The Logic and Discovery of Textual Allusion

David Bamman Gregory Crane The Perseus Project The Perseus Project Tufts University Tufts University Medford, MA Medford, MA [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract known to the reader, we are using it here in the spe- cific context of an imitative textual allusion – a pas- We describe here a method for discovering sage in one text that refers to a passage in another. imitative textual allusions in a large collec- When Willy Loman calls each of his sons an “Ado- tion of Classical Latin . In translating nis” in Death of a Salesman, there is no doubt that the logic of literary allusion into computa- this is an allusion to a Classical myth, but it does not tional terms, we include not only traditional point to a definable referent in the record of writ- IR variables such as token similarity and n- ten humanity (as King’s allusion refers specifically grams, but also incorporate a comparison of to the first six words of the Gettysburg Address). syntactic structure as well. This provides a The discovery of these allusions is a crucial pro- more robust search method for Classical lan- cess for the analysis of texts. As others have pointed guages since it accomodates their relatively out,1 allusions have two main functions: to express free word order and rich inflection, and has similarity between two passages, so that the latter the potential to improve fuzzy string search- can be interpreted in light of the former; and to si- ing in other languages as well. multaneously express their dissimilarity as well, in 2 1 Introduction that the tradition they recall is revised. Allusions of this specific variety are perhaps most widely known Five score years ago, a great Ameri- as a of modernist authors such as Eliot and can, in whose symbolic shadow we stand Joyce, but they are common in the Classical world today, signed the Emancipation Proclama- as well – most strongly in the Greek poetry of the tion ... Hellenistic era, in the Roman poetry of the republic Thus begins Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a and early empire and in New Testament texts (which Dream” speech of 1963. While the actual text of the allude to prophecies recorded in the Old Testament). Gettysburg Address is not directly quoted here, it is Given the long history of Latin literature, we must Nachleben elicited by means of an allusion: King’s audience also keep in the mind a text’s – how it has been received and appropriated by the genera- would immediately have recognized the parallels be- 3 tween his first four words and the “Four score and tions that follow it. seven years ago” that began Lincoln’s own speech. Uncovering allusions of this sort has long been By opening with this phrase, King is aligning Lin- the task of textual commentators, but we present coln’s invocation of human equality with “the great- 1For an overview of the function and interpretive signifi- est demonstration for freedom in the history of our cance of allusions, see Thomas (1986). 2 nation” for which he was then speaking. Cf. Bloom (1973). 3Cicero, for example, was widely admired by Renaissance While the term “allusion” is commonly applied humanists after Petrarch and provided a model for textual imi- to any reference to a person, place, or thing already tation. Cf. Kristeller (1979). a method here to automatically discover them in month, a week, a natural day, That Faustus may texts. Our approach has many similarities with re- repent and save his soul! O lente, lente, cur- search on text reuse (Clough et al., 2002), para- rite noctis equi! (Act V, Scene 2) phrase and duplicate detection (Dolan et al., 2004), And again, four centuries later, Vladimir and locating textual reference (Takeda et al., 2003; Nabokov appropriates it for as his protagonist Lee, 2007), but while these methods generally focus is chased along a highway. on string comparison and document structure, we in- clude variables for considering the abstract structure (3) We were many times weaker than his splendid, of a sentence as well, as represented by its syntax. lacquered machine, so that I did not even at- This enables a more robust search method since it is tempt to outspeed him. O lente currite noctis not restricted by word order or inflection. Our test equi! O softly run, nightmares! (Nabokov 219) corpus is a collection of Latin poetry, but the meth- Following Irwin (2001), we can distinguish an al- ods we describe are language independent. lusion from a mere in the level of con- text required to understand it. A quotation is self- 2 Types of Textual Allusion contained; an allusion calls forth the original con- While others have categorized textual allusion into text in which it’s found. Direct allusions like these a number of types dependent on their function (e.g., are easier to find than their adapted counterparts (it Thomas (1986) distinguishes between “casual ref- is essentially a simple string search) but they reside erence,” “single reference,” “self-reference,” etc.), on the same continuum as the others. we are concerned only with a practical distinction 2.2 Indirect reference in terms of the ease of locating them: an allusion is either direct (equivalent to a quotation) or indirect. Most of what we would consider allusions involve some transformation of the referent text. An exam- 2.1 Direct reference ple of this can be found in the first line of the first The most explicit and unambiguous type of allusion poem of Ovid’s Amores, an (and revision) is direct reference in the form of a verbatim quota- of the first line of Vergil’s Aeneid. tion. We see this form of allusion most often in the (4) Arma gravi numero violentaque bella parabam long afterlife of a text, as for instance in the recep- / Edere (Am. 1.1-2)5 Amores tion of this line from Ovid’s . (5) Arma virumque cano (Aen. 1.1)6 (1) At si, quem mavis, Cephalum conplexa teneres Vergil’s Aeneid is an epic poem focussed on the / Clamares: lente currite, noctis equi! (Am. figure of Aeneas (an ancestor of the Romans), writ- 1.13)4 ten in dactylic hexameter, the same “heavy” meter as ’s epics the Iliad and Odyssey. Ovid, in con- While Ovid’s line comes from the mouth of the trast, is a love poet, and elicits Vergil’s famous open- mythic Aurora (dawn) pleading with her chariot to ing to motivate his (the line continues with Cu- pull her more slowly across the sky to give her more pid stealing one of the line’s metrical feet, leaving it time with her lover before returning to her husband, an elegaic couplet, a common meter of Roman love Christopher Marlowe sixteen centuries later appro- poetry). priates it for Faust, who voices it in the final minutes This type of common allusion clearly presents before midnight in a plea to prolong his life. much more difficulty in being found: any variety of simple string search (either exact or fuzzy) will not (2) Stand still, you ever-moving spheres of heaven, be successful, since only two word forms – arma That time may cease, and midnight never come: (“arms”) and the enclitic -que (“and”) – are common Fair Nature’s eye, rise, rise again and make Per- to both strings. petual day; or let this hour be but A year, a 5“I was planning to write about arms and violent wars in a 4“But if you held Cephalus in your arms, whom you prefer, heavy meter.” you would shout ‘run slowly, horses of the night!”’ 6“I sing of arms and the man.” 3 The Logic of Allusion mar.7 In both of these trees, the two direct objects of the verbs are headed by the coordinator que via the Clearly we need to add new methods for establishing syntactic relation OBJ CO, while the coordinator is similarity between two lines beyond simple string headed by the verb via the relation COORD. While matches. This begs the question, however, of how the words themselves vary, the structure is the same. it is we know (as humans) that one passage in a text is an allusion to another. The ultimate criterion (edere) of course involves higher-order reason (an allusion que must make interpretive sense) but we can identify a COORD number of explicit surface variables that give notice to the presence of an allusion in the first place. arma (bella) OBJ_CO OBJ_CO Identical words. A quotation is an allusion where arma -que bella edere the edit distance between two strings is effectively Figure 1: Dependency tree of 0: i.e., all word forms in one span of text are iden- (“to write about arms and wars”). tical with those in another. In sentences 4 and 5, only arma and que are the same, but they neverthe- (cano) less provide a necessary anchor for establishing a link between the two passages. While arma in both que examples here in is the same grammatical case (ac- COORD cusative), many times an alternation occurs as well arma (virum) (e.g., transforming a word from the accusative to the OBJ_CO OBJ_CO nominative case). We can therefore define “identi- cal” to mean both token identity (arma = arma) and Figure 2: Dependency tree of arma virumque cano root form (lemma) identity (ego = me). (“I sing of arms and the man”).

Word order. Syntax in projective languages like Metrical and phonetic similarity The first lines English is strongly tied to word order (an adjective, of both of these poems are both written in dactylic for example, generally modifies the noun that imme- hexameter, but the similarity between the two is diately follows it), but for non-configurational lan- much closer than that, since the first seven syllables guages like Latin and Greek, word order is much of both lines are metrically identical – two dactyls more free, especially in the genre of poetry in which followed by a stressed syllable and caesura. Addi- allusion is so common. For this reason we treat syn- tionally, the final long syllable before the caesura is tax as a separate variable (see below) and isolate the same in both sentences (“o”), eliciting a further word order as its own phenomenon. For our exam- phonetic similarity as well. ple above, word order is another cue to the presence of an allusion since both lines begin with the same (6) A¯rma˘ gra˘vı¯ nu˘me˘ro¯ ... word, arma. (7) A¯rma˘ vı˘ru¯mqu˘e ca˘no¯ ...

Syntactic similarity. When considering syntax Semantic similarity We can also note that on a we begin to see the strongest parallels between the semantic level, both of these passages are “about” two passages. In both sentences, arma is involved in similar things, at least in this first line (before the coordination as a direct object of a verb. While the arrival of Cupid in Ovid) – in both lines, the author head verbs differ (edere vs. cano) as does the other is communicating (via writing or singing) about war object involved in coordination (bella vs. virum), the (violenta bella) and the instruments of war (arma). two structures are syntactically identical. 7This is the structural representation of syntax as found in Figures 1 and 2 present a syntactic tree of each the Latin Dependency Treebank (Bamman and Crane, 2007) sentence under the formalism of dependency gram- and the Prague Dependency Treebank of Czech (Hajic,ˇ 1998). Pn s t With semantic similarity we can also group an- cos(~s,~t) = i=i i i pPn s 2pPn t 2 other very important variable – cross-language se- i=i i i=i i mantic information in the form of equiv- Here si is the tf/idf score for the term i in the alents. This is extremely important given the re- source sentence s and ti is the tf/idf score for that ception of these texts across cultures and distant same term in the target comparsion sentence t. We eras. Classical Roman poets themselves are espe- measure each tf/idf by the following formula. cially fond of borrowing from Homer and Hellenis- N (1 + log(tfi,j)) log tic poets, but we see the same phenomenon in En- dfi glish as well – one only need to look at Milton’s use Here tfi = the count of term i in sentence j, N = of the Aeneid in Paradise Lost to see the level of ap- the total number of sentences in the collection, and propriation, which in its simplest form approaches dfi = the number of sentences in that collection that exact of fixed phrases, such as sentences contain the term i. 8 and 9 below, and in its more complex form also in- The closer this cosine is to 1, the more similar two volves the host of other variables outlined above. sentences are. We will use this general framework to inform all of the following variables: the difference (8) The Moons resplendent Globe (PL 4.723) between them will be in what exactly constitutes a “term.” (9) Lucentemque globum lunae (Aen. 6.725) These five categories represent broad classes of 4.1 Identical words similarity, but of course we must expect others on Given Latin’s rich inflection, we will define two an ad hoc basis as well – in sentences 4 and 5 variables for establishing identity between words, from above, we have the additional similarity that token similarity and lemma similarity. both passages come from the privileged first lines of both poems, suggesting a larger structural similarity. Token similarity. Here we define term to be the While these variables do not illuminate the interpre- overt (i.e., inflected) form of the word. This measure tive significance of an allusion (we can leave that reflects a typical search engine query in that it com- contentious task to critics), they do provide a means pares two documents (here, sentences) based on how by which to discover them in the first place. closely their words match each other. More common words between the two documents leads to a greater 4 Discovering Allusions level of similarity. Our task in automatically discovering allusions is to Lemma similarity. Here we define term to be the transform the variables listed above into ones that uninflected lemma from which the token is derived. are computationally tractable. We need to be able In this variable, omnia vincit amor (“love conquers to define the precise degree to which two passages all”) is identical to omnia vincuntur amore (“all are similar in order to quantitatively compare which things are conquered by love”) since the lemmas un- pairs of passages are more similar to each other than derlying both are omnis1 vinco1 amor1. A measure others. for lemma similarity addresses the fact that many al- Information retrieval has produced a number of lusions are not simple – the words that metrics for judging the similarity of two documents. constitute the reference are not bound to their origi- The most widely used of these generally assign a nal case as they were used in the target text, but are relevance score based on some variation of tf/idf often given a different grammatical role in the allu- weighting: two documents are similar if they both sion. contain words that occur less frequently in the col- lection of texts at large. The more uncommon words 4.2 Word order they share, the greater their similarity. We can measure the explicit order of words (as dis- To establish the similarity between two sentences, tinct from their abstract syntax) with the use of n- we can use the cosine measure as a means of judging grams – specifically bigrams and trigrams, which their vector similarity. measure how frequently two or three words appear in linear order. Using the beginning and end of sen- eludet PRED tences as distinct words of their own (in order to measure when a word begins or ends a line), the furor nos phrase omnia vincit amor has 4 bigrams ([start] om- SBJ OBJ nia, omnia vincit, vincit amor, and amor [end]) and iste tuus three trigrams: ([start] omnia vincit, omnia vincit ATR ATR amor, and vincit amor [end]). This will let us capture, for instance, that arma Figure 3: Dependency tree of furor iste tuus nos virumque cano is similar to arma gravi numero in eludet (“that madness of yours will play with us”), that both begin with the bigram [start] arma. We Cicero, In Catilinam 1.1. can again account for Latin’s rich inflection with the use of lemma bigrams and trigrams in addition to themselves. How we represent those words consti- tokens. This results in four total word order vari- tutes the first dimension: ables: token bigram, token trigram, lemma bigram and lemma trigram. • part of speech: adj:noun:verb 4.3 Syntax • token: iste:furor:eludet The two variables outlined so far form the backbone of information retrieval applications. By consider- • lemma: iste1:furor1:eludo1 ing syntax, we can get beyond simple string resem- blance metrics and begin to consider similarities in The second dimension is the length of the path. abstract structure as well. While Sanders’ metric identifies each word by its With syntactic relations, we can specify the true full path from itself to the top of the tree, we can use syntactic distance between two phrases (as dis- a number of intermediary paths to assert similarity tinct from simple word order). Several measures as well. Since a full path from the word itself to of syntactic distance have recently been proposed: the top of the tree is very unlikely to be repeated Spruit (2006) presents a method for classifying di- across sentences, we approximate it by considering alects based on previously human-curated variables only paths of lengths 2 and 3 (bigrams and trigrams): (e.g., the presence of personal vs. reflexive pro- a path of length 2 would for instance be comprised of nouns etc.); Nerbonne and Wiersma (2006) ap- “adj:noun”/“iste:furor”/etc. while a path of length 3 proximate syntactic distance using part of speech would be comprised of “adj:noun:verb” (as above). trigrams, which works well for classifying differ- The third dimension is the presence or ab- ent language groups (adults vs. child) in English sence of the syntactic label. Dependency gram- (a language with strict word order); and Sanders mars differ from phrase structure grammars by pro- (2007) measures distance using Sampson’s (2000) viding an explicit relation between words (where leaf-ancestor paths, in which each word in a sen- phrase structure grammars often imply it by po- tence is identified as its path from itself to the sition – a subject, for example, is an NP that c- top of the syntactic tree (e.g., in a phrase structure commands a VP). Using the syntactic labels spec- grammar: “The”-Det-NP-S/“dog”-N-NP-S/“barks”- ified in the Latin Dependency Treebank (Bamman V-VP-S). Given Latin’s non-projectivity, we have and Crane, 2007), a labeled path would be com- adopted this third measure and augmented it along prised of “iste:ATR:furor:SBJ:eludet” for token tri- three dimensions to make it suitable for a depen- grams, while an unlabeled path would leave this in- dency grammar. formation out (as above). Figure 3 presents a syntactic tree annotated under These three dimensions provide 12 distinct syn- a dependency-based grammar. Since dependency tactic variables for each word in a sentence, rang- grammars do not have intermediate phrase structures ing from least explicit (unlabeled part of speech bi- such as NP or VP, we take our basic syntactic struc- grams [“adj:noun”]) to most (labeled token trigrams ture to be a child-parent relationship between words [“iste:ATR:furor:SBJ:eludet”]). The most explicit variables will have the lowest inverse document fre- Author Words Sentences quencies and will therefore be the most informative Ovid 141,091 10,459 for judging similarity if present, while the least ex- Vergil 97,495 6,553 plicit variables will still provide a back-off means to Horace 35,136 2,345 provide some similarity in the event of a more ex- Catullus 14,793 903 plicit non-match. Propertius 4,867 366 293,382 20,626 4.4 Metrical/phonetic similarity and semantic similarity Table 1: Composition of the test corpus by author. While we do not implement metrical/phonetic or se- mantic similarity measures in what follows, we can al.’s dependency parser (McDonald et al., 2005) on address the means by which we could do so in the the manually curated data in the Latin Dependency future. Treebank and used it to parse all of the texts in our We can measure metrical and phonetic similar- collection.8 ity in a manner similar to the term frequencies used After finding the most similar sentences for each in the variables above, by comparing the meter of of the 20,626 sentences in our collection, we fil- two passages (this of course requires metrically an- tered the results to require a lower limit for sentence notated texts). Meter in this case can be seen as a length in order to find meaningful pairs (short sen- language with two letters, long(¯) and short(˘), and tences such as Quid est? can be found across many we can judge the similarity between two meters as a authors and are not allusions even though they match simple string comparison of that representation. exactly) and to avoid sentence pairs that are both We can judge the semantic similarity between found in the same immediate context (e.g., Catul- two words using either monolingual clustering tech- lus’ poem 61, where a chorus of the same 7 words is niques such as latent semantic analysis (which notes, exactly repeated 11 times throughout the poem).9 for example, that an apple is semantically close to an The results are encouraging: while a detailed orange since both appear often with words such as quantitative evaluation must await the creation of a eat and tree) (Deerwester et al., 1990), or by cross- test corpus of canonical allusions, we can at least language translation equivalents (such as those in- now provide a list of the closest matches for all sen- duced in the course of parallel text alignment (Och tences in our collection. For any given sentence, fur- and Ney, 2003)), which notes the frequency with ther research will of course be necessary to discern which a word in one language (such as oratio in whether it represents a real allusion, but the highest Latin) is translated by different terms (e.g., speech scoring pairs in our experiment tend to be strong ex- vs. prayer). amples. Sentences 10 and 11, for instance, present one such pair from Ovid and Vergil with a similarity 5 Evaluation score of .173.

We evaluated the first three variable classes above (10) Innumeras urbes atque aurea tecta videbis, (word identity, word order and syntax) on a col- / Quaeque suos dicas templa decere deos (Ov. lection of 14 texts from 5 Latin poets – Catullus Ep. 16)10 (Carmina), Ovid (Metamorphoses, Amores, Epistu- lae, Medicamina Faciei Femineae, Ars Amatoria, (11) Iam subeunt Triviae lucos atque aurea tecta Remedia Amoris), Vergil (Aeneid, Eclogues, Geor- (Verg., Aen. 6.13)11 gics), Propertius (Elegies I), and Horace (Carmina, 8In a tenfold test on the treebank data itself, we measured Satyrarum libri, De Arte Poetica liber). the parser’s unlabeled accuracy to be 64.99% and its labeled While the word identity and word order variables accuracy to be 54.34% (Bamman and Crane, 2008). 9 can be calculated on unstructured text, we need syn- o Hymen Hymenaee io, o Hymen Hymenaee. 10“You will see innumerable cities and golden roofs, and tem- tactically parsed data in order to measure syntactic pes that you would say are fitting to their gods.” similarity. To create this, we trained McDonald et 11“Already they enter Trivia’s groves and golden roofs.” Sentences 12 and 13 likewise present a pair from Variable tf/idf Ovid and Catullus with a score of .141. nullae:puellae:ATR 9.24 nullae:puellae 9.24 (12) nulli illum iuvenes, nullae tetigere puellae nulli/illum 9.24 (Ov., Met. 3.353)12 p:SBJ EXD OBJ CO:u:COORD:v 9.24 ,/nullae 8.84 (13) idem cum tenui carptus defloruit ungui / nulli nullus1:puella1 8.55 illum pueri, nullae optavere puellae (Cat., nullus1:puella1:ATR 8.32 Carm. 62)13 nullae 8.55 ...... nulli 6.30 The strongest matches, however, came within au- puellae 5.55 thors, who often sample their own work in other illum 5.34 contexts. This occurs most often by far in Vergil, a:n:ATR:v:SBJ 1.67 where the re- involves exactly repeat- ing complete sentences (9 instances), exactly repeat- Table 2: Sample of variable contribution. Compo- 14 ing substantial sentence fragments (23 instances), nents separated by a colon represent syntactic rela- and more significant modifications. tions; those with slashes are n-grams. Additionally, since our weights are based on pre- set variables, the process by which we come to the most similar match is transparent. Table 2 presents 1. Arma procul currusque virum mi- 16 the term weights for several of the highest and low- ratur inanes (.059) (Aen. 6.651) est variables at play in establishing the similarity be- tween sentences 12 and 13 above. 2. Quid tibi de turba narrem This table presents the clear importance of using numeroque virorum (.042) (Ov., Ep. syntax as a method for establishing the similarity be- 16.183)17 tween sentences – three of top four variables that have linked these two sentences to each other in- 11. Arma virumque cano, Troiae volve syntax (e.g., nullae depends on puellae in both 15 qui primus ab oris Italiam, fato profugus, sentences as an attribute). Laviniaque venit litora, multum ille et ter- Our search for loci similes to our original allu- ris iactatus et alto vi superum saevae mem- sion from above – Ovid’s Arma gravi numero vi- orem Iunonis ob iram (.025) (Aen. 1.1)18 olentaque bella parabam – illustrates well the im- portance of bringing a variety of information to the search. The closest sentences to Ovid’s original line This is understandable given the variables we all bear some similarity to it on both a lexical and have implemented – the first three sentences do in- syntactic level (as sentences 1 and 2 demonstrate be- deed bear a closer similarity to the original without low). Our target sentence of Vergil (Arma virumque being diluted by extra words (since our cosine value cano ...), however, only shows up in 11th place on normalizes for sentence length). We hope in the fu- the list. ture to be able to include other important variables (such as metrical similarity) as well. 12“No youths, no girls touched him.” 13“This same one withered when plucked by a slender nail; 16“At a distance he marvels at the arms and the shadowy char- no boys, no girls hope for it.” iots of men.” 14Here “substantial” means at least seven consecutive identi- 17“What could I tell you of the crowd and the number of cal words. men?” 15Note that the labeled syntactic bigram nullae:puella:ATR 18“I sing of arms and the man, who first from the borders of has the same tf/idf score as the unlabeled nullae:puellae since , exiled by fate, came to the Lavinian shores – much was he all instances of nullae depending on puella in our automatically thrown about on land and sea by force of the gods on account parsed corpus do so via the relation ATR. of the mindful anger of cruel Juno.” 6 Conclusion 1990. Indexing by latent semantic analysis. 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