![\ 4R5 Iq.]O 'Tq$Q - Lqtq](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
3 I tr13, r. | ?66; "?- 1f t15 ,,rlf1f, { t f8.1 L t\. 4 D*t*^ tftao t^rr;*.s lJnst^1 G-rtrer, Y }i*t I t a r?qB, l4ar' '\trt \ 4r5 iq.]o 'tq$Q - lqtq DIn / laal/fi*-lgl R-ins-63e 378 REvELsToKE: DEVONSEIBE: " Ixclrr's ' li ingcombo flcnr-r, srrrier r P6rrctt Philipp (Mic.). ihfuitcopm I Shcrrill Jordph, blnblrmith li i ngcorntrc Johu, crrpcnter I P,,p lf illinrrr,carlrcutor I Shcrrill lfilliom. .t'n'nr l,corrard Jolrn, trritor I Ilocvor Frederick,lhrr melcr I lvakchrm ll itliom, fermer, Rorden r,"urr-.ri..r*,raJ, lo",ner,-uigher Co.rnbo i iffiil":il:iiililii:'fr;;drepcr I tfiltinmr Johnr'rhopkocper l'crrsc Israc, firrrncr, lfettorr i llosc G'ctrgc, hlo.. I '/4oo of BE'W'EREWE is c prish rnd rilhrgo, situstcd on thc Cutm rircr. l;Enos$ yomly i;r;" rith rc1i,il-cnq'EsrloiEgrcruorrt -ud 5o ecrts -i; rrriles..rr.st rrortli..va llt fronr.luall Exeter&Igl,Gf indend9routhfiornIItg 9o routhllrutll fiornlflraaa Tircrton,inIflebc,iuthigiffTircrton.llll:flular iriIII I ltetr.|{lcl,E iulll th6llfl, gfa}sifr of(,l thitiusteeithi-tiusteeiofthohte'Esrl0flll3 LrllSU,E oftrl thcf las hte5w s..v. Egrcuout&g.v.uv..v thcitrc Eurtcra dirision of tlro countf (but UpErc, uhictr iiir r linalnnd thctirc Rislr[RiglrI Hon. lY. U. Snrith r.r. dtcrnrtcl!',dtcrnrtcl]', nndn-rrd hcld trthing in thotho- prislr, ir in tbc H!'1.ridgoHs'f'ridgo lrundrr<I, in the I'rincc 186oLyr86oL-v ttrc llev. I'hilip ll'illiemrlVilliemr r.c.L, tt.a. frrrtrtcrl.r'frrrtrtcrl-v -t,rrtlriinS,,rtlriin disisionclisision of'rhcof tlrc *"irt.-t-couuty), it'orif.rntir'""'r"J ti;;,ili-huntlrcd, t'r-Sg. li;ii;;Lifctlor of llivx'.rr:c-[..,"- Cotlcg'e, oitonl.o'lr".,t- ThcrcThcru rrc chorities df 'l'ltottras' I utrion, Exetcr oountlicounty court dislrict, nrral rleancrlrleancry I f,lf,,1r6r.1|r ,e.r6s. l'earlyyearly value.- The ltightltigh0 lloru}Ioru lY. II.H. Smith x.r.x.t'. ,,f rl,'lcsbcare, and Exetor:ter urchdcaconrrurl'hdcaconry and dincpse.dinc=se. fhlThe I v[oilf,ovho hfu 6Akirdlord oiof thctho manor,manor. e,r,l-end- sirSir 'fhomrs DvkoDyko Acland <'lrurchcltrtrch of St.llary thc YirginY ir en encicnt,ricicnt edidcu in thc lbrrt.I Urrt. lt.p..ertt.p.. ert ehief lundr.rrncru. The roil ir grarel anrl rcd l'crpcndicular rtyle.rtyle, built about thc ycar r35o,endr35q end c-nrn- srrnrhtonc: rubsoil, rcd randrtona. Thc chicf cnopt trrc !'csr lslnrhtonc:| -l-hc 1iletcl1'lrrctcr)- rcstorcdrcsloFcq irrtu IUoT'1867, ot-soE a croslc'Da3 of-ni;ulyOI ncirrlyearly d{,rrr-:{r,ooo:Lrr@ ! itlt eon-Gon- |I qlart,rltanl,rlrant, bcrlcyborlcyDollGlr endAnd turnipaturnipetunrtp& Thc aryrarcranDr ltis lr3"l0r,3"1o rcrcxircreJ;rcres: Bte-nrte- sis.tg lhc of.chancrlr-n8re, routh-airlc en! r torei-cnntaining 5 I rbtc rrluc,.Cl,So8 : tlro-lrcprrlation in r88r rer a84. tttclal, in ry73, tr1'T. llilbic : thcri- ir r grxxt dcol of Lrutiful I I'uirh (lcrk, Josc[h Littlcjohna :rtttique:rrrtique rrorxln'oikrtorxln'ork : tlrcthc drstdast rirrdor iiis r nrerrrorial to tho I Pc.rPo-.r OrucejllobcrtOrmce-Ilobcit llrker.-rec=iyer.Bakcr.'rec=iyer. I*tlcrrLettcrr arrirc fnrnr l:rtel:rte Lieut. C. E. ll'illiarns, of H.lt. 39lh ltcgt. rho diod at I Erotcr at 8.uo n.rn.; dispatctr&l irt S p.ru. The rrearcst 'lul'bulpore-._a_ndlul'bulpore. and 1_north-rinrlowr north-rindow ffc becn-ulaccdbecn-placcd to thel moloydrder&telcgriphbttictiretmorrovdrder&tolccrinhitti..ciretTirrirrerton rnetnor.Y Thc negistcr datcr from ttrc iupportcd by illuntqry rale, 6o clrildreu; srer- -of l[rr.--H-ariland. l.l.lrool, ,fdirza -for .r'ear 1616. 'fhe liring is a rectory, tiilro rent-chargc {33g, I agc ittelo'dance, jo; IrIr* li-hcatcrott, mistrds : .\cnall Capt. Jarne-", Trrrringlon tlrrrck Jnmos, Iloyal A* . ltay Arthur. farmer, Rero llartory It'itli:rrrrs T ller. Philip u.c.l-, i.r. [retor] Grr[trcw ltichd. ririlter (water), UpErc ] Jolrn, mrrtrct gunlener' "ilor Hcazur cllrxE,roAL ff'"1{ti""';"s.;t1;H.'}-.n |llil$ffiill*':ffijn*lll,1'il l!:rck Jrrlrn lfettr.r', furtrrer, Pole llatse-Edrrin, innne'r, UpEre I ffippell lllchtl. funnut, Rudrray llirtorr liaker li,trcrt, ' slr.pkeeper Littlejohnr Joscprr, orrfruter I BINQU=O.&E- is a pari;h,- ncar lltc aea coas!, 9 nrilcs I prironcr. Thc ncw rcctory-, a frnc rurmunded by flrlrrr -building Irtbritlgt'-slation on tho Sotttlt l)cron nii[r.'a.r, 6 i bcnuriful grounrls, ig nelr tlt siteof this hiitorrc pogonrrge, u'est frotu- liingsbridgc o4 routh-cast fronr Plymoirth, I rrhich is n"os occrrbiat by a.valted gardcn. nrcri is r slfrli irt tlrc -r0 Southerlr divisiort of llro-cnutr&y, hu_ndred of- iiruring- | tlrptist clrnpel. in atrrist ouse for"tro aoct,pt for"ilics has tott. uttion und errunly cortrt districiof Kingshritlge, runil i bc6u proridrxl-tnittic rect,rr tincc r86i. 'fhero ir I coast- tlc:trlery of \l'o<xllciglr,-arcltrlcatoury of 'fotrrles lrrd- rii,rcesc 'g.,oni atatiol ut'Ct,ati.Uor.rgt, i6"-"ity tlrcro srs a Excter. 'fltc church of All .tirlrcry "".t 'rf Srinti is nu ancierr! buikling, ':fti1c for pitcfuanfu fi,u"e,. nor|. rlx'nd,rnsl Ttrc t'hie1l1' of- lhe tltiriecnth qgt-rtu-ry, but-ttre nortlr trarrscpt ii u:enery it,o .A;t i;;-"rt"'Uty U"t.t r.eriJ,soinc ,'f Harl-r'Nortn:rtt.rrr lnssibly&iion,drte; it ctnsistc bf a of tlrctlitls"t.rig tiu! of grcat treigtrt. nranor,".d nlrictr irr t'lt:tncel, Itat'e, tttrttlt ti:rrrselri, "ftre url- torrer and-epire, of n triclr Donrcrtlgy llurk lr r""ir.t*t i" T,u..o Ue"" ticia [J: Ucc.us 1<rr t lrc toscr s-tflge as scrres tlic : a eo-tttplcie r&tonrtion lleclrc), t'rssecl f rou ttre farnilies of !'iu-Stcplien, fti"*"r" oir.l rr:tsr-:rrriedoutittthcycarsrd6.r-r36.l,incluiiugthecreclion.Kirklriirir(slrichtasitrct.l-prrch itforrnany-cciii""iiiur,titrZij) 'rf ttt:ttty-slaitterlrrirtdos'srtuotcinginnrerrrrrr;;of mernbers byprrrc.haictotSc tloer, fronr *t.oi ia pass€dio C.,lliri"i 'rf tlte Uittgesiotr farttily,.tud-onc- of ttro prrentr ot llr. lior',rc,<rf !'rurlptou llnttit6"ion. ll'lritc,.of. fno-r"itioril.,"*ii,"* Ockcnbury' iirld r hondsourc or'gu1-r tlro lrclts tlracranrti"arnly, uitti;tci.iti 1,n"u;-ruLvril, f,rincfiurI-r ucre re-ltrrngraudotteof tltcttt rc-q!rt, iu r87d Ttre registe-rs clrulc.. Ttre clricf trop. are'wt,eai, lnriey nriA'r[.ir. rl:rtc frtrltt "ffi'o tlre vear {7r9. lirirrg-.ir r tidrc lrea rr t.zzg ocrcs; ot"olio .oi""i tt o rcrr t-ctrurgc. c.rrrrriurrrcd- -flre -rcctor)'; ii,ida; l,opof"tiori li. f,"ss,. in"iu'uii,g_J6 Fir;. i;il ii, r 88 r u.jz5o. the rcctoriul titlrc..ot._Kiifstriu (thc_enil,iituiant 'of tlre .trlon,JrrrrisTrigg. :'-ttciettt cl'r;rc! of St. K:rth6rine, it Okerrh-u1l, Oer- -'"y posrr- orrrcu.:Urs. George F.rt"cmbn. lnr.vccl;,-1y11t'rr rc.sitlence and roi uercs of glcli:, in tlro gift rcrcircr. Letlers ;l;l*i,*,',1, *,H*lt*tiru?nfl'Ijfii$m: ffrii#"ffl,'lx'8'f;,',tl;#lt""ffi':iJXt#llil.ilr;; ..t,,r1ilain tiir:i....,iii.rg*s nlimoutii'ril-ro* 'I*_ . nenrest mone.r onler & telcgruph otlico il."q";;, ,r.;11, .ti$[,,I,o ;l,Il'ifilf,,',;' l'[i'H,111*1"1t';"1:,";:if **d:'l'1il c;;';i;;;"ii11i,.,, Jorrn Jago sccphc'r, crrier b<utm:rn in u"inf'1nrri*rr pllnrc.l ' clurrge ',,.igtrt Ai;iil-eiroJ, where tre o,tttccattnortoirrrfictdof"f hisglehc,nndlcptthcbrr4gcJroi,A.Sc'lrrxrl. llonrd-of- 7 membcrq for-thc unitcd r<'lrool rhe .Aron: durirrg ttre ru.iJrrtion of I'lynrouttr f,r- ttre; lxlrnldistrict of Hrtttc ,t Arol,erulreces tlris parish !i l':trliutttcnlar-r [rr1s5, sareral 6oatr full 1;f irrned merir.erc ; alro Uigbury& liirrgston, nas firrntcd in 1873; ]l ]hrrcr, tlispatclrul froru Pl^vrurruttr'their to tako r.encealLt ga ttre rectgr- lligbun,cldrk to thi Lro:ird rtlt,,, on lrearing of appro:rch, turii refuge i1 a curigru 71te Mnynolc lilr-ootr-nor enlu-rgctl & lc.ascC to the board, rtrrttr (1ruritled- rrith t tiie-ptace) in ttro-churctr touerr' rrtls lrrriltin 1863 for 6o chiltlrcu; arcnrge lttcntllntc. rrltere lte retrrnirred irr srfetl: for'tlrree rnonthc. eocrettrl 5o; Itirc Lonyotrrnristrcss rtortrislted lrt lris t\itrishiorters; the roklir.rc lunde(i nt Avr- C.rlruurrs ro:- tttcr C.trre nntl proceerlal to th6 rcrctory, shich tlic-r I'lrxouru.-&rmuel lltprrnell; ol hlnqttorr. rst s:tcked, but u'ore ol,ligcd to returu rritlrout tbeir intended Xrxosrruroon.-Itre. Utizjtrettipl*,,.ilt ()hrkc Edrd. llurl.csrc. llingmorn cot, I llaker Jolrn, farnrcr. llurwetl. I Stcphenr John-.*itg"i*i Jugo. ctrii.f luotntau irr 9Ti-pJohn' Ilill*idccott-ogs lC-oslcrChnrles,farrirel,sorrthLnngstrrn I .i,nrge siutiol, Clralt:r- llirrgeston-ltandolph lter'. !'rsncis I ltcenrnn (ieorge (llru.i, Jxxtnristriss , boroigl x.r. [roi'tor-1 | r.eigh srrnueliJ'.o ini, & slr,4,kecpcr i 'f"ieg" Iiarid. carDcutor Hingostou--()harles ltrs. IlirrgrrnorG l't'an | 11gJt-crl Ad:rrri.., farnrer, tlerrtrin i fri[[r Jumc.r, mo'.oii covtrBl.c-llL. - _ | llitclrehn-ore Edrrin, shoc rrurkcr ! ft'nn-i llury (itiss;, dress rrrtker .{shll'illlrrn tlulrcrc l},orvick. farmer, lSprrorB. ll'.farmer,-qorrttrLangstoniH'hiteJuhi,i,",r,i;,ok;i.ilr}.- l1.irrr,rr Menor of Itingrrroru I | nOBOROUGE is a rnrish nnrl rilLrsc. at rnilcs sorrttr- previour porl ol 5 bells, Ilcnry tlolc euq. of Ebhcrlev tl,rus1.. vest froin Portsmouth irrirs stitiori on-thi'North f)cvon contributing in thc ch:rnccl is u-stuincd wiridorr, irr- r:rilwal',6 east 'ro /5o: friim Gielt Toirington irid south-cast f-rtC.I by thelate lcqtor in r868 to therrreurory of hirpartrrts.
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