SEPTEMBER’ 19 ISSUE #1 The drivers of real change Rappi, UseGiraffe, Microsoft, Ubisoft and Carrefour: What do these companies have in common? Meet Latin America’s Trailblazers, players that are taking the region to a whole new level INTERVIEW OPINION INFOGRAPHIC Fernando Teles: Amazon fires: The explosion of The enemy is cash. from Borges’ Paradise venture capital investment Believe it or not to Dante’s Inferno in Latin America EDITORIAL The real enemy is cash FERNANDO TELES, DIRECTOR OF VISA IN BRAZIL TALKS ABOUT The time for THEIR STRONGEST WEAPON TO WIN THE CASH WAR: INNOVATION Latin America LABS is a content platform The drivers of real change is now about Latin America, focused on economics, business, READ THE STORIES OF LATIN AMERICA’S TRAILBLAZERS: technology and society. By COMPANIES THAT ARE SHAKING THINGS UP IN THE REGION providing deep and accurate content about the economic and technological landscape luricultural, diverse and expan- 10 Rappi PUSHING LATAM INTO A DIGITAL SHIFT of Latin America, both in sive, Latin America is home to P Portuguese and English, we help not only 500 million people, but entrepreneurs and the general 14 UseGiraffe MAKING CHINESE E-COMMERCE IN A BRAZILIAN WAY also to a wide number of new ventures. public understand the region’s The digital transformation has been tak- particularities. 18 Microsoft USING TECHNOLOGY TO EMPOWER PEOPLE AND BUSINESSES ing the region by storm, and these huge Masthead shifts are attracting the eyes of many sav- LABS Editorial Board 22 Ubisoft BETTING ON LATAM WITH A FRENCH DNA vy players. But it’s certainly no easy task
[email protected] to understand the plural Latin America.