Life and Labors of Francis Asbury, Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal
^»' THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OV CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES FRANCIS ASBURY. LIFE AND LABORS OF FRANCIS ASBURY, BISHOP OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN AMERICA. BY GEORGE G. SMITH, D.D., AiUlior of "Life and Letters ofJames O. Andrcxv," "Life ami Times of George F, Pierce," "History of .\fethodism in Georgia," etc. Nashville, Tenx.: Publishing House M. E. Chukch, South, Rarbee & Smith, Ac;knts. 1896. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in tlie year 189G, By Georgk G. Smith, In tlie Otlice of the Librarian of Congress, at Wasliington. , iDeMcation. Co yo/m C/irtst/an J^ccnor, 0. 7). Son tor S^/s/to/i o/" fAo 9//cfAoc/tsf £^tsco/ia/ CAurcA, Souf/i, nof on/y docauso o/" //la A/t//i rosjjocf S Aavo /'or Ai's o/A'co and Tnj/ /o/fy nc^/niraft'on /or A/s monfa/ yt'/ts • and /nora/ ojccc/ZoncoSj 6ut as a foAon o/ fAe fcnc/cr /ovo y /co/ /or ono iiiAo /or /onff yoars y Aauo caUocf /iiy /ri'onii. Geobge G. .Smith. (iii) ;i7;>(iG() PREFACE. Soon after the death of Bishop Asbury measures were put on foot to have a full biography of him prepared. Dr. S. K. Jennings, at that time one of llie most sehol- arly men of the Church, was selected to do the work. After a considerable lapse of time, he returned the ma- terial placed in his hands and declined to go any farther. In the meantime the journals of Bishop Asbury were of a published ; and as they partly served the purpose memoir, none was prepared.
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