™ OFFERING MEMORANDUM UNITED STATES POST OFFICE ™ 241 3rd St | Scotts Mills, OR 97375 EXCLUSIVELY LISTED BY MICHAEL CHISLOCK Associate Direct +1 949 777 5989 Mobile +1 714 330 2077
[email protected] License No. 02026406 (CA) BILL PEDERSEN Market Leader Direct +1 949 432 4501 Mobile +1 831 246 0646
[email protected] License No. 01975700 (CA) TIM CAMPBELL Broker of Record License No. 200203119 (OR) ™ OFFERING MEMORANDUM . 241 3rd St SCOTTS MILLS, OR 97375 05 07 09 Financial Overview Tenant Overview Area Overview 3 INVESTMENT HIGHLIGHTS LOCATION HIGHLIGHTS • Property is positioned in an affluent local market with average House Hold income of over $94K in the 1, 3, and 5-mile radius. • Mission Critical Location that has remained in operation throughout the coronavirus pandemic. • Strategically positioned site with large service area and virtually no competition. Next closest USPS is eight miles away. • The local area is projecting strong population and House Hold development growth within the 1, 3, and 5-mile radius of the site over the next 5 years. • Single-tenant property leased to the U.S. Federal Government, which is rated Aaa by Moody’s Investor Services. 4 OFFERING OVERVIEW UNITED STATES POST OFFICE 251 3rd St, Scotts Mills, OR 97375 LIST PRICE CAP RATE GLA LOT SIZE YEAR BUILT $605,000 7.00% ± 2,603 SF 0.5 AC 1997 ANNUALIZED OPERATING DATA Annual NOI Monthly NOI NOI PSF CAP Current - 9/18/2022 $42,231.48 $3,519.29 $16.22 7.00% Next Option: 9/19/2022 - 9/18/2027 $42,231.48 $3,519.29 $16.22 7.00% LEASE SUMMARY Tenant USPS Type of Ownership Fee Simple Lease Guarantor United States Postal Service Lease Type Gross FOR A CUSTOM LOAN QUOTE PLEASE REACH OUT TO Roof and Structure Landlord HUGH SEIFERT OF BARRINGTON CAPITAL Lease Expiration Date 9/18/22 Capital Markets Direct 949.873.0271 | Mobile 619.818.4430 Landlord Expenses Roof, Parking and Insurance
[email protected] Lic.