BULLETIN - MARCH, 2012 Bulletin Electric Railroaders’ Association, Incorporated Vol
The ERA BULLETIN - MARCH, 2012 Bulletin Electric Railroaders’ Association, Incorporated Vol. 55, No. 3 March, 2012 The Bulletin THIRD AVENUE’S POOR FINANCIAL CONDITION LED Published by the Electric TO ITS CAR BUILDING PROGRAM 75 YEARS AGO Railroaders’ Association, Incorporated, PO Box (Continued from February, 2012 issue) 3323, New York, New York 10163-3323. In the previous issue, we explained how the also developed a dynamic brake, which was company began its rebuilding program in installed on the Yonkers cars operating on For general inquiries, 1934. At that time, Third Avenue began the extremely hilly terrain. Retardation faded as contact us at bulletin@ rebuilding of 100 single-truck steel converti- car speed decreased. It also served as an erausa.org or by phone bles by lengthening them, installing bolsters, emergency brake, which could slow down the at (212) 986-4482 (voice and converting them to double-truck cars. car if the air brakes failed. Because auto- mail available). ERA’s These cars weighed approximately 39,000 matic acceleration was too expensive, the website is www.erausa.org. pounds and seated 54 passengers. These company installed a series-parallel controller rebuilds weighed approximately 4,000 where the rate of acceleration was at the dis- Editorial Staff: pounds less than the older wood and steel cretion of the Motorman. Editor-in-Chief: cars, which weighed approximately 43,000 Cars were illuminated by twenty 30-volt Bernard Linder News Editor: pounds and seated 48 passengers. Weight bare bulbs in series. If one bulb burned out, it Randy Glucksman was reduced by using aluminum alloy tubing short-circuited internally and the others were Contributing Editor: instead of painted steel pipe and black enam- slightly brighter.
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