September 14, 2016

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September 14, 2016 University of Mississippi eGrove Daily Mississippian Journalism and New Media, School of 9-14-2016 September 14, 2016 The Daily Mississippian Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The Daily Mississippian, "September 14, 2016" (2016). Daily Mississippian. 1008. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Journalism and New Media, School of at eGrove. It has been accepted for inclusion in Daily Mississippian by an authorized administrator of eGrove. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Wednesday, September 14, 2016 THE DAILY Volume 105, No. 17 THEMISSISSIPPIAN STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI SERVING OLE MISS AND OXFORD SINCE 1911 Visit @thedm_news TOMORROW... SEE ONLINE... WHAT’S INSIDE... See The DM tomorrow for continued For a photo gallery of the Football prepares for their first SEC coverage of the university’s search for ASB election results. match-up of the regular season. vice chancellor of diversity and com- munity engagement. SEE SPORTS PAGE 8 ASB announces Homecoming Election results Students meet first diversity position candidate SLADE RAND [email protected] As students entered into Ballroom B at The Inn at Ole Miss, University of North Car- olina’s Chief Diversity Officer Taffye Benson Clayton made her way around the room shak- ing hands and meeting her po- tential new student body. Clayton kicked off a week of open forum discussions be- tween the UM community and candidates for the new vice chancellor for diversity and community engagement posi- tion. “I couldn’t be more pleased to be here,” she said as she opened up her presentation. PHOTO BY: CADY HERRING Cole Putman reacts to being named Mr. Ole Miss on the steps of the Lyceum at the University of Mississippi on Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2016. Over the course of the hour- long session, Clayton took the God and those who supported his There will be a runoff election sophomore maid, Bradyn Eaves audience through her plan of MIA SIMS campaign. between candidates Acacia Santos for junior maid and Chandler action if she were chosen for [email protected] “This is better and more un- and Bess Nichols for the position Tucker for senior maid. the position. Coming from the Hundreds of students lined believable than I could’ve ever of Miss Ole Miss, as well as MK Blake McClure, Dylan Lewis, University of North Carolina, the outside of the Lyceum’s steps asked,” Putman said. “I never Phillips and Caroline Burke for Terrius Harris, Chase Moore and she said she has experience in awaiting the results of this year’s knew when I came to school here Homecoming Queen. Matt Gladden won the title of handling sensitive diversity is- Associated Student Body elections that this would happen. We ran The results will be announced male campus favorites, while fe- sues at a Southern university. Tuesday night. this campaign different from any at 6 p.m. Thursday on the steps of male campus favorites included “There’s certainly more I With 57 percent of the vote, other campaign before. I want the Lyceum. Caroline Burke, Carly Volz, Kate need to learn about Ole Miss, Cole Putman was announced as you to know that different is good, Other Tuesday night winners Anderson, Allison Boyd and Gra- Mr. Ole Miss. and tonight proved that different included Caroline McLeod for cie McClure. Putman said he wanted to thank works.” freshman maid, Laura Taylor for SEE POSITION PAGE 3 PART ONE OF A TWO-PART SERIES WHERE THEY PLAYED For musicians in Oxford and beyond, The Cats Purring Dude Ranch was a haven. ford musicians and those step- empty rooms and stale air. chael Bible, editor of literary trailer in Jim Dees’ backyard ZOE MCDONALD ping into the scene for the first Genesis zine “Kitty Snacks.” He began out in Taylor we called the [email protected] time. It was here that genera- booking shows around Oxford Cats Purring Dream Trailer. tions of music lovers, weirdos It began five years ago. at venues like Proud Larry’s, At the time there were all these Cradled in the trees of an and artists in Oxford could ex- Two Stick still existed on the the Lyric and Red Star Bar. signs around Taylor pointing undeveloped part of Oxford press themselves. Square. Red Star Bar still held They called Taylor home and to the Southern Living Idea down North Lamar, a wooden The ranch’s dusty walls and shows in the front room of The there gave birth to what would Home at Plein Air, which was structure stares over a mead- counters, once littered with Lyric Theater. Rent was cheap. become Oxford’s Do-It-Your- supposed to be some sort of owy, overgrown lawn. The stickers of music promotions, The End of All Music was a self music scene. tourist attraction, so we put maze of rooms inside were the dark wooden beams where Mexican grocery, and Blogspot “The phrase ‘cats purring’ up Cats Purring Dream Trailer once host to DIY shows, par- excited youth swung, and even was still a thing. was bouncing around for a signs with arrows pointing to ties and late nights, and for a the pool, filled with detritus Dent May created the Cats long time as a sort of inside our trailer.” number of Oxford artists, it and leaves of seasons past, Purring Collective – described joke that makes no sense,” May Then they moved to the Cats was home, too. now await an uncertain fate. on its website as a “North Mis- wrote in an email this summer. Purring Country Club. Still And now the Dude Ranch is Whatever meanings the sissippi Infotainment Cult” “Michael Bible, Steven (Bev- in Taylor, May and his room- empty. Dude Ranch held for those – with other musicians and ilaqua) from Flight and I start- mates began hosting live mu- It was here that connections who lived there or frequented curators such as Thomas Coo- ed naming the places we lived, were made between older Ox- the place now repose in the per of Gray Things and Mi- starting with the double-wide SEE DUDE RANCH PAGE 4 OPINION THE DAILY MISSISSIPPIAN | 14 SEPTEMBER 2016 | PAGE 2 COLUMN Inside the classroom, group work has gone too far question isn’t about being shy or back to the community. Jesus, genuinely creative ideas. Extro- because he didn’t want to disap- social; the question is, when do Moses, Mohammed and Buddha verts, quite unwittingly, can get so point them by not having the jolly, you feel most complete and capa- all fall into this category. excited or passionate about a topic larger-than-life character of his ble? Introverts prefer less stimu- In a quest to be inclusive, to or idea that they effectively domi- books. And I defy you to show me lation because they function best make sure minorities count, we nate or drown out everyone else. works more seemingly extrovert- at this level, and I would argue have inadvertently sidelined the I have also seen group discus- ed than those of Dr. Seuss. that undervaluing the power of smallest minority on the planet: sions stumble over a minor detail My call to action is nothing introverts is costing everyone. the individual. that is ultimately unimportant. more than please stop the obses- On the first day, professors pass As it turns out, groups degrade We’ve all watched group mental- sive push for group work. Yes, out syllabi that break down how individuality. Though that may ity take over, sides develop and a allow collaboration. Yes, allow a class is graded. Every course in seem fairly intuitive, please un- productive conversation decom- students to create effective teams. which I am enrolled has class par- derstand the extent to which we pose into an absurd debate of the Yes, let discussion take place. But ticipation as at least 10 percent of change in a group. We instinc- insignificant. please do not undervalue or dis- ETHAN DAVIS the final grade, and some go as tively mirror the body language, In case you have not guessed as miss the power of working alone. [email protected] high as 20 percent. The preference beliefs and actions of a group. We much, I am an introvert. Some of It just might be the biggest mis- for extroverted tendencies doesn’t suppress thoughts of “I” in favor my happiest moments in life have take you make. Are you an introvert or an ex- stop there. I recently completed of “We” in order to fit in and make been reading quietly outside, and trovert? Think carefully, because the interview process for the Stu- the group run more smoothly. there is nothing wrong with that. I Ethan Davis is a junior philos- you may have the wrong defini- dent Activities Association, and This behavior is only dangerous if genuinely believe that demanding ophy and English double major tions of these words. every challenge presented in the you are literally always in a group. constant group work does more from Laurel. Most people understand these final interview was group work. When we go from apartments harm than good. I believe that it concepts in terms of reductionist What does this extroverted full of roommates to classes burst- stymies the creativity and individ- binaries, i.e, social versus antiso- preference mean? I suppose most ing with discussion to parties ualism that the world desperately cial, loud versus soft, leader ver- harmfully, it means we lose the filled with people to social media needs.
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