14989 Hon. Frank Pallone, Jr. Hon. Janice D. Schakowsky
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October 5, 2012 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 158, Pt. 11 14989 Health Systems, the Board of St. Jude’s Chil- HONORING JOHN RONALD ‘‘JACK’’ Organized for Betterment and Equality of Ala- dren Research Hospital, and Chairman of the SCHUFREIDER meda County) for her exemplary efforts. Highway Committee of the Springfield Area The Pryor Conrad Award is presented to an Chamber of Commerce in 1977 when he was HON. JANICE D. SCHAKOWSKY individual or group for outstanding service to instrumental in expanding Chestnut Express- OF ILLINOIS the LGBT community. As the 2012 award re- way from two lanes to four lanes from High- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cipient, Ms. Bravewomon exceeded all the way 65 to Kansas Avenue. qualifications. Friday, October 5, 2012 Lynn Bravewomon has been actively sup- Mr. Speaker, Sam F. Hamra’s contributions Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Mr. Speaker, I rise porting students, teachers and the Hayward to the City of Springfield and the State of Mis- today to honor the contributions of a true community for over 20 years, working tire- souri are far-reaching, and it is an honor to American patriot, Mr. John Ronald ‘‘Jack’’ lessly for a safe school environment for LGBT recognize him. Schufreider, who is in Washington this week students. She has made significant contribu- Thank you, Mr. Speaker, I yield back. with other World War II veterans. Mr. tions to achieve this goal. Schufreider has already lived a full life: he is Her contributions include creating Safe f a husband, a father, a World War II veteran, Learning Environments for LGBT students; au- and so much more. He is the epitome of the thoring a resolution for No Name-Calling Week IN RECOGNITION OF SIRVART ‘‘greatest generation.’’ and the use of inclusive curricula; facilitating HOVNANIAN Born in Chicago and raised in Oak Park, Illi- the committee developing the current Hayward nois, Jack Schufreider left home to serve his Unified School District’s Safe and Inclusive country shortly after turning eighteen years of School Program; establishing No-Name Call- HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. age in 1944. He was sent to the Pacific the- ing Week, Ally Week and Day of Silence as ater, where he served in the Field Artillery as annual district-wide events affecting more than OF NEW JERSEY a radio operator. After spending time in the 15,000 students each year; facilitating the de- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Philippines, Jack was assigned to a unit and velopment of a 9th grade health curriculum spent time interviewing soldiers who had been that addresses standards related to healthy re- Friday, October 5, 2012 interred as prisoners of war under the Japa- lationships, inclusive of sexual orientation and nese. all gender expression; producing the film Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to When Jack Schufreider returned home after ‘‘GSA Students Speak Out for School’’ in col- recognize Sirvart Hovnanian for her dedication the war, he resolved to live a good life. With laboration with the Middle School Film Club; and commitment to furthering issues of impor- the help of the G.I. Bill he enrolled at North- providing support for Gay Straight Alliances for tance to the local community. A dedicated and western University, earning a degree in Busi- middle and high schools and developing a loving wife and mother, Sirvart Hovnanian truly ness Administration. After graduation, he manual for Ally Clubs for elementary schools exemplifies what it is to live the American spent time as a salesman before he contrib- and participating in the creation of the Hay- dream. uted almost thirty years of his life to the ward Unified School District’s Equity Action Sirvart Hovnanian was instrumental, along Channer Corporation—rising up to an execu- Plan. with her late husband, Kevork Hovnanian, in tive position before retiring. I have listed a few of Ms. Bravewomon’s advocating for issues of importance to the Ar- Jack saw remarkable success in the busi- many outstanding contributions. She has truly menian community. Today we celebrate the ness world, and has seen similar success in made a difference in the lives of others through her tireless commitment and exem- 25th anniversary of St. Stepanos Church in his private life. He married his wife, Marjorie, and they have been together for over fifty five plary efforts. Her service is a model to follow. Elberon, New Jersey. Sirvart played a critical years. Over the course of those decades, they I join Lynn Bravewomon’s friends, colleagues role in the conception and construction of St. raised seven children, and I know they are and admirers in appreciation for her advocacy Stepanos Church. In addition, she was also quite proud of their twenty four grandchildren, on behalf of students, teachers and the Hay- heavily involved in charitable causes, including and first great grandchild. ward community for a safe school environment founding and overseeing the Fund for Arme- Today, Jack and his wife remain active for LGBT students. nian relief, an organization dedicated to the members of the community. They are parish- f advancement of a market economy and pro- ioners at St. Joan of Arc Church, and Jack viding education and financial assistance for continues to sing in the church choir. They BARRY E. CONWAY children in post-Soviet Armenia. regularly travel abroad and are very involved Sirvart and her husband, Kevork, turned in community activities. HON. FRANK C. GUINTA personal tragedy into hope and inspiration. On behalf of myself and a grateful nation, I OF NEW HAMPSHIRE Both Mrs. and Mr. Hovnanian were instru- want to thank Jack Schufreider for all that he IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES has done for our nation: for his service, his mental in the creation of the Alton A. Friday, October 5, 2012 sacrifices, and the fruits of many decades of Hovnanian Emergency Room at the Riverview hard work. I want to welcome him and all the Mr. GUINTA. Mr. Speaker, at the end of Medical Center in Red Bank, New Jersey. Un- other veterans participating in the ‘‘Honor 2012 Barry Conway will retire as Commandant derstanding the importance of giving back to Flights’’ to Washington D.C. to visit the World of the New Hampshire State Veterans Home the community, Sirvart was also heavily in- War II Memorial. after forty years of faithful service in health volved in the creation of the K. Hovnanian f care administration. Mr. Conway began his ca- Children’s Hospital at the Jersey Shore Med- reer as a Corpsman with the United States Air ical Center, as well as funding the construction IN HONOR OF LYNN BRAVEWOMON Force serving from 1960–1964. Soon after of the cardiac care wing of the New York leaving the Air Force, he pursued his post- Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK secondary education in Rhode Island, before Medical Center. All of her charitable work and OF CALIFORNIA beginning his work in health care administra- giving back to the community was done with- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion working in long-term care facilities, ambu- latory care centers and hospitals. out sacrificing her obligations to her family. Friday, October 5, 2012 Sirvart Hovnanian is the proud mother of five For the last twenty-three years, Mr. Conway children, grandmother of thirteen, and great- Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay has worked at the New Hampshire State Vet- tribute to Lynn Bravewomon, a resident of erans Home, providing quality care and serv- grandmother of four. Rayward, California. Lynn was recently hon- ices to our states aging and disabled veterans. Mr. Speaker, please join me in leading this ored for her outstanding efforts to eliminate Under his leadership the Veterans Home has body in recognition of Sirvart Hovnanian. Her homophobic behavior and bullying in Hayward become a sought after long-term care facility, humble disposition and commitment to her schools. On September 29, 2012, Ms. focusing on the special needs of our veterans. family and community truly make her deserv- Bravewomon received the annual Pryor Con- The care provided to our veterans not only ing of this body’s recognition. rad Award from GLOBE (Gays and Lesbians meets their specific challenges and needs, but VerDate Sep 11 2014 12:47 Jun 20, 2017 Jkt 019102 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR12\E05OC2.000 E05OC2 pmangrum on DSK3GDR082PROD with BOUND RECORD.