10 Year Plan 2018-28 Te Kaunihera O Papaioea | Palmerston North City Council Introduction He Mihi 4
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Te Kaunihera o Papaioea - Palmerston North City Council This 10 Year Plan was adopted by the Council on 25 June This is made clear in the Local Government Act 2002, 2018 in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002. Section 96: The 10 Year Plan states the Council’s intentions. It is based 1. The effect of a long-term plan and an annual plan 3. Subject to section 80, and except as provided in section on the Council’s best information and planning at the time adopted by a local authority is to provide a formal and 97, a local authority may make decisions that are it was developed. If circumstances change, the Council may public statement of the local authority’s intentions in inconsistent with the contents of any long-term plan or have to change its intentions. relation to the matters covered by the plan. annual plan. All the decisions in this document are reviewable, especially 2. A resolution to adopt a long-term plan or an annual 4. No person is entitled to require a local authority to during future 10 Year Plans and Annual Budgets1. plan does not constitute a decision to act on any implement the provisions of a long-term plan or an specific matter included within the plan. annual plan. 1 The Council uses the term “Annual Budget’ to represent the ‘Annual Plan’ required under the Local Government Act 2002 Palmerston North 2028 10 Year Plan 2018-28 Te Kaunihera o Papaioea | Palmerston North City Council Introduction HE MIHI 4 He Mihi Tūturu Pumau meeting house on the Te Hotu Manawa o Rangitāne o Manawatū Marae Kei te mihi ake ki te pae maunga o Tararua me tōna taumata Te Ahu ā Turanga. The Palmerston North City Council respectfully acknowledges the local iwi Rangitāne and Ko te awa e rere mai nei ko Manawatū. Ko Tānenuiarangi te tangata, ko Rangitāne te iwi, their customary relationship to this area, and appreciates their manaakitanga of this City and no reira ka tuku whakamihi ki te iwi o Rangitāne e pupuri nei i te mauri o tēnei whenua. all of the people who have made it their home. Tini whetu ki te rangi, Rangitāne ki te whenua. The Council remains committed to fostering and strengthening our partnership with Tihei Mauriora! Rangitāne. Contents Introduction Goal 2 - Creative & Exciting City 62 Financial and rating Intro Active Public Space Activity 64 A Message from the Mayor and 6 (includes Placemaking, Events & Festivals, information Section Chief Executive Palmy Unleashed) 3 Here you can see what assumptions have Auditor’s Report 8 Arts, Culture & Heritage Activity 70 Section been made in preparing the financial (includes arts & cultural organisations/groups) information. You’ll also see details about Where we are heading Active Community Activity 75 the rating system. Here you will find out about the type (includes Sport and Recreation, Parks, Financial Strategy 2018-2028 152 of city we want to create, and how we Sportsfields and Reserves) 1 30 Year Infrastructure Strategy 167 decided on this. Active and Public Transport Activity 85 Section Financial Overview and Council’s Strategic Direction 14 (includes cycle/pedestrian paths, Forecast Financial Statements 201 (Vision, Principles and Goals) buses & bike stands) Long-term Plan Disclosure Statement for Summary of Goal 3 - Connected & Safe Community 90 Period Commencing 1 July 2018 207 Financial Strategy 2018-2028 25 Connected Communities Activity 92 What we Provide and What it Costs the Summary of (includes libraries, community centres, Average Residential Ratepayer 210 30 Year Infrastructure Strategy 26 community groups and Social Housing) Revenue and Financing Policy 211 Strategic Risk 29 Safe Communities Activity 100 Rates Remission and (includes animal control, civil defence, public Postponement Policies 232 Detail of how we are health & safer community initiatives) Significant Forecasting Assumptions 237 Planning to get there 2 Goal 4 - Eco-City 105 Statement of Accounting Policies 249 This shows what we’re planning to do Rubbish & Recycling Activity 107 Section Rating System, Rates and over the next 10 years. It shows how Biodiversity & Sustainable Funding Impact Statements 257 these things will make Palmerston North Practices Activity 112 a better place to live, and how much they Stormwater Activity 116 Additional information are expected to cost. Wastewater Activity 122 Consultation process 290 GROUPS OF ACTIVITIES - Water Supply Activity 129 4 (How we developed the plan and INTRODUCTION 34 where it came from) Goal 5 - Driven & Enabling Council 136 Section Summary of the Council’s Significance Goal 1 - Innovative & Growing City 41 Leadership Activity 138 and Engagement Policy 293 City Development Activity 43 Corporate Support Activity 141 Māori Participation in Council Decision (includes Housing and Future Development, Commercial or Strategic Investments Making 299 Urban Design Activity 145 Council Controlled Organisations 300 Strategic Transport (Roading) Activity 47 Village Planning 309 Economic Development Activity 57 The Role and Structure of the Council 314 How to Contact the Council 317 Glossary 319 Palmerston North 2028 | Small City Benefits, Big City Ambition Introduction CONTENTS 5 Te Kaunihera o Papaioea | Palmerston North City Council Introduction A MESSAGE FROM THE MAYOR AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE 6 A Message from the Mayor and Chief Executive In March of this year, we released the Palmerston North City Council draft 10 Year Plan, laying out an ambitious vision for the future of our city, and a roadmap for making that vision a reality. We asked for your input as a community, to help refine the Plan, and to ensure we would be steering in a direction the people of Palmerston North wanted to go. The response from residents was tremendous. We received housing, and using the revenue to build around 20 logistics hub for the lower North Island, we already shift more than 700 submissions and comments, through letters, additional units to increase the number of people who can six times the freight of Taranaki and two and half times as emails, social media and face-to-face community feedback access that housing. Overwhelmingly, your submissions much as Wellington. Developing our infrastructure will sessions, addressing all aspects of the 10 Year Plan. Our opposed that idea, in favour of retaining subsidised rents enable even greater opportunity in this critical sector. thanks go to each and every resident and organisation for all community housing. So we’ve adjusted the Plan Smart planning means this infrastructure will contribute who participated. Your submissions reflect a community to reflect those views, and we’ll explore other options for to liveability as well as prosperity. The Government which agrees that we ought not to let Palmerston North’s adding to our social housing stock. has committed to progressing the Regional Ring Road future be determined by others, but that we should take We’ve also taken on board your feedback regarding in parallel with construction of the Manawatū Gorge responsibility for shaping it ourselves. affordability and our proposal to make savings through replacement. This will be a game-changer, not only making It has been hugely encouraging to see that, on the whole, accelerating debt repayment. As a result, we’ve delayed it easier to move freight through the region, but also easing you back our vision for Palmerston North, and the concept those additional repayments to begin in year four, rather congestion and making our city more liveable. of “Small city benefits; Big city ambition”. You recognise that than year one, which enables us to reduce the originally A thriving Palmerston North is also attracting investment our lifestyle, our diversity and vibrancy are great strengths, proposed rates rises in the first three years, while still saving into distinctive future-focussed industries. Through and that as a city we have the potential to truly prosper in $8.4 million in interest over the period. the Food HQ initiative, centred on a new facility being the years ahead, if we make the right decisions today. We believe this finalised 10 Year Plan unlocks opportunities constructed at Massey University, we are leading the way The largest single investment in the Plan, the Wastewater through strategic investment and sustainable management in agri-food science and technology and agri-tech for New Treatment Plant, was almost universally supported, with of our resources, while balancing affordability for ratepayers Zealand. With $250 million set to be invested in Food HQ residents absolutely backing the necessity of future- of today and future generations. over the next 20 years, and the innovative energy of more proofing our core infrastructure for a growing population than 4,000 researchers, scientists and educators behind the The majority of the Plan is dedicated to ‘business as and to enhance the environment. Support was also strong project, Palmerston North is on track to be the Southern usual’ infrastructure and services – the roads, water for the Plan’s other major catalyst projects, with clear Hemisphere’s powerhouse in this increasingly vital food supply, wastewater, stormwater, sports facilities, parks recognition of the value of investing in sustainable growth, sector. and reserves that all make our city tick. Our strategy is to revitalising the city centre and enhancing the Manawatū ensure Palmerston North remains an environment that River network. Alongside that broad support, the detailed enables outstanding quality of life, while providing a robust feedback, questions and considerations you raised in foundation for business investment and population growth. relation to each project will be carried forward into their individual planning processes. The investments we’re making in this 10 Year Plan will support and magnify the investment that Government and You also gave us clear feedback on areas where you the private sector are also making in this city. Over the thought the plan could be improved, and we’ve made next five years or so, over a billion dollars will come into the some changes as a result.