THIS AGREEMENT is made on 21st November 2018 between: (1) INFORMA UK LIMITED (trading as TAYLOR & FRANCIS GROUP) a company registered in England and Wales with company number 1072954 whose registered office is at 5 Howick Place, London, SW1P 1WG (the Publisher); and

(2) THE RESPECTIVE PARTICIPATING ORGANISATIONS SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE 1, duly represented by the National Library of Sweden, a government authority registered in Sweden whose registered address is Box 5039, 102 41 Stockholm (the Organisation), each a Party and together the Parties.

BACKGROUND A. The Publisher is a publisher of learned scholarly and professional journals.

B. The Organisation wishes to acquire certain rights of use in respect of the Licensed Materials published by the Publisher, and in addition the Publisher wishes to offer certain open access publishing services to Qualifying Authors who are affiliated with the Organisation, on the terms set out in this Agreement.

AGREED TERMS 1. Definitions and Interpretation

Article Publishing Charge (APC) means the charge levied by the Publisher on the acceptance of an article for publication in an Open Access Journal, the amount of which is dependent on the specific Open Access Journal in which such article is to be published. Authorised User means a person authorised by the Organisation to access the Licensed Materials who is: a) affiliated with an Organisation as a current or retired faculty member (including temporary or exchange faculty members for the duration of their assignment), enrolled post-graduate or undergraduate student, current staff member or contract personnel directly involved in educational and research activities of the Organisation, and has been issued with a password or other currently valid authentication; or

b) physically present on an Organisation’s premises and permitted to use the Organisation’s library or information service and access the Secure Network but only from computer terminals within the Organisation’s premises, as specified in Schedule 5. Commercially Run Courses means any course run by an Organisation which provides a service to a corporate, government or commercial organisation for a fee, conducted outside and separately from such Organisation’s normal undergraduate and postgraduate academic activity. Commercial Use means use for the purposes of monetary reward (whether by or for the Organisation or an Authorised User) by means of sale, resale, loan, transfer, hire or other form of

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exploitation of the Licensed Materials. For the avoidance of doubt, neither recovery of direct costs by the National Library of Sweden from the Organisation or Authorised Users, nor use by the Organisation or an Authorised User of the Licensed Materials in the course of research funded by a commercial organisation, is deemed to be Commercial Use. Course pack use on Commercially Run Courses, whether organised by an Organisation, or another third party, is considered commercial use and as such prohibited. Course Pack means a collection or compilation of materials (e.g. book chapters, journal articles) from the Licensed Materials assembled by staff of the Organisation for the purposes of instruction. Creative Commons Licence means an international public copyright license produced by the Creative Commons Corporation, the latest versions of which can be found at Data Protection Law means Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), as applicable on and from 25 May 2018 (the “Regulation”) and the European Data Protection Directive (95/46/EC) and the European Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive (Directive 2002/58/EC) (the “Directives”) as amended or replaced from time to time, and all other national, international, regional, federal or other laws related to data protection and privacy that are applicable to any territory where Informa or the Data Recipient processes personal data or is established. Electronic Reserve means electronic copies of materials (e.g. book chapters, journal articles) from the Licensed Materials assembled by staff of the Organisation for the purposes of instruction. Intellectual Property Rights means patents, trademarks, trade names, design rights, copyright (including rights in computer software and moral rights), database rights, rights in know-how, goodwill and other intellectual property rights, in each case whether registered or unregistered and including applications for the grant of any of the foregoing and all rights or forms of protection having equivalent or similar effect to any of the foregoing which may subsist anywhere in the world. Licensed Materials means the visual and audio material, databases, and other publications, that are recorded on or contained in electronic data media, or that are otherwise made available electronically by the Publisher to the Organisation in accordance with this Agreement, as more specifically set out in Schedule 2. Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) means a course of study made available over the internet, with or without charge, to any number of people that are not defined as an Authorised User. Online Services means the electronic/digital delivery method or platform used by the Publisher from time to time for delivering the Licensed Materials that is located on the Server. Open Access Journal means one of the following products published by the Publisher: a) a Taylor & Francis and Routledge full open access journal (Taylor & Francis Open / Routledge Open); b) a Cogent OA full open access journal series (the Cogent Series); c) a Cogent OA co-published full access journal; and d) a Taylor & Francis and Routledge open access option within a subscription-based journal (Taylor & Francis / Routledge Open Select).

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Open Access Workflow means the procedure by which an article by a Qualifying Author is submitted, peer reviewed and accepted for publication in an Open Access Journal, as set out at Schedule 3. Publication Cap has the meaning set out in Clause 10.2 of this Agreement. Qualifying Article means an original article submitted and accepted for publication in an Open Access Journal, subject to payment or waiver of an Article Publishing Charge. Qualifying Author means a person affiliated with the Organisation, including: - a student enrolled at or accredited to an Organisation; - a member of the teaching and research staff employed by or otherwise accredited to an Organisation; - any other member of staff employed by or otherwise engaged by an Organisation; or - if an Organisation is a society, a current member of an Organisation, who are identified as such upon submitting an article to be published by an Open Access Journal. Read & Publish Fees means the amount set out in Schedule 7 representing the total fees and charges for the services provided by the Publisher in accordance with this Agreement. Secure Network means a network (whether a standalone network or a virtual network within the Internet) which is only accessible to Authorised Users approved by the Organisation whose identity is authenticated at the time of log-in, and periodically thereafter consistent with current best practice, and whose conduct is subject to regulation by this Agreement. Server means either the Publisher’s server or a third party server designated by the Publisher on which the Licensed Materials are mounted and may be accessed. Subscription Period means the three years period from 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2020 (inclusive). The Organisation has, at its absolute discretion, the option to extend the Subscription Period for one (1) additional year under the same terms and conditions as herein, by providing Publisher with notice of exercise of the option no later than sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the Subscription Period.


2. Grant of Licence

2.1. The Publisher agrees to grant to the Organisation the non-exclusive, non-transferable and non-perpetual licence to give Authorised Users access to the Licensed Material by way of the Online Services for the Subscription Period for the purposes of research, teaching and private study, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

2.2. The Organisation agrees to comply with this terms and conditions of this Agreement and to use reasonable endeavours to ensure that all Authorised Users do likewise.

3. Rights of Use

3.1. The Organisation will not, and shall use reasonable endeavours to ensure that Authorised Users do not, print, copy, re-use, reproduce, modify, sell, distribute, transfer or commercially exploit the Licensed Materials in whole or in part, other than as expressly

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permitted in this Agreement or, in the case of any Licensed Materials published in an Open Access Journal under a Creative Commons License, as permitted by the terms of such license.

3.2. For the duration of the Subscription Period and subject to Clause 6 below, the Organisation may:

3.2.1. make such back-up copies of the Licensed Materials as are reasonably necessary;

3.2.2. make such temporary local electronic copies of all or part of the Licensed Materials as are necessary solely to ensure efficient use by Authorised Users;

3.2.3. allow Authorised Users to have access to the Licensed Materials from the Server via the Secure Network; and

3.2.4. display, download or print the Licensed Materials for the purpose of internal marketing or testing or for training Authorised users or groups of Authorised Users.

3.3. For the duration of the Subscription Period and subject to Clause 6 below, Authorised Users may:

3.3.1. search, view, retrieve and display the Licensed Materials;

3.3.2. electronically save individual articles or items of the Licensed Materials for the purposes of research, teaching and/or private study;

3.3.3. print off single copies of parts of the Licensed Materials;

3.3.4. use the Licensed Materials to perform and engage in text mining / data mining activities for academic research and other educational purposes;

3.3.5. distribute single copies of parts of the Licensed Materials in print or electronic form to other individual scholars collaborating with Authorised Users for the purposes of research collaboration;

3.3.6. publicly display or publicly perform parts of the Licensed Materials as part of a presentation at a seminar, conference, or workshop, or other similar event;

3.3.7. when reading or visually impaired, use Braille displays, voice synthesizers and other such devices to enable use of the Licensed Materials.

3.4. Nothing in this Agreement shall be taken to restrict, limit or curtail any acts done or authorised by Organisation or Authorised Users in relation to the Licensed Materials or any part thereof which are or will be permitted under Swedish law during the Subscription Period. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this Agreement and the provisions of Swedish law, the provisions of Swedish law shall prevail.

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4. Supply of Copies to Other Libraries

The Organisation may, subject to Clause 6 below, fulfil occasional requests to supply to an Authorised User of another library, for the purposes of research, teaching and/or private study and not for Commercial Use, a copy of an individual document being part of the Licensed Materials.

5. Course Packs, Electronic Reserve and MOOC’s

5.1. The Organisation may incorporate any part of the Licensed Material into Course Packs and Electronic Reserve collections provided that access to such material is secure and limited solely to Authorised Users.

5.2. The Organisation acknowledges that the use of Licensed Material in respect of Commercially Run Courses is specifically prohibited.

5.3. A link to the Licensed Material may be incorporated in Electronic Reserve collections.

5.4. No content may be made available in a MOOC without a separate licence being obtained in advance from the Publisher, unless participation to the course is subject to registration and limited to a reasonable number of students, and access to the materials assembled for the course only include a reasonable portion of the Licensed Materials and is strictly limited to registered students.

6. Prohibited Uses

6.1. Without prejudice to Clauses 3, 4 and 5, neither the Organisation nor any Authorised User may:

6.1.1. remove or alter the authors’ names or the Publisher’s copyright notices or other means of identification or disclaimers as they appear in the Licensed Materials;

6.1.2. systematically make print or electronic copies of multiple extracts of the Licensed Materials, including complete issues, for any purpose;

6.1.3. mount or distribute any part of the Licensed Material on any electronic network, including without limitation the Internet and the World Wide Web, other than the Secure Network; or

6.1.4. systematically distribute the whole or any part of the Licensed Materials to anyone other than an Authorised User.

6.2. Without prejudice to Clauses 3, 4 and 5, the Publisher’s explicit written permission must be obtained in order to:

6.2.1. use all or any part of the Licensed Materials for any Commercial Use;

6.2.2. permit anyone other than an Authorised User to access or use the Licensed Material;

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6.2.3. publish, distribute or make available the Licensed Materials, works based on the Licensed Materials or works which combine them with any other material, other than as permitted in this Agreement; or

6.2.4. alter, abridge, adapt or modify the Licensed Materials to Authorised Users. For the avoidance of doubt, no alteration of the words or their order is permitted.

7. Delivery of Licensed Material

7.1. The Publisher shall make the Licensed Materials available to the Organisation and the Authorised Users on a twenty-four (24) hour basis via the Online Services for the duration of the Subscription Period. The Publisher cannot guarantee that the Online Services will operate continuously or without interruptions or that they will be error free.

7.2. The Organisation acknowledges that the availability of the Online Services may be temporarily restricted for the purposes of maintenance or upgrade. As far as reasonably possible, such maintenance will take place during week-ends. Where possible, the Organisation will be notified in advance of the time and duration of any planned maintenance.

7.3. The Publisher shall use all necessary endeavours to restore access to the Licensed Material as soon as possible in the event of an interruption to or suspension of the Online Services. In case of prolonged and/or repeated interruption or suspension, the Organisation will be entitled to claim fair damages and/or compensation from the Publisher.

7.4. The Publisher shall notify the Organisation at least sixty (60) days in advance of any anticipated change applicable to the Licensed Materials. If the changes render the License Materials less useful in a material respect to the Organisation, the Organisation may within thirty (30) days of such notice treat such changes as a breach of this Agreement under Clause 14.3.1.

7.5. Without prejudice to Clause 7.4, the Publisher reserves the right at any time to:

7.5.1. make changes or corrections and to alter, update or upgrade any aspect of the Licensed Materials;

7.5.2. vary the technical specification of any of the Licensed Materials or of any software included therein; and

7.5.3. withdraw from the Licensed Materials any item, or part of an item, for which it no longer retains the right to publish, or which it has reasonable grounds to believe infringes copyright, is defamatory, obscene or unlawful, or which is, in the reasonable opinion of the Publisher, otherwise objectionable. Where reasonably possible, the Publisher shall give written notice to the Organisation of such withdrawal. If the withdrawn material represents more than five per cent of the Licensed Materials, the Organisation reserves the right to treat such withdrawal as a material breach of this Agreement or to renegotiate its terms.

7.6. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, the Publisher makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to, warranties of

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design, accuracy of the information contained in the Licensed Materials, merchantability or fitness of use for a particular purpose. The Licensed Materials are supplied ‘as is’.

7.7. The Publisher will provide the Organisation with detailed lists of all journals included in the Licensed Materials of the following year each 15th of September of the Subscription Period. Such lists shall be delivered in MS Excel format and shall include: title, print ISSN and online ISSN, URL, access start year, volume, issue, as well as a clear indication of the Open Access journals.

8. Terms Applicable to Online Services

8.1. The Organisation acknowledges and agrees that all logins, passwords or other Authorised User identification used to access the Licensed Materials (whether chosen by it or the Authorised User(s) or provided by the Publisher) are personal to the Authorised User(s) and the Organisation shall use reasonable endeavours to ensure that the Authorised User(s) shall treat such logins, passwords and other Authorised User identification as confidential and not disclose or transfer them to any person. The Organisation must notify the Publisher immediately of any unauthorised use of them or any other breach of security regarding the Publisher’s websites that comes to its attention. Without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to Publisher, it has the right to disable individual logins, passwords or other Authorised User identifications at any time, if the Organisation or an Authorised User has failed to comply with this Clause 8.1. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this Agreement shall make the Organisation liable for breach of the terms of the Agreement by any Authorised User provided that the Organisation did not cause, knowingly assist or condone the continuation of such breach after becoming aware of an actual breach having occurred.

8.2. The Organisation is responsible for ensuring that the Organisations’ computer systems meet all relevant technical specifications necessary to receive the Licensed Materials. The Organisation also acknowledges that, although the Publisher uses all relevant technical specifications necessary to guard against viruses, it cannot and does not guarantee or warrant that any Licensed Materials will be free from infections, viruses and/or other code that has contaminating or destructive properties. The Organisation is responsible for implementing sufficient procedures and virus checks (including anti-virus and other security checks) to satisfy their particular requirements for the security of data input and output.

8.3. The Organisation must not attempt to interfere with the proper working of the Online Services and, in particular, must not:

8.3.1. attempt to circumvent security, tamper with, hack into, or otherwise disrupt any computer system, server, website, router or any other Internet connected device; or

8.3.2. use automated retrieval devices (such as so called web robots, wanderers, crawlers, spiders or similar devices).

8.4. The Publisher makes no representations whatsoever about any other third party websites which the Organisation or the Authorised Users may access through the Online Services. When an Authorised User accesses any other third party website the Organisation understands that it is independent from the Publisher websites and that the Publisher has no

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control over the content or availability of that website. In addition, a link to any other third party website does not mean that the Publisher endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content, or the use of, such a website and it shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with use of or reliance on any content, goods or services available on or through any other web or resource. Any concerns regarding any external link should be directed to its website administrator or web master.

9. Intellectual Property Rights

9.1. The Organisation acknowledges that the Licensed Materials are protected by international copyright law, database rights and other Intellectual Property Rights, and that all Intellectual Property Rights relating to the Licensed Materials are the sole and exclusive property of the Publisher, its affiliates and licensors.

9.2. This Agreement does not convey to the Organisation any right, title or interest in the Licensed Materials except for the right to use the Licensed Material in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. All of the Publisher’s rights which are not specifically granted to the Organisation by this Agreement are reserved to the Publisher.

9.3. The Organisation shall notify the Publisher as soon as possible on becoming aware of:

9.3.1. any unauthorised possession or use of the Licensed Material;

9.3.2. any infringement of the Publisher’s Intellectual Property Rights, or any portion thereof; and

9.3.3. any claim by any third party that the Licensed Material infringes an intellectual property or proprietary right of any third party.

9.4. The Publisher warrants to the Organisation that the Licensed Materials used as contemplated by this Agreement do not infringe the Intellectual Property Rights of any person. The Publisher shall indemnify and hold the Organisation harmless from and against any loss, damage, costs, liability and expenses (including reasonable legal and professional fees) arising out of any legal action taken against the Organisation claiming actual or alleged infringement of such rights. This indemnity shall survive the termination of this Agreement for any reason. This indemnity shall not apply if the Organisation has amended the Licensed Materials in any way not permitted by this Agreement.


10. Open Access Publishing

10.1. Subject to the terms of this Agreement (and in particular Clause 10.2 below), the Publisher agrees to waive the Article Publishing Charge in respect of any Qualifying Article submitted by a Qualifying Author to be published in an Open Access Journal.

10.2. The total number of Qualifying Articles for which the Publisher shall be required to waive the Article Publishing Charge under this Clause 10 will be limited to a capped number of Qualifying Articles as set out in Schedule 7 (the “Publication Cap”). The Publisher may, at

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its absolute discretion and at any time during the Subscription Period, agree to increase the Publication Cap.

11. Terms of Publication

11.1. The Organisation acknowledges that, before an article by a Qualifying Author will be accepted for publication:

11.1.1. such article must be submitted, peer reviewed and accepted in accordance with the Open Access Workflow; and

11.1.2. the owner(s) of any copyright in such article must enter into the Publisher’s standard open access publishing agreement substantially in the form set out at Schedule 4.

11.2. The Organisation acknowledges that all Qualifying Articles will be made available under a Creative Commons Licence. Qualifying Authors will have the option to choose between a CC BY, CC BY-NC or CC BY-NC-ND licence, the latest versions of which can be found at Publisher will use reasonable efforts to make the CC BY licence the preferred licence choice used for publication in the Open Access Journals whilst continuing to offer other CC licences to respect author choice.

11.3. Nothing in this Agreement shall be taken to restrict, limit or curtail any provisions of the Creative Commons Licenses used for publication of articles in the Open Access Journals.

12. Editorial Independence

Nothing in this Agreement shall oblige the Publisher to publish any article submitted to the Publisher by a Qualifying Author or the Organisation. The Organisation acknowledges that the selection of material via peer review to be published in an Open Access Journal is entirely at the discretion of the Publisher and/or the editors or proprietors of the Open Access Journal and the Organisation waives any claim it may have against the Publisher in the event that the Publisher or its editors decline to publish any material (or part thereof) submitted by a Qualifying Author or the Organisation.


13. Fees and Payment

13.1. In consideration of the mutual promises and other valuable consideration set forth in this Agreement, the Organisation agrees to pay the Publisher the Read & Publish Fees within 60 days of receipt of an invoice from the Publisher. Invoices shall be sent and dated within the first week of January months for the duration of the Agreement.

13.2. The Organisation will pay the Read & Publish Fees annually and in advance for the duration of the Agreement.

13.3. All amounts payable by the Organisation under this Agreement shall be in Euros (€) and are exclusive of any applicable sales, value added, sales, use, excise or similar taxes, all of which shall be additionally payable by the Organisation as appropriate.

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13.4. Without prejudice to any other rights and/or remedies available to it, the Publisher reserves the right to charge the Organisation (and the Organisation undertakes to pay on demand):

13.4.1. interest on outstanding and overdue amounts at 3% per annum from the date of the invoice to the date payment is made in full;

13.4.2. an amount equivalent to all reasonable costs and expenses (including legal fees and collection agency commission) suffered or incurred by the Publisher in connection with the recovery of overdue amounts from the Organisation; and

13.4.3. an administration fee of £120 plus value added tax for internal management and staff overhead time in dealing with the recovery of overdue amounts from the Organisation.

14. Term & Termination

14.1. In consideration of the payment of the Read & Publish Fees by the Organisation, the Publisher will provide the licensing and publishing services set out in this Agreement for the duration of the Subscription Period, subject to any earlier termination in accordance with Clause 14.3 below.

14.2. The Organisation’s and the Publisher’s rights and obligations under this Agreement shall automatically terminate at the end of the Subscription Period, unless the Parties have previously agreed in writing to renew the Agreement and unless otherwise stated in this Agreement.

14.3. In addition to automatic termination under Clause 14.2 above, this Agreement shall be terminated:

14.3.1. if the Publisher commits a material or persistent breach of any term of this Agreement and fails to remedy the breach (if capable of remedy) within 30 days of notification in writing by the Organisation;

14.3.2. if the Organisation commits a material or persistent breach of any term of this Agreement and fails to remedy the breach (if capable of remedy) within 30 days of notification in writing by the Publisher; or

14.3.3. if either Party becomes insolvent or becomes subject to receivership, liquidation or similar external administration or ceases to carry on business or threatens to do any of these things or suffers any analogous event in any jurisdiction.

14.4. On termination of this Agreement by the Publisher in accordance with Clause 14.3.2 or 14.3.3 above, the Organisation shall immediately cease to distribute, or make available, the Licensed Materials to Authorised Users and shall return to the Publisher or (at the Publisher’s sole election) destroy all Licensed Materials. For sake of clarity, such case of termination and all other consequences of a breach will only affect the breaching Organisation, and not the other organisations that might participate in this Agreement.

14.5. On termination of this Agreement in accordance with Clause 14.3.1 above, the Publisher shall refund to the Organisation the proportion of the Read & Publish Fees that represents

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the paid but un-expired part of the Subscription Period, in addition to other damages or compensation if any.

14.6. Any Organisation having a significant decrease in its funding has the possibility to opt out during the Subscription Period. In such an instance, the Organisation’s total fee will be deducted from the invoice corresponding to the following year, the Organisation will lose access to the Licensed Material and the Publication Cap will be reduced by an amount corresponding to Organisation’s total fee divided by the prevailing APC (as described in Schedule 7). New organisations have the possibility to opt in during the Subscription Period under the terms and conditions of this Agreement. In both cases, notice of such a decision must reach the Publisher by the 31st of October at latest for implementation at the commencement of the following year.

15. Data protection

The Parties fully respect and act in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Law. Should the United Kingdom leave the European Union, the Publisher will continue to act and perform this Agreement in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Law, unless prevented by law from doing so.

16. Industry Standards The Publisher agrees to comply with the Industry Standards set out in Schedule 6.

17. Limitation of Liability

17.1. The Publisher will use its reasonable endeavours to ensure that the information contained in any Licensed Materials is accurate. However, the Publisher cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information and content contained in the Licensed Materials, which is provided on a strictly ‘as is’ basis. The Publisher has no liability for any loss or damage whatsoever sustained by the Organisation or an Authorised User as a result of using or relying on any information and content contained in the Licensed Materials.

17.2. The Parties accept no liability for any indirect or consequential loss or damage or for any loss of data, profit, goodwill, anticipated savings, revenue or business (whether direct or indirect in each case), howsoever caused, even if foreseeable, arising under or in relation to this Agreement.

17.3. If one Party is liable to the other under this Agreement for any reason, its liability will be limited to the amount of Read & Publish Fees paid by the Organisation pursuant to this Agreement in the year in which such liability arose.

17.4. Nothing in this Agreement shall limit the Publisher’s liability for death or personal injury resulting from its negligence or from its fraudulent misrepresentation or any liability which cannot be excluded under the applicable law.

18. Force Majeure

Either Party’s failure to perform any term or condition of this Agreement as a result of conditions beyond its reasonable control such as (but not limited to) war, strikes, fires, floods, governmental

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restrictions, acts of terrorism, public health emergencies, power failures, or damage or destruction of any network facilities or servers shall not be deemed a breach of this Agreement.

19. Assignment

The Agreement may not be assigned by a Party to any other person or organisation, nor may either Party sub-contract any of its obligations, without the prior written consent of the other Party, whose consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.

20. Notices

Any notice, request, statement or other communication to be served on either of the Parties by the other shall be sent by prepaid recorded delivery or registered post to the address of the addressee as set out in this Agreement or to such other address as notified by either Party to the other as its address for the service of notices. All such notices shall be deemed to have been received within 14 days of posting.

21. Severability

In the event that any provision of this Agreement is held by a court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or un-enforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected and will remain in full force and effect.

22. Third Parties

A person who is not a Party to this Agreement shall have no rights under the provisions of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 which shall be specifically excluded from the scope of this Agreement.

23. Confidentiality

This Agreement or any part of it can freely be made public by the Publisher and/or the Organisation, as well as by the National Library of Sweden.

24. Entire Agreement and Alteration

This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties and supersedes all prior communications, understandings and agreements relating to the subject matter of this Agreement, whether oral or written. Alterations to this Agreement, including the Schedules, are only valid if recorded in writing and signed by both parties.

25. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Swedish law. The parties irrevocably agree that any dispute arising out of, or in connection with, this Agreement will be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Sweden.

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THIS AGREEMENT has been entered into on the date stated at the beginning of it.

Signed by ...... [PRINT NAME] for and on behalf of [PRINT TITLE]


Signed by ...... [PRINT NAME] for and on behalf of [PRINT NAME]


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Schedule 1 – Participating Organisations

Member Address Post code City Blekinge Tekniska Blekinge Tekniska Högskola Högskola 371 79 Karlskrona Chalmers Tekniska Högskola 412 96 Göteborg Ersta Sköndal Bräcke Högskola Box 111 89 100 61 Stockholm Folkhälsomyndigheten 171 82 Solna Försvarshögskolan Box 27805 115 93 Stockholm Gymnastik- Och Idrottshögskolan Box 5626 114 86 Stockholm Göteborgs Universitet Box 222 405 30 Göteborg Handelshögskolan I Stockholm Box 6501 113 83 Stockholm Högskolan Dalarna Högskolan Dalarna 791 88 Falun Högskolan I Borås Allégatan 1 501 90 Borås Högskolan I Gävle 801 76 Gävle Högskolan I Halmstad Box 823 301 18 Halmstad Högskolan I Jönköping Box 1001 551 11 Jönköping Högskolan I Skövde Box 408 541 28 Skövde Högskolan Kristianstad 291 88 Kristianstad Högskolan Väst Högskolan Väst 461 86 Trollhättan Karlstads Universitet 651 87 Karlstad Karolinska Institutet Box 200 171 77 Stockholm Konstfack Box 3601 126 27 Stockholm Kungl. Tekniska Högskolan 100 44 Stockholm Linköpings Linköpings Universitet Universitetsbibliotek 581 83 Linköping Linnéuniversitetet 351 95 Växjö Luleå Tekniska Universitet 971 87 Luleå Lunds Universitet Box 3 221 00 Lund Läkemedelsverket Box 26 751 03 Uppsala Malmö universitet 205 06 Malmö Mittuniversitetet Mittuniversitetet 851 70 Sundsvall Mälardalens Högskola Box 882 721 22 Västerås SBU Statens Beredning För Medicinsk och Social Utvärdering Box 6183 10233 Stockholm SIPRI, Stockholms Internationella Fredsforskningsinstitut Signalistg 9 169 72 Solna Skolforskningsinstitutet Solna Socialstyrelsen Socialstyrelsen 106 30 Stockholm Sophiahemmet Högskola Box 5605 114 86 Stockholm Specialpedagogiska Specialpedagogiska Skolmyndigheten skolmyndigheten 171 27 Solna Statens Skolverk 106 20 Stockholm

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Statens Väg- Och Transportforskningsinstitut 581 95 Linköping Stockholms Stockholms Universitet Universitetsbibliotek 106 91 Stockholm Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet Box 7071 750 07 Uppsala Södertörn Högskola + Röda Korsets Högskola 141 89 Huddinge Totalförsvarets Forskningsinstitut FOI 172 90 Stockholm Umeå Universitet 901 74 Umeå Uppsala Universitetsbibliotek Uppsala Universitet 751 20 Uppsala Örebro Universitet 701 82 Örebro

Schedule 2 – Licensed Materials

Part 1 – Licensed Content SSH and S&T 2015 Collection

Access Date Acronym Journal name SSH/S&T/Medical Range ISSN RAUT a/b: Auto/Biography Studies SSH 1997 2151-7290

GACR Accountability in Research SSH 1997 1545-5815 RABR Accounting and Business Research SSH 1997 RAED Accounting Education SSH 1997 1468-4489 RABF Accounting History Review SSH 1997 1466-4275 RAIE Accounting in Europe SSH 1997 1744-9499

SAGA Acta Agri Scand A Animal Sci S&T 1997 1651-1972 Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica SAGB Section B S&T 1997 1651-1913 SABO Acta Borealia Online SSH 1997 1503-111X Acta Linguistica Hafniensia: SALH International SSH 1997 1949-0763 UATE Action in Teacher Education SSH 1997 2158-6098 Action Learning: Research & CALR Practice SSH 1997 1476-7341 WAAA Activities, Adaptation & Aging SSH 1997 1544-4368 TADL Adelphi Series SSH 1997 1944-558X MADT Administrative Theory & Praxis SSH 1997 1949-0461 WADO Adoption Quarterly SSH 1997 1544-452X TACM Advanced Composite Materials S&T 1997 1568-5519 TADR Advanced Robotics S&T 1997 1568-5535

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Advances in Building Energy TAER Research S&T 1997 1756-2201 RAMH Advances in Mental Health SSH 1997 1837-4905 TADP Advances in Physics S&T 1997 1460-6976

UAHR Advances in the History of Rhetoric SSH 1997 1936-0835 UAST Aerosol Science & Technology S&T 1997 1521-7388 RAER Africa Education Review SSH 1997 1753-5921 African and Black Dispora: An RABD Internationational SSH 1997 1752-864X

RAFG African Geographical Review SSH 1997 2163-2642 RAHR African Historical Review SSH 1997 1753-2531 CAFI African Identities SSH 1997 1472-5851 RAAR African Journal of AIDS Research SSH 1997 1727-9445

TAAS African Journal of Aquatic Science S&T 1997 1727-9364

THER African Journal of Herpetology S&T 1997 2153-3660

TAMS African Journal of Marine Science S&T 1997 1814-2338 African Journal of Range & Forage TARF Science S&T 1997 1727-9380 African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and RMSE Technology Education SSH 1997 2469-7656

RECQ African Journalism Studies SSH 1997 1942-0773 UAFS African Security SSH 1997 1939-2214 RASR African Security Review SSH 1997 2154-0128

CAST African Studies SSH 1997 1469-2872

TAFZ African Zoology S&T 1997 2224-073X RAGN Agenda SSH 1997 2158-978X CAMH Aging & Mental Health SSH 1997 1364-6915 Aging, Neuropsychology, and NANC Cognition SSH 1997 1744-4128 RAGR Agrekon SSH 1997 2078-0400 Agroecology and Sustainable Food WJSA Systems S&T 1997 1540-7578 CAIC AIDS Care SSH 1995 1360-0451 Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal TALC of Palaeontology S&T 1975 1752-0754 WATQ Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly SSH 1997 1544-4538

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Al-Masaq: Journal of the Medieval CALM Mediterranean SSH 1997 1473-348X RACH American Communist History SSH 1997 1474-3906 UAJB American Journal of Bioethics SSH 1997 1536-0075 American Journal of Clinical UJHY Hypnosis SSH 1997 American Journal of Distance HAJD Education SSH 1997 1538-9286 American Journal of Family UAFT Therapy SSH 1997 1521-0383 American Journal of Health UJHE Education SSH 1997 2168-3751 American Journal of Mathematical UMMS & Management Sciences S&T 1997 2325-8454 American Journal Of Sexuality WAJS Education SSH 1997 1554-6136

UAMJ American Journalism SSH 1997 2326-2486 American Nineteenth Century FANC History SSH 1997 1743-7903 American Review of Canadian RARC Studies SSH 1997 1943-9954 LANL Analytical Letters S&T 1997 1532-236X Anatolia - An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality RANA Research SSH 1997 2156-6909 Angelaki: Journal of Theoretical CANG Humanities SSH 1997 1469-2899

LABT Animal Biotechnology S&T 1997 1532-2378 Annales de la Societe TASE Entomologique de France (N.S.) S&T 1997 2168-6351 TAGI Annals of GIS S&T 1997 1947-5691 RANZ Annals of Leisure Research SSH 1997 TBC TASC Annals of Science SSH 1936 Annals of the American Association RAAG of Geographers SSH 1997 ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short VANQ Articles SSH 1997 1940-3364

CANF Anthropological Forum SSH 1997 1469-2902 Anthropology & Archeology of MAAE Eurasia SSH 1997 158-092X

CANM Anthropology & Medicine SSH 1997 1469-2910

RASA Anthropology Southern Africa SSH 1997 2332-3264 RFAN Anthrozoos SSH 1997 1753-0377

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GASC Anxiety, Stress & Coping SSH 1997 1477-2205 PAPH Aphasiology SSH 1997 1464-5041 Applicable Analysis: An GAPA International Journal S&T 1997 1563-504X UAAI Applied Artificial Intelligence S&T 1996 1087-6545 HADS Applied Developmental Science SSH 1997 1532-480X RAEC Applied Economics SSH 1997 9999-7004 RAEL Applied Economics Letters SSH 1997 1466-4291 Applied Environmental Education UEEC & Communication SSH 1997 1533-0389 RAMF Applied Mathematical Finance SSH 1997 1466-4313 HAME Applied Measurement in Education SSH 1997 1532-4818 HAPN Applied Neuropsychology Adult SSH 1997 LAPS Applied Spectroscopy Reviews S&T 1997 1520-569X Aquaculture Economics & UAQM Management S&T 1997 1551-8663 Aquatic Ecosystem Health & UAEM Management S&T 1997 1539-4077

NAQI Aquatic Insects S&T 1997 1744-4152 Arboricultural Journal: The International Journal of Urban TARB Forestry S&T 1997 tbc

RAIJ Archaeological Journal SSH 1997 2373-2288 Architectural Engineering and TAEM Design Management S&T 1997 1752-7589 TASR Architectural Science Review S&T 1997 1758-9622

RATR Architectural Theory Review SSH 1997 1755-0475 Archives & Records: The Journal of CJSA the Archives & Records Association SSH 1997 2325-7989 RAAM Archives and Manuscripts SSH 1997 2164-6058 Archives of Agronomy and Soil GAGS Science S&T 1997 1476-3567

GAAN Archives of Animal Nutrition S&T 1997 1477-2817 Archives of Environmental & VAEH Occupational Health S&T 1997 2154-4700 Archives of Phytopathology & Plant GAPP Protection S&T 1997 1477-2906 USUI Archives of Suicide Research SSH 1997 1543-6136 Arid Land Research and UASR Management S&T 1997 1532-4990 RCAJ Art Journal SSH 1997 2325-5307 UART Art Therapy SSH 1997 2159-9394

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VAEP Arts Education Policy Review SSH 1997 1940-4395 FAPB Asia Pacific Business Review SSH 1997 1743-792X CAPE Asia Pacific Journal of Education SSH 1997 1742-6855 Asia Pacific Journal of Public RAPA Administration SSH 1997 2327-6673 Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work RSWD and Development SSH 1997 2165-0993 Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism RAPT Research SSH 1997 1741-6507

CAPR Asia Pacific Review SSH 1997 1469-2937

RAAF Asian Affairs SSH 1997 1477-1500

VASA Asian Affairs: An American Review SSH 1997 1940-1590

RAAN Asian Anthropology SSH 1997 2168-4227 RENG Asian Englishes SSH 1997 2331-2548

CAET Asian Ethnicity SSH 1997 1469-2953

RAGE Asian Geographer SSH 1997 2158-1762

RAJC Asian Journal of Communication SSH 1997 1742-0911

RASI Asian Journal of Political Science SSH 1997 1750-7812 Asian Journal of Technology RAJT Innovation SSH 1997 2158-6721 RAJW Asian Journal of Women's Studies SSH 1997 2377-004X CASP Asian Philosophy SSH 1997 1469-2961

RAPS Asian Population Studies SSH 1997 1744-1749 FASI Asian Security SSH 1997 1555-2764

CASR Asian Studies Review SSH 1997 1467-8403 Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting RAAE & Economics SSH 1997 2164-2257 Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher CAPJ Education SSH 1997 1469-2945 Assessment & Evaluation in Higher CAEH Education SSH 1997 1469-297X Assessment in Education: CAIE Principles, Policy & Practice SSH 1997 1465-329X Assistive Technology: The Offical UATY Journal of RESNA S&T 1997 1949-3614 FAST Astropolitics SSH 1997 1557-2943

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HAJC Atlantic Journal of Communication SSH 1997 1545-6889 RJAS Atlantic Studies: Global Currents SSH 1997 1740-4649

TATO Atmosphere-Ocean S&T 1997 1480-9214 Attachment & Human RAHD Development SSH 1997 1469-2988 Australasian Journal of Engineering TEEN Education S&T 1997 1325-4340 Australasian Journal of TJEM Environmental Management S&T 1997 2159-5356 RAJP Australasian Journal of Philosophy SSH 1923 1471-6828 Australian and New Zealand RAJA Journal of Art SSH 1997 2203-1871 RFEM Australian Feminist Law Journal SSH 1997 2204-0064 CAFS Australian Feminist Studies SSH 1997 1465-3303

TFOR Australian Forestry S&T 1997 2325-6087

CAGE Australian Geographer SSH 1997 1465-3311 RAHS Australian Historical Studies SSH 1997 1031-461I Australian Journal of Civil TCEN Engineering S&T 1997 2204-2245

TAJE Australian Journal of Earth Sciences S&T 1953 1440-0952 Australian Journal of Electrical and TELE Electronics Engineering S&T 1997 2205-362X Australian Journal of Forensic TAJF Sciences S&T 1997 1834-562X Australian Journal of International CAJI Affairs SSH 1997 1465-332X Australian Journal of Learning RALD Difficulties SSH 1997 1940-4166 CAJL Australian Journal of Linguistics SSH 1997 1469-2996 Australian Journal of Mechanical TMEC Engineering S&T 1997 2204-2253 Australian Journal of Political CAJP Science SSH 1996 1363-030X Australian Journal of Structural TSEN Engineering S&T 1997 2204-2261 Australian Journal of Water TWAR Resources S&T 1997 2204-227X

RAPL Australian Planner SSH 1997 2150-6841 RASW Australian Social Work SSH 1997 1447-0748

KAUP Autophagy S&T 1997 1554-8635

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CAVP Avian S&T 1972 1465-3338 Azania:Archaeological Research in RAZA Africa SSH 1997 1945-5534 HBAS Basic and Applied Social Psychology SSH 1997 1532-4834

TBEE Bee World S&T 1997 2376-7618 Behavioral & Social Sciences WBSS Librarian SSH 1997 1544-4546 VBMD Behavioral Medicine SSH 1997 1940-4026 HBSM Behavioral Sleep Medicine SSH 1997 1540-2010 Behaviour & Information TBIT Technology S&T 1996 1362-3001 RBER Bereavement Care SSH 1997 1944-8279 UBRJ Bilingual Research Journal SSH 1997 1523-5890 Bioacoustics - The International Journal of Animal Sound and its TBIO Recording S&T 1997 2165-0586

CBST Biocontrol Science and Technology S&T 1995 1360-0478 HSBI Biodemography and Social Biology SSH 1997 1948-5573

TBID Biodiversity S&T 1997 TBC Biofouling: The Journal of GBIF Bioadhesion and Biofilm Research S&T 1997 1029-2454 Biological Agriculture & Horticulture - An International Journal of Sustainable Production TBAH Systems S&T 1997 2165-0616

NBRR Biological Rhythm Research S&T 1996 1744-4179

BBRM Bioremediation Journal S&T 1997 1547-6529 Bioscience Biotechnology and TBBB Biochemistry S&T 1997 1347-6947 Biotechnology and Genetic TBGR Engineering Reviews S&T 1997 tbc

TBIS Bird Study S&T 1997 Body,Movement & Dance in TBMD Psychotherapy SSH 1997 1743-2987

TABG Botany Letters S&T 1997 2381-8115 British Journal for the History of RBJH Philosophy SSH 1997 1469-3526 British Journal of Educational RBJE Studies SSH 1997 1467-8527

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British Journal of Guidance & CBJG Counselling SSH 1997 1469-3534 British Journal of Middle Eastern CBJM Studies SSH 1997 1469-3542 British Journal of Religious CBRE Education SSH 1997 1740-7931 British Journal of Sociology of CBSE Education SSH 1997 1465-3346

CBPS British Poultry Science S&T 1997 1466-1799 BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of TBSH Mathematics S&T 1986 1749-8341

RBRI Building Research & Information SSH 1997 1466-4321 Bulletin of Indonesian Economic CBIE Studies SSH 1965 1472-7234 CBHS Bulletin of Spanish Studies SSH 1996 1478-3428 FBSH Business History SSH 1997 CCJE Cambridge Journal of Education SSH 1997 1469-3577 Cambridge Review of International CCAM Affair SSH 1997 1474-449X Canadian Art Therapy Association UCAT Journal SSH 1997 2377-360X

RCFP Canadian Foreign Policy Journal SSH 1997 2157-0817 Canadian Journal of African Studies / La Revue Canadienne des etudes RCAS Africaines SSH 1997 1923-3051 Canadian Journal of Development Studies / Revue canadienne RCJD d'etudes du developpe SSH 1997 2158-9100 Canadian Journal of Latin American RCLC and Caribbean Studies SSH 1997 2333-1461 Canadian Journal of Math, Science UCJS & Technology Education SSH 1997 1492-4051 RCJP Canadian Journal of Philosophy SSH 1997 1911-0820 Canadian Journal of Plant TCJP Pathology S&T 1997 1715-2992 Canadian Journal of Remote UJRS Sensing S&T 1997 1712-7971 Canadian Slavonic Papers/Revue RCSP Canadienne des Slavistes SSH 1997 2375-2475 Canadian Society of Forensic TCSF Science Journal S&T 1997 2332-1660 Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue Canadienne des TCWR Ressources Hydriques S&T 1997 1918-1817

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RCNS Capitalism Nature Socialism SSH 1997 1548-3290 Cartography and Geographic TCAG Information Science S&T 1997 1545-0465 Caryologia: International Journal of Cytology, Cytosystematics and TCAR Cytogenetics S&T 1997 2165-5391 Cataloging & Classification WCCQ Quarterly SSH 1997 1544-4554 LCTR Catalysis Reviews S&T 1997 1520-5703

KCAM Cell Adhesion & Migration S&T 1997 1933-6926

KCCY Cell Cycle S&T 1997 1551-4005

CCAS Central Asian Survey SSH 1997 1465-3354 MCHA Challenge SSH 1997 1558-1489 UCHA Chance S&T 1997 1867-2280 Change: The Magazine of Higher VCHN Learning SSH 1997 1939-9146 Changing English: Studies in CCEN Culture and Education SSH 1997 1469-3585 Chemical Engineering GCEC Communications S&T 1997 1563-5201 GCHE Chemistry and Ecology S&T 1997 1029-0370 WCFB Child & Family Behavior Therapy SSH 1997 1545-228X WCYS CHILD & YOUTH SERVICES SSH 1997 1545-2298 CCCP Child Care in Practice SSH 1997 1476-489X NCNY Child Neuropsychology SSH 1997 1744-4136 UCED Childhood Education SSH 1997 2162-0725

CCHG Children's Geographies SSH 1997 1473-3277 HCHC Children's Health Care SSH 1997 1532-6888 RCEJ China Economic Journal SSH 1997 1753-8971 RCSW China Journal of Social Work SSH 1997 1752-5101 MCED Chinese Education & Society SSH 1997 1944-7116

RCJC Chinese Journal of Communication SSH 1997 1754-4769 Chinese Journal of Population TPRE Resources and Environment S&T 1997 2325-4262

MCLG Chinese Law & Government SSH 1997 1944-7051

MCSA Chinese Sociological Review SSH 1997 2162-0563 MCSH Chinese Studies in History SSH 1997 1558-0407

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Christian Higher Education: An International Journal of Research, UCHE Theory and Practice SSH 1997 1539-4107

CCST Citizenship Studies SSH 1997 1469-3593 City: Analysis of Urban Trends,Culture,Theory, Policy, CCIT Action SSH 1997 1470-3629 Civil Engineering and GCEE Environmental Systems S&T 1997 1029-0249 FCIV Civil Wars SSH 1997 1743-968X

TCPO Climate Policy S&T 1997 1752-7457 WCLI Clinical Gerontologist SSH 1997 1545-2301 WCSU Clinical Supervisior (The) SSH 1997 1545-231X Coaching: An International Journal RCOA of Theory, Research and Practice SSH 1997 1752-1890

UCMG Coastal Management S&T 1997 1521-0421 NCDN CoDesign S&T 1997 1745-3755 Cogeneration & Distributed UCGN Generation Journal S&T 1997 2156-6550 PCEM Cognition & Emotion SSH 1996 1464-0600 HCGI Cognition and Instruction SSH 1997 1532-690X SBEH Cognitive Behaviour Therapy SSH 1997 1651-2316 PCNP Cognitive Neuropsychiatry SSH 1997 1464-0619 PCGN Cognitive Neuropsychology SSH 1996 1464-0627 FCWH Cold War History SSH 1997 1743-7962 WCOL Collection Management SSH 1997 1545-2549 WCUL College & Undergraduate Libraries SSH 1997 1545-2530 VCOL College Teaching SSH 1997 1930-8299 Collnet Journal of Scientometrics TSIM and Information Management SSH 1997 2168-930X CCLA Colonial Latin American Review SSH 1997 1466-1802 Combustion Science and GCST Technology S&T 1997 1563-521X TCTM Combustion Theory and Modelling S&T 1997 1741-3559 GCIC Comments on Inorganic Chemistry S&T 1997 1548-9574 RCLB Commonwealth Law Bulletin SSH 1997 1750-5976 Communicatio: South African Journal for Communication Theory RCSA and Research SSH 1997 1753-5379 Communication & Critical/Cultural RCCC Studies SSH 1997 1479-4233 Communication Booknotes HCBQ Quarterly SSH 1997 1532-6896

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RCED Communication Education SSH 1997 1479-5795

HCLW Communication Law and Policy SSH 1997 1532-6926 Communication Methods and HCMS Measures SSH 1997 1931-2466

RCMM Communication Monographs SSH 1997 1479-5787 Communication Quarterly & RCQU Communication Research SSH 1997

RCRS Communication Reports SSH 1997 1745-1043

RCRR Communication Research Reports SSH 1997 1746-4099

RCST Communication Studies SSH 1997 1745-1035

RCMT Communication Teacher Online SSH 1997 1740-4630 LAGB Communications in Algebra S&T 1997 1532-4125 Communications in Partial LPDE Differential Equations S&T 1997 1532-4133 Communications in Soil Science LCSS and Plant Analysis S&T 1997 1532-2416 Communications in Statistics: LSSP Simulation and Computation S&T 1997 1532-4141 Communications in Statistics: LSTA Theory and Methods S&T 1997 1532-415X Community & Junior College WJCL Libraries SSH 1997 1545-2522 Community College Journal of UCJC Research & Practice SSH 1997 1521-0413

RCOD Community Development SSH 1997 9999-5330 CCWF Community, Work & Family SSH 1997 1469-3615 CCED Comparative Education SSH 1995 1360-0486 UCST Comparative Strategy SSH 1997 1521-0448 Compare: A Journal of Comparative CCOM and International Education SSH 1997 1469-3623 Complex Variables and Elliptic GCOV Equations: An International Journal S&T 1997 1747-6941 TCOI Composite Interfaces S&T 1997 1568-5543

UCSU Compost Science & Utilization S&T 1997 2326-2397 Computer Assisted Language NCAL Learning SSH 1997 1744-3210

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Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical GCMB Engineering S&T 1997 1476-8259 NCSE Computer Science Education SSH 1997 1744-5175 Computer-Aided Design and TCAD Applications S&T 1997 1686-4360 WCIS Computers In The Schools SSH 1997 1528-7033 CCSD Conflict, Security & Development SSH 1997 1478-1174 Congress & the Presidency: A UCTP Journal of Capital Studies SSH 1997 1944-1053 CCOS Connection Science S&T 1995 1360-0494 Construction Management & RCME Economics SSH 1996 1466-433X GCMC Consumption Markets and Culture SSH 1997 1477-223X FCBH Contemporary British History SSH 1997 1743-7997 RCBH Contemporary Buddhism SSH 1997 1476-7953 MCSP Contemporary Chinese Thought SSH 1997 1558-0997 Contemporary French & GSIT Francophone Studies SSH 1997 1740-9306 GCJR Contemporary Justice Review SSH 1997 1477-2248 GCMR Contemporary Music Review SSH 1987 1477-2256 RCNJ Contemporary Nurse SSH 1997 1839-3535 TCPH Contemporary Physics S&T 1997 1366-5812

CCPO Contemporary Politics SSH 1997 1469-3631 UUCP Contemporary Psychoanalysis SSH 1997 2330-9091 FCSP Contemporary Security Policy SSH 1997 1743-8764 RSOC Contemporary Social Science SSH 1997 1745-0152

CCSA Contemporary South Asia SSH 1997 1469-364X GCTR Contemporary Theatre Review SSH 1997 1477-2264 Continuum: Journal of Media & CCON Cultural Studies SSH 1997 1469-3666 CCPQ Counselling Psychology Quarterly SSH 1997 1469-3674 RCIJ Creative Industries Journal SSH 1997 1751-0708 HCRJ Creativity Research Journal SSH 1997 1532-6934 RCRE Criminal Justice Ethics SSH 1997 1937-5948 GJUP Criminal Justice Studies SSH 1997 1478-6028

RCRC Critical Arts SSH 1997 1992-6049

RCRA Critical Asian Studies SSH 1997 1472-6033

RCDS Critical Discourse Studies SSH 1997 1740-5912 HCIL Critical Inquiry in Language Studies SSH 1997 1542-7595 RCIN Critical Interventions SSH 1997 2326-411X

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RCPS Critical Policy Studies SSH 1997 1946-018X CCPH Critical Public Health SSH 1997 1469-3682

RCRI Critical Review SSH 1997 1933-8007 Critical Review of International FCRI Social & Political Philosophy SSH 1997 1743-8772 Critical Reviews in Analytical BATC Chemistry S&T 1997 1547-6510 Critical Reviews in Environmental BEST Science and Technology S&T 1997 1547-6537 Critical Reviews in Food Science BFSN and Nutrition S&T 1997 1549-7852

BPTS Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences S&T 1997 1549-7836 Critical Reviews in Solid State and BSMS Materials Sciences S&T 1997 1547-6561 RCSE Critical Studies in Education SSH 1997 1750-8495 Critical Studies in Media RCSM Communication SSH 1997 1479-5809 RTER Critical Studies on Terrorism SSH 1997 1753-9161

RCSO Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory SSH 1997 1748-8605 Critique: Studies in Contemporary VCRT Fiction SSH 1997 1939-9138 UCRY Cryptologia S&T 1977 1558-1586 GCRY Crystallography Reviews S&T 1997 1476-3508 Cultura y Educacion: Culture and RCYE Education SSH 1997 1578-4118 RFCS Cultural and Social History SSH 1997 1478-0046

RCUS Cultural Studies SSH 1997 1466-4348

CCUT Cultural Trends SSH 1997 1469-3690 GSCO Culture and Organization SSH 1997 1477-2760 RCAR Culture and Religion SSH 1997 1475-5629 TCHS Culture, Health & Sexuality SSH 1997 1464-5351

RCTC Culture, Theory and Critique SSH 1997 1473-5776 Current Issues in Language RCLP Planning SSH 1997 1747-7506 RCIT Current Issues in Tourism SSH 1997 1747-7603 Current Writing: Text and RCWR Reception in Southern Africa SSH 1997 TBC RCUI Curriculum Inquiry SSH 1997 1467-873X RCJO Curriculum Journal SSH 1997 1469-3704

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UCBS Cybernetics & Systems S&T 1996 1087-6553 LDNC Dance Chronicle SSH 1997 1532-4257

RDJA Danish Journal of Archaeology SSH 1997 2166-2290 RDAP Dapim: Studies on the Holocaust SSH 1997 2325-6257 UDST Death Studies SSH 1997 1091-7683 GDPE Defence and Peace Economics SSH 1997 1476-8267 CDAN Defence and Security Analysis SSH 1997 1475-1801 FDEF Defence Studies SSH 1997 1743-9698 FDAS Democracy and Security SSH 1997 1555-5860

FDEM Democratization SSH 1997 1743-890X

CDIP Development in Practice SSH 1991 1364-9213

CDSA Development Southern Africa SSH 1997 1470-3637 HDVN Developmental Neuropsychology SSH 1997 1532-6942 UDBH Deviant Behavior SSH 1997 1521-0456

RDST Diaspora Studies SSH 1997 0976-3457 Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority HDIM Education SSH 1997 1559-5706

TDIA Diatom Research S&T 1997 TBC NDCR Digital Creativity SSH 1997 1744-3806

FDPS Diplomacy & Statecraft SSH 1997 1557-301X CDSO Disability & Society SSH 1986 1360-0508 HDSP Discourse Processes SSH 1997 1532-6950 Discourse: Studies in the Cultural CDIS Politics of Education SSH 1997 1469-3739

RDSP disP -The Planning Review SSH 1997 2166-8604 CDIE Distance Education SSH 1997 1475-0198 Distinktion: Journal of Social RDIS Theory SSH 1997 RNJD Drama Australia Journal SSH 1997 2200-775X RDRT Dramatherapy SSH 1997 2157-1430 LDRT Drying Technology S&T 1997 1532-2300 Dynamical Systems: An CDSS International Journal S&T 1997 1468-9375 RDAC Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict SSH 1997 1746-7594 GECD Early Child Development and Care SSH 1997 1476-8275 HEED Early Education & Development SSH 1997 1556-6935 REPV Early Popular Visual Culture SSH 1997 1746-0662 CEYE Early Years SSH 1997 1472-4421

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East African Agricultural and TEAF Forestry Journal S&T 1997 2313-450X FEEJ East European Jewish Affairs SSH 1997 1743-971X

FJCS East European Politics SSH 1997 2159-9173 MEEE Eastern European Economics SSH 1997 1557-9298 UEDI Eating Disorders SSH 1997 1532-530X HECO Ecological Psychology SSH 1997 1532-6969

GEFN Ecology of Food & Nutrition SSH 1997 1543-5237 LECR Econometric Reviews S&T 1997 1532-4168 Economic History of Developing REHD Regions SSH 1997 2078-0397 CESR Economic Systems Research SSH 1997 1469-5758 Economics of Innovation and New GEIN Technology SSH 1997 1476-8364 RESO Economy and Society SSH 1997 1469-5766

TECO Ecoscience S&T 1997 2376-7626 EDPACS: The EDP Audit, Control, UEDP and Security Newsletter S&T 1997 1936-1009 Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and RETT Early Years Education SSH 1997 1475-7575 CEDE Education Economics SSH 1997 1469-5782 REAC Educational Action Research SSH 1997 1747-5074 HEDA Educational Assessment SSH 1997 1532-6977 UEDG Educational Gerontology SSH 1997 1521-0472 REMI Educational Media International SSH 1997 1469-5790 REPT Educational Philosophy and Theory SSH 1997 1469-5812 HEDP Educational Psychologist SSH 1997 1532-6985 CEDP Educational Psychology SSH 1997 1469-5820 CEPP Educational Psychology in Practice SSH 1997 1469-5839 RERE Educational Research SSH 1997 1469-5847 NERE Educational Research & Evaluation SSH 1997 1744-4187 CEDR Educational Review SSH 1997 1465-3397 CEDS Educational Studies SSH 1997 1465-3400 Educational Studies Online: The Journal of the American HEDS Educational Studies Association SSH 1997 1532-6993 Electric Power Components & UEMP Systems S&T 1997 1532-5016 UEMG Electromagnetics S&T 1997 1532-527X MREE Emerging Markets Finance & Trade SSH 1997 1558-0938 Emotional & Behavioural REBD Difficulties SSH 1997 1741-2692

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UENE Energy Engineering S&T 1997 1546-0118 Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental UESO Effects S&T 1997 1556-7230 UESB Energy Sources, Part B S&T 1997 1556-7257 UEMJ Engineering Management Journal S&T 1997 2377-0643 GENO Engineering Optimization S&T 1997 1029-0273 English Academy Review: A Journal RACR of English Studies SSH 1997 1753-5360 NEST English Studies SSH 1997 1744-4217 REIA English Studies in Africa SSH 1997 1943-8117 TEIS Enterprise Information Systems S&T 1997 1751-7583 Entrepreneurship & Regional TEPN Development SSH 1997 1464-5114 Environment: Science and Policy VENV for Sustainable Development S&T 1997 1939-9154

BECJ Environmental Claims Journal S&T 1997 1547-657X

RENC Environmental Communication SSH 1997 1752-4040 CEER Environmental Education Research SSH 1997 1469-5871

UENF Environmental Forensics S&T 1997 1527-5930

TENH Environmental Hazards S&T 1997 1878-0059

FENP Environmental Politics SSH 1997 1743-8934

TENT Environmental Technology S&T 1980

TETR Environmental Technology Reviews S&T 1997 2162-2523

KEPI Epigentics S&T 1997 1559-2308 UEEE Equity & Excellence in Education SSH 1997 1547-3457 TERG Ergonomics S&T 1997 1366-5847 Estudios de Psicologia: Studies in REDP Psychology SSH 1997 1579-3699 HEBH Ethics & Behavior SSH 1997 1532-7019 CEAE Ethics and Education SSH 1997 1744-9650 RESW Ethics and Social Welfare SSH 1997 1749-6543 CEPE Ethics, Policy & Environment SSH 1997 1469-6703 RERS Ethnic and Racial Studies SSH 1997 1466-4356 CETH Ethnicity and Health SSH 1997 1465-3419 REAE Ethnography & Education SSH 1997 1745-7831 REMF Ethnomusicology Forum SSH 1997 1741-1920

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RENO Ethnopolitics SSH 1997 1744-9065

RETN Ethnos SSH 1997 1469-588X

TEEE Ethology Ecology & Evolution S&T 1997 1828-7131

REGE Eurasian Geography and Economics SSH 1997 1938-2863 REAR European Accounting Review SSH 1997 RECJ European Competition Journal SSH 1997 1757-8396 European Early Childhood RECR Education Research Journal SSH 1997 1752-1807 MEUE European Education SSH 1997 1944-7086 European Journal of Behavior REJO Analysis SSH 1997 2377-729X European Journal of Computational TECM Mechanics S&T 1997 TBC European Journal of PEDP Developmental Psychology SSH 1997 1740-5610 European Journal of Engineering CEEE Education S&T 1975 1469-5898 NEJE European Journal of English Studies SSH 1997 1744-4243 European Journal of Environmental TECE and Civil Engineering S&T 1997

TEJP European Journal of Phycology S&T 1952 1469-4433 European Journal of Psychotherapy REJP & Counselling SSH 1997 1469-5901 CESW European Journal of Social Work SSH 1997 1468-2664 European Journal of Special Needs REJS Education SSH 1997 1469-591X TEJS European Journal of Sport Science SSH 1997 1536-7290 European Journal of Teacher CETE Education SSH 1997 1469-5928 European Journal of the History of REJH Economic Thought SSH 1997 1469-5936 European Journal of Work and PEWO Organizational Psychology SSH 1997 1464-0643

CEPS European Planning Studies SSH 1997 1469-5944

RPEP European Politics and Society SSH 1997 2374-5126 CERH European Review of History SSH 1997 1469-8293 European Review of Social PERS Psychology SSH 1990 1479-277X GERR European Romantic Review SSH 1997 1740-4657 FEUS European Security SSH 1997 1746-1545 REUS European Societies SSH 1997 1469-8307

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European Sport Management RESM Quarterly SSH 1997 1746-031x

CEAS Europe-Asia Studies SSH 1997 1465-3427 Evidence-Based Communication TEBC Assessment and Intervention SSH 1997 1748-9547 HEXC Exceptionality SSH 1997 1532-7035 UEAR Experimental Aging Research SSH 1997 1096-4657 UEHT Experimental Heat Transfer S&T 1997 1521-0480 UEXM Experimental Mathematics S&T 1997 1944-950X Fabrications: The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, RFAB Australia and New Zealand SSH 1997 tbc RFFT Fashion Theory SSH 1997 RFEC Feminist Economics SSH 1997 1466-4372

RFMS Feminist Media Studies SSH 1997 1471-5902 GFEL Ferroelectric Letters Section S&T 1997 1563-5228 GFER Ferroelectrics S&T 1997 1563-5112 UFIO Fiber & Integrated Optics S&T 1997 1096-4681

RFSY First Amendment Studies SSH 1997 2168-1430

UFSH Fisheries S&T 1997

KFLY Fly S&T 1997 1933-6942

RFOL Folklore SSH 1997 1469-8315

GFOF Food & Foodways SSH 1997 1542-3484 Food Additives and Conaminants TFAB Part B S&T 1997 Food Additives and Contaminants TFAC Part A S&T 1997 1944-0057

LFBT Food Biotechnology S&T 1997 1532-4249

LFRI Food Reviews International S&T 1997 1525-6103 RFFC Food, Culture and Society SSH 1997 1751-7443

TFTL Forests Trees and Livelihoods S&T 1997 2164-3075

SFDS Forum for Development Studies SSH 1997 1891-1765 RFSE Forum for Social Economics SSH 1997 1874-6381 Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon LFNN Nanostructures S&T 1997 1536-4046

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CGDE Gender and Development SSH 1995 1364-9221 CGEE Gender and Education SSH 1995 1360-0516

CGPC Gender, Place & Culture SSH 1995 1360-0524 TGEI Geocarto International S&T 1997 1752-0762 Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish RDGS Journal of Geography SSH 1997 1903-2471 Geomechanics and Geoengineering: An Intenational TGEO Journal S&T 1997 1748-6033

UGMB Geomicrobiology Journal S&T 1997 1521-0529 Geophysical and Astrophysical GGAF Fluid Dymanics S&T 1997 1029-0419

FGEO Geopolitics SSH 1997 1557-3028 Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and NGRK Geohazards S&T 1997 1749-9526 TGES Geosystems Engineering S&T 1997 tbc

FGRP German Politics SSH 1997 1743-8993 WGGE Gerontology & Geriatrics Education SSH 1997 1545-3847

SGFF GFF S&T 1997 2000-0863

TGRS GIScience & Remote Sensing S&T 1997 1943-7226 CPAR Global Change, Peace & Security SSH 1997 1478-1166 FGLC Global Crime SSH 1997 1744-01580 RGER Global Economic Review SSH 1997 1744-3873 RGPH Global Public Health SSH 1997 1744-1706

CGSJ Global Society SSH 1997 1469-798X Globalisation, Societies and CGSE Education SSH 1997 1476-7732

RGLO Globalizations SSH 1997 1474-774X

SGRA Grana S&T 1997 1651-2049 RLAW Griffith Law Review SSH 1997 1839-4205 Health Care for Women UHCW International SSH 1997 1096-4665

HHTH Health Communication SSH 1997 1532-7027

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WHMQ HEALTH MARKETING QUARTERLY SSH 1997 1545-0864 RHPR Health Psychology Review SSH 1997 1743-7202 RHSR Health Sociology Review SSH 1997 1839-3551 CHRS Health, Risk & Society SSH 1997 1096-4665 UHTE Heat Transfer Engineering S&T 1997 1521-0537 CHAS High Ability Studies SSH 1997 1469-834X High Pressure Research, An GHPR International Journal S&T 1997 1477-2299 Higher Education Research and CHER Development SSH 1997 1469-8366

GHBI Historical Biology S&T 1997 1029-2381 Historical Journal of Film, Radio CHJF and Television SSH 1981 1465-3451 Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary VHIM History SSH 1997 1940-1906 History & Technology, an GHAT International Journal SSH 1997 1477-2620

GHAN History and Anthropology SSH 1997 1477-2612 THPL History and Philosophy of Logic SSH 1997 1464-5149 THED History of Education SSH 1997 1464-5130 RHEI History of European Ideas SSH 1997 1873-541x THPH History of Photography SSH 1997 2150-7295 VHIS History: Reviews of New Books SSH 1997 1930-8280 THIE HKIE Transactions S&T 1997 2326-3733 RHOS Holocaust Studies SSH 1997 2048-4887 RFHC Home Cultures SSH 1997 1751-7427 Home Health Care Services WHHC Quarterly SSH 1997 1545-0856 VHOS Hospital Topics SSH 1997 1939-9278

RHAS Housing and Society SSH 1997 2376-0923

RHPD Housing Policy Debate SSH 1997 2152-050X

CHOS Housing Studies SSH 1997 1466-1810

SHOU Housing, Theory & Society SSH 1997 1651-2278

UHJC Howard Journal of Communication SSH 1997 1096-4649 Human & Ecological Risk BHER Assessment S&T 1997 1549-7860

UHDW Human Dimensions of Wildlife S&T 1997 1533-158X

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HHUP Human Performance SSH 1997 1532-7043 Human Resource Development RHRD International SSH 1997 1469-8374 Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & WASW Governance SSH 1997 1544-4376 HHCI Human-Computer Interaction S&T 1997 1532-7051

THSJ Hydrological Sciences Journal S&T 1997 2150-3435 SIBS Ibsen Studies SSH 1997 1741-8720 Ichnos: An International Journal of GICH Plant and Animal Traces S&T 1997 1563-5236 Identities: Global Studies in Culture GIDE and Power SSH 1997 1547-3384 HIDN Identity SSH 1997 1532-706X TIJE IETE Journal of Education S&T 1997 0974-7338 TIJR IETE Journal of Research S&T 1997 0974-780X TITR IETE Technical Review S&T 1997 0974-5971 UIIE IISE Transactions S&T 1997 1545-8830 RIMU Imago Mundi SSH 1997 1479-7801 Immigrants & Minorities: Historical Studies in Ethnicity, Migration and FIMM Diaspora SSH 1997 1744-0521 Impact Assessment and Project TIAP Appraisal S&T 1997 1471-5465

FIND India Review SSH 1997 1557-3036 TICE Indian Chemical Engineer S&T 1997 0975-007X

CIMW Indonesia and the Malay World SSH 1997 1469-8382 CIAI Industry & Innovation SSH 1997 1469-8390 Infancia y Aprendizaje: Journal for the Study of Education and RIYA Development SSH 1997 1578-4126 RIOB Infant Observation SSH 1997 1745-8943 Information and Communications CICT Technology Law SSH 1997 1469-8404 Information Security Journal: A UISS Global Perspective S&T 1997 1939-3547 UISM Information Systems Management S&T 1997 1934-8703 Information Technology for TITD Development S&T 1997 1554-0170 Information, Communication and RICS Society SSH 1997 1468-4462 Innovation in Language Learning RILL and Teaching SSH 1997 1750-1237

National Library of Sweden ref. nr 2017-512 35 (206)

Innovation: Management, Policy RIMP and Practice SSH 1997 2204-0226 Innovation: The European Journal CIEJ of Social Sciences SSH 1997 1469-8412 Innovations in Education & RIIE Teaching International SSH 1997 1470-3300 Inorganic and Nano-Metal LSRT Chemistry S&T 1997 2470-1564 SINQ Inquiry SSH 1997 1502-3923 Instrumentation Science and LIST Technology S&T 1997 1525-6030 Integral Transforms and Special GITR Functions S&T 1997 1476-8291 GINF Integrated Ferroelectrics S&T 1997 1607-8489 RIHR Intellectual History Review SSH 1997 1749-6985 FINT Intelligence & National Security SSH 1997 1743-9019 NILE Interactive Learning Environments SSH 1997 1744-5191

RIAC Inter-Asia Cultural Studies SSH 1997 1469-8447 CEJI Intercultural Education SSH 1997 1469-8439 International Journal Of Hospitality WJHT & Tourism Administration SSH 1997 1525-6499 RIEJ International Economic Journal SSH 1987 1743-517X International Feminist Journal of RFJP Politics SSH 1997 1468-4470 International Forum of SPSY Psychoanalysis SSH 1997 1651-2324 RIGS International Gambling Studies SSH 1997 1479-4276

TIGR International Geology Review S&T 1997 1938-2839 RINH International History Review SSH 1997 1949-6540

GINI International Interactions SSH 1997 1547-7444 International Journal for Academic RIJA Development SSH 1997 1470-1324 International Journal for Computational Methods in UCME Engineering Science and Mechanics S&T 1997 1550-2295 International Journal for the HJPR Psychology of Religion SSH 1997 1532-7582 International journal for the Study RJSC of the Christian Church SSH 1997 1747-0234

TACA International Journal of Acarology S&T 1997 1945-3892 International Journal of Advanced TJAL Logistics S&T 1997 2287-7592 RINA International Journal of Advertising SSH 1997 1759-3948

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International Journal of Aerospace HIAP Psychology S&T 1997 2472-1832 International Journal of Agricultural TAGS Sustainability S&T 1997 1747-762X International Journal of Ambient TAEN Energy S&T 1997 TBC International Journal of Architectural Heritage: Conservation, Analysis, and UARC Restoration S&T 1997 1558-3066 International Journal of Art RART Therapy SSH 1997 1745-4840 International Journal of Bilingual RBEB Education and Bilingualism SSH 1997 1747-7522 International Journal of Children's CIJC Spirituality SSH 1997 1469-8455 International Journal of Clinical & NHYP Experimental Hypnosis SSH 1997 1744-5183 International Journal of Coal GCOP Preparation and Utilization S&T 1997 1939-2702 International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal RCAC Justice SSH 1997 2157-6475 International Journal of GCFD Computational Fluid Dynamics S&T 1997 1029-0257 International Journal of Computer TCIM Integrated Manufacturing S&T 1996 1362-3052 International Journal of Computer GCOM Mathematics S&T 1997 1029-0265 International Journal of Computers TJCA and Applications S&T 1997 1925-7074 International Journal of Construction Education and UICE Research SSH 1997 1550-3984 International Journal of TJCM Construction Management S&T 1997 2331-2327 TCON International Journal of Control S&T 1997 1366-5820 International Journal of TCRS Crashworthiness S&T 1997 1754-2111 International Journal of Cultural GCUL Policy SSH 1997 1477-2833 International Journal of Culture RCCM and Mental Health SSH 1997 1754-2871 International Journal of Digital TJDE Earth S&T 1997 1753-8955 International Journal of Disability, CIJD Development and Education SSH 1997 1465-346X International Journal of Early Years CIEY Education SSH 1997 1469-8463

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International Journal of Electronic MJEC Commerce SSH 1997 1557-9301 TETN International Journal of Electronics S&T 1996 International Journal of Environmental Analytical GEAC Chemistry S&T 1997 1369-1619 International Journal of CIJE Environmental Health Research S&T 1997 1369-1619 International Journal of GENV Environmental Studies SSH 1997 1029-0400 International Journal of Fashion TFDT Design, Technology and Education S&T 1997 1754-3274 International Journal of Fluid TJFP Power S&T 1997 2332-1180 International Journal of Forensic UFMH Mental Health SSH 1997 1932-9903 International Journal Of Fruit WSFR Science S&T 1997 1553-8621 International Journal of General GGEN Systems S&T 1997 1563-5104 International Journal of Geographic TGIS Information Science S&T 1997 1362-3087 International Journal of Green LJGE Energy S&T 1997 1543-5083 International Journal of Health RHPE Promotion and Education SSH 1997 2164-9545 International Journal of Heritage RJHS Studies SSH 1997 1470-3610 International Journal of Housing REUJ Policy SSH 1997 1473-3269 International Journal of Human RIJH Resource Management SSH 1997 1466-4399 International Journal of Human- HIHC Computer Interaction S&T 1997 1532-7590 International Journal of Inclusive TIED Education SSH 1997 1464-5173 International Journal of Injury NICS Control and Safety Promotion SSH 1997 1745-7319 International Journal of Intelligence UJIC & Counterintelligence SSH 1997 1521-0561 International Journal of Leadership TEDL in Education SSH 1997 1464-5092 International Journal of Lifelong TLED Education SSH 1997 1464-519X

HIJL International Journal of Listening SSH 1997 1932-586X International Journal of Logistics: CJOL Research and Applications S&T 1997 1469-848X

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International Journal of Management Science and TMSE Engineering Management S&T 1997 1750-9661 International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science TMES and Technology S&T 1970 1464-5211 International Journal of Mental MIMH Health SSH 1997 1557-9328 International Journal of Mining, NSME Reclamation and Environment S&T 1997 1748-0949 International Journal of Modelling TJMS and Simulation S&T 1997 1925-7082 International Journal of RMJM Multilingualism SSH 1997 1747-7530 International Journal of Multiple RMRA Research Approaches SSH 1997 International Journal of Occupational Safety and TOSE Ergonomics S&T 1997 2376-9130 International Journal of TIJO Odonatology S&T 1997 TBC International Journal of Parallel, GPAA Emergent and Distributed Systems S&T 1997 1744-5779 International Journal of Pavement GPAV Engineering S&T 1997 1477-268X International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital RPDM Media SSH 1997 2040-0934 International Journal of Pest TTPM Management S&T 1997 1366-5863 International Journal of RIPH Philosophical Studies SSH 1997 1466-4542 International Journal of Philosophy RJPT and Theology SSH 1997 2169-2335 International Journal of BIJP Phytoremediation S&T 1997 1549-7879 International Journal of Political MIJP Economy SSH 1997 1558-0970 International Journal of Polymer GPAC Analysis and Characterization S&T 1997 1563-5341 International Journal of Production TPRS Research S&T 1997 1366-588X International Journal of Public LPAD Administration SSH 1997 1532-4265 International Journal of TQSE Qualititative Studies in Education SSH 1997 1366-5898 International Journal of Remote TRES Sensing S&T 1997

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International Journal of Research CWSE and Method in Education SSH 1997 1743-7288 International Journal of River Basin TRBM Management S&T 1997 1814-2060 International Journal of Science TSED Education SSH 1997 International Journal Of Sexual WIJS Health (New Title) SSH 1997 1931-762x International Journal of Social TSRM Research Methodology SSH 1997 1464-5300 MIJS International Journal of Sociology SSH 1997 1557-9336 International Journal of Sport and RIJS Exercise Psychology SSH 1997 1557-251X International Journal of Strategic HSTC Communication SSH 1997 1553-1198 International Journal of Sustainable TSDW Development & World Ecology SSH 1997 International Journal of Sustainable GSOL Energy Online S&T 1997 1478-646X International Journal of Sustainable TSUE Engineering S&T 1997 1939-7046 International Journal of Sustainable UJST Transportation S&T 1997 1556-8334 International Journal of Systems TSYS Science S&T 1997 1464-5319 HIJT International Journal of Testing SSH 1997 1532-7574 International Journal of the CIJB Economics of Business SSH 1997 1466-1829 International Journal of the History FHSP of Sport SSH 1997 1743-9035 International Journal of the Legal CIJL Profession SSH 1997 1469-9257 International Journal of Tourism RIJT Sciences SSH 1997 2377-0058 International Journal of Training RITR Research SSH 1997 tbc INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WIJT TRANSGENDERISM SSH 1997 1434-4599 International Journal of Urban RJUS Sciences SSH 1997 TBC International Journal Of Vegetable WIJV Science (New Title) S&T 1997 1931-5279 International Journal of Water CIJW Resources SSH 1995 1360-0648 International Journal of African RARS Renaissance Studies SSH 1997 1753-7274 International Journal on Media HIJM Management SSH 1997 1424-1250

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International Multilingual Research HMRJ Journal SSH 1997 1931-3160 FINP International Peacekeeping SSH 1997 1743-906x

CIPS International Planning Studies SSH 1997 1469-9265 International Public Management UPMJ Journal SSH 1997 1559-3169 International Research in Geographical and Environmental RGEE Education SSH 1997 1747-7611 International Review of Applied CIRA Economics SSH 1997 1465-3486 International Review of Law, CIRL Computers & Technology SSH 1997 1364-6885 International Review of Public RRPA Administration SSH 1997 2331-7795 International Review of Retail RIRR Distribution & Consumer Research SSH 1997 1466-4402 CIRS International Review of Sociology SSH 1997 1469-9273 International Review of Sport and RIRS Exercise Psychology SSH 1997 1750-9858 International Reviews in Physical TRPC Chemistry S&T 1997 1366-591X

RSPE International Spectator SSH 1997 1751-9721 International Studies in Sociology RISS of Education SSH 1997 1747-5066 International Studies in the CISP Philosophy of Science SSH 1997 1469-9281 International Studies of MIMO Management & Organization SSH 1997 1558-0911 Internet Reference Services WIRS Quarterly SSH 1997 1540-4749 Interventions: International Journal RIIJ of Postcolonial Studies SSH 1997 1469-929X Inverse Problems in Science and GIPE Engineering S&T 1997 1741-5985 Invertebrate Reproduction & TINV Development S&T 1997 2157-0272 RIAJ Investment Analysts Journal SSH 1997 2077-0227

CIST Iranian Studies SSH 1997 1475-4819 RIES Irish Educational Studies SSH 1997 1747-4965

FIPS Irish Political Studies SSH 1997 1743-9078

CISR Irish Studies Review SSH 1997 1469-9303

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Islam and Christian-Muslim CICM Relations SSH 1997 1469-9311 Isotopes in Environmental and GIEH Health Studies S&T 1997 1477-2639

FISA Israel Affairs SSH 1997 1743-9086

RIFA Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs SSH 1997 2373-9789

RJFO Japan Forum SSH 1997 1469-932X

CJST Japanese Studies SSH 1997 1469-9338

RJAV Javnost - The Public SSH 1997 1854-8377 RJAZ Jazz Perspectives SSH 1997 1749-4079 RJCH Jewish Culture and History SSH 1997

RCUV Journal for Cultural Research SSH 1997 1740-1666 RMAR Journal for Maritime Research SSH 1997 1469-1957 Journal for Specialists in Group USGW Work SSH 1997 1549-6295 WJAS Journal Of Access Services SSH 1997 1536-7975 WJAD Journal Of Addictive Diseases SSH 1997 1545-0848 GADH Journal of Adhesion S&T 1997 1545-5823 Journal of Adhesion Science and TAST Technology S&T 1997 1568-5616 Journal of Adventure Education RAOL and Outdoor Learning SSH 1997 1754-0402 UJOA Journal of Advertising SSH 1997 1557-7805 WJAB Journal Of African Business SSH 1997 1522-9076

CJAC Journal of African Cultural Studies SSH 1997 1469-9346 Journal Of Aggression, WAMT Maltreatment & Trauma SSH 1997 1545-083x WASP Journal Of Aging & Social Policy SSH 1997 1545-0821 Journal Of Agricultural & Food WAFI Information S&T 1997 1540-4722

WAGR Journal Of Agromedicine S&T 1997 1545-0813 VACH Journal of American College Health SSH 1997 1940-3208

TJAR Journal of Apicultural Research S&T 1997 2078-6913 Journal of Applied Animal Welfare HAAW Science S&T 1997 1532-7604

WJAA Journal Of Applied Aquaculture S&T 1997 1545-0805

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Journal of Applied Communication RJAC Research SSH 1997 1479-5752 Journal of Applied Non-Classical TNCL Logics S&T 1997 tbc Journal Of Applied School WAPP Psychology SSH 1997 1537-7911 Journal Of Applied Security WASR Research SSH 1997 1936-1629 Journal of Applied Sport UASP Psychology SSH 1997 1533-1571 CJAS Journal of Applied Statistics S&T 1995 1360-0532 Journal Of Aquatic Food Product WAFP Technology S&T 1997 1547-0636 Journal of Architectural RACO Conservation SSH 1997 2326-6384

RJAE Journal of Architectural Education SSH 1997 1531-314x WJAO Journal Of Archival Organization SSH 1997 1533-2756 Journal of Asian Natural Products GANP Research S&T 1997 1477-2213

RAPP Journal of Asian Public Policy SSH 1997 1751-6242 WAPB Journal Of Asia-Pacific Business SSH 1997 1528-6940

RJAU Journal of Australian Studies SSH 1997 1835-6419 Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern CJSB Studies SSH 1997 1944-8961

RBAL Journal of Baltic Studies SSH 1997 1751-7877 HBHF Journal of Behavioral Finance SSH 1997 1542-7579 CJBV Journal of Beliefs & Values SSH 1997 1469-9362 RJBE Journal of Biological Education SSH 1997 2157-6009 Journal of Biomaterials Science, TBSP Polymer Edition S&T 1997 1568-5624 Journal of Biomolecular Structure TBSD and Dynamics S&T 1997 1538-0254 Journal of Biopharmaceutical LBPS Statistics S&T 1997 1520-5711 WJBI Journal Of Bisexuality SSH 1997 1529-9724

RJBS Journal of Borderlands Studies SSH 1997 2159-1229 Journal of Broadcasting & HBEM Electronic Media SSH 1997 1550-6878 Journal of Building Performance TBPS Simulation S&T 1997 1940-1507 Journal of Business & Economic UBES Statistics S&T 1997 1537-2707

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Journal Of Business & Finance WBFL Librarianship SSH 1997 1547-0644 Journal Of Business To Business WBBM Marketing SSH 1997 1547-0628 LCAR Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry S&T 1997 1532-2327 RJCM Journal of Change Management SSH 1997 1479-1811 Journal of Child & Adolescent RCMH Mental Health SSH 1997 1728-0591 Journal Of Child & Adolescent WCAS Substance Abuse SSH 1997 1547-0652 WJCC Journal Of Child Custody SSH 1997 1537-940x RJCP Journal of Child Psychotherapy SSH 1997 1469-9370 WCSA Journal Of Child Sexual Abuse SSH 1997 1547-0679 CJCP Journal of Children & Poverty SSH 1997 1469-9389

RCHM Journal of Children and Media SSH 1997 1748-2801 WCTR Journal Of China Tourism Research SSH 1997 1938-8179 RJCC Journal of Chinese Cinema SSH 1997 1750-807X Journal of Chinese Economic and RCEA Business Studies SSH 1997 1476-5292

RCIS Journal of Civil Society SSH 1997 1744-8697 Journal of Clinical and NCEN Experimental Neuropsychology SSH 1997 1744-411x Journal of Clinical Child & HCAP Adolescent Psychology SSH 1997 1537-4424 Journal of Cognition and HJCD Development SSH 1997 1532-7647 PECP Journal of Cognitive Psychology SSH 1996 2044-592X UJCC Journal of College and Character SSH 1997 1940-1639 Journal of College Reading and UCRL Learning SSH 1997 2332-7413 Journal Of College Student WCSP Psychotherapy SSH 1997 1540-4730 Journal of Commonwealth & FCCP Comparative Politics SSH 1997 1743-9094 Journal of Community Health HCHN Nursing SSH 1997 1532-7655 WCOM Journal Of Community Practice SSH 1997 1543-3706 Journal of Comparative Asian RCAD Development SSH 1997 2150-5403 Journal of Comparative Policy FCPA Analysis SSH 1997 1572-5448 Journal of Computational and UCGS Graphical Statistics S&T 1997 1537-2715 Journal of Computational and LTTY Theoretical Transport S&T 1997 1532-2424

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Journal of Constructivist UPCY Psychology SSH 1997 1521-0650 Journal Of Consumer Health On WCHI The Internet SSH 1997 1539-8293 Journal of Contemporary African CJCA Studies SSH 1997 1469-9397

RJOC Journal of Contemporary Asia SSH 1997 1752-7554 Journal of Contemporary Central & CDEB Eastern Europe SSH 1997 2573-9646

CJCC Journal of Contemporary China SSH 1997 1469-9400 Journal of Contemporary European CJEA Studies SSH 1997 1478-2790 CJCR Journal of Contemporary Religion SSH 1997 1469-9419 Journal Of Convention & Event WCET Tourism SSH 1997 1547-0156 GCOO Journal of Co-ordination Chemistry S&T 1997 1029-0389 RCLS Journal of Corporate Law Studies SSH 1997 1757-8426 Journal of Cost Analysis and UCAP Parametrics S&T 1997 TBC Journal Of Couple & Relationship WCRT Therapy SSH 1997 1533-2683 Journal Of Creativity In Mental WCMH Health SSH 1997 1540-1391 RJCJ Journal of Crime and Justice SSH 1997 2158-9119 Journal of Criminal Justice RCJE Education SSH 1997 1745-9117

WCIM Journal Of Crop Improvement S&T 1997 1542-7536 Journal Of Culinary Science & WCSC Technology S&T 1997 1542-8044

RJCE Journal of Cultural Economy SSH 1997 1753-0369

RJCG Journal of Cultural Geography SSH 1997 1940-6320 Journal of Current Issues & UJCI Research in Advertising SSH 1997 2164-7313 Journal of Curriculum and UJCP Pedagogy SSH 1997 2156-8154 TCUS Journal of Curriculum Studies SSH 1997 1366-5839 UJOD Journal of Dance Education SSH 1997 TJDS Journal of Decision Systems S&T 1997 tbc

FJDS Journal of Development Studies SSH 1997 1743-9140 Journal of Difference Equations GDEA and Applications S&T 1997 1563-5120

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Journal of Digital Learning in UJDL Teacher Education SSH 1997 to follow WRDH Journal of Disability & Religion SSH 1997 1522-9122 Journal of discrete mathematical TDMC Sciences and Cryptography S&T 1997 2169-0065 Journal of Dispersion Science and LDIS Technology S&T 1997 1532-2351 WJDR Journal Of Divorce & Remarriage SSH 1997 1540-4811 WJDD Journal Of Dual Diagnosis SSH 1997 1550-4271 Journal of Dynamical Systems and TDSG Geometric Theories S&T 1997 2169-0057 Journal of Early Childhood Teacher UJEC Education SSH 1997 1745-5642 UEQE Journal of Earthquake Engineering S&T 1997 1559-808X

RJEA Journal of Eastern African Studies SSH 1997 1753-1063 WJEB Journal Of East-West Business SSH 1997 1528-6959 MJEI Journal of Economic Issues SSH 1997 1946-326X RJEC Journal of Economic Methodology SSH 1997 1469-9427 GPRE Journal of Economic Policy Reform SSH 1997 1748-7889 RECO Journal of Ecotourism SSH 1997 1747-7638 CJEW Journal of Education and Work SSH 1997 1469-9435 VJEB Journal of Education for Business SSH 1997 1940-3356 Journal of Education for Students HJSP Placed at Risk (JESPAR) SSH 1997 1532-7671 CJET Journal of Education for Teaching SSH 1995 1360-0540 TEDP Journal of Education Policy SSH 1997 1464-5106 Journal of Educational CJEH Administration and History SSH 1997 1478-7431 Journal of Educational and HEPC Psychological Consultation SSH 1997 1532-768X WEAN Journal Of Elder Abuse & Neglect SSH 1997 1540-4129 Journal of Elections, Public Opinion FBEP and Parties SSH 1997 1745-7297 Journal of Electromagnetic Waves TEWA and Applications S&T 1997 1569-3937 Journal Of Electronic Resources In WERM Medical Libraries SSH 1997 1542-4073 Journal of Electronic Resources WACQ Librarianship SSH 1997 1941-1278 UEGM Journal of Energetic Materials S&T 1997 1545-8822 Journal of Energy & Natural RNRL Resources Law SSH 1997 2376-4538 CJEN Journal of Engineering Design S&T 1997 1466-1837 Journal of Environmental Planning CJEP and Management SSH 1997 1360-0559

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Journal of Environmental Policy & CJOE Planning SSH 1997 1522-7200 Journal of Environmental Science LESA and Health, Part A S&T 1997 1532-4117 Journal of Environmental Science LESC and Health, Part B S&T 1997 1532-4095 Journal of Environmental Science LESB and Health, Part B S&T 1997 1532-4109 Journal of Essential Oil Bearing TEOP Plants S&T 1997 0976-5026

TJEO Journal of Essential Oil Research S&T 1997 2163-8152 Journal Of Ethnic And Cultural WECD Diversity In Social Work SSH 1997 1531-3212 Journal of Ethnic and Migration CJMS Studies SSH 1997 1469-9451 Journal Of Ethnicity In Criminal WECJ Justice SSH 1997 1537-7946 Journal Of Ethnicity In Substance WESA Abuse SSH 1997 1533-2659

GEUI Journal of European Integration SSH 1997 1477-2280

RJPP Journal of European Public Policy SSH 1997 1466-4429 Journal of Evidence-Informed WEBS Social Work SSH 1997 2376-1415 Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence TETA Online S&T 1996 1362-3079

HJFC Journal of Family Communication SSH 1997 1532-7698 WJFP Journal Of Family Psychotherapy SSH 1997 1540-4080 WFSW Journal Of Family Social Work SSH 1997 1540-4072 RJFS Journal of Family Studies SSH 1997 1839-3543 WFFT Journal Of Feminist Family Therapy SSH 1997 1540-4099 Journal Of Food Products WFPM Marketing SSH 1997 1540-4102 Journal Of Foodservice Business WFBR Research SSH 1997 1537-8039 Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & RJFP Psychology SSH 1997 1478-9957 Journal of Forensic Psychology WFPP Practice SSH 1997 1522-9092 Journal of Further and Higher CJFH Education SSH 1997 1469-9486 Journal Of Gay & Lesbian Mental WGLM Health SSH 1997 1935-9713

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Journal Of Gay & Lesbian Social WGLS Services SSH 1997 1540-4056 CJGS Journal of Gender Studies SSH 1997 1465-3869

CJGR Journal of Genocide Research SSH 1997 1469-9494

RJOG Journal of Geography SSH 1997 Journal of Geography in Higher CJGH Education SSH 1997 1466-1845 Journal Of Gerontological Social WGER Work SSH 1997 1540-4048 WGFS Journal Of Glbt Family Studies SSH 1997 1550-4298 RJGE Journal of Global Ethics SSH 1997 1744-9634 Journal of Global Information UGIT Technology Management SSH 1997 2333-6846 WGLO Journal Of Global Marketing SSH 1997 1528-6975 Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science: Bridging Asia RGAM and the World SSH 1997 2163-9167 WHCC Journal Of Health Care Chaplaincy SSH 1997 1528-6916

UHCM Journal of Health Communication SSH 1997 1087-0415 Journal Of Herbs, Spices & WHSM Medicinal Plants S&T 1997 1540-3580 RJHT Journal of Heritage Tourism SSH 1997 1474-6631 Journal of Higher Education Policy CJHE and Management SSH 1997 1469-9508 Journal Of Hiv/Aids & Social WHIV Services SSH 1997 1538-151x WJHM Journal Of Homosexuality SSH 1997 1540-3602 WHOS Journal Of Hospital Librarianship SSH 1997 1532-3277 Journal of Hospitality & Tourism UHAT Education SSH 1997 2325-6540 Journal Of Hospitality Marketing & WHMM Management SSH 1997 1936-8631

WJHE Journal Of Housing For The Elderly SSH 1997 1540-353x Journal Of Human Behavior In The WHUM Social Environment SSH 1997 1540-3556 Journal of Human Development CJHD and Capabilities SSH 1997 1945-2837 Journal Of Human Resources In WHRH Hospitality & Tourism SSH 1997 1533-2853

CJHR Journal of Human Rights SSH 1997 1475-4843 Journal Of Hunger & Environmental WHEN Nutrition S&T 1997 1932-0256

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TISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering S&T 1997 2164-3040

TJHR Journal of Hydraulic Research S&T 1997 1814-2079 Journal of Iberian & Latin American CJIL Studies SSH 1997 1469-9524 Journal of Iberian and Latin RJIL American Research SSH 1997 2151-9668 Journal Of Immigrant & Refugee WIMM Studies SSH 1997 1556-2956 Journal of Immunoassay and LJII Immunochemistry S&T 1997 1532-4230 Journal of Imperial & FICH Commonwealth History SSH 1997 1743-9329 Journal of Industrial and TJCI Production Engineering S&T 1997 2151-7606 Journal of Infant, Child, and HICP Adolescent Psychotherapy SSH 1997 1940-9214 Journal of Information and TIOS Optimization Sciences S&T 1997 2169-0103 Journal Of Information Technology WITP & Politics SSH 1997 1933-169x Journal of Information Technology UTCA Case and Application Research SSH 1997 2333-6897 Journal of Intellectual and CJID Developmental Disability SSH 1997 1469-9532

RJIH Journal of Intelligence History SSH 1997 2169-5601 Journal of Intelligent GITS Transportation Systems S&T 1997 1547-2442 UJIA Journal of Interactive Advertising SSH 1997 1525-2019 Journal of Intercultural RJIC Communication Research SSH 1997 1747-5767 CJIS Journal of Intercultural Studies SSH 1997 1469-9540 Journal of Interdisciplinary TJIM Mathematics S&T 1997 2169-012X Journal Of Intergenerational WJIR Relationships SSH 1997 1535-0932 Journal Of Interlibrary Loan,Document Delivery & WILD Electronic Reserve SSH 1997 1540-3572 Journal of International and RJCS Comparative Social Policy SSH 1997 2169-978x Journal of International and RJII Intercultural Communication SSH 1997 1751-3065 Journal Of International Consumer WICM Marketing SSH 1997 1528-7068 Journal Of International Food & WIFA Agribusiness Marketing SSH 1997 1528-6983

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Journal of International Wildlife UWLP Law & Policy S&T 1997 1548-1476 WICO Journal Of Internet Commerce SSH 1997 1533-287x Journal of Intervention and RISB Statebuilding SSH 1997 1750-2985 Journal of Island & Coastal UICA Archaeology SSH 1997 1556-1828 FJIH Journal of Israeli History SSH 1997 1744-0548 UJJE Journal of Jewish Education SSH 1997 1554-611X TLUS Journal of Land Use Science S&T 1997 1747-4248

RJLA Journal of Landscape Architecture SSH 1997 tbc Journal of Language, Identity & HLIE Education SSH 1997 1532-7701 Journal of Latin American Cultural CJLA Studies SSH 1997 1469-9575 HJLE Journal of Latinos and Education SSH 1997 1532-771X FLGH Journal of Legal History SSH 1980 1744-0564 ULGM Journal of Legal Medicine SSH 1997 1521-057x Journal of Legal Pluralism and RJLP Unofficial Law SSH 1997 2305-9931

FJLS Journal of Legislative Studies SSH 1997 1743-9337 WJLS Journal Of Lesbian Studies SSH 1997 1540-3548 Journal Of Lgbt Issues In WLCO Counseling SSH 1997 1553-8338 WJLY Journal Of Lgbt Youth SSH 1997 1936-1661 Journal Of Library & Information WLIS Services In Distance Learning SSH 1997 1533-2918 WJLA Journal Of Library Administration SSH 1997 1540-3564 WJLM Journal Of Library Metadata SSH 1997 1937-5034 Journal of Liquid Chromatography LJLC & Related Technologies S&T 1997 1520-572x RJLS Journal of Literary Studies SSH 1997 1753-5387 Journal of Location Based Services TLBS Online S&T 1997 1748-9733 Journal of Loss and Trauma: International Perspectives on UPIL Stress and Coping SSH 1997 1532-5032 Journal of Macromolecular Science, LMSA Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry S&T 1997 1520-5738 Journal of Macromolecular Science, LMSB Part B: Physics S&T 1997 1525-609X Journal of Management MMIS Information Systems SSH 1997 1557-928X Journal of Management, RMSR Spirituality & Religion SSH 1997 1942-258x

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Journal Of Map And Geography WMGL Libraries SSH 1997 1542-0361 Journal of Marine Engineering & TMAR Technology S&T 1997 2056-8487 WJMC Journal Of Marketing Channels SSH 1997 1540-7039 Journal of Marketing RJMC Communications SSH 1996 1466-4445 Journal Of Marketing For Higher WMHE Education SSH 1997 1540-7144 RJMM Journal of Marketing Management SSH 1997 1472-1376 Journal of Marketing Theory & MMTP Practice SSH 1997 1944-7175 GMAS Journal of Mathematical Sociology SSH 1997 1545-5874 Journal of Mathematics and Music: Mathematical and Computational Approaches to Music Theory, TMAM Analysis and Composition S&T 1997 1745-9745 Journal of Mathematics and the TMAA Arts S&T 1997 1751-3480

HJMR Journal of Media and Religion SSH 1997 1534-8415 ROMB Journal of Media Business Studies SSH 1997 2376-2977

HMEC Journal of Media Economics SSH 1997 1532-7736

HMME Journal of Media Ethics SSH 1997 1532-7728

RJMP Journal of Media Practice SSH 1997 2040-0926 RMED Journal of Medieval History SSH 1997 1873-1279 Journal of Mental Health Research UMID in Intellectual Disabilities SSH 1997 1931-5872 SMIL Journal of Military Ethics SSH 1997 1502-7589 RMOH Journal of Modern Chinese History SSH 1997 1753-5662

RMIS Journal of Modern Italian Studies SSH 1997 1469-9583 CMJS Journal of Modern Jewish Studies SSH 1997 1472-5894 TMOP Journal of Modern Optics S&T 1954 1362-3044 CJME Journal of Moral Education SSH 1997 1465-3877 VJMB Journal of Motor Behavior SSH 1997 1940-1027 RMMD Journal of Multicultural Discourses SSH 1997 Journal of Multilingual & RMMM Multicultural Development SSH 1997 1747-7557 RMAA Journal of Musical Arts in Africa SSH 1997 2070-626X GMUR Journal of Musicological Research SSH 1997 1547-7304

CJMM Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs SSH 1997 1469-9591

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WJNF Journal Of Natural Fibers S&T 1997 1544-046x

TNAH Journal of Natural History S&T 1967 1464-5262 NNMR Journal of New Music Research SSH 1997 1744-5027 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical TNMP Physics S&T 1997 1776-0852 GNST Journal of Nonparametric Statistics S&T 1997 1029-0311 Journal Of Nonprofit & Public WNON Sector Marketing SSH 1997 1540-6997

FNAS Journal of North African Studies SSH 1997 1743-9345 Journal of Nuclear Science and TNST Technology S&T 1997 1881-1248 Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology WJNE and Geriatrics SSH 1997 2155-1197 Journal of Occupational & UOEH Environmental Hygiene S&T 2004 1545-9632 ROCC Journal of Occupational Science SSH 1997 Journal Of Occupational Therapy, WJOT Schools & Early Intervention SSH 1997 1941-1251 WJOR Journal Of Offender Rehabilitation SSH 1997 1540-8558 Journal of Operational TJOO Oceanography S&T 1997 1755-8778 Journal Of Organizational Behavior WORG Management SSH 1997 1540-8604 Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic HOCE Commerce S&T 1997 1532-7744 CJPE Journal of Peace Education SSH 1997 1470-021X Journal of Peacebuilding & RJPD Development SSH 1997 2165-7440 Journal of Personal Selling & Sales RPSS Management SSH 1997 tbc HJPA Journal of Personality Assessment SSH 1997 1532-7752 Journal of Physical Education UJRD Recreation & Dance SSH 1997 2168-3816

LPLA Journal of Plant Nutrition S&T 1997 1532-4087 Journal of Plant Taxonomy and TWEB Geography S&T 1997 2169-4060 TJPT Journal of Poetry Therapy SSH 1997 1567-2344 Journal of Policing, Intelligence and RPIC Counter Terrorism SSH 1997 2159-5364

CJPI Journal of Political Ideologies SSH 1997 1469-9613

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WPLM Journal Of Political Marketing SSH 1997 1537-7865

RPOW Journal of Political Power SSH 1997 2158-3803 Journal of Political Science UPSE Education SSH 1997 1551-2177 Journal of Popular Film and VJPF Television SSH 1997 1930-6458 Journal of Post Keynesian MPKE Economics SSH 1997 1557-7821 RJPW Journal of Postcolonial Writing SSH 1997 1744-9863 WPOV Journal Of Poverty SSH 1997 1540-7608 Journal Of Prevention & WPIC Intervention In The Community SSH 1997 1540-7330 RPIL Journal of Private International Law SSH 1997 1757-8418 Journal Of Progessive Human WPHS Services SSH 1997 1540-7616 WJPM Journal Of Promotion Management SSH 1997 1540-7594

RJPR Journal of Property Research SSH 1996 1466-4453 UJPD Journal of Psychoactive Drugs SSH 1997 RPIA Journal of Psychology in Africa SSH 1997 1815-5626 WJPO Journal Of Psychosocial SSH 1997 1540-7586 WPCW Journal Of Public Child Welfare SSH 1997 1554-8740 Journal of Public Relations HPRR Research SSH 1997 1532-754X Journal Of Quality Assurance In WQAH Hospitality & Tourism SSH 1997 1528-0098 NJQL Journal of Quantitative Linguistics SSH 1997 1744-5035

HJRS Journal of Radio and Audio Media SSH 1997 1937-6537 WJRM Journal Of Relationship Marketing SSH 1997 1533-2675 Journal Of Religion & Spirituality In WRSP Social Work: Social Thought SSH 1997 1542-6440 Journal Of Religion, Spirituality & WRSA Aging SSH 1997 1552-8049 Journal Of Religious & Theological WRTI Information SSH 1997 1528-6948 Journal of Reproductive and Infant CJRI Psychology SSH 1997 1469-672X Journal of Research in Childhood UJRC Education SSH 1997 2150-2641 Journal of Research on Christian URCE Education SSH 1997 1934-4945 Journal of Research on Educational UREE Effectiveness SSH 1997 1934-5739 Journal of Research on Technology UJRT in Education SSH 1997 1945-0818

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RJRR Journal of Risk Research SSH 1997 1466-4461 Journal of Russian & East European MRPO Psychology SSH 1997 1558-0415 Journal of Scandinavian Studies in SCRI Criminology and Crime Prevention SSH 1997 1651-2340 WJSC Journal Of School Choice SSH 1997 1558-2167 WJSV Journal Of School Violence SSH 1997 1538-8239 USMT Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy SSH 1997 1521-0715 HJSR Journal of Sex Research SSH 1997 1559-8519 TJSA Journal of Sexual Aggression SSH 1997 1742-6545 Journal of Small Business & RSBE Entrepreneurship SSH 1997 2169-2610 WSSR Journal Of Social Service Research SSH 1997 1540-7314 Journal of Social Welfare and RJSF Family Law SSH 1997 1469-9621 USWE Journal of Social Work Education SSH 1997 2163-5811 Journal Of Social Work In End-Of- WSWE Life & Palliative Care SSH 1997 1552-4264 CJSW Journal of Social Work Practice SSH 1997 1465-3885 Journal Of Social Work Practice In WSWP The Addictions SSH 1997 1533-2578 Journal of Southeast European and FBSS Black Sea Studies SSH 1997 1743-9639

CJSS Journal of Southern African Studies SSH 1997 1465-3893

CJSC Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies SSH 1997 1469-9818 TJSS Journal of Spatial Science S&T 1997 1836-5655 Journal Of Spirituality In Mental WSPI Health SSH 1997 1934-9645 RJTO Journal of Sport & Tourism SSH 1997 1029-5399 RJSP Journal of Sports Sciences SSH 1996 1466-447X Journal of Statistical Computation GSCS and Simulation S&T 1997 1563-5163 Journal of Statistical Theory and UJSP Practice S&T 1997 1559-8616 Journal of Statistics and TSMS Management Systems S&T 1997 2169-0014 RJSM Journal of Strategic Marketing SSH 1996 1466-4488 FJSS Journal of Strategic Studies SSH 1997 1743-937x Journal of Student Affairs Research UARP and Practice SSH 1997 1949-6605 GSRP Journal of Sulfur Chemistry S&T 1997 1741-6000

WJSF Journal Of Sustainable Forestry S&T 1997 1540-756x RSUS Journal of Sustainable Tourism SSH 1997 1747-7646

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TJSP Journal of Systematic Paleontology S&T 1997 1478-0941 Journal Of Teaching In WTIB International Business SSH 1997 1528-6991 WTSW Journal Of Teaching In Social Work SSH 1997 1540-7349 Journal Of Teaching In Travel & WTTT Tourism SSH 1997 1531-3239 Journal Of Technology In Human WTHS Services SSH 1997 1522-8991 Journal of the Air & Waste UAWM Management Association S&T 1997 Journal of the American College of UACN Nutrition SSH 1997 1541-1087 Journal of the American Planning RJPA Association SSH 1935 1939-0130 Journal of the American Statistical UASA Association S&T 1997 1537-274X

RJAP Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy SSH 1997 1469-9648 Journal of the British Society for RBSP Phenomenology SSH 1997 2332-0486 Journal of the Chinese Institute of TCIE Engineers S&T 1997 2158-7299 Journal of the History of the NJHN Neurosciences SSH 1997 1744-5213

RIOR Journal of the Indian Ocean Region SSH 1997 1948-108x Journal of the Institute of RCON Conservation SSH 1997 1945-5232 HLNS Journal of the Learning Sciences SSH 1997 1532-7809 RJPS Journal of the Philosophy of Sport SSH 1997 1543-2939 Journal of the Royal Musical RRMA Association SSH 1997 Journal of the Royal Society of New TNZR Zealand S&T 1997 1175-8899 TJTI Journal of the Textile Institute S&T 1997 1754-2340 UTHS Journal of Thermal Stresses S&T 1997 1521-074X Journal of Tourism and Cultural RTCC Change SSH 1997 1747-7654 RJTH Journal of Tourism History SSH 1997 1755-1838 Journal of Toxicology & Environmental Health Part A: UTEH Current Issues S&T 1996 1087-2620 Journal of Toxicology & Environmental Health Part B: UTEB Critical Reviews S&T 1997 1521-6950

RJTS Journal of Transatlantic Studies SSH 1997 1754-1018

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Journal Of Transnational WTNM Management SSH 1997 1547-5786 WJTD Journal Of Trauma & Dissociation SSH 1997 1529-9740 Journal Of Travel & Tourism WTTM Marketing SSH 1997 1540-7306 TJOT Journal of Turbulence (Online) S&T 1997 1468-5248

CJUD Journal of Urban Design SSH 1997 1469-9664

CJUT Journal of Urban Technology SSH 1997 1466-1853 Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and RJOU Urban Sustainabilty SSH 1997 1754-9183 Journal of Verterbrate UJVP Paleontology S&T 1997 1937-2809 RJVP Journal of Visual Art Practice SSH 1997 1758-9185 Journal of Vocational Education RJVE and Training SSH 1997 1747-5090 WJWL Journal Of Web Librarianship SSH 1997 1932-2917

CJWR Journal of Wine Research SSH 1997 1469-9672 WJWA Journal Of Women & Aging SSH 1997 1540-7322 Journal Of Women, Politics & WWAP Policy SSH 1997 1554-4788 Journal of Wood Chemistry and LWCT Technology S&T 1997 1532-2319 Journal Of Workplace Behavioral WJWB Health SSH 1997 1555-5259 CJYS Journal of Youth Studies SSH 1997 1469-9680

RJOP Journalism Practice SSH 1997 1751-2794

RJOS Journalism Studies SSH 1997 1469-9699 RJDR Judicial Review SSH 1997 1757-8434 UJUN Jung Journal SSH 1997 1934-2047 RJQY Justice Quarterly SSH 1997 1745-9109

UJSJ Justice System Journal SSH 1997 2327-7556 UKDR Kappa Delta Pi Record SSH 1997 2163-1611 RKLJ King's Law Journal SSH 1997 1757-8442 SKON Konsthistorisk Tidskrift SSH 1997 1651-2294 CLAH Labor History SSH 1987 1469-9702 Labour & Industry: A Journal of the Social and Economic Relations of RLAB Work SSH 1997 2325-5676

ULRM Lake and Reservoir Management S&T 1997 2151-5530

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RLSH Landscape History SSH 1997 2160-2506

CLAR Landscape Research SSH 1997 1469-9710 Language & Intercultural RMLI Communication SSH 1997 1747-759X HLAC Language Acquisition SSH 1997 1532-7817 RLAE Language and Education SSH 1997 1747-7581 HLAQ Language Assessment Quarterly SSH 1997 1543-4311 RMLA Language Awareness SSH 1997 1747-7565 Language Cognition and PLCP Neuroscience SSH 1996 Language Learning and HLLD Development SSH 1997 1547-3341 RLLJ Language Learning Journal SSH 1997 1753-2167 RLMS Language Matters SSH 1997 1753-5395 RLCC Language, culture and Curriculum SSH 1997 1747-7573 Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, PLAT Brain and Cognition SSH 1997 1464-0678 Latin American and Carribean RLAC Ethnic Studies SSH 1997 1744-2230 WLAB Latin American Business Review SSH 1997 1528-6932 RLAL Law & Literature SSH 1997 1541-2601 RLFM Law and Financial Markets Review SSH 1997 1752-1459 RLAH Law and Humanities SSH 1997 1752-1491 NLPS Leadership & Policy in Schools SSH 1997 1744-5043 CJEM Learning Media & Technology SSH 1997 1743-9892 RLET Legal Ethics SSH 1997 1757-8450 WLRS Legal Reference Services Quarterly SSH 1997 1540-949x ULSC Leisure Sciences SSH 1997 1521-0588 RLST Leisure Studies SSH 1997 1466-4496 RLOI Leisure/Loisir SSH 1997 2151-2221 LEUKOS: The Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society of ULKS North America S&T 1997 1550-2716 Library Collections, Acquisitions ULCA and Technical Services SSH 1997 1873-1821 RLWR Life Writing SSH 1997 1751-2964 GLMA Linear and Multilinear Algebra S&T 1997 1563-5139 TLCT Liquid Crystals S&T 1997 Lit: Literature Interpretation GLIT Theory SSH 1997 1545-5866 ULRI Literacy Research & Instruction SSH 1997 1938-8063 ULTG Liturgy SSH 1997 1557-3001

CLOE Local Environment SSH 1997 1469-6711

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FLGS Local Government Studies SSH 1997 1743-9388 Loisir et Societe / Society and RLES Leisure SSH 1997 1705-0154 LMST Machining Science & Technology S&T 1997 1532-2483 Macroeconomics and Finance in REME Emerging Market Economies SSH 1997 1752-0851 Management & Organizational RMOR History SSH 1997 1744-9367 RMLE Managing Sport and Leisure SSH 1997 2375-0480 Marine and Freshwater Behaviour GMFW and Physiology S&T 1997 1029-0362

SMAR Marine Biology Research S&T 1997 1745-1019

UMGD Marine Geodesy S&T 1997 1521-060X Marine Georesources & UMGT Geotechnology S&T 1997 1521-0618 Maritime Affairs:Journal of the National Maritime Foundation of RNMF India SSH 1997 1946-6609 TMPM Maritime Policy & Management SSH 1997 1464-5254 MMER Marketing Education Review SSH 1997 2153-9987 WMFR Marriage & Family Review SSH 1997 1540-9635

HMCS Mass Communication and Society SSH 1997 1532-7825 RFMR Material Religion SSH 1997 1751-8342 Materials and Manufacturing LMMP Processes S&T 1997 1532-2475 Mathematical and Computer NMCM Modelling of Dynamical Systems S&T 1997 1744-5051

GMPS Mathematical Population Studies SSH 1997 1547-724x Mathematical Thinking and HMTL Learning SSH 1997 1532-7833 Measurement in Physical HMPE Education and Exercise Science SSH 1997 1532-7841 Measurement: Interdisciplinary HMES Research & Perspective SSH 1997 1536-6359 Mechanics Based Design of LMBD Structures and Machines S&T 1997 1539-7742 Mechanics of Advanced Materials UMCM and Structures S&T 1997 1537-6532 RMEA Media Asia SSH 1997 2377-6277

CMEH Media History SSH 1997 1469-9729

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HMEP Media Psychology SSH 1997 1532-785X

GMEA Medical Anthropology SSH 1997 1545-5882 Medical Reference Services WMRS Quarterly SSH 1997 1540-9567 FMCS Medicine Conflict & Survival SSH 1997 1743-9396 FMHR Mediterranean Historical Review SSH 1997 1743-940x

FMED Mediterranean Politics SSH 1997 1743-9418 PMEM Memory SSH 1996 1464-0686 CMHR Mental Health, Religion & Culture SSH 1997 1469-9737 Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership CMET in Learning SSH 1997 1469-9745 HMET Metaphor and Symbol SSH 1997 1532-7868

CCRI Middle East Critique SSH 1997 1943-6157

CAME Middle Eastern Literatures SSH 1997 1475-2638

FMES Middle Eastern Studies SSH 1997 1743-7881 HMCA Mind, Culture, and Activity SSH 1997 1532-7884 Mineral Processing & Extractive GMPR Metallurgy Review S&T 1997 1547-7401

RMOB Mobilities SSH 1997 1745-011x

CMCF Modern and Contemporary France SSH 1997 1469-9869 GMCL Molecular Crystals & Liquid Crystals S&T 1997 1543-5318 Molecular Physics:An International Journal at the Interface Between TMPH Chemistry and Physics S&T 1996 1362-3028 GMOS Molecular Simulation S&T 1997 1029-0435

TMOS Molluscan Research S&T 1997 1448-6067 CMRT Mortality SSH 1997 1469-9885 HMCP Multicultural Perspectives SSH 1997 1532-7892 HMBR Multivariate Behavioral Research SSH 1997 1532-7906 Museum Management and RMMC Curatorship SSH 1997 1872-9185 CMUE Music Education Research SSH 1997 1469-9907 WMUS Music Reference Services Quarterly SSH 1997 1540-9503 RMUS Musicology Australia SSH 1997 1949-453X RMUZ Muziki SSH 1997 1753-593x Nanoscale and Microscale UMTE Thermophysical Engineering S&T 1997 1556-7273

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NASPA Journal About Women in UWHE Higher Education SSH 1997 1940-7890 CNID National Identities SSH 1997 1469-9907

FNEP Nationalism & Ethnic Politics SSH 1997 1557-2986

CNAP Nationalities Papers SSH 1997 1465-3923 Natural Product Research [Part A GNPL and Part B] S&T 1997 1029-2349 NNCS Neurocase SSH 1997 1465-3656 PNRH Neuropsychological Rehabilitation SSH 1996 1464-0694 GNNW Neutron News S&T 1997 1931-7352 CNGS New Genetics & Society SSH 1997 1469-9915

CNPE New Political Economy SSH 1997 1469-9923

CNPS New Political Science SSH 1997 1469-9931 New Review of Academic RACL Librarianship SSH 1997 1740-7834 New Review of Children's RCLL Literature and Librarianship SSH 1997 1740-7885 New Review of Film & Television RFTS Studies SSH 1997 1740-7923 New Review of Hypermedia and THAM Multimedia S&T 1997 1740-7842 New Review of Information RINN Networking SSH 1997 1740-7869 New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory RMNW of Creative W SSH 1997 7777-7777 RNZP New Zealand Economic Papers SSH 1997 1943-4863

TNZE New Zealand Entomologist S&T 1997 tbc New Zealand Journal of Agricultural TNZA Research S&T 1997 1175-8778

TNZB New Zealand Journal of Botany S&T 1997 1175-8643 New Zealand Journal of Crop & TNZC Horticultural Science S&T 1997 1175-8783 New Zealand Journal of Geology & TNZG Geophysics S&T 1997 1175-8791 New Zealand Journal of Marine & TNZM Freshwater Research S&T 1997 1175-8805

TNZZ New Zealand Journal of Zoology S&T 1997 1175-8821

TNZV New Zealand Veterinary Journal S&T 1997 1176-0710

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GNCC Nineteenth Century Contexts SSH 1997 1477-2663 Nondestructive Testing and GNTE Evaluation S&T 1997 1477-2671 Nora, Nordic Journal of Women's SWOM Studies SSH 1997 1502-394X

RNHR Nordic Journal of Human Rights SSH 1997 1891-814X RNJM Nordic Journal of Music Therapy SSH 1997 1944-8260 RNPY Nordic Psychology SSH 1997 1904-0016 Norma-International Journal of RNOR Masculinity Studies SSH 1997 1890-2146

SGEO Norsk Geografisk Tidsskr SSH 1997 1502-5292 UAAJ North American Actuarial Journal SSH 1997 tbc

SARC Norwegian Archaeological Review SSH 1997 1502-7678 GNPN Nuclear Physics News S&T 1997 1931-7336 Nucleosides, Nucleotides, and LNCN Nucleic Acids S&T 1997 1532-2335 Numerical Functional Analysis and LNFA Optimization S&T 1997 1532-2467 Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: UNHT Applications S&T 1997 1521-0634 Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: UNHB Fundamentals S&T 1997 1521-0626 HNUC Nutrition and Cancer SSH 1997 1532-7914 Occupational Therapy In Mental WOMH Health SSH 1997 1541-3101 Ocean Development & UODL International Law SSH 1997 1521-0642 Open Learning: The Journal of COPL Open and Distance Learning SSH 1997 1469-9958 GOPT Optimization S&T 1997 1029-4945 Optimization Methods and GOMS Software S&T 1997 1029-4937 Organic Preparations and Procedures International: The New UOPP Journal for Organic S&T 1997 9999-4948 UOMJ Organization Management Journal SSH 1997 1541-6518

TOIN Oriental Insects S&T 1997 2157-8745 Ostrich - Journal of African TOST Ornithology S&T 1997 1727-947X

CODS Oxford Development Studies SSH 1997 1469-9966 CORE Oxford Review of Education SSH 1997 1465-3915 Oxford University Commonwealth ROUC Law Journal SSH 1997 1757-8469

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BOSE Ozone: Science & Engineering S&T 1997 1547-6545 Pacific Rim Property Research RPRJ Journal SSH 1997 2201-6716 CPDH Paedagogica Historica SSH 1997 1477-674X

TPAL Palynology S&T 1997 1558-9188

TPAR Parallax SSH 1997 1460-700X HPAR Parenting SSH 1997 1532-7922 Parliaments, Estates and RPER Representation SSH 1997 1947-248X UPST Particulate Science and Technology S&T 1997 1548-0046 Pastoral Care in Education: An International Journal of Personal, RPED Social and Em SSH 1997 1468-0122 RPOP Patterns of Prejudice SSH 1997 1461-7331 HPJE Peabody Journal of Education SSH 1997 1532-7930 CPER Peace Review SSH 1997 1469-9982 Pedagogies: An International HPED Journal SSH 1997 1554-4818 RPCS Pedagogy, Culture & Society SSH 1997 1747-5104 RPRS Performance Research SSH 1997 1469-9990 Person-Centered & Experiential RPCP Psychotherapies SSH 1997 1752-9182

VPPS Perspectives on Political Science SSH 1997 1930-5478 Perspectives: Policy and Practice in TPSP Higher Education SSH 1997 1460-7018 Perspectives: Studies in RMPS Translatology SSH 1997 1747-6623 LPET Petroleum Science and Technology S&T 1997 1532-2459 Phase Transitions, A Multinational GPHT Journal S&T 1997 1029-0338

RPSJ Philippine Political Science Journal SSH 1997 2165-025x RPEX Philosophical Explorations SSH 1997 1741-5918 TPHM Philosophical Magazine S&T 1997 1478-6443 TPHL Philosophical Magazine Letters S&T 1996 1362-3036 RPPA Philosophical Papers SSH 1997 1996-8523 CPHP Philosophical Psychology SSH 1997 1465-394X Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and GPSS the Related Elements S&T 1997 1563-5325 RPHO Photographies SSH 1997 1754-0771 RFPC Photography and Culture SSH 1997 1751-4525 Physical Education and Sport CPES Pedagogy SSH 1997 1742-5786

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TPHY Physical Geography S&T 1997 1930-0557 GPCH Physics and Chemistry of Liquids S&T 1997 1029-0451

RPPE Planning Perspectives SSH 1996 1466-4518

CPPR Planning Practice and Research SSH 1995 1360-0583

RPTP Planning Theory & Practice SSH 1997 1470-000X

TPLB Plant Biosystems S&T 1997 1724-5575

TPED Plant Ecology & Diversity S&T 1997 1755-1668

KPSB Plant Signaling & Behavior S&T 1997 1559-2324

TPOG Polar Geography S&T 1997 1939-0513 Police Practice and Research - An GPPR International Journal SSH 1997 1477-271X GPAS Policing & Society SSH 1997 1477-2728

CPOS Policy Studies SSH 1997 1470-1006

UPCP Political Communication SSH 1997 1091-7675

FTMP Politics, Religion & Ideology SSH 1997 2156-7697 Politikon: South African Journal of CPSA Political Studies SSH 1997 1470-1014 GPOL Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds S&T 1997 1563-5333 LMSC Polymer Reviews S&T 1997 1525-609X Polymer-Plastics Technology and LPTE Engineering S&T 1997 1525-6111

HPPC Popular Communication SSH 1997 1540-5710 RPMS Popular Music & Society SSH 1997 1740-1712

RPST Population Studies SSH 1985 1477-4747

RPSA Post Soviet Affairs SSH 1997 1938-2855

CPCS Postcolonial Studies SSH 1997 1466-1888

CPCE Post-Communist Economies SSH 1997 1465-3958 CPRA Practice - Social Work in Action SSH 1997 1742-4909 Preparative Biochemistry and LPBB Biotechnology S&T 1997 1532-2297

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Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children VPSF and Youth SSH 1997 1940-4387 PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics UPRI Undergraduate Studies S&T 1997 1935-4053

KPRN Prion S&T 1997 1933-690X MPET Problems of Economic Transition SSH 1997 1557-931X

MPPC Problems of Post-Communism SSH 1997 1557-783X TPPC Production Planning & Control S&T 1997 1366-5871 Professional Development in RJIE Education SSH 1997 1941-5265 CPRO Prometheus SSH 1997 1470-1030 FPRS Prose Studies SSH 1997 1743-9426 TPPL Psychiatry, Psychology and Law SSH 1997 1934-1687 Psychiatry: Interpersonal and UPSY Biological Processes SSH 1997 1943-281X HPSP Psychoanalysis: Self and Context SSH 1997 2472-0046 HPSD Psychoanalytic Dialogues SSH 1997 1940-9222 HPSI Psychoanalytic Inquiry SSH 1997 1940-9133 UPPE Psychoanalytic Perspectives SSH 1997 2163-6958 Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy: RPPS Applications, Theory and Research SSH 1985 1474-9734 WPSW Psychoanalytical Social Work SSH 1997 1522-9033 Psychodynamic Practice: Individual, RPCO Groups & Organisations SSH 1997 1475-3626 HPLI Psychological Inquiry SSH 1997 1532-7965 Psychological Perspectives: A Semiannual Journal of Jungian UPYP Thought SSH 1997 1556-3030 GPSH Psychology & Health SSH 1997 GPCL Psychology, Crime & Law SSH 1997 1477-2744 CPHM Psychology, Health & Medicine SSH 1997 1465-3966 TPSR Psychotherapy Research SSH 1991 1468-4381

MPIN Public Integrity SSH 1997 1558-0989 WPLQ Public Library Quarterly SSH 1997 1541-4540 RPXM Public Management Review SSH 1997 1471-9045 RPMM Public Money & Management SSH 1997 1467-9302 Public Performance & MPMR Management Review SSH 1997 1557-9271 WPSQ Public Services Quarterly SSH 1997 1522-9114 TQMA Quaestiones Mathematicae S&T 1997 1727-933X UQRP Qualitative Reseacrh in Psychology SSH 1997 1478-0895

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RQRR Qualitative Research Reports SSH 1997 1745-9443 LQEN Quality Engineering S&T 1997 1532-4222 CQHE Quality in Higher Education SSH 1997 1470-1081 RQUF Quantitative Finance SSH 1997 1469-7696 Quantitative InfraRed TQRT Thermography Journal S&T 1997 tbc

RQJS Quarterly Journal of Speech SSH 1997

GQRF Quarterly Review of Film & Video SSH 1997 1543-5326 UQST Quest SSH 1997 1543-2750 CREE Race Ethnicity and Education SSH 1997 1470-109X Radiation Effects and Defects in GRAD Solids S&T 1997 1029-4953 URWL Reading & Writing Quarterly SSH 1997 1521-0693 URPY Reading Psychology SSH 1997 1521-0685 WREF Reference Librarian (The) SSH 1997 1541-1117 CREP Reflective Practice SSH 1997 1470-1103

FRFS Regional & Federal Studies SSH 1997 1743-9434

CRES Regional Studies SSH 1997 RREL Religion SSH 1997 1096-1151 UREL Religion & Education SSH 1997 1949-8381 Religion, State & Society: the CRSS Keston SSH 1997 1465-3974 UREA Religious Education SSH 1997 1547-3201 TRSL Remote Sensing Letters S&T 1997 2150-7058

RREP Representation SSH 1997 1749-4001 CRID Research in Dance Education SSH 1997 1470-1111 CRDE Research in Drama Education SSH 1997 1470-112X HRHD Research in Human Development SSH 1997 1542-7617 Research in Mathematics RRME Education SSH 1997 1754-0178 Research in Nondestructive URND Evaluation S&T 1997 1432-2110 Research in Post-Compulsory RPCE Education SSH 1997 1747-5112 Research in Science & CRST Technological Education SSH 1997 1470-1138 Research in Sports Medicine: An GSPM International Journal SSH 1997 1543-8635 Research on Language & Social HRLS Interaction SSH 1997 1532-7973

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RRED Research Papers in Education SSH 1997 1470-1146 Research Quarterly for Exercise & URQE Sport SSH 1997 2168-3824 Residential Treatment For Children WRTC & Youth SSH 1997 1541-0358 RRHI Rethinking History SSH 1997 1470-1154

RRMX Rethinking Marxism SSH 1997 1475-8059 Review of African Political CREA Economy SSH 1997 1740-1720

RROC Review of Comunication Online SSH 1997 1535-8593 Review of Education, Pedagogy, GRED and Cultural Studies SSH 1997 1556-3022 Review of International Political RRIP Economy SSH 1997 1466-4526 CRPE Review of Political Economy SSH 1997 1465-3982 RRSE Review of Social Economy SSH 1997 Review: Literature & Arts of the RREV Americas SSH 1997 1743-0666

GRVA Reviews in Anthropology SSH 1997 1556-3014 Reviews in Fisheries Science & BRFS Aquaculture S&T 1997 1547-6553 Revista de Psicologia Social: International Journal of Social RRPS Psychology SSH 1997 1579-3680 FRVR Revolutionary Russia SSH 1997 1743-7873

HRHR Rhetoric Review SSH 1997 1532-7981

RRSQ Rhetoric Society Quarterly SSH 1997 1930-322X

TRAM Ringing & Migration S&T 1997 TBC

KRNB RNA Biology S&T 1997 1555-8584 Road Materials and Pavement TRMP Design S&T 1997

VRAM Rocks & Minerals S&T 1997 1940-1191 UROR Roeper Review SSH 1997 1940-865x VROQ Romance Quarterly SSH 1997 1940-3216 Royal Musical Association Research RRMC Chronicle SSH 1997 2167-4027 RRSO Rural Society SSH 1997 2204-0536 RUSI RUSI Journal SSH 1997 MRES Russian Education & Society SSH 1997 1558-0423

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MRUP Russian Politics & Law SSH 1997 1558-0962

MRSS Russian Social Science Review SSH 1997 1557-7848 MRSH Russian Studies in History SSH 1997 1558-0881 MRSL Russian Studies in Literature SSH 1997 MRSP Russian Studies in Philosophy SSH 1997 1558-0431 Safundi: The Journal of South RSAF African and American Studies SSH 1997 1543-1304 SAR and QSAR in Environmental GSAR Research S&T 1997 1029-046X SACT Scandinavian Actuarial Journal SSH 1997 1651-2030 Scandinavian Economic History SEHR Review SSH 1997 1750-2837 Scandinavian Journal of CSJE Educational Research SSH 1997 1470-1170 Scandinavian Journal of Forest SFOR Research S&T 1997 1651-1891 SHIS Scandinavian Journal of History SSH 1997 1502-7716 Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality SJHT and Tourism SSH 1997 1502-2269 Scandinavian Journal of the Old SOLD Testament SSH 1997 1502-7244 Scandinavian Psychoanalytic RSPR Review SSH 1997 1600-0803 SSLA Scando-Slavica SSH 1997 1600-082x School Effectiveness and School NSES Improvement SSH 1997 1744-5124 CSLM School Leadership & Management SSH 1997 1364-2626 GSGS Science & Global Security SSH 1997 1547-7800 WSTL Science & Technology Libraries SSH 1997 1541-1109 Science Activities: Classroom VSCA Projects and Curriculum Ideas SSH 1997 1940-1302 Science and Technology for the UHVC Built Environment S&T 1997 2374-474X CSAC Science as Culture SSH 1997 1470-1189 HSSR Scientific Studies of Reading SSH 1997 1532-799X

RSGJ Scottish Geographical Journal SSH 1997 1751-665X Scrutiny2 - Issues in English Studies RSCR in Southern Africa SSH 1997 1753-5409 FSST Security Studies SSH 1997 1556-1852 PSAI Self and Identity SSH 1997 1529-8876 RFSS Senses and Society SSH 1997 1745-8935 Separation and Purification LSPR Reviews S&T 1997 1542-2127 LSST Separation Science and Technology S&T 1997 1520-5754

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LSQA Sequential Analysis S&T 1997 1532-4176 Serials Librarian (The): From the WSER Printed Page to the Digital Age SSH 1997 1541-1095 USRV Serials Review SSH 1997 1879-095X WSMQ Services Marketing Quarterly SSH 1997 1533-2977 RSEV Seventeenth Century SSH 1997 2050-4616 Sex Education:Sexuality, Society CSED and Learning SSH 1997 1472-0825 USAC Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity SSH 1997 1532-5318 CSMT Sexual and Relationship Therapy SSH 1997 1468-1749 RSHK Shakespeare SSH 1997 1745-0926 TSOS Ships and Offshore Structures S&T 1997 tbc Sikh RSFO Formations:Religion,Culture,Theory SSH 1997 1744-8735 FSLA Slavery & Abolition SSH 1997 1743-9523 Slavic & East European Information WSEE Resources SSH 1997 1522-9041 RSER Small Enterprise Research SSH 1997 tbc FSWI Small Wars & Insurgencies SSH 1997 1743-9558 Smith College Studies In Social WSCS Work SSH 1997 1553-0426 FSAS Soccer and Society SSH 1997 1743-9590

RSCG Social & Cultural Geography SSH 1997 1470-1197 Social and Environmental REAJ Accountability Journal SSH 1997 2156-2245

RSDY Social Dynamics SSH 1997 1940-7874 TSEP Social Epistemology SSH 1997 1464-5297 RSHI Social History SSH 1997 1470-1200 CSID Social Identities SSH 1996 1363-0296 PSIF Social Influence SSH 1997 1553-4529

CSMS Social Movement Studies SSH 1997 1474-2829 PSNS Social Neuroscience SSH 1997 1747-0927

RSSC Social Sciences in China SSH 1997 1940-5952

CSOS Social Semiotics SSH 1997 1470-1219 CSWE Social Work Education SSH 1997 1470-1227 WSHC Social Work In Health Care SSH 1997 1541-034x WSMH Social Work In Mental Health SSH 1997 1533-2993 WHSP Social Work In Public Health SSH 1997 1937-190x WSWG Social Work With Groups SSH 1997 1540-9481

CSAD Socialism and Democracy SSH 1995 1745-2635

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USNR Society & Natural Resources S&T 1997 1521-0723 USFO Sociological Focus SSH 1997 MSOR Sociological Research SSH 1997 2328-5184 USLS Sociological Spectrum SSH 1997 1521-0707 LSFM Soft Materials S&T 1997 1539-4468

BSSC Soil and Sediment Contamination S&T 1997 1549-7887

TSSP Soil Science and Plant Nutrition S&T 1997 1747-0765 Solvent Extraction and Ion LSEI Exchange S&T 1997 1532-2262 Souls: A Critical Journal of Black USOU Politics, Culture, and Society SSH 1997 1548-3843

RSAG South African Geographical Journal SSH 1997 2151-2418 RSHJ South African Historical Journal SSH 1997 1726-1686 South African Journal of RSAR Accounting Research SSH 1997 2376-3981 South African Journal of African RJAL Languages SSH 1997 tbc South African Journal of RSAJ International Affairs SSH 1997 1938-0275 RSPH South African Journal of Philosophy SSH 1997 2073-4867 South African Journal of Plant and TJPS Soil S&T 1997 2167-034X RSSR South African Review of Sociology SSH 1997 2072-1978 RTHJ South African Theatre Journal SSH 1997 TBC South Asia:Journal of South Asian CSAS Studies SSH 1997 1479-0270

RSAP South Asian Popular Culture SSH 1997 1474-6697

RSAS South Asian Studies SSH 1997 2153-2699

FSES South European Society & Politics SSH 1997 1743-9612 Southern African Linguistics and RALL Applied Language Studies SSH 1997 1727-9461

RSJC Southern Communication Journal SSH 1997 1930-3203 Southern Forests: a Journal of TSFS Forest Science S&T 1997 2070-2639

CSPP Space and Polity SSH 1997 1470-1235

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Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting/Revista Espanola de REFC Financiacion y Contabilidad SSH 1997 0210-2412 HSCC Spatial Cognition & Computation S&T 1997 1542-7633 RSEA Spatial Economic Analysis SSH 1997 1742-1780 LSTL Spectroscopy Letters S&T 1997 1532-2289 RSIH Sport in History SSH 1997 1746-0271 FCSS Sport in Society SSH 1997 1743-0445 CSES Sport, Education and Society SSH 1997 1470-1243 RSEP Sport, Ethics and Philosophy SSH 1997 1751-133X RSPB Sports Biomechanics SSH 1997 1752-6116 RSPC Sports Coaching Review SSH 1997 2164-0637 Statistics: A Journal of Theoretical GSTA and Applied Statistics S&T 1997 1029-4910 Statutes & Decisions: The Laws of MRSD the USSR and its Successor States SSH 1997 1558-0903 Stochastic Analysis and LSAA Applications S&T 1997 1532-9356 LSTM Stochastic Models S&T 1997 1532-4214 Stochastics: An International Journal of Probability and GSSR Stochastic Processes S&T 1997 1744-2516 RSAN Strategic Analysis SSH 1997 1754-0054 TSTC Strategic Comments (Online) SSH 1997 1356-7888 Strategic Planning for Energy and USTP the Environment S&T 1997 1546-0126 TSSU Strategic Survey SSH 1997 1476-4997 Strategies: A Journal for Physical & USTR Sport Educators SSH 1997 2168-3778 Structural Equation Modeling: A HSEM Multidisciplinary Journal SSH 1997 1532-8007 Structure and Infrastructure NSIE Engineering S&T 1997 1744-8980 SNEC Studia Neophilologica SSH 1997 1651-2308 STHE Studia Theologica SSH 1997 1502-7791 RSAU Studies in Australasian Cinema SSH 1997 1750-3183 UTER Studies in Conflict & Terrorism SSH 1997 1521-0731 CSCE Studies in Continuing Education SSH 1997 1470-126X RSDF Studies in Documentary Film SSH 1997 1750-3299

RSEU Studies in European Cinema SSH 1997 2040-0594

RSFC Studies in French Cinema SSH 1997 1758-9517 HSGS Studies in Gender and Sexuality SSH 1997 1940-9206 CSHE Studies in Higher Education SSH 1976 1470-174X Studies in Russian and Soviet RRSC Cinema SSH 1997 1750-3140

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RSSE Studies in Science Education SSH 1997 1940-8412 Studies in the History of Gardens & TGAH Designed Landscapes SSH 1997 1943-2186 Studies in Theatre and RSTP Performance SSH 1997 2040-0616 Studies on Neotropical Fauna and NNFE Environment S&T 1996 1744-5140 CSTE Studying Teacher Education SSH 1997 1742-5972 WSUB Substance Abuse SSH 1997 1547-0164 GSCH Supramolecular Chemistry S&T 1997 1029-0478 TSUR Survival SSH 1997 1468-2699 SOSL Symbolae Osloenses SSH 1997 1502-7805 Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in VSYM Modern Literatures SSH 1997 1931-0676 GSRN Synchrotron Radiation News S&T 1997 1931-7344 LSYC Synthetic Communications S&T 1997 1532-2432

TSAB Systematics and Biodiversity S&T 1997 1478-0933 Teacher Development: An international journal of teachers' RTDE professonal development SSH 1997 1747-5120 Teachers and Teaching: Theory and CTAT Practice SSH 1997 1470-1278 HTLM Teaching and Learning in Medicine SSH 1997 1532-8015 HTAJ Teaching Artist Journal SSH 1997 1541-180X CTED Teaching Education SSH 1997 1470-1286 CTHE Teaching in Higher Education SSH 1997 1470-1294 Technical Communication HTCQ Quarterly SSH 1997 1542-7625 WTSQ Technical Services Quarterly SSH 1997 1555-3337 Technology Analysis & Strategic CTAS Management SSH 1997 1465-3990 Technology, Pedagogy and RTPE Education SSH 1997 1747-5139 UTCH Technometrics S&T 1997 1537-2723 FTPV Terrorism & Political Violence SSH 1997 1556-1836 Tertiary Education and RTEM Management SSH 1997 1573-1936

RTPQ Text and Performance Quarterly SSH 1997 1479-5760 TTPR Textile Progress S&T 1997 1754-2278 RFTX TEXTILE: Cloth and Culture SSH 1997 RTPR Textual Practice SSH 1997 1470-1308 UTAS The American Statistician S&T 1997 1537-2731 RCAB The Art Bulletin SSH 1997 1559-6478 The Asia Pacific Journal of RTAP Anthropology SSH 1997 1740-9314

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UALJ The Australian Library Journal SSH 1997 2201-4276 RTBS The Black Scholar SSH 1997 2162-5387 MCES The Chinese Economy SSH 1997 1558-0954 The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and VTCH Ideas SSH 1997 1939-912X NTCN The Clinical Neuropsychologist SSH 1997 1744-4144

GCRV The Communication Review SSH 1997 1547-7487 RFDJ The Design Journal SSH 1997 1756-3062 UTEF The Educational Forum SSH 1997 1938-8098 UTEE The Engineering Economist S&T 1997 1547-2701 REJF The European Journal of Finance SSH 1996 1466-4364 CELE The European Legacy SSH 1997 1470-1316 VEXP The Explicator SSH 1997 1939-926X

RGET The Geography Teacher SSH 1997 1752-6884 The Germanic Review: Literature, VGER Culture, Theory SSH 1997 1930-6962 RHOF The History of the Family SSH 1997 1873-5398 UTIS The Information Society SSH 1996 1087-6537 The International Information & ULBR Library Review SSH 1997 1095-9297 The International Journal of Human FJHR Rights SSH 1997 1744-053X The International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric GPOM Biomaterials S&T 1997 1563-535X UITJ The International Trade Journal SSH 1997 1521-0545 The Interpreter and Translater RITT Trainer SSH 1997 1757-0417

MJES The Japanese Political Economy SSH 1997 2329-1958 The Journal of Agricultural RAEE Education and Extension SSH 1997 1750-8622

RJAR The Journal of Architecture SSH 1997 1466-4410 The Journal of Arts Management, VJAM Law, and Society SSH 1997 1930-7799 The Journal of Continuing Higher UJCH Education SSH 1997 1948-4801 VECE The Journal of Economic Education SSH 1997 2152-4068 The Journal of Educational VJER Research SSH 1997 1940-0675 The Journal of Environmental VJEE Education Online SSH 1997 1940-1892

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The Journal of Experimental VJXE Education SSH 1997 1940-0683 VGEN The Journal of General Psychology SSH 1997 1940-0888 VGNT The Journal of Genetic Psychology SSH 1997 1940-0896 The Journal of International RICO Communication SSH 1997 The Journal of International Trade RJTE and Economic Development SSH 1997 1469-9559 RFMC The Journal of Modern Craft SSH 1997 1749-6780 CJPH The Journal of Pacific History SSH 1997 1469-9605

FJPS The Journal of Peasant Studies SSH 1997 1743-9361 RPOS The Journal of Positive Psychology SSH 1997 1743-9779 VJRL The Journal of Psychology SSH 1997 1940-1019 The Journal of Slavic Military FSLV Studies SSH 1997 1556-3006 VSOC The Journal of Social Psychology SSH 1997 1940-1183 RALT The Law Teacher SSH 1997 1943-0353 RMIR The Mariner's Mirror SSH 1997 2049-680x TMIB The Military Balance SSH 1997 1479-9022 UTNJ The Neurodiagnostic Journal SSH 1997 2375-8627 UTNE The New Educator SSH 1997 1549-9243 RNPR The Nonproliferation Review SSH 1997 1746-1766

RPRE The Pacific Review SSH 1997 1470-1332

RTPG The Professional Geographer SSH 1997 1467-9272 The Review of Faith and RFIA International Affairs SSH 1997 1931-7743

CTRT The Round Table SSH 1997 1474-029X FSIJ The Service Industries Journal SSH 1997 1743-9507 RSIX The Sixties SSH 1997 1754-1336 VTSS The Social Studies SSH 1997 2152-405X UTTE The Teacher Educator SSH 1997 1938-8101 RTRN The Translator SSH 1997 1757-0409

RWAQ The Washington Quarterly SSH 1997 1530-9177 RTAS Theology and Science SSH 1997 1474-6719 Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics TTIE Science Online S&T 1997 1464-536X Theory & Research in Social UTRS Education SSH 1997 2163-1654 HTIP Theory Into Practice SSH 1997 1543-0421 PTAR Thinking & Reasoning SSH 1996 1464-0708 CTTE Third Text SSH 1997 1475-5297

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CTWQ Third World Quarterly SSH 1995 1360-2241 Time and Mind: The Journal of Archaeology, Consciousness and RTAM Culture SSH 1997 1751-6978 Total Quality Management & CTQM Business Excellence SSH 1995 1478-3371

RTXG Tourism Geographies SSH 1997 1470-1340 RTHP Tourism Planning & Development SSH 1997 2156-8324 RTRR Tourism Recreation Research SSH 1997 2320-0308 Toxicological & Environmental GTEC Chemistry S&T 1997 1029-0486 GCPI Traffic Injury Prevention S&T 1997 1538-957X Transactions of the Indian Ceramic TCER Society S&T 1997 2165-5456 Transactions of the Royal Society of TTRS South Africa S&T 1997 2154-0098 Transactions of the Royal Society of TRSS South Australia S&T 1997 tbc UTRV Translation Review SSH 1997 tbc RTRS Translation Studies SSH 1997 1751-2921 Transnational Social Review - A RTSR Social Work Journal SSH 1997 2196-145X

TTRV Transport Reviews SSH 1997 1464-5327 Transportation Planning & GTPT Technology SSH 1997 1029-0354 Transportmetrica A: Transport TTRA Science S&T 1997 1944-0987 UTRB Tribology Transactions S&T 1997 1547-397X

TTZO Tropical Zoology S&T 1997 1970-9528

FTUR Turkish Studies SSH 1997 1743-9663

RURB Urban Geography SSH 1997 1938-2847

CUPR Urban Policy and Research SSH 1997 1476-7244

RURP Urban Research and Practice SSH 1997 1753-5077 NURW Urban Water Journal S&T 1997 1744-9006 NVSD Vehicle System Dynamics S&T 1997 1744-5159 TVEC Venture Capital SSH 1997 1464-5343

TVNJ Veterinary Nursing Journal S&T 1997 2045-0648

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UVAO Victims & Offenders SSH 1997 1556-4991 Virtual and Physical Prototyping NVPP Online S&T 1997 1745-2767 UVST Visitor Studies SSH 1997 1934-7715

GVAN Visual Anthropology SSH 1997 1545-5920 PVIS Visual Cognition SSH 1996 1464-0716

HVCQ Visual Communication Quarterly SSH 1997 1555-1407 RVCB Visual Culture in Britain SSH 1997 1941-8361 Visual Resources: An International GVIR Journal on Images and Their Uses SSH 1997 1477-2809 RVST Visual Studies SSH 1997 1472-5878 RVSR Voice and Speech Review SSH 1997 2326-8271 Vulnerable Children & Youth RVCH Studies SSH 1997 1745-0136 RWAS Wasafiri SSH 1997 1747-1508

RWIN Water International SSH 1997 1941-1707 Waves in Random and Complex TWRM Media S&T 1991 1745-5049

VWWS Weatherwise S&T 1997 1940-1310 TWLD Welding International S&T 1997 1754-2138

FWEP West European Politics SSH 1997 1743-9655

RWJC Western Journal of Communication SSH 1997 RWHI Whitehall Papers SSH 1997 1754-5382 WWCJ Women & Criminal Justice SSH 1997 1541-0323 WWAH Women & Health SSH 1997 1541-0331 Women & Performance: a journal RWAP of feminist theory SSH 1997 1748-5819 WWAT Women & Therapy SSH 1997 1541-0315 RWCR Women: A Cultural Review SSH 1997 1470-1367 RWHR Women's History Review SSH 1992 1747-583X Women's Studies in UWSC Communication SSH 1997 2152-999X Women's Studies: An inter- GWST disciplinary journal SSH 1997 1547-7045 RWOW Women's Writing SSH 1997 1747-5848 Wood Material Science and SWOO Engineering S&T 1997 1748-0280 RWRD WORD SSH 1997 2373-5112 TWIM Word & Image SSH 1997 1943-2178 TWST Work & Stress SSH 1997 1464-5335

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RWAR World Archaeology SSH 1997 1470-1375 World Futures: The Journal of New GWOF Paradigm Research SSH 1997 155-1844 RWLE World Leisure Journal SSH 1997 2333-4509 UYTJ Youth Theatre Journal SSH 1997 1948-4798

TZEC Zoology & Ecology S&T 1997 2164-8013

TZME Zoology in the Middle East S&T 1997

SSH and S&T 2018 Collection Current Online ISSN Acronym Title SSH/S&T/Medical Access Starts 1998, RAUT a/b: Auto/Biography Studies SSH Volume13/1 2151-7290 1998, RABR Accounting and Business Research SSH Volume28/1 1998, RAED Accounting Education SSH Volume7/1 1468-4489 1998, RABF Accounting History Review SSH Volume8/1 1466-4275 2004, RAIE Accounting in Europe SSH Volume 1/1 1744-9499 1998, SABO Acta Borealia Online SSH Volume15/1 1503-111X Acta Linguistica Hafniensia: 1998, SALH International SSH Volume30/1 1949-0763 1998, UATE Action in Teacher Education SSH Volume19/1 2158-6098 Action Learning: Research & 2004, CALR Practice SSH Volume 1/1 1476-7341 1998, WAAA Activities, Adaptation & Aging SSH Volume22/1 1544-4368 1998 Volume TADL Adelphi Series SSH 38/1 1944-558X MADT Administrative Theory & Praxis SSH 1949-0461 1998, WADO Adoption Quarterly SSH Volume2/1 1544-452X RAMH Advances in Mental Health SSH 1837-4905 1998, UAHR Advances in the History of Rhetoric SSH Volume 1/1 1936-0835 2004, RAER Africa Education Review SSH Volume 1/1 1753-5921

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2009, RAFR Africa Review SSH Volume 1/1 0974-4061 African and Black Dispora: An 2008, RABD Internationational SSH Volume 1/1 1752-864X 1998, RAFG African Geographical Review SSH Volume20/1 2163-2642 1998, RAHR African Historical Review SSH Volume30/1 1753-2531 2003, CAFI African Identities SSH Volume 1/1 1472-5851 African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and 1998, RMSE Technology Education SSH Volume2/1 2469-7656 African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and 2013, RAJS Development SSH Volume 5/1 2042-1346 1998, RECQ African Journalism Studies SSH Volume19/1 1942-0773 2008, UAFS African Security SSH Volume 1/1 1939-2214 1998, RASR African Security Review SSH Volume7/1 2154-0128 1998, CAST African Studies SSH Volume57/1 1469-2872 1998, RAGN Agenda SSH Volume 14/1 2158-978X 1998, CAMH Aging & Mental Health SSH Volume2/1 1364-6915 Aging, Neuropsychology, and 1998, NANC Cognition SSH Volume5/1 1744-4128 1998, RAGR Agrekon SSH Volume37/1 2078-0400 YBAC AICCM Bulletin SSH 1998 2204-4183 Al-Masaq: Journal of the Medieval 2002, CALM Mediterranean SSH Volume 14/1 1473-348X 2002, RACH American Communist History SSH Volume 1/1 1474-3906 American Journal of Clinical 1998, UJHY Hypnosis SSH Volume 40/1 American Journal of Distance 1998, HAJD Education SSH Volume12/1 1538-9286 American Journal of Family 1998, UAFT Therapy SSH Volume26/1 1521-0383 American Journal of Health 1998, UJHE Education SSH Volume29/1 2168-3751

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1998, UAMJ American Journalism SSH Volume15/1 2326-2486 American Nineteenth Century 2000, FANC History SSH Volume 1/1 1743-7903 American Review of Canadian 1998, RARC Studies SSH Volume28/1 1943-9954 Anatolia - An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality 1998, RANA Research SSH Volume 9/1 2156-6909 Angelaki: Journal of Theoretical 1998, CANG Humanities SSH Volume3/1 1469-2899 1998, RANZ Annals of Leisure Research SSH Volume 1/1 TBC TASC Annals of Science SSH 1936 1464-5050X Annals of the American Association 1998, RAAG of Geographers SSH Volume88/1 2469-4460 Annals of the International RICA Communication Association SSH 380-8977 ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short 1998, VANQ Articles SSH Volume11/1 1940-3364 1998, CANF Anthropological Forum SSH Volume 8/1 1469-2902 Anthropology & Archeology of MAAE Eurasia SSH 158-092X 1998, CANM Anthropology & Medicine SSH Volume5/1 1469-2910 UANN Anthropology Now SSH 1949-2901 RASA Anthropology Southern Africa SSH 2332-3264 RFAN Anthrozoos SSH 1753-0377 1998, GASC Anxiety, Stress & Coping SSH Volume11/1 1477-2205 1998, PAPH Aphasiology SSH Volume12/1 1464-5041 1998, HADS Applied Developmental Science SSH Volume2/1 1532-480X RAEC Applied Economics SSH 9999-7004 1998, RAEL Applied Economics Letters SSH Volume5/1 1466-4291 Applied Environmental Education 2002, UEEC & Communication SSH Volume 1/1 1533-0389 1998, RAMF Applied Mathematical Finance SSH Volume5/1 1466-4313 1998, HAME Applied Measurement in Education SSH Volume11/1 1532-4818 1998, HAPN Applied Neuropsychology Adult SSH Volume5/1 2327-9109

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RAIJ Archaeological Journal SSH 2373-2288 1998, RATR Architectural Theory Review SSH Volume3/1 1755-0475 Archives & Records: The Journal of 1998, CJSA the Archives & Records Association SSH Volume19/1 2325-7989 2012, RAAM Archives and Manuscripts SSH Volume 40/1 2164-6058 1998, USUI Archives of Suicide Research SSH Volume4/1 1543-6136 RAFA Argumentation and Advocacy SSH 2576-8476 YAAA Arms & Armour SSH 2004 1749-6268 UARE Art Education SSH 2325-5161 RFAT Art in Translation SSH 1756-1310 RCAJ Art Journal SSH 1998 2325-5307 1998, UART Art Therapy SSH Volume15/1 2159-9394 1998, VAEP Arts Education Policy Review SSH Volume 99/1 1940-4395 1998 Volume FAPB Asia Pacific Business Review SSH 4/1 1743-792X Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling 2010, RAPC and Psychotherapy SSH Volume 1/1 2150-7708 1998, CAPE Asia Pacific Journal of Education SSH Volume18/1 1742-6855 Asia Pacific Journal of Public 1998, RAPA Administration SSH Volume20/1 2327-6673 Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work 1998, RSWD and Development SSH Volume8/1 2165-0993 Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism 1998, RAPT Research SSH Volume3/1 1741-6507 RPLR Asia Pacific Law Review SSH 1875-8444 1998, CAPR Asia Pacific Review SSH Volume5/1 1469-2937 1998, RAAF Asian Affairs SSH Volume29/1 1477-1500 1998, VASA Asian Affairs: An American Review SSH Volume25/1 1940-1590 2002, RAAN Asian Anthropology SSH Volume 1/1 2168-4227 1998, RENG Asian Englishes SSH Volume 1/1 2331-2548 2000, CAET Asian Ethnicity SSH Volume 1/1 1469-2953 1998, RAGE Asian Geographer SSH Volume17/1 2158-1762

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1998, RAJC Asian Journal of Communication SSH Volume8/1 1742-0911 1998, RASI Asian Journal of Political Science SSH Volume6/1 1750-7812 Asian Journal of Technology 2004, RAJT Innovation SSH Volume 12/2 2158-6721 RAJW Asian Journal of Women's Studies SSH 2377-004X 1998, CASP Asian Philosophy SSH Volume8/1 1469-2961 2005, RAPS Asian Population Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1744-1749 2005, FASI Asian Security SSH Volume 1/1 1555-2764 1998, CASR Asian Studies Review SSH Volume21/1 1467-8403 Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting 1998, RAAE & Economics SSH Volume5/1 2164-2257 Curriculum Studies in Health and 2010, RASP Physical Education SSH Volume 1/1 2574-299x Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher 1998, CAPJ Education SSH Volume26/1 1469-2945 Assessment & Evaluation in Higher 1998, CAEH Education SSH Volume23/1 1469-297X Assessment in Education: 1998, CAIE Principles, Policy & Practice SSH Volume5/1 1465-329X 2003, FAST Astropolitics SSH Volume 1/1 1557-2943 1998, HAJC Atlantic Journal of Communication SSH Volume6/1 1545-6889 2004, RJAS Atlantic Studies: Global Currents SSH Volume 1/1 1740-4649 Attachment & Human 1999, RAHD Development SSH Volume 1/1 1469-2988 1923, RAJP Australasian Journal of Philosophy SSH Volume 1/1 1471-6828 Australian and New Zealand RAJA Journal of Art SSH 2203-1871 RAAA Australian Archaeology SSH 2470-0363 RFEM Australian Feminist Law Journal SSH 2204-0064 1998, CAFS Australian Feminist Studies SSH Volume 13/1 1465-3303 1998, CAGE Australian Geographer SSH Volume29/1 1465-3311 1998, RAHS Australian Historical Studies SSH Volume28/1 1031-461I RJHU Australian Journal of Human Rights SSH 2573-573X

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Australian Journal of International 1998, CAJI Affairs SSH Volume52/1 1465-332X Australian Journal of Learning 1998, RALD Difficulties SSH Volume3/1 1940-4166 1998, CAJL Australian Journal of Linguistics SSH Volume18/1 1469-2996 Australian Journal of Maritime & RAMO Ocean Affairs SSH 2333-6498 Australian Journal of Political 1996, CAJP Science SSH Volume 31/1 1363-030X 1998, RAPL Australian Planner SSH Volume35/1 2150-6841 1998, RASW Australian Social Work SSH Volume51/1 1447-0748 Azania:Archaeological Research in 1998, RAZA Africa SSH Volume33/1 1945-5534 YBAQ Baptist Quarterly SSH 1998 2056-7731 Basic and Applied Social 1998, HBAS Psychology SSH Volume20/1 1532-4834 Behavioral & Social Sciences 1998, WBSS Librarian SSH Volume16/1 1544-4546 Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism 2009, RIRT and Political Aggression SSH Volume 1/1 1943-4480 1998, RBER Bereavement Care SSH Volume17/1 1944-8279 1998, UBRJ Bilingual Research Journal SSH Volume22/1 1523-5890 1998, HSBI Biodemography and Social Biology SSH Volume 45/1 1948-5573 Black Theology: An International YBLT Journal SSH 2003 1743-1670 Body,Movement & Dance in 2006, TBMD Psychotherapy SSH Volume 1/1 1743-2987 British Journal for the History of 1998, RBJH Philosophy SSH Volume6/1 1469-3526 British Journal of Educational 1998, RBJE Studies SSH Volume46/1 1467-8527 British Journal of Guidance & 1998, CBJG Counselling SSH Volume26/1 1469-3534 British Journal of Middle Eastern 1998, CBJM Studies SSH Volume25/1 1469-3542 British Journal of Religious 1998, CBRE Education SSH Volume20/1 1740-7931 British Journal of Sociology of 1998, CBSE Education SSH Volume19/1 1465-3346 YBST Bronte Studies SSH 1998 1745-8226

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1998, RBRI Building Research & Information SSH Volume26/1 1466-4321 Bulletin of Indonesian Economic 1965, CBIE Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1472-7234 1996, CBHS Bulletin of Spanish Studies SSH Volume 73/1 1478-3428 RBUL Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists SSH 1938-3282 1998, FBSH Business History SSH Volume40/1 1743-7938 YCAL California Archaeology SSH 2009 1947-4628 1998, CCJE Cambridge Journal of Education SSH Volume28/1 1469-3577 Cambridge Review of International 1998, CCAM Affair SSH Volume11/2 1474-449X Canadian Art Therapy Association UCAT Journal SSH 2377-360X 1998, RCFP Canadian Foreign Policy Journal SSH Volume 5/1 2157-0817 Canadian Journal of African Studies / La Revue Canadienne des etudes 1998, RCAS Africaines SSH Volume32/1 1923-3051 Canadian Journal of Development Studies / Revue canadienne 1998, RCJD d'etudes du developpe SSH Volume19/1 2158-9100 Canadian Journal of Latin American RCLC and Caribbean Studies SSH 2333-1461 Canadian Journal of Math, Science 2001, UCJS & Technology Education SSH Volume 1/1 1492-4051 1998, RCJP Canadian Journal of Philosophy SSH Volume27/1 1911-0820 Canadian Slavonic Papers/Revue RCSP Canadienne des Slavistes SSH 2375-2475 1998, RCNS Capitalism Nature Socialism SSH Volume9/1 1548-3290 RCBQ Caribbean Quarterly SSH 2470-6302 Cataloging & Classification 1998, WCCQ Quarterly SSH Volume24/1 1544-4554 2010, RCEL Celebrity Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1939-2400 1998, CCAS Central Asian Survey SSH Volume17/1 1465-3354 YCEU Central Europe SSH 2003 1745-8218 MCHA Challenge SSH 1558-1489 Change: The Magazine of Higher 1998, VCHN Learning SSH Volume30/1 1939-9146

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Changing English: Studies in 1998, CCEN Culture and Education SSH Volume5/1 1469-3585 1998, WCFB Child & Family Behavior Therapy SSH Volume20/1 1545-228X 1998, WCYS CHILD & YOUTH SERVICES SSH Volume19/1 1545-2298 1998 Volume CCCP Child Care in Practice SSH 4/1 1476-489X 1998, NCNY Child Neuropsychology SSH Volume4/1 1744-4136 1998, UCED Childhood Education SSH Volume 74/1 2162-0725 YCIP Childhood in the Past SSH 2008 2040-8528 2003, CCHG Children's Geographies SSH Volume 1/1 1473-3277 2008, RCEJ China Economic Journal SSH Volume 1/1 1753-8971 2008, RCSW China Journal of Social Work SSH Volume 1/1 1752-5101 MCED Chinese Education & Society SSH 1944-7116 2008, RCJC Chinese Journal of Communication SSH Volume 1/1 1754-4769 MCLG Chinese Law & Government SSH 1944-7051 UCLT Chinese Literature Today SSH 2156-8634 MCSA Chinese Sociological Review SSH 2162-0563 MCSH Chinese Studies in History SSH 1558-0407 CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese YCHI Oral and Performing Literature SSH 1998 2051-6150 Christian Higher Education: An International Journal of Research, 2002, UCHE Theory and Practice SSH Volume 1/1 1539-4107 1998, CCST Citizenship Studies SSH Volume2/1 1469-3593 City: Analysis of Urban Trends,Culture,Theory, Policy, 1998, CCIT Action SSH Volume3/1 1470-3629 1998, FCIV Civil Wars SSH Volume 1/1 1743-968X 2010, RCDI Classroom Discourse SSH Volume 1/1 1946-3022 1998, WCLI Clinical Gerontologist SSH Volume18/1 1545-2301 1998, WCSU Clinical Supervisior (The) SSH Volume16/1 1545-231X Coaching: An International Journal 2008, RCOA of Theory, Research and Practice SSH Volume 1/1 1752-1890

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1996, PCEM Cognition & Emotion SSH Volume 10/1 1464-0600 1998, HCGI Cognition and Instruction SSH Volume16/1 1532-690X 1998, SBEH Cognitive Behaviour Therapy SSH Volume27/1 1651-2316 1998, PCNP Cognitive Neuropsychiatry SSH Volume3/1 1464-0619 1996, PCGN Cognitive Neuropsychology SSH Volume 13/1 1464-0627 2010, PCNS Cognitive Neuroscience SSH Volume 1/1 1758-8936 2000, FCWH Cold War History SSH Volume 1/1 1743-7962 1998, WCOL Collection Management SSH Volume23/1 1545-2549 1998, WCUL College & Undergraduate Libraries SSH Volume5/1 1545-2530 1998, VCOL College Teaching SSH Volume46/1 1930-8299 COLLNET Journal of Scientometrics 2007, TSIM and Information Management SSH Volume 1/1 2168-930X 1998, CCLA Colonial Latin American Review SSH Volume7/1 1466-1802 RCOS Comedy Studies SSH 2040-6118 1998, RCLB Commonwealth Law Bulletin SSH Volume24/1 1750-5976 Communicatio: South African Journal for Communication Theory 1998, RCSA and Research SSH Volume24/1 1753-5379 Communication & Critical/Cultural 2004, RCCC Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1479-4233 Communication Booknotes 1998, HCBQ Quarterly SSH Volume29/1 1532-6896 1998, RCED Communication Education SSH Volume47/1 1479-5795 1998, HCLW Communication Law and Policy SSH Volume3/1 1532-6926 Communication Methods and 2007, HCMS Measures SSH Volume 1/1 1931-2466 1998, RCMM Communication Monographs SSH Volume65/1 1479-5787 Communication Quarterly & RCQU Communication Research SSH 1746-4102 RCRS Communication Reports SSH 1745-1043 RCRR Communication Research Reports SSH 1746-4099

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1998, RCST Communication Studies SSH Volume49/1 1745-1035 2004, RCMT Communication Teacher Online SSH Volume 18/1 1740-4630 Community & Junior College 1999, WJCL Libraries SSH Volume 8/2 1545-2522 Community College Journal of 1998, UCJC Research & Practice SSH Volume22/1 1521-0413 1998, RCOD Community Development SSH Volume29/1 9999-5330 1998, CCWF Community, Work & Family SSH Volume 1/1 1469-3615 Comparative American Studies An YCAS International Journal SSH 2003 1741-2676 Comparative and Continental YCCP Philosophy SSH 2009 1757-0646 1995, CCED Comparative Education SSH Volume 31/1 1360-0486 1998, UCST Comparative Strategy SSH Volume17/1 1521-0448 Compare: A Journal of Comparative 1998, CCOM and International Education SSH Volume28/1 1469-3623 Computer Assisted Language 1998, NCAL Learning SSH Volume11/1 1744-3210 1998, NCSE Computer Science Education SSH Volume 8/1 1744-5175 1998, WCIS Computers In The Schools SSH Volume13/1 1528-7033 2001, CCSD Conflict, Security & Development SSH Volume 1/1 1478-1174 Congress & the Presidency: A 1998, UCTP Journal of Capital Studies SSH Volume25/1 1944-1053 Conservation and Management of YCMA Archaeological Sites SSH 1999 1753-5522 Construction Management & 1996, RCME Economics SSH Volume 14/1 1466-433X 1998, GCMC Consumption Markets and Culture SSH Volume2/1 1477-223X 1998, FCBH Contemporary British History SSH Volume12/1 1743-7997 2000, RCBH Contemporary Buddhism SSH Volume 1/1 1476-7953 MCSP Contemporary Chinese Thought SSH 1558-0997 Contemporary French & 1998, GSIT Francophone Studies SSH Volume2/1 1740-9306

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2013, RITA Contemporary Italian Politics SSH Volume 5/1 2324-8831 RCOJ Contemporary Japan SSH 1869-2737 2002, GCJR Contemporary Justice Review SSH Volume 5/1 1477-2248 1984, GCMR Contemporary Music Review SSH Volume 1/1 1477-2256 1998, CCPO Contemporary Politics SSH Volume4/1 1469-3631 UUCP Contemporary Psychoanalysis SSH 1998 2330-9091 1998, FCSP Contemporary Security Policy SSH Volume19/1 1743-8764 2006, RSOC Contemporary Social Science SSH Volume 1/1 1745-0152 1998, CCSA Contemporary South Asia SSH Volume7/1 1469-364X 1998, GCTR Contemporary Theatre Review SSH Volume7/1 1477-2264 Continuum: Journal of Media & 1998, CCON Cultural Studies SSH Volume12/1 1469-3666 Counseling Outcome Research and UORE Evaulation SSH 2150-1386 1998, CCPQ Counselling Psychology Quarterly SSH Volume11/1 1469-3674 RCIJ Creative Industries Journal SSH 1751-0708 1998, HCRJ Creativity Research Journal SSH Volume11/1 1532-6934 1998, RCRE Criminal Justice Ethics SSH Volume17/1 1937-5948 1998, GJUP Criminal Justice Studies SSH Volume11/1 1478-6028 2009, RCAF Critical African Studies SSH Volume 1/1 2040-7211 1998, RCRC Critical Arts SSH Volume12-2 1992-6049 2001, RCRA Critical Asian Studies SSH Volume 33/1 1472-6033 2004, RCDS Critical Discourse Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1740-5912 Critical Horizons (A Journal of YCRH Philosophy and Social Theory) SSH 2000 1568-5160 2004, HCIL Critical Inquiry in Language Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1542-7595 2007, RCIN Critical Interventions SSH Volume 1/1 2326-411X

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2007, RCPS Critical Policy Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1946-018X 1998, RCRI Critical Review SSH Volume12/1 1933-8007 Critical Review of International 1998, FCRI Social & Political Philosophy SSH Volume 1/1 1743-8772 1998, RCSE Critical Studies in Education SSH Volume39/1 1750-8495 Critical Studies in Media 1998, RCSM Communication SSH Volume15/1 1479-5809 2008, RTER Critical Studies on Terrorism SSH Volume 1/1 1753-9161 1998, RCSO Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory SSH Volume26/1 1748-8605 Critique: Studies in Contemporary 1998, VCRT Fiction SSH Volume 39/1 1939-9138 Cultura y Educacion: Culture and RCYE Education SSH 1578-4118 RFCS Cultural and Social History SSH 1478-0046 1998, RCUS Cultural Studies SSH Volume12/1 1466-4348 1998, CCUT Cultural Trends SSH Volume 8/29 1469-3690 1998, GSCO Culture and Organization SSH Volume4/1 1477-2760 2000, RCAR Culture and Religion SSH Volume 1/1 1475-5629 1998, RCTC Culture, Theory and Critique SSH Volume41/1 1473-5776 Current Issues in Language 2000, RCLP Planning SSH Volume 1/1 1747-7506 1998, RCIT Current Issues in Tourism SSH Volume 1/1 1747-7603 Current Writing: Text and 1998, RCWR Reception in Southern Africa SSH Volume10/1 TBC RCUI Curriculum Inquiry SSH 1467-873X 1998, RCJO Curriculum Journal SSH Volume9/1 1469-3704 1998, LDNC Dance Chronicle SSH Volume21/1 1532-4257 1998, RDJA Danish Journal of Archaeology SSH Volume14/1 2166-2290 2009, RDAP Dapim: Studies on the Holocaust SSH Volume 23/1 2325-6257 RDAT de arte SSH 2471-4100 YDEI Deafness & Education International SSH 1999 1557-069X

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1998, UDST Death Studies SSH Volume22/1 1091-7683 1998, GDPE Defence and Peace Economics SSH Volume9/1 1476-8267 1998, CDAN Defence and Security Analysis SSH Volume14/1 1475-1801 2001, FDEF Defence Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1743-9698 2005, FDAS Democracy and Security SSH Volume 1/1 1555-5860 1998, FDEM Democratization SSH Volume5/1 1743-890X RFDC Design and Culture SSH 1754-7083 1991, CDIP Development in Practice SSH Volume 1/1 1364-9213 1998, CDSA Development Southern Africa SSH Volume15/1 1470-3637 1998, HDVN Developmental Neuropsychology SSH Volume14/1 1532-6942 1998, UDBH Deviant Behavior SSH Volume19/1 1521-0456 2007, RDST Diaspora Studies SSH Volume 1/1 0976-3457 Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority 2007, HDIM Education SSH Volume 1/1 1559-5706 1998, NDCR Digital Creativity SSH Volume 8/1 1744-3806 1998, FDPS Diplomacy & Statecraft SSH Volume9/1 1557-301X 1986, CDSO Disability & Society SSH Volume 1/1 1360-0508 1998, HDSP Discourse Processes SSH Volume24/1 1532-6950 Discourse: Studies in the Cultural 1998, CDIS Politics of Education SSH Volume19/1 1469-3739 1998, RDSP disP -The Planning Review SSH Volume34/1 2166-8604 1998, CDIE Distance Education SSH Volume19/1 1475-0198 Distinktion: Journal of Social 2000, RDIS Theory SSH Volume 1/1 Dix-Neuf: Journal of the Society of YDIX Dix-Neuviemistes SSH 1998 1478-7318 RNJD Drama Australia Journal SSH 2200-775X 1998, RDRT Dramatherapy SSH Volume20/1 2157-1430

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Dress (The Journal of the Costume YDRE Society of America) SSH 1998 2042-1729 Dutch Crossing (Journal of Low YDTC Country Studies) SSH 1998 1759-7854 2008, RDAC Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict SSH Volume 1/1 1746-7594 1998, GECD Early Child Development and Care SSH Volume128/1 1476-8275 1998, HEED Early Education & Development SSH Volume9/1 1556-6935 YEMC Early Medieval China SSH 1998 1946-7842 YEMF Early Modern French Studies SSH 1998 2056-3043 2005, REPV Early Popular Visual Culture SSH Volume 3/1 1746-0662 1998, CEYE Early Years SSH Volume18/1 1472-4421 1998, FEEJ East European Jewish Affairs SSH Volume28/1 1743-971X 1998, FJCS East European Politics SSH Volume14/1 2159-9173 MEEE Eastern European Economics SSH 1557-9298 1998, UEDI Eating Disorders SSH Volume6/1 1532-530X 1998, HECO Ecological Psychology SSH Volume10/1 1532-6969 1998, GEFN Ecology of Food & Nutrition SSH Volume37/1 1543-5237 RECG Economic Geography SSH 1998 1944-8287 Economic History of Developing 1998, REHD Regions SSH Volume13/1 2078-0397 1998, CESR Economic Systems Research SSH Volume10/1 1469-5758 Economics of Innovation and New 1998, GEIN Technology SSH Volume 5/1 1476-8364 1998, RESO Economy and Society SSH Volume27/1 1469-5766 Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and 1998, RETT Early Years Education SSH Volume26/1 1475-7575 1998, CEDE Education Economics SSH Volume6/1 1469-5782 1998, REAC Educational Action Research SSH Volume6/1 1747-5074 1998, HEDA Educational Assessment SSH Volume5/1 1532-6977

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1998, UEDG Educational Gerontology SSH Volume24/1 1521-0472 1998, REMI Educational Media International SSH Volume35/1 1469-5790 1998, REPT Educational Philosophy and Theory SSH Volume30/1 1469-5812 1998, HEDP Educational Psychologist SSH Volume33/1 1532-6985 1998, CEDP Educational Psychology SSH Volume18/1 1469-5820 1998, CEPP Educational Psychology in Practice SSH Volume13/1 1469-5839 1998, RERE Educational Research SSH Volume40/1 1469-5847 1998, NERE Educational Research & Evaluation SSH Volume4/1 1744-4187 1998, CEDR Educational Review SSH Volume50/1 1465-3397 1998, CEDS Educational Studies SSH Volume24/1 1465-3400 Educational Studies Online: The Journal of the American 1998, HEDS Educational Studies Association SSH Volume29/1 1532-6993 MREE Emerging Markets Finance & Trade SSH 1558-0938 Emotional & Behavioural 1998, REBD Difficulties SSH Volume3/1 1741-2692 English Academy Review: A Journal 1998, RACR of English Studies SSH Volume15/1 1753-5360 REIE English in Education SSH 1754-8845 1998, NEST English Studies SSH Volume79/1 1744-4217 1998, REIA English Studies in Africa SSH Volume41/1 1943-8117 Entrepreneurship & Regional 1998, TEPN Development SSH Volume10/1 1464-5114 Environmental Archaeology (The Journal of Human Palaeoecology) YENV Online SSH 1998 1749-6314 1998, BECJ Environmental Claims Journal SSH Volume10/3 1547-657X 2007, RENC Environmental Communication SSH Volume 1/1 1752-4040 1998, CEER Environmental Education Research SSH Volume4/1 1469-5871 1998, FENP Environmental Politics SSH Volume7/1 1743-8934

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1998, UEEE Equity & Excellence in Education SSH Volume31/1 1547-3457 Estudios de Psicologia: Studies in REDP Psychology SSH 1579-3699 1998, HEBH Ethics & Behavior SSH Volume8/1 1532-7019 2006, CEAE Ethics and Education SSH Volume 1/1 1744-9650 2007, RESW Ethics and Social Welfare SSH Volume 1/1 1749-6543 2000, CEPE Ethics, Policy & Environment SSH Volume 3/1 1469-6703 1998, RERS Ethnic and Racial Studies SSH Volume21/1 1466-4356 Ethnoarchaeology (Journal of Archaeological, Ethnographic and YETH Experimental Studies) SSH 2009 1944-2904 2006, REAE Ethnography & Education SSH Volume 1/1 1745-7831 1998, REMF Ethnomusicology Forum SSH Volume7/1 1741-1920 2001, RENO Ethnopolitics SSH Volume 1/1 1744-9065 1998, RETN Ethnos SSH Volume 63/1 1469-588X 1998, REGE Eurasian Geography and Economics SSH Volume39/1 1938-2863 1998, REAR European Accounting Review SSH Volume7/1 1468-4497 RECJ European Competition Journal SSH 1757-8396 European Early Childhood 1998, RECR Education Research Journal SSH Volume6/1 1752-1807 MEUE European Education SSH 1944-7086 European Journal for Sport and RESS Society SSH 2380-5919 European Journal of Behavior REJO Analysis SSH 2377-729X European Journal of 2004, PEDP Developmental Psychology SSH Volume 1/1 1740-5610 1998, NEJE European Journal of English Studies SSH Volume2/1 1744-4243 European Journal of Higher 2011, REHE Education SSH Volume 1/1 2156-8243 European Journal of Psychotherapy 1998, REJP & Counselling SSH Volume 1/1 1469-5901

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1998, CESW European Journal of Social Work SSH Volume 1/1 1468-2664 European Journal of Special Needs 1998, REJS Education SSH Volume13/1 1469-591X 2001, TEJS European Journal of Sport Science SSH Volume 1/1 1536-7290 European Journal of Teacher 1998, CETE Education SSH Volume21/1 1469-5928 European Journal of the History of 1998, REJH Economic Thought SSH Volume5/1 1469-5936 European Journal of Work and 1998, PEWO Organizational Psychology SSH Volume7/1 1464-0643 1998, CEPS European Planning Studies SSH Volume6/1 1469-5944 2000, RPEP European Politics and Society SSH Volume 1/1 2374-5126 1998, CERH European Review of History SSH Volume5/1 1469-8293 European Review of Social 1990, PERS Psychology SSH Volume 1/1 1479-277X 1998, GERR European Romantic Review SSH Volume 8/1 1740-4657 1998, FEUS European Security SSH Volume7/1 1746-1545 1999, REUS European Societies SSH Volume 1/1 1469-8307 European Sport Management 2001, RESM Quarterly SSH Volume 1/1 1746-031x 1998, CEAS Europe-Asia Studies SSH Volume50/1 1465-3427 1998, HEXC Exceptionality SSH Volume8/1 1532-7035 Exemplaria: Medieval / Early YEXM Modern / Theory SSH 1998 1753-3074 1998, UEAR Experimental Aging Research SSH Volume24/1 1096-4657 Fabrications: The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 1998, RFAB Australia and New Zealand SSH Volume9/1 tbc YFCH Family & Community History SSH 1998 1751-3812 RFFP Fashion Practice 2009, SSH Volume 1/1 1756-9389 RFFT Fashion Theory 1998, SSH Volume2/1 1751-7419 1998, RFEC Feminist Economics SSH Volume4/1 1466-4372

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2001, RFMS Feminist Media Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1471-5902 1998, RFSY First Amendment Studies SSH Volume36/1 2168-1430 2010, RFWW First World War Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1947-5039 Folk Life (Journal of Ethnological YFOL Studies) SSH 1998 1759-670X 1998, RFOL Folklore SSH Volume108/1 1469-8315 1998, GFOF Food & Foodways SSH Volume8/1 1542-3484 RFFC Food, Culture and Society SSH 1751-7443 1998, SFDS Forum for Development Studies SSH Volume25/1 1891-1765 1998, RFSE Forum for Social Economics SSH Volume27/1 1874-6381 1995, CGDE Gender and Development SSH Volume 3/1 1364-9221 1995, CGEE Gender and Education SSH Volume 7/1 1360-0516 1995, CGPC Gender, Place & Culture SSH Volume 2/1 1360-0524 Gender, Techology and RGTD Development SSH 0973-0656 Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish 1998, RDGS Journal of Geography SSH Volume98/1 1903-2471 RGAB Geografiska Annaler B SSH 1468-0467 1998, FGEO Geopolitics SSH Volume3/1 1557-3028 1998, FGRP German Politics SSH Volume7/1 1743-8993 1998, WGGE Gerontology & Geriatrics Education SSH Volume18/1 1545-3847 UGTI Gifted and Talented International SSH 2470-9565 1998, CPAR Global Change, Peace & Security SSH Volume10/1 1478-1166 2004, FGLC Global Crime SSH Volume 6/1 1744-01580 2010, RGLD Global Discourse SSH Volume 1/1 2043-7897 1998, RGER Global Economic Review SSH Volume27/1 1744-3873 1998, CGSJ Global Society SSH Volume12/1 1469-798X

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Globalisation, Societies and 2003, CGSE Education SSH Volume 1/1 1476-7732 2004, RGLO Globalizations SSH Volume 1/1 1474-774X 2000, RGRL Green Letters SSH Volume 1/1 2168-1414 RLAW Griffith Law Review SSH 1839-4205 1998, HHTH Health Communication SSH Volume10/1 1532-7027 1998, WHMQ HEALTH MARKETING QUARTERLY SSH Volume15/1 1545-0864 2007, RHPR Health Psychology Review SSH Volume 1/1 1743-7202 Heritage & Society (formerly YHSO Heritage Management) SSH 2008 2159-0338 1998, CHAS High Ability Studies SSH Volume9/1 1469-834X Higher Education Research and 1998, CHER Development SSH Volume17/1 1469-8366 Hispanic Research Journal (Iberian YHRJ and Latin American Studies) SSH 2000 1745-820X Historical Journal of Film, Radio 1981, CHJF and Television SSH Volume 1/1 1465-3451 Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary 1998, VHIM History SSH Volume31/1 1940-1906 History & Technology, an 1998, GHAT International Journal SSH Volume 14/1 1477-2620 1998, GHAN History and Anthropology SSH Volume11/1 1477-2612 1998, THPL History and Philosophy of Logic SSH Volume19/1 1464-5149 RAHA History Australia SSH 1833-4881 RHER History of Economics Review SSH 1838-6318 1998, THED History of Education SSH Volume27/1 1464-5130 1998, RHEI History of European Ideas SSH Volume24/1 1873-541x 2010, THPH History of Photography SSH Volume 34/1 2150-7295 1998, VHIS History: Reviews of New Books SSH Volume26/1 1930-8280 RHOS Holocaust Studies SSH 2048-4887 RFHC Home Cultures SSH 1751-7427 RHAS Housing and Society SSH 2376-0923

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1998, RHPD Housing Policy Debate SSH Volume9/1 2152-050X 1998, CHOS Housing Studies SSH Volume13/1 1466-1810 1998, SHOU Housing, Theory & Society SSH Volume15/1 1651-2278 1998, UHJC Howard Journal of Communication SSH Volume9/1 1096-4649 1998, HHUP Human Performance SSH Volume11/1 1532-7043 Human Resource Development 1998, RHRD International SSH Volume 1/1 1469-8374 Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & 1998, WASW Governance SSH Volume22/1 1544-4376 2000, SIBS Ibsen Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1741-8720 Identities: Global Studies in Culture 1998 Volume GIDE and Power SSH 4/1 1547-3384 2001, HIDN Identity SSH Volume 1/1 1532-706X 1998, RIMU Imago Mundi SSH Volume50/1 1479-7801 Immigrants & Minorities: Historical Studies in Ethnicity, Migration and 1998, FIMM Diaspora SSH Volume17/1 1744-0521 2002, FIND India Review SSH Volume 1/1 1557-3036 1998, CIMW Indonesia and the Malay World SSH Volume26/1 1469-8382 YIAR Industrial Archaeology Review SSH 1998 1745-8196 1998, CIAI Industry & Innovation SSH Volume5/1 1469-8390 Infancia y Aprendizaje: Journal for the Study of Education and RIYA Development SSH 1578-4126 1998, RIOB Infant Observation SSH Volume2/1 1745-8943 Information and Communications 1998, CICT Technology Law SSH Volume7/1 1469-8404 Information, Communication and 1998, RICS Society SSH Volume 1/1 1468-4462 2011, RIAD Innovation and Development SSH Volume 1/1 2157-9318 Innovation in Language Learning 2007, RILL and Teaching SSH Volume 1/1 1750-1237

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Innovation: Management, Policy RIMP and Practice SSH 2204-0226 Innovation: The European Journal 1998, CIEJ of Social Sciences SSH Volume11/1 1469-8412 Innovations in Education & 1998, RIIE Teaching International SSH Volume35/1 1470-3300 1998, SINQ Inquiry SSH Volume41/1 1502-3923 1998, RIHR Intellectual History Review SSH Volume3/1 1749-6985 1998, FINT Intelligence & National Security SSH Volume13/1 1743-9019 1998, NILE Interactive Learning Environments SSH Volume 5/1 1744-5191 2000, RIAC Inter-Asia Cultural Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1469-8447 1998, CEJI Intercultural Education SSH Volume9/1 1469-8439 RFIN Interiors SSH 2041-9120 International Journal Of Hospitality 2000, WJHT & Tourism Administration SSH Volume 1/1 1525-6499 2011, RICT International Critical Thought SSH Volume 1/1 2159-8312 1987, RIEJ International Economic Journal SSH Volume 1/1 1743-517X International Feminist Journal of 1999, RFJP Politics SSH Volume 1/1 1468-4470 International Forum of 1998, SPSY Psychoanalysis SSH Volume7/1 1651-2324 2001, RIGS International Gambling Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1479-4276 1998, RINH International History Review SSH Volume20/1 1949-6540 1998, GINI International Interactions SSH Volume23/1 1547-7444 International Journal for Academic 1998, RIJA Development SSH Volume3/1 1470-1324 International Journal for the 1998, HJPR Psychology of Religion SSH Volume8/1 1532-7582 International journal for the Study 2001, RJSC of the Christian Church SSH Volume 1/1 1747-0234 RINA International Journal of Advertising SSH 1759-3948 International Journal of Aerospace 1998, HIAP Psychology SSH Volume8/1 2472-1832 International Journal of 2007, UARC Architectural Heritage: SSH Volume 1/1 1558-3066

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Conservation, Analysis, and Restoration International Journal of Art 1998, RART Therapy SSH Volume3/1 1745-4840 International Journal of Bilingual 1998, RBEB Education and Bilingualism SSH Volume 1/1 1747-7522 International Journal of Children's 1998, CIJC Spirituality SSH Volume2/1 1469-8455 International Journal of Clinical & 1998, NHYP Experimental Hypnosis SSH Volume46/1 1744-5183 International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal 1998, RCAC Justice SSH Volume22/1 2157-6475 International Journal of Construction Education and 2006, UICE Research SSH Volume 2/1 1550-3984 International Journal of Cultural 1998 Volume GCUL Policy SSH 4/1 1477-2833 International Journal of Culture 2008, RCCM and Mental Health SSH Volume 1/1 1754-2871 International Journal of Disability, 1998, CIJD Development and Education SSH Volume45/1 1465-346X International Journal of Early Years 1998, CIEY Education SSH Volume6/1 1469-8463 International Journal of REDS Educational Sciences SSH tbc International Journal of Electronic MJEC Commerce SSH 1557-9301 International Journal of 1998, GENV Environmental Studies SSH Volume 52/1 1029-0400 International Journal of Forensic 2002, UFMH Mental Health SSH Volume 1/1 1932-9903 International Journal of Group UJGP Psychotherapy SSH 1943-2836 International Journal of Heritage 1998, RJHS Studies SSH Volume4/1 1470-3610 International Journal of Housing 2001, REUJ Policy SSH Volume 1/1 1473-3269 International Journal of Human 1998, RIJH Resource Management SSH Volume9/1 1466-4399 International Journal of Inclusive 1998, TIED Education SSH Volume2/1 1464-5173 International Journal of Intelligence 1998, UJIC & Counterintelligence SSH Volume11/1 1521-0561 International Journal of Jungian 2009, RIJJ Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1940-9060

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International Journal of Leadership 1998, TEDL in Education SSH Volume 1/1 1464-5092 International Journal of Lifelong 1998, TLED Education SSH Volume17/1 1464-519X 1998, HIJL International Journal of Listening SSH Volume12/1 1932-586X International Journal of Mental MIMH Health SSH 1557-9328 International Journal of 2004, RMJM Multilingualism SSH Volume 1/1 1747-7530 International Journal of RPAN Performance Analysis in Sport SSH 2474-8668 International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital 2005, RPDM Media SSH Volume 1/1 2040-0934 International Journal of 1998, RIPH Philosophical Studies SSH Volume6/1 1466-4542 International Journal of Philosophy 1998, RJPT and Theology SSH Volume 59/1 2169-2335 International Journal of Political MIJP Economy SSH 1558-0970 International Journal of Public 1998, LPAD Administration SSH Volume21/1 1532-4265 International Journal of 1998, TQSE Qualititative Studies in Education SSH Volume11/1 1366-5898 International Journal of Regional YJRL and Local History SSH 2005 2051-4549 International Journal of Research 1998, CWSE and Method in Education SSH Volume21/1 1743-7288 International Journal of Science 1998, TSED Education SSH Volume20/1 1464-5289 International Journal of Science Education, Part B Communication 2011, RSED and Public SSH Volume 1/1 tbc International Journal of Social 1999, TSRM Research Methodology SSH Volume 2/1 1464-5300 MIJS International Journal of Sociology SSH 1557-9336 International Journal of Sport and 2003, RIJS Exercise Psychology SSH Volume 1/1 1557-251X International Journal of Sport 2009, RISP Policy SSH Volume 1/1 1940-6959 International Journal of Strategic 2007, HSTC Communication SSH Volume 1/1 1553-1198 International Journal of Sustainable 1998, TSDW Development & World Ecology SSH Volume5/1 1745-2627

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2001, HIJT International Journal of Testing SSH Volume 1/1 1532-7574 International Journal of the 1998, CIJB Economics of Business SSH Volume5/1 1466-1829 International Journal of the History 1998, FHSP of Sport SSH Volume15/1 1743-9035 International Journal of the Legal 1998, CIJL Profession SSH Volume 5/1 1469-9257 International Journal of Tourism RIJT Sciences SSH 2377-0058 International Journal of Training RITR Research SSH tbc International Journal of Urban 1998, RJUS Sciences SSH Volume 2/1 TBC 2010, International Journal of Urban Volume 1/1- TJUE Sustainable Development SSH 2 1946-3146 International Journal of Water 1995, CIJW Resources SSH Volume 11/1 1360-0648 International Journal of African 2006, RARS Renaissance Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1753-7274 International Journal on Media 1999, HIJM Management SSH Volume 1/1 1424-1250 International Multilingual Research 2007, HMRJ Journal SSH Volume 1/1 1931-3160 1998, FINP International Peacekeeping SSH Volume5/1 1743-906x 1998, CIPS International Planning Studies SSH Volume3/1 1469-9265 International Public Management 2005, UPMJ Journal SSH Volume 8/3 1559-3169 International Research in Geographical and Environmental 1998, RGEE Education SSH Volume7/1 1747-7611 International Review of Applied 1998, CIRA Economics SSH Volume12/1 1465-3486 International Review of Law, 1998, CIRL Computers & Technology SSH Volume12/1 1364-6885 International Review of Public 1998, RRPA Administration SSH Volume3/1 2331-7795 International Review of Retail 1998, RIRR Distribution & Consumer Research SSH Volume8/1 1466-4402 1998, CIRS International Review of Sociology SSH Volume8/1 1469-9273 International Review of Sport and 2008, RIRS Exercise Psychology SSH Volume 1/1 1750-9858

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1998, RSPE International Spectator SSH Volume33/1 1751-9721 International Studies in Catholic 2009, RICE Education SSH Volume 1/1 1942-2547 International Studies in Sociology 1998, RISS of Education SSH Volume8/1 1747-5066 International Studies in the 1998, CISP Philosophy of Science SSH Volume12/1 1469-9281 International Studies of MIMO Management & Organization SSH 1558-0911 Internet Reference Services 1998, WIRS Quarterly SSH Volume2/1 1540-4749 Interventions: International Journal 1998, RIIJ of Postcolonial Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1469-929X Investigations in Mathematics UIML Learning SSH 2472-7466 RIAJ Investment Analysts Journal SSH 2077-0227 RIRN Iran SSH 2396-9202 1998, CIST Iranian Studies SSH Volume31/1 1475-4819 1998, RIES Irish Educational Studies SSH Volume 17/1 1747-4965 1998, FIPS Irish Political Studies SSH Volume13/1 1743-9078 1998, CISR Irish Studies Review SSH Volume 6/1 1469-9303 Islam and Christian-Muslim 1998, CICM Relations SSH Volume9/1 1469-9311 1998, FISA Israel Affairs SSH Volume 4/1 1743-9086 RIFA Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs SSH 2373-9789 YITC Italian Culture SSH 1998 1559-0909 YITS Italian Studies SSH 1998 1748-6181 1998, RJFO Japan Forum SSH Volume10/1 1469-932X 1998, CJST Japanese Studies SSH Volume18/1 1469-9338 RJAV Javnost - The Public SSH 1854-8377 2007, RJAZ Jazz Perspectives SSH Volume 1/1 1749-4079 1998, RJCH Jewish Culture and History SSH Volume 1/1 1998, RCUV Journal for Cultural Research SSH Volume2/1 1740-1666 1999, RMAR Journal for Maritime Research SSH Volume 1/1 1469-1957

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Journal for Specialists in Group 1998, USGW Work SSH Volume23/1 1549-6295 YJSS Journal for the Study of Spirituality SSH 2011 2044-0251 Journal for the Study of Sports and YSSA Athletes in Education SSH 2007 1935-7400 2002, WJAS Journal Of Access Services SSH Volume 1/1 1536-7975 Journal of Adventure Education 2000, RAOL and Outdoor Learning SSH Volume 1/1 1754-0402 1998, UJOA Journal of Advertising SSH Volume27/1 1557-7805 2000, WJAB Journal Of African Business SSH Volume 1/1 1522-9076 1998, CJAC Journal of African Cultural Studies SSH Volume11/1 1469-9346 Journal Of Aggression, 1998, WAMT Maltreatment & Trauma SSH Volume2/1 1545-083x 1998, WASP Journal Of Aging & Social Policy SSH Volume 9/1 1545-0821 Journal of Applied Communication 1998, RJAC Research SSH Volume26/1 1479-5752 1998, Journal Of Applied School Volume WAPP Psychology SSH 13/1-2 1537-7911 Journal Of Applied Security 2004, WASR Research SSH Volume 1/1 1936-1629 Journal of Applied Sport 1998, UASP Psychology SSH Volume10/1 1533-1571 2011, RJAB Journal of Arabian Studies SSH Volume 1/1 2153-4780 Journal of Architectural 1998, RACO Conservation SSH Volume4/1 2326-6384 1998, RJAE Journal of Architectural Education SSH Volume 51/1 1531-314x 2002, WJAO Journal Of Archival Organization SSH Volume 1/1 1533-2756 2008, RAPP Journal of Asian Public Policy SSH Volume 1/1 1751-6242 1998, WAPB Journal Of Asia-Pacific Business SSH Volume3/1 1528-6940 1998, RJAU Journal of Australian Studies SSH Volume22/1 1835-6419 Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern 1999, CJSB Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1944-8961 1998, RBAL Journal of Baltic Studies SSH Volume29/1 1751-7877

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2000, HBHF Journal of Behavioral Finance SSH Volume 1/1 1542-7579 1998, CJBV Journal of Beliefs & Values SSH Volume19/1 1469-9362 1998, RJBE Journal of Biological Education SSH Volume32/1 2157-6009 2000, Volume 1/2- WJBI Journal Of Bisexuality SSH 3 1529-9724 1998, RJBS Journal of Borderlands Studies SSH Volume 13/1 2159-1229 Journal of Broadcasting & 1998, HBEM Electronic Media SSH Volume42/1 1550-6878 Journal Of Business & Finance 1998, WBFL Librarianship SSH Volume3/1 1547-0644 Journal Of Business To Business 1998 Volume WBBM Marketing SSH 4/1 1547-0628 2000, RJCM Journal of Change Management SSH Volume 1/1 1479-1811 Journal of Child & Adolescent 1998, RCMH Mental Health SSH Volume10/1 1728-0591 2004, WJCC Journal Of Child Custody SSH Volume 1/1 1537-940x 1998, RJCP Journal of Child Psychotherapy SSH Volume24/1 1469-9370 1998, WCSA Journal Of Child Sexual Abuse SSH Volume 6/1 1547-0679 1998, CJCP Journal of Children & Poverty SSH Volume4/1 1469-9389 2007, RCHM Journal of Children and Media SSH Volume 1/1 1748-2801 2008, WCTR Journal Of China Tourism Research SSH Volume 4/1 1938-8179 RJCC Journal of Chinese Cinema SSH 1750-807X Journal of Chinese Economic and 2003, RCEA Business Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1476-5292 YJCH Journal of Chinese Religions SSH 1998 2050-8999 2005, RCIS Journal of Civil Society SSH Volume 1/1 1744-8697 Journal of Clinical and 1998, NCEN Experimental Neuropsychology SSH Volume20/1 1744-411x Journal of Clinical Child & 1998, HCAP Adolescent Psychology SSH Volume27/1 1537-4424 Journal of Cognition and 2000, HJCD Development SSH Volume 1/1 1532-7647

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1998, PECP Journal of Cognitive Psychology SSH Volume9/1 2044-592X UJCC Journal of College and Character SSH 1940-1639 Journal of College Reading and UCRL Learning SSH 2332-7413 Journal Of College Student 1998, WCSP Psychotherapy SSH Volume12/3 1540-4730 Journal of Commonwealth & 1998, FCCP Comparative Politics SSH Volume36/1 1743-9094 RCMN Journal of Communication SSH tbc 1998, WCOM Journal Of Community Practice SSH Volume5/1 1543-3706 Journal of Comparative Policy 1998, FCPA Analysis SSH Volume 1/1 1572-5448 YJCA Journal of Conflict Archaeology SSH 2006 1574-0781 Journal of Constructivist 1998, UPCY Psychology SSH Volume11/1 1521-0650 Journal Of Consumer Health On 1998, WCHI The Internet SSH Volume2/1 1539-8293 Journal of Contemporary African 1998, CJCA Studies SSH Volume16/1 1469-9397 1998, RJOC Journal of Contemporary Asia SSH Volume28/1 1752-7554 Journal of Contemporary Central 1998, CDEB and Eastern Europe SSH Volume6/1 2573-9646 1998, CJCC Journal of Contemporary China SSH Volume 7/1 1469-9400 Journal of Contemporary European 1998, CJEA Studies SSH Volume 6/1 1478-2790 1998, CJCR Journal of Contemporary Religion SSH Volume13/1 1469-9419 Journal Of Convention & Event 1998, WCET Tourism SSH Volume2/1 1547-0156 RCLS Journal of Corporate Law Studies SSH 1757-8426 Journal Of Couple & Relationship 2002, WCRT Therapy SSH Volume 1/1 1533-2683 Journal Of Creativity In Mental 2007, WCMH Health SSH Volume 2/1 1540-1391 1998, RJCJ Journal of Crime and Justice SSH Volume21/1 2158-9119 Journal of Criminal Justice 1998, RCJE Education SSH Volume9/1 1745-9117 YJCR Journal of Critical Realism SSH 1998 1572-5138 2008, RJCE Journal of Cultural Economy SSH Volume 1/1 1753-0369

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1998, RJCG Journal of Cultural Geography SSH Volume17/1 1940-6320 Journal of Current Issues & 1998, UJCI Research in Advertising SSH Volume20/1 2164-7313 Journal of Curriculum and 2004, UJCP Pedagogy SSH Volume 1/1 2156-8154 1998, TCUS Journal of Curriculum Studies SSH Volume30/1 1366-5839 2001, Volume 1/1 Journal of Dance UJOD Journal of Dance Education SSH Education 2158-074X Journal of Development 2009, RJDE Effectiveness SSH Volume 1/1 1943-9407 1998, FJDS Journal of Development Studies SSH Volume34/1 1743-9140 Journal of Digital Learning in 1998, UJDL Teacher Education SSH Volume14/1 to follow 1999, WRDH Journal of Disability & Religion SSH Volume 3/1 1522-9122 1998, WJDR Journal Of Divorce & Remarriage SSH Volume27/1 1540-4811 Journal of Early Childhood Teacher 1998, UJEC Education SSH Volume19/1 1745-5642 RECH Journal of Early Christian History SSH 2471-4054 2007, RJEA Journal of Eastern African Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1753-1063 1998, WJEB Journal Of East-West Business SSH Volume4/1 1528-6959 MJEI Journal of Economic Issues SSH 1946-326X 1998, RJEC Journal of Economic Methodology SSH Volume5/1 1469-9427 1998, GPRE Journal of Economic Policy Reform SSH Volume 2/1 1748-7889 RECN Journal of Economics SSH tbc 2002, RECO Journal of Ecotourism SSH Volume 1/1 1747-7638 1998, CJEW Journal of Education and Work SSH Volume11/1 1469-9435 1998, VJEB Journal of Education for Business SSH Volume 73/1 1940-3356 Journal of Education for Students 1998, HJSP Placed at Risk (JESPAR) SSH Volume3/1 1532-7671 CJET Journal of Education for Teaching SSH 1995 1360-0540

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1998, TEDP Journal of Education Policy SSH Volume 13/1 1464-5106 Journal of Educational 1998, CJEH Administration and History SSH Volume30/1 1478-7431 Journal of Educational and 1998, HEPC Psychological Consultation SSH Volume9/1 1532-768X 1998, WEAN Journal Of Elder Abuse & Neglect SSH Volume 9/1 1540-4129 Journal of Elections, Public Opinion 1998, FBEP and Parties SSH Volume8/1 1745-7297 Journal Of Electronic Resources In 2003, WERM Medical Libraries SSH Volume 1/1 1542-4073 Journal of Electronic Resources 1998, WACQ Librarianship SSH Volume10/19 1941-1278 Journal of Energy & Natural RNRL Resources Law SSH 2376-4538 Journal of Environmental Planning 1998, CJEP and Management SSH Volume41/1 1360-0559 Journal of Environmental Policy & 1999, CJOE Planning SSH Volume 1/1 1522-7200 Journal Of Ethnic And Cultural 1998, WECD Diversity In Social Work SSH Volume 5/1 1531-3212 Journal of Ethnic and Migration 1998, CJMS Studies SSH Volume24/1 1469-9451 Journal Of Ethnicity In Criminal 2003, WECJ Justice SSH Volume 1/1 1537-7946 1998, GEUI Journal of European Integration SSH Volume21/1 1477-2280 1998, RJPP Journal of European Public Policy SSH Volume5/1 1466-4429 Journal of Evidence-Informed 2004, WEBS Social Work SSH Volume 1/1 2376-1415 2001, HJFC Journal of Family Communication SSH Volume 1/1 1532-7698 1998, WJFP Journal Of Family Psychotherapy SSH Volume9/1 1540-4080 1998, WFSW Journal Of Family Social Work SSH Volume3/1 1540-4072 RJFS Journal of Family Studies SSH 1839-3543 1998, WFFT Journal Of Feminist Family Therapy SSH Volume 9/1 1540-4099 YJFA Journal of Field Archaeology SSH 1998 2042-4582 Journal Of Food Products 1998 Volume WFPM Marketing SSH 4/1 1540-4102 Journal Of Foodservice Business 1998, WFBR Research SSH Volume3/1 1537-8039

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Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & 1998, RJFP Psychology SSH Volume9/1 1478-9957 Journal of Forensic Psychology 2000, WFPP Practice SSH Volume 1/1 1522-9092 Journal of Further and Higher 1998, CJFH Education SSH Volume22/1 1469-9486 Journal Of Gay & Lesbian Mental 1998, WGLM Health SSH Volume 2/4 1935-9713 Journal Of Gay & Lesbian Social 1998, WGLS Services SSH Volume7/1 1540-4056 1998, CJGS Journal of Gender Studies SSH Volume7/1 1465-3869 1999, CJGR Journal of Genocide Research SSH Volume 1/1 1469-9494 RJOG Journal of Geography SSH 1752-6868 Journal of Geography in Higher 1998, CJGH Education SSH Volume22/1 1466-1845 Journal Of Gerontological Social 1998, WGER Work SSH Volume27/1 1540-4048 2005, WGFS Journal Of Glbt Family Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1550-4298 2005, RJGE Journal of Global Ethics SSH Volume 1/1 1744-9634 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing: Bridging Fashion and 2010, RGFM Marketing SSH Volume 1/1 2325-4483 Journal of Global Information UGIT Technology Management SSH 2333-6846 1998, WGLO Journal Of Global Marketing SSH Volume11/3 1528-6975 Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science: Bridging Asia 1998, RGAM and the World SSH Volume 1/1 2163-9167 2010, RCOM Journal of Graphic Novels & Comics SSH Volume 1/1 2150-4865 1998 Volume WHCC Journal Of Health Care Chaplaincy SSH 7/1 1528-6916 1998, UHCM Journal of Health Communication SSH Volume3/1 1087-0415 2006, RJHT Journal of Heritage Tourism SSH Volume 1/1 1474-6631 Journal of Higher Education Policy 1998, CJHE and Management SSH Volume20/1 1469-9508 1998, WJHM Journal Of Homosexuality SSH Volume33/1 1540-3602

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2001, WHOS Journal Of Hospital Librarianship SSH Volume 1/1 1532-3277 Journal of Hospitality & Tourism 1998, UHAT Education SSH Volume10/2 2325-6540 Journal Of Hospitality Marketing & 1998, WHMM Management SSH Volume 5/1 1936-8631 1998, WJHE Journal Of Housing For The Elderly SSH Volume 13/1 1540-353x Journal Of Human Behavior In The 1998, WHUM Social Environment SSH Volume 1/1 1540-3556 Journal of Human Development 2000, CJHD and Capabilities SSH Volume 1/1 1945-2837 RHUE Journal of Human Ecology SSH TBC Journal Of Human Resources In 2002, WHRH Hospitality & Tourism SSH Volume 1/1 1533-2853 2002, CJHR Journal of Human Rights SSH Volume 1/1 1475-4843 Journal of Iberian & Latin American 1998, CJIL Studies SSH Volume4/1 1469-9524 Journal of Iberian and Latin 1998, RJIL American Research SSH Volume4/1 2151-9668 Journal Of Immigrant & Refugee 2002, WIMM Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1556-2956 Journal of Imperial & 1998, FICH Commonwealth History SSH Volume26/1 1743-9329 Journal of Infant, Child, and 2000, HICP Adolescent Psychotherapy SSH Volume 1/1 1940-9214 Journal Of Information Technology 2004, WITP & Politics SSH Volume 1/1 1933-169x Journal of Information Technology UTCA Case and Application Research SSH 2333-6897 2001, RJIH Journal of Intelligence History SSH Volume 1/1 2169-5601 2000, UJIA Journal of Interactive Advertising SSH Volume 1/1 1525-2019 Journal of Intercultural 2006, RJIC Communication Research SSH Volume 35/1 1747-5767 1998, CJIS Journal of Intercultural Studies SSH Volume19/1 1469-9540 Journal Of Intergenerational 2003, WJIR Relationships SSH Volume 1/1 1535-0932 Journal Of Interlibrary Loan,Document Delivery & 1998, WILD Electronic Reserve SSH Volume 8/1 1540-3572 Journal of International and 1998, RJCS Comparative Social Policy SSH Volume14/1 2169-978x

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Journal of International and 2008, RJII Intercultural Communication SSH Volume 1/1 1751-3065 Journal Of International Consumer 1998, WICM Marketing SSH Volume10/3 1528-7068 Journal Of International Food & 1998, WIFA Agribusiness Marketing SSH Volume 9/1 1528-6983 Journal of International Wildlife 1998, UWLP Law & Policy SSH Volume 1/1 1548-1476 2002, WICO Journal Of Internet Commerce SSH Volume 1/1 1533-287x Journal of Intervention and 2007, RISB Statebuilding SSH Volume 1/1 1750-2985 Journal of Island & Coastal 2006, UICA Archaeology SSH Volume 1/1 1556-1828 1998, FJIH Journal of Israeli History SSH Volume19/1 1744-0548 Journal of Japanese and Korean RJKC Cinema SSH 1756-4913 1998, UJJE Journal of Jewish Education SSH Volume 64/1 1554-611X 2006, RJLA Journal of Landscape Architecture SSH Volume 1/1 tbc Journal of Language, Identity & 2002, HLIE Education SSH Volume 1/1 1532-7701 Journal of Language, Literature and YJLI Culture SSH 1998 2051-2864 Journal of Latin American Cultural 1998, CJLA Studies SSH Volume7/1 1469-9575 2002, HJLE Journal of Latinos and Education SSH Volume 1/1 1532-771X 1980, FLGH Journal of Legal History SSH Volume 1/1 1744-0564 Journal of Legal Pluralism and 1998, RJLP Unofficial Law SSH Volume30/1 2305-9931 1998, FJLS Journal of Legislative Studies SSH Volume4/1 1743-9337 UJLR Journal of Leisure Research SSH 2159-6417 1998, WJLS Journal Of Lesbian Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1540-3548 Journal Of Lgbt Issues In 2006, WLCO Counseling SSH Volume 1/2 1553-8338 2003, WJLY Journal Of Lgbt Youth SSH Volume 1/1 1936-1661 Journal Of Library & Information 2004, WLIS Services In Distance Learning SSH Volume 1/1 1533-2918

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1998, WJLA Journal Of Library Administration SSH Volume24/1 1540-3564 1998, WJLM Journal Of Library Metadata SSH Volume2/1 1937-5034 1998, RJLS Journal of Literary Studies SSH Volume 14/1 1753-5387 Journal of Loss and Trauma: International Perspectives on 1998, UPIL Stress and Coping SSH Volume3/1 1532-5032 Journal of Management MMIS Information Systems SSH 1557-928X Journal of Management, 2004, RMSR Spirituality & Religion SSH Volume 1/1 1942-258x Journal Of Map And Geography 2004, WMGL Libraries SSH Volume 1/1 1542-0361 1998, WJMC Journal Of Marketing Channels SSH Volume7/1 1540-7039 Journal of Marketing 1996, RJMC Communications SSH Volume 2/1 1466-4445 Journal Of Marketing For Higher 1998, WMHE Education SSH Volume 8/1 1540-7144 1998, RJMM Journal of Marketing Management SSH Volume 14/1 1472-1376 Journal of Marketing Theory & MMTP Practice SSH 1944-7175 1998, GMAS Journal of Mathematical Sociology SSH Volume23/1 1545-5874 2002, HJMR Journal of Media and Religion SSH Volume 1/1 1534-8415 ROMB Journal of Media Business Studies SSH 2376-2977 1998, HMEC Journal of Media Economics SSH Volume11/1 1532-7736 1998, HMME Journal of Media Ethics SSH Volume13/1 1532-7728 RJML Journal of Media Law SSH 1757-7640 1998, RMED Journal of Medieval History SSH Volume24/1 1873-1279 2009, RIBS Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1754-6567 IJMH Journal of Mental Health SSH 1360-0567 Journal of Mental Health Research 2008, UMID in Intellectual Disabilities SSH Volume 1/1 1931-5872 2002, SMIL Journal of Military Ethics SSH Volume 1/1 1502-7589 2007, RMOH Journal of Modern Chinese History SSH Volume 1/1 1753-5662

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1998, RMIS Journal of Modern Italian Studies SSH Volume3/1 1469-9583 2002, CMJS Journal of Modern Jewish Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1472-5894 1998, CJME Journal of Moral Education SSH Volume27/1 1465-3877 1998, VJMB Journal of Motor Behavior SSH Volume30/1 1940-1027 2006, RMMD Journal of Multicultural Discourses SSH Volume 1/1 Journal of Multilingual & 1998, RMMM Multicultural Development SSH Volume19/1 1747-7557 RJME Journal of Museum Education SSH 2051-6169 2004, RMAA Journal of Musical Arts in Africa SSH Volume 1/1 2070-626X 1998, GMUR Journal of Musicological Research SSH Volume17/1 1547-7304 1998, CJMM Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs SSH Volume18/1 1469-9591 RNZH Journal of Natal and Zulu History SSH 2521-8875 1998, NNMR Journal of New Music Research SSH Volume27/1 1744-5027 Journal Of Nonprofit & Public 1998, WNON Sector Marketing SSH Volume 5/1 1540-6997 1998, FNAS Journal of North African Studies SSH Volume3/1 1743-9345 1998, WJOR Journal Of Offender Rehabilitation SSH Volume25/1 1540-8558 Journal Of Organizational Behavior 1998, WORG Management SSH Volume18/1 1540-8604 YJPC Journal of Paper Conservation SSH 2000 2057-1682 YPAT Journal of Pastoral Theology SSH 1998 2161-4504 2004, CJPE Journal of Peace Education SSH Volume 1/1 1470-021X Journal of Peacebuilding & 2002, RJPD Development SSH Volume 1/1 2165-7440 Journal of Personal Selling & Sales 1998, RPSS Management SSH Volume18/1 tbc 1998, HJPA Journal of Personality Assessment SSH Volume69/1 1532-7752 Journal of Physical Education 1998, UJRD Recreation & Dance SSH Volume69/1 2168-3816 2003, TJPT Journal of Poetry Therapy SSH Volume 16/1 1567-2344 Journal of Policing, Intelligence and 2006, RPIC Counter Terrorism SSH Volume 1/1 2159-5364

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Journal of Policy Research in 2009, RPRT Tourism, Leisure and Events SSH Volume 1/1 1940-7971 1998, CJPI Journal of Political Ideologies SSH Volume3/1 1469-9613 2002, WPLM Journal Of Political Marketing SSH Volume 1/1 1537-7865 2008, RPOW Journal of Political Power SSH Volume 1/1 2158-3803 Journal of Political Science 2005, UPSE Education SSH Volume 1/1 1551-2177 Journal of Popular Film and 1998, VJPF Television SSH Volume25/1 1930-6458 Journal of Post Keynesian MPKE Economics SSH 1557-7821 1998, RJPW Journal of Postcolonial Writing SSH Volume37/1 1744-9863 1998, WPOV Journal Of Poverty SSH Volume2/1 1540-7608 RPIL Journal of Private International Law SSH 1757-8418 Journal Of Progessive Human 1998, WPHS Services SSH Volume 8/1 1540-7616 1998, WJPM Journal Of Promotion Management SSH Volume5/1 1540-7594 1996, RJPR Journal of Property Research SSH Volume 13/1 1466-4453 RPSC Journal of Psychology SSH tbc RPIA Journal of Psychology in Africa SSH 1815-5626 1998, WJPO Journal Of Psychosocial Oncology SSH Volume15/1 1540-7586 2006, WPCW Journal Of Public Child Welfare SSH Volume 1/1 1554-8740 Journal of Public Relations 1998, HPRR Research SSH Volume10/1 1532-754X Journal Of Quality Assurance In 2000, WQAH Hospitality & Tourism SSH Volume 1/1 1528-0098 1998, NJQL Journal of Quantitative Linguistics SSH Volume 4/1 1744-5035 1998, HJRS Journal of Radio and Audio Media SSH Volume5/1 1937-6537 2002, WJRM Journal Of Relationship Marketing SSH Volume 1/1 1533-2675 Journal Of Religion & Spirituality In 1998, WRSP Social Work: Social Thought SSH Volume 18/2 1542-6440 Journal Of Religion, Spirituality & 1998, WRSA Aging SSH Volume11/1 1552-8049

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Journal Of Religious & Theological 2000, WRTI Information SSH Volume 3/1 1528-6948 Journal of Reproductive and Infant 1998, CJRI Psychology SSH Volume16/1 1469-672X Journal of Research in Childhood 1998, UJRC Education SSH Volume12/2 2150-2641 Journal of Research on Christian 1998, URCE Education SSH Volume7/1 1934-4945 Journal of Research on Educational 2008, UREE Effectiveness SSH Volume 1/1 1934-5739 Journal of Research on Technology 1998, UJRT in Education SSH Volume31/1 1945-0818 1998, RJRR Journal of Risk Research SSH Volume 1/1 1466-4461 Journal of Russian & East European MRPO Psychology SSH 1558-0415 Journal of Scandinavian Studies in 2000, SCRI Criminology and Crime Prevention SSH Volume 1/1 1651-2340 2006, WJSC Journal Of School Choice SSH Volume 1/1 1558-2167 2002, WJSV Journal Of School Violence SSH Volume 1/1 1538-8239 Journal of Science Teacher USTE Education SSH 1573-1847 1998, USMT Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy SSH Volume24/1 1521-0715 1998, TJSA Journal of Sexual Aggression SSH Volume4/1 1742-6545 Journal of Small Business & 1998, RSBE Entrepreneurship SSH Volume15/1 2169-2610 2010, RJSE Journal of Social Entrepreneurship SSH Volume 1/1 1942-0684 RJSS Journal of Social Sciences SSH tbc 1998, WSSR Journal Of Social Service Research SSH Volume23/1 1540-7314 Journal of Social Welfare and 1998, RJSF Family Law SSH Volume20/1 1469-9621 1998, USWE Journal of Social Work Education SSH Volume34/1 2163-5811 Journal Of Social Work In End-Of- 2005, WSWE Life & Palliative Care SSH Volume 1/1 1552-4264 1998, CJSW Journal of Social Work Practice SSH Volume12/1 1465-3885 Journal Of Social Work Practice In 2001, WSWP The Addictions SSH Volume 1/1 1533-2578

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Journal of Sociology and Social RSSA Anthropology SSH tbc Journal of Southeast European and 2001, FBSS Black Sea Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1743-9639 1998, CJSS Journal of Southern African Studies SSH Volume24/1 1465-3893 2000, CJSC Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1469-9818 Journal Of Spirituality In Mental 1998, WSPI Health SSH Volume2/1 1934-9645 1998, RJTO Journal of Sport & Tourism SSH Volume 5/1 1029-5399 Journal of Sport Psychology in 2010, USPA Action SSH Volume 1/1 2152-0712 1996, RJSP Journal of Sports Sciences SSH Volume 14/1 1466-447X 1996, RJSM Journal of Strategic Marketing SSH Volume 4/1 1466-4488 1998, FJSS Journal of Strategic Studies SSH Volume21/1 1743-937x Journal of Student Affairs Research UARP and Practice SSH 1949-6605 Journal of Sustainable Finance & 2011, TSFI Investment SSH Volume 1/1 2043-0809 1998, RSUS Journal of Sustainable Tourism SSH Volume6/1 1747-7646 Journal Of Teaching In 1998, WTIB International Business SSH Volume 9/1 1528-6991 1998, WTSW Journal Of Teaching In Social Work SSH Volume16/1 1540-7349 Journal Of Teaching In Travel & 2001, WTTT Tourism SSH Volume 1/1 1531-3239 Journal Of Technology In Human 1998, WTHS Services SSH Volume 14/1 1522-8991 Journal of the African Literature RALA Association SSH 2167-4744 Journal of the American Institute YJAC for Conservation SSH 1998 1945-2330 Journal of the American Planning 1935, RJPA Association SSH Volume 1/1 1939-0130 1998, RJAP Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy SSH Volume3/1 1469-9648 Journal of the British YJBA Archaeological Association SSH 1998 1747-6704 Journal of the British Society for RBSP Phenomenology SSH 2332-0486

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Journal of the European YJPE Pentecostal Theological Association SSH 1998 2224-7963 Journal of the History of the 1998, NJHN Neurosciences SSH Volume7/1 1744-5213 2010, RIOR Journal of the Indian Ocean Region SSH Volume 6/1 1948-108x Journal of the Institute of 1998, RCON Conservation SSH Volume22/1 1945-5232 1998, HLNS Journal of the Learning Sciences SSH Volume7/1 1532-7809 1998, RJPS Journal of the Philosophy of Sport SSH Volume25/1 1543-2939 Journal of the Royal Musical RRMA Association SSH 1998 1471-6933 Journal of Tourism and Cultural 2003, RTCC Change SSH Volume 1/1 1747-7654 2009, RJTH Journal of Tourism History SSH Volume 1/1 1755-1838 2003, RJTS Journal of Transatlantic Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1754-1018 Journal Of Transnational 1998, WTNM Management SSH Volume3/1 1547-5786 2000, WJTD Journal Of Trauma & Dissociation SSH Volume 1/1 1529-9740 Journal Of Travel & Tourism 1998, WTTM Marketing SSH Volume 6/1 1540-7306 UJUA Journal of Urban Affairs SSH 1467-9906 1998, CJUD Journal of Urban Design SSH Volume3/1 1469-9664 1998, CJUT Journal of Urban Technology SSH Volume5/1 1466-1853 Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and 2008, RJOU Urban Sustainabilty SSH Volume 1/1 1754-9183 Journal of Visual Art Practice 2001, RJVP SSH Volume 1/1 1758-9185 RJVL Journal of Visual Literacy SSH 2379-6529 Journal of Vocational Education 1998, RJVE and Training SSH Volume50/1 1747-5090 YWAC Journal of War & Culture Studies SSH 2008 1752-6280 2007, WJWL Journal Of Web Librarianship SSH Volume 1/1 1932-2917 YJWA Journal of Wetland Archaeology SSH 2001 2051-6231 1998, CJWR Journal of Wine Research SSH Volume9/1 1469-9672

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1998, WJWA Journal Of Women & Aging SSH Volume10/3 1540-7322 Journal Of Women, Politics & 1998, WWAP Policy SSH Volume18/1 1554-4788 Journal Of Workplace Behavioral 1998, WJWB Health SSH Volume13/1 1555-5259 1998, CJYS Journal of Youth Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1469-9680 2007, RJOP Journalism Practice SSH Volume 1/1 1751-2794 2000, RJOS Journalism Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1469-9699 RJDR Judicial Review SSH 1757-8434 2007, UJUN Jung Journal SSH Volume 1/1 1934-2047 RJPN Jurisprudence SSH 2040-3321 1998, RJQY Justice Quarterly SSH Volume15/1 1745-9109 UJSJ Justice System Journal SSH 2327-7556 1998, UKDR Kappa Delta Pi Record SSH Volume34/1 2163-1611 RKLJ King's Law Journal SSH 1757-8442 KIVA: Journal of Southwestern YKIV Anthropology and History SSH 1998 2051-6177 1998, SKON Konsthistorisk Tidskrift SSH Volume67/1 1651-2294 1960, CLAH Labor History SSH Volume 1/1 1469-9702 Labour & Industry: A Journal of the Social and Economic Relations of 1998, RLAB Work SSH Volume 8/1 2325-5676 1998, RLSH Landscape History SSH Volume20/1 2160-2506 1998, CLAR Landscape Research SSH Volume23/1 1469-9710 YLAN Landscapes SSH 2000 2040-8153 YLHI Language & History SSH 1998 1759-7544 Language & Intercultural 2001, RMLI Communication SSH Volume 1/1 1747-759X 1998, HLAC Language Acquisition SSH Volume7/1 1532-7817 1998, RLAE Language and Education SSH Volume12/1 1747-7581 2004, HLAQ Language Assessment Quarterly SSH Volume 1/1 1543-4311

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1998, RMLA Language Awareness SSH Volume7/1 1747-7565 Language Cognition and PLCP Neuroscience SSH 1998 2327-3801 Language Learning and 2005, HLLD Development SSH Volume 1/1 1547-3341 1998, RLLJ Language Learning Journal SSH Volume16/1 1753-2167 1998, RLMS Language Matters SSH Volume29/1 1753-5395 1998, RLCC Language, culture and Curriculum SSH Volume11/1 1747-7573 Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, 1998, PLAT Brain and Cognition SSH Volume3/1 1464-0678 Latin American and Carribean 2006, RLAC Ethnic Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1744-2230 1998, WLAB Latin American Business Review SSH Volume 1/1 1528-6932 RLAL Law & Literature SSH 1541-2601 RLFM Law and Financial Markets Review SSH 1752-1459 RLAH Law and Humanities SSH 1752-1491 RLIT Law Innovation and Technology SSH 1757-997X 2002, NLPS Leadership & Policy in Schools SSH Volume 1/1 1744-5043 1998, CJEM Learning Media & Technology SSH Volume24/1 1743-9892 RLET Legal Ethics SSH 1757-8450 1998, WLRS Legal Reference Services Quarterly SSH Volume16/1 1540-949x 1998, ULSC Leisure Sciences SSH Volume20/1 1521-0588 1998, RLST Leisure Studies SSH Volume17/1 1466-4496 1999, Volume RLOI Leisure/Loisir SSH 24/1-2 2151-2221 Levant: The Journal of the Council YLEV for British Research in the Levant SSH 1998 1756-3801 YLBH Library & Information History SSH 1998 1758-3497 Library Collections, Acquisitions ULCA and Technical Services SSH 1873-1821 2004, RLWR Life Writing SSH Volume 1/1 1751-2964 Lit: Literature Interpretation 1998, GLIT Theory SSH Volume 8/1 1545-5866

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1998, ULRI Literacy Research & Instruction SSH Volume 37/1 1938-8063 YLIT Lithic Technology SSH 1998 2051-6185 1998, ULTG Liturgy SSH Volume15/1 1557-3001 1998, CLOE Local Environment SSH Volume3/1 1469-6711 1998, FLGS Local Government Studies SSH Volume24/1 1743-9388 Loisir et Societe / Society and 1998, 1705-0154 RLES Leisure SSH Volume21/1 Macroeconomics and Finance in 2008, REME Emerging Market Economies SSH Volume 1/1 1752-0851 Management & Organizational 2006, RMOR History SSH Volume 1/1 1744-9367 1998, RMLE Managing Sport and Leisure SSH Volume3/1 2375-0480 Maritime Affairs:Journal of the National Maritime Foundation of 2009, RNMF India SSH Volume 5/1 1946-6609 1998, TMPM Maritime Policy & Management SSH Volume25/1 1464-5254 MMER Marketing Education Review SSH 2153-9987 1998, WMFR Marriage & Family Review SSH Volume25/1 1540-9635 1998, Volume 1/1- HMCS Mass Communication and Society SSH 2 1532-7825 RFMR Material Religion SSH 1751-8342 1998 Volume GMPS Mathematical Population Studies SSH 7/1 1547-724x Mathematical Thinking and 1999, HMTL Learning SSH Volume 1/1 1532-7833 Measurement and Evaluation in UECD Counseling and Development SSH 2150-1378 Measurement in Physical 1998, HMPE Education and Exercise Science SSH Volume2/1 1532-7841 Measurement: Interdisciplinary 2003, HMES Research & Perspective SSH Volume 1/1 1536-6359 RMEA Media Asia SSH 2377-6277 1998, CMEH Media History SSH Volume 4/1 1469-9729 Media Practice and Education 2000, RJMP SSH Volume 1/1 2040-0926 1999, HMEP Media Psychology SSH Volume 1/1 1532-785X

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1998, GMEA Medical Anthropology SSH Volume18/1 1545-5882 Medical Reference Services 1998, WMRS Quarterly SSH Volume17/1 1540-9567 1998, FMCS Medicine Conflict & Survival SSH Volume14/1 1743-9396 YMED Medieval Archaeology SSH 1998 1745-817X YMMT Medieval Mystical Theology SSH 1998 2046-5734 YMSS Medieval Sermon Studies SSH 1998 1749-6276 1998, FMHR Mediterranean Historical Review SSH Volume13/1 1743-940x 1998, FMED Mediterranean Politics SSH Volume3/1 1743-9418 1998, PMEM Memory SSH Volume5/1 1464-0686 1998, CMHR Mental Health, Religion & Culture SSH Volume 1/1 1469-9737 Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership 1998, CMET in Learning SSH Volume 5/1 1469-9745 1998, HMET Metaphor and Symbol SSH Volume13/1 1532-7868 Midcontinental Journal of YMCA Archaeology SSH 1998 2327-4271 1998, CCRI Middle East Critique SSH Volume 7/1 1943-6157 RMDJ Middle East Development Journal SSH 1793-8171 1998, CAME Middle Eastern Literatures SSH Volume 1/1 1475-2638 1998, FMES Middle Eastern Studies SSH Volume34/1 1743-7881 UMSJ Middle School Journal SSH 2327-6223 YMDH Midland History SSH 1998 1756-381X 1998, HMCA Mind, Culture, and Activity SSH Volume5/1 1532-7884 YMNG Ming Studies SSH 1998 1759-7595 2006, RMOB Mobilities SSH Volume 1/1 1745-011x 1998, CMCF Modern and Contemporary France SSH Volume6/1 1469-9869 Monumenta Serica: Journal of YMON Oriental Studies SSH 1998 2057-1690 1998, CMRT Mortality SSH Volume3/1 1469-9885 RMER Multicultural Education Review SSH 2377-0031 1999, HMCP Multicultural Perspectives SSH Volume 1/1 1532-7892

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1998, HMBR Multivariate Behavioral Research SSH Volume33/1 1532-7906 YMHJ Museum History Journal SSH 2008 1936-9824 Museum Management and 1998, RMMC Curatorship SSH Volume17/1 1872-9185 Museums & Social Issues (A Journal YMSI of Reflective Discourse) SSH 2006 2051-6193 1999, CMUE Music Education Research SSH Volume 1/1 1469-9907 1998, WMUS Music Reference Services Quarterly SSH Volume 6/1 1540-9503 1998, RMUS Musicology Australia SSH Volume21/1 1949-453X 2004, RMUZ Muziki SSH Volume 1/1 1753-593x RNAC NACLA Report on the Americas SSH 2471-2620 UNAN NAEA News SSH 2471-7339 YNAM Names: A Journal of Onomastics SSH 1998 1756-2279 NASPA Journal About Women in UWHE Higher Education SSH 1940-7890 1999, CNID National Identities SSH Volume 1/1 1469-9907 1998, FNEP Nationalism & Ethnic Politics SSH Volume4/1 1557-2986 1998, CNAP Nationalities Papers SSH Volume26/1 1465-3923 Ñawpa Pacha (Journal of Andean YNAW Archaeology) SSH 1998 2051-6207 1998, NNCS Neurocase SSH Volume4/1 1465-3656 RNPA Neuropsychoanalysis SSH 2044-3978 1998, PNRH Neuropsychological Rehabilitation SSH Volume7/1 1464-0694 1999, CNGS New Genetics & Society SSH Volume 18/1 1469-9915 1998, CNPE New Political Economy SSH Volume3/1 1469-9923 1998, CNPS New Political Science SSH Volume20/1 1469-9931 New Review of Academic 1998, RACL Librarianship SSH Volume4/1 1740-7834 New Review of Children's 1998, RCLL Literature and Librarianship SSH Volume4/1 1740-7885 New Review of Film & Television 2003, RFTS Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1740-7923

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New Review of Information 1998, RINN Networking SSH Volume4/1 1740-7869 New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory 2004, RMNW of Creative W SSH Volume 1/1 7777-7777 1998, RNZP New Zealand Economic Papers SSH Volume32/1 1943-4863 1998, GNCC Nineteenth Century Contexts SSH Volume21/1 1477-2663 NORA-Nordic Journal of Feminist 1998, SWOM and Gender Research SSH Volume6/1 1502-394X RNHR Nordic Journal of Human Rights SSH 1891-814X 1998, RNJM Nordic Journal of Music Therapy SSH Volume7/1 1944-8260 2003, RNPY Nordic Psychology SSH Volume 55/1 1904-0016 2011, RNSW Nordic Social Work Research SSH Volume 1/1 2156-8588 Norma-International Journal of RNOR Masculinity Studies SSH 1890-2146 1998, SGEO Norsk Geografisk Tidsskr SSH Volume52/1 1502-5292 1998, UAAJ North American Actuarial Journal SSH Volume2/1 tbc YNHI Northern History SSH 1998 1745-8706 1998, SARC Norwegian Archaeological Review SSH Volume31/1 1502-7678 Ocean Development & 1998, UODL International Law SSH Volume29/1 1521-0642 Open Learning: The Journal of 1998, COPL Open and Distance Learning SSH Volume13/1 1469-9958 2004, UOMJ Organization Management Journal SSH Volume 1/1 1541-6518 1998, CODS Oxford Development Studies SSH Volume26/1 1469-9966 YOGS Oxford German Studies SSH 1998 1745-9214 1998, CORE Oxford Review of Education SSH Volume24/1 1465-3915 Oxford University Commonwealth ROUC Law Journal SSH 1757-8469 Pacific Rim Property Research RPRJ Journal SSH 2201-6716 1998, CPDH Paedagogica Historica SSH Volume34/1 1477-674X YPEQ Palestine Exploration Quarterly SSH 1998 1743-1301

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1998, TPAR Parallax SSH Volume4/1 1460-700X 2001, Volume 1/1- HPAR Parenting SSH 2 1532-7922 Parliaments, Estates and 1998, RPER Representation SSH Volume18/1 1947-248X Pastoral Care in Education: An International Journal of Personal, 1998, RPED Social and Em SSH Volume16/1 1468-0122 1998, RPOP Patterns of Prejudice SSH Volume32/1 1461-7331 1998, HPJE Peabody Journal of Education SSH Volume73/1 1532-7930 1998, CPER Peace Review SSH Volume10/1 1469-9982 Pedagogies: An International 2006, HPED Journal SSH Volume 1/1 1554-4818 1998, RPCS Pedagogy, Culture & Society SSH Volume6/1 1747-5104 2006, RPRS Performance Research SSH Volume 11/1 1469-9990 2002, Person-Centered & Experiential Volume 1/1- RPCP Psychotherapies SSH 2 1752-9182 1998, VPPS Perspectives on Political Science SSH Volume27/1 1930-5478 Perspectives: Policy and Practice in 1998, TPSP Higher Education SSH Volume2/1 1460-7018 Perspectives: Studies in Translation 1998, RMPS Theory and Practice SSH Volume6/1 1747-6623 1998, Volume RPSJ Philippine Political Science Journal SSH 19/39-42 2165-025x 1998, RPEX Philosophical Explorations SSH Volume 1/1 1741-5918 1998, RPPA Philosophical Papers SSH Volume27/1 1996-8523 1998, CPHP Philosophical Psychology SSH Volume11/1 1465-394X 2008, RPHO photographies SSH Volume 1/1 1754-0771 RFPC Photography and Culture SSH 1751-4525 Physical Education and Sport 1998, CPES Pedagogy SSH Volume3/1 1742-5786 YPAN Plains Anthropologist SSH 1998 2052-546X

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1996, RPPE Planning Perspectives SSH Volume 11/1 1466-4518 1995, CPPR Planning Practice and Research SSH Volume 10/1 1360-0583 2000, RPTP Planning Theory & Practice SSH Volume 1/1 1470-000X Police Practice and Research - An 2001, GPPR International Journal SSH Volume 1/1 1477-271X 1998 Volume GPAS Policing & Society SSH 7/1 1477-2728 1998, CPOS Policy Studies SSH Volume19/1 1470-1006 1998, UPCP Political Communication SSH Volume15/1 1091-7675 RPNZ Political Science SSH 2041-0611 YPOT Political Theology SSH 2000 1743-1719 2000, FTMP Politics, Religion & Ideology SSH Volume 1/1 2156-7697 Politikon: South African Journal of 1998, CPSA Political Studies SSH Volume25/1 1470-1014 2003, HPPC Popular Communication SSH Volume 1/1 1540-5710 1998, RPMS Popular Music & Society SSH Volume22/1 1740-1712 1947, RPST Population Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1477-4747 1998, RPSA Post Soviet Affairs SSH Volume14/1 1938-2855 1998, CPCS Postcolonial Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1466-1888 1998, CPCE Post-Communist Economies SSH Volume10/1 1465-3958 YPMA Post-Medieval Archaeology SSH 1998 1745-8137 YPRT Practical Theology SSH 2008 1756-0748 1998, CPRA Practice - Social Work in Action SSH Volume10/1 1742-4909 Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children 1998, VPSF and Youth SSH Volume 42/1 1940-4387 MPET Problems of Economic Transition SSH 1557-931X MPPC Problems of Post-Communism SSH 1557-783X Professional Development in 1998, RJIE Education SSH Volume24/1 1941-5265 1998, CPRO Prometheus SSH Volume16/1 1470-1030

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1998, FPRS Prose Studies SSH Volume21/1 1743-9426 1998, TPPL Psychiatry, Psychology and Law SSH Volume5/1 1934-1687 2006, HPSP Psychoanalysis, Self and Context SSH Volume 1/1 2472-0046 1998, HPSD Psychoanalytic Dialogues SSH Volume8/1 1940-9222 1998, HPSI Psychoanalytic Inquiry SSH Volume18/1 1940-9133 2003, UPPE Psychoanalytic Perspectives SSH Volume 1/1 2163-6958 Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy: 1985, RPPS Applications, Theory and Research SSH Volume 1/1 1474-9734 1998, WPSW Psychoanalytical Social Work SSH Volume5/1 1522-9033 Psychodynamic Practice: Individual, 1998, RPCO Groups & Organisations SSH Volume4/1 1475-3626 1998, HPLI Psychological Inquiry SSH Volume9/1 1532-7965 Psychological Perspectives: A Semiannual Journal of Jungian 1998, UPYP Thought SSH Volume36/1 1556-3030 GPSH Psychology & Health SSH 1998 1476-8321 2010, RPSE Psychology & Sexuality SSH Volume 1/1 1941-9902 1998, GPCL Psychology, Crime & Law SSH Volume4/1 1477-2744 2009, RPSY Psychosis SSH Volume 1/1 1752-2447 1991, TPSR Psychotherapy Research SSH Volume 1/1 1468-4381 Psyecology: Revista Bilingue de Psicologia Ambiental/Bilingual Journal of Environmental RPRB Psychology SSH 1989-9386 YPUA Public Archaeology SSH 2002 1753-5530 2011, RPAD Public Art Dialogue SSH Volume 1/1 2150-2560 MPIN Public Integrity SSH 1558-0989 1998, WPLQ Public Library Quarterly SSH Volume17/1 1541-4540 1999, RPXM Public Management Review SSH Volume 1/1 1471-9045 1998, RPMM Public Money & Management SSH Volume18/1 1467-9302

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Public Performance & MPMR Management Review SSH 1557-9271 2002, WPSQ Public Services Quarterly SSH Volume 1/1 1522-9114 Publications of the English Goethe YPEG Society SSH 1998 1749-6284 2004, UQRP Qualitative Reseacrh in Psychology SSH Volume 1/1 1478-0895 Qualitative Research in Sport and 2009, RQRS Exercise SSH Volume 1/1 1939-845X RQRR Qualitative Research Reports SSH 1745-9443 1998, CQHE Quality in Higher Education SSH Volume4/1 1470-1081 2001, RQUF Quantitative Finance SSH Volume 1/1 1469-7696 1998, RQJS Quarterly Journal of Speech SSH Volume84/1 1479-5779 1998, GQRF Quarterly Review of Film & Video SSH Volume17/1 1543-5326 1998, UQST Quest SSH Volume50/1 1543-2750 1998, CREE Race Ethnicity and Education SSH Volume 1/1 1470-109X 1998, URWL Reading & Writing Quarterly SSH Volume14/1 1521-0693 1998, URPY Reading Psychology SSH Volume19/1 1521-0685 1998, WREF Reference Librarian (The) SSH Volume27/1 1541-1117 2000, CREP Reflective Practice SSH Volume 1/1 1470-1103 YREF Reformation SSH 1998 1752-0738 YRRR Reformation & Renaissance Review SSH 1999 1743-1727 1998, FRFS Regional & Federal Studies SSH Volume8/1 1743-9434 CRES Regional Studies SSH 1995 1360-0591 1998, RREL Religion SSH Volume28/1 1096-1151 2001, UREL Religion & Education SSH Volume 28/1 1949-8381 2011, RRBB Religion, Brain & Behavior SSH Volume 1/1 2153-5981 Religion, State & Society: the 1998, CRSS Keston SSH Volume26/1 1465-3974 1998, UREA Religious Education SSH Volume93/1 1547-3201

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1998, RREP Representation SSH Volume 35/1 1749-4001 2000, CRID Research in Dance Education SSH Volume 1/1 1470-1111 1998, CRDE Research in Drama Education SSH Volume3/1 1470-112X 2004, Volume 1/1- HRHD Research in Human Development SSH 2 1542-7617 Research in Mathematics 1999, RRME Education SSH Volume 1/1 1754-0178 Research in Post-Compulsory 1998, RPCE Education SSH Volume3/1 1747-5112 Research in Science & 1998, CRST Technological Education SSH Volume16/1 1470-1138 Research in Sports Medicine: An 1998, GSPM International Journal SSH Volume 8/1 1543-8635 Research on Language & Social 1998, HRLS Interaction SSH Volume31/1 1532-7973 1998, RRED Research Papers in Education SSH Volume13/1 1470-1146 Research Quarterly for Exercise & 1998, URQE Sport SSH Volume69/1 2168-3824 URTM Research Technology Management SSH 1930-0166 Residential Treatment For Children 1998, WRTC & Youth SSH Volume15/1 1541-0358 1998, RRHI Rethinking History SSH Volume2/1 1470-1154 1998, RRMX Rethinking Marxism SSH Volume 10/1 1475-8059 Review of African Political 1998, CREA Economy SSH Volume25/1 1740-1720 2003, RROC Review of Comunication Online SSH Volume 3/1 1535-8593 Review of Education, Pedagogy, 1998, GRED and Cultural Studies SSH Volume20/1 1556-3022 Review of International Political 1998, RRIP Economy SSH Volume5/1 1466-4526 1998, CRPE Review of Political Economy SSH Volume10/1 1465-3982 RRSE Review of Social Economy SSH 1998 1470-1162 Review: Literature & Arts of the 1998, RREV Americas SSH Volume31/1 1743-0666 1998, GRVA Reviews in Anthropology SSH Volume27/1 1556-3014

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Revista de Psicologia Social: International Journal of Social RRPS Psychology SSH 1579-3680 1998, FRVR Revolutionary Russia SSH Volume11/1 1743-7873 1998, HRHR Rhetoric Review SSH Volume16/1 1532-7981 1998, RRSQ Rhetoric Society Quarterly SSH Volume28/1 1930-322X 1998, UROR Roeper Review SSH Volume20/1 1940-865x 1998, VROQ Romance Quarterly SSH Volume45/1 1940-3216 YROS Romance Studies SSH 1998 1745-8153 Royal Musical Association Research RRMC Chronicle SSH 1998 2167-4027 RRSO Rural Society SSH 2204-0536 Rural Theology (International, Ecumenical and Interdisciplinary YRUR Perspectives) SSH 2003 2042-1273 RUSI RUSI Journal SSH 1998 1744-0378 MRES Russian Education & Society SSH 1558-0423 2013, RRJC Russian Journal of Communication SSH Volume 5/1 1940-9427 MRUP Russian Politics & Law SSH 1558-0962 MRSS Russian Social Science Review SSH 1557-7848 MRSH Russian Studies in History SSH 1558-0881 MRSL Russian Studies in Literature SSH MRSP Russian Studies in Philosophy SSH 1558-0431 Safundi: The Journal of South 2000, RSAF African and American Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1543-1304 1998, Volume SACT Scandinavian Actuarial Journal SSH 1998/1 1651-2030 Scandinavian Economic History 1998, SEHR Review SSH Volume46/1 1750-2837 Scandinavian Journal of 1998, CSJE Educational Research SSH Volume42/1 1470-1170 1998, SHIS Scandinavian Journal of History SSH Volume23/1 1502-7716 Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality 2001, SJHT and Tourism SSH Volume 1/1 1502-2269 Scandinavian Journal of the Old 1998, SOLD Testament SSH Volume12/1 1502-7244 Scandinavian Psychoanalytic 1998, RSPR Review SSH Volume21/1 1600-0803

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1998, SSLA Scando-Slavica SSH Volume44/1 1600-082x SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure UJLE Studies & Recreation Education SSH 2162-4097 School Effectiveness and School 1998, NSES Improvement SSH Volume9/1 1744-5124 1998, CSLM School Leadership & Management SSH Volume18/1 1364-2626 1998 Volume GSGS Science & Global Security SSH 7/1 1547-7800 1998, WSTL Science & Technology Libraries SSH Volume17/1 1541-1109 Science Activities: Classroom 1998, VSCA Projects and Curriculum Ideas SSH Volume34/1 1940-1302 1998 Volume CSAC Science as Culture SSH 7/1 1470-1189 1998, HSSR Scientific Studies of Reading SSH Volume2/1 1532-799X 1998, RSGJ Scottish Geographical Journal SSH Volume12/1 1751-665X Scrutiny2 - Issues in English Studies 1998, RSCR in Southern Africa SSH Volume3/1 1753-5409 1998 Volume FSST Security Studies SSH 7/1 1556-1852 2002, PSAI Self and Identity SSH Volume 1/1 1529-8876 RFSS Senses and Society SSH 1745-8935 Serials Librarian (The): From the 1998, WSER Printed Page to the Digital Age SSH Volume31/2 1541-1095 USRV Serials Review SSH 1879-095X 1998, WSMQ Services Marketing Quarterly SSH Volume16/1 1533-2977 2011, RSET Settler Colonial Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1838-0743 1998, RSEV Seventeenth Century SSH Volume13/1 2050-4616 Sex Education:Sexuality, Society 2001, CSED and Learning SSH Volume 1/1 1472-0825 1998, USAC Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity SSH Volume5/1 1532-5318 1998, CSMT Sexual and Relationship Therapy SSH Volume13/1 1468-1749 2005, Volume 1/1- RSHK Shakespeare SSH 2 1745-0926

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Sikh 2005, RSFO Formations:Religion,Culture,Theory SSH Volume 1/1 1744-8735 1998, FSLA Slavery & Abolition SSH Volume19/1 1743-9523 Slavic & East European Information 2001, WSEE Resources SSH Volume 1/4 1522-9041 YSLA Slavonica SSH 1998 1745-8145 RSER Small Enterprise Research SSH tbc 1998, FSWI Small Wars & Insurgencies SSH Volume9/1 1743-9558 Smith College Studies In Social 1998, WSCS Work SSH Volume 68/1 1553-0426 2000, FSAS Soccer and Society SSH Volume 1/1 1743-9590 2000, RSCG Social & Cultural Geography SSH Volume 1/1 1470-1197 Social and Environmental 1998, REAJ Accountability Journal SSH Volume18/1 2156-2245 1998, RSDY Social Dynamics SSH Volume24/1 1940-7874 1998, TSEP Social Epistemology SSH Volume12/1 1464-5297 1998, RSHI Social History SSH Volume23/1 1470-1200 1996, CSID Social Identities SSH Volume 2/1 1363-0296 2006, PSIF Social Influence SSH Volume 1/1 1553-4529 2002, CSMS Social Movement Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1474-2829 2006, PSNS Social Neuroscience SSH Volume 1/1 1747-0927 2008, RSSC Social Sciences in China SSH Volume 29/1 1940-5952 1998, CSOS Social Semiotics SSH Volume8/1 1470-1219 1998, CSWE Social Work Education SSH Volume17/1 1470-1227 1998, WSHC Social Work In Health Care SSH Volume25/1 1541-034x 2002, WSMH Social Work In Mental Health SSH Volume 1/2 1533-2993 1998, WHSP Social Work In Public Health SSH Volume 9/1 1937-190x 1998, WSWG Social Work With Groups SSH Volume20/1 1540-9481

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1995, CSAD Socialism and Democracy SSH Volume 9/1 1745-2635 1998, USFO Sociological Focus SSH Volume31/1 UTSQ Sociological Quarterly SSH 1533-8525 MSOR Sociological Research SSH 2328-5184 1998, USLS Sociological Spectrum SSH Volume18/1 1521-0707 Souls: A Critical Journal of Black 1999, USOU Politics, Culture, and Society SSH Volume 1/1 1548-3843 1998, RSAG South African Geographical Journal SSH Volume80/1 2151-2418 1998, RSHJ South African Historical Journal SSH Volume37/1 1726-1686 South African Journal of RSAR Accounting Research SSH 2376-3981 South African Journal of African 1998, RJAL Languages SSH Volume18/1 tbc South African Journal of 1998, RSAJ International Affairs SSH Volume6/1 1938-0275 2013, RSPH South African Journal of Philosophy SSH Volume 32/1 2073-4867 South African Journal on Human RJHR Rights SSH 1996-2126 1998, RSSR South African Review of Sociology SSH Volume29/1 2072-1978 1998, RTHJ South African Theatre Journal SSH Volume12/1 TBC South Asia:Journal of South Asian 1998, CSAS Studies SSH Volume21/1 1479-0270 2009, RSAD South Asian Diaspora SSH Volume 1/1 1943-8184 2009, RSAC South Asian History and Culture SSH Volume 1/1 1947-2501 2003, RSAP South Asian Popular Culture SSH Volume 1/1 1474-6697 RSOA South Asian Review SSH 2573-9476 1998, RSAS South Asian Studies SSH Volume14/1 2153-2699 1998, FSES South European Society & Politics SSH Volume3/1 1743-9612 YSEA Southeastern Archaeology SSH 1998 2168-4723 2001, Southern African Linguistics and Volume RALL Applied Language Studies SSH 19/1-2 1727-9461

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1998, RSJC Southern Communication Journal SSH Volume 63/1 1930-3203 1998, CSPP Space and Polity SSH Volume2/1 1470-1235 Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting/Revista Espanola de REFC Financiacion y Contabilidad SSH 0210-2412 2006, RSEA Spatial Economic Analysis SSH Volume 1/1 1742-1780 1998, RSIH Sport in History SSH Volume18/1 1746-0271 1998, FCSS Sport in Society SSH Volume 1/1 1743-0445 1998, CSES Sport, Education and Society SSH Volume3/1 1470-1243 2007, RSEP Sport, Ethics and Philosophy SSH Volume 1/1 1751-133X 2002, RSPB Sports Biomechanics SSH Volume 1/1 1752-6116 Statutes & Decisions: The Laws of MRSD the USSR and its Successor States SSH 1558-0903 1998, RSAN Strategic Analysis SSH Volume 22/1 1754-0054 1998, TSTC Strategic Comments (Online) SSH Volume4/1 1356-7888 1998, TSSU Strategic Survey SSH Volume99/1 1476-4997 Strategies: A Journal for Physical & 1998, USTR Sport Educators SSH Volume11/3 2168-3778 Structural Equation Modeling: A 1998, HSEM Multidisciplinary Journal SSH Volume5/1 1532-8007 1998, SNEC Studia Neophilologica SSH Volume70/1 1651-2308 1998, STHE Studia Theologica SSH Volume52/1 1502-7791 Studies in Art Education: a Journal USAE of Issues and Research SSH 2325-8039 RSAU Studies in Australasian Cinema SSH 1750-3183 1998, UTER Studies in Conflict & Terrorism SSH Volume21/1 1521-0731 YSIC Studies in Conservation SSH 1998 2047-0584 1998, CSCE Studies in Continuing Education SSH Volume20/1 1470-126X RSDF Studies in Documentary Film SSH 1750-3299 Studies in Eastern European REEC Cinema SSH 2040-3518

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RSEU Studies in European Cinema SSH 2040-0594 RSFC Studies in French Cinema SSH 1758-9517 2000, HSGS Studies in Gender and Sexuality SSH Volume 1/1 1940-9206 1976, CSHE Studies in Higher Education SSH Volume 1/1 1470-174X Studies in Political Economy: A RSOR Socialist Review SSH 1918-7033 Studies in Russian and Soviet RRSC Cinema SSH 1750-3140 1998, RSSE Studies in Science Education SSH Volume30/1 1940-8412 RSIA Studies in the Education of Adults SSH 1478-9883 Studies in the History of Gardens & 1998, TGAH Designed Landscapes SSH Volume18/1 1943-2186 Studies in Theatre and RSTP Performance SSH 2040-0616 1998, RSTW Studies in Travel Writing SSH Volume2/1 1755-7550 RSEN Studies on Ethno-Medicine SSH tbc Studies on Home and Community RSHC Science SSH tbc RSTT Studies on Tribes and Tribals SSH tbc 2005, CSTE Studying Teacher Education SSH Volume 1/1 1742-5972 1998, TSUR Survival SSH Volume40/1 1468-2699 1998, SOSL Symbolae Osloenses SSH Volume73/1 1502-7805 Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in 1998, VSYM Modern Literatures SSH Volume51/4 1931-0676 YTNG Tang Studies SSH 1998 1759-7633 Teacher Development: An international journal of teachers' 1998, RTDE professonal development SSH Volume2/1 1747-5120 Teachers and Teaching: Theory and 1998, CTAT Practice SSH Volume4/1 1470-1278 1998, HTLM Teaching and Learning in Medicine SSH Volume10/1 1532-8015 2003, HTAJ Teaching Artist Journal SSH Volume 1/1 1541-180X 1998, CTED Teaching Education SSH Volume10/1 1470-1286 1998, CTHE Teaching in Higher Education SSH Volume3/1 1470-1294

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Technical Communication 1998, HTCQ Quarterly SSH Volume7/1 1542-7625 1998, WTSQ Technical Services Quarterly SSH Volume15/1 1555-3337 Technology Analysis & Strategic 1998, CTAS Management SSH Volume10/1 1465-3990 Technology, Pedagogy and 1998, RTPE Education SSH Volume7/1 1747-5139 Tel Aviv (Journal of the Institute of YTAV Archaeology of Tel Aviv University) SSH 1998 2040-4786 Terrae Incognitae (The Journal of the Society for the History of YTIN Discoveries) SSH 1998 2040-8706 1998, FTPV Terrorism & Political Violence SSH Volume10/1 1556-1836 Tertiary Education and 1998, RTEM Management SSH Volume4/1 1573-1936 1998, RTPQ Text and Performance Quarterly SSH Volume18/1 1479-5760 YTEX Textile History SSH 1998 1743-2952 RFTX TEXTILE: Cloth and Culture 2003, SSH Volume 1/1 1751-8350 1998, RTPR Textual Practice SSH Volume12/1 1470-1308 RANP The Anthropologist SSH tbc RCAB The Art Bulletin SSH 1559-6478 The Asia Pacific Journal of 1998, RTAP Anthropology SSH Volume21/1 1740-9314 1998, UALJ The Australian Library Journal SSH Volume47/1 2201-4276 RTBS The Black Scholar SSH 2162-5387 MCES The Chinese Economy SSH 1558-0954 YTCR The Chinese Historical Review SSH 1998 2048-7827 The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and 1998, VTCH Ideas SSH Volume71/3 1939-912X 1998, NTCN The Clinical Neuropsychologist SSH Volume12/1 1744-4144 1998, GCRV The Communication Review SSH Volume3/1 1547-7487 The Court Historian (The International Journal of Court YCOU Studies) SSH 1998 2056-3450 RFDJ The Design Journal SSH 1756-3062 1998, UTEF The Educational Forum SSH Volume62/1 1938-8098

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1996, REJF The European Journal of Finance SSH Volume 2/1 1466-4364 1998, CELE The European Legacy SSH Volume3/1 1470-1316 1998, VEXP The Explicator SSH Volume57/1 1939-926X 2004, RGET The Geography Teacher SSH Volume 1 1752-6884 The Germanic Review: Literature, 1998, VGER Culture, Theory SSH Volume73/1 1930-6962 The Historic Environment: Policy & YHEN Practice SSH 2010 1756-7513 1998, RHOF The History of the Family SSH Volume3/1 1873-5398 1996, UTIS The Information Society SSH Volume 12/1 1087-6537 The International Information & ULBR Library Review SSH 1095-9297 The International Journal of Human 1998, FJHR Rights SSH Volume2/1 1744-053X The International Journal of Intelligence, Security and Public USIP Affairs SSH 2380-100X The International Journal of RIPA Psychoanalysis SSH 1745-8315 The International Journal of RIPS Psychoanalysis (Espanol) SSH 2057-410X 1998, UITJ The International Trade Journal SSH Volume12/1 1521-0545 The Interpreter and Translater RITT Trainer SSH 1757-0417 YITA The Italianist Online SSH 1998 1748-619X MJES The Japanese Political Economy SSH 2329-1958 The Journal of Agricultural 1998 Volume RAEE Education and Extension SSH 4/1 1750-8622 1998, RJAR The Journal of Architecture SSH Volume3/1 1466-4410 The Journal of Arts Management, 1998, VJAM Law, and Society SSH Volume27/1 1930-7799 The Journal of Continuing Higher 1998, UJCH Education SSH Volume46/1 1948-4801 1998, VECE The Journal of Economic Education SSH Volume29/1 2152-4068 The Journal of Educational 1998, VJER Research SSH Volume 91/1 1940-0675

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The Journal of Environmental 1998, VJEE Education Online SSH Volume29/1 1940-1892 The Journal of Experimental 1998, VJXE Education SSH Volume66/3 1940-0683 1998, VGEN The Journal of General Psychology SSH Volume125/1 1940-0888 1998, Volume VGNT The Journal of Genetic Psychology SSH 159/1 1940-0896 UHEJ The Journal of Higher Education SSH 1538-4640 The Journal of International 1998, RICO Communication SSH Volume5/1 The Journal of International Trade 1998, RJTE and Economic Development SSH Volume7/1 1469-9559 RFMC The Journal of Modern Craft SSH 1749-6780 1998, CJPH The Journal of Pacific History SSH Volume33/1 1469-9605 1998, FJPS The Journal of Peasant Studies SSH Volume25/1 1743-9361 2006, RPOS The Journal of Positive Psychology SSH Volume 1/1 1743-9779 1998, VJRL The Journal of Psychology SSH Volume132/1 1940-1019 The Journal of Slavic Military 1998, FSLV Studies SSH Volume11/1 1556-3006 1998, VSOC The Journal of Social Psychology SSH Volume138/1 1940-1183 The Journal of the Middle East and 2010, UJME Africa SSH Volume 1/1 2152-0852 YKSR The Keats-Shelly Review SSH 1998 2042-1362 1998, RALT The Law Teacher SSH Volume32/1 1943-0353 The London Journal: A Review of Metropolitan Society Past and YLDN Present SSH 1998 1749-6322 1998, RMIR The Mariner's Mirror SSH Volume84/1 2049-680x 1998, TMIB The Military Balance SSH Volume98/1 1479-9022 The New Bioethics (A Multidisciplinary Journal of YNBI Biotechnology and the Body) SSH 1998 2050-2885 2005, UTNE The New Educator SSH Volume 1/1 1549-9243 1998, RNPR The Nonproliferation Review SSH Volume 5/1 1746-1766

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1998, RPRE The Pacific Review SSH Volume11/1 1470-1332 2011, RPOL The Polar Journal SSH Volume 1/1 2154-8978 1998, RTPG The Professional Geographer SSH Volume50/1 1467-9272 UPAQ The Psychoanalytic Quarterly SSH 2167-4086 The Psychoanalytic Study of the UPSC Child SSH 2474-3356 The Review of Faith and 2003, RFIA International Affairs SSH Volume 1/1 1931-7743 1998, CTRT The Round Table SSH Volume 86/1 1474-029X 1998, FSIJ The Service Industries Journal SSH Volume18/1 1743-9507 2008, RSIX The Sixties SSH Volume 1/1 1754-1336 1998, VTSS The Social Studies SSH Volume89/1 2152-405X 1998, UTTE The Teacher Educator SSH Volume33/1 1938-8101 RTAJ Transactional Analysis Journal SSH 2329-5244 RTRN The Translator SSH 1757-0409 1998, RWAQ The Washington Quarterly SSH Volume21/1 1530-9177 Theatre, Dance and Performance 2010, RTDP Training SSH Volume 1/1 1944-3919 YTHS Theology & Sexuality SSH 1998 1745-5170 2003, RTAS Theology and Science SSH Volume 1/1 1474-6719 Theory & Research in Social 1998, UTRS Education SSH Volume26/1 2163-1654 1998, HTIP Theory Into Practice SSH Volume37/1 1543-0421 1996, PTAR Thinking & Reasoning SSH Volume 2/1 1464-0708 1998, CTTE Third Text SSH Volume12/1 1475-5297 1995, CTWQ Third World Quarterly SSH Volume 16/1 1360-2241 Time and Mind: The Journal of Archaeology, Consciousness and RTAM Culture SSH 1751-6978 Total Quality Management & CTQM Business Excellence SSH 1995 1478-3371

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1999, RTXG Tourism Geographies SSH Volume 1/1 1470-1340 2004, RTHP Tourism Planning & Development SSH Volume 1/1 2156-8324 RTRR Tourism Recreation Research SSH 2320-0308 1998, UTRV Translation Review SSH Volume54/1 tbc 2008, RTRS Translation Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1751-2921 RTRC Transnational Cinemas SSH 2040-3534 RNCR Transnational Corporations Review SSH 1925-2099 RTLT Transnational Legal Theory SSH 2041-4013 Transnational Social Review - A RTSR Social Work Journal SSH 2196-145X 1998, TTRV Transport Reviews SSH Volume18/1 1464-5327 Transportation Planning & 1998, GTPT Technology SSH Volume21/1 1029-0354 2000, FTUR Turkish Studies SSH Volume 1/1 1743-9663 1998, RURB Urban Geography SSH Volume19/1 1938-2847 1998, CUPR Urban Policy and Research SSH Volume16/1 1476-7244 2008, RURP Urban Research and Practice SSH Volume 1/1 1753-5077 1999, TVEC Venture Capital SSH Volume 1/1 1464-5343 YVEA Vernacular Architecture SSH 1998 1749-6292 2006, UVAO Victims & Offenders SSH Volume 1/1 1556-4991 2007, UVST Visitor Studies SSH Volume 10/1 1934-7715 1998, GVAN Visual Anthropology SSH Volume10/2 1545-5920 1996, PVIS Visual Cognition SSH Volume 3/1 1464-0716 1998, HVCQ Visual Communication Quarterly SSH Volume5/1 1555-1407 2009, RVCB Visual Culture in Britain SSH Volume 10/1 1941-8361 Visual Resources: An International 1998, GVIR Journal on Images and Their Uses SSH Volume 13/1 1477-2809 1998, RVST Visual Studies SSH Volume13/1 1472-5878

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2000, RVSR Voice and Speech Review SSH Volume 1/1 2326-8271 YWAR War & Society SSH 1998 2042-4345 1998, RWAS Wasafiri SSH Volume 13/1 1747-1508 1998, RWIN Water International SSH Volume23/1 1941-1707 1998, FWEP West European Politics SSH Volume21/1 1743-9655 RWJC Western Journal of Communication SSH 1745-027 RWHI Whitehall Papers SSH 1998 1754-5382 1998, WWCJ Women & Criminal Justice SSH Volume 9/1 1541-0323 Women & Performance: a journal 1998, RWAP of feminist theory SSH Volume10/2 1748-5819 1998, WWAT Women & Therapy SSH Volume21/1 1541-0315 1998, RWCR Women: A Cultural Review SSH Volume9/1 1470-1367 1992, RWHR Women's History Review SSH Volume 1/1 1747-583X Women's Studies in 1998, UWSC Communication SSH Volume21/1 2152-999X Women's Studies: An inter- 1998, GWST disciplinary journal SSH Volume27/1 1547-7045 1998, RWOW Women's Writing SSH Volume5/1 1747-5848 RWRD WORD SSH 2373-5112 1998, TWIM Word & Image SSH Volume14/1 1943-2178 1998, TWST Work & Stress SSH Volume12/1 1464-5335 1998, RWAR World Archaeology SSH Volume29/1 1470-1375 2011, RWOR World Art SSH Volume 1/1 2150-0908 World Futures: The Journal of New 1998, GWOF Paradigm Research SSH Volume 49/1 155-1844 1998, RWLE World Leisure Journal SSH Volume40/1 2333-4509 2009, PWSR Writing Systems Research SSH Volume 1/1 1758-681X Yorkshire Archaeological Journal (A Review of History and Archaeology YYAJ in the County) SSH 1998 2045-0664

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1998, UYTJ Youth Theatre Journal SSH Volume12/1 1948-4798 UPAE Journal of Public Affairs Education SSH 2328-9643 1998 Volume GACR Accountability in Research S&T 6/1 1545-5815 1998, SAGA Acta Agri Scand A Animal Sci S&T Volume48/1 1651-1972 Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica 1998, SAGB Section B S&T Volume48/1 1651-1913 1998 Volume TACM Advanced Composite Materials S&T 7/1 1568-5519 1998, TADR Advanced Robotics S&T Volume13/1 1568-5535 Advances in Applied Ceramics (Structural, Functional and YAAC Bioceramics) S&T 1998 1743-6761 Advances in Building Energy 2007, TAER Research S&T Volume 1/1 1756-2201 1998, TADP Advances in Physics S&T Volume47/1 1460-6976 1998, UAST Aerosol Science & Technology S&T Volume27/1 1521-7388 1998, TAAS African Journal of Aquatic Science S&T Volume24/1 1727-9364 1998, THER African Journal of Herpetology S&T Volume47/1 2153-3660 1998, TAMS African Journal of Marine Science S&T Volume19/1 1814-2338 African Journal of Range & Forage 1998, TARF Science S&T Volume15/1 1727-9380 TAFZ African Zoology S&T 1998 2224-073X Agroecology and Sustainable Food 1998, WJSA Systems S&T Volume10/1 1540-7578 Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal 1975, TALC of Palaeontology S&T Volume 1/1 1752-0754 Ambix: The Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and YAMB Chemistry S&T 1998 1745-8234 American Journal of Mathematical 1998, UMMS & Management Sciences S&T Volume18/1 2325-8454 2011, TACL Analytical Chemistry Letters S&T Volume 1/1 2230-7532 1998, LANL Analytical Letters S&T Volume31/1 1532-236X 1998, LABT Animal Biotechnology S&T Volume9/1 1532-2378

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Annales de la Societe 2002, TASE Entomologique de France (N.S.) S&T Volume 38/4 2168-6351 1998, TAGI Annals of GIS S&T Volume 4/1 1947-5691 Applicable Analysis: An 1998, GAPA International Journal S&T Volume 65/1 1563-504X 1996, UAAI Applied Artificial Intelligence S&T Volume 10/1 1087-6545 Applied Earth Science (Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and YAES Metallurgy: Section B) S&T 1998 1743-2758 1998, LAPS Applied Spectroscopy Reviews S&T Volume33/1 1520-569X Aquaculture Economics & 1998, UAQM Management S&T Volume2/1 1551-8663 Aquatic Ecosystem Health & 1998, UAEM Management S&T Volume 1/1 1539-4077 1998, NAQI Aquatic Insects S&T Volume20/1 1744-4152 Arboricultural Journal: The International Journal of Urban 1998, TARB Forestry S&T Volume22/1 tbc Architectural Engineering and 2005, TAEM Design Management S&T Volume 1/1 1752-7589 1998, TASR Architectural Science Review S&T Volume41/1 1758-9622 Archives of Agronomy and Soil 1998, GAGS Science S&T Volume42/1 1476-3567 1998, GAAN Archives of Animal Nutrition S&T Volume51/1 1477-2817 Archives of Environmental & 1998, VAEH Occupational Health S&T Volume53/1 2154-4700 Archives of Phytopathology & Plant 1998, GAPP Protection S&T Volume31/1 1477-2906 Arid Land Research and 1998, UASR Management S&T Volume12/1 1532-4990 Assistive Technology: The Offical 1998, UATY Journal of RESNA S&T Volume10/1 1949-3614 1998, TATO Atmosphere-Ocean S&T Volume36/1 1480-9214 Australasian Journal of Engineering TEEN Education S&T 1998 1325-4340 Australasian Journal of 1998, TJEM Environmental Management S&T Volume5/1 2159-5356 1998, TFOR Australian Forestry S&T Volume61/1 2325-6087

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Australian Journal of Civil TCEN Engineering S&T 2003 2204-2245 1953, Volume 1/1- TAJE Australian Journal of Earth Sciences S&T 2 1440-0952 Australian Journal of Electrical and TELE Electronics Engineering S&T 2004 2205-362X Australian Journal of Forensic 1998, TAJF Sciences S&T Volume30/1 1834-562X Australian Journal of Mechanical TMEC Engineering S&T 2003 2204-2253 Australian Journal of Multi- TMUL disciplinary Engineering S&T 2005 2204-2180 Australian Journal of Structural TSEN Engineering S&T 2000 2204-2261 Australian Journal of Water TWAR Resources S&T 1998 2204-227X KAUP Autophagy S&T 2005 1554-8635 1972, CAVP Avian Pathology S&T Volume 1/1 1465-3338 TBEE Bee World S&T 1998 2376-7618 Behaviour & Information 1996, TBIT Technology S&T Volume 15/1 1362-3001 Bioacoustics - The International Journal of Animal Sound and its 1998, TBIO Recording S&T Volume 8/1 2165-0586 IBAB Biocatalysis & Biotransformation S&T 1998 1029-2446 1995, CBST Biocontrol Science and Technology S&T Volume 5/1 1360-0478 2000, TBID Biodiversity S&T Volume 1/1 TBC Biofouling: The Journal of 1998, GBIF Bioadhesion and Biofilm Research S&T Volume12/1 1029-2454 TBFU Biofuels S&T 2010 1759-7277 Biological Agriculture & Horticulture - An International Journal of Sustainable Production 1998, TBAH Systems S&T Volume15/1 2165-0616 1996, NBRR Biological Rhythm Research S&T Volume 27/1 1744-4179 1998, BBRM Bioremediation Journal S&T Volume2/1 1547-6529 Bioscience Biotechnology and TBBB Biochemistry S&T 1998 1347-6947 IBIH Biotechnic & Histochemistry S&T 1998 1473-7760

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Biotechnology and Genetic 1998, TBGR Engineering Reviews S&T Volume15/1 tbc TBIS Bird Study S&T 1998 1944-6705 1998, Volume TABG Botany Letters S&T 145/1 2381-8115 CBPS British Poultry Science S&T 1998 1466-1799 BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of 1986, TBSH Mathematics S&T Volume 1/1 1749-8341 Canadian Journal of Plant 1998, TCJP Pathology S&T Volume20/1 1715-2992 Canadian Journal of Remote UJRS Sensing S&T 1998 1712-7971 Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly (The Canadian Journal of YCMQ Metallurgy and Materials Science ) S&T 1998 1879-1395 Canadian Society of Forensic 1998, TCSF Science Journal S&T Volume31/1 2332-1660 Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue Canadienne des 1998, TCWR Ressources Hydriques S&T Volume23/1 1918-1817 KCBT Cancer Biology & Therapy S&T 2000 1555-8576 TCMT Carbon Management S&T 2010 1758-3012 Cartography and Geographic 1998, TCAG Information Science S&T Volume25/1 1545-0465 Caryologia: International Journal of Cytology, Cytosystematics and 1998, TCAR Cytogenetics S&T Volume51/1 2165-5391 1998, LCTR Catalysis Reviews S&T Volume 40/1 1520-5703 KCAM Cell Adhesion & Migration S&T 2007 1933-6926 KCCY Cell Cycle S&T 2002 1551-4005 1998, UCHA Chance S&T Volume11/1 1867-2280 Chemical Engineering 1998, GCEC Communications S&T Volume157/1 1563-5201 1998, GCHE Chemistry and Ecology S&T Volume 14/1 1029-0370 Chinese Journal of Population 2004, TPRE Resources and Environment S&T Volume 2/1 2325-4262 ICBI Chronobiology International S&T 1998 1525-6073 Civil Engineering and 1998, GCEE Environmental Systems S&T Volume15/1 1029-0249 2009, TCLD Climate and Development S&T Volume 1/1 1756-5537

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2001, TCPO Climate Policy S&T Volume 1/1 1752-7457 1998, UCMG Coastal Management S&T Volume26/1 1521-0421 2005, NCDN CoDesign S&T Volume 1/1 1745-3755 Cogeneration & Distributed 1998, UCGN Generation Journal S&T Volume13/1 2156-6550 1998, Combustion Science and Volume GCST Technology S&T 123/1 1563-521X 1998, TCTM Combustion Theory and Modelling S&T Volume2/1 1741-3559 1998, GCIC Comments on Inorganic Chemistry S&T Volume20/1 1548-9574 1998, LAGB Communications in Algebra S&T Volume26/1 1532-4125 Communications in Partial 1998, LPDE Differential Equations S&T Volume23/1 1532-4133 Communications in Soil Science 1998, LCSS and Plant Analysis S&T Volume29/1 1532-2416 Communications in Statistics: 1998, LSSP Simulation and Computation S&T Volume27/1 1532-4141 Communications in Statistics: 1998, LSTA Theory and Methods S&T Volume27/1 1532-415X Complex Variables and Elliptic 1998, GCOV Equations: An International Journal S&T Volume33/1 1747-6941 1998, TCOI Composite Interfaces S&T Volume6/1 1568-5543 1998, UCSU Compost Science & Utilization S&T Volume6/1 2326-2397 Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical 1998, GCMB Engineering S&T Volume2/1 1476-8259 2004, Computer-Aided Design and Volume 1/1- TCAD Applications S&T 4 1686-4360 1995, CCOS Connection Science S&T Volume 7/1 1360-0494 ICTS Connective Tissue Research S&T 1998 1607-8438 Construction Research & TCRI Innovation S&T 2010 2475-6822 1998, TCPH Contemporary Physics S&T Volume39/1 1366-5812 Corrosion Engineering, Science and YCST Technology (The International S&T 1998 1743-2782

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Journal of Corrosion Processes and Corrosion Control) Critical Reviews in Analytical 1998, BATC Chemistry S&T Volume28/1 1547-6510 Critical Reviews In Biochemistry & IBMG Molecular Biology S&T 1998 1549-7798 IBTY Critical Reviews in Biotechnology S&T 1998 1549-7801 Critical Reviews in Environmental 1998, BEST Science and Technology S&T Volume28/1 1547-6537 Critical Reviews in Food Science 1998, BFSN and Nutrition S&T Volume38/1 1549-7852 IMBY Critical Reviews in Microbiology S&T 1998 1549-7828 1998, BPTS Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences S&T Volume17/1 1549-7836 Critical Reviews in Solid State and 1998, BSMS Materials Sciences S&T Volume23/1 1547-6561 1977, UCRY Cryptologia S&T Volume 1/1 1558-1586 1998, GCRY Crystallography Reviews S&T Volume 7/1 1476-3508 1996, UCBS Cybernetics & Systems S&T Volume 27/1 1087-6553 DFI Journal - The Journal of the YDFI Deep Foundations Institute S&T 2007 1937-5255 1998, TDIA Diatom Research S&T Volume13/1 TBC 1998, LDRT Drying Technology S&T Volume16/1 1532-2300 Dynamical Systems: An 1998, CDSS International Journal S&T Volume13/1 1468-9375 East African Agricultural and TEAF Forestry Journal S&T 1998 2313-450X 1998, LECR Econometric Reviews S&T Volume17/1 1532-4168 TECO Ecoscience S&T 1998 2376-7626 EDPACS: The EDP Audit, Control, 1998, UEDP and Security Newsletter S&T Volume25/1 1936-1009 Electric Power Components & 1998, UEMP Systems S&T Volume26/1 1532-5016 1998, UEMG Electromagnetics S&T Volume18/1 1532-527X TEMU Emu - Austral Ornithology S&T 1998 1448-5540 1998, UENE Energy Engineering S&T Volume95/1 1546-0118

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Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental 1998, UESO Effects S&T Volume20/1 1556-7230 2006, UESB Energy Sources, Part B S&T Volume 1/1 1556-7257 UEMJ Engineering Management Journal S&T 1998 2377-0643 1998, GENO Engineering Optimization S&T Volume28/1 1029-0273 2009, TEST Engineering Studies S&T Volume 1/1 1940-8374 2007, TEIS Enterprise Information Systems S&T Volume 1/1 1751-7583 Environment: Science and Policy 1998, VENV for Sustainable Development S&T Volume40/1 1939-9154 2000, UENF Environmental Forensics S&T Volume 1/1 1527-5930 1999, TENH Environmental Hazards S&T Volume 1/1 1878-0059 UEVP Environmental Practice S&T 1999 1466-0474 Vol 1 1980 TENT Environmental Technology S&T issue 1 2012, TETR Environmental Technology Reviews S&T Volume 1/1 2162-2523 EPE Journal: European Power TEPE Electronics and Drives S&T 1998 2376-9319 KEPI Epigentics S&T 2006 1559-2308 1998, TERG Ergonomics S&T Volume41/1 1366-5847 1998, TEEE Ethology Ecology & Evolution S&T Volume10/1 1828-7131 European Journal of Computational 1998, TECM Mechanics S&T Volume7/1 TBC European Journal of Engineering 1975, CEEE Education S&T Volume 1/1 1469-5898 European Journal of Environmental 1998, TECE and Civil Engineering S&T Volume2/1 European Journal of Information TJIS Systems S&T 1998 1476-9344 1952, TEJP European Journal of Phycology S&T Volume 1/1 1469-4433 1998, UEHT Experimental Heat Transfer S&T Volume11/1 1521-0480 1998, UEXM Experimental Mathematics S&T Volume7/1 1944-950X 1998, GFEL Ferroelectric Letters Section S&T Volume23/1 1563-5228

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1998, GFER Ferroelectrics S&T Volume20/1 1563-5112 1998, UFIO Fiber & Integrated Optics S&T Volume17/1 1096-4681 KFLY Fly S&T 2007 1933-6942 Food Additives and Conaminants TFAB Part B S&T 1998 1939-3229 Food Additives and Contaminants TFAC Part A S&T 1998 1944-0057 1998, LFBT Food Biotechnology S&T Volume12/1 1532-4249 1998, LFRI Food Reviews International S&T Volume14/1 1525-6103 2009, TFWS Footwear Science S&T Volume 1/1 1942-4299 1998, TFTL Forests Trees and Livelihoods S&T Volume10/2 2164-3075 IFRA Free Radical Research S&T 1998 1029-2470 Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon 1998, LFNN Nanostructures S&T Volume6/1 1536-4046 UFST Fusion Science and Technology S&T 1998 1943-7641 1998, TGEI Geocarto International S&T Volume13/1 1752-0762 TGAA Geografiska Annaler A S&T 1998 1468-0459 Geomechanics and Geoengineering: An Intenational 2006, TGEO Journal S&T Volume 1/1 1748-6033 1998, UGMB Geomicrobiology Journal S&T Volume15/1 1521-0529 Geophysical and Astrophysical 1998, GGAF Fluid Dymanics S&T Volume 85/1 1029-0419 Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and 2007, NGRK Geohazards S&T Volume 1/1 1749-9526 1998, TGES Geosystems Engineering S&T Volume 1/1 tbc 1998, SGFF GFF S&T Volume120/1 2000-0863 1998, TGRS GIScience & Remote Sensing S&T Volume35/1 1943-7226 KGMC GM Crops & Food S&T 2010 2164-5701 1998, SGRA Grana S&T Volume37/1 1651-2049 KGMI Gut Microbes S&T 2010 1949-0984

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1998, UHTE Heat Transfer Engineering S&T Volume19/1 1521-0537 High Pressure Research, An 1998, GHPR International Journal S&T Volume16/1 1477-2299 1998, GHBI Historical Biology S&T Volume 13/1 1029-2381 1998, THIE HKIE Transactions S&T Volume5/1 2326-3733 Human & Ecological Risk 1998, BHER Assessment S&T Volume4/1 1549-7860 1998, UHDW Human Dimensions of Wildlife S&T Volume3/1 1533-158X 1998, HHCI Human-Computer Interaction S&T Volume 13/1 1532-7051 1998, THSJ Hydrological Sciences Journal S&T Volume43/1 2150-3435 Ichnos: An International Journal of 1998, GICH Plant and Animal Traces S&T Volume 6/1 1563-5236 TIJE IETE Journal of Education S&T 1998 0974-7338 TIJR IETE Journal of Research S&T 1998 0974-780X TITR IETE Technical Review S&T 1998 0974-5971 1998, UIIE IISE Transactions S&T Volume30/1 1545-8830 IISE Transactions on Healthcare 2011, UHSE Systems Engineering S&T Volume 1/1 1948-8319 Impact Assessment and Project 1998, TIAP Appraisal S&T Volume16/1 1471-5465 2009, TICE Indian Chemical Engineer S&T Volume 51/1 0975-007X INFOR: Information Systems and TINF Operational Research S&T 1998 1619-0615 Information Security Journal: A 1998, UISS Global Perspective S&T Volume7/1 1939-3547 1998, UISM Information Systems Management S&T Volume15/1 1934-8703 Information Technology for 1998, TITD Development S&T Volume 8/1 1554-0170 TINW Inland Waters S&T 2011 2044-205x Inorganic and Nano-Metal 1998, LSRT Chemistry S&T Volume28/1 2470-1564 Instrumentation Science and 1998, LIST Technology S&T Volume26/1 1525-6030 Integral Transforms and Special 1998, GITR Functions S&T Volume 6/1 1476-8291 1998, GINF Integrated Ferroelectrics S&T Volume15/1 1607-8489

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2009, TIBI Intelligent Buildings International S&T Volume 1/1 1756-6932 YISR Interdisciplinary Science Reviews S&T 1998 1743-2790 1998, TIGR International Geology Review S&T Volume40/1 1938-2839 International Journal for Computational Methods in 2005, UCME Engineering Science and Mechanics S&T Volume 6/1 1550-2295 1998, TACA International Journal of Acarology S&T Volume24/1 1945-3892 International Journal of 2003, TAGS Agricultural Sustainability S&T Volume 1/1 1747-762X International Journal of Ambient 1998, TAEN Energy S&T Volume19/1 TBC International Journal of Cast YCMR Metals Research S&T 1998 1743-1336 International Journal of Coal 1998, GCOP Preparation and Utilization S&T Volume19/1 1939-2702 International Journal of 1998, GCFD Computational Fluid Dynamics S&T Volume9/1 1029-0257 International Journal of Computer 1996, TCIM Integrated Manufacturing S&T Volume 9/1 1362-3052 International Journal of Computer 1998, GCOM Mathematics S&T Volume 64/1 1029-0265 International Journal of Computers TJCA and Applications S&T 1998 1925-7074 International Journal of 2001, TJCM Construction Management S&T Volume 1/1 2331-2327 1998, TCON International Journal of Control S&T Volume67/1 1366-5820 International Journal of 1998, TCRS Crashworthiness S&T Volume3/1 1754-2111 International Journal of Digital 2008, TJDE Earth S&T Volume 1/1 1753-8955 1998, TETN International Journal of Electronics S&T Volume84/1 1362-3060 International Journal of Environmental Analytical 1998, GEAC Chemistry S&T Volume67/1 1369-1619 International Journal of 1998, CIJE Environmental Health Research S&T Volume8/1 1369-1619 International Journal of Fashion 2008, TFDT Design, Technology and Education S&T Volume 1/1 1754-3274 International Journal of Fluid 2000, TJFP Power S&T Volume 1/1 2332-1180

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International Journal of Food IIJF Sciences & Nutrition S&T 1998 1465-3478 International Journal of Forest 1998, TIFE Engineering S&T Volume9/1 1913-2220 International Journal Of Fruit 2005, WSFR Science S&T Volume 5/1 1553-8621 International Journal of General 1998, GGEN Systems S&T Volume26/1 1563-5104 International Journal of Geographic 1998, TGIS Information Science S&T Volume12/1 1362-3087 International Journal of YJGE Geotechnical Engineering S&T 2007 1939-7879 International Journal of Green 2004, LJGE Energy S&T Volume 1/1 1543-5083 International Journal of Human RHUG Genetics S&T 2001 tbc International Journal of Human- 1998, HIHC Computer Interaction S&T Volume10/1 1532-7590 International Journal of Image and 2010, TIDF Data Fusion S&T Volume 1/1 1947-8924 International Journal of Injury 1998, NICS Control and Safety Promotion S&T Volume5/1 1745-7319 International Journal of Logistics: 1998, CJOL Research and Applications S&T Volume 1/1 1469-848X International Journal of Management Science and 2006, TMSE Engineering Management S&T Volume 1/1 1750-9661 International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science 1970, TMES and Technology S&T Volume 1/1 1464-5211 International Journal of Mining, 1998, NSME Reclamation and Environment S&T Volume12/1 1748-0949 International Journal of Modelling TJMS and Simulation S&T 1998 1925-7082 International Journal of Occupational and Environmental YJOH Health S&T 1998 2049-3967 International Journal of Occupational Safety and TOSE Ergonomics S&T 1998 2376-9130 International Journal of 1998, TIJO Odonatology S&T Volume 1/1 TBC International Journal of Parallel, 1998, GPAA Emergent and Distributed Systems S&T Volume11/4 1744-5779 International Journal of Pavement 1999, GPAV Engineering S&T Volume 1/1 1477-268X

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International Journal of Pest 1998, TTPM Management S&T Volume44/1 1366-5863 International Journal of 1999, BIJP Phytoremediation S&T Volume 1/1 1549-7879 International Journal of Polymer 1998 Volume GPAC Analysis and Characterization S&T 4/1 1563-5341 International Journal of Production 1998, TPRS Research S&T Volume36/1 1366-588X International Journal of Remote 1998, TRES Sensing S&T Volume19/1 International Journal of River Basin 2003, TRBM Management S&T Volume 1/1 1814-2060 International Journal of Sustainable 1998, GSOL Energy Online S&T Volume19/1 1478-646X International Journal of Sustainable 2008, TSUE Engineering S&T Volume 1/1 1939-7046 International Journal of Sustainable 2007, UJST Transportation S&T Volume 1/1 1556-8334 International Journal of Systems 1998, TSYS Science S&T Volume29/1 1464-5319 International Journal Of Vegetable 1998, WIJV Science (New Title) S&T Volume3/1 1931-5279 TJOV International Journal of Ventilation S&T 2002 2044-4044 YIMR International Materials Reviews S&T 1998 1743-2804 International Reviews in Physical 1998, TRPC Chemistry S&T Volume17/1 1366-591X International Wood Products YWPJ Journal S&T 2010 2042-6453 Inverse Problems in Science and 1998, GIPE Engineering S&T Volume 5/1 1741-5985 Invertebrate Reproduction & 1998, TINV Development S&T Volume32/1 2157-0272 Ironmaking & Steelmaking (Processes, Products and YIRS Applications) S&T 1998 1743-2812 KISL Islets S&T 2009 1938-2022 Isotopes in Environmental and 1998, GIEH Health Studies S&T Volume34/1 1477-2639 1998, GADH Journal of Adhesion S&T Volume 6/1 1545-5823 Journal of Adhesion Science and 1998, TAST Technology S&T Volume12/1 1568-5616 Journal Of Agricultural & Food 2000, WAFI Information S&T Volume 4/1 1540-4722 1998, WAGR Journal Of Agromedicine S&T Volume 5/1 1545-0813

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TJAR Journal of Apicultural Research S&T 1998 2078-6913 Journal of Applied Animal Welfare 1998, HAAW Science S&T Volume 1/1 1532-7604 1998, WJAA Journal Of Applied Aquaculture S&T Volume8/1 1545-0805 Journal of Applied Non-Classical 1998, TNCL Logics S&T Volume 8/1 tbc 1995, CJAS Journal of Applied Statistics S&T Volume 22/1 1360-0532 Journal Of Aquatic Food Product 1998, WAFP Technology S&T Volume7/1 1547-0636 Journal of Asian Natural Products 1998, GANP Research S&T Volume 1/1 1477-2213 RBIO Journal of Biodiversity S&T 2010 tbc Journal of Biologically Active 2011, TBAP Products from Nature S&T Volume 1/1 2231-1874 Journal of Biomaterials Science, 1998, TBSP Polymer Edition S&T Volume9/1 1568-5624 Journal of Biomolecular Structure 1998, TBSD and Dynamics S&T Volume15/1 1538-0254 Journal of Biopharmaceutical 1998, LBPS Statistics S&T Volume8/1 1520-5711 YJBR Journal of Bryology S&T 1998 1743-2820 Journal of Building Performance 2008, TBPS Simulation S&T Volume 1/1 1940-1507 Journal of Business & Economic 1998, UBES Statistics S&T Volume16/1 1537-2707 1998, LCAR Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry S&T Volume17/1 1532-2327 Journal of Computational and 1998, UCGS Graphical Statistics S&T Volume7/1 1537-2715 Journal of Computational and 1998, LTTY Theoretical Transport S&T Volume27/1 1532-2424 Journal of Computer Information UCIS Systems S&T 1998 2380-2057 1998, GCOO Journal of Co-ordination Chemistry S&T Volume 42/1 1029-0389 Journal of Cost Analysis and 2008, UCAP Parametrics S&T Volume 1/1 TBC 1998, WCIM Journal Of Crop Improvement S&T Volume2/1 1542-7536 Journal Of Culinary Science & 1998, WCSC Technology S&T Volume3/1 1542-8044 1998, TJDS Journal of Decision Systems S&T Volume7/1 tbc

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Journal of Difference Equations 1998, GDEA and Applications S&T Volume4/1 1563-5120 Journal of discrete mathematical 1998, TDMC Sciences and Cryptography S&T Volume 1/1 2169-0065 Journal of Dispersion Science and 1998, LDIS Technology S&T Volume19/1 1532-2351 Journal of Dynamical Systems and 2002, TDSG Geometric Theories S&T Volume 1/1 2169-0057 1998, UEQE Journal of Earthquake Engineering S&T Volume2/1 1559-808X Journal of Electromagnetic Waves 1998, TEWA and Applications S&T Volume12/1 1569-3937 1998, UEGM Journal of Energetic Materials S&T Volume16/1 1545-8822 1998, CJEN Journal of Engineering Design S&T Volume9/1 1466-1837 Journal of Enterprise 2011, UJET Transformation S&T Volume 1/1 1948-8297 Journal of Environmental Science 1998, LESA and Health, Part A S&T Volume33/1 1532-4117 Journal of Environmental Science 1998, LESC and Health, Part B S&T Volume16/1 1532-4095 Journal of Environmental Science 1998, LESB and Health, Part B S&T Volume33/1 1532-4109 Journal of Essential Oil Bearing 2003, TEOP Plants S&T Volume 6/1 0976-5026 1998, TJEO Journal of Essential Oil Research S&T Volume10/1 2163-8152 Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 1996, TETA Online S&T Volume 8/1 1362-3079 TJFR Journal of Forest Research S&T 1998 1610-7403 Journal Of Herbs, Spices & 1998, WHSM Medicinal Plants S&T Volume 5/1 1540-3580 YHIS Journal of Histotechnology S&T 1998 2046-0236 Journal of Horticultural Science & THSB Biotechnology S&T 1998 2380-4084 Journal Of Hunger & Environmental 2006, WHEN Nutrition S&T Volume 1/1 1932-0256 1998, TISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering S&T Volume4/1 2164-3040 1998, TJHR Journal of Hydraulic Research S&T Volume36/1 1814-2079 Journal of Immunoassay and 1998, LJII Immunochemistry S&T Volume19/1 1532-4230

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Journal of Industrial and 1998, TJCI Production Engineering S&T Volume15/1 2151-7606 Journal of Information and 1998, TIOS Optimization Sciences S&T Volume19/1 2169-0103 Journal of Intelligent 1998 Volume GITS Transportation Systems S&T 4/1 1547-2442 Journal of Interdisciplinary 1998, TJIM Mathematics S&T Volume 1/1 2169-012X 2006, TLUS Journal of Land Use Science S&T Volume 1/1 1747-4248 RLSC Journal of Life Sciences S&T 2009 tbc Journal of Liquid Chromatography 1998, LJLC & Related Technologies S&T Volume21/1 1520-572x Journal of Location Based Services 2007, TLBS Online S&T Volume 1/1 1748-9733 Journal of Macromolecular Science, 1998, LMSA Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry S&T Volume35/1 1520-5738 Journal of Macromolecular Science, 1998, LMSB Part B: Physics S&T Volume37/1 1525-609X Journal of Marine Engineering & TMAR Technology S&T 2002 2056-8487 Journal of Mathematics and Music: Mathematical and Computational Approaches to Music Theory, 2007, TMAM Analysis and Composition S&T Volume 1/1 1745-9745 Journal of Mathematics and the 2007, TMAA Arts S&T Volume 1/1 1751-3480 Journal of Microwave Power & TPEE Electromagnetic Engergy S&T 1998 tbc 1954, TMOP Journal of Modern Optics S&T Volume 1/1 1362-3044 2004, WJNF Journal Of Natural Fibers S&T Volume 1/1 1544-046x Vol 1 1967 TNAH Journal of Natural History S&T issue 1 1464-5262 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical 1998, TNMP Physics S&T Volume 5/1 1776-0852 1998, GNST Journal of Nonparametric Statistics S&T Volume 8/1 1029-0311 Journal of Nuclear Science and 1998, TNST Technology S&T Volume35/1 1881-1248 Journal of Occupational & 2004, UOEH Environmental Hygiene S&T Volume 1/1 1545-9632 Journal of Operational TJOO Oceanography S&T 2008 1755-8778

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Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic 1998, HOCE Commerce S&T Volume8/1 1532-7744 1998, LPLA Journal of Plant Nutrition S&T Volume21/1 1532-4087 Journal of Plant Taxonomy and 1998, TWEB Geography S&T Volume 52/1 2169-4060 TJSM Journal of Simulation S&T 1747-7786 1998, TJSS Journal of Spatial Science S&T Volume27/1 1836-5655 Journal of Statistical Computation 1998, GSCS and Simulation S&T Volume 57/1 1563-5163 Journal of Statistical Theory and 2007, UJSP Practice S&T Volume 1/1 1559-8616 Journal of Statistics and 1998, TSMS Management Systems S&T Volume 1/1 2169-0014 1998, GSRP Journal of Sulfur Chemistry S&T Volume20/1 1741-6000 1998, WJSF Journal Of Sustainable Forestry S&T Volume 4/1 1540-756x 2003, TJSP Journal of Systematic Paleontology S&T Volume 1/1 1478-0941 Journal of the Air & Waste 1998, UAWM Management Association S&T Volume48/1 Journal of the American Society of UJBC Brewing Chemists S&T 1943-7854 Journal of the American Statistical 1998, UASA Association S&T Volume 92/1 1537-274X Journal of the Chinese Institute of 1998, TCIE Engineers S&T Volume21/1 2158-7299 Journal of the Operational TJOR Research Society S&T 1998 1476-9360 Journal of the Royal Society of New 1998, TNZR Zealand S&T Volume28/1 1175-8899 1998, TJTI Journal of the Textile Institute S&T Volume89/1 1754-2340 1998, UTHS Journal of Thermal Stresses S&T Volume21/1 1521-074X Journal of Toxicology & Environmental Health Part A: 1996, UTEH Current Issues S&T Volume 49/1 1087-2620 Journal of Toxicology & Environmental Health Part B: 1998, UTEB Critical Reviews S&T Volume 1/1 1521-6950 Journal of Transportation Safety & 2009, UTSS Security S&T Volume 1/1 1943-9970

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2000, TJOT Journal of Turbulence (Online) S&T Volume 1 1468-5248 Journal of Verterbrate 1998, UJVP Paleontology S&T Volume18/1 1937-2809 Journal of Wood Chemistry and 1998, LWCT Technology S&T Volume18/1 1532-2319 Knowledge Management Research TKMR and Practice S&T 1477-8246 1998, ULRM Lake and Reservoir Management S&T Volume14/1 2151-5530 LEUKOS: The Journal of the ULKS Illuminating Engineering Society S&T 2005 1550-2716 1998, GLMA Linear and Multilinear Algebra S&T Volume43/1 1563-5139 TLCT Liquid Crystals S&T 1998 1366-5855 TLAM Logistique & Management S&T 1998 2777-9640 KMAB mAbs S&T 2009 1942-0870 1998, LMST Machining Science & Technology S&T Volume2/1 1532-2483 Marine and Freshwater Behaviour 1998, GMFW and Physiology S&T Volume 30/1 1029-0362 1998, SMAR Marine Biology Research S&T Volume47/1 1745-1019 1998, UMGD Marine Geodesy S&T Volume21/1 1521-060X Marine Georesources & 1998, UMGT Geotechnology S&T Volume16/1 1521-0618 Materials and Manufacturing 1998, LMMP Processes S&T Volume13/1 1532-2475 YMHT Materials at High Temperatures S&T 1998 1878-6413 Materials Research Innovations YMRI Online S&T 1998 1433-075X YMST Materials Science and Technology S&T 1998 1743-2847 Materials Technology (Advanced YMTE Performance Materials) S&T 1998 1753-5557 UMHO Math Horizon S&T 1947-6213 Mathematical and Computer 1998, NMCM Modelling of Dynamical Systems S&T Volume4/1 1744-5051 UMMA Mathematics Magazine S&T 1930-0980 Mechanics Based Design of 1998, LMBD Structures and Machines S&T Volume26/1 1539-7742 Mechanics of Advanced Materials 1998, UMCM and Structures S&T Volume5/1 1537-6532 Mineral Processing & Extractive 1998, GMPR Metallurgy Review S&T Volume17/1 1547-7401

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Mineral Processing and Extractice YMPM Metallurgy S&T 1998 1743-2855 Mining Technology (Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and YMNT Metallurgy: Section A) S&T 1998 1743-2863 IMDN Mitochondrial DNA Part A S&T 1998 2470-1408 1998, Molecular Crystals & Liquid Volume GMCL Crystals S&T 293/1 1543-5318 IMBC Molecular Membrane Biology S&T 1998 1464-5203 Molecular Physics:An International Journal at the Interface Between 1996, TMPH Chemistry and Physics S&T Volume 89/1 1362-3028 1998, GMOS Molecular Simulation S&T Volume19/1 1029-0435 1998, TMOS Molluscan Research S&T Volume19/1 1448-6067 UMYC Mycologia S&T 1998 1557-2536 Nanoscale and Microscale 1998, UMTE Thermophysical Engineering S&T Volume2/1 1556-7273 Natural Product Research [Part A 1998, GNPL and Part B] S&T Volume10/3 1029-2349 1998, GNNW Neutron News S&T Volume9/1 1931-7352 New Review of Hypermedia and 1998, THAM Multimedia S&T Volume4/1 1740-7842 1998, TNZE New Zealand Entomologist S&T Volume21/1 tbc New Zealand Journal of 1998, TNZA Agricultural Research S&T Volume41/1 1175-8778 1998, TNZB New Zealand Journal of Botany S&T Volume36/1 1175-8643 New Zealand Journal of Crop & 1998, TNZC Horticultural Science S&T Volume26/1 1175-8783 New Zealand Journal of Geology & 1998, TNZG Geophysics S&T Volume41/1 1175-8791 New Zealand Journal of Marine & 1998, TNZM Freshwater Research S&T Volume32/1 1175-8805 1998, TNZZ New Zealand Journal of Zoology S&T Volume25/1 1175-8821 1998, TNZV New Zealand Veterinary Journal S&T Volume46/1 1176-0710 Nondestructive Testing and 1998, GNTE Evaluation S&T Volume 14/1 1477-2671 1998, GNPN Nuclear Physics News S&T Volume8/1 1931-7336

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UNSE Nuclear Science and Engineering S&T 1998 1943-748x UNCT Nuclear Technology S&T 1998 1943-7471 Nucleosides, Nucleotides, and 1998, LNCN Nucleic Acids S&T Volume17/1 1532-2335 Numerical Functional Analysis and 1998, LNFA Optimization S&T Volume19/1 1532-2467 Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: 1998, UNHT Applications S&T Volume32/1 1521-0634 Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: 1998, UNHB Fundamentals S&T Volume32/1 1521-0626 1998, GOPT Optimization S&T Volume40/1 1029-4945 Optimization Methods and 1998, GOMS Software S&T Volume 8/1 1029-4937 Organic Preparations and Procedures International: The New 1998, UOPP Journal for Organic S&T Volume30/1 9999-4948 KOGG Organogenesis S&T 2005 1555-8592 1998, TOIN Oriental Insects S&T Volume32/1 2157-8745 Ostrich - Journal of African 1998, TOST Ornithology S&T Volume69/1 1727-947X 1998, BOSE Ozone: Science & Engineering S&T Volume20/1 1547-6545 1998, TPAL Palynology S&T Volume22/1 1558-9188 1998, UPST Particulate Science and Technology S&T Volume16/1 1548-0046 1998, LPET Petroleum Science and Technology S&T Volume16/1 1532-2459 Phase Transitions, A Multinational 1998, GPHT Journal S&T Volume61/1 1029-0338 1998, TPHM Philosophical Magazine S&T Volume76/1 1478-6443 1996, TPHL Philosophical Magazine Letters S&T Volume 74/1 1362-3036 Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and 1998, GPSS the Related Elements S&T Volume121/1 1563-5325 1998, TPHY Physical Geography S&T Volume19/1 1930-0557 1998, GPCH Physics and Chemistry of Liquids S&T Volume35/1 1029-0451 1998, TPLB Plant Biosystems S&T Volume132/1 1724-5575 TPED Plant Ecology & Diversity S&T 1998 1755-1668 KPSB Plant Signaling & Behavior S&T 2006 1559-2324

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Plastics, Rubber and Composites YPRC Macromolecular Engineering S&T 1998 1743-2898 1998, TPOG Polar Geography S&T Volume22/1 1939-0513 Policy and Practice in Health and TPHS Safety S&T 2003 1477-4003 1998, GPOL Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds S&T Volume13/1 1563-5333 1998, LMSC Polymer Reviews S&T Volume38/1 1525-609X Polymer-Plastics Technology and 1998, LPTE Engineering S&T Volume37/1 1525-6111 YPOM Powder Metallurgy S&T 1998 1743-2901 Preparative Biochemistry and 1998, LPBB Biotechnology S&T Volume28/1 1532-2297 PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics 1998, UPRI Undergraduate Studies S&T Volume8/1 1935-4053 KPRN Prion S&T 2007 1933-690X 1998, TPPC Production Planning & Control S&T Volume9/1 1366-5871 1998, TQMA Quaestiones Mathematicae S&T Volume21/1 1727-933X Quality & Quantitative TTQM Management S&T 2004 1684-3703 1998, LQEN Quality Engineering S&T Volume10/3 1532-4222 Quantitative InfraRed 2004, TQRT Thermography Journal S&T Volume 1/1 tbc Radiation Effects and Defects in 1998, GRAD Solids S&T Volume141/1 1029-4953 2010, TRSL Remote Sensing Letters S&T Volume 1/1 2150-7058 Research in Nondestructive 1998, URND Evaluation S&T Volume10/1 1432-2110 Reviews in Fisheries Science & 1998, BRFS Aquaculture S&T Volume6/1 1547-6553 1998, TRAM Ringing & Migration S&T Volume19/1 TBC KRNB RNA Biology S&T 2004 1555-8584 2000, Road Materials and Pavement Volume 1/1- TRMP Design S&T 2 1998, VRAM Rocks & Minerals S&T Volume73/1 1940-1191 TSAR Safety & Reliability S&T 1998 2469-4126

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SAR and QSAR in Environmental 1998, GSAR Research S&T Volume 7/1 1029-046X Scandinavian Journal of Forest 1998, SFOR Research S&T Volume13/1 1651-1891 Science and Technology for the 1998, UHVC Built Environment S&T Volume4/1 2374-474X Science and Technology of Welding YSTW and Joining Online S&T 1998 1743-2936 Separation and Purification 1998, LSPR Reviews S&T Volume27/1 1542-2127 1998, LSST Separation Science and Technology S&T Volume33/1 1520-5754 1998, LSQA Sequential Analysis S&T Volume17/1 1532-4176 Ship Technology Research YSTR (Schiffstechnik) S&T 1998 2056-7111 2006, TSOS Ships and Offshore Structures S&T Volume 1/1 tbc KSGT Small GTPases S&T 2010 2154-1256 1998, USNR Society & Natural Resources S&T Volume11/1 1521-0723 2002, LSFM Soft Materials S&T Volume 1/1 1539-4468 1998, BSSC Soil and Sediment Contamination S&T Volume7/1 1549-7887 1998, TSSP Soil Science and Plant Nutrition S&T Volume44/1 1747-0765 Solvent Extraction and Ion 1998, LSEI Exchange S&T Volume16/1 1532-2262 South African Journal of Plant and 1998, TJPS Soil S&T Volume15/1 2167-034X Southern Forests: a Journal of 1998, TSFS Forest Science S&T Volume178/1 2070-2639 2003, HSCC Spatial Cognition & Computation S&T Volume 3/1 1542-7633 1998, LSTL Spectroscopy Letters S&T Volume31/1 1532-2289 Statistics In Biopharmaceutical 2009, USBR Research Online S&T Volume 1/1 1946-6315 Statistics: A Journal of Theoretical 1998, GSTA and Applied Statistics S&T Volume30/1 1029-4910 Stochastic Analysis and 1998, LSAA Applications S&T Volume16/1 1532-9356 1998, LSTM Stochastic Models S&T Volume14/1 1532-4214

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Stochastics: An International Journal of Probability and 1998, GSSR Stochastic Processes S&T Volume 6/1 1744-2516 Strategic Planning for Energy and 1998, USTP the Environment S&T Volume17/1 1546-0126 Structure and Infrastructure 2005, NSIE Engineering S&T Volume 1/1 1744-8980 Studies on Neotropical Fauna and NNFE Environment S&T 1996 1744-5140 Supply Chain Forum: An TSCF International Journal S&T 1624-6039 1998, GSCH Supramolecular Chemistry S&T Volume 9/1 1029-0478 YSUE Surface Engineering S&T 1998 1743-2944 YSRE Survey Review S&T 1998 1752-2706 1998, GSRN Synchrotron Radiation News S&T Volume11/1 1931-7344 1998, LSYC Synthetic Communications S&T Volume28/1 1532-2432 2003, TSAB Systematics and Biodiversity S&T Volume 1/1 1478-0933 1998, UTCH Technometrics S&T Volume40/1 1537-2723 1998, TTPR Textile Progress S&T Volume27/1 1754-2278 The American Mathematical UAMM Monthly S&T 1930-0972 1998, UTAS The American Statistician S&T Volume52/1 1537-2731 The Cartographic Journal (The YCAJ World of Mapping) S&T 1998 1743-2774 UCMJ The College Mathematics Journal S&T 1931-1346 1998, UTEE The Engineering Economist S&T Volume 43/1 1547-2701 YIMS The Imaging Science Journal S&T 1998 1743-131X The International Journal for the History of Engineering & YHET Technology S&T 1998 1758-1214 The International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric 1998, GPOM Biomaterials S&T Volume 36/1 1563-535X The Journal of Measurement UJMS Science S&T 2006 2381-0580 Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics 2000, TTIE Science Online S&T Volume 1/1 1464-536X

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Toxicological & Environmental 1998, GTEC Chemistry S&T Volume 59/1 1029-0486 1999, GCPI Traffic Injury Prevention S&T Volume 1/1 1538-957X Transactions of the Indian Ceramic 2011, TCER Society S&T Volume 70/1 2165-5456 Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing (The International Journal of Surface Engineering and YTIM Coatings) S&T 1998 1745-9192 Transactions of the Royal Society of TTRS South Africa S&T 1998 2154-0098 Transactions of the Royal Society of TRSS South Australia S&T 1998 tbc KTRN Transcription S&T 2010 2154-1272 Transportation Letters (The International Journal of YTRL Transportation Research) S&T 2009 1942-7875 Transportmetrica A: Transport 2005, TTRA Science S&T Volume 1/1 1944-0987 Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & YTRB Interfaces S&T 2007 1751-584X 1998, UTRB Tribology Transactions S&T Volume41/1 1547-397X 1998, TTZO Tropical Zoology S&T Volume11/1 1970-9528 2004, NURW Urban Water Journal S&T Volume 1/1 1744-9006 1998, NVSD Vehicle System Dynamics S&T Volume28/1 1744-5159 TVNJ Veterinary Nursing Journal S&T 1998 2045-0648 Virtual and Physical Prototyping 2006, NVPP Online S&T Volume 1/1 1745-2767 Waves in Random and Complex 1991, TWRM Media S&T Volume 1/1 1745-5049 1998, VWWS Weatherwise S&T Volume 50/1 1940-1310 1998, TWLD Welding International S&T Volume12/1 1754-2138 Wood Material Science and 2006, SWOO Engineering S&T Volume 1/1 1748-0280 1998, TZEC Zoology & Ecology S&T Volume7/1 2164-8013 1998, TZME Zoology in the Middle East S&T Volume15/1

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Medical Library 2015 Collection

Current New Title Library Access start ISSN Electronic Acronym date IODE Acta Odontologica Scandinavia MT 1997 1502-3850 IONC Acta Oncologica MT 1997 1651-226X IOTO Acta Oto-Laryngologica MT 1997 1651-2251 IACC Acute Cardiac Care MT 1997 1748-295X IART Addiction Research & Theory MT 1997 1476-7392 Amyloid: Journal of Protein Folding IAMY Disorders MT 1997 1744-2818 Amyothrophic Lateral Sclerosis and IAFD Frontotemporal Degeneration MT 1997 2167-9223 IAHB Annals of Human Biology MT 1997 1464-5033 IANN Annals of Medicine MT 1997 1365-2060 Archives of Physiology & IARP Biochemistry MT 1997 1744-4160 Augmentative & Alternative IAAC Communication MT 1997 1477-3848 IAUT Autoimmunity MT 1997 1607-842X IBAB Biocatalysis & Biotransformation MT 1997 1029-2446 IBMK Biomarkers MT 1997 1366-5804 IBIH Biotechnic & Histochemistry MT 1997 1473-7760 IBLO Blood Pressure MT 1997 1651-1999 IBIJ Brain Injury MT 1997 1362-301X IBJN British Journal of MT 1997 1360-046X ICNV Cancer Investigation MT 1997 1532-4192 ICBI Chronobiology International MT 1997 1525-6073 ICMT Climacteric MT 1997 1473-0804 Clinical & Experimental ICEH Hypertension MT 1997 1525-6006 ICLP Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics MT 1997 1464-5076 ICTX Clinical Toxicology MT 1997 1556-9519 ICTS Connective Tissue Research MT 1997 1607-8438 COPD:Journal of Chronic ICOP Obstructive Pulmonary Disease MT 1997 1541-2563 Critical Reviews In Biochemistry & IBMG Molecular Biology MT 1997 1549-7798 IBTY Critical Reviews in Biotechnology MT 1997 1549-7801 Critical Reviews in Clinical ILAB Laboratory Sciences MT 1997 1549-781X IMBY Critical Reviews in Microbiology MT 1997 1549-7828 ITXC Critical Reviews in Toxicology MT 1997 1547-6898 ICEY Current Eye Research MT 1997 1460-2202 Current Medical Research & ICMO Opinion MT 1997 1473-4877 ICOT Cutaneous & Ocular Toxicology MT 1997 1556-9535

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Developmental IPDR Neurorehabilitation MT 1997 1751-8431 IDRE Disability & Rehabilitation MT 1997 1464-5165 Disability & Rehabilitation: IIDT Assistive Technology MT 1997 1748-3115 IDCT Drug & Chemical Toxicology MT 1997 1525-6014 Drug Development & Industrial IDDI Pharmacy MT 1997 1520-5762 IDMR Drug Metabolism Reviews MT 1997 1097-9883 Drugs: Education, Prevention & IDEP Policy MT 1997 1465-3370 Electromagnetic Biology & IEBM Medicine MT 1997 1536-8386 IERC Endocrine Research MT 1997 1532-4206 IEJP European Journal Of Physiotherapy MT 1997 2167-9177 IELU Experimental Lung Research MT 1997 1521-0499 IPDP Fetal & Pediatric Pathology MT 1997 1551-3823 IFRA Free Radical Research MT 1997 1029-2470 IGRF Growth Factors MT 1997 1029-2292 IGYE Gynecological MT 1997 1473-0766 Hearing Balance and IHBC Communication MT 1997 2169-5725 IHEM Hemoglobin MT 1997 1532-432X IHOP Hospital Practice MT 1997 2377-1003 IHUF Human Fertility MT 1997 1742-8149 IHIP Hypertension in Pregnancy MT 1997 1525-6065 IIMM Immunological Investigations MT 1997 1532-4311 Immunopharmacology & IIPI Immunotoxicology MT 1997 1532-2513 INFD Infectious Diseases MT 1997 2374-4243 Informatics for Health and Social IMIF Care MT 1997 1753-8165 IIHT Inhalation Toxicology MT 1997 1091-7691 IIJA International Journal of Audiology MT 1997 1708-8186 International Journal of Food IIJF Sciences & Nutrition MT 1997 1465-3478 International Journal of IHTH Hyperthermia MT 1997 1464-5157 International Journal of INES Neuroscience MT 1997 1543-5245 International Journal of Psychiatry IJPC in Clinical Practice MT 1997 1471-1788 International Journal of Radiation IRAB Biology MT 1997 1362-3095 International Journal of Speech & IASL Language Pathology MT 1997 1754-9515 IIRP International Review of Psychiatry MT 1997 1369-1627

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International Reviews of IIRI MT 1997 1563-5244 Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric ICPN Nursing MT 1997 1521-043X IMHN Issues in Mental Health Nursing MT 1997 1096-4673 IJAS Journal of Asthma MT 1997 1532-4303 Journal of Cosmetic & Laser IJCL Therapy MT 1997 1476-4180 Journal of Dermatological IJDT Treatment MT 1997 1471-1753 IJDS Journal of Dietary Supplements MT 1997 1939-022X IDRT Journal of Drug Targeting MT 1997 1029-2330 IJIC Journal of Interprofessional Care MT 1997 1469-9567 IIVS Journal of Investigative Surgery MT 1997 1521-0553 ILPR Journal of Liposome Research MT 1997 1532-2394 Journal of Maternal-Fetal & IJMF Neonatal Medicine MT 1997 1476-4954 IJME Journal of Medical Economics MT 1997 1941-837X Journal of Medical Engineering & IJMT Technology MT 1997 1464-522X IJMH Journal of Mental Health MT 1997 1360-0567 IMNC Journal of Microencapsulation MT 1997 1464-5246 INEG Journal of Neurogenetics MT 1997 1563-5260 Journal of Obstetrics & IJOG Gynaecology MT 1997 1364-6893 Journal of Pain & Palliative Care IPPC Pharmacotherapy MT 1997 1536-0539 Journal of and Hand iphs Surgery MT 1997 2000-6764 Journal of Psychosomatic IPOB Obstetrics & Gynecology MT 1997 1743-8942 Journal of Receptors & Signal IRST Transduction MT 1997 1532-4281 IJSU Journal of Substance Use MT 1997 1475-9942 Journal of Visual Communication in IJAU Medicine MT 1997 1745-3062 ILAL Leukemia & Lymphoma MT 1997 1029-2403 ILOG Logopedics, Phoniatrics, Vocology MT 1997 1651-2022 IMTE Medical Teacher MT 1997 1466-187X Minimally Invasive Therapy & IMIT Allied technologies MT 1997 1365-2931 IMDN Mitochondrial DNA MT 1997 1940-1744 IMOR Modern Rheumatology MT 1997 1439-7595 IMBC Molecular Membrane Biology MT 1997 1464-5203 INAN Nanotoxicology MT 1997 1743-5404 Network: Computation in Neural INET Systems MT 1997 1361-6536 IOPH Neuro- MT 1997 1744-506X

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IPSC Nordic Journal of Psychiatry MT 1997 1502-4725 Occupational Therapy in Health IOHC Care MT 1997 1541-3098 Ocular Immunology & IOII Inflammation MT 1997 1744-5078 IOPE Ophthalmic Epidemiology MT 1997 1744-5086 IOPG Ophthalmic Genetics MT 1997 1744-5094 IORB Orbit MT 1997 1744-5108 IPHO Pediatric Hematology & Oncology MT 1997 1521-0669 Pharmaceutical Development and IPHD Technology MT 1997 1097-9867 Physical & Occupational Therapy in IPOG Geriatrics MT 1997 1541-3152 Physical & Occupational Therapy in IPOP Pediatrics MT 1997 1541-3144 IPTP Physiotherapy: Theory & Practice MT 1997 1532-5040 IPLT Platelets MT 1997 1369-1635 IPGM Postgraduate Medicine MT 1997 1941-9260 IPEC Prehospital Emergency Care MT 1997 1545-0066 Scandinavian Cardiovascular ICDV Journal MT 1997 1651-2006 Scandinavian Journal of Clinical & ICLB Laboratory Investigation MT 1997 1502-7686 Scandinavian Journal of IGAS Gastroenterology MT 1997 1502-7708 Scandinavian Journal of IOCC Occupational Therapy MT 1997 1651-2014 Scandinavian Journal of IRHE Rheumatology MT 1997 1502-7732 ISJU Scandinavian Journal of Urology MT 1997 2168-1813 ISIO Seminars in Ophthalmology MT 1997 1744-5205 ISMR Somatosensory & Motor Research MT 1997 1369-1651 ISTR Strabismus MT 1997 1744-5132 Stress: The International Journal ISTS on the Biology of Stress MT 1997 1607-8888 ISUM Substance Use & Misuse MT 1997 1532-2491 Systems Biology In Reproductive IAAN Medicine MT 1997 1939-6376 ITAM The Aging Male MT 1997 1473-0790 The American Journal of Drug and IADA Alcohol Abuse MT 1997 1097-9891 The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive IEJC Health Care MT 1997 1473-0782 IPSM The Physician and Sportsmedicine MT 1997 2326-3660 Toxicology Mechanisms & ITXM Methods MT 1997 1537-6524 ITXR Toxin Reviews MT 1997 1556-9551

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IUSP Ultrastructural Pathology MT 1997 1521-0758 World Journal of Biological IWBP Psychiatry MT 1997 1814-1412 IXEN Xenobiotica MT 1997 1366-5928 Expert Opinion on Biological IEBT Therapy MT 1997 1744-7682 IEDC Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery MT 1997 1746-045X IEDD Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery MT 1997 1744-7593 IEDS Expert Opinion on Drug Safety MT 1997 1744-764X Expert Opinion on Investigational IEID Drugs MT 1997 1744-7658 IEMD Expert Opinion on Emerging Drugs MT 1997 1744-7623 Expert Opinion on Drug IEMT Metabolism & Toxicology MT 1997 1744-7607 IEOD Expert Opinion on Orphan Drugs MT 1997 2167-8707 Expert Opinion on IEOP Pharmacotherapy MT 1997 1744-7666 Expert Opinion on Therapeutic IETP Patents MT 1997 1744-7674 Expert Opinion on Therapeutic IETT Targets MT 1997 1744-7631

Medical Library 2018 Collection Current Onli Acrony SSH/S&T/Me Access ne m Title dical Starts ISSN 0373 - TACD Acta Cardiologica MT 7934 TACB Acta Chirurgica Belgica MT 2295 Acta Clinica Belgica: International Journal of - YACB Clinical and Laboratory Medicine MT 1997 3337 1502 - IODE Acta Odontologica Scandinavia MT 3850 1651 - IONC Acta Oncologica MT 226X 1651 - IOTO Acta Oto-Laryngologica MT 2251 1748 - IACC Acute Cardiac Care MT 295X

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1476 - IART Addiction Research & Theory MT 7392 2002, 1727 Volume - RAAR African Journal of AIDS Research MT 1/1 9445 1995, 1360 Volume - CAIC AIDS Care MT 7/1 0451 2010, 2329 Volume - UABR AJOB Empirical Bioethics MT 1/1 4523 2010, 2150 Volume - UABN AJOB Neuroscience MT 1/1 7759 1998, 1544 Volume1 - WATQ Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly MT 6/1 4538 2001, 1536 Volume - UAJB American Journal of Bioethics MT 1/1 0075 2005, 1554 Volume - WAJS American Journal Of Sexuality Education MT 1/1 6136 1553 Journal of Binocular Vision and Ocular - UAOJ Motility MT 4448 1744 - IAMY Amyloid: Journal of Protein Folding Disorders MT 2818 2167 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and - IAFD Frontotemporal Degeneration MT 9223 1464 - IAHB Annals of Human Biology MT 5033 1365 - IANN Annals of Medicine MT 2060 1744 - IARP Archives of Physiology & Biochemistry MT 4160 2169 Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine and - IANB Biotechnology MT 141X

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2009, 1753 Arts & Health: An International Journal for Volume - RAHE Research, Policy and Practice MT 1/1 3023 1477 - IAAC Augmentative & Alternative Communication MT 3848 1607 - IAUT Autoimmunity MT 842X 1525 - UBMC Baylor Univesity Medical Proceedings MT 3252 1998, 1940 Volume2 - VBMD Behavioral Medicine MT 3/1 4026 2003, 1540 Volume - HBSM Behavioral Sleep Medicine MT 1/1 2010 1366 - IBMK Biomarkers MT 5804

1651 - IBLO Blood Pressure MT 1999 1362 - IBIJ Brain Injury MT 301X

TBBS British Journal of Biomedical Science MT 1360 - IBJN British Journal of Neurosurgery MT 046X 1532 - ICNV Cancer Investigation MT 4192 1998, 1532 Volume2 - HCHC Children's Health Care MT 7/1 6888 1473 - ICMT Climacteric MT 0804 1525 - ICEH Clinical & Experimental Hypertension MT 6006

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1464 - ICLP Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics MT 5076 1556 - ICTX Clinical Toxicology MT 9519 1754 Cochlear Implants International (An - YCII International Journal) MT 2000 7628 1521 - ICPN Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing MT 043X 1839 - RCNJ Contemporary Nurse MT 3535 1541 COPD:Journal of Chronic Obstructive - ICOP Pulmonary Disease MT 2563 2151 CRANIO: The Journal of Craniomandibular & - YCRA Sleep Practice MT 1997 0903 1998, 1469 Volume - CCPH Critical Public Health MT 8/1 3682 1549 Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory - ILAB Sciences MT 781X 1547 - ITXC Critical Reviews in Toxicology MT 6898 1999, 1464 Volume - TCHS Culture, Health & Sexuality MT 1/1 5351 1460 - ICEY Current Eye Research MT 2202 1473 - ICMO Current Medical Research & Opinion MT 4877 1556 - ICOT Cutaneous & Ocular Toxicology MT 9535 1751 - IPDR Developmental Neurorehabilitation MT 8431

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1464 - IDRE Disability & Rehabilitation MT 5165 1748 Disability & Rehabilitation: Assistive - IIDT Technology MT 3115 1525 - IDCT Drug & Chemical Toxicology MT 6014 1520 - IDDI Drug Development & Industrial Pharmacy MT 5762 1097 - IDMR Drug Metabolism Reviews MT 9883 1465 - IDEP Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy MT 3370 1475 - TEPC Education for Primary Care MT 990X 1536 - IEBM Electromagnetic Biology & Medicine MT 8386 1532 - IERC Endocrine Research MT 4206 1998, 1465 Volume3 - CETH Ethnicity and Health MT /1 3419

2167 - IEJP European Journal Of Physiotherapy MT 9177 2007, 1748 Evidence-Based Communication Assessment Volume - TEBC and Intervention MT 1/1 9547 1521 - IELU Experimental Lung Research MT 0499 1551 - IPDP Fetal & Pediatric Pathology MT 3823 2006, 1744 Volume - RGPH Global Public Health MT 1/1 1706

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1029 - IGRF Growth Factors MT 2292 1473 - IGYE Gynecological Endocrinology MT 0766 1998, 1096 Volume1 - UHCW Health Care for Women International MT 9/1 4665 1839 - RHSR Health Sociology Review MT 3551 1999, 1096 Volume - CHRS Health, Risk & Society MT 1/1 4665 2169 - IHBC Hearing Balance and Communication MT 5725 1607 - YHEM Hematology Online MT 1997 8454 1532 - IHEM Hemoglobin MT 432X 1945 - YHCT HIV Clinical Trials MT 2000 5771 1998, 1545 Volume1 - WHHC Home Health Care Services Quarterly MT 7/1 0856 IHOP Hospital Practice MT 1998, 1939 Volume7 - VHOS Hospital Topics MT 6/1 9278 1742 - IHUF Human Fertility MT 8149 2164 - KHVI Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics MT 554X 1525 - IHIP Hypertension in Pregnancy MT 6065 1532 - IIMM Immunological Investigations MT 4311

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1532 - IIPI Immunopharmacology & Immunotoxicology MT 2513

2374 - INFD Infectious Diseases MT 4243 1753 - IMIF Informatics for Health and Social Care MT 8165 1091 - IIHT Inhalation Toxicology MT 7691 1708 - IIJA International Journal of Audiology MT 8186 2047 International Journal of Developmental - YJDD Disabilities MT 1997 3877 1998, 2164 International Journal of Health Promotion Volume3 - RHPE and Education MT 6/1 9545 2047 International Journal of Healthcare - YJHM Management MT 2008 9719 1464 - IHYT International Journal of Hyperthermia MT 5157 1543 - INES International Journal of Neuroscience MT 5245 1471 International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical - IJPC Practice MT 1788 1362 - IRAB International Journal of Radiation Biology MT 3095 1998, 1931 International Journal Of Sexual Health (New Volume1 - WIJS Title) MT 0/1 762x 1754 International Journal of Speech & Language - IASL Pathology MT 9515 2005, 1434 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF Volume - WIJT TRANSGENDERISM MT 8/1 4599

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1369 - IIRP International Review of Psychiatry MT 1627 1563 - IIRI International Reviews of Immunology MT 5244 1096 - IMHN Issues in Mental Health Nursing MT 4673 1998, 1545 Volume1 - WJAD Journal Of Addictive Diseases MT 7/1 0848 1998, 1940 Volume4 - VACH Journal of American College Health MT 6/4 3208 1532 - IJAS Journal of Asthma MT 4303 1973 - YJOC Journal of Chemotherapy MT 1997 9478 1998, 1547 Journal Of Child & Adolescent Substance Volume7 - WCAS Abuse MT /1 0652 Journal of Communication in Healthcare 1753 (Strategies, Media and Engagement in Global - YCIH Health) MT 2008 8076 1998, 1532 Volume1 - HCHN Journal of Community Health Nursing MT 5/1 7655 1476 - IJCL Journal of Cosmetic & Laser Therapy MT 4180 1471 - IJDT Journal of Dermatological Treatment MT 1753 1939 - IJDS Journal of Dietary Supplements MT 022X 1029 - IDRT Journal of Drug Targeting MT 2330 2005, 1550 Volume - WJDD Journal Of Dual Diagnosis MT 1/1 4271

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2001, 1533 Volume - WESA Journal Of Ethnicity In Substance Abuse MT 1/1 2659 2002, 1538 Volume - WHIV Journal Of Hiv/Aids & Social Services MT 1/1 151x

1998, 1469 Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Volume2 - CJID Disability MT 3/1 9532 1469 - IJIC Journal of Interprofessional Care MT 9567 1521 - IIVS Journal of Investigative Surgery MT 0553 1998, 1521 Volume1 - ULGM Journal of Legal Medicine MT 9/1 057x 1532 - ILPR Journal of Liposome Research MT 2394 2042 - YJMT Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy MT 1997 6186 1476 Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal - IJMF Medicine MT 4954 1941 - IJME Journal of Medical Economics MT 837X 1464 - IJMT Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology MT 522X 1464 - IMNC Journal of Microencapsulation MT 5246 1563 - INEG Journal of Neurogenetics MT 5260 1998, 2155 Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Volume1 - WJNE Geriatrics MT 7/1 1197

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1364 - IJOG Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology MT 6893 1998, Volume5 ROCC Journal of Occupational Science MT /1 2008, 1941 Journal Of Occupational Therapy, Schools & Volume - WJOT Early Intervention MT 1/1 1251 1465 - YJOR Journal of Orthodontics MT 1997 3133 1536 Journal of Pain & Palliative Care - IPPC Pharmacotherapy MT 0539 2000 - IPHS Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery MT 6764 1998, 1540 Journal Of Prevention & Intervention In The Volume1 - WPIC Community MT 5/1 7330 1998, Volume3 UJPD Journal of Psychoactive Drugs MT 0/1 1743 Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & - IPOB Gynecology MT 8942 1532 - IRST Journal of Receptors & Signal Transduction MT 4281 1998, 1559 Volume3 - HJSR Journal of Sex Research MT 5/1 8519 1573 - YSDH Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless MT 1997 658X 1475 - IJSU Journal of Substance Use MT 9942 1998, 1541 Volume1 - UACN Journal of the American College of Nutrition MT 7/1 1087 1745 - IJAU Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine MT 3062

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1029 - ILAL Leukemia & Lymphoma MT 2403 1651 - ILOG Logopedics, Phoniatrics, Vocology MT 2022 1466 - IMTE Medical Teacher MT 187X 1365 Minimally Invasive Therapy & Allied - IMIT technologies MT 2931 1439 - IMOR Modern Rheumatology MT 7595 1743 - INAN Nanotoxicology MT 5404 1361 - INET Network: Computation in Neural Systems MT 6536 Neurological Research (A Journal of Progress 1743 in Neurosurgery, and Neuro - YNER Sciences) MT 1997 1328 1744 - IOPH Neuro-Ophthalmology MT 506X

1502 - IPSC Nordic Journal of Psychiatry MT 4725 1998, 1532 Volume2 - HNUC Nutrition and Cancer MT 8/1 7914 Nutritional Neuroscience (An International 1476 Journal on Nutrition, Diet and Nervous - YNNS System) Online MT 1998 8305 1541 - IOHC Occupational Therapy in Health Care MT 3098 1998, 1541 WOM Volume - H Occupational Therapy In Mental Health MT 14/1 3101 1744 - IOII Ocular Immunology & Inflammation MT 5078

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1045 - UACC Oncology Issues MT 3356 1744 - IOPE Ophthalmic Epidemiology MT 5086 1744 - IOPG Ophthalmic Genetics MT 5094 1744 - IORB Orbit MT 5108 2046 - YPCH Paediatrics and International Child Health MT 1997 9055 2047 - YPGH Pathogens and Global Health MT 1997 7732 1521 - IPHO Pediatric Hematology & Oncology MT 0669 1097 Pharmaceutical Development and - IPHD Technology MT 9867 1541 - IPOG Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics MT 3152 1541 - IPOP Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics MT 3144 1743 - YPTR Physical Therapy Reviews MT 1997 288X 1532 - IPTP Physiotherapy: Theory and Practice MT 5040 1369 - IPLT Platelets MT 1635 IPGM Postgraduate Medicine MT 1545 - IPEC Prehospital Emergency Care MT 0066 1743 Progress in Palliative Care (Science and the - YPPC Art of Caring) MT 1997 291X

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1943 Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological - UPSY Processes MT 281X 1998, 1465 Volume3 - CPHM Psychology, Health & Medicine MT /1 3966 1651 - ICDV Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal MT 2006 1502 Scandinavian Journal of Clinical & Laboratory - ICLB Investigation MT 7686 1502 - IGAS Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology MT 7708 1651 Scandinavian Journal of Occupational - IOCC Therapy MT 2014 1502 - IRHE Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology MT 7732 2168 - ISJU Scandinavian Journal of Urology MT 1813 1744 - ISIO Seminars in Ophthalmology MT 5205 1369 - ISMR Somatosensory & Motor Research MT 1651 2050 - YSLH Speech, Language and Hearing MT 1998 5728 1744 - ISTR Strabismus MT 5132 1607 Stress: The International Journal on the - ISTS Biology of Stress MT 8888 2002, 1547 Volume - WSUB Substance Abuse MT 1/1 0164 1532 - ISUM Substance Use & Misuse MT 2491

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1939 - IAAN Systems Biology In Reproductive Medicine MT 6376 1473 - ITAM The Aging Male MT 0790 1097 The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol - IADA Abuse: Encompassing All Addictive Disorders MT 9891 1473 The European Journal of Contraception & - IEJC Reproductive Health Care MT 0782 2045 - YSCM The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine MT 1997 7723 2375 - UTNJ The Neurodiagnostic Journal MT 8627 IPSM The Physician and Sportsmedicine MT 1945 - YTSR Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation MT 1997 5119 1537 - ITXM Toxicology Mechanisms & Methods MT 6524 1556 - ITXR Toxin Reviews MT 9551 1521 - IUSP Ultrastructural Pathology MT 0758 2006, 1745 Volume - RVCH Vulnerable Children & Youth Studies MT 1/1 0136 1998, 1541 WWA Volume2 - H Women & Health MT 5/1 0331 2056 World Federation of Occupational Therapists - YOTB Bulletin MT 1997 6077 1814 - IWBP World Journal of Biological Psychiatry MT 1412 1366 - IXEN Xenobiotica MT 5928

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FRESH Collection 2018 Current Onlin Acrony SSH/S&T/Med Access e m Title ical Starts ISSN 2162 - KADI Adipocyte S&T 397X 2374 Advances in Materials and Processsing - TMPT Technologies S&T 0698 2332 - RAJM Africa Journal of Management SSH 2381 2380 - RAPM Applied Mobilities SSH 0135 2012, 2162 Volume - HAPC Applied Neuropsychology: Child SSH 1/1 2973 RFAC Architecture and Culture 2050 - SSH 7836 2379 - RARD Area Development and Policy SSH 2957 2374 - TARM Armed Conflict Survey SSH 0981 2330 Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural - RTIS Studies SSH 6351 2326 - TBCI Brain-Computer Interfaces S&T 2014 2621 2376 - RCAU Caucasus Survey SSH 1202 2013, 2169 Volume - RCJA China Journal of Accounting Studies SSH 1/1 7221 2206 - RCRP Communication Research and Practice SSH 3374

National Library of Sweden ref. nr 2017-512 179 (206)

2373 Communications in Statistics - Case Studies, - UCAS Data Analysis and Applications S&T 7484 2049 - RCLH Comparative Legal History SSH 6788 2374 - RRSP Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology SSH 3611 Computer Methods in Biomechanics and 2013, 2168 Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Volume - TCIV Visualization S&T 1/1 1171 2058 - YCOL Contemporary Levant SSH 2016 184X 2377 - UCOR Corrections: Policy, Practice and Research SSH 4655 2374 - RCRM Crime Psychology Review SSH 4014 2333 - RCMS Critical Military Studies SSH 7494 2013, 2162 Volume - RCSS Critical Studies on Security SSH 1/1 4909 2333 - TCYB Cyber Physical Systems S&T 5785 2379 - UDEP Dance Education in Practice SSH 4841 2013, 2167 Volume - RDIJ Digital Journalism SSH 1/1 082X 2327 - REAL East African Literary and Cultural Studies SSH 7416 2470 - REPS Economic and Political Studies SSH 4024 2325 - RENS Environmental Sociology SSH 1042

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2325 European Journal of Cultural and Political - RECP Sociology SSH 2014 4815 2379 Evidence Based Practice in Child and - UEBH Adolescent Mental Health SSH 4933 2012, 2160 Volume - UFTS Fat Studies SSH 1/1 486X 2013, 2164 Volume - RFTG Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior MT 1/1-2 1862 2373 - RGEO GeoHumanities SSH 5678 2334 - RGAF Global Affairs SSH 0479 RFGF Global Food History 2054 - SSH 9555 2380 - RGIH Global Intellectual History SSH 1891 2047 - THSS Health Systems S&T 6973 KHSR Health Systems & Reform MT 2373 - RHRC History of Retailing and Consumption SSH 5171 2013, 2157 IISE Transactions on Occupational Volume - UEHF Ergonomics and Human Factors S&T 1/1 7331 2287 - TJAL International Journal of Advanced Logistics S&T 7592 RAGS International Journal of Agricultural science S&T TBC 2372 - TICA International Journal of Cartography S&T 9341 2379 International Journal of Computer - TCOM Mathematics: Computer Systems Theory S&T 9935

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2013, 2165 International Journal of Design Creativity Volume - TDCI and Innovation S&T 1/1 0357 2013, 2168 Volume - TETL International Journal of Electronic Letters S&T 1/1 1732 2012, 2159 Volume - RIJP International Journal of Play SSH 1/1 4953 2013, 2168 International Journal of School & Volume - USEP Educational Psychology SSH 1/1 3611 2330 International Journal of Systems Science: - TSYB Operations & Logistics S&T 2682 RFAP Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 2053 - SSH 9339 2161 Journal of African Diaspora Archaeology and - YJAF Heritage SSH 2012 9468 2013, 2324 Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Volume - TJAW Research S&T 1/1 9676 2372 - UCAC Journal of Child and Adolescent Counseling SSH 7829 2013, 2168 Journal of Chinese Advanced Materials Volume - TADM Society S&T 1/1 1031 2381 - RGOV Journal of Chinese Governance SSH 2354 2051 Journal of Community Archaeology & - YCAH Heritage SSH 2014 820X 2330 - TJCD Journal of Control and Decision S&T 2014 7714 2326 Journal of Counselor Leadership and - UCLA Advocacy SSH 2014 7178 2373 - RCYB Journal of Cyber Policy SSH 8898

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2470 - TJOE Journal of Ecohydraulics S&T 5365 2012, 2160 Journal of Environmental Economics and Volume - TEEP Policy S&T 1/1 6552 2470 - RGSM Journal of Global Sport Management SSH 4075 2332 - UHMT Journal of Human Trafficking SSH 2713 2327 - TJMA Journal of Management Analytics S&T 2014 0039 RFRP Journal of Religious and Political Practice 2056 - SSH 6107 2329 - TJRI Journal of Responsible Innovation S&T 2014 9037 2324 - RSLT Journal of Spanish Language Teaching SSH 2014 7800 2470 Journal of Structural Integrity and - TSTR Maintenance S&T 5322 2012, 2165 Journal of Sustainable Cement Based Volume - TSCM Materials S&T 1/1-2 0381 RFTD Journal of Textile Design Research and 2013, 2051 Practice Volume - SSH 1/1 1795 2013, 2324 Journal of the International Journal of Rail Volume - TJRT Transportation S&T 1/1-2 8386 2169 - RWOL Journal of World Languages SSH 2014 8260 2053 Journal on the Use of Force and - RJUF International Law SSH 1710 2373 - RLRP Learning: Research and Practice SSH 5090

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2013, 2168 Volume - TLCR Liquid Crystals Reviews S&T 1/1 0418 RFLU Luxury 2051 - SSH 1825 2375 MethodMethodes: African Review of Social - RMET Sciences Methodology SSH 4753 2012, 2163 Volume - RMAD Migration and Development SSH 1/1 2332 2013, 2163 Volume - UMBH Military Behavioral Health SSH 1/1 5803 2372 - KMCO Molecular & Cellular Oncology MT 3556 2380 - TNRE Natural Resources and Engineering S&T 2707 2326 - KNGS Neurogenesis S&T 2133 2162 - KONI OncoImmunology MT 402X 2055 PaleoAmerica (A journal of early human - YPAL migration and dispersal) SSH 2015 5571 2375 - RPAG Papers in Applied Geography SSH 494X 2013, 2164 Volume - RPCB Peacebuilding SSH 1/1 7267 2052 - RPLJ Peking University Law Journal SSH 5907 2377 - RPOM Poem SSH 4673 2013, 2156 Volume - RPGI Politics Groups and Identities SSH 1/1 5511 RPRN Porn Studies SSH 2014

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2376 - RRPT Research & Policy on Turkey SSH 0826 2329 Research and Practice in Intellectual and - RPID Developmental Disabilities MT 2014 7026 2013, 2169 Resilience: International Policies, Practices Volume - RESI and Discourses SSH 1/1 3307 1940 - RRMS Rock Music Studies SSH 2014 1167 2308 - TSMA Smart Science S&T 0477 RFSO Sound Studies 2055 - SSH 1959 2372 - UOPS Special Operations Journal SSH 2657 2012, 2164 Volume - RSPC Sports Coaching Review SSH 1/1 0637 RFST Stanislavski Studies 2054 - SSH 4170 2372 - RSTU Studies in Chinese Religions SSH 9996 2378 - TSRI Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructures S&T 9697 2332 - KTMP Temperature S&T 8926 2013, 2162 Volume - RTEP Territory, Politics, Governance SSH 1/1 268x 2013, 2325 Volume - RROB The AAG Review of Books SSH 1/1 548x 2050 - RTPL The Theory and Practice of Legislation SSH 8859

National Library of Sweden ref. nr 2017-512 185 (206)

2332 - RDES Theatre and Performance Design SSH 2578 2379 - RTWT Third World Thematics: A TWQ Journal SSH 9978 2168 - KTIB Tissue Barriers S&T 8370 2013, 2168 Volume - TTRB Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics S&T 1/1 0582 2379 - RREE Whiteness and Education SSH 3414 2329 - UWRH Women's Reproductive Health MT 2014 3713 2048 - RVAT World Journal of VAT/GST Law SSH 8440

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3. Accepted article metadata feeds into the Research Dashboard. Each Organisation is able to log into their Research Dashboard account and verify the eligibility of the article to be published open access under this Agreement.

4. Author is sent an email from Publisher with a URL to the Electronic Copyright System, where they are able to select and sign the Creative Commons Licence online. Where possible, Publisher will offer to do this after identification and on the Taylor & Francis Online platform, as mentioned above.

5. The Article is published online without delay and in the first instance under the Open Access Licence chosen by the Author.

6. During the Subscription Period, Publisher will implement systematic delivery of article metadata including license information to CrossRef.

7. Publisher will monthly report all articles from authors affiliated with the Organisation published in Publisher’s journals, indicating the publication model (either so called ‘gold open access’, ‘hybrid’ or behind a paywall). The reports shall also include the following details: • Name and email address of the author (must be the corresponding author) • Author’s affiliation • Date of acceptance, where available • Online publication date • Journal Title • Article title • Article type • DOI and/ or link to the published article • CC licence type, where possible • Funding organisation (research funder) if provided by Eligible Author on submission

National Library of Sweden ref. nr 2017-512 187 (206)

Publisher shall also provide an annual report of the total number of articles published in the framework of this Agreement.

Reports shall be sent to the Organisation with copy to the National Library of Sweden.

8. This Open Access Workflow is subject to change as the Publisher develops system and process improvements. Any modification in the Open Access Workflow shall be made after consultation of the Organisation and the National Library of Sweden, and shall aim to meet all relevant parts of the ESAC Recommendations for article workflows and services for offsetting/open access transformation agreements available at and reproduced below for reference.


Publisher is keen to work with Organisation to advocate open access publishing and promote this Agreement to researchers within the Organisation, through tailored email communications to authors, webinars and events, to be decided mutually and organised collaboratively.

National Library of Sweden ref. nr 2017-512 188 (206)

Appendix 1 to Schedule 3: ESAC Recommendations for article workflows and services for offsetting/open access transformation agreements

Offset deals are pilot agreements

The open access article workflows and services are conceived as a pilot to develop an article-based open access pay-as-you-publish business model. The parties agree to use reasonable efforts to develop streamlined author identification and verification workflows as well as efficient invoicing and reporting processes.

A) Author & article identification & verification

The publisher, in collaboration with the paying institution, shall use reasonable efforts to develop an efficient and reliable author identification and verification process. The workflow process should be confirmed during the negotiation process.

Eligible authors

Institutions need to be able to define eligibility criteria due to different funder agreements.

The publisher shall check whether or not the underlying research published in an article was sponsored by a funding agency and if an agreement with one of the funding agencies mentioned in the acknowledgement section exists (see Funding acknowledgement, below). Publishers should support the following eligibility criteria:

• Eligible authors must be corresponding author and must be affiliated with the paying institution, and the affiliation must be stated in the article; or • In some case eligible authors may be co-authors in receipt of research funding. Affiliation for all authors must be stated in the article.

Author identification

The publisher shall be responsible for the identification of eligible authors as part of the submission and publication process.

Workflows should be designed to ensure, given identification and approval has occurred, articles are published open access in the first instance with the appropriate license, not published as closed access and retrospectively converted to open access. Institutions may agree with publishers to make retrospective conversions to OA on a case by case basis. Preferably, workflows should be automated using the parameters described below.

The publisher must take steps to ensure that any changes of the details of the affiliated institution (during correction of his/her proofs, or as a post-publication correction) come to the publisher’s notice.

The publisher must be able to accommodate different funder requirements. For example:

• At the moment of publication (see metadata delivery below), the corresponding author’s affiliation must match the paying institution. • Publishers should be able to accommodate funder acknowledgement requirements (see Funding Acknowledgement and metadata below)

Parameters for author identification

Affiliation to the paying institution as stated in the paper to be published shall be the decisive parameter to determine eligibility.

• In addition, the publisher shall identify eligible authors through at least one of the following parameters:

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1. Authors stating their affiliation(s) at article submission 2. IP ranges specified by the paying institution and/or 3. E-mail domain(s) defined by the paying institution • Identifiers, such as Ringgold, ORCID or other recognized institutional identifier as provided by the author and published in the article metadata should be integrated in the workflow and they should be provided to the paying institution.

Article verification

• The paying institution will verify the eligibility of an article as quickly as possible to ensure the timely production and publication of the article. • In order to verify the author eligibility criteria noted above as quickly as possible at the paying institution, the publisher shall provide the institution with all author affiliations (if there are more than one) as stated by all authors as well as all necessary metadata.

Author involvement

• The publisher shall inform authors about the availability of institutional agreements, which secure the coverage of open access publishing fees. • Open access publishing should be the default route for eligible authors under an agreement. Authors should not be required to take further action in order to publish open access (i.e. opt-out, opt-in, signing of open access licenses etc.).

B) Funding acknowledgement & metadata

Funding acknowledgement

It must be noted that a free text funding acknowledgement may make reference to either the research funding source or the funder of the APC for the article itself. For example, the statement ‘[author] acknowledges funding from the [funder] grant [grant number]’ does not indicate whether the funder supported the research, the APC or both.

• The publisher shall label OA articles as funded by the paying institution or a respective associated institution in the paper itself. For example, the footnote of the OA article shall state the following ‘Open access funding provided by [name of paying institution/funding organisation]’ • The funding note must appear in the article itself (e.g. PDF and Rich HTML and any future format). Additionally it could also be placed on either the CrossMark information or the article landing page • Ideally, this information should appear as part of the article metadata using Funder Registry.

Metadata delivery

NISO has a Recommended Practice on Access and Licensing Indicators (NISO RP-22-2015) at

• Publishers should follow NISO guidance regarding free_to_read and license_reference metadata fields • Publishers should follow NISO recommendations for ‘Mechanisms for Distributing Metadata’, which includes delivering metadata to Crossref and other relevant third parties • It is desirable for publishers to include Funder Registry metadata.

In order to assist customers with funder compliance, the following key dates are highly desirable:

• Date of acceptance: The point at which all necessary changes have been made following peer review and the author is notified that their output will be published • Date of article verification: The point at which the paying institution can approve funding for an article • APC payment date: Date fee is paid to a publisher by the author’s institution for Gold open access

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• Date published online: The date on which the article first becomes available online at the publisher’s website, e.g. ‘early online’ or similar arrangements • Date of Publication: The date on which the article first becomes available to the journal’s general subscriber base, e.g. in a Volume/Issue (this may be the same as date published online).

See also the Casrai Open Access Glossary working group (

It is important that publishers refer to ‘Using Crossref metadata to enable auditing of conformance to funder mandates: a guide for publishers’ for further information ( doc/blob/master/

C) Invoicing and reporting


Invoicing may not be appropriate to every form of current offsetting deal. However, in order to develop an article-based open access pay-as-you-publish business model, the following is recommended:

• Publisher will not directly charge authors whose eligibility has been confirmed. The corresponding author shall not be involved in the invoicing process. • Publisher will only invoice for open access articles that have been accepted for publication (article acceptance) and have been confirmed as eligible by paying institution • Besides general invoice information (VAT, due date etc.), an APC invoice/pre-invoice statement shall include the following machine readable details: o Name and email address of the author who is affiliated to the paying institution (must be the corresponding author) o Complete statement of the author’s affiliation to the paying institution (e.g. university, institute, department) o Funding organisation (research funder and grant ID) o Date of acceptance o Date of publication o Journal title o ISSN o Article title o Article type o DOI and link to the published article o Amount due o Discounts and discount group (if applicable) o CC license


The publisher will enable a link on the invoice to verify this information.


• The publisher shall provide reports to the paying institution on a monthly or quarterly basis. The delivery can also be done via a reporting tool to be developed by the publisher providing machine readable reporting data, including e.g. a list of eligible, rejected and opt-out articles. • Reports should include how many eligible articles have been published and APC payment dates. • Reports should include all necessary metadata. • It is desirable that this information is available as a dashboard with download option.

National Library of Sweden ref. nr 2017-512 191 (206)

Schedule 4 – T&F Standard Open Access Publishing Agreement

CC BY OPEN ACCESS LICENCE This is a licence agreement under which you, the author, retain copyright in your article, and grant Informa UK Limited registered in England under no. 1072954 trading as Taylor & Francis Group, Registered Office: 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG in the United Kingdom (hereinafter ‘Taylor & Francis’) a non-exclusive licence to publish your article, including abstract, tables, figures, data, and supplemental material hosted by us, as the Version of Record in the Journal on an Open Access basis under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) subject to the Terms & Conditions set out below.

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National Library of Sweden ref. nr 2017-512 194 (206)

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National Library of Sweden ref. nr 2017-512 195 (206)

Schedule 5 – Library Premises Licensed premises: IP ranges/addresses:

Member IP addresses

Försvarshögskolan Göteborgs Universitet

Högskolan I Gävle

Karolinska Institutet

Kungl. Tekniska Högskolan

Linköpings Universitet


Lunds Universitet

Malmö universitet

National Library of Sweden ref. nr 2017-512 196 (206)

Stockholms Universitet Umeå Universitet Läkemedelsverket

Högskolan I Jönköping

Luleå Tekniska Universitet

Mittuniversitetet SBU Statens Beredning För Medicinsk och Social Utvärdering

Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet Örebro Universitet

National Library of Sweden ref. nr 2017-512 197 (206)

Folkhälsomyndigheten Socialstyrelsen Sophiahemmet Högskola

Mälardalens Högskola

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Högskolan Kristianstad Konstfack SIPRI, Stockholms Internationella Fredsforskningsinstitut Specialpedagogiska Skolmyndigheten Statens Väg- Och Transportforskningsinstitut Totalförsvarets Forskningsinstitut FOI Blekinge Tekniska Högskola

Chalmers Tekniska Högskola Gymnastik- Och Idrottshögskolan Högskolan Dalarna

Högskolan I Borås

Högskolan I Skövde

Högskolan Väst

Karlstads Universitet Skolforskningsinstitutet

Statens Skolverk

Södertörn Högskola + Röda Korsets Högskola

Uppsala Universitetsbibliotek

National Library of Sweden ref. nr 2017-512 198 (206)

Schedule 6 – Industry Standards

The Publisher agrees: • To provide access to monthly and yearly usage statistics, on a consortium level as well as by Organisation, compliant with the latest release of the Project COUNTER Code of Practice (; • To implement the Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative (SUSHI) protocol (; • To use all reasonable efforts to provide or to make arrangements for a third party e.g Portico, Clockss or Lockss, to provide an archive of the Licensed Materials for the purposes of long term preservation of the Licensed Materials, and to permit Authorized Users to access such archive after termination of this Agreement. Publisher will inform the Organisation in which of the archiving solutions the Publisher Content may be found; • To use all reasonable efforts to meet the W3C standards (; • To use all reasonable efforts to meet the Open URL Standard (ANSI/NISO Z39.88); • To use all reasonable efforts to keep to the Code of Practice of Project Transfer (; • To use all reasonable efforts to follow the NISO recommended practice Access and License Indicators (NISO RP-22-2015 - indicators) and to meet the NISO recommendations for Mechanisms for Distributing Metadata, which includes delivering metadata to Crossref and other relevant third parties; • To provide link-resolver vendors and other library systems suppliers quarterly with full details of the Publisher Content in accordance with the most current KBART standard (; and also with related data of (i) the first and final year, volume, and issue and (ii) the algorithm or syntax for constructing an article-level link from an article’s metadata within the Publisher Content; and • To use all reasonable efforts to deliver, upon request, metadata and full text relating to the Licensed Materials to the National Library of Sweden and Organisation by FTP data feed or by any other means agreed between the parties. The metadata will contain the following fields: chapter/article title, book/journal title, ISBN/ISSN, author(s), volume, issue, year, page, publisher and link to full text on the online-platform. The National Library of Sweden may load and format the metadata onto the freely accessible National Union Catalogue Libris ( The Organisation may load and format the metadata onto the Organisation ‘s server to enable indexing of the Licensed Materials by the Organisation solely for the purpose of enhanced navigation. The Organisation may load the metadata to a secure third party server provided that the Organisation is contractually responsible for the third party. Access to the full text will solely be available to Authorised Users on Secure Network. The Publisher agrees to permit the National Library of Sweden and the Organisation to release metadata relating to the Licensed Materials using a Creative Commons License CC0 (

National Library of Sweden ref. nr 2017-512 199 (206)

Schedule 7 - Pricing Model and Read & Publish Fees


Prices are presented per Organisations based on the package taken. The Price Increase is based on the number of packages taken, regardless of whether it is a 2015 fixed list or a current list. Organisations may choose to add or remove packages from their 2017 packages; additional packages will incur additional fee, but may reduce the Price Increase to which they are entitled. Organisations may choose to upgrade from a 2015 fixed list to a current list, which will incur an additional fee. New organisations may choose to participate in the Agreement. They will be able to choose which package to take and be entitled to the relevant Price Increase as per below.

Publication Cap The number of OA publications for which APCs are covered under this Agreement is capped, calculated by: Total price / prevailing APC (€2,150 for 2018). Total price paid 2018 is €3,206,567.60, as per the below:

• € 3,194,088.85 invoiced via this Agreement, plus • € 12,478.75 invoiced via agent/publisher for print publications This allows for publication of 1491 gold open access articles during 2018 across all organisations in Taylor & Francis / Routledge Open Select (i.e. hybrid) Journals.

Price Increase between 2017 and 2018 The individual Organisations Price Increase depends on the packages taken, as per the below:

Access to Price Increase 2018 1 package 3.95%

2 packages 3.50%

3 packages 3.25%

4 packages 3%

SSH and S&T (2015 or 2018 Collection) count for 2 packages. Medical Library (2015 or 2018 Collection) counts for 1 package. FRESH Collection counts for 1 package.

National Library of Sweden ref. nr 2017-512 200 (206)

Organisation No of packages 2018 Price Increase 2018 Blekinge tekniska högskola 2 3.5%

Chalmers Tekniska Högskola 2 3.5%

Ersta Sköndal Bräcke högskola 2 3.5%

Folkhälsomyndigheten 1 3.95%

Försvarshögskolan 3 3.25%

Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan 2 3.5%

Göteborgs universitet 4 3%

Handelshögskolan i Stockholm 2 3.5%

Högskolan Dalarna 2 3.5%

Högskolan i Borås 2 3.5%

Högskolan i Gävle 4 3%

Högskolan i Halmstad 2 3.5% Högskolan i Jönköping 3 3.25%

Högskolan i Skövde 2 3.5% Högskolan Kristianstad 2 3.5%

Högskolan Väst 2 3.5%

Karlstads universitet 2 3.5% Karolinska institutet 4 3%

Konstfack 2 3.5% Kungl. Tekniska Högskolan 3 3.25%

Linköpings universitet 4 3% Linnéuniversitetet 3 3.25%

Luleå tekniska universitet 3 3.25%

Lunds universitet 3 3.25% Läkemedelsverket 1 3.95%

Malmö universitet 4 3% Mittuniversitetet 3 3.25%

Mälardalens högskola 3 3.25%

SBU Statens beredning för medicinsk utvärdering 3 3.25%

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SIPRI, Stockholms internationella fredsforskningsinstitut 2 3.5% Skolforskningsinstituet 2 3.5%

Socialstyrelsen 1 3.95%

Sophiahemmet Högskola 3 3.25% Specialpedagogiska skolmyndigheten 2 3.5%

Statens skolverk 2 3.5% Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut 2 3.5%

Stockholms universitet 4 3%

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet 3 3.25%

Södertörn högskola + Röda Korsets högskola 2 3.5%

Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut FOI 2 3.5% Umeå universitet 4 3%

Uppsala universitet 2 3.5% Örebro universitet 3 3.25%

Pricing Model 2018 SSH and S&T 2015 Collection (2017 Core subscriptions and Access Fee) + Price Increase for 2018 Core subscriptions spend described in Schedule 2.

SSH and S&T 2018 Collection (2017 Core Subscriptions and (Access Fee + Upgrade fee)) + Price Increase for 2018 + additional Core subscriptions spend for titles added to the 2018 Collection - Core subscription spend for titles leaving the collection + additional Core subscriptions and Upgrade Fee spend (only for organisations upgrading from the 2015 Collection to the 2018 Collection) Core subscriptions spend described in Schedule 2.

Medical Library 2015 Collection 2017 Access Fee + Price Increase for 2018

National Library of Sweden ref. nr 2017-512 202 (206)

Medical Library 2018 Collection (2017 Access Fee + Upgrade fee + Core subscriptions) + Price Increase for 2018 + additional Core subscriptions and Upgrade Fee spend (only for organisations upgrading from the 2015 Collection to the 2018 Collection) Core subscriptions spend described in Schedule 2.

FRESH Collection 2018 € 5,550 + Price Increase for 2018

Publication fee The publication fee total is calculated on the participating organisations individual APC spend 2016 + Price Increase for 2018. Publication fee total 2018: € 182,239.98 The publication fee is re-distributed over the participating organisations including new participating organisations.

New participating organisations New organisations may choose to participate in the Agreement. They will be able to choose which package to take and be entitled to the relevant Price Increase.

SSH and S&T 2018 Collection Fee for SSH and S&T 2018 Collection for new participating organisations is calculated by: Access fee + Upgrade fee + previous subscriptions spend Access fee + Upgrade fee for the SSH and S&T 2018 Collection:

Academic Organisations Student FTE Tier Access fee 2018 Upgrade fee 2018 * 1 - 1000 1 € 6,099 + Price Increase for 2018 € 457 + Price Increase for 2018

1 001 – 4,000 2 € 10,165 + Price Increase for 2018 € 762 + Price Increase for 2018

4 001 – 8,000 3 € 13,215 + Price Increase for 2018 € 991 + Price Increase for 2018

8 001 – 13,000 4 € 16,263 + Price Increase for 2018 € 1220 + Price Increase for 2018

13 001 + 5 € 18,776 + Price Increase for 2018 € 1408 + Price Increase for 2018

Non-academic Organisations

National Library of Sweden ref. nr 2017-512 203 (206)

Total FTE Tier Access Fee 2018 Upgrade fee 2018 * 0 - 500 Small € 6,099 + Price Increase for 2018 € 457 + Price Increase for 2018

501 - 1,000 Medium € 8,132 + Price Increase for 2018 € 610 + Price Increase for 2018

1,000 + Large € 10,165 + Price Increase for 2018 € 762 + Price Increase for 2018

* If an organisation takes the SSH and S&T 2018 Collection plus the Medical Library 2018 Collection, the Upgrade fees are reduced by 7.5% Core subscription Minimum Spend for SSH and S&T 2018 Collection: In order to participate in the Agreement, Participating organisations must be purchasing subscriptions to a value of EUR 2,250 or above. If subscriptions do not reach this level then Participating organisations may make up the shortfall by adding the value to their Access Fee. Upon termination, Participating organisations without current subscriptions paying EUR 2,250 may choose journals up to the value of EUR 2,250 that they would like to receive perpetual access to for that subscription year.

Medical Library 2018 Collection Fee for Medical Library 2018 Collection for new participating organisations is calculated by: Access fee + Upgrade fee + previous subscriptions spend for titles included in the Medical Library 2018 Collection but not in the Medical Library 2015 Collection.

Access fee + Upgrade fee for the Medical Library 2018 Collection: Academic Organisations

Total FTE Tier Access fee 2018 Upgrade fee 2018 * in Medicine 1-250 1 € 7,445 + Price Increase for 2018 € 1,188 + Price Increase for 2018 250-1000 2 € 16,131 + Price Increase for 2018 € 1,500 + Price Increase for 2018

1001-2500 3 € 52,737 + Price Increase for 2018 € 1,875 + Price Increase for 2018 2501+ 4 € 155,730 + Price Increase for 2018 € 2,250 + Price Increase for 2018

Non-academic Organisations

Type of Total Tier Access fee 2018 Upgrade fee 2018 * organisation FTE Arkiv/Museum n/a Small € 5,464 + Price Increase for 2018 € 1,063 + Price Increase for 2018

Samhällsvet/ n/a Small € 5,464 + Price Increase for 2018 € 1,063 + Price Increase for 2018 Humaniora STM Small 0-250 Small € 5,464 + Price Increase for 2018 € 1,063 + Price Increase for 2018

STM Medium 250-1000 Medium € 6,556 + Price Increase for 2018 € 1,063 + Price Increase for 2018

STM Large 1001+ Large € 7,649 + Price Increase for 2018 € 1,188 + Price Increase for 2018

National Library of Sweden ref. nr 2017-512 204 (206)

* If an organisation takes the SSH and S&T 2018 Collection plus the Medical Library 2018 Collection, the Upgrade fees are reduced by 7.5%

FRESH Collection 2018 € 5,550 + Price Increase for 2018

Read & Publish Fees 2018

SSH and Medical Medical SSH and FRESH S&T Library Library Publication Organisation’s Organisation S&T 2018 Collection 2015 2018 2015 Fee Total Fee Collection 2018 Collection Collection Collection 1 Blekinge tekniska högskola € 14,503 € 888 € 15,390 2 Chalmers Tekniska Högskola € 90,406 € 5,558 € 95,964 3 Ersta Sköndal Bräcke högskola € 8,641 € 529 € 9,170 4 Folkhälsomyndigheten € 7,920 € 483 € 8,403 5 Försvarshögskolan € 18,843 € 5,730 € 1,178 € 25,752 6 Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan € 20,294 € 1,206 € 21,500 7 Göteborgs universitet € 149,528 € 56,880 € 5,717 € 13,025 € 225,149 8 Handelshögskolan i Stockholm € 23,426 € 1,434 € 24,860 9 Högskolan Dalarna € 24,629 € 1,517 € 26,146 10 Högskolan i Borås € 40,155 € 2,442 € 42,597 11 Högskolan i Gävle € 45,750 € 8,800 € 5,717 € 3,716 € 63,983 12 Högskolan i Halmstad € 35,631 € 2,181 € 37,811 13 Högskolan i Jönköping € 44,482 € 16,655 € 3,624 € 64,762 14 Högskolan i Skövde € 22,923 € 1,255 € 24,178 15 Högskolan Kristianstad € 16,910 € 1,035 € 17,945 16 Högskolan Väst € 24,982 € 1,469 € 26,451 17 Karlstads universitet € 66,385 € 4,072 € 70,457 18 Karolinska institutet € 80,277 € 163,501 € 5,717 € 15,152 € 264,647 19 Konstfack € 9,020 € 552 € 9,572 20 Kungl. Tekniska Högskolan € 199,110 € 5,730 € 12,529 € 217,369 21 Linköpings universitet € 155,329 € 55,904 € 5,717 € 12,909 € 229,858 22 Linnéuniversitetet € 52,700 € 5,730 € 3,585 € 62,015 23 Luleå tekniska universitet € 49,498 € 16,655 € 4,068 € 70,222 24 Lunds universitet € 174,394 € 5,730 € 11,017 € 191,141 25 Läkemedelsverket € 6,815 € 415 € 7,230 26 Malmö universitet € 57,519 € 19,756 € 5,717 € 4,708 € 87,699 27 Mittuniversitetet € 52,260 € 7,687 € 3,678 € 63,625 28 Mälardalens högskola € 31,065 € 18,370 € 2,836 € 52,271 SBU Statens beredning för 29 medicinsk utvärdering € 8,620 € 5,642 € 875 € 15,137 SIPRI, Stockholms internationella 30 fredsforskningsinstitut € 15,550 € 952 € 16,501 31 Skolforskningsinstituet € 9,114 € 558 € 9,672

National Library of Sweden ref. nr 2017-512 205 (206)

32 Socialstyrelsen € 7,920 € 483 € 8,403 33 Sophiahemmets högskola € 9,057 € 8,822 € 1,105 € 18,983 Specialpedagogiska 34 skolmyndigheten € 10,745 € 658 € 11,403 35 Statens skolverk € 9,114 € 529 € 9,643 Statens väg- och 36 transportforskningsinstitut € 19,795 € 1,211 € 21,007 37 Stockholms universitet € 180,103 € 7,668 € 5,717 € 11,909 € 205,397 38 Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet € 82,546 € 7,687 € 5,616 € 95,849 Södertörn högskola + Röda 39 Korsets högskola € 78,865 € 4,801 € 83,666 Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut 40 FOI € 23,055 € 1,298 € 24,353 41 Umeå universitet € 170,389 € 57,035 € 5,717 € 14,318 € 247,459 42 Uppsala universitet € 256,991 € 15,192 € 272,184 43 Örebro universitet € 75,932 € 16,655 € 5,680 € 98,267 € Total: 2,025,975 € 432,563 € 404,909 € 85,465 € 62,937 € 182,240 € 3,194,089


To be negotiated during 2018.

National Library of Sweden ref. nr 2017-512 206 (206) Amendment 2019 to Read & Publish agreement 2018-2020

Amendment to Read & Publish agreement dated November 21, 2018 (Dnr 2017-512) (“Agreement”) between

Informa UK Limited (trading as Taylor & Francis Group) (“Publisher”), 5 Howick Place, London, SW1P 1WG, UK

and the Participating Organisations set forth in Schedule 1 of the Agreement, duly represented by the National Library of Sweden, Box 5039, SE-102 41 Stockholm, Sweden.

The purpose of this Amendment is to update the following Schedules to the Agreement in regards to 2019 (and 2020 as the case may be):

• the list of Organisations participating in the Agreement (Schedule 1); • the Licensed Materials (Schedule 2); and • the Pricing Model and Read & Publish Fees (Schedule 7).

These Schedules to the Agreement shall be replaced by the Schedules attached to this Amendment.

The parties would also like to add the following to Schedule 7 to the Agreement in regards to 2018:

The Organisations may purchase Publisher’s archive packages outside this Agreement. If one or some Organisations purchase such archive packages for an aggregated total amount equal or above € 200,000 during 2018, the Publisher will provide, at no additional cost, continuous and perpetual online access for every Organisations participating in this Agreement (i.e. including those which do not purchase any archive packages) to articles published in their Core Subscriptions during 2018.

Both parties have read and agree to adhere to and abide by all the terms and conditions of this Amendment and the Agreement.

For the Participating Organisations: For Informa UK Limited (trading as Taylor & Francis Group:

Signature: ______Signature: ______

Name: ______Name: ______

Title: ______Title: ______

Date: ______Date: ______

Reference number: KB 2018-990 1 / 72 Schedule 1 – Participating Organisations

Blekinge Tekniska Blekinge Blekinge 371 79 Karlskrona Högskola Institute Of Tekniska Technology Högskola

Chalmers Chalmers 412 96 Göteborg Tekniska Högskola University Of Technology

Folkhälsomyndigh Public Health 171 82 Solna eten Agency Of Sweden

Formas The Swedish Box 1206 11182 Stockholm Research Council Formas

Försvarshögskola Swedish Box 27805 115 93 Stockholm n Defence University

Göteborgs University Of Box 222 405 30 Göteborg Universitet Gothenburg

Gymnastik- Och Swedish Box 5626 114 86 Stockholm Idrottshögskolan School Of Sport And Health Sciences, GIH

Handelshögskolan Stockholm Box 6501 113 83 Stockholm i Stockholm School Of Economics

Högskolan Dalarna Högskolan 791 88 Falun Dalarna University Dalarna

Högskolan i Borås University of Allégatan 1 501 90 Borås Boras

Högskolan I Gävle University Of 801 76 Gävle Gävle

Högskolan I Halmstad Box 823 301 18 Halmstad Halmstad University

Högskolan I Jönköping Box 1001 551 11 Jönköping Jönköping University

Reference number: KB 2018-990 2 / 72 Högskolan I University Of Box 408 541 28 Skövde Skövde Skövde

Högskolan Kristianstad 291 88 Kristiansta Kristianstad University d

Högskolan Väst University Högskolan 461 86 Trollhättan West Väst

Karlstads Karlstad 651 87 Karlstad Universitet University

Karolinska Karolinska Box 200 171 77 Stockholm Institutet Institute

Konstfack University Box 3601 126 27 Stockholm College Of Arts, Craft And Design

Kungl. Tekniska Royal Institute 100 44 Stockholm Högskolan Of Technology

Läkemedelsverket Medical Box 26 751 03 Uppsala Products Agency

Linköpings Linköping Linköpings 581 83 Linköping Universitet University Universitet sbibliotek

Linnéuniversitetet Linnaeus 351 95 Växjö University

Luleå Tekniska Luleå 971 87 Luleå Universitet University Of Technology

Lunds Universitet Lund Box 3 221 00 Lund University

Mälardalens Mälardalen Box 882 721 22 Västerås Högskola University

Malmö Malmö 205 06 Malmö Universitet University

Mittuniversitetet Mid-Sweden Mittuniver 851 70 Sundsvall University sitetet

Reference number: KB 2018-990 3 / 72

Örebro Örebro 701 82 Örebro Universitet University

RISE Research RISE Research RISE 50115 Borås Institutes Of Institutes Of Research Sweden Sweden Institutes of Sweden

SBU Statens SBU, Swedish Box 6183 10233 Stockholm Beredning För Agency for Medicinsk och Health Social Utvärdering Technology Assessment and Assessment of Social Services

SIPRI, Stockholms Stockholm Signalistg 9 169 72 Solna Internationella International Fredsforskningsin Peace stitut Research Institute

Skolforskningsinst Swedish Solna itutet Institute for Educational Research

Socialstyrelsen The National Socialstyre 106 30 Stockholm Board Of lsen Health And Welfare

Södertörn Södertörn 141 89 Huddinge Högskola + Röda University + Korsets Högskola The Swedish Red Cross University College

Sophiahemmet Sophiahemme Box 5605 114 86 Stockholm Högskola t University

Specialpedagogisk National Specialped 171 27 Solna a Agency For agogiska Skolmyndigheten Special Needs skolmyndi Education And gheten Schools

Reference number: KB 2018-990 4 / 72

Statens Skolverk National 106 20 Stockholm Agency For Education

Statens Väg- Och Swedish 581 95 Linköping Transportforsknin National Road gsinstitut And Transport Research Institute

Stockholms Stockholm Stockholm 106 91 Stockholm Universitet University s Universitet sbibliotek

Sveriges Swedish Box 7071 750 07 Uppsala Lantbruksuniversi University Of tet Agricultural Sciences

Totalförsvarets Swedish 172 90 Stockholm Forskningsinstitut Defence FOI Research Agency

Transportstyrelse Swedish n Transport Agency

Umeå Universitet Umeå 901 74 Umeå University

Reference number: KB 2018-990 5 / 72 Schedule 2 – Licensed Materials

Part 1 – Licensed Content

SSH and S&T “2018” Collection:

a/b: Auto/Biography Studies 0898-9575 2151-7290 Accountability in Research 0898-9621 1545-5815 Accounting and Business Research 0001-4788 Accounting Education 0963-9284 1468-4489 Accounting History Review 0958-5206 1466-4275 Accounting in Europe 1744-9480 1744-9499 Acta Agri Scand A Animal Sci 0906-4702 1651-1972 Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B 0906-4710 1651-1913 Acta Borealia Online 0800-3831 1503-111X Acta Linguistica Hafniensia: International 0374-0463 1949-0763 Action in Teacher Education 0162-6620 2158-6098 Action Learning: Research & Practice 1476-7333 1476-7341 Activities, Adaptation & Aging 0192-4788 1544-4368 Adelphi Series 1944-5571 1944-558X Administrative Theory & Praxis 1084-1806 1949-0461 Adoption Quarterly 1092-6755 1544-452X Advanced Composite Materials 0924-3046 1568-5519 Advanced Robotics 0169-1864 1568-5535 Advances in Applied Ceramics (Structural, Functional and Bioceramics) 1743-6753 1743-6761 Advances in Building Energy Research 1751-2549 1756-2201 Advances in Mental Health 1838-7357 1837-4905 Advances in Physics 0001-8732 1460-6976 Advances in the History of Rhetoric 1536-2426 1936-0835 Aerosol Science & Technology 0278-6826 1521-7388 Africa Education Review 1814-6627 1753-5921 Africa Review 0974-4053 0974-4061 African and Black Dispora: An Internationational 1752-8631 1752-864X African Geographical Review 1937-6812 2163-2642 African Historical Review 1753-2523 1753-2531 African Identities 1472-5843 1472-5851 African Journal of AIDS Research 1608-5906 1727-9445 African Journal of Aquatic Science 1608-5914 1727-9364 African Journal of Herpetology 2156-4574 2153-3660 African Journal of Marine Science 1814-232X 1814-2338 African Journal of Range & Forage Science 1022-0119 1727-9380

Reference number: KB 2018-990 6 / 72 African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 1811-7295 2469-7656 African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development 2042-1338 2042-1346 African Journalism Studies 0256-0054 1942-0773 African Security 1939-2206 1939-2214 African Security Review 1024-6029 2154-0128 African Studies 0002-0184 1469-2872 African Zoology 1562-7020 2224-073X Agenda 1013-0950 2158-978X Aging & Mental Health 1360-7863 1364-6915 Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition 1382-5585 1744-4128 Agrekon 0303-1853 2078-0400 Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 1044-0046 1540-7578 AICCM Bulletin 1034-4233 2204-4183 Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology 0311-5518 1752-0754 Al-Masaq: Journal of the Medieval Mediterranean 0950-3110 1473-348X Ambix: The Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry 0002-6980 1745-8234 American Communist History 1474-3892 1474-3906 American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis 0002-9157 American Journal of Distance Education 0892-3647 1538-9286 American Journal of Family Therapy 0192-6187 1521-0383 American Journal of Health Education 1932-5037 2168-3751 American Journal of Mathematical & Management Sciences 0196-6324 2325-8454 American Journalism 0882-1127 2326-2486 American Nineteenth Century History 1466-4658 1743-7903 American Review of Canadian Studies 0272-2011 1943-9954 Analytical Chemistry Letters 2229-7928 2230-7532 Analytical Letters 0003-2719 1532-236X Anatolia - An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research 1303-2917 2156-6909 Angelaki: Journal of Theoretical Humanities 0969-725X 1469-2899 Animal Biotechnology 1049-5398 1532-2378 Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France (N.S.) 0037-9271 2168-6351 Annals of GIS 1947-5683 1947-5691 Annals of Leisure Research 1174-5398 Annals of Science 0003-3790 1464-5050X Annals of the American Association of Geographers 0269-4452 2469-4460 Annals of the International Communication Association 2380-8985 380-8977 ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles 0895-769X 1940-3364 Anthropological Forum 0066-4677 1469-2902 Anthropology & Archeology of Eurasia 1061-1959 158-092X Anthropology & Medicine 1364-8470 1469-2910

Reference number: KB 2018-990 7 / 72 Anthropology Now 1942-8200 1949-2901 Anthropology Southern Africa 2332-3256 2332-3264 Anthrozoos 0892-7936 1753-0377 Anxiety, Stress & Coping 1061-5806 1477-2205 Aphasiology 0268-7038 1464-5041 Applicable Analysis: An International Journal 0003-6811 1563-504X Applied Artificial Intelligence 0883-9514 1087-6545 Applied Developmental Science 1088-8691 1532-480X Applied Earth Science (Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy: Section B) 0371-7453 1743-2758 Applied Economics 9999-7004 9999-7004 Applied Economics Letters 1350-4851 1466-4291 Applied Environmental Education & Communication 1533-015X 1533-0389 Applied Mathematical Finance 1350-486X 1466-4313 Applied Measurement in Education 0895-7347 1532-4818 Applied Neuropsychology Adult 2327-9095 2327-9109 Applied Neuropsychology: Child 2162-2965 2162-2973 Applied Spectroscopy Reviews 0570-4928 1520-569X Aquaculture Economics & Management 1365-7305 1551-8663 Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 1463-4988 1539-4077 Aquatic Insects 0165-0424 1744-4152 Arboricultural Journal: The International Journal of Urban Forestry 0307-1375 2168-1074 Archaeological Journal 0066-5983 2373-2288 Architectural Engineering and Design Management 1745-2007 1752-7589 Architectural Science Review 0003-8628 1758-9622 Architectural Theory Review 1326-4826 1755-0475 Archives & Records: The Journal of the Archives & Records Association 2325-7962 2325-7989 Archives and Manuscripts 0157-6895 2164-6058 Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 0365-0340 1476-3567 Archives of Animal Nutrition 1745-039X 1477-2817 Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health 1933-8244 2154-4700 Archives of Phytopathology & Plant Protection 0323-5408 1477-2906 Archives of Suicide Research 1381-1118 1543-6136 Argumentation and Advocacy 1051-1431 2576-8476 Arid Land Research and Management 1532-4982 1532-4990 Arms & Armour 1741-6124 1749-6268 Art Education 0004-3125 2325-5161 Art in Translation Online only 1756-1310 Art Journal 0004-3249 2325-5307 Art Therapy 0742-1656 2159-9394 Arts Education Policy Review 1063-2913 1940-4395

Reference number: KB 2018-990 8 / 72 Asia Pacific Business Review 1360-2381 1743-792X Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy 2150-7686 2150-7708 Asia Pacific Journal of Education 0218-8791 1742-6855 Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration 2327-6665 2327-6673 Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development 0218-5385 2165-0993 Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 1094-1665 1741-6507 Asia Pacific Law Review 1019-2577 1875-8444 Asia Pacific Review 1343-9006 1469-2937 Asian Affairs 0306-8374 1477-1500 Asian Affairs: An American Review 0092-7678 1940-1590 Asian Anthropology 1683-478X 2168-4227 Asian Englishes 1348-8678 2331-2548 Asian Ethnicity 1463-1369 1469-2953 Asian Geographer 1022-5706 2158-1762 Asian Journal of Communication 0129-2986 1742-0911 Asian Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies tbc tbc Asian Journal of Political Science 0218-5377 1750-7812 Asian Journal of Technology Innovation 1976-1597 2158-6721 Asian Journal of Women's Studies 1225-9276 2377-004X Asian Philosophy 0955-2367 1469-2961 Asian Population Studies 1744-1730 1744-1749 Asian Security 1479-9855 1555-2764 Asian Studies Review 1035-7823 1467-8403 Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics 1608-1625 2164-2257 Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education 1359-866X 1469-2945 Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 0260-2938 1469-297X Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice 0969-594X 1465-329X Assistive Technology: The Offical Journal of RESNA 1040-0435 1949-3614 Astropolitics 1477-7622 1557-2943 Atlantic Journal of Communication 1545-6870 1545-6889 Atlantic Studies: Global Currents 1478-8810 1740-4649 Atmosphere-Ocean 0705-5900 1480-9214 Attachment & Human Development 1461-6734 1469-2988 Australasian Journal of Engineering Education 2205-4952 1325-4340 Australasian Journal of Environmental Management 1448-6563 2159-5356 Australasian Journal of Philosophy 0004-8402 1471-6828 Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art 1443-4318 2203-1871 Australian Archaeology 0312-2417 2470-0363 Australian Feminist Law Journal 1320-0968 2204-0064 Australian Feminist Studies 0816-4649 1465-3303

Reference number: KB 2018-990 9 / 72 Australian Forestry ,0004-9158 2325-6087 Australian Geographer 0004-9182 1465-3311 Australian Historical Studies 1031-461X 1031-461I Australian Journal of Civil Engineering 1448-8353 2204-2245 Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 0812-0099 1440-0952 Australian Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 1448-837X 2205-362X Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences 0045-0618 1834-562X Australian Journal of Human Rights 1323-238X 2573-573X Australian Journal of International Affairs 1035-7718 1465-332X Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties 1940-4158 1940-4166 Australian Journal of Linguistics 0726-8602 1469-2996 Australian Journal of Maritime & Ocean Affairs 1836-6503 2333-6498 Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering 1448-4846 2204-2253 Australian Journal of Multi-disciplinary Engineering 1448-8388 2204-2180 Australian Journal of Political Science 1036-1146 1363-030X Australian Journal of Structural Engineering 1328-7982 2204-2261 Australian Journal of Water Resources 1324-1583 2204-227X Australian Planner 0729-3682 2150-6841 Australian Social Work 0312-407X 1447-0748 Autophagy 1554-8627 1554-8635 Avian Pathology 0307-9457 1465-3338 Azania:Archaeological Research in Africa 0067-270X 1945-5534 Baptist Quarterly 0005-576X 2056-7731 Basic and Applied Social Psychology 0197-3533 1532-4834 Bee World 0005-772X 2376-7618 Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian 0163-9269 1544-4546 Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression 1943-4472 1943-4480 Behaviour & Information Technology 0144-929X 1362-3001 Bereavement Care 0268-2621 1944-8279 Bilingual Research Journal 1523-5882 1523-5890 Bioacoustics - The International Journal of Animal Sound and its Recording 0952-4622 2165-0586 Biocatalysis & Biotransformation 1024-2422 1029-2446 Biocontrol Science and Technology 0958-3157 1360-0478 Biodemography and Social Biology 1948-5565 1948-5573 Biodiversity 1488-8386 supp-8386 Biofouling: The Journal of Bioadhesion and Biofilm Research 0892-7014 1029-2454 Biofuels 1759-7269 1759-7277 Biological Agriculture & Horticulture - An International Journal of Sustainable Prod. Systems 0144-8765 2165-0616 Biological Rhythm Research 0929-1016 1744-4179 Bioremediation Journal 1088-9868 1547-6529

Reference number: KB 2018-990 10 / 72 Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry 0916-8451 1347-6947 Biotechnic & Histochemistry 1052-0295 1473-7760 Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews 0264-8725 SUPP-8725 Bird Study 0006-3657 1944-6705 Black Theology: An International Journal 1476-9948 1743-1670 Body,Movement & Dance in Psychotherapy 1743-2979 1743-2987 Botany Letters 2381-8107 2381-8115 British Journal for the History of Mathematics 2637-5451 2637-5494 British Journal for the History of Philosophy 0960-8788 1469-3526 British Journal of Educational Studies 0007-1005 1467-8527 British Journal of Guidance & Counselling 0306-9885 1469-3534 British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 1353-0194 1469-3542 British Journal of Religious Education 0141-6200 1740-7931 British Journal of Sociology of Education 0142-5692 1465-3346 British Poultry Science 0007-1668 1466-1799 Bronte Studies 1474-8932 1745-8226 Building Research & Information 0961-3218 1466-4321 Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies 0007-4918 1472-7234 Bulletin of Spanish Studies 1475-3820 1478-3428 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 0096-3402 1938-3282 Business History 0007-6791 1743-7938 California Archaeology 1947-461X 1947-4628 Cambridge Journal of Education 0305-764X 1469-3577 Cambridge Review of International Affair 0955-7571 1474-449X Canadian Art Therapy Association Journal 0832-2473 2377-360X Canadian Foreign Policy Journal 1192-6422 2157-0817 Canadian Journal of African Studies / La Revue Canadienne des etudes Africaines 0008-3968 1923-3051 Canadian Journal of Development Studies / Revue canadienne d'etudes du developpe 0225-5189 2158-9100 Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 0826-3663 2333-1461 Canadian Journal of Philosophy 0045-5091 1911-0820 Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 0706-0661 1715-2992 Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing Online only 1712-7971 Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly (The Canadian Journal of Metallurgy and Materials Science ) 0008-4433 1879-1395 Canadian Slavonic Papers/Revue Canadienne des Slavistes 0008-5006 2375-2475 Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal 0008-5030 2332-1660 Canadian Water Resources Journal / Revue Canadienne des Ressources Hydriques 0701-1784 1918-1817 Cancer Biology & Therapy 1538-4047 1555-8576 Capitalism Nature Socialism 1045-5752 1548-3290 Carbon Management 1758-3004 1758-3012 Caribbean Quarterly 0008-6495 2470-6302

Reference number: KB 2018-990 11 / 72 Cartography and Geographic Information Science 1523-0406 1545-0465 Caryologia: International Journal of Cytology, Cytosystematics and Cytogenetics 0008-7114 2165-5391 Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 0163-9374 1544-4554 Catalysis Reviews 0161-4940 1520-5703 Celebrity Studies 1939-2397 1939-2400 Cell Cycle 1538-4101 1551-4005 Central Asian Survey 0263-4937 1465-3354 Central Europe 1479-0963 1745-8218 Challenge 0577-5132 1558-1489 Chance 0933-2480 1867-2280 Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning 0009-1383 1939-9146 Changing English: Studies in Culture and Education 1358-684X 1469-3585 Chemical Engineering Communications 0098-6445 1563-5201 Chemistry and Ecology 0275-7540 1029-0370 Child & Family Behavior Therapy 0731-7107 1545-228X CHILD & YOUTH SERVICES 0145-935X 1545-2298 Child Care in Practice 1357-5279 1476-489X Child Neuropsychology 0929-7049 1744-4136 Childhood Education 0009-4056 2162-0725 Childhood in the Past 1758-5716 2040-8528 Children's Geographies 1473-3285 1473-3277 China Economic Journal 1753-8963 1753-8971 China Journal of Social Work 1752-5098 1752-5101 Chinese Education & Society 1061-1932 1944-7116 Chinese Journal of Communication 1754-4750 1754-4769 Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment 1004-2857 2325-4262 Chinese Law & Government 0009-4609 1944-7051 Chinese Literature Today 2151-4399 2156-8634 Chinese Sociological Review 2162-0555 2162-0563 Chinese Studies in History 0009-4633 1558-0407 CHINOPERL: Journal of Chinese Oral and Performing Literature 0193-7774 2051-6150 Christian Higher Education: An International Journal of Research, Theory and Practice 1536-3759 1539-4107 Chronobiology International 0742-0528 1525-6073 Citizenship Studies 1362-1025 1469-3593 City: Analysis of Urban Trends,Culture,Theory, Policy, Action 1360-4813 1470-3629 Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems 1028-6608 1029-0249 Civil Wars 1369-8249 1743-968X Classroom Discourse 1946-3014 1946-3022 Climate and Development 1756-5529 1756-5537 Climate Policy 1469-3062 1752-7457

Reference number: KB 2018-990 12 / 72 Clinical Gerontologist 0731-7115 1545-2301 Clinical Supervisior (The) 0732-5223 1545-231X Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice 1752-1882 1752-1890 Coastal Engineering Journal 2166-4250 1793-6292 Coastal Management 0892-0753 1521-0421 CoDesign 1571-0882 1745-3755 Cogeneration & Distributed Generation Journal 2156-3306 2156-6550 Cognition & Emotion 0269-9931 1464-0600 Cognition and Instruction 0737-0008 1532-690X Cognitive Behaviour Therapy 1650-6073 1651-2316 Cognitive Neuropsychiatry 1354-6805 1464-0619 Cognitive Neuropsychology 0264-3294 1464-0627 Cognitive Neuroscience 1758-8928 1758-8936 Cold War History 1468-2745 1743-7962 Collection Management 0146-2679 1545-2549 College & Undergraduate Libraries 1069-1316 1545-2530 College Teaching 8756-7555 1930-8299 COLLNET Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management 0973-7766 2168-930X Colonial Latin American Review 1060-9164 1466-1802 Combustion Science and Technology 0010-2202 1563-521X Combustion Theory and Modelling 1364-7830 1741-3559 Comedy Studies 2040-610X 2040-6118 Comments on Inorganic Chemistry 0260-3594 1548-9574 Commonwealth Law Bulletin 0305-0718 1750-5976 Communicatio: South African Journal for Communication Theory and Research 0250-0167 1753-5379 Communication & Critical/Cultural Studies 1479-1420 1479-4233 Communication Booknotes Quarterly 1094-8007 1532-6896 Communication Education 0363-4523 1479-5795 Communication Law and Policy 1081-1680 1532-6926 Communication Methods and Measures 1931-2458 1931-2466 Communication Monographs 0363-7751 1479-5787 Communication Quarterly & Communication Research 0146-33736 1746-4102 Communication Reports 0893-4215 1745-1043 Communication Research Reports 0882-4096 1746-4099 Communication Studies 1051-0974 1745-1035 Communication Teacher Online 1740-4622 1740-4630 Communications in Algebra 0092-7872 1532-4125 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 0360-5302 1532-4133 Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 0010-3624 1532-2416 Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation 0361-0918 1532-4141

Reference number: KB 2018-990 13 / 72 Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods 0361-0926 1532-415X Community & Junior College Libraries 0276-3915 1545-2522 Community College Journal of Research & Practice 1066-8926 1521-0413 Community Development 1557-5330 9999-5330 Community, Work & Family 1366-8803 1469-3615 Comparative American Studies An International Journal 1477-5700 1741-2676 Comparative and Continental Philosophy 1757-0638 1757-0646 Comparative Education 0305-0068 1360-0486 Comparative Strategy 0149-5933 1521-0448 Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education 0305-7925 1469-3623 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations: An International Journal 1747-6933 1747-6941 Composite Interfaces 0927-6440 1568-5543 Compost Science & Utilization 1065-657x 2326-2397 Computer Assisted Language Learning 0958-8221 1744-3210 Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 1025-5842 1476-8259 Computer Science Education 0899-3408 1744-5175 Computers In The Schools 0738-0569 1528-7033 Conflict, Security & Development 1467-8802 1478-1174 Congress & the Presidency: A Journal of Capital Studies 0734-3469 1944-1053 Connection Science 0954-0091 1360-0494 Connective Tissue Research 0300-8207 1607-8438 Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 1350-5033 1753-5522 Construction Management & Economics 0144-6193 1466-433X Construction Research & Innovation 2045-0249 2475-6822 Consumption Markets and Culture 1025-3866 1477-223X Contemporary British History 1361-9462 1743-7997 Contemporary Buddhism 1463-9947 1476-7953 Contemporary Chinese Thought 1097-1467 1558-0997 Contemporary French & Francophone Studies 1740-9292 1740-9306 Contemporary Italian Politics 2324-8823 2324-8831 Contemporary Japan 1869-2729 1869-2737 Contemporary Justice Review 1028-2580 1477-2248 Contemporary Music Review 0749-4467 1477-2256 Contemporary Physics 0010-7514 1366-5812 Contemporary Politics 1356-9775 1469-3631 Contemporary Psychoanalysis 0010-7530 2330-9091 Contemporary Security Policy 1352-3260 1743-8764 Contemporary Social Science 1745-0144 1745-0152 Contemporary South Asia 0958-4935 1469-364X Contemporary Theatre Review 1048-6801 1477-2264

Reference number: KB 2018-990 14 / 72 Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies 1030-4312 1469-3666 Corrosion Eng., Science and Tech. (The Int. Journ. of Corrosion Processes and Corrosion Control) 1478-422X 1743-2782 Counseling Outcome Research and Evaulation 1947-6302 2150-1386 Counselling Psychology Quarterly 0951-5070 1469-3674 Creative Industries Journal 1751-0694 1751-0708 Creativity Research Journal 1040-0419 1532-6934 Criminal Justice Ethics 0731-129X 1937-5948 Criminal Justice Studies 1478-601X 1478-6028 Critical African Studies 2168-1392 2040-7211 Critical Arts 0256-0046 1992-6049 Critical Asian Studies 1467-2715 1472-6033 Critical Discourse Studies 1740-5904 1740-5912 Critical Horizons (A Journal of Philosophy and Social Theory) 1440-9917 1568-5160 Critical Inquiry in Language Studies 1542-7587 1542-7595 Critical Interventions 1930-1944 2326-411X Critical Policy Studies 1946-0171 1946-018X Critical Review 0891-3811 1933-8007 Critical Review of International Social & Political Philosophy 1369-8230 1743-8772 Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry 1040-8347 1547-6510 Critical Reviews In Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 1040-9238 1549-7798 Critical Reviews in Biotechnology 0738-8551 1549-7801 Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology 1064-3389 1547-6537 Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 1040-8398 1549-7852 Critical Reviews in Microbiology 1040-841X 1549-7828 Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 0735-2689 1549-7836 Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences 1040-8436 1547-6561 Critical Studies in Education 1750-8487 1750-8495 Critical Studies in Media Communication 1529-5036 1479-5809 Critical Studies on Terrorism 1753-9153 1753-9161 Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory 0301-7605 1748-8605 Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 0011-1619 1939-9138 Cryptologia 0161-1194 1558-1586 Crystallography Reviews 0889-311X 1476-3508 Cultura y Educacion: Culture and Education 1135-6405 1578-4118 Cultural and Social History 1478-0038 1478-0046 Cultural Studies 0950-2386 1466-4348 Cultural Trends 0954-8963 1469-3690 Culture and Organization 1475-9551 1477-2760 Culture and Religion 1475-5610 1475-5629 Culture, Theory and Critique 1473-5784 1473-5776

Reference number: KB 2018-990 15 / 72 Current Issues in Language Planning 1466-4208 1747-7506 Current Issues in Tourism 1368-3500 1747-7603 Current Writing: Text and Reception in Southern Africa 1013-929X Curriculum Inquiry 0362-6784 1467-873X Curriculum Journal 0958-5176 1469-3704 Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education 2574-2981 2574-299x Cybernetics & Systems 0196-9722 1087-6553 Dance Chronicle 0147-2526 1532-4257 de arte 0004-3389 2471-4100 Deafness & Education International 1464-3154 1557-069X Death Studies 0748-1187 1091-7683 Defence and Peace Economics 1024-2694 1476-8267 Defence and Security Analysis 1475-1798 1475-1801 Defence Studies 1470-2436 1743-9698 Democracy and Security 1741-9166 1555-5860 Democratization 1351-0347 1743-890X Design and Culture 1754-7075 1754-7083 Development in Practice 0961-4524 1364-9213 Development Southern Africa 0376-835X 1470-3637 Developmental Neuropsychology 8756-5641 1532-6942 Deviant Behavior 0163-9625 1521-0456 Diaspora Studies 0973-9572 0976-3457 Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education 1559-5692 1559-5706 Diatom Research 0269-249X SUPP-249X Digital Creativity 1462-6268 1744-3806 Diplomacy & Statecraft 0959-2296 1557-301X Disability & Society 0968-7599 1360-0508 Discourse Processes 0163-853X 1532-6950 Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 0159-6306 1469-3739 disP -The Planning Review 0251-3625 2166-8604 Distance Education 0158-7919 1475-0198 Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory 1600-910X Dix-Neuf: Journal of the Society of Dix-Neuviemistes 1478-7318 Drama Australia Journal 1445-2294 2200-775X Dress (The Journal of the Costume Society of America) 0361-2112 2042-1729 Drying Technology 0737-3937 1532-2300 Dutch Crossing (Journal of Low Country Studies) 0309-6564 1759-7854 Dynamical Systems: An International Journal 1468-9367 1468-9375 Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict 1746-7586 1746-7594 Early Child Development and Care 0300-4430 1476-8275

Reference number: KB 2018-990 16 / 72 Early Education & Development 1040-9289 1556-6935 Early Medieval China 1529-9104 1946-7842 Early Modern French Studies 2056-3035 2056-3043 Early Popular Visual Culture 1746-0654 1746-0662 Early Years 0957-5146 1472-4421 East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal 0012-8325 2313-450X East European Jewish Affairs 1350-1674 1743-971X East European Politics 2159-9165 2159-9173 Eastern European Economics 0012-8775 1557-9298 Eating Disorders 1064-0266 1532-530X Ecological Psychology 1040-7413 1532-6969 Ecology of Food & Nutrition 0367-0244 1543-5237 Econometric Reviews 0747-4938 1532-4168 Economic Geography 0013-0095 1944-8287 Economic History of Developing Regions 2078-0389 2078-0397 Economic Systems Research 0953-5314 1469-5758 Economics of Innovation and New Technology 1043-8599 1476-8364 Economy and Society 0308-5147 1469-5766 Ecoscience 1195-6860 2376-7626 EDPACS: The EDP Audit, Control, and Security Newsletter 0736-6981 1936-1009 Education 3-13: International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education 0300-4279 1475-7575 Education Economics 0964-5292 1469-5782 Educational Action Research 0965-0792 1747-5074 Educational Assessment 1062-7197 1532-6977 Educational Gerontology 0360-1277 1521-0472 Educational Media International 0952-3987 1469-5790 Educational Philosophy and Theory 0013-1857 1469-5812 Educational Psychologist 0046-1520 1532-6985 Educational Psychology 0144-3410 1469-5820 Educational Psychology in Practice 0266-7363 1469-5839 Educational Research 0013-1881 1469-5847 Educational Research & Evaluation 1380-3611 1744-4187 Educational Review 0013-1911 1465-3397 Educational Studies 0305-5698 1465-3400 Educational Studies Online: The Journal of the American Educational Studies Association 0013-1946 1532-6993 Electric Power Components & Systems 1532-5008 1532-5016 Electromagnetics 0272-6343 1532-527X Emerging Markets Finance & Trade 1540-496X 1558-0938 Emotional & Behavioural Difficulties 1363-2752 1741-2692 Emu - Austral Ornithology 0158-4197 1448-5540

Reference number: KB 2018-990 17 / 72 Energy Engineering 0199-8595 1546-0118 Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 1556-7036 1556-7230 Energy Sources, Part B 1556-7249 1556-7257 Engineering Management Journal 1042-9247 2377-0643 Engineering Optimization 0305-215X 1029-0273 Engineering Studies 1937-8629 1940-8374 English Academy Review: A Journal of English Studies 1013-1752 1753-5360 English in Education 0425-0494 1754-8845 English Studies 0013-838X 1744-4217 English Studies in Africa 0013-8398 1943-8117 Enterprise Information Systems 1751-7575 1751-7583 Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 0898-5626 1464-5114 Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 0013-9257 1939-9154 Environmental Archaeology (The Journal of Human Palaeoecology) Online 1461-4103 1749-6314 Environmental Claims Journal 1040-6026 1547-657X Environmental Communication 1752-4032 1752-4040 Environmental Education Research 1350-4622 1469-5871 Environmental Forensics 1527-5922 1527-5930 Environmental Hazards 1747-7891 1878-0059 Environmental Politics 0964-4016 1743-8934 Environmental Practice 1466-0466 1466-0474 Environmental Technology Environmental Technology Reviews 2162-2515 2162-2523 EPE Journal: European Power Electronics and Drives 0939-8368 2376-9319 Epigentics 1559-2294 1559-2308 Equity & Excellence in Education 1066-5684 1547-3457 Ergonomics 0014-0139 1366-5847 Estudios de Psicologia: Studies in Psychology 0210-9395 1579-3699 Ethics & Behavior 1050-8422 1532-7019 Ethics and Education 1744-9642 1744-9650 Ethics and Social Welfare 1749-6535 1749-6543 Ethics, Policy & Environment 1366-879X 1469-6703 Ethnic and Racial Studies 0141-9870 1466-4356 Ethnoarchaeology (Journal of Archaeological, Ethnographic and Experimental Studies) 1944-2890 1944-2904 Ethnography & Education 1745-7823 1745-7831 Ethnomusicology Forum 1741-1912 1741-1920 Ethnopolitics 1744-9057 1744-9065 Ethnos 0014-1844 1469-588X Ethology Ecology & Evolution 0394-9370 1828-7131 Eurasian Geography and Economics 1538-7216 1938-2863

Reference number: KB 2018-990 18 / 72 European Accounting Review 0963-8180 1468-4497 European Competition Journal 1744-1056 1757-8396 European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 1350-293X 1752-1807 European Education 1056-4934 1944-7086 European Journal for Sport and Society 1613-8171 2380-5919 European Journal of Behavior Analysis 1502-1149 2377-729X European Journal of Computational Mechanics 1779-7179 SUPP-7179 European Journal of Developmental Psychology 1740-5629 1740-5610 European Journal of Engineering Education 0304-3797 1469-5898 European Journal of English Studies 1382-5577 1744-4243 European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 1964-8189 SUPP-8189 European Journal of Higher Education 2156-8235 2156-8243 European Journal of Information Systems 960-085x 1476-9344 European Journal of Phycology 0967-0262 1469-4433 European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counselling 1364-2537 1469-5901 European Journal of Social Work 1369-1457 1468-2664 European Journal of Special Needs Education 0885-6257 1469-591X European Journal of Sport Science 1746-1391 1536-7290 European Journal of Teacher Education 0261-9768 1469-5928 European Journal of the History of Economic Thought 0967-2567 1469-5936 European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 1359-432X 1464-0643 European Planning Studies 0965-4313 1469-5944 European Politics and Society 2374-5118 2374-5126 European Review of History 1350-7486 1469-8293 European Review of Social Psychology 1046-3283 1479-277X European Romantic Review 1050-9585 1740-4657 European Security 0966-2839 1746-1545 European Societies 1461-6696 1469-8307 European Sport Management Quarterly 1618-4742 1746-031x Europe-Asia Studies 0966-8136 1465-3427 Exceptionality 0936-2835 1532-7035 Exemplaria: Medieval / Early Modern / Theory 1041-2573 1753-3074 Experimental Aging Research 0361-073X 1096-4657 Experimental Heat Transfer 0891-6152 1521-0480 Experimental Mathematics 1058-6458 1944-950X Exploration Geophysics 0812-3985 1834-7533 Fabrications: The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand 1033-1867 Family & Community History 1463-1180 1751-3812 Fashion Practice 1756-9370 1756-9389 Fashion Theory 1362-704x 1751-7419

Reference number: KB 2018-990 19 / 72 Fat Studies 2160-4851 2160-486X Feminist Economics 1354-5701 1466-4372 Feminist Media Studies 1468-0777 1471-5902 Ferroelectric Letters Section 0731-5171 1563-5228 Ferroelectrics 0015-0193 1563-5112 Fiber & Integrated Optics 0146-8030 1096-4681 Financial Analyst Journal 0015-198X 1938-3312 First Amendment Studies 0899-7225 2168-1430 First World War Studies 1947-5020 1947-5039 Fly 1933-6934 1933-6942 Folk Life (Journal of Ethnological Studies) 0430-8778 1759-670X Folklore 0015-587X 1469-8315 Food & Foodways 0740-9710 1542-3484 Food Additives and Conaminants Part B 1939-3210 1939-3229 Food Additives and Contaminants Part A 1944-0049 1944-0057 Food Biotechnology 0890-5436 1532-4249 Food Reviews International 8755-9129 1525-6103 Food, Culture and Society 1552-8014 1751-7443 Footwear Science 1942-4280 1942-4299 Forests Trees and Livelihoods 1472-8028 2164-3075 Forum for Development Studies 0803-9410 1891-1765 Forum for Social Economics 0736-0932 1874-6381 Free Radical Research 1071-5762 1029-2470 Fullerenes, Nanotubes, and Carbon Nanostructures 1536-383X 1536-4046 Fusion Science and Technology 1536-1055 1943-7641 Gender and Development 1355-2074 1364-9221 Gender and Education 0954-0253 1360-0516 Gender, Place & Culture 0966-369X 1360-0524 Gender, Techology and Development 0971-8524 0973-0656 Geocarto International 1010-6049 1752-0762 Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography 0016-7223 1903-2471 Geografiska Annaler A 0435-3676 1468-0459 Geografiska Annaler B 0435-3684 1468-0467 Geomechanics and Geoengineering: An Intenational Journal 1748-6025 1748-6033 Geomicrobiology Journal 0149-0451 1521-0529 Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dymanics 0309-1929 1029-0419 Geopolitics 1465-0045 1557-3028 Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards 1749-9518 1749-9526 Geosystems Engineering 1226-9328 SUPP-9328 German Politics 0964-4008 1743-8993

Reference number: KB 2018-990 20 / 72 Gerontology & Geriatrics Education 0270-1960 1545-3847 GFF 1103-5897 2000-0863 Gifted and Talented International 1533-2276 2470-9565 GIScience & Remote Sensing 1548-1603 1943-7226 Global Change, Peace & Security 1478-1158 1478-1166 Global Crime 1744-0572 1744-01580 Global Economic Review 1226-508X 1744-3873 Global Society 1360-0826 1469-798X Globalisation, Societies and Education 1476-7724 1476-7732 Globalizations 1474-7731 1474-774X GM Crops & Food 2164-5698 2164-5701 Grana 0017-3134 1651-2049 Green Letters 1468-8417 2168-1414 Griffith Law Review 1038-3441 1839-4205 Gut Microbes 1949-0976 1949-0984 Health Communication 1041-0236 1532-7027 HEALTH MARKETING QUARTERLY 0735-9683 1545-0864 Health Psychology Review 1743-7199 1743-7202 Health Systems 2047-6965 2047-6973 Heat Transfer Engineering 0145-7632 1521-0537 Heritage & Society (formerly Heritage Management) 2159-032X 2159-0338 High Ability Studies 1359-8139 1469-834X High Pressure Research, An International Journal 0895-7959 1477-2299 Higher Education Research and Development 0729-4360 1469-8366 Hispanic Research Journal (Iberian and Latin American Studies) 1468-2737 1745-820X Historical Biology 0891-2963 1029-2381 Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television 0143-9685 1465-3451 Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History 0161-5440 1940-1906 History & Technology, an International Journal 0734-1512 1477-2620 History and Anthropology 0275-7206 1477-2612 History and Philosophy of Logic 0144-5340 1464-5149 History Australia 1449-0854 1833-4881 History of Economics Review 1037-0196 1838-6318 History of Education 0046-760X 1464-5130 History of European Ideas 0191-6599 1873-541x History of Photography 0308-7298 2150-7295 History: Reviews of New Books 0361-2759 1930-8280 HKIE Transactions 1023-697x 2326-3733 Holocaust Studies 1750-4902 2048-4887 Home Cultures 1740-6315 1751-7427

Reference number: KB 2018-990 21 / 72 Housing and Society 0888-2746 2376-0923 Housing Policy Debate 1051-1482 2152-050X Housing Studies 0267-3037 1466-1810 Housing, Theory & Society 1403-6096 1651-2278 Howard Journal of Communication 1064-6175 1096-4649 Human & Ecological Risk Assessment 1080-7039 1549-7860 Human Dimensions of Wildlife 1087-1209 1533-158X Human Performance 0895-9285 1532-7043 Human Resource Development International 1367-8868 1469-8374 Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance 0364-3107 1544-4376 Human-Computer Interaction 0737-0024 1532-7051 Hydrological Sciences Journal 0262-6667 2150-3435 Ibsen Studies 1502-1866 1741-8720 Ichnos: An International Journal of Plant and Animal Traces 1042-0940 1563-5236 Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 1070-289X 1547-3384 Identity 1528-3488 1532-706X IETE Journal of Education 0974-7338 IETE Journal of Research 0377-2063 0974-780X IETE Technical Review 0256-4602 0974-5971 IISE Transactions 0740-817X 1545-8830 IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering 1948-8300 1948-8319 Imago Mundi 0308-5694 1479-7801 Immigrants & Minorities: Historical Studies in Ethnicity, Migration and Diaspora 0261-9288 1744-0521 Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal 1461-5517 1471-5465 India Review 1473-6489 1557-3036 Indian Chemical Engineer 0019-4506 0975-007X Indonesia and the Malay World 1363-9811 1469-8382 Industrial Archaeology Review 0309-0728 1745-8196 Industry & Innovation 1366-2716 1469-8390 Infancia y Aprendizaje: Journal for the Study of Education and Development 0210-3702 1578-4126 Infant Observation 1369-8036 1745-8943 INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research 0315-5986 1619-0615 Information and Communications Technology Law 1360-0834 1469-8404 Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective 1939-3555 1939-3547 Information Systems Management 1058-0530 1934-8703 Information Technology for Development 0268-1102 1554-0170 Information, Communication and Society 1369-118X 1468-4462 Inland Waters 2044-2041 2044-205x Innovation and Development 2157-930X 2157-9318 Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching 1750-1229 1750-1237

Reference number: KB 2018-990 22 / 72 Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice 1447-9338 2204-0226 Innovation: The European Journal of Social Sciences 1351-1610 1469-8412 Innovations in Education & Teaching International 1470-3297 1470-3300 Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry 2470-1556 2470-1564 Inquiry 0020-174X 1502-3923 Instrumentation Science and Technology 1073-9149 1525-6030 Integral Transforms and Special Functions 1065-2469 1476-8291 Integrated Ferroelectrics 1058-4587 1607-8489 Intellectual History Review 1749-6977 1749-6985 Intelligence & National Security 0268-4527 1743-9019 Intelligent Buildings International 1750-8975 1756-6932 Interactive Learning Environments 1049-4820 1744-5191 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 1464-9373 1469-8447 Intercultural Education 1467-5986 1469-8439 Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 0308-0188 1743-2790 Interiors 2041-9112 2041-9120 International Journal Of Hospitality & Tourism Administration 1525-6480 1525-6499 International Critical Thought 2159-8282 2159-8312 International Economic Journal 1016-8737 1743-517X International Feminist Journal of Politics 1461-6742 1468-4470 International Forum of Psychoanalysis 0803-706X 1651-2324 International Gambling Studies 1445-9795 1479-4276 International Geology Review 0020-6814 1938-2839 International History Review 0707-5332 1949-6540 International Interactions 0305-0629 1547-7444 International Journal for Academic Development 1360-144X 1470-1324 International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics 1550-2287 1550-2295 International Journal for the Psychology of Religion 1050-8619 1532-7582 International journal for the Study of the Christian Church 1474-225X 1747-0234 International Journal of Acarology 0164-7954 1945-3892 International Journal of Advanced Logistics 2287-108X 2287-7592 International Journal of Advertising 0265-0487 1759-3948 International Journal of Aerospace Psychology 2472-1840 2472-1832 International Journal of Agricultural science 0976-6898 International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 1473-5903 1747-762X International Journal of Ambient Energy 0143-0750 supp-0750 International Journal of Architectural Heritage: Conservation, Analysis, and Restoration 1558-3058 1558-3066 International Journal of Art Therapy 1745-4832 1745-4840 International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 1367-0050 1747-7522 International Journal of Cast Metals Research 1364-0461 1743-1336

Reference number: KB 2018-990 23 / 72 International Journal of Children's Spirituality 1364-436X 1469-8455 International Journal of Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis 0020-7144 1744-5183 International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization 1939-2699 1939-2702 International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice 0192-4036 2157-6475 International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 1061-8562 1029-0257 International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 0951-192X 1362-3052 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 0020-7160 1029-0265 International Journal of Computers and Applications 1206-212X 1925-7074 International Journal of Construction Education and Research 1557-8771 1550-3984 International Journal of Construction Management 1562-3599 2331-2327 International Journal of Control 0020-7179 1366-5820 International Journal of Crashworthiness 1358-8265 1754-2111 International Journal of Cultural Policy 1028-6632 1477-2833 International Journal of Digital Earth 1753-8947 1753-8955 International Journal of Disability, Development and Education 1034-912X 1465-346X International Journal of Early Years Education 0966-9760 1469-8463 International Journal of Educational Sciences 0965-1122 International Journal of Electronic Commerce 1086-4415 1557-9301 International Journal of Electronics 0020-7217 1362-3060 International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 0306-7319 1369-1619 International Journal of Environmental Health Research 0960-3123 1369-1619 International Journal of Environmental Studies 0020-7233 1029-0400 International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education 1754-3266 1754-3274 International Journal of Fluid Power 1439-9776 2332-1180 International Journal of Food Sciences & Nutrition 0963-7486 1465-3478 International Journal of Forensic Mental Health 1499-9013 1932-9903 International Journal of Forest Engineering 1494-2119 1913-2220 International Journal Of Fruit Science 1553-8362 1553-8621 International Journal of General Systems 0308-1079 1563-5104 International Journal of Geographic Information Science 1365-8816 1362-3087 International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering 1938-6362 1939-7879 International Journal of Green Energy 1543-5075 1543-5083 International Journal of Group Psychotherapy 0020-7284 1943-2836 International Journal of Health Promotion and Education 1463-5240 2164-9545 International Journal of Heritage Studies 1352-7258 1470-3610 International Journal of Housing Policy 1461-6718 1473-3269 International Journal of Human Genetics 0972-3757 International Journal of Human Resource Management 0958-5192 1466-4399 International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction 1044-7318 1532-7590 International Journal of Image and Data Fusion 1947-9832 1947-8924

Reference number: KB 2018-990 24 / 72 International Journal of Inclusive Education 1360-3116 1464-5173 International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion 1745-7300 1745-7319 International Journal of Intelligence & Counterintelligence 0885-0607 1521-0561 International Journal of Leadership in Education 1360-3124 1464-5092 International Journal of Lifelong Education 0260-1370 1464-519X International Journal of Listening 1090-4018 1932-586X International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications 1367-5567 1469-848X International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management 1750-9653 1750-9661 International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 0020-739X 1464-5211 International Journal of Mental Health 0020-7411 1557-9328 International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment 1748-0930 1748-0949 International Journal of Modelling and Simulation 0228-6203 1925-7082 International Journal of Multilingualism 1479-0718 1747-7530 International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 1080-3548 2376-9130 International Journal of Odonatology 1388-7890 SUPP-7890 International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems 1744-5760 1744-5779 International Journal of Pavement Engineering 1029-8436 1477-268X International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport 1474-8185 2474-8668 International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media 1479-4713 2040-0934 International Journal of Pest Management 0967-0874 1366-5863 International Journal of Philosophical Studies 0967-2559 1466-4542 International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 2169-2327 2169-2335 International Journal of Phytoremediation 1522-6514 1549-7879 International Journal of Play 2159-4937 2159-4953 International Journal of Political Economy 0891-1916 1558-0970 International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization 1023-666X 1563-5341 International Journal of Production Research 0020-7543 1366-588X International Journal of Public Administration 0190-0692 1532-4265 International Journal of Qualititative Studies in Education 0951-8398 1366-5898 International Journal of Regional and Local History 2051-4530 2051-4549 International Journal of Remote Sensing 1366-5901 International Journal of Research and Method in Education 1743-727X 1743-7288 International Journal of River Basin Management 1571-5124 1814-2060 International Journal of Science Education 0950-0693 1464-5289 International Journal of Science Education, Part B Communication and Public 2154-8455 International Journal of Social Research Methodology 1364-5579 1464-5300 International Journal of Sociology 0020-7659 1557-9336 International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 1612-197X 1557-251X International Journal of Sport Policy 1940-6940 1940-6959 International Journal of Strategic Communication 1553-118X 1553-1198

Reference number: KB 2018-990 25 / 72 International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 1350-4509 1745-2627 International Journal of Sustainable Energy Online n/a 1478-646X International Journal of Sustainable Engineering 1939-7038 1939-7046 International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 1556-8318 1556-8334 International Journal of Systems Science 0020-7721 1464-5319 International Journal of Testing 1530-5058 1532-7574 International Journal of the Economics of Business 1357-1516 1466-1829 International Journal of the History of Sport 0952-3367 1743-9035 International Journal of the Legal Profession 0969-5958 1469-9257 International Journal of Tourism Sciences 1598-0634 2377-0058 International Journal of Training Research 1448-0220 International Journal of Urban Sciences 1226-5934 International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development 1946-3138 1946-3146 International Journal of Water Resources 0790-0627 1360-0648 International Journal Of Vegetable Science (New Title) 1931-5260 1931-5279 International Journal of Ventilation 1473-3315 2044-4044 International Journal of African Renaissance Studies 1818-6874 1753-7274 International Journal on Media Management 1424-1277 1424-1250 International Materials Reviews 0950-6608 1743-2804 International Multilingual Research Journal 1931-3152 1931-3160 International Peacekeeping 1353-3312 1743-906x International Planning Studies 1356-3475 1469-9265 International Public Management Journal 1096-7494 1559-3169 International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education 1038-2046 1747-7611 International Review of Applied Economics 0269-2171 1465-3486 International Review of Law, Computers & Technology 1360-0869 1364-6885 International Review of Public Administration 1229-4659 2331-7795 International Review of Retail Distribution & Consumer Research 0959-3969 1466-4402 International Review of Sociology 0390-6701 1469-9273 International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology 1750-984X 1750-9858 International Reviews in Physical Chemistry 0144-235X 1366-591X International Spectator 0393-2729 1751-9721 International Studies in Catholic Education 1942-2539 1942-2547 International Studies in Sociology of Education 0962-0214 1747-5066 International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 0269-8595 1469-9281 International Studies of Management & Organization 0020-8825 1558-0911 International Wood Products Journal 2042-6445 2042-6453 Internet Reference Services Quarterly 1087-5301 1540-4749 Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies 1369-801X 1469-929X Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 1741-5977 1741-5985

Reference number: KB 2018-990 26 / 72 Invertebrate Reproduction & Development 0792-4259 2157-0272 Investigations in Mathematics Learning 1947-7503 2472-7466 Investment Analysts Journal 1029-3523 2077-0227 Iran 0578-6967 2396-9202 Iranian Studies 0021-0862 1475-4819 Irish Educational Studies 0332-3315 1747-4965 Irish Political Studies 0790-7184 1743-9078 Irish Studies Review 0967-0882 1469-9303 Ironmaking & Steelmaking (Processes, Products and Applications) 0301-9233 1743-2812 Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations 0959-6410 1469-9311 Islets 1938-2014 1938-2022 Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies 1025-6016 1477-2639 Israel Affairs 1353-7121 1743-9086 Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs 2373-9770 2373-9789 Italian Culture 0161-4622 1559-0909 Italian Studies 0075-1634 1748-6181 Japan Forum 0955-5803 1469-932X Japanese Studies 1037-1397 1469-9338 Javnost - The Public 1318-3222 1854-8377 Jazz Perspectives 1749-4060 1749-4079 Jewish Culture and History 1462-169x Journal for Cultural Research 1479-7585 1740-1666 Journal for Maritime Research 2153-3369 1469-1957 Journal for Specialists in Group Work 0193-3922 1549-6295 Journal for the Study of Spirituality 2044-0243 2044-0251 Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education 1935-7397 1935-7400 Journal Of Access Services 1536-7967 1536-7975 Journal of Adhesion 0021-8464 1545-5823 Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 0169-4243 1568-5616 Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning 1472-9679 1754-0402 Journal of Advertising 0091-3367 1557-7805 Journal Of African Business 1522-8916 1522-9076 Journal of African Cultural Studies 1369-6815 1469-9346 Journal of African Diaspora Archaeology and Heritage 2161-9441 2161-9468 Journal Of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma 1092-6771 1545-083x Journal Of Aging & Social Policy 0895-9420 1545-0821 Journal Of Agricultural & Food Information 1049-6505 1540-4722 Journal Of Agromedicine 1059-924X 1545-0813 Journal of Apicultural Research 0021-8839 2078-6913 Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 1088-8705 1532-7604

Reference number: KB 2018-990 27 / 72 Journal Of Applied Aquaculture 1045-4438 1545-0805 Journal of Applied Communication Research 0090-9882 1479-5752 Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 1166-3081 SUPP-3081 Journal Of Applied School Psychology 1537-7903 1537-7911 Journal Of Applied Security Research 1936-1610 1936-1629 Journal of Applied Sport Psychology 1041-3200 1533-1571 Journal of Applied Statistics 0266-4763 1360-0532 Journal Of Aquatic Food Product Technology 1049-8850 1547-0636 Journal of Arabian Studies 2153-4764 2153-4780 Journal of Architectural Conservation 1355-6207 2326-6384 Journal of Architectural Education 1046-4883 1531-314x Journal Of Archival Organization 1533-2748 1533-2756 Journal of Asian Natural Products Research 1028-6020 1477-2213 Journal of Asian Public Policy 1751-6234 1751-6242 Journal Of Asia-Pacific Business 1059-9231 1528-6940 Journal of Australian Studies 1444-3058 1835-6419 Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies 1944-8953 1944-8961 Journal of Baltic Studies 0162-9778 1751-7877 Journal of Behavioral Finance 1542-7560 1542-7579 Journal of Beliefs & Values 1361-7672 1469-9362 Journal of Biodiversity 0976-6901 Journal of Biological Education 0021-9266 2157-6009 Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature 2231-1866 2231-1874 Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition 0920-5063 1568-5624 Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 0739-1102 1538-0254 Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 1054-3406 1520-5711 Journal Of Bisexuality 1529-9716 1529-9724 Journal of Borderlands Studies 0886-5655 2159-1229 Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 0883-8151 1550-6878 Journal of Bryology 0373-6687 1743-2820 Journal of Building Performance Simulation 1940-1493 1940-1507 Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 0735-0015 1537-2707 Journal Of Business & Finance Librarianship 0896-3568 1547-0644 Journal Of Business To Business Marketing 1051-712X 1547-0628 Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry 0732-8303 1532-2327 Journal of Change Management 1469-7017 1479-1811 Journal of Child & Adolescent Mental Health 1728-0583 1728-0591 Journal Of Child Custody 1537-9418 1537-940x Journal of Child Psychotherapy 0075-417X 1469-9370 Journal Of Child Sexual Abuse 1053-8712 1547-0679

Reference number: KB 2018-990 28 / 72 Journal of Children & Poverty 1079-6126 1469-9389 Journal of Children and Media 1748-2798 1748-2801 Journal Of China Tourism Research 1938-8160 1938-8179 Journal of Chinese Cinema 1750-8061 1750-807X Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies 1476-5284 1476-5292 Journal of Civil Society 1744-8689 1744-8697 Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 1380-3395 1744-411x Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 1537-4416 1537-4424 Journal of Cognition and Development 1524-8372 1532-7647 Journal of Cognitive Psychology 2044-5911 2044-592X Journal of College and Character 2194-587x 1940-1639 Journal of College Reading and Learning 1079-0195 2332-7413 Journal Of College Student Psychotherapy 8756-8225 1540-4730 Journal of Commonwealth & Comparative Politics 1466-2043 1743-9094 Journal of Communication 0976-691X Journal Of Community Practice 1070-5422 1543-3706 Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis 1387-6988 1572-5448 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 1061-8600 1537-2715 Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport 0041-1450 1532-2424 Journal of Computer Information Systems 0887-4417 2380-2057 Journal of Conflict Archaeology 1574-0773 1574-0781 Journal of Constructivist Psychology 1072-0537 1521-0650 Journal Of Consumer Health On The Internet 1539-8285 1539-8293 Journal of Contemporary African Studies 0258-9001 1469-9397 Journal of Contemporary Asia 0047-2336 1752-7554 Journal of Contemporary Central and Eastern Europe 2573-9638 2573-9646 Journal of Contemporary China 1067-0564 1469-9400 Journal of Contemporary European Studies 1478-2804 1478-2790 Journal of Contemporary Religion 1353-7903 1469-9419 Journal Of Convention & Event Tourism 1547-0148 1547-0156 Journal of Co-ordination Chemistry 0095-8972 1029-0389 Journal of Corporate Law Studies 1473-5970 1757-8426 Journal of Cost Analysis and Parametrics 1941-658X SUPP-658X Journal of Counselor Leadership and Advocacy 2326-716X 2326-7178 Journal Of Couple & Relationship Therapy 1533-2691 1533-2683 Journal Of Creativity In Mental Health 1540-1383 1540-1391 Journal of Crime and Justice 0735-648X 2158-9119 Journal of Criminal Justice Education 1051-1253 1745-9117 Journal of Critical Realism 1476-7430 1572-5138 Journal Of Crop Improvement 1542-7528 1542-7536

Reference number: KB 2018-990 29 / 72 Journal Of Culinary Science & Technology 1542-8052 1542-8044 Journal of Cultural Economy 1753-0350 1753-0369 Journal of Cultural Geography 0887-3631 1940-6320 Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising 1064-1734 2164-7313 Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy 1550-5170 2156-8154 Journal of Curriculum Studies 0022-0272 1366-5839 Journal of Dance Education 1529-0824 2158-074X Journal of Decision Systems 1246-0125 SUPP-0125 Journal of Development Effectiveness 1943-9342 1943-9407 Journal of Development Studies 0022-0388 1743-9140 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 1023-6198 1563-5120 Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education 2153-2974 Journal of Disability & Religion 1522-8967 1522-9122 Journal of discrete mathematical Sciences and Cryptography 0972-0529 2169-0065 Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 0193-2691 1532-2351 Journal Of Divorce & Remarriage 1050-2556 1540-4811 Journal of Dynamical Systems and Geometric Theories 1726-037X 2169-0057 Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education 1090-1027 1745-5642 Journal of Early Christian History 2222-582x 2471-4054 Journal of Earthquake Engineering 1363-2469 1559-808X Journal of Eastern African Studies 1753-1055 1753-1063 Journal Of East-West Business 1066-9868 1528-6959 Journal of Economic Issues 0021-3624 1946-326X Journal of Economic Methodology 1350-178X 1469-9427 Journal of Economic Policy Reform 1748-7870 1748-7889 Journal of Economics 0976-5239 Journal of Ecotourism 1472-4049 1747-7638 Journal of Education and Work 1363-9080 1469-9435 Journal of Education for Business 0883-2323 1940-3356 Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk (JESPAR) 1082-4669 1532-7671 Journal of Education for Teaching 0260-7476 1360-0540 Journal of Education Policy 0268-0939 1464-5106 Journal of Educational Administration and History 0022-0620 1478-7431 Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation 1047-4412 1532-768X Journal Of Elder Abuse & Neglect 0894-6566 1540-4129 Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 1745-7289 1745-7297 Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 0920-5071 1569-3937 Journal Of Electronic Resources In Medical Libraries 1542-4065 1542-4073 Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship 1941-126X 1941-1278 Journal of Energetic Materials 0737-0652 1545-8822

Reference number: KB 2018-990 30 / 72 Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law 0264-6811 2376-4538 Journal of Engineering Design 0954-4828 1466-1837 Journal of Enterprise Transformation 1948-8289 1948-8297 Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 2160-6544 2160-6552 Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 0964-0568 1360-0559 Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 1523-908X 1522-7200 Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 1093-4529 1532-4117 Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B 1059-0501 1532-4095 Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B 0360-1234 1532-4109 Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants 0972-060x 0976-5026 Journal of Essential Oil Research 1041-2905 2163-8152 Journal Of Ethnic And Cultural Diversity In Social Work 1531-3204 1531-3212 Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 1369-183X 1469-9451 Journal Of Ethnicity In Criminal Justice 1537-7938 1537-7946 Journal of European Integration 0703-6337 1477-2280 Journal of European Public Policy 1350-1763 1466-4429 Journal of Evidence-Informed Social Work 2376-1407 2376-1415 Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence Online 0952-813X 1362-3079 Journal of Family Communication 1526-7431 1532-7698 Journal Of Family Psychotherapy 0897-5353 1540-4080 Journal Of Family Social Work 1052-2158 1540-4072 Journal of Family Studies 1322-9400 1839-3543 Journal Of Feminist Family Therapy 0895-2833 1540-4099 Journal of Field Archaeology 0093-4690 2042-4582 Journal Of Food Products Marketing 1045-4446 1540-4102 Journal Of Foodservice Business Research 1537-8020 1537-8039 Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 1478-9949 1478-9957 Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice 1522-8932 1522-9092 Journal of Forest Research 1341-6979 1610-7403 Journal of Further and Higher Education 0309-877X 1469-9486 Journal Of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health 1935-9705 1935-9713 Journal Of Gay & Lesbian Social Services 1053-8720 1540-4056 Journal of Gender Studies 0958-9236 1465-3869 Journal of Genocide Research 1462-3528 1469-9494 Journal of Geography 0025-1341 1752-6868 Journal of Geography in Higher Education 0309-8265 1466-1845 Journal of Geoscience 1089-9995 Journal Of Gerontological Social Work 0163-4372 1540-4048 Journal Of Glbt Family Studies 1550-428X 1550-4298 Journal of Global Ethics 1744-9626 1744-9634

Reference number: KB 2018-990 31 / 72 Journal of Global Fashion Marketing: Bridging Fashion and Marketing 2093-2685 2325-4483 Journal of Global Information Technology Management 1097-198X 2333-6846 Journal Of Global Marketing 0891-1762 1528-6975 Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science: Bridging Asia and the World 2163-9159 2163-9167 Journal of Graphic Novels & Comics 2150-4857 2150-4865 Journal Of Health Care Chaplaincy 0885-4726 1528-6916 Journal of Health Communication 1081-0730 1087-0415 Journal Of Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants 1049-6475 1540-3580 Journal of Heritage Tourism 1734-873X 1474-6631 Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management 1360-080X 1469-9508 Journal of Histotechnology 0147-8885 2046-0236 Journal Of Homosexuality 0091-8369 1540-3602 Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 1462-0316 2380-4084 Journal Of Hospital Librarianship 1532-3269 1532-3277 Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education 1096-3758 2325-6540 Journal Of Hospitality Marketing & Management 1936-8623 1936-8631 Journal Of Housing For The Elderly 0276-3893 1540-353x Journal Of Human Behavior In The Social Environment 1091-1359 1540-3556 Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 1945-2829 1945-2837 Journal of Human Ecology 0970-9274 Journal Of Human Resources In Hospitality & Tourism 1533-2845 1533-2853 Journal of Human Rights 1475-4835 1475-4843 Journal Of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition 1932-0248 1932-0256 Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 0971-5010 2164-3040 Journal of Hydraulic Research 0022-1686 1814-2079 Journal of Iberian & Latin American Studies 1470-1847 1469-9524 Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research 1326-0219 2151-9668 Journal Of Immigrant & Refugee Studies 1556-2948 1556-2956 Journal of Immunoassay and Immunochemistry 1532-1819 1532-4230 Journal of Imperial & Commonwealth History 0308-6534 1743-9329 Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering 1017-0669 2151-7606 Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy 1528-9168 1940-9214 Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences 0252-2667 2169-0103 Journal Of Information Technology & Politics 1933-1681 1933-169x Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research 2333-6897 Journal of Intelligence History 1616-1262 2169-5601 Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 1547-2450 1547-2442 Journal of Interactive Advertising n/a 1525-2019 Journal of Intercultural Communication Research 1747-5749 1747-5767 Journal of Intercultural Studies 0725-6868 1469-9540

Reference number: KB 2018-990 32 / 72 Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics 0972-0502 2169-012X Journal Of Intergenerational Relationships 1535-0770 1535-0932 Journal Of Interlibrary Loan,Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve 1072-303X 1540-3572 Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy 2169-9763 2169-978x Journal of International and Intercultural Communication 1751-3057 1751-3065 Journal Of International Consumer Marketing 0896-1530 1528-7068 Journal Of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing 0897-4438 1528-6983 Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy 1388-0292 1548-1476 Journal Of Internet Commerce 1533-2861 1533-287x Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding 1750-2977 1750-2985 Journal of Island & Coastal Archaeology 1556-4894 1556-1828 Journal of Israeli History 1353-1042 1744-0548 Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema 1756-4905 1756-4913 Journal of Jewish Education 1524-4113 1554-611X Journal of Land Use Science 1747-423X 1747-4248 Journal of Landscape Architecture 1862-6033 Journal of Language, Identity & Education 1534-8458 1532-7701 Journal of Language, Literature and Culture 2051-2856 2051-2864 Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies 1356-9325 1469-9575 Journal of Latinos and Education 1534-8431 1532-771X Journal of Legal History 0144-0365 1744-0564 Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law 0732-9113 2305-9931 Journal of Legislative Studies 1357-2334 1743-9337 Journal of Leisure Research 0022-2216 2159-6417 Journal Of Lesbian Studies 1089-4160 1540-3548 Journal Of Lgbt Issues In Counseling 1553-8605 1553-8338 Journal Of Lgbt Youth 1936-1653 1936-1661 Journal Of Library & Information Services In Distance Learning 1533-290x 1533-2918 Journal Of Library Administration 0193-0826 1540-3564 Journal Of Library Metadata 1938-6389 1937-5034 Journal of Life Sciences 0975-1270 Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies 1082-6076 1520-572x Journal of Literary Studies 0256-4718 1753-5387 Journal of Location Based Services Online 1748-9725 1748-9733 Journal of Loss and Trauma: International Perspectives on Stress and Coping 1532-5024 1532-5032 Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry 1060-1325 1520-5738 Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B: Physics 0022-2348 1525-609X Journal of Management Information Systems 0742-1222 1557-928X Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion 1476-6086 1942-258x Journal Of Map And Geography Libraries 1542-0353 1542-0361

Reference number: KB 2018-990 33 / 72 Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology 2046-4177 2056-8487 Journal Of Marketing Channels 1046-669X 1540-7039 Journal of Marketing Communications 1352-7266 1466-4445 Journal Of Marketing For Higher Education 0884-1241 1540-7144 Journal of Marketing Management 0267-257X 1472-1376 Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice 1069-6679 1944-7175 Journal of Mathematical Sociology 0022-250X 1545-5874 Journal of Mathematics and Music 1745-9737 1745-9745 Journal of Mathematics and the Arts 1751-3472 1751-3480 Journal of Media and Religion 1534-8423 1534-8415 Journal of Media Business Studies 1652-2354 2376-2977 Journal of Media Economics 0899-7764 1532-7736 Journal of Media Ethics 0890-0523 1532-7728 Journal of Media Law 1757-7632 1757-7640 Journal of Medieval History 0304-4181 1873-1279 Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies 1754-6559 1754-6567 Journal of Mental Health 0963-8237 1360-0567 Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities 1931-5864 1931-5872 Journal of Microwave Power & Electromagnetic Engergy 0832-7823 1020-SUPL Journal of Military Ethics 1502-7570 1502-7589 Journal of Modern Chinese History 1753-5654 1753-5662 Journal of Modern Italian Studies 1354-571X 1469-9583 Journal of Modern Jewish Studies 1472-5886 1472-5894 Journal of Modern Optics 0950-0340 1362-3044 Journal of Moral Education 0305-7240 1465-3877 Journal of Motor Behavior 0022-2895 1940-1027 Journal of Multicultural Discourses 1744-7143 Journal of Multilingual & Multicultural Development 0413-4632 1747-7557 Journal of Museum Education 1059-8650 2051-6169 Journal of Musical Arts in Africa 1812-1004 2070-626X Journal of Musicological Research 0141-1896 1547-7304 Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 1360-2004 1469-9591 Journal of Natal and Zulu History 0259-0123 2521-8875 Journal Of Natural Fibers 1544-0478 1544-046x Journal of Natural History 0022-2933 1464-5262 Journal of New Music Research 0929-8215 1744-5027 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 1402-9251 1776-0852 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 1048-5252 1029-0311 Journal Of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing 1049-5142 1540-6997 Journal of North African Studies 1362-9387 1743-9345

Reference number: KB 2018-990 34 / 72 Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 0022-3131 1881-1248 Journal of Occupational & Environmental Hygiene 1545-9624 1545-9632 Journal Of Offender Rehabilitation 1050-9674 1540-8558 Journal of Operational Oceanography 1755-876X 1755-8778 Journal Of Organizational Behavior Management 0160-8061 1540-8604 Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce 1091-9392 1532-7744 Journal of Paper Conservation 1868-0860 2057-1682 Journal of Pastoral Theology 1064-9867 2161-4504 Journal of Peace Education 1740-0201 1470-021X Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 0885-3134 Journal of Personality Assessment 0022-3891 1532-7752 Journal of Physical Education Recreation & Dance 0730-3084 2168-3816 Journal of Plant Nutrition 0190-4167 1532-4087 Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography 0083-7792 2169-4060 Journal of Poetry Therapy 0889-3675 1567-2344 Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism 1833-5330 2159-5364 Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events 1940-7963 1940-7971 Journal of Political Ideologies 1356-9317 1469-9613 Journal Of Political Marketing 1537-7857 1537-7865 Journal of Political Power 2158-379X 2158-3803 Journal of Political Science Education 1551-2169 1551-2177 Journal of Popular Film and Television 0195-6051 1930-6458 Journal of Post Keynesian Economics 0160-3477 1557-7821 Journal of Postcolonial Writing 1744-9855 1744-9863 Journal Of Poverty 1087-5549 1540-7608 Journal of Private International Law 1744-1048 1757-8418 Journal of Professional Counseling: Practice, Theory & Research 1556-6382 2168-9156 Journal Of Progessive Human Services 1042-8232 1540-7616 Journal Of Promotion Management 1049-6491 1540-7594 Journal of Property Research 0959-9916 1466-4453 Journal of Psychology 0976-4224 Journal of Psychology in Africa 1433-0237 1815-5626 Journal Of Psychosocial Oncology 0734-7332 1540-7586 Journal of Public Affairs Education 1523-6803 2328-9643 Journal Of Public Child Welfare 1554-8732 1554-8740 Journal of Public Relations Research 1062-726X 1532-754X Journal Of Quality Assurance In Hospitality & Tourism 1528-008X 1528-0098 Journal of Quality Technology 0022-4065 2575-6230 Journal of Quantitative Linguistics 0929-6174 1744-5035 Journal of Radio and Audio Media 1937-6529 1937-6537

Reference number: KB 2018-990 35 / 72 Journal Of Relationship Marketing 1533-2667 1533-2675 Journal Of Religion & Spirituality In Social Work: Social Thought 1542-6432 1542-6440 Journal Of Religion, Spirituality & Aging 1552-8030 1552-8049 Journal Of Religious & Theological Information 1047-7845 1528-6948 Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 0264-6838 1469-672X Journal of Research in Childhood Education 0256-8543 2150-2641 Journal of Research on Christian Education 1065-6219 1934-4945 Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 1934-5747 1934-5739 Journal of Research on Technology in Education 1539-1523 1945-0818 Journal of Risk Research 1366-9877 1466-4461 Journal of Russian & East European Psychology 1061-0405 1558-0415 Journal Of School Choice 1558-2159 1558-2167 Journal Of School Violence 1538-8220 1538-8239 Journal of Science Teacher Education 1046-560X 1573-1847 Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy 0092-623X 1521-0715 Journal of Sexual Aggression 1355-2600 1742-6545 Journal of Simulation 1747-7778 1747-7786 Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship 0827-6331 2169-2610 Journal of Social Entrepreneurship 1942-0676 1942-0684 Journal of Social Sciences 0971-8923 Journal Of Social Service Research 0148-8376 1540-7314 Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 0964-9069 1469-9621 Journal of Social Work Education 1043-7797 2163-5811 Journal Of Social Work In End-Of-Life & Palliative Care 1552-4256 1552-4264 Journal of Social Work Practice 0265-0533 1465-3885 Journal Of Social Work Practice In The Addictions 1533-256X 1533-2578 Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology 0976-6634 Journal of Southeast European and Black Sea Studies 1468-3857 1743-9639 Journal of Southern African Studies 0305-7070 1465-3893 Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies 1463-6204 1469-9818 Journal of Spatial Science 1449-8596 1836-5655 Journal Of Spirituality In Mental Health 1934-9637 1934-9645 Journal of Sport & Tourism 1477-5085 1029-5399 Journal of Sport Psychology in Action 2152-0704 2152-0712 Journal of Sports Sciences 0264-0414 1466-447X Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 0094-9655 1563-5163 Journal of Statistics and Management Systems 0972-0510 2169-0014 Journal of Strategic Marketing 0965-254X 1466-4488 Journal of Strategic Studies 0140-2390 1743-937x Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice 1949-6591 1949-6605

Reference number: KB 2018-990 36 / 72 Journal of Sulfur Chemistry 1741-5993 1741-6000 Journal of Sustainable Cement Based Materials 2165-0373 2165-0381 Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment 2043-0795 2043-0809 Journal Of Sustainable Forestry 1054-9811 1540-756x Journal of Sustainable Tourism 0966-9582 1747-7646 Journal of Systematic Paleontology 1477-2019 1478-0941 Journal Of Teaching In International Business 0897-5930 1528-6991 Journal Of Teaching In Social Work 0884-1233 1540-7349 Journal Of Teaching In Travel & Tourism 1531-3220 1531-3239 Journal Of Technology In Human Services 1522-8835 1522-8991 Journal of the African Literature Association 2167-4736 2167-4744 Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 1096-2247 SUPP-3289 Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 0197-1360 1945-2330 Journal of the American Planning Association 0194-4363 1939-0130 Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists 0361-0470 1943-7854 Journal of the American Statistical Association 0162-1459 1537-274X Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy 1354-7860 1469-9648 Journal of the British Archaeological Association 0068-1288 1747-6704 Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 0007-1773 2332-0486 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers 0253-3839 2158-7299 Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association 1812-4461 2224-7963 Journal of the History of the Neurosciences 0964-704X 1744-5213 Journal of the Indian Ocean Region 1948-0881 1948-108x Journal of the Institute of Conservation 1945-5224 1945-5232 Journal of the Learning Sciences 1050-8406 1532-7809 Journal of the Operational Research Society 0160-5682 1476-9360 Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 0094-8705 1543-2939 Journal of the Royal Musical Association 0269-0403 1471-6933 Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 0303-6758 1175-8899 Journal of the Textile Institute 0040-5000 1754-2340 Journal of Thermal Stresses 0149-5739 1521-074X Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change 1476-6825 1747-7654 Journal of Tourism History 1755-182X 1755-1838 Journal of Toxicology & Environmental Health Part A: Current Issues 1528-7394 1087-2620 Journal of Toxicology & Environmental Health Part B: Critical Reviews 1093-7404 1521-6950 Journal Of Transnational Management 1547-5778 1547-5786 Journal of Transportation Safety & Security 1943-9962 1943-9970 Journal Of Trauma & Dissociation 1529-9732 1529-9740 Journal Of Travel & Tourism Marketing 1054-8408 1540-7306 Journal of Turbulence (Online) n/a 1468-5248

Reference number: KB 2018-990 37 / 72 Journal of Urban Affairs 0735-2166 1467-9906 Journal of Urban Design 1357-4809 1469-9664 Journal of Urban Technology 1063-0732 1466-1853 Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainabilty 1754-9175 1754-9183 Journal of War & Culture Studies 1752-6272 1752-6280 Journal Of Web Librarianship 1932-2909 1932-2917 Journal of Verterbrate Paleontology 0272-4634 1937-2809 Journal of Wetland Archaeology 1473-2971 2051-6231 Journal of Wine Research 0957-1264 1469-9672 Journal of Visual Art Practice 1470-2029 1758-9185 Journal of Visual Literacy 1051-144X 2379-6529 Journal of Vocational Education and Training 1363-6820 1747-5090 Journal Of Women & Aging 0895-2841 1540-7322 Journal of Women and Gender in Higher Education 2637-9112 2637-9120 Journal Of Women, Politics & Policy 1554-477X 1554-4788 Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology 0277-3813 1532-2319 Journal Of Workplace Behavioral Health 1555-5240 1555-5259 Journal of Youth Studies 1367-6261 1469-9680 Journalism Practice 1751-2786 1751-2794 Journalism Studies 1461-670x 1469-9699 Judicial Review 1085-4681 1757-8434 Jung Journal 1934-2039 1934-2047 Jurisprudence 2040-3313 2040-3321 Justice Quarterly 0741-8825 1745-9109 Justice System Journal 0098-261X 2327-7556 Kappa Delta Pi Record 0022-8958 2163-1611 King's Law Journal 0961-5768 1757-8442 KIVA: Journal of Southwestern Anthropology and History 0023-1940 2051-6177 Knowledge Management Research and Practice 1477-8238 1477-8246 Konsthistorisk Tidskrift 0023-3609 1651-2294 Labor History 0023-656X 1469-9702 Labour & Industry: A Journal of the Social and Economic Relations of Work 1030-1763 2325-5676 Lake and Reservoir Management 1040-2381 2151-5530 Landscape History 0143-3768 2160-2506 Landscape Research 0142-6397 1469-9710 Landscapes 1466-2035 2040-8153 Language & History 1759-7536 1759-7544 Language & Intercultural Communication 1470-8477 1747-759X Language Acquisition 1048-9223 1532-7817 Language and Education 0950-0782 1747-7581

Reference number: KB 2018-990 38 / 72 Language Assessment Quarterly 1543-4303 1543-4311 Language Awareness 0965-8416 1747-7565 Language Cognition and Neuroscience 2327-3798 2327-3801 Language Learning and Development 1547-5441 1547-3341 Language Learning Journal 0957-1736 1753-2167 Language Matters 1022-8195 1753-5395 Language, culture and Curriculum 0790-8318 1747-7573 Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition 1357-650X 1464-0678 Latin American and Carribean Ethnic Studies 1744-2222 1744-2230 Latin American Business Review 1097-8526 1528-6932 Law & Literature 1535-685X 1541-2601 Law and Financial Markets Review 1752-1440 1752-1459 Law and Humanities 1752-1483 1752-1491 Law Innovation and Technology 1757-9961 1757-997X Leadership & Policy in Schools 1570-0763 1744-5043 Learning Media & Technology 1743-9884 1743-9892 Legal Ethics 1460-728x 1757-8450 Legal Reference Services Quarterly 0270-319X 1540-949x Leisure Sciences 0149-0400 1521-0588 Leisure Studies 0261-4367 1466-4496 Leisure/Loisir 1492-7713 2151-2221 LEUKOS: The Journal of the Illuminating Engineering Society 1550-2724 1550-2716 Levant: The Journal of the Council for British Research in the Levant 0075-8914 1756-3801 Library & Information History 1758-3489 1758-3497 Library Collections, Acquisitions and Technical Services 1464-9055 1873-1821 Life Writing 1448-4528 1751-2964 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 0308-1087 1563-5139 Liquid Crystals 0267-8292 1366-5855 Lit: Literature Interpretation Theory 1043-6928 1545-5866 Literacy Research & Instruction 1938-8071 1938-8063 Lithic Technology 0197-7261 2051-6185 Liturgy 0458-063X 1557-3001 Local Environment 1354-9839 1469-6711 Local Government Studies 0300-3930 1743-9388 Logistique & Management 1250-7970 2777-9640 Loisir et Societe / Society and Leisure 0705-3436 1705-0154 mAbs 1942-0862 1942-0870 Machining Science & Technology 1091-0344 1532-2483 Macroeconomics and Finance in Emerging Market Economies 1752-0843 1752-0851 Management & Organizational History 1744-9359 1744-9367

Reference number: KB 2018-990 39 / 72 Managing Sport and Leisure 2375-0472 2375-0480 Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology 1023-6244 1029-0362 Marine Biology Research 1745-1000 1745-1019 Marine Geodesy 0149-0419 1521-060X Marine Georesources & Geotechnology 1064-119X 1521-0618 Maritime Affairs:Journal of the National Maritime Foundation of India 0973-3159 1946-6609 Maritime Policy & Management 0308-8839 1464-5254 Marketing Education Review 1052-8008 2153-9987 Marriage & Family Review 0149-4929 1540-9635 Mass Communication and Society 1520-5436 1532-7825 Material Religion 1743-2200 1751-8342 Materials and Manufacturing Processes 1042-6914 1532-2475 Materials at High Temperatures 0960-3409 1878-6413 Materials Research Innovations Online 1432-8917 1433-075X Materials Science and Technology 0267-0836 1743-2847 Materials Technology (Advanced Performance Materials) 1066-7857 1753-5557 Math Horizon 1072-4117 1947-6213 Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems 1387-3954 1744-5051 Mathematical Population Studies 0889-8480 1547-724x Mathematical Thinking and Learning 1098-6065 1532-7833 Mathematics Magazine 0025-570X 1930-0980 Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development 0748-1756 2150-1378 Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science 1091-367X 1532-7841 Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research & Perspective 1536-6367 1536-6359 Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines 1539-7734 1539-7742 Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 1537-6494 1537-6532 Media Asia 0129-6612 2377-6277 Media History 1368-8804 1469-9729 Media Practice and Education 1468-2753 2040-0926 Media Psychology 1521-3269 1532-785X Medical Anthropology 0145-9740 1545-5882 Medical Reference Services Quarterly 0276-3869 1540-9567 Medicine Conflict & Survival 1362-3699 1743-9396 Medieval Archaeology 0076-6097 1745-817X Medieval Mystical Theology 2046-5726 2046-5734 Medieval Sermon Studies 1366-0691 1749-6276 Mediterranean Historical Review 0951-8967 1743-940x Mediterranean Politics 1362-9395 1743-9418 Memory 0965-8211 1464-0686 Mental Health, Religion & Culture 1367-4676 1469-9737

Reference number: KB 2018-990 40 / 72 Mentoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning 1361-1267 1469-9745 Metaphor and Symbol 1092-6488 1532-7868 Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 0146-1109 2327-4271 Middle East Critique 1943-6149 1943-6157 Middle East Development Journal 1793-8120 1793-8171 Middle Eastern Literatures 1475-262X 1475-2638 Middle Eastern Studies 0026-3206 1743-7881 Middle School Journal 0094-0771 2327-6223 Midland History 0047-729X 1756-381X Migration and Development 2163-2324 2163-2332 Military Psychology 0899-5605 1532-7876 Mind, Culture, and Activity 1074-9039 1532-7884 Mineral Processing & Extractive Metallurgy Review 0882-7508 1547-7401 Mineral Processing and Extractice Metallurgy 0371-9553 1743-2855 Ming Studies 0147-037X 1759-7595 Mining Technology (Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy: Section A) 1474-9009 1743-2863 Mitochondrial DNA Part A 2470-1394 2470-1408 Mobilities 1745-0101 1745-011x Modern and Contemporary France 0963-9489 1469-9869 Molecular Crystals & Liquid Crystals 1542-1406 1543-5318 Molecular Physics:An International Journal at the Interface Between Chemistry and Physics 0026-8976 1362-3028 Molecular Simulation 0892-7022 1029-0435 Molluscan Research 1323-5818 1448-6067 Monographs of the Palaeontographical Society 0269-3445 2576-1900 Monumenta Serica: Journal of Oriental Studies 0254-9948 2057-1690 Mortality 1357-6275 1469-9885 Multicultural Education Review 2005-615X 2377-0031 Multicultural Perspectives 1521-0960 1532-7892 Multivariate Behavioral Research 0027-3171 1532-7906 Museum History Journal 1936-9816 1936-9824 Museum Management and Curatorship 0964-7775 1872-9185 Museums & Social Issues (A Journal of Reflective Discourse) 1559-6893 2051-6193 Music Education Research 1461-3808 1469-9907 Music Reference Services Quarterly 1058-8167 1540-9503 Musicology Australia 0814-5857 1949-453X Muziki 1812-5980 1753-593x Mycologia 0027-5514 1557-2536 NACLA Report on the Americas 1071-4839 2471-2620 NAEA News 0160-6395 2471-7339 Names: A Journal of Onomastics 0027-7738 1756-2279

Reference number: KB 2018-990 41 / 72 Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering 1556-7265 1556-7273 National Identities 1460-8944 1469-9907 Nationalism & Ethnic Politics 1353-7113 1557-2986 Natural Product Research [Part A and Part B] 1478-6419 1029-2349 Ñawpa Pacha (Journal of Andean Archaeology) 0077-6297 2051-6207 Neurocase 1355-4794 1465-3656 Neuropsychoanalysis 1529-4145 2044-3978 Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 0960-2011 1464-0694 Neutron News 1044-8632 1931-7352 New Genetics & Society 1463-6778 1469-9915 New Political Economy 1356-3467 1469-9923 New Political Science 0739-3148 1469-9931 New Review of Academic Librarianship 1361-4533 1740-7834 New Review of Children's Literature and Librarianship 1361-4541 1740-7885 New Review of Film & Television Studies 1740-0309 1740-7923 New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 1361-4568 1740-7842 New Review of Information Networking 1361-4576 1740-7869 New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative W 1479-0726 7777-7777 New Zealand Economic Papers 0077-9954 1943-4863 New Zealand Entomologist 0077-9962 1179-3430 New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research 0028-8233 1175-8778 New Zealand Journal of Botany 0028-825X 1175-8643 New Zealand Journal of Crop & Horticultural Science 0114-0671 1175-8783 New Zealand Journal of Geology & Geophysics 0028-8306 1175-8791 New Zealand Journal of Marine & Freshwater Research 0028-8330 1175-8805 New Zealand Journal of Zoology 0301-4223 1175-8821 New Zealand Veterinary Journal 0048-0169 1176-0710 Nineteenth Century Contexts 0890-5495 1477-2663 Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation 1058-9759 1477-2671 NORA-Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research 0803-8740 1502-394X Nordic Journal of Criminology 1404-3858 1651-2340 Nordic Journal of Human Rights 1891-8131 1891-814X Nordic Journal of Music Therapy 0809-8131 1944-8260 Nordic Psychology 1901-2276 1904-0016 Nordic Social Work Research 2156-857X 2156-8588 Norma-International Journal of Masculinity Studies 1890-2138 1890-2146 Norsk Geografisk Tidsskr 0029-1951 1502-5292 North American Actuarial Journal 1092-0277 Northern History 0078-172X 1745-8706 Norwegian Archaeological Review 0029-3652 1502-7678

Reference number: KB 2018-990 42 / 72 Nuclear Physics News 1050-6896 1931-7336 Nuclear Science and Engineering 0029-5639 1943-748x Nuclear Technology 0029-5450 1943-7471 Nucleosides, Nucleotides, and Nucleic Acids 1525-7770 1532-2335 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 0163-0563 1532-2467 Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications 1040-7782 1521-0634 Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals 1040-7790 1521-0626 Ocean Development & International Law 0090-8320 1521-0642 Open Learning: The Journal of Open and Distance Learning 0268-0513 1469-9958 Optimization 0233-1934 1029-4945 Optimization Methods and Software 1055-6788 1029-4937 Organic Preparations and Procedures International: The New Journal for Organic 0030-4948 9999-4948 Organization Management Journal 1541-6518 Organogenesis 1547-6278 1555-8592 Oriental Insects 0030-5316 2157-8745 Ostrich - Journal of African Ornithology 0030-6525 1727-947X Oxford Development Studies 1360-0818 1469-9966 Oxford German Studies 0078-7191 1745-9214 Oxford Review of Education 0305-4985 1465-3915 Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal 1472-9342 1757-8469 Ozone: Science & Engineering 0191-9512 1547-6545 Pacific Rim Property Research Journal 1444-5921 2201-6716 Paedagogica Historica 0030-9230 1477-674X Palestine Exploration Quarterly 0031-0328 1743-1301 Palynology 0191-6122 1558-9188 Parallax 1353-4645 1460-700X Parenting 1529-5192 1532-7922 Parliaments, Estates and Representation 0260-6755 1947-248X Particulate Science and Technology 0272-6351 1548-0046 Pastoral Care in Education: An International Journal of Personal, Social and Em 0264-3944 1468-0122 Patterns of Prejudice 0031-322X 1461-7331 Peabody Journal of Education 0161-956X 1532-7930 Peace Review 1040-2659 1469-9982 Pedagogies: An International Journal 1554-480X 1554-4818 Pedagogy, Culture & Society 1468-1366 1747-5104 Performance Research 1352-8165 1469-9990 Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies 1477-9757 1752-9182 Perspectives on Political Science 1045-7097 1930-5478 Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 1360-3108 1460-7018 Perspectives: Studies in Translation Theory and Practice 0907-676X 1747-6623

Reference number: KB 2018-990 43 / 72 Petroleum Science and Technology 1091-6466 1532-2459 Phase Transitions, A Multinational Journal 0141-1594 1029-0338 Philippine Political Science Journal 0115-4451 2165-025x Philosophical Explorations 1386-9795 1741-5918 Philosophical Magazine 1478-6435 1478-6443 Philosophical Magazine Letters 0950-0839 1362-3036 Philosophical Papers 0556-8641 1996-8523 Philosophical Psychology 0951-5089 1465-394X Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon and the Related Elements 1042-6507 1563-5325 photographies 1754-0763 1754-0771 Photography and Culture 1751-4517 1751-4525 Phycologia 0031-8884 2330-2968 Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy 1740-8989 1742-5786 Physical Geography 0272-3646 1930-0557 Physics and Chemistry of Liquids 0031-9104 1029-0451 Plains Anthropologist 0032-0447 2052-546X Planning Perspectives 0266-5433 1466-4518 Planning Practice and Research 0269-7459 1360-0583 Planning Theory & Practice 1464-9357 1470-000X Plant Biosystems 1126-3504 1724-5575 Plant Ecology & Diversity 1755-0874 1755-1668 Plant Signaling & Behavior Online only 1559-2324 Plastics, Rubber and Composites Macromolecular Engineering 1465-8011 1743-2898 Polar Geography 1088-937X 1939-0513 Police Practice and Research - An International Journal 1561-4263 1477-271X Policing & Society 1043-9463 1477-2728 Policy and Practice in Health and Safety 1477-3996 1477-4003 Policy Studies 0144-2872 1470-1006 Political Communication 1058-4609 1091-7675 Political Science 0030-8269 2041-0611 Political Theology 1462-317X 1743-1719 Politics, Religion & Ideology 2156-7689 2156-7697 Politikon: South African Journal of Political Studies 0258-9346 1470-1014 Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds 1040-6638 1563-5333 Polymer Reviews 1558-3724 1525-609X Polymer-Plastics Technology and Materials 2574-0881 2574-089X Popular Communication 1540-5702 1540-5710 Popular Music & Society 0300-7766 1740-1712 Population Studies 0032-4728 1477-4747 Post Soviet Affairs 1060-586X 1938-2855

Reference number: KB 2018-990 44 / 72 Postcolonial Studies 1368-8790 1466-1888 Post-Communist Economies 1463-1377 1465-3958 Post-Medieval Archaeology 0079-4236 1745-8137 Powder Metallurgy 0032-5899 1743-2901 Practical Theology 1756-073X 1756-0748 Practice - Social Work in Action 0950-3153 1742-4909 Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology 1082-6068 1532-2297 Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth 1045-988X 1940-4387 PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies 1051-1970 1935-4053 Problems of Economic Transition 1061-1991 1557-931X Problems of Post-Communism 1075-8216 1557-783X Production Planning & Control 0953-7287 1366-5871 Professional Development in Education 1941-5257 1941-5265 Projects and Curriculum Ideas in STEM Classrooms 0036-8121 1940-1302 Prometheus 0810-9028 1470-1030 Prose Studies 0144-0357 1743-9426 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 1321-8719 1934-1687 Psychoanalysis, Self and Context 2472-0038 2472-0046 Psychoanalytic Dialogues 1048-1885 1940-9222 Psychoanalytic Inquiry 0735-1690 1940-9133 Psychoanalytic Perspectives 1551-806x 2163-6958 Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy: Applications, Theory and Research 0266-8734 1474-9734 Psychoanalytical Social Work 1522-8878 1522-9033 Psychodynamic Practice: Individual, Groups & Organisations 1475-3634 1475-3626 Psychological Inquiry 1047-840X 1532-7965 Psychological Perspectives: A Semiannual Journal of Jungian Thought 0033-2925 1556-3030 Psychology & Health 0887-0446 1476-8321 Psychology & Sexuality 1941-9899 1941-9902 Psychology, Crime & Law 1068-316X 1477-2744 Psychosis 1752-2439 1752-2447 Psychotherapy Research 1050-3307 1468-4381 Psyecology: Revista Bilingue de Psicologia Ambiental/Bilingual Journal of Env. Psychology 2171-1976 1989-9386 Public Archaeology 1465-5187 1753-5530 Public Art Dialogue 2150-2552 2150-2560 Public Integrity 1099-9922 1558-0989 Public Library Quarterly 0161-6846 1541-4540 Public Management Review 1471-9037 1471-9045 Public Money & Management 0954-0962 1467-9302 Public Performance & Management Review 1530-9576 1557-9271 Public Services Quarterly 1522-8959 1522-9114

Reference number: KB 2018-990 45 / 72 Publications of the English Goethe Society 0959-3683 1749-6284 Quaestiones Mathematicae 1607-3606 1727-933X Qualitative Reseacrh in Psychology 1478-0887 1478-0895 Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise 1939-8441 1939-845X Qualitative Research Reports 1745-9435 1745-9443 Quality & Quantitative Management online only 1684-3703 Quality Engineering 0898-2112 1532-4222 Quality in Higher Education 1353-8322 1470-1081 Quality Management Journal 1068-6967 2575-6222 Quantitative Finance 1469-7688 1469-7696 Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Journal 1768-6733 SUPP-6733 Quarterly Journal of Speech 0033-5630 1479-5779 Quarterly Review of Film & Video 1050-9208 1543-5326 Quest 0033-6297 1543-2750 Race Ethnicity and Education 1361-3324 1470-109X Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 1042-0150 1029-4953 Reading & Writing Quarterly 1057-3569 1521-0693 Reading Psychology 0270-2711 1521-0685 Reference Librarian (The) 0276-3877 1541-1117 Reflective Practice 1462-3943 1470-1103 Reformation 1357-4175 1752-0738 Reformation & Renaissance Review 1462-2459 1743-1727 Regional & Federal Studies 1359-7566 1743-9434 Regional Studies 0034-3404 1360-0591 Religion 0048-721X 1096-1151 Religion & Education 1550-7394 1949-8381 Religion, Brain & Behavior 2153-599X 2153-5981 Religion, State & Society: the Keston 0963-7494 1465-3974 Religious Education 0034-4087 1547-3201 Remote Sensing Letters 2150-704X 2150-7058 Representation 0034-4893 1749-4001 Research in Dance Education 1464-7893 1470-1111 Research in Drama Education 1356-9783 1470-112X Research in Human Development 1542-7609 1542-7617 Research in Mathematics Education 1479-4802 1754-0178 Research in Nondestructive Evaluation 0934-9847 1432-2110 Research in Post-Compulsory Education 1359-6748 1747-5112 Research in Science & Technological Education 0263-5143 1470-1138 Research in Sports Medicine: An International Journal 1543-8627 1543-8635 Research on Language & Social Interaction 0835-1813 1532-7973

Reference number: KB 2018-990 46 / 72 Research Papers in Education 0267-1522 1470-1146 Research Quarterly for Exercise & Sport 0270-1367 2168-3824 Research Technology Management 0895-6308 1930-0166 Residential Treatment For Children & Youth 0886-571X 1541-0358 Rethinking History 1364-2529 1470-1154 Rethinking Marxism 0893-5696 1475-8059 Review of African Political Economy 0305-6244 1740-1720 Review of Comunication Online n/a 1535-8593 Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies 1071-4413 1556-3022 Review of International Political Economy 0969-2290 1466-4526 Review of Political Economy 0953-8259 1465-3982 Review of Social Economy 0034-6764 1470-1162 Review: Literature & Arts of the Americas 0890-5762 1743-0666 Reviews in Anthropology 0093-8157 1556-3014 Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture 1064-1262 1547-6553 Revista de Psicologia Social: International Journal of Social Psychology 0213-4748 1579-3680 Revolutionary Russia 0954-6545 1743-7873 Rhetoric Review 0735-0198 1532-7981 Rhetoric Society Quarterly 0277-3945 1930-322X Ringing & Migration 0307-8698 SUPP-8698 RNA Biology 1547-6286 1555-8584 Road Materials and Pavement Design SUPP-0629 Rocks & Minerals 0035-7529 1940-1191 Roeper Review 0278-3193 1940-865x Romance Quarterly 0883-1157 1940-3216 Romance Studies 0263-9904 1745-8153 Royal Musical Association Research Chronicle 1472-3808 2167-4027 Rural Society 1037-1656 2204-0536 Rural Theology (International, Ecumenical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives) 1470-4994 2042-1273 RUSI Journal 0307-1847 1744-0378 Russian Education & Society 1060-9393 1558-0423 Russian Journal of Communication 1940-9419 1940-9427 Russian Politics & Law 1061-1940 1558-0962 Russian Social Science Review 1061-1428 1557-7848 Russian Studies in History 1061-1983 1558-0881 Russian Studies in Literature Russian Studies in Philosophy 1061-1967 1558-0431 Safety & Reliability 0961-7353 2469-4126 Safundi: The Journal of South African and American Studies 1753-3171 1543-1304 SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research 1062-936X 1029-046X

Reference number: KB 2018-990 47 / 72 Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 0346-1238 1651-2030 Scandinavian Economic History Review 0358-5522 1750-2837 Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 0031-3831 1470-1170 Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 0282-7581 1651-1891 Scandinavian Journal of History 0346-8755 1502-7716 Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 1502-2250 1502-2269 Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 0901-8328 1502-7244 Scandinavian Psychoanalytic Review 0106-2301 1600-0803 Scando-Slavica 0080-6765 1600-082x SCHOLE: A Journal of Leisure Studies & Recreation Education 1937-156X 2162-4097 School Effectiveness and School Improvement 0924-3453 1744-5124 School Leadership & Management 1363-2434 1364-2626 Science & Global Security 0892-9882 1547-7800 Science & Technology Libraries 0194-262x 1541-1109 Science and Technology for the Built Environment 2374-4731 2374-474X Science and Technology of Welding and Joining Online 1362-1718 1743-2936 Science as Culture 0950-5431 1470-1189 Scientific Studies of Reading 1088-8438 1532-799X Scottish Geographical Journal 1470-2541 1751-665X Scrutiny2 - Issues in English Studies in Southern Africa 1812-5441 1753-5409 Security Studies 0963-6412 1556-1852 Self and Identity 1529-8868 1529-8876 Senses and Society 1745-8927 1745-8935 Separation and Purification Reviews 1542-2119 1542-2127 Separation Science and Technology 0149-6395 1520-5754 Sequential Analysis 0747-4946 1532-4176 Serials Librarian (The): From the Printed Page to the Digital Age 0361-526X 1541-1095 Serials Review 0098-7913 1879-095X Services Marketing Quarterly 1533-2969 1533-2977 Settler Colonial Studies 2201-473X 1838-0743 Seventeenth Century 0268-117X 2050-4616 Sex Education:Sexuality, Society and Learning 1468-1811 1472-0825 Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity 1072-0162 1532-5318 Sexual and Relationship Therapy 1468-1994 1468-1749 Shakespeare 1745-0918 1745-0926 Ship Technology Research (Schiffstechnik) 0937-7255 2056-7111 Ships and Offshore Structures 1744-5302 1754-212X Sikh Formations:Religion,Culture,Theory 1744-8727 1744-8735 Slavery & Abolition 0144-039X 1743-9523 Slavic & East European Information Resources 1522-8886 1522-9041

Reference number: KB 2018-990 48 / 72 Slavonica 1361-7427 1745-8145 Small Enterprise Research 1321-5906 Small GTPases SUPP-1256 2154-1256 Small Wars & Insurgencies 0959-2318 1743-9558 Smith College Studies In Social Work 0037-7317 1553-0426 Soccer and Society 1466-0970 1743-9590 Social & Cultural Geography 1464-9365 1470-1197 Social and Environmental Accountability Journal 0969-160X 2156-2245 Social Dynamics 0253-3952 1940-7874 Social Epistemology 0269-1728 1464-5297 Social History 0307-1022 1470-1200 Social Identities 1350-4630 1363-0296 Social Influence 1553-4510 1553-4529 Social Movement Studies 1474-2837 1474-2829 Social Neuroscience 1747-0919 1747-0927 Social Sciences in China 0252-9203 1940-5952 Social Semiotics 1035-0330 1470-1219 Social Work Education 0261-5479 1470-1227 Social Work In Health Care 0098-1389 1541-034x Social Work In Mental Health 1533-2985 1533-2993 Social Work In Public Health 1937-1918 1937-190x Social Work With Groups 0160-9513 1540-9481 Socialism and Democracy 0885-4300 1745-2635 Society & Natural Resources 0894-1920 1521-0723 Sociological Focus 0038-0237 Sociological Quarterly 0038-0253 1533-8525 Sociological Research 1061-0154 2328-5184 Sociological Spectrum 0273-2173 1521-0707 Soft Materials 1539-445X 1539-4468 Soil and Sediment Contamination 1532-0383 1549-7887 Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 0038-0768 1747-0765 Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange 0736-6299 1532-2262 Souls: A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture, and Society 1099-9949 1548-3843 South African Geographical Journal 0373-6245 2151-2418 South African Historical Journal 0258-2473 1726-1686 South African Journal of Accounting Research 1029-1954 2376-3981 South African Journal of African Languages 0257-2117 South African Journal of International Affairs 1022-0461 1938-0275 South African Journal of Philosophy 0258-0136 2073-4867 South African Journal of Plant and Soil 0257-1862 2167-034X

Reference number: KB 2018-990 49 / 72 South African Journal on Human Rights 0258-7203 1996-2126 South African Review of Sociology 2152-8586 2072-1978 South African Theatre Journal 1013-7548 South Asia:Journal of South Asian Studies 0085-6401 1479-0270 South Asian Diaspora 1943-8192 1943-8184 South Asian History and Culture 1947-2498 1947-2501 South Asian Popular Culture 1474-6689 1474-6697 South Asian Review 0275-9527 2573-9476 South Asian Studies 0266-6030 2153-2699 South European Society & Politics 1360-8746 1743-9612 Southeastern Archaeology 0734-578X 2168-4723 Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies 1607-3614 1727-9461 Southern Communication Journal 1041-794X 1930-3203 Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science 2070-2620 2070-2639 Space and Polity 1356-2576 1470-1235 Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting/Revista Espanola de Financiacion y Contabilidad 0210-2412 0210-2412 Spatial Cognition & Computation 1387-5868 1542-7633 Spatial Economic Analysis 1742-1772 1742-1780 Spectroscopy Letters 0038-7010 1532-2289 Sport in History 1746-0263 1746-0271 Sport in Society 1743-0437 1743-0445 Sport, Education and Society 1357-3322 1470-1243 Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 1751-1321 1751-133X Sports Biomechanics 1476-3141 1752-6116 Sports Coaching Review 2164-0629 2164-0637 Statistics In Biopharmaceutical Research Online 1946-6315 Statistics: A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics 0233-1888 1029-4910 Statutes & Decisions: The Laws of the USSR and its Successor States 1061-0014 1558-0903 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 0736-2994 1532-9356 Stochastic Models 1532-6349 1532-4214 Stochastics: An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes 1744-2508 1744-2516 Strategic Analysis 0970-0161 1754-0054 Strategic Comments (Online) n/a 1356-7888 Strategic Planning for Energy and the Environment 1048-5236 1546-0126 Strategic Survey 0459-7230 1476-4997 Strategies: A Journal for Physical & Sport Educators 0892-4562 2168-3778 Structural Engineering International 1016-8664 1683-0350 Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 1070-5511 1532-8007 Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 1573-2479 1744-8980 Studia Neophilologica 0039-3274 1651-2308

Reference number: KB 2018-990 50 / 72 Studia Theologica 0039-338X 1502-7791 Studies in Art Education: a Journal of Issues and Research 0039-3541 2325-8039 Studies in Australasian Cinema 1750-3175 1750-3183 Studies in Conflict & Terrorism 1057-610X 1521-0731 Studies in Conservation 0039-3630 2047-0584 Studies in Continuing Education 0158-037X 1470-126X Studies in Documentary Film 1750-3280 1750-3299 Studies in Eastern European Cinema 2040-350X 2040-3518 Studies in European Cinema 1741-1548 2040-0594 Studies in French Cinema 1471-5880 1758-9517 Studies in Gender and Sexuality 1524-0657 1940-9206 Studies in Higher Education 0307-5079 1470-174X Studies in Political Economy: A Socialist Review 0707-8552 1918-7033 Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema 1750-3132 1750-3140 Studies in Science Education 0305-7267 1940-8412 Studies in the Education of Adults 0266-0830 1478-9883 Studies in the History of Gardens & Designed Landscapes 1460-1176 1943-2186 Studies in Theatre and Performance 1468-2761 2040-0616 Studies in Travel Writing 1364-5145 1755-7550 Studies on Ethno-Medicine 0973-5070 Studies on Home and Community Science 0973-7189 Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 0165-0521 1744-5140 Studies on Tribes and Tribals 0972-639x Studying Teacher Education 1742-5964 1742-5972 Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal 1625-8312 1624-6039 Supramolecular Chemistry 1061-0278 1029-0478 Surface Engineering 0267-0844 1743-2944 Survey Review 0039-6265 1752-2706 Survival 0039-6338 1468-2699 Symbolae Osloenses 0039-7679 1502-7805 Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures 0039-7709 1931-0676 Synchrotron Radiation News 0894-0886 1931-7344 Synthetic Communications 0039-7911 1532-2432 Systematics and Biodiversity 1477-2000 1478-0933 Tang Studies 0737-5034 1759-7633 Teacher Development: An international journal of teachers' professonal development 1366-4530 1747-5120 Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice 1354-0602 1470-1278 Teaching and Learning in Medicine 1040-1334 1532-8015 Teaching Artist Journal 1541-1796 1541-180X Teaching Education 1047-6210 1470-1286

Reference number: KB 2018-990 51 / 72 Teaching in Higher Education (Critical Perspectives) 1356-2517 1470-1294 Technical Communication Quarterly 1057-2252 1542-7625 Technical Services Quarterly 0731-7131 1555-3337 Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 0953-7325 1465-3990 Technology, Pedagogy and Education 1475-939X 1747-5139 Technometrics 0040-1706 1537-2723 Tel Aviv (Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University) 0334-4355 2040-4786 Terrae Incognitae (The Journal of the Society for the History of Discoveries) 0082-2884 2040-8706 Terrorism & Political Violence 0954-6553 1556-1836 Text and Performance Quarterly 1046-2937 1479-5760 Textile History 0040-4969 1743-2952 Textile Progress 0040-5167 1754-2278 TEXTILE: Cloth and Culture 1475-9756 1751-8350 Textual Practice 0950-236X 1470-1308 The American Mathematical Monthly 0002-9890 1930-0972 The American Statistician 0003-1305 1537-2731 The Anthropologist 0972-0073 The Art Bulletin 0004-3079 1559-6478 The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 1444-2213 1740-9314 The Australian Library Journal 0004-9670 2201-4276 The Black Scholar 0006-4246 2162-5387 The Cartographic Journal (The World of Mapping) 0008-7041 1743-2774 The Chinese Economy 1097-1475 1558-0954 The Chinese Historical Review 1074-9357 2048-7827 The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas 0009-8655 1939-912X The Clinical Neuropsychologist 1385-4046 1744-4144 The College Mathematics Journal 0746-8342 1931-1346 The Communication Review 1071-4421 1547-7487 The Court Historian (The International Journal of Court Studies) 1462-9712 2056-3450 The Design Journal 1460-6925 1756-3062 The Educational Forum 0013-1725 1938-8098 The Engineering Economist 0013-791X 1547-2701 The European Journal of Finance 1351-847X 1466-4364 The European Legacy 1084-8770 1470-1316 The Explicator 0014-4940 1939-926X The Geography Teacher 1933-8341 1752-6884 The Germanic Review: Literature, Culture, Theory 0016-8890 1930-6962 The Historic Environment: Policy & Practice 1756-7505 1756-7513 The History of the Family 1081-602X 1873-5398 The Imaging Science Journal 1368-2199 1743-131X

Reference number: KB 2018-990 52 / 72 The Information Society 0197-2243 1087-6537 The International Information & Library Review 1057-2317 1095-9297 The International Journal for the History of Engineering & Technology 1758-1206 1758-1214 The International Journal of Human Rights 1364-2987 1744-053X The International Journal of Intelligence, Security and Public Affairs 2380-0992 2380-100X The International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials 0091-4037 1563-535X The International Journal of Psychoanalysis 0020-7578 1745-8315 The International Trade Journal 0885-3908 1521-0545 The Interpreter and Translater Trainer 1750-399X 1757-0417 The Italianist Online 0261-4340 1748-619X The Japanese Political Economy 2329-194X 2329-1958 The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 1389-224X 1750-8622 The Journal of Architecture 1360-2365 1466-4410 The Journal of Arts Management, Law, and Society 1063-2921 1930-7799 The Journal of Continuing Higher Education 0737-7363 1948-4801 The Journal of Economic Education 0022-0485 2152-4068 The Journal of Educational Research 0022-0671 1940-0675 The Journal of Environmental Education Online 0095-8964 1940-1892 The Journal of Experimental Education 0022-0973 1940-0683 The Journal of General Psychology 0022-1309 1940-0888 The Journal of Genetic Psychology 0022-1325 1940-0896 The Journal of Higher Education 0022-1546 1538-4640 The Journal of Holocaust Research 2578-5648 2578-5656 The Journal of International Communication 1321-6597 The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development 0963-8199 1469-9559 The Journal of Measurement Science 1931-5775 2381-0580 The Journal of Modern Craft 1749-6772 1749-6780 The Journal of Pacific History 0022-3344 1469-9605 The Journal of Peasant Studies 0306-6150 1743-9361 The Journal of Positive Psychology 1743-9760 1743-9779 The Journal of Psychology 0022-3980 1940-1019 The Journal of Slavic Military Studies 1351-8046 1556-3006 The Journal of Social Psychology 0022-4545 1940-1183 The Journal of the Middle East and Africa 2152-0844 2152-0852 The Keats-Shelly Review 0952-4142 2042-1362 The Law Teacher 0306-9400 1943-0353 The London Journal: A Review of Metropolitan Society Past and Present 0305-8034 1749-6322 The Mariner's Mirror 0025-3359 2049-680x The Military Balance 0459-7222 1479-9022 The New Bioethics (A Multidisciplinary Journal of Biotechnology and the Body) 2050-2877 2050-2885

Reference number: KB 2018-990 53 / 72 The New Educator 1547-688X 1549-9243 The Nonproliferation Review 1073-6700 1746-1766 The Pacific Review 0951-2748 1470-1332 The Polar Journal 2154-896X 2154-8978 The Professional Geographer 0033-0124 1467-9272 The Psychoanalytic Quarterly 0033-2828 2167-4086 The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child 0079-7308 2474-3356 The Review of Faith and International Affairs 1557-0274 1931-7743 The Round Table 0035-8533 1474-029X The Service Industries Journal 0264-2069 1743-9507 The Sixties 1754-1328 1754-1336 The Social Studies 0037-7996 2152-405X The Teacher Educator 0887-8730 1938-8101 The Translator 1355-6509 1757-0409 The Washington Quarterly 0163-660X 1530-9177 Theatre, Dance and Performance Training 1944-3927 1944-3919 Theology & Sexuality 1355-8358 1745-5170 Theology and Science 1474-6700 1474-6719 Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science Online 1463-922X 1464-536X Theory & Research in Social Education 0093-3104 2163-1654 Theory Into Practice 0040-5841 1543-0421 Thinking & Reasoning 1354-6783 1464-0708 Third Text 0952-8822 1475-5297 Third World Quarterly 0143-6597 1360-2241 Time and Mind: The Journal of Archaeology, Consciousness and Culture 1751-696X 1751-6978 Total Quality Management & Business Excellence 1478-3363 1478-3371 Tourism Geographies 1461-6688 1470-1340 Tourism Planning & Development 2156-8316 2156-8324 Tourism Recreation Research 0250-8281 2320-0308 Traffic Injury Prevention 1538-9588 1538-957X Transactional Analysis Journal 2362-1537 2329-5244 Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society 0371-750x 2165-5456 Transactions of the Institute of Metal Finishing (The Int. Journal of Surface Eng. and Coatings) 0020-2967 1745-9192 Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 0035-919X 2154-0098 Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 0372-1426 0372-SUPP Transcription 2154-1264 2154-1272 Translation Review 0737-4836 Translation Studies 1478-1700 1751-2921 Transnational Corporations Review 1918-6444 1925-2099 Transnational Legal Theory 2041-4005 2041-4013

Reference number: KB 2018-990 54 / 72 Transnational Screens 2578-5273 2578-5265 Transport Reviews 0144-1647 1464-5327 Transportation Letters (The International Journal of Transportation Research) 1942-7867 1942-7875 Transportation Planning & Technology 0308-1060 1029-0354 Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 1812-8602 1944-0987 Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces 1751-5831 1751-584X Tribology Transactions 1040-2004 1547-397X Tropical Zoology 0394-6975 1970-9528 Turkish Studies 1468-3849 1743-9663 Urban Geography 0272-3638 1938-2847 Urban Policy and Research 0811-1146 1476-7244 Urban Research and Practice 1753-5069 1753-5077 Urban Water Journal 1573-062X 1744-9006 War & Society 0729-2473 2042-4345 Wasafiri 0269-0055 1747-1508 Water International 0250-8060 1941-1707 Waves in Random and Complex Media 1745-5030 1745-5049 Weatherwise 0043-1672 1940-1310 Vehicle System Dynamics 0042-3114 1744-5159 Welding International 0950-7116 1754-2138 Venture Capital 1369-1066 1464-5343 Vernacular Architecture 0305-5477 1749-6292 West European Politics 0140-2382 1743-9655 Western Journal of Communication 1057-0314 1745-027 Veterinary Nursing Journal 1741-5349 2045-0648 Whitehall Papers 0268-1307 1754-5382 Victims & Offenders 1556-4886 1556-4991 Virtual and Physical Prototyping Online 1745-2759 1745-2767 Visitor Studies 1064-5578 1934-7715 Visual Anthropology 0894-9468 1545-5920 Visual Cognition 1350-6285 1464-0716 Visual Communication Quarterly 1555-1393 1555-1407 Visual Culture in Britain 1471-4787 1941-8361 Visual Resources: An International Journal on Images and Their Uses 0197-3762 1477-2809 Visual Studies 1472-586X 1472-5878 Voice and Speech Review 23268263 2326-8271 Women & Criminal Justice 0897-4454 1541-0323 Women & Performance: a journal of feminist theory 0740-770X 1748-5819 Women & Therapy 0270-3149 1541-0315 Women: A Cultural Review 0957-4042 1470-1367

Reference number: KB 2018-990 55 / 72 Women's History Review 0961-2025 1747-583X Women's Studies in Communication 0749-1409 2152-999X Women's Studies: An inter-disciplinary journal 0049-7878 1547-7045 Women's Writing 0969-9082 1747-5848 Wood Material Science and Engineering 1748-0272 1748-0280 WORD 0043-7956 2373-5112 Word & Image 0266-6286 1943-2178 Work & Stress 0267-8373 1464-5335 World Archaeology 0043-8243 1470-1375 World Art 2150-0894 2150-0908 World Futures: The Journal of New Paradigm Research 0260-4027 155-1844 World Journal of VAT/GST Law 2048-8432 2048-8440 World Leisure Journal 1607-8055 2333-4509 Writing Systems Research 1758-6801 1758-681X Yorkshire Archaeological Journal (A Review of History and Archaeology in the County) 0084-4276 2045-0664 Youth Theatre Journal 0892-9092 1948-4798 Zoology in the Middle East 0939-7140 2326-2680

Medical Library “2018” Collection

Acta Cardiologica 0001-5358 0373-7934 Acta Chirurgica Belgica 0001-5458 Acta Clinica Belgica: International Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Medicine 1784-3286 2295-3337 Acta Odontologica Scandinavia 0001-6357 1502-3850 Acta Oncologica 0284-186X 1651-226X Acta Oto-Laryngologica 0001-6489 1651-2251 Acute Cardiac Care 1748-2941 1748-295X Addiction Research & Theory 1606-6359 1476-7392 AIDS Care 0954-0121 1360-0451 AJOB Empirical Bioethics 2329-4515 2329-4523 AJOB Neuroscience 2150-7740 2150-7759 Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly 0734-7324 1544-4538 American Journal of Bioethics 1526-5161 1536-0075 American Journal Of Sexuality Education 1554-6128 1554-6136 Amyloid: Journal of Protein Folding Disorders 1350-6129 1744-2818 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration 2167-8421 2167-9223 Annals of Human Biology 0301-4460 1464-5033 Annals of Medicine 0785-3890 1365-2060

Reference number: KB 2018-990 56 / 72 Archives of Physiology & Biochemistry 1381-3455 1744-4160 Arts & Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice 1753-3015 1753-3023 Augmentative & Alternative Communication 0743-4618 1477-3848 Autoimmunity 0891-6934 1607-842X Baylor Univesity Medical Proceedings 0899-8280 1525-3252 Behavioral Medicine 0896-4289 1940-4026 Behavioral Sleep Medicine 1540-2002 1540-2010 Biomarkers 1354-750X 1366-5804 Blood Pressure 0803-7051 1651-1999 Brain Injury 0269-9052 1362-301X British Journal of Biomedical Science 0967-4845 British Journal of Neurosurgery 0268-8697 1360-046X Cancer Investigation 0735-7907 1532-4192 Children's Health Care 0273-9615 1532-6888 Climacteric 1369-7137 1473-0804 Clinical & Experimental Hypertension 1064-1963 1525-6006 Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics 0269-9206 1464-5076 Clinical Toxicology 1556-3650 1556-9519 Cochlear Implants International (An International Journal) 1467-0100 1754-7628 Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing 0146-0862 1521-043X Contemporary Nurse 1037-6178 1839-3535 COPD:Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 1541-2555 1541-2563 CRANIO: The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice 0886-9634 2151-0903 Critical Public Health 0958-1596 1469-3682 Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences 1040-8363 1549-781X Critical Reviews in Toxicology 1040-8444 1547-6898 Culture, Health & Sexuality 1369-1058 1464-5351 Current Eye Research 0271-3683 1460-2202 Current Medical Research & Opinion 0300-7995 1473-4877 Cutaneous & Ocular Toxicology 1556-9527 1556-9535 Developmental Neurorehabilitation 1751-8423 1751-8431 Disability & Rehabilitation 0963-8288 1464-5165 Disability & Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 1748-3107 1748-3115 Drug & Chemical Toxicology 0148-0545 1525-6014 Drug Development & Industrial Pharmacy 0363-9045 1520-5762 Drug Metabolism Reviews 0360-2532 1097-9883 Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy 0968-7637 1465-3370 Education for Primary Care 1473-9879 1475-990X Electromagnetic Biology & Medicine 1536-8378 1536-8386 Endocrine Research 0743-5800 1532-4206 Ethnicity and Health 1355-7858 1465-3419

Reference number: KB 2018-990 57 / 72 European Journal Of Physiotherapy 2167-9169 2167-9177 Evidence-Based Communication Assessment and Intervention 1748-9539 1748-9547 Experimental Lung Research 0190-2148 1521-0499 Fetal & Pediatric Pathology 1551-3815 1551-3823 Global Public Health 1744-1692 1744-1706 Growth Factors 0879-7194 1029-2292 Gynecological Endocrinology 0951-3590 1473-0766 Health Care for Women International 0739-9332 1096-4665 Health Sociology Review 1446-1242 1839-3551 Health, Risk & Society 1369-8575 1096-4665 Hearing Balance and Communication 2169-5717 2169-5725 Hemoglobin 0363-0269 1532-432X HIV Research & Clinical Practice 2578-7489 2578-7470 Home Health Care Services Quarterly 0162-1424 1545-0856 Hospital Practice Hospital Topics 0018-5868 1939-9278 Human Fertility 1464-7273 1742-8149 Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics 2164-5515 2164-554X Hypertension in Pregnancy 1064-1955 1525-6065 Immunological Investigations 0882-0139 1532-4311 Immunopharmacology & Immunotoxicology 0892-3973 1532-2513 Infectious Diseases 2374-4235 2374-4243 Informatics for Health and Social Care 1753-8157 1753-8165 Inhalation Toxicology 0895-8378 1091-7691 International Journal of Transgenderism 1553-2739 1434-4599 International Journal of Audiology 1499-2027 1708-8186 International Journal of Developmental Disabilities 2047-3869 2047-3877 International Journal of Healthcare Management 2047-9700 2047-9719 International Journal of Neuroscience 0020-7454 1543-5245 International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice 1365-1501 1471-1788 International Journal of Radiation Biology 0955-3002 1362-3095 International Journal Of Sexual Health (New Title) 1931-7611 1931-762x International Journal of Speech & Language Pathology 1754-9507 1754-9515 International Review of Psychiatry 0954-0261 1369-1627 International Reviews of Immunology 0883-0185 1563-5244 Issues in Mental Health Nursing 0161-2840 1096-4673 Journal Of Addictive Diseases 1055-0887 1545-0848 Journal of American College Health 0744-8481 1940-3208 Journal of Asthma 0277-0903 1532-4303 Journal of Binocular Vision and Ocular Motility 2576-117x 2576-1218 Journal of Chemotherapy 1120-009X 1973-9478

Reference number: KB 2018-990 58 / 72 Journal Of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse 1067-828X 1547-0652 Journal of Communication in Healthcare (Strategies, Media and Engagement in Global Health) 1753-8068 1753-8076 Journal of Community Health Nursing 0737-0016 1532-7655 Journal of Cosmetic & Laser Therapy 1476-4172 1476-4180 Journal of Dermatological Treatment 0954-6634 1471-1753 Journal of Dietary Supplements 1939-0211 1939-022X Journal of Drug Targeting 1061-186X 1029-2330 Journal Of Dual Diagnosis 1550-4263 1550-4271 Journal Of Ethnicity In Substance Abuse 1533-2640 1533-2659 Journal Of Hiv/Aids & Social Services 1538-1501 1538-151x Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability 1366-8250 1469-9532 Journal of Interprofessional Care 1356-1820 1469-9567 Journal of Investigative Surgery 0894-1939 1521-0553 Journal of Legal Medicine 0194-7648 1521-057x Journal of Liposome Research 0898-2104 1532-2394 Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy 1066-9817 2042-6186 Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 1476-7058 1476-4954 Journal of Medical Economics 1369-6998 1941-837X Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology 0309-1902 1464-522X Journal of Microencapsulation 0265-2048 1464-5246 Journal of Neurogenetics 0167-7063 1563-5260 Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics 2155-1200 2155-1197 Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 0144-3615 1364-6893 Journal of Occupational Science 1442-7591 Journal Of Occupational Therapy, Schools & Early Intervention 1941-1243 1941-1251 Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy 1536-0288 1536-0539 Journal of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery 2000-656X 2000-6764 Journal Of Prevention & Intervention In The Community 1085-2352 1540-7330 Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 0279-1072 Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology 0167-482X 1743-8942 Journal of Receptors & Signal Transduction 1079-9893 1532-4281 Journal of Sex Research 0022-4499 1559-8519 Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless 1053-0789 1573-658X Journal of Substance Use 1465-9891 1475-9942 Journal of the American College of Nutrition 0731-5724 1541-1087 Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine 1745-3054 1745-3062 Leukemia & Lymphoma 1042-8194 1029-2403 Logopedics, Phoniatrics, Vocology 1401-5439 1651-2022 Medical Teacher 0142-159X 1466-187X Minimally Invasive Therapy & Allied technologies 1364-5706 1365-2931 Modern Rheumatology 1439-7609 1439-7595

Reference number: KB 2018-990 59 / 72 Nanotoxicology 1743-7390 1743-5404 Network: Computation in Neural Systems 0954-898X 1361-6536 Neurological Research (A Journal of Progress in Neurosurgery, Neurology and Neuro Sciences) 0161-6412 1743-1328 Neuro-Ophthalmology 0165-8107 1744-506X Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 0803-9488 1502-4725 Nutrition and Cancer 0163-5581 1532-7914 Nutritional Neuroscience (An International Journal on Nutrition, Diet and Nervous System) Online 1028-415X 1476-8305 Occupational Therapy in Health Care 0738-0577 1541-3098 Occupational Therapy In Mental Health 0164-212X 1541-3101 Ocular Immunology & Inflammation 0927-3948 1744-5078 OncoImmunology Online only 2162-402X Oncology Issues 1046-3356 1045-3356 Ophthalmic Epidemiology 0928-6586 1744-5086 Ophthalmic Genetics 1381-6810 1744-5094 Orbit 0167-6830 1744-5108 Paediatrics and International Child Health 2046-9047 2046-9055 Pathogens and Global Health 2047-7724 2047-7732 Pediatric Hematology & Oncology 0888-0018 1521-0669 Pharmaceutical Development and Technology 1083-7450 1097-9867 Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics 0270-3181 1541-3152 Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics 0194-2638 1541-3144 Physical Therapy Reviews 1083-3196 1743-288X Physiotherapy: Theory and Practice 0959-3985 1532-5040 Platelets 0953-7104 1369-1635 Postgraduate Medicine Prehospital Emergency Care 1090-3127 1545-0066 Progress in Palliative Care (Science and the Art of Caring) 0969-9260 1743-291X Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes 0033-2747 1943-281X Psychology, Health & Medicine 1354-8506 1465-3966 Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal 1401-7431 1651-2006 Scandinavian Journal of Clinical & Laboratory Investigation 0036-5513 1502-7686 Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 0036-5521 1502-7708 Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy 1103-8128 1651-2014 Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology 0300-9742 1502-7732 Scandinavian Journal of Urology 2168-1805 2168-1813 Seminars in Ophthalmology 0882-0538 1744-5205 Somatosensory & Motor Research 0899-0220 1369-1651 Speech, Language and Hearing 2050-571X 2050-5728 Strabismus 0927-3972 1744-5132 Stress: The International Journal on the Biology of Stress 1025-3890 1607-8888

Reference number: KB 2018-990 60 / 72 Substance Abuse 0889-7077 1547-0164 Substance Use & Misuse 1082-6084 1532-2491 Systems Biology In Reproductive Medicine 1939-6368 1939-6376 The Aging Male 1368-5538 1473-0790 The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse: Encompassing All Addictive Disorders 0095-2990 1097-9891 The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care 1362-5187 1473-0782 The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine 1079-0268 2045-7723 The Neurodiagnostic Journal 2164-6821 2375-8627 The Physician and Sportsmedicine Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation 1074-9357 1945-5119 Toxicology Mechanisms & Methods 1537-6516 1537-6524 Toxin Reviews 1556-9543 1556-9551 Ultrastructural Pathology 0191-3123 1521-0758 Vulnerable Children & Youth Studies 1745-0128 1745-0136 Women & Health 0363-0242 1541-0331 World Federation of Occupational Therapists Bulletin 1447-3828 2056-6077 World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 1562-2975 1814-1412 Xenobiotica 0049-8254 1366-5928

FRESH Collection 2019

Policy Reviews in Higher Education 2332-2969 2332-2950 Australasian Philosophical Review 2474-0500 2474-0519 Bulletin of Spanish Visual Studies 2474-1604 2474-1612 Design for Health 2473-5132 2473-5140 Internet Histories 2470-1475 2470-1483 Technology Architecture + Design 2475-1448 2475-143x Science and Medicine in Football 2473-3938 2473-4446 International Journal of Kinesiology in Higher Education 2471-1616 2471-1624 Biostatistics & Epidemiology 2470-9360 2470-9379 Canadian Journal of Respiratory Critical Care and Sleep Medicine 2474-5332 2473-5340 Cities & Health 2374-8834 2374-8842 Indian Law Review 2473-0580 2473-0599 Journal of Cyber Security Technology 2374-2917 2374-2925 Modern Rheumatology Case Reports online only Statistical Theory and Related Fields 2475-4269 2475-4277 Structural Heart 2474-8706 2474-8714 Whiteness and Education 2379-3406 2379-3414 Area Development and Policy 2379-2949 2379-2957 Third World Thematics: A TWQ Journal 2380-2014 2379-9978

Reference number: KB 2018-990 61 / 72 International Journal of Computer Mathematics: Computer Systems Theory 2379-9927 2379-9935 Evidence Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health 2379-4925 2379-4933 Global Intellectual History 2380-1883 2380-1891 Applied Mobilities 2380-0127 2380-0135 Journal of Ecohydraulics 2470-5357 2470-5365 Contemporary Levant 2058-1831 2058-184X Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology 2374-3603 2374-3611 Corrections: Policy, Practice and Research 2377-4657 2377-4655 Journal of Chinese Governance 2381-2346 2381-2354 Journal of Cyber Policy 2373-8871 2373-8898 Journal of Global Sport Management 2470-4067 2470-4075 Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance 2470-5314 2470-5322 Natural Resources and Engineering 2380-2693 2380-2707 Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructures 2378-9689 2378-9697 Communications in Statistics - Case Studies, Data Analysis and Applications n/a 2373-7484 GeoHumanities 2373-566X 2373-5678 History of Retailing and Consumption 2373-518X 2373-5171 Armed Conflict Survey 2374-0973 2374-0981 Dance Education in Practice 2373-4833 2379-4841 Advances in Materials and Processsing Technologies 2374-068X 2374-0698 Africa Journal of Management 2332-2373 2332-2381 Communication Research and Practice 2204-1451 2206-3374 Crime Psychology Review 2374-4006 2374-4014 Critical Military Studies 2333-7486 2333-7494 Cyber Physical Systems 2333-5777 2333-5785 East African Literary and Cultural Studies 2327-7408 2327-7416 Environmental Sociology 2325-1042 Global Affairs 2334-0460 2334-0479 Global Food History 2054-9547 2054-9555 Health Systems & Reform 2328-8604 International Journal of Cartography 2372-9333 2372-9341 Journal of Child and Adolescent Counseling 2372-7810 2372-7829 Journal of Human Trafficking 2332-2705 2332-2713 Learning: Research and Practice 2373-5082 2373-5090 MethodMethodes: African Review of Social Sciences Methodology 2375-4745 2375-4753 Molecular & Cellular Oncology online only 2372-3556 PaleoAmerica (A journal of early human migration and dispersal) 2055-5563 2055-5571 Papers in Applied Geography 2375-4931 2375-494X Sound Studies 2055-1940 2055-1959 Special Operations Journal 2329-6151 2372-2657 Studies in Chinese Religions 2372-9988 2372-9996 The International Journal of Psychoanalysis (Espanol) 2057-410X

Reference number: KB 2018-990 62 / 72 Theatre and Performance Design 2332-2551 2332-2578 International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics 2330-2674 2330-2682 Research and Practice in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 2329-7018 2329-7026 Rock Music Studies 1940-1159 1940-1167 Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies 2330-6343 2330-6351 Brain-Computer Interfaces 2326-263x 2326-2621 Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 2053-9320 2053-9339 Journal of Community Archaeology & Heritage 2051-8196 2051-820X Journal of Control and Decision 2330-7706 2330-7714 Journal of Management Analytics 2327-0012 2327-0039 Journal of Responsible Innovation 2329-9460 2329-9037 Journal of Spanish Language Teaching 2324-7797 2324-7800 Journal of World Languages 2169-8252 2169-8260 Journal on the Use of Force and International Law 2053-1702 2053-1710 Luxury 2051-1817 2051-1825 Porn Studies 2326-8751 Temperature 2332-8940 2332-8926 Women's Reproductive Health 2329-3691 2329-3713 The AAG Review of Books n/a 2325-548x Journal of Textile Design Research and Practice 2051-1787 2051-1795 Territory, Politics, Governance 2162-2671 2162-268x Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization 2168-1163 2168-1171 Digital Journalism 2167-0811 2167-082X International Journal of Electronic Letters 2168-1724 2168-1732 Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research n/a 2324-9676 Liquid Crystals Reviews 2168-0396 2168-0418 Architecture and Culture 2050-7828 2050-7836 Caucasus Survey 2376-1199 2376-1202 China Journal of Accounting Studies 2169-7213 2169-7221 Comparative Legal History 2049-677X 2049-6788 Critical Studies on Security 2162-4887 2162-4909 Economic and Political Studies 2095-4816 2470-4024 Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior 2167-1846 2164-1862 IISE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors 2157-7323 2157-7331 International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation 2165-0349 2165-0357 International Journal of School & Educational Psychology 2168-3603 2168-3611 Journal of Chinese Advanced Materials Society 2224-3682 2168-1031 Journal of the International Journal of Rail Transportation 2324-8378 2324-8386 Military Behavioral Health 2163-5781 2163-5803 Peacebuilding 2164-7529 2164-7267 Peking University Law Journal 2051-7483 2052-5907 Poem 2051-9842 2377-4673

Reference number: KB 2018-990 63 / 72 Politics Groups and Identities 2156-5503 2156-5511 Resilience: International Policies, Practices and Discourses 2169-3293 2169-3307 Smart Science n/a 2308-0477 Stanislavski Studies 2056-7790 2054-4170 The Theory and Practice of Legislation 2050-8840 2050-8859 Tissue Barriers online only 2168-8370 Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics 2168-0566 2168-0582 European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology 2325-4823 2325-4815

Reference number: KB 2018-990 64 / 72 Schedule 7 - Pricing Model and Read & Publish Fees


Prices are presented per Organisations based on the package taken.

The Price Increase is based on the number of packages taken.

Organisations already participating in the Agreement may choose to add or remove packages from their 2018 packages; additional packages will incur additional fee, but may reduce the Price Increase to which they are entitled.

Organisations already participating in the Agreement must upgrade from a 2015 fixed list to the ”2018” Collection, which will incur an additional fee. It is no longer possible to subscribe to any “2015” Collection.

New organisations may choose to participate in the Agreement. They will be able to choose which package to take and be entitled to the relevant Price Increase as per below.

FRESH Collection: new organisations joining the agreement 2019 cannot subscribe to FRESH Collection.

SSH and S&T Collection and Medical Library Collection included in this Agreement are customised for Bibsam, i.e. are not Publisher’s standard products.

Publication Cap

The number of OA publications for which APCs are covered under this Agreement is capped, calculated by: Total price / prevailing APC (€2,275 for 2019).

Total price paid 2019 is € 3.347.187,79

This allows for publication of 1471 gold open access articles during 2019 across all organisations in Taylor & Francis / Routledge Open Select (i.e. hybrid) Journals.

In the event of the publication cap being reached, the Organisations will commit to fund an additional 10% of articles over and above the cap number. Price paid to be the prevailing APC (€2,275 for 2019) at the time of publication, with a 10% discount applied.

Price Increase between 2018 and 2019

The individual Organisations Price Increase depends on the packages taken, as per the below:

Access to Price Increase 2019

1 package 3.95%

Reference number: KB 2018-990 65 / 72 2 packages 3.50%

3 packages 3.25%

4 packages 3%

SSH and S&T count for 2 packages.

Medical Library counts for 1 package.

FRESH Collection counts for 1 package.

The same price caps apply for 2020, and the optional extension to 2021.

Pricing Model 2019 for Organisations already participating in the Agreement

SSH and S&T Collection

(2017 Core Subscriptions and (Access Fee + Upgrade fee)) + Price Increase for 2018 and 2019

+ additional (or removed as the case may be) Core subscriptions and Upgrade Fee spend (only for organisations upgrading from the “2015” Collection to the “2018” Collection)

Core subscriptions spend described in Schedule 2.

Medical Library Collection

(2017 Access Fee + Upgrade fee + Core subscriptions) + Price Increase for 2018 and 2019

+ additional (or removed as the case may be) Core subscriptions and Upgrade Fee spend (only for organisations upgrading from the “2015” Collection to the “2018” Collection)

Core subscriptions spend described in Schedule 2.

FRESH Collection

€ 5,550

Publication fee

The publication fee total is calculated on the participating organisations individual APC spend in hybrid journals 2016 + Price Increase for 2018 and 2019.

Reference number: KB 2018-990 66 / 72 Publication fee total 2019: € 188,022.14

The publication fee is re-distributed over the participating organisations including new participating organisations.

Pricing Model for organisations joining 2019

New organisations may choose to participate in the Agreement. They will be able to choose which package to take (excepting FRESH Collection) and be entitled to the relevant Price Increase.

Fee is based on the package chosen (SSH and S&T Collection and/or Medical Library Collection) + the publication fee.

A minimum fee may apply (see below).

SSH and S&T Collection

Fee for SSH and S&T Collection for new participating organisations is calculated by: Access fee + Upgrade fee + previous subscriptions spend

Access fee + Upgrade fee for the SSH and S&T Collection:

Academic Organisations

Student FTE Tier Access fee 2019 Upgrade fee 2019 *

€ 6,099 + Price Increase for 2018 € 457 + Price Increase for 2018 1 - 1000 1 and 2019 and 2019

€ 10,165 + Price Increase for 2018 € 762 + Price Increase for 2018 1 001 – 4,000 2 and 2019 and 2019

€ 13,215 + Price Increase for 2018 € 991 + Price Increase for 2018 4 001 – 8,000 3 and 2019 and 2019

€ 16,263 + Price Increase for 2018 € 1220 + Price Increase for 2018 8 001 – 13,000 4 and 2019 and 2019

€ 18,776 + Price Increase for 2018 € 1408 + Price Increase for 2018 13 001 + 5 and 2019 and 2019

Reference number: KB 2018-990 67 / 72 Non-academic Organisations

Total FTE Tier Access Fee 2019 Upgrade fee 2019 *

€ 6,099 + Price Increase for 2018 € 457 + Price Increase for 2018 0 - 500 Small and 2019 and 2019

€ 8,132 + Price Increase for 2018 € 610 + Price Increase for 2018 501 - 1,000 Medium and 2019 and 2019

€ 10,165 + Price Increase for 2018 € 762 + Price Increase for 2018 1,000 + Large and 2019 and 2019

* If an organisation takes the SSH and S&T Collection plus the Medical Library Collection, the Upgrade fees are reduced by 7.5%

Medical Library Collection

Fee for Medical Library Collection for new participating organisations is calculated by: Access fee + Upgrade fee + previous subscriptions spend for titles included in the Medical Library 2018 Collection but not in the Medical Library 2015 Collection.

Access fee + Upgrade fee for the Medical Library 2019 Collection

Academic Organisations

Total FTE in Tier Access fee 2019 Upgrade fee 2019 * Medicine

€ 1,188 + Price Increase for 2018 and 1-250 1 € 7,445 + Price Increase for 2018 and 2019 2019

€ 16,131 + Price Increase for 2018 and 250-1000 2 € 1,500 + Price Increase for 2018 and 2019 2019

€ 52,737 + Price Increase for 2018 and 1001-2500 3 € 1,875 + Price Increase for 2018 and 2019 2019

€ 155,730 + Price Increase for 2018 and 2501+ 4 € 2,250 + Price Increase for 2018 and 2019 2019

Reference number: KB 2018-990 68 / 72 Non-academic Organisations

Type of Total FTE Tier Access fee 2019 Upgrade fee 2019 * organisation

€ 5,464 + Price Increase for 2018 € 1,063 + Price Increase for 2018 Arkiv/Museum n/a Small and 2019 and 2019

Samhällsvet/ € 5,464 + Price Increase for 2018 € 1,063 + Price Increase for 2018 n/a Small Humaniora and 2019 and 2019

€ 5,464 + Price Increase for 2018 € 1,063 + Price Increase for 2018 STM Small 0-250 Small and 2019 and 2019

€ 6,556 + Price Increase for 2018 € 1,063 + Price Increase for 2018 STM Medium 250-1000 Medium and 2019 and 2019

€ 7,649 + Price Increase for 2018 € 1,188 + Price Increase for 2018 STM Large 1001+ Large and 2019 and 2019

* If an organisation takes the SSH and S&T Collection plus the Medical Library Collection, the Upgrade fees are reduced by 7.5%

Publication fee

The publication fee is calculated on the participating organisations individual APC spend in hybrid journals 2017 + Price Increase for 2019

Minimum Fee

The minimum fee is calculated based on the previous spending on both access (2018) and hybrid APCs (2017) and agreed price cap with a minimum fee of Euro €15,000 for institutions with FTE above 200 and Euro €12,000 for institutions with FTE below 200 to access to SSH & S&T Collection or Medical Collection. The additional amount will count towards the total article count entitlement across all organisations.

The following minimum fee will apply for organisation taking all 3 packages:

FTE above 200 = Euro €22,500

FTE below 200 = Euro €18,000

For example, if a new member contacts Publisher in 2018 wishing to join for 2019, Publisher would calculate their 2018 subscription and access fee spend, plus 2017 hybrid APC spend (across all titles) to give a base joining fee, plus the price cap. If this is below the minimum fee threshold Publisher would use their FTE to calculate the joining fee (as above).

Reference number: KB 2018-990 69 / 72 Read & Publish Fees 2019

For organisations joining 2019 and subject to minimum fee, the publication fee is included in the minimum fee.

Organisation Product Price, EUR Blekinge Tekniska Högskola SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 15 010.22 Blekinge Tekniska Högskola Publication Fee 918.37 Chalmers Tekniska Högskola SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 93 570.19 Chalmers Tekniska Högskola Publication Fee 5 750.57 Ersta Sköndal Bräcke Högskola Publication Fee 545.63 Folkhälsomyndigheten Medical Library 2018 Collection 8 232.79 Folkhälsomyndigheten Publication Fee 499.35 Formas SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 12 000.00 Försvarshögskolan FRESH Journals Collection vol 3-7 5 550.00 Försvarshögskolan SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 19 455.79 Försvarshögskolan Publication Fee 1 218.69 Gymnastik- Och Idrottshögskolan SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 21 004.15 Gymnastik- Och Idrottshögskolan Publication Fee 1 247.61 Göteborgs Universitet FRESH Journals Collection vol 3-7 5 550.00 Göteborgs Universitet Medical Library 2018 Collection 58 586.08 Göteborgs Universitet SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 154 014.04 Göteborgs Universitet Publication Fee 13 477.36 Handelshögskolan I Stockholm SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 25 062.38 Handelshögskolan I Stockholm Publication Fee 1 483.47 Högskolan Dalarna SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 25 491.25 Högskolan Dalarna Publication Fee 1 569.59 Högskolan I Borås SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 41 560.66 Högskolan I Borås Publication Fee 2 526.63 Högskolan I Gävle FRESH Journals Collection vol 3-7 5 550.00 Högskolan I Gävle Medical Library 2018 Collection 9 064.33 Högskolan I Gävle SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 47 122.89 Högskolan I Gävle Publication Fee 3 844.83 Högskolan I Halmstad SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 38 547.47 Högskolan I Halmstad Publication Fee 2 256.32 Högskolan I Jönköping Medical Library 2018 Collection 18 832.15 Högskolan I Jönköping SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 45 849.13 Högskolan I Jönköping Publication Fee 3 749.84 Högskolan I Skövde SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 23 725.46 Högskolan I Skövde Publication Fee 1 298.69 Högskolan Kristianstad SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 18 563.26 Högskolan Kristianstad Publication Fee 1 070.82 Högskolan Väst SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 25 855.95 Högskolan Väst Publication Fee 1 520.01 Karlstads Universitet SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 68 708.23 Karlstads Universitet Publication Fee 4 213.73

Reference number: KB 2018-990 70 / 72 Karolinska Institutet FRESH Journals Collection vol 3-7 5 550.00 Karolinska Institutet Medical Library 2018 Collection 168 226.91 Karolinska Institutet SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 80 691.30 Karolinska Institutet Publication Fee 15 678.36 Konstfack SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 9 825.28 Konstfack Publication Fee 571.20 Kungl. Tekniska Högskolan FRESH Journals Collection vol 3-7 5 550.00 Kungl. Tekniska Högskolan SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 205 580.76 Kungl. Tekniska Högskolan Publication Fee 12 963.90 Linköpings Universitet FRESH Journals Collection vol 3-7 5 550.00 Linköpings Universitet Medical Library 2018 Collection 57 581.41 Linköpings Universitet SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 159 988.74 Linköpings Universitet Publication Fee 13 356.87 Linnéuniversitetet FRESH Journals Collection vol 3-7 5 550.00 Linnéuniversitetet SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 55 913.58 Linnéuniversitetet Publication Fee 3 709.01 Luleå Tekniska Universitet Medical Library 2018 Collection 18 676.24 Luleå Tekniska Universitet SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 51 010.01 Luleå Tekniska Universitet Publication Fee 4 209.22 Lunds Universitet FRESH Journals Collection vol 3-7 5 550.00 Lunds Universitet SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 180 061.50 Lunds Universitet Publication Fee 11 399.27 Läkemedelsverket Medical Library 2018 Collection 8 232.79 Läkemedelsverket Publication Fee 429.68 Malmö Universitet FRESH Journals Collection vol 3-7 5 550.00 Malmö Universitet Medical Library 2018 Collection 20 349.12 Malmö Universitet SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 59 244.49 Malmö Universitet Publication Fee 4 871.00 Mittuniversitetet Medical Library 2018 Collection 9 108.38 Mittuniversitetet SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 55 761.70 Mittuniversitetet Publication Fee 3 805.28 Mälardalens Högskola Medical Library 2018 Collection 18 967.27 Mälardalens Högskola SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 32 074.40 Mälardalens Högskola Publication Fee 2 934.83 RISE Research Institutes Of Sweden SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 15 000.00 SBU Statens Beredning För Med. & Soc. Utvärdering Medical Library 2018 Collection 6 872.86 SBU Statens Beredning För Med. & Soc. Utvärdering SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 9 351.45 SBU Statens Beredning För Med. & Soc. Utvärdering Publication Fee 905.32 SIPRI, Stockholms Internationella Fredsforskningsinstitut SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 16 583.63 SIPRI, Stockholms Internationella Fredsforskningsinstitut Publication Fee 984.68 Skolforskningsinstitutet SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 9 433.21 Skolforskningsinstitutet Publication Fee 577.15 Socialstyrelsen Medical Library 2018 Collection 8 232.79 Socialstyrelsen Publication Fee 499.35 Sophiahemmet Högskola Medical Library 2018 Collection 9 108.38

Reference number: KB 2018-990 71 / 72 Sophiahemmet Högskola SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 9 351.45 Sophiahemmet Högskola Publication Fee 1 142.97 Specialpedagogiska Skolmyndigheten SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 11 610.83 Specialpedagogiska Skolmyndigheten Publication Fee 680.43 Statens Skolverk SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 9 433.25 Statens Skolverk Publication Fee 547.20 Statens Väg- Och Transportforskningsinstitut SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 20 977.80 Statens Väg- Och Transportforskningsinstitut Publication Fee 1 253.56 Stockholms Universitet FRESH Journals Collection vol 3-7 5 550.00 Stockholms Universitet Medical Library 2018 Collection 9 064.33 Stockholms Universitet SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 185 393.57 Stockholms Universitet Publication Fee 12 322.56 Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet Medical Library 2018 Collection 9 108.38 Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 85 168.21 Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet Publication Fee 5 811.30 Södertörn Högskola + Röda Korsets Högskola SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 81 625.23 Södertörn Högskola + Röda Korsets Högskola Publication Fee 4 967.53 Totalförsvarets Forskningsinstitut FOI SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 24 351.21 Totalförsvarets Forskningsinstitut FOI Publication Fee 1 343.35 Transportstyrelsen SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 15 000.00 Umeå Universitet FRESH Journals Collection vol 3-7 5 550.00 Umeå Universitet Medical Library 2018 Collection 58 746.28 Umeå Universitet SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 175 501.04 Umeå Universitet Publication Fee 14 815.08 Uppsala Universitet SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 265 986.01 Uppsala Universitet Publication Fee 15 719.94 Örebro Universitet Medical Library 2018 Collection 18 832.15 Örebro Universitet SSH and S&T 2018 Collection 81 833.29 Örebro Universitet Publication Fee 5 877.22


The 2019 pricing model applies mutatis mutandis to 2020.

The Organisations have the option to extend the Agreement to 2021. In such case, the 2019 pricing model applies mutatis mutandis to 2021.

Reference number: KB 2018-990 72 / 72