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LINKLETTER P.3 GARBAGE P. 6 REV.EWS P. 7 POWER -P. 2 FAB. FREEKS P. 12 POETRY P. 9 t$BLi$f agatf^/ This Is Issue No. 104 and fs alsojthe anniversary, of our Fourth Vear et publishing. It's still hard to baftevel Itiere's been a lot of hype and a lot of guff lately about. the "righteous** concept of FREE newspapers. First of sll, " ICALEIDOSGOPE sttU costs a quarter. and If by some miracle we could affords print,an average of 10,000 copies an issuefce hype!) without charging for It we would still have second thoughts. . <- \ , Last year, (no "hype * y&n can. inspect our books) almost .8,000 doHars(not counting the 20 per. cent rip-off rate that we have to deal with) was earned by freaks lr» the com­ munity. That's a lot of money that would be lost to our brothers and sisters if we gave K-scope away tree* "*• We can't afford it, and neither can the community. Others can hype what they* want^, 1 guess-If you can't sell it you HAVE to give it away. Besides, the amount of Utter 04i. Bradv St. is, quite sufficient. Enough $sid*

"the Glebbies are doing a terrific job, in case you've been oat of touch, with both their recycling truck and the FREE MEAL every Thursday night -at 6pm at the Gommun- ; ity Center,911 E, Ogden. If you have some food to donate, and that's a good Idea, or need your garbage recycled you can call the Qe&hies at 964*7846. They deserve our su­ pport. ' Food is especially needed and if anyone wants to* help cook or wash dishes they can show up at the Commun­ ity Certer around 4pm. any Thursday. Besides, you'U get a good meal. <. Also* according to those who know what there is to know, there will be a decision made by Oct. 31 about giving the Community permanent use of the First Baptist Church. If that happens* people should start thinking about what to ...NOTS do with that large and basically under-used building. Atten- >dance at the Community Meetings on Thursday nights at 7:30 would be a. good start. The Community Center should be run by the "people" and for that to happen the people McGOVERN have got to get it together. Need more be said7 cheered as the clean-for-Gene in his cabinet, etc. "What about young-dems kinda smiled. "Give gay people?" he was asked. Mc­ him a joint, give him a joint," Govern looked puzzled—"YOU take - K'SCOPE CENSORS!.' was the next chant; nobody but the care of the gay people," he blurted. Maybe vou're one of tihemen who's gone away mad because His campaign flyer says "Make press heard George growl "Sit Wrong move. your classified ad for a "chick," "companion" or "room- America Happen Again...Make down, BOY" to the yippie who did George, whether he knows It or mate""was rejected. Maybe you're a man thinking of putting George McGovern President in so. Later George also admitted not, is a part of the many reform­ in such an ad. This is to clear It up once and for all: •72." that he was against the legaliza­ ist measures being used to pacify KALEIDOSCOPE DOES NOT ACCEPT ADS THAT WE What it comes down to Is the tion of marijuana. radical forces In America. Mayor CONSIDER OFFENSIVE TO WOMEN, We have been charged same old political doubletalk. Last *1 will give amnesty to those Alioto, well-known pig and mayor with "censorship** for this position all we can say Is, If it's • week when George came to speak who have gone to Canada to avoid of San Francisco, has said that no censorhlp, too fuckin bad. at UWM he was doublebilled with the draft —in the tradition exem­ more marijuana arrests will be The staff had to decide which group of people to cater to— the Sam Lay Blues Band—surefire plified by Abraham Lincoln who made. Abortion and birth control those that advertise for the "services** of women, or those bait for youth and blacks alike. gave amnesty to those who car­ reform looks like it's coming up. women who feel shitty when they see those ads. We had to de­ Most of the crowd that filled ried arms against the govern­ The McGovern/Hatfield amend­ cide which attitude we wanted K'scope to reflect—on the one the Union Ballroom came for Mc­ ment." Or something close to that. ment has been passed. And of hand, that women arecraaroaHSditfes to be bought, sold, traded, Govern and not, the band, though'a But when asked about the New course, now that 18-year-olds have' and advertised for; on the other hand, that that attitude is hard-core of boogie fanatics stayed Year's Gang (who have picked up the vote, all is groovy. something we're trying to.destroy. We won't run articlef for the second set after George the gun against the government Meanwhile, unwed mothers can't \ that put down Blade people either; we won't run ads for the had gone to board the big silver and are reportedly hiding out in get on welfare unless they rat Army, we won't endorse Seraphim for mayor no matter how bird. Canada)—he said, "Certainlynot." on the father and sue for pater­ .heavy the payoff, and we won't run sexist ads* The above group of maybe 50 George also had the mealy- nity. American troops are just as So If vou'relookingforawomatt, free, cheap, or expensive, people were the same ones that mouthed correct line about wo- busy all over the world. There are ,to share your house and bed, toposesside so you can get off heckled George as he spoke, chan­ - men—though he had to be s creamed still 200,000 marijuana prisoners. ; on It, to dean your house and maybe a little something else, ting, "We don't need a president," at to call on one. He said he sup­ We in the Brady/Farwell commu­ 'or to do anything you wouldn't want a man to do—don't even and asked him questions about dope ported the Equal Rights Amend­ nity can't walk our streets. The ask us to sell you an ad. Maybe you'll have to try forming ^nd revolution. ment (which, however, many wo­ most we can do, as black people -;somept|M^'re^ - - %XX"" ^E.'OOE> EE>&j y "I don't think anyone should be men's liberation groups do not have been doing for years, is NOT- in jail for smoking marijuana,"' support on grounds of liberalism) to vote, unless we write in Kath­ George said. The rowdies in front and would certainly have women leen Cleaver or Fat Freddy's Cat., —Lois Lane PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that Ken-, neth Matthew Furem, formerly of 1147 E. Kane PL, and presently Serving two two year sentences for Possession of a Dangerous Drug, ...NOT MUSKIE to wit Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, I still don't know why. Maybe America, - a great leader - ine the crowd seemed to have cared with a prior conviction, and pos­ it was the allure of free beer that man who'll bring America to­ less. (Many a yawn was observed, session of Marijuana, with a prior brought me to Serb Hail on the gether - Edmund Muskratl(?) especially among the young.) And conviction, wiJU file an application Southside for the Muskiefor Pres­ The speech was predictable how Muskie can get up and say for executive clemency with the ident rally, Monday Sept. 27. But absolutely nothing - not even ans-> Honorable Patrick J. Lucey, Go­ enough. In fact, I think Iheard wer question, and then go on to even now, I don't know what kept Nlxbh ~%ive the same one about vernor of the State of , me there. I was really amazed. repeat it all at the next rally, I on or about the eighth day of De­ There was something planned 4 years ago; You know, " we don't know. cember, 1971. The above was sen­ for everybody; a polka dance band must get out of Vietnam, the coun­ The big joke of. it all Is that tenced on the twentieth day of May, 'inside and a band outside. try must be pulled together" - the he'll probably be the one to "chal­ 1971, and Is presently serving his It was a carefully executed poli­ whole bit. Of course, nothing lenge" Nixon, while the other poli­ sentence at the Wisconsin Cor­ tical rally of old that went exact­ specific was said, just noncontro- ticians who at least attempt to ans­ rectional Institution. ly according to plan. versial generalities, but the cro­ wer some questions won't have wd, promted by "agitators", clap­ Fighting my way through the a chance. ped anyway. The best part of the whole affair crowded lobby, I first went to the The local political heavies were beer and then just sort of stood was the Polish dancers. They ca- J there too. D.A. Mike McCann and vorted around the stage yelling' stunned by the whole scene. Par­ Henry Maier - *naking Muskie ticularity amazing were the people and dancing, at at least looked appear the obvious choice of the, happy, with all the heavies smiling vho evidently believed they were Wisconsin Democratic Machine. Participating to a greater or lesser on. I thought it resembled some sort of Yippie dance. But I'm sure! extent in "grass roots politics". The nights lesson, Iguess, was Balloons, "Muskie for President" if Yippies would have tried and ""Wisconsin Trusts Muskie" the nonsense of present electoral something so spirited in Serb Hall Signs filled the halL politics' - or how an illusion of that night, they'd quickly been Finally after the traditional long great support for a candidate can arrested. At least then Muskie wait, he appeared -* the future be created with lots of money and would have had something to talk President-of\he United States,of enough organization. But much of about. —Ken Benka


Menominee March for Justice. Menominee Indians! •marched from the former Menominee Reservation to Madison. They expect to reach Madison early next week. The march is to dramitize the taking of their land in Menominee County for such commercial pro­ jects as "Legend Lake". They want an end to the exploitation of Indian land. Locally, Indians are still holding the former Coast Guard Station on 's lake front. They plan on turning it Into an Indian center if the Federal Government doesn't call out the troops as-they did at Alcatraz .

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Kaleidoscope no. 104, Page 3


Art Linkletter, the great white and score a lid or two from the criminals" and even went so far rotter of the kidneys and liver. proved the 'old addage' that crusader against drugs,(ever since crazed Yippies who were outside as to suggest that no one should King Alcohol. One could name 'all people with long-hair aren't his daughter Diane threw herself wearing masks of Diane Linkletter be in jail for using marijuana one's poison, as long as it came doners". Lois and Clark choked off a building after either OD ing and generally making a lot of although he felt that "trafficers- in a bottle. on their beer repeatedly. on acid 'or Art's T.V.program) trouble. in heavy drugs should at least Art was careful not to seem After the press conferrence, spoke here at a $100 a plate Re­ Art went on to say that drug get life imprisonment". hypocritical and told Kaleidoscope the press garbaged up on some publican dinner at the Arena. addicts(you know who he means) What do trafficers in heavy that "I've given up alcohol and nice coldcuts and bread, and the Art was billed as a "non-par- have either "personel or sexual bullshit get? cigarettes - how could I face K-scope team, always looking out tisian" speaker by former gov­ problesm", leading one to the While Art was giving his not- these kids if I didn't?" for the proverbial "rainy day" ernor Knowles. However, his anti­ conclusion that Dick Nixon must so liberal drug rap, the Repub­ He also seemd to like K-scope's stuffed a nap sack with ten or drug scare rap was just the fuel surely be a three hit-man. licans were supplying the press reporting team of Lois' Lane and twelve 8 inch? high dagwoods. A that Republicans of the Grand Old Art felt that drug addicts should with lots of that wonder drug and Clark Kent and told them after sharp eyed waitress spotted this Party stoke up on every four be "considered ill rather than the news conferrence that they bit of larceny and offered some years or so. Art was beautiful I plastic gabs which were declined When asked why he opposed the on ecological grounds. legalization of marijuana he said, Meanwhile, Republicans from all **first of all it relaxes your ten­ over the state and the Mid— sions, it relieves your anxieties, west even ate an over-rated and and it's a strong euphoric and..". over-priced hundred dollar meal, At this point several people dashed laced with lots of "drug menace" out of the press conferrence to try talk from Art and other not-so- notables. AH in all it was rather unex­ citing and left one wondering if perhaps Charlie Manson- shouldn't be booked for next year's affair. —Lois Lane and Clark Kent.

BUT THE ly and for the most part missed This fall's major Milwaukee the performance entirely. Finally, Yippee demonstration billed as the after a half hour; the director called "Art Linkletter Heart stopper", an ear ly end, and the "official** succeeded onlyinstopplngltself Yips left leaving the "unofficial" after about_jQ.minutes. The Yip- yippies holding the proverbial bag. pleproduction failed largely be- The early curtain caused some cauWtne^roducers failed to pro­ people to wonder if the Yippies vide a cast large enough to carry were trying to avoid the blame out a spectacular that Linkletter for organizing this production and merited. But this one was a sickle. caused speculation as to what would Confusion seemed prevalant In the have happened if hundreds of people cast and the only people who seemed had showed up instead of the 30 to have their role in the comedy- that were forced to attend due to drama straight were the members iating from the legal" script theatrically minded Yippies. "their ironclad Yip contracts. of the Milwaukee Police Dept., who However, it seems that Roush The best scene in the whole It also brought up the question. Is always play their parts well, al­ had successfully passed his audi­ performance got the axe before the Youth International Party mak­ though sometimes a little over- tion and was picked to appear in showtimei as plans for a Diane ing itself relavent to the East dramatically. Cameo performan­ the Safety Building's own comedy, Linkletter effigy to plunge off the ces were turned in by F.B.I. agents "The "Funny Judge". roof of the Sentinel Building ac­ Side Community of Milwaukee? Allison and another unidentified Props were excellent and most of DEMO ross from the Arena were aban­ Whatever the answers, the Yip­ lackie of J. Edgar. the Yippie actors wore the doned. The Republicans, wanting pies can now truly say "we bombed as most people had come to expect in Milwaukee". K'scoper Robert Roush was carried lifesize Diane Linkletter masks. better things than walking around to avoid another scene like last off stage by the police for dev­ Chofiography was extremely poor, in a big oval from the usually year's Agnewproduction/ame ear­ —Rick King. Page 4, Kaleidoscope no. 104 #. B405&

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is published by the Kaleidoscope Publishing Co. P.O.Box 90526, Milwaukee Wisconsin, 53202 ALL 7o&^TH^,VocroS, DISTRIBUTED by Subterranean News, 1238 E. Brady St. 271-1250 //V7& \ COLORS Hi TH&UVM6 IT MA* THE MoST f*oo* YitRE So KKrtAND fR&tfTEHM ZXKWO. kaleidoscope is staffed by: JO£S ^^^ ZMiniFtn-, 1 DIPN>7 oF My LIFE Bob Adams, Al Altendorf(on the big silver bird), Karen Anderson, ^Hia^CHIlZ^L^^R>\HER IT TO BOAXPM SCHOOLHEED TO TUXM Off THE TV. r FELT THIS SVbSNL\ Dennis Gall, Rick King, Mark L., Robin Lakes, Rosalind Clch, COZINESS.JHH Ob& Julia G.(Lols Lane, Soybean Sally, et. al.), Rich Manglesdorf, &&' TJ^JMT1J! Y i,we ^6S ""^ • »»TFaVirA C*HTEHTMENT. Dave Novick, Al Parsons, Pat Small(when he gets it together), TO "rwr Miittnwi mens* x $m*m>Tw/ikwG OF OTHE» Bert Stitt, Little Kitty and a few others like - Mary, the YC, s> (Young Commie Collective), Jim, trouble-maker, Albers, several ^ *^ ^**^ MFPitiess M cases of beer, a few roaches and of course, Bernie Baby, Mark g£mrf\&> IMJWTANT^S the Knife, and all the boys and girls in the Wheather Underground. NATIONAL AD REP: Media A, 15 E. 40th St. N.Y.*C. 10016 Local AD REP AND BUSINESS MGR. - Bert J. Stitt. .

S "Friend of those that have no friends, _ZL_ enemy of those that make us their enemy." Editorial and shitwork contributions welcome. Write, call or visit. Street Seller s may pick up papers at our office - 1238 KALEIDOSCOPE DISPLAY E. Brady or at Rhubarb, 16th and Wells. MEMBER: Liberation News Service(LNS) and Underground Press ADVERTISING 271-1250 Syndlcate(UPS) and many other commie-front organizations. formation on other people...how A.J.: On various famous person^ A. J,: I'd like to see you do that... does he feel about you? ages' garbage. i was arrested for sale of MARI­ A.J.: Dylan has mixed feelings Capp: GARBAGE—what a STINK- JUANA. about me. ING way to make a living... Capp: Marijuana is DOPE. Capp: Mixed with what? A.J.: MARIJUANA IS A HARM­ A.J.: He admires me because I'm LESS SUBSTANCE... ALCAPP a fighter, because I do my thing Capp: But legally it's DOPE and ceaselessly. A.J.:Butgettingbacktothat J. Ed­ you were arrested for PUSHING Capp: By the way, how do you sup­ gar Hoover thing—did you knowthat DOPE...Well now, let's not talk a- port yourself? Dylanologists aren't Jack Anderson went through J. Ed­ bout that cause we're gonna go right in tremendous demand...I've never gar Hoover's garbage? back and cut ALL of that out. said, "Call a Dylanologist right o- Capp: Yes. A.J.: Well, marijuana or exposing EXPOSES ver..." A.J.: You know Jack Anderson, yourself...give me reefer any time. A.J.: You'd be surprised... don't you? It never hurt anyone. What a way to Capp: How much did you earn this Capp: Yes, yes... introduce somebody to human sex­ week from Dylanology? A. J.: He went through your garbage uality—showing them your wizened A.J.: About seven bucks. too, didn't he man? genitals. WHAT A. WAY TO INTRO­ Capp: How do you live? Are you Capp: That's right and ah, ah, ah... DUCE A YOUNG PERSON TO SEX! MSElf on welfare? A.J.: He found all kinds of things Capp: I think wB've had enough of A.J.: Almost..I write for the 'East about you being kicked out of Ala­ A.J., shall we? self, to be pure, REALLY PURE, a 'Village Other". They pay about $25 Dig it: Al Crap askdcJ me to appear Zimmermanologist rather than a bama for ahh... Producer: I think if we talk about as a guest on a pilot radio show he , a week when they can. I write on o- Capp: All this, of course, will be the Dylan thing... Dylanologist? It has.more of an ac­ ther topics. I don't live like a pig, was taping. The show was never ademic ring. yanked right out, just as I'm not go­ Capp: No, I have no desire to broadcast for reasons which will like most white Amerikans do. I ing to mention you're being arrested haVe A.j. here with me in this A.J.: Simple*..it-has too many syl­ live modestly in a small loft on the become obvious after you dig this lables?. as a DOPE PEDDLER. room. transcription (I had a concealed Bowery...But let's get back^to... A.J.: Can you prove that? Prod: I understand. Thank you, Capp: Too many syllables. A.J. capp: No no no, YOU, A.J. Do you tape recorder with me). has stumped me with the PURE Capp: Let's get back... A.J., but some other day. write... A.J.: Can you even come up with Capp: No, I just won't have you WHITE logic of his reason...now^ a.j.; okay. I'm doing an article for Capp: My name is Al Gapp and my you're the only living Zimmerman­ ui arrest record on that? ' here... job is getting LilAbner into trouble "Esquire" magazine... Capp: Well, if you'd like us to we A.J.: Okay, DAD... ologist, err Dylanologist... Capp: On garbage... | in the comics and real people into A.J.: Let me correct your intro- wiH... trouble on the radio. Our next guest uction first. My profession isn't is Alan J. Weberman...now Alan J. going through Dylan's garbage. I Weberman is a revolutionary COM­ merely did that in order to get a BOftIS g/ £U)&£&)^ MUNIST who doesn't like to be platform for my ideas because of the -called Alan because it's too com­ sensationalist nature of the media. radely...He prefers to be called You see I'd been studying Dylan's 'A.J.'t which has a more important poetry via .analytic criticism for a- ring to it...it makes him soundlike bout four years previous to my go­ an executive... ing through his garbage and I re­ a.j.; that's for you... YOU CALL ceived very little attention in the ME THAT...my friends can call me press... Alan. Capp: No kidding? Although you Capp: I see, but I may be your studied his poetry the press paid no pal before this day is over... attention to you. A.J., I consider A.J.: I doubt it. that very... Capp: Oh you don't know how chum­ A.J.: They were more interested my I can become. But A.J., SON, in his garbage... this is my introduction... capp: ...unfair...having Nixon all A.J.: Okay, DAD. over the press and not you..and Capp: ...so you let me go right then you started to go through Dy­ through it A.G. and later if I like lan's garbage? you you can call me DAD. Now let's A.J.: Well, I feel that the way I go in there again cause I have some studied Dylan's poetry was definite­ very witty things here and I don't ly newsworthy, because where most want any interruptions. rock critics glossed over the lyrics a.j.; ah, okay... and...said they were meanngless^L Capp: Now you just sit there and found meaning by using the tech­ inhale and exhale, Alan...A.J.,A.J„ niques of analytic criticism... SORRY. I—I'M SO SORRY... Capp: I'm gonna read you a poem A.J.: Give me something to inhale written by, er, Bob Dylan, and it and exhale with... talks about guys like you... "Look, Capp: I just don't happen to have I don't care what your daddy says, YOUR kind of inhaling and exhaling J. Edgar Hoover is just not that good stuff with me but there's a PUSHER a guy...like he must have some in­ down the block... formation. .." Ah, s ome people like A.J.: You left it home, huh? Shelley, some people like Keats, Capp:.. .who'll fetch it in a minute. but does Shelley and Keats have A.J.'s profession is going through what Dylan has—abysmal ignor­ garbage, BOB DYLAN'S garbage to ance? Certainly not. J. Edgar Hoo­ be exact, and we'll hear more about ver goes on with Dylan—"J.Edgar this fascinating and inspiring young Hoover is just not that good a guy. American after this message...Now Why he must have information on A. J., as an authority on Dylan sure­ every person inside the White House ly you know his name is Zimmer­ that if the public knew about could man? *i,,, destroy those people." So here, A.J.: Of course. ^§yi*.. your ideal, Dylan, expresses utter Capp:,So why don't yqucallyour- contempt for people who gather in­


Abortion Counseling 276-2344 UGuardia 383-6560 Art Co-op 272-9395 Legal Aid (East Side) 272-RAID Babylon Print Co-op 344-7177 Library 276-7578 Boris Bomb Recycling 964-7846 MADIC (Draft Counsel) 342-0191 Casa Maria' 344-5745 Newsreel 342-4020 Children's Co-op 273-152c Peace Action Center 272-3040 Commuulty Center 273-1490 People's Auto Repair' 964-7175 Dial-A-Prayer 464-5230 Performing Arts Center 273-7121 sDlal- A- Devotion 545-5140 Planned Parenthood 271-8181. Dial-A-Movie 744-4822 Rhubarb Bookstore 342-4020 Runaways House 271«»lj?60t Street Sheet (lv message 272-RAID TIRE DEPARTMENT 347-2323 Storefront Manor 272-3484 Survival Center 272-RAID

m SWITCHBOARD 24hrs. 271-3123 Free Clinic 271-3123 Acid Rescue-Suicide 271-3123 Fly- By- Night Movers 264-0914. What's Happening (Rec)271-HASH Food Co-op 264-0914 Clinic Hours (Recorded)2*71-VIC Gay Counseling 342-1722 Gay People's Union 271-7319 Tax Resistance Center 271-8819 or 962-8611 Tenant's Union ' 672-5680 Granxaiiogn 272-8776 WAW (Vietnam Vets) 272-3040 Ham V Egger 272-2622 Welfare Rights Org. 344-7171 Hooligan's 273-9242 Women's Center 933-4783 Interabang Bookstore 278-8228 WNOV (Newsroom) 272-6242 WZMF 251-7070 KALEIDOSCOPE Z/l-1250 Youth International Prty 276-2344. >oooooo< *:*:*•:*•:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:•:*•:*••** Page 6, Kaleidoscope no. 104 treat It right. Bread is mostly If you've never made bread rise for an hour. If your oven lights I won't consider myself self- cools—otherwise the bread will be flour(whole wheat, rye, soy, corn- before, don't fuck around. Do It By itself (if you don't have to use a crusty. sufficient or even revolutionary 'till never use white). Some people today. This recipe makes 2 loaves, match) then the unlit oven is warm i make all my own bread. Store enough. Otherwise you can put the With this recipe you can, .as I said, who are reasonably sane use un­ enough to enjoy if you've done fool around. Add raisins If you want, bread is almost always poison, with bleached white but I don't believe well, but not so much that you dough in the unlit oven with a pan the exception of Catherine Clark's of warm water on the rack beneath. or anything else. If you want to add In it because, even though it Isn't can't choke it down. all the flour at the beginning and let; whole - wheat bread, which just .bleached and bromated, it doesn't Keep changing the water so It's recently stopped adding preserv­ warm. Oruse a warm radiator (not lt rise twice Instead of three times, use the whole plant but throws . _ TASSAJARA BREAD go ahead. Each time bread rises, J* atives. It also comes in a plastic away the wheat ggrm. The rest 3 cups lukewarm water hot). Learning where to rise bread but nevertheless reusable plastic is tricky. The dough Itself should be gets lighter. Also every time it is liquid(milk, water, or stock), 1 package yeast •rises it takes less time, and if you bag Instead of the old cellophane. and yeast, also salt, honey, some­ 1/4 cup honey 75-85 degrees, which Is the temp­ However, lt still costs 49 £ a loaf erature the yeast grows at. don't punch it down It'll get sour and times spices, sometimes eggs, •lcup dry milk soggy. You can put dough in the re­ and one time I figured out that nuts, raisins, and lots of good stuff. 1/4 cup oil When the sponge (what you call this making my own bread cost maybe frigerator, then shape and let rise When you've got the hang of 1 tsp. salt method of bread-making) has risen and bake. If youdon'thavetimetodo 25# and much, healthier besides. making bread you'll always make about 8 cups flour It will be all bubbly. Pour on the oil •Making bread Is no harder than lt all In one stretch. garbage bread, just like once you Put the water In a big bowl and sprinkle on the salt. Fold in the making a baby. AH you have to know how to cook you never really rest of the flour—enough to make a Another thing you can do if you . do? Is remember that you're deal­ or pot. It should feel neither hot don't have a lot of time is make cas­ follow the recipe - you throw In or cold on your wrist. Open the dough you can handle with your ing with living thlngs(yeast), so hands. Mix with your hands and put serole bread. This bread requires some of this and some of that and package of yeast and sprinkle It no kneading. It rises fast because ^whatever you have around. With over the water. Don't stir. In a it on the table (put flour on the table first). Press down on the lump of lt has a lot of yeast in it, which is a' few minutes It will start foaming thing you can do to any bread recipe and bubbling - that means it's dough with the palms of both hands, then lift up the part furthest from —just add more yeast and it'll take starting to grow. Let the yeast less time to rise. alone for about ten minutes, then you and fold it towards you. Push on PcIWi add the honey(it makes the yeast the dough again. Keep folding and grow more) and the powdered milk. pushing, turning the dough a quarter CASSEROLE BREAD If you don't have the milk, It's turn each time. It sounds complica­ 1 cup milk 'okay, just add more flour later. ted but basically It's like giving 1 tbs. honey It just adds vitamins and changes someone abackrub. You might have 1 tbs. salt 'the texture of the bread somewhat. to put oil on your hands. Keep 1 tbs. oil Add four cups of the flour and stir kneading until the dough "fights 1 cup warm water bread It all depends what you've well. back". It should be elastic and 2 packages yeast got - wheat germ, powdered mil. Use different kinds of flour, but smooth. It'll take about 15 minutes 4 1/2 cups flour soy grits, cornmeal, different kinds mostly whole-wheat works best of hard work. 1 egg yolk of flour, leftover cereal - It all because it has the most glutom, Wash out the bowl you've beenu- 1/2 tsp; water goes Into the loaf. which is what makes bread hold to­ slng and grease It. Put in the dough, sesame or poppy seeds. Anyway, here's some bread gether in the particular way It then flip it over so the top is greas­ In a large saucepan, heat the milk recipes. Feel free to tamper with does. Until you get the knack, ed. Cover with the towel again and slowly till it just starts to bubble. .them. you should make bread with at let rise another hour. When it's Remove from heat and add honey, least 3/4 whole-wheat flour. Later, risen enough, you should be able to salt, and oil. Cool to lukewarm. by experimenting, you'll find out poke your finger into it and the hole ' Meanwhile, smoke a joint and how much rye flour you can use will stay. If the hole pops up, let soften the yeast in the water. Add until lithe loaf falls apart, and it rise some more. to the milk. Add flour. Stir with stufMike that. When it's risen enough, punch it a strong spoon for at least 2 min­ utes. Scrape down sides of pan. Cover the bowl with a damp towel down with your fist 20-30 times and let it rise again. Now cut it in half Cover and let rise for an hour. (wet with warm water and wring out Stir batter again for 1/2 minute. well) and put lt In a warm place to with a knife and let the two blobs sit while you oil two bread pans. If you Find a 2-quart casserole or sauce- don't have bread pans you can make ,pan, grease lt, and put the batter loaves just by rolling the doujilike In It. Mix the egg yolk and water and clay Into balls, oblongs, or little spread It on top of the loaf. Sprink­ balls for rolls. le with seeds. Bake at 375 degrees Oil the tops of the loaves or brush for 50-60 minutes. with an egg mixed with a few table­ I could go on and on and I will spoons of milk. You can sprinkle the next week with other recipes— tops with poppy or sesame seeds. pumpernickel, pancakes, pretzels, Cover as before and let rise for 20 etc. , minutes while you preheat the oven; I swear to you that you haven't Bake at 350 for about an hour. lived till you've made bread. Try Bread Is done when you tap It and it once and you're hooked. lit sounds hollow. It should also have —Soybean Sally I a nice brownness to it. Take it out P»S. Vegetarians beware of the » of the pans soon. Lay the loaves on crabapples at Caesar's Pool—the their sides to cool. If you want a worms Inside are as juicy as the soft crust, cover with a towel as It apples are sour. HH

POSTERS THOUSANDS OF POSTERS 932 E. BRAEY CUSTOM MAE£ SIGNS SUPER SPECIAL^ 271 "0520 BUCK LIGHTS? Fllffu $10 T L SOON- 8 DAILY Kaleidoscope no. 104 , Page 7 "THE CONFORMIST" the social forces behind Italian per" class In origin, but it has Security, through marriage to a Conformist understands very little Fascism. What is so good about lost its wealth and stability. His member of the catholic and res­ about himself or of others. Thus, this film is that the rise of Fas­ father Is In an Insane asylum and pectable middle class. he can't comprehend that the pro­ "This movie was supposed to show cism is not seen as flowing only his mother Is a drug addict, who Likewise this anger and resent­ fessor's wife Is not attracted to upper middle class decadence at out of economic and social dislo­ Is having an affair with the fam­ ment and quest for stability lead him, but to bis wife. Its worst." —Bob Watt, K'scope, cation, but also from the extreme ily chauffeur. The Conformist Is him in part to join a secret Fascist The fall of Mussolini provides Sept., 1971 sexual repression that especially angry and bitter at a society that society. But only in part, for the the setting for the conclusion of characterizes western societies. could let such a situation come to Conformist is a man who Is ex­ the film. During the chaos the Absolutely NOT. Instead this The Conformists family Is up­ pass. Thus he seeks stability and tremely sexually repressed and Conformist and a friend come film explores and explains some of fearful that he might be a homo­ upon two gay men talking. Their sexual. He hopes that his mar­ conversation brings him back to bis riage, membership In this Fascist own homosexual experience In organization and the success­ 1917. ful execution of his plot to mur­ He begins to shout, "Where der and anti- Fas cist profess or will were you In 1917 — where were allow his sexuality, his past and you in 1938?" (when the anti fas­ character to be beyond reproach cist professor was murdered. Then or question. he shouts "Fascist" several times. A sexually repressive society All of this seems to suggest that which looks upon homosexuality as he had come to some realization unnatural and a disease has alien­ of how sexual repression and fear ated the Conformist from his own of his gayness has distorted him sexual Identity. He Is a frightened and alienated himself from his Individual who seldom is capable own sexuality. of expressing much emotion. The consequences of all this, He is very uptight and cannot especially the aggressive and vio- 1 tM^r stand being In the same room with lat masculinity that sexual re­ Ms mother because her nightgown pression develops, have been very is pulled up around her knees. The grave for the people of the world.

A "JOHNNY GOT HIS GUN" vorable atmosphere for this film. Perhaps many of us can begin to. "1 feel the way we Vietnam understand that this film explains Veterans are being treated Is ab­ what our distorted and non-human normal. I regret having to say image of masculinity can lead to. this, but JJOW I have nothing but Joe Bonham enlists In the army disgust for my country... essentially to play out the role of i "If I'd known what now the aggressive and unflinching Am­ I would never have enlisted. I erican male. Such a course of don't mean just my injury --but action can only lead to catastrophe. the insensitivity and lack of care No one in the ruling inches of B (at the V.A. Hospital). our society accepts responsibility "They would have had to drag for this false sense of humaneness me into the service kicking. It and the resultant tragedy that it makes me wonder about Vietnam— helps bring about. about whether the people I saw It is this quest for Empire and die—and people like me who are plunder and our own distorted im­ half dead, fought for nothing." age of what men should be that —Marke Dumpert, U.S. Mar­ produce Imperialist wars. ines., Paralyzed from the neck The human tragedies of such down for the rest of his life. wars—Mark, Dumpert and Joe Bon­ ham, let alone the millions of "Johnny Got His Gun" Is a film Asians that the United States Is deeply rooted in the reality of murdering and maiming. All are American genocide In Southeast shunted aside and hidden from Asia, especially as to how the view. We do not want to know war affects American soldiers. what war Is like. Besides the dead there are the There are some who are cri­ .wounded —over 300,000. An Am­ tical of this film because it has a erican soldier hit in Vietnam has pacifist point of view. Yet the twice as good a chance of "sur­ film should not be regected or har­ viving" as he did In Korea and shly criticized on such a narrow W.W. n, despite Injuries that are basis. It is deeply moving in por­ more devastating. traying the human tragedy of war. One out of seven U.S. service­ "Johnny Got His Gun" Is also men wounded In Vietnam is fated very critical of such institutions as to pass into the bleak and insensi­ the church and scientists who have tive Veteran's Administration hos­ been mainstays of the great wars pital system. (V.A. Hospital sys­ of the 20th Century. In fact, in tem has a budget of $1.6 billion one dream sequence a cariacature a year — somewhat less than of an ameriean businessman Is the cost of a few months fighting used to demonstrate class and in 'Vietnam.) Xgfo^ power relationships In america, Dumperts reality and the one of thus demolishing the myth that mass murder of Vietnamese by the WWI was fought to make the world United States have generated mass safe for democracy. opposition to the war. It is this —Teddybear opposition which has created a fa' e—eeei "THE REIVERS" Many ideas are considered, nay weighed publicly. Starring Steve McQueen in a. I won't tell you how the movie very beautiful light movie. ends. You may need a few sur­ Everybody came away crying prises. It is one of the finest from this happy movie. movies In this old town. It's cool I was the only one not crying folks. Don't miss It. behind it. Written by Faulkner about the CREEK % 1920 Sout^u The old dude goes off for four "WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH LLOYD days. Steve McQueen, a little boy HELEN?" and a black dude go off to a cat house in Memphis for a vacation. Now playing at the Sherman 'N' GENERAL* It is a very light beautiful movie. Theater with Debbie Reynolds and It was shown at Bolton Hall at UWM Shelley Winters. Magic Lantern Series. It's a wild affair. Debbie and They have a series of extra Shelley go to Hollywood to start DAVID'S fine movies coming weekly. a dance school. They fall Into You will be doing yourself a error due to guilt because Miss Restaurant & good turn to go to see them. Winters ran over her husband with four horses and a disc by Lounge accident. Integrated Ownership and Staff Debbie, and Shelley were beating "LITTLE MURDERS" themselves at every turn, real •Lunches* masochists. Shelley stabbed about Playing at the Oriental where a dozen rabbits to help relieve 'Dinners* they are having a film :?3:Jval guilt. Featuring Universal Soul Foods cming for the next two weeks The dance school put on a beau­ with some very good films. tiful show. Murders starring Elliot Gould The whole business took place In one of the wildest movies I've around 1932, old timey Hollywood ever witnessed. glamour In evidence and vice It begins by his being beat up versa. in Central Park by various rough­ Several people fall before the necks. He never fights back. He movie Is finished. runs Into this duderess, Marcla It's wild, but good. Dodd, who wants to mould him a little. They get married. She shoots some holes in his balloon. He lays "JOHNNY GOT HIS GUN" her a couple times off camera. She Is gunned down by some lu­ Now at the Downer. Dull, dead, natic. Her father's family boards Contrived, bad, dull, bad, dead. up all their windows. Couldn't stay to the end. It may The dude who played in Catch have ended up good. I could not Opaii 11 aa.an. *m a a.m.i 22 comes on with a speech as de­ get excited over lt. S«t. 'til 9 a.m. tective, very fine talk. —Bob Watt » a.. -.yj*»- ,.*...

D^jti Chbrm

I read a poem once about dead war bodies being small enough universal eye to fit in a charm to wear As I look through around your wrist. The fear-filled eyes of someone else, It's an interesting idea. see I think I found some. pain Last night's papers had 455, sorrow and that's a slow day'swork. sadness griefo And maybe when the charm is full, I we could link a whole chain of them see together and create a new fash ion „ war Maybe the jewelry designers hate would compete with us, predjudice. and make little circles of bodies I see *o paste around ladies' nipples, hunger, rats, ghettos,, „« I see no like holy medallions, I love Body medals, no peace^ Death charms. no understanding, Suramm no comfort no joy no sunshine, wonder Why.oo WAW I grow impatient

I look through my own eyes, PQEM I see Where are the pain heroes from Flan­ sorrow ders Fields now? sadness •• •••••• grief. They are dead and buried in far off by Carrie Bunch Vietnam, in jungles, swamps, on top of hill 101, Looking For The Bad Guys or 102, or whatever. There are no more EI They tell me they're in Washington* I go Flanders Fields, there and ask where are they? They tell only babies' cries me ""we're good guys, go to Hanoi, you'll women and children find them there." I fly to Hanoi, I ask screaming, r where are the bad guys, they tell me to look in Washington or Saigon. the smell of burnt D dogs, pigs, old m I race back to Washington and tell them, people, huts, they reassure me they're in Hanoi...I just villages,, didn't recognize them„ I go back to Hanoi, look harder, ask for changes, cats tell me Again, the super- why should I change any attitudes when I heroes are coming am right? I get the same story in Washingon, back, bragging RICHtQFEN Could the bad guys be the cats who feel of war, while a a they are right on both sides of all a waters or oceans? I face for your.answers the true deep Merciless out of the sum, or suggestions. feeling people he gave eighty men in full • By Bob Watt are coming back combat equipment the surprise sick and resentful. of their lives, g Spandau machine guns never • There are no more ceasing till another silver IT" • • • t Flanders Fields. cup was crowded on the mantle,. —By Moby Dick GodDAMN that man was a killer, ( Vietnam Vet) twenty-six when he died, a Prussian, too proud to paint his plane in camouflage.

What has become of your institutions. Death, when all you can give us is Lieutenant Calley? —Claude Tower POETRY LAYOUT BY ANDY LO DUCA Kaleidoscope no. 104, Page 9 QWmCiO COMPtZACV The "Great Conspiracy sembled a troupe or actors and the judge, Country Joe and Al­ Circus," a film billed as a sur­ actresses from Toronto Workshop len Ginsberg, etc. The lines realistic re-enactment of the Chi­ Productions and provided them are generally declaimed in a man­ cago 8 conspiracy trial," will be "with a script taken from the actual ner exaggerated enough so as to shown at UWM In an exclusive* Chicago 8 transcript and, to ales- milk the last droplets of laughter campus premiere on. October 7 'ser degree, from logician Lewis' from American audiences. We must and 8. Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland." be numb enough by this time to' The film's Canadian director- Actors take turns imitating trial what actually took place in that producer, Kerry Feldham, as­ personages like and courtroom in Chicago a few years "Leads and Grants" was ori­ Regal," a tape of a 1964 concert ago. . tXfX, ginally begun by our Founder, at the defunct Chicago theatre, The film is fast moving; rapid Kois, as c vehicle to offer without a word of promotion. scene changes and aluminum stage K'scope readers news about re­ Do you like what you're getting settings add to what at times ap­ cording artists, the record in­ on the local radio and television proaches an almost surrealistic dustry and related topics. scene? Let us know your opinions effect. In addition, some of the With this issue, we hope to re­ ...hopefully we can relay your impersonations, particularly that vive and expand this feature to bitches to the right places and do of Allen Ginsberg, were excellent include news and comments about, something to Improve the caliber —so excellent in fact that at times the good and bad happenings on of the generally wretched local the -comic screen seemed almost the concert, record and radio sc­ broadcasting scene. More on this in danger of cracking. ene, both lopally and nationally. next time. This film leaves me wondering Your help, questions and contri- ' The third Roberta Flack , if we have as yet. moved far enough butlons are welcome, c/o: K'scope promised for months,, will repor­ away from_ the Chicago 8 trial to PO Box 90526, Milwaukee 53202. tedly be released by Atlantic on forget Its reality and see only the Meanwhile...the rubber dub- Oct. 15. "humor.' At one point somewhere ber's giant bootleg operation suf­ Two of three parts remain to in the "Conspiracy Circus" Bobby fered a substantial setback early be seen on the Public Broadcast-, Seale remarks, 'We're into the ' in September when U.S. Marshals ing System's three hour offering fact that Superman never saved no seized several thousand . from the 1970 Philadelphia Folk -black people." Laugh, and then from L.A. area warehouses shortly Festival. The programs, seen in think what treats are in store for after the clandestine, label relea­ Milwaukee at 9 p.m. Sundays on you when Lieutenant Calley gets his sed "live" albums by James Tay­ Channel 10, will feature Patrick own TV series. lor, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young Sky, the Arthur Hall Afro-Am­ and two by Jimi Hendrix. erican Dance Ensemble, Dave Van Ronk, John Hartford, Doc Watson The "Great Chicago Conspiracy In Chicago, a small but loyal and others. Circus" will be shown In Bolton band of blues freaks, spearheaded Hall at UWM In room 150 on Thur­ by Bob Koester (Jazz Record Mart sday, October 7 at 7:30 and 10pm and Delmark Records), has begun- The legendary Big Mama Th­ and on Friday, October 8 at 5, ' a second Independent label dedi­ ornton, whose "Houndog" en­ 7:30 and 10 pm. Popcorn will also cated to the recording of authen­ abled Elvis to make it big while be available. tic blues. Bruce Iglauer, who works she remained obscure, is due at —Mary Borgman In Koester's store and last year, Alice's Revisited in Chicago, Oc­ co-founded "Living Blues," the tober 29-31. only U.S. blues magazine, has re­ If you're Into , Mil­ leased his first effort on Alligator waukee now can claim two weekly Records. It's an album by Hound radio programs of that genre. The Dog Taylor and the HouseRock- newest is "Mixed Bag," hosted STALKING THE WILD : ers and Is available at $5. a copy by Bill Munger Fridays at 10 pm by writing to Alligator Records, on WFMR and features material ASPARAGUS STALKER PO Box 11751, Ft. Dearborn Sta., from Baez to satire. The other pro- jj Chicago, 111. 60611. gram Is "This Land," co-hosted In the words of Euell Gibbons, fering, and meditate on lt for ten directly or brewed Into a tea. Another small Chicago label* by Karen Anderson and this wri­ noted author and lecturer, "The minutes. After doing this, you will The evening with Mr. Gibbons Zulu Records, can be reached at ter Hiursdays at 11 p.m. on WUWM. most rapacious, the most compe­ know the plant, and won't have to and his gentle ideas ended long 942 E. 75th St. If you're Interested It features ethnic music from titive, the most violent — are the deal with the tests, which aren't after the library closed with Mr. in the Phil Cohran Artistic Heri­ around the world, Interviews and ones that, become extinct." Mr. as accurate anyway." Gibbons reading a bit of poetry of tage Ensemble's "The Malcolm X an occasional political observa­ Gibbons referred to plants, one of Euell Gibbons also talked about his own and some friends, lite Memorial (A Tribute In Music)." tion. the objects of a discussion Tues­ the healing properties of plants, erenngwas spontaneously good and ABC Dunhill, seemingly Intent To make this column useful, let day night, Sept. 28, at the East explaining that one reason so many well worth doing again. on making as much bread as pos­ us know where your heads are at North Avenue Library. different remedies have been The East North Avenue library, sible as quickly as possible from musically, politically and any other; A film room brimming, with claimed for various disorders In B.B. King, has released their way you feel like rapping about. another 30 or so people in the hall medical lore, Is that many dl- fourth King album mis year, ac­ sponsor of the talk, currently has If you run across some trivia was the community's response to;r seas es result at least partially a display of Mr. Gibbon's books, companied by a large promotion about a recording artist you think a good, sensitive Idea of the li­ f rom a lack of vitamins, primarily along with others dealing with campaign. It's "Live in London" others might get off on, like the brary's to bring naturalist Euell A and C, and almost any plant topics of wild and cultivated plants, and includes a dozen English mu­ Kinney people (shoes, parking lots Gibbons, author of STALKINGTHE 'will yield these either when eaten herbs, and organic living. sicians among them Ringo Starr. and Atlantic, Warner/ Reprise and WILD ASPARAGUS, and other books Last mopth the company mys­ Elektra Records) selling their fu­ here. The humorous speaker ful­ teriously released a very good neral homes, pass it on to us. filled all expectations mixing a album. "B.B, King Live at the Dave Novick great deal of philosophy along with scientific lore and — poetry. Mr. Gibbons, known as a track­ nd er of wild plants— with the object of eating them, says of Milwaukee es First Tr-E "Foraging Is. excellent. Within three hours of landing, I found' d Store over three dozen types of edible BUTT SEAM FIETLRN plants." He stressed the unity approach $\ATTRESS $29.50 to nature. "In order to love some­ thing, you must enter into a rela­ tionship with it." He stated a per­ son must carefully observe and understand the'order of nature and, if one Is to forage, one must be careful not to disturb the existent balance. CHANGES: "Each plant must enter into cooperative relationships with . thousands of other plants and ani­ mals If it is to live. Man is the only one who has distracted this." : Mr. Gibbons also talked about how - to approach plant gathering. Ra­ ther than doing a ten-point Identi­ len you trade your foam pa< fication check according to some scientific guidebook, he feels you yUL-approved heater. JBIIiSiH should simply become familiar with the species as the native peoples ^--=-?3=r: InstaHalh of this land did. "An Indian would walk up to a plant, sit In front of It, bury a \M M little tobacco next to it as an of- WATERBEDS A SCHROEDER'S BOOKS N RECORDS **s^ We buy: L.P.'s, Tapes, Cassettes, books @3B| W. MSI la. • paperback books III l.aa H MUNITY HIGH

Did you know that the America O Bowling Qub requires that to one of its member leagues, eitj U your president or treasurer mui be a man? That's because in most leagues the president and trea- >_____ surer sign the checks. Did you know that to become a Boston Stori town has a < Moose, when you are initiated, restaurant that is divided into you. must swear that you are 100% ^^fn's arefls and men's. The white? This little racial tidbit waitresses in the men's section comes from the very Inner sanc­ are under 23, nubile, and wear tum of the organization. microscopic hotpants. The wait­ *Main emphasis on understanding resses In the other section are other cultures, lifestyles; no grad­ Did you know that Heinemann's H on Water and Wisconsin still has over 40 and wear long black un­ ing; students plan courses with a men's dining room and they ab - attractive uniforms. The women's teachers; environmental experien­ solutely will not serve women In jahles bear flowers, and the decor ces; recreational facilities, etc. that dining room even if the only to v,erv ornate and flowery. The A group called Environmental D We NEED parents, high school vacant seats in the restaurant are m&* s room *s decorated with fox Action in Washington D.C. is hav­ and university students and teach­ there and there is a long line of *nd hound prints and a very plain ing an ecotage(ecology sabotage) ers to form such a school. decor contest. Here are some sugges- women waiting?,^. dominates throughout the . tlons they've received, in case you U Call D. McFatridge 964-7785. area. The tables lack flowers, as Meet every Saturday morning In want to pick up on them: I different parts of the city. of course, men dislike flowers. Please write in with ••Organize a chain letter that l—H Youth need quality education. your own will result in some corporation for this column. creep receiving 40,000 boxes of •MEETING, Saturday, October 9, —Rosalind Qch at the Community Genter, 911 E. garbage in the mail. Ogden ave. ••Dig a hole in the highway and I 10:00 a.m. plant a tree. ••Pour cement on the lawns of

Mark Kr The now legendary First Annual law was be Marijuana Harvest Festival took But Madlsor place In M adlson on September 25. Herman Th It was followed by a mass march keeep thei] to the Capitol to support jailed 'law break* Yippie theoretician Dana Beal,.and was • arrest to expose the CIA skag-running A. J. We operation in southeast Asia. „ ologlst, tol< Every freek who was there ized freeks agreed that the, Smoke-In was East Side the highest-energy happening in was forced months. Despite bad weather up drug arr and widely broadcast threats to Then in bust smokers, some 1500 hard organic foe core fiends materialized at Brit- served. Da tlngham Park shortly after noon. and launch) Most people In the crowd singing, chj came from outside Madison; from tation to i Milwaukee and small towns all marijuana- over Wisconsin and the midwest. 'Ballad of j During the march, peeps heard- Against the one head shout, *I came an the i and other 1 way from Berdeley for, this.' ange street and another exclaimed, Icame from park joined Pittsburgh and this is the great­ and chanting est thing I've ever seen.' like The It was a beautliful crowd The famous of fearless outlaws; everybody got performed t wrecked. The Yippies gave away juana Grego: pounds of 'the best foreign and At 2 p.n domestic crops.' Many brothers began to m and sisters brought their own, the Capitol, andWERM (wild eyed revolutionary POT & W) movement) supplied dozens of Upon reach munchy brownies laced with the ' announced dreaded kllller w^ed. east coast

Ch' len Studios • life on the lunatic fringe Allen Ginsberg has shaved off his rupted by yippies who have been beard...Abbie Hoffman has cut his throwing' cdnfetti in the streets. hair, saying that long hair doesn't •mean anything any more...who's In Atlanta, a cop tried to bust a next, Mr. Natural? woman in a crowd for dope. Rocks and bottles started to fly—also bul­ In Winona, Minnesota, the police lets. The officer is in critical con- department, sheriff's department, jdition—shot In the abdomen. and 17 big businesses found bags of marijuana on their front doorsteps Look out for the second annual on the same morning. Enclosed Grand Old Magic Yip was a note whch read: "Courtesy Party. Start practicii of your local pusher." spells—who knows, maybe we'll ********** put the hoodoo on Harry. In Penang, Malaysia, a Keep Pen-* ang Clean campaign is being dis­ —Al Parsons OTACe or else return home because they but for during the first few days. providing food and shelter for your­ In today's culture, the role of self. There are* In the city, several parents is to "protect" you, their cant make it. SELF DIQPLINE Why are so many many runaways Since it isn't legal tor' you to good ways of obtaining these. Hit children. All your life, parents will the streets and meet as many people hand you these warn out cliches unsuccessful? For one thing, many be living away from home if you of the kids who run away have no are under 18 years old, there Is as you can. Most freeks sympa­ like, "I'm only doing this for your thize with you and will probably" own good". It's becoming more special talents or friends. They a good chance that the police will have spent most of their lives be looking for you. Wherever you give you a place to stay for at obvious to me -that more of us least a night. "minor children" are each day in the suburbs with their every go there will be police and lt will telling our parents that just because whim catered to. In short, spoil­ always seem like they are looking For a money source,,, there is they had us It doesn't mean that ed I They don't have the faintest straight at you. There Is always always panhandling or selling un­ they know better what Is best for Idea how to fend for themselves. the chance that they will pick you derground newspapers. Alsothere us. Half of the kids I know are This Is why I am writing this up for curfew. If you are over are usually somehusinessesuitown getting damn sick and tired of their article. 17 and have an I.D., hang on to that hire people one day at a time parents, T.V. culture, suid arm­ MISTAKES it.. Even though it has your name to do different things and-don't chair advice. The problem! Is jhat One of the most common mis­ on it, lt gives you the right to be ask many questions. Badger Ad­ In a society that openly -dlscrlmi- takes to be overcome is the spon­ outside after curfew. The police vertising In Mil waukee Is one. Also nates against youth,-what are the taneous elopement. While this can don't usually call It in, and if they there are organizations formed to r*/ really be a gas, It Is usually turned aren't hot after you, you'll prob­ help runaways, but I would be a freeway-lovers, or dump stuff in­ alternatives for those of us "youth** who are sick and tired of being Into a three day lark by a lack ably get by. little leary of these as they us­ to their swimming pools. of planning. Too many clues given MAKING OUT ually try to pressure you to return '"Defoliate military bases. locked up at home and forcefed frozen dinners? away- during the heat of family If you are hot or aren't 17, home and 'work It out". And 88mall dead fish(in styrofoam so arguements etc. One of the first stay off the streets after 11p.m. even If they don't, they don't really as -not to attract undue attention) The answer Is as obvious as the thing^ I would suggest to a would-be The younger you are, the more firm hep teach you how to survive on to Standard Oil stockholders. large numbers of former middle- runaway, therefore, would be to you should be with yourself. Us­ your own. If you run away, you **Kldnap executive for ecological class youth sitting on street corn­ plan everything out carefully, and ually those rules should keep you must do just that. Plan, good luck, ransom. ers looking for a place to crash. then split unexpectedly, leaving as outof trouble for a fairly long time and all power to the young run-^" Apparently the journal is~ getting Unfortunately, the larger share few clues as possible. if you don't break any laws. aways. into serving the people, because of today's AWOL kidz are either The next and most crucial M.L.F.Y. busted through their own mistakes Another must is an awareness and this list appeared in that infamous of what kind of things to watch thing is meeting good people and Milwaukee Lunatic Fringe Youth. tabloid. Thanx for the tip —and of all power to the imagination!

donate the frofits from mail-order Mark Knops declared that the r sales of 'Steal This Book' to was being openly defied. help Dana. If you the viewer, want The crowd still had a lot of : Madison pigs, led bylnspektor to buy a copy, send $2.25 to the energy lift and decided to march rman Thomas, never dared to Dana Beal Defence' Fund, NYC, to the jaU. The guards locked sep their promise to arrest on< 10013. r/^J up their captives' in their cells «r breakers.' Not. 2 person There on the granite steps of as the demonstration approached.. 3. arrested for dope all day.. the state capltof, dozens of cup­ Dana, himself, was placed in solitary A.J.Weverman, noted Dylan-, ped hands sheltered matches and during the demo lest hyped up gist, told how Dana had organ- 3 cores of lungs Inhaled the frag­ yippie commandos would attempt d freeks on 's Lower rant smoke, while the a 'break'. The legions of dope- st Side in 1966-67. before he YIP demands were read: crazed anarchists shouting FREE 3 forced underground by trumped, 1) Repeal of all laws against DANA BEAL! TEAR DOWN THE drug arrests. marijuana and psychedelics. JAILS struck fear into the agents Then in the park shelter, free 2) Guaranteed weekly stash of of an unjust legal system. janic food and more dope were 1 oz. of grass for every man, After this, a faction of the rved. lit up a joint, woman, and child in america parade split off for a spontaneous 1 launched into a screaming, who digs getting high. ' foray down State St. Madison's ging, chanting ceremonial Incan 3) Immediate release of all pork force ripped off twelve kids ion to the ecstasy of holy political/cultural prisoners, in a brief fight or- Gorham. rljuana smoke. Between the all poor people, blacks, freeks and The uncontrolled anger of [lad of A.J. Weberman', 'Up third world people locked young people in this nation cannot Inst the Wall Mutherfuckers.', up by racist, prejudiced legal be snuffed. Most of the kids who i other tender tunes, the der- systems controlled by the rich. came to the Smoke In were street g street scum potheads In the Reparations must be glyen to freeks and veteran agitators and t joined together In cheering victims for jail time and for they were willing to fight for chanting sacred hemp mantras torture and murder committed their beliefs and their culture. '. by police and jailers. famous Live Bait Chorale 4) The government must accept formed the old classic 'Mari- the People's Peace Treaty with Dana needs $8,000 for ball la Gregorian Chant'. the Vietnamese, and agree to on 3 charges here. Please send At 2 p.m. the-frenzied crowd purchase at least $500 millioi money, etc., to Dana Beal Defense an to march up Main St. to worth of Vietnamese grass Committee, Box 2851, Madison, 53701 Capitol, screaming: WE SMOKE (62,500,000 kilos) annually (to T & WE LIKE IT A LOT. implement demand (j2); and to Jane Jones, Freefall Ferls •n reaching the Capitol, A.J. dismantle the CIA smuggling con­ Madison K-scope nounced that Abbie Hoffman, spiracy which currently brings t coast Yippie (ret.), would % of the heroin into the U.S.

> Mnwur «w»n«M>aw—

" • CASPER <^T$ HEAVY CO-OP LUNCH 0 Attempting to get promoted to Every Tuesday and -Wednesday thef$- **Act£ip§( .D&tecfjttn&f* lUpa- -MsVfor*^ Outpost Natural Food Co-op spop~* mer partnerfTom Casper has come sors an organic lunch at the Lu« down heavy *oit freaks lately* Tom N 4* has been stopping cars, on Brady t&ersati Center* Pjrojceeds'isill g&t@ Street for violations and also stop*, finalise the Outposts new organic ped thejSurvival Bus, hauling away restaurant* If you want to help on driver itioody _ Bragg. Tom made either the'; meal> or thse> re^» '•* an intrusion into a freeks house 1g$ij^i&.£s$tl$he<$(M>p at 2Q#*09I4*E without a warrant but left after asking the woman there .-to talk to them outside. Once she got out •'there they arrested her for dis­ orderly conduct* They told her : they .didn't like Jim Wood (her SURVIVAL CBNTEft ' attorney) or his clients. We recom­ mend that Tom be promoted and Hie Survival Center is "busy pre­ send some place else. Tom is also paring a bust book, for Milwaukee/ the recipient of the first **Pig of ta addition-to their normal dudes* the Week** award* D&EW GETS SENT UP helping people get out of JalLlhey -." Officer' Drewllalvorsson.' hasJbeen always need more people to help promoted to "acting detective' '(and staff and can be reached at the those who know-hlm whish he could community center at 272«KAID, clean up his act.)* Safety build- lug' rumor has it that Drew broke the bank on arrests. - Apparently thfiy figured Drew would single _• 1W30p*i|L\^i; Officer Dennis h&ndedly clean-up the city. With CBranivlchi If you want to know -$r ^thout a uniform, Drew's still what I'm' doing ask~~me and no, I ;a^u^odjR0of did not have anything to oVvwith the 'Llnklette*" demo. K1C . —FESsf® King "An experience not to be missed." Milwaukee Sentinel "A musical review with invention, taste, and considerable theatricality." "a* 1 Milwaukee Journal ae

^* ausAW Now for a Limited Run in Milwaukee's P. A.C., Vogel Hall Starring Denise Le Brun Henri Noel Bill Copeland Bill McClaren Ann Mortif ee Fran Uditsky

PERFORMANCES: |jf$un.f Tues./ Wed., Thurs. Tues.«Wed., 7:30 p.m. Orchestra $6.25-$5.25 Thurs.-Fri., 8:00 p.m. Balcony $4.25 Sat., 9:00 p.m. FrL, Sat. Sun., 7:00 p.m. Orchestra $6.50-$5.50 Matinee Performances Balcony $4.50 Sat., 5:00 p.m. Sat.-Sun. Matinee Sun., 3:00 p.m. Orchestra $4.50-$3.75 Balcony $3.00

For Reservations stop at the Performing Arts Center Box Office 929 N. Water St., Milwaukee Or Phone 273-7121 Tickets Available at Gimbels Downtown and All Sears Stores Smash Hit Held Over For One Week 1 Kaleidoscope no. 104 Page 13 m new k mm' • i mm y« LOCAL ?m M%mi Do you wonder what happens in Vietnamese soldiers and to the Reslsters League, which is a mili­ that office above the tavgrnut 1437 campaign of deceit practiced upon tant pacifist group. There are Brady, where It's dark during the the American people relating to the three main projects going on now. day and where lights burn 'til "end of war" and the POWs by Tax resistance, ecology and non­ midnlte? Do you care? If you do the Nlxoji administration. MPAC violent direct action and training. — keep reading. will be advocating a city-wide The tax resistance program has That office houses two organiza­ boycott of all UNNECESSARY been trying to get people to re­ tions dedicated to change In this goods and services (leaving the de- sist the 10% phone tax (which was country: The Milwaukee Peace Ac­ tails up to the individual), the passed In 1966 to raise money for tion Center and the Milwaukee giving of home-made or second­ the Vietnam war) and put that mo­ Workshop in Nonviolence. hand gifts, and the re-channeling ney Into the fund every month. If The MPAC, because it is really of money usually used for gifts we could get 50 or 100 people an "un-organlzatlon," Is difficult into Christmas donations to groups to put in 50# or a $ every month, to place into a "functions cate­ struggling for a better way of life we would soon get enough to do gory." It was established to be of and a reversal of national prio­ some real good. The fund is run service to groups and Individuals rities. democratically, each person who which needed help In getting pro­ The Peace Education Project puts money Into the fund has a jects going related to peace. Be­ involves much research and re­ vote In its operation. Are you cause of that function, it has help­ viewing of available materials on still paying the phone tax? ed In the 180/314 legislative cam­ "internationalizing" education in The ecology effort Is an attempt paign to keep Wisconsin men from the grade schools and high schools to put some real heat on pollu­ serving In undeclared wars (Viet­ and attempts to interest teachers ters. We Intend to collect data nam, etc., etc., etc.); and took a In the potential of these materials and then try to force them into major role (along with many oth­ and In the Importance In bringing court with things like the 1899 ers) in the Spring Offensive, both up our children In peace and free­ Refuse Act. If the government In Washington and In Milwaukee; dom. Some teachers and school will not inforce It's own laws, aided the Vietnam Vets to get to­ officials have already expressed we'll take to the streets. Right gether and start their programs; Interest and are working with us. now, we need people to collect did much of the dirty work for the Finally, we have done and are Information, pick targets and pre­ national convention of the People's doing some work on the subject pare the campaign. Coalition here in Milwaukee; hand­ of East Pakinstani refugees and The nonviolent project involves, led the telephone and registra­ Bangla Desh. We have speakers at the moment, a program of se­ tion service for the Peace and willing to speak on the subject minars on nonviolent direct ac­ Solidarity Parade; and Is working (genocide, refugees, American tion at UWM. On Oct. 20 at 3:30 with the state-wide Register for arms shipments, Congressional pm in the fireside lounge, we will Peace campaign which hopes to coa- action) but not many people seem have a panel program with all (or lesce youth Into a substantial pow­ to be Interested. Because, of mat­ most) of the resource people we er block In all elections. ters outside of our control, we had will be using later. This will lead The MPAC, because it also was to cancel a huge benefit concert, into a program of six seminars, established to begin Its own pro­ the proceeds of which wuld have one a week. This project will be grams, has conducted week-ends In gone directly to the 10 million action oriented, with as little theory nonviolence, sessions on specific refugees now living and dying In as possible. political issues, and offers speak-' India. We also need people to be in the ers and films on matters of war MPAC will be showing films In office, and do some shit work and peace. It now is putting much the future Including "The Penta­ Mainly, we want people to get In­ time and effort into two of its own gon Papers and American De­ volved In projects and to start programs: peace education In the mocracy" an interview with Dan new ones. If the Peace Action Cen­ schools and an anti-war Christmas. EUsberg, on Nov. 15 or 15 (time ter and the Workshop In Nonvlo- The .anti-war Christmas Idea and place to be announced). lence are to become a real part came from Dick Gregory who Is Want to help? Got ideas? Come of the community, your par­ advocating a boycott of consumer on up and talk wih us. ticipation is. needed. You are wel­ spending during the holidays as an come to drop in any time we are The Workshop in Nonviolence open, from about 9 am to 10 pm. effective protest to the continua­ is the local branch of the War tion., of the war thru airpower and —Steve Larson & Hugh Cook


the university of Wisconsin union theatre committee presents the I Blackbird Players wlthf of Strongi Maine flgape St. theatre of Milwaukee Oct. 16 & 17 7=30 pm AND SPECIAL GUEST UWM Fireside Lounge FLEETWOOD TtUK PLUS RORY GALLAGHER AT lYllLUJ. ARENA, 7 00 PIT! TICKETS: 4.50 ADV. advance tickets: $1.00 5.50 AT DOOR -1812 OVERTURES CHESSKINC SOUTHRIDGE IT1ADISON: HmCKEnOSHAEARTHUJORKS-nmCUJAUKESHARACinE: BEAUTIFUL DAY IT1AIL ORDERS: IT1ILUJ. TICKET OFFICE. 500 UJ. KILBOURN. IT1ILUJ., UJISC. uwm union main desk £ (STAIY1PED SELFADDRESSED ENVELOPE) •s) $1.50 at the door m lUBaanigits Kpm fri. 3pm -3am sat. 3pm-3:3CaTi sun. 3cm-3arn Fri-Sat-Sui UDE nm\ musia $1. BBtaranarga SLUE SULFiaiE 3S73 E.SDIJISE [JMlfHHl H81 GGDi mfl m^yyic melodies Truly a people's band. ToobadT booklet}!Maybeadescr^3on^tfie t*r*itAcould reallr-aaiUry us noe oth the o workt»nr.i.r Truly a people's band. Too bad I bookleTTMavbl There are already a few nice things don't have tlme_to mention all of movie will help! The Mothers of happening. The free concerts on these things. 1 Invention come to Centerville(a Sundays are great when weather real nice place to raise your kids) permits, and Catacombs Coffee­ Since Woodbine Is *putting out the i and find that the action is similar house offers the better local bands album on their own label, using to a " sealed tuna sandwich". for a buck a shot, but we need some­ their own distribution, this Is a do­ In Centervllle, there Is a concen­ thing more^ A focal point. A place or-die album for the band and their tration camp(featuring Herb Cohen anyone can go. A ballroom. producer/manager, Dick Thomas. on machine gun) where the orches­ WHY NOT? With distribution presently limited tra lives. Jimmy Carl Black plays to this area, "Roots" must sell well Lonesome Cowboy Burt(the red­ locally. So if you wanna support the ROOTS—WOODBINE—BH 1-1010 neck) who makes trouble for the local scene and get a mighty fine Mothers and tells "Is It a boy or Woodbine Is a mellow Sunday nlght.; record In the bargain,, check It out. after a tense week and knocking Is It a girl".jokes. Ringo Starr It's available at the better record plays Larry the Dwarf, who Im­ yourself senseless both Friday and shops, and by mall for four buck- Saturday nights. Sunday night has personates Zappa. Keith Moon is aroos at the following address: a nfin who ODs and ascends to got to be mellow. A time to relax and BLUE HOUR PROD., PO BOX4585, heaven. From this foundation, contemplate. To find out who you Milwaukee 53207. Zappa reveals his reflection on the are and where you're going. A time- rock star life-style and related to think. A moment of peace. That's fantasies. Woodbine. Woodbine is comprised of four of Overall, 200'M6tels shines. Since Milwaukee's own local yokels: Bill the record is primarily a sound­ Camplln, compos er/vocallst/gui- track, there are a number of In- tarlst; Bruce Rlddlough on acous­ strumentals. These compositions tic/steel pedal ; Ken Pfaff on are strongly classical In structure, bass; and Bob Muellar on drums. with Zappa's musical and technical *,>-- Together, they lay down nice music. know-how dripping off the vinyl. Their album, "Roots", was re­ In many cases, these very compli­ corded seven months ago at the Cat­ cated pieces are not rock at all, acombs Coffeehouse. What could be. but pure classical music Frank more local than that? Zappa Is a first-rate composer. The album Is a pleasant one. "Red NoSHITI Velvet" and "Jezebel" move more The vocal cuts are jammed with than the other six cuts, but my fav­ Frank's Insane, often Infantile, orites are "Old Man" and ''Can a brand of potty humor. His latest Star Disappear?". All the songs on obsession Is genitals, but some- the album .except "Red Velvet" •how he handles them very well were written by Camplin, and are (knock it off, Frank). I saw "She generally pretty good. The album Painted Up Her Face/Janet's Big turned out nicely, being the first put Dance Number/ Half A Dozen Pro­ out by Blue Hour and having been re­ vocative Squats/Mysterioso/Shove corded "live" on a small budget. It Right In" performed by the "Roots" has no glaring faults, but Mothers In Rochester, Mich, last does leave room for Improvement. summer, and It is a hilarious story The record shows a need for Var­ of a young girl getting ready for iety. On "Roots", the vocals, the BEAIfY a night out: and instruments used, and the pace jusFRANKt ZAPPA'a pincS 200 MOTELSh of- smuhalf a dozet n provocative squats don't vary. Since the album was re­ UNITED ARTISTS - UAS 9956 out of the shower she squeezes corded Woodbine has been working a her spots harmonica, a steel pedal guitar, and 200 Motels Is a rancid tuna brushes her teeth A FEW WORDS ON THE MILW. with bands that play Grand Funk harmonies into their act, but these sandwich with a cellophane wrap­ uses a deodorant spray up her ALTERNATIVE CULTURE7MUSIC note-f or-note (which Isn't very dif­ additions have only been used spar­ per. If tuna Is your kind of meat, twat SCENE. ficult). ingly. The group has great poten­ this Is your kind of record. The alternative culture/music But suppose you don't have ten tial—how they use lt Is what they This double-record-set Is the and: lacks. There's a hole about a mile smackers? And what if you ain't 21, will be. more-or-less(moral-less) sound­ wide. *§pE or even 18? And what if you don't track to Frank Zappa's not-yet- well at least there's sort of a Nearlyallofthevlbesgolndown In want to sit In reclining chairs, but released movie of the same name. joys there 20 or 30 at times there have been Milwaukee are at reserved-seat you wanna boogie all night long? And If I had the time, I'd mention Cmp- t— concerts or bars. Starting with con­ what if there Isn't nothin goin down lin's great vocals, the overall tight­ T found the album two days before some desirable boys there certs, things are looking up. Day­ and you'd like to meet some people ness of the band, and the way they the K'scope deadline, and I can't dressed really spiffy with long hair dream Productions has finally got It or rustle up some action? What If almostT starved in the last year, looking for girls they can shove In gear, and Charles Gohlleb of you wanna dance and go wild* but you abandoning electric rock for a type figure out how I should handle this It right In Concerts Midwest has signed a con­ don't have an ID to get in the CYO? of music they felt strongly about. monster(34 cuts and a, 16 page -Contd. on P. 17 tract for 18 concerts over the next What If the Milwaukee alternative 12 months (which comes out to one culture doesn't have a focal point? every three weeks). What this place needs Is a ball­ Every once In a while, Triangle room. Get an old movie theater. Productions, Bob Bageris, or some Tear out half the seats, so people other out-of-town promoter, will can boogie. Leave the seats In the put on a concert, but they have ten­ balcony. With a capacity of 800- 1000. charge $2.00 or less a head. MANUEL'S FIASCO dencies of Irresponsibility to the community (especially Detroit- Open It on weekends and one night based Bob Bageris. Wish I had a during the week. Use local talent on nickel for everone he's ripped off). weekends and out-of-state bands Many of the groups are top-flight, during the week In order to get re­ Outdoorfest Oct. 9 & 10 but then again we're paying for It, duced prices. aren't we? Many outside bands would be avail­ The bars In town are good for local- able on off-nights for under $1000. bands and major blues artists, If Bands such as Brownsville Station, you're 21 and don't mind alcohol MC5, J.Gells, Blues Band, SRC, SAT.-Noon til Eve SUN.-9am til 6pm consumption. The Barn and Stone Wilderness Road, and countless I Toad are a couple of musical bars, others. Good bands without the (and there are others. And If you're hype. A lot of the loca talent in Mil­ i 18, there are teen bars 20 miles out waukee is good too. The local yokels Amboy Dukes A Orbit Tradition / American lea Co. *- Aluminum Baseball Nectar Flag Token Ragged Edge $6.00 at Gate At Manuel Digo's Located 10 miles South of Minoqua on U.S. 51 \ Camping, Water, Food & Beer on Site Milwaukee's own WOODBINE -4 ;>

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AOG4NS- CFENBOCK Waiting in the station, sticky-hot.L old man with a hearing aid Is Fatboy ticketseller frowns at his talking to the woman on my left. glasses, wipes them, WAS Pish And now he's stopping. He's wip­ women chat by the door, 'alumi­ ing his glasses. I'm jiggling now, num hubcaps shine beside me, I'm the bus., is starting. I remember scrunched against somebody's he said, ''Noooooooooo." trunk. Smoother now on the highway, ex­ An engine rears, I jump, wrists cept when gears are shifting. We're tingling. It's not the bus - a passing cows and cornfields. The­ semi pulling out. How do I sound re's a cow on someone's lawn. t6 others? Rear like an engine? The man next to me slumps, smok­ "It seems that I would wake up," ing. Now he's stashed it out a woman says. How can I wake and leans back, closing his eyes. from talking inside my head? Write I see your bright face, Lucy — It out and say lt till It's gone. laughing, as you do In one of my slides, light all over, your eyes I'm waiting here and nowhere else wide open, surprised. You could for flowers to grow all. over our *be happy anywhere, I think when bodies. No where else I'll ever I worry most. Wherever I am, be but now. Not in Tibet wait­ .so are you. ing for a Lama to open the door CONTINUED FROM P. 15 to Nirvana, never anywhere but My tongue Is always moving. We're the first English band to play here in the air where atoms clus­ slowing now for Saukvllle. Sounds Another brilliant saga is "I'm group's latest attempts, * Street boogies. They still know how. ter, my "body" always In air, are always moving in my head. ^Stealing the Towels/Dental Hygiene Corner Talking," is neither ori­ The finale, "Johnny B.~ Goode" energy packed illusion, I'm And the past goes on. I'm tired Dilemma/Does This Kind of Life ginal or well executed. took the fort by storm. They know streaming as light, as heat, and of it. Yoga can stop-them, blank Look Interesting to You?" It is a Savoy's take-off on the Tempt­ how to play rock *n roll, too! rays of however I love. me out. I did it;' Instill made ' satire on freeky-boppers and a stab ations' "Can't Get Next to You," 'Who would have suspected? sounds, I had to write them out, at Jeff Simmons, ex-bassist for is simply atrocious. It lacks any "I think he's looking for I have to now. Why not? I like the Mothers. Simmons walked off energy or feeling at all. "All I something'', Waspwoman whines by to play poet with others, getting the set just prior to the filming Can Do" is nearly 11 minutes of COMING EVENTS... the tires. through—not poetry or prose, not of 200 Motels and left § major the worst Traffic imitation I've 10/11/71 SPECIAL NIGHT AT essay, fiction,, autobiography, any­ obstacle in the production. In the heard to date. A usually great CATACOMBS COFFEEHOUSE w/ thing I know: more than a private album credits is.a sincere "spe­ Willie Dixon tune, "Wang Dang JAMES & THE GOOD BROTHERS, journal. I have another slant of cial thanks to Jeff Simmons from Doodle," is reduced to 7 minutes CHRIS WILLIAMSON AND UNCLE Whatever I say stands, and lies, light. I'm telling what's changing all members of the group." On of boring repitltlon. Such a shame. VINTY. 8- 12 PM $1.50 and dies. now, what's moving, acting, turning the cut, Mark Volman is doing out and In to what. Not what so The. album does have one high­ Waiting for what? A bus? A woman's "Jeff" and is saying such things light, however. "Tell Mama" is 10/20 MOTHERS, FLEETWOOD much as how. I live. I Insist on as: "Man, this stuff is great. It's MAC Arena, $4.50 in advance, hair I dreamed? Lunch? A swim? the impossible. Aware of later, a good rocker. Nothing great, just All that Is nowhere else - as here just as if Donovan himself had a good rOcker. Sounds like Savoy $5.50 at the door. . I write it down. I tune my writ­ appeared on my very own TV IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY, J. as lt ever Is, If I let it pass. ing to the pace of my awareness. Brown of yester-year. If you want Clinging keeps it far, even what with words of peace, love, and eter­ some good stuff, try "Hooker 'N GEILS BLUES BAND, P.A.C., Even so I lag. I can only hint nal cosmic wisdom...In the very $4.50, $5.00 $5.50 I touch. Letting go. I have no at the present, words change Heat." If you don't care, this will need of all. midst of my sumo-cosmic neg­ do. as the world changes, increments ligence drug-induced nocturnal 10/31 JOHNEHOOKER, St- of sounds. Now is never still. emission...I'm too heavy to be in SAVOY BROWN CONCERT onetoad I'd rather be here than on a My writing goes on and on... In plane, polluting and daring the sub­ this group. In this group all I September 29, 1971 11/22 BEACH BOYS P.A.C the motion Is a still point, *my ever get to do is Zappa's comedy NOTE: Brownsville Station at the urbs. The people look bored, un­ "self" moving with experience music. He eats..." Then comes the Stonetoad on 10/14 has been can­ friendly. No one looks me In —juist as my eyes follow the words Up until the last half hour of the eye. Two people left junk on advice of Jeff's "Bad Conscience," their extended set, Savoy Brown celled, j I write: neither moves with respect "Quit the comedy group and form seats so I couldn't sit down. Chl­ to the other, respecting the other. was In trouble. After seven weeks canos are sleeping In front of me. your own group. HEAVY, like Grand of touring, a case of vocalist/ I don't move, respecting my tel­ Funk..." | Second-billed John Baldry put I'm at the back, by the toilet, ling. I'm in the story as me, laryngitis* and a repertoire of on an excellent performance. Bal­ Unfortunately, Zappa's Insanity looking at backs of heads. I see pulling Into the terminal. lackluster material, the band de­ dry has a tight band and main­ one nun up front, her black scarf goes overboard. "Penis Di­ pended On audience pity. Then they tains command of the stage at mension" and "Motorhead's Mid-, creasing down the middle as if By Morgan Gibson tore the fucking joint down. all times. HIGHLIGHT: John asks her head were seamed. Now an night Ranch" are prime examples It was almost as If whether the people, sitting in the of childish pee pee-do do-type themselves came down at the last PAC balcony have "triangular as­ ramblings. Is the person who wrote minute from their mountain of re­ ses" or not. John Baldry has been "let me stick my little wee-wee cord royalties and spake these very In rock/blues for 12 years. Hope In your hair," the same rock com­ words, "Let these boys play com­ he stays around a lot longer. poser who wrote the tedious scores petent music and boogie til the By now, Savoy Brown is back for this production? Some of this cows come home." And so It was. in Englan, preparing to cut an? stuff isn't funny, just infantile. Far The destruction of the Perform­ other LP, so they can start their FREE! 1 below any of Zappa's previous ing Arts Center started with a kil­ own mountain of record.royalties. attempts. '- ler rendition of "Tell Mama** (wh­ Just like Grand Funk. The album has some very nice ich will be released as a single GRAND FUNK CONCERT ~ rock tunes, too. "Mystery Roach" soon), and was followed by a high- 10/6/71 "Magic Fingers," and "What Will energy boogie. Savoy Brown was Are vou shitting me? this Evening Bring Me This Morn­ RECORD ing," are all near-classics. How­ ard Kaylanand Mark Volman give the Mothers stunning vocals. My personal favorite is "Lonesome Cowboy Burt." Last issue in my 272-2700 review of the Mothers, I wrote that !CS the group had mastered nearly every form of music "with the ex­ ception of country western." I was wrong. "Burt" Is a really neat this issue will get one free parody on c&w. Nice, funny stuff. It's kind of ironic that Jimmy Carl Black is Burt. Jimmy is of Indian descent.

So^far, my evaluation of 200Mo­ tels are mere speculations. To judge the whole work without seeing the movie would be sheer stupidity. As for he album, it gives many indications that this will be Zappa's best production to date. Which is "-°X*^ saying quite a bit. . I can't wait to see the flick.

STREET CORNER TALKING- SA­ VOY BROWN -PARROT PAS 71047, If you really appreciate boring; Imitation rythm and blues, with little or no feeling, this record is record of her or his choice for you. Savoy Brown, once a fairly good English rock-blues group, have undergone about 28 million person­ o 440 W nel changes and lost dearly in ^WHAT A DEAL!? ' the process. The one constant, Kim Simmonds, not only plays mediocre lead guitar, but writes W.t3VEJ,LS medjorre songs, as well. The § Wisconsin J.i fvttT -£

THURSDAY*OCTOBER 7 i Stevens. Thru. Friday. OC1 10^^^^^ 1 11:30 am CHANNEL 10: "Sesame 11:30 am CHANNEL 10: "Se­ Street." Children's . program 7:15 am NATURE WALK: Feel same Street." Dally at 11:30 & broadcast dally at this time and Beautiful in Wmtnall Park. Park 3:30 pm. 3:30 pm. naturalist leads hike. Bring bi­ noculars, waterproof footwear, ca­ 12:30 pm CHANNEL 10: "Mls- teroger's Neighborhood." Daily 12:30 pm CHANNEL 10: "Mlst- quette Univ. Union Ballroom. $1. MAGIC LANTERN FILM meras. Start at Administration 5 pm Bldg. Free. Alternative — take at 12:30 & 4:30 pm. eroger's Neighborhood." Chil­ & **• SCTOETY: "Marat-Sade." UWM dren's program broadcast dally your own anywhere. at this time and at 4:30 pm. Rrw, (rrABPDDftxfrK<»MrtD « Bolton 150. 50 & 75£. Also 7:30 1 pm: WUWM: "The Jazz Spot" o pm STOREFRONT MANOR: Rus- & 10 pm daily at 11:30 & 12:30 & 4:30.. ty Luthe, instrumental guitarist. 10 am SUNDAY MORNING FOR­ 5 pm CHANNEL 10: "Hodgepodge 1336 N. Astor. 4 pm CHANNEL 10: "Origami.' UM: Insights on current econo­ Lodge." Another good kid's thing mic crisis: Jack Barbash. UW aired dally. 8 pm THEATRE: "Jacques Brel econ prof., speaks. First Uni­ Is Alive and Well and Living in tarian Church. Astor at Ogden. 6 pm DINNER: Sponsored by St. Paris." Thursday, Fridays 8 pm; Boris & Gleb. First Baptist Ch­ Saturdays -5 & 9 pm; Sundays - 1 pm BRADY: Brady-Farwell St­ urch, 911 E. Ogden. Free. 3 & 7 pmj Tuesdays & Wednes­ reet Festival: WOW! days, 7:30 pm. PAC Vogel Hall. "7 pm CHANNEL 10: "Hogaa's 7 pm CHANNEL 10: "New World $3.-$6.50. 3:30 pm CHANNEL 10: "Soull" Goat." Off-Broadway drama ab­ Coming." Quality of life and pro­ The George Falson Universal Dan­ out a man's destruction drive for blems of the environment in Wis­ 8:30 pm CONCERT: Byrds, Bonnie ce Experience performs "Poppy*' political power amon the Irish consin. Repeated Sat. 5 pm. Koloc. Chicago Auditorium. a ballet that deals with the drug In turn-of-the-century Brookivn. experience; Mae Jackson reads a 7:30 pm QNESERIES: ''Chicago 8:30 pm ID & EGGO FOLKHA- poem on the death of George Ja­ 7 pm CONCERT: James Tayloj. Conspiracy Circus." UWM Bol­ VEN: Three performers nightly. 8 pm STOREFRONT MANOR: ckson. See In color. Arie-Crown Theatre. Chicago ton 150. 50 & 75£ Also at 10 pm 2638 W. Vliet. All ages. 75£ & $1. Tom Plutzschack—country blues. $4.50-$6.50. Dial l-312-t-i*c-k- 1336 N. Astor. 4 pm CONCERT: Pepper Adams e-t-s. 7:30 pm MEETING: Community 10 pm WUWM: "Ondas Muslcales" & Gepe Ammons at North Park. meetings each Thursday. First 830 pm ID & EGGO FOLKHAV- Hotel. Also 8 pm. 730 pm CA^GOMBS COFFEE­ Baptist Church, 911 E. Ogden. 10 pm WFMR (96.5 FM): "A Mi­ EN: Three folk people nightly. HOUSE: Special night. Columbia xed Bag." Bill Munger hosts mix­ 2638 W.Vliet. All ages. $1., 75£ 5 pm MAGIC LANTERN FILM recording artists Include Uncle 7:30 pm CONCERT: Traffic. Chi­ ed folk, satire, and odds and ends. SOCIETY: "Marat-Sade." UWM Vinty, pianist and storyteller, Oris cago Auditorium (Two hours) 8:30 pm WUWM: "Bierman &Co." Bolton 150. 50 &75£ -also 7:30 pm. Williamson, James andthe Good B- Spectacular comedy series done rothers from Toronto. $1.50. 8 pmCHANNEL 10: "Hollywood 10 pm BENEFIT: Granfalloon by wacky people from Theatre 5:30 pm CHANNEL 10: "This Is Television Theatre." Ell Wal- Dept. and east side. It." Rae Moore's series reflect­ 8 pm STOREFRONT MANOR: Op­ lach and Anne Jackson star In a 9 pm COFFEEHOUSE: Power ing the black experience In Mil­ en night, bring your , etc. comedy called 'The Typists." Play I. A group-centered exami­ 9 pm CATACOMBS COFFEE­ waukee and our lovely country. nation of power and the people HOUSE: Greg Blair, folksinger. 8 pm TALK: Ossle Davis, Veter­ 8:30 pm THEATRE: "Sargeant who exercise it. Free. 631 N. 19. 700 N. 31st. St. $1. 7:30 pm WUWM: "The Last Re­ an actor and author. Sponsored by Musgrave's Dance" directed by sort." All the rock you'd ever Afro-American Cener . UWM Un­ Herb Felsenfeld. UWM Fine Arts 11 pm WUWM: "Blues Roots." 9 pm COFFEEHOUSE: In con­ want to hear. Actually, the best of ion Ballroom. Advance $2.25, Theatre. $1.50, $3. Also FrL, Chi city bluesman Buddy Guy is cert, Mary Wacker. 631 N. 19th the new releases are featured for $3.25. At door, $2.75 & $3.75. Sat., Sun. at 7:30 pm. the subject of a musical study. 50& three hours. Cam Thatham hosts. 9 pm CHANNEL 10: "Origami." 8:30 pm THEATRE: Marcel MaT- 9 pm CHANNEL 10: Historic ex­ 8 pm CHANNEL 10: "Master­ ceau, greatest living pantomimist 12 mid BENEFIT: Granfalloon periment. Channel 10 and WFMR piece Theatre." Part two of Har­ Tl 12^^^^ PAC Uihlein Hall, $3.-$7.50. radio simulcast Mozart's opera dy's drama, "Jude, the Obscure." 12:30 am WUWM: "Jazz Revisit­ "The Abduction from the Serag­ 11:30 am LUNCH: Organic Food 8:30 pm, WUWM (89.7 FM): "Gay ed." Humor in jazz, including "Ti- lio." Turn off the-sound on your 8:15 pm CONCERT: Sunday Even­ Luncheons put together by the Perspective." gev Rag," "Sheik of Araby," and TV and tune to 96.5 FM. ings of Music. Fine Arts Quartet, co-op. Lots of people are digging 'Mississippi Mud." and Woodwind Arts Quintet. UWM them. Great food for 50# or so. 9 pm CHANNEL 10: "Owen from 11 pm WUWM: "The Jazz Wheel." Fine Arts Recital Hall. $1.50, $3. Lutheran Center downstairs, Ken­ Washington." Each week from Wa­ SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9 Bill Romberg plays Roland Kirk, wood & Farwell. Until 1:30 pm. shington, DC, Channel 10's John Joe Zawinul, and Mlroslav Vltous. 9 pm CHANNEL 10: "Philadel­ •Owen will highlight activities con­ 9 am WUWM: "Just Blues." phia Folk Festival, Part n." Pa­ 1 pm WZMF: Chuck Flagg thru cerning legislation affecting Wis­ Rich Jennings does a guest stint 1 am WZMF (98.3 FM): Mary trick Sky, John Denver, the Ar­ Friday. consin. Repeated Sat., 6 pm. playing selected custs from "B.B. Cross- thur Hall Afro-American Dance King In London." Ensemble and others. 5 pm CHANNEL 10: "Hodgepodge 9 pm CONCERT: Curtis Mayfleld Lodge." Miss Jean and her friends at Mister Kelly's - Chicago. Th­ 9 pm CATACOMBS COFFEEHO­ make bread. ~ ru, Oct. 17. USE: Omaha. 700 N. 31st. $1. i 7:30 pm CHANNEL 10: "The Ad­ 9 pm CONCERT: Memphis Slim - MONDAY, OCTOBER 11 vocates." Should a state refuse to at the Quiet Night. Chicago. Thru 1 negotiate with prisoners for the Oct. 10. 9 am WZMF (98.3 FM): Steve release of hostages." 9:30 pm CHANNEL 10: "Black Journal." This program, reflect­ ing the black perspective and bl­ ack progress, is now shown weekly Frankie & Johnny were lovers oh, how they could love, 9:30 pm CONCERT: Billy Eckst- Ine. Fine jazz program. Pfister Born to be true to each other; Crown Room. $2.50. Frldays/$3.50. as true as the stars above, No show Sun. — thru Oct. 16. He was her man, but 10 pm WUWM: "La Voz de la Raza." 10:30 pm CHANNEL 10: "Jude the Obscure." Thomas Hardy's MAE SEE DONE drama is performed in a contin­ uing series. 11 pm WUWM: "This Land." Two WEST SIM WRONG hour folk program. Hopefully,, members of "Jacques Brel..." cast will guest. Dave Novick & Karen Anderson.

12 mid. WFMR (96.5 FM): "The Dark4»ide." Ron Cuzner glides thru the night with hours of jazz. Thru Sat. night. FRIDAY* OCTOE 18

10 am CHANNEL 10: "How Do Your Children Grow." Program for parents. Today—"How Much Will You Pay Me for Making My D6d." Repeated 6 pm. 'WhenJ'm good, I'm very, very good. But when I'm bad, I'm better. 1 pm CHANNEL 10: "Mas­ querade." Wry treatment of In­ ternational fairy tales for older rtrttiS BUSTER KEAHN' wf children. Repeated Sat. 4:30 pm. l? SHERLOCK 1 pm WUWM: "Jazz 120 plus BILUE B. SHEARS FILM SOCIETY Nothing." Mannie Maul din, well- krjbwn jazz host does a series. 911 E. OGDEN AVE, FRIDAY & SATURDAY OCTOBER 15 & 16 5 pm CINESERIES: "Chicago Con­ SHE DONE HIM WRONG AT 7:30, 10:00, 12:30 spiracy Circus." UWM Bolton 150. AND 2:30 SATURDAT MORNING ONLY. 50 & 75£ -also 7:30 & 10 pm. SHERLOCK, JR. AT 9.-00 & 11:30 ONLY 7 pm CONCERT: Slegel-Schwall. rVFHEOnSSEPE $1 more or less Alice's, 950 W.Wrlghtwood. Chi­ P.O. BOX 90526, MILWAUKEE, WIS. 53202 cago. Also Sat. 26 ISSUES $5.00 52 ISSUES $9.00 8 pm BENEFIT: Granfalloon be­ FOREVER $25.00 COUPON nefit at East Side Community Cen­ ter, 911 E. Ogden. Jean-Luc Go- 25c OFF DONATION ON ANY dard's "Alphaville science fic­ tion classic. $1. Also at 10 & £. *£ midnight. BILLIE B. SHEARS FILM 8 pm CONCERT: Michael Lori- mer, classical guitarist. Mar- COUPON 8 pm STOREFRONT MANOR: Rap 7 pm CHANNEL 10: "New World 8 pm STOREFRONT MANOR: Folk 5 pm MAGIC LANTERN FILM SO- 1 pm WUWM: "Montage." Bob session with Kaleidoscope—open Coming." Environmental program slngerNeal Gavens. 1336 N. Astor. GlETY. "Butch Cassldy." UWM Dornfeldt does a thing with folk to all. 1336 N. Astor. focusing on Wisconsin. Repeated Bolton 150. 50 & 75& and . Oct. 16, 5 pm. 9 pm COFFEEHOUSE: Power Play —Part n. 631 N. 19th. Free. 7 pm COFFEEHOUSE: Each Sun­ 11 pm WUWM (89.7-FM) "Cross­ 8 pm CONCERT: Diana Ross at 7:30 pm QNESERIES: "Che." day evening, a Eucharist is cele- Mill Theatre, Chicago, thru the 24th roads:-Blues." Rich Jennings pro­ 9 pm CATACOMBS COFFEEHO- brated. All are welcome. 631 N. gram continues on Tues. nights. tUWM Bolton 150. 50 & 75£— also 'lOpm. USE: Mike Murray, folk singer. 19th st. 8 pm STOREFRONT MANOR: Rap 75£ session by the Women's Center— 12 mid. WFMR (96.5 FM): "The 7:30 pm WUWM: "The Last Re- Dark Side." Jazz eases you into 7:30 pm MEETING: Community open to all. 1336 N. Astor. meeting. First Baptist Church, 9 pm CHANNEL 10: "David Suss- sort." Catch up with the new a mellow night. Stay with Ron, kind Show." Six convicts tell the rock releases—Steve Turner plays Tues thru Sat. night. 911 E. Ogden. 8:30 pm CHANNEL 10: "On Lo­ brutality and horror of our pri- them In their entirety. cation." Open-ended program of WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13 8 pm STOREFRONT MANOR: Po­ sons. remote broadcasts from the com­ etry reading, open. 1336 N. Astor. 8 pm STOREFRONT MANOR: Folk­ munity. Claudia Strohm hosts. 9 pm WZMF: Mary Cross. singer and satirist Michael Gre­ 11:30 am LUNCH: Organic lun­ gory. 1336 N. Astor. cheons. Lutheran Center down­ 8:30 pm THEATRE: "The Marriage 10 pm WUWM: 'La Voz de la of Figaro." Comic opera. Skylight 10 pm WFMR (96.5 FM): "A Mi­ Raza." stairs. Kenwood & Farwell. Cheap. xed Bag." Host, Bill Munger. 8 pm CHANNEL 10: VJude the Until 1:30 pm. Theatre, 813 N. Jefferson-thru Nov.7 Obscure." Part in of \ Hardy's 11 pm WUWM: "Crossroads, Bl­ H pm WUWM: "Blues Roots." drama. ues." Two hours of various blues 5 pm CHANNEL 10: "Hodgepodge Cam plays recordings of "Kings of Lodge." Making Butter. 8:30 pm WUWM (89.7 FM): "Gay artists with Rich Jennings. Perspective." the 12-String." 12 mid. WFMR (96.5 FM): "The 5 pm WZMF (98.3 FM): John Hough­ 12:30 am WUWM: "Jazz Revisit­ ton. Thru. Friday. 9 pm WZMF (98.3 FM): Bob Reit­ Dark Side." Lie back, toke up and man. Thru Thursday. ed." A capsule history of jazz- settle into the jazz. Ron Cuzner six recordings of "After You've hosts now thru Sat. 7:30 pm CLASSIC SERIES: Ingmar Gone." Bergman's "Shame." UWM Bolton 9 pm CHANNEL 10: "Owen from 150. $1. Washington." Weekly political re­ WEDNESDAY; OCTOBER 20 port from 10's John Owen, curren­ 1 am WZMF (98.3 FM): J.L. tly on leave in Washington. 11:30 am LUNCH: Organic lunch. 8 pm CHANNEL 10: "Great Am­ SATURDAY* OCTOBER 16 erican Dream Machine." Dream Lutheran Center downstairs, Ken­ Machine zooms into its second sea­ 10:30 pm CHANNEL 10: "Jude, wood & Farwell. 50 $ til 1:30 pm. _ the Obscure." Continuing. 9 am WUWM: "Just Blues." Ka­ son with Marshall Efron and oth­ ren Anderson hosts. ers doing serious funny stuff. 7 pm CONCERT: Frank Zappa & 9 pm CHANNEL 10: "Philadelphia The Mothers of Invention plus 4 pm CHANNEL 10: "Origami." Folk Festival, Part m." John Har­ Fleetwood Mac plus Rory Galla­ 8 pm STOREFRONT MANOR: Open tford, Michael Cooney, Dave Van night. 1336 N. Astor. R gher. Milwaukee Arena, 500 W. 5 pm MAGIC LANTERN FILM onk, the Beers Family and Doc Kllbourn. Advance, $4.50. At the SOCIETY: "Butch Cassldy." UWM Watson. door, $5.50. 8 pm MEETING: Gay People's Bolton 150. 50 & 75#. Also 7:30 Union. First Baptist Church, 911 6 10 pm. 9 pm CATACOMBS COFFEEHOU­ E. Ogden. SE: Woodbine, Folk concert. 700 7:30 pm CHANNEL 10: "CivUlza- N. 31st $1 9 pm CHANNEL 10: "Showcase." 11 pm WUWM: "This Land." Two hour folk program worth listening tion." Part II — "The Great Ransom House* a troup currently Thaw." , ii pm WUWM: "Jazz Overtones" appearing off-Broadway, present to. Dave Novick and Karen Ander­ son. Karen Anderson does a special fea- some of their skits. Repeated Oct. 7:30 pm BILUE B. SHEARS FI- ture on "Black Women — in Jazz, 16, 5:30 pm. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15 LM SOCIETY: Mae West in "She Blues, Poetry." Njjdci, Aretha, Done Him Wrong." Also at 10 Carla, Bessie, others. 9:30 pm CHANNEL 10: "This is It" 1 pm WUWM (89.7 FM): "Jazz & 12:30. $1. i^iHHBBMIB.V.a.aHH • Black experiences in Milwaukee. MONDAY, OCTOBER 18 1 Repeated Oct. 17, 5:30 pm. 120 plus Nothing." Mannie Maul- 8 pm STOREFRONT MANOR: Ma­ din. rti Martins, folk singer. 1336 N. 11:30 am CHANNEL 10: "Sesame 10:30 pm CHANNEL 10: "Soul!" 31st. $1. 5 pm CINESERIES: "Che." UWM Street." Broadcast daily at 11:30 Herbie Hancock Sextet, and poet & 4:30 pm. Fillpe Luciano, leader of the Young Bolton 150. 50 & 75£ — also 9 pm CATACOMBS COFFEE­ Lords. 7:30, and 10 pm. HOUSE: Schutzman & Riley. 700 1 pm WUWM: "The Jazz Spot." N. 31st. $1. THURSDAY, OCTOE 14 Recordings of Blue Mitchell In­ 7 pm CONCERT: Howlin' Wolf. cluding '*Soulville/' Alice's. 950 W. Wrightwood. Chi­ 9 pm COFFEEHOUSE: Blue Ridge 8 pm CHANNEL 10: "The Great 12:30 pm STUDIO 16: "Return of cago. Ramblers. 631 N. 19th. 50£ 12:30 .pm CHANNEL 10: "Mis- Draw Egan." Union (UWM) Fire­ American Dream Machine." Hec­ teroger's Neighborhood." Broa- side Lounge. Free. | 7:30 pm BILUE B. SHEARS FILM tic, zany, formless, and beauti­ SOCIETY: Mae West In "She Done 11 pm WUWM: "The Jazz Wheel." dcast daily at 11:30 & 4:30 pm. ful I Marshall Efron and others. 6 pm DINNER: Free food from St. Him Wrong." Also at 10, 12:30 Bill Romberg hosts. A lot of deadly serious fun In an Boris & Qeb people. First Baptist and—special— 2:30 am. Also Sa­ •MHHiaBHMMMi 5 pm CHANNEL 10: "Hodgepodge examination of our American way Church* 911 E. Ogden. turday. $1. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17 Lodge." Children's program done of life. daily at 5. 7 am WUWM: 'A Conversation 8 pm HERSTORY CLASS: At Fe­ in Jazz." 7 pm CHANNEL 10: "Full Cir­ minist Center. 2301 N. Buffum. cle." Cat Stevens and Leon Rus­ I pm GUITAR WORKSHOP: Br- sell. 8 pm STOREFRONT MANOR: Open Night. 1336 N. Astor. CLKffllED W 8 pm STOREFRONT MANOR: Open night — bring you and your guitar. 9 pm CHANNEL 10: "Showcase." STUDENT wanted to do baby sitting REWARD for lost Briar Pipe In 1336 N. Astor. Brady STreet area. Call Roger Two compositions by artist-in- for two children In exchange for residence John Downey of UWM. room and board. Three blocks at 332-7203, 8 pm FILM: "Civilization." Full from UWM. Call Mrs. Burke at screen showing of public television 9 pm CONCERT: John Lee Hooker 964-9071. VETERANS- Milwaukee Veterans Upion has meeting every Sunday series. Wehr Hall, Alverno Col­ at the Quiet Night, Chicago. Thru CATHY IVANS WAS HIT by a car atpBfte Veterans Center, 911 E. lege, 3401 S. 39th. Free. October 24th. while riding her bike on Sept. 23 Ogden at 2:00 pm. For Information on Cramer & North. Witnesses concerning any of these events 8 pm CONCERT: Stan Kenton. Ce- please call her at 264-7539. call 271-VETS from 10-6 most ing your axe and jam until 5. darburg High School Gym. $1 &$3. EXCHANGE ANY8 TRACKTAPE for days.- Vets having hassles getting Storefront Manor, 1336 N. As­ any other tape - $1.00 People with arts or crafts that tor. 9 pm CHANNFL 10: "Origami." would, like a place to sell their benefits or needing Info on bene­ MILWAUKEE TAPE AND wares (anything!) call 933-3072. fits or desiring to work with the TRADES COMPANY 672-0650 MVU on drug problems, and other 3 pm FILM: "Civilization." Full ^9 pm CATACOMBS COFFEE- 1928 W. Mitchell Dally 10-6 Cash or Consignment. screen showing of public televi- HOUSE: Ox. 700 N. 31st. $1. Viet Vet needs call also. Have Sat. 9-5 Closed Mondays "IJDIDA- If yer done Pickin pic­ free legal aid and can help change* slon series. Milwaukee Art Cen- ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• kles, where are you - leave word , discharges and get disability. Call ter. Free. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19 . 1,000 TAPES TO CHOOSE FROMI for Ken at the Bike Store. 272- 271-VETS. 4600". 4 pm CONCERT: Freddie Hub- 11:30 am LUNCH: Organic food j bard Quintet at North Park Ho- from Fratney & Clarke Co-op. ENJOY THE FORBIDDEN IMPORTANT Survival Information. MA600'S 8731595 tel, Chicago, Also 8 pm. Really good food, lots of It, for ART OF Send self addressed stamped en­ 3619 W. NORTH AVE. about 50£. Lutheran Center down- velope to Siblings Counion, P.O. 4:30 pm CHANNEL 10: "Panorama stairs. Kenwood & Farwell. Until Box 491, Stanwood, Washington, Hlspano.' * Focus on education In the 1 «30 pm. TATTOO 98292. sissy bars - chrome Spanish-speaking community in Mil waukee. ING fork lubes-frame & Jackie O. by Chicago Ed and If you want to find Donna . tank molding - drag please call 962-0946 or Kaleido­ HELP? The "Grim Reaper scope, 271-1250. pipes-chrome ex­ Kaleidoscope needs help; 18455 W. NATIONAL AVE. ANNE from Qouchester St. Lou­ change service art type, glue, pencils, NEW BERLIN, WIS. is. Recieved your 2nd letter. [CUSTOM BIKES & ACCESSORIES typing paper, writers, Weekdays 4:30-9:00 Don't brood over past. Keep writ­ Saturday 1:00-9:00 ing. Telephone when ready to come artists, shit-workers, and. Closed Sunday & Monday home. —Charlie. DAILY 9-9 SAT. 'TIL 5 always, MONEY1 Apply at 1238 E. Brady, RALPH'S CLASSIFIED IIMFO. 271-1250 REPAIRS THE SUNNY GOODSTREET FILM T.V.'s, radios, ster­ •ZYGS CLA6SIHEDADS COST $1.00 for the first line, and 5Q# for SOCIETY PRESENTS: each additional line. Hgure 30 units per line. Every number, I SHERLOCK HOLMES IN eos and guitar amps MAJOR "HOUND OF THE repaired for free or. letter, space or punctuation mark Is a 'unit'. To place an ad, CHEAP or will ex­ send it with the money to K'scope, P.O. Box 90526. Milw, 53202. BASKERVTLLES" & MINOR i Plymouth Church* change' for other WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REJECT ADS! services or usable REPAIRS ON 2717 E. Hampshire items or equipment. Friday Oct. 8 at 7,9,11p.m. 75£. Can also arrange a VOLKSWAGENS swap deal. FOREIGN CARS THE SUNNY CCOD3TREET HLM SOCIETY PRESENTS: "THE MARX BROS IN 'AT THE 6410 a RUB'' " Plymouth Church, 2712 E Hunpshire. Friday, Oct CALL RALPH W. Silyer Spring ISSUE(S) AMT. ENCLOSED 15 at 7,9,and 11 p.m. 75£ 278-7981 . PHONE •""*— __. 7:30am-9pm --ESSi .""'*aawaaamammmmmaaaaaamwat ^^^^^ •jta»a»iBa«a«raMiBM"ia»«aT«aia»a«aTaT.«BMa*a»a» 466-9536

MUNITY HIGH fr&OTACe I ^^ - - ^mmK, I or else return home because they out for during the first few days. providing food and shelter for your­ In today's culture, the role of carit make it. SELF DIQPLINE self. There are, in the city, several O Did you know that the America parents is to "protect" you, their Why are so many many runaways Since it isn't legal tor you to good ways of obtaining these. Hit Bowling Qub requires that to children. AH your life, parents will unsuccessful? For one thing, many be living away from home if you the streets and meet as many people one of Its member leagues, el hand you these warn out cliches of the kids who run away have no are under 18 years old, there is as you can. Most freeks sympa­ u your president or treasurer mui like, 'I'm only doing this for your special talents or friends. They a good chance that the police will thize with you and will probably be a man? That's because In most own good". It's becoming more have spent most of their lives be looking for you. Wherever you give you a place to stay for at leagues the president and trea­ obvious to me that more of us in the suburbs with their every go there will be police and it will least a night. surer sign the checks. "minor children" are each day whim catered to. In short, spoil­ always seem like they are looking For a money source,, there is < Did you know that to become a Boston Store**€S\j6tdwn has a telling our parents that just because ed I They don't have the faintest straight at you. There is always always panhandling or selling un­ Moose, when you are initiated, restaurant that isrilvlded Into they had us it doesn't mean that idea how to fend for themselves. the chance that they will pick you derground newspapers. Also there you. must swear that you are 100% women's areas and men's. The they know better what is best for This is why I am writing this up for curfew. If you are over are usually somebusinessesintown white? This little racial tidbit waitresses In the men's section us. Half of the kids I know are article. 17 and have an I.D., hang on to that hire people one day at a time comes from the very inner sanc­ are under 23, nubile, and wear getting damn sick and tired of their MISTAKES it. Even though it has your name to do different things and don't o tum of the organization. microscopic hotpants. The wait­ parents, T.V. culture, and arm­ One of the most common mis­ on it, it gives you the right to be ask many questions. Badger Ad­ *Main emphasis on understanding Did you know that Helnemann's resses in the other section are chair advice. The problem! is ihat takes to be overcome is the spon­ outside after curfew. The police vertising In Milwaukee is one. Also H other cultures, lifestyles; no grad­ on Water and Wisconsin still has over 40 and wear long black un- in a society that openly discrimi­ taneous elopement. While this can don't usually call It In, and if they there are organizations formed to ing; students plan courses with a men's dining room and they ab- attractive uniforms. The women's nates against youth,-what are the really be a gas, it is usually turned aren't hot after you, you'll prob­ help runaways, but I would be a teachers; environmental experien­ bles alternatives for those of us "youth" J solutely will not serve women In ^ ^ar flowers, and the decor freeway-lovers, or dump stuff In­ into a three day lark by a lack ably get by. little leary of these as they us­ ces; recreational facilities, etcl v er orna A group called Environmental who are sick and tired of being that dining room even If the only « , y te and flowery. The to their swimming pools. of planning. Too many clues given MAKING OUT ually try to pressure you to return We NEED parents, high school men s room Action In Washington D.C. is hav­ locked up at home and forcefed vacant seats In the restaurant are *s decorated with fox ••Defoliate military bases. awav- during the heat of family If you are hot or aren't 17, home and "work it out". And O and university students and teach­ d hound ing an ecotage(ecology sabotage) frozen dinners? there and there is a long line of ™ P^ts and a very plain 88roail dead flsh(ln styrofoam so arguements etc. One of the first stay off the streets after 11p.m. even if they don't, they don't really ers to form such a school. decor contest. Here are some sugges- The answer is as obvious as the hep teach you how to survive on women waltlng?^^ dominates throughout the .tlons they've received, In case you as--hot to attract undue attention) things I would suggest to a would-be The younger you are, the more firm u Call D. McFatridge 964-7785. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm large numbers of former middle- your own. If you run away, you ^ area. The tables lack flowers, as to Standard Oil stockholders. runaway, therefore, would be to you should be with yourself. Us­ Meet every Saturday morning In want to pick up on them: class youth sitting on street corn­ must do just that. Plan, good luck, -.of course, men dislike flowers. **Organlze a chain letter that **Kidnap executive for ecological plan everything out carefully, and ually those rules should keep you different parts of the city. *SJ Please write in with your own ers looking for a place to crash. then split unexpectedly, leaving as out of trouble for a fairly long time and all power to the young run­ Youth need quality education. will result In some-corporation ransom. for this column. Unfortunately, the larger share few clues as possible. If you don't break any laws. aways. •MEETING, Saturday, October 9, creep receiving 40,000 boxes of Apparently the Journal Is getting of today's AWOL kidz are either M.L.F.Y. —Rosalind Qch garbage In the mall. into serving the people, because Another must is an awareness The next and most -crucial at the Community Center, 911 E. busted through their own mistakes thing Is meeting good people and Milwaukee Lurtatlc Fringe Youth. Ogden ave. **Dlg a hole in the highway and this list appeared in that infamous of what kind of things to watch 10:00 a.m. plant a tree. tabloid. Thanx for the tip —and **Pour cement on the lawns of all power to the imagination!

donate the frofits from mail-order Mark Knops declared that the sales of 'Steal This Book* to The now legendary First Annual law was being openly defied. help Dana. If you the viewer, want The crowd still had a lot of Marijuana Harvest Festival took But Madison pigs, led bylnspektor to buy a copy, send $2.25 to the energy lift and decided to march place in M adison on September 25. Herman Thomas, never dared to Dana Beal Defence Fund, NYC, to the jail. The guards locked It was followed by a mass march keeep their promise to arrest 10013. up their captives' in their cells to the Capitol to support jailed 'law breakers.' Not one person There on the granite steps of as the demonstration approached.^ Yippie theoretician Dana Beal, and was arrested for dope all day. the state capitol, dozens of cup­ Dana, himself, was placed in solitary to expose the CIA skag-running A.J.Weverman, noted Dylan­ ped hands sheltered matches and during the demo lest hyped up operation in southeast Asia. ologist, told how Dana had organ­ scores of lungs inhaled the frag­ yippie commandos would attempt Every freek who was there ized freeks on Manhattan's Lower rant cannabis smoke, while the a 'break'. The legions of dope- agreed that the Smpke-In was East Side in 1966-67. before he YIP demands were read: crazed anarchists shouting FREE the highest-energy happening in was forced underground by trumped, 1) Repeal of all laws against DANA BEAL! TEAR DOWN THE months. Despite bad weather up drug arrests. marijuana and psychedelics. JAILS struck fear into the agents and widely broadcast threats to Then in the park shelter, free 2) Guaranteed weekly stash of of an unjust legal system. bust smokers, some 1500 hard organic food and more dope were 1 oz. of grass for every man, After this, a faction of the core fiends materialized at Brit- served. David Peel lit up a joint, woman, and child in america parade split off for a spontaneous tingham Park shortly after noon. and launched into a screaming, who digs getting high. foray down State St. Madison's Most people in the crowd singing, chanting ceremonial incan 3) Immediate release of all pork force ripped off twelve kids came from outside Madison; from tation to the ecstasy of holy political/cultural prisoners, in a brief fight or. Gorham. Milwaukee and small towns all marijuana smoke. Between the all poor people, blacks, freeks and The uncontrolled anger of over Wisconsin and the midwest. 'Ballad of A.J. Weber-man*, 'Up third world people locked young people in this nation cannot During the march, peeps heard- Against the Wall Mutherfuckers.', up by racist, prejudiced legal be snuffed. Most of the kids who one head shout, 1 came an the and other tender tunes, the der­ systems controlled by the rich. came to the Smoke In were street way from Berdeley for. this.' ange street scum potheads in the Reparations must be given to freeks and veteran agitators and and another exclaimed, Tcame from park joined together in cheering victims for jail time and for they were willing to fight for Pittsburgh and this is the great­ and chanting sacred hemp mantras torture and murder committed their beliefs and their culture. est thing I've ever seen.' like The Pope Smokes Dope*. by police and jailers. It was a beautilful crowd The famous Live Bait Chorale 4) The government must accept of fearless outlaws; everybody got performed the old classic 'Mari­ the People's Peace Treaty with Dana needs $8,000 for bail wrecked. The Yippies gave away juana Gregorian Chant'. the Vietnamese, and agree to on 3 charges here. Please send pounds of 'the best foreign and At 2 p.m. the frenzied crowd purchase at least $500 millloi money, etc., to Dana Beal Defense domestic crops.' Many brothers began to march up Main St. to worth of Vietnamese grass Committee, Box 2851, Madison, 53701 and sisters brought their own, the Capitol, screaming: WE SMOKE (62,500,000 kilos) annually (to andWERM (wild eyed revolutionary POT & WE UK E IT A LOT. implement demand (|2); and to Jane Jones, Freefall Feris movement) supplied dozens of Upon reaching the Capitol, A.J. dismantle the CIA smuggling con­ Madison K-scope munchy brownies laced with the • announced that Abbie Hoffman, spiracy which currently brings dreaded kllller w*»ed. east coast Yippie (ret.), would of- the heroin into the U.S.

Ch'lea Studios ( S0P\S *IOHTYL) CASPER GETS HEAVY CO-OP LUNCH \ QOOP mafm&ffj Attempting to get promoted to Every Tuesday and Wednesday the "Acting Detective" like his for­ Outpost Natural Food Co-op spon-' ? mer partner ,Tom Casper has come sors an organic lunch at the Lu­ • down heavy on freeks lately. Tom theran Center. Proceeds will goto has been stopping cars on Brady finance the Outposts new organic Street for violations and also stop­ restaurant. If you want to help on ped the Survival Bus, hauling away either the meal or the res­ life on the driver Moody Bragg, Tom made taurant call the co-op at 264-0914. an intrusion into a freeks house without a warrant but left after asking the woman there to talk to lunatic fringe * them outside. Once she got out •there they arrested her for dis­ Allen Ginsberg has shaved off his rupted by yippies who have been orderly conduct. They told her SURVIVAL CENTER beard...Abbie Hoffman has cut his throwing confetti in the streets. they didn't like Jim Wood (her hair, saying that long hair doesn't ********** attorney) or his clients. We recom­ The Survival Center is busy pre­ mean anything any more...who's In Atlanta, a cop tried to bust a mend that Tom be promoted and next, Mr. Natural? paring a bust book for Milwaukee: woman in a crowd for dope. Rocks ' send some place else. Tom is also in addition to their normal duties, and bottles started to fly—also bul­ ********** the recipient of the first "Pig of DREW GETS SENT UP helping people get out of jail. They In Winona, Minnesota, the police lets. The officer is in critical con­ the Week" award. dition—shot in the abdomen. Officer Drew Halverson has been always need more people to help department, sheriff's department, promoted to "acting detective"(and and 17 big businesses found bags of ********** staff and can be reached at the those who know-him whish he could community center at 272-RAID, marijuana on their front doorsteps Look out for the second annual clean up his act.) Safety build­ on the same morning. Enclosed Grand Old Magic Yippie Halloween ing rumor has it that Drew broke was a note whch read: "Courtesy Party. Start practicing up on your the bank on arrests. Apparently of your local pusher." spells—who knows, maybe we'll the.y figured Drew would single PERSONAL to Officer Dennis ********** put the hoodoo on Harry. handedly clean-up the city. With O'Branivich: If you want to know In Penang, Malaysia, a Keep Pen- or without a uniform, Drew's still what I'm doing ask me and no, I lean campaign is being dis­ --A1 Parsons abuffoojj did not have anything to do with the Linkletter demo. RK —Rick King f J