
BULK RATE U. S. Postage PAID Port Washington Permit 33 Two Milwaukee women have ap­ people, but so can a variety of oth­ plied for, and been refused, a mar­ er forms," says Barbee.) riage license. Their attorney, Though Donna wears her hair short James Wood, has filed an injunction and wears men's clothes, and Man­ in federal court ordering County onia wears makeup and nylons, they Clerk Thomas Zablocki to issue the do not at all fit in to fhe stereotyp­ >fr "HEIL PICK" ^ license. WXi ical "butch-femme" syndrome. Whether or not the license is gran­ "Neither of us is a male and nei­ An undercover agent tor (the ted (Wood thinks there's a 50-50 ther of us tries to be a man or plzy Angeles Police Department has- chance), Donna Burkett and Manon- the male role. You know, like being revealed a plot that would kill or ia Evans plan to be wed on Christ­ dominant or anything. We're just maim many of the delegates to the mas Day. two human beings, two women." Republican Party's 1972 convention Donna and Manonia are a pair of Donna says. She further explains in San Diego. The agent, Louis young Black women (25 and 2i, res­ that she wears pants and a man's Tackwood , a undercover agent of pectively) who want, as many str­ hat "because I'm comfortable that the Criminal Conspiracy Section aight couples do, the security and' way." (CCS) for almost 9 years, saiddthe finality of a legal marriage. "We Donna was a WAC a year ago but the plot calls for police to trigger could just have a ceremony," they was discharged for the way she the Dombs inside the convention hall , while police agents- incite the crowd outside Tackwood charged that CCSandthe FBIhad organized a special squad "Squad 19 to carry out the plot. Tackwood named Daniel Mahoney of CCS and Ed Birch, of the FBI GAYS WILL WED as the directors of the squad. Some proof that Tackwoods ' alligations were true came a couple of days later when the Los Angeles D.A. arrested Tackwood. The charges still are not known. Tackwood says documented evidence will be released when he is sure of his safety, which may take a while in this country. After the bombing the President' the RElCHSTAGon fire andblameJ would declare a state of emergency it on the communist to get and a na tion -wide round-up of himself declared dictator. radicals would begin. The Pre­ This along with the NET sident would then presumably use reyalation that the FBIwas the Rand Corp. plan to cancel the suppling provocatuers dinamite 1972 elections, leaving himself in and paying the m to set people power until he decided the up to be killed(like Randy emergency was over. Anderson undoubtably was) leave This is only hard to believe little doubt that this countryis if you think that Richard Nixon is a moving rapidly toward a right man who has never lied to the wing dictatorship with Richard Amerikan people, or if you think Nixon as fuehrer. that he is beyond canceling the Think about it. elections and blaming it omthe radicals, just as Hitler started Rick King

V£T$ UNION JmlniWWw explain. "But if other people can get dressed, she believes. She tells marriage licenses why can't we?" the story this way: "In the mili­ The statutes have this tary, all the women are Gay—they The Milwaukee Veteran's Union is civilian clothes, and letters would to say on the subject of marriage: sponsoring a gift package drive for be appreciated. knew it, I knew it, and they knew I The packages have to be in the "Marriage, so far as its validity at knew it. But nobody's supposed to soldiers in Indochina. law is concerned, is a civil con­ show it. They didn't like me be­ They need funds for postage, and mail December 1, so get the stuff tract, to which the consent of the also contributions for the packages.. to: Milwaukee Veteran's Union, cause when I was off-duty I dressed 911 E. Ogden, room 8, Milwaukee, parties capable in law of contract­ like this. It's crazy because all the Things like bubblegum (packages of ing is essential and which creates time you're in there they tell you not 500), stationery paper, drawing pa­ Wise. 53212. The vets have reg­ the legal" "status of husband and per, felt tip pens, pictures From ular meetings Sundays at 2 pm at to- have anything to do with men— wife " Wood's argument is that no­ you'can't even talk to a man—so "the world ', magazines, albums, the above address. Or call 271- where is "husband" and "wife" pipes, posters, cigarette papers, VETS. what do they expect?" An incident defined as members of the opposite happened which Donna suspects was sex. It's true that the statutes re­ a frame-up. One day a woman was quire only that people be of a cer­ slashing her wrists with a razor A defense fund for Father Nich-I tain age and not have VD to qualify blade, which Donna took away from olas Riddell, Mary Fieweger, Sha-| for a marriage license. Statute her. At this point the woman broke ron Huggins, and John Friedell is 245.001, however, defines mar­ down and put her head on Donna'sv being pulled together in Milwaukee. riage as "the institution that is the shoulder. In human sympathy, Donna The four were captured in an alleg­ foundation of the family and of soc­ FREE iety. Its stability is basic to moral­ put her arm around her; for that, ed robbery attempt and shootout in she.was discharged. a St. Louis suburban church rec­ ity and civilization." Obviously, tory. Riddell and Friedell were since Gay marriages have only to do Donna's family accepts her Gay- charged with assault with intent tc with love and not ''the family", they ness, but Manonia's ''doesn't un­ are contrary to the law. derstand." Since most of their kill a cop and with burglary. friends are Gay, the couple hasn't NICK Their bail is $50,000.' Huggins Wood feels confident that even­ had to deal with too much harass-1 was charged with flourishing a dan­ tually the license will come thr­ gerous weapon (bail $45,000) and ough, though it will probably take a ment. They plan on a large wedding Fieweger was charged with burglar long time. When the precedent is but because of the prejudice of most y (bail $20,000). Police said both set, it will be much easier for other churches, they haven t yet found a Riddell. and Friedell fired shots. Gay couples to be married. "May- place to have it. Father Joe Feld­ &gjgjg?fe«**> The pigs did too. ; be more people will be able to ex­ hausen of St. Nicholas parish, will press themselves, stop hiding..." do the honors. "If we can't find a Kirkwood, Mo. agents can't trace church, we'll do it on the court­ the three guns they allegedly con­ Manonia hopes. This would seem to fiscated in the incident - a 12 challenge the whole conception of house steps," he says. St. Nicholas gauge sawed-off shotgun, a ,38 love, marriage, and sexuality which is too small for the number of peo­ caliber revolver, and a 2 shot Der­ has been so neatly defined by the. ple invited. ringer pistol. Fr. Riddell has been state. When the license comes through, underground since he split durin (Another challenge to the nuclear Fr. Joe will marry Donna and Man­ the final week of the 1 family has been raised in the.form onia in a civil ceremony which, he (draft board ransackers) trial in of a bill introduced to the legisla­ explains, is not uncommon in other June 1970. They convicted and sen­ ture by Lloyd Barbee that more than countries. There will be a recep­ tenced him to 10 years in prison two people be able to get married. tion after the formal wedding"at the even though he wasn't there. "The monogamist relationship can Castaways, the Gay bar where the The F.B.I, will snatch Nick for be a useful and happy one for many two women met. the federal charges if he posts —Brenda Starr bond or if he serves a sentence on the present charge. Police are trying, so far unsuccessfully, to nail a fifth participant in the alleg­ ed burglary. They raided the sus­ pect's flat last week and seized seven guns. Some of the guns have been traced to theft or purchase in Brookfield, Whitewater, and Rock ior.w. County, Wisconsin. A lot of money It's going to be Union Night this rousing as his organizational spee­ is needed for lawyers, bail, and Sunday, Oct. 31, 4:00 pm, at 3207 ches to workers at factory gates in other defense expenses. The way N. Hackett, with an IWW potluck the 20's and 30's. a bond works is that, to get some­ dinner featuring a speech by an old Meanwhi, the local Industrial Wor­ one out on a $45,000 bail, you have soapboxer—Frank Cedervall. kers of the World continues its to give the bondsman $4500 in cash Frank, a long-time radical union­ growth and on-the-job organiza­ ana the difference between $45,000 ist, was involved in the 1931 min­ tion. A discussion will follow and $4500 in property (like a house, ers" struggle in Harlan, Ky, Frank's talk to explain and consider car, stock). During the depression, Frank's what course the union pursues. Checks can be made out and daily militant speeches kept up Ed Zivich will sing union songs. mailed to : the spirits of striking workers at Everyone is welcome at the din­ "Milwaukee Committee to Briggs Body in Detroit. ner. Bring a dish of food to share Defend the Bill of Rights, His address here, titled "IWW-- and lots of friends. For moreknfor- P.O. Box 3912 Industrial Unionism—Labor's Road mation about the dinner or job or­ Milwaukee, Wisconsin to Freedom," promises to be as a- ganization call the Babylon Print­ 53205 ing Co-op at 344-7177. Kaleidoscope No. 105 - Page 3

I've been arrested DOCE STRIKE 13 times, Father James Groppi told anti-war dem­ On Tuesday, October 19, Mil­ in the bureaucratic grievance pro­ onstrators in Washington waukee's first dock strike started. cedure: In addition the company had As we arrived on Jones Island that the edge in the procedure. They can D.C. Tuesday (Oct. 26). conveniently refer the grievance to morning we saw that something un­ "I don't like that number usual was "iiappening. A couple of arbitration as a last step knowing hundred people were gathered on well that they can afford it and out so I plan to get arrested the lake side of South Lincoln Mem­ well that they can afford itandour orial Drive, across from the hiring union cannot. Other grievances ap­ again," he said. hall and about a half mile south of peared to be minor but ware not The police apparent­ the ships. Longshoremen in their when multiplied hundreds of times, cars were pulled over to the side by like the hide pay issue. ly were happy to oblige union men. Someone told us we The meeting ended because the ex­ the Milwaukee priest. weren't working. ecutive board had to go to a federal He was arrested, along The incident which sparked the mediation meeting. When they left wildcat strike was the company's we were firm in our desire to win with 300 others, for violation* off,the .cpniract by side­ our grievances and our leadership stepping the seniority list in as­ was with us. But in subsequent "disorderly conduct" signing jobs. Yet this Incident was meetings things changed. The lead­ when demonstrators tried not the issue—it was only charac­ ers hip was backed against the wall teristic of numerous abuses which and couldn't legally support our to serve Richard Nixon the company and often the union ex­ strike. But it wag the membership with an eviction notice- pected us to accept. * which made the strike and the mem­ From the side of the road we could bership was united. at the White^House. see the waiting ships. We were in If leadership couldn't come from the heaviest part of the season—it the designated officials it came, was time to strike back. nevertheless, mostly from Blacks Union leaders had gone' into the well respected on the waterfront. hiring hall. When they came out they The younger whites; many freeks told us the list was corrected and from the East side, were almost that we should go to work. We said, 100% for the strike. Many old ti­ and there was no doubt about It, NOl mers said they should have done EARL IS FREED! The Port of.Mllwaukee had a wildcat this years ago. |g|| strike of some 500members of Lo­ We knew quite well that it would Earl Leverette was released on ver two years ago, Septem­ cal 815, International Longshore­ be our work stoppage and not our $5000 bond shortly before the sec­ ber, 1969^ three Milwaukee Black man's Association. going back to work which would ond trial began. Enough money was Panthers were arrested and beaten force the company to deal with our not raised to bail out Booker and by the police. The three—Booker We went to the union hall and there grievances. If Deep Water Dan Jesse. Earl showed up the first Collins, Earl Leverette, and Jesse all our grievances were aired. The (Meehan, vice president of one of day in court. This time the jury White—were later charged with at­ ones we decided to fight for were the companies) wouldn't negotiate had 11 whites and 1 black. Earl tempted murder of a rookie police­ many and varied-r-31 In all. They "with a gun at his head," neither split. man and resisting arrest. ranged from violations in the con­ would we. We knew of the possi­ Jesse and Booker had to sit it out The police failed to produce any tract, like failure of the company to bility of an injunction. But we also and were sentenced to 30 years. witnesses aside from the patrolman give hide pay and washup-tlme, to knew that mediators, arbitrators, But there had been one small vic­ to substantiate theri allegations. unsafe working conditions like slip­ and judges were on the company tory, Earl was free. The person accused of the actual pery decks and inadequate safety side to begin with. We just wanted Last week Earl was caught by the Shooting, Jesse White, was sitting nets. Other grievances In the Inter­ to make sure they played their FBJ in Ohio and already has been in the back seat of a Volkswagon ests of the workers' health were: hand to the end. extradited to Milwaukee with a bail during the alleged shooting,and his having a doctor on the decks at all As meetings continued, many ques­ of several hundred thousand. fingerprintsj are not on the gun. Jlmes, and that men should be tions came up about the leadership On November 4, Booker Collins No matter--the three were convic­ allowed to get replacements for of the local, the contract we have, and Jesse White will be in Milwau­ ted of resisting arrest by an all- .work after 6 pm when they became and the things we want our new con­ kee for an appeal hearing in Judge white jury, and sentenced by Judge sick during the day. Verbal Insults tract to have in it. (Our present con­ O'Connell's court at 9 am. * Christ Seraphim to one year in jau. and belittlement were to stop. tract runs out March 31, 1972.) There will be a Free the Three The trial on the attempted murder "Amnesty", in effect, was de­ In effect, for probably the first time rally October 30 charge began in September, 1970. manded: no penalties for missing in years, the whole union came to­ work, including extra men, and pay gether to point the union in a new for Tuesday. ll|§| direction. Many grievances came out for the first time because the men lost faith Steve A. Dore TA'S TO RE PURGED ever, as was pointed out at the TA's Academic freedom at UWM, or teach at least twelve hours per, meeting, does not mean that at­ week, and got rid of Its graduate what's left of it, may be the loser if tempts to break contracts may not the Wisconsin State Legislature programs—as it would almost be be made in the future. In fact, Lo­ forced to-do, since with so many hasn't managed to pass a state bud­ cal 29 of the American Federation get by November 1. Recently, UWM less teaching assistants there of Teachers has charged (Mil- _ would be v almost no one left a- deans were told in a memorandum waukee Sentinel, Friday, October distributed to them by^ Vice Chan­ round to sign up for graduate cour­ 15, 1971) that such an attempt has ses even if there would be anyone cellor William J. Walters that they already been made with regard to would have to reduce their expendi­ left to teach them I UWM could be two faculty members In the School made into a community college tures by 10 per cent in order* to op­ of Fine Arts. erate on the level that last year's without much trouble—a big com­ SOUR APPLES The right to break contracts. If It munity college to be sure—but if x were not able to explain why apples budget allows—despite increased goes unchallenged, also carries On October 8 there was an apple enrollment and increased costs. that is going to happen, it should be riot In Wauwautosa I-About 150 young are the traditional ammunition in with it the right to selectively break the decision of the community which people Who hang out at the Big Boy these autumn celebrations, but it Apparently, teaching assistants contracts, and this Is where the and other non-tenured staff will be the college is supposed to serve on Mayfalr Road threw apples, was surmised that "apples aren't most immediate threat to academic And then, what is going to happen to pears, and rocks at police, damag­ as serious as rocks are. Mostly the main targets If this economy freedom at UWM lies. If there Isn't drive goes into effect. On Thurs­ all the money which UWM is sup­ ing three squad cars. Big Boy em­ the kids don't want real trouble— any budget by November 1, the UWM posed ta«save? There are still a lot ployees were under selge as the they just need something to do." day, October 21, the Federation of administration will conceivably be University Assistants at UWM of grade school children in Wiscon­ building was pelted. Six people Young people from the area have able to use this as an excuse to ||S sin who have to go to school without were arrested. used Big Boy as a hangout for five met to discuss the possibility that fire almost anyone they want—just , the UWM administration might try breakfast or even decent shoes to, Apparently this Is an annual event. years. It's about the only one a- as the U W Board of Regents used the wear. How much of that "saved" round. Big Boy and Dolly are such to break second semester con­ Nixon wage-price freeze to withhold tracts. Right now, theunlon Is try­ money will they see? But why should gumdrops that they can't stand the promotions from members of the anyone worry about that anyways? youth scene of drinking, smoking ing to get hold of copies of con­ Federation of Teachers, while at dope,, sex, and skipping schooL tracts between teaching assistants • the same time granting both pro­ In any event, without much trouble, Their lackey In Tosa is Dan the and each department at UWM since motions and salary increases to ad­ UWM just might turn out to be a- manager, who "hates kids", ac­ there's no university-wide contract ministrative personnel. Remember nother example of the guys who cording to someone who should for all TA's. the kangaroo court trials of UWM stand for law and order, not seem­ -know. As of now, the C ollege of Letters 'faculty after the student strike In ing to mind breaking their own laws % and Science at UWM says that they 1970? if there's something in it for them to "Maybe If there was a new man­ devour—in this case, a few sad ager the kids wouldn't hate Big Boy have made no plans for the second Granted, UWM could save some semester to break any of the con­ shreds of academic freedom. so much," said our source. 'It's money if it fired all or most of its Or is that all too heavy? the only place we have to go, but tracts they have made. This, how­ TA's, made all of its professors Dan doesn't like us because we don't spend enough money." The manager's unpleasant person­ ality became Immediately apparent when he stopped,the K'scope team from passing out Street Sheets to the insurgent masses. He then went back to drinking coffee with two undercover pigs\ one male, one fe­ male. Dan has also hired a special police agent, a fellow named Reed, reportedly moonlighting from Mil­ waukee's vice squad. Most of the Orange sunshine: still many dif-4 GRASS people who hang out at Pig Boy ferent kinds, about 1 /2 of them bad., Good Mexican and Guatemalan, know who Reed Is and describe him $15 a lid, $185-$210 a lb. as "stupid". MESCALINE Outside the restaurant the night Blue: good, possibly the same- HASH Approximately a year ago, on the after the riot uniformed police were tab as the blue acid. 4 or 5 different kinds, all good. night of the policemen's ball, 400. stopping cars for "violations" and Beige: sweating, nausea, 36-hour $85-$i20/oz., $5-7/gm. kids from Tosa, Brookfield, and otherwise hassling people, but oth­ trip. West Allis magically appeared to erwise there seemed to be little Brown: 1/2 in. cap, possibly the6 ACID trash Big Boy and fight the pigs action. real thing, no bad effects. Blue flats: blue tab with darkl with apples in reaction to Pig Boy's We were assured by Annie Apple Peach: no bad reports. specks, pleasant. discriminatory policies against and Milton Mcintosh that there will Brown blotter: good. 'youth, a rash of dope busts, and be "more trouble before snow MDA Brown barrel: bad, speedy, vom­ general clean fun. This year not falls", as dope and truancy busts White cap: speedy, * iting. much has changed, so "the Mc­ continue. The policeman's ball is White powder: no bad effects. 1 Orange barrel: no bad reports. intosh Gang"; as this amorphous in a couple of weeks. group is called, did it again. —Brenda Starr Gang members and sympathizers =*= ;*= =K= s3«= =?fc :*= moby dick A LABELED . Sue-VEftSiVg Rexposes HE IS HOOMD nazis

Open letter to the Milwaukee stu- ents gotngto Whitewater State U. or plan to go there: Don't. It is a racist school, an undemocratic institution, which believes in firing teachers who demonstrate under the constit­ utional right to do so. They stop students from voicing their rights and have them kicked off die grounds. I say stay away, let that school rot and decay, for it isn't doing anyone any good to support Its policy. If you must go to college go to UWM or UW Madison. There you can have some voice in changing the programs and ideas that have been carried over from the past. If you know anyone going to Whitewater THE* pass on this message. Let's not support racist Institutions by going AS ID t»S(UI«E 1H£/V to them and giving them money to ^€IV£!S AS BOfUS'flo keep on pushing their same old hate - shit. 30RIS —Moby Dick ey &,0£ ST/^ LETTERS

(Personal opinion: I believe in llv- s omethlng. On thes e things you will sex ads - Ing together and sharing most ev­ have to judge for yourself. But just erything while living together, but keep in mind (as I'm sure you do not I don't believe in giving society the when you're balling): ALL SEX­ satisfaction of signing one of their UALITY IS NOT SEXISM! goddam pieces of paper to get their I don't really care what you put In sexist "permission" to live with the wo­ K'scope (I was sorry to see John man I love.) Plus, women have to Kois leave, but to be honest I think I would first like to say that I have wait around and get asked. By the paper has improved), but I never placed an ad for either a wo­ whom? The guys who are too shy to couldn't just sit back In the light of man or a man. I would probably ne­ ask them? such fallacious reasoning for keep­ ver have the courage to place such Physical characteristics are a- ing something out. an ad. But, whether an ad was nother thing which may cause peo­ Politically, I do believe, like any­ placed by a man or a woman look­ ple to lack confidence to go out and one who thinks, that we're living In ing for a MAN—for WHATEVER establish a "human relationship". one nation under Rockefeller and reason, not just sex as you enjoy Society allows a given tolerance on plan to some day take the Rocke­ thinking—I have never been of­ characteristics before you get feller boys and Nixon and all their fended. I have never answered an laughed out of.the scene. Charac­ henchmen and dipping their heads in ad, but neither have I been offended. teristics like facial features, sulphur to "light up" Wall Street- There are no reasons for women to height, weight (especially on wo­ just to break it up a little bit. Then be offended either, I don't believe. men) (as a matter of fact all these no one will ever have to worry about Any guy looking for a quick "imper­ things apply especially to women), money again—nor racism either, sonal lay" Isn't going to go through breast-waist-hip dimensions and­ probably. One just has to get his or the trouble of putting an ad In the the ULTIMATE symbol of man­ her shit together, that's all. And goddam paper and waiting a couple hood (so they say), and everyone I don't think I'll EVER be a sheep. of weeks for an answer while he knows this, PENIS SIZE. I be­ again. jacks-off. lieve a penis proves you're the male I spent two days In jail last spring But even if he did, these unfortun­ of the species—not a man, but what in Washington, D.C. and if there's ately are not the only types that HUMAN (remember that term?) In another Mayday demonstration next his right mind will agree with that spring, I'll be there again. place ads. Some very lonely —most people, men or women, All Power to the People people place ads—some very don't make the differentiation be­ shy peopl£H—I am a shy per­ tween male and man. (I do not son. have a large penis.) You and your big talk about es­ I hope my "thesis" has proven tablishing human relationships. its point, because I couldn't be­ That may be easy for you to say, but lieve you people were so narrow you've probably never even given a minded on what was really behind thought to how many guys you know so many sex ads. aaaamm m, aaaaaamaaaamsa^ and talk to, that also talk to "girls" You need two things to be a most and aren't gay, but yet have never happy Individual while laboring for had any kind of relationship with a the good of all people everywhere. woman. They're Insecure, they The first is a very satisfying sex don't know where to begin, maybe life, the second is a lot of money. they are or were "overweight" and (Score zero on the first, you'll be psychologically fear another "turn­ In trouble mentally; score zero on down". Every turn-down buries the second, you'll eventually get in him deeper and deeper in Insecur­ trouble with the pigs for burglary, ity—not being able to accomplish etc.) the basic fact of life all his friends are accomplishing. Depending on How do I know everything I've told the man, depression may set In and you is true? Because I've lived "* 'Tools* '~. he's on the way to mental illness. nearly an entire life of it, and I'm In states of depression he's sure living It now. The severe depres­ j 'Lead' '"= he's either dying or going insane. sion states I've mentionedstarteda If he doesn't get enough sleep, he couple of years ago. I was on down­ just aggravates his condition. All ers (by Rx) and group therapy. this because he doesn't know any Sometimes the downers weren't women any more, doesn't know strong enough (psychologically, not b- •Books* "• where to meet them, and wouldn't physically). know what to talk about If he did, But I won't bore you with the de­ let alone how to "get her Into bed" tails of that. I suppose you people do =rl| 'SoWcr. | -j without coming right out and asking need "guidelines" so you can con her—the one night of physical love tlnueyour "Christ Seraphim" role CUSTOM . which would pull him from the on judging what's sexist and what's zl OdosT*ktn- depths of depression, never again to not. Well, I believe all you have to sink as low. But his lack of exper­ look at Is what's role-playing (sex­ ience at his age makes him even ually) and what's not. AH this Shir­ shyer in that respect. ley Temple and Miss America crap, "Mr. Universe", Dick Van Dyke Now, everything I said happens to (or similar shows), Dean Martin's any number of women in our society Golddlggers or Ding-a-ling sisters, also. Like it or not, there are many things like that should be labeled P IZIZ t. "bRADY IS women in our society who just don't sexist and degrading. NOT ads that possess enough of the qualities it express the 'want" or "need" of takes to attract men, particularly one brother or sister for another. "straight" women. The pressure is not so much to go to bed with a man I agree with you that some ads are but to marry him—to "sign the sexist, like maybe a guy wanting a piece of paper". sister JUST to suck him off or •ORNAMENTS* GLASSWARE-LAMPS-GLASSWARES* A fashionable term in the under­ General Rathlcoune had heard of nhu's dealings in the opium trade in Page 5 ground lately is the "Nixon-Thieu the skirmish and immediately with­ his book "Mr. Pop." The name of Mainline". People talk vaguely and drew his troops-from the Plain of Nhu was ceonsored from the book by rhetorically of "CIA - controlled Jars in northeast Laos where they the publisher. herion traffic" in Southeast Asia, were supposed to be fighting the Pa- Later Marshall Ky got into the po­ but very few knew the details until thet Lao guerrillas for the CIA. The litical picture. Though he was ma­ an article in the May issue of Royal Laotian Government seized king only about $25^.30 a month as Ramparts (The New Opium War by~ the opium and used the profit to fin­ air marshal he was part of the Sai­ Browning and Garret) laid it all ance further counter-insurgency gon elite and had lots of money to out. operations against the Pathet Lao. spend. Senator Ernest Gruening Rathicoune doesn't hide his inter­ once claimed that Ky was paid off by In fact, the CIA mainline is nothing est in opium. He says if not for him the CIA and was also a dope smug­ new. Even the straight press has and other dope barons, the .Meo*. gler, which makes sense consider­ been hinting at it for years. Allen would starve. When que- tione •la- ing history. And, says Ramparts, Ginsberg has done quite a bit of re­ bout the dopetrade, thegeneral re "a high Saigon military official to search on the subject, and when he pied, "It's been golngonfor.< ...,ii£ whom Ky at one time offered a place was in town he turned over his data time. Why stop now? If we stop, the in the opium traffic says Ky con­ to 'Kaleidoscope, hoping that the un­ tinued to carry load& ranging from derground press would finally print foreigners will take it over." (New the facts. This article is a compil­ York Times, August 11, 1971). ation of Scribe Ginsberg's data and Rathicoune owns factories which the Ramparts article. refine opium into morphine. When About 80% of the world's opium this is done, the dope is flown via crop is grown in what is known as CIA-backed Air America. the Fertile Triangle, an area in In the most of our northwest Burma, northern Thai­ government officials own interest land, and Laos. The U.S. is the chief in such imperialist companies as consumer. Coca-Cola, Standard Oil, etc; in The main growers of this opium Laos, many bigwigs own "cookers" are theMeotribespeople, operating —factories that refine opium or out of Long Cheng, a secret air base morphine into heroin. The Sanan- built by the CIA. Opium is their on­ ikone family (known as "the Rock­ ly cash crop and the. basis of their efellers of Laos") own some of economy. The raw drugissoldfor these "cookers"; Phoui Sananikone $50 a kilo (which will bring $2000 in headed a US-supported coup in 1959. San Francisco) to local smugglers, Major General Koupraslth Abhay, who take it by mule caravan over a deputy commander-in-chief of the number of routes. Vientiene military region, owns o- The bulk of the collecting has fal­ ther^;. len to three bands of renegades who Carl Strock, in the Far Eastern live along the BurmaThailandbor- Economic Review, Jan. 30, 1971, der. They are remnants of the old states that "CIA protege General Nationalist Chinese Army that were Vang Pao, former officer for the driven out of mainland China during French colonial army and now head and after the 1949 Communist rev­ of theMeo counterinsurgents" uses olution. These remains of Chiang US helicopters to smuggle dope. Kai-shek's 93d Division, called the There are countless others. Kuomingtang (KMT), are a very To summarize thus far: opium is powerful force in the area and still grown by CIA-supported counterin­ are in contact with Chiang. They surgents (the Meos), smuggled by support themselves by buying dope CIA-backed opium barons, pro­ directly and strongarming payoffs cessed into morphine or heroin in from other smugglers. factories owned by US-supported Ramparts reports, "As travel­ government officials, and flown Air lers to the area attest, these troops America or on Air Force C47s and also supplement their income by T28s to Da Nang and Saigon in South running intelligence operations in­ Vietnam. to China and Burma for the United In Saigon, some of the dope stays States." According to an "estab­ for the US troops (one soldier a day lishment reporter", who gave the dies from an overdose). The rest is info to the Ramparts writers, the handled in various \*ays and contin­ US even flies helicopters "from ues the route to the United States. hilltop to hilltop to pick up the Chi­ nese for organized basketball •In 1949 the French appointed for­ games." mer Vietnamese emperor Bao Dai • IinE967 there was a very interest­ chief of state. He appointed Bay ing opium war involving two of the Vien, leader of Saigon's criminal bands outside Chiang SaeninThia- underground and controller of vir­ land. One of the people who pays off tually all the opiates _in the city, "Among the most notable mem­ the KMT is Chan Chi-foo, according chief of police. Their regime was bers of the 'China lobby' are Mad­ to an article in Time magazine, displaced in 1954 by NgoDinhNhu, ame Anna Chennault, whose hus­ 1967. Diem's brother. Nhu either inher­ band, General Claire Chennault, One day Chan was doing one of his ited or seized control of the secret founded Air America; columnist regular deals, carrying 9 tons of police and the drug trade, which Joe Alsop; FBI director J. Edgar opium through KMT territory with have traditionally worked together Hoover; former California Senator no Intention of making his regular in Saigon. William Knowland; and Ray Cline, payoff. He and his 300 men were 2000 to 3000 kilos of opium from currently Chief of Intelligence for ambushed land fell into a pitched The infamous Madame Nhu is oth­ Pleiku to Saigon in the spring of the State Department. They and battle. To both parties' surprise, erwise known as the "grande mad- 1965 after he had assumed power." such compatriots as the late Time along came another gang—General ame of opium" in Saigon. Don It was "common knowledge", Ram magazine publisher Henry Luce and Ouane Rathlcoune of the Royal Lao­ Schanche, former managing edi­ parts asserts, that Madame Ky re­ his widow, Congresswoman Claire tian Government and Air Force, tor of the Saturday Evening Post, placed Mme. Nhu as Dragon Lady Booth Luce, have been some of the which Is a CIA-backed operation. gives a factual account of Madame and "dealt in opium directly with country's strongest proponents of Prince Boun Oum." the Nationalist Chinese cause... But these puppets of the US govern­ "Over the years the China Lobby ment play only small parts in the has continued to spring to Nixon's big opium game. It should be kept in support. It was Madame Chennault, mind that the Diem-Nhu-Ky-Tnieu co-chairman in 1968 of Womenfor regimes have been kept alive by the Nixon-Agnew Advisory Committee United States' money, arms, and who helped raise a quarter of a mil­ men. It's not hard to see the connec­ lion dollars for the campaign; it was tion between Richard Nixon himself she who just before the election en­ and the smack trade in Saigon and tered into an elaborate set of ar­ here. Ramparts lays it out: rangements to sabotage a White "In his recent State of the World House peace plan. Within 30 hours address, Richard Nixon dealt dir­ of the announced plan, South Viet­ ectly with the international narcot­ nam President Thiey rejected the ics traffic. 'Narcotics addiction has new negotiations it proposed—a re­ been spreading with pandemic vir­ jection Mme, Chennault had helped ulence,' he said, adding arrange. without the slightest respect for na­ It is not only his debts, associa­ tional boundaries/ What is needed tions and sympathies to the China is *an integrated attack on the de­ Lobby which have linked Nixon with mand for (narcotics), the supply of china and helped plunge the Ob them, and their movement across deeper into the morass there. One international borders... We have,' of his most important foreign policy he says, 'worked closely with a appointments since taking office large number of governments, par­ has been the reassignment of Ray ticularly Turkey, France, and Mex­ Cline as State Department Direct­ ico (!!!), to try to stop the illicit or of Intelligence and Research. production ana smuggling of nar­ Cline, the controversial CIA station cotics.' chief in Taiwan who helped organize: KMT forays into Communist China, "It is no accident that Nixon has in 1962 promoted Nixon's old pro­ ignored the real sources of narcot-; ics trade abroad and by so doing has ject of a Bay of Pigs invasion of effectively precluded any possibili­ China. Within a month of Cline's AND MANY MORC G-OGOICS... ty of being able to deal with heroin recent appointment, the resumption, at home, lt is he more than anyone of pilotless Intelligence flights over; else who has underwritten that mainland China was approved. DAtLY \G-\Q I-S/rruRfcAYvH trade through the policies he has The entire cast of the China Lobby, formulated, the alliances he has has relied on one magic corporation forged, and most recently the po­ , the same corporation established litical appointments he has made. just after WW II by General Claire W2L C. NOPTTtt INS For Richard Nixon's rise to power Chennault as Civil Air Transport has been intricately interwoven and renamed in the 1950s AIR A- wmpm Willi the -rise of proponents, ot A- MERICA. Carrier not only of men merica s aggressive strategy in A- and personnel for all of Southeast sia, agroup of people loosely called Asia, but also for the policies that the 'China lobby" who have been in have turned Indochina into the third.•* or near political power off and on ^mMi<>ii"rmmmmsmmMma**mmmmm*awm*w since 1950. CONTINUED PAGE 19 Somebody's lying department: If you're out of incense and dig pat­ exuded by the patchouli permeated When Flying Dutchman Records re­ chouli, buy a copy of the new Enter­ plastic, the music itself produced leased "Soul and Soledad," two ra- • prise album, "Ben Atkin's Pat­ on} v. a sliprht case of diarrhea. dio interviews with Angela Davis, chouli." In fact, buy mine because Now and then I find an album which Bob Thiele, Dutchman's president, the fold-out cover is strongly knocks me out when Pm expecting was righteously quoted in Billboard scented with the fragrance and is nothing much. Such a disc filled my as saying that all proceeds from the permeating my apartment. head recently when I discovered album would go to the Angela Davis The cover's outside consists of two "Merry Clayton" on Lou Adler's legal defense fund. color shots—the front of two men Ode label. The 23-year-old sister Now the imprisoned Marxist phil­ who may be the musicians, while the has been singing since she was in osophy professor, who has other rear view consists of ducks floating high school and has chalked up a problems on her mind, has filed suit on a pond. The real stinker of this decade of experience including a In State Supreme Court in Manhattan stinker is the inside which is a vert­ stint as one of Ray Charles' Rae- to stop sales of the album, stating ical, full color shot of a gentleman lets and a short time as lead vocal­ that It violates her right to privacy whom I assume is Ben Atkins, taking ist with A & M's "Sisters Love." by using her name, picture, and a shit in an outhouse with door hang­ ing wide open. She does several tunes by James voice without permission. Taylor and Carole King as well as Freed,; who died pennilessi»a The album features folky-type vo­ Neil Young's "Southern Man" and X you were old enough to fire up scapegoat of tbe government's pay­ Roulette joins tlje "rock revival'.' cal renderings by Atkins with a vo­ Jerry Peters' "Love Me or Let Me the wireless in rhe 50%, you re­ ola investigation, prided himself on kick with a series of reissues this cal quartet and a handful of music­ Be Lonely." The material Is, for member the era when WOKY and W- the fact that he never-took money month including the Chantels, Little ians which sometimes Includes the most part, well chosen and she RTT had four contests every hour, in front from record promoters . Anthony and the Imperials, andthe "Duck" Dunn of the MGs on bass does things with the selections like screamed and shouted sponsors' If he made a record a bit and they Flamingos. RCA is reviving Its guitar. you've never heard before. products and did "personality** ra«a wanted to do him a favor, that was ' "Vintage" series with albums by After putting the album cover In a Personnel include David T. Walk­ dio more than today and—in be­ different. iSS Arthur "Big Boy'.' Crudup, Lil remote closet, I listened to the first er, Billy Preston, and Carole King. tween—managed to play better mu­ Freed buflt a number of small In­ Green, Lionel Hampton, and Wash­ three cuts. Aside from the nausea sic. dependent companies and fiercely ington Sam with Big Bill Broonzy If you're an old timey radio freak hated the major labels. One time he and Memphis Slim. This week's KALEIDOSCOPE is brought to you by Bert, and have $7.95 (or connections X decided, 'The Deejays" relates, to pick up on a copy of **The Deejays,'* make a hit of the Isley Brothers' Album cover art dept.: Herbie Robin, Mark> Rick, Brenda, Al, Bob, Andy, Mary V. / a new MacMillan book bv Arnold "Shout** on RCA--fornothing.—just Mann must have a nice dealer... Karen, Dave, Allan from Franklin, Mary, the women Passman. J It contains the whole to show the company his pwer. Since he began his Embryo label his 1 schuck from the 'first 'disc jockeys Chapters include bits on Dan Sbr- album notes frequently credit the from the South Side, Karen, Abbie, Jim, the friendly to the payola scandals, Alan Freed kin (remember his Save Rose Blm- "good feelings" on his recordings pusher (life drugs only), Teddybear, Steve, Ann, and and the emergence of FMrocksta** lor" campaign at WCFL?), Jean to various participants and on his tions in the 60* s. Shepherd, and the famed WFMT an- own new release, aptly named of course, Dennis. > nouncers audition composed by a "Push Push," the fold-out cover KALEIDOSCOPE is published by the young staff announcer of theirs features two color views of the mu­ named Mike Nichols* sician, wearing only a flute (clench­ Kaleidoscope Publishing Company, P.O. Box 90526, ed in his right hand), shot from his Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 53202. pubic hair northward. Inside is an orange velvet painting of a couple National Ad Rep: Me­ Today's topic is VINEGAR, cause engaged in the act of love making. dia A, 15 E. 40th St., NYC 10016. it's such a fall thing. Vinegar isn't quite a food, and not quite a spice Sour cream, yogurt, raw egg yolks, Mi?mber: Liber­ either. It might be more of a med­ ketchup, chopped hardboiled eggs, ation News Service (LNS) and Underground Press Syn­ icine than anything else. cheese, and bacon also make in­ Whatever it is, it's beautiful to teresting additions. If you beat the dicate (UPS) and otherxommie fronts. the garbage conoisseur, because dressing with an eggbeater, it gets Special thanx to LA it's made from apple cores and thick and creamy. That's how you do peelings (if you peel your apples, mayonnaise too.. GUARDIA. which you shouldn't), also peach pits and bruised parts, probably MAYONNAISE even banana skins would work. 1 egg yolk Usually it's done with apples. You 1 tbs. vinegar (or lemon juice) put all your junk in a wide-mouthed 1/2 tsp. salt jar or crock. Cover with cold wa­ 1/2 tsp. dry mustard ter and cover the top with cheese­ a dash of pepper cloth or some other kind of cloth. a few drops of honey Keep in a warm place and add more about a cup of oil (more or less) junk from time to time. That's all. Beat together all the Ingredients A foamy substance will form on the except oil. Beat in the oil a little at top after"a while; this is called a time (use an eggbeater, wire "mother". Skim it off and use it whisk, fork, or even^blender). Beat to make more vinegar out of wine in more when it's smooth and keep and stuff. The rest of the liquid in adding it until the mayonnaise is the crock Is vinegar. thick enough. Homemade \inegar is of course infinitely superior to storebought, but if you do buy it, always get apple To make regular oil-and-vinegar cider vinegar, not white vinegar, salad dressing in the bowl is, as I which is distilled and processed said, healthier, because it seals the past repair. It's not good for any­ vitamin C into the vegetables. Put thing except washing windows, and the salad in the bowl along with any apple vinegar does that too. (For herbs you want to use. (Save the really clean windows, no foolin, so spices for later.) Herbs, by the way, quit playin with that poison spray are those greenish things that stuff--just put some vinegar into vaguely resemble a plant—oregano, some hot water, about 1/2 cup to the thyme, basil, parsley, etc. Spices gallon, and wash the windows with are powdery. Start with a table­ newspapers, yes, newspapers^ spoon of oil and toss and toss until There's no lint and think how ecol­ each Jeaf of lettuce or whatever is ogical!) sorta shiny. You might want more oil. Then mix the spices with a tab­ You can also make vinegar by just lespoon or so of vinegar, add it, and letting some apple cider or some toss some more. wine sit in an open jug in a warm One more food thing vinegar is val­ place for a few weeks. The purpose uable for is making soup. Vinegar of the "mother" is to make vinegar does something to calcium, so if happen faster, so mix in a little to you're making soup with bones in it, whatever kind of vinegar you're vinegar will extract the calcium Into making. the broth. Also if you have vege­ There's all different kinds of vin­ tables that are a little high, Vinegar egar and if you're into salad a lot will off the bacteria. The general you might like to try making some method of soupmaking consists of herb vinegars: use basil, tarragon, dumping all bones and leftover veg­ mint, dill, chives, celery leaves (a gies (save your carrot tops, creepy good way not to waste them, also tomatoes, string bean ends, etc. for you can chop them and put them in this purpose) into a pot, add 1/4 cup salads), parsley, etc. Put the herbs of vinegar and enough water to in a clear glass jug and cover with cover the garbage, and boil for sev­ apple cider vinegar. Let stand in a eral hours. Strain and add fresh sunny window for 2 weeks, shaking veggies, meat, or whatever. Or everyday. Keep tasting and when it use this broth to cook vegetables in, tastes herby enough, it's done: re­ as the liquid in bread, etc. move the herbs and cap the bottle. ^Read D.C. jarvis* book, "Folk If you want garlicky vinegar, put in Medicine" if you want to know just some cloves of garlic, but they about everything there is to know a- should be removed after 24 hours. bout the healing properties of vin­ The most common use for vinegar egar. Here are a few things that this is salad dressing. It's healthier to 'magic liquid will do: make salad dressing in the bowl, but Rin^e things. Rinse with vinegar, some people don't like it and lots of not honky creme rinse, after sham­ times it's easier to have a bottle on pooing. It removes soap and makes hand. Besides, If there's salad left hair shine. Rinse laundry with about over with dressing on it, you might 1/2 cup of vinegar per load. It can as well forget about eating it the make clothes slightly less grey be­ next day. cause it removes soap film, which I really don't understand why peo­ isn't good for your skin either. Al- ple buy salad dressing in the bottle. ways rinse with clean water after AH it is in real life is oil, vinegar, using vinegar unless you want to spices, water, sometimes eggs and stink. cheese. The general rule is 3 parts Set dye. After tie-dyeing, soak oil to 1 part vinegar—mix and taste. clothes in cold water and vinegar for 1/2 an hour. The dye won't If It's too vinegary add a touch of For sprained muscles: make a honey; if it's greasy, add a little hot run so much when it's washed. paste of sea salt and "vinegar. For a headache: boil vinegar and water. Or maybe you like it more Help food poisoning and diarrhea. For insomnia: mix 3 tsp. apple Drink 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar in a For burns, sunburn, stings, rash­ "inhale the fumes. Vinegary or more oily. Using dif­ es, athlete's foot, poison ivy, and 'cider vinegar in a cup of honey. ferent kinds of oils and vinegars, as cup of water every hour. If there's For sore throat: gargle a teaspoon other skin irritations: bathe skin of vinegar in a glass of hot water and Take 2 tsp. every hour. well as varying the spices makes an vomiting, take a teaspoonful of the with vinegar. —Soybean Sally infinite number of salad dressings. mixture every 5 minutes. swallow. &eG \>° vy.e c*e* 1 6 ^' A^ XV \

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s*: X Kaleidoscope No. 105 - Page 8 MIGRANT

' 'Does the tax collector get sent to • At one performance Punch respon- Free Southern Theatre—a group a rehabilitation camp, or get his ded to objections raised by a child from which took plays neck broken?" This question and o- that the Doctor (a male puppet) like "Waiting for Godot" and 'In thers were raised by the perform- could not kiss'Punch's nose to make White America" into the rural ances of the Migrant Theatre puppet it well. "Why not? Men can kiss south. She also worked with Teatro. show this last week in Milwaukee, men," Joanne paused to reply to the Campesino, a theatre which helped: The Migrant Theatre is a one-wo­ boy. organize and raise money for the man operation that is committed to Most of these were small moments migrant workers' union In Calif or­ the Idea of people's art. in the puppet shows, butthey occur­ nia. On my pink lids, lightning from deep gleam. Still, my dream blows a- In the three times Joanne Form'an red because in the Migrant Theatre • She currently lives in Albuquerque, inside, thunderless cold flashes. round me, hanging to the palm. has crossed this country doing pup­ there is no topic that can't be dealt New Mexico, where she is active in Noise of glimmer wakes me in The ocean is flying still. I feel pet shows she has introduced many with (many theatres are afraid of the local Welfare Rights Organiza­ loamy fog. I am now of never, a tugged out, my cheeks ballooning. people to-the daring idea that they being "too political") and because. tion. Her tour of Milwaukee was wake for doers. A sleep opens my Louder. I'm still here, louder can afford to see the theatre and that Joanne Forman's life Is politics and sponsored by the UWM School of lids a wider welcome. Buzzing in ' crisscrossed against the pull of the theatre has something to say to social change, so she doesn't have Education and produced through the my room of last night air, I light . dreamstorm. them. These two priorities really, to manufacture relevance for her Free Street Theatre. and fly, a fly today in dark, buzz­ make' her a people's artist. She has performances. She also tries to In­ Incidentally, in both performances ing me awake from buzzing sleep. Sing, your going around and out firm political convictions and con­ spire people of all ages to start their here of "Excessive Taxation Is darkens the memory of our future. cerns which permeate her work. own puppet theatres to speak to More Ferocious than a Tiger" the Unwinding from dreams of great' Where is our Beethoven storm? I But she is not rhetorical in her ap­ their own interests. To make this audience voted that the tax collector winds, money swirling in ball­ sit In No Man's Land. You are not proach. Instead she adapts folk leg­ realistic she shows how simple and have his neck broken and-, in the true rooms, and on a beach, warjets to be known In knotted rays of noise. ends from a half dozen countries or Inexpensive puppets and her mobile tradition of people's art, the will of sucked into ya#s, swooshing into •The Milky Way is draining into fog. creates her own scripts to make her puppet theatre are. the people was done. hangers, I'm braced against a palm, Where are you now as I call your point. And her skill enables her to j oanne spent most of her life In —Larry Robbin tugged into a hanger, a warjet has tune? make her point to children or ad­ California. She has worked with the imploded, too many dollar bills, ults, in Spanish or English. everything sucked in, the ocean too, I don't have to tell anything. I can While she was in Milwaukee her I'm hanging, whitecaps sail through tell it or leave it dreaming. I'm work was seen by about 600 people, ^ =»* the air, my body twisting in it. making it real by telling. What I covering wide areas of our com­ say goes, going on, undaunted as munity. In the Latin community, City pangs my belly. I want to fill it dying birds. I am ready invoices, Punch and Judy raised questions to with boiling, to cool the fires of ma­ warming the fog away, music glow­ preschool children as to whether chines, pressure of voices damned ing from earth. I am blinking away the policeman is their servant or up. Will someone beat loose the windy nightmare hanging. I am - they are his. The Indian children at UHMTT grind? Spread seeds in the tornado? threshed by worshippers of sunsoll. the liberated Coast Guard station Bury my pulp in the garden? I want I am bleeding away old yearinings,. heard Punch link the oppression of to rot into roots, make soup of mon­ biting garden airs that choked the Red people and Black people. ey machines', pang out the big guns' blood of brain. I bide timeless rhy­ madness, pour all I have in our, la-» thms, hallucinating hallelujahs. die it to be lapped, tasting of foreign Broken on wheels of planets, each 1EESE voices, smelling of songs I swal­ joint wrecked in its socket, I am now lowed, made into my own, my sky. phone brighter than when I burne*d, coming from my mother. Born from an oth­ WASHINGTON, D.C.-People's Coalition for Peace and Justice Is 276-234* frantically assembling Phase One of their fall Nixon Eviction, start­ Unwinding from nightmare, I'm er sun mother, I am mothering my Abortion Counseling ing with a People's Grand Jury. It promises to be the theatrical e- cold, dreading winter in June. Fog mother, lighting the way to no­ Art Co-op 272-9395 344-7177 vent of the century, altho poor planning and divided support will claim over the cornfield. Rain has bright where, waking my self to drowse, Babylon Print Co-op it as another "New Left" offensive complete with all the New Left beaded the screen, and bubbles drowsing my self a wake in a rain­ Boris Bomb Recycling 964-7846 344-5745 Superstars. RENNIE DAVIS has successfully ripped off the Nat­ shine on the mango seed in the bow of song. Casa Maria' ional Co-ordlnators of the Coalition (l.e.,~the 150 old-folkles that snifter on the sill. In desolate wind —Morgan Gibson Children's Co-op 273-152^ 273-1490 came to Milwaukee in June) for full control of the PCPJ staff and and fog, raindrops and bubbles Community Center natioal purse. Right onl ..Fly-By-Night Movers 264-0914 264-0914 Plans for Phase Two include civil disobedience In the streets of Food Co-op $&$ Babylon, D.C.—much like Mayday--but even PCPJ people doubtthe Gay Counseling | 342-1722 possibility of success this fall. Phase Three (which Is a very hush- Gay People's Union 271-7319 hush subject right now) Is "the road to San Diego" In which Bob Hope or 962-8611 does not appear. It seems that the MAYDAY TRIBE collapsed after Graniaiioqn 272-8776 their Atlanta conference and many turned to PCPJ for a base to work LANiandSKY 272-2622 Ham V Egger from. So far they've been able to plan and publicize without having to Hooligan's 273-9242 deal with SID PECK and WILLIAM DOUTHARDetal, but rumor has it Milwaukee's First that the Coalition will itself fall apart by November. Re^l Waterbed Store KALEIDOSCOPE 2/1-1250 LaGuardla 383-6560 ALSO WASHINGTON—The TROTS are warming up for another mass 73£ W. Wisconsin 272-3319 Legal Aid (East Side) 272-RAID mass. I had a hand in starting a new paper in DC recently, and they Library 276-7578 came in to buy a full-page ad. The copy—"Freeze War, Not Wages" MADIC (Draft Counsel) 342-0191 You figure it out. Newsreel 342-4020 Peace Action Center 272-3040 ANN ARBOR—The RAINBOW PEOPLE'S PARTY (former White People's Auto Repair ' 964-7175 Panthers) are close to getting JOHN SINCLAIR out of his Michigan Performing Arts Center 273-7121 prison"trip thru a new appeal. They need money to keep truckln', as Planned Parenthood 271-8181 the rent on their three houses came due ($3000). Send some. Rhubarb Bookstore 342-4020 Runaways House 27i-1560t NEW YORK—Red Lebanese In today (with seal Intact). Pounds— Street Sheet (lv message 272- RAID $750. Storefront Manor 272-3484 Survival Center 272-RAID DETROIT—The Mafia War Is still on, but at least we can give you SWITCHBOARD 24hrs. 271-3123 the half-time scores. 28-34. Also figure In the 23-year-old student Free Clinic 271-3123 who was killed for poking his nose into "family" business. Moral: Acid Rescue-Suicide 271-3123 It's a revolutionary act to try to clean up smack In big cities—pun­ THE GAME NARCOTICS TRAFFIC What's Happening (Rec)271-HASH ishable by death. 5.95 Clinic Hours (Recorded) 2*71- VICE, Tax Resistance Center 271-8819 MORE WASHINGTON— RALPH NADER tells me that importers and Tenant's Union ' 672-5680 large corporations will make more than $7 billion this year because WAW (Vietnam Vets) 272-3040 of the Nixon "phase two economic controls". Ralph leaned over his - MILLIONS HAVE BEEN BUSTED I Welfare Rights Org. 344-7171 desk and stacked a vacant chair full of paper that backed up his ac­ •* 'WILL YOU BE NEXT ? Women's Center 933-4783 cusation. He went on to explain that the entire "wage-price" thing WNOV (Newsroom) 272-6242 was a shuck—that Nixon had given away billions In Liberal Deprec­ - PLAY "BEAT THE BORDER " AND FIND OUT WZMF 251-7070 iation Allowances and other such jive. I got bored and split. s Youth International Prty 276-2344 MADISON—Cable TV Is coming, and we'd better do something about it. Hearings are being set up In Madison to determine who gets what when, and you can bet yer bottom resistorvthat HOWARD HUGHES (TelePromter Corp.) will be on top. Last week a Pennsylvania mayor resigned and admitted that T.P. had paid him off to the tune of $15, 000 for their franchise. For those whodon't recall, cable TV means either total access or total control. Right now you might be able to mobilize people to In­ sure some community control—the alternative is to give It to Howard arid his friends. (Item: three large cities have made their cable fran­ chise deals Include a free "ghetto watcher" system that enables one pig to do the job of ten. He sits in front of several screens while pole-mounted cameras scan the streets.)

SAN DIEGO—Early reports show that this Navy-town turned cori- . ventlon center Is the #2 Birch Society stronghold. If you plan on at­ tending the Coronation of Richard, take your heat.

IRAN -The PSHAW OF IRAN now has a gigantic like-new tent city available for your next formal party. Call his embassy or the CXA for further details. Note: don't speak to the natives, they're restless I THOUSANDS OF POSTERS CUSTOM MADE SIGNS TOLEDO—Lake What's-It's-Name (Erie) Is down to 65 feet at Its SUPER SPECIAL deepest point now. Ecologists say the Great Lake doesn't have a BUCK LIGHTS? RXTU chance. (In ten years there may be no way to travel to points west T or east from Lakes Michigan'and Superior.) Congratulations to big $10 business. ITEM—BERNARDINE DOHRN Is dead. She knew too much.

—Al Altendorf I I f™^^= It M DIFFOJLTflSi Y COI^A^ON"

"Flower power still remains bio­ * 1 don't expect to be appreciated by logically the only ecological under­ the masses," Krffizy Dave said, and standing of our place in nature and everyone applauded. respect for other life forms. In Dave requested stage time from Milwaukee I understand there's poet Allen Ginsberg, who read, some kind of project to cover over chanted, sang, and spoke at Mar­ Lake Shore Drive with some kind of quette October 18. Judging from the super-highway to satisfy downtown response of the young, hip, not-nec- business iterests. So even here you essarily-student audience, Gins­ can see destruction of nature. berg was "appreciated by the mas­ Something must be done. ses'*, even when accused by Dave of "I keep coming back to the pos­ being "rather piggish" for making middle class—heavy attachment to sibility of political action. There's $30,000 a year. supplied military arms to the Pak­ electricity, like a real heavy addic­ even a proposition for the Repub­ "Ginsberg made a big name for istan military dictatorship, thinking tion all around to material secur­ lican Convention, of some people himself by talking against the es­ that it was going to fight China, when Gl fcG ity to the point of sucking up half gong to San Diego. I don't know if tablishment," Krazy Dave said. In fact China was also supplying men Is what gives me the most in­ ' the planet's real matter for 6% of I'll go but t feel I should do some­ "Now he'sat a Catholic university arms to the Pakistan military dic­ tense joy... the world's population. thing." taking your money. STEAL GINS- tatorship... "The difficulty Is really compas­ "So—what's to be done? I would One thing Ginsberg himself can and BERGI He should be free! The "So, it's difficult to feel joyful In sion. Attachment to body and state say register, or I'm gonna register, does do Is turn people on—not only people used to love him because he America except by realizing that of being ie at characteristic of out • to vote. That's what ' to his poetry, but to politics, ideas, used to talk against money." actually the fabric of reality is an of being is a characteristic of our says and says. I religion. In the packed Marquette The reading cost $1 but people who illusion...making love with young government, a characteristic of the Msten to them—sometimes. Ballroom people got stoned hearing couldn't afford it weren't turned a- hlsi* chant mantras. They even dan­ way. Ginsberg claims that most of ced—which Is unusual even for most his income is donated to various po­ rock concerts. ets And helps support a farm In New In 1967 Ginsberg was supposed to York state. He also has given bread appear at Marquette, but president; to John Sinclair, Tim Leary, the Father Raynor refused to allow It. Chicago 7, etc. Allen says the decision was mostly Allen recently returned from a trip due to religious Intolerance, pol­ to India. In a rap with members of itics, and "the Catholic church's the press, he talked about that and Involvement In the war—aside from lots of other things: sex stuff and stuff like that." 'It's very difficult to feel any joy His apprearance at Marquette when you realize that the universe means that "the country has swit­ Is an Illusion anyway. However, ched over about the war, "Ginsberg suffering Is very wierd as long as said. Also, since 1967 we've all people are suffering and don't do been witnessing (in case you didn't anything about it. Like a month ago notice) "the collapse of America". I went to India to visit the refugee "I assume Raynor has been re­ camps in Bengal where the Pakis­ leased from the evil magic he made tani refugees, now numbering 9 four years ago," the poet mused. million people, were sitting around Just In case, he chanted a special in bamboo thatch-roofed oalmleaf mantra in honor of Fr. Raynor. huts, starving, with children with . The reading was Interrupted at extended bellies and rib cages one point by some vice cops trying showing—flood waters all around to bust someone for dope. The and no place to shit. The stink of :rowd that followed the cops Into dystentery, which accompanies the hall, turning off the lights and malnutrition, poisons the air and singing, 'It's All Over Now, Baby the children are dying in mud-hut­ Blue", as well as Allen chanting ted hopitals. They live on rice and "Om Namah Shivaya" (mantra to lentils, which come once a week and Shiva, patron pot saint) succeeded last four days. in freeing the young man. "Ail that because the United States —Savasana Page 10

The Milwaukee Journal loves to to refuse paid advertising for a pretend It's liberal, show a\*ards seminar on the occult held Oct. for excellence conferred by other 16 and 17 at the Planklngton House sectors of the same establishment, sponsored by Sanctum Oeneus and MAI and boast of how It serves the 15% Sanctum Regnum, Milwaukee and of Milwaukee's population which Is Madison shops which deal in such Black. items as tarot cards, herbs, and in- Several recent decisions by the cenSe. Journal Co.'s advertising depart­ siderable money Into the eight so- cities carried the ad: Boston and Featured at the seminar was the ment show that the money end of called Bantu settlements, which are Washington, D.C. super-respectable Institute of Par- things around Journal Square is parcels of undesirable land where apsychologlcal Research, which re­ less hypocritical than the editorial the apartheid government forces , Another interesting Journal ad is searches hypnotism, ESP, and o- side of the paper. Africans to relocate from cities and the one WOK Y has been running re­ ther topics which may be \rterd but cently for a scheduled "women's can hardly be described as witch­ There's good money in racism and more lucrative lands. TheBrC,the world" shindig. Of course, this Is sexism and both have been profit­ Journal ad says, "anticipates craft. The reason stated by the spending a further $145.6 million in direct competition with the pur­ Journal's "copy control manager" able to Journal ad salesmen In re­ ported "For Women Only" station, (where was he when South Africa cent weeks. on Black homeland development in WFWO-FM. On Oct. 15, a quarter page ad ap­ the next five years"—and you can spent nearly a thousand dollars to peared In the Journal, placed thr­ bet the Vorster government would WOKY claims that it's the sta­ spread racist lies?) was an Irrev­ ough a New York ad agency by the gladly spend even more to maintain tion that's "really" for women only ocable company policy against any­ control over the Black majority and promises all the things that thing dealing with ESP and other white racist government of the Re­ WASP male executives decide wo­ public of South Africa, at a national population. psychic phenomena. men are interested in...beauty tips, The company policy apparently Is advertising rate slightly over $700. Asked whether the controversial _ etc. The message began, "Habakuk only in effect when people who oper­ 1 nature of the ad resulted in any dis­ The most interesting part of the ate a small "occult" store or two Shlkwane Is a Black Capitalist," a- cussion or hesitancy at the Journal, bove a phot of an African male at­ ad Is the part promising guests in­ want to buy space. When a multi- the salesman who handledthe ad re­ cluding 'Irene Hughes, physic.'' In­, million-dollar corporation, con­ tired In the western businessman's plied that the ad came In mat form suit and tie costume. Alongside a teresting particularly In view of the trolled by establishment males and ran without any changes or con­ same paper's, advertising decision (Bartell Media, operators of W- ndetermlned-looklng Brother Shlk­ templated changes. Only two other wane, the^ad copy went on to explain OKY), chooses to advertise 'Irene that he owns "Africa's largest cane Hughes, physic" then the unknown furniture plant and will soon be ex­ becomes nothing to be feared. porting to the United States." Media such as the Journal, WOKY, The propaganda went on to explain etc. are themselves dealers In ma­ that the Bantu Investment Corpora­ gic (evil magic, not people's magic) tion helped the African capitalist by using techniques of mass hyp­ get it together and has pumped con­ nosis for their own evil ends.

£fc dfe s*fe sPfc tissues and bloody matter that is the'etubryo* Nowadays this is almost pregnaht> . *% yott*re beyond'3Cbat point. W$ the t: . The Somen's Center^ people, connected with, the center* *8d other always dons with a machine called a vacuarh aspirator, but the older pregnant or decide to have an. abortion or find groups throughout the cityhave been doing abortion counselling and re­ method, dilatation and curettage & • oo' you. were having a routine vaginal examination, flat on your back with which handle salines have working arrangeme Of course, we are always glad to answer any questions and have your taieestipandfeet in stirrups. The doctor will insert a speculum, A small 'area of akin below the navel is locall listed other organizations which may also be helpful. We sre open on as be does for a vaginal exam, to hold open the vagina. needle;. Is Ipgerted into the uterus, someamniot 33$g$day and iftirsdayv 7-9 pm} Saturday i~*j* . If an anesthetic is used at all, it will be injected behind Ihe cervix* uterus is withdrawn and replaced with a salt; Women's Center The shot doesn't hurt becausettie cervix has no nerve endings. Some­ fetus* Generally when a fetus dies inside the 911 ll» Ogden, room 9 times a general anesthetic is used, but it makes everything more com­ from "natural'* causes, the woman will miscs •• 9$&~478$ plicated, increases the' chance* of blood loss, and tssft really neces­ jection is given at die clinic, das woman goes s sary. &$6st women are o&ih grea'tpsln during an abortion, and put- «**= =*€= a bort and -when labor begins, Vs sent to a. hosp =»<= m* m , tingi^Syomeoae **tosleep**|gjpa^^l$^^ ho^tes^ stays a- couple of days. Even if It i^a&Bpleasant, many Women want to be In touch with what's The methods" above are tbe ones most comr Qse thing It means to be a woman Is being able to get pregnant. To bappenln|^j^t|^^^resettt the use of general anasthetic in Portion should only be undertaken with a doctor's car many"women, this Is a drag<<»-notonlybec&nsemevd^*t went; to have tn-ocedurejf and^ faer^dramatlcally, in childbirth, 'medicines, suppositories,* or anything elaetbat dh&drea, but also because in this male-oriented world,-snatomy is In order$0r the aborttoninstruments (curette or aspirator) to encer - In other words* if you're pregnant, hot baths,, do * destiny* - the-4iterssv ihe cerv^n^st be stretdied. The cervix is the barrier stairs, coat hangers* castor oil, etc. won't work Here's what happens to your body when you get pregnant* wft&Ua man between Ihe uteraf m& the vagina* ifcaallyit*s about as big as a pin- serious barm* *" ^ comes (has an orgasm) Inside you his sperm are carried into the vay* M®& hnt Mir capable of ^fetching enoughj^let a baby ff&ough* For g£ns» pass through the cervix (see diagram), and into the fallopian iabortto^'petcpb^as, M eui^ &*s £$ $fe stretched'ats^aa'as i*Ws as the tube* M fertilization (union of egg and sperm) takes place* it happens I dbrcumference of afinger* This is usually done with a series of metal' in the fallopian bxbe, where .the egg has traveled from tbe ovary. The rods. ^dJJatot^Sy-Tbedoctor inserts them one at a time* starting witft^ impregnated:' egg cell begins immediately to divide and grow, and the.sma£MKSC-aaad wosdking up. ^iis is occasionally uncomfortable*!^ moves to the uterus, where it gets surrounded by blood (for nosffish- "anally described as similar tt^menstrual cramps. The doctor then', meat) and implants itself la the jBterine wall, when that happens, a e^h^a|,^'craPes tbeJ@§lde of die uterus with a curette (sn instrument''! woman is pregnant* * j$e*mewhat resen^teg a grapefruit spoon X or uses the aspirator*- which ThSt most common sign Hi pregnancy is a missed period. Tne best sucks the issues into a tube tigp^jpe' vagina intoacollection bottle* | time to get a pregnancy testis 2 weeks after the period is due. Tests (^sS^.sS^siits%e of this meitiedistjhat Ae c<8itents of the bottle can/ before that time are not always accsarate. Some women don't always be examined to see if aH tbe tissues i^'Q&we, if li^s normal*. etc«|- have a parted, and occasionally women Meed during pregnancy, Sa a Of ten the'd^et^r'will also go around die uterus -$dth a curette as an s$gX: missed period isn't alwayssaccurete. Some other signs of pregnancy tra measure. The whole operation takes aboutJ^ minates» are fatigue, dizziness, nausea* .swollen and/or darkened .breasts* If y^mst women are at least a littie freaked out before 841 abortion for a ^ you suspect you are; pregnant, get a test as soon as possible. number of reas^ins^fear cstp^^n, fear of death, social pressures, con- '. Generally a pregnancy test consists of urinating in a paper cup end fusion, etCi, -*He important thing is to relax* The, more freaked jjutjgtH**, having tbs urine chemically tested. Different kinds of tests take any­ are and tbe more you resist what is happening to your.bodtff tihj^more where from a few minutes to a day. chscomfortyou will feel* It's like when you*te goiiig to have a shot, If if the test is ''positive**, you're pregnant. jJsually the place where you tenseup, it hurts muchmore* So try not to be afraid; many women you got tbe test will give you a gynecMogical examination to confirm feel no pain at ail. Most women do find it uncomfortsU)le-»again, sim­ the pregnaney* If this is not routinely-done, you should request it* ilar to menstrual,cramps,, A doctor can usually tall by tbe condition of die uterus and cervix After a D & C or vacuum aspiration, you may bleed for a couple of whether, a woman is pregnant and for how long. The length of preg-' days* It*s a good Idea so take it easy for a while; don't strain your* nancy is usually determined by the date of the first day of the last self, but you don't have to stay In bed either* Most doctors give you period, For example. If a woman is (en days late and usually has antibiotics to take home with you* Often you're given a shot of pen- her period every 2& days* she is considered 38. days pregnant* when iciflin or,somethl!tg to guard against infection* considering an abortion* It is particularly important fox a woman m The procedures above only apply If you're up to about 12 weeks get a pelvic exam, fb mske sure that there are no abnormalities or When you suspect that vou are pregnant, first problems* as possible (see listK it the test is poslti^ someone about the alternatives, how you fe#l, When we. get pregnant and don't want to.be/sometimes &*sr because any questions at all, call one of die pJac#l ] we're careless* bat more often it*s because there's really no decent Operatiitf unit tot vacuum curettage. counseling. If you have made up your mind tlit method of birth control around* When birth control fails or we don't want* JNt call and make an appointment use it, we're faced with a lot of heavy decisions. jtest because our Be sure to tell the person making the appoin bodies are physically capable of bearing a child doesn't mem that are, if you have hemophilia, heart dis*jtaseu3 we're ready toy take the responsibility far a child, or want one right ""disease, epilepsy, or any chronic disease^ now, or even necessarily like kids* -have Kh blood, sometimes it coats more f Because of the repressive *?mara!s*' we all grant up with* many For a saline, obesity (fatness) can ba'a probl women find it hard to think of terminating a pregnancy. Anti-abort­ their own protection* will choose not to treat ion campaigns and puritanism scream "Murderer*** at the woman whn V*£«OI»—^ST>- decides she doesn't want to have a baby. Some women undergo such medical shapes *h hospital may be your-only guilt feelings* often brought on by parents, relatives, employers, If you're a doper* it's a good Idea to lay etc, after an abortion that lt might have been better to give the baby ^a^'plrcodas^*#%F§8w days before an abort! up far adoption*'- Analyse your own feelings about yourself, children* ortion is an operation, though a simpfa*ime, your lover* iton't let anyone push you into a decision either way; you itself faster and guard against infection if tt' have te decide what's best for Y0tjf« in fact, it's a good idea to have a thorough m fore an' abortion* Having; sn abortion is statistically safer than carrying the pregnancy ; to term* - it? s alto dfeasaper, When abortions are illegal, many mere Sotne^ women -gen lnfecd ons after having an women get sick or even die as a result a? poorly done procedures* other complications arise. If you c$& swj Legalising abortion Is ofce way of making sure that women get more doctor 4 weeks or so afterwards*, TeH him' competent medical care. He may' be a pig abnut it; but he has to chec Vs W*&ceasiu It's legal to terminate a pregnancy If the mother's : .all right,. *At this point you can get some bfcr physical or mental health is in danger. When a woman has an abortion you need and don't have. in a hospital, sfie is usually required to 'Strove her instability" with ts*si |K&sfb&:$0'' get pre .'nant immediately notes from a psychiatrist. Some shrinks are sympathetic and will 'Doctors differ o# their s&bo&des on fud^jbg. i write notes for women who have decided they want to have an abortion* he "^^i^ni6ns.rs^^^^s0^k^9Bto an Hospitals are too expensive and toomuch hassle for most women Co 'Increase the possibility of - infection, but use deal wifbi lleiass -^m-ps^e. money (in 'swt&t caaet*, 1$de 19 pays for don't have an infection, and feel like it, it's al hospital Portions), sre. married (many hospitals require your hus­ Health care in this country "leaves much to h band consent^ a*»d feel like spending up to several days in die bos- , its nature is rarely a happy or positive expert pital, f£*s probably better to go to one of the clinics which have been illegality, red tape, doctors' attitudes iand fr ~sevu$,el$ 04^t£i$€8&i£^4$,s|)e^ societys'), and air of secrecy and evil surrc -. The process oi terminating pregnancy is medically fairly simple, * perlence a bummer for many women. The ah particularly in early pregnancy*.o "Early** is defined as up to about * could be a start towards making having anabc 3 months* »-5Ffee inside Of the uterus is simply "cleaned out'-' oHfee - perience than going to the dentist. WING IT UNDERGROUNbadly you're wanted yoDu may be ab ­ This is mrt..!-2 in a series of 6 law Nation: cultural, political, and thing that keeps the courts from le to stay in the same state or you parts dealing with making it in the sometimes militant guerrillas. collapsing is that 9/10 of all defen­ may have to split the country en­ underground. Dana Beal is await­ You can do virtually anything on the dants plead to a lesser charge, re­ tirely. But dig it; you have to dis­ ing trial on a series of dope char­ lam, as long as you're not part of * lieving the state of its burden of appear without a trace, probably ges. He lived in Milwaukee as a the tiny minority of fugitives the proof. you were busted in the first place Yippie organizer under several ^'authorities" are actively pursu- If you have a misdemeanor charge because your scene was leaky sec­ names: Paul Yippie and Jim Crewe ing--and as long as you observe ,--$ year or less—you really urity-wise. To stick around, or let the most well-known. some simple security rules. I know shouldn't skip out. To do it right your new location become common I did it myself for 3 1/2 years. takes a year anyway. And jail can be knowledge, leaves you prey to all My forced exile and subsequent quite salutory—a reality trip. Be­ the same informers and gossips I. experiences certainly don't paral­ sides getting caught up on your who bask in what they "know." Originally all victimless crim­ lel those of the^ernardine Dohrns reading, you re reminded what real Go somewhere totally new. Build inals were spoken of as the "under­ or Karl Armstrongs, but most fugi­ oppression is. You get to know up a whole new identity and circle ground' *—the culture of illegal peo­ tives in this country aren't being your enemy, their psychology, how of friends and contacts. It's not ple forced into hiding their lives on actively sought. They're.wanted for to use words against them as well as easy. Before you were somebody the margins of society—not be­ relatively petty stuff (misdemean­ weapons. Unless you have some­ with friends, lovers, a reputation to cause of crimes against persons or ors and noncapitol felonies) like I thing really important to do, or they smooth your "way. Now you'll go property, but the consequence of was. I'm in jail now because I don't havepositive evidence on you, unrecognized, a stranger. The honkoid regimentation: draft dod­ just got tired of following rules of it's better to fight a misdemeanor cops are counting on you to react gers, pot smokers, gays, AWOL security I knew perfectly well. and-then get the time over with. to this harsh isolation by renewing military, runaways, and deviants of All I can do with my "wbatifs..." contact with the old scene. So they all kinds. As the corporate police .and "if only's..." is lay down some n. will keep up surveillance of your state collided with the political/ Jumping bail commits you to seven family and close friends, at least cultural liberation, movemejits of pointers for keeping your freedom for those activists and whatnot years (Statute of Limitations) Of for a while. To go underground the 60' s, tens of thousands of us be­ Keeping out of pigs' paws. It's true you've got to temporarily ampu­ came actual fugitives, forced into still at large, or might be some day. Going underground is one of two that after several years you may be tate yourself from all of yourrela- the underground's sub-basement. able to deal through an attorney and tionshps. Some were content to survive be­ political responses to a bust. It's an act of sabotage. You force the reach a settlement of your charges, Leaving the country altogether hind a striaght front. Others but should you be busted in the can be useful, if you have the ID, couldn't stop fighting to exist. Once cops to spend valuable time engag­ but it's no perfect solution. Mex­ we re-estaolished ourselves, we ing in at least a perfunctory search. meantime while running, you'll The alternative is to fight your have a hard time getting bail set. ico is a bummer, unless you have found little difference between our You could sit in jail until trial money. Americans can't work new predicament and the others charge every step of the way in there. Central America is better, who were leading a semi-clandest­ court, and tie down the legal appar­ time, and some judges consider ine life by choice. Fugitives be­ atus, wasting their time'and money. bail-jumping an admission of guilt. CONTINUED PAGE 16 came the hard core of the new out­ Never cop a quick plea. The only Depending on the charges ana how


by the time you find out you're FALLOPIAN TUBES n or|tnd die place to get it* you <* Salines are more expensive, * .-ore tamumatic than early ahor* *ant,ifc'simj5K3ru»j£ to work fast. SPERM SWIMMING AROUND eause it induces labor** 'Clinics ^aagements wfthlocel hospitals* Is locally anesthetized. A long a? amniotic fluid from Inside the h a salt solution, This kills the nsidevtbe* womb, ..whether or Hot HI miscarry. In clinics, the in* an goes somewhere to await la* :o st hospital; where she' usually ost coiumonly in use* Abortion tar's care** There are no pills,; eisetfeat wifl'^care*' pregnancy.' bgj&s*douches, falling down the aa&warkand could do you


,1 m sXs sPts dm JS*. ms *Hs ; XW^GATM<%^C{l^ff0r%%^m (516) 294-O580 or 741-4500, You COUNSELING can call collect* This clinic does vacuums ($300) SE&iCES'l CLINICS and salines ($400)* They own a ho­ ^iMDWEST SiEtXCAL CISNTBlt tel if you need to stay overnight*' Al» WOMEN'S CENTER, 933-4783. (Madls^i|^p,g) 3?4~r94«. so they own a cab service, vdkidk PLANNEDPAKEOTBGOD 271* ~ Onetimes dte^rlft'^^busytoai^ wiU pick you up at LaCuardiaair- 8181* /tw^Ellie phone (there's no^l^^p port*«$5 estrav " CLERGY CONSULTATION 352- time racseptionis^l^tkeep trying, - Eastgata requires thata woman be 4053* They have connections with Tlaer^^a long waiting list. 17 years of age, orwith authorized a clinic in New York and can get - P^licy&uctuates on what inf orma>, parental consent. They are very ef­ price reductions there. -For un­ ^t|an~.ls needed*'" €k*metimes wonteC ficient, to the point of making some derage women with parental prob­ " are 'asked to brihg a^tsnlent ft^eii women feel uncomfortable* The. a doctor ^^jy^^'^^J^agoani^^,^, routinely give a general anasthetic lems, they can be helpful. How­ N ever, all counselors but one are what kiftd&f blood they havt|>M«sot^ unless yt)u request otherwise—also ' vnen*^ * '' -"-'•'***"•: times net* Ask the raceptionlsta, intravenous feeding sn& lets of shots* \ WOMEN'S CX)UNSELINGSERVICE |t*s always good to have SDproving tnt," first of all g$t &-$aj£t ss fast" (Madison), &Q6) 253*9149* that you*re %U though it yeu*re JU5 >osfei^-v3si8».may want to talk to and can prove self-support, or if you feel, and so *on,^$f you have you're under 18 and bring your par- places listed that-.gjb7e> abortion eats.-that's okay too. ilnd tbat ait ebort$&& igrwhat you The clinic does vacuum abortions HOSPITALS to 75 days (from first day ti last If you're married and have insur­ iSg^lggeiatment hpw pregnant: yb^t period). The price is $200, some­ ance, it might be worthwhile to look Isease^diabetes^^a^aorSk Sidney •',-jfREc:":\''"' times less if you have a good sob Into a hospital abortion. However, is4SaSe9bientlon this also. If you story. There Is one doctor; the at­ many women-complain thatthey're !'1$$^ ^. spe^sl l&^gs* -' Ajrk> - mosphere is fairly friendly. .not treated well, there's a lot of red 6$problem*- JSome dittos * for PREGNANCY tape (usually husband's consent and $&Mtes£you. if y$tf*r$ in serious psychiatrists* netes*arerequiredX » ^ionly-Choice. %&& . .WOMEMSABORTfdhf PROJECT . and youusuallymuststay overnight j. sa-fo lay off speed, tissues, LSEL * *. Always have pregnancy confirmed llils. is a counseling service and , Title 19 ean*t get an'a^t^lone^e^ |)tl^one*~8sd your body will heal: by a doctor before making an ap­ the women involved are extremely where unless they.come up with :ien if it's healthy to start with. ' pointment for en abortion* helpful and friendly* - They have a cash* trough medical examination be- % .list of doctors andthey make the ap­ this list- is} not at ill complete, pointment, teU you howto get there* Arrang&Baneais - cad ps made • with n ^ifeg;an abortlgj$j occasi^ially^,. 2390 %% Lake Or, answer any questions* etcv $110is private doctors at the4r'*^wsit> ipj swing it^'g££*&e£k£&by.e.* 271-VICE for hours * ^e usual price—$10 for the service als*. but our esperiencewith hospit­ 1e|IM|$yb$*ye. had an abortion, snd $100 for the doctor (If an early als is that diey generally, aren't % ge> check you $hd see. if you're abortion)* They also help with sal­ worth the hassle* tome birth contaul &tbatfs what ines. If you're around the border­ 9M &2T&&, line nf 11 "*eeks, it's £ood to call LtflHEEAN; Must bedone1 through mediately 'following an-abortion*' ^44«$|4l Stem or Eastgate (below), as both a doctor* . ^tlrew Boyd, Robert iCi&g/'¥ours wfjltell ym*''$$hWt^ West side residents only-,- please* groups handle all abortion cases* * Reik, ^olm Eunke, and lUoiiel Ser- ysto a mo$%b. Intercourse does vice have been knowntoctwsperabs, but usually if you aren't sore, PLA&NED PAEEbflBCXDD $500 fog en early abortion* tt, it's all right. '• 536 W. M^sconsln DR. MICHAEL BERGMAN (New iuCh to be desired. Abortion by ^1-81$1 York}—<5!6) 53S-5S40. hrft+ SINAI; If you can get In as an re expedience, but the high cost; Iviost make appointment* This "is a real friendly clinic. The out|aatieat, t^p^cei ^reasonable. s land friends* aadfs*rents* and < doctor Is nice, pretty young (as are (pay according to need)* Call Jean vfl- surrounding it make the ex- the nurses), die atmosphere is in­ Broussard, a -social worker, 27|a» %%e abolition of abortion laws UWhtii 22$-4716 formal* Prove, that you're 21 and 2174* ^.%iai Is notorious for poor ig, an abortion no heavier an ex- Mar^aeaiel 224-718S bring $150. Early abortions only. medical care* NFG) Hi mm Wm m m# Hi &%«! •i i wzmf 98.3 fm


mwTJ ^J I

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ci_. - ^^ WoW? THAW THE the adventures of . BI666ST MOUSE X USTA Be X'UE EVER SEEN/ A

Despite two months of advance M: Where can I go to watch the thing good and something bad. It Z: It's true. warning, Frank Zappa and his Mo­ Milwaukee' Bucks looooo— would have been impossible for us K: Anything you'd like to ex­ thers of Invention took Beer City F: At the Memorial Auditorium to continue wht we were doingl pound on? by surprise. where you can— without the audience having some Z: The suit charging them with A crowd of 5800 appeared at the M: Where can I go to drink beer criteria and I was in no position to criminal fraud. Arena to see Zappa's troupe as well, until I puke in the Areeeeena— supply the criteria for them. K: As to reporting record sales? as Fleetwood Mac and Rory Galla­ F: In the dressing room of the K: But do you think they're any Z: No, as far as a special deal gher. Gallagher, backed by a bass Holiday Inn... better equipped now to appreciate they made that was actually crim­ guitarist and a drummer, shined on The Mothers closed with "Char what you re doing? inal. has lead and turned in a solid, leena" and a Moog ending and did Z: No, but we're not doing the K: How was it criminal? crowd-pleasing set. Fleetwood. "Who Are the Brain Police" for same thing so it doesn't make so Z: It was a criminal fraud. Mac, however, didn't quite make it. an encore after recieving a standing much difference. K: Is there anything in the youth Between Kirwan's ego-antics and ovation. Some people were disappointed K: Electronic synthesizers such culture that particularly bugs you? quantities of mediocre material, at the lack of filth that Zappa as Moogs. You're using three I Z: Yes, but I wouldn't want to bo­ Fleetwood fell apart. and the boys didn't display, but understand— ther you with it. I mean everybod- But at least the crowd knew what there are a number of theatres Z: Two ARPs and one Moog. dy's having such a good time, I they came to hear. The stage area and porn shops r^ound town... K: Do you think that these will have wouldn't want to put 'em on a bum­ was extremely congealed, withev-, The whole show came off a major effect on the direction mu­ mer. Ibecome suspicious of people- eryone seai ching for a choice seat. sic will take? rather well, and Daydream Pro-, who describe progress as a society Zappa placards began to appear. ductions, who had been planning Z: You have to understand the wor­ of beggars.. Anticipation. the extravagan za since July, kings of a synthesizer to be able to K: In "200 Motels", you do a sat­ The Mothers hit the stage, with gets a gold star for their eff-' appreciate the mathematical pos­ ire on rock stars and their sur­ Vplman wearing aplajter rabbit orts. Zappa, Fleetwood Mac, sibilities. rounding culture. Do you include head, and started farting around and Gallagher for fourinnahalf K: What do you plan to do in the yourself and the Mothers as apart with the PA. Until, "This is a song calms ain't bad. Should be future as far as movies go? Do you of what you're doing a satire on? about vegetables, they keep you interesting to see what their think "200 Motels" was a success Z: Everything applies where it regular and they're good for you" next concert's gonna be. aesthetically? applies. In other words, where the Zappa's intro to "Call Any Veget­ The following is an intervi­ Z: Yes. shoe fits, we wear it. able . ew between myself and Zappa, K: Do you think it will be a success K: I talked to Howie (lead singer Howard Kaylan) before and we In. their set, the band didn't do any with a few other Mothers gett­ financially? ing in their licks. THE battle Z: Yes". discussed your reputation, because' stuff off their two recent albums, K: Do you plan on doing any more a lot of people have said that you but stuck to oldies such as "Any raged during Fleetwood Mac, interrupting Frank from his movies? punch people in the mouth and ex­ Way the Wind Blows" and "-Char- Z: Yes. crete things on people's heads and leena", spiced with unrecorded book on magicians and amusing the rest of them Mothers, who K: Do you have an idea on what other such things, and that the way material luce "\yino Man", The new, you're planning on doing? you really are is different than that. Mothers were tight and precise, a weic making sandwiches ftuna '?),T regaled my self-respect Z: Yes. Do you like that image, do you try •predictable characteristic of a band; to avoid it, or what? when Zappa went on the David K: Meanwhile, teenage rock editor with so much talent. Unfortunately, is getting cut to shit by Frank Zappa. Z: Well, am I punching you? the two ARP synthesizers weren't Frost Show two days later and made Frost look even wo­ Z: Why, because I say yes? Ask Ami shitting on you? Draw your coming through the PA, which de­ me a simple question and I give you. own conclusions. tracted from the overall sound. rse than he made me. (WHEW !) This is what went down: a simple answer. K: How would you compare your A good portion of the performance, K: Is there anything in particular new,Te-formed Mothers to the or­ was devoted to satirizing the Mil­ that you're planning on doing mo­ iginal Mothers? waukee-area culture, such as the K'SCOPE: A couple of years ago, vie-wise? Z: I would say they're differ­ following dialogue between Frank when you broke up the old Mothers Z: Yes. One called "Billy the ent. and Mark: of Invention, you stated that the kids Mountain", probably. K: Are the new Mothers talented wouldn't know music if "it came up. K: Is there any particular message in anyway that the old ones were MARK (in imitation of a teenage and bit 'em on the ass." Do you your group is carrying now, over a- not? girl): Where can I go to. stuff my think that's true of the audience of gainst the past? Z: There are differences. In wat-worst in Mil-walk-eeeee— today or— Z: Have you listened to our music? many ways this group is superior. FRANK: At Roy Roger's Roast ZAPPA: Well, you have to realize, K- Yes. K: On the Jeff Simmons thing in Beef just a few— why I'd say a thing like that in the Z: Then decide for yourself. "200 Motels", what actually hap­ M: Where can I go to learn the first place. It's not because people K: 1 heard that you were suing pened with Jeff Simmons? polka with Lawrence Welk— are basically stupid, it's because MGM-Verve (the Mothers' former Z: Ask Mark and Howie. F: At Art and Donnie's Dance Stu­ they haven't recieved the criteria to. record company) for cheating on K: Doyou always try to give short dio where— judge the difference between some­ record royalties. answers? K: I dont think this place could draw Three Dog Night, but they had. Z: Yes, they're easier to trans­ Grand here... cribe and harder to misquote. MARK: I'll bet they sold it out K: With the old Mothers, it seems twice, didn't they? At $9 a seat. as though you were trying to build Z: I want to go back to reading my book. up a strange reputation with the K-. Thanks for tolerating. things that you were doing. Are Z: Okay. you planning on continuing this rep utation with the new Mothers or are From this point the conversation you planning on getting more into... went across the room to Howard Z: The thing becomes weird only Kaylan and bassist Jim Pons. The in contrast to the surrounding envi­ following^ tidbits of information ronment. The Mothers at all times were secured: have acted normal. The Mothers will be going on a k; do you have any opinion a- European tour during November bout groups with a large following, and December. Their "live"al- such as Grand Funk, that aren t bum is in% the Top Ten throughout quite as talented as the Mothers? Europe. ]••%£. Z* I have never heard a Grand The group didn't perform the Funk record. I don't know what they group sequence at the Arena be­ sound like. cause they felt the PA was inad­ K: Black Sabbath? . equate for dialog in a large hall. Z: I've never heard them either. Zappa conducts the band with hand, K: Mark (the second lead singer, signals which indicate what song, Mark Volman, what happened with key, codas, random singing notes Jeff Simmons? as to pitch and volume, extrane­ MARK: He was with the group. ous sounds, tricks, bits and pieces, He quit. The rest of it happened and just about everything else. The when he was living with his folks. Mothers know four hours of music K: How do you like your role with and have no idea what they're going, the group? to play until Zappa gives the signal. MARK: It's really easy. It's easy because I do things that are fund to But perhaps the most significant do or easy to do. I don't really think thing of everything that went on about it, it's just that I don't do any­ in tne dressing room was Howie's thing else. final statement: Z: The Mothers at all times have "The Mother's message started acted normal. in 1965. The Mothers' message is MARK:', Yeah, I really dig work­ very long range and I don't think ing with Frank and I really you »or your audience will even rea­ dif work­ lize the implications of what that ing with the rest of the band. There, message is for a couple of years is no dirt in this band, only what we yet, because it's all a building pro-, do on stage. cess... before you know it you 11 be dealing in waves, not in anything K: Do you have any qualms about else but waves, and we'll be the putting out " 200 Motels", in the first group into waves. You might-, light that "Uncle Meat" (Zappa's not even need a record or a televi­ first attempt at movies) flopped sion to get your music, you may not financially? need anything. Pretty bizarre con­ Z: What do you mean "flopped fin­ cept none-the-less, but when peo­ ancially"? ple realize it can be done, we'll K: Howard was quoted in Rol- be the group doing it." ling Stone as saying that you sank a lot ot money into "Uncle Meat." Z: It was never released. It never had a chance to recoup it. K: Never had a chance to recoup IT? ZYCS Z: It's still in my basement. It never came out. MAJOR K: Are you ever going to finish it? Z: Someday. & MINOR ^:|AARK: Eating rye bread before you singTjTiidt the answer. What- REPAIRS ON do you guys do for a living? VOLKSWAGENS K: Actually, we go to schoo- 1. We go to a Lutheran—schoo- FORSIGN CARS 1 where they train pastors or something. 6410 MARK: What things about the young people irk you? W. Silver Spring K: I think they eat too much rye bread. 7:30am-9pm MARK: How'd ya like that? ciev er. Not coming to support tne 466-9536 Bucks. Is this where Three Dog Night plays when they come? M.C.ESCHER


Schwartz Bookshop 440 W. Wisconsin Ave. $3.95 272 2700 Milwaukee in paperback Page 16 ONE DAY IN THE LIFE OF IVAN DENlSOVICH The Soviet Union is not a revolu­ tionary society. It has a strong bent Unfortunately, because it was pro­ of authoritarianism. duced in the West, the film, unlike Having this perspective I did not the book, is more accusation than THE TOUCH expect the film to be disillusioning. revelation. With some justification, Yet its portrayal of conditions in a the point can be made that such a It is unsettling to view a Bergman forced labor camp under Stalinism film was made by people who are film in English with his traditional are neither very revealing or effec­ probably incapable of understand­ FLIX Scandinavian locale. Accordingly tive. Transformation of the novel ing life in Soviet labor camps or Its Impact Is lessened. Yet "The Into film has been flawed by inade­ prisons because they don't see what Touch" remains an engross ing film quate acting and an inability to emo­ it is like In the West. with Elliott Gould giving a good per­ —Teddybear formance. tionally involve us in the film. SHAME "The Touch" focuses upon an ex­ EVERYBODY IS "SOMEBODY" OPENING NIGHT AT tra-marital affair between a sur­ "Shame" is devastating in its pre­ to .kill a chicken for food, he be­ geon's wife and a visiting Israeli sentation of Bergman's view of soc-„ comes quite capable of murdering a archaeologist. Her marriage had ial reality. It is a bleak film in young soldier to secure a pair of seemed classically "good":area­ which two rival armies and perhaps, boots. Art is crushed and Sydow sonable, intelligent husband who is two social systems contest posses­ ceases to be a human being. a successful surgeon; a tastefully sion of an island. Both are brutal, Strangely affected by this film, I decorated home; two beautiful chil­ disregarding the civil and human, remain unconvinced of the validity dren. rights of the civilian populace. of Bergman's perspective. I ques­ Yet something is amiss. She is at­ Within this context what little Integ­ tion his assertion that if integrity in tracted to the proposed affair, per­ rity exists in society appears In art. society is to be found, it is in art. haps in the hope that it will give her Max von Sydow portrays a sensi­ Artists can not be unaffected by the life the meaning It now lacks. As it tive and romantic musfcian crack­ society around them and are always develops the confinement and bore­ ing up under the strain of the evil a part of it. dom of housework seem less perva­ around him. He is brutalized as the Bergman's pessimism reflects a sive. But the affair does not endure war envelops him and his wife. European outlook which has been and husband and wife are reuinted. Symbolically the destruction of his disappointed with or uninspired by Seemingly Bergman affirms the violin by a roving guerrilla band the rise of socialism in Russia and traditional with this conclusion. Yet suggests the destruction of art. eastern Europe. Donsequently he I wonder if the contradictions which Sydow then seems to lose his sensi­ sees little difference between rival led to such a situation are in any way tivity and decency. Unable earlier social systems. resolved. WE 1970 PULITZER PRIZE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••A** WINNING PLAY ft S UNDERGROUND 1 3 "1 HUGE, DRIPPING, DOUBLE-HUNK OF PLAY WITH MURE MEAT UN IT J lice/]political section. The RCMP (Continued from P. 11) are vervenicient—a cross betweer. THAN PERHAPS YOU CAN FINISH AT UNE SITTING!" . „ . „ _. . • . the FBI and Texas Rangers. I've LOS ANGELES TIMES especially Costa Rica, where A- known tnem t0 ny for £iles over TO ALL BROTHERS AND SISTERS! mericans can work, but you need a impossible mountains in Britis~h You ore personally invited to come to the GALA OPENING of o passport. Everyone should have communeColumbia s ifon r helicopterpot, s to bust beautiful black play-Charles Gerdone's NO PLACE TO BE SOMEBODY In the last year, people have come Monday November 8th-8:l5 P.M. PABST THEATRE, 144 E.WELLS STREET s The U.S. is the best place for an - to their senses about Canada. With American to make it underground. IT'S REALLY BAD, BABY! SO DONT MISS IT! only 23 million people, it s really a It*s much bigger and more crowded, small Victorian country. And Tru- and unlike Canada, has no real uni- deau s radical roundup after last ted poiice force. Each state is a "A SHOCKER, A SHAKER UP, A TOUGH-MINDED, year's Quebec kidnappings tar- separate jurisdiction.' The FBI is TOUGH-TALKING DRAMA THAT EXPLODES ON STAGE! nished its liberal image for all primarily a clearing house for po- SPECIAL STUDENT DAY: Wednesday, November 10th time. It was also a good test run lice intelligence. If your charge Matinee performance only All tickets $2.00 w/l.£>. for this government. And in Can- isn't federal or very politically im- ada there s no such thing as illegal portant, youTl just be put in a fug- GALA OPENING NIGHT TICKETS ARE search and seizure, no presumption itive file> Go t0 another state with- ORCHESTRA, $6.50 AND $5.50-MEZZANINE CIRCLE, $5.00 MEZZANINE, $4.00-BALCONY, $3.00, of innocence. But there is a huge out leaving a trail and youTl be cool, colony of U.S. refugees to get lost Local cops have much to worry THE MILWAUKEE INNER CITY ARTS COUNCIL, INC. in. It is limbo though, unless you get about, besides chasing after some- 3811 NORTH. 20th St. MILWAUKEE WISCONSIN involved in the Canadian struggle, one else's bail jumper, and then you attract the attention of OTHER PERFORMANCESALSO AVAILABLE-NOV 8-13>,1971 the Royal Canadian Mounted Po-' MORE NEXT ISSUE TICKETS AVAILABLE AT PABST THEATRE BOX OFFICE. M *W J m MOT SO F/fc. pR0ft ZAHZAB/R. I• v* js

1122 E. VARK

COLLecTrBLRS IfORTME HW\E *D BOt>Y OPEN: Nlofcn TO 10\RM. *9 H? merrie Page 17 melodies

ITINERARY FOR BEER CITY -Electric Shit Band, Ox, Omaha. Oriental Theatre. $1.25/door. John Lee Hooker, Sam Lay Blues. Stone- Toad. $3/guys $2.50/gals (sexism ?) 11/5 -Mountain, Soup. PAC. U/7 --Leon Russell, Freddie King. Auditorium. $4.50/advanee $5.50/door (too much) -Rock 'N Roll Revival With Bill Haley and the Comets, Bo Diddley, The Shirells, and and more. Mail order only. $2-5. -Beach Boys, Yes, Jackson Brown. PAC. two shows (7&10 pm) $4.00, 4.50, 5.00. -Traffic. PAC. No further info known. feature: catacombs MARK LAGERKVIST r* 11 m ntii ami

On the corner of 31st and Wis­ ertoire, and perverto facial ex­ consin is an old four-level parson­ pressions. Vinty wore four layers age, present home of Next Door, of clothes, which he stripped off Inc., a non-profit community org­ during the length of his set. Then SnaKSM anization. In the basement of Next he dipped into his bag of goodies Door is Catacombs Coffeehouse, and pulled out a fireman's hat, a easily the top spot for good low- pair of plastic feet, or God-knows- cost music in Beer City. what, and headed into one of his Catacombs is in operation Fri­ many theatrical bedtime stories. day through Monday every weekend, After he employed the "magic and features acts such as Ox, Wood­ choir" (the audience) Vinty wrap­ bine, Omaha, Hound Dog Band, ped up a truly amazing set. Some and many others for a buck a head people headed off to the lounge, (and often less). The groups that while Frank, wearing his brand new play Catacombs are there because Catacombs t-shirt, gave a few they LIKE to play there. There Is quick announcements. a relation between audience and James and the Good Brothers performaer, which can'tbe. found in were next. They are a three-man the large concert halls or bars. Any affair from Canada, consisting of seat in the coffeehouse is a choice two acoustical guitars and an auto-, =-SeAt* People are treated as indi­ fearp, performing original folk ma­ viduals. Good vibes. terial. They have a "good" album Much of the success of Catacombs released on the Columbia label, and is due to the hard work of Frank Ha- give a praiseworthy performance. bib and his assistant, Mike Wallace, Their PA was mushy, so tney fin­ along with the time and understand-- ally wound up playing without any ing of Next Door's big cheese, By­ amplicication. The sound was ron Tweeton. Their combined ef­ clearly audible, even with a cap­ forts have built the coffeehouse acity crowd. from a mixed format into an integ­ The coffeehouse always draws a ral part of the West Sidejyouth cul­ good-mannered crowd. Not a str­ ture. The staff sees a need for per­ aight crowd, but a crowd which is< son-to-person relations within the into the music being played. No one community, which is reflected,in has to tell the crowd to respect the their policies. If a person is in musicians, because it's very evi­ need, help is available through ref­ dent that they already do. And the erences through other phases of the musicians respect the crowd. If Next Door program. But nothing is someone doesn't care for one of pushed on nobody, which is a plea­ Woodbine's songs that night, he can sant change in reference to our so­ go up to Bill Camplinandsay, **Hey ciety. Bill, I didn't like that last song," October 11 was the Special Night at And Bill will ask him why. Catacombs, with a program of At the end of his second set James and the Good Brothers, jwhieh was even better than the Chris Williamson, and Uncle Vinty. first), Uncle Vinty stripped down to, I came down with a few friends and his tie-dyed longjohns, on which the; we managed to squeeze, despite the back flap was open. Frank walked 100-plus capacity crowd. Frank's in, looked at the open back flap, policy is to make room for anyone shook his head, laughed, and walked; who comes. Unfortunately, Chris out, still shaking his head. In J &: Williamson was called back to Cal­ GB's set, Bob, lead guitarist from ifornia so Uncle Vinty and James & Ox, joined the group, for another the GB carried the four-hour load evening high point. with two sets each. Check out the Catacombs Cof­ Uncle Vinty was first up, taking the feehouse. You can bring four stage wearing a Viking outfit and pRess friends with ya, for the price of; lugging a bag of toys. A one-man one PAC ticket. act, he dominated the audience with a competent piano, an off-beat rep­ COMING TO CATACOMBS CQ-qp October 29th : Bob Allwine 30th: Blue Ridge Ramblers

November 1st: Ox 5th: Linda and Beth Mattson 6th: Stone Cohen Blues 7th: Woodbine 8th: Hound Dog Band 12fh: John Zarske 13th: Grain 14th: Omaha 15th: Ox Uncle Vinty THURSDAY. OCT. 28 11am. ATHABASCAN INDIANS of ;" Paul KbbeSon, and Max I pm; 10/6. 4:30 pm.) Alaska and what the government is 2 pm. HALLOWEEN FILM ORGY. Roach with the J.C. White singers. UWM Fireside Lounge. 506 doing to them. WUWM (89.7 FM}. Also, two sides of "Bessie Smith- 8 pm. CHAMBER ORCHESTRA of li:30 am-1:30 pm. UCH: Organic Volume 4." the Saar conducted by Antonio Jan- lunches. Cheap. Lutheran Center, 12:30 pm. UWM JAZZ ENSEMBLE. 5 pm. "BREWSTER McCLOUD." Bolton 150. 506 756 Also 7:30 pm. igro. UWM FA Recital Hall. Kenwood and Farwell, downstairs. Fireside Lounge. Free. 1:30 pm. KINDER-CINEMA: "The 10 pm. "LA VOZ DE LA RAZA." 5:30 pm. "THIS IS IT." Rae WUWM features programming Moore's program reflecting the from Milwaukee's Spanish-speak­ Black experience. ing community. Tues. thru Fri. 7 pm. ' EUCHARIST. Celebrate 11&LJ£) II pm. BUKKA WHITE featured on man's hope for the world. Coffee­ house, 631 N. 19th. "Crossroads: Blues." WUWM.

12:30 pm. "PHANTOM OF THE 1:30 pm. "GERTRUDE STEIN: THE Magic Fountain." UWM Fireside 7:30 pm. "THE LAST RESORT," WEDNESDAY, NOV. 3 OPERA". UWM Fireside Lounge. PARIS YEARS" (film). UWM Bolton Lounge. 356 756 WUWM (89.7 FM). Steve Turner, Free. 150. Free. who doubles during the day as -a 11:30. ORGANIC LUNCH. See Tues. 4 pm. "THE PHANTOM CREEPS" rocking-chair repairman, plays the 6 pm. FREE DINNER sponsored by 5 pm. ''BRAND X*', satirization of with Bela Lugosi. UWM Union best new rock albums in their en­ 4:30 pm. DANCE CONCERT. O- Sts. Boris and Gleb„ East Side TV with Warhol, others. Bolton ISO. snackbar. Free. Also Sunday. tirety. riginal works by dance students. Community Center, 911 E. Ogden. 50£ 75^. Also 7:30, 10 pm. UWM FA Theatre. 7:30 pm. "THE PIT & THE PEN­ 7 pm. COMMUNITY MEETING. 6:30 pm. "CANDIDE", Marquette 5 pm. HALLOWEEN ORGY: 5hor­ DULUM" with Vincent Price. Mar­ 7 pm. THE ARTICHOKE: How to East Side Community Center. Todd Wehr Hall, room 100. Also 9. ror films. Fireside Lounge. 506 quette McCormick Hall Cafeteria. cook and care for it. Julia Child 256 Also 9:30 pm. tells all. Channel 10. 7 pm. FLIP WILSON SHOW, Chan­ nel 4. Guests: Melba Moore and the 8 pm. GRAND FUNK. Amphithea­ ;8 pm. "GREAT AMERICAN DREAM Smothers Brothers. tre, Chicago. MACHINE." Rather serious humor about America. Controversial in­ 7:30 pm. SITAR CONCERT with 8:15 pm. SUNDAY EVENINGS OF vestigative reports. Channel 10. Ms. Ira Dasgupta and others. Ben­ MUSIC Fjne Arts Quartet with efit for East Pakistani refugees. Charles Bressler, tenor; Jeff Hol­ 8 pm. ROBERT SCHEER, former UWM Fireside Lounge. Donations. lander, piano. UWM FA Theatre. managing editor of Ramparts, will $1, $3. discuss Red China today. UWM 7:30 pm. BRAND X. Andy Warhol Union Ballroom. and others in satirization of tele­ 9 pm. BIG MAMA THORNTON at vision. UWM Bolton 150. 506 756 Alice's, 950 W. Wrightwood, Chi­ 8 pm. TEN YEARS AFTER. Am­ Also 10 pm. H| cago. phitheatre, Chicago. ilifE

8 pm. LA DOLCE VITA and "The 7 pm. "THE SEVENTH SEAL" by 9 pm. OMAHA at Catacombs, 700 8 pm. GAY PEOPLE'S UNION Critic". Community Center, 911 5 pm. BREWSTER McCLOUD Ingmar Bergman. Plymouth Ch­ Bolton 1.50. 506 756 Also 7:30,10. ft. 31st. $1. meets at Community Center, 911 E. E. Ogden. $1. urch, 2717 E. Hampshire. 756 Al­ Ogden. so 9, 11 pm. 5 pm. "NEW WORLD COMING". 11 pm. ARCHIE SHEPP featured 8 pm. BIRDBATH, drama written Local, state, and natonal environ­ on WUWM "Jazz Overtones." 8 pm. HERSTORY CLASS. Class by one of the La Mama playwrights, 8 pm. "LA DOLCE VITA". Com­ mental news. Channel 10. is held alternate Wednesdays at the starring James Farentino and Patty munity Center, 911 E. Ogden. $1. Feminist Center, 2301 N. Buffum. Duke. Channel 10. Repeated 10/30, 6:30 pm. BERKELEY FUDGE per­ 6 pm. 8 pm. DMZ MIND TROUPE. Store­ forming in Channel 10 studios. 8:30 pm. UNIVERSITY SYMPHONY front Manor, 1336 Astor. Free. ORCHESTRA and Oratorio Chorus. 8 pm. THE COMEDIANS, screen­ 7 pm. CARVE A PUMPKIN, nibble UWM FA Theatre. 756 $1.50. play of a Graham Greene novel of a 8:15 pm. MULTIMEDIA CONCERT candy-corn, meet the gathered Haitian dictatorship. Liz Taylor, Bring transistor radio for "Con­ ghosts and goblins. Coffeehouse, 9 pm. BLUE RIDGE RAMBLERS on Richard Burton, James Earl Jones, certo for Orchestra and Audience." 631 N. 19th. Channel 10. (Repeated 11/9, 6:30.) Alec Guinness. Channel 12. PAC Uihlein Hall. $2. THURSDAY, NOV. 4 pm. MIRIAM MAKEBA in con­ 8 pm. "LA DOLCE VITA" and "The cert. Arie Crown Theatre, McCor- 8:30 pm. CHILDREN'S OPERA. Critic." Community Center, 911 E. mick Place, Chicago. "Help, Help, the Globolinks," at Ogden. $1. 12:30 pm. "DANCINGMOTHERS" Alverno College Theatre, 3401 S.. (film). Fireside Lounge. Free. 9 pm. ROSALIE SORRELS and 39th. 50£ matinees,. $1 evenings. 8 pm. FREE THE THREE rally. ROBBIE BASHO at Quiet Night, Also Sat. 3 & 8 pm; Sun. 3 pm. Tom Soto of the Attica Prisoner 5 pm. "HODGEPODGE LODGE." 953 W. Belmont. Thru Sunday. Solidarity Committee will speak. Children learn about edible wild, 9 pm. "MAN OF IRAN", study of a Fellowship Church, 19th and Cen­ plants. Channel 10. 9 pm. ^SARAH VAUGHAN, JOE primitive culture. Coffeehouse, 631 ter. .$1. N. 19th St. Free. 6 pm. FREE MEAL, Community. WILLIAMS, EDDIE HARRIS, LES 8 pm. SFJGEL-SCHWALL and Joe McCANN, JIMMY SMITH. Mill Run Center, 911 E. Ogden. Community 9 pm. ALLAN MASON sings folk. Kelley Blues Band. Marquette Un­ meeting follows at 7:30. Theatre, Golf Rd. and Milwaukee ion Ballroom. MONDAY, NOV. 5 Ave., Niles, . $4.50-$6.50. Catacombs, 700 N. 31st. 756 7:30 pm. "THE OWL & THE PUS­ 9 pm. BIG MAMA THORNTON at 8:30 pm. LILLIAN GISH at. PAC SYCAT". Bolton 150. 506 756 10 pm. MILW. TENANT'S UNION Uihlein Hall. $l-$6.50. 2:15 pm. "THE ELECTRIC COM­ on WEMP (1250 AM). Alice's, 950 W. Wrightwood, Chica­ PANY," new children's program to Also 10 pm. go. Also Sat. & Sun. 8:30 pm. DANCE CONCERT. See teach reading. Broadcast at differ­ 7:30 pm. CAT STEVENS, Chicago 11 pm. FOLK MUSIC from Aber­ Friday, 8:30 pm. ent times on different days. Call Auditorium. deenshire and the Hebrides. WUWM 8:30 pm. DANCE CONCERT. Orig­ Channel 10. inal works by Dance Dept. faculty (89.7 FM). 9 pm. BIG MAMA THORNTON at 8 pm. READINGS FROM SAMUEL and traditional repertoire. UWM 5 pm. "HODGEPODGE LODGE,", FA Theatre. $1, $3. alice's, 950 W. Wrightwood, Chi­ BECKETT by Irish actor Jack Mc- FRIDAY, OCT. 29 cago. Also Sunday. children's nature program. Ch. 10. Gowran. Channel 10. 10:30 pm. MUDDY WATERS. Mar­ 7 pm. "STRUGGLE FOR CHINA." quette Union Ballroom. $1.50, $2. 9 pm. ROSALIE SORRELS and Rob­ bie Basho at Quiet Night, 953 W. James Mason narrates this docu­ Belmont, Chicago. Also Sunday. mentary on the most turbulent time 11 pm. Music of ROOSEVELT SY- in Chinese history—1900-1950. KES. WUWM (89.7 FM). 9 pm. BLUE RIDGE RAMBLERS. Channel 10. 12:30 am. BIX BEIDERBECKE fea­ - Catacombs, 700 N. 3lst. $1. tured, WUWM. SUNDAY, OCT. 31 11:30 am-lpm. ORGANIC LUNCH, SATURDAY, OCT. 30 cheap. Lutheran Center, Kenwood 10 am. SUNDAY MORNING FOR­ and Farwell, . Also Wed. 9 am. "JUST BLUES", WUWM (89. UM: "The Milwaukee River—Now 7 FM). Gospel music including and Tomorrow." First Unitarian 7 pm. FAIRY TALES redone for ad- 8 pm. PHARAOH SANDERS, Mem- the RBF album "Blues, Gospel, and Church, Astor at Ogden. ults. Channel 10. (Repeated 10/5, orial Union Theatre, Madison. r MAGOO'S LLOYD Custom bikes & accessories 'N' DAVID'S Restaurant & SISSY BARS DRAG PIPES Lounge |dro|p-in center Integrated Ownership and Staff CHROME FORK TUBES M ip^rtajnment, raps •Lunches* •Dinners* FRAME & TANK MOLDING Featuring Universal Soul Foods

CHROME EXCHANGE SERVICE ALSO HOME OF & KALEIDOSCOPE MS if you need a job or Daily 9-9 Sat. til 5 873-1590 if you need a job done, drop in or 4409 w. north ^ 8 pm. "THE KENNEL MURDER 11 pm. ELMORE JAMES featured Page 19 11 pm. ANDREW HILL and Wayne on WUWM (89.7 FM). THE PUSHER CONTINUED CASE" (film). Art Center. Shorter featured on WUWM. bloodiest battlefield in*American 9:30 pm. ICEBERG SUM (author MONDAY, NOV. 8 wednesda history, Air America's chief con­ Robert Beck) talks of his days as a tract is with the American Central pimp and the destruction of Black 7:30 pm. "MOUCHETTE." Bol­ Intelligence Agency. CHILDREN'S CHANNEL 10 DAY: ton 150. $1. womanhood through the negative "Sesame Street," "Misteroger's "Air America brings Brahmin glamor of prostitution. Channel 10. Neighborhood," "The Electric Co­ Bostonians and wealthy Wall Street- 8 pm. GAY PEOPLE'S UNION ers who are the China Lobby to­ mpany,** "Hodgepodge Lodge," meets, Community Center, 911 E. "Origami." gether with some of the most power­ Ogden. ful men in Nationalist China s fin­ ancial history. One of its princi­ pal services- has been to fly in sup­ 11 am. ATHABASCANINDIANSand port for the 'remnant* 93rd Div­ what the U.S. Government is doing ision of the KMT, the 'opium army' to them. WUWM (89.7 FM). in Burma; another has been as a major carrier of opium itself. Air 2:45 pm. BOOKMOBILE. Comes a- America is the 'official' Indochina round alternate Fridays. Commun­ airline. • A 25-year old black man ity Center 911 E. Ogden. recently returned from Indochina told Ramparts of going to Vietnam 5 pm. "THE OWL & THE PUSSY­ in late 1968 as an adventurer, hoping CAT." Bolton 150. 506 756 Al­ to get in on the dope business. But so 7:30, 10 pm. he found that the business was all 8 pm. HAMLET FILM FESTIVAL. controlled by a 'group like the Ma­ Four "weeks, four versions. This fia. It was tight and there wasn\ week, starring Lawrence Olivier. room for me. The only way he UWM FA Lectur Hall. 756 $1. could make it in the dope trade, he Also Saturday, 8 pm. says, was to go to work for Alf A- merica as a mechanic. He found 8 pm. 'WIZARD OF OZ Com­ there 'was plenty of dope in Laos—' munity Center, 911 E. Ogden. 506 lots of crystal (heroin) all over the children; $1, adults. Also 10,12 pm. place.' Air America was the only 8:30 pm. RICHIE HAVENS, Arie way to get in on it." Crown Theatre, McCormick Place, Need we say more? We could Chicago. !ff|^ go on and on with histories and doc­ umentation from the New York 11 pm. On BLUES ROOTS (WUWM), Times, Christian Science Monitor, Cam Tatham plays songs about Time, Newsweek, etc. etc. But "Mean and Evil Women." the connection is obvious: as long as the US remains tied to imperial­ SATURDAY, NOV. 6 TUESDAY, NOV. 9 8:30 pm. "FLUTE & CO." Is­ ist wars in Indochina, the heroin rael Borouchoff and others in con­ problem in America can't cease. 9 am. JUNIOR WELLS & BUDDY 11:30. ORGANIC LUNCH. Luth­ cert. UWM FA Recital Hall. 506 $1. . It may seem that the US remains GUY are featured on WUWM. eran Center, Kenwood & Farwell. involved in spite of such lucrative KALEIDOSCOPE will print events goings-on. Could our government 1 pm. 'THE WIZARD OF OZ." 10 pm. "LA VOZ DE LARAZA." of interest to the Milwaukee com­ actually condone opium smuggling? Community Center, 911 E. Ogden. Programming from Milwaukee's munity in the calendar. Send stuff to When someone like Mme. Chennault Kidz, 506 adults, $1. Also 3,8,10. Spanish community, Tues. thru Fri. Calendar, K'scope, Box 90536, Mil­ remains influential to foreign pol­ WUWM. waukee, Wise. 53202. icy it seems that it could and does. Heroin is one of the biggest busi-< nesses in the world—and Richard< Nixon is too crafty a businessman to KALEIWIED get left out of it.

Two beautiful 5-month-old kittens Switchboard needs people to offer 5 pm. "MIDNIGHT COWBOY." have to be given away. Janet, 264- crash pads to help out the homeless. 0914. If you have some spare room call Bolton 150. 506 756 Also 7:30,10. 271-3123 and leave your name and Roomate wanted-f or farm outside of phone | for Mary Anne. She will re­ Plymouth. Call 1-994-9402. turn, your call. Help out—it's getting cold! There 11 pm. THELONIOUS MONK & WES Airedale (2 years old) free to good will be legal protection for all don­ MONTGOMERY featured, WUWM. home. Todd, 272-1818. ors (no runaway hassles). SUNDAY, NOV. 7 Sandy, call Debbie—urgent. Typing done: business, legal, chem­ ical, or papers. Jean, 442-4746. 5 pm. "MIDNIGHT COWBOY." Wanted: Triumph or MG. Must run Bolton 150. 506 756 Also7:30. reasonably well and cost $200 or For sale-. Triumph TR3parts. less. Call Rick, 271-1250. Rick,. 271-i 9^n Ei-Tooral-i-ay 7 pm. FACES, Arie Crown Theatre, a, •£•>_< w. Chicago. Crisis pregnancy—need help? BIR­ THRIGHT offers alternatives to ab­ CLASSIFIED ADS cost $1 for 7:30 pm. WUWM: Steve Turner, who ortion. 272-5860. the first line and 50£ for each j-JSr * fihl doubles during the day filling Col­ additional line. Figure 30 units COMING! onial style lamps with peppermint Room to rent: seperate entrance, per line. Every single letter, oil, plays the best new rock albums cooking facilities, private bath. $80 space, punctuation mark or •num­ HF. flGS*^* m^B "Now 1 seen you down in in their entirety. a month. Ms. Burke, 964-9071. ber is a unit. To place an ad, send it with •L -"--* M 9 pm. KIM MARTELL (blues &jazz) Babysitting: student in exchange for the money, your name, address, San Antoine on a hot and JENNIFER, lead of LA Hair, room & board. 2 children, 3 blocks and telephone number to K-Scope, are featured on a new music show on from UWM. Ms. Burke, 964-9071. P.O. BOX 90526, Milw., 53202. and dusty night." Channel 10. W^y^^^wt

=»r M tl

How'dya like to 1 '©©SKHMS have me ever near- ready at your beck and call?! @©M TOM P.ILLIE B.SHEARS FILM SOCIETY OH LOgden ADMISSION $1 don. SUBSCRIBE HOMER AND 26 ISSUES $5.00 52JSSUES $9.00 HORACE INDEFINITELY $25


NAME...... AGE. ADDRESS CITY ZIP CODE STATE I NOV. 13 7:30 & 9:30 KALEIDOSCOPE P.O. BOX 90526 53202 if i|w, km it to tUi 4I|UMI


etocwt tie wotfd & X of MO* • % i

in Milwaukee's PAC, Vogel Hall Starring § Dentse Le Brun Henri Noel Bill Copeland Bill McClaren AnnMortifee Fran Uditsky

PERFORMANCES: Sun,, Tues,, Wed., Thurs. Tues.-Wed., 7:30 p.m. Orchestra $6.25-$5 25 Thurs.-Fri., 8:00 p.m. Balcony $4.25 Sat.# 9:00 p.m. Fri., Sat. | Sun., 7;00 p.m. Orchestra $6.50-$5.50 Matinee Performances Balcony $4.50 Sat., 5:00 p.m. Sat.-Sun. Matinee Sun., 3:00 p.m. Orchestra $4.50-$3.75 Balcony $3.00

For Reservations stop at the Performing Arts Center Box Office 929 N. Water St., Milwaukee Or Phone 273-7121 Tickets Available at Gimbels Downtown and All Sears Stores Page 10

The Milwaukee Journal loves to to refuse paid advertising for a pretend it's liberal, show awards seminar on the occult held Oct. for excellence conferred by other 16 and 17 at the Plankington House sectors of the same establishment, sponsored by Sanctum Oeneus and Sanctum Regnum, Milwaukee and MAKING IT UNDERGROUNbadly you're wanted yoDu may be ab­ and boast of how it serves the 15% Madison shops which deal in such law Nation: cultural, political, and thing that keeps the courts from le to stay in the same state or you of Milwaukee's population which is This is nart-1-2 in a series of 6 may have to split the country en­ Black. items as tarOt cards, herbs, and in­ parts dealing with making it in the sometimes militant guerrillas. collapsing is that 9/10 of all defen­ cense. underground. Dana Beal is await­ You can do virtually anything on the dants plead to a lesser charge, re­ tirely. But dig it; you have to dis­ Several recent decisions by the Featured at the seminar was the appear without a trace, probably Journal Co.'s advertising depart­ siderable money into the eight so- cities carried the ad: Boston and ing trial on a series of dope char­ lam, as long as you're not part of / lieving the state of its burden of called Bantu settlements, which are Washington, D.C. super-respectable Institute of Par- ges. He lived in Milwaukee as a the tiny minority of fugitives the proof. you were busted in the first place ment show that the money end of apsychological Research, which re­ because your scene was leaky sec­ things around Journal Square is parcels of undesirable land where Yippie organizer under several "authorities" are actively pursu­ If you have a misdemeanor charge the apartheid government forces , Another interesting Journal ad is searches hypnotism, ESP, and o- names: Paul Yippie and Jim Crewe ing—and as long as you observe ,--a year or less--you really urity-wise. To stick around, or let less hypocritical than the editorial the one WOKYhas been running re­ ther topics which may be vierd but your new location become common side of the paper. Africans to relocate from cities and the most well-known. some simple security rules, Iknow shouldn't skip out. To do it right cently for a scheduled "women's can hardly be described as witch­ I did it myself for 3 1/2 years. takes a year anyway. And jail can be knowledge, leaves you prey to all There's good money in racism and more lucrative lands. The BIC, the world" shindig.. Of course, this is Journal ad says, "anticipates craft. The reason stated by the My forced exile and subsequent quite salutory—a reality trip- Be­ the same informers and gossips sexism and both have been profit­ in direct competition with the pur­ Journal's "copy control manager" who bask in what they "know." able to Journal ad salesmen in re­ spending a further $145.6 million I. experiences certainly don't paral­ sides getting caught up on your ported "For Women Only" station, (where was he when South Africa Originally all victimless crim­ reading, you re reminded what real • Go somewhere totally new. Build cent weeks. on Black homeland development in WFWO-FM. lel those of the%ernardine Dohrns the next five years"—and you can spent nearly a thousand dollars to inals were spoken of as the "under­ or Karl Armstrongs, but most fugi­ oppression is. You get to know up a whole new identity and circle On Oct. 15, a quarter page ad ap­ WOKY claims that it's the sta­ spread racist lies?) was an irrev­ of friends and contacts. It's not peared in the Journal, placed thr­ bet the Vorster government would ground'*—the culture of illegal peo­ tives in this country aren't being your enemy, their psychology, how gladly spend even more to maintain tion that's "really" for women only ocable company policy against any­ ple forced into hiding their lives on to use words against them as well as easy. Before you were somebody ough a New York ad agency by the actively sought. They're wanted for with friends, lovers, a reputation to control over the Black majority and promises all the things that thing dealing with ESP and other the margins of society—not be­ relatively petty stuff (misdemean­ weapons. Unless you have some­ white racist government of the Re­ WASP male executives decide wo­ psychic phenomena. smooth your way. Now you'll go public of South Africa, at a national population. cause of crimes against persons or ors and noncapitol felonies) like. I thing really important to do, or they men are interested in...beauty tips, The company policy apparently is property, but the consequence of don't have positive evidence on you, unrecognized, a stranger. The advertising rate slightly over $700. Asked whether the controversial etc. was. I'm in jail now because I cops are counting on you to react only in effect when people who oper­ honkoid regimentation: draft dod­ just got tired of following rules of it's better to fight a misdemeanor The message began, "Habakuk nature of the ad resulted in any dis­ The most interesting part of the ate a small "occult" store or two gers, pot smokers, gays, AWOL and then get the time over with. to this harsh isolation by renewing Shikwane Is a Black Capitalist," a- security I knew perfectly well. cussion or hesitancy at the Journal, ad is the part promising guests in­ want to buy space. When a multi- military, runaways, and deviants of contact with the old scene. So they bove a phot of an African male at­ the salesman who handled the ad re­ All I can do with my "whatif's..,"" will keep up surveillance of your cluding "Irene Hughes, physic."In­, million-dollar corporation, con­ all kinds. As the corporate police .and "if only's..." is lay down some II. tired in the western businessman's plied that the ad came in mat form trolled by establishment males state collided with the political/ family and close friends, at least suit and tie costume. Alongside a teresting particularly in view of the pointers for keeping your freectom Jumping bail commits you to seven and ran without any changes or con­ same paper's, advertising decision (Bartell Media, operators of W- cultural liberation, movements of years (Statute of Limitations) of for a while. To go underground determined-looking Brother Shik­ templated changes. Only two other OKY), chooses to advertise'Irene the 60's, tens of thousands of us be­ for those activists and whatnot you've got to temporarily ampu­ still at large, or might be some day. keeping out of pigs' paws. It's true wane, the ad copy went on to explain Hughes, physic" then the unknown came actual fugitives, forced into that after several years you may be tate yourself from all of your rela­ that he owns "Africa's largest cane becomes nothing to be feared. the underground's sub-basement. Going underground is one of two able to deal through an attorney and tions hps. furniture plant and will soon be ex­ Some were content to survive be­ political responses to a bust. It's reach a settlement of your charges, Leaving the country altogether porting to the United States." Media such as the Journal, WOKY, etc. are themselves dealers in ma­ hind a striaght front. Others an act of sabotage. You force the but should you be busted in the can be useful, if you have the ID, The propaganda went on to explain gic (evil magic, not people's magic) couldn't stop fighting to exist. Once cops to spend valuable time engag­ but it's no perfect solution. Mex­ that the Bantu Investment Corpora­ ing in at least a perfunctory search. meantime while running, you'll by using techniques of mass hyp­ we re-established ourselves, we have a hard time getting bail set. ico is a bummer, unless ypu have tion helped the African capitalist nosis for their own evil ends. found little difference between our The alternative is to fight your money. Americans can't work get it together and has pumped con­ charge every step of the way in You could sit in jail until trial new predicament and the others time, and some judges consider there. Central America is better, who were leading a semi-clandest­ court, and tie down the legal appar­ atus, wasting their time and money. bail-jumping an admission of guilt. ine life by choice. Fugitives be­ Depending on the charges ana how CONTINUED PAGE 16 came the hard core of the new out­ Never cop a quick plea. The only

FALLOPIAN TUBES =?*= =*fc tissues and bloody matter that is the embryo. Nowadays this is almost pregnant. If you're beyond that point by the time you find out you're The Women's Center, people connected with the center, and other always done with a machine called a vacuum aspirator, but the older pregnant or decide to have an abortion or find the place to get it, you groups throughout the city have been doing abortion counselling and re­ method, dilatation and curettage (D & C) is still considered safe and will probably have a saline abortion. Salines are more expensive, more dangerous, more painful, and more traumatic than early abor­ ferral for a long time. Because there are so many women who don't effective. The vacuum method, however, is quicker, safer, and less SPERM SWIMMING AROUND ever get good abortion information, and because we felt that there was painful. tions, so when you suspect you're pregnant, it's important to work fast. no reason our information should be secret, the Women's Center de­ When you go to have an abortion, you will lie on a table just as if A saline requires hospitalization because it induces labor. Clinics cided to make our knowledge public. you were having a routine vaginal examination, flat on your back with which handle salines have working with local hospitals. Of course, we are always glad to answer any questions and have your knees up and feet in stirrups. The doctor will insert a speculum, A small area of skin below the navel is locally anesthetized. A long listed other organizations which may also be helpful. We are open on as he does for a vaginal exam, to hold open the vagina. needle is inserted into the uterus, some amniotic fluid from inside the Tuesday and Thursday, 7-9 pm; Saturday 1-5. If an anasthetic is used at all, it will be injected behind the cervix. uterus is withdrawn and replaced with a salt solution. This kills the Women's Center The shot doesn't hurt because the cervix has no nerve endings. Some­ fetus. Generally when a fetus dies inside the womb, whether or not 911 E. Ogden, room 9 times a general anasthetic is used, but it makes everything more com­ from "natural" causes, the woman will miscarry. In clinics, the in­ 933-4783 plicated, increases the chance of blood loss, and isn't really neces­ jection is given at the clinic, the woman goes somewhere to await la­ sary. Most women are not in great pain during an abortion, and put­ bor, and when labor begins, Is sent to a hospital, where she usually =W= ^*= =ae ting someone "to sleep" greatly alienates them from their own bodies. stays a couple of days. Even if it is unpleasant, many women want to be in touch with what's The methods above are the ones most commonly in use. Abortion One thing it means to be a woman is being able to get pregnant. To happening to them and resent the use of general anasthetic in abortion should only be undertaken with a doctor's care. There are no pills, many women, this is a drag—not only because they don't want to have procedures and, more dramatically, in childbirth. medicines, suppositories, or anything else that will "cure" pregnancy. children, but also because in this male-oriented world, anatomy is In order for the abortion instruments (curette or aspirator) to enter In other words, if you're pregnant, hot baths, douches, falling down the destiny. the uterus, the cervix must be stretched. The cervix is the barrier stairs, coat hangers, castor oil, etc. won't work and coujd do you Here's what happens to your body when you get pregnant: when a man between the uterus and the vagina. Usually it's about as big as a pin­ serious harm. comes (has an orgasm) inside you his sperm are carried into the va­ hole, but it's capable of stretching enough to let a baby through. For gina, pass through the cervix (see diagram), and into the fallopian abortion purposes, it only has to be stretched about as wide as the tube. If fertilization (union of egg and sperm) takes place, it happens circumference of afinger. This is usually done with a series of metal in the fallopian tube, where the egg has traveled from the ovary. The rods, or dilators. The doctor inserts them one at a time, starting with EGG SURROUNDED BY SPERM OVARIES impregnated egg cell begins immediately to divide and grow, and the smallest and working up. This is occasionally uncomfortable, u- moves to the uterus, where it gets surrounded by blood (for nourish­ sually described as similar to menstrual cramps. The doctor then ment) and implants itself in the uterine wall. When that happens, a either scrapes the inside of the uterus with a curette (an instrument woman is pregnant. somewhat resembling a grapefruit spoon), or uses the aspirator, which - •%• =*= s»fc =»%= EASTGATE CLINIC (New York)—| The most common sign of pregnancy is a missed period. The best sucks the tissues into a tube out of the vagina into a collection bottle. (Another advantage of this method is that the contents of the bottle can (516) 294-0580 or 741-4500. You time to get a pregnancy test is 2 weeks after the period is due. Tests COUNSELING can call collect. before that time are not always accurate. Some women don't always be examined to see if all the tissues are there, if it's normal, etc.) have a period, and occasionally women bleed during pregnancy, so a Often the doctor will also go around the uterus with a curette as an ex­ CLINICS This clinic does vacuums ($200) missed period isn't always accurate. Some other signs of pregnancy tra measure. The whole operation takes, about 20 minutes. and salines ($400). They own a ho­ SERVICES tel if you need to stay overnight. Al­ are fatigue, dizziness, nausea, swollen and/or darkened breasts. If Most women are at least a little freaked out before an abortion for a MIDWEST MEDICAL CENTER you suspect you are pregnant, get a test as soon as possible. (Madison)—(608) 274-1944. so they own a cab service, which number of reasons: fear of pain, fear of death, social pressures, con­ WOMEN'S CENTER, 933-4783. will pick you up at La Guardia air­ Generally a pregnancy test consists of urinating in a paper cup and fusion, etc The important thing is to relax. The more freaked out you PLANNEDPARENTHOOD 271- Sometimes they're too busy to an­ having the urine chemically tested. Different kinds of tests take any­ swer the phone (there's no full- port—$5 extra. are and the more you resist what is happening to your body, the more 8181, Eastgate requires that a woman be where from a few minutes to a day. discomfort you will feel. It's like when you're going to have a shot, if CLERGY CONSULTATION, 352- time receptionist), but keep trying, If the test is "positive", you're pregnant. Usually the place where There's a long waiting list. 17 years of age, or with authorized you tense up, it hurts much more. So try not to be afraid; many women 4050. They have connections with parental consent. They are very ef-j you got the test will give you a gynecological examination to confirm feel no pain at all. Most women do find it uncomfortable—again, sim­ a clinic in New York and can get Policy fluctuates on what inf orma- the pregnancy. If this is not routinely done, you should request it. . tion is needed. Sometimes women ficient, to the point of making some ilar to menstrual.cramps. price reductions there. For un­ women feel uncomfortable. The A doctor can usually tell by the condition of the uterus and cervix After a D & C or vacuum aspiration, you may bleed for a couple of derage women with parental prob­ are asked to bring a statement from whether a woman is pregnant and for how long. The length of preg­ a doctor that they are pregnant, or routinely give a general anasthetic days. It's a good idea to take It easy for a while; don't strain your­ lems, they can be helpful. How­ unless you request otherwise—also nancy Is usually determined by the date of the first day of the last self, but you don't have to stay in bed either. Most doctors give you ever, all counselors but one are what kind of blood they have—some­ period. For example, if a woman is ten days late and usually has times not. Ask the receptionist. Intravenous feeding and lots of antibiotics to take home with you. Often you're given a shot of pen­ men. shots. her period every 28 days, she is considered 38 days pregnant. When icillin or something to guard against infection. \ WOMEN'S COUNSEUNGSERVICE It's always good to have ID proving considering an abortion, it is particularly important for a woman to The procedures above only apply if you're up to about 12 weeks When you suspect that you are pregnant, first of all get a test as fast (Madison), (608) 255-9149. that you're 21, though if you're 18 get a pelvic exam, to make sure that there are no abnormalities or as possible (see list). If the test is positive, you may want to talk to and can prove self-support, or if problems. someone about the alternatives, how you feel, and so on. If you have you're under 18 and bring your par­ When we get pregnant and don*t want to be, sometimes it's because any questions at all, call one of the places listed that give abortion ents, that's okay too. HOSPITALS we're careless, but more often it's because there's really no decent Operating unit for vacuum curettage. counseling. If you have made up your mind that an abortion is what you The clinic does vacuum abortions method of birth control around. When birth control falls or we don't want, just call and make an appointment. to 75 days (from first day of last H you're married and have insur­ use it, we're faced with a lot of heavy decisions. Just because our series period). The price is $200, some­ ance, it might be worthwhile to look /*••' '**TJemX connector Be sure to tell the person making the appointment how pregnant you bodies are physically capable of bearing a child doesn't mean that to patient Hyl hose are. If you have hemophilia, heart disease*diabetes, tumors, kidney 1 FREE times less if you have a good sob into a hospital abortion. However, - we're ready to take the responsibility for a child, or want one right disease, epilepsy, or any chronic disease mention this also. If you story. There is one doctor; the at­ many women complain that they're |, now, or even necessarily like kids. have Rh blood, sometimes it costs more for special drugs. Ask. mosphere is fairly friendly. not treated well, there's a lot of red Because of the repressive "morals" we all grew up with, many For a saline, obesity (fatness) can be a problem. Some clinics , for PREGNANCY tape (usually husband's consent and women find it hard to think of terminating a pregnancy. Anti-abort­ their own protection, will choose not to treat you if you're in serious psychiatrists' notes are required), ion campaigns and puritanism scream "Murderer I" at the woman who medical shape. A hospital may be your only choice. TESTS WOMENS ABORTION PROJECT and you usually must stay overnight decides she doesn't want to have a baby. Some women undergo such If you're a doper, it's a good idea to lay off speed, trancs, LSD, (New York)—(212) 691-2063. at least. Sometimes women with guilt feelings, often brought on by parents, relatives, employers, O Always have pregnancy confirmed This is a counseling service and Title 19 can't get an abortion else­ and narcotics for a few days before an abortion. Remember, an ab­ etc. after an abortion that it might have been better to give the baby ortion is an operation, though a simple one, and your body will heal by a doctor before making an ap­ the women involved are extremely where unless they come up with up for adoption. Analyze your own feelings about yourself, children, itself faster and guard against infection if it's healthy to start with. pointment for an abortion. helpful and friendly. They have a cash. your lover. Don't let anyone push you into a decision either way; you In fact, it's a good idea to have a thorough medical examination be­ list of doctors and they make the ap­ This list Is not at all complete. have to decide what's best for YOU. fore an abortion. FREE CLINIC pointment, tell you how to get there, Arrangements can be made_wlth Having an abortion is statistically safer than carrying the pregnancy 2390 N. Lake Dr. answer any questions, etc. $110 is private doctors at "their" hosit- Some women get infections after having an abortion; occasionally 271-VICE for hours . als, but our experience with hospit­ to term. It's also cheaper. When abortions are illegal, many more other complications arise. If you can swing it, get checked by a the usual price—$10 for the service women get sick or even die as a result of poorly done procedures. and $100 for the doctor (if an early als is that they generally aren't doctor 4 weeks or so afterwards. Tell him you've had an abortion. worth the hassle. Legalizing abortion is one way of making sure that women get more He may be a pig about it, but he has to check you and see if you're n abortion). They also help with sal­ competent medical care. 27TH ST. PEOPLE'S FREE CLINIC ines. If you're around the border­ all right. At this point you can get some birth control if that's what LUTHERAN: Must be done through In Wisconsin it's legal to terminate a pregnancy if the mother's you need and don't have. 964 N, 27th St. line of 12 weeks, it's .good to call 344-5141 them or Eastgate (below), as both a doctor. Andrew Boyd, Robert physical or mental health is in danger. When a woman has an abortion It's possible to get pregnant immediately following an abortion. in a hospital, she is usually required to "prove her instability" with West side residents only, please. groups handle ail abortion cases.. Reik, John Bunke, and Lionel Ser­ Doctors differ on their attitudes on fucking. Yours will tell you what vice have been known to cooperate. notes from a psychiatrist. Some shrinks are sympathetic and will he thinks; opinions range from a few days to a month. Intercourse does write notes for women who have decided they want to have an abortion. PLANNED PARENTHOOD $500 for an early abortion. increase the possibility of infection, but usually if you aren't sore, DR. MICHAEL BERGMAN (New Hospitals are too expensive andtoomuch hassle for most women to don't have an Infection, and feel like it, it's all right. 536 W. Wisconsin deal with. Unless you have money (in some cases, Title 19 pays for 271-8181 York)—(516) 538-5540. MT. SINAI: If you can get in as an Health care in this country leaves much to be desired. Abortion by FREE This is a real friendly clinic. The outpatient, the price is reasonable Must make appointment. hospital abortions), are married (many hospitals require your hus­ its nature is rarely a happy or positive experience, but the high cost, band's consent), and feel like spending up to several days in the hos­ doctor is nice, pretty young (as are (pay according to need). Call Joan illegality, red tape, doctors' attitudes (and friends' and parents' and STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES the nurses); the atmosphere is in­ Broussard, a social worker, 27i- pital, it's probably better to go to one of the clinics which have been societys'), and air of secrecy and evil surrounding it make the ex­ set up all over the country to specifically handle abortions. UWM: 228-4716 formal. Prove that you're 21 and 2174. Mt. Sinai is notorious for poor perience a bummer for many women. The abolition of abortion laws medical care. The process of terminating pregnancy is medically fairly simple, could be a start towards making having an abortion no heavier an ex­ Marquette: 224-7185 bring $150. Early abortions only. particularly in early pregnancy. "Early" is defined as up to about perience than going to the dentist. 3 months. The inside of the uterus is simply "cleaned out" of the NF0 ^T ^«= =»i= =*=