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Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1975-05-01 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1975). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 385. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/385 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ' :~vi .~~~. :~' VOL. 60 NO. 24 THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1975 NEWS ---------·· -------------·-----------·-···-·--POTPOURRI ----- SPORTS Student Senate news page 3 ----------------- The morning after ... page 2 Ruggers stand at 5-3 page 6 Manresa head chosen p-age 3 w·a-man-Onder -, nffu-erice~ _p_a_g_e-=s=----us_l1.6n--Sp-orts ... page 7 Peterhans and Younger win election, stress trust 8~ sn: sn:vt:NoT paranoia. hy opening com and advice,"' Beth stressed. "We News Staff Writer munications hctwccn senators. the hope for feed hack and support from · Elections were held Thursday and executive hoard and the studL•nts."' those in a position to help. A lot of hi day. April24 and 25. to fill vacant They would like to try to "instill a people arc already offering thl!ir sup St udcnt Government pos1110ns. scnsc of trust. where people complc- port and I heir time: we're really most notahly the offices of President pleased." and Vice-President of Student Body. Peterhans: ". We Paul and Beth will work to make Write-in candidates Paul Peterhans want to build a students aware of "what the existing and Beth Younger will assume these Senate committees arc about, what positions. having accumulated 237 sense of commun they can and cannot do. who sits on votes to overcome the two other ity with the them. and the extent of ad tickets. Ed Bauc·r an.d John Condon students . " ministrative involvement."' They with lXI votes and John Woolard plan for Senators to chair four new and Tom Madigan with 93 votes. mcnt and support each other. rather commiltccs on )·lousing. Food. When asked ahout the clectitin than ~ive wav to mistrust and Academics. and Special Activities. results. hoth Peter hans and Younger destru~tivc wa·v to mistrust and There will also he an effort to make felt that the election proved that criticism." l'ctcrhans noted that the rcsponsihilitics of administrators there is a lot of support from both "vou can't build success without mis puhlic. 'I dormies and commuters. Pctcrhans t;tkcs. vet while mistakes can thus he Through personal meetings with - -- - - r ~ stresses that he and Younger "want valuahlc. 1hcv should not be hlown each new Senator. they hope to . · Staff Photo by PAT SAYRES to build a sense of community with out of prop<~rtion. They should be familiarize the incomin~ Senate Beth Younger, left, 'and Paul Peterhans, right, are the newly-elected chlet ot- the students, and to eliminate the acknowledged lind forgotten." . fleers of Student Government for the 1975-76 school vear. prcd_ominant atmosphere of "We n~cd a lot of help. support Peterhans to page 12 Brockm.an confirmed. Tentative as fresh;rnan: dorm budgets- for There will be a Hall Co-ordinator 8~· (;A I.E STA \'l'ON New• Steff Writer supported by- two assistants whose 1975-76 Who is going to be living in job will bet he administration of the Brockman Hall next year'! For some _hall. Unlike this year, there will be no revealed time a variety of answers have been Resident Assistants in Brockman in By JOYCE s<:HREI8ER spreading their way across -campus. September. Under the Hall Co ordinator are ten senior residents. Anoclale Editor The Nell's contacted Mr. David The Student Activities Budget Tom. the Housing Director, to clear Each of these seniors is to head up a group of approximately twenty Board has determined the budgets up the situation .• students. The primary purpose of for the 1975-76 academic year. Next September Brockman Hall The Student Budget Board is com will be inhabited basically by this new system is to establish close contact among the individual prised of seven members: four freshman men. However.· up students, two faculty members, and perclassmen will not be required to groups. in the hall, and with the rest of the University. The freshman one administrator. This year's move. There will be two -major Chairman is Don Flynn. Basically changes made in Brockman. The women will live in Kuhlman Hall and be included in the same type of the Board has two functions. The south wing of the second floor will be first is t'a distribute the 13 per cent of converted into lounges and recrea system. This living arrangement will have Tentative to page 9 tion rooms. The other ma.ior change Brockman Hal, often known as the Cave, or the Pen, will be renovated for concerns the staffing of the hall. Brockman to page 12 next year's Incoming freshmen. · Theology Dept. Buschmann retires: chooses members new director sought By PA'I" FEt:l.t:\' · taken into consideration in making a Bv MARY ANN BUESCHER Fr. Buschmann, himself a Xavier Newa Steff Wl'lter final choice; • Man~~glng Editor University graduate, has served a Two new members were ap- Terrence D. Callan, 28 years old, The University is currently inter long term of service with the univer pointed to the theology faculty last is presently completing his doctorate viewing applicants for the position sity, serving in his present capacity as week. Rev. Leo Klein, S.J. an- in New Testament studies at Yale of Director of Admissions, at.temp Director of Admissions since 1959. nounccd that Terrence D. Callan University. Callan graduated from ting to find a replacement for the· Along with his staff of three full-time and Dr. 1•aul F. Knitter will join the Gonzaga University, a Jesuit school current Director. Rev. Peter admissions counselors and his Assis ranks of the Xavier faculty in the in Spokane. Washington, in 1969. Buschmann, S.J., who will be retir tant Director of Admissions, he has fall of 1975. · He then attended Yale for graduate New ing from that position to take charge been working against the current These two teachers were chosen work in theology as a Woodrow of a new office of college counseling. downward trend in admissions. fr('m a group of four candidates. Wils(m Fellow. It is planned that the new Director of Fr. Francis Brennan, Academic E11ch of the four applicants met with L>r. Paul F. Knitter. 36 years old, Selection Admissions will assurne office on or Vice-President, commented on the the fulltimc theology faculty in dis- is currently teaching in a doctoral around the date of July I, 1975. "excellent job" which Fr. cussion sessions. and with a "model program at the Catholic Theological Processes The process by which Fr. Busch Buschmann and his staff have done class" of Xavier undergraduate Union in Chicago. At that school. he mann's successor is being selected is this year of "articulating Xavier's students to whom they gave a ·Icc- was voted one of five best teachers. a unique one to the Xavier com goals and purposes to the outside turc. Fr. Klein submitted the Dr. Kn,ittcr received his doctorate munity. involving various represen community." However, Fr. Brennan cvaluationsofthesetwogroups.and from the University of Marburg. tatives from administration, faculty noted that another · of the en his own recommendation to Rev. German\'. where he studied with the and students. Rev. Francis Brennan. couraging things which the ad Francis Brennan. S ..l.. Academic advison; assistance of Rudolf Duet S.J. has also asked some faculty and missions office has brought about Vice-president. and Rev. John mann. in additi~m. Dr. Knitter has students to participate in the inter this year is "the good rapport within Felten. S . .l .. Dean of Arts and studied under Karl Raimer at thl· viewing, in addition to ad the institution" which Buschmann's Science~. who had also met with Universitv nl' Munster. Germanv. ministrative interviews, in order to office has established with faculty, each candidute. Such criteria as Dr. Kniticr has puhlished one bm;k see how the applicant projects. administration, alumni and academic huckground. andsuitltbili- and eleven articles (in three himself to various groups of people students. ty fnr teaching at undergraduate_ languagcsl and \\ill ~lwrtly publish and how well the applicant is able to Fr; Buschmann discussed some of levels ~~~ well us in the College nl four morl' article~. represent the goals and purposes of the ways in which various sectors of l'nnti'nuin):! l:ducation wcrl· al'n Theolog~ to page 12 X11vicr U niveresity. Buschmlnn to p1ge 12 ··L:arry .S eehe this week ·· X a vier News columnist in the news _,.plied by JOYCE ICHREIII!R Pub", McCarthy's. Appl~catlons for Breen Lodge If you go to Xavier(orthe Mount, Applications are now being taken fort he 1975-76 Breen Lodge staff. or Edgecliffe, or if you just live in To qualify, an applicant must be a fulltime ~oman student in good The Whats and Wheres Cincinnati), chances are good that academic standing, willing to commit time and energy to Breen you've been there at least once. programming and maintenance of the house. Given the fundamentally German Letters of intent should be submitted to the Breen Lodge Advisory of the morning after heritage and culture of the Cincin Board through Dean Mary Lou Gist's office by S p.m.