The Keswick Convention 1934 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE COUNCIL NOT FOR RESALE Reproduced by the X-tended Missions Network By the authority of The Keswick Convention Not to be reproduced THE KESWICK CONVENTION 1934 NOTES OF THE ADDRESSES REVISED BY THE SPEAKERS PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE COUNCIL PICKERING & INGLIS Printers & Publishers LONDON GLASGOW EDINBURGH LONDON - - 14 PATERNOSTER ROW, E.G.4 GLASGOW - 229 BOTHWELL STREET, C.2 EDINBURGH - 29 GEORGE IV BRIDGE Lord, I have shut my door, Shut out life's busy cares and fretting noise, Here in this silence they intrude no more; Speak Thou, and heavenly joys Shall fill my heart with music sweet and calm, A holy psalm. The Keswick Convention THE INVITATION E write to extend to you a cordial invitation to be present with us at W Keswick for the Convention to be held. (D.V.) from July 14th to July 22nd, 1934. The following hope to take part in the ministry of the Convention as chairmen and speakers: The Rev. W. H. Aldis, Fred, W. Wilson Cash, the Rev. William Dalgetty, Dr. Northcote Deck, the Rev. F. C. Gibson, Mr. A. Lindsay Glegg, Mr. W. H. Going, Preb. H. W. Hinde, the Rev. Colin C. Kerr, the Rev. E. L. Langston, the Rev. J. Chalmers Lyon, the Rev, W. W. Martin, Dr. A. E. Richardson, Mr, W. B. Sloan, Mr. R. B. Stewart, the Rev. H. Earnshaw- Smith, the Rt. Rev. Bishop J. Taylor Smith, the Rev, 5, Milton Thompson, Canon A. St. John Thorpe, and Mr. J. M. Waite, For the servants of the Lord we earnestly solicit daily prayerful remembrance, that each, in the fulness and mighty power of the Holy Spirit, may with faithfulness and boldness declare the Truth of Holiness by Faith in Christ, the Almighty and All-sufficient Saviour, The opening meeting will be held (D,V,) on Saturday, July 14th, at 7.45. On Sunday, July 15th, at 8 p.m., arrangements have been made for a Broadcast of the Convention Meeting on the North Regional, when Bishop Taylor Smith is to give the message. From the Monday to the Friday the programme of the meetings will be as last year; but for the second Saturday, special arrangements have been made, and it is proposed to hold Convention Meetings at 10 a.m. and 7.45 p.m. On the closing Sunday, the meetings will be held as usual. We are confident that the desire and prayer of many is that the Holy Spirit may be manifestly in the midst, so that the Lord Jesus Christ uplifted shall be glorified in the lives of all who assemble in Keswick this year. The Apostle Paul prayed that the believers at Ephesus might "know what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power to usward who believe. '' Shall we make this prayer our own, for ourselves, and for all who intend to be present at the Convention? and then, setting our faces towards Keswick, let us go forward with a buoyant and confident expectation, believing that God will grant us an abundant answer to our prayers. On behalf of the Trustees, Your sincerely in Christ's service, J. M. WAITE, Chairman May, 1934 C. H. M. FOSTER, Hon. Secretary 34 ANNOUNCEMENTS Contents PAGE THE INVITATION, .... 33 RIVERS OF BLESSING,.. 51 SATURDAY, 14th JULY. THE TRYSTING PLACE, 55 God's Purpose of Blessing, Mr. J. M. WAF TS, 57 A Vision of God's Holiness, Rev. W. H. ALOIS, 59 SUNDAY, 15th JULY. THE UNIVERSAL INVITATION, 69 The Unchanging Eternal Christ, .. Prebendary W. WILSON CASH, . 71 A Christ-Centred Faith, ..Mr. A. LNDSAY GLEGG, .. 78 Broadcasd Service , . 82 The Meaning of Keswick, . , Bishop TAYLOR SMIT H , 85 MONDAY, 16th JULY. T HE SURE FOUNDATION, — .. 91 TEE Cross or OUR LORD Te e ns „, CHRIST- 1. Pardon through the Blood of the Cross, Rev. W. W, MARTIN 93 The L i fe that Pleases God, . Rev. F. C. GI BSON, 103 The Place of Triumph, ..Mr. A. LINDSEY GLEGG, 108 Unrealised Realities, Rev. COLIN C. KERR, . 112 A Promise for To-day, Prebendary H. W. HINDE, 118 The Heavenly Potter Prebendary W. WILSON CASH, 122 TUESDAY, 17th JULY. ABUNDANT PROVISION. „ .. 129 THE CROSS OF OUR LORD Jeer's CHRIST— II.Purity through the Blood of the Cross, Rev. W. W. MARTIN, 131 Until the Spirit, .. .. Rev. J. CHALMERS LYON, 143 Instruments of Blessing, .. .. Canon A. ST. J O H N THORPE , 144 Effective and Infectious Witnesses, Dr. NORTHCOTE DECK; .. 149 God's Amazing Provision, Rev. J. MILTON THOMPSON, 156 The Enthroned Lord, .. Rey. W. H. A LDIS , .. 161 WEDNESDAY, 18t h JULY . UNBROKEN FELLOWSHIP, .. ..167 THE CROSS OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST— I II . Peace through the Blood of the Cross, Rev. W, W. MARTIN , .. 169 An, Entwined Life with Christ, ,. Rev. WILLIAM DALGETTY , 179 Unbroken Fellowship with God, .. Rev. E. L. LANGSTON, .. 184 The Morning Watch, Prebendary W. WILSON CASH, 188 Victory in Christ, .. Canon A. ST, JOHN THORPE , 194 The Light of the World .. Mr. A. LINDSEY, 198 THURSDAY, 19th JULY. EXPERIENCED POWER, .. .. .. 205 THE CROSS OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRI ST- IV . Power through the Blood of the Cross, Rev. W. W. MARTIN , 207 Life in the Holy Ghost, Rev. F. C. GIBSON , 217 The Abiding Christ, .. Prebendary H. W. H INDE , 222 The Message of God's Love, Bishop TAYLOR SMITH, . 226 A Coronation Time .. Rev. W. H. A LDIS, 231 The Searchlight of God, .Rev. E. L. LANGSTON , . 237 FRIDAY, 20th JULY. THE SACRED RITE, 243 The MISSIONARY MEETING, 245 Filled with the Holy Spirit, Dr. A.E. RICHARDSON . 252 EARLY MORNING PRAYER , . 258 YOUNG PEOPLE'S G'ATHEEINGS , 258 IN THE OPEN-AIR 258 SATURDAY, 21st JULY. THIS PÆAN OF PRAISE . 261 The Peril of a Superficial Consecration_ . Rev, J. MILTON THOMPSON, 263 Christ' s Last Prom ise, Rev. KENNETH H HOOKER, 269 The Divine Strengthener, .. Rev. LAURENCE P. SHEATH, 272 Oh, Blessed Man! Dr. D. S. MacColi .. 275 loci's Glory in the Earth, Bishop TAYLOR Smith, 279 SUNDAY, 22nd JULY. THE CONSUMMATION, .. 287 The Christian's Walk,.. Dr. A. E. RICHARDSON .......289 God's Demand for Man's Best., Rev. F. C. GIBSON, 294 The Miracle of the New Birth, Rev. J. CHALMERS LYON, 29S THE ANNOUCEMENTS of SOCIETIES, ETC.. 5 PHOTOGRAPHS—The Vale of Keswick, the Speakers, Dr. J. Stuart Holden, the Broadcast Service, the Missionaries, . 31, 56, 64, 88, 240 GENERAL INDEX: 307 Rivers of Blessing THE Convention of 1934 will be memorable because of the large numbers who were present, Not since 1907 have there been so many; not only was the great Tent full to overflowing, but there was difficulty in the early part of the week in finding even a vacant bedroom in the town. To those who know and trust in the Lord, He is the ever present reality; but there are seasons when the vision of faith grows clearer and the veil between the unseen and the seen seems to grow thin. One young clergyman, who was present, said that it seemed to him as if there were some One with and behind the speakers, and that it was this unseen Presence that made their ministry effective; and so it surely was, for there were not only two or three met in the Lord's Name, but some four thousand, and He was surely in the midst according to His promise. In the long history of almost sixty years at Keswick, there has not been one in which Christ crucified has not been the foundation of the message; but there have been seasons where special emphasis has been laid upon the Cross and the Resurrection, and this was so this time. The Bible Readings, in great detail, set forth "the Blood of Jesus;" as the one true source of Pardon, of Purity, of Peace, of Power: but in addition to this, we heard again and again that only in the Saviour's death can we find the power that delivers us from the life that is natural and carnal, and that only in the power of our Lord's resurrection and in His living fellowship, can we actually walk in newness of life. These truths are as old as the New Testament, and the whole Christian Church confesses them; but this great gathering of God's children has called the Church to step out in faith upon the promises, and so to prove in the experience of ordinary life that unbroken communion with the Son of God is to be our normal life in the midst of this present evil world. It seemed as if the crisis this year came early in the week, for Tuesday stood out as a day of remarkable power. In giving his Bible Reading that morning, Mr. Martin had great liberty, and the rivers of blessing flowed until there were "waters to swim in." The evening meeting also was one of remarkable power. Of new speakers we had the Rev. Cohn Kerr, from East London, and the Rev. F. C. Gibson formerly in Dublin, now in Belfast; also the Rev. Kenneth H. Hooker, and the Rev. Lawrence P. Sheath, who assisted at the meetings for the young people; but each giving a testimony in the large Tent, and preaching in two of the Churches on the Sunday. We reverted to an old custom this time, and held a special meeting, late on the second Sunday evening, when four of those who had been principal speakers during the week gave a brief heart-to- heart account, from the platform, of their own spiritual history.
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