
PHYSICAL REVIEW E 77, 046604 ͑2008͒

Shifted resonances in coated cylinders: Enhanced backscattering and near-field effects

C. W. Qiu,1,2,* S. Zouhdi,1 and Y. L. Geng3 1Laboratoire de Génie Electrique de Paris, École Supérieure D’Électricité, LGEP-SUPELEC, Plateau de Moulon 91192, Gif-Sur-Yvette, France 2Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, 4 Engineering Drive 3, 117576 Singapore 3Institute of Antenna and Microwaves, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310018 China ͑Received 11 September 2007; published 14 April 2008͒ Electromagnetic wave properties in the presence of a thin or thick on a cylinder are investigated. The theoretical treatment starts from the formulation of electromagnetic fields in all regions where the coating and the core are allowed to rotate. The angular velocities of the core and coating can be different and even antidirectional. The present general approach can be applied to a wide range of specific cases such as rotating and stationary and left-handed and right-handed core-coating combinations. In particular, the optical reso- nances due to the surface plolaritons and morphology-dependent resonances are examined. Because of the rotation, the resonances are found to shift, and the effects of velocity on such phenomena are investigated. The backscattering can thus be controlled to achieve suppression or enhancement by using proper metamaterial . Physical insights as well as the numerical results are presented.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.77.046604 PACS number͑s͒: 03.50.De, 42.70.Ϫa, 42.50.Gy, 33.20.Fb

I. INTRODUCTION and functionalities can be attained. Coatings such as Salis- bury or Dallenbach screens ͓23͔ have been commonly used The scattering and diffraction of electromagnetic waves to diminish reflection or scattering for decades. In order to by composite cylinders have been discussed comprehen- ͓ ͔ increase the bandwidth of RCS reduction, multilayered Sal- sively 1 . Later, a study of scattering off a cylinder with an isbury screens ͓24͔ were developed, where the highly ab- inhomogeneous coating was carried out ͓2͔, and plasma- ͓ ͔ sorbing bandwidth is proportional to the number of layers, coated cylinders were further investigated 3,4 . Various and chiral Dallenbach shields ͓25,26͔ were also used since methods have been developed to treat canonical problems, the chirality provides another degree of freedom to reduce such as the geometric optics method ͓5,6͔, dyadic Green’s ͓ ͔ ͓ ͔ the RCS. have been employed in a recent functions 7,8 , and multilayer algorithms 9,10 . More re- work on coating using a different mechanism, the unusual cently, the theoretical study of coatings has intensified since photon tunneling ͓27͔ which is unattainable in conventional the pioneering work by Pendry et al. ͓11,12͔. In their work, a ͑ materials, such as negative refraction. It is well known that coated structure can be defined as a target object penetrable surface polaritons can be generated at an interface between or impenetrable͒ clad with an electromagnetic material ͓ ͔ two different materials if the dielectric function of one me- which does not perturb the external fields 11 . This idea of dium is opposite to, or conjugate with, that of the other coating has been further employed to achieve transparency within a particular frequency range ͓28,29͔. Those aforemen- by using plasmonic resonances ͓13,14͔, full-wave analysis ͓ ͔ tioned shields and bilayers are either based on the absorption with mixing theory for spheres 16,17 , and parallel-plate mechanism or are only suitable for planar ͑or nearly planar͒ ⑀-negative materials ͓18͔. ͓ ͔ ͓ ͔ objects. The pioneering work by Alù and Engheta 13 dem- On the other hand, theoretical investigation 12,19,20 has onstrated how a coated spherical object could be made trans- revealed that the refractive indices and material parameters parent to electromagnetic waves by the use of plasmonic of the cloaking structures have to be inhomogeneous, de- covers mounted on a dielectric core. The scattering cross pending on position. Although the approach of conformal section can be drastically reduced if the parameters of the mapping can be applied to cases of arbitrary dimension and materials and the geometry are properly chosen. , independent control of each element of permit- In this paper, we continue to discuss these coated struc- tivity and permeability of anisotropic media is necessary, tures but primarily focus on cylindrical coating with compos- which is difficult to realize invisibility. However, the devel- ite materials. In order to obtain a complete picture of coating opment of metamaterials and artificial complex materials effects on RCS reduction, a wide range of core-shell pairings ͓21,22͔ made it possible to significantly reduce the ͑ ͒ ͓ ͔ and sizes is explored. Moreover, the rotation effects on the cross section RCS of a given object 13,15 . Then let us scattering are taken into account, providing some physical consider coating with RCS reduction, because it is of great insights into the designs of polariton-resonant cylindrical de- importance in radar detection and . One vices ͓30͔. Analytical solutions for the field components in can study different combinations of the core and coated lay- all regions have been explicitly derived, where the rotation ers, among which some unprecedented physical properties factors are incorprated. Numerical results of particular core- shell pairings are presented, showing how the resonant scat- tering of electrically small coated cylinders is modified by *Corresponding author. [email protected] the velocity and size. The present theory is also extended to

1539-3755/2008/77͑4͒/046604͑9͒ 046604-1 ©2008 The American Physical Society QIU, ZOUHDI, AND GENG PHYSICAL REVIEW E 77, 046604 ͑2008͒

␳ ϫ ͑ sca i t͒ ͑ ͒ ˆ H + H − H = Js. 6 ␳ Note that the surface current Js and surface charge s are zero, implied by the E , the above boundary con- ditions, and Eqs. ͑2͒ and ͑3͒. Hence, the material relations ͑especially for the current͒ can be reformulated when small angular velocity is assumed so as to assure applicability of the instantaneous rest-frame theory, ␮ ⑀ −1 D = ⑀E + r r v ϫ H, ͑7͒ c2

␮ ⑀ −1 B = ␮H + r r E ϫ v, ͑8͒ c2

J = ␴E + ␴␮v ϫ H. ͑9͒

FIG. 1. Geometry of plane-wave scattering by a rotating con- III. THEORETICAL FORMULATION centric cylinder. i i ͑ ͒ The incident wave E =E1zˆ in Eq. 1 can be expressed in rotating coatings at electrically large size, where the form morphology-dependent resonances ͑MDRs͒ are presented ϱ and discussed. Finally, the findings and results are summa- i n ͑ ␳͒ in␾ ͑ ͒ E1 = ͚ i Jn k1 e 10 rized. −ϱ where II. PRELIMINARIES k2 = ␻2⑀ ␮ + i␻␴ ␮ . ͑11͒ The geometry of the investigated concentric cylinder im- 1 1 1 1 1 mersed in a host is shown in Fig. 1. The case of E polariza- In the theory of this paper, the outer region can be any di- tion is considered as the illumination electric or conducting material. For simplicity of calculation, ⑀ ⑀ ␮ ␮ ␴ 2 ␻2⑀ ␮ i ik x we just put 1 = 0, 1 = 0, and 1 =0, and thus k1 = 1 1 E = zˆe i ; ͑1͒ ␻2⑀ ␮ = 0 0. It follows that scattered field in the first region the material in each region of Fig. 1 is homogeneous and must have the form rotating, and can be characterized by its electric response ͑⑀͒, ϱ magnetic response ͑␮͒, and angular velocity ͑⍀͒. The con- sca n ͑1͒͑ ␳͒ in␾ ͑ ͒ E1 = ͚ i AnHn k1 e . 12 stitutive relations for a general rotating materials can be for- −ϱ mulated ͓31͔ First, let us discuss the eigenwave number in a rotating wire. ␮ ⑀ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ 2 2 2 r r −1 From Eqs. 7 – 9 , the following equations for transmitted D − n ␤ DЌ = ⑀͑E − ␤ EЌ͒ + v ϫ H, ͑2͒ c2 waves can be obtained: Et ␮ ⑀ −1ץ 1 z ␻␮ t ␻⍀␳ r r t ͑ ͒ ␮ ⑀ = i H␳ − i Ez, 13 ␾ 2ץ r r −1 ␳ 2 2 2 B − n ␤ BЌ = ␮͑H − ␤ HЌ͒ − v ϫ E, ͑3͒ c c2 t ץ Ez t ␴ − = i␻␮H␾, ͑14͒ ␳ץ ͱ 2 J = ␳v + ␴ 1−␤ Eʈ + ͑EЌ + v ϫ B͒, ͑4͒ ͱ1−␤2 t ץ ץ ␴ 1 t 1 H␳ where denotes the conductivity in the corresponding layer, ͑␳H␾͒ − ␾ץ ␳ ␳ץ ⍀␳␾ˆ ␮ ͑⑀ ͒ ␳ v= represents the rotating velocity, r r stands for the relative permeability ͑permittivity͒, ␤=⍀␳/c denotes the ␮ ⑀ −1 ͑␴ ␻⑀͒ t ⍀␳ͩ␴␮ ␻ r r ͪ t ͑ ͒ Ќ ͑ʈ͒ = − i E − − i H␳. 15 normalized velocity, and denotes the perpendicular z c2 ͑parallel͒ component with respect to the axial direction. Throughout this paper, the time dependence e−i␻t and In general, the transmitted electric fields in regions 2 and 3 small angular velocity are assumed for the instantaneous can be expressed by the Fourier terms rest-frame theory ͓32͔ so that the term ␤2 can be neglected. ϱ For the incident wave discussed here, the boundary condi- t in␾ ͑ ͒ Ez = ͚ Une , 16 tions are −ϱ ␳ ͑ sca i t͒ ␳ ͑ ͒ ˆ · D + D − D = s, 5 where Un is found to satisfy


␮ r3 ͑1͒ kn3 ͑1͒ 2 ץ ץ 1 Un 2 n ␮ J ͑k a͒HЈ ͑k a͒ − JЈ͑k a͒H ͑k a͒ ͩ␳ ͪ ͩ ͪ ͑ ͒ r2 n n3 n n2 kn2 n n3 n n2 + knq − Un =0. 17 . ␳ ␳2 Pn = ␮ץ ␳ץ ␳ץ kn3 ͑2͒ r3 ͑2͒ JЈ͑k a͒H ͑k a͒ − ␮ J ͑k a͒HЈ ͑k a͒ kn2 n n3 n n2 r2 n n3 n n2 ͑ ͒ Equation 17 is actually a definition of Bessel functions and ͑28͒ thus Eq. ͑16͒ becomes Note that the derivatives are all with respect to the argument. ϱ The backscattering cross section is defined as the ratio of t n⌳ ͑ ␳͒ in␾ ͑ ͒ Ez = ͚ i qJn knq e , 18 power scattered directly back toward the source to the inci- −ϱ dent power per unit area, where in is inherited from the incident wave, ⌳ represents ϱ 2 q 4 the unknown scattering coefficient, q=2 or 3 stands for the ␴ ͯ ͑ ␦0͒͑ ͒n ͯ ͑ ͒ B = ͚ 2− n −1 An , 29 region number, and k1 n=0 ␦0 n⍀ ␻ ␴ ␮ where n is the Kronecker delta function. k2 = ␻2⑀ ␮ + i␻␮ ␴ + q ͩ2⑀ ␮ −2+i q rqͪ. In all calculations, we use the identity of the backscatter- nq q q q q 2 rq rq ␻⑀ c 0 ␴ / ing cross section CB = B b, which is normalized by the ͑19͒ physical size of the outer radius b.

After applying the boundary condition at the inner interface, one can obtain the transmitted fields in regions 2 and 3 in IV. COATING WITH DIELECTRIC MATERIALS Fig. 1: In this section, we first consider a stationary core with a ϱ rotating coating. Assume that the core layer is made of a n ͑2͒ ͑1͒ in␾ ͑⑀ ␮ ͒ E = ͚ i ͓B H ͑k ␳͒ + C H ͑k ␳͔͒e , ͑20͒ conventional dielectric r3 =2, r3 =1 and the coating is a 2 n n n2 n n n2 ͑ ͒ ⑀ −ϱ left-handed material LHM characterized by r2 =−2 and ⍀ ␮ ␤ 2b r2 =−1 with a velocity of 2 = c . In order to satisfy the ϱ ␤ Ӷ ␤2 first-order theory, it implies that 2 1 so that 2 can be n ͑ ␳͒ in␾ ͑ ͒ ͓ ͔ ͑ ͒ E3 = ͚ i DnJn kn3 e , 21 neglected 32 . Therefore, kn2 in Eq. 19 can be rewritten as −ϱ N2 −1n Ϸ ␤ 2 ͑ ͒ where the superscripts ͑1͒ and ͑2͒ denote Hankel functions of kn2 k1N2 + 2 , 30 N2 b the first and second type, respectively. ␳ ␳ Thus, the boundary matching at =a and =b is per- ͱ⑀ ͱ␮ ͑ ͒ ͓ ͑ ͔͒ N2 = r2 r2. 31 formed for Ez and H␾ see Eq. 14 . One can obtain the following scattering coefficients after a long algebraic calcu- Note that for the antivacuo ͑i.e., left-handed vacuum͒ coat- lation: ing, the rotation of the coating has no effect on the scattering properties since the second term in Eq. ͑30͒ disappears. For ͑␮ /␮ ͒⌬ Ј͑ ͒ ͑ / ͒⌸ ͑ ͒ r2 r1 nJn k1b − kn2 k1 nJn k1b the dielectric case, the calculations will be much simplified if A = , ͑22͒ n ͑ / ͒⌸ ͑1͒͑ ͒ ͑␮ /␮ ͒⌬ Ј͑1͒͑ ͒ kn2 k1 nHn k1b − r2 r1 nHn k1b the small-argument asymptotic forms of various Bessel and Hankel functions are employed. Of particular interest is the conjugate pair of ␮-negative B = P C , ͑23͒ n n n ͑MNG͒ and ⑀-negative ͑ENG͒ materials. It has been shown that surface polaritons can be generated at the interface be- ␮ 2i r2 ͓ ͔ − ␲͑ ͒ ␮ tween MNG and ENG layers 27 . We study two cases of k1b r1 ͑ ͒ Cn = ␮ , 24 such core-shell pairings with the sequences of MNG-ENG kn2 ͑1͒ r2 ͑1͒ ⌸ H ͑k b͒ − ␮ ⌬ HЈ ͑k b͒ k1 n n 1 r1 n n 1 and ENG-MNG. As shown in Fig. 2, the coated cylinder has optical size of ␮ ͑ ͒ 8 r3 k1b=0.001. In the first case, Fig. 2 a , the coating is made of ␲2͑ ͒͑ ͒ ␮ ͑⑀ ⑀ ␮ ␮ ͒ k1b kn2a r1 the ENG material 2 =−3 0 and 2 =4 0 and the core is D = ␮ n kn3 ͑ ͒ r3 ͑ ͒ ͑⑀ ⑀ ␮ ␮ ͒ Ј͑ ͒ 2 ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ Ј 2 ͑ ͒ filled with the MNG material 3 = 0 and 3 =−2 0 . An- Jn kn3a Hn kn2a − ␮ Jn kn3a Hn kn2a kn2 r2 other type of conjugate pair ͑i.e., the core is filled by the 1 ENG material and the coating is the MNG material͒ is con- ϫ ͑ ͒ ␮ , 25 ͑ ͒ kn2 ⌸ ͑1͒͑ ͒ r2 ⌬ Ј͑1͒͑ ͒ sidered in Fig. 2 b as a complementary case. We keep the nHn k1b − ␮ nHn k1b k1 r1 absolute values of parameters unchanged as in Fig. 2͑a͒ with where Wronskians have been used, and only the change in plus and minus signs. One can see that resonance will arise at a particular ratio of radii only if the ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ⌬ = H 2 ͑k b͒P + H 1 ͑k b͒, ͑26͒ core and coating are respectively filled by conjugate materi- n n n2 n n n2 als. We plot only a small range of the ratio in the vicinity of resonance, because the resonance is quite sensitive to the ⌸ Ј͑2͒͑ ͒ Ј͑1͒͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ n = Hn kn2b Pn + Hn kn2b , 27 ratio when the coaxial wire is of optical size. In fact, we need

046604-3 QIU, ZOUHDI, AND GENG PHYSICAL REVIEW E 77, 046604 ͑2008͒


FIG. 2. ͑Color online͒ Normalized backscattering and resonance (b) of conjugate optical coating for k1b=0.001 at different velocities with a stationary core. The first region is free space. ͑a͒ ENG coat- ⑀ ⑀ ␮ ␮ ⑀ ⑀ ␮ ␮ ͑ ͒ FIG. 3. ͑Color online͒ Contour plots of the distribution of the ing, 2 =−3 0, 2 =4 0, and MNG core, 3 = 0, 3 =−2 0; b MNG coating ⑀ =3⑀ , ␮ =−4␮ , and ENG core, ⑀ =−⑀ , ␮ magnitude of scattered electric components in the x-y plane at the 2 0 2 0 3 0 3 / ͑⑀ ⑀ ␮ =2␮ . ratio of a b=0.745 with the same ENG coating 2 =−3 0 and 2 0 ␮ ͒ ͑⑀ ⑀ ␮ ␮ ͒ ͑ ͒ =4 0 and MNG core 3 = 0 and 3 =−2 0 as in Fig. 2 a . The color in the plot has been scaled by its maximum value. ͑ ͒ to plot the resonance in An in Eq. 22 first over the whole ͑ ͒ range 0,1 . Since the resonance in An is less sensitive and It is also found that the resonant characteristics are greatly easier to observe, the resonant position can be approximated modified in Fig. 2͑b͒ compared with Fig. 2͑a͒, and stationary first, and then the backscattering cross section CB is plotted resonance occurs at a/bϷ0.447 while rotation shifts the by using proper steps within the particular range. Otherwise, resonance to a/bϷ0.4473. One finds that the rotation reso- such resonant phenomena are very likely to be missed. In nances always arise below the stationary resonances for con- Fig. 2͑a͒, two rotating coatings with opposite directions ͑one jugate pairs of core and coating at optical size. Further simu- is along ␾ˆ and the other is along−␾ˆ ͒ are considered and lations reveal that the introduction of loss in the coating will compared with the stationary case. It shows that, if the coat- not affect the position of the resonant shift due to the rota- ing is stationary, the resonance occurs at the ratio at a/b tion, but the resonant magnitudes for both stationary and Ϸ0.7454. Once the coating has a small rotating velocity rotating cases in Fig. 2 will be reduced, as expected, with ͑e.g., Ϯ0.04͒, the original resonance will disappear and be increased loss. shifted to a/bϷ0.7448 instead. Apart from this region, the In Fig. 3, the electric field distribution is shown. The in- value of CB is negligible. It is found that the direction of the cident plane wave is propagating along the xˆ direction with velocities is not important and, if the absolute speeds are the the electric field polarized along zˆ. Localization of the energy same, they have equivalent effects on the backscattering of the electric fields occurs at the interface between the core cross section. and the coating. Resonances due to surface plasmon polari-



FIG. 5. ͑Color online͒ Distribution of the magnitude of the elec- tric field in the stationary case when the ratio of a/b is 0.447. The materials in the inner and outer layers are the same as those in Fig. 4͑a͒. The color has been scaled by its maximum value.

tion of the coating leads to a different contribution to the resonance shift. An analogous phenomenon can be found in Fig. 2͑b͒ along with Fig. 4͑a͒. In addition to the far-field diagrams, the contour plot of the distribution of the electric (b) field magnitude in the near zone is presented in Fig. 5 where ⑀ ͑ ͒ the LHM coating and RHM core are characterized by 2 FIG. 4. Color online Normalized backscattering and resonance ⑀ ␮ ␮ ⑀ ⑀ ␮ ␮ ͑ ͒ =−3 0, 2 =−4 0 and 3 = 0, 3 =2 0, respectively. The lo- of LHM RHM optical coating for k1b=0.001 at different veloci- ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ⑀ calization of the energy at a resonant scattering ratio of 0.447 ties with a stationary RHM LHM core. a LHM coating, 2 ⑀ ␮ ␮ ⑀ ⑀ ␮ ␮ ͑ ͒ can be seen. This again confirms that surface polaritons can =−3 0, 2 =−4 0, and RHM core, 3 = 0, 3 =2 0; b RHM coat- ⑀ ⑀ ␮ ␮ ⑀ ⑀ ␮ ␮ be excited in TM incidence by judicious selection of materi- ing, 2 =3 0, 2 =4 0, and LHM core, 3 =− 0, 3 =−2 0. als and ratios of the core and coating. In the stationary case, tons arise, as expected, at the input and output windows. The the symmetry of the distribution is preserved, as expected. rotation of the coating, though not very fast, markedly modi- By comparing Fig. 6 with Fig. 5, the effect of rotation fies the energy distribution inside the concentric cylinder. It seems obvious: the field inside the cylinder can be enhanced can be seen that the slow rotation of the coating confines the even if the rotation of the coating is very slow. his may be localization and surface polaritons in more restricted input explained in terms of the field lines of the Poynting vector and output windows. The distribution pattern of the rotation- ͓33͔͑i.e., more Poynting vector field lines are bent to flow ary case remains analogous to that of the stationary case, back into the cylinder͒. When the angular velocity is larger, except for the whirlpool at the center of the inner core. Fur- the field enhancement and the asymmetry of the distribution ther simulations when the ratio of a/b is not in the vicinity of are more remarkable as shown in Fig. 6. 0.7448 under the same conditions as in Fig. 3͑a͒ reveal that Next, a LHM coating for thick cylinders is presented in the resonances will never arise at any position inside the Fig. 7. Two cases of thick cylinders are presented and the coated cylinder. materials in each region are positive. When the physical ͑ ͒ In contrast to the conjugate pairing in Fig. 2, the situation thickness is comparable to the wavelength i.e., k1b=4 , os- will be very different for a pair of left-handed and right- cillations occur with several peak values as shown in Fig. handed materials ͑RHMs͒. Two core-coating combinations 7͑a͒. The effects of the rotating velocities and directions be- are studied: ͑1͒ the core is a RHM and the coating is a LHM; come remarkable; the resonant peaks for clockwise rotation and ͑2͒ the core is a LHM and the coating is a RHM. In Fig. are always ahead of those of the stationary case, while the 4, one can see that the rotation resonances are always above counterclockwise case comes after the stationary case. When ͑ ͒ the stationary resonances. It also agrees with the results in the physical thickness is further increased i.e., k1b=20 , Fig. 2 that the rotation of the coating shifts the resonant multiple resonances can be observed when the ratio is bigger position and oppositely rotating directions lead to identical than 0.2 as shown in Fig 7͑b͒. One can find that the resonant results. More interestingly, let us examine Fig. 2͑a͒ along scattering amplitude of a thick cylinder coating is reduced ͑ ͒ ͑ with Fig. 4 b . It is evident that those two cases i.e., the when the thickness k1b increases. In addition, by comparing conjugate pair and LHM-RHM pair͒ are quite similar. The Fig. 7 with Fig. 4, one can see that the electric size plays an stationary resonances appear at the same ratio, but the rota- important role in the coating, and is dominated by different

046604-5 QIU, ZOUHDI, AND GENG PHYSICAL REVIEW E 77, 046604 ͑2008͒

(a) (c)

(b) (d)

FIG. 6. ͑Color online͒ Distribution of the magnitude of the electric field when the coating is rotating at different velocities at a/b ͑ ͒ ⑀ ⑀ ␮ ␮ ⑀ ⑀ ␮ ␮ =0.447. The material, the same as in Fig. 4 a , is characterized by 3 = 0, 3 =2 0 in the inner layer, and by 2 =−3 0, 2 =−4 0 in the coating. physics. Specifically, for optical coating, the resonances oc- V. COATING WITH METALLIC MATERIALS cur mainly because of the existence of surface plasmons at In this section, the application is extended to metallic the interface between the core and shell layers. In contrast, coatings. Given ␴ /␻⑀ =x , Eq. ͑19͒ can be rewritten as morphology-dependent resonances occur for large size as q 0 q shown in Fig. 7. MDRs are not related to bulk excitations k k k2 = k2N2 +2n␤ 1 ͑N2 −1͒ + iͩk2 +2n␤ 1 ͪ␮ x , and do not require negative values of the dielectric response, n2 1 2 2 b 2 1 2 b r2 2 but are determined by the electric size of the scatterer. ͑ ͒ In Fig. 8, the core is conventional like that in Fig. 7͑b͒, 32 but the coating is a LHM material. It shows that the change of the coating from a conventional to a LHM will increase k k k2 = k2N2 +2n␤ 1 ͑N2 −1͒ + iͩk2 +2n␤ 1 ͪ␮ x . the number of points of zero reflection but has no obvious n3 1 3 3 a 3 1 3 a r3 3 influence on the amplitude at resonance. This effect would be ͑33͒ of great use in radar detection and stealth technology, since the cross section can be significantly reduced via easy con- Hence, the role of the conductivity of the coating in back- trol of the thickness of an appropriate LHM coating. scattering can be examined. No optical resonances are found


FIG. 8. ͑Color online͒ Normalized backscattering and resonance (a) of LHM coating for thick cylinders of k1b=20. The material in the ͑ ⑀ ⑀ ␮ ␮ ͒ core is the same as Fig. 7 i.e., 3 = 0, 3 =2 0 , while the coating ⑀ ⑀ ␮ ␮ is a left-handed material with 2 =−3 0, 2 =−4 0.

Hence, we can actually treat this case as a PEC cylinder with the radius of b. The scattered wave is thus obtained by reap- plying the boundary conditions only at ␳=b,

ϱ ͑ ͒ H 1 ͑k ␳͒ Esca =−͚ inJ ͑k b͒ n 1 ein␾. ͑34͒ 1 n 1 ͑1͒͑ ͒ −ϱ Hn k1b

The solution in Eq. ͑34͒ is well known. However, the first case is of particular interest. If the material in 0Ͻ␳Ͻa is a ͑ ͒ perfect electric conductor, the coefficient Dn in Eqs. 21 and ͑25͒ is zero, and Eq. ͑22͒ becomes

(b) ˇ ˇ ˇ k J ͑k b͒⌬ − k JЈ͑k b͒⌸ ͑ ͒ n2 n 1 n 1 n 1 n ͑ ͒ FIG. 7. Color online Normalized backscattering and resonance An = ˇ ˇ , 35 ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ of conventional coating for thick cylinders at different velocities. k HЈ 1 ͑k b͒⌸ − k H 1 ͑k b͒⌬ The materials in core and coating are both conventional. Materials 1 n 1 n n2 n 1 n in regions 1 and 3 are the same as in Fig. 4͑a͒ but the second region ͑ ⑀ ⑀ ␮ ␮ ⑀ ⑀ ␮ where is different i.e., 2 =3 0, 2 =4 0 for the coating and 3 = 0, 3 =2␮ for the core͒. ͑a͒ k b=4 and ͑b͒ k b=20. 0 1 1 ˇ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ⌬ = HЈ 1 ͑k b͒H 2 ͑k a͒ − HЈ 2 ͑k b͒H 1 ͑k a͒, for different ratios of a/b, thus the application of metallic n n n2 n n2 n n2 n n2 coating at small sizes is limited. Instead, we consider only ͑36͒ the thick cylinder. First, it is assumed that both layers are . The difference between the two conductivities is de- ␴ /␴ / fined as the ratio 3 2. In Fig. 9, the ratio of a b is set to be 0.8 and the conductivity in the coating is fixed, so as to examine how the difference of the conductivities between core and coating affects the scattering properties. Interest- ingly, it is found that only when the contrast in conductivities is below 10 is the backscattering greatly modified. The rota- tion velocity has little influence on the scattering properties for coating of thick conducting cylinders, which is very simi- lar to the stationary case. This is because the case of thick cylinders is approaching the planar case and slow angular rotation has little effect on a flat face. Regarding the conducting materials, there are two limiting cases within the scope of this paper: ͑1͒ the inner cylinder is FIG. 9. ͑Color online͒ Normalized backscattering versus the perfectly electric conductor ͑PEC͒; ͑2͒ the coating is PEC. conductivity contrast for the coating of thick metallic cylinders of ͑ ͒ ⑀ As for the second case, it just reduces to a conventional k1b=20. Coating layer: loss tangent is 0.06 i.e., x2 =0.03 , and 2 ⑀ problem, since waves cannot enter into the inner layer. =4. In the core layer 3 =2.

046604-7 QIU, ZOUHDI, AND GENG PHYSICAL REVIEW E 77, 046604 ͑2008͒

FIG. 10. ͑Color online͒ Normalized backscattering versus the FIG. 11. ͑Color online͒ Normalized backscattering versus the ratio of inner to outer radius for thick metallic cylinders of k1b ratio of inner to outer radius for thick metallic cylinders of k1b ͑ ͑ ͒ ⑀ =20. The coating material is the same as in Fig. 9 i.e., loss tangent =20. Coating layer: loss tangent is 6 i.e., x2 =3 , and 2 =4. Core: ⑀ ͒ is 0.06 and 2 =4. but the core is made of PEC. PEC.

ˇ length of the incident radiation. However, there are still some ⌸ ͑1͒͑ ͒ ͑2͒͑ ͒ ͑2͒͑ ͒ ͑1͒͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ n = Hn kn2b Hn kn2a − Hn kn2b Hn kn2a . 37 results in such cases. They indicate that, even if the shell is In Figs. 10 and 11, we consider PEC cores coated with low- rotating at a high speed for physically thick cylinders kb and high-loss material, respectively. In Fig. 10, the angular =20, the shift of resonance is not huge, no matter how the velocity gives little contribution to the backscattering when core-shell ratio is adjusted. Thus, if we rotate the rod at nor- aϽ0.15b. Only when the radius of the inner PEC core is mal velocity, the far-field backscattering will certainly have very small compared to the outer radius of the coating is the no obvious change. impact of rotation noticeable. Given the same coating, high backscattering can be achieved by requiring the PEC radius to be small. It can also be observed that the oscillation ap- VI. CONCLUSION Ͼ pears quite regular especially after a 0.4b, though a little In this paper, the enhancement in backscattering of a amplification is shown. Since CB has been normalized by the coated metamaterial cylinder is examined, and a nanocylin- outer radius b, the electric size of the backscattering cross der will be highly observable if the core-coating ratio is ͑ ͒ / section can change within the range 50,120 when a b is properly adjusted so as to generate interface resonances. The sufficiently large. Further results show that the difference due shifted resonances due to rotation are presented through a Ͻ to the angular velocity at a 0.15b and the oscillation can be full-wave analysis, and the effects of rotation are character- suppressed by increasing the loss in the coating. As a par- ized. The control in the core-coating ratio is extensively in- ticular example, we consider a highly lossy coating material vestigated in order to achieve suppression or enhancement of with loss tangent of 6. As shown in Fig. 11, when the ratio is the scattering. Both the anomalous far-field scattering dia- below 0.9, the backscattering is a constant value, which is gram and near-field localization are explored and corre- independent of the radii ratio and rotation velocity. Small sponding resonance mechanisms are discussed. differences occur only when the inner PEC radius is getting very close to the outer radius. ␤ Ϯ If we consider the normalized velocity of 2 = 0.04 for a ACKNOWLEDGMENTS large coated cylinder ͑e.g., several millimeters in physical radius and kb=20͒, it actually implies that a very large value The authors are grateful for financial support from the ⍀ of angular speed 2 is needed, which may be difficult to SUMMA Foundation in the U.S. and the French-Singaporean implement in the experimental setup. In fact, in the case of Merlion Project. Also, stimulating discussions with Dr. Ser- kb=20 for example, the object is much bigger than the wave- gei Tretyakov are greatly appreciated.

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