Complete List of the Mem- STUDIES in REGIONAL HISTORY Bers Is Given
VOLUME III 1955 PART I PRINCIPAL CONTENTS The Content and Sources of English Agrarian History before 15oo by R. H. HILTON The Untilled Field by T. D. DAVIDSON A Reconsideration of Some Former Husbandry Practices by ERICKERRIDCE The British Agricultural History Society ~¢ PRESIDENT: SIR JAMES SCOTT WATSON, C.B.E. ~ ~ TREASURER: PROFESSOR EDGAR THOMAS. SECRETARY: J. w. Y. H IGGS ~~" F~ ~ EDITOR: H. P. R, FINBERG ~ ,~ Executive Committee; Alexander Hay (Chairman), Miss W. M, DuJ]force, G.E. ,~ ~ Fussell, Captain E. N. Griffith, W. G. Hoskins, Richard Lamb, Stuart Maxwell, ~ ~W W. E. Minchinton, George Ordish, F. G. Payne, Mrs Joan Thirsk, R. Trow-Smith. ~', ~ The Society aims at encouraging the study of the history of every aspect of the .~ ~, countryside by holding conferences and courses and by publishing The Agricultural ~, ~, HistoryReview. Its constitution is printed in Vol. I of this Review, p. ~3. "~ "~, Membership is open to all who are interested in the subject and the subscription is ~ "~'~ ONE GUINEAdue on I February in each year. ~" ¢~" I ~" ~'l Details may be obtained from the Secretary, c/o Museum of English Rural Life, ~" ~¢'1~" 7 Shinfield Road, Reading. ,~¢~" % % %' 2~ ~ The Agricultural Histor y Review ¢*2~ ~¢ Editorial Board ¢~- %1 a.E. FUSSELL JOAN THIRSK ,~. "~" J.w.Y. HIGGS R. TROW-SMITH "~ 2 '~ H.P.R. FINBERG ~,~ ~,, The Review is published by the British Agricultural History Society and issued to all ¢~ 2~ ~" members. Articles and letters offered for publication should be sent to the Editor, ~" ~ 34 Sheffield Terrace, London, W.8, accompanied by a stamped addressed envelope ~ 2~ "~" for return if necessary.
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