ROTC Cadet Officers Washington U Sociologist to UH Campus · Choose Unit Sponsors a Keen Interest in Racial Analysis Dr
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• • Holiday Tomorrow Follow Voting· Rules Was hington's Carefully Bi rt~day Today T M E v o· c I: 0 I= M AW A VoI.XXV UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1947 No. 33 / Interest in Racial Analysis Brings Erninent ROTC Cadet Officers Washington U Sociologist to UH Campus · Choose Unit Sponsors A keen interest in racial analysis Dr. Steiner, who is teaching a has brought Dr. Jesse F. Steiner, course in race relations in the Pa Betty Honnen is Honorary Colonel of Regiment; cific and in human migrations, be head of the sociology department lieves that living away from home Sponsors Will Be Presented at Military Ball at the University of Washington, as for a while does one good. To those visiting professor of sociology this persons who plan to attend college Eleven coeds were named early semester and for the summer ses on the mainland or who expect to Queen Fina.lists this week by ROTC cadet officer's sion. "I have always looked to Ha live there, he advises selection of a to be their sponsors. Chosen by waii as far more normal than the Middle West community or one in regimental commander C o 1 o n e I Pacific coast in her attitude toward the East. ChoseR Today Henry J. Nachtsheim, Jr., to be racial intermarriage,' he declared. Dr. Steiner explained his interest honorary colonel is Betty Honnen, "Time is the prime factor in the in the Japanese people from having By Ballotirig arts and sciences freshman. solution of racial prejudice," he be taught in Japan for seven years. He Selected honorary majors are plans to return to Japan after the lieves. "The fin a 1 solution, of Student balloting for the Ka Pa Esther Chun for the first battalion summer session to gather material course, is amalgamation." He feels lapala beauty contest is takillg commanded by cadet Major Ray for his next book which will be that the next generation will be place today from 8: 30 a.m. to 2 p.m. mond Ho, and Jane Okamoto for a social psychological study of the much mo re tolrant. in front of Hemenway ball. Instead the second battalion commanded by Japanese. of placing X's after the preferred cadet Major Wadsworth Yee. Jes Dr. Steiner, as do many others, "Behind the Japanese Mas!{," a contestants' n am e s, each voter sie Honnen is honorary captain to considers the mass evacuation .of Dr. Steiner ... book designed to describe traits the Japanese from the Pacific coast should indicate his three choices Captain Charles Lambert, regimen and characteristics of the Japanese for queen in each racial grou1> by as the worst and most tragic mis the country. The great mistake of tal adjutant. people for the soldiers in the Pa placing the numbers 1, 2, or 3 after take of the war because it has been the orientals has been in living in Honorary company captains are: cific, is his latest publication. He the names of the three candidates proven entirely unnecessary. "How segregated areas such as China Kyoko Yokoyama, .co. A command has also written "The American he favors in each group. ASUH ever," he said, "since it did happen, town in San Francisco and Little ed by cadet Captain Richard Miya Community in Action," a book of cards must be presented to obtain. the resulting good has been in Tokyo in LA." moto; Alice Ramsey, Co. B, Cap ballots. tain Samuel Sasai; Juanita Sen, Co. wider distribution of Japanese in He was frankly pleased to see Dr. Steiner will speak on "The In enumerating votes, first, sec C, Harrison Chong; Elsie Min, Co. orientals here working in banks, Situation of the Mainland Japa ond and third choices will count E, Captain Timothy Eum; Pearl Lu department stores, shipping con nese" next Friday at 12:30 in Hem five, three and one points respec ning, Co. F, Captain Henry Giugni; cerns, etc., but most of all in the Debate Tryouts enway hall. Miriam Tom and Bea tively. Incomplete or improperly Harriet Serai, Co. G, Captain Rob sc,hools. trice Yoshida of the Sociology club marked ballots will be void. ert Kimura. "In Seattle, no Nisei or Chinese are in c h a r g e of the program. The five runner-ups in each group Grant Garlinghouse, applied sci ~or Mainland is employed as a public school Everyone is invited to attend. will be presented before a boal'd of ence freshman, who was appointed teacher with the exception of two judges for final selections of queens Band Captain recently has chosen Trip Today or three in the Far Eastern depart studies on the various types of Tuesday ni~ht, February 25 at 7: 30 Trudy Glson, popular drum maj ment at the University. Despite the communities. "Americans At Play" p.m. in Farrington hall. orette of the University band, to Debate squad members will com· fact that the Nisei had much more was the result of studies he made Tickets. for the event at 50 cents be his sponsor. pete this afternoon at 1: 10 in SS105 than their quota of honor students of lei.sure time activities for the each will be placed on sale Monday. The spon$ors will be formally for positions on the team that will in the high schools and the univer Hoover Commission studying local A presentation rally with Ken presented at the Military Ball to tour the mainland and the team tl!-at sity, they could not look forward to trends. neth Nagata introducing the con morrow nigh~ . at Maluhia. will debate Stanford University the teaching profession." - Dr. Steiner earned his BA degree testants was held Tuesday. It was here. On the other hand, Dr. Steiner at Heidelberg College, Ohio, his followed by a bathing beauty rally Each contestant will speak fi'Ve believes that racial discrimination MA at Harvard and his Ph.D. at at the swimming pool Thursday minutes on the topic: Resolved, is a much more serious problem the University of Chicago. with Revacado Medina emcee-ing HaileY Elaborates that labor should be given a direct with the Negroes than the orientals · The Steiner family lives on the the event. share in the management of indus in the United States. "I suppose it campus. Dr. and Mrs. are at Hale On China Situation try. is because they have 'come up from Aloha and their son Herbert, for merly of the Marine Corps, lives at Professing a great interest in Ha Stud'ents participating include slavery' and have no great nation Important IRC the vet dormitory. waii, which he calls "my favorite Robert Silva, Kenneth Saruwatari, back of them. place," Foster Hailey, editorial staff Tom McC abe, Barry Rubin, Ben Fu· Meeting Today member of the '.New York Times, kunaga, Earl Robinson and Henry visited the campus early this week. \Vong. Hipa from Pipa P~ss is Strong Candidate All students planning to attend On his way to New York from the Ka Leo judges have been overwhelmed by the voluptuo~s beauty of the IPR-IRC conference next Wed Judging the conte~t will be Miss nesday through Saturday should go Orient where he has been on an ex Genevieve Arnold, Dr. Bower Aly, one of the queen candidates for the contest. No, the press ·~dno longe;, tended trip of all the Asiatic coun impartial. Our candidate? Forward-wall, "I was robbed for 1 ea 1 man, to their campus mail boxes to get Dr. Ralph Roeber, Dr. Joel Trapldo bulletins and bibliographies. tries, Mr. Hailey has been gathering and "I was here!" Hipa. material for an over-all picture of Dr. Stanmore Townes. An important meeting of all I RC Hipa's picture has taken its rightful place among the other beauties the Orient for the Times. All the students and faculty mem: who are gracing the walls of Hemenway hall corridor. Ka Leo backs camp-planning committee members hers are invited to attend this pub· The University of Missouri grad Hipa for "Mongolian Mongoose King". and all other members of the club uate who has been traveling through lie speaking event. Among the judges who have chosen Hipa from Pipa Pass is Dr. Willis will be held today at 12:30 in SS 207. Japan, · China, Malaya, Indo-China Coale, assoc1a· t e pro f of English ' who has .been taking a great interest in th~ East Indies by Army plane, was the hotly contested race for campus beauties. Dr. Coale walks through Those who b:ave not yet paid chiefly interested in three points: ·1 to check up on the latest additions to the walls. their $7 camp fee are asked to con Chinese Club Scene Hemenway d a1 Y . ? H 1) a picture of military strategy; Where was our nominee yesterday at the bathing beauty rally. e tact any one of the following mem bers immediately: Robert Fukuda, 2) the occupation in Korea and forgot his bathing suit! 0£ Carnival Picnic Jack Krushell, George YaD?-amoto Japan; 3) the Chinese situation in both Communist and Nationalist Collegiate Carnival workers are or Kenji Toyama. Students will assemble in front controlled areas. "I was fortunate invited to attend a free picnic sup Radio Committee Orders Taken For of Atherton House at 2: 30 p.m. in getting back and forth across the Per to be held at the Chinese Amer· Members Named next Wednesday, February 26. lines in China with no difficulty," he stated. ican club March 8 from 4 to 11 p.m. Recently appointed to the Radio All bedding will be provided at l(a Palapala Prints the camp.