Fnatic,Kikis,Gamsu,YellOwStar,Spirit,Febiven,Rekkles,Deilor,Mike Diver | 256 pages | 06 Oct 2016 | Cornerstone | 9781780896588 | English | London, United Kingdom A Beginner's Guide To Esports: League of Legends - CheckpointXP

Pro teams compete within their own regions during spring and summer regular seasons. Worlds is the biggest yearly event in LoL esports, and many fans, LoL players, and new viewers will tune in. The name of the genre itself implies a few things. For one, it is a multiplayer game with five players in each team pitched against another five, which makes a total of ten players in every game. It is played online, so it groups and matches players together when they join an online queue. For tournaments, matches are played offline to greatly reduce lag. Summoner is the term uses for its players, where they summon their desired champion onto the battlefield to compete in their place. There are champions to choose from as of September In competitions, each player will select How to be a Professional Gamer: An Esports Guide to League of Legends unique champion to be part of their five-man team. This area is outlined by the lighted blue and purple beams of light at the top and bottom corners of the map above. The Rift is square shaped, and split into half diagonally by a river. To do that, the team of five will need to work together to overcome obstacles across the Rift. What makes MOBAs unique is the strategical way in which teams navigate the map, which consists of three lanes. Protecting the base and their side of the map, are towers. Each lane contains two outer turrets on each respective team, which does heavy damage to all enemy units. Because the goal of each team is to get to the other side of the map to destroy the Nexus, downing these towers is imperative. Due to the way the map is split, the team on blue side would start off controlling the bottom half of the river, while the red team controls the top half. To win the game, the team would need to achieve certain objectives before they can secure victory by the Nexus. Because of the way the map is structured, typically one player will go to the top lane the top lanerone in the middle the mid lanerand two at bottom bot laner and support. The fifth player roams the jungle, killing monsters and assisting lanes to gain advantages. Players from both teams will spread out in this formation at the start of every game. This movement across the map is called lane assignments. As players lane yes, a verb against their opponent, minion waves will emerge at fixed timings from their base to assist them. Different champions are picked in different roles, for they serve specific purposes. Professional teams are managed by a team of coaches and staff. The head coach joins the team on stage for drafting, like in traditional sports. How to be a Professional Gamer: An Esports Guide to League of Legends picks and bans, they make the final call for their players on which champions to pick, and in which order. The draft phase happens before the start of every professional LoL game. Each league or tournament may have their own unique overlay, but the standard, essential information is always shown. Below team names, we can see the current series score. FPX leads by two games in this best-of-five series, while G2 has not won a single game so far. Playoffs are usually played in a best-of-five format. Regions adopt their own format double round robin, best-of-ones, best-of-threes for the regular season. Each champion is represented by their portrait. In the middle, 9. These are game updates that alters the state of the game, where some champions are made stronger than others. Teams would How to be a Professional Gamer: An Esports Guide to League of Legends strategize differently according to each game update or patch. Below 9. As with all in-game names, these are nick names gamers give themselves which they known by in the community, and not their real names. From there, vertically down are the champions that each team has picked for themselves. The players are lined up according to their roles, from top to bottom. GimGoon and Wunder are top laners of their respective teams, Tian and Jankos the junglers, Doinb and Caps the mid laners, Lwx and Perkz the bot laners, and Crisp and Mikyx the supports. The order of players are fixed every match. Once draft phase is over, they can swap champions during the Swap Phase to suit their roles. There is a fixed sequence during picks and bans which consists of two phases. Firstly, three champions will be banned by both teams one by one. Then, the blue team the one on the left side, in this case, FunPlus Phoenixwill pick the first champion. This is an advantage, as they get first dibs. That concludes the end of phase one where three champions have been picked by both teams. They each then ban an additional two champions in sequence in phase two. From there, red team G2will pick one champion. Blue team FPX then finishes off their draft by choosing their last two. Red side then has the advantage of last picking the final champion of their draft. In order to get from one end of the map, to victory on the other, teams will need to complete smaller goals and bigger objectives. Micro goals are:. Bigger objectives include:. The dragon pit is located at the bottom side of the map, while the Baron at How to be a Professional Gamer: An Esports Guide to League of Legends top side. The Rift Herald spawns in the early game, before Baron takes it place later on. When a team slays an Elemental Dragon, they receive a permanent boost to certain stats, such as offensive or defensive power. When a team kills Herald and summons it, it charges into towers and deals a chuck of damage. When the team defeats Baron, they gain a buff that, when near a minion wave, boosts their power too which helps them push into turrets and the enemy base to close the game. Preforming all these actions collectively allow a team to control the map through vision. Think about it like the art of war. As you can see, the ultimate, permanent resource in League of Legends is gold — which can only be earned and not lost. With gold, players will be able to upgrade items for their champions and grow more powerful as the game progresses. Whenever micro goals are achieved, they also gain experience. This helps them level up, which gives them higher base stats and makes them stronger too. When they possess stronger weapons and are of a higher level than their opponents, they are more likely to win skirmishes and team fights. By killing enemy champions, they gain even more gold, and have the opportunity to control a larger area of the map. Riot Games describes it as a cycle: More kills, more gold, more items. Right in the center of the top bar shows the number of kills each team has. All the blue text are resources that the blue team has amassed, and red text How to be a Professional Gamer: An Esports Guide to League of Legends the red team. Even though there are times where teams with more kills has the lead, this is not always the case. A more accurate barometer is the amount of gold earned, the number next to the two gold coins. The team that is leading will have more accumulated gold. Next to that icon is a turret, which tracks the number of towers each team has downed. Below the top bar in the middle sits the game timer. The elemental icons signifies the Elemental Dragons that each team has secured in the game. On the right is the countdown to the next Baron spawn — two of the most important objectives in the game. Adjacent to the champion portraits are two summoner icons. Each player equips two Summoner Spells that give them added utility to make plays. Whether they are available for use, or on cooldown, is depicted. The most common Summoner Spell shown in yellow is Flash, which every single member of G2 equipped. In the example above, Jankos is out of action for 43 seconds. At the bottom right corner adjacent to the HP and MP bars are the two keystone runes that a player has equipped. Runes add or enhance champion abilities and statistics, and give players customizable options to tailor them according to the champion picked and their individual playstyle. They are preset before the game begins, and cannot be changed once it starts. League of Legends champions possess an ultimate ability. It is their strongest ability, or spell, and has the longest cooldown among their other three abilities. Through the HUD, we can see if their ultimate is ready to be used, or on cooldown. The third main component is the live scoreboard at the bottom of your screen. It shows champions in order from top lane to support, and the amount of farm they acquired. Farm includes the number of minions as well as jungle monsters. Usually the supports have the least amount of farm 16 and 64 in this case because their goal is to assist their bot laner and give them all the farm so that they can carry the game. Adjacent are the items that each player has bought, and finally their vision socre. The yellow, How to be a Professional Gamer: An Esports Guide to League of Legends and blue trinkets are three types of tools that players can purchase for free in the in- game store. When they use them to either provide or deny vision, the AI computes a vision socre. Supports and junglers are depended on to control vision on the map, which in turn provides intel for their team, so their vision score is usually the highest. After a game, the broadcast will usually show the post-game summary. A Beginner's Guide to Competitive League of Legends | Esports Edition

Each player assumes the role of a specific Champion or hero with specific strengths and weaknesses. There are different ways to level up your Champion during the match to strengthen your player, and it is a key How to be a Professional Gamer: An Esports Guide to League of Legends against the other team to become strong in order to win battles. League of Legends was well-received upon its release and has grown exponentially in popularity, with an active fanbase around the world. League has among the largest footprints of any game in streaming media communities on platforms such as YouTube and Twitch. It routinely ranks first in the most-watched hours. In SeptemberRiot Games estimated that there are over million active players each month, and in Septemberthe company said that the game boasts nearly 8 million peak concurrent users each day. League of Legends has a lively competitive scene, which is commonly described as the best global Esport. These regional competitions culminate with the annual World Championship. The Mid-Season Invitational had an overall peak concurrent viewership of The original League of Legends game was released in as a new and improved version of DotA, a popular PC game from the early s. DotA is the original MOBA video game with heroes battling to conquer the battlefield, but League quickly surpassed it as the premiere game in that category. Riot Games self-publishes and operates the game and all of its aspects in North America. It is most popular in Asian markets like China and South Korea. The game is distributed in China by Inc. This is a major factor why the game is the most popular game in the world. The idea of a successor to DotA was that it would be its own stand-alone game with its own engine, rather than another mod of Warcraft III. League of Legends was born when a couple of very active DotA community members believed that the gameplay was so much fun and so innovative that it represented the spawning of a new genre and deserved to be its own professional game with an improved game engine. Riot Games officially opened its office in Septemberand, as ofhas over 1, people working on League of Legends. They decided to open up the champion creation process to everyone in the company based on a template where they could vote on which champions made it into the game. This resulted in over playable in the characters at this point. On this map, two teams of five players compete to destroy an enemy Nexus, which is guarded by the enemy team and a number of defensive structures called turrets. One nexus is located in each enemy base on opposite sides of the map, in the lower-left and upper-right hand corners. These structures continually create weak non-player characters known as minions, which advance toward the enemy base along three paths: top, middle, and bottom lanes. Players compete to advance these waves of minions into the enemy base, which allows them to destroy enemy structures How to be a Professional Gamer: An Esports Guide to League of Legends ultimately win the match. In future articles in the League of Legends Academy series, I will go in-depth on the strategy within the game, who the best Champions in the game are, how to use them, and who are some of the best League players that you can learn from as well. The series will give you all the information you need to fall in love with League of Legends and learn why it is the most popular game in the world. Each Champion within League of Legends has 5 abilities to use in battle. They have 1 passive ability, 3 normal abilities, and 1 ultimate ability that is earned over time. Champions begin every match at a low level, and then gain experience over the course of the match to achieve a maximum level of Because champions are individually controlled, they each move independently of each other. Some champions may be faster than others or have abilities to increase their movement, but we will get to those things a little later. Champions are controlled via player inputs from their mouse and keyboard. Movement is controlled by right-clicking with the mouse somewhere on the screen. This will issue a command to the champion they are controlling. The champion will then find their way to that location on the map on their own. If the player issues another command by clicking again, the previous command will be ignored. When a player right-clicks on an enemy, whether that be an enemy turret, minion, champion, or the Nexus itself, their champion will begin moving towards that enemy unit. When the champion gets close enough, they will begin attacking the enemy unit automatically. This is known as an auto- attack or a basic attack. Some champions will hit the unit with swords, others with their fists. Some will shoot bows, others will use guns. Some auto-attack quickly, others will auto-attack slowly. Some champions are melee champions, meaning that they need to be very close to the enemy unit before they are able to auto-attack. Other champions are ranged champions, meaning How to be a Professional Gamer: An Esports Guide to League of Legends they can begin to auto-attack the enemy unit from a distance. For some champions, their auto-attack is their main source of damage. While auto-attacks are mostly the same for everyone, depending on if they are ranged or melee, abilities are what set champions apart from one another. These abilities can do a multitude of things, from dealing high damage to crowd control, which slows large groups of enemies. Some abilities can also target allied units. These abilities can do things like giving allies health back, shield them, or speed them up. All abilities have cooldowns of one kind or another, which limits their use. Most Q, W, and E abilities have short cooldowns, meaning that a player only has to wait a few seconds before using that ability again. Ultimate or R abilities however have much longer cooldowns, usually totaling between one and two minutes. If a champion loses all their health, they are defeated but are revived in their base after time passes. Players also begin each match with a low amount of gold, and can earn additional gold throughout the match in a variety of ways: by killing non-player characters known as minions and monsters; by killing or helping to kill enemy players; by destroying enemy structures; passively over time; and through unique item interactions or champion abilities. Across matches, players also earn rewards that are applied to their accounts. Player accounts begin at level one and progress with games How to be a Professional Gamer: An Esports Guide to League of Legends. Player level is separate from character level; both a level 30 account and a level 5 account would begin at character level 1 at the start of a new game. From —, the maximum account level was 30, and as players progressed, they unlocked additional content. How to be a Professional Gamer: An Esports Guide to League of Legends are given rankings based How to be a Professional Gamer: An Esports Guide to League of Legends the Elo rating system, with proprietary adjustments by Riot Games. These ratings are used in automated matchmaking to make games with players of comparable skill levels on each team. Esports is a major component of League of Legends and Riot Games does a lot to support the competitive side of the game. The competitive side of League of Legends plays the normal games of League of Legends but use strategies and Champions in unison to maximize their chances of winning. There are major leagues in North America, Asia, and Europe that compete in tournaments during the year for millions of dollars. The major tournament of League of Legends is the World Championship, which is held annually during the Summer. Each major tournament draws in millions of viewers, and the max amount of viewers was during the World Championship inwith over 40 million people watching. That is more than any regular-season game for major sports leagues. The league is run by Riot Games directly and has 10 teams which are franchised and owned by organizations. Their season is split into two parts over the course of the year, the spring and summer session. At the end of the season, the top 3 teams advance to the World Championship, where they compete against other top teams from other leagues around the world. The other prominent leagues in the world are primarily in Asia. The league with the most success at World Championships is the South Korean league LCKwhich features 5 How to be a Professional Gamer: An Esports Guide to League of Legends and 8 other placements in the semifinals since the World Championship began in All of these leagues qualify for the World Championship and send their top 3 teams just like the United States league. Esports in League of Legends is the competitive side of the game, where the best of the best compete for millions of dollars. There are lots of fans of competitive League of Legends and has had up to M people watch its World Championships. You can find League of Legends on lolesports. League of Legends is currently the most popular game in the world in terms of viewership on streaming services and a player base on the game itself. As of Maythere were 80 million active players worldwide on League of Legends, making it the most popular game in the world. Twitch reported that League of Legends is in the top 3 most-watched games on its platform for as well. At the end ofFaker was the highest earner in League of Legends history and was widely recognized as the best League of Legends player in the world. The biggest tournament each year for League of Legends is their World Championship, which is held annually in July. League of Legends can be downloaded for free from their website, leagueoflegends. The game can be directly installed to your computer and requires an internet connection. The game is continuously updated to this day by its developer, Riot Games. Riot Games has released sub-modes within League of Legends but has not released a follow-up game to League. The game remains the most popular game year in and year out, so a new game is not needed for League fans. In my opinion, yes. League of Legends has remained as the most played and watched video game since its release 11 years ago. The game can be learned by anyone but takes a vast amount of time and knowledge to truly master the game and become good. It does not have the same illustrious history as CS or DotA, but I am confident in saying League of Legends is the most popular game to this point. Google Сайти: вхід

With COVID forcing many of us into quarantine, lots of people are scouring the internet looking for entertainment. In the absence of traditional sports, many people are finding esports for the first time. League of Legends is developed by Riot Games, and is one of How to be a Professional Gamer: An Esports Guide to League of Legends biggest esports in the world today. How the game is played: League of Legends is a five on five team game. That pool of champions is currently over characters deep, each with unique abilities and play-styles. That Nexus is defended by four rows of defensive turrets, as well as an endless stream of computer-controlled minions. How long should I expect to watch: A professional match of League of Legends is broken into two phases. Both teams cannot choose the same champion, and this phase generally takes about 5 minutes. The game phase can vary greatly in time, but generally runs between minutes. Once competitive play starts, there are no breaks or time-outs in League of Legends. The players will play until the match ends in victory, with the exception of a technical time out for an equipment problem. When watching League of Legends, you should expect a slower paced game than a game like Overwatch. The opening minutes of a game of League generally involve players fighting the enemy controlled minions to gain gold for buying items, and experience for leveling up. Once players start teaming up, usually around the mid game, the action really begins. Now teams will focus on objectives on the map, and the strategy will emerge. Teams will typically begin fighting each other actively, and this is where the game can get confusing for new players. A lot can happen very quickly, so watching and keeping up is difficult at first. The late game in League of Legends is intense. As the game goes on longer, respawn timers go up. With every skirmish having game-ending consequences, the pressure is very high. Whichever team slays the baron gets a major buff for the next few minutes, and can usually use it to end the game. Professional League of Legends is broken up into different regions. Each region plays two miniature seasons, called splits. One is played in the spring, and the second in the summer. The best performing teams in the summer split get to represent their region at the world championship, which starts in October. The LCS is franchised, meaning the same 10 teams typically compete each year, barring expansion or a team leaving. You can watch LCS play most weekends throughout the spring and summer, and can catch all the action online. For a full schedule, you can check out their website here. Looking for something to do while under quarantine? Check out the Shutdown Showdown! The tournaments are running on Tuesdays throughout April with proceeds going to charity. Check it out here! Her interests extend outside gaming; she loves comics and is particularly passionate about movies. She occasionally appears as a guest on CheckpointAFK. League of Legends League of Legends is developed by Riot How to be a Professional Gamer: An Esports Guide to League of Legends, and is one of the biggest esports in the world today. How and what to watch Professional League of Legends is broken up into different regions. Next Bethesda Cancels Quakecon About The Author. Related Posts. Search for:. Watch Here.