Determinants of fibrosis progression and regression in NASH ⇑ Detlef Schuppan1,2, , Rambabu Surabattula1, Xiao Yu Wang1

Summary Keywords: ; ; Cirrhosis has become the major liver-related clinical endpoint in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Fibroblast; Fibrosis; Integrin; However, progression to cirrhosis is less predictable in NASH than in other chronic liver diseases. This is Lipoapoptosis; Liver; Macro- phage; Myofibroblast; due to the complex and multifactorial aetiology of NASH, which is determined by lifestyle and nutrition, Progenitor cell; Stellate cell; multiple genetic and epigenetic factors, and a prominent role of hepatic and extrahepatic comorbidities. Therapy. Thus, modest changes in these cofactors can also induce fibrosis regression, at least in patients with pre- cirrhotic liver disease. Fibrogenesis in NASH correlates with, but is indirectly coupled to, classical inflam- Received 20 October 2017; mation, since fibrosis progression is driven by repetitive periods of repair. While hepatocyte received in revised form 2 November 2017; accepted 9 lipoapoptosis is a key driving force of fibrosis progression, activated hepatic stellate cells, myofibrob- November 2017 lasts, cholangiocytes, macrophages and components of the pathological extracellular matrix are major fibrogenic effectors and thus pharmacological targets for therapies aimed at inhibition of fibrosis pro- gression or induction of fibrosis reversal. The advent of novel, highly sensitive and specific serum biomarkers and imaging methods to assess the dynamics of liver fibrosis in NASH will improve detec- tion, stratification and follow-up of patients with progressive NASH . These non-invasive tools will also promote the clinical development of antifibrotic drugs, by permitting the design of lean proof-of- concept studies, and enabling development of a personalised antifibrotic therapy for patients with rapid fibrosis progression or advanced disease. Ó 2017 European Association for the Study of the Liver. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Relevance of liver fibrosis in NASH 1Institute of Translational NASH is distinct from other liver diseases, because mortality increase in patients with stage 1 fibro- and Research Center it is tightly associated with comorbidities of the sis.5 Notably, all-cause mortality, which is domi- for Immunotherapy, University of metabolic syndrome, such as insulin resistance nated by cardiovascular complications in early Mainz Medical Center, Mainz, Germany; and type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular complica- stages, was increased to a similar level, i.e. 2–3- 2Division of , tions linked to hypertension and dyslipidaemia. fold, both in early stages and advanced stage 3–4 Beth Israel Deaconess Medical These comorbidities already exist in mere NAFLD, fibrosis. A large single retrospective study Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA which is defined by the absence of fibrosis and included 619 US patients with biopsy confirmed major liver inflammation.1–4 These non-hepatic NASH who were followed up for an average of companion diseases represent the major comor- 12.6 years.6 A total of 33.2% reached the hard end- bidities and causes of mortality in NAFLD and points of all-cause mortality or liver transplanta- the early stages of fibrotic NASH, up to stage 2 tion. Fibrosis of any stage vs. no fibrosis was fibrosis. Liver-related morbidity and mortality associated with a hazard ratio (HR) for these end- only increase significantly beyond stage 1 fibrosis, points of 1.86, increasing to 3.8 and 10.9 for stage especially with the emergence of cirrhosis. Thus, 3 and 4 fibrosis, while the HR for liver-related hard prevention and therapy must address two largely endpoints rose to 14.2 and 51.5, respectively. The independent targets: the metabolic complications only other relevant predictors were age (HR which are treatable with a range of medications, 1.07), type 2 diabetes (HR 1.62) and smoking (HR and moderate to advanced fibrosis (stage 2–4) 2.62). Interestingly, statin use decreased the risk for which no approved drugs exist. To prevent of mortality or transplantation significantly (HR liver-related mortality, the primary goal is to 0.32). The relevance of advanced fibrosis as the reverse advanced fibrosis, or prevent progression primary hepatic endpoint in clinical studies has to cirrhosis in patients that can be identified as now been recognised by the regulatory authorities rapid progressors. Whereas antifibrotic treatment and drug developers. Advanced fibrosis has of NASH patients with stage 1 fibrosis is less become a central focus in the ongoing phase III meaningful, as mild fibrosis may not progress and in most phase II studies,7 with an increasing and can even regress with minor lifestyle changes demand to include compensated cirrhotics in cur- or pharmacological treatment of the metabolic rent clinical trials.8 syndrome. Stratifying patients with NASH into Key point those with mild vs. advanced fibrosis is supported Prevention and therapy of by several smaller studies and a recent meta- Epidemiology and natural history of liver NAFLD must address two analysis that demonstrated a 9.57-, 16.69- and fibrosis in NASH largely independent tar- 42.3-fold increase in liver-related mortality, in There is no doubt that the epidemic of NAFLD and gets: the metabolic com- subjects with stage 2, 3 and 4 fibrosis vs. subjects plications, and moderate to NASH is mainly caused by overnutrition, advanced fibrosis. with no (stage 0) fibrosis, with only a 1.41-fold unhealthy food constituents and a sedentary

Journal of Hepatology 2017 vol. xxx j xxx–xxx

Please cite this article in press as: Schuppan D et al. Determinants of fibrosis progression and regression in NASH. J Hepatol (2017), Review

lifestyle, which have steadily and inconspicuously Overweight and type 2 diabetes as key infiltrated our daily lives. From 1994–2015, obe- determinants of fibrosis progression and sity, as defined by a body mass index (BMI) >30 regression in Western and >28 in far Eastern countries, has A recent extensive meta-analysis has assessed the increased roughly twofold in the US. This is per- global burden of NAFLD and NASH, and disease fectly paralleled by the prevalence of type 2 dia- outcome, demonstrating a prevalence of NAFLD betes, which reaches 10% or more in some between 15% and 30% in most affluent and 9,10 Southern and Midwestern states of the US developing countries.22 To clearly identify and in more affluent North African and Middle individuals with NAFLD that have significant liver 11 Eastern countries. The reported national and inflammation and fibrosis would completely regional prevalence of NAFLD and the overall overwhelm any healthcare system, since we do prevalence of NASH-related cirrhosis largely paral- not currently have a simple and cheap non- lel these developments in adults, as well as in chil- invasive tool with sufficient sensitivity and 12–15 dren and adolescents. specificity. This problem is further potentiated by While reliable data on obesity and type 2 dia- expected increases in NAFLD disease burden in betes can be obtained on a nationwide scale, the the next few years.23 clear diagnosis of NAFLD and especially the differ- Notably, the natural history of NASH is much entiation between NAFLD and NASH in large rep- less predictable than that of other chronic liver resentative cohorts is difficult. This is because diseases, such as viral hepatitis B or C, where pro- the only accepted diagnostic criterion is liver gression is tightly linked to the underlying cause, biopsy, with specified criteria for significant hep- and where causal treatment like efficient viral atic steatosis, hepatocyte ballooning and inflam- suppression or elimination halts fibrosis progres- 16,17 mation (NAS score >4 or >5). sion and even causes reversal.24,25 The important Studies based on follow-up biopsies in patients role of lifestyle changes, especially weight reduc- Key point with non-inflammatory fatty liver (NAFL) and tion, but also physical exercise, and a healthier, The natural history of NASH revealed interesting characteristics of fibro- yet ill-defined, nutrient composition on inflamma- NASH is less predictable sis progression vs. regression in patients under tion and fibrosis in NASH is highlighted in a than for other chronic liver standard follow-up. In a study from Newcastle Cuban-US study. It demonstrated that an intensive diseases, but the important that included 108 patients who were followed up role of lifestyle changes, weight loss programme in 293 patients with including weight reduc- for an average of 6.6 years with a second biopsy, NASH, 261 of whom were biopsied after 52 weeks, tion, physical exercise and 42% progressed, 40% remained stable, and 18% led to resolution of NASH (NAS score below 3) in 18 nutrient composition is regressed. Interestingly, 10 of the 27 NAFL 25%, reduced the NAS score in 47% and reduced becoming clear. patients with stage 0 fibrosis progressed, six of fibrosis in 19%. In those patients who lost ≥10% whom developed stage 3 fibrosis. The best expla- of body weight, NASH resolved in 90% and fibrosis nation for spontaneous fibrosis regression, besides improved in 45%.26 Based on these data, the biopsy sampling variability, may be favourable authors developed an index, based on age, pre- lifestyle changes. Another study from France fol- intervention type 2 diabetes and NAS score ≥5, lowed up 70 patients with untreated NAFLD using weight loss and ALT normalisation, with a high a second biopsy after a mean of 3.7 years. A total predictive value for NASH resolution (area under of 25 patients had NAFL and 45 had NASH and/or receiver operator curve <5).27 Moreover, follow- advanced fibrosis. Of the patients with NAFL, 16 up studies on morbidly obese patients that under- developed NASH, eight with ballooning and six went bariatric surgery have demonstrated that the with bridging fibrosis (stage 3) on follow-up. extent of weight loss correlates with the degree of Patients with disease progression were older and resolution of NASH and even fibrosis regression. had worsening of their metabolic risk factors. Thus, a prospective study from France, including Interestingly, ballooning and bridging fibrosis cor- 109 subjects followed up for one year, showed related with a reduction in alanine aminotrans- that patients who underwent laparoscopic gastric ferase (ALT), more weight gain, and a higher banding lost less weight than those who under- ⇑ 19 Corresponding author. incidence of diabetes during follow-up. In the went gastric bypass (change in BMI 6.4 vs. 14.0, Address: Institute of Transla- same cohort, mere fatty liver was an independent tional Immunology and respectively) which lead to less resolution of per- 28 Research, Center for predictor of non-liver morbidity, such as carotid sistent NASH (69.6% vs. 92.4%, respectively). 20 Immunotherapy, University artery stenosis. A meta-analysis of 2015 has Notably, the overall NAS score was reduced from 21 Medical Center of the Johannes summarised the paired biopsy studies. Taken five to one, and fibrosis regressed in 33.8% of cases. Gutenberg, University Mainz, together, fibrosis in NASH can regress sponta- Langenbeckstraße 1, 55131 These findings also stress the point that patients Mainz, Germany. Tel.: +49 (0) neously in earlier stages, whereas reversibility with fibrotic NASH need to be monitored fre- 6131 17 7356; fax: +49 (0) 6131 decreases from stage 3 on. Mere fatty liver can quently for lifestyle changes and disease activity, 17 7357. progress to advanced fibrosis, indicating that even E-mail address: dschuppa@ a task which would ideally be done with reliable the abundant subjects with NAFL would need reg- serological tests to assess hepatic fibrogenesis (D. Schuppan). ular monitoring for fibrosis progression. and fibrolysis, as outlined below.

2 Journal of Hepatology 2017 vol. xxx j xxx–xxx

Please cite this article in press as: Schuppan D et al. Determinants of fibrosis progression and regression in NASH. J Hepatol (2017), JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY

The role of intestinal microbiota ers that assess fibrosis, such as magnetic reso- While studies in mice show that using defined nance elastography and serum fibrosis and intestinal microbial colonisations can strikingly fibrogenesis markers. influence the metabolic phenotype, including obe- Histology may be refined to decrease sampling sity, insulin resistance and features of NASH,29,30 variability, by quantification of a-smooth muscle the role of the intestinal microbiota in patients is actin positive, fibrogenic, hepatic stellate cells less clear. Clinical studies that establish correla- (HSCs) and myofibroblasts (MFs), and by morpho- tions with disease severity are just beginning to metrical collagen determination after Sirius red emerge.31,32 Undoubtedly intestinal microbes staining.25,41,42 The recent development of dual determine the efficiency of nutrient usage and photon imaging on unstained formalin-fixed sec- thus caloric uptake, affecting weight gain and tions may offer a more refined assessment of insulin sensitivity.33 This was nicely shown in an deposited collagen and collagen architectural interventional study using faecal transplantation changes, including fibril diameter, length and between lean subjects and patients with obesity crosslinking.43 A novel technology for quantifying and insulin resistance.34 Beneficial effects of bowel hepatic fibrogenesis has been developed, based decontamination by antibiotics have been on the daily ingestion of deuterated water for observed in patients with cirrhosis, but these are 3–5 weeks to label newly synthesised liver colla- mainly due to intestinal barrier defects in gen, followed by measurement of the deuterated advanced liver disease, particularly alcoholic cir- collagen fraction from a liver biopsy via mass rhosis, that permit bacterial translocation and spectrometry.44 In a well-characterised cohort of activation of proinflammatory toll-like and other 21 patients with NAFLD, hepatic collagen synthe- innate immune receptors in the liver, mainly on sis rate correlated with biopsy-monitored fibrosis resident or recruited macrophages and Kupffer progression.44 Moreover, deuterated plasma lumi- cells.35 However, in a small uncontrolled study of can, a proteoglycan of the fibrotic matrix, corre- 15 patients with biopsy proven noncirrhotic lated with the collagen synthesis ratio.44 Despite NASH, treatment with rifaximin for six weeks did its complexity and invasiveness, this method not improve ALT, steatosis and insulin resis- may be useful to validate other, more easily deter- tance.36 At present, an effect of microbiota on mined non-invasive markers of fibrogenesis. fibrosis progression or regression remains elusive. Therefore, more clinical research beyond mouse models and mere correlations must be conducted, Imaging and non-invasive markers of including interventional studies, to gauge the rele- fibrosis, fibrogenesis and fibrolysis vance of intestinal microbiota and their metabo- Histological staging is clearly needed to guide the lome, including bile acid metabolism, as prime development, validation and improvement of non- 37,38 drivers of NASH pathogenesis. invasive imaging to assess fibrosis, such as ultra- sound and magnetic resonance elastography.45,46 These non-invasive tools are not likely to be sensi- Biopsy and other predictors of fibrosis and tive enough to identify minor changes in fibrosis, fibrosis progression e.g. within a few weeks or months after lifestyle Liver biopsy has remained the gold standard for changes or specific anti-inflammatory or anti- staging and grading of NASH, for follow-up and fibrotic therapy. Recently, preclinical developments, natural history studies, and for the monitoring of such as imaging of elastin or collagen probes,47,48 antifibrotic drug effects in clinical trials. However, and even of fibrogenesis by targeting the integrin avb6,49 hold promise for a reliable assessment of the massive number of potential patients with Key point NASH, an estimated 15–20% of those with fatty fibrosis and its dynamics over the whole liver. liver, precludes liver biopsy for case finding. More- Moreover, much effort is invested in the search Much effort is being over, liver biopsy is fraught with a high sampling and validation of serum markers that predict the invested in the search and 45,46,50–53 validation of serum mark- variability because of the small size of the stage of fibrosis, and, more importantly, ers that predict fibrosis 52–57 acquired tissue sample. Thus, well controlled stud- the dynamics of fibrogenesis and fibrolysis. stage and the dynamics of ies have shown a one stage difference (out of a True markers of fibrogenesis would enable the fibrogenesis and fibrolysis. possible five stages) between two large liver biop- selection of patients likely to respond to antifibro- sies taken adjacently or from the left and right genic therapies, i.e. those with significant fibro- lobes, in 40% of patients with NASH.39,40 Therefore, genic activity, and to detect responders to this current phase IIB clinical studies require a high therapy. Fibrolysis markers would assess the number of well stratified patients (>200) and a response to treatments that remove excess fibrotic long duration of treatment (>1.5 years) to identify tissue, both in those with active and those with drugs or regimens with a significant antifibrotic inactive fibrogenesis but advanced fibrosis or cir- potential. For phase IIA proof-of-concept trials, rhosis. It is expected that in the near future their smaller numbers of patients and short-term surro- combination will permit assessment of the net gate endpoints, such as ALT and fat content, are effect of an antifibrotic therapy a few days or currently used. As outlined below, these trials weeks after the initiation of therapy, and on a reg- increasingly incorporate other non-invasive mark- ular basis, e.g. to mirror the progression and

Journal of Hepatology 2017 vol. xxx j xxx–xxx 3

Please cite this article in press as: Schuppan D et al. Determinants of fibrosis progression and regression in NASH. J Hepatol (2017), Review

Fibrogenesis: PIIINP, ProC3, ProC5 MMPs…. A9, TIMP -1, hyaluronic acid

Degradation Myofibroblasts Propeptide-cleavage

Precursor synthesis

Fibrogenesis Fibrolysis

Blood flow

Matrix degradation: C3M, C4M, C5M, C6M, N -terminal propeptide lumican, laminins, tenascin; A2, A14 C -terminal propeptide Collagen fibril

But: degradation fragments may also derive from freshly synthesised matrix proteins and reflect enhanced turnover

Fig. 1. Direct serum markers of fibrogenesis and fibrolysis. Direct markers stem from the ECM and have the highest plausibility to mirror ECM turnover in liver fibrosis. The underlined markers are currently in clinical validation for fibrogenesis and fibrolysis. A2, A9, A14: ECM associated molecules. C3M, C4M, C5M, C6M: degradation epitopes of type III, IV, V and VI. ECM, extracellular matrix; PIIINP, aminoterminal propeptide of type III procollagen; Pro-C3 (Pro-C5), C-terminal cleavage site of the aminoterminal propeptide of type III (V) procollagen; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase; TIMP-1, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1.

regression rate and predict the final outcome, be it macrophages) are associated with enhanced tissue histological or clinical. Such dynamic markers are destruction and fibrolysis, i.e. ECM degradation currently developed within the European consor- and removal. In contrast, the ensuing tia EPOS (European Project on Steatohepatitis) anti-inflammatory immune response (type 2 and LITMUS (Liver Investigation: Testing Marker inflammation, represented by Th2 T cells and M2 Utility in Steatohepatitis). They are largely ‘‘direct macrophages) is largely profibrotic, especially markers” derived from molecules that are when repetitive phases of type 1 inflammation involved in extracellular matrix (ECM) build up are followed by type 2 inflammation.66 Following or removal. The rationale behind these markers this paradigm, the simple view of correlating clas- and the most promising single tests for fibrogene- sical M1 inflammation with fibrogenesis does not sis and fibrolysis are shown (Fig. 1). One of the hold true. It is rather the extent and length of novel markers developed and validated in the the reparative relative to the inflammatory peri- EPOS cohort, Pro-C3, a direct marker of collagen ods that may finally determine the speed of fibro- synthesis, is increasingly used in proof-of- sis progression (Fig. 2). In NASH this hypothesis concept clinical studies to predict the antifibrotic also explains why histological and surrogate potential of novel agents for the treatment of serum markers of inflammation, such as ALT, show NASH.57 an overall correlation with the risk of fibrosis pro- gression in larger cohorts, but are unable to pre- Inflammation and the dynamics of fibrosis dict progression on an individual basis. In the progression same vein, effective anti-inflammatory therapies Liver fibrosis, like fibrosis in general, is the result do not necessarily predict antifibrotic effects, nor of a protracted wound healing process.8,52,53,58–63 should drugs that show no anti-inflammatory We hypothesise that ongoing fibrogenesis, namely effects be discarded as ineffective antifibrotics, the active accumulation of scar tissue (ECM), does especially when their mechanism of action sug- not follow a simple path of progression from gests such activity. A good example is the promis- steatosis to steatohepatitis to cirrhosis. Rather, ing antifibrotic effect of the dual chemokine based on preclinical data in optimised murine receptor (CCR)-2 and -5 antagonist, cenicriviroc, models of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in the absence of the expected anti-inflammatory (NASH),64,65 progression appears to result from activity.67 Therefore, for market approval of antifi- repetitive bouts of inflammation alternating with brotic drugs in NASH (and other fibrotic liver dis- an anti-inflammatory, reparative immune eases) there is currently no proven alternative to response. This is particularly evident in a disease follow-up histology and fibrosis staging, as a pri- where environmental and lifestyle changes can mary endpoint. However, this is quickly changing quickly affect the course of inflammation and because of emerging technologies for quantitative fibrosis.3,26 As detailed later, short-term, classical imaging of fibrosis and its dynamics, and the proinflammatory processes (type 1 inflammation, ongoing development of serum surrogate markers represented by T helper (Th) 1 cells and M1 of fibrogenesis and fibrolysis (Fig. 1).

4 Journal of Hepatology 2017 vol. xxx j xxx–xxx

Please cite this article in press as: Schuppan D et al. Determinants of fibrosis progression and regression in NASH. J Hepatol (2017), JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY

Mechanisms of liver fibrosis progression in A Single injury Inflammation NASH Fibrosis While pharmacological therapies for the compli- cations of the metabolic syndrome are numerous, therapies for liver inflammation in NASH are just Severity emerging, and approved therapies for liver fibrosis Time 8,52,53,58–63 remain elusive. A better understanding B Repetitive injury limited in time of NASH pathogenesis, including the fibrogenic and inflammatory drivers of disease progression

is crucial. Undoubtedly, nutrient caloric overload, Severity which is not matched by nutrient expense, leads to an overflow of peripheral and liver fat stores. Time The ensuing adipose tissue and liver inflammation C Cirrhosis represent the first hit in NASH pathogenesis. Repetitive continuous injury

Under such circumstances, the liver, peripheral ty adipose tissue and intestine interact via cytokine, everi growth factor and adipokine secretion, with the S liver taking centre stage in metabolic regula- 1,2,37 tion. Hepatocytes are major metabolic and Time lipid handling cells. During lipid overflow in hepa- tocytes, lipids, particularly free fatty acids derived Fig. 2. The new view of fibrosis progression in NASH. Fibrosis progression is rather the compensatory wound healing response to repetitive bouts of acute inflammation. While acute from the periphery, escape safe storage as inflammation is dominated by a T helper 1 cell and M1 macrophage response, the wound macrovesicular fat. Under conditions of mitochon- healing response is characterised by a usually profibrogenic T helper 2 cell and M2 drial overstraining, this leads to mitochondrial and macrophage response. Three scenarios are shown: (A) a single inflammatory stimulus, with peroxisomal dysfunction and enhanced oxidative complete resolution and no fibrosis; (B) repetitive inflammation which terminates early enough, to prevent excessive accumulation of scar tissue and finally fibrosis regression; (C) stress. Uncontrolled and incomplete lipid oxida- repetitive inflammation, with continuous accumulation of scar tissue and progression towards tion generates toxic lipid products which cause cirrhosis. NASH, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. hepatocyte damage and finally lipoapoptosis.68– 70 Lipoapoptosis in hepatocytes can be considered numerous other ECM molecules that are either a prime cause of liver inflammation in NASH, by indicators or therapeutic targets of liver fibro- attracting and activating inflammatory cells. sis.54,74 Importantly, absolute and relative collagen When this inflammatory process becomes chronic, composition changes dramatically with advancing further metabolic deterioration and fibrosis will liver fibrosis, with some pathological species ensue. Many novel approaches to causally treat becoming predominant, potentially serving as these metabolic derangements appear to affect novel targets for specific pharmacological thera- liver fibrosis, reviewed previously and again in this pies.54,74,76 Moreover, all liver cells receive posi- issue.71,72 tional and differentiation signals from these normal or pathological ECM molecules, mainly The liver extracellular matrix and the via specific integrin or proteoglycan receptors. major scar tissue producing cells Therefore, inhibition of certain integrins or recep- The bulk of ECM components in scar tissue are tor proteoglycans is another promising field for 53,80–86 produced by activated MFs, which either derive developing specific antifibrotics. from activated HSCs or from activated (portal An approach targeting the extensive crosslink- and perivascular) fibroblasts.8,52,53,58–63 Therefore, ing of major ECM proteins, such as collagens and these cells represent direct downstream target elastin, by the enzyme class of lysyl oxidases cells for therapeutic intervention. Fibrosis, defined (Lox), especially lysyl oxidase like 2 (Loxl-2), is by the excessive accumulation of ECM, goes hand attractive, since a less crosslinked ECM should be in hand with altered angiogenesis, and eventually more susceptible to proteolytic degradation. Based 87 leads to the severe architectural changes of cirrho- on a preliminary experimental study, a human- sis.41,73,74 Collagens are the most abundant ECM ised blocking antibody to Loxl-2 (Simtuzumab) components in fibrosis, increasing up to tenfold was tested in several hundred patients with early in cirrhosis.74–76 Collagen type I has recently been and late stage NASH. However, as before in pul- 88 Key point shown to be a highly promising target for specific monary fibrosis, no significant antifibrotic activ- 89 pharmacological intervention using clinical grade ity was shown in NASH, which has dampened Collagens are the most abundant ECM compo- siRNA technologies in vivo.77,78 In the same vein, enthusiasm for this therapeutic target. These dis- nents in fibrosis and are induced genetic ablation of the procollagen a1(I) appointing results may have been due to both lim- significantly increased in gene during active fibrogenesis not only reduced ited penetration of the antibody into human scar cirrhosis. overall collagen accumulation by 50%, but also tissue and the antibodies’ relative inefficiency for attenuated liver inflammation, which implicates neutralising the target, since preclinical data indi- excess collagen type I as driver of inflammation cate that Loxl-2 and general Lox-inhibition effec- and suggests that a (pro-)collagen type I targeted tively prevent liver fibrosis progression and therapeutic approach is safe.79 There are also facilitate its reversal, including a protection from

Journal of Hepatology 2017 vol. xxx j xxx–xxx 5

Please cite this article in press as: Schuppan D et al. Determinants of fibrosis progression and regression in NASH. J Hepatol (2017), Review

• Overweight/adipose tissue Normal liver Repetitive inflammation Genetic predisposition: Fibrotic liver damage • Proinflammatory nutrients TM6SF2, PNPLA3; + multiple hits • Altered intestinal microbiome Hispanic >Caucasian >African • Insulin resistance (T2D), FFA • Oxidation stress, ROS • Toxins (alcohol) • Autoimmunity • HBV, HCV


Macrophage Damaged hepatocyte, Sinusoidal progenitor cell, endothelium T cell activated cholangiocyte

Cirrhosis and HCC share ROS common pathways and immune environment Cytokines Chemokines Quiescent TGFβ1/2 stellate cell ↑↑↑↑ collagen- Cirrhosis synthesis organ ↓ MMP-1/3/9/13 failure

↑ TIMP-1 Matrix accumulation ↑ TIMP-2 Portal or Activated myofibroblast perivascular fibroblast

Fig. 3. Common mechanisms of liver fibrogenesis in NASH. Activated HSCs and (portal) MFs are prime effectors of liver fibrogenesis. They are characterised by increased proliferation, migration and contractility, and a relative resistance to apoptosis. Activated cholangiocytes which share common characteristics with fibrogenic progenitor cells emerge with increasing hepatocyte lipoapoptosis and growth arrest. Apart from an upregulation of the synthesis and deposition of various ECM components, fibrolysis is compromised by an increased synthesis of TIMP-1 and a decreased production of fibrolytic MMPs, both by HSC/MF and by Kupffer cells/macrophages. Other cell types and various stimuli can also contribute to fibrogenesis or fibrolysis. Usually, more than a single, primary hit (the primary aetiology) needs to be present, to promote progression to cirrhosis. These second hits can often be addressed prophylactically and therapeutically, e.g., by lifestyle changes in NASH, or abstinence in alcoholic liver disease. DAMP, danger associated molecular patterns (receptors for danger molecules released in hepatic inflammation); ECM, extracellular matrix; FFA, free fatty acids; HSC, hepatic stellate cell; MF, myofibroblast; MMP, matrix metalloproteinases; NASH, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis; PNPLA3, patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing protein; ROS, reactive oxygen species; T2D, type 2 diabetes; TGFb, transforming growth factor beta; TIMP, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases; TLR4, toll-like receptor 4; TM6SF2, transmembrane 6 superfamily member 2.

hepatic neoplasia.90–92 Therefore, efforts to toxins, detrimental nutrients or drugs, HCV infec- develop different Lox and Loxl2 inhibitors are tion or autoimmune liver diseases. Therefore, the justified. elimination or appropriate treatment of these con- tributing hits will alleviate fibrosis progression and decrease the risk of development of cirrhosis The role of multiple hits in fibrosis and HCC. progression Apart from hepatocyte lipoapoptosis, a variety of other stimuli, such as toxins, viruses, or cholestasis Major genetic determinants that affect contribute to fibrogenesis in NASH, either indi- NASH progression rectly or directly. The presence of multiple hits, Genetic polymorphisms in PNPLA3 (patatin-like the hierarchy of which remains unclear,93 affects phospholipase domain-containing protein) and the inflammatory and fibrogenic phenotype. Their TM6SF2 (transmembrane 6 superfamily member 2) identification is key to an appropriate stratifica- are the best validated determinants of NASH pro- tion of patients for clinical studies. In addition, gression. The isoleucin to methionine polymor- genetic and emerging epigenetic predispositions phism of PNPLA3 (I148M) is associated with an are important determinants of metabolic, inflam- increased risk of advanced fibrosis, including in Key point matory and fibrotic NASH, as well as alcoholic patients with a variety of other liver diseases, 94–96 Identifying the multiple liver disease. The contribution of these hits and is an independent risk factor for HCC in hits that underlie the to the cellular machinery of fibrogenesis is illus- patients with NASH or alcohol-related cirrho- development of fibrosis are trated (Fig. 3). Thus, apart from their genetic sis.97,98 I148M leads to a loss of function, resulting key for stratifying patients predisposition, patients with rapid fibrosis pro- in increased hepatocyte triglyceride accumulation. for clinical studies. gression usually have several hits, such as alcohol The exact molecular mechanisms leading to hep- abuse, and other often unidentified exposures to atic fibrosis and carcinogenesis remain unclear.

6 Journal of Hepatology 2017 vol. xxx j xxx–xxx

Please cite this article in press as: Schuppan D et al. Determinants of fibrosis progression and regression in NASH. J Hepatol (2017), JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY

Hepatocyte damage Hepatocyte growth Rise of fibrogenic Inflammation arrest/lipoapoptosis cholangiocytes Oxidative stress ductular reaction and cofactors Tweak EMT-like (inflammatory cells) changes



HGF, bFGF, IL-6, Shh

Cirrhosis/HCC Activated Activated myofibroblasts cholangiocytes αvβ6 inhibitors De novo expression of General mechanism in fibrosis ≥F2 integrin αvβ6

Fig. 4. Activated cholangiocytes and the fibrogenic progenitor response. Severe damage to the liver, such as hepatocyte lipoapoptosis in NASH, creates a continuously inflammatory milieu, wherein hepatocytes die or undergo growth arrest, which elicits the hepatic progenitor response. These progenitors (activated cholangiocytes) can proliferate even in this environment, once they assume a profibrogenic phenotype, replicating embryonic ductal plate formation in an intensive interaction with the surrounding myofibroblasts. This initiates a vicious circle towards progressive fibrosis. Inhibition of either the fibrogenic cholangiocyte-specific integrin avb6, or the progenitor growth factor Tweak blocks the fibrogenic progenitor proliferation, profibrogenic factor production and effectively inhibits fibrogenesis. Antagonists to Tweak, Fn14 and the progenitor-specific integrin avb6 effectively block the fibrogenic ductular reaction and fibrogenesis. bFGF, basic fibroblast growth factor; CTGF, connective tissue growth factor; EMT, epithelial mesenchymal transition; ET, endothelin; Fn14, Tweak receptor; Fn, fibroblast growth factor-inducible 14 (Tweak receptor on progenitors); MCP, macrophage chemotactic protein; HGF, hepatocyte growth factor; IL, interleukin; PDGF, platelet-derived growth factor; Shh, sonic hedgehog; TGFb, transforming growth factor beta; Tweak, TNF-like weak inducer of apoptosis.

TM6SF2 is a putative master regulator of metabo- which occurs spontaneously over several weeks lism that not only determines the risk of advanced in precirrhotic stages, maintained an epigenetic liver disease in NASH, but also cardiovascular dis- memory to more quickly resume a profibrogenic 102,103 ease outcomes. Notably, the TM6SF2 polymor- phenotype after renewed exposure to CCl4. phisms that predict NASH progression, especially It is likely that similar epigenetic memories and E167K (glutamic acid to lysine), are also associated imprints also operate for other cell types that are with an improved cardiovascular outcome, which involved in fibrosis. is at least in part due to a redistribution of lipids from the periphery to the liver.94,98 Other cells and factors central to liver Resistance to fibrosis reversal fibrogenesis Only recently, we obtained clear evidence that In early liver disease excess fibrogenesis is even compensated cirrhosis is reversible following matched by removal of excess ECM by proteolytic successful suppression of HBV or eradication of enzymes (fibrolysis), mainly via the ECM degrad- HCV infection.24,25 This indicates that once the ing matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), such as 53 major liver disease and fibrogenic stimulus is MMP-1, -3, -8, -9, -12, and -13. Upon protracted eliminated, progression is not only inhibited, but injury, fibrogenesis prevails over fibrolysis, result- fibrolysis may prevail, resulting in regression from ing in excess ECM deposition, which is accompa- (compensated) cirrhosis to a normal liver. How- nied by a downregulation of MMP secretion and ever, in these and other studies, an estimated activity, and by an increase of the tissue inhibitors 15–25% of patients with compensated cirrhosis of MMPs (TIMPs), especially TIMP-1, the major due to hepatitis B and C do not regress despite physiological inhibitor of most MMPs. However, effective antiviral therapies. This percentage activation of MMPs at the wrong place and time appears to be even higher in abstinent patients can also lead to more tissue damage favouring an with alcohol-induced cirrhosis,99,100 and data for enhanced fibrogenic response. Kupffer cells/ NASH-related cirrhosis are lacking or inconsistent. macrophages, proliferating bile ductular epithelia The reason for this resistance is unclear, but (cholangiocytes, hepatic progenitors), but also genetic and epigenetic factors, also affecting hep- endothelia, other inflammatory cells and MFs atic HSC and MF appear to be relevant.101 Thus, secrete fibrogenic cytokines and growth factors two preclinical studies showed that the HSC/MF that can stimulate HSC/MF and perivascular of mice whose fibrosis was allowed to reverse fibroblasts, or further recruit inflammatory cells (Fig. 4). after induction with carbon tetrachloride CCl4,

Journal of Hepatology 2017 vol. xxx j xxx–xxx 7

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Classically activated progenitor production. However, under the M1 macrophage unfavourable environment of chronic inflammation, progenitors are forced to differentiate into the Fibrolytic, immune-activating and cancer-suppressive more stress resistant fibrogenic cholangiocytes. Phagocytosis of debris and apoptotic cells The activated cholangiocytes/progenitors produce Generation of pro-inflammatory cytokines a broad range of central fibrogenic mediators, IL-12, IFNγ including transforming growth factor (TGF)b1 110 Monocyte and the ductular cell specific TGFb2, platelet- derived growth factor (PDGF)-BB,111 or sonic Pro-resolution Targeted hedgehog that drive MF/HSC activation.112 On macrophage CD11b+ F4/80+ Ly6Clow modulation the other hand, the activated HSC/MF produce sur- vival factors for these cholangiocytes, maintaining a program of developmental, fibrogenic ductal IL-4, IL-13 plate/portal tract formation. Pharmacological tar- Alternatively activated Profibrotic, immune-suppressive and geting of these fibrogenic progenitors is possible, M2 macrophage cancer promoting since they uniquely express the integrin avb6 that Promotion of angiogenesis is an attachment protein for the temporary ECM Generation of anti-inflammatory cytokines proteins fibronectin and tenascin-C, and that acts IL-4Rα as coactivator of latent TGFb1, the most potent M2a IL-13Rα1 profibrogenic cytokine. A small molecule inhibitor IL-13Rα2 M2b a b Stat-6 M2c, d…… as well as a blocking antibody to integrin v 6 effectively attenuated biliary and non-biliary fibrogenesis via inhibition of fibrogenic progenitor Fig. 5. Role of macrophages in progression and regression of fibrosis. Macrophages can be proliferation and TGFb1 activation.81–84 In addi- resident (Kupffer cells) or freshly recruited from circulating monocytes. Using cytokine cocktails, monocytes can be polarised in vitro towards M1 or M2 (alternatively activated) tion, a factor that promotes unfavourable progen- macrophages, which partly replicate macrophage phenotypes and functions in vivo. M1 are itor activation, TNF-like weak activator (Tweak), the classical proinflammatory macrophages seen in acute infections, as well as inflammatory could be successfully antagonised with a human- NASH, while M2 promote immune suppression and wound repair. However, the functional ised antibody to promote liver regeneration and spectrum of macrophages, especially those with a phenotypical M2 polarisation is far more complex, with several subtypes (depicted as M2a-d), some of which display (intermediate) inhibit fibrogenesis in cirrhotic mice after partial 113 proinflammatory activities. Several approaches try to inhibit fibrogenic wound healing by hepatectomy. The role of progenitors/cholan- switching profibrotic M2 macrophages by addressing putative ‘‘switch receptors”, such as giocytes is summarised (Fig. 5). IL-4Ra, IL-13Ra1/2 on their surface or intracellular M2 polarising signalling transducers like Stat-6. To date, the switches to generate ‘‘pro-resolution” macrophages that are both anti- inflammatory and antifibrotic and that are found in livers with spontaneous fibrosis regression remain elusive. IL, interleukin; IFN, interferon; IL4Ra (IL-13Ra), interleukin-4 The role of macrophages (13) receptor alpha; Stat, signal transducer and activator of transcription. Apart from targeting the final effector cells of fibrogenesis (HSC/MF), addressing the immune system, particularly macrophages, is an attractive strategy to induce regression of established fibro- sis.53,61,63,50,51,54,66,114–116 Among the innate The role of progenitor cell activation immune cells, liver macrophages, both resident In NASH, the depletion of functional hepatocytes Kupffer cells and freshly recruited monocytes/ by apoptosis triggers a progenitor (activated macrophages play a key role both in fibrogenesis cholangiocyte) response aimed at replenishing and fibrolysis. After acute injury Kupffer cells can hepatocytes. However, under the unfavourable recruit additional innate immune cells, including condition of chronic inflammation and oxidative large numbers of Ly6Chi inflammatory blood stress, hepatocyte differentiation is blocked, and monocytes that quickly acquire the macrophage the progenitors develop to a more resistant phenotype CD11b+ F4/80+ and display high phago- cholangiocyte-like phenotype, characterised by cytotic activity.117–120 These cells have the capac- positivity for cytokeratins CK7 and CK19. These ity to produce a wide range of cytokines that can cholangiocytes are strong promoters of fibrogene- act in both a pro- and anti-inflammatory/fibrotic sis, especially in more advanced stages of NASH, manner, depending on the timing of release, the such as stages 2–4. This mechanism that corre- ECM- and the immune environment.119,120 Acute sponds to the ductular reaction is prominent in bouts of inflammation induce ECM degradation, lipoapoptotic NASH, when hepatocytes continu- paving the way for favourable or unfavourable tis- ously die or enter a state of growth arrest, prevent- sue remodelling, whereas repeat recovery phases 104,105 ing regeneration by cell division, but is also in alternation with acute inflammation favour a observed in all other more advanced chronic liver compensatory immune suppressive but profibro- 106–109 diseases. Here cholangiocyte/progenitor cell genic immune response, characterised by high proliferation parallels fibrosis progression. It can levels of macrophage-derived factors such as be seen as an attempt by the injured liver to interleukin (IL)-13 and TGFb1, resulting in pro- regenerate the hepatocyte compartment by gressive fibrosis as illustrated (Fig. 2). Conversely,

8 Journal of Hepatology 2017 vol. xxx j xxx–xxx

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Normal liver • Overweight/adipose tissue inflammation • Proinflammatory nutrients • Altered intestinal microbiome • Insulin resistance (T2D), FFA Causal • Oxidative stress, ROS therapy • Toxins (alcohol) • Autoimmunity • HBV, HCV X Damaged hepatocyte, Sinusoidal progenitor cell, Macrophage T cell activated cholangiocyte endothelium Reversal of cirrhosis and liver failure?

Stimulation of +HGF, Antifibrotic (hepatocyte) agents +FGF19...? Quiescent regeneration stellate cell Fibrotic liver ↓↓↓↓ collagen synthesis

Portal or ↑ MMP-1/3/9/13 perivascular ↓ TIMP-1 fibroblast Collagen degradation ↓ TIMP-2 Activated Reversal of distorted myofibroblast (vascular) architecture?

Fig. 6. Need for antifibrotic therapies and cellular targets. Antifibrotic therapies are necessary for progressive liver diseases without a causal therapy, for patients who progress despite effective causal therapy, and to speed up regression of cirrhosis. Simplified scheme of Fig. 3. Antifibrotic agents may not only inhibit further progression of fibrosis, but also enhance fibrolytic activities, not only by switching fibrogenic macrophages to fibrolytic or by attenuating the fibrogenic progenitor response, but also by inducing stress relaxation and thus fibrolytic MMP-expression in activated HSC/MF. Finally, the combination of antifibrotic agents with growth factors that favour hepatocyte regeneration might even reverse a decompensated cirrhotic liver. FGF, fibroblast growth factor; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase; ROS, reactive oxygen species; TGFb, transforming growth factor beta; TIMP, Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases. during long-term reversal and in the absence of primary hit) is the best strategy to inhibit fibroge- Key point recurrent bouts of inflammation, macrophages nesis and the development of cirrhosis. However, adopt a fibrolytic character characterised by an it is not necessarily a good therapy to induce Therapy that targets the lo + central pathology of a upregulated MMP-expression, a Ly6C F4/80 reversal of advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis (fibrosis given liver disease is the phenotype, with an attenuated secretion of stage 3–4), which is often characterised by sub- best strategy for inhibiting TGFb1.120 However, the full functional phenotype dued classical inflammation, but an active, contin- fibrogenesis and cirrhosis. of these ‘‘pro-resolution” macrophages, which uously reparative fibrotic milieu, as frequently appear to represent a subpopulation of the other- observed in advanced, supposedly non- wise profibrogenic M2 macrophages, remains to inflammatory NASH. Therefore, specific anti- be better characterised. Therefore, targeting the fibrotic therapies are needed for those patients in profibrogenic macrophages, either blocking their whom the primary causal factor(s) cannot be elim- recruitment and fibrogenic activation, or pharma- inated, fibrosis reversal needs to be accelerated (in cologically switching profibrogenic macrophages addition to lifestyle changes or bariatric surgery), into fibrolytic macrophages, by targeting specific or who despite these measures progress or do receptors or signalling molecules that may induce not regress. Mechanism-based antifibrotic thera- such a switch, is an attractive therapeutic strategy pies and approaches beyond those that were being actively pursued.53,114 The macrophage phe- described in this review have been summarised notypes and potential switches relevant to fibrosis before.53,58,61–63 The indication for specific antifi- reversal vs. fibrosis progression are summarised brotic agents and their prime cellular targets are (Fig. 5). highlighted (Fig. 6).

Antifibrotic therapies Conclusion An effective causal therapy that addresses the Advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis have become the central pathology of chronic liver disease (the major liver-related clinical endpoints in NASH.

Journal of Hepatology 2017 vol. xxx j xxx–xxx 9

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The natural history of fibrosis progression and (FIBROIMAGING) by the European Union to DS regression, and the key underlying genetic and the European Union EU to DS. lifestyle factors are already well defined. Clinical studies that address fibrosis will be supported by an improved trial design based on optimised con- Conflict of interest ventional parameters, including improved biopsy The authors declare no conflicts of interest that readouts, and by a growing armamentarium of pertain to this work. surrogate methods and serum markers to assess fibrosis and fibrogenesis. Notably, improved non- invasive markers of fibrogenesis should permit Authors’ contributions adjustment of drug dose and drug combinations, DS designed and wrote the review. RS and XYW to generate a maximal antifibrotic potency with performed original and literature research and minimal side effects. Still, the first clear proof of helped in editing the review. antifibrotic activity will not be available for another 2–3 years, even for those agents that are Acknowledgements currently in phase III clinical studies for NASH. In Cited studies by the authors related to non-alcoholic this vein, a truly personalised approach for treat- steatohepatitis and liver fibrosis were supported by ing liver fibrosis would be possible. We anticipate EU grants within the European Project on Steatohep- that effective antifibrotic agents for treating atitis (EPoS), and Liver Investigation: Testing Marker patients with advanced liver disease will be avail- Utility in Streatohepatitis (LITMUS), and by an ERC able soon. Advanced Grant (FIBROIMAGING) to DS.

Financial support Supplementary data The authors’ studies related to this topic were sup- Supplementary data associated with this article ported by grants from the US National Institutes of can be found, in the online version, at Health (NIH), the German Research Foundation (DFG), the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), and an ERC Advanced Grant

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