October 14, 2020 5:30 p.m. Via ZOOM


Library Advisory Board Present: Excused: Guests: Abdullah Muhammad Jim Young Judy Taggart Anita Sterling Sophia Sotilleo Subira Ibrahim Cheryl Rice-Moore Rose Passarella Connie Malin Janet Dean Kay Bowes Margaret Ann Ryan

Community Services: Diana Brown, Community Services Manager Catherine Wimberley, Librarian II - Program and Services Coordinator

I. Call to Order – Introductions Chairman Abdullah Muhammad called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.

II. Approval of Minutes  Motion made by Jim Young to accept the 9, 2020 minutes, seconded by Judy Taggart.  The motion passed, all in favor.

III. Chairman’s Report Chair briefly discussed libraries reopening in Sussex County, deferred a more in-depth discussion to the Manager of Libraries Report.

Page 1 of 4 IV. Committee Reports Judy Taggart – Advocacy Committee – With the election, there be several new legislators. Suggested that meeting with legislators be set for or before they are inundated with other requests. Further discussion deferred to new business.

V. Manager of Libraries Report  Diana Brown reported two confirmed COVID cases at a contract library. Infection was not likely related to a library activity. She described response protocols.

 Reviewed Managers report and provided information on current status of Delaware Libraries during COVID-19 Pandemic. o Most Sussex County libraries have reopened. The decision was driven by digital divide; many residents do not have broadband access. o Dover has announced today that they will reopen on 3. o NCC Library Managers are working collectively and individually to develop reopening plans. . It is uncertain whether NCC Libraries would require a temperature check, waiver, etc. Although Sussex County and Dover will. . County is waiting for proposal for cleaning (facilities will need to be cleaned every 2 hours) and security (guards will now be needed in each location). An increase in cost of library operations are expected as a result of the additional security and cleaning.

 Ongoing and future services offered by libraries: o Currently providing curbside delivery of materials including book bundles which have been very popular. o Print on demand requests – people have critical need for a hard copy of official documents that they need to get hired, rent, etc. Bear and Newark are experiencing heavy use of this service. o Tuesday, 20 – Drive thru job fair and COVID testing event at Route 9 library. A second job fair is planned at Bear Library. o DEMA (Delaware Emergency Management) received two testing trailers. With no advance notice, they tested 200 people at Woodlawn and 120 at Route 9 last week. o Cares Act funds received by NCC are being used for several department initiatives with a focus on the COVID response and housing assistance. o Libraries may use IMLS Cares Act funds to purchase Chromebooks for checkout to library patrons, however there is a long wait for purchase. o YWCA – Going in a different direction for Dr. Kendi program. Program will happen virtually. County purchased 300 copies of Dr. Kendi’s book, book clubs were notified of their availability and libraries have begun distributing.

Page 2 of 4 o Partnership with League of Women Voters. o Outdoor film screenings.

 Council on Libraries Meeting - Every year COL receives requests for capital project funding. The FY22 bond bill request included funding for Wilmington’s HVAC system and an outdoor spaces strategic plan. o COL subsequently added funding as a place holder of 2.5 million at the state level for North Wilmington with the understanding that NCC will not provide funding in FY22.

 Teen Video Challenge – The NCC Libraries Teen Services Committee has created a new initiative, the Teen Video Challenge. The challenge is for teens between 12-19 to create a video that depicts life during COVID. Videos should be between 1 to 3 minutes long and must be submitted between and 31, 2020. Prize winners will be notified in February. Panel of library staff selecting winner(s) in “Library Picks” category will include diverse representation.

 Statistics – o 94,593 library materials were checked out in New Castle County during the month of September (as compared to 260,129 last September). Checking out 1/3 of material as a year ago when we were open. o 34,719 e-books and e-audiobooks were checked out in September (as compared to 29,788 last September) along with 14,472 online magazines.

VI. Library Managers’ Reports None

VII. Unfinished Business  Friends Meeting – Chair asked whether the Board wanted to have a virtual meeting with the Friends Groups in order to partner and engage with legislators who are new and discuss funding for libraries. Chair asked Cheryl, Kay, and Judy to present at November meeting regarding whether previously drafted materials for a joint meeting between LAB, Friends, and Legislators can be adapted to a virtual setting.

VIII. New Business


IX. Announcements  Subira Ibrahim – North Branch offering a drive-in movie night, Black Panther, Friday . Pumpkin Carving on from 2-4 p.m., will be giving out swag bags and book bundles for the youth.

Page 3 of 4  Margaret Ann Ryan – Thanks to libraries for facilitating a program with Susan Clayton-Goldner. Suggested Board take the opportunity to read the book she is discussing in February, A Bend in the Willow.

X. Adjournment – Next Meeting

 Next Meeting – November 11th is a holiday, County is closed. New date: Judy moved that the meeting be moved to . Cheryl Rice-Moore seconded. Motion carried with the majority.

 Motion to Adjourn made by Margaret Ann Ryan, seconded by Judy Taggart. Meeting adjourned at 6:39 p.m.

Next Meeting: Time: Nov 12, 2020 at 05:30 PM

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