Christian Omaha Youth Council to Continue'sings'
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Christian Omaha Youth Council to ? Continue‘Sings’• » # 0 BUY OWN MILL TO BOAT SYilEL SHORTAGE j Announce New Celebrate India’s Dominion Status CHICAGO, ILL. —In the first mill will be rolled into sheet ste« ! to Be Held Once move of its kind to beat the steel at the Apollo mill, formerly thi ! Gatherings ihortage, a syndicate of 25 manu- Apollo Steel Co. Both mills have i At facturers throughout the country total appraised value of $11',000,000 Assignment* has purchased r- -•; The management of the Phoenix, A Month At Different Church m mgot-pro- ville mill will be retained. Davie Lincoln Uni. lucing steel of the Phoenij -— Thomson, president i nill at Phoe- Iron will serve as man- Co., general JEFFERSON nixville, Pa., under the new CITY, Mo.,—Dr. If Interdenominational ager ownership for Dana Making approxi- Howard Keiser, formerly of thi Sherman Scruggs, president mately $4,000,- Portsmouth division of the Wheel- of Lincoln University of Missouri Certain that the Sunday even- 000, it was an- ing Steel Co., is manager of tlv has announced appointments, I Lloyd W. Ashley gatherings once a month at nounced by Ar- Apollo mill. J ing nold H. Mare- leaves and for the 9:30 for an interdenominational Officers of the syndicate, in addi assignments Dr. Hansen mont, group Replaces tion to Maremont, are vice-presi current school year. "sing” has been a gratifying ex- president, who Post dents D. M. Houghton, chairman o) ! Mrs; Slone Welcjh, of At High of fellowship, the the 1 Luqjlle pression youth Driginated of the Atlas Tack Corp., Fairhaven idea and or- Selma, Ala., has been appointed Omaha Christian Youth Council Mass., and Frank Gibson, secretar. has a ganized the j ■‘Technical High School of the Gibson Refrigerator Co. assistant professor of education (affiliate of the Omaha Council syndicate. and is known throu- Greenville, Mich.; secretary, Ber and supervisor of student teach, fine history of Churches)) has voted to con. Maremont is j future M- nard Nath, Chicago attorney i the country. In the executive vice ing in elementary education in ghout tinue this program this year. treasurer, Bernard Mitchell of thi made into the kind of of Maremont Automotive J the of it can be In a new Council has president Mitchell Manufacturing Co., Chi Department Education. step, the Products, Inc., Chicago. school that the students, faculty cago. -J Other appointments include Mrs. outlined the program for the yea1 was made to The purchase supply and the citizens of Omaha want at Syndicate members are Mare- : Ima Thurston Gorham, of Berke- that the ‘‘sings’’ will be ingots for a sheet mill Apollo, 1 assuring mont Automotive Inc. to make it.” This is a statement Pa., which the syndicate bought Products, ley, Cal., assistant professor in held in a different church each last Decem- Mitchell Manufacturing Co., Ad- the new when it was organized the School of Miss of Lloyd W. Ashby, prin- vertising Metal Co., Ac- Journalism; month, and making them quite ber. The new acquisition completes Display of Technical High school curate C. Nelson of Los. cipal in a for meeting the manu- Perforating Co., Chicagi Mary Angeles, interdenominational character. program Dr. Hansen, former facturers’ steel needs. Curtain Stretcher Co., Electro Man- Cal., assistant professor in the who replaces The editor refrains from publish- 1 Crescent Tool and now as The mill, with a capacity of ufacturing Co., of Education and head at Tech, acting the Department LONDON, ENG.—(Soundphoto)—Moslems living in London are shown as they attended the rais- ing tentative meeting places 80,000 tons of ingots a month, is Die Co., Webster-Chicago Corp. of Studies ing of the .new Pakistan flag at Lancaster House to celebrate the of Dominion Status to Paki- assistant Superindentdent heer the Phoenix Iron Co., purchased by Pioneer Gen-E-Motor Corp., and Critic Teacher of Social granting J until it is certain that host stan and India by the British Government. Habib Ibrahim new commis- in D. C. Steel com- Grant Sheet Metal Works, Chicago; in Rahimtoola, the Pakistan high Schools Washington churches have the Phoenix-Apollo Co., the Laboratory high school; sioner to Great extended hospital- Steel Materials and Pan- Britain, is shown (in white coat) about to raise the flaar as others look on. is familiar with Ne- prising a group of manufacturers Corp. McDuffie of Louis ; Mr. Ashby at the of the Youth American j Mr. Joseph St. ity request from New York to California, Trade Developmenl braska schools, having been a instuctor in the • Council. The first will whose products range from kitchen Corp., New York City; Prentiss- Mo., Department j gathering Dr. h. teacher at Kearney, and acting stoves to lawn mowers, and from Wabers Products Co., Wiseonsit Of Education and Critic Teacher The Need For Everett Clincy 500 Gallon Paint Job be the first Sunday night in Oct. Rapids, Wis., Western Stove Co. as principal at the Junior and furniture to advertising signs. in Lamoratory high school; Miss To Visit in OmatuT In a regularly called meeting Maremont said the mill will be- Inc., Culver City, Calif.; Proctoi Technical Senior School in Gothenberg — — Coats High High Planning -- and Hortense D. Holloway, St. Louis, Cooperative of more than a score of denmin- gin operation under the new owners Schwartz, Inc., Philadelphia, to Ind- Presi- | before going Richmond, ational Sept. 15. “This mill was purchased Pa.; Kroehler Manufacturing Co, Mo., instructor in the Department Dr. Everett R. Clinchy, representatives Sept.8, to mind of Not is of he was of that a steel Naperville, 111.; Welbilt Stove Co. In obedience only Superintendent iana. There principal With the conviction of Sociology; Mrs. Dorothy Bar. the dent of the American Brotherhood [ five projects were blocked out will be Inc., N. The A P Parti with accord we Schools Dr. A. Burke a oldest Junior in Ameri- shortage exists and that it Maspeth, Y.; in- Chirst as one Conference of Harry the High for More of B & R & nett Brown of Wichita. Kan., (or National the years. this later. of three or four years duration, at Corp., Toledo, Ohio; Iron the noted but he seems to the war strive to know it, and in keeping visit educator, ac. During Mr. Ashby least,” he said. | Metal Co., Inc., Syracuse, N. Y.j structor in the Department of Ed- Christians and Jews) will Greetings to our .youth readers Steel Products with declarations of Protestant be a talented and accomplished served as Personnel Manager at I The mill, which contains six open Keystone Corp, ucation and Critic Teacher in Omaha on a nation-wide tour on who are now receiving ‘The Bul- and three N. Y.; Atla3 Tack in Nebraska the interior decorator. As evidence of the Perfect Circle Company. hearth furnaces rplling Brooklyn, Corp, leaders through it was announced letin” Gibson Nursery School. Wed. Sept. 24, regularly. mills, will provide enough steel to Fairhaven, Mass.; Refrig, Nebraska Council of Churches, this fact, a Techster has only to To come to Tech, Mr. Ashby tnable all manufacturers in the erator Co., Greenville, Mich., Oak* Mr. Marshall Miller Penn, of by Earle Conover, Regional Dir- of the Extension and walk down the halls. One glance left his work as principal at Mcr- group to operate at full capacity, land Sheet Metal Supply Co., Oak* Ann Mich,, is instructor we, members ector with local offices in the Arbor, at walls and will tell Junior Col- while all excess steel will be sold land, Calif.; Standard Pressed Steel Committee of the ceilings i line Senior High and in the Department of Music and Church Planning Omaha Loan Bldg. Wm. lmes Maremont said. Jenkintown, Pa., and Polorop him that no amateur selected the he considered uus to other consumers, Co., the Omaha Council Of Churches, lege because Lloyd Director of Bands and Sheet bars from the Phoenixville Products, Inc., New Rochelle, N. Y, Orchestra; in color the conflict an advancement and be- members of our re- A luncheon will be given scheme. Unlike i position Mr. Thomas Clarence Bridge, of and severally do declare honor of Dr. Clinchy that day at of opinion existing this season as lieved that it afforded an oppor. Ann Arbor, Mich., instructor in spective communions, HamptonSpeaker Hotel Fontenelle when he will to the length of women's dresses, tunity for useful service. Department of Music and Edu- that the common loyalty of our thg j there is no that the Tech’s new disclosed cause of Christ speak to the interested friends argument principal On 25 cation, eritic teacher of music in churches to the I September In Prizes To Be and invited paint project has met with every- that he is in favor of a strong more guests. ; $l@§0.@3 the Laboratory high school and ought to find expression j one's approval. According to the program in all phases of athletics. director in piano and theory in fully in our planning together and Dr. has been the active HAMPTON INSTITUTE, Va.— Clinchy i plans of Dr. the halls in 1 he stated that other for the extension of Burke, However, Exercises the Department of Music; Miss Geo- co-operation head of this fever increasing or- marking opening of Giyen At This fears every floor are being a different ! divisions of the school are just Sepia Wheeler of West Vir. the church in Omaha. The task j the 80th year of Hampton Insti- rgia Louise since its inception ganization i So far first four floors as and should also be too for color. the ! important tute will gima State college, assistant in- of winning the city is big about has be held here in Ogden twenty years ago.