Public Document Pack Argyll and Bute Council Comhairle Earra Ghaidheal Agus Bhoid
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Public Document Pack Argyll and Bute Council Comhairle Earra Ghaidheal agus Bhoid Corporate Services Director: Nigel Stewart 22 Hill Street, Dunoon, Argyll, PA23 7AP Tel: 01369 704374 Fax: 01369 705948 28 December 2006 NOTICE OF MEETING A meeting of the BUTE AND COWAL AREA COMMITTEE will be held in the QUEEN'S HALL, DUNOON on TUESDAY, 9 JANUARY 2007 at 10:30 AM, which you are requested to attend. Nigel Stewart Director of Corporate Services BUSINESS 1. APOLOGIES 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 3. MINUTES (a) Minute of Area Committee of 5th December 2006 (Pages 1 - 8) (b) Minute of Civic Government Hearing of 24th November 2006 (Pages 9 - 10) 4. MODERN STUDIES PRESENTATION - DUNOON GRAMMAR SCHOOL PUPILS 5. VERBAL PRESENTATION BY ALEXANDER STREET RESIDENTS 6. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (a) Planning Application 06/01819/DET. Charles McCusker, 33 Marine Road, Port Bannatyne (Pages 11 - 16) (b) Planning Application 06/02116/OUT, Mr and Mrs D Currie, Land South West of Lephinmore, Strathlachlan (Pages 17 - 24) (c) Planning Application 06/02175/DET Mr & Mrs Pearce, 311 Marine Parade, Hunter's Quay, Dunoon (Pages 25 - 32) (d) Planning Application 06/02178/DET Mr & Mrs Malcolm, 5 McLennan Cottages, Shore Road, Innellan (Pages 33 - 38) (e) Planning Application 06/02059/DET, Mr I Coates & Ms R Donnelly, 1 Abbeyhill, Dunoon (Pages 39 - 46) (f) Planning Application 06/02104/DET, Capital Development (GB) Ltd, Land to the South of Ascog Mansion, Ascog, Isle of Bute (Pages 47 - 54) (g) Delegated Decisions (Pages 55 - 64) (h) Appeals Report (Pages 65 - 74) 7. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME 8. COMMUNITY SERVICES (a) Dunoon Grammar School: Achievement Report 2006 (Pages 75 - 84) 9. CORPORATE SERVICES (a) Usable Capital Receipts (Pages 85 - 86) 10. PLACE OF SAFETY PROGRESS REPORT (Pages 87 - 88) 11. MOTION REGARDING KILMUN CEMETERY - COUNCILLORS MARSHALL AND MCKINVEN (Pages 89 - 90) 12. EXEMPT ITEMS E1 (a) Former Cowal Resource Centre, Bullwood Road, Dunoon (Pages 91 - 92) E2 (b) Proposed Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas (Pages 93 - 106) E3 (c) Enforcement Reports (Pages 107 - 116) 13. CIVIC GOVERNMENT HEARING E3 (a) Application for a Taxi Driver's Licence - Hugh MacArthur - The Hearing will commence at 2pm. (Pages 117 - 128) EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC The Committee will be asked to pass a resolution in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the public for items of business with an “E” on the grounds that it is likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in the appropriate paragraph of Part I of Schedule 7a to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973. The appropriate paragraph is:- E1 - Paragraph 9 Any terms proposed or to be proposed by or to the authority in the course of negotiations for a contract for the acquisition or disposal of property or the supply of goods or services. E2 – E4 - Paragraph 13 Information which, if disclosed to the public, would reveal that the authority proposes- (a) to give under any enactment a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person; or (b) to make an order or direction under any enactment. BUTE & COWAL AREA COMMITTEE Councillor Brian Chennell (Chair) Councillor Douglas Currie Councillor Robert Macintyre Councillor Bruce Marshall (Vice-Chair) Councillor Gordon McKinven Councillor James McQueen Councillor Len Scoullar Councillor Isobel Strong Councillor Dick Walsh Contact: Shirley MacLeod, Area Corporate Services Manager This page is intentionally left blank Page 1 Agenda Item 3a MINUTES of MEETING of BUTE AND COWAL AREA COMMITTEE held in the EAGLESHAM HOUSE, MOUNTPLEASANT ROAD, ROTHESAY on TUESDAY, 5 DECEMBER 2006 Present: Councillor B Chennell (Chair) Councillor D Currie Councillor J McQueen Councillor R Macintyre Councillor L Scoullar Councillor B Marshall Councillor I Strong Councillor G McKinven Councillor J R Walsh Attending: Shirley MacLeod, Area Corporate Services Manager Eilidh Headrick, Area Committee Services/Information Officer David Eaglesham, Area Team Leader, Development Management Billy Dickson, Building Standards Surveyor Douglas Blades, Public Transport Officer Ken Moncrieff, Head Teacher, Rothesay Academy Alan Lothian, Area Roads & Amenity Services Manager 1. APOLOGIES None 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None 3. MINUTES (a) MINUTE OF AREA COMMITTEE OF 7TH NOVEMBER 2006 The Minute of the Area Committee of 7th November 2006 was approved as a correct record. (b) MINUTE OF PLANNING HEARING OF 29TH AUGUST 2006 The Minute of the Planning Hearing of 29th August 2006 was approved as a correct record. 4. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (a) PLANNING APPLICATION 06/00723/DET, MR K MASTERTON, 22 ST BRIDE'S ROAD, ROTHESAY Motion The application be approved. Proposed by Councillor Chennell, seconded by Councillor Marshall. Page 2 Amendment The application should be refused, in that having regard to the Bute Local Plan and the Council’s Design Guidelines the proposed rooflights would be out of character in the Street Scene and detrimental to visual amenity. Proposed by Councillor Macintyre, seconded by Councillor Strong. On the matter being put to a vote 6 voted for the motion and 3 for the amendment. Decision The application be approved subject to conditions contained in the report by the Head of Planning Services. Councillor Currie wished to have his displeasure at not being allowed to speak on the matter recorded. (Reference: Report by the Head of Planning Services dated 18 October 2006 – submitted) (b) PLANNING APPLICATION 06/00717/OUT, PORTAVADIE VILLAGE LTD, POLPHAIL VILLAGE AND SURROUNDING LAND, PORTAVADIE Decision The Committee agreed that a PAN 41 Hearing, with no recommendations, be held prior to the determination of this application (Reference: Report by the Head of Planning Services dated 24 November 2006 – submitted) (c) PLANNING APPLICATION 05/00723/DET, HARMSWORTH POOLED PROPERTY, ARDNO ESTATE, CAIRNDOW Decision Approved subject to an additional condition that the first 5 meters of the forestry road be surfaced. (Reference: Report by the Head of Planning Services dated 27 November 2006 – submitted) Page 3 (d) PLANNING APPLICATION 06/01964/DET, MRS FIONA BOYD, LAND TO THE SOUTH AND EAST OF COTTAGE 3 BALLOCHYLE FARM, SANDBANK Decision Refused in terms of the report by the Head of Planning Services. (Reference: Report by the Head of Planning Services dated 24 November 2006 – submitted) (e) PLANNING APPLICATION 06/01448/DET, MR AND MRS LAUFFER, UPPER FLAT, FIRTH BANK, NORTH CAMPBELL ROAD, INNELLAN Decision Refused in terms of the report by the Head of Planning Services. (Reference: Report by the Head of Planning Services dated 24 November 2006 – submitted) (f) PLANNING APPLICATION 06/01398/DET, FYNE HOMES, FORMER 1 - 11 MANSEFIELD PLACE, ROTHESAY, ISLE OF BUTE Decision Having regard to the Council’s Design Guidelines and the range of external finishes in the vicinity of the site, the proposed facing brick is considered appropriate and the application be approved with the removal of Condition 2 in the report by the Head of Planning Services. (Reference: Report by the Head of Planning Services dated 27 November 2006 – submitted) (g) REPORT ON SIX MONTHLY DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE - APRIL 2006 TO SEPTEMBER 2006 Councillors Macintyre and Scoullar apologised and left the meeting at this stage. The Committee heard from the Area Team Leader Development Management on the six monthly progress on performance standards. Decision The Committee:- i. Noted the contents of the report. ii. Congratulated the department on their achievements. (Reference: Report by the Development Control Manager – submitted) Page 4 (h) REPORT ON BUILDING STANDARDS PERFORMANCE MONITORING AND SIX MONTHLY SERVICE PLAN The Committee heard from the Building Standards Surveyor on the six monthly progress on Building Standards performance standards. Decision The Committee:- i. Noted the contents of the report ii. Congratulated the department on their achievements. (Reference: Report by the Head of Planning Services – submitted) (i) BUTE & COWAL DESIGN AWARD The Committee heard from the Area Team Leader, Development Management on the Bute & Cowal Design Award 2005. Decision It was agreed that winner of the competition should be the conversion into 9 flats of the former Queens Hotel, Kirn, (Applicant MC Construction Ltd; Architect G R Kennedy), and that the Bute and Cowal Area Planning Design Award for 2005 and Commemorative Certificates will be presented in January 2007. (Reference: Report by the Head of Planning Services – submitted) (j) DELEGATED DECISIONS The Committee noted Delegated Development Control and Building Control Decisions made since the last meeting. (k) RURAL TRANSPORT GRANT 2007/08 The Committee heard from the Public Transport Officer on the proposals for experimental public transport services to be funded by the Rural Transport Gant. Decision The Committee agreed:- i. The use of Rural Transport Grant to provide the additional public transport as detailed in the report by the Head of Transportation and Infrastructure. ii. To write to Bridget Patterson of Cowal Deserve congratulating her on gaining funding for the ongoing Deserve/Interloch community transport project. (Reference: Report by the Head of Transportation and Infrastructure dated Page 5 28 November 2006 – submitted) 5. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME The Committee were asked a question from Craig Boreland of the Buteman on whether the applicant for the development at land North East of the Bus Station, High Road, Port Bannatyne had put in an appeal. The Area Team Leader, Development Management