CONGRESSIONAL RECORD— Extensions of Remarks E1941 HON
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September 22, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1941 that beneficiaries and their families will want Finally, there is massive confusion about friend and an outstanding educator, Maria and will require to make informed choices. As how the new Medicare drug benefit will mesh Reza. In June 2005, Maria retired after 36 the former executive director of the Illinois with current retiree benefits. Unfortunately, a years of dedicated service to the Los Angeles Council of Senior Citizens, I know that it will beneficiary’s misunderstanding and enrollment Unified School District. take hours with each beneficiary, many of in a Medicare drug plan could result in the them taking multiple medications, to fully ex- loss of retiree benefits. Again the Medicare In- Maria believes that ‘‘to make a difference in plain private plan options and how each formed Choice Act gives a one-year grace pe- the lives of our students, we must go beyond choice will affect their access to the drugs riod to sort out confusion and correct any er- the classroom and work to improve the com- they need. A majority of beneficiaries lack reg- rors. munity and the environment in which they ular access to a computer or have the ability I urge my colleagues to support the Medi- live.’’ Throughout her career, Maria has em- to navigate websites. A recent HHS Inspector care Informed Choice Act so that we can pro- bodied this belief and has dedicated her life to General’s report found that 44 percent of call- tect our constituents from unfair penalties or not only helping children learn in the class- ers to the Medicare hotline had difficulty ac- the loss of retiree benefits. room, but also to improving lives and condi- cessing information. Many beneficiaries are f tions within our communities. Over the years, frail, some suffer from dementia, and others Maria has volunteered for the United Farm are not English-proficient. We have to reach TRIBUTE TO ELAINE K. FREEMAN Workers, the Southwest Voter Registration beneficiaries living in Centers for Independent Project and has devoted much of her life to Living, nursing homes and isolated areas. serving the students and residents of the And, of course, we have to address the needs HON. BENJAMIN L. CARDIN of the evacuees from Hurricane Katrina. OF MARYLAND Northeast San Fernando Valley. Tina Kitchin, director of the Oregon Depart- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES After graduating from San Fernando Valley ment of Human Services, is not alone in say- Thursday, September 22, 2005 State College, Maria started teaching at San ing ‘‘I don’t know how Oregon will successfully Fernando High School in 1969. During her first Mr. CARDIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to do this within this timeframe.’’ The State year, she was recognized as ‘‘Intern of the pay special tribute to Elaine K. Freeman, Vice Health Insurance Program coordinator for Year’’ by the Los Angeles Unified School Dis- McLean County, Illinois, is asking beneficiaries President of Corporate Communications for Johns Hopkins Medicine upon her retirement trict Internship Program Office. In 1975, she to call early because, ‘‘There are too many was hired as a Resource Teacher in the Cen- people for us to handle all of them on or after after 23 years. Elaine epitomizes what is best tral Office and soon became District Home Ec- November 15,’’ the first day that enrollment in corporate communications—she fully under- can begin. Already, the constituent advocates stands Johns Hopkins Medicine and she has onomics Supervisor. She pioneered the Infant in my own district office have had difficulty the skills and ability to communicate the suc- Study Program at Ramona, Roosevelt and getting answers to questions about how the cess of Hopkins to the public. Locke High Schools. This program continues new federal drug benefit will coordinate with During her tenure, Elaine has seen Hopkins to offer free childcare for high school age par- our state’s pharmaceutical assistance pro- become nationally ranked as the number one ents as well as provide them with valuable gram. And already, we are seeing constituents medical facility in the nation, according to the parenting skills. who are confused, scared and angry about the U.S. News and World Report. In 1989, she As an assistant principal, Maria, along with inability to get answers to their questions while also helped Hopkins celebrate its centennial a school nurse, Pam Wagner, established the being pressured to make a fast decision. as one of the Nation’s most outstanding med- first three school-based health clinics in It is time to recognize that the late enroll- ical institutions. LAUSD. The project faced much controversy ment penalty imposed in the Medicare Mod- Elaine is a gifted professional who under- and was opposed by some conservative orga- ernization Act is unfair to the 42 million bene- stands that the strengths of Hopkins rest with ficiaries who want to make informed choices, its staff and faculty. Over the years, she has nizations and churches. However, Maria knew will not have access to unbiased assistance in helped the public understand and relate to the the importance of providing health care to un- making those decisions, but who will face sub- important medical advances that come out of insured students and continued to work tire- stantial and permanent late enrollment fees if Hopkins, enabling people to understand the lessly to gain the support of students and par- they don’t act by May 15th. The Medicare In- relationship between research and the impact ents. The proof of her efforts is overwhelm- formed Choice Act will give beneficiaries the on patients. ingly apparent today with over 40 school- time they need to make the decision that is Elaine is unique in that she truly under- based or school-linked clinics which provide a right for them. stands the medical community, and the impor- low cost, accessible form of health care. The Senior citizens and persons with disabilities tance of scientific research. She is married to demand for these programs continues to grow. will face obstacles in getting access to inde- Dr. John Freeman, Professor of Neurology Among her many accomplishments, Maria pendent information, but they will be inundated and Pediatrics. In 1969, John joined Hopkins with materials from private plans seeking cus- Reza has distinguished herself as a strong fe- to create and direct the Johns Hopkins Child male role model in the community. She has tomers. Beginning next month, Medicare Neurology program. been recognized twice as ‘‘Woman of the beneficiaries and their families will be sub- In 1958, Elaine graduated from Goucher jected to multi-million advertising campaigns Year,’’ in 1992 by State Senator David Roberti College as a Phi Beta Kappa. She also by insurers. As reported in The Wall Street and again in 1998 by State Senator Richard earned a masters degree from George Wash- Journal (‘‘Insurers Bet Big on New Drug Ben- ´ ington University. In 2001, she received the Alarcon. She was invited to participate in the efit,’’ September 7, 2005), ‘‘The payoff could Excellence in Medical Education Public Affairs HOPE, Hispanas Organized for Political be big. The new drug benefit is expected to award from the Association of American Med- Equality, leadership training and this year boost 2006 revenue at seven of the largest chaired the Adelante Mujer Conference, giving health insurers by at least $4.45 billion in ical Colleges (AAMC). I urge my colleagues in the U.S. House of 300 young women the opportunity to attend 2006, and lift earnings by 2 percent to 4 per- career workshops conducted by professional cent according to CIBC World Markets analyst Representatives to join me in wishing Elaine Latinas. Carl McDonald.’’ Some companies expect in- Freeman a happy and healthy retirement. Her creased profit levels of 4 percent to 6 percent. skill and dedication to communicating medical Maria also has the distinction of being mar- The pressure to make a quick decision will developments has helped the public gain a ried to my good friend Alex Reza, a retired ed- be enormous, particularly when coupled with a greater understanding of medical issues. ucator and an extraordinary community activist sales pitch arguing that failure to choose will f whom I have had the pleasure of knowing for result in a permanent, financial penalty. With- RECOGNIZING MARIA REZA many years. She is also the mother of three out adequate, independent and personalized sons, Lance, Roman and David. counseling, many beneficiaries will make the wrong decision. Getting rid of the late enroll- HON. HOWARD L. BERMAN Mr. Speaker, Maria has set an admirable ment fee is only part of the solution. Our bill OF CALIFORNIA example for those who are committed to mak- ing a difference in the lives of others. It is with will give all beneficiaries the opportunity to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES switch their plan and enroll in one that better great pride that I ask my colleagues to join me meets their needs, whether they enrolled by Thursday, September 22, 2005 in honoring Maria Reza, a woman whose dedi- mistake or because they succumbed to sales Mr. BERMAN. Mr. Speaker, it is my distinct cation and achievements are a credit to our pressure. pleasure to rise today to recognize a dear community. VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:21 Sep 23, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22SE8.064 E22SEPT1 E1942 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 22, 2005 IN RECOGNITION OF MERYL his release from military duty in 1960. With the and will surely never be forgotten in the mind MENASHE war in Vietnam intensifying, he reenlisted in of the Marine.