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BREAD & CIRCUSEsee page three S

HITTING THE ^Q^ SPOTS o Page 2, Kaleidoscope no.99 NEWS BLURTS FREEWAYIN' FRANKLIN of these exclusive God Freaks- since repression will only draw Arch-enemy of the freeway. more people into their move­ Jay Franklin, is on the prowl ment. (Nero learned that lesson). again. This time Jay has launch­ Right now the glitter is coming ed a two-pronged attack on the off the Jesus Movement for many freeway. (For those of you who people and the best tactic would don't remember the freeway, it's be to just let them die of their that big concrete thing that's going own accord. through our community just N. GET A JOB of Ogden) This most* recent attack started with ' an all out The most common remark heard charge on Asst. D.A. Wm. Gard­ about welfare recipients is "Why ner's office by about a dozen peo­ don't they get a job and support ple. They charged that the free­ themselves like the rest of us way had violated certain laws, and have to do". So, a group of^ demanded that the criminals be welfare mothers went to a place brought to trial. Mr. Gardner called Ethnic Enterprises. The said he would investigate their s company location across the charges. street from the welfare office Then the dirty dozen moved on 12th and Miet is very con­ across the plaza to the court­ venient considering the nature of house. There they moved on their business. They do sub­ Judge Landry's court and in one contract work for Allen-Bradley, quick move asked for a and American Motors. For this Doe investigation into the EX- work which union labor would be way. Judge Landry then explain­ payed $3.60 an hour, Ethnic pays ed the conditions of a John Doe former welfare recipients $1.60. and a preliminary investigation People have a right to the same was started. If you have been pay for the same job. For more fucked over by the expressway information contact: Welfare then you have crucial evidence, Rights, 1323 N. 12th St. 344-7171. LATINS, PIGS,& A - please contact Jay Franklin through our office. And remem­ FREE THE THREE ber, once it's there it's too late- stop it now. Once again the cry of "free the By the way, the freeway foes three" rings out over the land.(not LIBERAL LUCEY have come up with some new the Milw 3 this time, but the chants which include; Ho- Ho- camp McCoy 3). The three are On July 7, Governor Lucey vis­ Valdez, editor of LA GUARDIA, that the East Side was having with Ho Chi Minn - we're gonna do the accused - of bombing assorted ited Milwaukee, but unlike his told Lucey of the problems with the police. Lucey indicated that freeway in, and One, Two, Three, buildings at camp McCoy last July predesesor he didn't come to open the police in the community. He he realized that the city was Four, we won't let that concrete 26 - this year the "3" are out a shopping center,, or- a car wash. stated that there was less crime about "to blow", and said, 'That's, pour! i$4*lfl on bail, and an attempt to raise Lucey, an "opponent" of the war, in the Spanish-speaking commun- . why I'm here". HASSELING WITH »DA LAW support for them is going on right was here to try to keep another ity during the police strike, than But even as Lucey was in the now. On July 24 there will be a front from opening up in Milw­ there is when the police are work­ city to investigate the actions Trouble with the police has demonstration in support of the aukee. ing. Lalo then gave Lucey a file of our men in blue, the repression been reported all over the East "3", so take a ride out in the The Spanish speaking community • of 50 documented cases of police and harrasment was continuing- Side despite the fact that Officer country or if you don't want to go is very ups et over the fact that two brutality. except this time they were watch­ Drew, "Madman", Halvorson has alone or need a ride meet at the police officers shot at some Latin Tony Baez then read a state­ ing the governor. not been seen for awhile. Hassles University YMCA, 300 N. Brooks, kids and got away with it. Both. ment asking for the immediate Yes folks, your old friend and have been reported from North in Madison at 11:00 am. the Black and Chicano cummuni- removal of District Attorney Mike mine Harry from the Red Squad and Prospect, where is is almost McCann and Police Chief Harold, nightly trouble. People have ties have been very tense lately, was there keeping a watchful eye WELCOME TO OLD TOWN so Lucey decided to try putting Breier on grounds that they were on that subversive, anti-war gov­ 'fceen bothered because they don't his finger into the Ghetto dike. not "serving the people". ernor. It took two calls to the meet the "legal" age to be out Even as a liberal "fact-finding" Lucey indicated his concern chief by Lucey to get Harry and on the streets, or because the I don't know if you have been trip, Lucey's vist didn't come off about what happened but said he his slueths pulled out. cops "suspect" that they've been unf ortuante enough to be on Brady too well. The only benefit the did not know what he could do, drinking, or just because the offi­ St. lately on a Friday night or I found it to be a rather in­ Saturday afternoon, but I have. Latin community got out of the as governor of the state he has formative trip to th South Side, cers are looking for something visit was a promise for tempor­ no control over the police, etc. and I'm sure the governor did to. to do. Now how tropical fish, or ary funding for their daycare Then he promised to try to But it will amaze a lot of people At Brady and Farwell, condi­ animals at the zoo feel. After center, r. • arrange a meeting with Mayor if anything more than the daycare tions are almost the same. People freeking out totally one day, I At a meeting with the commun­ Maier, Breier and McCann in the center funds, and probably more over and under the curfew age discovered that someone had an ity at the Concentrated Employ-, near future. police harrasment of the organiz­ are being hassled because they alternative to what was going on. ment program office, Lalo Later, some people taked to" ers comes out of this. trip. are young and have long hair. The plan is simple, just close Lucey and explained the problems By Rick King. Some- police officers are dumb Brady St. to all traffic on Satur­ enough, to think that there is still day afternoons for the rest of the a no loitering ordinance - while summer. For the merchants who other' cops know better and tell might freek out at such an idea, the kids to "move along" or should realize that closing the they will be arrested for disor­ street would mean a "Brady St. derly conduct. Also there have Festival" ail summer longl been a lot of illegal searches. In order to make this idea Police have the right to search work we will need the help of you only if you're under arrest the whole community; petitions or if they spot something suspi­ will have to be signed and pre­ cious under your clothers, or sented to Aid Calhoun. If this believe that you might be carry­ plan should fail, we could always ing a gun.(a tab of acid doesn't follow the example of the Yellow make much of a "gun-like" Stone bears and kill the tourists buldge). and eat them. You also don't have to take your boots off. If you refuse you may BIG BOY BOLONGA be charged with resisting or obstructing an officer, although Big Boy on North has hroken such cases are very shaky. that great American Tradition of And in still another part of the tmaking people who can't pay the East Side by the old folks home check stay and wash dirty dishes. on Arlington and Kane the police Instead they offer you another have been hassleing kids for being meal free; only this one is stale on the grass(The kind that you bread, bolonga, and luke-warm walk on not the kind you smoke) black coffe. This meal is not They were asked for LD.'s and served by BB's overworked wait­ then told to stay away from there. resses however, but by those The heat's on,^ so watch it, as friendly people at the city slam­ always. mer. It's strange how the cops JESUS FREAKS GET BLASTED can arrest someone for trying to get a little free food when they're Sometime late Monday night, in the BB every night garbaging July 19, a would-be Pontius Pi­ up. People have actually been run late crucified a window at the in for being as little as It cent Jesus Freak coffeehouse on short on their bill. Don't patron­ Brady. The tactic of the mad ize Pig Boy! bombers was a bad one -assum- . By Rick King. ing you want to rid the community Seize the Time!

The Agape St. Theatre, a young no pay, but living expenses will experimental theatre group on be provided. Milwaukee's East Side, will be The Agape St. Theatre will also performing in SEIZE THE TIME be moving into their own place (based on the book by Bobby Seale) in the fall where they will pro­ at summerfest July 23. duce plays which will be free to The group had hoped to take this the public. They will also need and another show to Madison and a stage manager who will be Louisville, Ky. in August. In able to work on a shoestring order to do so, they will need budget. For more information some more actors. There is call 964-4086 or the Art Co-op after 6:00 pm. Kaleidoscope no. 99. Page 3 YIPPIE CAPTURED/ and long gone. Heads almost Madison—July 14. 1971 has operated under enough alias es to fill a phone directory. This rolled on the Milw. Subversive Dana Beal,' j Paul Yippie*'' * Jim - was caused by his police-forced Squad for this "oversight". Crewe" has been captured. The exile from NYC in late fall of Latest information from the many nameH founder of the old 1967 after back to back drug Freek Bureau of Investigation Proves on 's Lower busts threatened to put him away placed him in Washington D.C East Side (an extension of the for 20 years. at the 2nd Annual July 4th smoke- Dutch Provos) and the originator The Milwaukee movement knew in, just prior to his capture. of the (1967) him best as "Paul Yippie" and Rumor Control in Madison says Smoke-Ins in the city's parks "Jim Crewe", but was never that ' 'cros sing state lines to incite (and on the run ever since) was aware of the exact nature of his riots" (5 years & $10,000) is in arrested on the outskirts of Mad­ alledged illegal status during the the FBI's framed picture plan for ison by several carloads of Fe&- 4 years he was underground. To Beal. eral and state agents, including the communities that he worked The original dope charge against some longhair narks. in, he brought a catalog of infor­ Beal, as in the case of John Sin­ Arrested in Madison along with mation on the East Coast youth clair, founder of the now-defunct Beal was a young woman who has culture movement and its leaders. White Panther Party, masks the been charged with 3 counts of "Paul Yippie" thus acquired a govt's political motives for getting "assault on a police officer, re­ legendary reputation as he travel­ him. The level of freek community sisting arrest, disorderly conduct ed cross-country chained by pur­ energy and aiding the escape of a federal suit. produced partly by Provo organi­ fugitive". A restraining order The FBI stuck its snout into zing on the has barring the woman from visiting Dana's case after his first bust never been repeated since «the yippie Beal was also obtained by involving a federal nark in Aug., group was busted apart by police police. The woman was released 1967. is holding Beal informers and the arrest and in the custod y of her parents .- on alledged drug offenses in Mad­ exile of Provo leaders. Immedi­ Beal was similarity charged, ison and a bail-jumping charge ately after Dana's first arrest, plus pinned with marijuana po- dating back to last November's several thousand freeks demanded DANA BEAL session and outstanding dope war­ police raid of the Milwaukee YIP his release with a demonstration rants, including federal charges; 'Oakland House". His real ident­ in front of the jail he was being A.K.A. Known as Dana Beal only in New ity at the time of the Nov. raid held captive in. PAUL YIPPIE York and his home town of Lans­ wasn't learned by the Milwaukee ing, Mich., the psychedelic advo­ Police or FBI until days after Continued Pg. 12 cate and cultural revolutionary he had been bailed out of jail

Everyone goes to the zoo, and when the city plans out the Greatest Show on Earth, why not bring the kids? The Human Zoo.. .a circus with 100,000 rings* Most of it was a bummer. Very few things scare me, but 10 minutes in the Midway did it. Is this what we are coming to? (Giant Killer Rats, womer^being tortured, more.) Goddamn! take the Midway out! Enter here.. .$1.50 (parking was another buck... had to walk a mile) Free music, free theatre, free films, (tiny glass of Coke-25$, beer-50$, genuine ethnic dinner- $3.00, tram ride-75<:) Why can't they plan for the people? Wait for 15 minutes to use the John. Flea Market... .very contemporary. They must have moved most of Brady St. LEFT: Top, Judy Collins down there. Bobby Sherman on stage Sun. playing to a crowd Fri. nite.. .2 dozen teenies get crushed up in opening nite; Center, a front, Red Cross tent is at the other end. centrifuge-ozone trip on Rap with the promoter. They're making a Gooding's carny/ Below, good profit this year. (How many welfare Jose Feliciano shedding mothers got to see the show? How many some much needed sun. inner-city kids got free rides on the MI I— ••^••••••^•^^••••^ Uon Dollar Midway?) Spend 50$ for hot dog, now try to find the water supply. Good for business , good for the people. People were going to boycott Summerfest, remember ? Barbed wire around the stage. Paranoia about the Jackson-Five gig Thursday. Switchboard people doin' acid rescue. No communicatin' cause the po-l?ce have all the phones. They say, "We'll handle any major problems!" Tuesday was Blues night. They handle a few right off to jail. DEMAND? Yes. Demand that the poor get community support from the profits... last year was $200,000. Demand that Gooding's quits profiting from sexism, sadism, and old-time carnival fraud See how easy it is? Now, come on, it's just a half a buck. Demand normal food prices, adequate toilets or just let the city , Jki ... roll right on. Next year it'll be a PICTURE CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 Photos and text by AI Altendorf BIGGER AND BETTER..^ CLEAN UP YR MESS

Dear Editor- Why don't people clean up their damn messes? I just moved into an appartment on the East Side - on Cambridge off Brady to be exact, and the apartment looked real nice when I viewed it because it had carpets covering up the floor. When J moved in and the carpets were gone, that SICK,SICK, goes over and kicked the guy would have been in Milwaukee so they were covering up two inches twick to wake him up(nice way that I could have taken part in; of crudl Now this is the ninth PIG NEWSPAPER to wake up). them. I was in Milw. for only of July, and all that Ihave done is The poor soul was kind of drunk a nite on business but could have the living room and the kitchen. Mr. Kaleidoscope Editor: and it (Drew Oinker) probably arranged to stay longer had I Istill have to bedroom and bath­ freaked the living shit out of known where the action was. room to do yet before my place We are sick of your Male Chau- him. He wasn't able to say too This brings me to the reason would seem clean. Aand people, vanist pig newspaper. In your much, so our man Drew called I am writing to you. I was please when you put posters on the July 1-14 issue you had only me and the brothers over and hoping that you could send me a calls can't you stick thumb tacks male cocks on every page, ugh, asked if we knew the cat. We listing of places in Milw. where in them so they don'd leave it makes us, the members of all sez no. Upon learning that the action is such as a few bars, brown marks all over the place? women gay lib, sick, sick. We we were of no more use to him, etc. I'm not much of a bar Clean off your window sills once will stop selling and buying Kalei- he bellowed, "get the hell out of hopper but realize that if I am in a while tool Make people glad doscope if it keeps showing cock, here, I don't need an audience!". going to make i. contact I will to move in a clean apartment. cock, nudi girls and other shit. We all thought, "Fuck him" and have to go where I can meet One more thing, if you live in The stories are anti-female, how peacefully strolled back to our others who are also interested. an apartment with rugs in it, can you fuck up in each issue. corner. Then(after he threw the I am 26 but not too experienced even if they don't belong to you, We are getting sick of your guy in the wagaon) he came up to us for my age so I am anxious to it doesn't cost that much to wash and your paper, we may make and sez"get the hell outa here, make up for lost years. Hope them once in a while. I know that our own to combat your male If i see you punks here again, you that you will be able to help me there are quite a few people that ohauvanist pig views. are all going to jail". Again we get out of the closet and make feel the same way that I do, so think"Fuck him" but so as not the remainder of the summer please people- Clean up your Linn Wight. to be busted, we started to split months more interesting for me Damn messes! 2407 N. Farwell ave. into Ham and Egger. But as than in past years. we were going in, Oink man points out a younger looking brother and Peace: . sez, '1 want to see some iden­ J.D. DREW HALVERSUN tification". SMUT So he busted a 16 year old for Dear K-scope: curfew violation(and get this) 5 Dear K-scope: minutes before curfew was lifted. I'm Writing in response to your Please re-issue the two pictures request for~ information oil your Good old Drew just loves to bust. in issue no 13 and the poem from friend and mine. Officer "Mad­ Someday soon, to show him what issue no. 20. If you can in the man" Drew Hal vers on(you should we think of him, we will lob a LETTER next K-scope. misspell his name on purpose it big bag of shit onto th hood of Bob Watt. || will bug the hell, out of him if his oinkmobile. Lette r to the Editor: he reads it). EDITOR'S NOTE: We'd love to, I have had one personal ex­ Signed: Moby Dick, Chairman of the but if we did our brilliant and perience with this bummer prick. "shazam'"(my code name). local Heterosexual Legion has no clautraphobiac editor would find About three or four nights ago, trouble against the males and himself in the big house.- I and four other brothers were females in the Gay Lib Movement standing on the corner by Ham in Milwaukee, but is sick and and Egger at about 4:00 am. DEAR MR. GAYE tired of the bullshit they are There happened to be a semi- trying to spread against him and ABORTIONS well dressed gay person(weknew his organization. There is room & CATHOLICS he was gay because he was wear­ Dear Mr. Gaye, for both organizations on the ing women's stocking and foot East Side. Freedom means for Letter to the Editor: wear - if your even care to I was in Milw. this past week­ people to choose what each per­ We see everyday reports and know) taking a snooze on the end and saw your article in the son'wants not to force into any- letter written into the Milwaukee steps next door. Kaleidoscope. I was very much ones bag. newspapers telling us how the (please excuse my spelling - I'm interested in the activities that Catholic Church and its members a drop-out in more ways than one) your group was participating in Mrs J. Marks are so dead set against legaliz­ Then our favorite No. 18oinker during the last week. I only Vice Chairman ing abortions. They have been pulls his car up next to the curb, wish that some of the events Heterosexual, Legion. and are.trying every wavto close

BERNARDINE DOHRN | First, last and always, js a Below: Bernie engages in dialectical struggle with author Brown. : i

Left: Even the heaviest revolutionary must relax sometimes. Here, Bernie drops acid at the beach.

"^"''J? -' <•" *,*?

Bernie Dorhn is a past master of people's liberated chemistry. At left she experimentswith the latest explosives. ''New Mo r ning doesn't mean dull dawn," she says.

by Norman 0. Brown a can.p chair in the cluttered but bourgeoise jackel," they would say or 'a & Joan Baez?" "To the world, I'm a tough and tasteful basement offices of the running dog oppressor excercising "Hec no..." she pouts, "I'm still the sophisticated lady but in the innermost ever-expanding Weather Underground. white-skin privilege." But not me! I'd same old me. It's just that all that armed private parts of my soul," Bernardine "Working for Weatherman has been my always say "/ want to split SDS when / struggle gets dreary, dreary, dreary. Dorhn tells us, "I'm just a little girl in biggest thrill," she gushes, "If s my life's get big!" " Bombing is so passe, don't you think, pink frills and laee, beating at the facist dream come true. Even when I was just I ask her, "Your latest hit. New you sexist pig male chauvanist running power clique with my favorite rag doll, little...I remember all the other kids Morning, is a real gas. It's topping the dog motherfucker lacky of paper tiger Poopsie!" Bernardine (Bernie D. to her would talk about what they wanted to charts everywhere. Does this mean a- U.S. imperialist (Continued on friends) is sitting primly on the edge of be when they grew up. "I want to be a new style for you...more like Pattie Page Page Eighty-five) Kaleidoscope no. 99, Page 5


up the abortions clinics in Mad­ ison, but what are they doing to stop the Catholics from Killing the Protestants in Northern Ire­ land. It shows how they are th­ inking, What are these people doing in the church to stop the war INMATE WILL GET PERVERT PAPER (HOPEFULLY) in Vietnam where many Catholics Could you enter a subscription as a test case? and Buddists are dieing every day. Dennis: Jail, we are unable to obtain or Brother, it figures. Due to the lack of judicial subscribe to any other newspaper An inmate. action in regards to the civil besides the Milwaukee Urinal - Mr Tom Henrixs rights violations against the in­ this is in violation of the 1st EDITORS NOTE: Yes, we'll be W. Lisbon Ave. mates of the Milwaukee County Amendment. happy to.


5?§^f&i*'' tb ff# i*. *Jt M ^sK Wl*/m\vf Iff Page 6. Kaleid'iscope no 99 ARE YOU A SEXIST ? TAKE

SEXISM AMERICAN ST\LE, 1971, OR ARE YOU GUILTY??? WOMEN, you are a sexist: MEN, you are a sexist:

One of the most commonly used, or dirnild I say, misused, words out today is "sexism". Apoarently it is so hard a word to define IF YOU expect him to look and act IF YOU worry that someone might that the dictionaries refuse to even try. Not even the newest, most virile . Would you be upset if he liberal dictionaries list such a word.. Cowards, all of them. Really, think you were gay if you wore it is an easy word to define. It means, well you know, it means... '\rote poetry, had gay friends, and pastel shorts or a lace shirt. Let me start all over agr.'-\ Sexism is a belief, or is it a practice, wore semi- masculine clothes or K you write poetry or paing, do or is it both? Anyway, it is a practice of categorizing and putting a lace shirt? Do clothes really you keep it a secret from your labels on work, activities, people, etc. by sex. For example, vou make him more or less of a man? male friends-because they would­ hear of women's work and men's work. You hear of men's clothes. n't understand?(Get new friends) You hear that it is feminine for a man to cry for that for a woman to Sale hay or repair cars is masculine. Madison Avenue is probably the greatest perpetrator of sexism in this country. It is forever IF YOU expect him to help you IF YOU get upset when she does­ reminding us Sbout men's cigarettes and telling us that not using with your coat, hold your chair, n't wait for you to open doors a duche is unfeminine. ° i and open car doors, and are in­ for her, or puts her coat on with­ The end result is that we are tightly circumscribed into little sulted if he doesn't. out your help, or if she sits niches; arid further that we are taught to role play deeper into down before you've had a chance Eio-e little niches. We make better consumers and CONFORMISTS to pull out her chair. to society that way. Traill l.XAxVIPLL,; sexism is not at all confined to married people. I know any number of liberal minded young couples who live together; they figure they're a hell of a lot less hung-up than their parents. IF YOU expect him to give your IF-YOU'RE ready to walk out and Why then in most cases, does he still bring home the bacon, and she order to the waitress. You're leave her at BIG BOY'S because keep the house, and clean, and cook, just like her mother did for a grown adult, aren't you? shev.ave her own orderto the wait- her father? OK, so maybe she works outside, ton, but in most cases,, even if she works, she still does the shitwork. just like her mother IF YOU have never held a door did._ That's free love; no, I disagree, that's free NOTHING. She's for a man, or helped a m.in on-with IF YOU find it insulting to have paying an awful price to live with that creep; besides he's as stupid Ms coat, or if you don't lean a woman hold a door for you, as he isl Role-playing is stupid, and that's what sexism is all about... across the front seat and unlock or if it bothers you to have her ROLE-PLAYING. his door for him.- help you on with your coat. Are you guilty of sexism? We all aY-el Read my little test here and be honest; I'll bet you can identify with some things. I can" IF YOU use your "feminine" wiles IF YOU tolerate her using her to get what you want. Especially "feminine", wiles to get her way. if you go to bed with him only If you sleep with her and then to get him to do something for she asks for something in return you. That's how married women for her sexual favors, you're a do it, you know. A prostitute's sexist to give in. Don't let a prostitute. Don't kid yourself either one of you put a price on that you're any different than she yourselves. WOMAN, you are a sexist: MAN, you are a sexist: is. At least she's open about what she does. IF YOU don't expe, r him to pick IF YOU leave dirty clothes, dish­ up after himself (clothes, dirty es, kettles, towels, etc. around the towels, etc.) or clet. up the kit­ house waiting for her topick things IF YOU expect him to be agg­ IF YOU'D get out of bed, put your chen after he's been cooking, be­ up. Or if you leave scummy ring ressive with you at all times. If clothes back on, and walk out cause he's a man and you feel in the tub or the toilet seat up you feel he's supposed to call, because she initiated the love- it's a woman's job to pick up or the toilet unflushed. If she he's to make the plans, and he's making. If you really en j oy women after a man. doesn't expect you to clean up to initiate the lovemaking, you're who just lie there. If you get after her, why should she clean a"sexist all right. Not only insulted when she calls you or she up after you? that, but you're missing out, es­ makes plans for the two of you.- pecially in the area of sex. Did you are guilty of sexism. IF YOU expect him to bring home IF YOU get all uptight when she _it ever occur to you that he the paycheck because he's a man works because you feel a man might like to know that you WANT and it's a man's duty to support should support the woman he lives him? a woman.(According to you, any­ with, or else he's less than a way) -nan. IF YOU feel that birth control is' a woman's duty, and that if she IF YOU feel the burden of birth IF BECAUSE you support her you gets pregnant, it's her fault. control should be on her. If when IF YOU do extra little things for you hear of s omeone getting preg- him because he supports-you. Or expect from her: cooking, clean­ ing, and sexual privileges. If nat, your reaction is, 'SHE should if you're reluctant to say NO to have been more creful," your him when he wants sex and you you expect anything from her at don't...because you'd feel guilty all, you are treating her like a sexism is showing. turning him down. He doesn't prostiuite, or even worse yet, a own you just 'cause he supports middle - class American wife. you, so you don't have to sleep You're really a sexist if you with him if you-^don't waqt to. expect a sexual return on your IF YOU feel that a single woman IF YOU feel that single women money: for example, do you shirk past the age of 25 who lives alone past the age of 25, who live alone, and scrimp on fore play in your" is either gay or a man-hater. are either nymphos, gay or man- sex relations because you figure haters. If it hurts, your ego that you don't have to make the effort - a woman"wouldn't nsed a man to that you're entitled to HAVE her depend on, your sexism is. pretty with' litte or no preliminaries? deeply ingrained.

IF YOU don't masturbate because IF IT aggravate you that a woman IF YOU love waiting on him hand IF YOU demand to be waited on you think that it's a masculine you sleep with masturbates. Do and foot because it gives you sa­ hand and foot. If you ask her to thing to do. you get insulted because that tisfaction to please him, you're do things you'd never have the means that she doesn't need you kidding yourself, sister. Nobody guts to ask one of your friends at that time? ISN'T masturbation but a masochist ever enjoyed de­ to do, you're a sexist. If you a human need, rather than a mas­ grading herself that way. All ask her to run errands for you, culine one? you are doing is role-playing be­ get you the newspaper, a glass cause you think that's what he of water, etc., I suspect you have and/ or society expect. And that's such strong sexist tendencies that what sexism is: role-playing fe­ you ought to buy yourself a cocker male or male roles. The best spaniel or a German shepherd and way to find out if you're guilty train it to do those things since is to ask yourself, "Would I they require little intelligence of treat Sue that way?" If you a human being and are in them­ wouldn't, you've got problems. selves servile and demeaning. A dog might even enjoy it.

KXK>OOOOOOOOOOOOOO0O0O00OOO^O00OO i IF YOU are offended by women mr IF YOU dress up in .frills, laces, with short masculine haircuts, KALEIDOSCOPE is published by the Kaieidoscope Pub. Co. sexy underwear and see-through unshaven legs, mannish shoes, and negligees because they make you pants, because you consider them NEW MAILING ADRESS: P.O. Box 90526. Milw., Wsc. 53202. feel more feminine, you'd better unfeminine, you'd better take a redefine the word "femininity". second look at your definition of TELEPHONE: (414) 271-1250 or 272-1989. You are role-playing Madison femininity. Are you sure you Avenue's male views of femininity prefer those scented, bewigged, DISTRIBUTED "by Subterranean News. 1238 E. Brady 272-1989 not your own . .beribboned dolls to real women? If you do, you've gotta be a sex­ STAFF MEMBERS. Bob Adams, Al Altendorf, Karen Anderson, ist, because clothes don't make a Leroy Burt, Dennis Gall, Mike Grant, Rick King, Lois Lane woman a woman. Rich Manglesdorf, Dave Novik, Pat Small, Bert Stitt, Mary, Brigitte, Fred, Sam and the Wierdos. IF YOU'D be embarrassed if she NATIONAL 'AD REP: Media A, %5 E. 40th St. N.Y., N.Y. 10016. IF YOU'D be insulted if he asked wanted to pay her own way some­ LOCAL ADS AND BUSINESS: Bert J. Stitt. you to pay your way to a show where. Would you feel you weren't ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE: Mike Grant. or in a restaurant. Do you feel *a man? Would your ego be crush­ it's up to a man to pay for the ed if the waitress or ticket-taker O Kaleidoscope Motto: Friend of those that have no friends, enemy, pleasure of your company? stared? Would it bother you to © of those that make us their enemy. <* think that"those people" might- think you were Cheap? Think how 9 Kaleidoscope flower: Cannibis Faroutious. © a woman must feel to have a man pay her way all the time. § Kaleidoscope mascot: Milwaukee Vice Squad and of course, Harryl © OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IF YOU'Dfeelembarrassedif you ' IF YOU'D feel even more threat­ paid his way occasionally. ened if she paid both your ways. ————————————— THIS TEST

WOMEN, you are a sexist: MEN, you are a sexist:

IF YOU sincerely believe that IF YOU believe that bullshit that being raped would be romantic .women who get raped really and exciting. wanted to, that they had a sub­ conscious desire to be mastered."

IF YOU hate all homosexual 1 males, and look down on them. IF YOU hate and feel threatened by lesbian females. iFthe women's liberation move­ ment is something so degrading to IF YOU think the women's lib­ you as a woman that you won't eration movement is laughable, even discuss it, except to laugh and that women involved in it at and make derogatory comments are dykes. about. Do you really think all women involved in the movement are man-haters?

IF YOU believe in being made IF YOU enjoy making love to a love to rather than actively tak­ woman, rather than being involved ing part in making love. Sexism in the act of making love. If demands that women be passive. ' a woman's active role in sex threatens you.

IF YOU always prefer mission­ IF YOU dislike having her on ary position(belly^to-belly) for top, or are uncomfortable men­ sex, you're a sexist, because you' tally in positions in which you are re taking the passive role, which not dominant, you are also used to is a cop-out, because it forces- role-playing. Besides, you're him to do all the work. requiring her to be the passive one. Why don't you let her do some of the work?

IF YOU believe a woman couldn't IF YOU write off a woman's mis­ be a good president, truckdriver, takes to 'It must be that time of judge, or priest becauseher bio­ the month." Or if you really think logical chemistry would make her a woman couldn't take being pres­ undependable. Do you really be­ ident of this country. lieve menstruation affects your judgement?

I £F YOU would no longer respect IF YOU never cry, or if wherkyou a man because you saw him cry. do, it would crush you if some­ If that would make you judge him body witnessed it, I am certain BUMMERFEST PICTURE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 • weak, emotional, and thus un­ of your sexism; who says it is manly, you "REALLY are a sex­ unmanly to cry? ist. IF YOU feel it is unladylike to H-'SCOPE Suis IF IT bothers you when a woman swear, take apart car engines, swears or does some other "un­ etc. womanly" thing. BUMMERF IF YOU believe in the double IF YOU would call a woman who standard regarding sex, that is. slept around a tramp or a whore And, while we're speaking of right to sell our paper on their If you believe that a man cannot but would not be critical of the control his sex urges but that a Bummerfest(sic) let us relate hallowed grounds. same behavior in your friend or to you Kaleidoscope's experience To shew you where Summer­ woman can, you are a sexist. brother. You tolerate sexual experience in With Henry Jordan, Mayor Maier, fest is at, their lawyer told the your brother or son, but would et al. judge that "I don't see much look down on your sister or Seems we wanted to sell K- difference between them(us) and daughter for doing the same thing. scopes at Summerfest. A simple ice cream vendors". enough request. '' Well, I don *t agree ", Judge Reynolds replied. "Ice cream IF YOU look down on women who IF YOU automatically assume that We felt sure after winning go in bars alone or go out alone, law suits in Whitefish Bay, Wauk­ vendors don't have an amend­ any woman who enters a bar alone ment to the constitution all to if you think they are tramps, your' is either a prostitute or a tramp. esha, and West Allis, not to men­ sexism is quite obvious. tion the State Fair, that we'd themselves". have little trouble securing per­ That, rather successfully took IF YOU would try to "make" a the wind out of the Summerfest IF YOU assume that any man woman you saw in a public place, mission to sell our lowly news­ who comes up to you in a public paper. argument. because you qould automatically Officials of Summerfest com­ place, especially a bar, is "on assume she was "easy" and Were we wrong. the make." A week on the telephone try- mented later that they didn't "ready". want newspapers on the grounds BY Rosalind Cich. because they didn't fit in " with i ing to reach someone, with just the-theme of-Summerfest" and "a little authority led no where. because(get this) *'we don't want Finally, we got an answer from to make Summerfest too commer­ Asst. Summerfest Dir, Paul King. cial". NO. And finally, being the cheap And, once agin, back into bastards we know them for, they court we went, led by our over­ are demanding 20 percent of our FROM INSIDE worked attorneys. Bill Coffey "take". and Bob Lerner. One of these days we're just ^VJI We asked Federal Judge John gonna sue everyone at once and Reynolds for a temporary in­ get it over with. Send us your junction* to stop Summerfest from . nominations. interfering with our constitutional ema, inert lie that tl get aboj rime - theyl ts are men wq / Dennis Gall. in our jaf jmd prisoj like an; Irentic e pri ||ipon the k Right on for lany maj how to lit a bigger! jrtitutiond HJjuarantei but then] lpare it crime j you get out j lie people ait involv m in Vie So wlj judge, as fudge lyone concert SURVIVAL CENTER exposed] I the rece Max recently U ^ring concept "Free a petit| boncerning :ivil bch and! is" and! in Papers So much bus. Soon it will be on the ^Mabc rights itions in t llw. lice undl |e Law'* At the last community meeting two rooms on the 2nd floor of the streets with information on abor­ First Baptist Church, 911 E. tions, birth control, the draft, ^ fnder the! first aid, and drugs and legal and untouch^ close tc lonest conc^ Hf law |es, the :ess to Ogden were approved for use as Iment that tt fconcept^ offices for the Free Store, the information. Another project is Icontinue lake the and ore Idoes this called the "Legal Commune". collect i Yewarc dwell? ge. If n| raise a Survival Center, and a Women's A juc Iby virtue oath letters! |ut and pi! Liberation abortion counseling Although the name is being lay. dropped. Itizen of officd 1 duty-boundj jhold |t wait up lour rig| ire center. iwhen Jo^ HH A benefit for the former "Legal ripiH K for nisi irTV,stei the Con| Ition of Wise In and away f | Isakeof < The Free Store will move of the led States. whn iency orl iomic from 1754 E. Pulaski to room Commune" will be held on Sat. he deni petition o| fuses 6 of the church, their new lo­ July 24 at 7, 9:30 and 12 mid­ night in the chapel of the First hiurglari^p items, to act uf fcivil rights fcions, Ice the "1 lakers" JMjMer cation, as soOn as someone comes J up in the^peet you c he then] fomes a la\ ;aker ftax-brez fandquit^Hng up with a van or truck to move Baptist. A movie, "Freaks" will ihe'll scrljl about U himselfl Lre we su| id to filling the cou^^pnd the boxes full of stuff already be shown for a 50 cent donation. dg§i|on uu donated. Proceeds will go towards a phone Bis Bring in things you aren't and office supplies. 3e, using, old clothes, lamps, rugs, The * legal people have been ily held pept of tl Not chance, irmer [people f§§li||l won't ^St- small appliances, or anything else virorking at unravelling our mys­ irehabilitl law-breai U.S. Atj jy General [msey can only subscribe^^;,pie useful. Children's clothes and terious American legal system. In It very li - after Clark o| aid". "wems Icture vaukee lotppl! "Statlijjl&c- toys are especially needed. order to survive the power of the ksonis a] : of ateonS crime' our lead! [lie to |ed news jj||||w's that^Mie The Free" Store is for the state, we must know more than ishment us, whe watch big I jlom- st Amenc^^S Freedor^fe^ people and can only function if just our "rights". If you have fplace of questions about bail procedures, fommittec >esitwor| erate cj irations twig le tax Stick it up your ass||||§e you help them with your donations. fthe rate! and leg lets of la\ their Sharing room 6 with the F.S. the courts, legal aid societies, Recording Ikin! have been busted or know some­ i(returr prison advantai People a| iware By An if|jBp|te will be the Survival Center. These |*of all t| sut they fe finable people have more than one pro­ one who has, come in and see incarcc- 5d inmate! raukee (^/jml the people at the Survival Center. ire not tl lace to fc to act, istifiably si fen the ject going. One is a survival pace £, Kaleidoscope no.99 IjKfc Some 50% di + u5 i was born BODIES for the STATE I spent a very interesting after­ (a) Is performed by a phy­ (pu* of -torn. «h£tl and sician; and 1n+o +h€ «Vr«4s!) noon the other day in an attorney's library, digging up Wisconsin's, (b) Is necessary, or is statutes concerning abortion, a advised by 2 other physicians as a k^ of -rhinqS hart *> Wain most controversial subject lately. necessary, to save the life of Especailly since asshole State the mother; and Sen. James Devitt( R4- Greenfield) (c) Unless an emergency H«y,fb* a really neat chauvinist boar prevents, is performed in a'licen- muddled up the Milwaukee Journal sed maternity hospital. with the statement that he thinks (6) In this section/'uaborn the proposed bill requiring a death "child" means a human being from certificate in abortions is a pretty the time of conception until it is good idea because'*Thisistogive born alive. " the little girl who's having an abortion a chance to think about it- (Regarding the statute, the word that she's causing a death." Need "intentionally" & defined in statute 939.23(3) don* envy beina anqry, I say more? i ewtoin a lot why Not enough that we have several 'Intentionally" means that bur How do \fcM \n\ &Wo»fc the actor either has a purpose to ocMety "toar JfceyVt stepping all-encompassing statutes cover­ ing abortion; we need another do the thing or cause the result Ow y Oi™ # *ChicK' *"[** blue law, the Victorian Jerk says. specified or believes his act, if W6Vnftn JhKtr successful, will cause that result. Whcu" A> vou do Writ! Anyway, you can see for your­ hwmanfcS£ a"* self, 'cause here they are: In addition, except as provided t*MtoIds ^«rt- in sub.(6), the actor must have were 9h»p)C4 on i vtflUy eft fired The most important one is knowledge of those facts which are necessary to make his crim­ rf ex^aim'nd* .statute 940.04. This is the one that's quoted all the time, out of inal conduct and which are set context. forth .after the word "intention­ It reads exactly like this: ally". 940.04 Abortion- /fey,C«fr,*hTheo!her Ha^dt Pwhen^n htrM«3c732^o%^^ (1) Any person, other than Statute 147.20 is a law pertain­ ^tWV4 malc-Hrtil, the mother, who intentionally ing to physicians and surgeons' a tt* is ^fonq ,5tnwc«ji3, causes the death of an unborn child conduct. I have excerpted the smorV. mvsWious b«^v. I'd Soy tnosf of us would chose may be fined not more than part pertinent to abortion: mo* #1 allI • Su PRt* 6L.V KJhd tvb**o»m $5,000 or imprisoned not more (1) The words "immoral INDEPENDENT. *> be a than 3 years or both. or unprofessional conduct" as «**s don't need on*** j JvJtKnna be, (2) Any person, other than used in this section mean: a lft>p0! the mother by an act done with (1) All physicians, authori­ Q3U66 in4u6 cibgft,wrwr- % ties of hospitals, sanatoriums, lT^i^i$JfiS!?«nf !0lu6ft THAT $ WHAT WOMEN'5 UBEffflioN IS ALL ABOUT— intent to destroy the life of an | TOh * my objfehms to -Hifc unborn child. It is unnecessary institutions(public and private), vvohd were compJftWIy'Jrrt^aj* OR ANY UBERAHON—STfePPiNfr upflfofA UNDER to prove that the fetus was alive convalescent homes, authorities !i «£V§ lb pdFlNg FbR AND OUT FFfcM BEHIND^-THE HAN'S " when the act so causing the of any institution of a like nature, mother's death was committed. and other persons having know­ llfe^E WHgJT vSS^Re DefiNlTioN5 OT ^/bU AND WHFCT "pt A*€ (3) Any pregnant woman who ledge of the death of any person IHSULT>M& AND VyHAfwffDS who shall have died under any of ON RKJE^SE^ intentionally destroys the life of /KENT ANP_)bU?]L*!i BASED , /SfrE . OR her unborn child or who consents the. following circumstances list- WfiNJli TREATrtfc-A3A ftl^TrilNfr ELQEl to such destruction by another below, shall immediately report, may be fined not more than$200 such death to the sheriff, police or imprisoned not more than 6 chief, or coroner of the county months or both. wherein such death took place; (4) Any pregnant woman who ...(d) All deaths following an intentionally destroys the life of abortion. her unborn quick child or who (2) Any person who shall consents to such destruction by violate this sections hall be pun­ another may be imprisoned not ished by a fine of not less than more than 2 ytfars. $5.00 , nor more than $200.00, (5) This section does not or by imprisonment not less than apply to a therapeutic abortion 30 days nor more than 3 months. which: •Rosalind Cich JOB ROLE BUMMER "you should be happy you have Kept working hours below normal a job at all." for those he disliked and refused That's what a lot of people tell to pay overtime wages when they you during a job shortage when were required. And through it all ever you say that you dislike the "he bullshited about how "impor- job you have managed to get. tant" it is we get this job done But shit, with that kind of reason­ on time, etc., with allusions to ing, black- people should have his personal collapse and ruin if remained slaves because atleas^ they failed. then they had work and the ne­ Hopefully, he went too far cessities of life provided for- when Craig, an East-side freek, them. Now they're free, but was fired for attempting to start they don't have work, are poor, a union. The workers needed and have to live in a ghetto. some protection for their own So if it was everything just to rights against the boss's profit- work, then we really ought to send greed. So he went to the AFL- them back to the fields. (30 to see what was needed to get But they won't go and neither a union started. He was par­ should we. ticularly interested in getting a 'orrt»Say :*6r^$ Q* noF WE SEEK A W0RU> fREE OF I Craig won't. He found himself and i W - tacfern in +h*s"l fond o lot at tnen^M Industrial Workei-s of the World eeurrtrutysu»>m,uhtoMtiou5 ttfST toc%d£ /fro/ SK *ym53s J NieGER5,ejREASeRS,SPfc6,Oir5 in a job that was only a few local here to get a freek/worker steps above slavery and tried to Ctofc •W«n-c©loired*tand*rfa| «NT v*bo> the warfe CATONI j p^cr^ft^ OR CHICKS —' coalition formed. t»f. nuites tf ho less M. 1 cMt'cK $rmfctlitf* **s 4hc do something about it. Like get Anyway, despite caution on his *e*fech've yk>ct$ of men WE W*NT A IfcOpLE's a union formed. And the boss, part, Craig told one too many wrnn *H»c *»tnew4ta» v*»wj 4hem once *fc cause of a federal contract. So r ting a union "might get other WcoMe smdrt of wh*»- the boss, seeing a chance for big JCMI voles +hcy imply .^ workers thinking", and God knows profits, kept his workers at their what might happen then. And with prior low wages and hirecKsome a labor surplus, it was no pro­ more to help out. Then he did blem replacing the lost worker. everything he could to get the most But there are some interest­ work out of these people for the very least cost. ing twists to make more than a simple case of capitalist vs. The workers say he did things labor. The boss is a black man. like lay off anyone who wasn't! Most of the workers are black, working as fast as he wanted, and the rest are long-haired white even if doing a thoroughjob. He- youths. And the boss is liked HNS/ St. Louis Outlaw!! favored the workers HE liked and by the workers and will often work gave them power over the others, Contd. on p. 9 "\ GETTING INTO 1984, rrs NOW BABY! I don't know how well people to wipe out the world many times Inner Party of 1984, couldlnclude can dig this, but I thik we should over, yet the battle is till mostly almost everyone in the top levels do some reading. LlKe, now that hand to hand. And once again of government and industry. we've got the alternate site, the traditional war ending in Maybe you've heard of the ex­ there's nothing more to fight for victory or defeat is abandoned in tents to which the government anyway, right? Yeah, well that's favor of a slowly achieved peace, has successfully infiltrated the why we should do some reading the first stop is simply constant movement in America. There's and rapping during this quiet so warfare to eat up excess pro­ the police agent who was the we're ready when things start duction. We may already have publicity manager of the Commu­ happening again(if they aren't that, either in Southeast Asia nist- Party and a major member already). or in the more effective series of the Peace Moratorium of a So my idea is to let you know of flareups at various disputed couple years ago. Or there about some heavy books.around territories, all disguising direct are the police agents at last that you might not have otherwise conflict between superpowers th­ years strike at UWM who cried heard of. I'm sure we've all rough the rhetoric of "helping" the loudest for violence, or who read Hoffman and Rubin and Brau- the directly opposed powers. led half the crowd into a police tigan, etc. So I'll skip those and The internal condition man* trap at Downer and Kenwood. In tell you about some oldies but ages to follow 1984 in quite a both cases, annihilation of the goodies you either never read or few ways too. Although they strike was narrowly averted. read some time ago and have for­ don't. have the two way T.V. In 1984, the Party controls gotten. With constant change, yet ( at least as far as we the "revolution". They are its you can never really read the know), there are plenty of nearly members and they have written same book twice. Cause if the as effective methods for keeping its books. That is not to say book hasn't changed, you have. tabs on the population. How do that the "revolution" is a farce, Like I was just looking George they manage to get those files or that- the Party has created it Orwell's 1984 and I began freek- on subversives? And who is only to catchits traitors. It is ing-out on its similarity to the Agnew but an effort to get the me­ a~throughly*honest effort, totally present date. I don't mean in dia to present just one view underground and effective. But particulars like Big Brother and of things? Then there are the the party has created it to have Newspeak, and-stuff, but in the "Hate munutes" to get people a complete alienation of true similarity of the ideas and phil­ incensed against the enemy, whe­ members of the Party awayfrom j osophy behind it all. This is ther foreign or domestic. How it. And those who fail to hate oo mostly summed-up in the "un­ do you suppose a hardhat reacts it totally, are drawn into it. Care­ derground" book of the "rev­ when he sees shots of Vietnam fully, secretly, they are pulled olution" THE THEORY AND action or demonstrations? What deeper into it having their mild What the Faces-Deep Purple* ly) as the lead guitarist, turn- PRACTICE OF OLIGARCHICAL else but the slogan 'Ignorance interest developed into a full Southern Comfort concert of Ju- ing up the volume at those' 'heavy*' COLLECTIVISM by Emmanuel is. Strength" explains the Pen­ understanding of why they want to ly |4 lacked in people, atmos* crescendo moments etc. LyP.'s Goldstein. tagon Papers? How much do you destroy the Party. They become What is the "splitting -up of think they reveal about'what the fully developed revolutionaries, up by the lackluster(and loud, that and more. And those same the world into three great super­ administration has really been believing they are a part of a very loud) music. insinuating organ runs over and states," but Russia, USA, andRed doing? movement that really can over­ in other words the evening was over and over by Richie Black- China? That's obvious but real­ Yes, and about the control of throw the totalitarianism of the just this side of a drag. /moor. ize how closely the slogan "War the country. Radicals are too Party once and for all; Not even 3,000 people were. And now to Rod Stewart, cer- is Peace" fits the international quick to put the blame on one or And then they find out tha t the there(not counting the ptgs)atthe tainly one of the best rock slog- situation among these three. See two men. For 1984 the power "revolution" is really a creation the full development of double­ lies in a collective of "bureau­ of the Party, in fact, it is part hall more suited for a Lawn Boy just anther English band until think: Russia is our enemy or crats, scientists, technicians, tr­ of the Party. Which brings us to

bonus for an early finish as he! ean by leaving only his favor­ ite workers at the job from the beginning. Despite promising a raise aftera few weeks work, or for learning how to run the ma­ chines, he renegs to all but his favorites. He refuses to let out who he will keep after the con­ tract, and even bull-shits that he will keep them all. Is it any wonder he's afraid of agitators? Why he's even ch­ eating on the contract itself, and making his employees the per­ petrators of the crime. A CINEMA CENTER FILMS PRESENTATION co-starring So maybe it's great that the AFL-QO will take Craig's case to the National Labor Relations Barbara Harris • JackNXarden Board, and get the boss for the illegal canning, the lack of over­ time wages, and for not paying David Burns-Dom De Luise government wages for work on Soeerday b* HERB GARDNER Reduced by ULU GROSBARD and HERB GARDNER federal buildings; D»ected.by UtUGROSBARD • COOR BY DE UUXEi Parental Guitijnce Suggested j That's great until ybu^think A NATIONAL GENERAL PICTURES RELEASE about the fact that this firm is just a drop in the bucket of fuck- NOW PLAYING overs being carried out in the name of capitalism. This guy § STRAND THEATRE ||| got caught because he wasn't so­ phisticated enough to avoid detec­ 510 WEST WISCONSIN AVE. • 271-4242 tion. Page 10. Kaleidoscope no.


The land was now relatively ing General Vang Pao, and all the free and quantities of grass were battles are fought in opium crop brought on. Large clusters of areas, mostly during harvest ti­ elffreeks could be seen tokin me, Feb. and March. hard'n'heavy all over the folk fest area. With police guarding This is Cambodia, 1969. The the stage, things returned to a Pathet-Lao report their loss of confused passivity. We watched the opium crop, and the streets the sun roll westward as strains of N.Y. see their purest heroin of ' It wasn't God who made honky- in decades. Wow, are these pigs tonk wimmin" beat our helpless fucked up. Don't get too close to ears. Soon, the stage music the pigs, they might hook you took a break, and people were on smack; left wth only their immagination. A procession was started. About So a few thousand yips, black 7pm., 2,000 people walked t othe revolutionary attack groups, and end of the mall for a rally. ex-motherfuckers protested on D.C's folk festival was too much. over to the Capital steps. Hy- A definate high point in the rally perdermic needles were thrown came as Dana Beal, originator of where Warn vets threw their the first smoke-ins in N.Y. dull­ medals in * May. The' yippies ing the Summer .of Love'67 and demanded that pot be imported on the run ever since, demanded from Vietnam to alleviate the that the repealing of drug laws current shortage here and to help pay for rebuilding of villa­ become a national priority for all ges bombed around harvest areas. lutionary youth communities. And D. Peel and Lower E. Side —-f- A Heads were digging it.' .Then did such favorites as "The Pope the rally broke off and everybody• " Smokes Dope", "Oink, Oink",etc. moved back to the folk fest. Time c# r*i -til twitched on till dusk, when it *>•-*¥ '*a * t^r.fa •* a*> % was time for...THEANTI HEROIN Some people thought we should MARCH...or how the CIA pushes storm the Capital. A person was smack in Vietnam and at home. busted for picking a flower in­ The recent Cambodian and Lao­ stead. tian invasions were really large So rushed to a close the cul­ scale battle of the Opium War ture's second national dis-honor the OLA is carrying on in S.E. America day smoke-in. It was SS »fc* unorganized to the point that the ROLLING STONED JOLT 4th

WASHINGTON D.C, When tiOTE; What you are about to Most conspicuous by their The main source of money for people who came were scattered Christ Colombus, well known read is an ozoned account by absence were NYC * leaders" support of the puppet regime in all over, never really able to wino-booze head, wrote about Madison Yippie. Johny Balinda and come together. But as long as all the nekid natives offering a of the 2nd annual dishonor Amer­ « smoke to get high, instead of ica Day Marijuana Smoke~in in to prepublicity statements. Once mary jane remains a prisoner of wine, a great cultural war be­ Washington D.C, again the straight media pretty Zenda, the smoke-in will keep tween re-necked alcoholics and much blacked out coverage of Laos come from the opium happening. And we'll keep happe­ visonary minded hemp smokers The Yippie sononsored affair att­ this cultural event of the year crops. So we now learn that ning tool racted approximately 5,000 cr­ was on. except for East Coast nfewspa|*. while Nixon was announcing the —Johnny Ballinda This July 4th, like last year azies , mostly from the East era and TV» invasion plans, the CIA was back- and from now on in, pot smokers Coast. supreme gathered in D.C to openly perform the rituals. WMH Freeks bringing their stashes, good looks, and down right loose Holy thunderfuck. The sm6ke- and immoral behavior so repul­ in was becoming lost in this sed Washington rummies that they electronic bluegrass mind level- postponed the 4th to July 5th for er. It's not that the music was their o-fishal patriotic gin-in. that bad, it's jus t that an un- Yippies accepted the capitualtion American toke down happens only SLOW DOW . .. in stride. * All we really wanna 'once a year. And it means do is turn you on". revolutionary freedom for our­ selves and for LEE OTIS John­ son. Houston SNCC leader who's doing 30 years for giving away a Tfje ffloecem: we ARC OV£R- jay; , LEE FfcJ>,BUT f\&rt)f\lN VHOGKHQUfit* So, Free Marijuana advocates LOPEZ ALMAMDAREZ, also of a*n&>. I HOUR*: started gathering around the Houston who's doing life for po­ Washington Monument, Amer­ ssessing 42 kilos of pot; SAM ica's original hyperdermic need­ WILLIAMS,black, who got 20 le, at noon, hoping to rekindle years in Seattle for selling a jay a forbidden ecstasy. But moun­ to a 16 year old; RICHARD DOR- ted Conquistadores, like their SEY, black shoeshine operator in ancestors who swooped down on Dallas who got fifty years for flower smoking Indians to slau­ $5 matchbook to a narc...Let's do ghter or enslave, drove us off something about ths bullshit I 5OTU>AT: IOAIWOPH the Monument, over to Hillbilly So David Peel and the Lower Heaven. Where amplified fiddles East Side storm-trooped the stage and the seven O'Leary kids doing amid New Nation flags screaming, and Irish two-stop were provided '1 smoke pot and I like it a for by the Smithsonian Institute. lot". With a few strokes of aittiDAY: i pK-oPii "Have a Marijuana" the smoke- us A flESutT io% of roe fbpuxA- in people realized their presence. VON mwee MS.P\IC fc 2e>% Everbody sang, '*! like marijuana, ovegu/fei6WT»~ we like marijuana too." GMSEB T0MBSPAVS Then Peel broke in with "Up against the Wall Motherfuckers" and people started flipping out. An American flag burst into fl­ ames as young motherfuckers rocked into a religous frenzy. The smoke-ing was happening. Then shouts of ,"get those scumbags" were heard as, sure enough, armed conquistadores came ch­ 1 arging into the sacred camp­ OUTPOST grounds. < Peel beat a fast exit Contd. from p. 9 off stage. The air was full of cause it's not something you can rocks and fists. A mall of say" Well, this incident indicates land liberated by anarco-com- FOODS CO-OP it's true." If it's true, only guys munists pot dealers, street ur­ like Nixon know and they can ne­ chins, pregnant women, and hitch­ ver reveal it. because they don't hikers was being fought for. 300 Jt. CLAftKE STREET know it(because that would con­ Gradually the pigs turned away. tradict it..) A few people were dragged off. For those who wonder why all D.C's asst. SS chief had his face .NATURAL * 0RQA.NIG 6UIH6S K0T&, BJUMS, this should take place, I also slashed. suggest you read the book so you cont'. on top of page SEEDS, DRIED fR0IT HEflB& SflCfig * TEAS BY Mark Katzfey

Page 12. Kaleidoscope no. 99 50RIS SLOLA0R0S fy Suj£

PAUL YIPPIE Contd from p. 3 Obviously paranoid over the potential of their community org­ anizing, the police had set out to destroy Provo. Conversely, the Lower - East Side and E. Village then degenerated into even more lifelessness and smack scenery, - topped off with thesyruppyfrost-. ing of hip capitalism. The nature and variety of raps against Beal neccessitate the raising of several thousand dollars for immediate defense purposes. Preventing his extra­ dition to NYC so he won't stand trial on the '67 dope charges is his prime defense objective. FREE DANA BEAL! FREE THE MAN WHO LOVES YOUI CONTRIBUTIONS can be sent to: g|3| Dana Beal Defense Fund P.O. Box 90526 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202 — Pete Mingle YOU SAY YOU WENT TO SUMMERFEST. ..HAI HA! Wisconsin Youth International Party

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••A* :::::::::::: AND THEY HAVE THE NERVE TO OUTLAW ROCKFESTSI •••••



Castratiomn is in widesprea d use One sucCJ^'h "patient" is a boy from case s there are, nobody knowsfH. only enough peopl«e to fil l the Concentration camp inmates as a punishment in California. Pasadena who got his kicks by We only know about Anders onbe- "vacancies".- testified that the "doctors" dem­ The prudery of the establish- watching ladies at their bath. cause^he has filed an appeal in Many primative-societies con­ onstrated such a perversion. Most U.S. District Court in Sacramen­ 'ment press has concealed the One 4night he was arrested while duct an annual lottery to select of the "doctors" were not phy­ facts from the public. How quietly peaking through a bath­ to. someone to be sacrificed to the sicians but merely guards, SSmen extensively this savage punish­ room window. He was charged Judges are able to force their Gods to assure that the crops and soldiers who had seen the- ment is used cannot be detery with "Disturbing the Peace", a will even on men who are charged will grow. The practical effect operation performed and insisted mined because of the practice of misdemeanor, but was threatened -with misdemeanors, or who are of the anti-sex enforcement is, in on performing it themselves. Fur­ courts of destroying their re­ with committment to a mental in­ not even charged with a crime at fact, a lottery. Our hypocritical ther evidence of the sadistic cords ostensibly to protect the stitution for life unless he agreed • all. Since conviction is not re­ v society outlaws almost all sex, nature of the operation is that the victums. to get castrated. Another was a quired under the "Mentally Dis- , but since its hypocracy would be Nazi "doctors" always insisted However, San Diego Superior exposed if it punished everyone on performing the operation under Court Judge Lawrence N. Turren- ; guilty, a lottery called sex law local anesthetic, because it in­ tine boasts of orderding 60 cas­ enforcement is operated to se­ creased their sadistic thrill by trations. President Nixon, impre­ lect a few people to serve as allowing conscious patients to ssed withTurrentine's crusade acapegoats for societies guilt watch the operation. for decency, recently appointed feelings. In a type of Messiah- By Don Jackson. Turrentine to the U.S. District ism, the collective consciousness Court. L.A. County Superior feels it is redeemed from the sin Judge Frank C. Collier(retired) of sex by inflicting punishment on claims credit for 41. Scores of a few scapegoats. The idea of other judge impose the bizarre a scapegoat atoning for the sins punishment, but refuse to take of all is the basic ethic of Chris­ about it. tianity, and is therefore, deeply California laws do not impower ingrained in the culture. judges to order involuntary cas­ The risk of being selected by trations, but the judges have great the lottery is much greater for power over persons accused of people who live in small town. sex crimes because the State The applied ignorances and taboos Parole Board has a long standing of the churches are more firmly policy of refusing to set senten­ entrenched in rural areas, so ces for sex offenders. those who happen to be in the Because Calif, has indeterminate wrong place at the wrong time sentencing, sex of fenders are de- have a much greater chance of facto Lifers Judges, knowing that falling into the clutches of the the puritanical parole board never anti-sex establishment, and thus releases sex offenders, uses the become scapegoats to atone for threat of life imprisonment to the sins of everybody. force homosexuals, peeping toms, In spite of the widespread cunt eaters, masturbators. and use of castration as a "treat­ other "sex criminals" to Vol­ ment" for sexual deviation, most untarily" sign papers to have doctors say it is "worthless"as themselves emasculated. a treatment because sexual or­ Section 645 of the Calif Penal ientation is in the mind, not the Code provides that ah operation sex organs. "for the prevention of. procrea­ The reason castration is pop­ tion" may be involuntarily per­ ular in California is related to formed on anyone found by state sadistic tendencies on the part doctors to be a "mentally dis­ 24 year old UCLA law student who ordered Sex Offender Act'', the of judges, policemen and doctors. ordered sex offender" or who is was charged with "child moles- inconveniences of trials and Many people were sentenced to convicted of a sex crime. The .tajion" - he was having a love evidence are avoided. TheMDSO Spandau prison by the Nuremberg . State Department of Mental Hy­ affair with a 16 year old mal£ law provides that any person tribuanal for castrating prisoners giene reports that 19,042 invol­ "childV Yet another is a quiet suspected of sexua&'itbnormality in the Nazi concentration camps. untary "sterilizations" have been and refined Bakersfield business­ can be committed to a state mental ' Many psychiatric authorities tes­ ordered by judges, but does not man i who bought pretty fuzzy hospital for 90 days observation. tified for the prosecution, stat­ report what percentage of these sweaters for teen age girls who If the state doctors feel that the ing that there is aprimativemale were vasectomys and what per­ let hm kiss their cunts. "patient" is likely to commit sex instinct called the "castration centage were castrations. Pru­ Judges are able to force their offences, they keep the "patient" instinct that causes some de­ dish newsmen consistantly refer wll on men who are charged with incarcerated until "cured". Since praved people to get a sexual to castration by the nicer, but sex felonies because sex offen­ -all sex acts other than solitary thrill and ejaculate while wit­ inaccurate term, "sterilization". ders are virtual lifers. Sodomy, masturbation and fucking between nessing or -performing cas­ Prudery and secrecy have for example, is punishable by a lawfully married male-female trations. combined to keep the public ig­ life imprisonment. Thousands of couple with the man on the top norant. men are incarcerated for pro­ and woman on the bottom are Former San Quinton Warden longed periods of time on this defined as "sex crimes" in the Clinton Duffy has an entire chap­ charge! A notorious example is California law books, they can ter on castration of prisoners in the case of Alex Anderson, who incarcerate just about anyone they his book, "Sex and Crime". Duffy was convicted of sodomy in 1956. wish. expresses the mentality typical of In the 15 years since then, he Almost anyone can be committed the castrating judges - that sex has been shifted back and forth under the MDSO law, but the in­ is sinful and castration "helps" between the homosexual isola­ sane asylums only have room for men to overcome sinful desire. tion wing at California Men's col­ a fixed number of "patients". In one case history, Duffy tells ony/Las Padres and At&scadero •Consequently the law enforcement the story of a man who ' fond- State Hospital. How many similar and judical establishment commit deled" an eight year old girl while she was sleeping at a public camp ground. The judge asked, "Do you want probation and cas­ tration". The man later told Warden Duffy: "I just heard rpi§ him(the judge) say probation and i I said yes. They took me to SQWOTXX X X x__ f a hospital. Then they put me to XX X X V sleep and when I woke up they had taken 75 percent of my pleas­ 8XX X *XX X* X ure away from me." Duffy tells XXX XXX the story with sadistic glee. Af­ XX x.xo>x XXX ter the man was castrated the V4 judge changed his mind about probation and sentenced the man TWOFER to San Quentin. *\ ffpL A psychiatrist who is fre­ quently appointed by courts to 'St c/iSAAM\ Hfou Save$3 examine persons suspected of be­ ISS by Andy Warhol ing "Mentally Disordered Sex 'H DEM WATERMELONS by Robert Nelson Offenders", of tens recommends ** S$4.98 UST*RRICIfcICE - T: OFER $#50 I GOLD DIGGERS OF 1935 by Busby Berkeley castration. In a magazine ar- ~ D t7 x — TWJOFE "°° -***3 THE CONNECTION by Shirley Clarke tide the shrink boasts of his ,Jft£8 LTSt PR| GUNS OF THE TREES by Jonas Mekas abilty to coerce men to sign the MY HUSTLER by Andy Warho.l legal papers authorizing castra-_ SHANGHAI EXPRESS with Marlene Dietrich tion by injecting them with a . x -* 5x ^ *x BREATHDEATH by Stan Vanderbeek hypnotic drug. The shrink say, J* * X X ALPHAVILLE by Jean Luc Godard however, that he only uses this SINS OF THE FLESHAPOIDS by Mike Kuchar strategy in cases where the "pa­ UNDER THE ROOFS OF PARIS by Rene Clair tient" adamently refuses to sign THICK PUCKER by Robert Nelson the papers. SCOTCH TAPE by Jack Smith The types of men who are for­ BLOND COBRA by Bob Fleischner ced to submit to castration vary JBKOMHK98 A DAY IN THE COUNTRY by Jean Renoir greatly. Many are plain, ordi- - .. .and many more nary homosexuals who have the misfortune of comming before a :ftAME moralistic ignorant judge in a rural county. In Los Angeles and other urban areas, judges are a bit more selective, and reserve JAWtttS castration as a punishment for other sexual deviation such as peeping toms, pedophiles, rap­ 1st>«^WMMM H ZIP* ists, fondelers and exhibitionists. RTH Psjje 14, Kaleidoscup' p& 99

5*0 pm. Summerfest: concert- 9*0 pm. The Coffeehouse, 631 N. 19th. Power Play. Group ex­ Jeffery Hollander, classical and 8*0 pm. Summerfest: Rock Spec­ jazz pianist. Tent Theatre. amination of power and the peo­ ple who exercise it. FREE!!I tacular - Poco, Mountain, and John Sebastian. R©PR 7*0 pm. Summerfest CONCERT; Milwaukee Opera Co. Tent Thea­ 11*0 pm. WUWM: BLUESROOTS 7*0 pm. Channel 10: EVENING tre. plays Skip James. AT POPS. Dave Brubeck, Paul Desmond and Gerry Mulligan join 7*0 pm. Channel 10: FANFARE- the Boston Pops. BTfEsR.sp "American Odyssey:- Dark as a REMINDER: Listen to Bob Reit­ Dungeon - songs of the miners man on WZMF and watch for his "surprise" callers. 8:00 pm. WUWM: CROSSROAD: JULY 22- THURSDAY sung by Jean Ritchie, Merle Tra- - Blues features Leadbelly. JULY 23, FRIDAY. I ; vis, Tom Paxton and B.B.King.. JULY 24, SATURDAY «••••••• 12:30 pm.s merfest:Hammid-- 8:00 am. WUWM: THE OTHER 8*0 pm. Summerfest: Movie Orgy um 8*0 pm. Storefront Manor: Lime- Mo<~t.,n Ui\us(also 3:30 ) Daily SIDE. Rich Jennings plays Bukke. (*0 am. WUWM: JUST BLUES. Tent Theatre. event. White. fire, progressive rock'group from Madison. 9*0 pm. Channel 10 FANFARE: 1:00 pm. Summerfest: Miller Jazz 3*0 pm. Summerfest: Theatre "American Odyssey: The Mid­ Oasis. Today-George Pritchett, . X. Satirical improvisation. Tent 9*0 pm. The Coffeehous, 631 N. 9*0 am. WUWM: JUST BLUES. night Special". Songs of the Rail­ Sig Millonzi Sextet(until 10) Theatre. Nth St: Film - "The World of road with Leon Bibb, Bill Mon­ Carl Sandburg FREE. How the blues and jazz relate, with Charlei Mingue, Milt Jack­ roe and the Blue Grass Boys, and 4*0 pm. channel 10: Mr Roger's ALL DAY - Pick up a K-scope Mike Seegar. NOW RIGHT AWAY send some son, Roland Kirk, and BilHe Hol­ Neighborhood. Jazz Sasophonist at Summerfest and say hello iday. Eric Kloss comes to play in King to Henry Jordan but don't get shit into our calandar editor. 11*0 pm.^ Summerfest. ORGY Friday's Royal Jazz Festival. in his way. AND THEN SOME. GET IT ON. JULY 25, SUNDAY, ••HHIH 7:30 pm. Channel 10: NET Play- 4*0 pm. Summerfest: Scott* GIVE JULY26, MONDAY, ••an^ house.-"The Queen and the Welsh­ Marshall light show. Tent Thea­ 1*0 pm. SUMMERFEST; Con­ man". Story of Ctherine, Widow tre. Also at 6 pm. cert. Max, Gregory James Group- 8*0 pm. Channel 10: BLACK of Henry V. (repeated at 7/24 at Flea Market Stage.(until 6) BLOOD JOURNAL. Sammy Davis dis­ 10pm. 5*0 pm Summerfest: Agape St­ cusses his experience as a Black ALL DAY - buy something from* man and a performer. John Lee reet Theatre. "The Independent the people at the Flea Market. 8:00 pm. Female". Tent Theatre. Hooker is also featured. Summerfest: Movie Orgy. Sum­ They got ripped off a few days ago and need your help. |fe*?o 1:30 pm. A GAIN Summerfest: The mer fest tent theatre. 8*0 pm. Billie B. Shears film Messengers, Family at Max. Flea 9*0 pm. Channel 10. BOOKBEAT Pabst International Folk Fes­ Society: THICK PUCKER by Ro­ Market Stage(until 6\, "A rap on Race". James Bald­ tival. Dances, in costume, ethnic bert Nelson, BLOND COBRA by- win discusses his book which food at inflated prices, ethnic, Bob Fleischner, and COPS with 4*0pm. Summerfest: CONCERT is a dialogue between himself bands at inflated value. 1-8 pm.. Buster Keaton. 911 E. Ogden. Moog Synthesizer played by Ro­ and anthropologist Margaret Me­ Daily event. Also 8, 10, repeated 7/24 ger Ruggieri of Milw. Symphony ad. Repeated at 5:30 pm on 7/31. CONCERT - Jackson Five d Orchestra. Also 6 pm. 8*0 pm Channel 10: THE TOY 8:30 pm. CONCERT: Summer THAT GREW UP, "Dancing Mo­ JULY 27, TUESDAY, i Evenings of Music. Fine Arts thers" with Clara Bow, the "it" Quartet Woodwind Arts Quintet; girl. 8*0 am WUWM(89.7FM) DIFF­ UWM recital hall. ERENT STROKES. Featured is 8*0 pm. Summerfest again: Rock "The Language and Music of 8:30 pm. PLAY: "luv" by Murray revival. LITTLE RICHARD Wolves".(is this for real, Karen?) Schisgal, also 7/23,7/24, at 8:30; 'CHUCK BERRY, BO DIDDLEY, 7/25 at 7:30pm UWM Studio THE ACES. 4:30 pm. Channel 10. SESAME ST. Theatre GJaXnW> African drums and dancing; Bill - 8:15 pm. Recital: String Chamber Cosby expressing Happy and Sad, 9*0 pm. Storefront Manor, 1336 Music UWM Recital Hall. films on Koalas, bridges, and N. Astor. Poetry readings. GET SOME KULTCHA. rhythm.(aren't the kids too young for "rhythm"- besides it don't 10:00pm. WUWM(89.7FM) THIS 9*0 pm. Storefront Manor, 13 work). LAND. Karen Anderson and Dave 36 N. Astor: Keith Waening, quasi- j Novick deal with indigenous folk folksinger from Racine. What's music. "a quasi-folk singer anyways, 7:30 pm. Channel 10; U.S. IN- huh?" - dustriai film festival . About the how and why of human Wi technological creativity. — "a must". imutM*m***aW*i M ;j2zi2i£ t£5Q£3£' 8:30 pm. Channel 10: ARTISTS IN AMERICA. Social satirist Jules Feiffer discusses his cartoons and shows a segment of his play "Little Murders" starring Elliot Gould. f.rorvs I of I WCINUUL 9*0 pm. Channel 10: Evening at Pops with Brubeck, Desmond,,, and Mulligan(see 7/25 at 7pm.) JULY 28, WEDNESDAY. •••••• K'SCO**;, 7*0 pm. Channel 10. THE FR­ ENCH CHEF. Pizza variations. (the rag that put Julia Child (she's a gas - better than the Galloping Gormet) :|||s Mi Iw. on the map) 7:30 pm. Channel 10 JUST JAZZ. SIGN UP NOW FOR Billy Eckstine. THE STATE FAIR.... 8*0 pm. 11th House with famous and wierd and strange Bob Reit­ man.(you know he used to write Poetry - how's that for being make 101; a wierd?) 9*0 pm. YOUTH DANCES. Gar­ COpy** * cop yr papers at field and Columbus Parks.' the K'scope office (call 272-1989 JULY 29, THURSDAY, MMH if you don't know where it is) or Rhubarb, 1618 W.Wells. 4:30. Channel 10: SESAME ST. B.B. King sings the alphabet and sells a million copies of it.

•••OPEN HOD DAYI lX£0£FLA£, gasBa^ XMtFFH: ftwTo: . K'scope Box 90526 Milwaukee, Wis. 53202 |

(As WSINHNI 7£JSS(ltt*#fO i\\m 9075Cg9O57467|C I

Kl S*cu&ru af4*X*>*f TtamtUMS t^dntan^JSjaM^. riVE DOLLARS

*#&£ "could it just be we aint learned nothin' yet? it

7:30 pm. Channel 10. NET Play­ house. "The Prodigal" based on the legend of Arestes.(a local acid dealer). 8:15 pm. CONCERT: Summer- Evening of Music. Fine Arts 9:00 pm. The Coffeehous, 631 N. Quintet; Woodwind Arts Quintet; 19th ST: Steve Fromm sings. Robert White , tenor. UWM Re­ 50 cents. cital Hall. AUGUST1, SUNDAY. 9:00 pm. Channel 10:THE WORLD 8:30 pm. Channel 10: ARTISTS OF WILLIAM BLAKE. Filmed 4:30pm. Channel 10 JUST JAZZ. on location at Westminster Abbey. IN AMERICA. Howard jones, Billy Eckstine. artist in sound sculptures. 10*0 pm i WUWM: THIS LAND. 7:00pm. The Coffeehouse: Agape AUGUST 4, WEDNESDAY. ••••• Tonight THIS LAND does part Supper. Bring cheese, bread,sau­ I of "Children's folk Songs". sage, or fruit to share with one 8:30 PLAY:"Fortune and Men's another. FREE. JULY 30, FRIDAY, i Eyes " by John Herbert(repeat- 8:00 pm. WUWM: CROSSROADS: 8/5, 8/6 at 8:30 pm. ) UWM Studio Theatre. 8:00 am. WUWM: THE OTHER BLUES deals with Johnny Young. SIDE features Paul Butterfield and Doc Watson.(what are you 9:30 pm. CHannel 10. THE ELE- AUGUST 2, MONDAY. •••••••• venth house, a series of mus­ doing up so damn early?) ical collages interpreting the 8:00 pm. Channel 10: REALITIES. sounds of Dylan, Grateful Dead 7:30 pm. Channel 10: THE TOY "The Quiet Invasion". Documen­ and others. Incorporates film and THAT GREW UP. "Hills of Ken­ tary on the lives of 15 million still photos. Produced by the Lift. tucky" features Rin Tin Tin from Chinese in S.E. Asia living out­ 1927(and sho says ya can't teach side mainland China. and old dog new tricks?) AUGUST 3, TUESDAY, ^nanam 9:00 pm The Coffeeshous: Power Play. FREE. ^ 8:00 am. WUWM: DIFFERENT STROKES. Kim Weston's new 11*0 pm. WUWM: BLUESROOTS: album and "Booker T. and Pris- Cam Latham plays Lowell Fulson. cHla". •H, JULY 31, SATURDAY. •§«• END JE WORLD WUWM. JAZZ ECHOES. Mark - Kremer mellows our first hour. i 9:00 am. EXHIBITION: Model July 21, August 4, and Augl8, / A Ford Qub. Brookfield Square. 8:00 pm - Women's history course Also 8/1. at Feminist Center - corner of Buffum and North. .9:00 am. WUWM: JUST BLUES- July 26, NOW( National Organiza­ features Mc Kainey. tion for Women) board meeting- 8:00 pm - open to public- Fem­ 5:30 pm. Channel 10. BOOKBEAT; inist Center. "A Rap on Race". James Bald­ win. August 26, A NOW fund-raising event(information tl>'follow later) focusing on women in politics.'


A COUPLE needs a flat on the CYCLE East Side . About $100.00 per YOUNG MAN with love of basket­ month. Also a double mattress. ball wants to meet young woman Call Chris or Joanne at 278-7304. with .same . Must have own jockey shorts. Call Fred at 981-2345 FREE TO GOOD HOME, cute SHOP personable and lovable kittens and year old female cat. Call Lenni KALEIDOSCOPE needs money and at 272-1989 or "Racine" 1-673- supplies badly. All donations 8417. welcome - will consider a bribe- BICYCLE things are desperate. Call Bert THE INDEPENDENT LEARNING at 272-1989. Center, a free high school on SALES AND Milwaukee's South Side is look­ TV's, radios, stereos and gui­ ing for three new staff members- tar amps repaired cheap or will one into math, one in remedial exchange for other services or SERVICE reading and one as a general usable items - perhaps other co-ordinator who has typing skills equipment. Will also arrange For more information and appli­ swap deals. Ralph ,278-7981. OPEN cation forms call or write or visit ILC 1437 W. Lincolm,384- 4760 - Salary is according to 10am DAILY your needs. CLOSED SUNDAYS WANTED, lockable file cabinets, AND MONDAYS desks, space to work from, and contributions for telephone and CLASSIFIED ADS cost $1 for other expenses for new commun­ the first line and 50£ for each 1810 E. ity program. Please contact additional line. Figure 30 units Operation Clean Up Box 90526, per line. Every single letter, Milwaukee, Wis, 53202 space, punctuation mark or num­ NORTH AVE. ber is a unit. To place an ad, send it with WANTED, someone to teach gui­ the* money; your name, address, 272-4600 tar, Beginner, Cheap, Contact and telephone number^to K-Scope, Victor: 2445 N. Holton Apt no. P.O. BOX 90526, Milw., 53202. 7. Few hours per week. We reserve the right to reject ads that may endanger our ex­ Pregnant? I NEED a cheap or free piano istence. Also ads that are EXCHANGE TAKE A TRIP in fairly decent condition. I obvious rip-offs won't be run - Need Help? compose Rock/Jazz revolution­ but caution is always advised in ANY 8-TRACK GET A ary music and do not have a doing business withmail-order for assistance in obtaining piano or much money. If you firms. TAPE FOR ANY TATTOO a legal Abortion immediately have a piano you are not using In no way do any ads we run OTHER TAPE -$1.00 TO REFLECT YOUR Call: or want to get rid of please represent our feelings or beliefs- PERSONALITY call me. Jay Borkenhagen, 1-562- other than our intention not to 1,000 TAPES TO CHOOSE 3802, Plymouth Wise. be YOUR censor. Censorship FROM.DAILY 10-6 SATUR OPEN DAILY (215) 878-5800 is up to you. WANTED: BASEBALL freek has If you want to buy something DAY 9-5 CLOSED MONDAY 1:00 pm Referral Services Inc. m need for a catcher's mitt for or if your ad is non-commercial 1928 W. MITCHELL 18455 W. NATIONAL 8 AM-10 PM—7 DAYS I free or cheap - phone Elliot at and meets our requirements, w MILWAUKEE TAPES AND IN NEW BERLIN, WIS. *276Sil87. 11 run it FREE. TRADES COMPANY 672-0650 J **cs

••••••7»_ • •••• ••••••••


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SEXISM AMERICAN STOLE, 1971 ilJILTY?? WOMEN, you are a sexist: MEN, you are a sexist: WOMEN, you are a sexist: MEN, you are a sexist: One of the most commonlv used, or sa »uid I say, misused, words out today is "sexism". Apoarentlv it is so hard a word to define IF YOU ex poet him to look and act IF YOU sincerely, believe that IF YOU believe that bullshit that that the dictionaries refuse to even try. Not even the newest, most IF YOU worry that someone might women who get raped really virile . Would you be upset if he think you were gay if you wore being raped would be romantic liberal dictionaries list such a word. Cowards, all of them. Really, wrote poetry, had gay friends. and and exciting. wanted to, that they had a sub­ it is an easy word to define. It means, well you know, it means... pastel shorts or a lace shirt. conscious desire to be mastered." Let me start all over agr.**\ Sexism is a belief, or is it a practice, wore semi- masculine clothes or If you write poetry or paing, do a lace shirt? Do clothes really you keep it a secret from your IF YOU hate all homosexual or is it both? Anyway, it is a practice of categorizing and pul males, and look down on them. IF YOU hate and feel' threatened labels on work, activities, people, etc. by sex. .For example, vou make him more or less of a man? male friends because they would­ n't understand?(Get new friends) by lesbian females. hear of women's work and men's work. You hear of men's clothes. iFthe women's liberation move­ "»ou hear that it is feminine for a man to cry for that for a w< ment is something so degrading to IF YOU think the women's lib­ to bale hay or repair cars is masculine. Madison Avenue is probabl . eration movement is laughable, the greatest perpetrator of sexism in this country. It is forever you as a woman that you won't IF YOU expect him to help you IF YOU get upset when she does­ even discuss it, except to laugh and that women involved in it reminding us about men's cigarettes and telling us that not using with your coat, hold your chair, a duche is unfeminine. n't wait for you to open doors at and make derogatory comments are dykes. and open car doors, and are in­ for her, or puts her coat on with­ about. Do you really think all The end result is that we are tightly circumscribed into little sulted if he doesn't. out your help, or if she sits women involved in the movement niches* and further that we are taught to role play deeper into down before you've had a chance are man-haters? •• little niches. We make better consumers and CONFORMISTS to pull out her chair. eiet\ that wa .. ; LX'AMPl : r-xism is not at all confined to married people. I IF YOU believe in being made IF YOU enjoy making love to a number of liberal minded young couples who live together; love to rather than actively tak­ woman, rather than being involved they figure they're a hell of a lot less hung-up than their parents. IF YOU expect him to give your IF-YOU'RE ready to walk out and ing part in making love. Sexism in the act of making love. If Why then in most cases, does he still bring home the bacon, and she order to the waitress. You're leave her at BIG BOY'S because demands that women be passive. a woman's active role in sex keep the house, and clean, and cook, just like her mother did for a grown adult, aren't you? she gave her own ordertothe wait- threatens you. her father? OK. so maybe she works outside, too. but in most cases, even if she works, she still does the shitwork, just like her mother IF YOU have never held a door did._ That's free love; no, I disagree,.- that's free NOTHING. She's for a man, or helped a mOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOi»0&0&0, bus. Soon it will be on the IF YOU are offended by women At the last community meeting IF YOU dress up in frills, laces, two rooms on the 2nd floor of the streets with information on abor­ with short masculine haircuts, I KALEIDOSCOPE is published by the Kaleidoscope Pub. Co. tions, birth control, the draft, sexy underwear and see-through unshaven legs, mannish shoes, and First Baptist Church, 911 E. negligees because they make you first aid, and drugs and legal pants, because you consider them NEW MAILING ADRESS: P.O. Box 90526. Milw., Wise. 53202. Ogden were approved for use as feel more feminine, you'd better offices for the Free Store, the information. Another project is unieminine, you'd better take a called the "Legal Commune". redefine the word "femininity". second look at your definition of Survival Center, and a Women's You are role-playing Madison I TELEPHONE: (414) 271-1250 or 272-1989. Liberation abortion counseling Although the name is being femininity. Are you sure you dropped. Avenue's male views of femininity prefer those scented, bewigged, DISTRIBUTED "by Subterranean News. 1238 E. Brady 272-1989 center. not your own . beribboned dolls to real women? The Free Store will move A benefit for the former "Legal If you do, you've gotta be a sex­ STAFF MEMBERS. Bob Adams, Al Altendorf, Karen Anderson, from 1754 E. Pulaski to room Commune" will be held on Sat. ist, because clothes don't make a Leroy Burt, Dennis Gall, Mike Grant, Rick King, Lois Lane 6 of the church, their new lo­ July 24 at 7, 9:30 and 12 mid­ woman a woman. Rich Manglesdorf, Dave Novik, Pat Small, Bert Stitt, Mary, cation, as soon as someone comes night in the chapel of the First Baptist. A movie, "Freaks" will Brigitte, Fred, Sam and the WLerdos. up with a van or truck to move the boxes full of stuff already be shown for a 50 cent donation. NATIONAL AD REP: Media A, 15 E. 40th St. N.Y., N.Y. 10016. donated. Proceeds will go towards a phone IF YOU'D be embarrassed if she and office supplies. IF YOU'D be insulted if he asked wanted to pay her own way some­ LOCAL ADS AND BUSINESS: Bert J. Stitt. Bring in things you aren't you to pay your way to a show ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE: Mike Grant. using, old clothes, lamps, rugs, The legal people have been where. Would you feel you weren't working at unravelling our mys­ or in a restaurant. Do you feel * a man? Would your ego be crush­ small appliances, or anything else it's up to a man to pay for the Kaleidoscope Motto: Friend of those that have no friends, enemy, useful. Children's clothes and terious American legal system. In ed if the waitress or ticket-taker order to survive the power of the pleasure of your company? stared? Would it bother you to of those that make us their enemy. toys are especially needed. The Free' Store is for the state, we must know more than think that "those people" might just our "rights". If you have think you were cheap? Think how 9 Kaleidoscope flower: Cannibis Faroutious. O people and can only function if you help them with your donations. questions about bail procedures, a woman must feel to have a man the courts, legal aid societies, pay her way all the time. § Kaleidoscope mascot: Milwaukee Vice Squad and of course, Harryl O Sharing room 6 with the F.S. will be the Survival Center. These have been busted or know some­ ooooooo* •i-*:*-:-*:*-:*':•:•:* •:****.*.*. people have more than one pro­ one who has, come in and see IF YOU'Dfeel embarrassed if you ' IF YOU'D feel even more threat­ ject going. One is a survival . the people at the Survival Center. paid his way occasionally. ened if she paid both your ways.