The Runner CALIFORNIA ,STAfE ··coLLEGE,. BA.KE.ASFIELD Volume II~ Number 8 · · · November 4, 1976 CSB students Carol Hurley, Linda Fassig, and Jon Bashor watch election returns with Bob Wolfe, Kern County Coordinator for the Hayakawa campaign. Local television KJTV utilized both CSB faculty and students in the election coverage. Photos by John Kaiser. PRESIDENT CA~ O!OAT K:E:Qt-i fJA1 WRIGHT l HALL CAMEJO CARTE~ox SQIOE RO Danny Ortiz won the runoff election for the representative from the School of Humanities. A history major, Ortiz hopes to provide represen-tation for CSB students at the SAC meetings. He can be reached at 324-7810. Political Science Dept. Prepares Model U.N. by Danny Ortiz "The purpose of the program is to give high school On Nov. 12-13, CSB's students the opportunity to political science department increase their knowledge of and academic. village will once international affairs while again be sponsoring the Model learning, at the . same time, United Nations conference. about the structure of work of In turn, students will gain a Richard Stillman, CSB instructor in BP A, receives last minute instructions from Ruth Gelman and t h e U n it e d Nations, " deeper understanding of how studio personnel on election night. Other CSB faculty participating in the analysis included David commented political science world issues are considered and Ahearn, Gene Clark, Jim Ross, Dick Bilas, and Sandy Woy. professor Sandra Woy, in decided up~n through the charge of the two day activity. structure 3f the United A total of 24 high schools Nations. wit)l approximately · 380 Some of the issues students Fassig Readies Jr~ Miss Contestants students from the Kern, will address are on the Orange, Fresno, Tulare, and development of ocean Los Angeles counties will be resources, the control of participating in the sessions. international terrorism, the Fourteen high school Each high school will be protection of the human rights ' senior girls will be vying for the expected to represent one or of political prisoners, the title of 1977 Bakersfieldjunior more delegations (countries) at internationalization of vital Miss on Sat., Nov. 6, 7 p.m. at the conference. A total of 63 canals and straits, the creation Harvey Auditorium. The girls nation delegates ranging from of a U.N. military force, and represent the · public high the People's Republic of China the peaceful transfer of schools of greater Bakersfield, to the controversial Palestinian majority rule in South Africa. Garces Memorial and Team and individual Bakersfield Academy. Liberation Front will be represented. judging will be based on the Th _e . Junior Miss In some cases, . the criteria of organization, competition is a nation-wide delegations may have to draft, rhetorical strategy, scholarship program which or amend, and vote on certain demonstrated research, and recognizes excellence in high resolutions pertaining to their role propriety. Judging will be school senior girls. It is not a country. They may even find it done by CSB professors and beauty contest. America's · necessary to deliver a short student advisors. Junior Miss is a non-profit speech to rally support for a Student advisors asslStmg corporation. resolution, or a brief statement in the Model United Nations The East Bakersfield Lion's on their country's stand and program include Greg Reimer, Club is sponsoring Bakersfield's vote. Estela Casas, Will Chandler, progrll;Ill for the second year. Delegations must study Greg Stene, Anthony For their 19 7 6 presentation carefully and be prepared to Vengarick, Joe Westrick, the Lion's Club received "The state in plenary sessions or Danny Ortiz, Julio Borquez, Best First Time Local Linda Fassig leads some of the Junior Miss contestants through committee meetings the Sharon Woolfolk, Brenda Program" award from their dance numbers. Choosing of the winner will take place on position actually held by the Jackson, Bob Snyder, Rog California Junior Miss, Inc. · Sat., Nov. 6. Fassig, the current Junior Miss, will crown the country they represent on one Garrett, Brian McNabb,. and winner. Continued on Page 3 or more world· issues. Jim Devlin. r 0 0 . ... The Runner, page 2, Nov. 4, 1976 CSUC SA Presidents Meet, Define· Goals and Problems for 1976-77 by Diane Cassano Editor's Note: This article was It was noted that a Student the chancellor in the next the implementation of the He then announced an provided by "The Wildcat," fees Task Force has been set week, but said there will be no trustees directive on only intention to introduce the student newspaper of up to determine where student funds forthcoming this year. about half of the campuses. On legislation which wourd allow Chico State University. The money is going and where He thinks the best solution some campuses, it was pointed students to increase student article is part of a program to student money should be would be for each campus to out, the directive was not being activity fees by specific increase the sharing of going. rearrange their . own campus implemented in good faith, and amounts for specific purposes information between CSUC Art Bernstein of San Diego funds to keep the libraries students were being excluded (e.g., $1 per year for a day care campus newspapers. We wish State University, SPA liaison to open longer. from ·further involvement in center) on condition that 30% to thank 'The Wildcat" for its the chancellor's office, noted Plotkin noted that he plans RPT. of the students vote. help. that on his campus he has legislative action for the Scott Plotkin noted that Two· previous bills, which discovered several misuses of 1977-78 budget to increase CSUSPA's · or1ginal intentions were passed only after Student presidents from student money which was funds to keep the libraries of getting students involved in considerable difficulty and throughout the California State being expended on services open longer. the evaluation process seems to would have increased the University and Colleges system which were not student Myers led the educational have been undermined. ceiling on student activity fees gathered in Chico on Oct. 23 services. policies committee discussion "There is something were vetoed by Gov. Brown, and 24 for their monthly on the recent legal opinion of different going on at e:1ch who among other things meeting. \Vriting Proficiency Test the trustees forcing campus campus," he said, claimed that low voter turnout l\Iembers of the California papers to be non-discrimin­ recommending that the diminished the. value of student CSUCSPA's educational State University and Colleges atory and accept all advertising presidents adopt an government determinations. policy committee reported to Student Presidents Association and forbidding them to make explanatory memo in hopes of The present maximum of $20 the group on the student (CSUCSPA) spent some 12 political endorsements, unless statewide uniformity. per year has been in effect for writing skills proficiency and hours in meetings over the such endorsements are signed "After working so hard to more than two decades. two-day period, discussing such diagnostic test which the by individuals. get students involved in RPT," Plotkin is also topics as the financial status of trustees have supported, It was noted that at the said Kevin Gallager of San recommending that the their organization, a proposed despite CSUCSPA's trustees' meeting last month, Bernardino, "we're getting disapproval. association support bills which student writing skills test trustee Frank Adams voiced an tokened ou~." would forbid discrimination in which would be required for "The need for the test has opinion that all campus housing accommodations graduation, library hours, and been demonstrated over the newspapers should be under Legislative Program years by such articles as 'Why against students. possible legislation which will the respective journalism He also noted that he will effect students this year. Can't Johnny Read and departments,. where they could Scott . Plotkin acquainted do his best to insure that The student presidents Write,"' said Myers. be controlled by the university the presidents with a proposed intercollegiate .athletics be spent about 45 minutes in a He noted that the trustees presidents. legislative· program for the viewed as an instructionally closed executive session feel all students graduating Myers warned the rest of SPA. rela;!ed activity and be funded Saturday morning, consulting from the state college and the student presidents to be Among the bills introduced out of state IRA money rather with Chico State Associated university system should be careful, arguing that if even or to be introduced is an than student fees. He Students General Manager able to pass the test. one campus paper is out of amendment to the education encouraged the presidents to l\la k Bookman, an attorney, . A remedial prograrrr is line, the trustees could very code which would authorize have their athletics directors being proposed for those who well pass some kind of blanket the use of parking revenue regarding their financial status. support this position and to score low on the test. l\lyers policy affecting all papers in funds for the acquisition, relay written comments to -Financial Report Due estimated that between the system. construction, operation, and Chico AS president Alan one-fourth and. one-half of all maintenance of alternative him. ~lyers explained last year the students would be forced to Student Input in RPT methods of transportation on SPA "wound up broke
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