that the only thing to meet that need was the Gospel of Christ. Paul had a vision of the world's need which he described as a heavenly vision, to which he was not disobedient ; and with the vision there came the words of the risen Lord, "I am going to send you forth unto the Gentiles, that they may receive the forgiveness of sins, and an inheritance among them that are sanctified by faith." Pictures had been given to them of the world living in gross, black darkness, enslaved by Satan, and under the dominion of sin. Appeals were then made first to parents who were willing to offer their children to the Lord, and many stood in response. Others, were asked to rise as a sign of their willingness to give of their substance, a giving which would make all the difference to the depleted treasuries of many of the missionary societies. It would not be impossible, Mr. Aldis said, for 00,000 to be contributed by such a large gathering if God moved them to a giving which was costly, and which was the only giving acceptable in His sight. But God would bless their gifts. Many rose in their seats. Then addressing the young people present, Mr. Aldis said, "What is to be the issue for you? What are you going to do with your lives? " He then asked those who for the first time were willing to offer themselves to the Lord for His service anywhere, to rise, and some four hundred young people at once responded. (A meeting was arranged for the next morning to give them counsel in regard to training, etc.). The Benediction pronounced by Bishop Taylor Smith brought this meeting to a close.

Filled with the Holy


"Be filled with the Spirit."—Eph. v. 18. Dr. Meyer stood on the lake-side., and THIS is a distinct command, The drew in his breath, as a symbol of Psalmist said, "Except the Lord build receiving the Holy Spirit in all His the house, they labour but in vain fulness. That act was a help to his that build it," and except the Holy faith. That was the simple illustration Ghost fill the heart we labour but in of what was entering into his soul as he vain, when we try to work for the stood there on the lake side. So the Lord Jesus Christ. Of course you know that every child of God possesses the Lord Jesus, when He arose from the dead, Holy Spirit; for, "if any man have not appeared in that upper room, and the Spirit of Christ he is none of His," "breathed upon them," and said, Most of us here this afternoon love "Receive ye the Holy Spirit." He the Lord Jesus Christ, we are His meant them all to have that gift; but, children, and we long for blessing, then, Thomas was not there. Because he we long to be filled with the Holy was not there he would not believe the Spirit and to know it. Quite a num- word of the others but said, "Except I ber of people have written to me, shall see in His hand the print of the sometimes almost angry letters, One nails, and put my finger into the print lady wrote recently, "How is it that of the nails, and thrust my hand into other people get a blessing and I do His side, I will not believe In effect he not? May I come to see you? I said, "I don't believe you saw Him, if I do not see why God should have saw Him I should believe it," I am favourites, and bless one and not inclined to believe that our Lord was another. I am fully surrendered to thinking, "Thomas is not here," Jesus Him, why, then, do I not get this Christ had talked about being baptized gift ? " There may be some like that here to-day. with the Holy Ghost not many days hence, and all the Apostles were looking When the Lord Jesus rose from the and praying for that gift. It seems, to dead He spoke once or twice about me, that this promise was given to the this "power" which the people should Apostolic body only. I question whether receive when the Holy Spirit was it was given to all. It was the Apostles given. "Ye shall receive power when to whom the Lord was speaking when the Holy Ghost is come upon you" He said, "Tarry ye in Jerusalem until ye (Acts i . 8); or, as the marginal be indued with power from on high" reading gives it, "the power of the (St. Luke xxiv. 49) , But those Apostles Holy Ghost coming upon you." When evidently understood that this "power" the Lord Jesus rose from the dead one of the Holy Spirit was for all believers; of the first things He did was to breathe and on the day of Pentecost one upon the disciples in the upper room, hundred and twenty of them were and say, "Receive ye the Holy Ghost ." waiting for power. And every one of You heard the story last night how that them received that power!


A Promise to All England we always begin with a most The great question is Have you and beautiful prayer: "Cleanse the I received the fulness of the Holy thoughts of our hearts.” How? Am Spirit? If not, are we capable of I to do it? No! I cannot cleanse my receiving that gift? How can I receive heart—"Cleanse the thoughts of our the "fulness"? How shall I know? hearts by the inspiration of Thy Holy We shall not boast about it—God Spirit, that we may perfectly love forbid! But how shall I know, and Thee.” (I can only "love perfectly" if how will other people know? I want I am filled with the Spirit). "And to answer simple questions like that. worthily magnify Thy Holy Name.” In the first place, Who may be I can only do that if I am filled with filled with the Holy Spirit? Of the Spirit. course we know that Peter said at There is no need. to study this ques- Pentecost, The promise is unto you, tion deeply, before claiming this and to your children, and to all that fulness When you are studying the are afar off.” We are far enough off Holy Spirit never mind books. Go in time and distance. Yes! The to the Bible, and see what it says. promise is to us; and every one of us But do not forget this: "Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, alone may be filled with the Spirit, and Can turn our heart from sin, may be filled now. There is no need His power alone can sanctify to wait for not many days hence," And keep us pure within." because the gift of the Spirit was given I am not going to answer, just for in all His fulness at Pentecost. So the moment, the question, How may I that I know that every one of us may know when I am filled with the Holy be filled with the Spirit of the living Spirit? I will speak about that later, God here and now, if we are not already but I would just like to point out that filled. Of course there is always a our Lord said, "Ye shall be baptised fresh "filling" for every emergency. with the Holy Ghost not many clays The Lord Jesus Christ was always hence.” It is perfectly obvious then filled with the Holy Spirit. He never that He expected them to know when resisted the Spirit, nor grieved Him, that great event had happened. Their and for thirty-three years He lived His faith was very strong in those early life ever filled by the Holy Ghost. days, but I do not think they knew Yet before He began preaching He had very much. We, in these days, know a special anointing with the Holy very much more of the Holy Spirit and Ghost, and with power, at the time of His working than those Apostles did on His baptism (Acts x. 38). If the Lord the day of Pentecost. Jesus needed a special infilling of the Holy Spirit for His work of witnessing, A Blessing to be Claimed surely we need it for every special I want to ask a question which I do effort. The Apostles in those early not think I have ever seen in any clays were "filled" again and again. book, but which is a most interesting one. What sort of people were filled Conditions to be Fulfilled with the Holy Ghost in those early Perhaps we ask how we can fit our- years? My friends, if you have never selves for this blessing. We cannot thought this out you will find it a ever fit ourselves for a blessing such as most extraordinary Bible study. There that. The Holy Spirit Himself must are many earnest Christians who are "fit" us, as well as fill us. At the waiting until they are fit to receive Communion Service in the Church of the fulness of the Holy Spirit. Let us

254 THE KESWICK CONVENTION, 1934 enquire then, Who was fit to receive they did not believe on Him until after the the Holy Ghost in apostolic times? Resurrection. The tongues were also Think of the day of Pentecost. I on the women. Were they, too, to have don't know, but I believe the promise part in this? Then there were tongues was given unto the eleven only: of fire on the children. "And they were "Tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem all filled with the Holy Ghost," and until ye be endued with power from they began to speak in all sorts of on high." But they talked about it, and languages. the result was that not only they, but one They were all Jews I suppose, and hundred and twenty, including seventy, whether the promise had been made the eleven, some women, and our to them all, or not, they ALL received Lord's brethren gathered together. I the blessing. Apostles, ordinary dis- think there were some children there ciples, women, and possibly children— too—children who could not stop away; one and all were filled with the Holy because the child mind takes in these Ghost. truths in a way that, perhaps, we do Fraying for Others not. A boy may be filled with the Holy Something more marvellous than Spirit. Our Lord when a boy was filled that was to happen. Look at Acts viii. with the Holy Spirit, even at twelve Peter and John go down to the city of years old, and even younger than Samaria where the people are not that; He was filled with the Spirit all Jews. Remember that the Jews "hadno His life. John the Baptist was filled dealings with the Samaritans." James with the Holy Ghost even from his and John had once asked the Lord if mother's womb . Now just think. Those they should call down fire from heaven people in that upper room did not know to burn up these people Now Peter as much as we do, and they scarcely and John are there, and they find knew what to expect. They might these people in Samaria had been bap- well have prayed: tized. Philip had baptized a number "Lord, we ask it, hardly knowing of these folk, both men and women, What this wondrous Gift may be, Simon, the famous sorcerer, "believed Yet fulfil to overflowing, and was baptised." They were bap- Thy great meaning let me see. " tised, but as yet the Holy Ghost "was We are told that tongues of fire des- fallen upon none of them." The cended on them, as though the Lord Apostles prayed for them, and "laid was now breathing on them once more. their hands on them, and they re- They were praying at the time , and I ceived the Holy Spirit." Although think they opened their eyes and looked the Jews had no dealings with the and saw the tongues of fire on the Samaritans the Lord Jesus sent the heads of every one. No man could Holy Spirit to dwell in their hearts. see the tongue of fire on his own head, Here we have men praying that others just as Moses did not know his face might be filled with the Holy Spirit: shone. They would see a tongue of not Jews but Samaritans. (Did the fire on Peter's head. Surely he was not sorcerer also receive this "filling, " and quite the man to receive such a gift, lose it speedily because of his unique for he had denied the Lord with oaths sin ?) My brothers and sisters, God and curses not many days before! Was he does not give us the Holy Ghost just fit to receive this power of the Holy as our possession to keep. If we sui Ghost? Tongues of fire also rested on against Him, we shall grieve the the Lord's brethren. They? But Holy Spirit, and lose the fulness. But if we are filled with the grace

255 THE KESWICK CONVENTION, 1934 of God, through the power of the Holy whether they walked arm in arm, but Spirit, people will see it: just as they were surely talking about the Barnabas "saw the grace of God" in things of God. And Cornelius ? So the Christians at Antioch (Acts xi. 23). ill-informed was he that he treated the angel as a man, yet would worship Peter's Threefold Vision Simon Peter as a god. Yes, but he Then there is something more won- was deeply in earnest in seeking a derful still. Turn to Acts x. Come to Saviour. You know what happened. the town of Caesarea. Here is a man Simon Peter was only just "warming who is neither a Jew nor a Samaritan, up" to his subject when God, in His but a Roman soldier. He is not a eagerness to bless, sent the Holy Christian man either, but just a "de- Spirit upon the listeners—in the middle vout" man. There are plenty of devout of a sermon! Peter had reached the people who are not believers on the great question—remission of sins Lord Jesus, and seem never to have through the Name of Christ for all received the Holy Spirit, yes, and bap- believers, when "the Holy Spirit fell tised people, too , for that matter I on all them that heard the word." question whether these Romans had But—why? these people had never ever even heard about the Holy Spirit. confessed their sins openly, nor asked Yet God moved Heaven and earth that for forgiveness. They had never they should be. filled with the Holy recited publicly their "faith." They Ghost! Think of it! God despatched an had not even received water baptism. angel to Cornelius telling him to send Do you not see how eager is the Lord for Simon Peter, "Who shall tell thee Jesus to pour out His Spirit upon us words whereby thou and all thy house all? Peter had told the Gentiles shall be saved" (Acts xi. 14). He not that "it was unlawful for a Jew to only sends for Peter, but he harries keep company with" them; and behold, round to get as many friends as possible God the Holy Ghost came to dwell in into his house, although the promise their hearts. Is there anyone here who was only for his "household." Then has doubts as to whether or not this Peter must have a threefold vision. "gift " is for him? The Lord Jesus speaks to him out of Heaven. Peter must be kept hungry Paul's Experience until the arrival of three Gentile If so, then look at something even guests. Never before in all his life more startling still. St. Paul comes to had he entertained Gentiles. Then the Ephesus and meets "about twelve" men, Holy Spirit, so deeply interested in professing Christians—probably real, this startling episode, speaks to Simon but ignorant believers. Far from Peter and bids him "go." Think of it . expecting the gift of the Holy Spirit God the Father, the Lord Jesus, the they said, "We have not even heard that Holy Spirit, the angels of Heaven, and there is a Holy Spirit" (Weymouth); or, an Apostle, all working together so "We have not even heard of His that unconverted, yet devout and existence" (Moffatt). Yet, St. Paul prayerful and seeking Gentiles should took these converts of John the Baptist be filled with the Holy Spirit . Just and baptised them into the Name of the think of Peter, who would have no Lord Jesus. He laid his hands on dealings with the Samaritans, and them, and they received the Holy then (you know the rest of the story), Spirit, and spake with tongues, and how he walked down the street with t h e prophesied. If they could receive the t h r e e G e ntiles ! I don't know Holy Ghost

FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT 256 within a few minutes after first hearing why should we not claim that infilling of His existence, may not we do so? now? Not one of us is as bigoted as But go a step further. Here is an Saul of Tarsus; not one of us is as enemy of the cause of Christ, a pro- ignorant as those Ephesians; not one fessor of religion, a man held in the of us is as untaught as the company in highest esteem and respect, yet all the the house of Cornelius. We cannot time doing many things against God. cleanse our own heart, we cannot do He is a religious bigot, compelling anything of ourselves to help ourselves, devout people to blaspheme. Surely "All the fitness He requireth is to there is no hope for a man like that? He feel your need of Him," Most of us, can scarcely expect to be filled with the perhaps all of us, have a real love for Holy Ghost? He is a rebel. But turn Christ, and a real desire to have the to Psa. lxviii. 18, "Thou hast ascended fulness of the Holy Spirit. Most of us on high, Thou hast led captivity see unfruitfulness in our service. We captive: Thou hast received gifts for are sure that the Holy Spirit alone can men; yea, for the rebellious also, that the put these things right and make u s Lord God might dwell among them.” radiant and successful followers of the Saul, then, is a rebellious man, fighting Lord Jesus. We cannot for a moment against the living God, going along that doubt His willingness—nay, His eager path to persecute those who love the longing to fill us with His Holy Spirit, Lord Jesus, but He speaks to him Why should we not, here and now, from Heaven, saying, "Saul, Saul, why ask for this blessing? We can have persecutest thou Me? “ And Saul at this infilling of the Holy Spirit in the once cries out, "Who art Thou, Lord?” home, or shop, or factory, or office, or "I am Jesus, whom thou school, or wherever we may be. persecutest.” In a moment he But we must witness for the Lord surrenders his whole being to God, Jesus, and be ever ready to talk about and the Lord Jesus says to him, "Arise, Him to other people. If you have and go into the city, and it shall be never spoken to anybody about the told thee what thou must do.” Our Saviour, begin to-day. We should be Lord saw, too, that Saul would need a like those ball cisterns we have in the friend. So he speaks to Ananias, and house. There is a ball inside which allows him the great privilege and rises as the water flows in until the tank immeasurable joy of going to Saul with a is full, then suddenly the water flare heavenly message. The Saviour gut, and a further supply of water flows sends Ananias, that by him Saul might into the tank. So then as we are filled receive his sight, and be filled with the with the Spirit we must give out in Holy Ghost—almost on the day of his witness, and then there is the constant conversion. What! This man, with infilling. Unless there is an out-flow there his head full of false teaching, and his will be no further inflow. heart seething with hatred? Remem- How is this blessing obtained? ber, however, that these things go out Time forbids giving a lengthy answer when the Holy Spirit comes in. but we can just name the steps: "Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts, 1. A sense of need, and a real desire by the inspiration of Thy Holy Spirit, for the Holy Spirit 's fulness (Even this that we may perfectly love Thee." "desire" is prompted by the Spirit") will pour water on him that is Claiming God's Gift thirsty (Isa. xliv. 3). But let us come to ourselves. If 2. We must be willing to forsake all we are not filled with the Holy Spirit, known sin, and to obey our Lord in

FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT 257 all things. So many people cling to one "If ye, then, being evil, know how to give darling sin, while being willing to give good gifts to your children; how much more up all the others. One sin clung to is shall your Heavenly Father give the Holy sufficient to hinder the Holy Spirit Spirit to them that ask Him?” (St. Luke from working through us. Do not be xi, 13). Can we not trust His word? Surely like the little girl, kneeling at her we can. mother's knees and praying: "Lord Jesus Do you ask me how He will manifest make me a good girl, but not 'bedient " Himself. How will others know about it? The mother asked, "Darling, why did They will "see the grace of God.” "The you add, 'but not obedient'?” “Well fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, mummy," said she, "I want to be a good longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, girl, but when I am playing with my meekness, temperance" (Gal. v. 22, 23), dollies, and you call me, I don't want to These are the things that the Holy come!” Spirit will put into our hearts, so that 3. A most important and essential they may flow out in blessing, and thing to do is definitely to claim the helpfulness to all whom we meet . Shall fulness of the Holy Ghost, and to we not invite Him in, in all His fulness, and believe that God graciously grants our then be confident that "He's in”? request. Did not our Lord say:

Spirit of Grace, Thou Light of Life Amidst the darkness of the dead! Bright Star, whereby, through worldly strife, The patient pilgrim still is led; Thou Dayspring in the deepest gloom, Wildered and dark, to Thee I come!

Pure Fire of God, burn out my sin, Cleanse all the earthly dross from me; Refine my secret heart within, The golden streams of love set free! Live Thou in me, 0 Life divine, Until my deepest love be Thine.

0 Breath from far Eternity Breathe o'er my soul's unfertile land; So shall the pine and myrtle-tree Spring up amidst the desert sand. And when Thy living water flows,

My heart shall blossom as the rose , TER STEEGEN

Early Morning Prayer IT is always a good. thing to seek the Lord in the early morning, and the prayer meetings held at 7 a.m. afforded very special opportunities for united waiting upon God. In view of other re- sponsibilities, this year Mr. Waite did not take the chair at the General Prayer Meeting, which he has done with so much acceptance for many years. Dr. Northcote Deck undertook this ministry, and the meetings were continued in the fellowship of the Spirit, much blessing resting on those who attended, and we are sure that gracious answers were granted to the many petitions that ascended to God on behalf of others. The Missionary Prayer Meetings, conducted by Rev. W. H. Aldis, were well attended, and every morning the volume of brief intercessory prayers continued. Petitions ascended for many lands, for very varied aspects of the Lord's work throughout the wide world, a large number of individual Missionaries being remembered by name .

Young People's Gatherings IN years long past those who were present at Keswick, as young people, were very heartily welcomed, and quite frequently special meetings for young men, and also for young women have been held. During the time of Dr . Stuart Holden's Chairmanship, regular united meetings for young people were instituted each even- ing, and this year again, under the leadership of the Rev. E . L. Langston and Mr. Lindsay Glegg, large numbers gathered each evening in the small Tent . These services are of a bright and attrac- tive character, and they have frequently been the means of bringing young lives into a new and clearer relationship with the Lord and Saviour . The Rev . Kenneth H. Hooker , and the Rev. Laurence P. Sheath, both of whom have had much experience of work amongst young people, took part in the speaking this year for the first time, and their ministries were heartily appreciated.

In the Open-Air HE Open-Air Meetings in the Market Square were held as usual at the close of the evening meeting in the Tent. They were conducted by Rev. Colin Kerr, and a number of those attending the Convention took part . It is generally the case that a large number of the visitors to the Convention are present at these meetings ; but many of the inhabitants of Keswick also hear the messages, and personal contacts are made with people standing around that have had fruitful results.

JULY 21, 1934





7.45 p.m.—Evening Meeting 0 BLESSED MAN Dr. D. S MAcCOLL


The Pæan of Praise

THE meeting for Praise at seven a.m. was conducted, as usual, by Mr. Waite; it was a bright and joyful gathering. There was great variety in the testimonies, showing them to be the issues of real experiences of God's delivering power; and once again we had the evidence of God's gracious answers to many prayers. A house party of Scottish divinity Students stood to testify of help received. A man said: "The awe of the Lord has come upon me, and saved me from familiarity in divine things." Another spoke as follows: "God is, God is love, God loves me, and I am receiving what God gives." "This week I have proved that `to as many as receive Him, to them gave He the power to become the sons of God." "I have learned, the victory that overcometh the world." "A deep grudge against some one has been taken away." "God has spoken to me direct." A general meeting at ten on Saturday morning was a new feature, but the size of the audience fully justified the arrangement. The address given by the . Rev. J. Milton Thompson was felt by many to be one of the most helpful features of the whole week; and the testi- monies from the platform of two young clergymen, the Rev. Kenneth H. Hooker and the Rev. Laurence P . Sheath, were most encouraging, and went to show that the Lord is raising up a generation to continue the testimony of a full salvation at Keswick. The week closed with yet another very large meeting on Satur- day, when Mr. Waite spoke of the Keswick Fellowship, and urged those present to join it, so that they might receive the quarterly letters, and thus take part in intercession for the whole wide-spread movement that centres in the Convention. Dr. D. S. MacColl from Melbourne was heartily welcomed by the Chairman, and he gave a powerful address, setting forth the darkness of sin and the glorious power of the crucified and living Son of God, Who is able to deliver us. Bishop Taylor Smith followed with a message showing how God's presence can be known in the simplicities of ordinary life if we but have hearts to recognise Him!


A Hymn of Praise

L ORD JESUS, my Saviour, when first I beheld Thee 'Twas nailed to a Cross bearing judgment for me; I gazed on Thy form, and thought of a lifetime I'd spent in rebellion and sin against Thee; And yet Thou didst hang there, despised and rejected, For me who had given Thee nothing but gall, Pouring out Thy life's blood, Thou, the God of all glory, My Saviour, Redeemer, my God, and my All.

Oh, take Thou the life Thou hast saved from destruction, And use it, oh, Lord, for Thy glory and praise! Let it shine through the darkness and gloom of the world Still guided by Thee in Thy paths and Thy ways. To take up my cross, and my Saviour to follow, Let that be my work though the heavens may fall, Worshipping, serving, adoring, and loving, My Lord and Redeemer, my God, and my All! The night is far spent, and the day fast approaching When Thy trumpet shall sound and Thy shout shall be heard, When the dead shall be raised, and the living ones altered, And caught up together to meet our dear Lord; I long for that day which shall never be ended, When, enraptured, I come in response to Thy call, And beholding Thy glory for ever and ever, I worship my Saviour, my God, and my All! JOHN M 'LEOD

The Peril of a Superficial Consecration BY REV. J. MILTON THOMPSON

"0 Ephraim, what shall I do unto thee ? 0 influence which we sometimes call Judah, what shall I do unto thee ? for your mass psychology. There is a danger, goodness is as a morning cloud, and as the early dew it goeth away. "—Hos. vi. 4. and I think we are most of us aware of it, that our answer to God's call may be THE hallowed days of fellowship I the result of a conviction which is but with God in this place of beauty ate superficial, because we light- swiftly passing, and all too quickly this heartedly acknowledge the sin, without Convention is drawing to a close. We seriously facing and radically look back over this wonderful week dealing with it. For in a fellowship of of sacred experience, and I think this kind, such as we experience at we all realise that God has drawn Keswick, when, undoubtedly, the very near to us, and through the ministry Holy Ghost draws near, hearts are of His Word He has been searching, moved, and emotions are stirred, and probing, revealing, convicting ; He has it is only too possible for us to make been pleading with us to yield ourselves, resolves which will not stand the sub- without reservation, to His control; He sequent tests of trial and temptation. has been offering to many of us a renewal It is comparatively easy for us to of that life which holds in it the pledge register high resolve in the sympathetic and the promise of a restoration of "the and encouraging atmosphere of this years that the locust hath eaten.” In a moving Convention, but latent in. the word, He has been calling us all, in the heart of every great hour of decision, tenderness of His grace, into a life of charged as it is with eternal issues, deeper intimacy and fellowship with Him, there lies for each one of us what I which will display to a beholding world may call the peril of a superficial con- the beauty of His holiness, radiate the secration; a consecration which will winsomeness of His love, further His slowly evaporate when we return to the redemptive purposes which He wants common round and the daily task which to accomplish through the lives of will furnish its greatest test; a His people, and hasten the con- consecration which will later on pass, and summation of our glorious Hope. I reveal the fact that we never fully yielded think it is true to say that we have all our wills to Him whose mastery alone is heard His call, understood His claim, their one safe control. and, in some measure at least, have answered its challenge. A Broken Fellowship But there is a great danger in Therefore I bring to you in the name of gatherings of this kind that our re- my Master for this hour a message that sponse, however well-intentioned, may He has been burning into my heart be the outcome of mere emotion, or for many weeks. I stand before you possibly, sentiment, or, more subtle with the consciousness that this is the kill, the outcome of that interplay of Lord's word for each one of us, "0 Ephraim, what shall I do unto

264 THE KESWICK CONVENTION, 1934 thee? 0 Judah, what shall I do unto these wonderful days of Convention, thee? for your goodness is as a morning in spite of all the glad hours of happy cloud, and as the early dew it goeth fellowship which have helped us to away" (Hosea vi. 4). You will recall listen to His voice, in spite of all the the setting of these words. God had sympathy and love of our fellow been searching His people by His Christians, and the radiant example of prophet. With tender insight and their Christ-controlled lives, in spite sympathetic approach (because the of all these things, it is yet true that message of God was distilled through the tragic possibility remains that to the agony of his own broken heart), some of us God may be saying: "What Hosea lays bare the sins of the people, shall I do? Your goodness, beautiful as sins so terrible and so persistent that far as it goes, lovely as the morning God was compelled to withdraw His cloud, or as the dewdrop upon the presence from them. By which He petal of the flower, is yet too evanes- meant not that He would cease to cent; it will easily evaporate; it govern and control them, but that passes away, and is seen no more.” their sin had broken their fellowship I can never read these words lightly, with Him, and forced God to leave for, to my mind, as I have pondered them to follow their own devices, and over them, and prayed over them, they to eat the fruit of their own doings. are some of the most deeply moving And then the people, with a super- words in the Old Testament when ficiality which never really gets down rightly understood. God, our God and Father, is struggling with a great to the ugly facts of their sin, and with difficulty, and His problem becomes a facile optimism which glibly thinks vocal in this verse, for here is brought that mere words of resolve, without before us, not the cry of a human soul a genuine, deep-rooted repentance searching after God, but the sob of will suffice, lightheartedly say in the God's grieved love seeking after a 1st verse of this 6th chapter, "Come, human soul, and being baffled in His and let us return unto the Lord; for search. He Lath torn, and He will heal us; He hath smitten, and He will bind us up.” God's Effort of Love But even as we read the words there It is passing strange that all the falls upon our ears the startling inter- ministry of God's love, all its sacrifice, jection of the agonised heart of God all its patience, all its long-suffering, sobbing in the grief of His disappointed all its tender pleading should end in love "0 Ephraim, what shall I do this----a plaintive cry that has the unto thee ? 0 Judah, what shall I very sob of Calvary 's agony throbbing do unto thee? for your goodness is as a through it. And the sore amazement morning cloud, and as the early dew it and pain of it were so poignant that goeth away." years afterward the prophet Jeremiah Volatile Goodness was constrained to call out , "0 the hope of Israel, the Saviour thereof in time What does all this mean for you and of trouble, why shouldest Thou be me? I think the solemn lesson is as a stranger in the land, and as- a obvious. It is sadly possible for us to wayfaring man that turneth aside to make a resolve which we are never tarry for a night?” (Jer. xiv. 8). going to carry out because it is not The eternal Father came then, and He based upon a deep foundation. It is is coming here to us to-day, endeavour- pathetically true that in spite of all ing to find a dwelling-place in the that God has said and done during

THE PERIL OF A SUPERFICIAL CONSECRATION 287 hearts of His people. But He was sufferings of God. In chap. iv. 17, we treated in those far-off centuries, and, find the first great cause of this volatile it may be, He has been treated here goodness. "Ephraim is joined to this week, as merely a passing stranger. idols." Oh, the sin of idolatry then, That was the tragedy of it, and the and to-day! Some of us come up to prophet, Jeremiah, under the guidance Keswick because we are almost making of the Holy Ghost, goes on in the next an idol of Keswick, forgetting that the verse to say one of the most startling God Who meets with His people at things. in the whole Bible about God Keswick is the God Who can meet with (I am using Sir George Adam Smith's His people in the kitchen over the translation), "Why shouldest Thou be frying-pan, or in the bedroom sweeping as one that is stunned, strong, yet the carpet This God is our God , and unable to save?” (v. 9). I He is available for faith in all venture to suggest that man's circumstances. We have not got to imagination would never have dared wait until we come to Keswick to find to use such words about the eternal Him. Praise God for that! Oh, the God; but the Holy Ghost Himself, number of idols ! God has been searching the Divine Author of this Book, tells us this week and, perhaps, showing us us that our Heavenly Father, Who some of the idols that we have been loves us with an everlasting love, is secretly worshipping. When the Lord stunned when He finds that His comes to His temple He cleanses it. children's goodness is volatile, Thank God, many a life this week passing away like the morning has yielded to the cleansing touch of cloud, and the early dew. It is just the Saviour, and many who came up this superficial response to God's call to Keswick with an idol, can now which makes it impossible for God praise God that the idol has gone. If to save man. That was the sin we cannot leave Satan behind us here, which stunned the Almighty we can leave our idols behind, and Father. How have we been treating we may go back in the liberty where- God here this week? He has drawn with Christ has made us free . near to us in varying ways, but with unvarying meaning. He longs to The Sin of Pride come and to take up His dwelling- Then, in chap. v. 5, is pride. "The place in us: "That Christ may make pride of Israel cloth testify to his face." His permanent residence in our hearts Some Christians pride themselves upon by faith. “ Has our response to God's being broad-minded, and in so doing effort of love been a superficial con- they let slip some of the more im- secration, or will coming days prove portant truths of the Gospel. In their that it has been deep and abiding? broad-mindedness they just break down the barrier of separation, and they The Sin of Idolatry forget that God's people are called to It may help us if we very briefly be a holy, separate people, and the notice some of the causes which Devil makes them forget very quickly operated to produce this volatile that the broad road leads to destruc- goodness in the heart of Israel. Just tion. Then there is the pride which two or three references to this wonder- robs God of His glory, and appropriates ful prophecy, which is worth weeks of to self that which by right belongs to study, for Hosea had the tenderest Him. And, perhaps, no one is more insight of all the prophets, and his own open to this temptation than the tragic home experience brought him Keswick speaker. I remember some into very deep fellowship with the


years ago God taught me a lesson; ourselves among the people, not wholly you will pardon this personal exper- separated unto the Lord. We know ience, but I should like you to know that when Israel mingled with the it. I was speaking at the Thonon heathen inevitably Israel learned their Convention on the Lake of Geneva, works, and copied their ways, and and after the first evening meeting a adapted their methods. Oh, how lady came up to me, and she said, "I many of us are losing the keen spiritual want to thank you for that beautiful edge, and are letting the Lord's stand- message you gave last year.” And ard down bit by bit because we are she elaborated it, and before I was mixing ourselves up with the people, aware of it, into my heart there had and slowly accommodating ourselves stolen a secret satisfaction. I was to their ways? This is a very searching tripped up, and there was a voice, word of the prophet for us to-day. Well done, you!” Then she suddenly Then the prophet goes on to give a looked up, and she said, "You're Mr. second epigram. "Ephraim is a cake Aldis, aren't you? “ I praise God not turned.” A cake baked hard, that I was able to rejoice that my perhaps burned to a cinder on one beloved friend had been used of God. side, and not done on the other; an But God used that experience to show half and half kind of Christian. Very how unstable are our hearts. We need much of a Christian on Sunday, but a the upholding grace moment by mo- worldling during the other days of ment that shall give God the glory if the week. The kind of half and half He deigns, in His infinite grace and Christian baked beautifully on one mercy, to use us as His instruments for side, and not done on the other, a the blessing of His people. I have met type of an unbalanced Christian. some constant attenders at Keswick, There are so many of them about to and they have great pride in relating day. They get obsessed with one par- the number of times they have at- ticular thing, and they hammer away tended the Convention. If they had at it as though it was the whole gamut not told you, you would never have of Christian doctrine, and so they dreamed it, for it does not seem as become unbalanced, and, therefore, though the Keswick message has they become spiritual cranks. They touched them. It is this same old are not bearing the fruit of the Spirit in problem of a superficial consecration. its completeness. Light (and God does give us light at Keswick) has never been translated Carnal Energy into life afterwards, If it has been our Again, in chap. vii. 11 we read privilege to come to Keswick for a another word. "Ephraim also is like quarter of a century without a single a silly dove without heart.” There break, let us remember that to whom was the carnal energy there; all the much is given, of him shall much be activity of this people was anywhere, required. everywhere except in the direction of God. What about our plans and Mixing with the World schemes? Do we ask the Lord, What In chap. vii. 8 you will find that is Thy plan? Lead me in Thy way. the prophet has two simple epigrams Or do we scheme it out first, and then that exactly hit off the condition of the take it to the Lord, and ask Him to people of his day. "Ephraim, he hath bless it? The carnal mind is enmity mixed himself among the people.” against God.” What a lot of fleshly That is a very bad thing to do, to mix energy there is in the activity of the


Church of Jesus Christ to-day ! So I give thee up, Ephraim? How shall I little of the real fruit of the Spirit deliver thee, Israel? “Through all because so much of it is flesh ; and that their folly and their sin His love was which is born of the flesh is flesh, and still working for their deliverance. It will never get any higher, for the flesh never gave up the quest; and at last, in profiteth nothing. chap. xiv. 1, you will find all the Self-Centredness pent-up urgency and passion. Of God's desire breaking forth once again. One other reference. Chap. Here in the plaintive cry of His x. 1, "Israel is an empty vine, wounded love, we have the last plead- he bringeth forth fruit unto ing appeal of the ;:i himself.” The peril of self- prophecy. "0 Israel, return unto the centredness. I know it is only too Lord thy God, for thou hast fallen by possible for us to get absorbed in thane iniquity.” In other words, our Christian work; and we get so "Come back to the embrace of My absorbed in it that we come to think forgiving love.” Take yourself in that if we do not do it, it will all hand. Deliberately break in upon the fall to the ground, that if we leave it, speed, and the rush, and the it will be a fatal thing, and the work congestion of life which fill it so full, will perish. We forget that we are but leave it so empty. Resolutely, but instruments which the great Lord prayerfully, at all costs, get alone with of the harvest is using. If it is God. Be still in His presence. Re- God's work it will never fall; but if flect upon your ways. Listen to the it is not God's work, then the voice of conscience; no longer try to sooner it falls the better. Oh, let us stifle it. Seek the illumination of not get so absorbed that we cannot His Holy Spirit, and ask Him to show lay down our work! Let us do it you what is wrong. That is all latent faithfully with all our might as long as in this wonderful word, "Return." the Lord entrusts it to us, but let us never forget that He is the Divine Heartfelt Repentance Overseer, and each moment, each If this has been God's message to day, each little bit of work that some of us, I believe that if we listen to belongs to the great task entrusted to His voice, and get alone with Him, and us must be prefaced by, "Lord, what begin to consider—for that was Israel's wilt Thou have me to do ? " trouble—"My people doth not con- These are some of the causes which sider" (Isa. I. 3)—if we do thus get made Israel's goodness so volatile. alone with God, some of us will not Their response to God's tenderest be able to go on living as we have been appeals was superficial; it never got living. God says , "Let Me show you below the surface into the deeps of your life as it is, and let Me show you their being; it did not touch the your life as I want it to become .” springs of desire and purpose and And then we shall come under the will. It inevitably led to that heart- deep conviction of the Holy Spirit, hardening which is ever the sad result which shall issue in a godly sorrow of not facing courageously and con- for sin, and a spirit-constrained, scientiously the fact and the folly of genuine, heartfelt repentance. That sin. But must I stop there? Is that is the first step. That is what "return" the last word? No; "He is God and means. First of all "repent.” Se- not man.” In chap. xi. 8 you condly, there will be confession of hear the cry of wounded and sin. "Take with you words, and turn disappointed love breaking out to the Lord" (Hos. xiv. 2). It must be afresh. "How shall

268 THE KESWICK CONVENTION, 1934 specific. Vague generalities are no God does not say, "1 will make," good. The very sin that has been our He does not say, "I will give." He undoing, and has got such deep lodg- says, "I will be." God gives Himself ment in the life, that must be specific- wholly to us. Then the life that ally confessed to the Lord. Then that follows will be to the praise and will be followed by the renunciation glory of His Name; because our good- (v. 3) of the entanglements, and the ness will no longer be as a morning carnal energies, and the pride, and cloud, or as the early dew, which the self-confidence, and the idols. passes away, but our life will be They will all be renounced. And there steadfast and strong and fragrant and comes after those three simple steps fruitful, because deeply rooted in the God's response; you get that in verse love of God Himself. May that be 5: "I will be as the dew unto Israel." our response as we go from here,

Through the love of God our Saviour All will be well. Fvee and changeless is His favour; All, all is well. Precious is the Blood that healed us, Perfect is the grace that sealed us, Strong the hand stretched forth to shield us; All must be well.

Though we pass through tribulation, All -will be well. Ours is such a full salvation, All, all is well. Happy still in God confiding, Fruitful, if in Christ abiding, Holy, through the Spirit's guiding; All must be well.

We expect a bright to-morrow; All will be well. Faith can sing through days of sorrow, All, all is well. On our Father's love relying, Jesus every need supplying, Or in living or in dying , All must be well. MARY PETERS

Christ's Last Promise BY REV. KENNETH H. HOOKER

"Ye shall receive power, after that the God the glory. This infilling of the Holy Ghost is come upon you, and ye shall Holy Spirit is not just a kind of be witnesses unto Me. "—Acts i. 8. luxury for the Christian life; it is a HAT a wonderful God you and I desperate necessity. You might just W have; and to what tremendous as well try to fly like a bird without lengths He has gone in order that we the life of a bird, as try to live the might be what He wants us to be. Christian life without the infilling "Will God in reality dwell with men of God's Spirit in your heart and life. on the earth?" was the question The very last command that the Lord asked by Solomon. If it is really Jesus gave to His disciples was con- possible for God to dwell with man, cerned with the Holy Spirit. "Tarry not in theory, but in reality, what a ye in Jerusalem," He said, "until ye wonderful difference it makes to life. be endued with power from on high." Not only is God willing to dwell with And His last promise was, "Ye shall men on the earth, but He actually receive power after that the Holy desires to do so. Ghost is come upon you, and ye shall be witnesses unto Me." And if that May I tell you in these closing was His last command and promise, moments something of what He has can we, dare we refuse to receive done for me; that in the mouth of that which He is waiting to give two or three witnesses every word us—the filling of His Holy Spirit? may be established. Our God is As I think of all that He has able to deliver and He will. done for me I feel absolutely ashamed Yes, I am "fully persuaded that what of the slackness and slowness which He has promised He is able also to so often has prevented me from perform." Every crisis in the life of entering into all that God has been our Lord here upon earth was bound holding out and waiting to give me. up with the Holy Spirit—His birth, His baptism, His temptation. He Conviction and Conversion was led of the Spirit right through I was brought up in a Christian His life, For thirty years He lived family. At the age of thirteen my in this world without one single act mother Ied me to Christ one summer of public ministry, but after His holiday in North Wales. If I may say baptism with the Holy Ghost, in a so to mothers and fathers here, there comparatively short time, about forty- is many a boy round about that age 'two months, He concentrated a whole who would rather die than speak to lifetime of activity. And can we his parents about spiritual things; `expect to be used in His service, apart and yet he is desperately anxious for "from the baptism and filling of His them to say something to him about Holy Spirit in our actual experience. them. I pretended I was "fed up" -0h, let us not stagger at the promises when my mother spoke to me about the of God, but be strong in faith, giving

270 THE KESWICK CONVENTION , 1934 things that really mattered, and yet I though I might feel no difference, was just longing that she would go on He would come into my heart on the and tell me more. But the day came authority of that promise. She warned when the Lord really convicted me of me not to doubt the fulfilling of His sin, and I came into the knowledge of promise. She said, "I want you to His wonderful salvation; and there ask Him very simply but quite came a very real joy and peace into definitely to come into your heart, my life. Gradually, however, I lost and because He has promised to do so some of that first joy, and about a year He will take possession, and then I later there was a feeling of want you to thank Him.” I remember dissatisfaction. Somehow or other slipping out of bed, and we knelt down things were not going just as I had together, and very simply I asked expected they would go; and there Him to come into my heart. I did came into my mind the thought, not feel any difference for several "Surely, if God is almighty, He could days. My mother had told me of the do somethiug more for me than I am promise in Romans viii. 16: "The experiencing at the moment.” But Spirit Himself beareth witness with nothing happened, and slowly but our spirit, that we are the children of surely the joy went, and the power God.” And she said, You can ask went, and things seemed to go from Him on the authority of that promise bad to worse. But though, thank to give you the witness that He has God, He never allowed me to get far come into your heart, and is in control away from Him, there was an increasing of your life.” I did not know how sense of dissatisfaction. He was going to give me this assurance. I used to read my Bible; but in my Witnessing for Christ case it did not come directly through That went on for about four years, this means. It was the first time that and towards the end of that time my I tried to tell another fellow at school father died; and that seemed to knock of what Christ had done for me that the bottom out of life. I remember one there came an overwhelming assur- day when things seemed to have been ance that God had actually done what worse than before (I had been even He had promised to do. The thing less helpful at home than I was when I was most conscious of, as a result Of came up to me at night and said, this, was that the Lord Jesus became "Do you know anything of the Holy real to me. Spirit's power in your life?” I had Living the Life been hearing a good deal about the Perhaps that is one of the greatest Holy Spirit, and when that question works of the Holy Spirit—that Ile was put to me I somehow felt sure makes the Lord Jesus real to us. that I needed Him in my life. My There have been things in my life mother showed me that promise in that I have been ashamed of, but St. Luke xi. 13: "If ye then, being every time I have come back and evil, know how to give good gifts claimed His forgiveness through the unto your children, how much more Blood, and the filling of His Holy shall your heavenly Father give the Spirit, and have drawn upon His Holy Spirit to them that ask Him?” strength, every time there has been a She pointed out to me how that renewing. That is one of my favourite need not expect to experience any texts: "The renewing of the Holy emotion necessarily at once; but that Ghost" (Titus iii. 5). Soon He

CHRIST'S LAST PROMISE 271 taught me that purity must come another thirty dollars for my return before power. I am only just beginning journey in three days' time. When I to learn that inward holiness must got to my journey's end I was rushed precede outward prosperity. Oh, that straight away to a meeting; and after God would teach us not to seek merely it was over, someone came up to me, for power for service, but that God's and said, "God has laid it on our Spirit might be allowed so to cleanse hearts to give you this," and there and purify us that He might fully live was pressed into my hand a wad of out His life in us. The Lord Jesus, dollar notes. I did not stop to count by His Spirit, can make such a tre- them out, but I put them into my mendous difference in life. Time pocket, and forgot about them for the after time I have experienced His time. When I got to my room that power and blessing. I think of one night, I counted them, and found that journey, for instance, about four and a- there were exactly thirty dollars. half years ago; the only time I have had Time after time things like that have the privilege of going abroad in His happened. What a wonderful God service. During journeys covering we have! I know there is much more 16,000 miles God provided every ahead to be learned, but the promise penny of the money that was needed, is, "He will guide you into (not just as the need arose. Sometimes only up to) all truth" (John xvi. 13). even at the railway station money The Holy Spirit may be more to us came in. In the case of one journey than even the Lord Jesus Christ was in particular, from Montreal to Winni- to His disciples, for He can be with peg, about twelve hundred miles, I us always. No wonder He says to us, lead been telling the Lord that I needed "Be filled with the Spirit ."

Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, alone Can turn our heart from sin , His power alone can sanctify And keep us pure within.

Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, alone Can deeper love inspire, His power alone within our souls Can light the sacred fire

Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, can bring The gifts we seek in prayer, His voice can words of comfort speak, And still each wave of care. Thy Holy Spirit, Lord, can give The grace we need this hour, And while we wait, 0 Spirit, come In sanctifying power!


The Divine Strengthener BY REV. LAURENCE P SHEATH

"Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is is the activity of God in my life; the liberty. "-2 Cor. iii. 17. possession of my faculties, my mind, OMEONE during the week said and my body. And if that is true, and S that it seemed to him as if every Keswick to a changed environment, a speaker on the platform knew all different atmosphere, varied feelings, about him, and spoke directly to him. can make no real difference, for the I am sure all of us feel this morning unchanging, eternal Spirit is within; that God has been speaking to us and all that I have to do is daily to individually; that He has been re- adjust my life to His control. May our vealing to us the kind of things that prayer each day be: have been happening in our lives, "0 strong life of God in Christ within me, things that need be true of us no Direct, control, suggest this day longer, for "where the Spirit of the All I design, or do, or say; That all my powers with all my might Lord is, there is liberty.” As we go In Thy sole glory may unite." back from Keswick there is no need "Where the Spirit of the Lord is there that our consecration should be a is liberty," an inner freedom, a new superficial one, or that we should fail harmony and victory. our Lord, for He can give us a glorious liberty which will enable us to stand A Triumphant Transformation firm and true to Him. On Thursday night we were There is to-day on the part of some reminded of the different titles of the tendency towards introspection— the Holy Spirit, and I want very an over-emphasis on an experience; simply to try and show from these with the result that people look back titles, what the presence of the Holy to a past experience instead of daily Spirit can mean, and must mean in drawing upon the Divine resources. our lives. He is the Spirit of The Christian message is, that from truth, and the truth shall make beginning to end God is at work in you free. The characteristic of my life. It is not so much my sur- those early Christians was that they render, my dedication, although it is were men who had been set free; they that, but God working in me. In had experienced a triumphant every life where God has had His way, transformation. They were free, either during this week, or before, not through some tremendous effort there has been wrought the Divine of the will, or as a result of miracle of an incarnation, "Christ strenuous self-discipline, but be- in me.” Therefore what has hap- cause they were filled with the Spirit pened to many of us during this week of truth "and the truth shall make might be passing; more than a dedica- you free.” They were set free, first tion which must always be tinged of all, from fears and worries. with the frailty of the human will; it What an amazing contrast! No longer

THE DIVINE STRENGTHENER 273 bound by the fear which before had over deep-rooted habits. I have not shattered their allegiance; no longer always been victorious, but when I over-wrought by anxieties and worries have put my life at His disposal, He which would have hindered their has won the victory in me. witness. They were freed men, not The third thing, surely, was that because of indifference or shallow they were set free from a restricted feelings; not because they were people outlook and surroundings. If Pentecost who did not care; but because they had never taken place, there would had the assurance of adequate resources never have been the giving of the within. And the same may be true Gospel to the Gentile world. The of us; we may be set free from those national and religious prejudices were fears which have strangled our service, much too strong, even in the disciples; and that worry which has spoiled our and yet when the Spirit of God took life, and robbed us of joy and peace, possession of these men, they had a for "where the Spirit of the Lord is, new world vision, and a burning there is liberty.” May I say here passion to win all men everywhere for that it is only recently that I have their risen Lord. It is when the begun to discover the meaning of this, Spirit of God fills our lives, that we that Christ in the hour of bitterest have done with the petty interests disappointment can set free from that concern our little selves, and we worry and anxiety. I have a great begin to break through, and to see deal more to learn along that line, the needs of those around us. but I do thank God that He is showing me the glorious possibilities of free- Breaking Through Barriers dom here, because I have within me But more than that; there are those who those resources which are adequate find that their surroundings are limited, for every contingency of life. those whose lives seem dull and ordinary and monotonous, but when A New World Vision He comes in He breaks through these The second thing was that they barriers, and cur daily work becomes were freed from deep-rooted habits. illuminated by His presence, and He If Peter had been still the thoughtless, transforms what seems to us to be a dull, blustering enthusiast who always monotonous life into the glorious rubbed people up the wrong way; if liberty of serving the Master. James and John had still been full I remember so well a typist speaking to of their own importance, they could me during one of my campaigns. She never have been united as they were. said, "You do not know the kind of life No, the deep-rooted habits, which I have to live. I am a typist, and the had developed into character, were same job has to be done day by day; the broken asunder; they were new men. same kind of letters have to be typed; The habit of self-assertion, a domineer- and my work is often so boring, so ing spirit, an irritable temper, can monotonous, so dull.” And I said to be, nay, must be snapped in twain her, "Yes, I know, but if you let the if the Spirit of truth is within. Lord Jesus take possession of your life, What a grand prospect! What an then He will come in and illuminate amazing possibility! And yet some your life; and the daily uninspiring of us are still withholding our lives thing may be transformed into from the mastery of the Spirit. I service for Him.” A little while thank God that when I was a boy afterwards she came back and said she of sixteen I began to discover the had discovered the joy secret of power

274 THE KESWICK CONVENTION, 1934 of doing her daily work for Christ. transformation! Why? Because they What a difference this makes in our had become like Jesus. My prayer for home life; doing our ordinary, every- myself, and for you is that daily we day work for Him. He breaks through may become like Jesus. those restricted surroundings of ours, "Be like Jesus, this my song, In the home, and in the throng; and transforms life for us. Be like Jesus all day long; Lastly, let me say that the purpose I would be like Jesus I" of the Spirit within me is to make me And that is possible, not by copying m o r e like Jesus. He is called the Him, not by trying to imitate Him, "Spirit of Christ.” That is what but by letting the Spirit of Jesus happened at Pentecost. Instead of take possession. When He came into being harsh, unattractive men, who men's lives those who were weak were tried to prevent the little children made strong; those who were cowardly coming to Jesus, they became loving became bold. Some of us are natur- and winsome and attractive like Jesus ally weak. Some of us are tempera- Himself. Peter, when he went along mentally cowards. I know I am; the streets, drew the crowds around but I am beginning to find that when him that they might come within the the Strengthener comes in, that which shadow of his passing. The hard, was impossible before is made possible. revengeful son of thunder became the Thank God that may be true of each apostle of love, and those who had one of us. We can say with St. Paul, quarrelled about the first place became "I can do all things through Christ humble like Jesus. What a wonderful which strengtheneth me."

Come gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove, With light and comfort from above; Be Thou our Guardian, Thou our Guide, O'er every thought and step preside.

The light of truth to us display, That we may know and choose Thy way; Plant holy fear in every heart, That we from God may ne'er depart. Conduct us safe, conduct us far From every sin and hurtful snare; Lead us to Christ, the living Way, Nor let us from His pastures stray. Lead us to holiness, the road That we must take to dwell with God; Lead us to God , our final rest , To be with Him for ever blest.


Oh, Blessed Man! By DR. D. S . MAcCOLL

"Blessed are they whose iniquities are ever said was this; "Our religion forgiven, and whose sins are is not a horrible, restless doubt. Still covered. Blessed is the man to whom less is it a far more horrible, composed the Lord will not impute sin. "—Rom, cant, but a great heaven—high un- iv. 7, 8. questionability, encompassing and in- I T is extremely difficult for me terpenetrating the whole of life.” In adequately to express my gratitude to my young days my mind was very God first, and then to the beloved much shaken, and my faith almost promoters of the Convention for the shattered by the evolutionary teach- confidence reposed in me in asking a ing of my first years of University stranger to speak to such an life. But I praise God that I have audience. I should tremble very much come out into a faith which is built to-night, only that I believe that upon an intellectual conviction that "God is able to make all grace abound nothing can shake. "The Word of toward us, so that we always having all God is living and powerful, and sufficiency in all things may abound to sharper than any two-edged sword, every good work.” In reviewing piercing even to the dividing asunder the Keswick teaching as I have of soul and spirit.” The heard it from this platform on this psychology of the present day at occasion, there is one thing that best can only pierce to the dividing makes me unspeakably glad, and that asunder of body and soul The Word of is, that the true and desperate God goes deeper and in its searching nature of sin has been set forth with criticism it divides between soul and no uncertain sound. There is a spirit, and shows the deeper nature dictum in my profession that of sin. successful treatment depends upon The late Principal Denney said that correct diagnosis. And I am so glad Paul's characteristic doctrine was the because I feel convinced that the true universality of sin; the condemna- diagnosis of sin has been set forth tion of the race; the carnal nature of from this platform in a soul-convincing man; every child of Adam inheriting fashion. a nature destitute of spiritual power Universality of Sin for its own recovery, and under the law In coming to Keswick I passed of sin, and of death, the evil of which through a place called Ecclefechan. manifests itself in dispositions and Now I daresay some of you Southerners in desires, at war with one another, have a difficulty in pronouncing that and in revolt against the will of God word, but although I have been for and His holy law. That is a desperate forty-six years south of the equator, statement; There is a diagnosis for I can still say it saw a statue you! of a great Scotsman, Thomas Carlyle, Now I open this sublime Epistle as I passed. He said many wonder- to the Romans, to me the most ful things, but I think one of wonderful Epistle in the Book. the most blessed things that he Professor

276 THE KESWICK CONVENTION, 1934 Godet says: that the other Epistles conjoined thing? some one will ask. are parts of Paul's life, but that the They are conjoined in revelation; they Epistle to the Romans is his life," are disjoined by the redemption of and Godet further says that "Every Christ, and disjoined. for ever. It great religious awakening has been looks like a contradiction in terms. based on the truth of the Roman "But now.” Oh, the blessed "buts" Epistle—the Reformation in Europe, of God's Word! What has happened? the Methodist Revival in the eigh- Something has happened. God has teenth century, the movement under drawn a line between my lost state Wesley which saved England from and my regenerate, emancipated, God- the horrors of the French Revolu- empowered state. What is it? What tion; and then the great Revival in is this something that God has drawn? Scotland and Ireland in 1859 and Not a line; but a gulf—fixed, deep 1860; and latterly, the Welsh Revival.” and wide, as the gulf between Heaven And, oh, don't we need another and Hell. What is this amazing some- Revival! It is for that reason I thank thing worthy of the glorious God that God that on this platform there has works such wonderful transformation been emphasised the desperate nature in the life? It comes from the of sin. Saviour’s riven side----this "Full Sal- vation" which we so love to sing about. The Sinner Justified That is what has happened. The Cross Take the first four chapters of the of Christ has come down, blood- Epistle to the Romans. What do you stained, into the depths of my need and find stated of man? In the first chapter my defilement and my powerlessness, we have "corruptible" man; in the and it has lifted me—and lifted me— second chapter we have "inexcusable" and lifted me, until it has set me down man; in the third chapter we have in the heavenlies in Christ . Have you "every man a liar," and the whole ever noticed that wonderful expression world brought in guilty before God. in the Epistle to the Ephesians? It is There's a diagnosis for you! And I the only part of the Word of God in tell you this, that the man who has which the phrase occurs, it is "the been Divinely enlightened knows the glory of His grace.” What is "the truth of it. But, thank God, the glory of His grace? “ Not that I am Word does not stop there. When you a pardoned sinner ; not that I am come to the third chapter there is justified freely by His grace ; not that a "But now.” "But now the right- I am indwelt by the Holy Spirit; eousness of God is manifested”; and but that God has rehabilitated me; so in the fourth chapter you have, "Oh, lifted me, and set me down beside my blessed man.” Corruptible man! In- Lord in the heavenlies in Christ. excusable man! Every man a liar! Have you noticed what Paul calls Then, "Oh, blessed man?” What this Gospel? "Paul, a bond-slave of has happened? Now, if I were to ask Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, you to parse these two little words, separated unto "—what?--"the Gospel "but now," some of you would get of God.” Some one has said the idea bogged; but I am going to parse them has never entered our human philo- for you. Here we have a disjunctive sophy that God and man were to be conjunction joined with a co-ordinate for ever united by the nails of a Roman conjunction. I appeal to the scholars gibbet But God has done it. And so on the platform if that is not right. Paul calls it "the Gospel of God.” In How can you have a disjoined and a the close of the Epistle Paul appro-

OH, BLESSED MAN! 277 priates this glorious Gospel of God, abundant provision by which I can and calls it "my Gospel," as the only live in the world, worthy not only of remedy for the sinner's desperate my future, destiny, but of my present plight. Yes, the Gospel of God—my standing, leading me in triumph day Gospel! by day. The Keswick teaching does not stand for sinless perfection. I want to make this quite clear, in order Complete in Him that the beloved brethren here may Many theologians have been quoted know that we are quite sound on our from this platform; I am going now Australian Convention platforms. to quote one who is considered, per- Let me say this: The holier you are, haps, the greatest of the Anglican the closer you live to Christ, the theologians, I refer to Hooker; and more unbroken your walk with Hooker says this: "Such are we in the Him, the greater your consciousness sight of God the Father as the very of sin. If there is one thing for which Son of God Himself. Some may call I am glad it is that Archbishop this frenzy or folly, but it is our com- Trench said, that many a time when fort, our courage, and our inspiration; he was in the very act of prayer he and we want no knowledge but the wondered that God did not strike knowledge that man has sinned, and him dead. You know what that that God has suffered, and that in the means. How your mind roves and suffering of the Cross Christ has been wanders, and trivialities come in, made of God unto us wisdom, and even when you are in the attitude righteousness, and sanctification, and of prayer. And so the holier you redemption." are the more conscious you are of There is another theologian that I your need of the perpetual efficacy of love, because he shaped my theology; the intercession of Jesus Christ I refer to the wonderful Horatius before the Throne. There is an old Bonar, whom I heard at his brother chorus that I like greatly. I like the Andrew's church the first year of new enlargement of it, for it sets the my conversion speak of the glorious truth blessedly clear, the twofold Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. And aspect of my great salvation by the that has been like a morning star on death and the life of my glorious my horizon for fifty-four years. Christ : There is an old hymn of Miss Hull's, "I do believe, I will believe which exactly expresses Hooker's That Jesus died for me. That on the Cross He shed His blood conception of the glory of my From sin to set me free, " standing in the Lord Jesus Christ:

"'There is life in a look at the Crucified One, There is my justification, "And who There is life at this moment for thee, shall lay anything to my charge?" Then look, sinner, look unto Him and be This is the new enlargement of that saved, And know thyself spotless as He." chorus: "I do believe, I will behave That Jesus lives for me, Are you startled at that? Oh, the That on the throne He pleads His blood. magnificence, the stupendous wonder And soon He'll come for me." of the glorious salvation that is ours in Christ: "spotless as He ," complete There is the assurance that I am being in Him, accepted in the Beloved. kept safe in His life. "When we were Hooker and Hull, you are right! What enemies we were reconciled to God by we have got to do then is to take the death of His Son...being recon- our place where God has set us. If ciled, we are saved by His life." spotless as He, has He not made

The Ever-empty Grave body until the glorious time when I am The Keswick platform, however, presented faultless before His throne does set forth Christian perfection. I when He comes. Blameless on my believe in the triumphant Cross, and in way; and faultless when I arrive. It the indwelling Christ, moment by is maintained by the indwelling of moment leading me in triumph. I God's Holy Spirit, making Christ real to have been reading the Acts of the me. Apostles rather carefully and critically; In closing I would remind you of and what do I find in that Book? I find those words in John's Epistle, "That the domination of the Holy Spirit of which was from the beginning, which we God throughout. And what is the have heard, which we have seen with theme with which this great Teacher is our eyes, which we have looked upon, occupied? Forty-four times He is and our hands have handled, of the Word mentioned in the Acts. What is His of life.” May I say it with reverence, theme? A forsaken grave and a Our God has become concrete in victorious Christ. Twenty-seven times He Jesus Christ. I can touch Him. I could mentions the empty grave, death never have reached Him, the Infinite despoiled, and the grave for ever God, had He not come down. We empty; and then seventy-two times is have been hearing about the light. mentioned the Lordship of our glorious You know that the light of yonder Saviour. Why is it that we expect, and sun travels over ninety-two millions God expects, a complete triumph from of miles in utter darkness until it dashes day to day in our lives? If Enoch itself against the atmosphere of our walked with God for three hundred planet; and then the world is flooded years in unclouded fellowship, what with life-giving radiation, upon which about you and me, with a full knowledge everything in the vegetable and in the of the Cross, and the empty grave, and animal world is dependent the descended, glorious Spirit? "Sin "The resplendent Sun no splendour can display, shall not have dominion over you" Till on gross things it dash its shattered because death has no dominion over Him, ray." and the Christ of God lives, not only at the And God came down, and He was right hand of the throne of the majesty on broken on Calvary, and now I have got high, but in the heart of every His life and His light, a light that regenerate soul, who lets Him have never was on sea or land. Don't be His own blessed way. How is this perturbed by the difficulty of the blessed fellowship with the living Christ doctrinal statement of God's great and full to be maintained in my life from day to day? salvation. Here is Miss Havergal's lucid Preserved blameless, spirit, soul, and and simple setting of it

Holiness by faith in Jesus Not by effort of my own. Sin's dominion crushed and broken, By the power of Christ alone, God's own holiness within me, His own beauty on my brow. This shall be my pilgrim brightness, This my blessed portion now.

God's Glory in the Earth BY THE RT. REV. BISHOP TAYLOR SMITH

"Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of Hosts; feel I am walking in the Lord's foot- the whole earth is full of His glory."—Isa, vi. 3. steps; nay, I feel I am walking with "God forbid that I should glory, save in Him, for He gives me such wonderful the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ."— Gal. vi. 14. pictures, and such marvellous parables, IN speaking to you the other day I from the moment I am conscious in in the morning, till I am unconscious tried to bring before you a picture of in my bed at night. our Lord's life on earth; how that when He walked this earth as Man for men Messages by the Way He left no stone unturned to bring Now we are pestered on every hand sinners near, and saints nearer to His with advertisements in these days, Father and their Father; and I though there are not too many in this summed up the message of His lips wonderful county of Cumberland, but and His life in the words, "God is, and we cannot get away from them; and in God is Love, and God loves you." as much as we cannot wear blinkers To-night I would ask you to walk with like horses, which are given blinkers me once more with Jesus that we may that they may not shy at any heap of learn from Him how to walk, and how stones before them, we must use our to think, and how to speak, and how eyes and our minds and our hearts, and to act. David prayed that the whole try to analyse that which might other- earth might be filled with His glory. wise be poison to us and to others. In the 6th chapter of Isaiah we was only saying to a friend the other have the seraphim saying, "Holy, day, "What will be the influence on the holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts; the lives of those young people that have whole earth is full of His glory." I want ever before them that which is not to realise myself more and more that good for them ?" Yes, there are so the earth is full of His glory. May He many advertisements. I change the give me eyes to see, and grace to seize spelling of one thing which is widely this blessed truth. Yes, our Lord drew advertised; I spell it "bier." I attention to the things around Him , remember an incident in our Lord's saying , Behold, and consider. There are life when two processions met outside many things around us, we are meeting the city gates, and one was the pro- them day by day, which would help cession of death, and the other the us to forget, and, perhaps, to be procession of life. In the one the body indifferent to the things which we of a young man, the only son of his have heard and seen at this holy mother, was being carried to the Convention. There is a way of looking burial; and in the other it was a pro- at things. Just as every road in England cession led by Him Who is the Resur- leads to London, so I believe that every rection and the Life; the Resurrection object on God's earth may lead to of those who go before, and the Life God. I of those who are following after; and

we are told that Christ put His hand An Out and Out Life on the bier, and said, "Young man, As I see the young men here in this I say unto thee, arise.” And the two Convention, I am reminded of the processions joined, and there was one Conventions of twenty—thirty—years procession that day instead of two. ago, when, at "The Heads," there was During this Convention. His servants, held a camp which led to the forma- both in private and from the platform, tion of the Student Movement, and have been meeting the bodies and souls many other movements. My mind goes of dead men, and Christ has touched back to a visit I paid to Oxford, and to them through our hands; and the size a walk with an undergraduate, who has of that procession of life has increased. finished his course, and is now at Home What did it mean last night at that with the Lord. He was Canon Temple Holy Communion Service, with the Gairdner, one of the sweetest characters thousands gathered here to remember I have ever known. On this occasion the Lord's death for us? What will it I said to him, "Give me a first thought, mean when we go from this place of and I will sow it in the hearts of friendship? It is the holy common thousands of people.” "You give union, I believe, in the fellowship of me one," he said. But I had not one saints. Now every time when I have ready, so T had to pray, and the these advertisements thrust into my answer came, for there right before eyes, I turn them into Scripture. I us was "Oxo for strength.” "Take see one—it is a picture of a cock that," I said, "What do you mean?” crowing (Eno's), and I remember "See what it says," I said, "Be Out something else concerning a cock and Out for Christ, and then you will crowing. Why did our Lord Jesus have all the strength you need. Re- say, "Before the cock crow thou shalt member also that the cross between deny Me thrice”? It was His loving, is St. Andrew's cross , which means condescending thought of Peter; the that you have got to do what Andrew man with the quick temper, but with did, who told his brother of Christ, the loving heart; the man whose and led him to Him.” Now every temper was like a straw fire blazing time I see an advertisement of Oxo it up and dying down so quickly to white brings back to me the memory of that ashes. Oh, the loving kindness of dear soul, that friend of mine who the Lord Every morning until Peter has gone home before me; and it saw Him face to face, there was the reminds me that I must be out and reminder; just as the bells ringing on out for Christ; that I must be keen Sunday morning remind you of wor- after souls ; and that that will lead to ship. As the cock crew there came to spiritual strengthening. So I might Peter the memory of a Face that loved go on pointing out these various objects him back into life. Yes, every time to which you may attach a spiritual that morning dawned he thought of his meaning; and then they would not denial of the night before. Simon bore you, but would help you con- Peter was brought near to the Lord, siderably. and fortified and strengthened by the Face that he saw, and the Voice which Careless Living he heard. So when I see the picture Passing through Khartoum one of of that cock crowing, it reminds me my journeys, and staying Bishop of Simon Peter; and I want to see the Gwynne; we went one day to the same Face; and I see it; and He gives Zoological Gardens where there was me a similar reminder . a very delightful gathering of animals;

GOD'S GLORY IN THE EARTH 281 and there was a magnificent male lion, a farms the snakes are bred, and a serum is wonderful beast, but it had a ratlike tail; prepared from their mixed poison to save and I said to the Director of the the lives of men. And I remember how all Zoological Gardens, "How is it you have men have been bitten and are dying men . a lion like that, with such a magnificent But "God so loved the world, that He mane, but with such a miserable, ratlike gave His only begotten Son, that tail!" "Thereby hangs a tale!" he replied. whosoever believeth in Him should not "One day that lion was careless; he was perish, but have everlasting life," that no sitting by the fence, swinging his tail longer should we be linked to the about, and as he sat there the tail got perishing world, but be the possessor of underneath the fence, and the Bengal God Himself, possessors of eternal life. tiger bit it off." Yes, that lion was like a Oh, let not one leave this Tent to-night king with a broken sceptre. Nothing without the serum—the Blood of Jesus could have looked more ludicrous than Christ, God's Son, cleansing him from all that magnificent lion with such a sin; cleansing him from its penalty, and miserable tail. I pointed out to him, cleansing him moment by moment from "There you have the result of bad its power. companionship and careless living." Yes, the advertisements on the "Blessed is the man that walketh not in hoardings, the animals in the Zoological the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth Gardens, the snakes in the snake farms at in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the Port Elizabeth and Sau Paulo; they are seat of the scornful." And every lion wonderful angels of God to us if we have brings back that picture to my mind, and eyes to see, and grace to seize. brings back to me those words in the first Paul said, "God forbid that I should Psalm. So these objects surrounding us glory save in the Cross of our Lord Jesus may well be angels of God to us if only Christ." Have you ever considered how we have eyes to see and grace to seize God has given us so many reminders of them. the Cross? As I look through the gap of the Tent I see the windows of that house The Centre of Strength yonder, and I see the cross. If I go into Here is a young man who says to me, your house I see the cross on the panel of "I pray that God may take away my the door. When I enter a town I see the passions that I may serve Him better." I cross above the Church. If I go out to- say to him, That is a prayer that God will sea I find the cross flying at the masthead. not answer. God did not kill the lions As I go along the country road I come when Daniel was cast into the den. Those across a five-barred gate, and I see the very lions made him lean on God and cross there. I see the cross in the buttons trust in Him, to have a memory after- on the tunic of the soldier. If I sail the wards in Heaven of God's sustaining seas far enough I find the Southern Cross grace. It is these very lions that are driving in the heavens. These things remind us of you to the centre of strength and holiness the triumph of the Cross; it tells us that which means achievement . He has not Jesus died for sinners. Oh, pray that your sent His angel, but He has sent His Son eyes may be opened to be 0ur Deliverer, Yes, it is the little incidents that carry In Port Elizabeth, in South Africa, and the great lessons. It was only a few sticks, Sao Paulo, in South America, I found but the penalty was two snake farms. In these


great; the man was stoned to death. life, so you may breathe in the atmos- Has it not struck you as it struck me phere of Heaven continually, and you as a boy, that the punishment was greater must if you would have a strong and than the crime demanded? But when healthy spiritual life. If you have there were no means of reckoning the not formed the habit, may I commend to seventh day, that bad example of that you one which I have found so man might have been followed by many helpful all through my life of praying another; and their time in the without ceasing, making conversation wilderness might have been lost. The with God concerning everything, and at commandment was broken, and the all times, and in all places. We must penalty followed. It was only the remember, too, that if we would be hasty word, and the angry heart, and strong spiritually we must be careful in Moses, the great leader, was regard to our food. "Man cloth not live forbidden to enter into the Promised by bread alone, but by every word that Land. He had stricken the rock once, and proceedeth out of the mouth of God." the water had come ; and now he was told Just as you need your breakfast to face the second time to speak to the rock, the tasks of the day, so you need the and he struck the rock again. He had Bread of Life, God's Holy Word, in broken the type, which must be order that you may face the conflicts associated with his death, for the first of life. God's Word, it has been said, is meant Calvary and the second the best thing, in the best place, for the Pentecost. Let us ever watch and pray. best purpose. "Thy Word have I hid in It is these little things which hinder; it is my heart that I might not sin against these little things which have great Thee." Then just as we take exercise penalties and consequences that our bodies may be strong, so we following. Yes, the little things help; must exercise faith; and there must be and the little things hinder. This the witnessing, and the soul-winning ; microphone went wrong the other day, and it must begin at once; let it begin and with a touch almost the engineer even this night before you sleep. put it right. Probably it was only a Again, the dear Lord knows all about little dust on the vibrating instrument; our weakness. He ordained that but when once it was removed you were lovely service in which we took part able to hear again. The removal of last night—the broken bread repre- just a little dust, and thousands were senting the broken Body, and the enabled to hear. It is just these little wine representing the shed Blood; things in our lives, the fly in the and as we partook of those elements in ointment, these are the things which the silence of this Tent, we practically prevent us from glorifying God, said before angels and men, "I identify myself with Jesus Christ, Praying without Ceasing Who died for me." Oh, this is the I want to help those who during this holy common union! This is that Convention have confessed Christ as which makes us all one, the redeemed their Saviour, who have consecrated children of God, and now we can claim their lives to Him as their new Master, the Risen Life of the Risen Lord, and who have received the Holy Spirit. the Ascended Lord, the Living Lord, the I want just to say a few practical words Loving Lord, the Coming Lord. This is in conclusion. And the first is this, that life eternal to know Thee, and for Thee just as you may breathe in pure air, and to know us, and to acknowledge us; to enjoy physical know Thee, the only

GOD’S GLORY IN THE EARTH 283 true God, and Jesus Christ Whom the depths, then, unhindered by rock Thou hast sent. So we go forth from this beneath, or thorns around, there will be place remembering many words that He the upspringing and the fruit-bearing, has spoken to us; and, above all, perhaps, and the thousands shall be fed. To be the 11th commandment. "A new careful283 for nothing does not mean to be commandment give I unto you, that ye careless in everything. Samson is a great love one another." Here is joy; it is the example. A man strong spiritually, gift of His love. "Thy loving kindness is chosen of God, a man of prayer, a strong better than life." We go forth to live man intellectually—he was a that are Christ, and to love our fellow-men, and to side-rays, judge in Israel for twenty years; lead them into life. Keep near to the Lord but he had one flaw in his character, Jesus, for nearness means knowledge. and that one flaw brought disaster ; he The servants which drew the water knew failed to reverence his body; with the from whence the good wine came, result that he was bound and blinded by because they were near to Jesus. the enemy, and became their slave. Let "The secret of the Lord is with them that us watch unto prayer. fear Him." Keep near to Him. It was the one who was reclining on the bosom The Weaving of Character of Jesus to whom the secret was whispered concerning the one who was soon to So with these words of encouragement betray Him. Just as nearness means and warning I would close. Mark your knowledge, so obedience means blessing. position; mark your possession; and see Fill the water-pots; don't half fill them, the prospect. Your position: "Son, thou or you will be robbing God of glory, and art ever with Me, and all that I have is your neighbour of blessing. Roll away the thine"— Moody's favourite text. "And stone; and the stone was rolled away. they began to be merry." There was the "Loose him and let him go; and they memory of the past; there was the loosed him." There is a work in Christ, and resolution, and then there was action. with Christ, and for Christ awaiting every There was the confession, there was the soul in this Tent. Obedience is the secret reconciliation, and there was the of blessing. "Whatsoever He saith unto provision. Now the ring is upon the you—no matter what the cost may be finger telling of unending love; and the do it." Oh, the promises we have to feet are shod for the walk, and for the encourage us in our work! "I will make you running in the way of the King's to become fishers of men; and ye shall commandments. It is no longer the old catch men." Claim both, and do it now. robe, but the seamless robe of Christ A word of warning ere I cease. you are going away with tonight. The There is the peril of a superficial con- robe that you will wear afterwards in secration, against which we have been Heaven will be your character which warned more than once during this you are weaving here; the only thing we

, Convention. "Because it had no can make in this world and take with us depth it withered away." The lessons of into the next is our character. the Convention not carried out in the So we rejoice in our position by the home, in the parish, throughout the days grace of God, and in our possession as of the week. See to it that you have not we let go and as we let God ; as we take only roots but that are sideways, but that hold, and, by His grace, keep hold; you have roots down in remembering all the time it is because He is upholding us,

otherwise we should fall. And the hungering; that He Who is the Water prospect. What a glorious prospect! of Life began His ministry thirsting, "The whole earth is filled with His The Lamb Who is in the midst of the glory." "Who are these? These are throne will feed His people. Heaven they which came out of the Great and earth are filled with His glory, Tribulation, and have washed their and He has called us to share with robes and made them white in the Him in that same glory. Oh, the Blood of the Lamb, and serve Him in grace, the grace, the grace! His temple day and night. They The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, shall hunger no more; neither thirst and the love of God, and the fellowship any more." Strange, that He Who is of the Holy Ghost be with you all. the Bread of Life began His ministry AMEN.

O worship the King all-glorious above, O gratefully sing His power and His love, Our Shield and Defender, the Ancient of Days, Pavilioned in splendour, and girded with praise. O tell of His might, 0 sing of His grace,

Whose robe is the light, whose canopy space . His chariots of wrath deep thunder-clouds form, And dark is His path on the wings of the storm. This earth with its store of wonders untold, Almighty, Thy power hath founded of old, Hath stablished it fast by a changeless decree, And round it hath cast, like a mantle, the sea. Thy bountiful care what tongue can recite? It breathes in the air ; it shines in the light; It streams from the hills ; it descends to the plain,

And sweetly distils in the dew and the rain .

Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail, In Thee do we trust, nor find Thee to fail; Thy mercies how tender, how firm to the end, Our Maker, Defender, Redeemer, and Friend! SIR ROBERT GRANT


JULY 22, 1934


10.45 a.m.—Forenoon Meeting THE CHRISTIAN'S WALK DR. A . E. RICHARDSON

3 p.m.—Afternoon Meeting GOD'S DEMAND FOR MAN'S BEST REV . F. C. GIBSON


By special request the Testimony Meeting was not reported

The Consummation

AS so often happens, the closing Sunday was a blessed consum- mation of the days in which God's presence and power had been revealed in our midst. The Services in all the Churches were well attended, and yet there was a large company of worshippers in the Tent. Dr. A. E. Richardson spoke there in the morning with much brightness and charm, and with winning and wooing power. In the evening the Rev. J. Chalmers Lyon conducted an evan- gelistic service, which filled the Tent, and quite a number who were present gave expression to their trust in the Saviour. The crowning service of the day was held at 9 p.m., when four members of the platform each gave in ten minutes an account of their spiritual history. The order of speaking was as follows : Mr. Lindsay Glegg, the Rev. W. W. Martin, Dr. A. E. Richardson, and Bishop Taylor Smith, There was a wonderful variety of personality, and of experience in each life story; but in every case we were permitted to hear of the beginnings of a spiritual experience, then of an entrance under widely different conditions into a fuller life through being drawn closer to the Lord, and also something of the deep blessedness and trials and tests in the midst of which life has to be lived out. Possibly nothing in the whole past week was a greater help to many hearers than the listening to the speakers themselves unfolding the secrets of their own relationships with the Lord. Many of the addresses given at Keswick are the outcome of experiences through which the speakers have passed; but, when the message comes in the actual form of a personal testimony, it has always a special power to touch the hearts of the hearers. Towards the close of the Convention in 1895, the Rev. Andrew Murray from the Cape, and Dr. Elder Cumming, each told the story of how they had been led into the blessing, and their witness had a wonderful effect on all who heard.

My Great Desire

LORD, I would my great desire Turn into a longing prayer; Thou canst give all I require, And my wants are Thy kind care, So I venture now my plea— Christ be magnified in me.

How through me so all unworthy Canst Thou ever glory gain? In the dust I bow before Thee, My own efforts would be vain: All my trust must be in Thee— Christ be magnified in me.

Since I have such grand endeavour, Other things to it give place, More and more, and ever, ever Showing forth Thy wondrous grace: From what hinders make me free— Christ be magnified in me.

Choose the way for Thy fulfilling Of Thy servant's fond request; Make me for Thy working willing, Life or death, Thy choice is best: As Thy wisdom may decree, Christ be magnified in me. EDITH E . SMYTH

The Christian's Walk DR. A. E. RICHARDSON

"He that saith he abideth in Him, ought fellowship of your children. If himself also so to walk, even as He really loved anybody I should love to be walked. "-1 John ii. 6. with him. When I go to the top of THIS morning I want to speak about Skiddaw how I wish there were the greatest of all subjects— others with me to share the beauty. Walking as He walked. Soon we shall When I am in Switzerland my heart be parting from one another, and let goes out to all the poor people in the us remember that it is our "walk" London slums, and I say to myself: that is going to tell. I sometimes How I wish they were here to see the think of that verse in Isaiah: "They beauty that God has poured out in shall mount up with wings as eagles, such abundance on this earth. He has they shall run and not be weary, they provided lavishly for our enjoyment. shall walk and not faint.” I like to God's Love for Man think of it in this way. When you are Now God is like that. He made man "mounting up with wings" you are not much good to anybody else; and in His own image. Our longing to you cannot help another very much share our joys comes from Him. He when you are running. People do not longs to share His joy with us. We stop to ask you the "right time" if love the fellowship of those who are you are running to catch a train; but dear to us. So does He. That is why when you are walking they are more we always have such a happy time likely to come up and ask you for here; everybody is so loving, and so guidance or for help. kind, and so tolerant. If we are going to walk with the And God loves us, and He wants our Lord Jesus Christ we must know a companionship, He wants our friend- great deal about Him; and we must ship, for His own sake, and for the know how He walked. He was God sake of the angels. People seem to manifested in the flesh. God was forget that God created us partly to looking out through human eyes and give the angels a wonderful lesson- speaking through human lips. First book from which they could learn of all, I am thinking of our loving, things that even the bliss of heaven heavenly Father. Now He loves us cannot teach them. They learn how very dearly. What follows from that? creatures who had fallen into sin can be Why, if you love anybody, you want brought back again. Did not St. Paul their companionship and their friend- say, "To the intent that now unto the ship and their fellowship. You love principalities and powers in heavenly your children, and your children love places might be known by the church You. But if they were always out the manifold wisdom of God"? (Eph. playing, and showed little or no iii. 10). By the Church, that is, by you desire to play with their Daddy, you and me—the "called-out" ones the would not like it at all. You want the

God's Prize Exhibits was just because St. John trusted that Yes, the angels are looking at us. love of His, and showed Him love in These things "the angels desire to return. He had not always been so look into" (1 Peter i. 12). Someone loving; he could show a little bit of said the other day: "Do you know that temper. He wanted to call down fire we are God's prize exhibits?” We are from heaven to burn up those who did God's prize exhibits, and the angels not agree with him. And the Lord are looking at us. It is a wonderful Jesus said; "Ye know not what manner thing to think that the angels are of spirit ye are of.” But he came to watching you and me to see how the know; and he so received the Love of grace of God is working in us. How God into his soul that he became the surprised they must be at our dullness apostle of love. Our Lord loved him and foolishness! Others are watching the more because John showed more us—our fellow-men; they want to love to Him. I think of the Lord Jesus, know what God is like. A student sitting there in the glory of the Father recently said to a friend of mine, and the Blessed Holy Spirit, thinking "Will you tell me what God is like, of Moses buried all alone. He felt He for I have not the faintest idea? I am must have Moses, whom He loved so not religious. I never pray, or go to much, with Him in bodily form; and Church.” Well the Lord Jesus Christ so He raised him from the dead that is like God. He is the Word "made he might be with Him. And on the flesh.” God dwelling among men. Mount of Transfiguration Moses and We are sent as He was sent. We are Elijah appeared with Jesus in their to walk as He walked. His love is glorified bodies. Am I wrong in sup- "shed abroad in our hearts.” We are posing that this reveals our Lord's to have His peace and His joy. What yearning desire for closer fellowship is God like? When we go away from with man? What about you and me? Keswick we must remember that eyes We cannot see the Lord Jesus with are upon us. God is a happy God; a our eyes, but He sees us all the time; God of joy; and we are made in the He looks at us. He wants us to show image of God. Men expect to see the something of His love and glory to beauty of the Lord our God upon us. other people who do not know Him. Do you ever think of the Lord Jesus He is depending on us. How are we before His incarnation? He was so going to do it? How are we going to eager to come down and let people see maintain that fellowship with the what He was like. He walked with Lord Jesus which He seeks from us? Adam in the Garden. He walked with How are we to keep ourselves "in the Noah. He walked with Enoch. And love of God?” It is not "keep your- at last He said: I must do more than self " in the love of God. It is a mutual that. He made a great friend of thing, a thing in which we can help Abraham; He talked with him; and one another: "Keep yourselves in the had meals with him. It is a great love of God." We need the experience subject, studying the life of Abraham. of the burning heart. We ought to And how the Lord loved Moses. I show a shining face to those around us. think Moses was the greatest friend our Lord had in Old Testament days. In Touch with God There are some whom He loves in a May I suggest things that help me? sense more than others. There was the It sounds a strange thing to say, but disciple John whom He loved so much. I always begin last thing at night! Was it that He had favourites? No, it Perhaps you begin first thing in the

THE CHRISTIAN'S WALK 291 morning? When I get into bed, instead Later I would hear his footstep in the of thinking over the past day, or passage, and the latch of the door click; planning for the morrow, I just think of then I listened as he said: the Lord Jesus, and of His love to me; "Forth in Thy Name, 0 Lord, I go and of all the glory of Heaven, and of My daily labour to pursue. the beauties of earth, and my heart just Thee, only Thee, resolved to know wells up in thankfulness to Him for His In all I think, and speak, and do." goodness. And before I know where I "Sometimes when he was a little late, he am, I am fast asleep. The Bible says, would simply say, 'I go forth in the "He giveth His beloved sleep.” And if Name of the Lord.'" That impressed that you look in the margin you will see that small boy deeply. And I believe that it is rendered, "He giveth unto His John McNeill's fervent love for the Lord beloved in sleep" (Psa. cxxvii. 2, R .V). was largely due to the influence of his God gives us things in sleep. Just as He father upon him when he was young. took Adam and caused a deep sleep to fall upon him before He gave him his The Cheerful Spirit bride. I have often had wonderful How are we going to keep in touch thoughts in my sleep; and sometimes I with the Lord Jesus during the day? When have awakened, and written them out. there is a fog in London, when you The last thing at night let your thoughts cannot see a hand in front of you, I often be with the Lord Jesus. Close your eyes go about saying to myself, "Heaven and and say, "Into Thy hands I commend my earth are full of Thy glory," and I think of spirit.” And the first thing in the the glorious sunshine above all the fogs morning, directly I feel I am awake, I of earth. I think of God's gracious love, say, "Glory," and when I am fully awake, and the sunshine of His love that is for I get out of bed, and say, "Glory be to every heart, and how He wants to flood the Father, and to the Son, and to the our hearts with His sunshine. If I see Holy Ghost.” It is wonderful how it anyone looking gloomy, I am tempted to puts one in time with the loving say, "Keep smiling," and then a smile Heavenly Father. I realise the Father is begins to dawn. Of course, I know that with me, and that I am His child, and there may be sorrow and trouble. But it is that every provision is made for me for all right; and if we love Him all things spiritual and bodily needs. It is a great work together for good. When dis- thing. Then I always add these words, appointment, or sorrow, or troubles "To me to live is Christ," for my one come, just say, "This is one of the `all desire is to glorify Him. things." A man was all alone (or thought John McNeill used to tell us that when he was) in the National Gallery in he was a little boy he was very impressed London, standing before a picture of the with the religion of his father. Why? He Lord Jesus, crowned with thorns; and he would say: "My father was a God-fearing stood looking at it for some time. Then man; and sometimes used to hear him go he said quietly, "How I love Him!" And a downstairs early in the morning. I voice nearby said, "So do I!" and another would hear the creak on the stairs of the voice added, "And so do I!" He turned, little cottage at five o'clock in the and found a Canadian standing by, and a morning. Then there was a pause, and I gentleman from India also. You see they knew he was having his hasty breakfast, were "all

292 THE KESWICK CONVENTION, 1934 one" now, for they all loved the same excitement. He said, "Auntie, did Lord Jesus. If we would only talk you see God's kiss?” "What do you about Him more, and His goodness to mean?" said she. "I saw it, God's kiss, us, we should be more helpful to each on the window at the end of the Church. other. We think of Dr. Meyer. I make my kisses crooked when I What a saint he was, and how we miss write my letters; but God's kiss is his delightful homely addresses He straight up.” He saw the Cross, and that said that he was on a 'bus once, and a reminded him of the Lord Jesus. He poor woman came and sat beside him; gave it the beautiful name of "God's and presently she turned to him, and kiss.” Yes, indeed, the Cross is the asked, "Aren't you Dr. Meyer?” He greatest revelation of God's love to said, "Yes, I am.” "Well, I am in us. such trouble," said the poor woman. "It is like this. I had an invalid Giving and Receiving cripple daughter at home; and when I It is so easy to talk about these got home from work each day, I used to things. It is easier to live this life tell her everything that I had done in Keswick than anywhere else. But during the day. But she has gone. let us remember that the Lord is just God has taken her away; and when I go the same and is with us when we go back there is nobody there for me to away. We cannot do these things talk to, and I am all alone.” Dr. merely by a spirit of recollectedness. It Meyer said, "I have to get off at the is only by the Holy Spirit dwelling next stop. But do this: Put a chair within us that we are enabled to keep where your daughter used to sit, and our minds stayed upon Christ Jesus, you try to realise that the Lord. Jesus and to keep ourselves in constant is present with you in that chair; as communion with Him. The two indeed He is present; and talk to Him just disciples whom the Lord met as they as you used to talk to your daughter; and journeyed to Emmaus, did not recognise tell Him all about the difficulties and that it was the Lord when He sat down at the joys of the day.” Three or four the head of the table, or when He took weeks afterwards she was on the same the bread and brake it and blessed it; 'bus again, and she was gloriously but they recognised Him when He happy. Dr. Meyer "chanced" to be on gave it to them and they received it. that 'bus. She moved to his side and He blessed the bread, the fruit of told him that her room was radiant their labours, and gave it to them. So now, because she knew that the Lord He will bless our work and reveal was with her. "I talk to Him just Himself in it. There was a man well as I used to talk to my daughter," known to me in my younger days; I knew she said. Yes I Did not our Saviour a great deal about him. He went out to say, "Lo I am with you alway"? the Mission Field, to Central Africa. In his address last night the Bishop One day he was bitterly disappointed was talking about the Cross, and he because he was not seeing enough was telling us that you may see the results. A leading chief came to him, Cross wherever you go. But it is an and said, "I am going to give up this empty Cress. He is risen! He is religion, and go back into heathendom. with us I A lady took her little I am not as happy now as I was nephew of between five and six with before.” Then he walked off. And her to Church. When the service was the missionary sat down, and put his face over, the boy was bursting with in his hands, and said to himself, "I wish God would

THE CHRISTIAN'S WALK 293 take me back to England, and to Spirit. A little girl went to a meeting home. I wish He would take me to like this. Of course she did not listen Keswick, or to some other Convention too well; but she was a Christian child, where I might hear about the infilling and she understood that she needed of the Holy Spirit.” And he seemed to be filled with the Spirit of God; to hear a voice saying to him, "I am that no part of the life was to be shut here with you; I will never leave you against His incoming. She heard the nor forsake you. You are a devoted preacher say that Jesus said, if they servant of Mine, and you have often asked the Heavenly Father for the consecrated your life to Me. But you gift of the Holy Spirit, He would an- have never received the fulness of the swer the prayer if only they took Him Holy Spirit. You ask but you do at His word. Her mother was kept not fake.” And he said, "I will take talking with a friend at the door when Him now.” And he knelt down, and they reached home. When she turned he asked for, and he received the filling to enter the house she was just in time of the Holy Spirit—there in that little to see her little girl kneeling at the mud but in Central Africa. On Sunday dining-room table. With clasped morning he told the congregation the hands she looked up to heaven and story of that Chief and the story of said, "Lord Jesus, send the Holy himself, not knowing that the man Spirit into my heart and fill me. was present. He told the people Amen.” Then she stood up, and put- what had happened, but they had ting her hand to her heart, she quietly already seen it in his face. He told said, "He's in!” If there should be them how distressed he was that the any here who have not got that far, in chief had decided to go back again spite of all that has been said at this into heathenism, and there was a Convention, here you may claim the great movement in that congregation. infilling of the Holy Spirit, while you God's power was present to bless. sit here. There need be no delay. The chief came to Pilkington, and He, the Holy Spirit, longs to take said, "I am not going back into full possession of every heart and life. heathenism; you have something that I want too," and he became a radiant How shall I KNOW it? Just by Christian. taking Christ at His word: "If ye then being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much A Complete Surrender more shall your Father which is in We must not go away from here Heaven give the Holy Spirit to them without receiving the fulness of that ask Him?” the Holy Spirit. It may be that How shall we snow it? The fruit we are clinging to one little thing of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long- that is wrong. We must let it go. suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith.” God will give us all we need, not all These things will be seen in our lives. we want, if we will yield ourselves But let us remember the power of wholly to Him. The Lord Jesus will the Holy Spirit is only for the work make all things work together for our He wishes to do. That work is to good. We need have no anxiety or glorify the Lord Jesus, through the fear about the future. His grace is witness of our lives and lips. May sufficient for us. Our hearts should be Christ indeed be "magnified in my overflowing with the love of God shed body" and in yours. Made mag- abroad in our hearts by the Holy nificent—glorified!(Phil. i. 20).

God's Demand for Man's Best BY REV. F. C. GIBSON

"It shall be perfect to be accepted; there shall loveth father or mother or wife or child, be no blemish therein. "—Lev. xxii. 21. or lands, or even his own life more than IN these words we have the statement of a Me, cannot be My disciple." He principle that underlies the whole sacrificial demanded the absolute best of all who professed to be His disciples. system of the Old Testament, and that is, Does God demand less of a New that God always demands the best that Testament Christian than He demanded man has to give to Him; God will never of an Old Testament saint? Or, to put it accept an inferior offering when it is in the another way, Does Jesus Christ demand power of the offerer to give a better one. less of those of us who profess to be God never asks a man to give beyond his His followers to-day than He demanded ability. "Not according to what a man hath of His first disciples? "As of old Apostles heard it not but according to what a man hath." By the Galilean lake, But at the same time God will not accept Turned from home and toil and kindred, anything less than the best that it is in Leaving all for His dear sake. " man's power to give. There was no sin that That is what our Lord demanded of the Old Testament prophet denounced Peter and John and Andrew and James more scathingly than the sin of giving to and the rest. Does He demand less of God an inferior offering when it was in the you and me to-day? To ask that power of the offerer to give something question honestly is to get the only better. You remember the words of answer possible, and that is that however the Church may lower God's denunciation uttered by Malachi, speaking standard of giving, God has never for God: "Ye offer the blind for sacrifice; lowered His own. What God demanded and ye offer the lame and the sick. Offer it of the Old Testament saints He still now to thy governor; will he be pleased demands of New Testament Christians, with thee, or accept thy person? saith the only with a deeper spiritual significance. Lord of Hosts" (Mal. i. 8). That is, man What Jesus Christ demanded of His dares to offer to God an offering which his first disciples He still demands of those fellow-man would not accept, and which of us who profess to be His followers to-day. God's demands are eternal and he would be ashamed to offer to him. This absolute, and so this principle stands for principle which underlies the whole us, God demands our best, the best that sacrificial system of the Old Testament we have to give Him. dispensation finds its fullest expression in God's Right the New Testament in the life and teaching Here, then, is a principle that I want of our blessed Lord. Other leaders you to consider from two aspects: First, demanded a large share of the time and from the aspect of its divine rightfulness. talents of their followers—Jesus Christ God has a right to demanded everything. He said: "Whosoever


demand our best, And, second, from If that Saviour Who gave Himself the standpoint of human reasonable- for us asks us for our best, what shall ness. It is our duty as well as the we say? I know that I have already highest wisdom to give our best to God. answered, and I know that the answer First, its divine rightfulness. God I gave when the dew of youth was still has a right to our best. As our Creator, wet on my brow is the answer of every we owe God all that we are. redeemed man and woman in this Tent. "Oh come and let us worship Him, "Were the whole realm of nature mine, Let us bow down withal; That were an offering far too small; And on our knees before the Lord Love so amazing, so divine, Our Maker, let us fall." Demands my soul, my life, my all. " As our bountiful Provider, we owe Am I making too big a demand for God all we have. the God, who in the greatness of His "We give Thee but Thine own. love for you and me, gave of His best Whate'er the gift may be. that we might be redeemed? Surely All that we have is Thine alone. A trust, 0 Lord, from Thee. " the Christ Who gave His best for us is worthy of our best. As our Redeemer, we owe our very selves to God: "For we have not been A Resonable Demand redeemed with corruptible things Secondly, now I want you to consider as silver and gold, but with the the other aspect of the principle—its precious Blood of Christ, as of a human reasonableness It is not only Lamb without blemish and without our bounden duty to give our best to spot.” We speak so lightly to-day God, it is our highest wisdom. Indeed I and sing so glibly of the "Blood," know of no human folly greater than that I fear that we have lost the tran- that of withholding our best from scendent significance of the fact that God, and I wish to give you three we have been redeemed with the reasons for making that statement. Blood of the Son of God. First, because to withhold our best It is reported that Philip Dodd- from God means to lose it. There is an ridge once interested himself in a man old Jewish legend which tells how a who was condemned to die for stealing lamb was being offered as a sacrifice a sheep. All his efforts were in vain, in the Tabernacle, when an eagle and as the man was being taken to the swooped down from a lofty height and place of execution he passed the home carried it aloft to its nest. Embedded of his would-be deliverer. Seeing in the flesh of the lamb there was a Mr. Doddridge at the door, a great live coal from off the altar, and when wave of emotion swept over the con- the eagle carried away the body of demned man, and, rising in the cart the lamb it carried also the coal which he cried out, "Oh, Mr. Doddridge, I set fire to the nest and destroyed it love you; I love you with every drop of with all its little nestlings. In that blood in my veins; I love the man who Jewish legend there is expressed the did his best to save me.” Brethren, truth that we cannot rob God without what about the One Who not only suffering personal loss. Indeed, some did His best to save us, but Who of the saddest and most tragic pages in actually died Himself so save us, human biography are those which Who took our place in the cart and record how men withheld their best went to the place of execution for us: from God and lost it. "Bearing shame and scoffing rude, I think, for example, of Lord Byron, so In my place condemned He stood, Sealed my pardon with His Blood, marvellously gifted by God, who, Hallelujah, what a Saviour!"

296 THE KESWICK CONVENTION, 1934 instead of devoting those gifts to the measure of the fulness of the stature God, used them in a life of self-indul- of Christ shall we be at our best. gence. And what was the result? Only in so far as we are transformed Dying at the age of thirty-six, in that into His likeness from glory to darkened bed-room that became his glory as by the Spirit of the Lord, death-chamber, he rang his own death- shall we be the men and the women knell in words that send a shudder God meant us to be. There are through us as we recall them: possibilities of strength and "My life is in the yellow leaf, greatness and nobility in your life, my The fruits and flowers of life are gone, brother, that will never be realised The worm, the canker, and the grief Are mine alone. apart from Christ. There are The fire that on my bosom preys possibilities of sweetness and Is lone as some volcanic isle— beauty, my sister, that will never find No torch is lighted at its blaze, their fruition apart from Christ. A funeral pile. " The third reason to prove the folly To give our best, which is God's by of withholding our best from God is right, to any other person or thing that only in so for as we give our best is sin, and sin means inevitably the to God can God give His best to us. deterioration of our best, and if per- There is a very beautiful Japanese sisted in will mean its ultimate de- story which tells how a Japanese struction. "We lose what on our- Emperor wanted a bell made which selves we spend." would have a certain sweetness of A Complete Christian Life sound, and a sound that should carry a certain distance. The bell-maker made The second reason that I want to an attempt but failed. Another at- give you to prove the folly of with- tempt also ended in failure. Dis- holding our best from God is that heartened, he went to the Oracle and apart from God in Christ our best can asked, "How can I make the bell my never be attained. lord desires?" and the answer was Before the War a German Professor given, "If thou wouldst make the bell wrote a philosophy of life in which as thou desirest, thy best must be no reference was made to God or the given in the making of it.” He came religious instinct. When his attention home pondering what the Oracle could was drawn to this omission, he said: mean, but was still puzzled. "Oh, these things may have been all When he reached his home his right for the childhood of the race, but little girl ran out to meet him, the they are no longer necessary now that idol of his heart, his best. In a the race has reached its manhood. moment he knew what it meant, and, We have found substitutes for these lifting the child, he carried her, and childish things.” Yes, we may find with a cry he cast her into the substitutes for these things, but the melting pot. His best was now in world will never find an equivalent the making of the bell, and when it for them. There is no equivalent for came forth it had the required God in the life that has been made by sweetness of sound and carried the God and for God. And nothing can required distance. In that old take the place of Christ in the life that heathen story there is an eternal truth has been redeemed by Christ. which is one of the basic principles Christ is the stature of a perfect of life, and it is this we only get the manhood and a perfect womanhood, best out of the thing we put our best and only in so far as we rise up into into. This is true in every sphere of life. It is equally true in our Christian

life, for the measure of our consecration

GOD 'S DEMAND FOR MAN'S BEST 298 is the measure of the completeness of will not be punished.” To this she the life we live unto Christ. replied, "I had nothing to give to "They that trust Him wholly, Jesus, and so I sold myself. Please Find Him wholly true." take it for Jesus, and to-morrow I am going to be a slave.” She had given Laying All on the Altar her best to God. That night in the In conclusion, why should we give quietness of my own room, looking our best to God Many additional into the face of the Saviour who had reasons might be given. One is all- given His life for me, I confessed to sufficient. Gratitude demands it. Him that, brought up in a Christian Have you put your best into your home, knowing from childhood all religion? Are you determined that about His wonderful love and His God shall have all that He demands amazing sacrifice, I had never felt of you? If God has given His best prompted to do what that little African to us, dare we withhold our best child had done. And under the from Him? Years ago I attended inspiration of her example I gave a missionary meeting. One of the myself, my all, completely to Him speakers from Uganda told of a Who gave Himself for me. Thanksgiving Service which he had "Brethren, I beseech you therefore by conducted before leaving. The na- the mercies of God that ye present tive Christians brought whatever they your bodies a living sacrifice, wholly had, some money, and others fruits acceptable unto God, which is your and vegetables. When the service reasonable service.” I stand beneath the was over, one little African child shadow of the Cross. Can you say that remained in the church. The mission- you are not prepared to give your best? ary called her to him and inquired No, you are going to say as this service what she wanted, to which she replied, closes: "I want to give something to Jesus "Love so amazing, so divine, Who died for me.” Expecting some Demands my soul, iny life, my all." trifling gift, he held out the plate to Nay, shall we not say from the depths receive it, when to his surprise, out of our hearts, "Shall have my soul, of a little bag the child drew eighteen my life, my all? " Nothing less than pieces of silver and laid them on the my best is worthy of Him. I know plate. In surprise, he said, "My what is going to happen, when the child, I know you wanted to give sacrifice is laid on the altar: the fire something to Jesus, but you ought will descend. We are waiting for the not to have taken this," thinking that Holy Ghost. Here is the condition, she had stolen it. The child burst that all shall be laid on the altar in into tears, and when calmed, once absolute surrender to Christ, who loved again he said, "You must tell me us and died for us. Shall we do it, and where you got this, and I promise you do it NOW ?

Jesus, of Thee shall be my song; To Thee my heart and soul belong; All that I have or am is Thine, And Thou, blest Saviour, Thou art mine!

The Miracle of the New Birth BY REV. J. CHALMERS LYON "Thou shalt call His name Jesus; for He that instinct within us to feel after shall save His people from their sins. "— Him, and there it is. In Russia Matt, i. 21. they are trying to do without God. WANT to talk in the simplest Why, you might as well try to do I possible way on what it means without the sunshine. It simply to be saved, and how we may be cannot be done. It is unnatural; it saved; and those, I know, who long is impossible; it is contrary to the ago came to know Christ, will bear very lines on which we have been with me, and will be glad to hear created. There is within every normal things over again. Just imagine, man a hunger for God. It is the friend, that you and I are sitting Bread of Life for which your heart is together, and you have asked me the really hungering, my friend; and question: "What do you mean by people are trying to feed their hungry salvation?” I find that there is a lot souls on all kinds of things. You of misapprehension in regard to sal- remember the famous saying of Augus- vation on the part of those who are tine—how often it has been quoted: not yet believers in the Lord Jesus "Thou hast made us for Thyself, 0 Christ. Why, if you knew how good God, and our hearts are restless till it is, you would be saved right away; they rest in Thee.” That is absolutely you would never hesitate. true. Yes, we want to be saved; but what Wanting to be Saved do we mean by salvation? Saved I want to take two or three simple from what? A fellow said to me in steps, and that we should all go along the train one day, "I despise you together in perfect agreement. Let Christians.” "Why, what's the matter this be the first: "I want to be saved.” with us?” I asked. "You Christians," If I were to ask some of you the he said, "you are always going about in question, "Do you want to be saved?" fear of hell fire. That is all you think you would reply, "Why, I wouldn't be about.” “ Well, I certainly don’t," I here if I were not interested.” I have said, "I've got something better to talked to all sorts of people, and I have think about than that, thank journeyed about in various parts and in God.” That was his idea of different countries, and I do not think salvation, salvation from hell. And I ever yet came across one person, whatever hell may be, it is surely a when we got down to the deeper things, sensible thing to keep clear of it. who had not a longing for God. That But that is not salvation. is only to be expected, for God made How did Jesus get His name? It us that way. Paul says so in Acts is a Hebrew word meaning "Saviour,” xvii. 26, 27. "He made us of one and you get the interpretation of it stock . . that we should feel out after on the first page of the New Testa- Him and find Him. ” G od p ut ment. "Thou shalt call His name


Jesus, for He shall save His people give you Scripture for it, for then we from their sins.” But even that is will be on sure ground. "As I live, not all that He does. He saves us saith the Lord God, I have no pleasure from sin, and also He saves us to in the death of the wicked ; but that holiness; and when our salvation is the wicked turn from his way, and complete, we shall be like Him, and live" (Ezek. xxxiii. 11). That is a we shall see Him as He is. The pro- fact that is as certain as God's very cess begins the very moment that any existence. When the wicked turn soul says to Jesus Christ, "Come into from their evil ways to God, it is that my heart, Lord Jesus, and take con- that makes all the bells of Heaven to trol. I have had the control too long; ring; and that is what we call conver- I have made a mess of things, and my sion. Somebody says, "I do not life has become disordered; so many believe in conversion.” Well, I do. things need to be put right. Lord You say, "I do not believe in what they Jesus, come in and take control.” call sudden conversion.” I do not And He will do it. Oh, I have seen know of any other kind of conversion Him do it over and over again I The than sudden conversion. If you were year 1933 was one of the happiest listening to a French sergeant drilling years of my life, for I think I saw more his troops, you would hear him say, souls won to God that year than in any "Convertez!” (right about face). Sup- other year of my ministry; and I do pose one of the soldiers said to the thank God for it, and I want to see sergeant: "I don't believe in sudden His power manifested here to-night. conversion; couldn't we do it gradu- That, then, is the first step. Are ally?” what do you think that sergeant we all agreed that we want to be saved, would say I am a little doubtful that we need to be saved ; that we whether the phrase "be converted" cannot put things right in our lives exactly represents the Original. I don't ourselves; that we need the strong think it does. I think it is always arm of God to lift us out of the flood of in the active voice—"Turn ye.” Con- evil, and to save us; in other words, version is the outward act on our part; that we need Jesus ? regeneration is the inward work of God. We can turn, but only God can regenerate God Willing to Save us, and work the miracle in our lives. What is the next step? It is "Turn you," says God, "for why will ye this: "God wants to save me.” Per- die? “ It is plain enough that God does haps some one may say, "How do you not desire the death of the sinner. know that God is willing to save me? “ Or, let us take another passage. Well, I may have some doubt about "God is not willing that any should that first step that we have just con- perish, but that all should come to sidered, because I am not sure that repentance" (2 Pet. iii. 9), It is that you really want to be saved; I hope definite act of turning to God that we you do. But about this second step I speak of as conversion. Do not let big have no doubt whatever, for I know theological words put you off, that God wants to save every single Salvation is such a simple thing. soul within the sound of my voice, One more reference. God "will and within this town of Keswick, and have all men to be saved, and to come Within this dear old land of ours, unto the knowledge of the truth" and throughout this whole world. (1 Tim. ii. 4). "God wishes to have God wants to save everybody, without all men saved"—that, think, is a any exception whatever. Let me truer translation—"for


there is one God and one Mediator day I was travelling in the train with between God and man, the Man Christ a couple of strangers, and I saw one Jesus, Who gave Himself a ransom for pointing to his collar, and then point- all Every one of us is included there. ing to me, and both grinning to each I need hardly quote to you the well- other; so I went and sat beside them; known words of John iii. 16. They and I said, "You are amused at me tell us that for us and for our salvation because I am a parson, aren't you?” God gave Himself; He could not give "Yes," they said. "You don't care more than that. God gave Himself for parsons?” "No.” "Well," I said, in the Person of His Son, Jesus "that is neither here nor there, but do Christ. Thank God that we can be you believe in God?” "No," was their assured in our hearts, whether saved or reply. "This is fine," I said. "Here unsaved, that God is willing to save we are going from Liverpool to Man- all that come unto Him. chester, and the train does not stop for forty minutes, and you cannot God Able to Save get away from me, nor I from you. Let us take the next step . Now before the train stops I want you It is this: "God is able to save to give me one sane, sensible reason me.” But, you say, "Is God able why you don't believe in God.” to save me? I am rather a peculiar And they looked at each other, and case.” Yes, I know that; we are all one said, "You go ahead, Bill.” peculiar cases. We are all different "No, you go on, Jack," replied the from each other, different in name; other. At last Jack said, "God? different in features; different in Well, I never saw Him.” “ That's a accent; different in upbringing; funny reason for not believing in God," different in every way. When I was I said. "We have to believe in a little boy sitting in Church, I a great many things we don't see. would look round at the, congregation, I've to believe that you have some and think of those who were saved, brains, but I have never seen them.” and I used to envy them, for I felt Bill looked solemnly at his chum, that I could never be saved. It was and said, "Ah, he's got you there, just a childish idea; but it is an idea Jack.” Then they started on me; that some folks carry with them "Well, why do you believe in God?” I through life, and are hugging still. am not going through the whole conver- They think, somehow, that they sation; but it was a very interesting cannot be saved. What doth hinder journey, and we got down to the thee? What is the difficulty? Some deeper things. I found that both one says, "I have got intellectual these men had been brought up in difficulties.” So have I; lots of them. Sabbath Schools, and they had simply There are many things in the Word of grown mentally and spiritually indo- God that I cannot understand; they lent. It was not a case of intellectual really puzzle me. But your intellectual difficulty at all; there may have been difficulties need not hinder your sal- moral difficulties. But both of them vation. Some one else says, "But I gave me an undertaking that they do not even believe in the existence would make a new start by getting of God.” Well, of course, we are up back to the long-neglected Word of God. against it now. But why don't you believe in the existence of God? Hindrances to Salvation Professor Romaines, once an un- "I don't believe in God," says believer, declared that unbelief is another, "because in these days, you largely due to mental indolence. One

THE MIRACLE OF THE NEW BIRTH 301 know, Science—“ Stop a minute! said, "We don't believe that nothing If you don't believe in God, you have created everything. We say Nature no right to talk about science. Science created everything.” “ What is means mind and thought, and if there Nature? “I asked. No reply. is no God, then there is no mind in "Well," I said, "I'll tell you. the universe, and no thought and no Nature is a Latin word meaning, law. You cannot have law without a 'That which is born’; and how could law-giver to administer it. What anything be born without a Father? foolish twaddle is dignified by the “No more trouble from the atheist name of "intellectual difficulties.” Jew! Oh, the folly of it One day I There are two Bibles, each inspired came down from the platform in by God. There is one Bible that, Hyde Park after having been perhaps, has been lying neglected on heckled by one and another, and the shelf for years—the Word of God. one of my bitterest opponents—an And there is another Bible that is atheist he called himself—got hold of never closed twenty-fours hours out me, and we chatted together; and of twenty-four. You say, Where is before I left him he said, it? I say, Where isn't it? It is all. "Governor, I know you're right. I about us. "The heavens declare the am a member of an Anarchist Club glory of God, and the firmament and a Communist Club; and even in showeth His handiwork. Day unto those Clubs we talk amongst ourselves; day uttereth speech, and night unto and we know there is a God.” But night sheweth knowledge. There is merely to believe in a God doesn't no speech nor language; their voice is help very much. I would remind you not heard.” Read the 19th that we only know God in a saving way Psalm. It is all about the two as we know Him in Jesus Christ. Bibles. There is this universe spread "He that hath seen Me hath seen the out before us day by day; all these Father.” That is how we know what things that have come from the hand God is like; He is like Jesus; we see in of God. "The invisible things of Him the grace of God, the winsomeness Him are clearly seen through the of God, the beauty of God. "Let the things that are made, even His beauty of the Lord our God be eternal power and Godhead" (Rom. upon us.” For that is salvation: i. 20). Oh, the absurdity of anyone being made like Jesus, clothed with saying that they do not believe in His beauty. God I remember at a debate once in the open-air an atheist said: "I shall The New Birth expect my reverend opponent Now, what doth hinder thee from (that was me I) to explain to us how being saved? You say, "I am a man God made all things out of nothing of settled habits now. I heard of in the space of six days.” In my these things in my youth, but the reply I said: "How on earth do I years have gone, and I am still where know? No man in his sober senses I was. How can a man be born when would pretend to understand the lie is old? “I know that men and workings of the infinite wisdom of God. women can be born when they are But it is a great deal more rational to old. I have seen it happen again and believe that in the beginning God again; and I hope as long as I live to created the heavens and the earth,' see that miracle taking place, the than to believe that nothing created Miracle of the New Birth. Do you everything.” I was immediately in- believe that you may be born again? terrupted by an atheist Jew, who Let us have Scripture for it again,

THE KESWICK CONVENTION, 1934 and we shall be on safe ground. him.” Strange thrills! You "Wherefore He is able also to save have something more enduring than them to the uttermost that come unto that. You have got His own word: God by Him, seeing He ever liveth "Him that cometh unto Me I will in to make intercession for them" (Heb. no wise cast out.” Surely that is vii. 25). Jesus is able to save to the plain enough. Just take Him at His uttermost—that is, to the uttermost word, and believe that He means all limits of time; He is able to stoop that He says. In one second of time down to the one most deeply sunk in you may be sitting on the seat an sin; and He is able to lift to the unsaved, lost sinner; and in the next heights of holiness; that is the marvel second of time you may be born of it. "The Blood of Jesus Christ His again into the family of God, Son cleanseth us from all sin" (1 possessing eternal life, and knowing John i. 7). All sin! Oh, the wonder that your sins have all been of that saving power! Oh, the mighty forgiven. Never mind about your strength of His right hand But we feelings ; they are most misleading. have got to come to God through His promises can never fail. Trust Jesus. Christ died on Calvary to put Him Who loved you and gave away our sins. All sin, that great Himself for you, to cleanse you from obstacle between your soul and God, all sin, to give you newness of life, has by His death been put away. a new heart, and a right spirit, a new "Behold the Lamb of God which taketh song, a new fellowship with the people away the sin of the world" (John i. 29). of God here, and a new home for all The way is open now for you to come eternity. back to God by Jesus, the Living Now in the silence as you sit here, Way. And He gives this gracious say, "Thank you, Lord, for making invitation to every soul, "Come unto the way of salvation so simple." I Me, all ye that labour, and are heavy- do not say that life is going to laden, and T will give you rest" (Matt. be easy. I do not say that you xi. 28); and this reassuring word, are not going to experience diffi- "Him that cometh unto Me I will in culties, that you will not be called no wise cast out" (John vi. 37). upon to face temptations. "In the While we are sitting here I want world ye shall have tribulation.” But you quietly in your heart to say to you will have in your soul a new joy, Him, "0 Lamb of God, I come.” a joy that no man can take from you. The Lord will hear. That is the won- A Full Surrender der of His being present with us in His Spirit. If He were present in bodily I had a dear friend who was a form He could only listen to one or two chaplain during the War. One terrible of us at a time, but being present in night when the British line was being the Spirit, He is here, and in all the broken through, in the early part of Churches, and throughout the world; the War, he administered the Lord's He is filling all things; and He can Supper in a Y.M.C.A. hut. About six hear each one of you as you say to hundred men of the Black Watch Him, "0 Lamb of God, I come.” crowded into that hut; some of them Have you said it? You may not feel took part in the Lord's Supper, and any different. Some one says, "But I others stood and looked on. They heard a testimony being given by one could hear the enemy's shells overhead; who said that when he came to Christ and only a couple of hours later that he felt a strange thrill running through but was blown to atoms. When they had finished the service they sang their

THE MIRACLE OF THE NEW BIRTH 303 closing hymn, "When I survey the verse, "Love so amazing, so divine, wondrous Cross.” And when they came shall have my soul, my life, my all." to the closing verse, he said, "Will you The benediction was pronounced ; and alter the last line. I want you to the men were called out, and lined up, say, not 'Demands my soul,' but, and ordered to march forward. That `Shall have my soul, my life, my all.’ unit was practically annihilated, and Now do not sing it if you do not mean by the morning very few of those men it; but if it expresses the decision you remained alive. Now you who have have made, that Christ shall have been keeping from Christ that which your all, then sing it.” And they belongs to Him, are you willing to sang it, and as he was preparing to say to Him to-night? close the meeting, a voice called out, "Were the whole realm of nature mine "Padre, may we sing that verse over That were an offering far too small. again? I did not sing it last time; I Love so amazing, so Divine, would like to sing it now.” “ Yes, Shall have my soul, my life, my all." lad, we will sing it again," and Let us sing these words, and let that happened again and again, until them be your glad response to His so every man in that but had sung that gracious invitation.

Blest Lamb of God, I come to Thee, Thou hast in love invited rue; That I may Thy salvation see, To Thee, 0 Lamb of God, I come!

Alas! I've nought to bring but sin, Yet, Saviour, Thou will take me in; In me Thy work of Grace begin, To Thee, 0 Lamb of God, I come!

Thy precious Blood, at Calvary shed, Can cleanse from sin, though crimson red; To Thee, as by Thy Spirit led, To Thee, 0 Lamb of God, I come!

Thy praise be sung, Thy Name adored! Thy love has conquered, Jesus, Lord! On Thee I rest, believe Thy Word, To Thee, 0 Lamb of God, I've come! DOUGLAS RUSSELL




JULY 21 1935



DAY BY DAY Rivers of Blessing, - PAGE 51 The Trysting Place, 55 The Universal Invitation, SATURDAY, 69 The Sure Foundation, - S UNDAY , - 91 Abundant Provision, - NDAY, - 129 Unbroken Fellowship, - TUESDAY', - 167 Experienced Power, WEDNESDAY, 205 THURSDAY, The Sacred Rite, - 243 FRIDAY, The Pman of Praise, 261 The Consummation, SATURDAY, S UNDAY , - 287



THE CROSS OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, MONDAY, - 93 Pardon through the Blood of the Cross,

THE CROSS OP OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, TUESDAY, - 131 Purity through the Blood of the Cross.

THE CROSS OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, WEDNESDAY, 169 Peace through the Blood of the Cross.

THE CROSS OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, TRURSDAY, - 207 Power through the Blood of the Cross.






308 INDEX—Continued THE ADDRESSES PAGE A Christ-Centred Faith, Mr. A. LINDSAY GLEGG - 78 A Coronation Time, - Rev. W. H. ALDIS, - - 231 A Promise for To-day, - - Prebendary H. W. HINDE, 118 A Vision of God's Holiness, - Rev. W. H. AL D I S , - - 59 An Entwined Life with Christ, Christ's Last Promise, - Rev. WILLIAM DALGETTY, - 179 Effective and Infectious Witnesses, Rev, KENNETH H. HODHER, 269 Filled with the Holy Spirit, - Dr. NORTHCOTE DECK, - 149 God's Amazing Provision, - Dr. A. F. RICHARDSON, - 252 God's Demand for Man's Best, Rev. J. MILTON THOMPSON, 156 God's Glory in the Earth, Rev. F. C. GIBSON, - - 294 God's Purpose of Blessing, Bishop TAYLOR SMITH, - 279 Instruments of Blessing, Mr. J. M. WAITE, - 57 Life in the Holy Ghost, Canon A. Sr. JOHN THORPE, 144 Oh, Blessed Mani - Rev, F. C. GIBSON, 217 The Abiding Christ, - Dr. D. S. MacCOLL - - 275 The Christian's Walk, - Prebendary H. W. HINDE, 222 The Divine Strengthener, Dr. A. E. RICHARDSON, - 289 The Enthroned Lord, - Rev. LAURENCE P. SHEATH, 272 The Heavenly Potter, - Rev. W. H. ALDIS, - - 161 The Life that Pleases God, Prebendary W. WILSON CASH, - 122 The Light of the World, Rev. F. C. Gibson, - - - 103 The Meaning of Keswick, Mr. A. LINDSAY GLEGG, - - 195 The Message of God's Love, - Bishop TAYLOR SMITH, - 85 The Miracle of the New Birth, Bishop TAYLOR SMITH, - - 226 The Morning Watch, - - Rev. J. CHALMERS LYON, - - 298 The Peril of a Superficial Consecration, Prebendary W. WILSON CASE, - 188 The Place of Triumph, - Rev. J. MILTON THOMPSON, - 263 The Searchlight of God, - - Mr. A. L I N D S A Y GLEGG, - - 108 The Unchanging Eternal Christ, - Rev. E. L. LANGSTON, - - 237 Unbroken Fellowship with God, - Prebendary W. WILSON CASH, 71 Unrealised Realities, - - Rev. E. L. LANGSTON, 184 Until the Spirit, - - R e v . COLIN C. KERR, 112 Victory in Christ, Rev. J. CHAMBERS LYON, 140 Canon A. St. JOHN THORPE, 194


A Hymn of Praise, JOHN McLEOD, 262 B e Still, My Soul, - --- 178 Breath of God, - - E D W I N HATCH, 66 His Blessing, W. A. GARRATT, 130 His Fellowship, - J. H. STUART, 168 My Great Desire, - EDITH E. SMYTH, 288 The Call to Conquer, L. BOTTEN, - 206 Thou Speakest, - T. S. M. , - 70 Upheld by His Hand, G . K EI TH . - - 92 Worship, S. TREVOR FRANCIS, 244