
3 I tr13, r. | ?66; "?- 1f t15 ,,rlf1f,

{ t f8.1 L t\. 4 D*t*^ tftao t^rr;*.s lJnst^1 G-rtrer, Y }i*t I t a r?qB, l4ar' '\trt \ 4r5 iq.]o 'tq$Q - lqtq

DIn / laal/fi*-lgl R-ins-63e

378 REvELsToKE: DEVONSEIBE: " Ixclrr's ' li ingcombo flcnr-r, srrrier r P6rrctt Philipp (Mic.). ihfuitcopm I Shcrrill Jordph, blnblrmith li i ngcorntrc Johu, crrpcnter I P,,p lf illinrrr,carlrcutor I Shcrrill lfilliom. .t'n'nr l,corrard Jolrn, trritor I Ilocvor Frederick,lhrr melcr I lvakchrm ll itliom, fermer, Rorden r,"urr-.ri..r*,raJ, lo",ner,-uigher Co.rnbo i iffiil":il:iiililii:'fr;;drepcr I tfiltinmr Johnr'rhopkocper l'crrsc Israc, firrrncr, lfettorr i llosc G'ctrgc, hlo.. I '/4oo of BE'W'EREWE is c prish rnd rilhrgo, situstcd on thc Cutm rircr. l;Enos$ yomly i;r;" rith rc1i,il-cnq'EsrloiEgrcruorrt -ud 5o ecrts -i; rrriles..rr.st rrortli..va llt fronr.luall Exeter&Igl,Gf indend9routhfiornIItg 9o routhllrutll fiornlflraaa Tircrton,inIflebc,iuthigiffTircrton.llll:flular iriIII I ltetr.|{lcl,E iulll th6llfl, gfa}sifr of(,l thitiusteeithi-tiusteeiofthohte'Esrl0flll3 LrllSU,E oftrl thcf las hte5w s..v. Egrcuout&g.v.uv..v thcitrc Eurtcra dirision of tlro countf (but UpErc, uhictr iiir r linalnnd thctirc Rislr[RiglrI Hon. lY. U. Snrith r.r. dtcrnrtcl!',dtcrnrtcl]', nndn-rrd hcld trthing in thotho- prislr, ir in tbc H!'1.ridgoHs'f'ridgo lrundrr

flrst-class clerk. I)crtmoor Cntholtc prieeil; Rtehartl Esbn Toter, Itredlock James. -Thomas M. Rouse, assistent Prison surgeon: and Co., gunpowder mlnufac' .u#eou i Joto Henry Askheni, steword; Witiiams Ferguson, fanu bailifi; Geo. turers, Plyrnouth and Dartmoor Powder Ale-xander msna ger Aborn. head schoolmaster ; John Mortlf, Compin.v-Robert lYilli.ants. Tinley Eowitt, lVilliam, farmer second schoolmaster; Worth schoolmaster; J. Brine, fourlh Yeo Thomosr farmer, Bairdowlr thid schoolmaster ; John Corney and-Jaraes 'Wetllock, flrst-elass clerkg; Fraaeis Post Ofice-\rYillianr Bab!, postruoster' arrive at g.oomfiei4 Thomas Pall, -George ry. Letteis from Horrabridge Brady, secvnd- 8.30 8.m.; tiispatched &t 5'15- p'm' Aiexande.,' and George- and and ci".t .t"tti.; Samuel Courtman, chief Ito.r"v orders -lndir:tnted Paid HenrY lYatts. engineer and Sotin"g,. Benk .\nnuity business *arder; from I a.m. to ti clerk of works transaeted P.ur. P,lti" Ofrcers' .tioo1-John Waltars' \falters. mistress Dartmoor Prunn-IIajor R. J- F' Hickey, master; Mrs. J. Frederick Betl' sovcrnor: Captaiir Mon, iieputy governoi Rev' James Francis. Carrier-John Sopilo Plymouth, i Sat S..f .. ttraptain : Rev. J. Green. RomaIr Wed. and by REYELSTOKE is a rillage anrl parisl in PlFnpton St' ]Iarv union' containing' tl.'ancr5' and hundrctl of rhc census of lEtil. iu;-r inhabitants, ancl'li;s ;.;.: t in the iio..tu-Jnxeter,.Soutl Devonshire ; 10 miles south- I,l.mpton. arclrtlcaconry ;]'T;ild; the ori the sea const ,ro"r1*ring Babbicombe Bav. The rector.v. in ili|fl;;i"p'i;;"fi: resi- of the RcY. John Otho \Yest, b.O., fs valued at f,2{U per flnnum' n'ith incuurbc.ncl' Rishop of F'xeter' The ilcncc irn4 ninc *"rur"oi'g"tJU"-f"n,i. ,,"Ais'in tle pn,tronage.of .the to St. Peter, it tto*'io ruini. but ,, new chrpcl-of-ease has clerk' Dartrnoor ;;il;i';h;"i,f,. a"ai*tia has cnpable of seating ;i{)0 persons. trro-thirds of. rv}rich are to be free: it I F:HIl"::*ffiLf11*"J' been erected which will shortly rvartler' Dart- i"ii"i. *fitlt"if*",f-"io"i.-';if,? ['.'sleyans are ere-c'ting.oJl'"Pqiht'rc' sa.m*el, chicf - for chilclren r-rf both sexes' .tlt"*.r, I Uo opcoea for tiivine ;;i.. ihnr" is :r Nationai Schoot ""Tr'rffrt" itit pn.i.fr. ,r-,outh

SAINTBuDEAUXisavi}iage.andparishinPlymptonSt.}Iaryunion.crlntdning.il{lt in the tlcinery of Plyrupton' the een'us of 18G1,.1376 inhabi-t*r,..i",i^igli nort' fmm bv n,,rro-osill-soutn-"tt" n""otttt'i"t; 4 milcs aichdeac,rnry of Totleli,^rlrira^rJ"r ,"iis-is.'a vicrrage' irith the plvmouttr. overto.king the estuary .rii"i?,ii,.i. in the "rr"loe,I at .€120-per with resitlcnce' cuiacv of Knackerskn?wle arrrrc*d. "1r"g-T *nir *'" of i[";: ffiiffi, s',gri"siil""-t'ar".r...i.]i.. .prtronage St' incunibencv of the i;;;-aniient-uain""' tlctlicated to thc vicar oi St. -\n,ln.wls, P-ljmouth.. Tii;"til;i; Budeaux.whichwasereetedabouttr,.5,","..ia-ai-+'it"o"*i.i*nrn[tv('.'chancel'and'iilW;;i;;attlt*tcaplaceof worship northtrndsouthaislesilti-tir""""oot"iot"ffi;#1iloi-uotrr sexes. ;i'i;i' has an entl0rmenr.f here. There i, ,. x*iiffi's;-ilIf";"rriilir"" poor u,r.I rntl twelve poor girls' for the erlucrting orra oi i*ulr" erected .€gl oer annum "roiiri.rg A rang-g of iito to"tt is being A le-ad mine is worketl in the neighbouriiooA. tiii"t 6nrlorrrers are Lortl Powder llagazine i.'at'gl1t'poi"t'- Tft" cirrri- here. and II.M. R' H' Gcnn's' U'"1' tt-r* pcor have Ashburton antl the represent&tives.of ,fr" ffi t; - o L e a s c' i.*: X,1iltl1til t" i' * ci r a pcr l; *t $l*:;'i.* JHH, i'-i Jht:| * ":onc ! r'rilc rrest' Iloxte ,;so\\-E' Iirxcls T-*r.rnrox, I mile south-west. S-ii,.-it" P-rss-tc+t' nt"o hamlets of this parisir' one mile, antt Wsrri;';;ii';i[, nre tf|t.crri,.s,,,,,1 t

327 RocKBBABr.. [.] DIREC"ToRY.] ffi:Hlr,*x?*'#[,1ffi"#f I":ft:Sill"fl f **'J"ff ffi ff ."S,fi'Tirib":';ed.""; 'da'!:tr'.iH; Iill5r":,*''l**""ffi rtr'#rHl.inifr i" r"t".i,-"" ti.s"Lh*l-room will bc q*"-t"{ ilA-rii;ilil " H#,ffi FftH*#'i'StruH+tr$it-hi'""" prpvided by the *"iiii"-ruoe. ir dcoastguft$ t9- li"i'itci"riiud;g,,"9.1,:fi ffiffi,l#itf"Hl', lm="'3flHfiffi H:,ffffiry*fi :fi,#.5; $[ffis:[]#fu Hffi :,Hr-f i?*ftqti;5iiifi ; s

.Y ;-*'1:"r,[i:i{ir}}ifl][ d l{i'$ltlrHnt*l'ffi e t L€ l a t. dombtic chaplain to ti..orirtoi-n"trnotttli'Baroness F"ffifi#f*'ffiffii'j f A forruer,ilfi'l'f ,hi..p"'i.i.'lui. L"i",*'"ItffiJrlJrt5if:ift ili;pr*'r'"*iJ'it"-n":--:,.'.fq*i*:.T:,I:1"',11 iEp.o..,. irro He wai also illo:,l"Ti, ; rdiitinsuisltal royalistir,i.r"l 4[i;a"t' lt t: mll Si*#rof'"mmr"lt'ii,ttT,i'"*H;"T"1iTl'::l l87l sar937. '"F";r;" (r,itiug at Pari.rh Cllrh),lf illiamTriggr' _..rorces.;veral [],][-t$tri{H.f-iru:+r;,",rft1"-.t*:sll**f"#il:::&u,,u,i.v,v. boeisrJ#:ff"."r"Till*,,"r. br the ParlinruentarY rnom ryrblr#ffi.fiHo,*$[,,?rT:,Hl I;i;;t"t'"a itoit Plvriouth to tak-e rfi *?'HrJ',1"";ilmr[*:*'*si"AinEfi ':[""*:l*:i'bz::i$':"Ji rnspr- shert le *tinirua-i;;i"iii;i tt'ry" qon$sr l ^"hry--'--, r.- rr.* rrrrtar rnirtra* rr***+il$,t$,**,ffit',Hffii.:*ri{il1ffi **ur-***}th*x': *rH''Hil:t':;"'"-"1;1fi Hiucetton-B8ndolPh ffi i'r,#r[C*[ffi'r]'*ttx'r"-iili#H,#d;;:i:I*. [fr;,,i'ii-r,",r",.lTr6.r",u*a,.,'11,n ufo5[*-:.,ffiy,**::T:.*lh'.*+iu;tif- -- MarT' drees maker Criup John,farmer, io'.*errarm I ii.liii" $.1i-dt-*Iddrrj; I )t'iiii Yfufir [#,H::lti,["ffi1,x,'ill$ilti:Hgt;;';,Hi11ffi""T:,liigp,].il5,lffis,E:r'*'tid:[ttcoaldealer rls uoioi(rr I is, :1. re #,**S:^g*,i.xtdi{l E*H:i,ffl",IJ d !n ffii*t",*'"c";Tt,l:r'ltt'it',f,,il-ill,ii{t,.{ii:.iif;:il1ffi;l"ffii1,,i..=try{,1"ffi}Hffiii:":ii,$t'li ,h; ,\;;ti;;ii'ai"i.io,,"#'IrJ#;fi-,-i;iii"it* iiu'utietl, ii?,9,,,1[Hlillr'lit"h;. iror-[ rrar" uiu court rlisirict are clreal. i;;'i;,st"il"i""; is ttayey; s"il;;ir,';i;;;.- tii; st "ounty "11":"Til,?:i}i}il I fri. *ir "r,ioi ""or" IfirillT.:I:ll*'xt*iiiiffT,t:fl"r'urdi"]-.,!*iof st. Pitcr, rcstored irilE(8, is in tlre o"*Ifl;il[t ifl["Tlir"r:t:*,s:1#;.j"*m*',[;i'kt;i,:"';i["ii[h'tj,..;'Frii6*n[loputation in l87l was rzu. n I "Fii"rri-ct,i,f ior,n'p"ia,in.' iff-: iil"$a,lll"t,T"l'l,i;f':il."1.:"ji*. rh_e_rivirrg 1 m lvitlrresidenceandtD-a-cresl-rvith resia,e}lrXX1HU"ffi nea islrecton'-vihrlvvaluef,:171.is,r.rectory,.yi""ly value f,,:!71, "k';"6 f,",,o'.. ^ t'rough._Greater--^..-L dmc.'rnnin,lnn- Torrington, rvlrich is t'ethe nearest of glebe tairit, in tlre gift ot'i};rto,.c,ry".v,';;;';f the'Rev- Thou I r,y.1ii. rviiir;;' c6il I (rroys & girrs), w,riam scott [i?.. puUiit'ete,,l".nt"ty. school schoot rbueger Cambridge. tf,Li'ir a I I-]fr?:';l#;:I::, rorb"E gtrlr,';"r"id.i-itiezl, ;pp9"t"a bv sibscrip- I lpagc John, farme.r, pr:r.Tr."_r11ry*__ Gu-rrrev"",t nev. \r',rian,"wartur, ,i''' *l:ll1l"*" llectorv iE:"*'t*:,[:"r*:lrtfi{l*ff}" }i;Hf$i*r':r"'ri?i'r'i' u,iiriiG'i, Jorrn N. ho 'L\ li:*:r shilmaker. couuER";?;Lo*"rev I $n[t';f*"*illl',i:l*\u"L' li,i;;o*il--no'u.'ti .rrrorrr John, rurmer, noberlcon !Livj,"-,lY:Iilyr:#.ifu* ltn*'l*:r"ifll,:,t":'r:Xr$1t'*'lrteeu nrcrraru' rqr'ue' ilil;i."isiilTr-;1;, C;;lr; ; tta"rit Andrcrv. farmer Irearey John, bracksr.iilr & rhr.rcr l;li+l*i:i 3':i:#li t{fl*i,., ,,"151ff11.}}i#ll'fi,""?lHlii: of ii:iill'*:*ti::{_t!i[[f:::'" i' iill+r,1i[iJiiii*;#Hi;;'.'""lsir[: i",u'i,r{$t"*'::::: :- rni,rc i ls:l;ffi"d;ililffi;.',i.Yffi,*r., l€ ll''f,r'lsscorn$ i:ffi:]ile$',?iii:l,.tmr.,. d. [i,|fiHi,H,if:fiil:];tll;,'S.att, . crarke r,izarrtrr. -... E.bberley farrrr tc oruli" iffilT"yiit*[1il,':i?,1,iT.1''" l]iill'Efi:lH:l:fi1;;;;b;ril;#t.*-"r' Clarkc Jemcr. farnrer & r l,i"iiiiit John' 1y,,1,i,. IriiitriiiiiJJin. Cliston a buitder !tv"'ttuttu Thomar' rartner' ir Ctenrent Abn hu,u, farmer, Ttrelhrirlgc f iilifiiiiihllffi;i;ilff s. It ILOCTTREAILE (with the harutets of lhnsu Gnzx.1' I rt Ls a- punstt Prtttu.lu. ALLrcousu. rnd LrrrlB Srr,vrnl I t- ()lv.t :",:,."i;I$ffit$l$;,gt,,i;{.:3lJ etrderrl titlcse',rill,.,^' .rt miles eaut'fiom-o.r'fmm BroerlFlmcd Clyrt etutio-t\.situateo8tu,t.ioo. situated I iHfrT,i#:f esq'' 'Jl -:t-a $itlianr Hetrry C' Iintiorr' -l touth of rtri tri,(tr roud froru Honiton to-Exetcr, I0-l-eoutu- ;il;h. wtr.t from the ibrmer. 6l east tronr the latter, sud oi $'eEE uiliit;iidil;""gi-illii:**f,'l?,"|-Ifr l'lJllifl ii,tti from Otterv St. Illarv. ii tl,e Battern rlivinion of the county' j,."ll3r:txlll;ff;,li'.,;;';ir,";ii,"d;;;'ffi tiasr Buaiiish filJ;Jd. st 'l'houaa, county court "v""n'i district of E'ieter' rurat deanerv";i;n;i ofAylerbeare' erchdeaco-lrrl' d"fi ;:"'rn:sl;'fr'lifr ; aud dicce* df St. llary ir an ancrcn3 ;,Htt*.."ft i5hJ,T',gfr of llx'eter. The cbrirch ud Gotlric rtructutr, consieting of chanc.el' n-avcr T_t'?_: eiif*t'AlY};!f l,B;", 2 r.,*: the tnitdpender:tr with e torer contiinins 5 <e: the toweris turnounted.Dy tour pinna"lerl--il* ;"ft;;a;i; irom the year I 653.'l'h.e bave a cbaPel bere- X,"H"?*1Y':';?ff order officc Tia;lll'I.futy Letterr through Exeter' The nearett money !y tUc Rcv. Richard Eillmau Podmore, tlJ-, -ol Collcgg, 'f""Tr"i*ffi;:i[Xtfftb" il BroadclYst. Cambridge. Tbere ic r -cch6ol lll1gj, Mnl Jrnc Drtr, mirtrcre erectid ttl,t-;;ilie;;"a, *itt t)b^ill pet annu m. I siiioil "riii"a;*.a t<1t [Drvos. Drvo:r.] 'aph office is at Witheri

A rePrint of

of and Directory History , Garetleer Devonshire

by wrLLrAuLB',HrrE \-

o' w ith new.'ilrtJ"X1T:l';i


corn miller rope wm. I :f"J. +ichasil Bunker Rober! Jii" rr^rr*t. I wiottt John ; 6;ilft samt. st"Jlq'-: !raso.T:' "ci;;;il i*"'llF'anshaw' B'N' Shillabear Agns. | c dt'wm' wi;;t JohJ I *Batne" Thomas J - J9!,, boat builcl-er tmwth' ff iog"too ,i**r*t. I Mitter wm' Set- Jno', B'N' E: :er, iiliffi;;ii.,it &i:bermanT'n Chaffe Bichnrtl' I suorrrEPEBs' dg.SewYer fid;;;" rreurY, t:{t Jno. Candish- f-tTit vict' DoJPhiu Iun Cornttrwaite I ,[SCOrDb€2 toyi Peter, nlaariasu w*. I Leonartl PhiliP . & Fri. F*itor. John, thatcber *RoweJames Aiex', R'N' Loye Riihnril- I dl4 For i.-pt t"re Purser' Irt"orr,tu Bobt. I Stone John Hoe hy.trY. Richard,Jr,rctrErtr, !oY' v ,Kerswel\ n;; !1sq'.G1aton I Martin Charles I retLong. Lus- * B icltarcl, cider tleoler -I-i;il;t er & Rowe' I rtratLrr'wD Tlm.t!4r' I Leonartl PhiliP ,e, tloily 'W[nter Silas, auctioneer Prrs- | Parnelr samuel I iao"uaa W*. J. L*verst i'"lTi i;i;;;;;;' rector' li,til\,iil.b;;;*-' .&SaL linch frous, ";;; IcanrruBs_to -- _^* rz.irn I I r'' *lii::'"; kli-;"I';a {#1, I *steer I I tlu't's' s' E rg groun$ | ::'i.:*liooGeorge l-Tiffi"h:'Wm' :i:il; #;^" I 'aRPENTER.' wilt""r"*ipi'' O' | *Jones es S.E. bY Irisb I *Knight-Tbos' I John i+iffia;t',1';; ' I winter John attius 778 LoyerJoJE .,vu'tJohn I stevens \vm. I along the scatteretl villoge' near Bay' lorr, end e i" i,. pf i'r, soz s"ours, anct abottt Xf,Lf"St ry, belonS- *,Tl3^51*';'?i#tffij'r1:1f*$ff.^31#];r?i;URi;'r*; li,rif#;;Ui:f mtffiry qh t-otlre'* fi ,he Fi. a l ffieil,'UlJT'i1"f"*il;l'"15*t:'-:'Jfi'ott"i-rnmilies' rhe Duke ox,rnny. I 1HTffi ;;a an ancient . ft Mr- i ffiffi;;lfr;"h*';; Tbe Churc,' is s. It now few smalle, or*o..r"iirl"urtut."1o,fr"-p^iitfr. 7(r I rc i tlr a.torv*:t he latter ol iur, i., jii;"ffi ;'li1 K.B. at Jl9. los. 7|d'' and - "::-:."::-;"i^1"5"-i,",oitt "l*:';;'"'":,"1*m "^ t,.,t sivengrvet has reeideil '-o 'o:lTl" poor ptuishioners Lave a house' tbe bencv of the R.t" b1;;i;;: "r. as lorg in 1708' ft is now m fio.. Kirkhttm, I RandleRandre Peter Gilber t, Recto-ry | r.nruuns'r'T'nruuns' Tbemenor Butlaudrry",liffi fr:f;liili;:Rev i;i;"y - | John I nantlle Bobert shopr. [liJi i",."i',io t*,-rnn' I crin'p re De Pust- Gayq;iFt;."i,er1.g Robt. ^r'"io I ::lf$ **"-," rreble Borrert, ,,ftson' I iill;i [$lf#H;:[ :'"1',.',.:I ?:ilXrohn he latter to ffi i il;;ie-'---itoru'tlP;fu" J'obn, i siu"o* Jas. Yonge, T;:l'ii;::*'*1"i".^on,*,u*.. | I triggs James EIIiort Jolrn I Cocker James re Bev. Jno' f#f#;',i'Ii.r,". c;;[;; Jas ju,. re mansioot I I "*** I:r*." I:'#:1,]t':: I , at the cost I n3s u G lt i. R u e a t q r'r'^1J ands n fine u GB o no ry - "".'1' 1 ""|-.*:, :t:X, 1[ X1t.;:;- of J. B' nence,surrountleu'iruli-ry'{1!r-2,;';',":*r^*'"'J?*::t'r::i}t*i;$nence' surrounoe" s r ts cou- ,nce Jti"t-*iii iiGi;i.isu noua titio"' -parish he enst anil "'i' li,11,'Ill'r":.Liillll".?;';::r*:':iivi,,1;l-'"1"ryi**:::1":::?l*rand 1., and o few i""ft'Jtt-t8tttof bautlsome urunsions' westward to the f'*t' It Cl*s- rs,) is arr art' 'i""-f;;';'h;;sus'ontl tr'" t"Jr bamlets- of' Lud'brool;e' it new seated lnar]y respectabl" p"r, luybrid-ge' (See page 54f') iViil a ur, if-r.n,iiiiinn, Fileitan,-or,,i rt choPel of ron. i""ii,i;;;ir; or ,i,L'r1rog.,"f uid t6e churc' stands on ago. Tbe Tirere is o condur, vierYs' Luge cattl'e Jtdrs r of the iiill, rvbich tf"figfitfttf 3, is iu the tlre cr.o*n "orr*uo,iJi"'i'riiio'ra November,and here wosfor- are leld lere o, ,rl'Jir.i ,"."*r-vr (ilgebetge') to se ancestor, 'I'lte urattot oiiigUoto"gi] ( belonged rke of Leeds rrrerly r nro,tllv fair'. to the Briwere' llrito at Dotnesdav Survey' f i nttttttuias'paised lnrnutetl in AiuLed i{"t'i"' 'onf Patk farniliet' ruu heiress of t}re ,ccn founcletl Loriug, l3onrille, ;;;;; 'iV'alter - Carew' Bart" is Sir Carew, s"ltose ?alk about thirtY- latter t,arrierl II' :";;'lt wbich cornprises 200r' o,rd. other rranors ^open'corumorl' lef^n bY norv lorcl of this 1r-irri"-n"rish, risiug iu bold' 5ear, 150r. 26314' of the rector. of *oor1, rv'. rviaaicombe, J- Lang, J'.P' the north."r';;;;;;';;{ s. savery, c. lrit"irar, irills o* Irerg'- and part of the parish mith and J. L.'T;t-:;:iil.r1r".,_rrot. .*i"t., sawyer, tieeholders. Fowurrscol[BE, rone Mrs belongs to several ,dau", owl}ers, ulostly v a ''t-' III r I llll Ringmore DEYOSSBIRE. [xerut's """" ;'; 3i ir: il I' of# 0 J;';' LHf, y;H1 ll t' T"' 1? *' ;: ; ffi t fi $., *t 1 1-srttn P*:' TLo cbic(ffi:[{ cropr .ri- -fi.t. u.it.y- ;d;^r. !it"l,ttff;,=i.', sorr^)tr1-o. I*ttc. tbrougb ;;;'it;; io ie3, -u v7' I L;. i-*'.t )l' o' i r' ot6cc

('i(1 .,. ;**^F"**;'r"'i[ti]****:t*Lt,$*]lruHdiF; :.i:::t-\ *c Scactr .'r,H' ),.-.'' il;:* Eii'#,l l;,31916 ".,ir..rb- ('*?;);Lff:I ini[.'?i"L'",luiri, Tbomtr. tprt toildcrl- ?errrr -e7 llzrt+'frltrii lP:i3o Srralcy' trrsct C-lrellc lrd. $'tq. r."i.i ri'i'Jt

*ff#",.ffi r[; [i,':',..,=rrc'op' *c rtcrt' tlri*,ffiH-tHftff l$$hr*#$t','".$f- "bi.r of had rDd ;;:1,.Iia.*xiT;ur.*.ir';iffi.ffir.ts,itl;r"'f;!"IJllia'!;;-'Ea;r.y i'J rirrii* rili-.t.. it t.3lo rcrir runr-dirtrict ot -

l:':#::*:l;';':'li:jliii.;'rl.l; U.:li::it'iXi*sr reslorcd in ll-:I,'il,$:,tirr*$*;i''ili"#il'i:'ls'*:::tl:ltr ' ono of tScm recrrt. li"iiz",-ii'u "U""t1 -Tta/tglg/ols495 RooITBEARE. 675 ornnmonx.l DEVONSEIRE. t}:-.{1f ttr':i t Ilecur (or- Feche), Pu:""$, il. tltto-,,11 ii potcherl from PlYmotll tltl: r-'sJo!'.e' -{l:: $i",;'n""'l"utffir:"'i;-*,,.-':i.t.t-,.1:o*o.li'"tollfSlcpnen' rvhin i! pansed by_sulc l.ir:T"'Ts"i"?1tlu::Hi!:!ls{fln Ertii:-rri Gur'rsu for-mauy -gl[er'"artts.iriiif-rilS). lrtrs. :',1""t,:""i;.ffidii;firoom (provided wit'ttit'i';-;*f r Eru-Ptstcl - ialfl-ll"]l:1f3t* il dilil.t"Pt1t}:1".:-,r. t"rn ll':rho t,t;11f:"rrusrecs ;f tb" iato ",,tiluttowcr. rhcrc .h9 Ilr1=tid{- i"-oi"tf lhf: ::*i}l: l:Jff 'fl iiL;:'":'i!'-.rri!"iii"Fe:r,L"i*t"i,:,i."t::': ::X"'""1y-;;'fi ;i^6'-[!:,i':*:^i:lE'il*31*:l:- oua 1'**lt"^1 t:.1E Ilni'l["'llI"LrTr.*:"'i&',"^;'ili'"""{;il"'l*{r' ffii"# i"iy'A;; d'" Tii"'.1{; ;h:,"i"",.-and -lt" ",'* l;"?:land-land' fili"f ti:y-i&;e.6t- *"g. tt'iiqilT "1tu;:: $:iLMoois Mr. hf *mi*;l::' thi nllt;,nl,PrinciPal jn;;li:l,Pl-;f 'f*T t"ti"tl snd,J" nea.r-thethe toastcoast isrs sandl'' ilii"rH{ts$- t grounds, is ;Til;".""i'titoif rurrounded bYv- Go"lirulil,,},"}T;"S":',: uD. . .r.v'v"' il """tp"i"ciPsllYpri-ncipelly.------. ;;;;bnitaiog which rithrlth claYCtayclav inln Part's;parts;';;tt"it'P.rr *.ale*.ale',fbe area 1\: iS r.hr sito of this lristoric pirlsonage,po t: ry_Y ,r] 'L-"-"rrelr the site ,0" pop'rarion i;i:t !lir: ofi,*i":ltji lend ond *"Li";lto'.",1',55 ocJupiea .UY^: ,,t11l:l aud formerlv there ${"iwas o i,rqi s""i" l*rF'"1'fut*:"r:1li:ff;ff-J'ci'"ri"uoto"ib, tm',li !#i in i!3r sas 146. fisherynsncrlr ."'for pitcLliiJ th"""'. tlly- \Iodbttry seincsernc ,";;;;i ry ".hl1"Su;.,,lllUota rnd vsricd, l.ost, Ogicc. Letters fronr Kingstrrirlge' iJJi'iflt -fui'iqii{iv! '",i".""ii--ii. uigt"rty nesrest-I" office ::T:% *"i:,t'*,:lngi.tt" itir" being ofor sreat'great beigrrt'-t.0"- <1. r ti"i"lr 'to-brvci"3T. il,fr"fi1-"dil'i'i","['TtIil'l.Ji.r*ffii'ii *il'ala i;n. bcci *'*hhetd i:bv Corst Guerd Station Lusser Wm. Geo' Lower form GOIIABC&TI- AtsSIDElrTS. ir.iiJ' iif;",I; [."t""" ; 8-c-courmodu' PBTYTTB o over' (For-' T N'r rec generel lict ol Privetc I[ortred tltru ferm r5o 8cre3 or " B";identa-at end of boof') Beck Mrr., Bcllcvue

[i"ffi f t*['".'6h,'#.:"J'l1i: Eingston' Folletc ii;;;; tr.ii.it through lssis Georgp' Tbrec'fbrec uornCornerr€rr Kingrbridge). TN BigbusY-on-ue' ilil;i;i irmcr G- Bartotd 3lYa- t^-.-^- lr-.

rur" i--1.''-"'^" or New I scnoo" "--Jr-Pensuden Btizabeth (rln')' R6t *flr:Lgtgii.f$rlir"o friiti#', STo";,,."",;ffttu ffiffi:'*i. ,0,,,01"':1"'J.il'E:#fr{8Hil,{;* lt$i:ii#ffi: rrectorr cof,!,ERcral; John, fa u *, ll[lTi:':l'.::5:':..,"\ ;ffiffid:il"$ffi Cbamberlain lilll,ffiI,ff*,:i:'ffi m ;;;. Tle churcl c'. lrrviog llve' 9b18i: b'i;till there is r fi; -d;.-i**ir;gils ere tho remains ot sn i".o, r.r. frtctor] ([n.)' rchogJ ,in. tcer tctiller iirt.t, Higt Bridre rckamitlr, Untlernttt iitr;ti;;'g*l$i1;i't.,d$iffi ,ffi ffii:1ffi,,*$#*usl'*irpi, n- blackcrnitn or Rousoon)-il t .tr- in tlre Soutltert g**,rsl o \YT:fffffi;,ffi:: Tlre church Cf,c [vlng is a n'etor and held bY tre ffiffi ;l*#;x"ti^li:ffiath'{f,iff fonaer il##ffiilii"orton Rev. Frartt '#s'I},ssl##'tif, i'il'l""' Bec"rv Ilingcton qrP'rc1 o ii,,{T[tii+i'}flH *:Au*,:,Tffif,t]fr.' lvise Mrs. Hi}:.""" tlfiX?il \ *pfmt*3igigffi*ffitp*u*ff#s:

GurneY ltev' \Yilliot

' "ft'#h,';"''*u"iuv n"so*'*'i.Hj"[$*

f,tt:fr'",fl'l:"ll:#i:'J \'rT**]*$,i,'i,',fii,["sqr*.*itGt'oi", phvsician' \ [C*s,$*:,#'i[lit5'* *5#:i!i',"Illf['"i'",il"i;'*;;;;"' I lffirr.ii:. i]i'f I $fi::il*ixrtlll*:.r,,ilir'""""r Br"lg'"*il#5tis.'F}lr,:";: I "il;4lip t#-:": liltii: {':rj:ii,,jH,T.i, B*i""t, tffiA.;;i";;,*"',tll3,:l I r'iil"i.Lti',:1,*.$illl[ EAU)K is a Pnrisl ffi#*tH:li'llbliy"l I i:ffiiLi:,.;'i;l"T'fl:itfu,f*l'" liixfi:J,flit}:.'.;,rI'*ls:r,o.i,'liJ,I"cri"'n rrilwaY rtattt' Sfi,L:'fi.it%::" I I ll:Xllili'ffi;1il,'i;;;;;"i', tllt: l Bii:Ifr3[ L:Hl'ltl'l,tlil'riTiiilvitt*i"Jolrn, rrao ttt,. tTamrr, in |iililffi;, iir-il g,:Lo*" I ii:i;'il'J . , ^ ...r,.xrr i', I hundrtd, PIYrrr1"": of Totuee, and bv tlrc naviuirble r I L a ntat-buiklil : lt lrits I torv tirlt's, nrrrl Pt lrone to Sir'l'lrotuts I $leater Ptrt,-rllrt('|r ol'.his rtgirtcr l'rortr trv- and rt":' ': :X:;l,i l,:':','* " i:lli" l' erii u:,r* j wife ttl L',i?'l::il]lnlill:: : I H:I::'lli:j;d:lii' : ^'i, i ;,'',',',:..;li \'-i; I i lltij ui:ilf i' ik, iil;ii :i :: :l:i r' lrrl,l trY tlrt: ltr'r" " lga { ct6R [eost oFpre! AtE I' er[. W' ,3ldn, iRtchero Xrr Roc Loxxzncr. "f,;:'-::* i ( ldrr.)' fern j6g$*556*iiiil*,.ffi crrPctrtc $i.hiT*'iiif, i'*#,,n**r',iblrffi , flrmer,ffi;.'ti, $,,tr*ltLtl'"*x,r*:i,fl i{ffi,ili,}.}}:l-s:i,i"c#-:$l:.-=.-"::""*Lil'H faruer, I) :rn:r'ij"''--'"ilIffirif#,?,;[ritTffffij"[i}rii$-,,.*iffi frirmd, Alllcon H'H.':if,:l:YJ"il' :{,r"'':; H'':f.HtHil.i:il',i'u"ia ui The Rev. Plillip \Yrlu8ms' "'''"'1,---'ilrr, .n o"nr", I Peflsar('7;i; philip," I & shopkeeper ;:; williamr Rev. "'."."., ".^. I 3?H;-rifll#"Jpenter

I $ffi ,+i''srn'#r,.' ,,T::ffi;'#;.:", I ililJ"Ul;,''d'iil'ti""ff":

end eou[tY courl *fr"kg-t+:"iiugrrunion uDG!, r.A. frcctor] trn.), rchool ***ru*wlffiil r. bccr rctlller iir.er, High Brids rclrcrith, Underhil fl"f#ffif$jH Nrcksrnith }i,6}al;t'i*"llilB;Y':1"'s':}s:Hl-- rx*ru,r*'d**Sv"ti#f; Ilousoox) i ffi*ilH##ffi:q'i"*$ilmrirrlllxffi il"*,***-**,vlrre?,1*'[-,*r*i:.*"""'::* ,ioit . in the Soutlrr onh,i. Tlre churclt Itc livtng is o rr:et ffi ,{1r{T'i"-frf#ttl'ffi bY tltc .#kffi ffi : . and held fi trti"ffi H;iil'+"r#rtrdfi Iff fomcr itr#;:#$*':lmtms^ li*tgl,tns'#ifll*,H;H.9st-trflt :'ffi

Ilffilffiifffi*-\;tvid Fredcrick, esq. *ri*'ifi?l."Jl,]'#fi:

qope,r.*1sl:ie!.;,,,", I ml,f,ffiH;f?Lffil- Crimp Johnr ftrmer, : : : , __":^r r^r lnvc nnd nirts. Tlre V.v tr*ft:tlt'r'iklH ffi;d;;;$fr'9.rr#*Iffi*5ffi fttilfr#*ii:hil",, ffi,ffi:ffi:1ffiggffi.;fglrfrtrli$ds'# \f,ert Quincc Tlrl{tlt:}i:f:id:tiy'St=i:n$',1troTi,i,l""ii']l'"Yiiii-cii'rohnPardon' urier, erq. lol [[lti[:+if ,]r !'btows Baru John Lndoverr ffl{,f:**$l#tfi int:*;trffi ;ry^m**""o;,:"xil*H-rl# Xi'iTHl:l'H,IJ'''il;';;:;.t$"",.r"Yill1tTr$s'*,trt!r .',f.';*1',"';i1J:,i;.i: ::: **$,f;T r:*i- * i *U#:,gy,f,gp*?"?r I il:1fl;'t",i{:_.._-:::' l3l$;l'+tirffilflil'ii"r* lB"*gt*tlll:5tr'Fltrl}"dr lil?i'lii-....^orew,'f8rtner.r--,rrnwrc I i,ffi.Li n"urt, shor-rulktr "g*"r_o9tL1:,.^-l*1;;:$;,-t*il$* Ul<tft*H ir"'h:tn;i'ffi*iii;;; I ii:$:$:-"$ff51lril""t*f; if*L{iiluufr$-[T{:f*:TR""ien Ricbard. blnclc I iiriri*:irl1-1i,i'*it\'*lrm, I #v$r,,'iffii{ti;; B"aley Tttoruas, forrrre l :,}iq*ijtln,rffi ::---,:':::'' l ffiiit?ll':,r'ffiri*:'-- il",$?,:l:tt#iiii:ri3# I i.!}1'#i$,,jill,'bomr,ernurr I t$;lff"rfli';;]fiil;,,*",91,,IitI"cri't"' IIX is o Potrs ili;ffiF wi1ti1!, ja.1i:':..,. I ffi;;.f i'r't't"i,i, t,,n,ie"'.villovitt I ii:iiffi i'in,i,i,i,-r'.''n.i', nril$ny rt.ltl(' rLlP.:l*li1"*" i"r' S ci."5" {lT:r blncksmitlr I iiU;'J --"--'J<'r'tn,'N,o ltTimar, ii tlrr: Ii:i;ii; tfoto.i, ' ""''""'- ,.,^ Tlr*rr: is :r sctrrol .innt hundral, Plyrt,1,',' ;t.of,.q Stoncltousr.vluraErrvu*t. r 'of Totrtes, anrJ t bv thc nnvitrrble t Ir a neac"buildi, *tffi|',i'1trffi-* : it has n to$ dboth eislcs, nrrrl ;r o[e to sir'l'lrotn:ts :t : : L: i, 1l I i,i r ll i,',ll';l ol'.hir : :i ii:Tx J tt'-ll SEtier Plrrt ill l':s€r' r'. t'tt t'rt l rh::tt rr t' h'tttt ::,;;; r:';,;,: ; 1.',1 1,,;1.y;ct.,,t' tcgiskr rltttrrr :,;:;;,1;;;i'j' rltrx'esc li):1".:.,.1.".1 rtr)r, anrl rt',', ""'l lfl rF' urd }lrrrr' '' i*ffi.I[ililil*+tiit'*u*\'=ffi::':.;*::.::* : wilc t,t ltllllrritrr I,r'r"!rrr I r- lrrl,l by ilr,: lt''t' llicltarC fornrcuonvl [rnr'r'Y's DEYONSEIBE'I''FjYUr\DrUrru' handsome buililing lq 3 f 660 n6sfu. is princiPallY ownet subsoil, stone. lh wi,,iams.u;iih"$*Sni"#;:ffi '",%"f;:,:l:H::-::J$":"?ffi is 3,214 acres; the of bl ,J"*"r#."rH; seeen omnibuses rrom 1 tTr$#;flS,':'"h*l;,,:f;" rrassrerred gBIVATE I purpose', was gen l" ilC*if"*f, {For' T N's see Besideuts at ' Allin Thomas, UP [#_],J$il*;"",t"i"rliyff*$r,"r";Tr*,Hrrr"**o,\X$i,:::,i$ii.#:*::t;;; Baraord Bev. Tho Bectorv Crisp-Cldrke Georl o" Bt.rruit srorYer' silverton 336 house ,r",: "'",.I*Xi'" upere mur Turner EenrY, W ' Besider"rutkfl1p*"ilj""t"ly1lo_"u,T.-"j1ffiffi."."Jopm"' r"tl;i-"":'ildilixd.H"tran' *coombe i;il'i; courl Leech Lt't*Lr+r#ttj*:{llf"*r"'; Allin Ftas. farme: Allin Jn. Wm. fat H; Bslman AUd. fart Blachmore Wm. le#tr$trffttl;, H:i#t:ffi":i#"r'";lx'rlr-lT$#*ll'"t"u""il]" tli'e"ton'35 FeatJrerstone f""gfr"1"l"'"i"fr["i-anda vi,s Elliots EIDDIJEoo![88'seeAshreigny.BIDGEWAY,seePlymptonSt.Mary. Folland Ernest, ft

BOCTBEABE the main station on I Dr.nca -i"t"* side of **:qirt**i[x**,*,**llt**:l*;-"*sli*,*.[*$*I{;r,,rit.-'.,;sm;i*'ii='iil" division t t't"*46ffg east from Broad i railwa' of ff;T;Tir,"":Sd;i-"rthe countyr oruru P;;*a ru$$ffi:il"_,ffi Southern f u'"hi"gto" and Plr.mn-t91'^1ti:lf{if,"l"i3i I11i east from Ereter ii"iiii" "t East Budleigh ht rural district of Ereter, rural dt ' I ;;;il t"ilai"e' chieflv of the latter-pa and diocese of north iransePt.is of aneient builtting ;;i;;,-b"t thl PT sisting of chan ."']"" H]jre,]:jl rrestern tower [:::':f"Sr;ls*; I dated resPectiv' the church vss the nave being new vestrY ant ili:Ui*;:i$,"e"liiltln""-:,*U screen, to members of the Einge-ston sootlen li""iJii"r. o1::lyj Jacobeen fronl ffi-*;;'-;aM'' TYIIE' :j, an restoration ' and re-set; ne' ;Tt*,*;**$'*,,**+h:i,lliF:,[i:r;l**li#**,t],$,'*i-t'm'i]fi,iikiq::+::l: a lvch gate ere Ir s"i"g" rhe,*l*"';t* torier UY Mrs..l living is a rect( lLe BH*rri' i:#: of CaPt. E. A annexed, net Yearty y;iilffi1*i;''-"'1ffi"il;""']i" over 2OO years ',"*u zoo sittings. T 1 '{t" r. ii"''il; $'L li"rJr":"i,'?,""ilig::P^l-+:*l*dfl:fri,;frffi I :i:I'":'"1r""*JTl'"1,.'"J"'"!li xlr?x&y tiving is a vict i""*:hffi;"*'""'}i'iil":'"{$"ilm:f,i: dence and zr a' rler' rroYeNi'iiti-"n"iii"d tne 146' he $,#:..&,,Tiif,it"r..?3.!"!:1iiiii.i:":iri},^t*{Ht ro1'alist dqrlng "lt l",}j;llin i93r vas Ereter, and of this^esurE,r [arish,- was ,*:3".ff*:H::*'' well. There ar civl ry'ars: n" .al ;iil1#ffi;i-Ct:;1"^,g1[:]::g I ;;; rer' ca, -o-ml* - kl*::., ce gBIYAI 'rflT','tl*Ttipfqft (For T N's see ;1"1:JiH;!*ii,itiAtiit**furu".T'H}'-tt6igii'"vireares'!r'ffifarmer, South Langs. ' Besidents lLugger Jack, coultBBcIAIb ton Caldrell Bev' I,Bry.rTEnEsIDEltTS.-_ ,l or ot"''l1"gierI (For TN,s seo g"r"r"ilirt-of PrivatelMarked thustfarm r5oacres Wm. Geo.- Lower.{arrn Follett Lt.-Col *"^ Ji rnstitute (Miss (Suffolk i;;id."i,.""t ["it'l- Drnest E. fgqm.er, okenburylili,ii*"'"1n"*u J.P. Becli Mrs., Bellevue""t [;;rr", Gastrell Wm. Hlgoury--on-Deb o "" Eodskinson : bridge). t--"?"*"ge. Bigbury-on-lea z4--- BairnbY Mor $:I"'iff"i%1,r"frffii::,!:ll*lllr+*:it;*1"'tll'lr{rffi#l;f#i,;l:ffi}J*hhl::,vrrtir "tfficnarres i"J"ti,l'riall'-r,iwt"lI::H"PT,.,'^'',:1X::: Cirnliffe, Littlelill;:il""tTr"r"i farmer, Nocri \Iav i\[aior-Ge H'""f"fi;;-"il- $l;lil""uT'?'.1''""XH:frll#i, Nodden-..[*i{i:'*:d,"**";$t"Ji,.:"'^Nodden [*ioer-r'"at. tr.c.9:, c i';Gt lEol,oar, - Syduey, ,""-Jrl*"it*o"'i3lg:i*YHl-:l JarYrs ruu'- ar----arvuo"--i vior F.B.G.S. & ;"T;i$";.!qr:s li"":F:ilManor ;'i}#:-ffi;:rarm lB$iirT,,""ltl.i:':"l'"01,'o**fllJ"1}u"r""-.", F. P. LerYis George, 'l'hree F:x"."bo"""". I chas' motor engnr. Bigbur"l"?iiliilrffii:".rtii$,*Sf;lrT-'3:'; Rawsou luunter Bichards Albe ffilT;I* Snow Sebastia wlriam ,r,t"fE:lil", ,o"l'Jl-Li3'''wEndw:n"rr!oi?' 'r'"Tli.Jii' r, Marwell' Stringer lt{rs' iLta"u- -s;"s"tor "ri*,:;F;.i"pi*a (,T^o^"-?5 'ei"ct'ic- I . 'li,"r}'": uu^#i'g",'"?J;l:r.i$]Ji#iJ:,":f-:i,:*.ri"'nii ' u"r"e;; I 'r N Bi-gbury-on-s,"o pllr c ne,oton, rrre yean \?"""-#;u; &,osi s;,aiJfiiiJua-+ [ g:T. "i"ii"i;-#:.?:I'tffi Marlied thus'1 H=,-,"";i*,tr, Bastvn Jas. ct i""""'# Hili"yfT: litdi""; ,,I on-Sea 'i:#3x'5Tffi'6"i't In"-n"i;'n"ginard I 5 Blaelmore W: (rector)' Manol house tBowles Saml Rrrrcluo8,E, see shalilon and Bingmore' Carter Frank' DaYies Bert, owner il"&'*-1fiiinlH""*jlffi'.i{fl} i#, ?"#'jT Daw Wm. fa 3.?13*oro""t=-"f,irffoi"J#':tr;I*#dff :}hT Dunn EY. fal t.;*B*llr,g",#",:3i##lu*l**ffi:t"'"ff;if, Dbelthite Drn Hrlt",',t"d,.:tTT:":q'#'t"3i3;i1n thutet on Berg'ian,o#"T *u" r"u ffi,u,.J,? eXf#Tl Ji:-""Xiff:'iH.i:i:i'i.,Jiii'gti;'lllt" rf"H"i!:;Ai.r R,OIIANSI rillaee sta,udt t*flBsrnstaDre.ncoroceEosd;"1;Ti;ni"rvb-""ushgtvre''"f#**ff,ip",*r*i{r"igt;xffir:if_*,j nfjfd,$;*l,lr$i,#*ttu*l*l#i4;ffi1;:;.:#H'h$ia*]qif,jr* nortf,-east bY Peter ii au ediEce o: from South ' branch of thr nft*#'g$r.rir#i'rui[tt*l:lx:.lrmuE1"*:: east from C 6 bells: the old t""9? il'"["--i,"iiUi"ir r+-ca1a.*{e;#: I gt: of the count division' rur *:;*.m,;gt"*'f ig,lffig**gll*i:r-l-*,["e;ry"ffi il"$#'':""tirt DrB/l 930/62449, RtnsPore

DEVONSHIBE. RI!t(iuoltt:. 669 ntnrcront.] Ncthcrclc, lLlcb ttt sunercd to tbir parirh for- eccle' rirsticsl puiporer in r9r7, rill be lound under its orn hcodrag. 'Perirh psllrin3' il,i . Clerk ond Serton, Eenry 'd.!9.'I""?? T :ff derl of beaurilul ;;Iil" -o;d' Post Ofice. Letters through Ereter. Stoke Canon nerrest U. O. & 1'. offce ili:}i.1i'1"t"*IXs''l?:m;,31H'ff ti ITPEXB ir r tithing rnd bamlct, in EayridLs hundrtd' ffi t'i#111"":i1,;liui:rt:"r"sff-8th, ti.f Ere Yellel- there rrc othcrr to"ti;ii5: tbc Bev' rl uiler north-rertl rith r hcit on the ;#. il;" rSii end dd;ba of thc Grcei TYertcrn railrey. The ancient unknorn), vhich- had lor reveral I',:i1i I;: :tn*",x',i*ir".', ffi:'i.:;."S;f i1 A"*h iaaication -rnd rector ol *"ioti.iut bsen derecrated converted into drel' iiili i"i to in" Ben PhillipWillhi'.lr'A' oEDGr' O. A. Troytc esq. 186o'92, beridei rercrrl toblets to thc fir-- te" rcouired from tbc liil-'r.iiru ia--rboCt. ud'in 1888 rsl rcctored from dcrigor by Mr' il. ftiaiiv Fulford. rrchitect: thc buildiag ir of tbe ffu ."n"';f,rl',ryUf ,i"^To"*T?:'i"iiE c. re8o'r3oo, rnd lrar lgncet iri reed', rnd rEordi rno rittingr. Tho tegirp-r Eirtt fohill Dcriod, ;i[il ii"abrr ,r-i toUi ridci rnd r Sood routh doorray, and ,r.ii. tro- the -Netberureyear 168o. Tbe liring ir.r rectory'.tiih p-ircina; thc eart uraered, rrct yculY tUi .t t ind tctoiul e lmrll -original iui ri."r"g" of ioint P' riaaoi, rhicb lcll to pieoer oi the removtl of tbc roof' froE. rith reridence rnd 47 lcset oI glebe, in thc e bell gable -u,. rincc r999-b1 thc iar reoircca bv onc in'tlc Dcconted rtylc: rift oi-iiscount Esmbleden, tnd beld har bieu olrcil ovcr tbc lsrt cnd: in lgoz 3 rett il.r. Georse Onen Apthorp lI.A. ol Emmenucl Collcge' the Bev. PbiUp Boom, r brie,L btrilding' iiodor rrlr croctcd lt f EGEorid to crurbridce. The Churttr gnith Williamr tf,l., B.OJr. rector berc r86oa2: iL rg.rt-a rrectcd bu tbe lsto Bt. Eon. If,'. E. l[.P. com' memory oI Capt. J. largc room ured lor prrirh tcr'een of blacli ock, ver erected in l,riser on'the 0rrt foor r T. Nerell, ol Upexe Eousc. irr+etingr. eoucrrtr &c. and uudcrneeth rro rtsbler lor rhe tpnrerrietrce of |crmerr attending churr,h. Theru Upere, for all ecclesiasticrl purlxlser' ras transferred rrc cherities ol f,z 3r. yeuly value. William Certor to Silrerton in r9r7. -"i. .na i:. .lomir iooniue e!q. rns chiel landornott. 'nre coil is grarel end red ssndstone; rubroil' grrvel 'fhorverton is tbe nearest ]I. O. & T- office rrnd red sarrdstone. l'he chief croPs rre rheat, borley :rrrd turnips. 'l'he areg is r,3ro acrer of land end a5 Conveyance.-Devon General Omnibus Co. Ltd. run I o[ rater; the population in r92r was r9r in the ciril and service of motor omnibuses from Tirerton to Bewe & :o5 in the ecclesiastical parish. to Exeter hourly (]larlied thus r receive letters OOTIIBCI L lfrMartin Frqs. Gilbt. farmer, Bud' tlrrough 'I'horvertou, Ereter & Merlied thus t farm r5o acres ol over. 1 vey Barton should be so addressed.) Beker Bebeccs (Mrs.), rbophpr. PostlMoger;Moger Bt.q!. -fFlruitIrurt Itrorer I'IIIY.TTE BESIDETITS. offco ltU&re Eulbert Claude, farmer, Palc lptborp Rer. George Oren U.A. Carter- T9illiem, lrruer fi loadoruer.l tarm,- Upexe (rector), Bese rectory Berc Brrton ' lPayne Jn. blacksmitb Jobn Fulford, Weech Tbor. Irrmer,Upere .Pi.rmor_e Jn. dairymrn, Uae-re I 'lhrtbolonrew fc;;;il8;g"td.' [ -mil eottage, Upere farm [fitts WelL larmer. Culme Dale fann 'Cooube Edwin Janes, Upere house fre"c[ Fredk. J. tarmer, Glebe frrmltWrigUt Bt. Ileaman, farmer, lloger Roberl Alfred Luckhgn Geo. Ey. petrol nlling rta-l Eeazille Berton rPridbaur lTippelt I[m. Millhayes tion I BIDDLEOOUBT, rec &brelgay. aIDOE.WAYI rcc PlYmPtoa St- lf,rrY. BIIICUOBE ir a parish on the gee cosst, ro miler . mouth to tetre rengeance on the-rcctor, vbo, on hearing (pro- 'outlffi;iiiEiidge itetion on the Soutb Deron rection : oi tUeir lnproech."took refuge in e curious room r'r the Grr.at ll'estern railrty, 7 rest frnm Kingsbridgc ivlaat YlqgC ritliiVII,E a 6re'place)lr€'pll(;E, inlx the]sE chure,hurs^s tow.gr, where be rtrtion on a branch of the Gr6rt Wertern reility end i r"miioea in reteti for ihrec months, recretly nourished t6 soqth-e&rt from Plymoutb, in the Totnu diiision I Uv Uis Drrishionlrs; thc :oldierr landed at Avrmer q{ !$ county, hundred ol Ermington, petty rcssional I Cb"e toi nroc"eded io the rectory, which they sacked' dtniion their intended of Ermington and Plympton, nrrcl dirtrict ol lbnt sete'obtiged"rectory to return vithout fioghridee and c6unty conrt dislrict ol Nevton Abbot, urisoner. The house, r Ene modern boilding rurrl deanery of lfoodieigh, archdeaconry of and iurrounded by beeutiful glounds, ic near the site of dioeese of treter. Thi church of Ali Saintr is en ini. ui.toric bersonace' i'hich is now occupied b1' a rncipnt b-uilding, chief,.v of the latter part of the r3th ialled garden.' lterd ir a eoastguerd stetion rt Challa' ttntu-r;. but the north trcnrept is of Eirly Norman,-or bo"oogfr, and formerly there wqs-The o seine fisherY t-or pssiHy Saron date: the buiiding conrisis of chsncel, oilch#ds there. nor abendoned. scenery along the urc. north transept and a toser on the routh aider.with toas[ is reurarLably bold and raried, some of the cliffs stuall rpire., the lorer rtage of the toser serring as a U"i"S of geat Ueilht. Ths New Inn hotel dates from 1'ortt: the bellr rrere rehrlug, and one of them foeast, i"",r -l.p] The ianor, rrhich in Domecdey Book is ta (or p1s:9d ttTo: tlre church vas resiored in tbe yeerr 186r{4: ;;;td;d-th" i" here been held by Eecus Eeche)' *reral- of the rindors are rtained,' three beidg i;;; tamilies of Fitz-Stiphen, Fissaoo, rnd Kirk- meuurials to nrembers of the Eingeston family snd t6 t"- ti;ill"u t"it u"ta it for many ee-nturier un-til .1745)' lht.prrerrt:r of l[r. WUite,.of bt8"t""y,- *"'to Urr. iU*'iip".sed by nle to Boe,-end-aftervards to the ;vclier. of Rirrgmore Yean, rnd one to lhe nen ol thc fi;t";;.;t-th; hie tf,rs- Jemes Fellores,-of King-ston local ;,tirh uho fell in the Great War. rora-rg: tbere are ii;;;; iDorset; on her death it wes- rold to a t3o rittin5+. The registerr date yesr r7t9. *-ai"'"t*. being purchased by Gleorge Co1]e tioi iUe Kingdom ere the 'oe unns rs a rectory, net yearly vglue i.ncluding Ur. A."fterrcrdr B. D. Mooreind Mr. T. f3{r, varies, gnd near t-he glebe, iitu r6siaeice, in of th"e p"i""in"t"[. lendorners. Ite soil ttpresenlatiseslT_I*: ,of ihf iitt subsoil, principally of the late prebendiry E. C. tingeston- il""i-iii""ay, with clay in pa-rts; and held rince tue iuiet crops- are lheat, ta{9r artd roots' (rrlrllionil$:|ph. rgrr by'tbe Ber. Eerbert ;h;i;. the llirrgeston-Bandolpli M.A. of Durhem Univer- tUe--cr€a is r,295 rcrei of land arrd 55 of foreshore ; lltl': Nl.. Iane. a former iector of this prrish, r8r g lropulation in rgzr \u tn. tttsttnguislred royalist during the Ciril Tiarr; he ras Scxtou, Janer Triggs. of tho neighbouriig parish ol Aveton-Gifiord, Citt"phone Catlbffice. Letters from xingsbridre' 1;1_T..bt -P;t -UoaU"".i'is Bigbury is thc l:r..". l:.plantcrl some canno-n'on a 6eld of his gleb€, the nearest M- O. o6ce & uearegt T. o6oe ";,."fi Station i::l!I!il,,i"*fltnats :'rT,iJi:#;;'ig.::im:i Coast Guard full of armed -"" iere ai"p"i"U"a frlm ffy- C""ii"ito plymouth--George Freeman, fri

::Ui:niiT:ritiffi,'*"*1"'3ffi,T,1-ffi|I}"l"#i;#t'}i];H[lhTj',fi"Tl;:1";,J*t'eek welter John. Believue " li;;L C|frh;-Thr; Corners lScobte Mrr. Manor bouso l;i["3::J-T"i"L[:',T.T['f",,"*".,ty:];i"ufl66oi'",?i;"?;*t'f* li.g# H,l';"T]"rloil%",o,, r."r Irr:r,r,y's 692 BEwE. DEYONSHIRE. PBIYATB BESIDEXTS. Bev. Thomas M.A. is the nearest moneJr order, t"S:?l3Ti-j;;r'r" Barnard Thorverton, :l ilistant, tt": BectorY *I:, "ffftffil".o*"lil"it9.l;t"LJ1; Lord cottage; Miss Annie aaly Sevmour Lt.-Col. l#"rt".f$#"o"f-#"t., held in a I - O.B.E. D.L., J.P. Ebberlt '-iri-u""i, mltl"ed. OO![ldEBCIAI/. ,6["5:1"i.,"ff",';;rJtl'n1:ff165#ffir; S',"i*,#"'"i;fifi'FJJ$ii]:.,:;:".,-, AIin Thomas, farme& Clisl Jas. farmer, Cooml -sho,pteeprr, Badcock addreaseo.; ls"k", garry, post oTee l*uogl" Cyril Eooper, fsrmer, Upere Balman Alfred, farmer, Mt rBrv rB aEBTDBlrrs. iB;fi H;;;'yB"g"Id. fimi. Glebe frm [- niU Blcchmors Wm. famer, Su Clemens Wm. farmer, Lo litrgtotr :#ffi#;,H"t'-h:::Ji;[HH#',ffi ;T""HIffifarm, Uperel lH'[].,I3r'#h1',rk"i:#"l',fr Bartou cottrgB, Upue t J--;il6etq. Upete St. Mary. BIDDI.EoouBE' rce Ashreigny. BrDeEwAY, lee Plympton BOCKBEARE is a paris ride of the main road from BIIreuoBEfuapcrilhontheleS.oo-ast,ro-rileslheremainedinsafgt.yforthreemonths,secretlv-r.&-oo ;;""i;fr;' h\ p"rituio".t.; the soldiers landed ai cast from BroadclYst statio routh rrom rrybridge ffiffiii tf; s-"itu5li* | il Southern railwaY, ro| soutl esst from Exeter, in the Eo Glreat *""*13,#,"1itr:tti :#:tr"xr#:rF,it*:ri-Iwimrrytriffitotio" oa a branch of the lf-ru:ti:"*lt'"iiiff;,i:,,H" "di'i;e(;;;';;d"irt i:i*.m,itl"*f.'tlTiil East Budleigh hundred, Otl i6"i""t'u'o't rr'om lEii:[, "3L*,",". lU:tl: union of St. Thomas' eoun ofo*ne the countY,c'r'IBEv' hund""",#:Fffii.ii+i?:11""I"d}:ljI-iiii-H#:,]d_iit-,::::,iii$ I !,iI.$q'"::.'T,J"l"*f which is now occupied rural dea.nery of Avlesber division of Ermingto: diocese of Exeter. The , court d,istrict of Kir ancient building of red sto tl;flr:i-J[.h]ii.idJffi:,'.;,:,"""*',Tl"l**'J'ffi eisting of ehancel, naYe, Hgl*':lt"fg:-v,3',,church of anlDauNs rs 8n arorancient€uuuuuqruE'ls;G;;;i b"ngi;,1'Ii:!i I some of the tower with "o but tle. "*,il: Iift5;;tidr"*ill"Fi*{{H[ is remarkab]y {t"ffidi::a;"$;.'ffi'J'"li*mta and raried, vestern 4 Pir btie" p"* of the r3th century. t-ti"g- of geat f,eiEht' The manor' rrhich in dated resPectivelY 1787, r is of Esrly Nor6an, ,ifpriiiU#Saron date"ii# ffi6ffi | gtint lvtrE: | -lassea the church was restored it L""Jii,T'3r-;ffi.a,coasists of chaaeel' ;#:1"Jtt-t#"J"r!^giqnaYe'-il"1i-tpi""Ii[6 nort'tr EransEpu uu d ---U-""i"1, of Fitz- nave being lengthened, tith lower stagei"PJ:i of I P"$fi'"11'"i"iXi:."r",",*1#(o'r frour the l,T!,rli"iroi\1,1J,.ff:l:families the on the aouth side, ;;$lq;";;fi;,;; | i'na..rirtuavn (which rast herd it ror manl new vestry and organ cha if"'"d,:?"f.#;'the tower sering X': ;;;'i;'t#;il:t,"'tfi' fi":";;;!;lI"'.*';; I [':'-:,"::.i^.:':"*, :.:1,,"::]]l'*[:]t?]r7a5), iil:.J'l1passed by ::,i'sale to Roe' rooden screen, into rrhi "r't rgTo: the churcbii,-. ,..t"iti I ce"t""ii'. until *i"' it ?'[rs' and oueof them recast, in "#ii#;";;; ana afternards t6'ihe trustees ot the late Jame' Jacobean front of the in the years raor_6j: seJerat or tu. I restoration an old piseina ' threethree--being beinf*;#;;'fi. mer orralg i;to H..SiT{."i^qrneuoers ur !!E l - being pur- stained, wuiie' of l{*"::,:lrras sold ?:to Ttifl:l!"-Iful:""i"1";t".t*J"1.-"'-,$[']";:a local svrrdicate, afterrrards cnd re-set; new oak doors Einseston lamily ;;;;'pi-,""tt "r-lut' gg"r"q by George coyte eso' Mr' A' R' D' I\Ioore and e lych gate erected: in rgc okenbury, one to ""aMrs. seclier', ot ningm'ir'e +;;, ffi I tr vvur' tower by Mrs. Bolitho, of one to the men ofor the parishnarish vhosbo teltreII rn tne trrear l"-:-' ^a";,-ira sandy, sith clar in ol E. A. Bolitho R.N. date from l[{":t'"lt;f,Lli"l*rf}'*'":f:','""#1"*m'1i.,]l;sort. the coist ij Gept. rora-r8: there ,3t-rittiogt. Tbe registers"ii""i#i'yil I "."r 2oo yearr ago by a local b} iil.ili "".ir1,,;#,r1:;n:i"jri1i:i;tij:$ il?'";,J'i,"1,11j,":'.H=':l tiags. The register dates ili; lttj;i ld:,ltiiiil:, living is a vicarage, net reridenoe and, zr aeres of glr ol Ereter, and held since (,\'er' sur'' f;,fil;,j',j$l,i{t[.:Tl:t{*,i,*.*I"T:,i}}* l ro;1 r relephone calr ofrce'-Mrs':.:"" :::""":",:,: Benjamin Williams i\I.A. o i[j]"1"*i,"; I *tli*:l* 'r,am I{odburr'' -3 There Eiilll],#1" from Kingsbridge' are charities amountir .,nas royalist-;d;iliuaf;_qhi'-p"riiu, durilg tUe'Ci"if 'ffrr.; I no't-itt"6tt' Letters I distinguished p";i#li'+;+9+ Io ,go+ W. E. C. Nation es he was slso r€ctor or tho neighbourins I il,li:-*iFt*;tn. -*"1-:"ili:"IJil"';d:f'^;flfabout ;!r]' Trust for the Places of E h.*:H,"*i#'HJiiltlu"i"fllilHi,TfTTi"ifi,u^"ffi1 [a;4.-ii """"..i-iuregrapu'onice, Beauty a piece of land abr Eil f6r a dublic oark or rec rtih*ll"lii,,ffi"1,*:t Prickly P6ar Blossom Park ::it,*+,rr;';i+H I siffi'i".Jnr":iil]:x#r,L[:,i,#ki'tit];[;r il',# & (For iiffi*,1"t:',1[]$;ffi:3 | : 'gi,";""i" *,'*x-11'&'""T;"*3:::1,#1"1::. T N's see seneral list r apprgach,. took.reluge.in"T11.X"":iJ:'g'X""::l a - iu! of their Frederick Bvilei, rri Besidents it end of br ii'iii, ;h;; | Der Joseph Eenry. Ashbrir ti?"ifuJu*$ot'l?lli,"t1ii,i"it3""ii,Ju Follett pBrvarE Lieut.-Coi.- Eenry Pnr9aTE DEsrD.ENrs.BESTDJ'II'rE' I 'vre-vEcouuEBcrarr I okenbury (l' C.B.E., J.P. Roekbeare m I over. lttf#.#yt'1,$*,Stf,LilttrtiJliil: Beck Walter John, thus f farm r5o acres or Kingsbridge)i.u..e5v/ I Oartrell Wm. S. Earriss, Tt Eellevue lMarked I [e (4. s' iore Church Institu' Goodwin Sineleton.-Majoi Tflestco g*:ll,$f"*ffitttl"frii*1"Jl;*il*;'1}"^"'"1*fl# Eodgkinson Earry (re Barnby M.A' r u v Moor." Cistillion *a-.;.",:tlu,u""-rut,#'.,"x"',,j;:t;:ir*,;.a. E' u' - Rockbeaie h*;"ci!isi; Eoj" ,}iJ:, Whimile zr "" 'rneirB-;;En".Et, Uay Peddell,"$l#"f;'liam lfilliam PercvPer George' ;r . "":'q*-,t{:m"n Maior-Gen. Sir Edwarr rr'a*t", " i r"tff 'Jiltffi."T_11p1 ;;" l : l.r*"9;"'#f;;:'r'"-fi::L1i',-_l'r-.:.ir*; 5.c_.8:, c.M.e., J.P., Davies .*." g;}T""i,'"11'"L.,, tl-'o"gu'King'too' *,qif, U*S*.,I3]" lE:iffiX" Eigherl *s",,1 ,(Eil"; -_Boekbeare couri' tffii-utmrq..,t"-:.1:"'rrtiu'Ir so'ur'r -'^i' " lilml: ,TilTii'""i1'"?.,, '','*1" *iii,.i,,S';:i':.: ':'::-:":::":; uey Sidney George, pithea Scdble Samuel, Mant h^oor" (Mrs.), New farmer'Irfarnell |jlne." \[rs. pine eroft stovell Mrs. rhe cottage l*llifr3irtTT,r,, r#;lTl"dJjo".a rrurltmr iiri-iiigu-ui1-6"-5uu I' "".1.*li"t"dlll?in"ert, om.., ' Bev. Thomas l" l$,ffiri:"rT; {.A. (viear), The Vieerag CO]TTIEE,CIAL. Shaldon and Bingmore' arford Lustia RIIIGIUOBE, see (ireen Chas.blacksm

Devon lrngs' t':'rn' 3"?,',?,1o*o"S*"1,:,frest from Portsmouth lH'l-1:ftJ*,;f?#rtr',?Arm._s statiou on the North il$'*- I ii":fJ "'"#'ffi'Jrr'"$::TS#,.'"j j"t"i,'"}T-' ,i1'"-]"#firi-"'e itT ,i*l,"';'".fl'r,froot 7r<;, gf"fli*j[*T""J-'t*ir:"1,'"i,'i']"LT;::B*?n I 'i,l'Xfl-l'-i{!#e,ff{: ';'!',1,:.+;";,:l f#l;,,:; y""J#x$iittr ti",,:,,!f:Tl*;,,;iiili,"i"liFli*"tr I $:';tui,3'il'l:",tr"H ;? i;i."i"!-to", B_up- unilerjitv. There is #1iillqy,*#j'ni;+ '"If,'r"lli"irffi"ry | Eo.rse. the resic staple and diocese ot fieterY. ile"r"ta6r.o"ry_gf churcl- of'St. Peter I Dbberlv is-'an edince or stonl'i""iiJ pi;1i.-dtry{"j;l3iTl; iJ'^p,io,ipurty Iirti"s-of cha"cel, nave, south. gi-slg, south porch_1i1l}-1,]gT_c'I 3;i&;-." 1f; l";l' .oon", Tbe.cl,:., an embartled restern tower, rith pinnaiJl, [Jiriiir"i"sl;";;;#'m.^J^o:^,,'-1:o^,-lj--1'Tii{lii],ti".. toll.hur^u;r; ::o:":Ltt"'.1t;;'iat.nt''" 6-b"lr':-;[;6 bens: the aaold i""oltenor ;iii'beu'reifl:'#irtu"5i;i*ioi"i; i.ignil ! 4 9v.ts'. s.,qI*-J-11 I T: T]:,:T:i 1'" ?;,?"'?"''isvas 485' ,ffiffi ;'ifl","*ry -::"-'1ti^the populo:tiJu i",s,,' given bY Boger.Wollr | f,o,sss; *91ry;ttotilliil' ,, : &{iX_'*i*TJ-h',i'f,"*' peal was teqast Dy w. aud r-. ravl-or, .ii-ol1l1[i:ti I ;;'; oftce.-Mrr. c*;; Partton' , naye, south nor pestern tower ton ,"j *i:l'o1"#i*}r"oo.' r.- t*o memo"i"i-.-i"t *,,j#ll":"#*m#X 'Jj}il"",T,:lffill'aDCt nls li,,:f{l,r:Xl-f*",*, Witti"- Wa.lter Gnrney, e former lector' I l*!1e-_eristing here ir i_uop r.oil-aifi"

H'*i#i#trttH:+'{#*,*##l'u****-';*$+*qt;**'.*'i$iardon, essistant migtresr DrR/1 921/601-551 . RItrETONB

0TSsinu] HWgWiflT"fruLrt's crr! b prtvio ,talnel , Eon. Fnndr DYLo G urnt B:"t'm: iffiir.?,,:$Tli$jdr$, (o :l* rcbool ;xn'r:trr'-:r*u*:i:ffir:Tbr .chict €oP3 . bhclt :;*. ir r,lro icror.ot hnd- rad a5iot l$iil$r*itiH*i*f:il,i',:H..':illil lllcB ( .rr rur';r!li]i:;:T:,,.:111 or; .reruc,Yrluc' L3,t7o.'f,s.etlz rd;pffi;;r"6rr}:;"ii;*mtltD' IloPErrlrs" tell to picocr oi tbc rcmorrl ol tbc root. Itr 3:o::::i."fi:iil"'r,'.-ty"X1iTil,jl"'.f:iiil'Si:ii.aoi, rhich in t€( '. s.tb.i..c,'rblcb rr. rrrlcr-cd-to -thL Pftitl lot *-t I ur oo" io-iuib.contcd rtylc : r bell grbii ;;;;i.."d tho Yt r**gi:.'l'J:::n'.iu;lt.'rr'".'il,ii; rbout, f.*ii$.r-*::,-t?y*rffi l:ilffi in tb; 'fiit; o"ii Williemr rXIr. E.O.L.'--rcctor bc-rr rt6oa: : in-rgtr r -t'dtoaj:r.fi Ia ncnory ot Crpt. J. lrel

/1:'Lt- \:/ - DrR/l919/608 477 g.lB . - .,..'S-t,[qiir,ux's ". 632. niicuorif; ii*:-Fi.3.: '...-'-r . i ;:- --r--s. D^^t :i!l q:i:: !.ch Misr. Ilourertced b:'Si#:,s-*;ii'"'ii John' iiilX"i'G;s'i"'l*: i"It riiit'r Y*::' H:illitE![Tbft'6;S6uth #m;*'*Lt1',31i*::Eins-rtou' 6iiini' lt-q1' ct'"o'ret g1;r . fHifiReoton 6"eiierr,tbroughQetterr , Silr:'.',"11s&l;i:"d;t"Xrl;t,1",ffi',:,i**,,:fdi *.'1i Eingrbridgc) -.. ' Ehlfi(/Ettrrrrv.r r'I*tyt'*[q*rg;"1"g*i:t*'"{:ls:'i.*:?1"ff Teon ?eddell \rot':I:P:,^,Geo.-The ^,. Bi:ll,"Il"tl,"',,i;.,"1;"illlJ.#11'"i;;;;t S'3,u"; ea. Blngmorc. "'#$L.tll; ::: i #ls"s&Tixil etT from Torrington'x di:ffi ffi*#,j*$$lHmfiFffi ffl$ffiil*$*lt:'i.;',t"r,:il4fli:rultfltl[]'*4*i;rxr;f*i*::lqi*i.m:yrTi'"#itir ffi$ffi{g6ffi loser.. ::i,h ,qi,,l|- .. .cr. , drr. ,.. si;ii by BoScr ;

*n$*ffi$tlffirg$ultfl ilr,ffil*x*'{-.u,*''m 'sro'' Iiillt':l,txi.$S::T:i:r.il""rlltE;;;; .- viurrra lBockc,r [*]!r-: ;"TftflJ.rmi,br,rb.T1,t*]rmi,hr }*";:.HtJJ;::"il;r|;gfffhj:'n":J35ltBccrorr ,..-, l$fi.y.Sllllf; 'c())rltEr---1cur-.. i$E!:-+,*ffi.f.rsliH'" l#,i'i"ir.-a*' 11y:,".ilyl",1 llUn Thomrt,*"ff**'-ql1$rdl:*tffi fart Bodcock Jrt' frrnr' Ilnlttrrn -tUrcd. [at .'BlacLnrorc lYru' ft Cletuenr EcnrY & : ffifi fff**jr$gitrffii'ru* :Iii"l,l*: H':: ffi. ;; i [U:l fflgl.m*U'*.;f' rcrcoobc u"iTHP#.t.Folhn

;r***i*5;*{rcrpectirclY t?87, ot --S.rtoa, ieirei rcrtore*l in r68trl rt . cott f,r'7-(o;;:"i}i-r,*;it 1ffi$#fiEca,ysoi,b! ttrilliin Ecaty Soith. "otorid ur1;]ri1 iffiSfirliftS$r{*i"f$*:tili.11li."ii#.:i*'remirc,'s'!b'r':r'!',rf uii. iil;';B*t'b"* $l,:li:l"[i*t ioa. ...,.t i n,r ";:i';;;- {i$##ffigll+tgi I[i5r,#r';tt.T+il,*'f si.::"i6i:l*Ui*I']our"^ffi""{::B*i,frk, ii'* u"."i" ro -'oili';iiilLi' : Xfi:til.]aH.H:" Hr ;rlHilt, R'fl$['ir,,T:-:'.']::I drter lrou tbc Yt Hl$,Fitpl;irT;#$ -1i3rj; .,1r Grccn ; c{uurl #-*i[$:*;]:,,W,;;|'fuffi.Si"$*:f*ff"ilii;ffi;,, j1:: -q: ii {i .,,,'u (or thc Pleerl o( l : piocc o( lrad lbot "9;* ffi#r.*#j:,**,,*ii L*f:ffi *+ffi'g*Hi urirtr.' illl'"o['.*,3"Ti'.';-".il+ .ri., ii'diil" ];lti; i x.*ti'd'bt*n (mi:cd)' lor 6o ebildrca; pcar Blortoo;. ti-ir-rituetcd .Fot 6- i*irtorc-roi ' uidrorr lercl. rnd *o.-.ia.';il;t* tic.. f,!.:;;;;ltg ' '?Bry^rr.?B,y^rr arsrDsm.,"1iifi,:'J$,"l;sI${.g,;!l.,rr,.-".,IffT.farsrDsrtr.,"Hd;l:'b:trn:iilffi.t5]itil^,", uslrmith.urcrrmith. S rr r & Iirrrl t Bolitbo srr. Edrd. Bocl'beerc hmr i'"iii";-;;- EI*TI_1..JiLEl*T:oot;It"".,IH'L; . s,e1s 6ottr8. i, luiii-i.r.oa.o'H: i il;;i ,.-..r.Ho*^l-lH,r,*.:,.,Ho*1.1i13, Blrlilbil."i;r"q*,?:t$:"crhrir cbrrlcr r'utiias' !ruii?ilr.;a.,i'w', Hi:f'ei3,:$*i : - i ),51'ix,'.1"!:*$]firI$, " :;flJ*rtrlgig{1.Ugn***fit *,[]lS.['TiiL] *kou"f . i "$ DrR/1 914/672-741 RINGHORE

,;;i"*;.] DE'YoNSltIItE' Rr5cuorE' 675

c & }'I a I b " "- '! ]" :Hfrffi#;ffi i y,i$-illffi :: [i[ffii[-$.*,{ffi rho ir lord of tbc rnrnor, Sir Cbrbr Thomer DyLr lclend bert. D.L.. J.P. o( Eillcrtoa, Edrnrd Jemcr Coourlra crq. oI Thorcrton, end \- fVipggll. Gtq. ol Thorverton,'tnd chiel lrndosnar.. Tbc roil ir grevcl tsm*?,*f'#t"im[ni:HH,+id p.,,, rcgiond diviriou. errd rvd uudrtonc; rubroil. gmvcl rnd red uadrtoac. ffiiirilr*rm-Lrigr.a Thc cbiet croPt .r. rhclt berlcy ead turuip.. Tl" 5-F,fi#H*I"ff rncr L 16ro icror ol len{ ro-d eS ol retcr; nterblc Hl-Tiffi l:ft tli roluc, {SJag; tbc popuhtion iu rgrr rlt ttz. tf,tl Parirh CtetL lnd Scrton' Eenry Brigbt- $Ri *fftl"tr';&l'i 11 H"Hltr''".'Y lubportnertcn htscrr t'.tp"idicuhr rt',vle. built rbout-thc yca.r -Port OIn;.-Ern, Ilohcr, L,"-i.-iu- it eiritc (rou Eretir rt 7 r-u. & 3-3o p.ur.; dirprtchod ;"-.;i t"itot d'io rE67' et icolt of ucrrly f-r'oo-; Thc neerort Eoac1r ride..roull prrrch eud rn et E t.m. & e.3o & ii.3o P.ur- fi;.tr;acbraccl, nrvo''aortl trlegrelb onioJ ir rt StokG Ctaoo, r milc tl in i n g tellr, ell recert lro-ru ;d;" & ;;;tnJ rcr tcrn trrrcr,c.on 5 dirtant ni;l united dirrrict o[ Berc & lict'hcr ",:, 'SrT s.f.ooi in ixed). Ior tbe ; : h',t",x * Itl'o.:"[:i:lf .ff 1'1,1i - tho roluntrry coatributiou o[ tbr bnd' thc chencel tcteinr r pircine rnd ir diridcd Ei;:;t*te,li;y it 7-.r", ;;;.. io 187.1, lor 6o childrca; lrcrsst attcnducc' Lf ii; u.t r r5th ccltuiv cerre! -en{ -bigbl.y urirtror i'il'-i.t .ooa"."J rcieen:-thetc !r l- good dcal ol beruti' 1E; \liu Churchill' if UPEXE ir n titlring rorl hruleh ta Eeyridg-t- Lo191$' $l.rii:x"xtt"*;:i :t;.lil"i iil:il',ililil'; miler ritb r rtrtiou on tllc EtG Yurcy- Llir.tano eud Soynrour: the c,i rindrrr ir r BrGEorirI el nort[-rsh g.-ltiUirmt. oI ll.t{--39th Bcgt. rho dicd [Lnc[ of thc Grcrt il'crtern railrly. Thc rncicnt cbopcl f-ffi;;c. rhicb bed 16r lcrcnl gcBcrrtbat iubbulrr"rc, Junc tth' rEEr, lnd tbcre othGn to iaJGtion unhnorn). * 'rc roctor, d' ir.co derccretcd ruA ooovcttcd into drellinSr' fT ib.'8.;. 'iln-ri f"t Strangtsly!. 3 tormcr Troytc olq' ttrc Cuthlcrtin femily-.(.r86-E-):..I"t' .io"i.a1t"- tbc oracr, thc letc C. A. (!' iii. rstfr.-tsO" ;-rttd in rE88 ror rcrtored from dcrignr by Uf' n.rU.if irSzS) to thc lotc ncv. D-hiltp lTillientr rs;6). ud T' perirb r86oAe' bcrider lcrcral U6d(cv Fultord. ucbitcct: tbc building ir ot tbc Early U.f. rcctbr' oi tbir Enclijh period, c. ra6o'r3oo, lnd bu lcncet rindorr Iilr.t.-totebletr to tbe Ttipp tqmilylEnruy (r795'r{25)(1795'1u25, rLd r Poolu:l! end tbc bb. scpt'- ioitr' 1689: tLo church ru oo'UotU iiaer ina r gobd-routh dootrey. -calt ii-iriu b-pcr. a rmoll pirciar; tbc originnl eltt riudor. i;r;L.; ;;io*.i in rEEE'. rnd rtrordi rao rittingr' .Tho end reCoint rrrirter drtcr trom the yerr r6Eo. Tbc living lr r Ili"i-l"ri-to liccer'on thi removrl- ot the root. Iu t*i-t oiicca'Uv I DGr onc in tbc Decontcd rtylc-; :*l*:r; ',t':irX*\fi?Xi;lEi[ t? *a .-t[U cobtc't"r bcca phccd over tbc rcrt cad: ia H:t ;i.'f (reren"f turur)' rn-d Y-itcount ,9";;-;t[ gl{gt rer-e-rccte-d r! r memgt'+ Diut,rn liark. Srlirbury rrillierur B.cJ^ rnd rector^to.ll: berc Ernrtleden (6rc turar). ud held riacc t9o9 9y tbc^r.Y' I il'";. ruiiit I.a., Crm- Gcorrc Orren-Tbc Aotbotp U.A. of Emmanuel CoUcgc. clcrntl et & fieil Pirirh hoom. r nert brick building. crectcd I i$fff;"er Bor. rt Pule trro, 7'4o-e'u'- bv tic lrte Bicht Eoo. IY. E. Smith P.C.' N.P. cortr' e tergc mom urcd- tor parirb fff."tT;,L'*.$'-:11.! idil ;;i;, on thc irrt [oor I Lcld "5Yt',ti:'"ii'cottrgc; .llrrr aruuc ilitiagr, conccrtr &c. rnd uade-tacrtb erc rtrblcr lor thc |.Intontr'SchooL Uperq ia I etttndiog cturch' Tbcnc erc I lrtbun. mirtnerl oot olacc o[ fetmcrr I &,bGrt ![orthb. ltrtion nrrtcr ifi;itil;i i" iJ. ycrr{y nluc.- Yironnt Eemblcdca' n if.iy Sietioa, IJpcre, [rrucr' B-udrey Bor"oa Alerticd tlrur o rcccivc lcttcrr I onxrcul- |]trrtia Jobu' t'ii'ffiu ffir'crtoa'fiii"raHiln"tn'3r..ry;-.b.pk*!,r. Dort rauit cal IQPP- Ecur.r' qrPll "t- l;Irp1i,l.l.1?ffi:lli.l,""- drb;'e B.i- Gcoryr orca *' Bcrc rcctorv - Biffi:"#$f;'';:,, .#;;l;;;aWeocu cottrgp,Ulrcrelrl;i6o'r,r|;r#irX*If+*trn:Siili.ffitt Freal,- trruor, DnL,oll .coodc crpt. Ircory-icoio- i,i.uio"'l--rii-.-u-f.:,-i---- 'it | Iriglllc llorton t'pcro houro i"*io ffiUi.m. tltact, Nor houral St. ltrrY' BIDDLECOUBET rcr lrbntgaY' A&DOEW,AYI rco PlYnPton toree$ BItrouoBE ir r ptrirh ou the mt cor.t! ro urilu thc ocupatirn of Plymoutlr br tlrc rorliemcntory @gclt..tionou.tbcsiit,iri.]oo.*tiou:;;.;I.f;"i;-!.noiern*aienoer^cdirprrtclred(rom oi tu. Gnrr iro,t!- rru*y, o ..-.-iiJ--d&;6'i.iii lridi,l ii-tirJ:::tr',H,.'ll$.'X"l'X,lll;,li'1i.il rt:rrion on r bnnlb-oilf,"'Ar.rt lltrtcra roiln'oy. r.nd ing o[ tlreir- -rpp1 lsuer' *hore piymo'ur5. in tb"-5oiiii.-- aiii.i"rl ii't",,lJ.i1ri'i-nt -ptrcl) i.r the^cbu6l1 16 rorrth-clrt lrorn it;;;;J-u tbr tu'rcc mo-nthr re*etlv nourirhed' of r.rrc ... rmryr r,onarir ot lin'ing"r:"Fiii-;;i;;-;i -r*v thc roldierl lenN c .archdeacq""y.i Td*3rtues iland A;;;diocese of Ereter. The ton_ family and f,he parents O.l il r to of Mr. Itrhite. of {rF i, ffi""'iJ'"titl and in rgor alother dindow was erected to -_____\_. .DEVoNSHIBE abairdoiredi: The serery along,:trtr.coart.ie-rcmactabtr bold and-varied, rme oi the difis beins oi grost,.beisht'i: The rnanor, which in Domesday lhok'iirecorded to f,ave: ?#,';."*.1:"*:t;;:T1,0""I".1ffi l'L."*To#?l'i; been held by rlecus (or Eeche), parsed from the fani[ea of -Fitz-Stephen, Fiasacre, Boe, sad Kirkham (which lart :*t,i:',':f, rj -l'11'^"r^'i " M.A.il1'f. Tof "r',*il' Ereter d;,ffi[College, ?Hlt,orford, Tl; and held it for many centuries until 17,45): it ie ndw hekl by the trustees of the late Ja.mes Felloies esq. of Kingstoi, *;Hi**fl;#i;i"1"?"t,?'frxi#'ifl "tlX'j Eouse, Dorset. The soil varies. and aear ths coa-st ir '.'-. *],'ir"I also rettor 9f th9 neighbouring parish of sandy, with clay in parts; subsoil, priucipally rhate- . "tt .'.l,r^ii- where he planted some cannon on a field The chief crops a,re vheat, barley and-rootr. fhe area is r,295 acres of laud and of foreshore; rateable 55 .was l';;,"-,i.;;aHrrllllt';9Tr:Ttilfi^.Ii*;iLHg vafue, f,r,S_4o; th! population in rgor 2o4. t' ")-"J,'-.,"-rnI of armed men"vere dispatched from Serton, Jaqe" Triggs. t'"'-.Ii"'t"k" on'the rictor. who, t.og.ance on hear- Post Office.-Gleorge Freeman, sub-Dostmsster. Letters =i ."il, from Kingsbridgb arrive at 9.3o i.-.; dispatched at ;; + ??!1,#""r',,i"f ilf lo Jf, : *, f,X T"j:f :il 9.45 p.m.; _no sunday delivery. ringstonl z| miles -:;:1,i,1i;,i;lj;Iffl :::ffi i"H",XTr';u'HTi.llT'6li3 distant, is the nearest, moneJr drder & lelegrapl ofrce ' .'-l*"a.a to the rectory, which they sacked, but Coast Guard Station, William Ke1land, etatiou ofrcer Public Elemeutary School, now, enlarged, war built io f91- cfiildreu; r:,:.[##"#:5'riJltii:il"i*i,J,"***.:,illll', :_89i: So averags attiudauce,,a8; Miss ."ilrtir sroundg, is near the site of this hietoric Nellie Giles, mistress .""" '.. .-i*--nh"ich is now occupied by a walled garden. . a station at - .1.'ir=l coastguard- -Chal-laborogsh. a-nd for- Pllmouth-Frederick Byder, aat -,,rr, il*r. rras g seine fishery for pilchards there, now Kingsbridge-Sa,rnuel Edwards, fri ' courrsac?1L. ;!u9-copb-e B-eni.-frmr.South-New Langstoo Ash Wm. Euberb B. famer, Eigher I Boil Brchard, i.'' fa,rm, - _ _Manor of Bingmore | nyaer Frederick, carrier, Bock villa Baker Geo^rge, farmer, Lower farm, lByder samuel, gardener to the Bey. I\ranor of Ringmo,re -_ | F.-c. Eingesto-ir-Bandolph M.A Ba_ker Wiliam,-farmer, Marwell w: f;;A-ienton Edwards ls*dor"" -Sa_muel, carrier I friggs Darid,, carpenter 4a-wken &' Sou, farmers,_Okenbu_ry lfUgE James, g"ra";; to F. Brook_ Kelland William, Coast Guard ofr-cerl Fii'esq BOEOBO_UGIE is a parish !n{.flngu:-4}_miles south- , dence, in the gift of and held since r8q6 by the Bev. .rrt irolD Portsmouth Arms station on the North Devon I Edward Eenry For May B.A. of U.t""-Bti,irfyfiLuse, 6oU.ie, Oxford- 'urir of the London aud South lVestern railway-, 6-east lu"t is a Bible CnrislianlU"p.t- tte -na To.rringtgtr .and -ro south-east from -, in I residence of J. Davis esq. is a i^audsome ffid";; build- ,:a r,rrlhern dirision of the c-orutX, Fremington hundred, i ing, pleasantly situatedi The lord of the ;anor and r :r;ng1e1 sessional .pctty division, union lnd county I the Uon. _MarL George Kerr Bolle r"" iU" cniuf U"a- .'r:t ,listrict, and in the rural geanery -of_Torrington, f ottr,er.. The soil is-clayey;'ar!d suUsoit,-stone.'ite cUief :it,lrrco-nrF of_Barnstaple q+d diocese of Ereter._tI" crops are cereal. Tue is acres; rateable ',,'rrch of St. Peter I 3,zia- is an edifice of stone in the "iqtIEarly I valie, f,zsgz; the population in ,66r i"i cir.' ;,.rr styre, .oo.i.ting or. c[a,,cer, ;;;;, t;fi illt%6';l5Jli"'i,1il:ffiX]i,if-';Xli-113;. Lerters r rrrit ltoreh and an l embattled western tower-, with pin- arrive at 7.3,S a.m. from 'S.ir; d6;tched at r cowala:trg | -n--9 - 'rr. o Deus; the old rgo,I-!:It,,tenor bell,- weighing I S.So p.m.';p.m. ; no sqn{a1sunday delivery.deliver}. Beafordn."r"i,a-ii'ii,e is- the near- :{I rnri'?;.*jtjlp 2..qr8.€ "9 given],:|1,_1hg:_tl by'Boger lMollacombeJve-r-slins I !,g" '.,.,*:,:l: -vas _esa in I _ q* m-oney order & teiegraph office, 3 miles distant T]:11-p"ll^:"1.""-_1a.sj,-!I-Y. pg r, i3r- | ruuuc Freientary Scrooi f.,1,1aj, i.rirt,-";;f. i"-;rso & en_ :' rosford. in r8zi. from the-previous peal.of 5.betti: i hrged b t}jzi f";9. "'hild;; "ii"na*"", j li ;'ti;] # irr: 6".3,#:;ylt ru:lt:i|il", }f ;ii* ;{i,m"ry *"in}*[lj##:ffi #* restored in 1868 and has_zzo-.sitiings. 'The register Ii Sneil, misii.s;-Mi." K"ti; c6;[e]ssi'.;intmist.ess, 'r:'! fropiroE th^eEne Yearyear 1619. The Iiving Ts reetoriv, "1"; .lt:11 is -a-a reeto4r, net Ii ThJThe-il""i".-or, school is controlled by six manasers:managers; the Bector is ':.i.r' ralue dzzt, includ'ing;6-r;;iflmi, ili*'rii] [ & correspondeirt

Fox B A ffIs:'#*l,uo'i'"".o lf#llffiffi:'#::ffi"sugworthv l['"i]:]",1fftii*ffi'"11,"11x,u*"i..- Lemon ' cornfEBCtaL. Ann & Mar.r J. (Misses), I Reed tno-a. B. farmer, parkins r.ii:r rho,tmas, t"r-;;, ;rjsron- xin" ourEs t1-93r. lr"t*,T'1lrI'H":1, -". I ffii:L 8,,i,1?*, il,H,,Hlgi: *.o, i:,;il.g"t-1*r cgo--u" ltlro];t Grace (Mrs.), brkJ'^'o "*". lSiiiii'" lon, & Bobert. randers,ramers^ inn - rHryffi-i"'#-[ftt.S,"ilfu.",lqEg"T:i.(*J:i;rl'1fiw l :r8i::,_9,]L*,f *],l"TI, j"'l'r-'" Ri"h".d,ruuuaro' ;'rcilnoreI braekemirhDlackf,mith lMaynartll*ITTT.rnnor.or Jonatban, shoea,.n- *^L^- l!::::: Il-t"Pi-&gllo}}apso, Ey. farmer. maker |Sq:"it" Jfrn, fa,mer;E-dfir" c1r19ry f""-ldifi;;]! _6"iil;,Tii"iy,, yillavinlSquireThoilas,farmer, Gr. Barlingtoo ;{,+T;.ittl"i,ifu ,f;dHthr,x; ,;l:ifi*+1#q*t#..:,,:,*Tff lffiHliTfiHifi

fi fi fiiB1.nfir,;fi*Ip,;*ffi lu*il#,*xil*l*ms*,;

':#l.1lt**;;:l#dltii:riH',:',:Er:ffi'[ :t aucient i,",ii'.iil'^?^_"-';t_^-l"".cll,nrcn orDE. marY laliillvalue- il"',"i##n"'"lrffiil#T"',1]Hf",ilrIn_r9o4 lV. II. 0. Nation esq. presented to the -.:,til"'""T of red stono in the Gothic style, National Trisd tor the Places ,.::;'I;[#i"$:+q:_-!,:::",:H:.$"']'"^or'IdJ'lg t of Ei.6;;"r;i*;Eistoric Interest ;;or $*"H"n:.?'"1 i$:tl,"*i' aXi,"; ;*i'll-l# ;Tl:ffi:lil:1,lti#T;urxlT#,,:, iil';fil:i iff"Il"*-f1,,*ini.,,,"$,*{n*i}.,:fri:* t;i":Hj[ ,;*ti.i":{,,]iii*::r1".".*r,f'"fi''i";"'}"J*If?l$ i ll'"t,i:.'1"'}';#:"*{,:j:if"t'*n*"j*';tiiili: td::$t tl,"Irx..ji,*:"it",.tf'B!E* lorrer';""T::-theJacobean iifront of the oldinxrt,i;f gallery: I [1.,];.:*li.*:1,"1"Sa""_:f?:iL$e,T*,i;."ji,y...:g. ,i?; lBoekbeare Flouse, the prolertyft fo. C. ff"tio;.;G: to ndiilJ:fl"&l*,"xffiJ rrpH,"H i""1Jf,""1:H:i.;'fi I $.^?:"r.iii,tlliotut"iH'*ir;l$];ffii DEYONSHIBE. tfhf ornscronY'l BOBOBOUCE. 599 is a tithiag and hamlet, in Eayridge hundred, UpEIE origiual rrinCow, which fell pieces ,l miles north-west, w:th a statioa on the Exe Valev -east to on the re- roof, hri pe.o,_ r9pro""c Tf u ou.ro one iirnch of the Great Western railway. The ancieut chapei. Il:"?l^:l_!l_", :i,tfiff in irui.t, U"a for several generations been desecrated and at:rj_?T."_1,{,'??,"Lu'"ft the ;;;;-;rd:-''-' "ii,"oljJ,l"liH iato dweliings, has been acquired from the Tlhll Letter Bo=, pale "oqrerted Troyte esq. and at farm. cleared. at't.3o, a.m. & .,rro.r, C. -{. W. in lgAg wes restored o.r5 p.tL week dovs onlv irom des[ns by ]Ir. B. trIeJiey Fulford, architect: the Io{*tr, School, L'peie, of the-Early Engish nriia in ldigg -{nni6 l.o;t,fing is -period, c. :ego-r3oo, Arthurs, mistlggg hai lancet windo\rs oE both sidis and ral a sooC south Bailrray Station, Upexe, George Franhlin tlcorrral', anC the east end retains a small piicina; the master T[hite, station (lfarked thus * receive letters cornrEnctlL. 'rn;EnsFe*rr#i{l.*rrtlmg-im,,ffiftffrd{tr1;iffii;}$Hftltt.w,er,f - . llittleiohns .Tosonh @han sbould be so addre Eeathcoto Ber. Ernesr Edward ,*r.-ld;a;I9;i; fil;;t:;L;;r;'"* lo-.iilffi3aj?ffiiJxff&" surto ,*tn'u&i;r1ii'"?in_gron,rrper"-r"l;tgr.ffIi:ll#Hr],,..i,f.ikx llr:i"l;,h#;_x,j:ft-**rii*;H# BrNcluoEE is a parish near the sea eoost, ro miles rectory, , which they sacked, but, rvere obiiged to returu south from Iv-vbridge statiou on the South ogot" ."""tio" i ;;";d ti"ii-;ri"iaJi'|ri.or"". or the Great lvestern raiiwav, 6 west from tringsbrid;!; ft;ffi;aiil"uriifi[.tq'ry""".ae6 The rect-ory house, a station on a branch of the-Great T1'estern i by beautifrir grounds, raili-ay.dJ li.';."r the site?-1'urIr.ro"rc parsonage, 16 south-east from Plyarouth, in the southern aivision 'There'is which:s now county, hundrec f i"."li.d-[1-;]- i';itr laraen. a-coastguard of the of Ermington, petty ."i.ionJ ;t"t6" at, dirision of Ermingto: I 6hauail;;chi ana formeriy tbere rras a seiue court distric, to;."b1ldJ"':iffii.st?tx":l.Hi: "f leigh, archdeaconry of I m,],"*",dr.*.j,f*ti"""w;t,tiffi.rr",*::#.H crrircn or rrr saiits i. a,, an"iunt-b;:iil; .n'i.rii',r;t; Iatter pcrt of the r3th cen'turv, but I ilil:f;ylTfl ,yJg.I"""l3.l;',:th,I*.fffj;r;Blj,l-or-nitr-steprren, the-irortht+il 6i*u";X.tG;;d_-r;; tre ramiries the buildiril i -ra.r :ili,53'Xiil--:f,: ";,3::'lo"?;f"il*.XXT: I ii..'".., rioe'a:r.r ri,r.nr- (*hic.h niia li ror many ,.rn the scuth side.side, ryithrvith sma,small spire,snire- the ,,.T"1 L,lo-*:: i ."f1ljl111tjr y+i), ii;;o-;;.ie1;fi"'irustees of '.rn th6 r,f"; ;1s" ;i i 6;"ir'tri#H tii#"r""r'i Tr-#,*lrfi hX"":::ts:::":: :li :H:1ih"[*f."li,:rry;;::1ff j iu1'.ru ;,r*,-;;';; tie coast-i. i*-ay;rvith eray "XX[#:: ,l].;P:ffi erected, three beins'me:noriats :*lT:n.;,T; l*',:,:',ll'.Jn*i;klixx"#::t,"i"1to members :ir?:d-::::;il;; Bir;;;: I iri:il'.;"#'il,'iT;H:"dl':;""** ffi-",#H.J, ixt #""T;."b1,:"""iJ::"' ji,*iI,ri,i.rT;: lfl:,:'il1',To.l,',i1"..r"i"fj'::i:1:'-I'.H:'"'.:tli:ll$ I ffii" t" ia!,"*"J",,i. [.::: "+{ii:i:,jT;."-_fii i's];1";i"H;,'.1f "|lbl;i: I '?.tt.".;:i;BH.lTftA;,}:,,u" Freemen,, sub.postmistress. T',,T-1.',1a!# ;isi;l;; l i*;'KjG;;ie-;"-il;;'lt H"iiji:fi T,"'XS"1J:' }il' i.",J ".-. ; dis- Lbe Rev. Fraoti.*cto,.rd. Eils;;;,:ii;jtff.iii..-:l Bll.i""l i,:;9!;;:l],;; I o,il"" il,i:-rrfl"]ffi"*:;":j:it11#il; Lane,fffj:',*HX a rorra=er rector_or *g"f:i*lr::_;-i I i. ab aveton Ginord, a mles distanr "l1T:*. t!i"pilil;;;i..; iliiiitri'"',i I q,.Tr"Ai:iJi##, Yifll"$;"1#l';;,$;",1X$""" ;:'fi*#f*,":*:otilt\lt"f::"*:'-"r*-""ti''"iri{ li.'i".h9or..Bsx14'oii!i'[""i.ffi"i'ql-T?-li"J,i,!T_;"[itr or 7 members, ror the united schoor iiHltffi'$,fT}.f *Ii1".11g;J;;'til;.^pr",i"i"i I tr, ;SXg rir;;;,".iitil'r"'"'ls..Ti"f",l*""',,r',,itii#;il:trIII;#$5xHff J,"r.nrr*#"lrii;;i:r., ililil.T; I ."i:A:ff::"enrarsec_.r ,X'J:"flT"1'rt"",1im,#*fit",",:rji5i.-ilii,-";f'ffi*,:fi reased to the \ard, was buirr in a curious ;?,.iil-ipioilali averase attendanc6, :z; iG* toner,..wheri'.tg-".-"i.lt iolit"ty {:fl: I f.,flra;::je."rTj$J.n; months,*^rL..\ .*"ttr' -i"""dh"a-_bfE"]*.4"i[,'1"f:for three I n-*;^-- .^ t',]l'i:'::1"':::"J I nymo.utn_nrererick *g;il"::r," rv'uElt ir:trs' t11. rri i:iff.[::'$J:iJ"n"i-coi"5€ulevno lBaker Jn. farme,r & overseer, Marweil ! Eeathcote Misses- Rin "tFj':]a#-t":::t#i'1rhJo"g":.,f Morgan Elizabeth (Mrs.), {'l;rrffiit-tt;tffi llffi ,i:':'=*lt;'*T;"p59;;3.idtri:#H'I -,?,r:i*iqr);+,w ' loi,,p.Iohr Garra"o, ,iino LTi:fr ffi:ftffil =HHrffi l-i:'"".tu,*5",1*i;it",:"rir-.'ff- asn HlffiL* vec'. xrgg: Eubert R firmer, nigU""l_S&rt".ptr1,"Ptr*.f",",::rM ' i*"*."l,' ;; I :Hfi:fl,#::1" u. E 'Ym. luili5* si-',).o-o.&rarmr.Rentoolwiil""'rohnlI SEdt", esq ..i"**' :': rarmer, okeabury "tH;#:$ ffi;;;*1"#1T0"*,. [jt"'LI#'[:"i:TfflL'J*i":F*UlJt: n-a d;; I tr""L ii,,,tnisir ;] ]r*.:d. w. u'i'*a'herd sincl jl..+,xf ir.\AT*t*H#"tU6l,lt; *ifx;tlt',?{.Hf a*ti*ilsig+;m*r"}*i*1il$ pffi n*tiltd{:,-{:iT;fr,a*t{Lq-ii$5#{;':.'+l:lfu i*'H*i*:pn,,';p}$*?tffi i::.:u:*h';rfry,{;*i"ff":i:,*xfi:lti"+ulifi:g*t"r'iff.+,#jt'"xgtr;:ir-*;::;;";};

.iT,H,,Hi;'t-}}fl,i1t-*',ffi :+lf,,il,ri?l-ri.t*:$#'l=,"-**r,H#_i,ri,ieo oE 4.ro iT*T*rH.-,,,"1,'f#ji,*-[*[*#lkT#*]c{,ltrti,,'*lfiilrffi#$ *tr*$n*;ffi+l*i*,g$ffi l'*,ffiffigffit u,:lir#+.r#i,:"'"F''ffi :?#-"l,#iift #;i alrsd s"*,Tffito,i"n,* l#tr #{dl,ffiil.*. I,d#,i';Til#'f"dffi:'ll,#*: t8q ?'

680 --e€ El,evrre, cost of .€500. aud is tt_tulil_.al by about 60 chililren. Thr-

od,.-lo'fi**1"^: p.--.--in-oilil';'*-*i"i:ffiffi:;'offIifufi"ffif"am,'.dd".a '*,lg'gmi-+ri.mft$,i"*i'li*it**lh'lltl ":r-e.ilf;lT."f'.:Jr"lffift; Baker &!.aft, postmaster l Trqvao d^^r- n -To-oo -!rr f il#{ft {**l ffi$ffill"i#*";,,'ffi /ffitrT'1h,l;l:3#T,t"lg-/qfl "ST}}'';fi 'd:l,;#"#im*:ffi ,lf*fstt-:U,tf**,'* g,X#"Sirt:Hu".'*rsm,#;;;;1ffi pare ram, Uperevve s I I Coles -s's' ;;.- r--- I ;311:"rH"[_"-:Webber";;ffi*; &--Syroo", auctioneers John, cowkeepei-v "#ffi*T.i[tlii;,illtioneors- aniland j t*T::I:lCenmms-rmm sitaerton |I Jnd snverton and, !fi,,7- 1I outon to &reter puss RINGMORE. tl"ffi Auit" (See St. NichoLs and Sroke-in-Teignheail.) *nffiffimmtru.:tg*;mfiruffit*tffr'm'ww 4 miles-S. of Mda Kirkham, Roe, an parish. There ie r ft $-fi'*;'rir"Tltfr*trHl,t-#HA;r.*fiff Eft'f1ffiftffij'ul*]fu ffi il';1i"*tiltu,**l"r-t"*[*i+r**i*Hi#*.! ii"iffisr;;:*\,*r i'E' eh ;:; t&ft t},ll:#iim$H *rEgp-'-U+nr*'*. ",;i;" #urxi:"*-r,,r::,iu.p.ve?","tg$*f*U*3*,E{l**J***##i,$}|ii fd'",i':#r$'i}littl*;tiT**rx-*lj[*fl-1";*-n,,;.iri*i':i,$i;i,rft,,,ni];,Tx: :#',i:'i:hfffi},':';ll*$*:':*m*1.*'m ryffitlf fl *f.{}tf ,"f ,,ti:il':-iffff ,TffitrHli;lilt3,n;.1ffi *,,.3ft $.,f#'.f33J*::,H{.:1'i8,,,.**,il,,::1,a,l.Y#x Ash'WiUiam Eubert famer, pd*q"d" Eigher trrauor -Barvick, ' t Lew.is, farmer ram r u,*r j"[i, i{i"Jfl"J;T'"1"*** ar rhe l:e'n l trgn {rHH;*,',*:,"r flcrarks Erw. FflH;1mlpffiiril rrad6.so, aila;"fi;;vr ls' Ir "'6fu,y[lfllil,i:"t"i.,1 ;;" / $# #i,"n;-xx$- ;;{#=lffiti#**#**'-ilririw' .ff,xtchaplai, t"il;ft;1fitk'entury; and _-9*rbyry^cnr*i i a vi._rnr.prc r.or-,lrnd Iwtip/wtxT*l[;Jni{:t*nbury;o p ; R""d;'ffiffi:".#iXl m victuarrer, ^ E-;*"il;;;;,lfill***o I | -

RINGS ASII. (See Ashreigry.) DIR/t9oz/599467 linsnore


ourcroar.] DEIIONSIIfBE. BOBOBOUGE. qll -$ii:'rt'*riil Hm?l:#S:tri1{t'$d#[:hd,Hilffi#*.H'f$;ij$'f, ti5,li,Sj[t;g"#":it; : : _Il.T*Iff[gfiH,I"Hil}g!]$;,,t1*t!l,*;,"i; Bslcr, r1b'99rtm1tl'- tlff::l Iort'PotS orca-lorrvuruce'-aurrv 5E" 'u--Pv''--.-ii;*tff;-ni.kl1'1 l:fi:i''.flcert rindor, T*i"?:frhich feil, ;'*g.pHHto- piccrr on tbc ltirc- frou Dlcter et 7 e-m- & 5 P'!q; diepatcbcd tt l:l{:r^,ii.:loriginrl- -:l'1:: i::-::i::,| 'i::'j ;;. 'E.i&E^riir" a5Y'l*-t'i,i ff,*i[#%1rfr;"1"#.]:m**i5,l';a*::1fi p"t& aee,J--oo"l *r.ilPr. .iil; :-'U"lhir;si!*1rfi ffi:-i:l#=i:::* nilc dirtont"'a.ir, I :iir}l.',T*i%i.SLifi,$:,3T,,h:, *** st Siotc Cenon t rrr rcitored ahout rebr' end ir *rred bv Sclool (mired). tor- ttl!iriJ'ii*1,"t,rf.Ber1f.N:1!:t l,e[Tl-:l* ***H *HHt ffiiff ffiii's;ffi l \i':fii ffi nst!*:k;kl " Anuic UpEXEir e tithing end bomtet, in Eryridgt t"$IF, lf"i"n1.' ScUogtr'Upcre,'{$*p; bcld io r cottege; \Iiri ;[*t:i,t"l*;iiJ',:Llll]$: frt"'::"HiJ:]:[ lri,l]]'3',S#::i,;*, Gcorge Fran]rin Tnrite, rtariou Ufa lor rcrcrel gcnerotionr beel derecrrtod end I mertcr "Ui.tU & lnn'Jorncr' ?Bry rE rEsrDE-srt. lr"u.o rorr o6ccl'sr.i3"r'$rrl"-"t A[artell trhur r leceirc-L\iifo-pt".-El-ii"*ill letterrlcoota ifiliii;,-JoH"f""*ri.iil"#iL E dnir-rneql.ttro- i:!n -fr.ruer-. UPgio ti;;h !l"otoo. Barton & Ol(l Beazill' .-lOrnronl El*i. jun. frori.Besc Ilartn ffiti b"; eaa."trc.l.) l.Drako lYalt. Coo. Delc feru. Upcrtn'rr.r--- ll'illiam.--rlaityo!"7 -urr-iiriserd & oitford.'rholeralc bc.lding g]jrfi; u;". Esc.- lcriff n";i:' t"-r-L, \1; [;r-.' I rrucntoa -ooi It..l. Bectory l.tfaUc Eliin. frmr.Derkc tru-Urcrc | &c. nranufacturerr .-G;itc$.J"r.roiriogtou,lipexc tolutuepuar Jorcpb, carpcntcr ' llf,i"roa Ephraim, bLctlrdtb BII{GUOBE'ir r parirh on thc lct oart, ro miler rere obtigcd to rtturn ritlrout thcir intendcd priron-er. - ----ro-ni-IfdflFlbrirlge rtation on tlrc South Derotr rcction Tlrc reetorr bourc. t, 6ne modera l,uilding lurrounde

5{0. BEvELsrotrB.. DEVONSHIBEJ ,fmuutte

Tlrc rcgirCcrdrtct (rom thc 1.e.ar r65a ltc livlng fu'rlTbc chicl crope rrc rheat, Erloyrnd roott.- Tlrcrruo ir r,Gctor:v;tycmgc tithc rontchi.go fr-ae, not ;'crrly:veluc lrr478 ecncr; retanblo Ytluc, f,r,g6g; tlropopuhtion io rEgr {'rqlitb4rr:tuo[globcendruidoncc.irrtlrogi,toftIo|vrs47q-.' iiislioo of Exltaa rnd hcld rlncc rSoo by thc ltor. lvitliom | "l'rrirh Clcrk.Iiclrolar Burrtoa lhrdlly ]tnornc ir.r. of Cor?ur Cbrirtl &ttog!, C,rmbridg"o. i Lottcrr rec''eivod thruugh NevLort ]hrrorr trom Plymouth rt Ilono ii r \t'crlcyrn chnJnl. ind rlrcrc b'r rondlng rcom-end I E.So !.m. & 4-p.m libnr-v contriniig rhoui 6oo volurncq chiatly pracntcd' by l'lVrr.c Lmtst llor rt l(rrr r\hFor elcerod rt S p.rn. rcck LordLord'Rcrclrtoko.-. Rcrclrtoko.-. The rnpuletiooppuletioo ir clrictly itit'Xo*r No*r N,tr{N,tro, | ' dalr only. Thc noancst uroniy'ortlcruroncy ordcr olllco irL it NontonNo' on tlrc rido oI r ercck ittjncont to thc"irictly rnouth ol tbc rlvcr | ' l'orrcrr:,tlro ncarcrt_tdcgnph otltcc lr a! )-crlrrrptrrn Ycrlm and olrp

onrctonx.] DEMOI{SIIIRE, BoOKEEABE. 6{I . offie l(orlbury. rnlnorr rhich in Dooodry lhok lr mcnrded to hrvc'boon l. officc ir at Avoton cifg$ & tolqreph rt iti'i;; ildGtt"ctol, p.**a {Tl".tug fcmiliG. ot,Ritr. | _ Portrt onlorr erc luuod h-orc,.butnot paid lissa"t .nd iiii[["m (ulricllas.t lroul,it for m1y CT1G:9 Strtion, tly. Wrishtr $;b;. I (or"U.", t:i*.1 *t*, ;i;;il *ril 1745) by.purchrso to_the ltrros, from_-rhom I A School &rrrd ol 7 mcmbcrr; thc unitod rchool boord Jolrn^tr[oorelot th.ir parish &,.]:o itl,tt to Colonel.Clnrlcs Tl 9:n- IPTII | lirqrict o[ Er-rno ic Avon, crnbrrcing-April l* ff"tt."d ttrrton, Liacr. rlro ir tho proscnt o\rnor. Tbo roil I 13isUutt & Kinf'rton, rrl formcd f , rSZt ; J. G. ir.rsntly-. rith clay in portr.; rttb. ttrc board & ettourloncc oilccr ;;;i33, rnd 1mr'thc -coert I Cr'impr-Ringmofr, clirk to Tho chict crutu rhcat,-brrlof shrla .r.Dc I s"u-t. nov cnhrcod & to$cd to thc boerrt, rur built lu "lii.-ri.in"ifrall.rrrurlrmtr.nurlrnotr. -Thsarcoi'r'zz5rcnu;r'rtoluloraluc'Lrr774;l--Thsarcoilr.zz5rcFal;rirtoluloraluc'Lrr!74;l- rgoirg6i.for lor 5oso cfriklrsq;cfri*lrsq; rycrago rttcuthncer 3T; ilirtilier tlrc^ppulation in r89r ru 3t9- I N-iit Giiori ruirtrc' Sorion, Jirmcs TriggP. *lJ:Ilikllfi':,Ay*ItTffi dii*f; :'sliiiil"lmmP'rfo *'*,nvs.l:9! il;;:,,iin"ilB;;;i;.; Ttrc-futtra nb"oy oraor I Ersosuumr-Mrr. Elizibot[ uorgua, tuor. & fri lliltsidc Afi.\Tilliem llubcrt tt. fermcr, llnnor lrlrsterAdgp,ygolT9n&frruer,Itontou cnrup John, cottagc I -- I (Irtn.)' carrior ;#il:ii..'riliii" | oi tringt',orc -- .. I I':s,,n_Irlizabcth ir*tr,"iti rri-.,,o* Rrngtii:l*'nt:lo. "iiiJ;-IIingcstnn-ltandolPh !Hlil':'.tff:[ff["1",ffi.HH"111ry5ff3:fiTillT"""r:,. _. _.. iJ'-t'G"'.'[*r*ui';fi ir"i::*r{rru**; inn, & rhop*coper I lll',l,f.iu;'fi:iL:f*illlx?",:""tlH; ,,uti.'5,'li,[Tlii[""" lii,"A;uai.i.r"r-oi,3*ii'fii;C I Ci*t-c"iil it"rion, Cilitn*,sl lb"i;;c;;G u. tii'guor. reon I I and rillagt-4! r-nilo-r rrnrth'1 oso. rud lrokl tincc r8qo by thc llcr. Bcsinald Arthur lrlorti' BOBOBOUGE b r rrorirh llousc' l'orlsutottth irmr rtatlon on thc Notth l)cron I rn,ir. tlorc lr r ll'&lcr'-on chsFl. tiUuorly -thc "Jitnrrr, sorrttr ll'cstcru milvayr o+'t reridonco ol Tlrrxttnr lhtron ctq. J.P. lr a lr:rndromo modcrn r].-oi- i,i ttii G".ti. -id I I 'Ctrnrler ev1'.vho Trrrrirtgton nnd ro mutlr'aut frotn Bidcfrx{.ln thc Uuii.tinc. plorrontly ritunto

jon. frirmer

through ffrs T}Etx., tnss to Eoet* -Up Exe

EINGMOBE. (See St. Nicholas aad Etoke.in_Teignhead.) *r"nffif, t,ffi;ffii -, E. B. tfildmov ;"d F;; fr"--J ; ;;; ;; e;t*fi KLmgBton, inguron, andan d atat' Bantham,Ban th ;f""ffiPf mt"; f:H*lil "1;; am. ini n TLe cuu-Ecx-(A-[-Ea[ow]) is otre of the moet intsreeting 13t'h eeotu"v, in the *ittT[L;6ffi"''f til;-dh trilI"pi, or msn-or very barlv church, erested "iiTi;*ist, *;1";H##Jo; mourutv Gr"* tu" Nr;ffi"c""6;:. "u*purffi"tr6or, n"i" witl chucel risle, a north tr*ne"rit *"d e so"i[;;-;^d-+d;tne-io]ier Tia chaueel, the poruh. The etage of whiehserves for ft e'adre'be'd;.m1?,Ti:t*':#F,Jfi : H"*ru*' rul*ur*-r+1w*i;j$T#r,r'r*#,i# * ry .!B-. *4 ::ffi*'T;i'.-=:f$,"*'*',ffi{ffirfixHi;{u"o1ql T;;:; t.

Morhcd thu () Lettas bg Bilhry. Asn Wm. Hubert Brrick, faruer Freemou George, Dostuaster Adame, and cocl merchant, assist8nt ov€r_ * ]!pt-ers farmer, Ileuton Grainger }larrison, eoastsusrd Uitchell Miss, Beer ond surveyor, The Manor ofrcer, Bellvue farm ' t^ Challabomugh Ryder ]frs Bessy, carrier Eeathcote Miss anA Mise Seliuao liceker Rq-kjr John, tbrmer aad rayvarden, IIr Geor[e Hart, Ringmore - Irower fann Vean Marrell Hiageston-Raodolph, preben- ' Rev. Triggs l)avid, earp(,nter Clarte Mrs tr'tznees' dar.v t tr'raneir Charles, M.A., rector, James, garrlencr C ws t g a a rf,- ffrfta, L-hi*laborou eh, and Tt:SS. aud eextorr chaplain to the Viscountess rilggB J8mes, masoo Harricm slrf *r [er, ofr eer I'almoutb,- The - Reetory \trhite .Iohn, Lrimp lfr Jdrb,rml side _ farmer. Oakenburg and J"E: Thom:s, shop[eeper and .ttlngston ; Yidtudlen, Inn School Bduil, ^\qr Crn,nrrns-Mrs Rcxsy ltyder to EiU sile- L] rcom be_ Iklrerd, frruer, Langston Udvards Mrs Eliz$ch, cerrier Plguouth Saturdal: ana Mrs Uartin }tn. Eessy, Board scfiool- Edrards tr'orbes Mrs Serat, AoIlDfu .. : -mrstreF8- $ftfuuth i" r;i,g.ttriig" . Eriday BINGS ASE,"' (See tshrsi:oy,)