14989 Hon. Frank Pallone, Jr. Hon. Janice D. Schakowsky
October 5, 2012 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 158, Pt. 11 14989 Health Systems, the Board of St. Jude’s Chil- HONORING JOHN RONALD ‘‘JACK’’ Organized for Betterment and Equality of Ala- dren Research Hospital, and Chairman of the SCHUFREIDER meda County) for her exemplary efforts. Highway Committee of the Springfield Area The Pryor Conrad Award is presented to an Chamber of Commerce in 1977 when he was HON. JANICE D. SCHAKOWSKY individual or group for outstanding service to instrumental in expanding Chestnut Express- OF ILLINOIS the LGBT community. As the 2012 award re- way from two lanes to four lanes from High- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cipient, Ms. Bravewomon exceeded all the way 65 to Kansas Avenue. qualifications. Friday, October 5, 2012 Lynn Bravewomon has been actively sup- Mr. Speaker, Sam F. Hamra’s contributions Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Mr. Speaker, I rise porting students, teachers and the Hayward to the City of Springfield and the State of Mis- today to honor the contributions of a true community for over 20 years, working tire- souri are far-reaching, and it is an honor to American patriot, Mr. John Ronald ‘‘Jack’’ lessly for a safe school environment for LGBT recognize him. Schufreider, who is in Washington this week students. She has made significant contribu- Thank you, Mr. Speaker, I yield back. with other World War II veterans. Mr. tions to achieve this goal. Schufreider has already lived a full life: he is Her contributions include creating Safe f a husband, a father, a World War II veteran, Learning Environments for LGBT students; au- and so much more.
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