Invertebrate Fauna of Korea

Volume 21, Number 15 Arthropoda: Crustacea: : Brachyura: : , and Zoeas I

Flora and Fauna of Korea

National Institute of Biological Resources Ministry of Environment National Institute of Biological Resources Ministry of Environment Russia

CB Chungcheongbuk-do CN Chungcheongnam-do HB GB Gyeongsangbuk-do China GG Gyeonggi-do YG GN Gyeongsangnam-do GW Gangwon-do HB Hamgyeongbuk-do JG HN Hamgyeongnam-do HWB Hwanghaebuk-do HN HWN Hwanghaenam-do PB JB Jeollabuk-do JG Jagang-do JJ Jeju-do JN Jeollanam-do PN PB Pyeonganbuk-do PN Pyeongannam-do YG Yanggang-do HWB HWN GW East Sea GG GB (Ulleung-do) Yellow Sea CB CN GB


JJ South Sea Invertebrate Fauna of Korea

Volume 21, Number 15 Arthropoda: Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Thoracotremata: Grapsoidea, Ocypodoidea Crabs and Zoeas I


National Institute of Biological Resources Ministry of Environment

Invertebrate Fauna of Korea

Volume 21, Number 15 Arthropoda: Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Thoracotremata: Grapsoidea, Ocypodoidea Crabs and Zoeas I

Hyun-Sook Ko and Seok-Hyun Lee Silla University Copyright ⓒ 2012 by the National Institute of Biological Resources

Published by the National Institute of Biological Resources Environmental Research Complex, Nanji-ro 42, Seo-gu Incheon, 404-708, Republic of Korea

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the National Institute of Biological Resources.

ISBN : 9788994555973-96470 Government Publications Registration Number 11-1480592-000212-01

Printed by Junghaengsa, Inc. in Korea on acid-free paper

Publisher : Yeonsoon Ahn Project Staff : Joo-Lae Cho, Ye Eun, Sang-Hoon Hahn

Published on March 23, 2012

The Flora and Fauna of Korea logo was designed to represent six major target groups of the project including vertebrates, invertebrates, insects, algae, fungi, and bacteria. The book cover and the logo were designed by Jee-Yeon Koo. Preface

Adoption of the ‘Convention on Biological Diversity’ in 1992 started to allow to acknowledge sovereign rights of the individual nations over biological and genetic resources, taking biological resources into considerations as one of the common properties of humankind. As such, it is one of the indicators for national competitiveness to create higher added-value of new variety, substance and medicine utilizing biological resources. In addition, adoption of the ‘Nagoya protocol on access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from their utilization’ in 2010 led to realization of international standards to fulfill biological sovereignty of the individual nations, which had lacked compulsory legal effect. As it is expected that international competitions over biological resources will be stronger, national authorities on the globe have already begun to understand and organize the information of inhabitant in their territories in order to prove their sovereignty over those biological resources; in this respect Korea seems to be outpaced by the advanced countries. It is estimated that there are 100,000 or so of different species endemic to Korea among which about 38,000 species only are reported. Therefore, it is imperative to identify and organize indigenous bio- logical resources known to date, as well as to strive continuously to discover new or unknown species. Indigenous species living in Korea can have such a significant influence on our lives that we must research them by and for ourselves. Recognizing that it is the first priority to obtain and manage biological resources so as to secure the initiative of biotechnology industry in the future, National Institute of Biological Resources of the Ministry of Environment has been publishing Flora and Fauna of Korea for systematic and efficient management of biological resources of our own. For the last 4 years, professional research groups consisting of relevant professors and the like conducted systematic surveys and organizations for a variety of and wide range of taxa. As a result, 37 issues of Flora and Fauna of Korea, both in Korean and in English, covering 2,234 species and one issue of world monograph covering 173 species were published for the period of 2009 to 2011, and 28 issues of Flora and Fauna of Korea, both in Korean and in English, covering 1,475 species and one issue of world monograph covering 43 species are publish- ed this year. I think, that these efforts to identify indigenous species living in Korea provide, not only the im- portant evidences to claim sovereign rights over indigenous biological resources in Korea and to receive scientific certifications accordingly, but also provide the opportunity to prepare the frame- work for biotechnological industrialization of biological resources. In conclusion, I would like to express sincere appreciation for those who did not spare their efforts to publish Biological Magazine and World Monograph; Professors I.H. Kim and H.S. Kim of Gangneung-Wonju National University, Professor K.T. Park of The Korean Academy of Science and Technology, Professor Y.J. Bae of Korea University, Dr. Y.S. Kwon of Korea National Park Service, Dr. T.H. Kang of National Academy of Agricultural Science, Dr. J.N. Kim of National Fisheries Research and Development Institute, Professor K.S. Lee of Dankook University, Professors J.G. Park and J.H. Lee of Daegu University, Professor S.W. Choi of Mokpo National University, Professor K.W. Nam of Pukyong National University, Professor S. Shin of Sahmyook University, Professor J.H. Lee of Sangmyung University, Professor S.T. Kim of Seoul National University, Emeritus Professor J.I. Kim of Sungshin Womens University, Professor J.H. Park of The University of Suwon, Professor H.S. Koh of Silla University, Professor J.E. Lee of Andong National University, Professor J.W. Lee and Dr. B.H. Jung of Yeungnam University, Professor M.K. Shin of Ulsan University, Dr. K.D. Han of Korea University, Professors D.H. Kwon and K.J. Cho of Inje University, Professor Y.S. Bae of University of Incheon, Professor J.Y. Park of Chonbuk National University, and Professor W.C. Lee and Dr. Tomis- lav Karanovic of Hanyang University.

Yeonsoon Ahn President NIBR 1


List of Taxa 3 Introduction 6 Materials and Methods 8 Taxonomic Notes 11 1. Pachygrapsus crassipes Randall 12 2. Plagusia dentipes (De Haan) 14 3. Plagusia squamosa (Herbst) 14 4. Chiromantes dehaani (H. Milne-Edwards) 16 5. Chiromantes haematocheir (De Haan) 17 6. Nanosesarma minutum (De Man) 18 7. Parasesarma pictum (De Haan) 19 8. Parasesarma plicatum (Latreille) 20 9. Parasesarma tripectinis (Shen) 21 10. Perisesarma bidens (De Haan) 22 11. Sesarmops intermedius (De Haan) 23 12. Acmaeopleura parvula Stimpson 26 13. Asthenognathus inaequipes Stimpson 26 14. Chasmagnathus convexus (De Haan) 27 15. Cyclograpsus intermedius Ortmann 28 16. Eriocheir japonicus (De Haan) 29 17. Eriocheir sinensis H. Milne-Edwards 30 18. Gaetice depressus (De Haan) 31 19. Helicana japonica (K. Sakai and Yatsuzuka) 32 20. Helicana wuana (Rathbun) 33 21. tientsinensis Rathbun 34 22. Helice tridens (De Haan) 35 23. Hemigrapsus longitarsis (Miers) 36 24. Hemigrapsus penicillatus (De Haan) 37 25. Hemigrapsus sanguineus (De Haan) 37 26. Hemigrapsus sinensis Rathbun 38 27. Neoeriocheir leptognathus (Rathbun) 39 28. Pseudohelice subquadrata (Dana) 40 29. Sestrostoma balssi (Shen) 41 30. Camptandrium sexdentatum Stimpson 43 31. Cleistostoma dilatatum (De Haan) 44 32. Deiratonotus cristatum (De Man) 45 33. Ilyoplax dentimerosa Shen 47 34. Ilyoplax deschampsi (Rathbun) 47 35. Ilyoplax pingi Shen 48 36. Ilyoplax pusilla (De Haan) 49 2 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I

37. Ilyoplax tansuiensis Sakai 49 38. Scopimera bitympana Shen 50 39. Scopimera globosa (De Haan) 51 40. Scopimera longidactyla Shen 52 41. (Macrophthalmus) abbreviatus Manning and Holthuis 53 42. Macrophthalmus (Mareotis) japonicus (De Haan) 54 43. Macrophthalmus (Mareotis) pacificus Dana 55 44. Tritodynamia horvathi Nobili 56 45. Tritodynamia rathbunae Shen 56 46. cordimanus Latreille 58 47. Ocypode stimpsoni Ortmann 59 48. Uca arcuata (De Haan) 60 49. Uca lactea (De Haan) 60 50. Xenophthalmus pinnotheroides White 61 Literature Cited 63 Plates 68 Index to Korean Names 78 Index to Korean Names as Pronounced 80 Index to Scientific Names 82 3

List of Taxa

Class Crustacea Brünnich, 1772 Subclass Latreille, 1802 Order Decapoda Latreille, 1802 Infraorder Brachyura Latreille, 1802 Subsection Thoracotremata Guinot, 1977 Superfamily Grapsoidea MacLeay, 1838 Family , MacLeay, 1838 Genus Pachygrapsus Randall, 1840 Pachygrapsus crassipes Randall, 1840 Family Dana, 1851 Genus Plagusia Latreille, 1804 Plagusia dentipes (De Haan, 1835) Plagusia squamosa (Herbst, 1790) Family Dana, 1851 Genus Chiromantes Gistel, 1848 Chiromantes dehaani (H. Milne-Edwards, 1853) Chiromantes haematocheir (De Haan, 1833) Genus Nanosesarma Tweedie, 1950 Nanosesarma minutum (De Man, 1887) Genus Parasesarma De Man, 1895 Parasesarma pictum (De Haan, 1835) Parasesarma plicatum (Latreille, 1806) Parasesarma tripectinis (Shen, 1940) Genus Perisesarma De Man, 1895 Perisesarma bidens (De Haan, 1835) Genus Sesarmops Serène and Soh, 1970 Sesarmops intermedius (De Haan, 1835) Family H. Milne-Edwards, 1853 Genus Acmaeopleura Stimpson, 1858 Acmaeopleura parvula Stimpson, 1858 Genus Asthenognathus Stimpson, 1858 Asthenognathus inaequipes Stimpson, 1858 Genus Chasmagnathus De Haan, 1833 Chasmagnathus convexus (De Haan, 1835) Genus Cyclograpsus H. Milne-Edwards, 1837 Cyclograpsus intermedius Ortmann, 1894 Genus Eriocheir De Haan, 1835 Eriocheir japonicus (De Haan, 1835) Eriocheir sinensis H. Milne-Edwards, 1853 Genus Gaetice Gistel, 1848 Gaetice depressus (De Haan, 1835) 4 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I

Genus Helicana, K. Sakai and Yatsuzuka, 1980 Helicana japonica (K. Sakai and Yatsuzuka, 1980) Helicana wuana (Rathbun, 1931) Genus Helice De Haan, 1833 Helice tientsinensis Rathbun, 1931 Helice tridens (De Haan, 1835) Genus Hemigrapsus Dana, 1851 Hemigrapsus longitarsis (Miers, 1879) Hemigrapsus penicillatus (De Haan, 1835) Hemigrapsus sanguineus (De Haan, 1835) Hemigrapsus sinensis Rathbun, 1931 Genus Neoeriocheir Sakai, 1983 Neoeriocheir leptognathus (Rathbun, 1913) Genus Pseudohelice K. Sakai, Türkay and Yang, 2006 Pseudohelice subquadrata (Dana, 1851) Genus Sestrostoma Davie and N. K. Ng, 2007 Sestrostoma balssi (Shen, 1932) Superfamily Ocypodoidea Rafinesque, 1815 Family Stimpson, 1858 Genus Camptandrium Stimpson, 1858 Camptandrium sexdentatum Stimpson, 1858 Genus Cleistostoma De Haan, 1833 Cleistostoma dilatatum (De Haan, 1833) Genus Deiratonotus Manning and Holthuis, 1981 Deiratonotus cristatum (De Man, 1895) Family Stimpson, 1858 Genus Ilyoplax Stimpson, 1858 Ilyoplax dentimerosa Shen, 1932 Ilyoplax deschampsi (Rathbun, 1913) Ilyoplax pingi Shen, 1932 Ilyoplax pusilla (De Haan, 1835) Ilyoplax tansuiensis Sakai, 1939 Genus Scopimera De Haan, 1833 Scopimera bitympana Shen, 1930 Scopimera globosa (De Haan, 1835) Scopimera longidactyla Shen, 1932 Family Dana, 1851 Genus Macrophthalmus Desmarest, 1823 Macrophthalmus (Macrophthalmus) abbreviatus Manning and Holthuis, 1981 Macrophthalmus (Mareotis) japonicus (De Haan, 1835) Macrophthalmus (Mareotis) pacificus Dana, 1851 Genus Tritodynamia Ortmann, 1894 Tritodynamia horvathi Nobili, 1905 Tritodynamia rathbunae Shen, 1932 List of Taxa 5

Family Rafinesque, 1815 Genus Ocypode Weber, 1795 Latreille, 1818 Ocypode stimpsoni Ortmann, 1897 Genus Uca Leach, 1814 Uca arcuata (De Haan, 1835) Uca lactea (De Haan, 1835) Family Xenophthalmidae Stimpson, 1858 Genus Xenophthalmus White, 1846 Xenophthalmus pinnotheroides White, 1846 6


Over 210 species of brachyuran crabs have been reported in Korean waters. Of these 52 species belong to the grapsoid and ocypodoid crabs, which inhabit sandy, muddy, or rocky shores of the intertidal region. Although, these intertidal crabs are commonly encountered on the sea shores, it is difficult to identify them precisely because most published papers and monograph on crabs have included photographs of dead or preserved specimens that have lost their color. Forty-three color photographs of living crabs are included here. Crabs are broadcast spawners; their larvae are known as zoea. The first stage zoeas hatch in late spring to early autumn from eggs carried on the pleopods by female crabs. Over the course of succeeding molts, the terminal zoeal stage metamorphoses to the megalopal stage that gradually adopts a benthic life style (see larval development of Chiromantes haematocheir in Fig. 1). At each molt, the zoeas increase in size and additional setae are added on the mouthpart appendages. For example, the exopods of the first and second maxillipeds (with four setae in the first stage zoea)







Fig. 1. Larval development of Chiromantes haematocheir. A. ovigerous female ; B. hatching zoeas; C. first stage zoea; D. second stage zoea; E. third stage zoea; F. fourth stage zoea; G. fifth stage zoea; H. exuvia of fifth stage zoea; I. megalopa. Introduction 7 usually acquire two additional setae at each subsequent stage. Despite their relatively small size, crab larvae are major contributors to the food chain in marine ecosystem. At present, identification of them at the generic or the specific levels is still difficult. Especially, some species of zoeas belong- ing to the Sesarmidae and Varunidae, which are very similar to each other, so, accurate identification is sometimes impossible. In such cases, the colors and the position of chromatophores are often useful. Although the pattern of chromatophores is constant in species of zoeas, it has been rarely described in larval studies. At present, it isn’t difficult to obtain images of living zoeas using a digital camera photomicrography system. Providing zoeal descriptions with 21 images of the living zoeas is used herein for the first time. These images are useful for the identification of plankton crab zoeas, as well as contributing to larval ecology and to aquaculture. 8

Materials and Methods

The crabs used in this study were collected from many localities in several islands and three coastlines of South Korea. Zoeas were obtained from ovigerous female crabs in the laboratory. Specimens of crabs were examined under a Leica EZ40 microscope. Zoeal specimens were dissected using a Leitz zoom stereomicroscope and appendages were examined under a Leitz Laborlux S microscope. Digital photographs of crabs were taken using an Olympus E-30 camera and those of zoeas were made with a Leitz camera and zoom stereomicroscope and then processed in a Photo- shop. All specimens were preserved in 95% ethyl alcohol. In adult crabs, CL (carapace length) is measured from the tip of rostrum to the posterior dorsal margin of the carapace and CW (carapace width) across the widest point of the carapace. In zoeas, CL is measured from the anterior margin of the eye to the most posterior dorsal margin of the carapace and RDL (rostral spine to dorsal spine length) from the tip of rostral spine to the tip of dorsal spine. The classification follows that of Ng et al. (2008). The families are arranged in alpha- betical order within superfamilies. Descriptions of zoeas are based on the malacostracan somite plan, from anterior to posterior. Setal armature of the appendages is described from proximal to distal segments (Clark et al., 1998). Specimens examined were deposited at the National Institute of Biological Resources, Korea and Department of Biological Science, Silla University, Busan, Korea.

Morphology of crabs and zoeas

For the identification of crabs it is necessary to understand crab morphology. The dorsal surface of the carapace is divided into several regions (Fig. 2A). In the ventral region the buccal (mouth) field is covered by the third maxillipeds. The sensory antennules and the antennas are small. The five pairs of pereopods consist of the stout chelipeds and four pairs of walking legs (Fig. 2B). The abdomen of the male is narrow and with two pairs of pleopods (gonopods), but in the female it is broader and with five pairs of pleopods. The zoeal carapace is globose and usually armed with three types of spines (rostral, dorsal and lateral). These spines may function as buoyancy devices. The abdomen is flexable and the telson is forked. It usually also has five pairs of mouthpart appen- dages used for feeding: i.e., the mandible, maxillule, maxilla, first maxilliped, and second maxilliped (Fig. 3). Materials and Methods 9


A Posterolateral


Ambulatory legs 1-4

Fig. 2. External morphology of brachyuran crab (Hemigrapsus sanguineus). A. carapace regions; B. ventral view. 10 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I

dorsal carapace spine

seta aesthetase carapace

B exopod lateral carapace spine antennule protopod C

rostral carapace spine

antenna abdomen

maxilliped 1 D

maxilliped 2 endopod A telson

basal endite

lateral process E

coxal endite F



fork exopod


Fig. 3. Diagrammatic external morphology of brachyuran zoea (Hemigrapsus penicillatus). A. lateral view; B. antennule; C. antenna; D. mandibles; E. maxillule; F. maxilla; G. maxilliped 1; H. maxilliped 2; I. abdomen and telson. 11

Taxonomic Notes

Class Crustacea Brünnich, 1772 Gab-gak-gang (갑각강)

Subclass Malacostraca Latreille, 1802 Jin-yeon-gab-a-gang (진연갑아강)

Order Decapoda Latreille, 1802 Sib-gak-mok (십각목)

Infraorder Brachyura Latreille, 1802 Dan-mi-ha-mok (단미하목)

Subsection Thoracotremata Guinot, 1977 Ga-seum-saeng-sik-gong-a-jeol (가슴생식공아절)

Superfamily Grapsoidea MacLeay, 1838 Ba-wi-ge-sang-gwa (바위게상과)

Crabs inhabit intertidal, estuarine or shallow waters. Carapace squarish, subquadrate or circular, dorsal surface flat or slightly convex. Front wide between short eyestalks. Rhomboid gap usually present between maxillipeds 3. Mandibles usually visible with mouthparts closed. Position of both male and female gonophores on sternites.

Key to the families of superfamily Grapsoidea

1. Male abdominal somites 4-6 not fused; exopodal flagellum of maxilliped 3 not reduced·········2 - Male abdominal somites 4-6 fused; exopodal flagellum of maxilliped 3 reduced ····Plagusiidae 2. Carapace not squarish; pterygostomial region without network-like pattern of short setae······3 - Carapace squarish; pterygostomial region with network-like pattern of short setae ···················· ·································································································································Sesarmidae 3. Carapace without numerous striae; maxilliped 3 often with hairy ridge ····················Varunidae - Carapace with numerous striae; maxilliped 3 without hairy ridge ·····························Grapsidae 12 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I

Key to the zoeas of families of superfamily Grapsoidea

1. Endopods of maxillule and maxilla with 1, 1+4 setae and 2+2 setae; basis of maxilliped 1 with 2+2+3+3 or 2+2+2+2 setae········································································································2 - Endopods of maxillule and maxilla with 1, 1+4 setae and 2+3 setae; basis of maxilliped 1 with 2+2+3+3 setae ··························································································································3 2. Endopods of maxillipeds 1, 2 with 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively···············Varunidae - Endopods of maxillipeds 1, 2 with 1, 2, 1, 2, 5 and 0, 1, 5 setae, respectively···············Grapsidae 3. Endopods of maxillipeds 1, 2 with 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively·············Sesarmidae - Endopods of maxillipeds 1, 2 with 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 and 1, 1, 6 setae, respectively·············Plagusiidae

Family Grapsidae MacLeay, 1838 Ba-wi-ge-gwa (바위게과)

Carapace usually circular or subquadrate, surface with numerous striae. Rhomboid gap present between maxillipeds 3. Ischium and merus of maxilliped 3 without setose oblique ridge. Pterygos- tomial region may be setose but has no network-like pattern. Abdominal somites of male not fused.

GENERA 8 (1 in Korea), species over 40 (1 in Korea). DISTRIBUTION: Worldwide.

Genus Pachygrapsus Randall, 1840 Ba-wi-ge-sok (바위게속)

Frontal and anterolateral regions of carapace with numerous striae. Frontal width (frontal width of carapace, excluding orbital region) half or more fronto-orbital width (frontal width of carapace, including orbital region). Orbits relatively small. Meri of maxillipeds 3 broader than long. Fingers of chelipeds with spoon-shaped tips.

SPECIES 14 (1 in Korea).

1. Pachygrapsus crassipes Randall, 1840 (Pl. 1A, B) Ba-wi-ge (바위게)

Pachygrapsus crassipes Randall, 1840, p. 147; Kim, 1973, p. 459, pl. 40, fig. 151; Sakai, 1976, p. 634, pl. 218, fig. 1; Miyake, 1983, p. 173, pl. 58, fig. 1; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 511, pl. 65 (6), fig. 261 (3). Pachygrapsus crassipes: Ko, 1981, pp. 1-30, figs. 1-9 (larval stages). Decapoda: Plagusiidae: Plagusia 13

Adult: Carapace subquadrate, striated except on cardiac and intestinal regions. Front straight. Anterolateral margin slightly arched, with 1 tooth behind orbital tooth. Chelipeds symmetrical, with 3-5 distal teeth on anterior margin of merus, palm smooth, tips of fingers spoon-shaped. Ambulatory leg 2 longest, ambulatory leg 4 shortest. Dactylus of each ambulatory leg with 2 rows of spinules on anterior and posterior margins. Abdomen of male triangular. CL 28 mm, CW 32 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral and dorsal spines, about equal to 1/2 CL. Lateral carapace spine absent. Antennule with 3 unequally-sized aesthetascs and 1 simple seta. Protopod of antenna spin- ous with spinules, about equal to length of rostral carapace spine, with exopod reduced to 1 simple seta, with small spine close to exopodal seta. Endopod of maxillule with 1, 1+4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+2 (4) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+2+2 (8) setae and 1, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae and 0, 1, 5 setae, respectively. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somites 3, 4 directed posteriorly. Abdominal somite 4 swollen laterally, posterolateral processes of somites 3-5 bifid distally. Fork of telson short, serrated. CL 0.38 mm, RDL 0.78 mm.

HABITAT: Intertidal rocky shores, under rocks. DISTRIBUTION: American Pacific coast, Chile, China (Dai and Yang, 1991), Japan, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: GW, GB, GN, JN, JJ (Kim, 1973). SPECIMEN EXAMINED: GN: 1♂ (Busan: 27.viii.2007, H.S. Ko), JJ: zoeas (Jejudo Island: 24.vii 2010, S.H. Lee). REMARKS: This species was initially distributed along the North American Pacific coast from Oregon to Gulf of California, Mexico, and introduced to Japan in the late 19th century (Jensen, 1995). It is suspected to have been transported by shipping into Korean waters. Among brachyuran larvae it is unusual that a short lateral carapace spine appears from the second zoeal stage as described by Ko (1981). It was found that the zoea from Jejudo Island had a small spine close to the antennal exopodal seta and the distal bifid posterolateral processes on the abdominal somites 3 to 5.

Family Plagusiidae Dana, 1851 Top-jang-jeol-ge-gwa (톱장절게과)

Carapace subcircular. Rhomboid gap absent between maxillipeds 3, mandibles not visible. Max- illiped 3 with slender exopod, with flagellum reduced. Abdomen of male triangular, segments 4-6 fused.

GENERA 4 (1 in Korea), species 18 (2 in Korea). DISTRIBUTION: Worldwide.

Genus Plagusia Latreille, 1804 Top-jang-jeol-ge-sok (톱장절게속)

Carapace subcircular. Antennule visible dorsally in clefts of anterior margin of carapace between 14 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I orbits. Merus of maxilliped 3 as broad as ischium. Anterolateral margin of carapace dentate. Chelipeds rugose dorsally. Abdomen of male triangular, segments 4-6 fused.

SPECIES 7 (2 in Korea).

2. Plagusia dentipes (De Haan, 1835) (Pl. 2A) Top-jang-jeol-ge (톱장절게)

Grapsus (Plagusia) dentipes De Haan, 1835, p. 58, pl. 8, fig. 1. Plagusia dentipes: H. Milne-Edwards, 1853, p. 178; Kim, 1973, p. 504, pl. 49, fig. 178; Sakai, 1976, p. 675, pl. 229; Miyake, 1983, p. 186, pl. 62, fig. 6; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 561, pl. 73(4), fig. 292 (1-4). Plagusia dentipes: Lee, 1988, p. 48, fig. 18 (zoea I).

Adult: Carapace subcircular, with dense covering of fine hairs. Front 2-lobed, each lobe separated by U-shaped notch. Anterolateral margin of carapace with 4 teeth including orbital tooth, regularly decreasing in size posteriorly. Chelipeds subsymmetrical, carpus and palm each with granular ridges on upper surface. Ambulatory leg 3 longest, ambulatory leg 1 shortest. Merus of each ambulatory leg covered with dense fine hairs, with 6 or 7 teeth on anterior margin, carpus and propodus each with 1 row of long setae on dorsal surface, dactylus with 2 rows of 5-8 spinules on posterior margin. CL 37 mm, CW 43 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral, lateral and dorsal spines. Rostral carapace spine with several spin- ules, slightly shorter than CL. Lateral carapace spine short, with several spinules. Dorsal carapace spine longer than CL, naked. Antennule with 2 aesthetascs and 2 simple setae. Protopod of antenna spinous and with spinules; exopod less than 1/5 length of protopod and with 1 large and 1 smaller distal seta. Endopod of maxillule with 1, 1+4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+3 (5) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae and 1, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somites 3-5 directed posteriorly. Fork of telson serrated. CL 0.59 mm, RDL 1.85 mm (Lee, 1988).

HABITAT: Subtidal rocky shores. DISTRIBUTION: Taiwan, Norfolk Island, Bismarck Islands (Dai and Yang, 1991), China, Japan, Korea. KOREA: GB, GN, JJ (Kim, 1973). SPECIMEN EXAMINED: GN: 1♂ (Busan: 29.vii.2002, H.S. Ko). REMARKS: The crab (Pl. 2A) was from Jejudo Island (JJ: 6.vii.2010, H.S. Ko).

3. Plagusia squamosa (Herbst, 1790) (Pl. 2B) Han-top-jang-jeol-ge (한톱장절게)

Cancer squamosa Herbst, 1790, p. 260, pl. 20, fig. 113. Plagusia tuberculata Lamarck, 1818, p. 247; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 562, pl. 73 (5), fig. 293 (2); Miyake, Decapoda: Sesarmidae: Chiromantes 15

1983, p. 187, pl. 62 (7); Yang and Ko, 2000. Plagusia depressa tuberculata Rathbun, 1918, p. 334, pl. 102; Sakai, 1976, p. 676, pl. 230, fig. 1. Plagusia squamosa: Schubart and Ng, 2000, p. 332, fig. 3.

Adult: Carapace subcircular, slightly broader than long, regions well defined, dorsal surface densely covered with rounded tubercles. Front broad, 2-lobed, each lobe separated by U-shaped notch. Anterolateral margin of carapace with 4 teeth including orbital tooth, regularly decreasing in size posteriorly. Chelipeds subsymmetrical, carpus and palm each with granular ridges on upper surface. Ambulatory leg 3 longest, ambulatory leg 1 shortest. Merus of each ambulatory leg with 1 subdistal tooth on anterior margin, carpus and propodus each with 1 row of long setae on dorsal surface, dactylus each with 2 rows of 5 or 6 spinules on posterior margin. CL 32 mm, CW 36 mm.

HABITAT: Intertidal sandy shores. DISTRIBUTION: Taiwan, Hawaii (Dai and Yang, 1991), China, Japan, Korea. KOREA: JJ. SPECIMEN EXAMINED: JJ: 1♂ (Jejudo Island:, H.S. Ko); 1♂ (Jejudo Island: 17.x.2010, S.H. Lee). REMARKS: Larvae are unknown.

Family Sesarmidae Dana, 1851 Sa-gak-ge-gwa (사각게과)

Carapace squarish. Rhomboid gap present between maxillipeds 3. Ischium and merus of max- illiped 3 with setose oblique ridges. Pterygostomial region with network-like pattern of short setae. Abdominal segments of male not fused.

GENERA 28 (6 in Korea), species over 260 (10 in Korea). DISTRIBUTION: Worldwide.

Key to the genera of family Sesarmidae

1. Flagellum of antenna included in orbit·····················································································2 - Flagellum of antenna excluded from orbit······························································Clistocoeloma 2. Meri of ambulatory legs 3, 4 each without spine on posterior margin·······································3 - Meri of ambulatory legs 3, 4 each with 2, 3 distal spines on posterior margin ·········Nanosesarma 3. Propodus of cheliped without pectinate crests on upper surface ··············································4 - Propodus of cheliped with 2 or 3 pectinate crests on upper surface··········································5 4. Anterolateral margin of carapace smooth behind orbital tooth ································Chiromantes - Anterolateral margin of carapace with 1 tooth behind orbital tooth ····························Sesarmops 5. Anterolateral margin of carapace smooth behind orbital tooth·································Parasesarma - Anterolateral margin of carapace with 1 tooth behind orbital tooth ··························Perisesarma 16 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I

Key to the zoeas of species of family Sesarmidae

Rostral and dorsal carapace spines present; lateral carapace spine absent; antennal exopod usually with 1 large and 1 smaller distal seta; endopods of maxillule and maxilla with 1, 1+4 setae and 2+3 setae; basis of maxilliped 1 with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae; endopods of maxilliped 1, 2 with 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. 1. Fork of telson naked·················································································································2 - Fork of telson serrated··············································································································4 2. Carapace with hooked dorsal spine··························································································3 - Carapace with slightly curved dorsal spine ··············································Nanosesarma minutum 3. Base of dorsal carapace spine with black chromatophore ······························Parasesarma pictum - Base of dorsal carapace spine without chromatophore ·····························Parasesarma tripectinis 4. Antennal exopod more than 1/5 length of protopod································································5 - Antennal exopod less than 1/5 length of protopod ···································Sesarmops intermedius 5. Antennal exopod with 2 distal setae·························································································6 - Antennal exopod with 4 distal setae·····················································Chiromantes haematocheir 6. Base of dorsal carapace spine with chromatophore ··································································7 - Base of dorsal carapace spine without chromatophore ·······························Parasesarma plicatum 7. Base of dorsal carapace spine with red chromatophore ································Chiromantes dehaani - Base of dorsal carapace spine with black chromatophore································Perisesarma bidens

Genus Chiromantes Gistel, 1848 Mal-ttong-ge-sok (말똥게속)

Carapace squarish. Anterolateral margin of carapace smooth behind orbital tooth. Flagellum of antenna included in orbit. Propodus and movable fingers of cheliped without pectinate crests on upper surfaces. Meri of ambulatory legs each with 1 subdistal spine on anterior margin.

SPECIES 9 (2 in Korea).

4. Chiromantes dehaani (H. Milne-Edwards, 1853) (Pl. 3A, B) Mal-ttong-ge (말똥게)

Sesarma (Pachysoma) dehaani H. Milne-Edwards, 1853, p. 184. Sesarma (Holometopus) dehaani: Tesch, 1917, p. 143; Kim, 1973, p. 487, pl. 95, fig. 217; Sakai, 1976, p. 655, pl. 224, fig. 2; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 534, pl. 68 (7), fig. 274 (2). Sesarma (Holometopus) dehaani: Baba and Miyata, 1971, pp. 54-64, figs. 1-6 (larval stages). Chiromantes dehaani: Miyake, 1983, p. 179, pl. 60, fig. 2.

Adult: Carapace squarish, slightly broader than long. Front concave medially, with 4 postfrontal Decapoda: Sesarmidae: Chiromantes 17 lobes. Anterolateral margin of carapace smooth behind orbital tooth, posterolateral region with 5 oblique ridges. Carpus and palm of cheliped covered with granules, fingers longer than palm. Meri of ambulatory legs each with 1 subdistal spine on anterior margin. Long stiff setae on posterior margin of merus, anterior margin of carpus, and anterior and posterior margins of propodus. Abdomen of male triangular. CL 32 mm, CW 36 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral and dorsal spines, lateral spine absent. Rostral carapace spine about 1/2 CL. Dorsal carapace spine slightly curved, also about 1/2 CL, with red chromatophore at base. Antennule with 3 unequally-sized aesthetascs and 2 simple setae. Protopod of antenna spinous and with spinules; exopod about 1/3 protopodal length, with 2 unequally-sized distal setae. Endopod of maxillule with 1, 1+4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+3 (5) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Lateral processes on abdo- minal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somite 3 directed posteriorly. Posterolateral processes on abdominal somites 4, 5 longer than those on somite 3. Fork of telson serrated. CL 0.40 mm, RDL 0.85 mm.

HABITAT: Burrows in muddy flats or river banks. DISTRIBUTION: Taiwan, China, Japan, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: GW, GN, JN, JJ, JB, CN, GG (Kim, 1973). SPECIMEN EXAMINED: GN: 1♂ (Busan: 24.viii.2007, H.S. Ko); zoeas (Busan: 3.viii.2009, S.H. Lee). REMARKS: The zoeas described by Baba and Miyata (1971) had a black chromatophore at the base of the dorsal carapace spine, however, these zoeas had only a red chromatophore.

5. Chiromantes haematocheir (De Haan, 1833) (Pl. 4A, B) Do-dug-ge (도둑게)

Grapsus (Pachysoma) haematocheir De Haan, 1833, pl. 7, fig. 4. Sesarma (Holometopus) haematocheir: Tesch, 1917, p. 156; Kim, 1973, p. 486, pl. 45, fig. 216; Sakai, 1976, p. 655, pl. 224, fig. 1; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 534, pl. 68 (6), fig. 274 (1). Chiromantes haematocheir: Miyake, 1983, p. 179, pl. 60, fig. 1. Chiromantes haematocheir: Oh et al., 2007, pp. 9-20, figs. 1-6 (larval stages).

Adult: Carapace squarish, surface smooth. Front straight. Anterolateral margin slightly arched, smooth. Carpus and palm of cheliped smooth on upper surfaces. Meri of ambulatory legs each with 1 subdistal spine on anterior margin. Long stiff setae on anterior margin of carpus, anterior and posterior margins of propodus. Abdomen of male triangular. In life, color of merus, carpus, and palm of cheliped red. CL 27 mm, CW 28 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral spine, no lateral spine. Dorsal carapace spine slightly curved, shorter than CL, with black chromatophore at base. Antennule with 5 unequally-sized aesthetascs and 1 simple seta. Protopod of antenna spinous and with spinules; exopod about 1/2 length of protopod, with 4 unequally-sized (1 large and 3 smaller) distal setae. Endopod of maxillule with 1, 1+4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+3 (5) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod maxilliped 2 each with 18 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I

1+1+1+1 (4) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somite 3 directed posteriorly. Fork of telson serrated. RDL 0.68 mm. CL 0.42 mm.

HABITAT: Burrows in muddy banks not far from sea shore. DISTRIBUTION: Taiwan, China, Japan, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: GN, JN, JJ, JB, CN, GG (Kim, 1973). SPECIMEN EXAMINED: GN: 1♂ (Busan: 25.viii.2009, S.H. Lee); zoeas (Busan:, S.H. Lee). REMARKS: This species is often mistaken for Sesarmops intermedius, which has a tooth behind orbital tooth.

Genus Clistocoeloma A. Milne-Edwards, 1873 Keu-ri-seu-to-ko-el-lo-ma-sok (크리스토코엘로마속)

Carapace squarish, uneven, covered with numerous small patches of blackish tomentum. Flagel- lum of antenna excluded from orbit. Chelipeds subequal (Guinot, 1998). Clistocoeloma mergiense De Man and C. villosum (A. Milne-Edwards) are presently known in Korean waters (Kim, 1973; Lee et al., 2010).

SPECIES 8 (2 in Korea).

Genus Nanosesarma Tweedie, 1950 Ko-ma-sa-gak-ge-sok (꼬마사각게속)

Carapace squarish. Flagellum of antenna included in orbit. Meri of ambulatory legs 3, 4 each with 2 or 3 distal spines on posterior margin.

SPECIES 9 (1 in Korea).

6. Nanosesarma minutum (De Man, 1887) (Pl. 5A) Ko-ma-sa-gak-ge (꼬마사각게)

Sesarma minutum De Man, 1887, p. 652. Sesarma (Sesarma) gordoni Shen, 1935, p. 27, fig. 7. Nanosesarma gordoni: Tweedie, 1950, p. 311; Kim, 1973, p. 480, pl. 91, fig. 212; Sakai, 1976, p. 663, pl. 223, fig. 3. Nanosesarma gordoni: Terada et al., 1982, pp. 35-45, fig. 1 (zoeal stages). Nanosesarma minutum: Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 530, pl. 68 (2), fig. 272 (1, 2). Decapoda: Sesarmidae: Parasesarma 19

Adult: Whole covered with hair. Carapace slightly broader than long. Front concave medially. Anterolateral margin of carapace with 1 tooth behind acute orbital tooth, posterolateral region with 5 oblique ridges. Palm of cheliped covered with dense hairs on upper surface. Meri of ambulatory legs broad, each with 2 or 3 distal spines on posterior margin, carpi and propodi slender. Abdomen of male relatively narrow. Telson longer than abdominal somite 6. CL 5 mm, CW 6 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral spine, no lateral spine. Dorsal carapace spine slightly curved, shorter than CL, with black chromatophore at base. Antennule with 3 unequally-sized aesthetascs and 1 simple seta. Protopod of antenna spinous and with spinules; exopod slightly shorter than protopod, with 2 unequally-sized distal setae. Endopod of maxillule with 1, 1+4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+3 (5) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1+1(4) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somite 3 directed posteriorly. Fork of telson naked. CL 0.35 mm, RDL 0.69 mm(Terada et al., 1982).

HABITAT: Intertidal muddy flats, under stones. DISTRIBUTION: Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand (Dai and Yang, 1991), China, Japan, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: GN (Kim, 1973), JJ. SPECIMEN EXAMINED: JJ: 1♂(Jejudo Island: 24.vii.2010, S.H. Lee). REMARKS: In a live crab, the ‘H’ shape in blue on dorsal surface of the carapace is distinct.

Genus Parasesarma De Man, 1895 Sa-gak-ge-sok (사각게속)

Carapace squarish. Anterolateral margin of carapace smooth behind orbital tooth. Flagellum of antenna included in orbit. Movable finger of cheliped with longitudinal tubercles on upper surface. Propodus of cheliped with 2 or 3 pectinate crests on upper surface.

SPECIES 28 (3 in Korea).

7. Parasesarma pictum (De Haan, 1835) (Pl. 6A, B) Sa-gak-ge (사각게)

Grapsus (Pachysoma) pictus De Haan, 1835, p. 61, pl. 16, fig. 6. Sesarma (Parasesarma) picta: Tesch, 1917, p. 186. Sesarma (Parasesarma) pictum: Kim, 1973, p. 482, pl. 44, fig. 164; Sakai, 1976, p. 656, pl. 226, fig. 2; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 536, pl. 69 (1), fig. 275 (1, 3). Sesarma (Parasesarma) pictum: Lee, 1988, pp. 25-35, figs. 7-11 (larval stages). Parasesarma pictum: Yamaguchi et al., 1976, p. 41; Miyake, 1983, p. 180, pl. 60, fig. 4. 20 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I

Adult: Carapace squarish. Front slightly concave medially, with 4 postfrontal lobes. Anterolate- ral margin of carapace straight, without tooth behind orbital tooth, posterolateral region with 5 oblique ridges. Carpus of cheliped covered with tubercles, palm with 3 pectinate crests on upper surface, movable finger with 1 row of 16 tubercles on upper surface. Meri of ambulatory legs each with 1 subdistal spine on anterior margin. Long stiff setae on anterior and posterior margins of propodi and dactyli. CL 13 mm, CW 14 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral spine, no lateral spine. Dorsal carapace spine hooked shape, shorter than 1/2 CL, with black chromatophore at base. Antennule with 3 unequally-sized aesthetascs and 2 simple setae. Protopod of antenna spinous and with spinules; exopod about 1/2 length of protopod, with 2 unequally-sized distal setae. Endopod of maxillule with 1, 1+4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+3 (5) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somite 3 directed posteriorly. Fork of telson naked. CL 0.43 mm, RDL 0.70 mm.

HABITAT: High tidal rocky shore. DISTRIBUTION: Singapore, Taiwan, China, Japan, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: GW, GB, GN, JN, JJ, JB, CN, GG (Kim, 1973). SPECIMEN EXAMINED: GN: 1♂ (Busan: 19.ix.2009, H.S. Ko); zoeas (Busan:, S.H. Lee). REMARKS: Crab (Pl. 6A) was from Jejudo Island (JJ).

8. Parasesarma plicatum (Latreille, 1806) (Pl. 7A, B) Ga-ji-ge (가지게)

Ocypode plicata Latreille, 1806, p. 47. Grapsus (Pachysoma) affinis De Haan, 1837, p. 66, pl. 18, fig. 5. Sesarma (Parasesarma) plicatum: Kim, 1973, p. 484, pl. 44, fig. 165; Sakai, 1976, p. 656, pl. 226, fig. 1. Parasesarma plicatum: Miyake, 1983, p. 180, pl. 60, fig. 5. Sesarma plicatum: Baba and Fukuda, 1976, p. 64 (zoea I).

Adult: Carapace squarish, slightly broader than long. Front slightly concave medially, with 4 postfrontal lobes. Anterolateral margin of carapace without tooth behind orbital acute tooth, pos- terolateral region with 6 oblique ridges, concave posteriorly. Carpus of cheliped covered with tuber- cles, palm with 2 pectinate crests on upper surface, movable finger with 1 row of 8 coarse tubercles on upper surface. Meri of ambulatory legs broad, maximum width about 1/2 length, with 1 sub- distal spine on each anterior margin. Amburatory leg 3 longest. In life, color of palm and finger of cheliped dark red. CL 20 mm, CW 25 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral spine, no lateral spine. Dorsal carapace spine hooked shape, with- out black chromatophore at base, shorter than 1/2 CL. Antennule with 3 unequally-sized aesthe- tascs and 2 simple setae. Protopod of antenna spinous and with spinules; exopod about 1/2 length of protopod, with 2 unequally-sized distal setae. Endopod of maxillule with 1, 1+4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+3 (5) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae and 0, Decapoda: Sesarmidae: Parasesarma 21

1, 6 setae, respectively. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somite 3 directed posteriorly. Fork of telson serrated. CL 0.38 mm, RDL 0.65 mm.

HABITAT: Intertidal muddy flats, under stones. DISTRIBUTION: East coast of Africa, India, China, Japan, Korea (Dai and Yang, 1991). KOREA: JN, JB, CN, GG (Kim, 1973). SPECIMEN EXAMINED: JJ: 1♂ and zoeas (Jindo:, H.S. Ko). REMARKS: Baba and Fukuda (1976) described the zoea 1 of this species as similar to that of Paras- esarma pictum.

9. Parasesarma tripectinis (Shen, 1940) (Pl. 8A, B) Bul-eun-bal-sa-gak-ge (붉은발사각게)

Sesarma (Parasesarma) tripectinis Shen, 1940, p. 261, figs. 17-21; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 537, pl. 69 (3), fig. 276 (1, 2). Sesarma erythrodactyla (not Hess, 1856): Sakai, 1976, p. 657, fig. 359; Kim and Kim, 1997 (list). Sesarma erythrodactyla: Ko and Kim, 1985, pp. 165-178, figs. 1-6 (larval stages). Parasesarma acis Davie, 1993, p. 66, figs. 1A-E, 2. Parasesarma tripectinis: Ng et al., 2008, p. 222 (list).

Adult: Carapace squarish, slightly broader than long. Front slightly concave medially, with 4 postfrontal lobes. Anterolateral margin of carapace without tooth behind orbital acute tooth, pos- terolateral region with 5 oblique ridges. Carpus of cheliped covered with tubercles, palm with 3 pectinate crests on upper surface, movable finger with 1 row of 20 tubercles on upper surface. Meri of ambulatory legs each with 1 subdistal spine on anterior margin. Long stiff setae on anterior and posterior margins of propodi and dactyli. Amburatory leg 3 longest. In life, color of fingers of cheliped red. CL 12 mm, CW 15 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral spine, no lateral spine. Dorsal carapace spine hooked shape, about 1/2 CL, without chromatophore at base. Antennule with 3 unequally-sized aesthetascs and 1 simple seta. Protopod of antenna spinous, with spinules; exopod about 1/2 length of protopod, with 2 unequally-sized distal setae. Endopod of maxillule with 1, 1+4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+3 (5) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respec- tively. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somite 3 directed posteriorly. Fork of telson naked, with 1 small dorsomedial spine proximally. CL 0.42 mm, RDL 0.73 mm.

HABITAT: Intertidal muddy flats, under stones. DISTRIBUTION: China (Dai and Yang, 1991), Japan (Sakai, 1976), Korea. KOREA: GN, JN. SPECIMEN EXAMINED: GN: 1♂ (Busan: 2.x.2009, H.S. Ko); zoeas (Jinwoodo Island: 9.vii.2010, S.H. Lee). REMARKS: In these zoeas, a small dorsomedial spine is found proximally in the fork of the telson. 22 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I

Genus Perisesarma De Man, 1895 Du-i-ppal-sa-gak-ge-sok (두이빨사각게속)

Carapace squarish. Anterolateral margin of carapace with 1 tooth behind orbital tooth. Flagellum of antenna included in orbit. Movable finger with 1 longitudinal row of transverse tubercles on upper surface; propodus of cheliped with 2 or 3 pectinate crests on upper surface.

SPECIES 22 (1 in Korea).

10. Perisesarma bidens (De Haan, 1835) (Pl. 5B) Du-i-ppal-sa-gak-ge (두이빨사각게)

Grapsus (Pachysoma) bidens De Haan, 1835, p. 60, pl. 11, fig. 4. Sesarma (Chiromantes) bidens: Kim, 1973, p. 490, pl. 97, fig. 169; Sakai, 1976, p. 658, pl. 225, fig. 1; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 538, pl. 69 (4), fig. 276 (3). Sesarma (Chiromantes) bidens: Terada, 1976a, pp. 148, 155, figs. 7, 8, 12 (larval stages). Perisesarma bidens: Miyake, 1983, pl. 61, fig. 3.

Adult: Carapace squarish, broader than long. Front slightly concave medially, with 4 postfrontal lobes, each with transverse rows of stiff short setae. Anterolateral margin of carapace with 1 tooth behind orbital tooth, short setae along posterolateral margin. Carpus of cheliped rugose, palm granular, with 2 pectinate crests on upper surface, movable finger with 1 row of 13 ovate tubercles on upper surface. Meri of ambulatory legs broad, each with 1 subdistal spine on anterior margin; legs 1-3 rugose. Stiff short setae on anterior and posterior margins of carpi, propodi and dactyli of ambulatory legs. In life, color of fingers of cheliped yellowish red. CL 17 mm, CW 21 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral spine, no lateral spine. Dorsal carapace spine with black chroma- tophore at base, slightly curved, about 1/2 CL. Antennule with 3 unequally-sized aesthetascs and 1 simple seta. Protopod of antenna spinous, with spinules; exopod about 1/2 length of protopod, with 2 unequally-sized distal setae. Endopod of maxillule with 1, 1+4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+3 (5) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somite 3 directed posteriorly. Fork of telson serrated, CL 0.81 mm(Terada, 1976a).

HABITAT: Intertidal muddy flats. DISTRIBUTION: Sri Lanka, India, Philippines, China, Japan, Korea (Dai and Yang, 1991). KOREA: JJ. SPECIMEN EXAMINED: JJ: 1♂ (Jejudo Island: 11.ix.2010, K.H. Lee). Decapoda: Sesarmidae: Sesarmops 23

Genus Sesarmops Serène and Soh, 1970 Bul-geun-bal-mal-ttong-ge-sok (붉은발말똥게속)

Carapace squarish. Anterolateral margin of carapace with 1 tooth behind orbital tooth. Flagellum of antenna included in orbit. Propodus of cheliped without pectinate crests on upper surface. Meri of ambulatory legs each with 1 subdistal spine on anterior margin.

SPECIES 6 (1 in Korea).

11. Sesarmops intermedius (De Haan, 1835) (Pl. 9A, B) Bul-geun-bal-mal-ttong-ge (붉은발말똥게)

Grapsus (Pachysoma) intermedius De Haan, 1835, p. 61, pl. 16, fig. 5. Sesarma (Sesarma) intermedia: Tesch, 1917, p. 162. Sesarma (Sesarma) intermedia: Terada, 1976a, pp. 143-152, figs. 5, 6, 11 (larval stages). Sesarma (Sesarma) intermedium: Kim, 1973, p. 489, pl. 94, fig. 218. Sesarmops intermedium: Sakai, 1976, p. 659, pl. 224, fig. 3. Sesarmops intermedius: Yamaguchi and Baba, 1993, p. 486, fig. 185.

Adult: Carapace squarish, surface smooth. Front concave medially, with 4 postfrontal lobes. Anterolateral margin of carapace with 1 tooth behind outerorbital tooth, posterolateral region with 6 oblique ridges. Meri of ambulatory legs each with 1 subdistal spine on anterior margin. Long stiff setae on posterior margin of meri, anterior margin of carpi, on anterior and posterior margins of propodi. Abdomen of male triangular. In life, color of merus, carpus, and palm of cheliped red. CL 20 mm, CW 22 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral spine, no lateral spine. Dorsal carapace spine with black chromato- phore at base, shorter than CL. Antennule with 3 unequally-sized aesthetascs and 1 simple seta. Protopod of antenna spinous, with spinules; exopod less than 1/5 length of protopod, with 2 unequally-sized distal setae. Endopod of maxillule with 1, 1+4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+3 (5) setae. Endopod of maxilliped 1 with 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae. Endopod maxilliped 2 with 0, 1, 6 setae. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somite 3 directed posteriorly. Fork of telson serrated, CL 0.89 mm (Terada, 1976a).

HABITAT: Burrows in muddy flats and banks not far from sea shore. DISTRIBUTION: Indonesia, Taiwan, China, Japan, Korea (Sakai, 2004). KOREA: GN, JN, JJ. SPECIMEN EXAMINED: GN: Exuviae 1♂ (Busan: 9.viii.2009, H.S. Ko). REMARKS: Kamita (1941) reported that Sesarmops intermedius was known only in Suncheon (JN). Recently, it was found in Seogwipo (JJ) and Busan (GN). This species is an endangered species (II) in Korea. 24 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I

Family Varunidae H. Milne-Edwards, 1853 Cham-ge-gwa (참게과)

Carapace usually circular or subquadrate, surface without numerous striae. Maxilliped 3 often with setose ridge, exopod with long flagellum. Rhomboid gap usually absent between maxillipeds 3. Pterygostomial region may be setose but no network-like pattern. Abdominal segments of male not fused.

GENERA 35 (11 in Korea), species over 150 (18 in Korea). DISTRIBUTION: Worldwide.

Key to the genera of family Varunidae

1. Ischium and merus of maxilliped 3 with setose oblique ridge·················································2 - Ischium and merus of maxilliped 3 without setose oblique ridge ···········································6 2. Carapace convex, rough, anterolateral margin with tooth·······················································3 - Carapace flat, smooth, anterolateral margin arched, without tooth ·······················Cyclograpsus 3. Carapace subquadrate············································································································4 - Carapace circular ······························································································Chasmagnathus 4. Infraorbital crest with separated tubercles medially ·······························································5 - Infraorbital crest with fused tubercles medially······················································Pseudohelice 5. Ambulatory leg 1 or 2 with dense setae on carpus and propodus····································Helice - Ambulatory legs 1-3 with dense setae on carpus and propodus··································Helicana 6. Anterolateral margin of carapace without tooth ·····································································7 - Anterolateral margin of carapace with tooth ··········································································9 7. Carapace circular, broadened anteriorly·······························································Acmaeopleura - Carapace circular, not broadened anteriorly ···········································································8 8. Carapace broadened posteriorly ·······································································Asthenognathus - Carapace not broadened posteriorly ·······································································Sestrostoma 9. Suture between ischium and merus of maxilliped 3 transverse·············································10 - Suture between ischium and merus of maxilliped 3 oblique ··········································Gaetice 10. Frontal width about 1/3 CW·································································································11 - Frontal width about 1/2 CW ·················································································Hemigrapsus 11. Anterolateral margin of carapace with 3 teeth behind orbital tooth ·····························Eriocheir - Anterolateral margin of carapace with 2 teeth behind orbital tooth ························Neoeriocheir

Key to the zoeas of species of family Varunidae

Rostral and dorsal carapace spine present; antennal exopod usually spinous and with 1 or 2 medial or submedial setae; endopod of maxillule and maxilla with 1, 1+4 setae and 2+2 setae; basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 usually with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively; basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. 1. Lateral processes on abdominal somites 2-3···········································································2 - Lateral processes on abdominal somites 2-4·········································································12 2. Lateral carapace spine present································································································3 Decapoda: Varunidae: Acmaeopleura 25

- Lateral carapace spine absent ·································································································9 3. Lateral carapace spine longer than 1/2 CL ·············································································4 - Lateral carapace spine shorter than 1/2 CL ············································································5 4. Antennal exopod vestigial··············································································Sestrostoma balssi - Antennal exopod not vestigial, spinous·············································Asthenognathus inaequipes 5. Antennal exopod reduced···································································Neoeriocheir leptognathus - Antennal exopod not reduced, spinous ··················································································6 6. Antennal exopod less than 1/2 length of protopod ·········································Helicana japonica - Antennal exopod more than or about 1/2 length of protopod ················································7 7. Antennal exopod with 1 large and 2 or 3 smaller medial setae················································8 - Antennal exopod with 1 large and 1 smaller medial setae ·····················Hemigrapsus longitarsis 8. Antennal exopod with 1 large and 3 smaller medial setae····················Hemigrapsus penicillatus - Antennal exopod with 1 large and 2 smaller medial setae ····················Hemigrapsus sanguineus 9. Antennal exopod more than 3/5 length of protopod ····························································10 - Antennal exopod less than 3/5 length of protopod·······························································11 10. Antennal exopod with 2 medial setae······························································Gaetice depressus - Antennal exopod with 1 medial seta····················································Pseudohelice subquadrata 11. Antennal exopod less than 2/5 length of protopod ····································Acmeopleura parvula - Antennal exopod about 1/2 length of protopod··································Cyclograpsus intermedius 12. Antennal exopod less than 2/5 length of protopod·······························································13 - Antennal exopod more than 2/5 length of protopod ····························································17 13. Antennal exopod with 1 medial or submedial seta ·······························································14 - Antennal exopod with 2 medial setae ···················································································15 14. Abdominal somite 5 longer than broad ·····························································Helicana wuana - Abdominal somite 5 not longer than broad ··························································Helice tridens 15. Rostral carapace spine with spinules ····················································································16 - Rostral carapace spine without spinules ···············································································17 16. Rostral carapace spine less than 1.3 length of antennal protopod ····················Eriocheir sinensis - Rostral carapace spine more than 1.3 length of antennal protopod················Eriocheir japonicus 17. Lateral process of abdominal somite 4 larger than that of somite 3 ······Chasmagnathus convexus - Lateral process of abdominal somite 4 not larger than that of somite 3 ·································18 18. Rostral carapace spine about equal in length to antennal protopod···········Hemigrapsus sinensis - Rostral carapace spine about twice length of antennal protopod ··················Helice tientsinensis

Genus Acmaeopleura Stimpson, 1858 Ae-gi-bi-dan-ge-sok (애기비단게속)

Carapace circular, broadened anteriorly. Lateral carapace margin arched, without tooth, corner rounded. Frontal width more than 1/3 carapace width. Pterygostomial region setose but no network-like pattern. Ischium and merus of maxilliped 3 without setose oblique ridges.

SPECIES 2 (1 in Korea). 26 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I

12. Acmaeopleura parvula Stimpson, 1858 (Pl. 10A) Ae-gi-bi-dan-ge (애기비단게)

Acmaeopleura parvula Stimpson, 1858, p. 105; Kim, 1973, p. 462, pl. 91, fig. 152; Sakai, 1976, p. 643, pl. 220, fig. 2. Acmaeopleura parvula: Kim and Jang, 1987, pp. 543-560, figs. 2-9 (larval stages).

Adult: Carapace circular, covered with short hairs. Surface slightly convex anteriorly, anterola- teral margin without tooth. Rhomboid gap absent between maxillipeds 3, broad ischium and merus without setose oblique ridges. Chelipeds symmetrical, fingers each with patch of hairs proximally. Ambulatory legs broad, covered with short hairs. Abdomen of male triangular. CL 10 mm, CW 13 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with short rostral, slightly curved dorsal, and no lateral spine, dorsal spine shorter than CL. Antennule with 2 unequally-sized aesthetascs and 2 simple setae. Protopod of antenna spinous, with spinules, about equal in length to rostral carapace spine; exopod spinous, about 1/3 length of protopod, with 2 unequally-sized medial setae. Endopod of maxillule with 1, 1+4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+2 (4) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somite 3 minute. Fork of telson serrated. CL 0.45 mm, RDL 0.88 mm.

HABITAT: Intertidal rocky shores, under stones. DISTRIBUTION: Japan, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: GB, GN, JN, JJ (Kim, 1973). SPECIMEN EXAMINED: JJ: 1♂ (Jejudo Island: 6.vii.2001, H.S. Ko); 1♀ (Jejudo Island: 7.x.2010, H.S. Ko), GN: zoeas (Gonrido Island:, H.S. Ko).

Genus Asthenognathus Stimpson, 1858 Nap-jak-deung-ge-sok (납작등게속)

Carapace circular, broadened posteriorly, anterolateral margin without tooth. Ischium and merus of maxilliped 3 without setose oblique ridge.

SPECIES 4 (1 in Korea).

13. Asthenognathus inaequipes Stimpson, 1858 (Pl. 10B) Nap-jak-deung-ge (납작등게)

Asthenognathus inaequipes Stimpson, 1858, p. 107; Sakai, 1976, p. 588, fig. 324a, pl. 203; Takeda and Konishi, 1991, p. 36, fig. 3; Lee et al., 2010, pp. 337-339, figs. 1, 2. Asthenognathus inaequipes: Matsuo, 1998, pp. 123-132, figs. 1-6 (larval stages). Decapoda: Varunidae: Chasmagnathus 27

Adult: Carapace circular, somewhat roundly hexagonal, broader than long, dorsal surface flat, almost naked, anterolateral margin entire, pubescent, posterior margin broader than width of frontal- orbital margin. Maxilliped 3 narrowly gaping, ischium broad proximally, longer than merus, suture between ischium and merus transverse, merus subquadrate, slightly longer than broad, dactylus of palp cylindrical, jointed at tip of propodus. Chelipeds symmetrical, stout, merus and carpus furnished with long setae along dorsal surfaces, palm stout, inner surface smooth, movable finger of male cheliped with 3 broad teeth on middle of inner margin, distal part smooth. Ambulatory legs covered with tomentum on outer surfaces, furnished with long setae on anterior and posterior margins, ambulatory leg 2 longest, ambulatory 3 slightly shorter than ambulatory 2, ambulatory 4 reduced in size. Ambulatory legs 2, 3 each with merus twice as long as broad, propodus approxi- mately as long as dactylus, both slightly shorter than carpus. Abdomen of male pagoda-shaped, somites distinctly separated, somite 6 trapezoidal, much broader than long, lateral margins convex. Telson round, longer than broad. CL 7 mm, CW 11 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral, dorsal, and lateral spines, dorsal spine much longer than CL, lateral spine more than 1/2 CL. Antennule with 2 aesthetascs and 1 simple seta. Protopod of antenna spinous, with spinules; exopod spinous, about 2/5 length of protopod and with 2 submedial setae. Endopod of maxillule with 1, 1+4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+2 (4) setae. Basis of maxilliped 1 with 2+2+3+2 (9) setae in zoea 1, 2+2+2+2 (8) setae in zoeae 2-4, 3+2+2+3 (10) setae in zoea 5, and endopod with 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somite 3 directed posteriorly. Fork of telson serrated. CL 0.48 mm, RDL 1.43 mm(Matsuo, 1998).

HABITAT: Intertidal muddy shores. DISTRIBUTION: East China Sea (Sakai, 2004), Japan, Korea. KOREA: GN. SPECIMEN EXAMINED: GN: 1♂ (Namhaedo Island:, S.H. Lee). REMARKS: This species was previously considered a pinnotherid crab. It is necessary to re-examine the number of setae on the basis of maxilliped 1 because of its inconsistency during development in the zoeas of Matsuo (1998).

Genus Chasmagnathus De Haan, 1833 Get-ge-sok (갯게속)

Carapace circular, convex, anterolateral margin with 3 broad teeth behind orbital angle. Ischium and merus of maxilliped 3 with setose oblique ridges.

SPECIES 1 (1 in Korea).

14. Chasmagnathus convexus (De Haan, 1835) (Pl. 11A) Get-ge (갯게)

Ocypode (Chasmagnathus) convexa De Haan, 1835, p. 56, pl. C. 28 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I

Chasmagnathus convexus: Adams and White, 1848, p. 52; Kim, 1973, p. 493, pl. 45, fig. 172; Sakai, 1976, p. 668, pl. 228, fig. 1; Miyake, 1983, p. 186, pl. 62, fig. 4; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 550, pl. 71 (2), fig. 284 (3). Chasmagnathus convexus: Yang and Kim, 2007, pp. 69-74, fig. 1 (zoea I).

Adult: Carapace circular, oval shaped, convex, covered with short hairs. Anterolateral margin with 3 broad teeth behind orbital angle. Infraorbital crest with 8 unequally-sized tubercles. Ischium and merus of maxilliped 3 with setose oblique ridges. Ambulatory legs with dense setae, leg 2 longest. Abdomen of male triangular, somite 3 widest, somite 6 longest. CL 27 mm, CW 35 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral, lateral, and dorsal spines, dorsal spine slightly curved and shorter than CL. Antennule with 3 unequally-sized aesthetascs and 1 simple seta. Protopod of antenna spinous, with spinules; exopod spinous, about 2/5 length of protopod and with 2 unequally-sized medial setae. Endopod of maxillule with 1, 1+4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+2 (4) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somite 3 directed posteriorly, on somite 4 larger than those of somite 3 and directed posteriorly. Fork of telson serrated. CL 0.58 mm, RDL 1.39 mm (Yang and Kim, 2007).

HABITAT: Intertidal muddy shores not far from estuary. DISTRIBUTION: China, Japan, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: GW, GB, GN, JN, JJ, GG (Kim, 1973). SPECIMEN EXAMINED: GN: 1♀(Namhaedo Island: 23.vii.2010, U.W. Hwang). REMARKS: This species is an endangered species (II) in Korea.

Genus Cyclograpsus H. Milne-Edwards, 1837 Bi-dan-ge-sok (비단게속)

Carapace circular, surface flat and smooth. Lateral margin arched, without tooth. Pterygostomial region setose but no network-like pattern. Ischium and merus of maxilliped 3 with setose oblique ridges.

SPECIES 1 (1 in Korea).

15. Cyclograpsus intermedius Ortmann, 1894 (Pl. 11B) Bi-dan-ge (비단게)

Cyclograpsus intermedius Ortmann, 1894, p. 728; Kim, 1973, p. 492, pl. 46, fig. 171; Sakai, 1976, p. 666, pl. 227, fig. 2; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 549, pl. 71 (1), fig. 284 (1, 2). Cyclograpsus intermedius: Kim and Jang, 1986, pp. 143-158, figs. 1-7 (larval stages). Decapoda: Varunidae: Eriocheir 29

Adult: Carapace circular, surface flat and smooth, anterolateral margin without tooth. Infraorbital crest with 16 tubercles in male. Rhomboid gap present between maxillipeds 3, ischium and merus with setose oblique ridges. Chelipeds symmetrical, smooth. Ambulatory legs smooth except cover- ed with rows of setae on dactyli. Abdomen of male triangular, somite 1 widest, somite 6 longest. CL 17 mm, CW 20 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with short rostral spine and curved dorsal spine. Rostral and dorsal spines shorter than 1/2 CL, no lateral spine. Antennule with 3 unequally-sized aesthetascs and 1 simple seta. Protopod of antenna spinous, with spinules; exopod spinous, about 1/2 length of protopod and with 4 unequally-sized (1 large and 3 smaller) medial setae. Endopod of maxillule with 1, 1+4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+2 (4) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somite 3 vestigial. Fork of telson serrated. CL 0.55 mm, RDL 1.05 mm.

HABITAT: Intertidal rocky shores, under stones. DISTRIBUTION: Taiwan, China (Dai and Yang, 1991), Japan, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: GB, GN, JN, JJ (Kim, 1973). SPECIMEN EXAMINED: JJ: 1♂ (Jejudo Island: 12.x.2000, H.S. Ko), GB: zoeas (Ulreungdo Island:, S.H. Lee). REMARKS: Kim and Jang (1986) reported 2 unequally-sized medial setae on the antennal exopod in the zoea 1 of this species, but 4 unequally-sized medial setae were found in zoeas from Ulreungdo Island.

Genus Eriocheir De Haan, 1835 Cham-ge-sok (참게속)

Carapace roundly squarish. Frontal width about 1/3 CW, with 4 lobes or teeth-like lobes. Antero- lateral margin with 3 teeth behind orbital tooth. Pterygostomial region setose but no network-like pattern. Ischium and merus of maxilliped 3 with transverse suture, without setose oblique ridge. Palm of cheliped covered with thick long hairs.

SPECIES 4 (2 in Korea).

16. Eriocheir japonicus (De Haan, 1835) (Pls. 12A, B, 13A) Dong-nam-cham-ge (동남참게)

Grapsus (Eriocheir) japonicus De Haan, 1835, p. 59, pl. 17. Eriocheir japonicus: Kim, 1973, p. 467, pls. 92, 93, fig. 155; Sakai, 1976, p. 646, pl. 221; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 522, pl. 67 (2), fig. 268 (1). Eriocheir japonicus: Kim and Hwang, 1990, pp. 411-427, figs. 1-7 (larval stages); Kornienko and Korn, 2010, pp. 124-136, figs. 69-75 (larval stages). 30 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I

Adult: Carapace smooth, divergent posteriorly, surface slightly convex. Frontal margin with 4 wave-like lobes. Anterolateral margin with 2 teeth and 1 rudimentary tooth behind orbital tooth. Rhomboid gap present between maxillipeds 3, ischium and merus each with scattering of short setae. Chelipeds symmetrical, thickly coated with long hairs on outer and inner surfaces of palm. Ambulatory legs long and slender, meri each with 1 subdistal spine on anterior margin, carpi and propodi with scattered setae, dactyli with rows of short setae. Abdominal somite 6 longest in male. CL 37 mm, CW 42 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral, lateral, and dorsal spines. Rostral and dorsal spines with spinules, rostral spine more than 1.30 length of antennal protopod, dorsal spine slightly shorter than CL, lateral spine short. Antennule with 3 unequally-sized aesthetascs and 1 simple seta. Protopod of antenna spinous, with spinules; exopod spinous, more than 2/5 length of protopod, with 2 unequal- ly-sized (1 large and 1 smaller) submedial setae. Endopod of maxillule with 1, 1+4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+2 (4) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somites 3, 4 directed posteriorly. Fork of telson serrated. CL 0.50 mm, RDL 1.18 mm.

HABITAT: Bottoms of freshwater rivers and estuaries. DISTRIBUTION: Taiwan, China, Japan, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: HN, GW, GB, GN, JN, JJ (Kim, 1973). SPECIMEN EXAMINED: GN: 1♂ (Namhae Island: 30.v.1991, H.S. Ko); zoeas (Hadong: H.S. Ko). REMARKS: This species is an edible and commercial crab in Korea.

17. Eriocheir sinensis H. Milne-Edwards, 1853 (Pl. 13B) Cham-ge (참게)

Eriochirus sinensis H. Milne-Edwards, 1853, p. 177. Eriocheir sinensis: Kim, 1973, p. 465, pl. 40, fig. 154; Sakai, 1976, p. 647, fig. 354; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 523, pl. 67 (3), fig. 268 (2). Eriocheir sinensis: Kim and Hwang, 1995, pp. 81-100, figs. 1-7 (larval stages).

Adult: Carapace smooth, surface considerably convex. Frontal margin with 4 tooth-like lobes. Anterolateral margin with 2 sharp teeth and 1 rudimentary tooth behind sharp orbital tooth. Rhom- boid gap present between maxillipeds 3, ischium and merus each with scattering of short setae. Chelipeds symmetrical, thickly coated with long hairs on outer and inner surfaces of palms. Ambulatory legs long and slender, meri each with 1 subdistal spine on anterior margin, carpi and propodi each with rows of long setae, dactyli with rows of short setae. Abdominal somite 6 longest in male. CL 38 mm, CW 42 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with spinulose rostral, short lateral, and spinulose dorsal spines, rostral spine less than 1.25 length of antennal protopod, dorsal spine about equal to CL. Antennule with 3 une- qually-sized aesthetascs and 1 simple seta. Protopod of antenna spinous, with spinules; exopod spinous, more than 1/3 length of protopod, with 2 unequally-sized (1 large and 1 smaller) medial Decapoda: Varunidae: Gaetice 31 setae. Endopod of maxillule with 1, 1+4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+2 (4) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somites 3, 4 directed posteriorly. Fork of telson ser- rated. CL 0.43 mm, RDL 1.02 mm (Kim and Hwang, 1995).

HABITAT: Bottoms of freshwater rivers and estuaries. DISTRIBUTION: China, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: JB, CN, GG, PN (Kim, 1973). SPECIMEN EXAMINED: JB: 1♂ (Gochang : 9.x.2010, H.S. Ko). REMARKS: This species is an edible and commercial crab in Korea. It was introduced to Europe in 1912, Canada in 1965, and America in 1992 (Poore, 2004).

Genus Gaetice Gistel, 1848 Nap-jak-ge-sok (납작게속)

Carapace subquadate, broader than long. Surface flat, smooth. Anterolateral margin with 2 teeth behind orbital tooth. Pterygostomial region setose but no network-like pattern. Ischium and merus of maxilliped 3 with oblique suture, without setose oblique ridges.

SPECIES 2 (1 in Korea).

18. Gaetice depressus (De Haan, 1835) (Pl. 14A, B) Nap-jak-ge (납작게)

Grapsus (Platynotus) depressus De Haan, 1835, p. 63, pl. D. Gaetice depressus: Kim, 1973, p. 477, pl. 43, fig. 162; Sakai, 1976, p. 653, pl. 223, figs. 2, 4; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 528, pl. 68 (1), fig. 270 (3, 4). Gaetice depressus: Kim and Lee, 1983, pp. 195-205, figs. 1-5 (larval stages).

Adult: Carapace subquadrate, surface flat and smooth. Front broadly concave medially, width (frontal width of carapace, excluding orbital region) about half CW. Anterolateral margin with 2 teeth behind orbital tooth, second reduced. Rhomboid gap absent between maxillipeds 3, ischium and merus smooth. Infraorbital crest with 11 or 12 tubercles in male. Chelipeds symmetrical, mas- sive, smooth. Ambulatory legs smooth. Abdomen of male relatively narrow. CL 15 mm, CW 18 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral and dorsal spines, rostral and dorsal spines slightly shorter than 1/2 CL, no lateral spine. Antennule with 3 unequally-sized aesthetascs and 1 simple seta. Protopod of antenna spinous, with spinules; exopod spinous, more than 3/5 length of protopod, with 2 unequally-sized medial setae. Endopod of maxillule with 1, 1+4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+2 (4) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, 32 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somite 3 directed posteriorly. Fork of telson serrated, with 1 dorsomedial small spine proximally. CL 0.50 mm, RDL 0.83 mm.

HABITAT: Intertidal rocky shores, under stones. DISTRIBUTION: China, Japan, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: HB, HN, GW, GB, GN, JN, JJ, JB, CN, GG, PN (Kim, 1973). SPECIMEN EXAMINED: GN: 1♂ (Busan: 23.viii.2007, H.S. Ko), JJ: zoeas (Jejudo Island: 13.viii.2010, S.H. Lee). REMARKS: In these zoeas a dorsomedial small spine is present in the fork of the telson.

Genus Helicana K. Sakai and Yatsuzuka, 1980 Il-bon-bang-ge-sok (일본방게속)

Carapace subquadrate, surface convex and rough. Anterolateral margin almost straight, with sharp teeth. Pterygostomial region setose. Infraorbital crest with tubercles. Ischium and merus of maxilliped 3 with setose oblique ridges. Ambulatory legs 1-3 with dense setae on each carpus and propodus. Abdominal somite 6 squarish in male.

SPECIES 3 (2 in Korea).

19. Helicana japonica (K. Sakai and Yatsuzuka, 1980) (Pl. 15A, B) Il-bon-bang-ge (일본방게)

Helice tridens wuana Shen, 1932, p. 208, pl. 8, figs. 3, 4; Kim, 1973, p. 499, pl. 48, fig. 175 (in part); Sakai, 1976, p. 671, fig. 368. Helice tridens sheni: Kim and Ko, 1984, pp. 289-305, figs. 1-7 (larval stages). Helice (Helicana) japonica Sakai and Yatsuzuka, 1980, p. 408, figs. 2, 8, 17, 19; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 555, pl. 71 (5), fig. 286 (1, 2). Helicana japonica: Sakai, 2004; Ng et al., 2008, p. 226.

Adult: Carapace subquadrate, slightly broader than long, slightly convex. Anterolateral margin slightly divergent posteriorly, with 2 sharp and 1 rudimentary tooth behind orbital tooth. Infraor- bital crest with 11 tubercles in male, innermost 2 elongate, partially fused. Pterygostomial region setose, granular. Rhomboid gap present between maxillipeds 3, ischium and merus with setose oblique ridges. Chelipeds symmetrical, smooth. Carpi and propodi of ambulatory legs 1-3 each with dense setae on anterior margin, ambulatory leg 4 naked. Ambulatory leg 2 longest, leg 3 slight- ly shorter. Abdomen of male triangular, somite 3 widest, somite 6 longest and almost squarish. Telson with 1 transverse row of setae medially. CL 17 mm, CW 20 mm. Decapoda: Varunidae: Helicana 33

Zoea I: Carapace with rostral, lateral, and dorsal spines, dorsal spine about equal to CL, lateral spine short. Antennule with 3 equally-sized aesthetascs and 1 simple seta. Protopod of antenna spinous, with spinules; exopod spinous, about 1/3 length of protopod, with 1 medial seta. Endopod of maxillule with 1, 1+4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+2 (4) setae. Basis and endopod of maxi- lliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of max- illiped 2 each with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Abdomen slender, lateral pro- cesses on somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somites 3, 4 minute. Fork of telson serrated. CL 0.45 mm, RDL 1.13 mm.

HABITAT: Intertidal muddy shores. DISTRIBUTION: China, Japan, Korea (Sakai, 2004). KOREA: JN. SPECIMEN EXAMINED: JN: 1♂ and zoeas (Jindo Island:, H.S. Ko). REMARKS: This species was previously known as Helice tridens wuana or Helice tridens sheni in Korea.

20. Helicana wuana (Rathbun, 1931) (Pl. 16A) Su-dong-bang-ge (수동방게)

Helice tridens wuana Rathbun, 1931, p. 92, pls. 7-9, figs. 8, 17, 25, 26; Kim, 1973, p. 498, pl. 47, fig. 174 (in part); Sakai, 1976, p. 670, fig. 367. Helice tridens wuana: Baba and Moriyama, 1972, pp. 49-68, figs. 1-5, 76 (larval stages). Helice (Helicana) wuana: Sakai and Yatsuzuka, 1980, p. 405, figs. 7, 16, 18; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 554, pl. 71 (3), fig. 285 (1, 2). Helicana wuana: Sakai, 2004; Ng et al., 2008, p. 226 (list).

Adult: Carapace subquadrate, broader than long, slightly convex. Anterolateral margin with 2 sharp and 1 rudimentary tooth behind orbital tooth. Infraorbital crest with 16 tubercles in male, innermost 3 elongate, somewhat fused. Pterygostomial region setose, granular. Rhomboid gap present between maxillipeds 3, ischium and merus with setose oblique ridges. Chelipeds symmet- rical, smooth. Carpi and propodi of ambulatory legs 1, 2 with dense setae on anterior margin, leg 3 with little setae, leg 4 naked. Ambulatory leg 2 longest, leg 3 slightly shorter. Abdomen of male triangular, somite 3 widest, somite 6 longest and almost squarish. Transverse row of setae on telson indistinct. CL 15 mm, CW 19 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral, lateral, and dorsal spines, dorsal spine equal in length to CL, lateral spine short. Antennule with 3 equally-sized aesthetascs and 1 simple seta. Protopod of antenna spinous, with spinules, shorter than rostral carapace spine; exopod spinous, less than 1/3 length of protopod, with 1 submedial seta. Endopod of maxillule with 1, 1+4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+2 (4) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1+1(4) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Abdomen slender, lateral processes on somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somite 3 direct- ed posteriorly, somite 5 longer than broad. Fork of telson serrated. RDL 1.12 mm (Baba and Mori- yama, 1972). 34 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I

HABITAT: Intertidal muddy shores. DISTRIBUTION: Taiwan, China, Korea (Sakai, 2004). KOREA: JN, JB, CN, GG (Kim, 1973). SPECIMEN EXAMINED: JN: 1♂ (Jindo Island:, H.S. Ko). REMARKS: This species had been often misidentified as Helice tridens sheni in Korea.

Genus Helice De Haan, 1833 Bang-ge-sok (방게속)

Carapace subquadrate. Surface convex, rough. Anterolateral margin almost straight, with sharp teeth. Pterygostomial region setose. Infraorbital crest with tubercles. Ischium and merus of maxil- liped 3 with setose oblique ridges. Ambulatory legs 1, 2 each with dense setae on carpus and pro- podus. Abdominal somite 6 hexagonal in male.

SPECIES 4 (2 in Korea).

21. Helice tientsinensis Rathbun, 1931 (Pl. 17A, B) Gal-ge (갈게)

Helice tridens tientsinensis Rathbun, 1931, p. 92, pls. 7-9, figs. 9, 19, 27, 28; Kim, 1973, p. 501, pl. 48, fig. 176; Sakai, 1976, p. 671, fig. 369. Helice tridens tientsinensis: Park, 1983, pp. 1-28, figs. 1-6 (larval stages). Helice (Helice) tientsinensis: Sakai and Yatsuzuka, 1980, p. 398, figs. 4, 10, 11; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 551, pl. 71 (4), fig. 285 (3, 4). Helice tientsinensis: Sakai, 2004; Ng et al., 2008, p. 226 (list).

Adult: Carapace subquadrate, broader than long, slightly convex. Anterolateral margin with 2 sharp and 1 rudimentary tooth behind orbital tooth. Infraorbital crest of male with 14 or 15 smaller tubercles on inner portion, 5 elongate larger tubercles on middle, 21-25 tubercles decreasing in size toward outer margin. Pterygostomial region setose, granular. Rhomboid gap present between maxillipeds 3, ischium and merus with setose oblique ridges. Chelipeds symmetrical, smooth. Propodus of ambulatory leg 1 with dense setae on anterior margin, legs 2-4 naked. Ambulatory leg 2 longest, leg 3 slightly shorter. Abdomen of male triangular, somite 3 widest, somite 6 longest and hexagonal. Transverse row of setae on telson distinct. CL 21 mm, CW 25 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral, lateral, and dorsal spines, rostral spine about twice length of anten- nal protopod, dorsal spine about 1/2 CL, lateral spine short. Antennule with 3 unequally-sized aesthetascs and 1 simple seta. Protopod of antenna spinous, with spinules, about 1/2 length of rostral carapace spine; exopod spinous, about than 1/3 length of protopod, with 2 unequally-sized medial setae. Endopod of maxillule with 1, 1+4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+2 (4) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis Decapoda: Varunidae: Helice 35 and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somites 3, 4 directed posteriorly, somite 5 longer than broad. Fork of telson serrated. CL 0.43 mm, RDL 0.88 mm.

HABITAT: Intertidal muddy shores. DISTRIBUTION: China, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: GB, GN, JN, JJ, JB, CN, GG (Kim, 1973). SPECIMEN EXAMINED: JN: 1♂ and zoeas (Jindo Island:, H.S. Ko). REMARKS: In these zoeas a small seta is present on the antennal exopod.

22. Helice tridens (De Haan, 1835) (Pl. 16B) Bang-ge (방게)

Ocypode (Helice) tridens De Haan, 1835, p. 57, pls. 11, 15, figs. 2, 6. Helice tridens tridens: Kim, 1973, p. 496, pl. 47, fig. 173; Sakai, 1976, p. 669, pl. 228, fig. 365. Helice tridens tridens: Baba and Moriyama, 1972, pp. 49-68, figs. 6-10, 75 (larval stages). Helice tridens: Miyake, 1983, p. 185, pl. 62, fig. 1; Sakai, 2004; Ng et al., 2008, p. 226 (list).

Adult: Carapace subquadrate, slightly broader than long, slightly convex. Anterolateral margin with 2 sharp and 1 rudimentary tooth behind orbital tooth. Infraorbital crest with 15 or 16 tubercles in male. Pterygostomial region setose, granular. Rhomboid gap present between maxillipeds 3, ischium and merus with setose oblique ridges. Chelipeds symmetrical, smooth. Carpi and propodi of ambulatory legs 1, 2 each with dense setae on anterior margin, ambulatory legs 3, 4 naked. Ambu- latory leg 2 longest, leg 3 slightly shorter. Abdomen of male triangular, somite 3 widest, somite 6 longest and hexagonal. Telson with transverse row of setae medially. CL 24 mm, CW 30 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral, lateral and dorsal spines, dorsal spine equal to CL, lateral spine short. Antennule with 3 unequally-sized aesthetascs. Protopod of antenna spinous, with spinules; exopod spinous, about 1/3 length of protopod, with 1 medial seta. Endopod of maxillule with 1, 1+4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+2 (4) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Abdomen not slender, lateral processes on somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somites 3, 4 minute, somite 5 not longer than broad. Fork of telson serrated. RDL 1.16 mm (Baba and Moriyama, 1972).

HABITAT: Intertidal muddy shores. DISTRIBUTION: Taiwan, China, Japan, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: GB, GN, JN, JJ, JB, CN, GG (Kim, 1973). SPECIMEN EXAMINED: JN: 1♂ (Jindo Island:, H.S. Ko). 36 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I

Genus Hemigrapsus Dana, 1851 Pul-ge-sok (풀게속)

Carapace subquadrate, frontal width about 1/2 CW, anterolateral margin with 2 teeth behind orbital tooth. Pterygostomial region setose but no network-like pattern. Ischium and merus of maxilliped 3 with transverse suture, without setose oblique ridge.

SPECIES 14 (4 in Korea).

23. Hemigrapsus longitarsis (Miers, 1879) (Pl. 19A) Gin-jong-a-ri-pul-ge (긴종아리풀게)

Heterograpsus longitarsis Miers, 1879, p. 37, pl. 2, fig. 3. Hemigrapsus longitarsis: Kim, 1973, p. 475, pl. 94, fig. 160; Sakai, 1976, p. 651, fig. 357; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 526, pl. 67 (7), fig. 270 (1, 2). Hemigrapsus longitarsis: Park and Ko, 2002, pp. 107-123, figs. 1-12 (larval stages); Kornienko and Korn, 2010, pp. 154-158 (larval stages).

Adult: Carapace squarish, surface slightly convex and covered with numerous short setae, front slightly convex medially, anterolateral margin with 2 sharp teeth behind orbital tooth. Rhomboid gap present between maxillipeds 3, ischium and merus smooth. Infraorbital crest with 5 or 6 tuber- cles in male. Chelipeds symmetrical, with scattering of setae. Fingers of cheliped of male each with patch of setae on inner surface. Ambulatory legs with scattering of setae, slender and longer than other Hemigrapsus. CL 11 mm, CW 11 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral, lateral, and dorsal spines, dorsal spine slightly shorter than CL, lateral spine short. Antennule with 3 unequally-sized aesthetascs and 2 simple setae. Protopod of antenna spinous, with spinules; exopod spinous, more than 1/2 length of protopod, with 2 unequally- sized (1 large and 1 smaller) medial setae. Endopod of maxillule with 1, 1+4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+2 (4) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somite 3 directed posteriorly. Fork of telson serrated. CL 0.40 mm, RDL 0.82 mm.

HABITAT: Intertidal sandy mudflats. DISTRIBUTION: China, Japan, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: GN, JJ. SPECIMEN EXAMINED: JJ: 1♂ (Jejudo Island: 16.viii.2008, H.S. Ko); zoeas (Jejudo Island: 5.vii.2001, H.S. Ko). Decapoda: Varunidae: Hemigrapsus 37

24. Hemigrapsus penicillatus (De Haan, 1835) (Pl. 18A, B) Pul-ge (풀게)

Grapsus (Eriocheir) penicillatus De Haan, 1835, p. 60, pl. 11, fig. 5. Hemigrapsus penicillatus: Kim, 1973, p. 473, pl. 42, fig. 159; Sakai, 1976, p. 650, pl. 222, fig. 2; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 525, pl. 67 (5), fig. 269 (2, 3). Hemigrapsus penicillatus: Kim, 1979, pp. 43-54, figs. 1-6 (larval stages); Lee and Ko, 2008, p. 675, fig. 1 (zoea 1); Kornienko and Korn, 2010, pp. 149-153 (larval stages).

Adult: Carapace subquadrate, slightly broader than long. Surface smooth, front slightly concave medially. Anterolateral margin with 2 teeth behind orbital blunt tooth. Rhomboid gap present between maxillipeds 3, ischium and merus smooth. Infraorbital crest with 3 tubercles in male. Chelipeds of male symmetrical and massive, fingers each with patch of setae on inner surface. Ambulatory legs slender, carpi, propodi and dactyli each with rows of short setae. CL 27 mm, CW 30 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral, lateral, and dorsal spines, dorsal spine slightly shorter than CL, lateral spine short. Antennule with 3 unequally-sized aesthetascs and 1 simple seta. Protopod of antenna spinous, with spinules; exopod spinous, more than 1/2 length of protopod, with 4 unequally- sized (1 large and 3 smaller) medial setae. Endopod of maxillule with 1, 1+4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+2 (4) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somite 3 directed posteriorly. Fork of telson serrated. CL 0.38 mm, RDL 0.81 mm.

HABITAT: Intertidal rocky shores, under stones. DISTRIBUTION: Hawaii, China, Japan, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: HB, HN, GW, GB, GN, JN, JJ, JB, CN, GG (Kim, 1973). SPECIMEN EXAMINED: GN: 1♂ (Busan:, H.S. Ko), JN: zoeas (Dolsando Island: 15.v.2002, H.S. Ko). REMARKS: This species has been introduced into Europe: France in 1994 and The Netherlands in 2000 (Poore, 2004). Zoeas (Pl. 18B) were from an ovigerous crab (Jindo Island:, H.S. Ko).

25. Hemigrapsus sanguineus (De Haan, 1835) (Pl. 20A, B) Mu-nui-bal-ge (무늬발게)

Grapsus (Grapsus) sanguineus De Haan, 1835, p. 58, pl. 16, fig. 3. Hemigrapsus sanguineus: Kim, 1973, p. 472, pl. 42, fig. 158; Sakai, 1976, p. 650, pl. 222, fig. 1; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 524, pl. 67 (4), fig. 269 (1). Hemigrapsus sanguineus: Hwang et al., 1993, pp. 69-86, figs. 1-7 (larval stages); Kornienko and Korn, 2010, pp. 137-148, figs. 76-82 (larval stages).

Adult: Carapace subquadrate, slightly broader than long. Surface smooth, front slightly concave medially. Anterolateral margin with 2 teeth behind orbital blunt tooth. Rhomboid gap present 38 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I between maxillipeds 3, ischium and merus each with scattering of short setae. Chelipeds of male symmetrical, massive, smooth. Meri of ambulatory legs each with 1 subdistal spine, carpi and propodi with black patches of short setae on anterior margin, dactyli each with rows of short setae. CL 25 mm, CW 30 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral, lateral, and dorsal spines, dorsal spine slightly shorter than CL, lateral spine short. Antennule with 3 unequally-sized aesthetascs and 2 simple setae. Protopod of antenna spinous, with spinules; exopod spinous, more than 1/2 length of protopod, with 3 unequally- sized (1 large and 2 smaller) medial setae. Endopod of maxillule with 1, 1+4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+2 (4) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somite 3 directed posteriorly. Fork of telson serrated. CL 0.42 mm, RDL 0.91 mm.

HABITAT: Intertidal rocky shores, under stones. DISTRIBUTION: Australia, New Zealand, Russia, China, Japan, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: HB, HN, GW, GB, GN, JN, JJ, JB, CN, GG, PN (Kim, 1973). SPECIMEN EXAMINED: GN: 1♂ (Busan: 23.viii.2007, H.S. Ko), GB: 1♂ (Yeongdeok: 28.x.2010, H.S. Ko), JN: zoeas (Geomundo Island: 2.viii.2007, S.H. Lee). REMARKS: This species was introduced into America and Europe in 1988 (Poore, 2004). Zoeas (Pl. 20B) were from an ovigerous crab [Jindo Island (JN):, H.S. Ko].

26. Hemigrapsus sinensis Rathbun, 1931 (Pl. 19B) Teol-bo-kko-ma-pul-ge (털보꼬마풀게)

Hemigrapsus sinensis Rathbun, 1931, p. 88, pl. 14, figs. 46, 47. Hemigrapsus sinensis: Kim, 1973, p. 476, pl. 43, fig. 161; Sakai, 1976, p. 651, pl. 222, fig. 3; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 526, pl. 67 (6), fig. 269 (4). Hemigrapsus sinensis: Kim and Moon, 1987, pp. 277-291, figs. 1-7 (larval stages); Lee and Ko, 2008, p. 676, fig. 2 (zoea I).

Adult: Carapace subquadrate, surface covered with short setae, front slightly convex medially, anterolateral margin with 1 sharp and 1 minute tooth behind orbital tooth. Rhomboid gap present between maxillipeds 3, ischium and merus each with scattering of setae. Infraorbital crest with 3 unequally-sized and elongate tubercles in male. Chelipeds symmetrical, fingers proximally each with patch of setae on outer surface. Ambulatory legs each with scattering of setae. Abdomen of male relatively narrow. CL 8 mm, CW 9 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral, lateral, and dorsal spines, rostral spine about equal in length to antennal protopod, dorsal spine slightly shorter than CL, lateral spine short. Antennule with 3 unequally-sized aesthetascs and 2 simple setae. Protopod of antenna spinous, with spinules; exopod spinous, about 1/2 length of protopod, with 2 unequally-sized (1 large and 1 smaller) medial setae. Endopod of maxillule with 1, 1+4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+2 (4) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Lateral Decapoda: Varunidae: Neoeriocheir 39 processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somites 3, 4 directed posteriorly. Fork of telson serrated. CL 0.37 mm, RDL 0.92 mm.

HABITAT: Intertidal muddy and stony shores. DISTRIBUTION: China, Japan, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: GG (Kim, 1973), GN. SPECIMEN EXAMINED: GN: 1♂ (Busan: 7.viii.2008, S.H. Lee); zoeas (Gadeokdo Island:, S.H. Lee). REMARKS: This species initially occurred on the western coast of Korea, however, it has been col- lected for the first time in Gadeokdo Island (GN) of Busan on the southern coast.

Genus Neoeriocheir Sakai, 1983 Ae-gi-cham-ge-sok (애기참게속)

Carapace roundly squarish, frontal width about 1/3 CW, anterolateral margin with 2 teeth behind orbital tooth. Pterygostomial region setose but no network-like pattern. Ischium and merus of maxilliped 3 with transverse suture, without setose oblique ridge. Palm of cheliped covered with thick long setae on inner surface.

SPECIES 1 (1 in Korea).

27. Neoeriocheir leptognathus (Rathbun, 1913) Ae-gi-cham-ge (애기참게)

Eriocheir leptognathus Rathbun, 1913, p. 353, pl. 33, figs. 2, 3; Kim, 1973, p. 470, pl. 41, fig. 157; Sakai, 1976, p. 649, fig. 356; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 521, pl. 66 (8), fig. 267 (1). Eriocheir leptognathus: Lee, 1988, pp. 11-24, figs. 1-6 (larval stages). Neoeriocheir leptognathus: Ng et al., 2008, p. 228.

Adult: Carapace squarish, smooth. Frontal margin almost straight. Anterolateral margin with 2 teeth behind orbital tooth. Rhomboid gap present between maxillipeds 3, ischium and merus each with scattering of short setae. Chelipeds symmetrical, thick long setae on inner surfaces of palms. Ambulatory legs long and slender, each segment with long setae on anterior and posterior margins. CL 23 mm, CW 25 mm (Kim, 1973). Zoea I: Carapace with spinulose rostral and dorsal spines, dorsal spine about equal to CL, lateral spine short. Antennule with 3 unequally-sized aesthetascs and 1 simple seta. Protopod of antenna more than 1/2 length of rostral carapace spine, with spinules; exopod not spinous, reduced, with 2 short setae distally. Endopod of maxillule with 1, 1+4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+2(4) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Lateral 40 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somite 3 directed posteriorly. Fork of telson serrated. CL 0.50 mm, RDL 1.25 mm.

HABITAT: Bottoms of muddy shores and estuaries (Kim, 1973). DISTRIBUTION: China, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: JN, JB, CN, GG (Kim, 1973). SPECIMEN EXAMINED: GG: Zoeas (Ganghwado Island: 31.iii.1982, H.J. Lee). REMARKS: Lee (1988) described the antennules with 2 aesthetascs and a seta, however, a smaller aesthetasc additionally has been found.

Genus Pseudohelice K. Sakai, Türkay and Yang, 2006 Nam-bang-bang-ge-sok (남방방게속)

Carapace subquadrate, surface convex and roughened, anterolateral margin almost straight, with sharp teeth. Pterygostomial region setose. Infraorbital crest with medially fused tubercles. Ischium and merus of maxilliped 3 with setose oblique ridges (Kim, 1973).

SPECIES 1 (1 in Korea).

28. Pseudohelice subquadrata (Dana, 1851) Nam-bang-bang-ge (남방방게)

Chasmagnathus subquaratus Dana, 1851, p. 251. Helice leachi Hess, 1865, p. 152; Kim, 1973, p. 502, pl. 97, fig. 228; Sakai, 1976, p. 672, pl. 228, fig. 2. Helice leachi: Mia and Shokita, 1996, pp. 104-120, figs. 1-14 (larval stages). Pseudohelice subquadrata: Ng et al., 2008, p. 227.

Adult: Carapace subquadrate, slightly broader than long. Anterolateral margin with 2 sharp and 1 rudimentary tooth behind orbital tooth. Infraorbital crest with 16 or 17 unequally-sized medially fused tubercles. Rhomboid gap present between maxillipeds 3, ischium and merus with setose oblique ridges. Carpus and propodus of each ambulatory leg with microscopic short setae, ambu- latory leg 2 longest. Abdomen of male triangular, somite 3 widest, somite 6 longest. CL 19 mm, CW 23 mm (Kim, 1973). Zoea I: Carapace with short rostral and dorsal spines, dorsal spine shorter than 1/2 CL, no lateral spine. Antennule with 3 equally-sized aesthetascs and 1 simple seta. Protopod of antenna spinous, with spinules; exopod spinous, about 1/2 length of protopod, with 1 medial seta. Endopod of max- illule with 1, 1+4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+2 (4) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somite 3 minute. Fork of telson serrated (Mia and Shokita, 1996). CL 0.54 mm, Decapoda: Varunidae: Sestrostoma 41

RDL 0.86 mm.

HABITAT: Burrows in muddy and rocky shores (Kim, 1973). DISTRIBUTION: Australia, Taiwan, China, Japan, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: JN (Kim, 1973). REMARKS: This species is an endangered species (I) in Korea.

Genus Sestrostoma Davie and Ng, 2007 Keun-ae-gi-bi-dan-ge-sok (큰애기비단게속)

Carapace circular, not broadened anteriorly. Lateral margin arched, without tooth. Frontal width about 1/3 CW. Pterygostomial region setose but no network-like pattern. Ischium and merus of maxilliped 3 without setose oblique ridge.

SPECIES 3 (1 in Korea).

29. Sestrostoma balssi (Shen, 1932) Keun-ae-gi-bi-dan-ge (큰애기비단게)

Acmaeopleura balssi Shen, 1932, p. 155, pl. 6; Kim, 1973, p. 463, pl. 92, fig. 153; Sakai, 1976, p. 643, pl. 220, fig. 1. Acmaeopleura balssi: Ok, 2001, pp. 1-18, figs. 1-8 (larval stages). Sestrostoma balssi: Ng et al., 2008, p. 227.

Adult: Carapace circular and slightly broader than long, surface slightly convex, anterolateral margin defined by granular ridge except in posterior, without tooth. Rhomboid gap absent between maxillipeds 3, ischium and merus broad. Chelipeds symmetrical. Ambulatory legs with fine granules. CL 6 mm, CW 8 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral, lateral, and dorsal spines, dorsal spine slightly longer than CL, lateral spine about 1/2 length of dorsal spine. Antennule with 2 unequally-sized aesthetascs and 1 simple seta. Protopod of antenna spinous, with spinules, less than 1/2 length of rostral carapace spine; exopod vestigial, with 1 distal seta. Endopod of maxillule with 1, 1+4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+2 (4) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somite 3 directed posteriorly. Fork of telson serrated. CL 0.48 mm(Ok, 2001).

HABITAT: Intertidal muddy shores (Kim, 1973). DISTRIBUTION: China, Japan, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: GG (Kim, 1973), GN. 42 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I

SPECIMEN EXAMINED: GN: 1♀(Namhaedo Island: 21.v.2000, S.J. Ok). REMARKS: This species was collected for the first time at Namhaedo Island (GN).

Superfamily Ocypodoidea Rafinesque, 1815 Dal-rang-ge-sang-gwa (달랑게상과)

Crabs in intertidal or estuarine waters. Carapace quadrate, transversely subquadrate, hexa- gonal, subglobose or trapezoidal. Front usually narrow between long eyestalks. Rhomboid gap absent between maxillipeds 3. Both male and female gonopores on sternites. Abdomen of male narrow.

Key to the families of superfamily Ocypodoidea

1. Eyestalks fixed ·······························································································Xenophthalmidae - Eyestalks not fixed ···················································································································2 2. Gonopod 1 of male strongly curved ·································································Camptandriidae - Gonopod 1 of male not strongly curved ···················································································3 3. Ambulatory legs with tympana on meri·····································································Dotillidae - Ambulatory legs without tympana on meri ·············································································4 4. Carapace quadrate or trapezoidal, chelipeds asymmetrical in male ························Ocypodidae - Carapace transversely subquadrate or hexagonal, chelipeds symmetrical in male ······················ ·····················································································································Macrophthalmidae

Key to the zoeas of families in superfamily Ocypodoidea

1. Endopods of maxillule and maxilla with 0, 4 and 2 (1)+3 (2) setae, basis of maxilliped 1 with 2+2+3+3 (2) setae······················································································································2 - Endopod of maxillule with 1, 4 and 2+2 setae, basis of maxilliped 1 usually with 2+2+3+2 setae ··· ·····················································································································Macrophthalmidae 2. Endopod of maxilla with 2+3 setae, basis of maxilliped 2 with 1+1+1 setae······························3 - Endopod of maxilla with 1+2 setae, basis of maxilliped 2 with 1+1+1+1 setae ········Ocypodidae 3. Rostral and dorsal carapace spines shorter than CL··········································Camptandriidae - Rostral and dorsal carapace spines longer than CL·····················································Dotillidae

Family Camptandriidae Stimpson, 1858 Yeo-seot-ni-se-seu-rang-ge-gwa (여섯니세스랑게과)

Carapace usually hexagonal or roundly subquadrate. Eyestalks short, not fixed. Abdominal somite 5 of male consticted, gonopod 1 strongly curved (Pl. 21B). Decapoda: Camptandriidae: Camptandrium 43

GENERA 19 (3 in Korea), species 38 (3 in Korea). DISTRIBUTION: Worldwide.

Key to the genera of family Camptandriidae

1. Surface of carapace with transverse ridges···············································································2 - Surface of carapace without transverse ridges ·························································Cleistostoma 2. Lateral margin of carapace with tooth behind orbital tooth··································Camptandrium - Lateral margin of carapace without tooth behind orbital tooth································Deiratonotus

Key to the zoeas of species of family Camptandriidae

Rostral and dorsal carapace spines shorter than CL; lateral carapace spine present; endopods of maxillule and maxilla with 0, 4 setae and 2+3 setae; basis of maxilliped 1 with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae; basis of maxilliped 2 with 1+1+1 (3) setae. 1. Dorsal carapace spine very short·······························································Cleistostoma dilatatum - Dorsal carapace spine about 1/2 CL ·························································Deiratonotus cristatum

Genus Camptandrium Stimpson, 1858 Yeo-seot-ni-se-seu-rang-ge-sok (여섯니세스랑게속)

Carapace hexagonal, surface with transverse ridges, anterolateral margin with 2 blunt teeth behind orbital blunt tooth. Suture between ischium and merus of maxilliped 3 transverse, partially fused. Abdominal somite 5 constricted in male.

SPECIES 1 (1 in Korea).

30. Camptandrium sexdentatum Stimpson, 1858 (Pl. 21A, B) Yeo-seot-ni-se-seu-rang-ge (여섯니세스랑게)

Camptandrium sexdenatatum Stimpson, 1858, p. 106; Kim, 1973, p. 456, pl. 91, fig. 195; Sakai, 1976, p. 618, pl. 211, fig. 4; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 483, pl. 61 (4), fig. 246 (2); Tan and Ng, 1999, p. 196, figs. 1, 2.

Adult: Carapace hexagonal, broader than long. Dorsal surface with epigastric crest, ridges on protobranchial, mesobranchial, and cardiac regions. Front slightly concave medially. Anterolateral margin with 2 blunt teeth behind orbital blunt tooth. Chelipeds symmetrical, cutting edges of mov- able fingers each with 1 triangular tooth proximally. Ambulatory legs slender, thickly pubescent, ambulatory legs 2, 3 subequal in length. Abdominal segments of male 2-5 partially fused, segment 5 constricted, segment 6 broader than long. CL 8 mm, CW 6 mm. 44 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I

HABITAT: Intertidal muddy shores. DISTRIBUTION: Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, China, Japan, Korea (Tan and Ng, 1999). KOREA: GN, JN. SPECIMEN EXAMINED: GN: 1♂ (Namhaedo Island: 29.v.2010, H.S. Ko). REMARKS: The abdomen of the male in Kim’s (1973: Fig. 195C) figure isn’t of this species because no constriction can be seen on somite 5 (Pl. 21B). Larvae are unknown.

Genus Cleistostoma De Haan, 1833 Se-seu-rang-ge-sok (세스랑게속)

Carapace roundly subquadrate, dorsal surface convex and pubescent, anterolateral margin arched, without tooth. Eyestalks not long. Transverse suture between ischium and merus of maxilliped 3. Abdominal somite 5 slightly constricted in male.

SPECIES 3 (1 in Korea).

31. Cleistostoma dilatatum (De Haan, 1833) (Pl. 22A, B) Se-seu-rang-ge (세스랑게)

Ocypode (Cleistostoma) dilatata De Haan, 1833, p. 55, pl. 7, fig. 3. Cleistostoma dilatatum: Ortmann, 1894, p. 743; Kim, 1973, p. 452, pl. 39, fig. 148; Sakai, 1976, p. 617, pl. 211, fig. 2; Miyake, 1983, p. 164, pl. 55, fig. 6; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 485, pl. 61 (4), fig. 247 (4). Cleistostoma dilatatum: Jang, 1989, pp. 85-101, figs. 28-31 (zoeal stages).

Adult: Carapace roundly subquadrate, much broader than long. Front weakly deflected, dorsal surface convex and pubescent, anterolateral margin arched, without tooth behind orbital angle. Chelipeds symmetrical, palms smooth, cutting edges of movable finger each with 1 denticulate tooth proximally. Ambulatory legs broad and thickly pubescent, living color of dactylus red. Ambulatory legs 2, 3 subequal in length. Abdominal somites 2-4 fused, somites 5, 6 slightly con- stricted in male. CL 13 mm, CW 21 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral, very short dorsal and lateral spines, rostral spine about 1/2 CL and longer than protopod of antenna. Antennule with 2 aesthetascs and 2 simple setae. Protopod of antenna less than 1/2 CL, with spinules; exopod spinous, with minute spinules and 1 proximal seta, equal in length to protopod. Endopod of maxillule with 0, 4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+3 (5) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1 (3) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respec- tively. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somite 3 directed posteriorly. Abdominal somite 4 swollen laterally. Fork of telson relatively short and naked, with 1 large outer and 1 smaller dorsomedial spine. CL 0.38 mm, RDL 0.53 mm. Decapoda: Camptandriidae: Deiratonotus 45

HABITAT: Intertidal muddy shores. DISTRIBUTION: China, Japan, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: GN, JN, JB, CN, GG (Kim, 1973). SPECIMEN EXAMINED: JN: 1♂ (Jindo Island:, H.S. Ko), GG: zoeas (Ganghwado Island: 19.vii.2010, S.H. Lee). REMARKS: In these zoeas, the fork of the telson has 1 large outer and 1 smaller dorsomedial spines, not 2 outer spines as described by Jang (1989).

Genus Deiratonotus Manning and Holthuis, 1981 Mu-dang-ge-sok (무당게속)

Carapace hexagonal, surface with transverse ridges, anterolateral margin without tooth. Eyestalks short. Oblique suture between ischium and merus of maxilliped 3. Abdominal somite 5 constricted in male.

SPECIES 3 (1 in Korea).

32. Deiratonotus cristatum (De Man, 1895) (Pl. 23A, B) Mu-dang-ge (무당게)

Paracleistostoma cristatum De Man, 1895, p. 590; Kim, 1973, p. 454, pl. 39, fig. 149; Sakai, 1976, p. 619, pl. 211, fig. 3; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 485, pl. 61 (6), fig. 248 (1). Paracleistostoma cristatum: Terada, 1979, pp. 57-72, fig. 5 (zoeal stages). Deiratonotus cristatum: Manning and Holthuis, 1981, p. 201, fig. 49.

Adult: Carapace transversely hexagonal. Surface smooth, with 1 short transverse ridge on each epigastric, gastric and hepatic region, 1 long transverse ridge on each branchial and cardiac region. Front weakly bilobed. Anterolateral margin without tooth behind orbital angle. Eyestalks short. Suture between ischium and merus of maxilliped 3 oblique. Chelipeds symmetrical, cutting edges of movable fingers each with 1 denticulate tooth medially. Ambulatory legs somewhat slender, leg 3 longest. Abdomen of female broad. CL 9 mm, CW 13 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral, dorsal, and lateral spines, rostral and dorsal spines about 1/2 CL. Antennule with 2 aesthetascs and 2 simple setae. Protopod of antenna with spinules, shorter than rostral carapace spine; exopod spinous, with minute spinules and with 1 proximal seta, about equal in length to protopod. Endopod of maxillule with 0, 4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+3(5) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1 (3) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somite 3 directed posteriorly. Fork of telson with 2 small outer spines. CL 0.44 mm, RDL 0.85 mm (Terada, 1979). 46 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I

HABITAT: Intertidal muddy shores at inland sea or estuary. DISTRIBUTION: China, Japan, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: GN, JN, JB, CN, GG (Kim, 1973). SPECIMEN EXAMINED: JN: 1♀(Jindo Island: 24.vii.1994, H.S. Ko).

Family Dotillidae Stimpson, 1858 Kong-ge-gwa (콩게과)

Carapace usually subquadrate or subglobose, anterolateral margin without tooth behind orbital tooth. Eyestalks long, not fixed. Suture almost transverse and not fused between ischium and merus of maxilliped 3, setose ridge on ischium. Ambulatory legs each with tympanum on merus. Gonopod 1 of male straight or not strongly curved.

GENERA 9 (2 in Korea), species 59 (8 in Korea). DISTRIBUTION: Worldwide.

Key to the genera of family Dotillidae

1. Carapace subquadrate····································································································Ilyoplax - Carapace subglobose···································································································Scopimera

Key to the zoeas of species of family Dotillidae

Dorsal carapace spine present; rostral carapace spine longer than CL; endopods of maxillule and maxilla with 0, 4 setae and 2+3 setae; basis of maxilliped 1 with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae; basis of maxilliped 2 with 1+1+1 (3) setae; telson long and slender. 1. Lateral carapace spine present ·································································································2 - Lateral carapace spine absent ········································································Ilyoplax tansuiensis 2. Exopod of antenna present or reduced·····················································································3 - Exopod of antenna absent ········································································································6 3. Dorsal carapace spine shorter than lateral carapace spine·····························Ilyoplax deschampsii - Dorsal carapace spine longer than lateral carapace spine ·························································4 4. Fork of telon with 1 outer spine ···········································································Ilyoplax pusilla - Fork of telson without outer spine ···························································································5 5. Dorsal carapace spine more than 1/2 CL································································Ilyoplax pingi - Dorsal carapace spine less than 1/2 CL ························································Ilyoplax dentimerosa 6. Dorsal carapace spine about 1.2 CL··························································································7 - Dorsal carapace spine about 1.5 CL···························································Scopimera longidactyla 7. Surface of telson covered with setules ·························································Scopimera bitympana - Surface of telson smooth ··················································································Scopimera globosa Decapoda: Dotillidae: Ilyoplax 47

Genus Ilyoplax Stimpson, 1858 Neop-jeok-kong-ge-sok (넓적콩게속)

Carapace subquadrate. Merus of maxilliped 3 with oblique hairy ridge.

SPECIES 26 (5 in Korea).

33. Ilyoplax dentimerosa Shen, 1932 (Pl. 24A, B) Teol-kong-ge (털콩게)

Ilyoplax dentimerosa Shen, 1932, p. 250, pl. 10, fig. 3; Kim, 1973, p. 443, pl. 36, fig. 142; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 492, pl. 63 (1), fig. 252 (1). Ilyoplax dentimerosa: Ko and Kim, 1991, pp. 93-102, figs. 1-4 (zoeal stages).

Adult: Carapace subquadrate and broader than long, dorsal surface with scattering of short setae, front slightly concave medially, anterolateral margin without tooth behind orbital tooth. Chelipeds symmetrical, cutting edges of movable fingers each with 1 blunt tooth proximally. Ambulatory legs smooth, meri broad. Ambulatory leg 3 longest. Abdominal segment 5 squarish, segment 6 broader than long. Gonopod 1 of male straight. CL 4 mm, CW 6 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral, dorsal, and lateral spines, rostral spine heavily spinulose, longer than CL, dorsal spine spinulose, less than 1/2 CL, lateral spine short. Antennule with 3 aesthetascs and 1 simple seta. Protopod of antenna with spinules, slightly shorter than rostral carapace spine; exopod reduced, spinous, with 1 proximal seta. Endopod of maxillule with 0, 4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+3 (5) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1 (3) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somite 3 directed posteriorly. Abdominal somites 3-5 each with 1 blunt process on posterodorsal margin medially, only posterolateral process on somite 4, long and reaching 1/2 length of somite 5. Telson long, fork naked and with 1 small dorsomedial seta. CL 0.38 mm, RDL 1.00 mm.

HABITAT: Intertidal muddy shores. DISTRIBUTION: China, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: GN, JN, JB, CN, GG (Kim, 1973). SPECIMEN EXAMINED: GG: 1♂ and zoeas (Gangwhado Island: 17.vii.2010, S.H. Lee). REMARKS: In these zoeas the antennules have 3 aesthetascs and 1 simple seta and not 2 aesthetascs and 2 setae as described by Ko and Kim (1991). A small dorsomedial seta is present on the fork of the telson.

34. Ilyoplax deschampsi (Rathbun, 1913) Peol-kong-ge (펄콩게)

Tympanomerus deschampsi Rathbun, 1913, p. 356, pls. 32, 33, figs. 1-3. 48 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I

Ilyoplax deschampsi: Shen, 1932, p. 241, pl. 10, fig. 2; Kim, 1973, p. 445, fig. 188; Sakai, 1976, 624, fig. 343; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 490, pl. 62 (5), fig. 250 (1). Ilyoplax deschampsi: Jang and Kim, 1991, pp. 295-303, fig. 1 (zoea I).

Adult: Carapace subquadrate and broader than long, dorsal surface with scattering of short setae, anterolateral margin with 1 notch behind orbital tooth. Chelipeds symmetrical. Abdominal segment 5 strongly constricted in male. CL 6 mm, CW 8 mm (Kim, 1973). Zoea I: Carapace with rostral, dorsal, and lateral spines, rostral spine heavily spinulose, about equal to CL, dorsal spine shorter than spinulose lateral spine. Antennule with 2 aesthetascs and 2 simple setae. Protopod of antenna with spinules, slightly shorter than rostral carapace spine; exopod reduced, spinous, with 1 proximal spine. Endopod of maxillule with 0, 4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+3 (5) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1 (3) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Lateral processes on abdominal somites 2, 3 directed laterally, only postero- lateral process on somite 4, long and reaching 1/2 length of somite 5. Telson long and covered with setules, fork naked. CL 0.41 mm, RDL 0.84 mm (Jang and Kim, 1991).

HABITAT: Intertidal muddy shores in estuaries (Sakai, 2004). DISTRIBUTION: China, Japan, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: GN, GG (Kim, 1973).

35. Ilyoplax pingi Shen, 1932 (Pl. 25A) Peol-teol-kong-ge (펄털콩게)

Ilyoplax pingi Shen, 1932, p. 250, pl. 10, fig. 1; Kim, 1973, p. 444, pl. 36, fig. 143; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 491, pl. 62 (6), fig. 250 (2). Ilyoplax pingi: Jang et al., 1991, pp. 123-138, figs. 1-7 (larval stages).

Adult: Carapace subquadrate and broader than long, dorsal surface with scattering of short setae, front slightly concave medially, anterolateral margin without tooth behind orbital tooth. Chelipeds symmetrical, cutting edges of movable fingers each with 1 large and 1 smaller tooth. Ambulatory legs 1-3 pubescent, leg 4 almost smooth, meri broad. Ambulatory leg 2 longest. Abdominal segment 5 squarish, segment 6 slightly broader than long. Gonopod 1 of male straight. CL 7 mm, CW 10 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with spinulose rostral, lateral, and dorsal spines, rostral spine about 1.5 CL, dorsal spine more than 1/2 CL, lateral spine short. Antennule with 2 aesthetascs and 2 simple setae. Protopod of antenna with spinules, 2/3 length of rostral carapace spine; exopod reduced, spinous, with 1 medial seta. Endopod of maxillule with 0, 4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+3 (5) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1 (3) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly and on somite 3 directed posteriorly, on somite 4 long, reaching 1/3 length of somite 5. Abdominal somites 2-5 each with 1 blunt process on pos- terodorsal margin medially. Telson long and covered with setules, fork serrated and covered with setules. CL 0.40 mm, RDL 1.20 mm. Decapoda: Dotillidae: Ilyoplax 49

HABITAT: Intertidal muddy shores. DISTRIBUTION: China, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: JN, JB, CN, GG (Kim, 1973). SPECIMEN EXAMINED: GG: 1♂ (Gangwhado Island (GG): 18.vii.2010, S.H. Lee).

36. Ilyoplax pusilla (De Haan, 1835) (Pl. 26A, B) Neop-jeok-kong-ge (넓적콩게)

Ocypode (Cleistostoma) pusilla De Haan, 1835, p. 56. Tympanomerus pusillus Tesch, 1918, p. 49. Ilyoplax pusillus: Sakai, 1976, p. 623, pl. 212, figs. 3, 5. Ilyoplax pusillus: Terada, 1976b, pp. 17-27, figs. 2, 3, 5 (larval stages). Ilyoplax pusilla: Kim, 1973, p. 441, pl. 89, fig. 141; Miyake, 1983, p. 168, pl. 56, fig. 6.

Adult: Carapace subquadrate and broader than long, lateral margins convergent posteriorly, dorsal surface with scattering of short setae, front slightly concave medially, anterolateral margin without tooth behind orbital tooth. Orbital margin very oblique. Chelipeds symmetrical and smooth, cutting edges of movable fingers each without tooth. Ambulatory legs not pubescent, meri some- what slender. Ambulatory leg 2 longest. Abdominal segments 5, 6 squarish. Gonopod 1 of male straight. CL 6 mm, CW 10 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral, dorsal, and lateral spines, rostral spine about 1.7 CL, dorsal spine weakly spinulose, slightly shorter than CL, lateral spine short. Antennule with 2 aesthetascs and 2 simple setae. Protopod of antenna with spinules, 3/5 length of rostral carapace spine; exopod vestigial, but with 1 distal seta. Endopod of maxillule with 0, 4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+3 (5) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1 (3) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respec- tively. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somite 3 directed posteriorly. Abdominal somites 2-5 each without blunt process on posterodorsal margin medially. Telson long, fork naked, with 1 outer spine. CL 0.37 mm, RDL 1.30 mm.

HABITAT: Intertidal muddy shores at estuary. DISTRIBUTION: Japan, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: GN, JN (Kim, 1973). SPECIMEN EXAMINED: GN: 1♂ (Geojedo Island: 2.viii.2008, S.H. Lee); zoeas (Busan:, S.H. Lee). REMARKS: Two distal setae have been reported on the exopod of the antenna (Terada, 1976b), but only 1 distal seta was found on these zoeas.

37. Ilyoplax tansuiensis Sakai, 1939 (Pl. 25B) Gin-bal-mok-kong-ge (긴발목콩게)

Ilyoplax tansuiensis Sakai, 1939, p. 642, fig. 110a-d; Sakai, 1976, p. 625, pl. 212, fig. 44a-d; Dai and 50 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I

Yang, 1991, p. 494, pl. 63 (2), fig. 252 (2); Kim and Kim, 1997, p. 222 (list). Ilyoplax tansuiensis: Ko and Kim, 1991a, pp. 81-87, figs. 1, 2 (zoeal stages).

Adult: Carapace subquadrate and broader than long, lateral margins not convergent posteriorly, dorsal surface with scattering of short setae, front slightly concave medially, anterolateral margin without tooth behind orbital tooth. Orbital margin slightly oblique. Suture transverse between ischium and merus of maxilliped 3. Chelipeds symmetrical and smooth, carpus twice as long as broad, cutting edges of movable fingers each with elongate serrated tooth proximally. Ambulatory legs slender, carpi and propodi of legs 1, 2 pubescent, carpus of leg 3 slightly pubescent, leg 4 smooth. Ambulatory leg 2 longest. Abdominal segment 5 constricted, somite 6 squarish. Gonopod 1 of male slightly curved. CL 4 mm, CW 6 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral and dorsal spines, spinulose rostral spine about 1.2 CL, dorsal spine smooth and slightly shorter than CL. Lateral carapace spine absent. Antennule with 3 aesthetascs and 1 simple seta. Protopod of antenna with spinules, 3/4 length of rostral carapace spine; exopod vestigial represented by 1 seta. Endopod of maxillule with 0, 4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+3 (5) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1 (3) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respec- tively. Abdomen very slender, lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somite 3 directed posteriorly. Abdominal somites 2-5 each without blunt process on posterodorsal margin medially. Telson long and partially covered with setules, fork naked and without outer spine. CL 0.30 mm, RDL 1.10 mm (Ko and Kim, 1991a).

HABITAT: Intertidal muddy shores. DISTRIBUTION: China, Japan, Korea (Dai and Yang, 1991). KOREA: JN. SPECIMEN EXAMINED: JN: 1♂ (Jindo Island:, S.H. Lee).

Genus Scopimera De Haan, 1833 Yeop-nang-ge-sok (엽낭게속)

Carapace subglobose. Maxillipeds 3 large, convex.

SPECIES 13 (3 in Korea).

38. Scopimera bitympana Shen, 1930 (Pl. 28A) Nun-kong-ge (눈콩게)

Scopimera bitympana Shen, 1930, p. 227, figs. 1, 2; Kim, 1973, p. 439, pl. 88, fig. 140a, b; Sakai, 1976, p. 621, fig. 340a, b; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 499, pl. 64 (1), fig. 254 (3). Scopimera bitympana: Jang, 1989, pp. 20-43, figs. 2-11 (larval stages). Decapoda: Dotillidae: Scopimera 51

Adult: Carapace subglobose, surface smooth, front with broad V-shaped notch, anterolateral margin without tooth behind orbital tooth. Orbital margin oblique. Merus of maxilliped 3 larger than ischium. Chelipeds symmetrical, cutting edges of movable fingers each with 1 blunt tooth proximally. Ambulatory legs slender, with tympana on propodi. Ambulatory leg 1 longest. Gono- pod 1 of male slightly curved. CL 6 mm, CW 8 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral, dorsal, and lateral spines, rostral spine spinulose, about 1.7 CL, dorsal spine spinulose, about 1.2 CL. Lateral carapace spine short. Antennule with 2 aesthetascs and 2 simple setae. Protopod of antenna with spinules, about 1/2 length of rostral carapace spine; exopod absent. Endopod of maxillule with 0, 4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+3 (5) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1 (3) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Abdominal somite 1 with 1 dorsomedial seta, lateral processes on somite 2 directed anteriorly and on somite 3 minute. Telson long and covered with setules, fork naked, with 1 dorsomedial spine. CL 0.57 mm, RDL 1.94 mm (Jang, 1989).

HABITAT: Intertidal sandy shores. DISTRIBUTION: China, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: JB, CN (Kim, 1973). SPECIMEN EXAMINED: JB: 1♂ (Gochang: 9.x.2010, H.S. Ko).

39. Scopimera globosa (De Haan, 1835) (Pl. 27A, B) Yeop-nang-ge (엽낭게)

Ocypode (Scopimera) globosa De Haan, 1835, p. 53, pl. 11, fig. 3. Scopimera globosa: Shen, 1932, p. 253, pl. 10, fig. 5; Kim, 1973, p. 436, pl. 35, fig. 138; Sakai, 1976, p. 621, pl. 212, fig. 2; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 496, pl. 63 (5), fig. 253 (2). Scopimera globosa: Ko, 1988, pp. 22-30, figs. 10-14 (zoeal stages).

Adult: Carapace subglobose, surface somewhat granular, front with broad V-shaped notch, antero- lateral margin without tooth behind orbital tooth. Orbital margin oblique. Merus of maxilliped 3 smaller than ischium. Chelipeds symmetrical, cutting edges of movable fingers each with 1 small elongate tooth medially. Ambulatory legs slender, each with scattering of setae, tympana on propodi. Ambulatory leg 1 longest. Gonopod 1 of male slightly curved. CL 9 mm, CW 13 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral, dorsal, and lateral spines, rostral spine spinulose and twice CL, dorsal spine spinulose and about 1.2 CL, lateral spine short. Antennule with 2 aesthetascs and 1 simple seta. Protopod of antenna with spinules, about 1/2 length of rostral carapace spine; exopod absent. Endopod of maxillule with 0, 4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+3 (5) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1 (3) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Abdominal somite 1 with 1 dorsomedial seta, lateral processes on somite 2 directed laterally, on somite 3 directed pos- teriorly. Telson long, fork naked, with 1 dorsomedial and 1 minute outer spine. CL 0.45 mm, RDL 1.63 mm. 52 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I

HABITAT: Intertidal sandy shores. DISTRIBUTION: China, Japan, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: GN, JN, JJ, JB, CN, GG (Kim, 1973). SPECIMEN EXAMINED: GN: 1♂(Busan: 31.vii.2002, H.S. Ko); zoeas (Busan: 9.vii.2010, S.H. Lee). REMARKS: In these zoeas, a minute outer spine was found on the fork of the telson.

40. Scopimera longidactyla Shen, 1932 (Pl. 28B) Bal-kong-ge (발콩게)

Scopimera longidactyla Shen, 1932, p. 259, pl. 10, fig. 6; Sakai, 1976, p. 621; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 497, pl. 63 (6), fig. 253 (3). Scopimera longidactyla: Jang and Kim, 1989, pp. 44-61, figs. 12-18 (larval stages). Scopimera globosa longidactyla: Kim, 1973, p. 438, pl. 35, fig. 139.

Adult: Carapace subglobose, surface strongly granular, front with broad V-shaped notch, antero- lateral margin without tooth behind orbital tooth. Orbital margin oblique. Ambulatory legs with tympana on propodi. Ambulatory leg 2 longest. Gonopod 1 of male slightly curved. CL 7 mm, CW 11 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral, dorsal, and lateral spines, rostral spine spinulose, twice CL, dorsal spine spinulose, about 1.5 CL, lateral spine short. Antennule with 2 aesthetascs and 1 simple seta. Protopod of antenna with spinules, about 1/2 length of rostral carapace spine; exopod absent. Endopod of maxillule with 0, 4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+3 (5) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1 (3) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Abdominal somite 1 with 1 dorsomedial seta, lateral processes on somite 2 directed laterally, on somite 3 directed posteriorly. Telson long and covered with setules, fork naked, with 1 dorsomedial and 1 minute outer spine. CL 0.43 mm, RDL 1.70 mm.

HABITAT: Intertidal sandy shores. DISTRIBUTION: China, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: JN, JB, CN, GG (Kim, 1973). SPECIMEN EXAMINED: JN: 1♂ (Muan: 22.viii.2010, S.H. Lee), GG: zoeas (Youngjongdo Island: 22.vii.1987, I.G. Jang). REMARKS: While re-examining zoeas of Jang and Kim (1989), a minute outer spine was found on the fork of telson. The crab (Pl. 28B) is from Gochang (JB).

Family Macrophthalmidae Dana, 1851 Chil-ge-gwa (칠게과)

Carapace transversely subquadrate or hexagonal. Eyestalks not fixed. Chelipeds symmetrical in male. Ambulatory legs without tympana on meri. Gonopod 1 of male not strongly curved. Decapoda: Macrophthalmidae: Macrophthalmus 53

GENERA 5 (2 in Korea), species over 69 (5 in Korea). DISTRIBUTION: Worldwide.

Key to the genera of family Macrophthalmidae

1. Carapace transversely subquadrate, eyestalks long ···········································Macrophthalmus - Carapace transversely hexagonal, eyestalks short···················································Tritodynamia

Key to the zoeas of species of family Macrophthalmidae

Rostral and dorsal carapace spines present; endopods of maxillule and maxilla with 1, 1+4 setae and 2+2 setae; basis of maxilliped 1 with 2+2+3+2 or 2+2+3+3 setae; basis of maxilliped 2 with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae. 1. Lateral carapace spine absent···································································································2 - Lateral carapace spine present ·································································································3 2. Dorsal carapace spine about equal to 1/2 CL ·······································Macrophthalmus dilatatus - Dorsal carapace spine shorter than 1/2 CL··········································Macrophthalmus japonicus 3. Dorsal carapace spine equal in length to rostral carapace spine··················Tritodynamia horvathi - Dorsal carapace spine longer than rostral carapace spine ························Tritodynamia rathbunae

Genus Macrophthalmus Desmarest, 1823 Chil-ge-sok (칠게속)

Carapace transversely subquadrate, anterolateral margin with teeth behind orbital tooth. Eyes- talks long. Chelipeds symmetrical in both sexes.

SPECIES 54 (3 in Korea).

41. Macrophthalmus (Macrophthalmus) abbreviatus Manning and Holthuis, 1981 (Pl. 29A, B) Gil-ge (길게)

Ocypode (Macrophthalmus) dilatata De Haan, 1835, p. 55, pl. 15, fig. 3. Macrophthalmus (Macrophthalmus) dilatatus: Kim, 1973, p. 448, pl. 37, fig. 145; Sakai, 1976, p. 613, pl. 210, fig. 4. Macrophthalmus dilatatus: Terada, 1979, pp. 57-72, figs. 3, 4 (zoeal stages). Macrophthalmus (Macrophthalmus) dilatatum: Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 470, pl. 59 (6), fig. 239 (1). Macrophthalmus abbreviatus Manning and Holthuis, 1981, p. 201; Miyake, 1983, p. 167, pl. 56, fig. 3.

Adult: Carapace subquadrate and 2.1 times broader than long, surface covered with granules except on gastric and cardiac regions, slightly curved grooves present between hepatic and bran- 54 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I chial regions, anterolateral margin with 1 large and 1 smaller tooth behind sharp orbital tooth. Chelipeds symmetrical, elongate palms with tubercles on upper surfaces, cutting edges of immova- ble fingers curved proximally. Ambulatory legs slender, each with scattering of setae on merus. Ambulatory leg 3 longest. Abdomen of male broad, roundly triangular. Gonopod 1 of male slightly curved. CL 15 mm, CW 32 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral and dorsal spines, smooth rostral spine shorter than 1/2 CL, dorsal spine about equal to 1/2 CL, lateral spine absent. Posterolateral margin of carapace with 1 large tooth-like protuberance. Antennule with 3 aesthetascs and 1 simple seta. Protopod of antenna with spinules, slightly shorter than rostral carapace spine; exopod as simple spinous process, about 1/2 length of protopod. Endopod of maxillule with 1, 1+4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+2 (4) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+2 (9) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respec- tively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Lateral processes on abdominal somites 2, 3 directed laterally. Fork of telson serrated. CL 0.35 mm, RDL 0.62 mm.

HABITAT: Intertidal muddy shores. DISTRIBUTION: China, Japan, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: GN, JN, JJ, JB, CN, GG (Kim, 1973). SPECIMEN EXAMINED: GN: 1♂ (Busan: 31.vii.2002, H.S. Ko); zoeas (Busan: 9.vii.2010, S.H. Lee). REMARKS: In these zoeas a large tooth-like protuberance was found on the posterolateral margin of the carapace.

42. Macrophthalmus (Mareotis) japonicus (De Haan, 1835) (Pl. 30A, B) Chil-ge (칠게)

Ocypode (Macrophthalmus) japonica De Haan, 1835, p. 54, pl. 15, fig. 2. Macrophthalmus (Mareotis) japonicus: Barnes, 1967, p. 224, pl. 2d, fig. 8a-d; Kim, 1973, p. 450, pl. 38, fig. 146a, b; Sakai, 1976, p. 614, pl. 210, fig. 1; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 475, pl. 60 (4), fig. 242 (1, 2). Macrophthalmus japonicus; Terada, 1979, pp. 57-72, fig. 4 (zoeal stages).

Adult: Carapace subquadrate and 1.6 times broader than long, surface covered with granules except on gastric and cardiac regions, slightly curved grooves present between hepatic and bran- chial regions, anterolateral margin with 1 tooth behind blunt orbital tooth. Chelipeds symmetrical, meri with dense setae on ventral surfaces, palms smooth and elongate, cutting edges of movable fingers each with 1 large tooth proximally. Ambulatory legs slender, each with scattering of setae on merus. Ambulatory leg 3 longest. Abdomen of male relatively broad, pagoda-shaped. Gonopod 1 of male slightly curved. CL 19 mm, CW 30 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with smooth rostral and dorsal spines, shorter than 1/2 CL, lateral spine absent. Posterolateral margin of carapace with 1 large and 1 smaller tooth-like protuberance. Antennule with 3 aesthetascs and 1 simple seta. Protopod of antenna with spinules, slightly shorter than rostral carapace spine; exopod as simple spinous process, about 1/2 length of protopod. Endopod of maxillule with 1, 1+4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+2 (4) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+2 (9) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped Decapoda: Macrophthalmidae: Tritodynamia 55

2 each with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somite 3 directed posteriorly. Fork of telson serrated. CL 0.36 mm, RDL 0.60 mm.

HABITAT: Intertidal muddy shores in estuaries. DISTRIBUTION: Australia, Singapore, China, Japan, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: GN, JN, JJ, JB, CN, GG (Kim, 1973). SPECIMEN EXAMINED: GN: 1♂ (Busan:, H.S. Ko), JN: zoeas (Jindo Island:, S.H. Lee). REMARKS: As two species of zoeas of Macrophthalmus exhibit a large tooth-like protuberance on the posterolateral margin of the carapace, it may be a significant character in zoeas of this genus.

43. Macrophthalmus (Mareotis) pacificus Dana, 1851 Dae-yang-chil-ge (대양칠게)

Macrophthalmus pacificus Dana, 1851, p. 248. Macrophthalmus (Mareotis) pacificus: Barnes, 1967, p. 221, pl. 2b, fig. 6; Kim, 1973, p. 452, pl. 90, fig. 147a, b; Sakai, 1976, p. 615; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 476, pl. 60 (5), fig. 242 (3, 4).

Adult: Carapace narrow anteriorly, surface smooth, postbranchial region with 2 transverse rows of granules. Immovable fingers of chelipeds not inwardly convex, ambulatory legs each with 1 subdistal spine on anterior margin of merus (Kim, 1973).

HABITAT: Intertidal muddy shores in estuaries or mangrove swamp (Sakai, 1976). DISTRIBUTION: Australia, Samoa, Borneo, Malaya, India, China, Japan (Dai and Yang, 1991), Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: GN (Kamita, 1941). REMARKS: Larvae are unknown.

Genus Tritodynamia Ortmann, 1894 Yeop-gil-ge-sok (옆길게속)

Carapace transversely hexagonal, anterolateral margin without tooth behind blunt orbital tooth. Eyestalks short. Dactylus of maxilliped 3 jointed at inner margin of propodus. Chelipeds symmet- rical in both sexes.

SPECIES 8 (2 in Korea). 56 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I

44. Tritodynamia horvathi Nobili, 1905 Nop-eun-deung-yeop-gil-ge (높은등옆길게)

Tritodynamia horvathi Nobili, 1905, p. 407, pl. 10, figs. 1a-h, 2b; Kim, 1973, p. 426, pl. 88, fig. 134; Sakai, 1976, p. 590, pl. 204, figs. 3-5; Miyake, 1983, p. 156, pl. 52, fig. 6; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 441, fig. 224 (1, 2). Tritodynamia horvathi: Ohtani and Muraoka, 1990, pp. 71-76, figs. 1, 2 (zoeal stages).

Adult: Carapace transversely hexagonal, slightly convex, about 1.6 times broader than long, surface smooth, anterolateral margin without tooth behind blunt orbital tooth. Merus of maxilliped 3 longer than ischium. Chelipeds symmetrical, palms smooth, cutting edges of immovable fingers each with 1 tooth medially. Ambulatory legs with long setae on anterior and posterior margins. Ambulatory leg 2 longest, leg 4 shortest. Abdomen of male relatively broad, roundly triangular. Gonopod 1 of male slightly curved. CL 5 mm, CW 8 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral, lateral, and dorsal spines, rostral and dorsal spines slightly longer than CL, lateral spine short. Antennule with 3 aesthetascs and 1 simple seta. Protopod of antenna with spinules, about 1/2 length of rostral carapace spine; exopod reduced to simple spinous process. Endopod of maxillule with 1, 1+4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+2 (4) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somite 3 minute. Fork of telson naked. RDL 1.5 mm (Ohtani and Muraoka, 1990).

HABITAT: Subtidal sandy bottom. DISTRIBUTION: China, Japan, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: GN. SPECIMEN EXAMINED: CN: 1♂ (Geojedo Island: 17.iii.2001, S.H. Lee). REMARKS: This species was collected for the first time in Geojedo Island (GN).

45. Tritodynamia rathbunae Shen, 1932 (Pl. 31A, B) Yeop-gil-ge (옆길게)

Tritodynamia rathbuni Shen, 1932, p. 118, pl. 5, fig. 4; Kim, 1973, p. 424, pl. 32, fig. 133; Sakai, 1976, p. 589, pl. 204, fig. 2; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 442, fig. 225 (1, 2). Tritodynamia rathbunae: Ng et al., 2008, p. 238 (list). Tritodynamia rathbunae: Matsuo, 1998, pp. 132-145, figs. 7-15 (larval stages); Kornienko and Korn, 2010, pp. 167-178, figs. 86-92 (larval stages).

Adult: Carapace transversely hexagonal, slightly convex, about 2 times broader than long, surface smooth, anterolateral margin without tooth behind blunt orbital tooth. Merus of maxilliped 3 longer than ischium. Chelipeds symmetrical, meri and carpi with dense setae on inner surfaces, palms smooth on outer surfaces, cutting edges of movable fingers each with 2 teeth medially. Ambulatory legs with long setae on anterior and posterior margins. Ambulatory leg 2 longest, leg 4 shortest. Decapoda: Ocypodidae: Ocypode 57

Abdomen of female relatively broad. CL 7 mm, CW 13 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral, dorsal, and lateral spines, rostral spine about 1.2 Cl, dorsal spine about 1.3 CL, longer than rostral spine, lateral spine well developed, about 0.3 CL. Antennule with 3 aesthetascs and 1 simple seta. Protopod of antenna with spinules, shorter than 1/2 length of rostral carapace spine; exopod reduced but with 1 distal seta. Endopod of maxillule with 1, 1+4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 2+2 (4) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 with 2+2+3+3 (10) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae and 0, 1, 6 setae, respectively. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somite 3 minute. Fork of telson long and serrated. CL 0.45 mm, RDL 1.60 mm.

HABITAT: Intertidal muddy bottoms. DISTRIBUTION: China, Japan, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: GN, JN, JB, CN, GG (Kim, 1973). SPECIMEN EXAMINED: GN: 1♀ (Sinjindo Island: 24.iv.2009, S.H. Lee), GN: zoeas (Namhaedo Island: 29.v.2010, K.H. Lee). REMARKS: Some differences have been observed between Matsuo’s (1998) first zoeal description and the present zoeas. In these zoeas 1) the dorsal carapace spine is longer than the rostral spine, not shorter, 2) the lateral spine is well developed, not short, 3) the antennal exopd is present, not absent, and 4) the basis of the maxilliped 1 has 2+2+3+3 setae, not 2+2+2+2 setae. This means the re-examination of the Matsuo’s (1998) zoeas is needed. Kornienko and Korn (2010) described the first zoea of this species as having two aesthetascs and a seta in the antennule, but three unequally- sized aesthetascs and a seta are found in the study.

Family Ocypodidae Rafinesque, 1815 Dal-rang-ge-gwa (달랑게과)

Carapace quadrate or trapezoidal. Eyestalks not fixed, long. Chelipeds asymmetrical in male. Ambulatory legs without tympana on meri. Gonopod 1 of male not strongly curved.

GENERA 2 (2 in Korea), species over 127 (4 in Korea). DISTRIBUTION: Worldwide.

Key to the genera of family Ocypodidae

1. Carapace quadrate, eyestalks robust··············································································Ocypode - Carapace trapezoidal, eyestalks slender ···············································································Uca

Key to the zoeas of species of family Ocypodidae

Rostral and dorsal carapace spines present; endopods of maxillule and maxilla with 0, 4 setae and 1+2 setae; basis of maxilliped 1 with 2+2+3+2 (9) setae; basis of maxilliped 2 with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae. 1. Lateral carapace spine absent····················································································Uca arcuata - Lateral carapace spine present ·································································································2 58 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I

2. Exopod of antenna absent ···························································································Uca lactea - Exopod of antenna well developed·································································Ocypode stimpsoni

Genus Ocypode Weber, 1795 Dal-rang-ge-sok (달랑게속)

Carapace quadrate, anterolateral margin without tooth behind orbital tooth. Eyestalks long, robust. Chelipeds asymmetrical in male.

SPECIES 27 (2 in Korea).

46. Ocypode cordimanus Latreille, 1818 (Pl. 32A) Ha-mo-dal-rang-ge (하모달랑게)

Ocypode cordimana Latreille, 1818, p. 198; Miyake, 1983, p. 161, pl. 54, fig. 1; Wada, 1995, p. 413, pl. 117, fig. 2; Lee and Ko, 2008, pp. 17-24, figs. 3, 6. Ocypode cordimana Desmarest, 1825, p. 121, pl. 58, fig. 230; Sakai, 1976, p. 599, pl. 206, fig. 4; Takeda, 1982, p. 206, fig. 611; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 455, pl. 58 (3), fig. 230 (4). Ocypode cordimanus: Ng et al., 2008, p. 240.

Adult: Carapace quadrate, about 1.2 times broader than long, half of surface slightly convex, covered with small granules anteriorly, lateral margins straight. Regions ill defined, border between gastric and cardiac regions with H-shaped depression. Front narrow. Orbits broad, occupying entire anterior margin of carapace. Eyestalks long, robust, not extended beyond corneas, without horn. Orbital tooth acute, directed inward. Merus of maxilliped 3 about 1.5 times longer than broad, exopod slender and concealed, palp articulating near distolateral angle of merus. Chelipeds asym- metrical, carpi and palms granular, palm of large cheliped without stridulating structure on inner surface, fingers pointed. Ambulatory legs relatively slender and more or less fringed on anterior and posterior margins, carpus of each leg with row of tubercles on outer surface, leg 4 shortest. Abdomen of male broad, gonopod 1 slightly curved. Living color of dorsal carapace and ambulatory legs pale brownish grey, chelipeds bright ivory. CL 17 mm, CW 21 mm.

HABITAT: In deep burrows on sand beach, supratidal. DISTRIBUTION: Red Sea, South Africa, Tahiti (Sakai, 1976), India (Dai and Yang, 1991), Papua New Guinea (Sakai, 2004), Australia (Poore, 2004), China, Japan, Korea. KOREA: JJ. SPECIMEN EXAMINED: JJ: 1♂ (Jejudo Island: 23.v.2009, H.S. Ko). REMARKS: In sandy beaches, this crab was found in supratidal regions near grassy areas. Larvae are unknown. Decapoda: Ocypodidae: Uca 59

47. Ocypode stimpsoni Ortmann, 1897 (Pl. 33A, B) Dal-rang-ge (달랑게)

Ocypode stimpsoni Ortmann, 1897, p. 367, pl. 58 (2), fig. 230 (1-3); Kim, 1973, p. 428, pl. 33, fig. 135; Sakai, 1976, p. 599, pl. 206, fig. 3; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 454, pl. 58 (2), fig. 230 (1-3). Ocypode stimpsoni: Terada, 1979, p. 60, figs. 1, 2 (zoeal stages).

Adult: Carapace quadrate, about 1.2 times broader than long, surface slightly convex, covered with small granules anteriorly, lateral margins straight. Regions ill defined, border between gastric and cardiac regions with H-shaped depression. Front narrow. Orbits broad, occupying entire anterior margin of carapace. Eyestalks long, robust, not extended beyond corneas, without horn. Orbital tooth acute, directed outward. Merus of maxilliped 3 slightly broader than long, exopod slender and concealed, palp articulating near distolateral angle of merus. Chelipeds asymmetrical, carpi and palms granular, palm of large cheliped with stridulating structure on inner surface, fingers pointed. Ambulatory legs relatively slender and more or less fringed on anterior and posterior margins, carpus of each leg with row of tubercles on outer surface, leg 4 shortest. Abdomen of male broad, gonopod 1 slightly curved. CL 18 mm, CW 21 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with smooth rostral, dorsal, and lateral spines, rostral spine shorter than 1/2 CL, dorsal spine about 1/2 CL, lateral spine short. Antennule with 3 aesthetascs and 1 simple seta. Protopod of antenna with spinules, slightly shorter than rostral carapace spine; exopod spinous, about 1/2 length of protopod, with 1 submedial seta. Endopod of maxillule with 0, 4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 1+2 (3) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+2+3+2 (9) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae and 0, 0, 5 setae, respectively. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somite 3 laterally, somite 4 swollen laterally. Fork of telson short, naked, with 1 minute outer spine. CL 0.55 mm, RDL 1.03 mm.

HABITAT: Deep burrows of sand shore, supratidal mark. DISTRIBUTION: China, Japan, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: GB, GN, JN, JJ, JB, CN, GG (Kim, 1973). SPECIMEN EXAMINED: GN: 1♂ (Namhaedo Island:, H.S. Ko); zoeas (Busan: 3.viii.2009, S.H. Lee). REMARKS: Zoeas (Pl. 33B) were from an ovigerous crab from Jinwoodo Island (GN).

Genus Uca Leach, 1814 Nong-ge-sok (농게속)

Carapace trapezoidal and broad anteriorly, anterolateral margin without tooth behind orbital tooth. Eyestalks long, slender. Chelipeds enormously asymmetrical in male.

SPECIES 102 (2 in Korea). 60 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I

48. Uca arcuata (De Haan, 1835) (Pl. 34A, B) Nong-ge (농게)

Ocypode (Gelasimus) arcuata De Haan, 1835, p. 53. Uca (Deltuca) arcuata: Sakai, 1976, p. 601, pl. 208, fig. 1; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 460, pl. 58(5), fig. 232. Uca arcuata: Kim, 1973, p. 433, pl. 34, fig. 137a, b. Uca arcuata: Ko and Kim, 1989, pp. 89-105, figs. 1-6 (larval stages).

Adult: Carapace trapezoidal, broad anteriorly, front very narrow, lateral margin without tooth behind orbital tooth. Orbits occupying entire anterior margin of carapace. Eyestalks long, slender. Merus of maxilliped 3 much shorter than ischium. Chelipeds enormously asymmetrical, carpi and palms granular on outer surfaces, palm of large cheliped 55 mm in length. Ambulatory legs rela- tively smooth, slender, leg 4 shortest. Abdomen of male broad, gonopod 1 slightly curved. Living color of dorsal carapace and ambulatory legs black, chelipeds dark red. CL 20 mm, CW 33 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with rostral and dorsal spines, rostral spine about 1/2 CL, dorsal spine much shorter than 1/2 CL, lateral spine absent. Antennule with 3 unequally-sized aesthetascs and 1 simple seta. Protopod of antenna with spinules, shorter than rostral carapace spine; exopod well developed, with 1 distal seta. Endopod of maxillule with 0, 4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 1+2 (3) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+3+2+2 (9) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1+1(4) setae and 0, 0, 5 setae, respec- tively. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somite 3 laterally, somite 4 somewhat swollen laterally. Fork of telson short and serrated. CL 0.35 mm, RDL 0.53 mm.

HABITAT: Intertidal muddy shores. DISTRIBUTION: Singapore, Australia, China, Japan, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: JN, JJ, JB, CN, GG (Kim, 1973). SPECIMEN EXAMINED: JN: 1♂ and zoeas (Jindo Island:, H.S. Ko). REMARKS: A smaller aesthetasc was found on the antennules of these zoeas.

49. Uca lactea (De Haan, 1835) (Pl. 32B) Huin-bal-nong-ge (흰발농게)

Ocypode (Gelasimus) lactea De Haan, 1835, p. 54, pl. 15, fig. 5. Uca (Celuca) lactea lactea: Sakai, 1976, p. 32. Uca (Celuca) lactea: Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 466, pl. 59 (2), fig. 236. Uca lactea: Kim, 1973, p. 431, pl. 33, fig. 136a, b. Uca lactea: Terada, 1979, p. 65, figs. 2, 3 (zoeal stages).

Adult: Carapace trapezoidal, broad anteriorly, front narrow, orbits occupying entire anterior margin, lateral margin without tooth behind orbital tooth. Eyestalks long, slender. Merus of max- illiped 3 much shorter than ischium. Chelipeds enormously asymmetrical, outer surfaces of carpi granular, palms smooth, palm of large cheliped 18 mm in length. Ambulatory legs slender, each with scattering of setae, leg 4 shortest. Abdomen of male somewhat broad, gonopod 1 curved. Decapoda: Xenophthalmidae: Xenophthalmus 61

Living color: dorsal carapace and ambulatory legs grayish black, palms of chelipeds white. CL 9 mm, CW 13 mm. Zoea I: Carapace with smooth rostral and dorsal spines, dorsal spine shorter than 1/2 CL, lateral spine absent. Antennule with 2 aesthetascs and 1 simple seta. Protopod of antenna with spinules, shorter than rostral carapace spine; exopod absent. Endopod of maxillule with 0, 4 setae. Endopod of maxilla with 1+2 (3) setae. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 1 each with 2+3+2+2 (9) setae and 2, 2, 1, 2, 5 setae, respectively. Basis and endopod of maxilliped 2 each with 1+1+1+1 (4) setae and 0, 0, 5 setae, respectively. Lateral processes on abdominal somite 2 directed anteriorly, on somite 3 laterally, somite 4 swollen laterally. Fork of telson short and naked. CL 0.39 mm, RDL 0.61 mm (Terada, 1979).

HABITAT: Intertidal muddy shores. DISTRIBUTION: India, Samoa, New Guinea, China, Japan, Korea (Kim, 1973). KOREA: GN, JN, JJ, JB, CN, GG (Kim, 1973). SPECIMEN EXAMINED: JN: 1♂ (Muan: 22.viii.2010, S.H. Lee).

Family Xenophthalmidae Stimpson, 1858 Jang-nim-jin-heuk-sal-i-ge-gwa (장님진흙살이게과)

Carapace roundly trapezoidal. Eyestalks fixed. Chelipeds symmetrical in male. Ambulatory legs without tympana on meri. Gonopod 1 of male almost straight.

GENERA 3 (1 in Korea), species 5 (1 in Korea). DISTRIBUTION: Indo-Pacific.

Genus Xenophthalmus White, 1846 Jang-nim-jin-heuk-sal-i-ge-sok (장님진흙살이게속)

Carapace broader than long, anterolateral margin arched, without tooth. Eyestalks imbedded in orbits. Gonopod 1 of male almost straight.

SPECIES 2 (1 in Korea).

50. Xenophthalmus pinnotheroides White, 1846 Jang-nim-jin-heuk-sal-i-ge (장님진흙살이게)

Xenophthalmus pinnotheroides White, 1846, p. 177, pl. 2, fig. 2; Sakai, 1976, p. 591, pl. 203, fig. 4; Dai and Yang, 1991, p. 446, pl. 57 (2), fig. 228A (1); Kim and Kim, 1997 (list). 62 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I

Adult: Carapace roundly trapezoidal, about 1.3 times broader than long, surface covered with fine setae anteriorly, slightly convex posteriorly. Front narrow, strongly deflected, anterior margin straight. Orbits small, directed longitudinally backward, eyes fixed. Ischium of maxilliped 3 longer than merus. Chelipeds symmetrical, meri with long setae on anterior margin, upper surfaces of carpi and palms smooth, fingers relatively short, cutting edges of movable fingers each with 1 tooth medially. Ambulatory leg 1 stout, legs 2-4 slender, with long setae on anterior and posterior margins. Abdomen of male narrow, somite 5 constricted, somite 6 squarish. Gonopod 1 of male almost straight. CL 10 mm, CW 13 mm.

HABITAT: Subtidal muddy bottoms. DISTRIBUTION: Australia, Indonesia, Phillipines, Thailand, India, China, Japan (Dai and Yang, 1991), Korea. KOREA: CN. SPECIMEN EXAMINED: CN: 1♂ (Sinjindo Island: 23.iv.2009, S.H. Lee). REMARKS: Larvae are unknown. 63

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1. Pachygrapsus crassipes. A. dorsal view; B. first stage zoeas. 2. A. Plagusia dentipes, dorsal view; B. Plagusia squamosa, dorsal view. 3. Chiromantes dehaani. A. dorsal view; B. first stage zoea. 4. Chiromantes haematocheir. A. dorsal view; B. first stage zoea. 5. A. Nanosesarma minutum, dorsal view; B. Perisesarma bidens (zoea), dorsal view. 6. Parasesarma pictum. A. dorsal view; B. first stage zoea. 7. Parasesarma plicatum. A. dorsal view; B. first stage zoeas. 8. Parasesarma tripectinis. A. dorsal view; B. first stage zoeas. 9. Sesarmops intermedius. A. dorsal view; B. exuviae. 10. A. Acmaeopleura parvula, dorsal view; B. Asthenognathus inaequipes, dorsal view. 11. A. Chasmagnathus convexus, dorsal view; B. Cyclograpsus intermedius, dorsal view. 12. Eriocheir japonicus. A. dorsal view; B. first stage zoeas. 13. A. Eriocheir japonicus, dorsal view; B. Eriocheir sinensis, dorsal view. 14. Gaetice depressus. A. dorsal view; B. first stage zoeas. 15. Helicana japonica. A. dorsal view; B. first stage zoeas. 16. A. Helicana wuana, dorsal view; B. Helice tridens, dorsal view. 17. Helice tientsinensis. A. dorsal view; B. first stage zoeas. 18. Hemigrapsus penicillatus. A. dorsal view; B. first stage zoeas. 19. A. Hemigrapsus longitarsis, dorsal view; B. Hemigrapsus sinensis, dorsal view. 20. Hemigrapsus sanguineus. A. dorsal view; B. first stage zoeas. 21. Camptandrium sexdentatum. A. dorsal view; B. ventral view. 22. Cleistostoma dilatatum. A. dorsal view; B. first stage zoeas. 23. Deiratonotus cristatum. A. dorsal view; B. ventral view. 24. Ilyoplax dentimerosa. A. dorsal view; B. first stage zoeas. 25. A. Ilyoplax pingi, dorsal view; B. Ilyoplax tansuiensis, dorsal view. 26. Ilyoplax pusilla. A. dorsal view; B. first stage zoeas. 27. Scopimera globosa. A. dorsal view; B. first stage zoeas. 28. A. Scopimera bitympana, dorsal view; B. Scopimera longidactyla, dorsal view. 29. Macrophthalmus (Macrophthalmus) abbreviatus. A. dorsal view; B. first stage zoeas. 30. Macrophthalmus (Mareotis) japonicus. A. dorsal view; B. first stage zoeas. 31. Tritodynamia rathbunae. A. dorsal view; B. first stage zoeas. 32. A. Ocypode cordimanus, dorsal view; B. Uca lactea, dorsal view. 33. Ocypode stimpsoni. A. dorsal view; B. first stage zoeas. 34. Uca arcuata. A. dorsal view; B. first stage zoea. Plates 69

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4A 4B 70 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I

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8A 8B Plates 71

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12A 12B 72 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I

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15A 15B

16A 16B Plates 73

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20A 20B 74 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I

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22A 22B

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24A 24B Plates 75

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28A 28B 76 Invertebrate Fauna of Korea·Crabs and Zoeas I

29A 29B

30A 30B

31A 31B

32A 32B Plates 77

33A 33B

34A 34B 78

Index to Korean Names

ㄱ ㅁ

가슴생식공아절 11 말똥게 16 가지게 20 말똥게속 16 갈게 34 무늬발게 37 갑각강 11 무당게 45 갯게 27 무당게속 45 갯게속 27 긴발목콩게 49 긴종아리풀게 36 ㅂ 길게 53 꼬마사각게 18 바위게 12 꼬마사각게속 18 바위게과 12 바위게상과 11 바위게속 12 ㄴ 발콩게 52 방게 35 남방방게 40 방게속 34 남방방게속 40 붉은발말똥게 23 납작게 31 붉은발말똥게속 23 납작게속 31 붉은발사각게 21 납작등게 26 비단게 28 납작등게속 26 비단게속 28 넓적콩게 49 넓적콩게속 47 농게 60 ㅅ 농게속 59 높은등옆길게 56 사각게 19 눈콩게 50 사각게과 15 사각게속 19 세스랑게 44 ㄷ 세스랑게속 44 수동방게 33 단미하목 11 십각목 11 달랑게 59 달랑게과 57 달랑게상과 42 ㅇ 달랑게속 58 대양칠게 55 애기비단게 26 도둑게 17 애기비단게속 25 동남참게 29 애기참게 39 두이빨사각게 22 애기참게속 39 두이빨사각게속 22 여섯니세스랑게 43 Index to Korean Names 79

여섯니세스랑게과 42 ㅋ 여섯니세스랑게속 43 엽낭게 51 콩게과 46 엽낭게속 50 크리스토코엘로마속 18 옆길게 56 큰애기비단게 41 옆길게속 55 큰애기비단게속 41 일본방게 32 일본방게속 32 ㅌ

ㅈ 털보꼬마풀게 38 털콩게 47 장님진흙살이게 61 톱장절게 14 장님진흙살이게과 61 톱장절게과 13 장님진흙살이게속 61 톱장절게속 13 진연갑아강 11

ㅍ ㅊ 펄콩게 47 참게 30 펄털콩게 48 참게과 24 풀게 37 참게속 29 풀게속 36 칠게 54 칠게과 52 칠게속 53 ㅎ

하모달랑게 58 한톱장절게 14 흰발농게 60 80

Index to Korean Names as Pronounced

A Dong-nam-cham-ge 29 Du-i-ppal-sa-gak-ge 22 Ae-gi-bi-dan-ge 26 Du-i-ppal-sa-gak-ge-sok 22 Ae-gi-bi-dan-ge-sok 25 Ae-gi-cham-ge 39 Ae-gi-cham-ge-sok 39 G

Gab-gak-gang 11 B Ga-ji-ge 20 Gal-ge 34 Bal-kong-ge 52 Ga-seum-saeng-sik-gong-a-jeol 11 Bang-ge 35 Get-ge 27 Bang-ge-sok 34 Get-ge-sok 27 Ba-wi-ge 12 Gil-ge 53 Ba-wi-ge-gwa 12 Gin-bal-mok-kong-ge 49 Ba-wi-ge-sang-gwa 11 Gin-jong-a-ri-pul-ge 36 Ba-wi-ge-sok 12 Bi-dan-ge 28 Bi-dan-ge-sok 28 H Bul-eun-bal-sa-gak-ge 21 Bul-geun-bal-mal-ttong-ge 23 Ha-mo-dal-rang-ge 58 Bul-geun-bal-mal-ttong-ge-sok 23 Han-top-jang-jeol-ge 14 Huin-bal-nong-ge 60

C I Cham-ge 30 Cham-ge-gwa 24 Il-bon-bang-ge 32 Cham-ge-sok 29 Il-bon-bang-ge-sok 32 Chil-ge 54 Chil-ge-gwa 52 Chil-ge-sok 53 J

Jang-nim-jin-heuk-sal-i-ge 61 D Jang-nim-jin-heuk-sal-i-ge-gwa 61 Jang-nim-jin-heuk-sal-i-ge-sok 61 Dae-yang-chil-ge 55 Jin-yeon-gab-a-gang 11 Dal-rang-ge 59 Dal-rang-ge-gwa 57 Dal-rang-ge-sang-gwa 42 K Dal-rang-ge-sok 58 Dan-mi-ha-mok 11 Keun-ae-gi-bi-dan-ge 41 Do-dug-ge 17 Keun-ae-gi-bi-dan-ge-sok 41 Index to Korean Names as Pronounced 81

Keu-ri-seu-to-ko-el-lo-ma-sok 18 Peol-teol-kong-ge 48 Ko-ma-sa-gak-ge 18 Pul-ge 37 Ko-ma-sa-gak-ge-sok 18 Pul-ge-sok 36 Kong-ge-gwa 46

S M Sa-gak-ge 19 Mal-ttong-ge 16 Sa-gak-ge-gwa 15 Mal-ttong-ge-sok 16 Sa-gak-ge-sok 19 Mu-dang-ge 45 Se-seu-rang-ge 44 Mu-dang-ge-sok 45 Se-seu-rang-ge-sok 44 Mu-nui-bal-ge 37 Sib-gak-mok 11 Su-dong-bang-ge 33

N T Nam-bang-bang-ge 40 Nam-bang-bang-ge-sok 40 Teol-bo-kko-ma-pul-ge 38 Nap-jak-deung-ge 26 Teol-kong-ge 47 Nap-jak-deung-ge-sok 26 Top-jang-jeol-ge 14 Nap-jak-ge 31 Top-jang-jeol-ge-gwa 13 Nap-jak-ge-sok 31 Top-jang-jeol-ge-sok 13 Neop-jeok-kong-ge 49 Neop-jeok-kong-ge-sok 47 Nong-ge 60 Y Nong-ge-sok 59 Nop-eun-deung-yeop-gil-ge 56 Yeop-gil-ge 56 Nun-kong-ge 50 Yeop-gil-ge-sok 55 Yeop-nang-ge 51 Yeop-nang-ge-sok 50 P Yeo-seot-ni-se-seu-rang-ge 43 Yeo-seot-ni-se-seu-rang-ge-gwa 42 Peol-kong-ge 47 Yeo-seot-ni-se-seu-rang-ge-sok 43 82

Index to Scientific Names


Acmaeopleura 25 Gaetice 31 parvula 26 depressus 31 Asthenognathus 26 Grapsidae 12 inaequipes 26 Grapsoidea 11


Brachyura 11 Helicana 32 japonica 32 wuana 33 C Helice 34 tientsinensis 34 Camptandriidae 42 tridens 35 Camptandriun 43 Hemigrapsus 36 sexdentatum 43 longitarsis 36 Chasmagnathus 27 penicillatus 37 convexus 27 sanguineus 37 Chiromantes 16 sinensis 38 dehaani 16 haematocheir 17 Cleistostoma 44 I dilatatum 44 Clistocoeloma 18 Ilyoplax 47 Crustacea 11 dentimerosa 47 Cyclograpsus 28 deschampsi 47 intermedius 28 pingi 48 pusilla 49 D tansuiensis 49

Decapoda 11 Deiratonotus 45 M cristatum 45 Dotillidae 46 Macrophthalmidae 52 Macrophthalmus 53 abbreviatus 53 E japonicus 54 pacificus 55 Eriocheir 29 Malacostraca 11 japonicus 29 sinensis 30 Index to Scientific Names 83


Nanosesarma 18 Scopimera 50 minutum 18 bitympana 50 Neoeriocheir 39 globosa 51 leptognathus 39 longidactyla 52 Sesarmidae 15 Sesarmops 23 O intermedius 23 Sestrostoma 41 Ocypode 58 balssi 41 cordimanus 58 stimpsoni 59 Ocypodidae 57 T Ocypodoidea 42 Thoracotremata 11 Tritodynamia 55 P horvathi 56 rathbunae 56 Pachygrapsus 12 crassipes 12 Parasesarma 19 U pictum 19 plicatum 20 Uca 59 tripectinis 21 arcuata 60 Perisesarma 22 lactea 60 bidens 22 Plagusia 13 dentipes 14 V squamosa 14 Plagusiidae 13 Varunidae 24 Pseudohelice 40 subquadrata 40 X

Xenophthalmidae 61 Xenophthalmus 61 pinnotheroides 61


CB Chungcheongbuk-do CN Chungcheongnam-do HB GB Gyeongsangbuk-do China GG Gyeonggi-do YG GN Gyeongsangnam-do GW Gangwon-do HB Hamgyeongbuk-do JG HN Hamgyeongnam-do HWB Hwanghaebuk-do HN HWN Hwanghaenam-do PB JB Jeollabuk-do JG Jagang-do JJ Jeju-do JN Jeollanam-do PN PB Pyeonganbuk-do PN Pyeongannam-do YG Yanggang-do HWB HWN GW East Sea GG GB (Ulleung-do) Yellow Sea CB CN GB


JJ South Sea Invertebrate Fauna of Korea

Volume 21, Number 15 Arthropoda: Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Thoracotremata: Grapsoidea, Ocypodoidea Crabs and Zoeas I

Flora and Fauna of Korea

National Institute of Biological Resources Ministry of Environment National Institute of Biological Resources Ministry of Environment