The Runner CALIFORNIA ,STAfE ··coLLEGE,. BA.KE.ASFIELD Volume II~ Number 8 · · · November 4, 1976

CSB students Carol Hurley, Linda Fassig, and Jon Bashor watch election returns with Bob Wolfe, Kern County Coordinator for the Hayakawa campaign. Local television KJTV utilized both CSB faculty and students in the election coverage. Photos by John Kaiser.

PRESIDENT CA~ O!OAT K:E:Qt-i fJA1 WRIGHT l HALL CAMEJO CARTE~ox SQIOE RO Danny Ortiz won the runoff election for the representative from the School of Humanities. A history major, Ortiz hopes to provide represen-tation for CSB students at the SAC meetings. He can be reached at 324-7810. Political Science Dept. Prepares Model U.N. by Danny Ortiz "The purpose of the program is to give high school On Nov. 12-13, CSB's students the opportunity to political science department increase their knowledge of and academic. village will once international affairs while again be sponsoring the Model learning, at the . same time, United Nations conference. about the structure of work of In turn, students will gain a Richard Stillman, CSB instructor in BP A, receives last minute instructions from Ruth Gelman and t h e U n it e d Nations, " deeper understanding of how studio personnel on election night. Other CSB faculty participating in the analysis included David commented political science world issues are considered and Ahearn, Gene Clark, Jim Ross, Dick Bilas, and Sandy Woy. professor Sandra Woy, in decided up~n through the charge of the two day activity. structure 3f the United A total of 24 high schools Nations. wit)l approximately · 380 Some of the issues students Fassig Readies Jr~ Miss Contestants students from the Kern, will address are on the Orange, Fresno, Tulare, and development of ocean Los Angeles counties will be resources, the control of participating in the sessions. international terrorism, the Fourteen high school Each high school will be protection of the human rights ' senior girls will be vying for the expected to represent one or of political prisoners, the title of 1977 Bakersfieldjunior more delegations (countries) at internationalization of vital Miss on Sat., Nov. 6, 7 p.m. at the conference. A total of 63 canals and straits, the creation Harvey Auditorium. The girls nation delegates ranging from of a U.N. military force, and represent the · public high the People's Republic of China the peaceful transfer of schools of greater Bakersfield, to the controversial Palestinian majority rule in South Africa. Garces Memorial and Team and individual Bakersfield Academy. Liberation Front will be represented. judging will be based on the Th _e . Junior Miss In some cases, . the criteria of organization, competition is a nation-wide delegations may have to draft, rhetorical strategy, scholarship program which or amend, and vote on certain demonstrated research, and recognizes excellence in high resolutions pertaining to their role propriety. Judging will be school senior girls. It is not a country. They may even find it done by CSB professors and beauty contest. America's · necessary to deliver a short student advisors. Junior Miss is a non-profit speech to rally support for a Student advisors asslStmg corporation. resolution, or a brief statement in the Model United Nations The East Bakersfield Lion's on their country's stand and program include Greg Reimer, Club is sponsoring Bakersfield's vote. Estela Casas, Will Chandler, progrll;Ill for the second year. Delegations must study Greg Stene, Anthony For their 19 7 6 presentation carefully and be prepared to Vengarick, Joe Westrick, the Lion's Club received "The state in plenary sessions or Danny Ortiz, Julio Borquez, Best First Time Local Linda Fassig leads some of the Junior Miss contestants through committee meetings the Sharon Woolfolk, Brenda Program" award from their dance numbers. Choosing of the winner will take place on position actually held by the Jackson, Bob Snyder, Rog California Junior Miss, Inc. · Sat., Nov. 6. Fassig, the current Junior Miss, will crown the country they represent on one Garrett, Brian McNabb,. and winner. Continued on Page 3 or more world· issues. Jim Devlin. r 0 0 . . ...

The Runner, page 2, Nov. 4, 1976 CSUC SA Presidents Meet, Define· Goals and Problems for 1976-77 by Diane Cassano Editor's Note: This article was It was noted that a Student the chancellor in the next the implementation of the He then announced an provided by "The Wildcat," fees Task Force has been set week, but said there will be no trustees directive on only intention to introduce the student newspaper of up to determine where student funds forthcoming this year. about half of the campuses. On legislation which wourd allow Chico State University. The money is going and where He thinks the best solution some campuses, it was pointed students to increase student article is part of a program to student money should be would be for each campus to out, the directive was not being activity fees by specific increase the sharing of going. rearrange their . own campus implemented in good faith, and amounts for specific purposes information between CSUC Art Bernstein of San Diego funds to keep the libraries students were being excluded (e.g., $1 per year for a day care campus newspapers. We wish State University, SPA liaison to open longer. from ·further involvement in center) on condition that 30% to thank 'The Wildcat" for its the chancellor's office, noted Plotkin noted that he plans RPT. of the students vote. help. that on his campus he has legislative action for the Scott Plotkin noted that Two· previous bills, which discovered several misuses of 1977-78 budget to increase CSUSPA's · or1ginal intentions were passed only after Student presidents from student money which was funds to keep the libraries of getting students involved in considerable difficulty and throughout the California State being expended on services open longer. the evaluation process seems to would have increased the University and Colleges system which were not student Myers led the educational have been undermined. ceiling on student activity fees gathered in Chico on Oct. 23 services. policies committee discussion "There is something were vetoed by Gov. Brown, and 24 for their monthly on the recent legal opinion of different going on at e:1ch who among other things meeting. \Vriting Proficiency Test the trustees forcing campus campus," he said, claimed that low voter turnout l\Iembers of the California papers to be non-discrimin­ recommending that the diminished the. value of student CSUCSPA's educational State University and Colleges atory and accept all advertising presidents adopt an government determinations. policy committee reported to Student Presidents Association and forbidding them to make explanatory memo in hopes of The present maximum of $20 the group on the student (CSUCSPA) spent some 12 political endorsements, unless statewide uniformity. per year has been in effect for writing skills proficiency and hours in meetings over the such endorsements are signed "After working so hard to more than two decades. two-day period, discussing such diagnostic test which the by individuals. get students involved in RPT," Plotkin is also topics as the financial status of trustees have supported, It was noted that at the said Kevin Gallager of San recommending that the their organization, a proposed despite CSUCSPA's trustees' meeting last month, Bernardino, "we're getting disapproval. association support bills which student writing skills test trustee Frank Adams voiced an tokened ou~." would forbid discrimination in which would be required for "The need for the test has opinion that all campus housing accommodations graduation, library hours, and been demonstrated over the newspapers should be under Legislative Program years by such articles as 'Why against students. possible legislation which will the respective journalism He also noted that he will effect students this year. Can't Johnny Read and departments,. where they could Scott . Plotkin acquainted do his best to insure that The student presidents Write,"' said Myers. be controlled by the university the presidents with a proposed intercollegiate .athletics be spent about 45 minutes in a He noted that the trustees presidents. legislative· program for the viewed as an instructionally closed executive session feel all students graduating Myers warned the rest of SPA. rela;!ed activity and be funded Saturday morning, consulting from the state college and the student presidents to be Among the bills introduced out of state IRA money rather with Chico State Associated university system should be careful, arguing that if even or to be introduced is an than student fees. He Students General Manager able to pass the test. one campus paper is out of amendment to the education encouraged the presidents to l\la k Bookman, an attorney, . A remedial prograrrr is line, the trustees could very code which would authorize have their athletics directors being proposed for those who well pass some kind of blanket the use of parking revenue regarding their financial status. support this position and to score low on the test. l\lyers policy affecting all papers in funds for the acquisition, relay written comments to -Financial Report Due estimated that between the system. construction, operation, and Chico AS president Alan one-fourth and. one-half of all maintenance of alternative him. ~lyers explained last year the students would be forced to Student Input in RPT methods of transportation on SPA "wound up broke take the remedial course, The meeting then turned to the system's campuses. unexpectedly." The which will probably be given the rna tter of how the various Plotkin also announced association's controller, for no credit. campuses were implementing a that he intended to continue The Health Center has LeMond Goodloe, who was Myers pointed out that recent trustees' directive calling pushing legislation that would available 2500 doses of SWINE student president at San there are two main concerns for student participation in the transfer control over how FLU VACCINE for students, Francisco State at the time, with the test - racial and faculty retention, tenure and student activity fees are sperit faculty; and staff. The vaccine, told the SPA that it was in cultural bias and funding. promotion process. from the hands of the campus made from killed virus, has good financial condition, said "The association took a Discussion revealed that presidents and .into those of minimal, if any, side effects. Myers. stand again&t the test last students were participating in the student governments. "But th.en he sort of spring," said Myers. "But we dropped out of sight and have no say anymore ... they stopped coming to our are going ·to implement it meetings," said Myers. A spot anyway." check of the association's bank Myers stated that the account found its reserves had trustees feel that students been depleted. should pay the $10 test fee out "We had a deficit," said of their own pocket, unless Myers. As for the con troller, they are under financial aid, in Myers said that the which case a grant program will association's efforts to find be arranged., him have failed thusfar. - "The whole concept of the following their executive test is ridiculous," said Kevin session, James Ferguson, the Gallagher, president at San new controller and student Bernardino. "Ten dollars is an president of San Jose State awful lot of money for a test, University, announced that a especially a computer test. ... certified public accountant and Students are traditionally the ·Brand new, attorney would be retained to most deprived economic factory-sealed components · conduct an immediate audit of segment of society." the 1975-76 financial It was agreed that the at the Lowest Prices you've ever seen! condition of CSUCSPA. association would still voice its You know what you want .. . and we know what you're In order to prevent a objection to the test, and waiting for! We're Audio Extension S~tems, an? especially to any" mandatory saving you big bucks on the best names m sound IS similar situation from ever what we're about. We don't have sound rooms, happening again, Scott Plotkin, fee. switching panels, or system displays. So you only pay legislative advocate for for what YOU get to keep! We don't have "Demo" CSUCSPA, recommended that Library Hours Short and "Close-Out" Sales because we only sell the latest models, and have no shopu~orn demonstrators. the student presidents adopt a Scott Plotkin, legislative · Instead, you get brand Qew, factory-fresh gear at Lower· new banking system. Bank of advocate, noted that on most Than-Sale Prices every day, to you and to e~eryone . America would issue the It's even better than Mail Order! Because you re face­ campuses there is a controversy organization's checks, and to-face with an Audio Professional who makes sure over library hours. your system comes out perfect! And best of all, . you there should be no problern can generally have your, new ~ystem h?me "?thin 72 with accounting for how "The libraries are just not hours of ordering! Don t put 1t off, pnces wtll never money was spent. open enough for everyone," he be lower. Call Audio Extension Systems now. However, Susan patterson said, recommending that a of Long Beach was not totally survey be taken on each reassured that such a situation campus to find out if it is a would not recur, and she stated problem and if so, how many that her school will not be hours the students would like submitting its dues to the library open. CSUCSPA until the audit is "We need to know how completed to her satisfaction. much money it will take to Each student in the change the situation," he said. California State University and Art Bernstein, chancellor's Colleges system pays 15 cents liaison, said he will be for membership in CSUCSPA. discussing library hours with The Runner, pqc 3. Nov. 4, 1976 Fee Election Set Junior Miss Trustees Okay Support For Next QUarter Continued from Page 1 Budget Linda Fassig Junior Misses are judged in of her choice. Gail Bendoski of five areas: Youth Fitness, 15 Elections for student fees Porterville was chosen on the student body than Tide percent; Creative and will take place during the third 5. California Junior Miss for At its Oct. 28 meeting, the Performing Arts, 20 percent; 1976. week of the winter quarter, Chair Susan Fox, ' in CSUC board of trustees 1 Poise and Appearance, 15 approved a 1977-78 support Jan. 19 and 20, as decided at accordance with Robert's percent; Scholastic the SAC meeting Oct. 28. Rules, nullified the voting of Bakersfield's program is budget request to the Achievement, 15 percent; being choreographed by Fassig, California Postsecondary According to Article 9, fees until next quarter. Judge's Interview, 35 percent. A grievance from the and rehearsals have taken place Education Commission, the section B of the CSB Student twice weekly since the legislature, and the governor Association Constitution, the committee will be sent to the grievance board asking for Linda Fassig, formerly of beginning of September. The totalling approximately $664.5 election, if held this quarter, Youth Fitness routine is made million for the 19-campus takes the chance of being cited clarification of the West High and presently a CSB constitution's wording on this freshman, will finish her term up of popular dances from system, excluding salary and as unconstitutional and thus various eras. matter. as 197 6 Bakersfield Junior Miss fringe benefit increases for invalid. The section reads " ... faculty and administrative and a two-thirds vote of the During the meeting the in the crowning of her Members of the Electric Oil support staffs. The present Association Committee may grievance board by-laws were successor. As Bakersfield's Sump will provide music for 19 7 6-7 7 support budget place a proposed amendment approved as written last spring Junior Miss she received a $200 and amended by the SAC scholarship. the event. appropriation totals $613.8 on the ballot. The election for million. the amendment shall be held at policy committee. The duties of the bo.ard will be to In addition to the selection In addition, the Committee the beginning of the following of Bakersfield's Junior Miss, on Campus Planning, Buildings quarter." interpret the constitution, In February, Fassig nullify actions taken by the journeyed to Santa Rosa two runners-up will be named and Grounds, acting on behalf The ambiguous wording of SAC, resolve grievances California, for 11 days of as well as the Spirit of Junior of the full board, approved "beginning" is the key factor between members of the competition for the title of Miss (voted by the girls) and campus master plan revisions of the issue. It was brought up assoCiatiOn and hear other California's junior Miss. Of the Scholastic Achievement for the state universities at that according to Title 5 SAC grievances on issues as referred 76 contestants she placed in winners. Hayward and Northridge and has the right to hold the to the board by the the top 10 and received a· okayed schematic plans and election when it chooses. The association. sterling silver plaque engraved The $1 donation will be consulting architects for auditoria at Dominguez Hills, argumej~t was countered by the The association approved "1976 CaliforniaJunior Miss­ applied towards the winner's general feeling of the Danny Ortiz as humanities Special Recogpition" and a scholarship. Tickets can be Fresno, Hayward, Long Beach, committee that the representative to College $2 50 scholarship to the college purchased at the door. Northridge, and Sacramento. constitution has more impact Council. N-ATIONALLY KNOWN • • • Americana Coiffures • • • SPEED READING 1330 Chester Avenue tOURSE TO BE 322-5071 TAUGHT HERE IN. BAKERSFIE.LD

~ea:sfield (1pec.) - G~Iden State, a! 18 should be accompanied by a parent davasaon ol ILS. Readi~ L_ab, ,.,ill ' if possible), olfer a 4-.week eoune in .Speed ~ading A Seiko for Christmas. to a limi~M ilamber el qualified peo­ If you have always wanted to be a · ple .in.&he Bakmfield area. speed reader bot found the cost prohibitive or .the course too time con­ It's disappointment-proof. Thia reeeady developed method of sumfn8 - now you can I Just by al­ in&tnaetioaa .. the IDOit mnovative and tendlft8l eveni111 per week for 4 short efleetbe· proaram available in the weeks you can read 7 to 10 times fast­ United State&. · . er, ~neentrate better and comprehend more. ·.- Not :only do~& this fa...Ous course · If you are. a student who would like · reduce your time in the el&~~ioom to, just one elasl per week lor • abort to ~ake A's .instead of D's or C's or il : ·week& but it alao include& aa advanced you are a business penon who wants ;~ · speed re&diD8 · on eauette tape to stay abreast of today's eve~hangill8 ~ accelerating worlcl then this coune is ~ ~ that you can continue to improve an ~lute necessity. · for the rest Gl your life. In just 4, weeks the averqe student &hould be These special one-hour lectures wUI _* re-.din8 .f...;S t'imes faster. ln. a few be held at the following times and month& i,ome students are readill8 2- plac~s. 030 times fa&ter att41inift8 speed&. that approach 6,000 words per minute. In Bakersfield Meetings: ~rare instance& speeds of up to 13,000 Wed., Thurs., Fri., Nov. 3, .f., 5. 6:30 & . :; wpm have been documented. 8:30 p.m~; Sat. Nov. 6, 10:30 a.m. & I :30 p.m.; M·on. & Tues. Nov. 8 & 9 : Our aver88e graduate should read 6:30 p~m. and at 8;30 p.m. :;· 7 -··· time& la&ter upon completion of S~iko, the world's le~ding watchmaker, have one thing in common-good looks, • .:; the eoune with marked improvement The above weekday meetin8 wiD be (·~ in comprehension and concentration • . at The Women's Club of Bakersfield .g1ves you almost unlimited ways of telling including those attractive Seiko colored ~ - . 2030-18th,St., Bakersfield ( 18th & D): time. Watches for men and women ... for dials. No .matter what kind of watch you • , For those who would like additional Saturday meetiJ188 will be at Hun­ dress and sportswear ... and Seiko prefer, we have it for you-and it's a Seiko :information, a tier~ of free, one hour, gry Cowboy, 2626 . Pier~ Road, Quartz, the result of Seiko's renowned orientation lectures have been sched­ Bakersfield. (24th St. off Highway 99) advanced technology. All Seiko watches uled. At these free lectures the course SEIKO will be exfl~ned . in complete detaiJ, If you are a businessman, student, housewife or. executive this course, t~ ineludin8 cJanroom proeeclures, m• ·; struction method&, class schedule and which took 5 years of intensive re- , search to develop, is a must. You ean · ~t: l a speeial I time only introductory tai­ , tion that is leN than one-half the cost read 7-10 times Caster, comprehend more, concentrate better, and remem­ ~of similar eounes. You must attend LEA(S !a~~P~~!~ ber longer. Students are offered an any of the meetings for information additional discount. This course ean OF STOCKDA.LE VILLAGE ab9ut the Baken.l~eld c~asses. be taught to industry or eivic groups at 1 ~ Open Your Leals Charge Today • "Group rates" upon requ~st. Be sure iiiii Lay Away for Christmas to ·attend whichever free orientatio&. . 32_4-0981 · that fits best in· our schedule. The Runner. pqe 4. Nov. 4. 1976

C.S.E.A. FLU CLINIC Both bands have donated their time in a gesture of Nov. · 10, Wed.~ 12-2 p.m. community support. Tickets CSB Health Center will be on sale in advance at For those who need annual the CSB Activities Office and booster, second shot, or who th~ door the night of the eV-ent missed the first clinic for $1.50. Open to Staff, Faculty, The doors will open _at 9 Continuing Education students · p.m. and 5 hours of continuous 8c families. music and dancing are $3.00 CSEA members expected. $3.50 others. ~------Cal State Women's Club's ------.- Holiday Happening III, the MAVERICKS annual Christmas bazaar, will ASSOCIATION cordially be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. invites all single adults to the on Sat. Nov. 20, in Dorothy first of their November dances, Donahoe Hall. Proceeds from the "Turkey Trot," Nov. 12, 9 the bazaar support scholarships p.m.·1 a.m. at the Casa Royale, and beautification projects on 251 South Union Avenue, the campus. Bakersfield. Holiday Happening Ray Oxley & his Country features the work of local Gentlemen will be on hand to artisans. Available for purchase . provide a variety of .music for will be paintings, woodwork,· dancing, listening 8c mingling, jewelry, leatherwork, and for this pre-Thanksgiving more. -- -==~ - celebration. - --==-- _--:_- I The Cal State women will For more information have baked goods and regarding this, & other homemade chile in the Little I Mavericks events, call Vera Restaurant section of the Stalker, 833-2207. bazaar. I

------Bakersfield Chapter of The Reading Lab, which / G.A.S.P. (Group Against opened this quarter, is waiting Smoking Pollution) will have for business. Students / its regular monthly meeting interested in developing their Wed. Nov. 17, at the Kern reading speed and Going ·Home? · County Health Department, com prehension, impr()ving­ 1700 Flower St., at 7:30p.m. their vocabulary, or figuring Discussion regarding the out a method for attacking a state G.A.S.P. meeting in San difficult textbook are urged to Jose on Nov. 20, is on the stop by. agenda, as well as nominations The lab is located off the Students Offer Mixed for local officers for 1977. lounge area in Dorm F and is G.A.S.P. philosophy is open Mon. through Thurs. "Smoking should be confined Reading Lab hours are as Reactions to Flu· Shot to consenting adults in follows: by Denise Pinell The ' breakdown showed Accessibility of the vaccine was private." Mon., 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. that of the 50 questioned,. the obviously not an influencing All meetings are open to Tues., 11 a.m to 4 p.m. In a survey to determine male students had more factor. the public. Wed., 9 a.m. to 2 a.m. "How do CSB students feel definite opinions: 13 said yes, Most of those who will not Further information about Thurs., 11 a.m. to 4 a.m about Swine Flu inoculation?" 11 said no, and only one didn't take the shot fear side effects, the state, local, and national Stop by the LRC Office in 50 students were questioned know. and feel it is too risky. They organization can be obtained Donn F /Room 110 for an about their personal views. The women, however, believe more research is needed by writing to P.O. Box 131, appointment or just drop by Twenty-one students said seemed more uncertain: eight and don't wjsh to be "human Bakersfield 93302, or calling the lab and see what is they were going to have the said yes, eight said no, and nine guinea pigs." Vera Stalker, 833-2207. ______available...... __ shot, 19 said they were not, were undecided. Despite these objections, and 10 students were The CSB health center has the health center rep' rts that ------undecided. been offering the vaccination 155 people were ir oculated Get ready for the biggest The ARTS JOURNAL since Oct. 22. Thirty of the during the first wee (. Those event of the year as Axis and students questioned were questioned reported that the the Cedar St. Band join forces announces its annual National Poetry Competition, open to aware of this program. shot was painless an< that they in a benefit dance to be held at all poets within the continental Interestingly enough, had no side effects. the CSB gym, Nov. 2 0. U.S. Twenty-five prizes will be almost all of the students who The health center will Proceeds will go to the KERN awarded, including $100 First said they would not be COUNTY SPECIAL Submit administer the vaccine at least Prize. Competition judge . is inoculated knew about this through December and OLYMPICS FUND for the nationally-renowned poet John service while most of those possibly longer depending on mentally handicapped. Hear Y e, Hear Ye, Hear Beecher. Entry deadline Nov. who said they would get the the demand. Axis is a local group Ye! 15. For information and rules, shot were unaware of it. The CSCB Orpheus is now consisting of Chuck Seaton write: Poetry Editor, the (guitar), · Tracy Ridlon (bass) ARTS JOURNAL, 324 . accepting manuscripts of short stories, poetry, creative essays and Steve Mayer (drums) noted Charlotte St., Asheville, NC and plays. The Arts, Sciences, for their hard drivin' rock 'n' 28801. The Arts Journal is a soul. Philosophy, Economics, tax-e~empt, non-profit The fantastic sounds of the organization which encourages History, as well as all other Cedar St. Band will kick off departments are encouraged to communicat~on among writers, the event with an array of submit for publication quality artists, and craftsmen~ CAES.ARS NO ..II songs·fromjames Taylor to the works. This being a student Alman Brotbers. publication~ all submissions are restricted to student work ------onLy, according to Jack Gallon, editor. · .l _ta l.i.a.n._D.. el ic .at e n The Runner Manuscripts may be Editor . . Jon Bashor submitted to one of three Ad Sales Manager Paul DeArmond persons·: the English . Steve Gary Department Secretary, 203F, Sports Editor 4701 Wilson Rd • Photographers . Dave Anast, Sherry Bowman . Faculty Towers, to jack Gallon or Bill Shoars at-large, and to John Kaiser, Tom Leach Bakersfield Staff Richard Armstrong, Mary Baird, Gloria Cobb Solomon 0. Iyasere, 201 F, J .J. Devlin, Linda Fassig, Alisa Glazier Faculty Towers. Phone 832-6112 Lucy Granillo, Lori Johnson, Richard Kolar, The deadline for Trena Lee, Polly Lewis, Charmaine Nicely submissions is the end of Danny Ortiz Robert Patterson, Denise Pinell, Larry Riddle Winter Quarter, 1976, so don't (comer of Wilson and Stine) hesitate. Last year's Orpheus Dave Rogers, Debbie Rosenberg, Greg Stene, Jana Trout ' . Advisor . Marla Iyasere was a total success, says Sandwiches * Foods to Go * Salads Gallon. This year· we are more proud than ever to open the The Runner is a weekly publication of Gal State Bakersijeld, Party Platters Beer Wine appearing every Thursday of the school year. Offices are door to student works for * * located in FT-302E and F. Phone 833-2240 for more publication. Help us complete information or to subMit articles. another edition of the Orpheus. The Runner, page 5, Nov. 4, 1976 Boston Blasts Out "Bittersweet f'..ompiled by Greg Stene. Familiar Sounds Love" Hard , ''The RUmiery' cannot auume rapolllibilitf' ·ror the acc:ul.:y of !thex -iteuaar:_.u the establishments conc:emed have familiae~ the by J o_n Bashor :infonna~ ·and may ·change their pr~. "'Ihe R.wmer allo viset. that tile ~1 year minim~ age il enforced at many placa. How can you help not Tonight," which sounds like to Swallow me lQCationt ma,..~ a coftr chaqe. having heard the single, if you something Strawbs were doing listen to radio? With their four years ago, but at least it's BARS AND LOUNGES concert last night, local radio well done. by Alisa C. Glazier "We were just another stations have been pushing Bakersfield Inn- 1101 Union Ave. Boston's "More Than a band out of Boston," is the "B i.t t e rsweet Love" ~ays {Rock Group) 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Feeling, more than most other opening line on side two. Too (Zappata I Scott I Michaels singles. true. The cut "Rock and Roll Production) is a well acted but Black Angus - 3033 Union Ave. Boston's debut LP, tided Band" is the standard "life in a unlikely film of a brother-sister Buttermilk with Misty Walker (Rock) 8:30p.m. to 1 a.m. oddly enough "Boston" does band is rough and tough" tune. romance which develops into a Most bands, though, wait for superficially psychological contain some pretty good The Dungeon - 955 Real Road stuff. the third or fourth LP to study of contemporary incest. Reggie & Alex (Soft Rock & Pop) 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. In comparison with other record their "paid my dues" Scott Hylands plays track. Michael Lewis, a New England bands, Boston Michael's - 1800 Chester has more control than J. Geils "Smokin" is good, but not-so-starving young architect • Triple Creek (Top 40, Pop), 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. Band, and a bit more partial credit should ·go to who falls in love with Patricia originality than Aerosmith. But Felix Cavaliere, as the song Peterson, a Slavic language Howdy House- 1021 Oak Street mind you, only a bit. definitely resembles a worked teacher (Meredith Baxter Belly Dancing 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Boston comes close to over "Rock and Roll Outlaws." Birney). They have an affair, driving hard like the old Mott The heavies lighten up a bit she becomes pregnant, and Casa Royale- 251 S. Union the Hoople (before Hunter they get married. to do "Hitch A Ride." This Charles Strong Trio (Pop) left). But their sounds don't track, teamed with "More Meanwhile, Patricia's differ that much from mother Claire (Lana Turner) Than a Feeling" present the Tam O'Shanter - 2345 Alta Vista recentFoghat material, or most original material from discovers that Michael is the 's '"Rock and Roll · Second Wind with Mike Meyers (Top 40, Rock) 9 p.m. to 1:30 this band. son of an ex-lover that she met a.m. Oudaws" in particular. during World War II. Her The album closes with Rick & Spud on Sun., 8:30p.m. to 1 a.m. Boston opens with "More ·"Foreplay/ · Long Time," husband (Robert Aida) never Than a Feeling" on side one, knew that Patricia actually nicely. Mter the short Trouts - 805 N. Chester Ave. which is definitely the best AM wasn't his daughter nor that instrumental, "Long Tjme" Sandland Brothers (Country/Western) 9 p.m. to 1_a.m. radio cut and one of the LP's rips up and takes off, making Claire ·married him when she strong songs. you feel not too badly about was just weeks pregnant with Lyons- 5410 Stockdale Hwy. The next two tracks, buying the LP. Howard Lewis' (Robert Chuck Mendonsa 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. "Peace of Mind" and All in all, it's a pretty good Lansing) child. "Something About You" are first try, but one gets the Patricia's parents then Maitia - 700 Truxtun Ave. nice little toe-tappers, but feeling that you've heard it all complicate everything by Sound Towers 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. stand out about as much as an before. telling her and Michael (for the Okie in Oildale. Come on boys, Next week, we'll take a benefit of the baby, who could Iron Horse - California and Oak but variety in your noise! l~ok at their recent appearance be born with a birth defect Doug Beatty (Rock) 8:30p.m. to 1:30 a.m. The first side winds up with Black Sabbath at the because of genetic problems). with "Let Me Take You Home Civic. The truth creates a difficult Ramada Cocktail Lounge - 26 70 Pierce dilemma for the pair, who ····J ·.·.·.·:·=·:·:-:·=·:·:·:-:-:·=·:·=·· ;::I ::::::::======:=:= ~=~t~~~~~~~~}rf~~~=~=~=::~:=~:~:~~~;~:~r;)~{I@~\f~t~rf:::~~~~t-too~~~1· =-~· · ~~ ·-:.:- .; *'~m.:- Hayshakers (Rock) 11,,,,,,,.,,,,,;,,,,,,,,, ~:~; can't decide what they want to do. She immediately skips Freddie's Top of the Hill- 2674 Mt. Vernon Ave. t~wn and drives down to Banny 9 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Tijuana for an abortion, but decides that she can't go Cimarron- 913 Chester through with it, and returns Billy Stevenson and Group home. l:~:f~~=;~,:~ 9~;~::::::::~tt~ll::· ;:~1 From this scene, the story FILM THEATRES ::::~ November 21, CSB Wind Ensemble, TBA. . . ~1! peters out. Patricia has the }} November 23 CSB Choir and Madrigal Singers, Fll'St Methodist]! baby (a healthy girl), and the Valley Plaza Cinemas - 1440 Wible Road couple attempts to restore 1. Face to Face their relationship. 2. Shadow of the Devil ::::i:, For the Art Lover - Month Long Displays Much of the movie focuses on Patricia's marital problems, South Chester Drive-In-S.· Chester & Union Ave. !_:;:;:; Village Artisans- 1604- 19th Street which seem to be mostly 1. Nurses for Sale and Females for Hire iii! Photography Exhibit by Judy Leslie & Randy Gannon sexual. Although she loves Michael, she is unable to escape Tejon - 1200 Baker Street t::: Baker Branch Library - 1400 Baker . the reality that he is her 1. Great S~out and Cathouse Thursday /That~s Entertamment, half-brother, causing her to be =i_i_:,: and Nichols Part II ~: ~~:~ :~J:: e~Iu:!~i~; ~~~~. , Nichols, both emotionally and sexually % •y insecure. Stockdale Six Theatres - 5430 Stockdale Hwy. l':l,i:south Bakersfield Branch Library- 1901 Wilson ~~ This fllm shows just how 1. Carwash hard up Hollywood is for good 2. A Matter of Time plots. With such a talented 3. Mad Dog Morganstein cast, and such fme directing by 4. Sfay Hungry ! Gull;;~;;;::: :e::~::t:kton, M~t l!_:_f_;:!._i:_ ,_ David Miller, the film industry 5. All the President's Men should have better and more 6. Bambi and Escape to Witch Mountain l:i) The Cezanne - 420 "H" Street. Showing Nov. and Dec. . ,., original wri t_ers than Adrian '''% • I di "Th F' b' d" d "Ib " *~ Morrall and D.A. Kellogg. The ng tr OTHER PLACES !! Claton Rippy's works me u e Jre an ex :_}_:_::_-.~~---' plot is so improbable, the ',:,·:1 Cunningham Art Gallery - 1930 R Street l: : characters so stereotyped (her Civic Auditorium - 1001 Truxtun !iii!il Mixed Media Membership Showing (A Little Bit) ~~ parents are snobbish • Bakersfield Tennis Classic - Nov. 4, 5, 6, 7 aristocrats, and his family rich, ~ Cal Art ~ but homey) and the State Gallery Kern County Fairgrounds - South "P" and Ming subsequence of events so ~~~-~~t::nmi:~~~~;::~~:~r~~~~ ~~~,:,,,,~,~:;, :::,~l~:':rr:':::w::mL~''':r:'''''~''~''''''''' ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,::n::sw.tlf:m&~~•!l 1. St. Francis Fiesta, Albert Goode Auditorium, food on Sat. & expected that I never Sun. wondered what was going to 2. Ducks Unlimited Dinner, Albert Goode Auditorium, 6 p.m. happen next. dinner, 7 p.m. dinner and show The photography by 3. Circus Vargus - New Carnival .Area. Shows Tues. at 7 p.m., St~phen Katz was well done, Wed. & Thurs. 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. especially the scene with Lana Turner and Robert Lansing at Bakersfield Community Theatre- 2400 South Chester the airport, and those scenes at The Spiral Staircase (play) the winter cabin. I would have liked to have Bakersfield College - Panorama Drive seen the psychological aspect 1. Football - BC vs. L.A. Valley 7:30p.m., After Game Dance of the relationship extended in (Campus Center) PEP.SI the film. Morrall and Kellog 2. Violin Concert with Harpsichord, Fri., 8 p.m , FA 30. might have brought off such an Featured Violinist: Gordon Mehling insignificant plot if they had 3. B.C. Theatre, Fri. & Sat. 8 p.m., The Mouse Trap (play) made it more like "A Woman 4. Quilted mural exhibit, Art Gallery. Open Mon.-Fri., 9:30 Under the Influence," with real a.m. to 3:30p.m. drama and more powerful, straightforward dialogue. ... ---~--·

The a-er, pye 6, Nov. 4, 1976 BPA, NS&M Departments Expand Vets' by Lucille Granillo Best A new dean leads the insurance field, Wood states, "I in Business Administration Department of Business and hope to expand in this area from CSB. Public Administration while here at CSB with some new Ov e rail, Scherb is the Natural Sciences welcomes courses." impressed with the students Bet one new member. Richard . but _ feels there are some Wallace, Glenn Wood, Richard weaknesses. "I see that there's by jerome Evans Miller, Robert Scherb, and E. a great need for a business Office of Veterans Affairs Paul Smith joined BP A and language course. Students need Good news to all vets! Maynard Moe jioned Natural to focus on the analytical Senate Bill 969 became law as Sciences. aspects of business. With such a of Oct. 15, 1976. Among other Richard Wallace, dean of course students learn to things, the new public law the School of business and communicate and express provides an eight percent pay public Administration, earned themselves with clarity," he increase for veterans drawing , his. BA in history and said. educational benefits and makes economics from Wofford Previously, Scherb wrote a it possible for graduate College and his Ph.D. in literary column in the San students to continue drawing economics from the University Francisco area and was a staff benefits for a total of 45 of Virginia. As new dean, writer with the "News months. Wallace hopes to start Bulletin." E. Paul Smith A brief outline of public specializations in agri-business law 94-502, Veterans' . E. Paul Smith lectures in Botonist Maynard Moe and health care management. Education and Employment health care management. Prior received his BS and MS from Wallace believes that CSB Assistance Act of 1976, to CSB, Smith served as an Fresno and is presently has a strong curriculum in BP A follows: Glenn L Wood administrator at Mercy working on his Ph.D. and sees great potential in the 1. Increases educational One of his goals is to start a coming years. assistance and subsistence Returning to CSB after a 200 course in botony which allowance approximately 8 one year assignment with the would involve hiking trips percent for all programs except Department of the Interior is where students may analyze flight programs as of Oct. 1, Richard Miller. Associate various forms of life. 1976. Professor· of Public "Bakersfield has good access to 2. Extends the basic 36 Administration, Miller earned many forms of animal and months entitlement to 45 his BA, MA and Ph.D. in public · plant life which would prove monthsasof0ct.1,1976. administration from USC. ' interesting to the ·student," Miller hopes to coordinate 3. Eliminates prepayment • said Moe. as of June 1, 1977. an in tern program in BP A Moe enjoys the small class 4. Changes requirements whereby students gain work atmosphere of CSB since for advance payment. experience through community previously he taught at the and government organizations. 5. Terminates enrollments University of Alberta, Canada and pre-enrollments in PREP Said Miller, "If I can promote where student enrollment was for service men and women as such a program, perhaps 20.000. students will find it easier in of Nov. 1, 1976. the job market with some work 6. Ends the G.I. Bill for experience." persons entering the service Previously, Miller taught at Robert Scherb after Dec. 31, 1976, with . the University of Nevada at Las limited exception for delayed Richard Wallace Vegas. Hospital. en try programs. This year, Smith will offer 7. Establishes Post-Viet Also new to BP A is Robert a new option in the BP A With regard to the Scherb. Nam Era Veterans Educational master!'! program throtlgh Assistance Act which is a students, Wallace points out, A native of Bakersfield, health care management. Said voluntary contributory plan "I'm very impressed with the Scherb earned his BA in Smith, "So far we"ve received a for persons initially entering students, their intellectual English from USC and his MS good response from the service after Dec. 31, 1976. awareness and their ambitions. students. The two main sources 8. Increases education loan I hope to contribute to their are coming from health care to $1500. progress." professionals and those 9. Increases tutorial Wallace was vice-president interested in the general health payments. for financial affairs at Francis field." Marion College in South Smith received a BA in Carolina. English from Loyola, an MA DIAMOND Glenn Wood returns to from · USC in Public CSB after a four year absence. Administration. Maynard Moe RINGS In those four years he served as director of curriculum developll.lent for the American Institute for Property and If you are over 6'2" and need Liability Underwriters in Pennsylvania. Wood earned his BS in business from the University of a tall bike, Bicycle Warehouse Arizona and Ph.D. from the IN CUSTOMIZED SETTING University of Pennsylvania. Having an interest in the Richard Miller has the ·largest bike. made. FRONT DOOR PARKING ~dg~ hall - ~------· NEED EXTRA CASH?? I ~JEWELERS I I 832-5200 1 Up io $60.00 Per Month · 1 5201 Stockdale Hwy. I I I Donate on a· Blood Plasma Program I I I HELP WANTED I Help Self ••.. Help Others I "How to Make $9 to $16 I I per hour while on I I 1 Hyland Donor Center 1 vacation or on weekend." I I 1 2014 "l" Street Bakersfield, CA I plus 50¢ postage I I $3 and handling. I 325 5834 I I I The Morgan Press I Call or visit 7 a.m. - 2 p.m. I Bicycle Warehouse 308 South Dixie 1 Monday - Friday 1 19th and H Streets W. Palm Beach, fl 33401 1632 19th S u eet -- Bakersfield, California 93301 I I (C The Morgan Press, 1976 I Iring tbis 6d first time ffJr $1. 00 bfJnus I (805) 323-2428 !------1 / The Runner, page 7, Nov. 4, 1976 Jock Scraps 'Runner by Steve Gary Hello, again! As always the The "Juice" is flowing choke for the remainder of the sports · scene has been cooking again after his late start season. My fingers are crossed since I last picked up my pen. _ because of a contract dispute. this year in hopes Gerry Collis' Most of the time the sporting Although the Bills bowed to gang can defeat their affliction scene never boasts a dull the surprise New England SPORTS_ and capture the Metro loop moment and this last week was Patriots 26-22, OJ had 110 no exception. yards on 25 carries, which is by crown, but don't hold your Now that the World Series no means shabby. He's getting breath. BC doesn't have my CSB Runners Claim is over and the baseball season better and better every week allegiance, but until good ole is safely put under wraps until and is starting to look like a CSB gets an intercollegiate spring training, the spectre of sure bet to get 1000 yards team, I need someone to root Sixth Spot politicking appears. The again. jimmy Brown (rushing for. players have either gorie home record holder) better watch QUOTES 0 F THE WEEK: by l\larijana Marie or to the Winter Instructional out, because the "Juice is (from Sports illustrated) Levell Edwards, BYU Leagues, and now it's the tumip.g it loose." The CSB Roadrunners scored 183 pionts. football coach, noting that he owners turn to be in the Also in pro football, the finished sixth out of 15 teams John Beck was the b~st had 20 Mormon missionaries 1 spotlight. abundance of holding penalties -hat attended tlie Biola CSB performer. He finished on his squad: "If we don't win Using the tricky tactics this year is ruining the game Invitational Saturday at La seventh in (25:59). Burt our first few games, we might that are employed many times.__,__ for both the players and the Mirada. Ellison finished a strong 22 in start looking for some hell in Congress, the owners gripe fans. It's gotten to the point (26:56), Dave Morledge came raisers." "It was a very good about anything and everything. where the best defense in the Bob Lemon, at his performance with the guys we So far this year, the NFL is the offensive holding back from a foot injury to run induction into the· Baseball had," said Coach Coons. owners, and the rest of call. On any ·given play, his best race of the season in Hall of Fame: "I had my bad ·· "Hopefully we can put things baseball's hierarchy, are according to the current rule (27:05) for the 40 spot. David days on the field, but I didn't focusing on the evils of the free interpretation, the offensive together for the league meet Reil placed 42 in (27:28) and take them home with me. I left . Saturday at Cal State agent draft, the hiring and line can be whistled for David Brown came in at 72 in them in a bar along the way." firing of managers who "didn't holding. Imaging trying to play Northridge." (30:15). QUESTION OF THE win it all," and the possibilities and actually win a football WEEK: (I will buy a six pack Coons added, "The runners of playing the World Series game when your teammates on While the men were of beer for the first person who are in good shape, ingood when it's convenient for them, the offensive line are your own running at La Mirada, Marijana gives me the correct answer. health with no illnesse~, so not the fans. worst enemies. Come on Marie ran an AAU meet in Leave your answers, along with nothing should hinder their Everyone would probably Rozelle, let's have some Ventura placing fourth over your name and phone number, : performances." be a lot happier (I know I ''divine" intervention and the hilly three-mile course in in the Runner Office. I will· would) if they would stay out straighten t~is mess out. It's ( 18:58) to qualify her for the contact you. In the event of a of the spotlight and allow the ruining the game. The Roadrunners finished NatiOnals at Miami. tie, a drawing will be ·maqe to aheag ,of teams from Biola, national pasttime to remain a A little closer to home game of competition and not a regarding the pigskin, determine the winner.) Last Claremont, UC San Diego, and The CSB runners are convenient method of publicly Bakersfield College is . again week's answer to who served Redlands, all teams who had training hard for the displaying their displeasure ranked number one in the state up Babe Ruth's 714th home held previous wins over CSB. conference meet next week. run was Guy Bush in May Also, CSB did it without their with everything. junior college poll. But don't John Beck, No. 1 On the football scene, the count on them staying there 1935. The winning answer was No. 2 man, Larry Jordon, who sophomore from Bakersfield season is well under way, and long. Although the Gades are provided by Miles Lovelace. wasn't able to participate for College (last year's winner) and the playoffs are again in the definitely a talented football This week's question is: disciplinary reasons. Larry Jordon, the No. 2 man foreseeable future. Ho~ever, team, it never fails that year '_'Who are the only four from West High, will lead the the focus isn't on who will and after year, after achieving this people in Cal State athletic The meet was won by Pt. CS B runners through the tough won't make the playoffs as ot prestigeous spot in the poll, history, who lettered four years Lorna with 48 points. CSB competition. yet. they get the big heads and in a sport?" Juicy ...... ·I I I BICYCLE CENTER ; ®M~@§~~ I I WITH GOLDEN BROWN FRENCH FRI.ES = KROSS-UP SHOP 1 ONLy 20 CENTS EXTRA I · 'B&1t&ZJie7 $1.35 I I A regal burger topped with sugar cured ham and robust cheese, :1 3 • then crowned with lettuce and tomato all setting athrone a • 06 CHESTER • toasted sourdough scone :• . iEnglaubtr 1.15 • • A proper siLed patty with delicious cheese and bacon, plus of course lettuce and tomato. All are cheerily resting within • • a rather large sesame seed bun. You simply must try one; ; 10 SPEED Sales and Service ; What! • • e5Ihl SIZE 1.05 • • An all beef patty is covered with chile and cheese. A great ·I • combination whether it be a warm or chilly day. :1 • 1.05 • • We take an all beef patty and round it up with crispy western • • cured bacon all se~.'n atop a range of lettuce, then we corral • • the whole fancy thing between halves of a toasted good bun. •I • llanla 'Crisla .85 A count vyould be proud of this sumptuous burger with swiss 1• Exclusive DG Motorcross Dealer •1 cheese, lettuce, tomato, and our special sauce served on fresh so~rdough bread. • • GRAPLER .85 I COME IN AND SEE I An all beef pati.{ is matched with a formidable piece of cheese within an arena bun. The result in a winner every time. • • More·of·a·Burger .75 : WHAT WE CAN DO FOR YOU! : We take an all beef patty and cook it just right, top it with • 1 lettuce, tomato, tangy red onion slices, and our own special • 322 3151 sauce. Then we finish it off right with a fresh toasted bun. ' - • (:al State Bakersfield Food Service ! ·, - ! ~======~======~===~~························ The Runner, page 8, Nov. 4, 1976 Moser, Walsh Form Dynamic Duo by Mike Johnson This season's Roadrunner "She really gives 100%." to water ski, fly, and showed a volleyballers possess a dynamic Moser has attended UCLA definite interest in the male duo. Not Batman and Robin, and had this to say about CSB: sex. but Pam Walsh and Janelle "UCLA was. too big. I prefer Their goal this year as a Moser. In the early ~mes this the smallness and friendliness team is to qualify for the season, Walsh and Moser have of CSB, and the teachers here AJ.AW Nationals in San Luis displayed super team work and are really fair about making up Obispo. To accomplish this, talent in setting and spiking. work. ·It shows they are they need a strong showing in Walsh, the quarterback of concerned." Having played the WAJ.AW regionals at UC the team, sets the ball and calls tennis for Friedman and Davis. To reach the regionals, the plays. Her usual target is because of the need to travel, Walsh, Moser, and the troops Moser, the main spiker. she had to miss a class or two, have to beat last year's national Steve Gary rushes for yardage while looking for help from his Coach Gloria Friedman is so the chance to make up the runner-ups, UC Riverside. Snaibsel teammates. The Snaibsel lost the game ( 19-14) to the enthusiastic about her pair of work has really helped. Friedman and the team feel Garces Gorillas. The loss was the first in the history of the aces and has nothing but praise Walsh, who is a first time they can beat UCR on the basis Snaibsel. Photo by John Kaiser. for them. "Janelle is the top freshman, agreed with Moser that every week they play hitter on the team and could and added, "The other athletes better together, and Riverside possibly be the hardest hitter at CSB are friendly and has not been playing all · that in the conference," said encourage us on toward well, according to scouting Tennis Tourney Successful Friedman. "Not only is she a success." reports. To beat Riverside and good hitter, she is an excellent About the Athletic reach their goal the team needs N i thi N akateernonda Pat Mena whip Rodney Janzen blocker and passer as well." Department, Moser said, support, so turn out and watch jumped quickly to the top of 7-5, 6-2; . and the Laird When asked about Pam "We're not treated as girls, but some of their matches. the Intramural Hero point Taylor-Bea Brooks combo Walsh, Friedman as athletes. That means a lot standings while outlasting Mike out classed Nakateernonda- enthusiastically replied "I have . inside." Flachmann 6-3, 6-3 in the Diane Swager in the mixed n~ver coached a more natural When asked about their finals of the first annual Fall doubles finals , 6-1, 6-2. greatest sports achievement, CSB's LUCHA soccer club athlete. Pam has the potential blanked Fresno Pacific Oct. 30 Intramural Tennis Foil owing are the placings and Moser ·chose Senior Girl . ** Tournainent. Flachmann to be one of the best setters in prizes: Athlete of. the Year at South " and is now practicing for a the game. Again, she's not only match against East Bakersfield. performed well, but couldn't a good setter but a strong High. Walsh was chose"n as a maintain concentration as Laird Taylor, Bea Brooks, member of the high school The team established a new hitter as well." practice time of Monday, N aketeernonda kept him Nithi Nakateernonda, and Asked about their new All-American volleyball team moving back and forth across Debbie Ramirez will join Chris following her last prep season. Wednesday, and Friday at 3:45 coach, the pair were pleased. p.m. and plans to continue this the court. Collins and Dave Rogers for Having played through high Walsh's long range goal is to Sunday Brunch on Nov. 14 at someday make the United schedule through the winter school at South High, and term. Stallion Springs. Pat Mena States Olympic team. In women's singles, Debbie being used to the same Any one interested in received a Gary Patterson Both girls stated their Ramirez defeated Debbie coaching pattern, the change to joining the club may contact tennis drawing entitled "The greatest motivation came from Wolfer in a marathon match, Friedman's style was not hard Pat Mena in Dobry 104 or Bill Weekend Player" compliments the love and support displayed 3-6, 7-5, 63, while Michael to make. Janelle said, Ayars in Lorien 101, of Sunset House, and Michael by their parents. Olague stopped Solomon 833-3061. Olague was awarded a $10.00 "Everything Gloria does is for When not playing Iyasere in men's intermediate, gift certificate from Stagecoach the team and we appreciate volleyball, Moser likes to snow 6-3, 6-3. Men's beginning saw West. that." "Yeah," agrees Walsh, ski and play tennis. Walsh likes CLASSIFIED& ** WANTED - your campaign EUROPE ISRAEL AFRICA buttons. Bring your unwanted Student charter flights year badges by the Runner office round, ISCA 1609 Westwood on Mon., Wed., or Fri. Blvd., No. 103, Los Angeles, California 90024, (213) 826-5669, 826-0955 1973 MAZDA PICKUP, 1600 cc 4 cyl. engine, cedar shack camper . shell, · excellent FOR SALE. 3 Motocross Bikes condition. Call Tom Horton, 1-1975 Cooper 250 mx; ThereS just · 1-1975 Honda Elsmore 250; 871-7689. 1-1973 Yamaha 250 mx. one word Greg 0n11ueros

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