VOL. VI. NO. 4. t I MTAHI I f I'M. » PORTLAND, MAIXK, JUNE 1906. KNTRKKD A* HKdND I THUBSDAY, 28, ILW MAIL MATT KB. ) PRICE FIVE CENTS. CROWNINSHIELD BOATS SPAR BUOY: House TOOK THE LEAD. House Merriconeag GOOGINS LEDGES WILL BE UN- .'Merriconeag MARKED NO- PORTLAND YACHT CLUB HAD LONGER. South Me. SMART CRUISE LAST WEEK. >South Me.' Harpswell, Red Buoy, No. 2^ G, to be Placeff Harps well. • Today. CEO. W. CAMPBELL, Jr., GEO. W. CAMPBELL, Encountered on Second Prop. Jr.. Prop. Fog Day. A resr* of their twe weeks ago last 9rflurday. and annual cruises, having wrv< has been on which she lay for such a lojjg considered most remarki?»A one fair time. They have never bten marked' " before and and fine day out of the j days though a careful pilot of« usually taken on the cruise ■ the bay could have avoided them easily, it is Thursday afternoon the t; >et left entirely possible the Cor- onet were Portland and made a fast ivn '*» people so absorbed in their religious devotk 's that short Pott's Harbor, South Harpsweli Ji nothing of rt could have boat leaving a foaming wake 1 buoy brought their to disaster to the sail pressure possible was proximity their atten- given. tion. The honors and first day pennants In addition to this went to the Crowninshield knocka- buoy which will be placed on Ooogins, the bouts, the Burgomaster, owned by Light House inspector has a new Bob and Charlie Chapman and the promised buoy in place of the red Bobs, owned by E. A. who spar on Randall, Bowman's Island took first and second. The Thalia, ledge and a can buoy in place of the black on owned and sailed by Belcher Waugh, spar finished a Freeport u|>eer ledge. These will be close third and got the p|j>'-«jd third pennant. At South today -probably and hereafter Harpsweli will' be down night Commodore put each year in June Thursday Bray was anil taken tendered a up in October. The reefs rousing reception on will be marked board the flagship Maitland. during the winter by Friday spar buoys as at the anchors were no more than present. tripped when a creep'r.g fog shut out all the You can take or steamer to scenery and cut off most of a\>oat any part of (fasco the SUCCESSFUL » Bay pleasure wi«.t it. A good breeze 6RADUATI0N. in front of The was rising r«- < though the Burgomas- frc£\ Merriconeag. BAILEY'S ISLAND ter, C»^ mJ. A. Randall, and the PUPILS HELD Open June to October. yaw^ uliger, Capt. Merrill, returned CLOSING EXERCISES FRIDAY on, .me of Modern one them putting in at Mack- EVENING LAST. Thoroughly and of the Popular Resorts of erel Cove, Bailey Island, and others Maine. room has a clear to Portland, the rest ot the fleet Every view of the ocean. Private kept Church Crowded with an running to Cundy's Harbor. Five of Appreciative boat and the Audience landing float, bathing beach and rooms SCENES AT THE MERRICONEAG'S SUPERB LOCATION. sturdiest kept on to Winnegance dressing Bay, headed the at the foot of the lawn. by Clique, with Vic« iX'spite the warring of the element* Diping room seats 100. At Commodore R. K. on last the Merriconeag are seen the must entrancing views of the Bay, the Dyer board, and Friday evening, the first class most vivid early ever of sunsets, the finest yachts in Casco Here are wafted Saturday these yachts put out graduated from the Is- Plenty Amusemen~vand Recreation. Bay. the in a stiff Bailey gentlest breezes and are blow and a land (irammar Rates, here the most even and comfort-giving tempera- rough chop sea school, held its exer- tures. Surf making for Lookout cised Room Plans, on and rocks on one side—bathing beach and boats on the other. Point, Harpswell before an audience that taxed Application. Floor Plans Centre. Those Union Booklet^etc. and Rates on application to George \V. Jr., South arriving there were church to its utmost capacity. Campbell, the Th<- Harpswell, Me. Maitland, Clique. Gwendolyn, class was a small but its GEORGE W. Jr. Nokomis. one^ CAMPBELL, Libby 11, Philia, Bonny lack in* numbers seems to have been Doon, Narcissus. Bobs and Geo. F. compensated as students, it being an South Maine. Wfsl'n J" ;' t Harpswell, Vhllon»oT>r;. high ranking cl*ss a / * -*■ » The for the Jtnr prizes best runs have nrsc one to receive a deed 01 been privilege awarded as follows: from the school. First day's run. Portland to Potts The stage was prettily decorated The Store with harbor—Burgomaster, first; Bobs, with collossal ferns whose graceful Big Small Profits second; Philia, third. fronds made a most attractive front- Second day's run, Potts age. the harbor to On wall, in front, was a Winnegance—Clique, first; R., draping of stars and second. Libby stripes, bearing the class motto "Each Third duty fulfill," day's run, Winnegance to while circling the was a Loolonit ceiling rop- harbor—Gwendolyn. first; ing of ferns. The only flowers used Clique, second; were of Libby R.. third. bridal wreath, thus holding REFRIGERATORS The fleet returned to Portland Sun* good the class colors of IRA P. and green and CLARIi Monday. white. Streamers & of (0. N crepe paper in the same duo properties of light formed a sort of canopy HWBIC0NEA6 HOUSE which, in combination with o\erhifM0the *Tv- $1.00 eral ferns Down, large about the church, NUMBER OF QUESTS INCREAS made a "gracefully drooping' embel- One Price ING REMARKABLY FOR JUNE. lishment. Cash. The class seats at of occupied left Spot Brief the while seated thereon was Note* of the House. stage, Rev. S. F. Smith, pastor of the church $1.00 With the opening of this week Frost P. Bailey, superintendent o" Weekly. there were about twenty two schools; Chas. M. peo- Clary, member .f are we a ple enrolled at the school such of Merriconeag board; Miss l^ois C. .lor. s, Why getting large percentage Cas- House and more arriving every day. co This is (Continued on business? Because we our Clothiers, Hatters, a remarkable record for the Page 2.) Bay please patrons and they third and # fourth weeks of June and come promises tell others to come. in crowded conditions at again—and they Drop any the hotel even earlier HARPSWELL than ever this REPUBLICANS. time and our year. five floors of the newest and neatest Col. Campbell's office is a inspect busy Mail HELD CAUCUS AT TOWN Furnishers, place. piles up daily and HOUSE things in home furniture. We're telephone calls, telegrams and per- FRIDAY AFTERNOON. always glad, you know, sonal visits each add their quota of to show the whether to a room engagements. goods you prove Ije or Delegates Elected for the Several buyer Mr. and Mrs. not. "Lookers are Three Floors, 26and 28 Thomas Smith of Conventions. today buyers tomorrow." MonuraentSq. Philadelphia, Pa., arrived Thurs- ^ ^ afternoon day last and will be *11 Into Friday last abo!^-*rentjr- the hci^H. fl\e followers of the G. P. of summer probably. Is not O. this town their first visit to the b< assembled at the town house at the call of chairman John E. Os- Mr. and Mrs. Karl H. of Bradford •*.Hew?ll born of the town commit- Tolman, Furniture Brooklyn. N. are Republican Co., Y., spending a tee to week choose delegates to State, R. here, having arrived on S. DAVIS 17 and 17 1-2 Preble St. their district and honeymoon last county conventions. The CO., trip Wednesday. caucus was called to order at 2 p. m., Dealers in • Mr. and Mrs. Charles COMPLETE P. Sherman, b/ Chairman John K. Osbom. L* S. HOMEFURNISHERS, of (jermantown. took rooms New and Second-Hand Furniture, Antique Cooda of all Pa., at Randall wan elected chairman of the the house for a klnda and aold. Also Friday short time, caucus while John A. Curtis was Cor. and bought Auctioneera and Appraiaera. after which Exchange Federal Sts. they will occupy their selected for secretary. The following new at cottage Ash Point, which Is delegates were elected to the State expected to be ready next Mon- convention which wan day. held In Fort- land yesterday. L. S. Rs.ndall, Wal- Carlos H. Stone, D.D., of Cornwall ter D. Crafts and E. O. IMnkham, on the Hudson, N. Y-, with Mrs. IHstrlct convention, which is being Stone and her mother, Mrs. M. F. held In Portland today, the fol- Souvenir Post Cards. Bristol, and the family including Car- lowing were selected: John E. los B.. William H., Dorothy and Dud- Osborn, Frost P. Bailey and I^em- noon hour the <>nfiyt «e| COMMERCIAL ley arrived at the hotel Saturday af- Ihmning. County convention. TRAVELERS, take of one ternoon coming by the Charles F. Visitors to the Casco Resorts auxiliary boat Brown, l/ewls P. Alexan- Cuohlng* clam hniro Bay der and ANNUAL FIELD DAY AT from the faniyjg Gladys, Capt. (ietchell, which takes Silas S. Holbrook This con- LONQ is reparation that ho should not fail to us the guents of the vention was LAND SATURDAY visit when in house about the held in Portland Tues- NtXT. for furnlahlnf the bent f*larr, Hay. They had an day. For In Portland. quite experience representative already two Maine, th<*>- are a*ftnr> 1I a coming over from Island strong candidates are In ful repant. TV>e Llttlejohn's the fleld, Dinner at afternoon h- line. convenience dates are Traveler* while everything in Sta- Mpmih. Thomas O. Bobbins, John claiming the victory. The A town will be held at lx>ng Inland and Buckley. K. L. HHI iind W. committee Is planning to wage thr REAL ESTATE TRANl is in stock. George an tionery always Nuttall of Ix>well and exciting campaign and will can- Association thla year will be J. E. Gendron Jolnel CaSCO BAY. and A. B. vass the town in the N. B. Pleane ff-el at perfect liberty to dm oar public writ* Martin of Winchester. Interest of their by the Maine Commercial Traveler!. M«m, were representative candidate. log desk at aajr Urn®. entertained by Mr. L*. H. The committee who have the Spauldlng here over the week end. arrang*- The following tran«f»m went New menta In charge hare planned for They out to view the harbor In Freight Ordera. at tale In Caaco Iia; have be*. the elaborate affair and If the weathe* recordrd at the Spaiildln* motor boat, Slndbad, The Harpawell Steamboat ^eirlatrj afternoon. Co. have conditions are favorable the occaaloi for Cumberland Sunday Saturday evening poeted a notice In a Cotnty: the whole conaplcuoua place will be an event of great party went down and be- about pleasure, Edward A. Dunlap to their landlnjca In the entire The organizations will meet sieged the to Bay at Re4 Ward, land and bulifllrgs bowling alleys, compelling thla effect that on and WILLIAM W. ROBERTS the after thla Men's Hall at 8 p. m .. and to the w'" CO., proprietor to open them date all mi» m despite freight mnd of himself. expreaa packagea sic Chandler's band a short street William 8. Trefetbeo « tolraveon the laat STATIONERS. evening ateamer parsde will begin after which tht »inurea nnsn«, /and %i t-aa« Among those down for from Portland muat Saturday reach the freight party will embark from Custom lUd. and were nhed Hous* Sunday Mr. C. J. Booth of no later than 4 m. <-■« 233 p. for the wharf for the Island. On their a*, George 8. N»chou u, John P. Nes- Middle St, ME. Chicago, Mr. A. H. Flckett. Mr. and South Freeport IMvlnlon PORTLAND, and 4.30 p. rival here games of all kinds will beth. the Island known aa Mrs. George J. Elliott. m. for the be Bart olio Portland, Mr. Harpawell Division. Freight Indulged In for which the winner* Ivtand In Fr^port. clerk. R. B. Spraffue will will atrlctlj en- be awarded suitable prizes m Martha (Continued on Pace 2.) force thla rule. Washington Society to Pay- momentoes of the occasion. At tin ton Smith, land on Peak's Island. OCEAN VIEW HOTEL. season showing the superior attrac- SUCCESSFUL GRADUATION. tions of this up to date hotel. THe Ooean View Hotel Bailey's Island Hotel is now (Continued from Page 1). Leading Island " Ready for Summer Tourists. THE HAMILTON. ISLAND, ME. Applications for bookings are al- and Miss BAy^EY THI8 IDEAL HOTEL ON CHEBEA- principal, Margaret Black, J ready far in excess of any season at teacher of primary department. WALTER D. CRAFTS, enlng. 1905. Eliot. Recitation. We Mr. William J. Vayo, a chef of the Boys. Mrs. Dearstyne and daughter. Miss Royal P. Root of Chicago. 111., ar- highest standard has been to John Rhodlc Thomas of N. Y.. and Mrs. engaged rived here on the noon boat Helen, Albany, look after Recitation, The Telegram. Tuesday the demands upon the cul* and is now Larter of Kingston. N. Y., are to • Mildred Effie at his father's summer inary department and his duty fs no Sinnett home. spend two weeks lure commencing Recitation, Will aud easy one when the high reputation en- Won't, July 15. This is their first visit to Thomas J. Fraser of joyed by the table of the Hamlltan is Leo York Beverly, Bailey's. A Mass.. one of Uncle Sam's faithful let- to be maintained. The policy 6f the Recitation, Boy's Opinion. Mrs. M. Ha Mies and • Weston ter carriers of that was here Georgt daugh- Hamilton la always to serve the Forest Doughty city, ter of J., are to Music. Monday evening the of his Newark, N. spend best. The outlook for a successful guest the month of friends. Messrs. and Lunt. August here. Mr. season is very encouraging and after Recitation, Boys Wanted, Crowley Barnes will of Mr. Fraser was to leave on si>end part the month July 1. daily arrivals will be in order James Edward Sinnett compelled with his were Her the first boat as his family. They register- As during last year the social Recitation, Name. Tuesday morning af- The Ocean as ed here and were duties demanded his home that View It's name indicates commands a l^st year charmed fairs of this house will be conducted Gladys Leona Johnson being wide and sweeping with the Deauties of our island. on a Recitation, Remember, afternoon. view of Bailey's Island. grand scale. May every possi- Boys Make Only three minutes walk to steamboat whaxf and Miss Strauss ble success Men, Edwin Bates Levman The residents and summer the fine sand Clara of attend Mr. Hamilton, who resi- beach at the head of Mackerel Cove. Our Music. dents are all table is our prido City will arrive July 1. to remain uas done so much to give us this de- pleased to have the and without question is superior to any set here. Excellent until the.close of the season. ltghtuil summer hotel. Conferring Diplomas. change in the morning boat service service. Every- has thing first class. Four room bath Mrs. Dr. and her two Singing Class Ode. that been inaugurated by the house free to guests. Suits to Broga sons. let. Bathing Andrew Benediction. Harpswell Steamboat Co. this sum- Long distance in and' Lemuel Clark and daugh- telephone hotel. Circulars with rates on application. ter. Miss Clark The of mer. The new plan permits of tak- Hotel open all the of Springfield, Mass.. Salutatory Willie Everett year round. Special rates to winter tourists. robinhooTjiih. were Lfeeman was a most ing the second boat at 9.35 a. the first of the summer tourists pleasing one of m. di- * to and rect to Portland instead of APPLICATIONS RECEIVED INDI- arrive, they coming Tuesday in welcome thus made all present leaving at time for dinner. This feel a 8.55 and J^>ing around by Orr's Is- CATE A FINE SEASON. family were kindly reception. L. The class land. ten M. YORK here last season and the young peo- history and prophecies of spending minutes at the ple were active in the Elsie Maud York were and wharf there and arriving at Portland Miss J. E. Has Made very social af- good made Massey This no sooner the earlier Bailey's Island, fairs of the house. They 'will re- particularly satisfactory impressions by start. The House A Wonderful Success. new time table main the entire season. by reference to her island home, for seems to be a very riaine. The one. Ko'ilnhood Inn in entering on Mr .and Mrs. Edward Gray of Irv- very dear to the hearts of the inhabi- satisfactory its sixth season tants of is receiving more ington. X. J., with their two young Casco Bay are their homes Miss Lois E. Jones was visiting Cisco Bay's Leading ever surrounded application*than and a quota of | men sons are due to arrive July 1. by water. In great kind- friends at Cundy's Harbor from Sun- ness and Market. early guests ale already enjoying and they will remain at the hotel the were words chosen for teachers day until yesterday. Grocery the beauties of nature at this house. entire season. were here on under whom the class has L. They been, while Mrs. Josie Thorp of Orange. N. Here you will find Dr. an>l Mrs. J. E Haight of the island a few associations of its members every- Utica. years ago for an out- were all J., arrived here last week for the N. Y.. are the that could thing your wish could c*e. among couples regis- ing. have been desired. Then summer months. Mrs. tered Thorp has, here. They are on their wed- A party of came the prophetic so sire and oar are as twelve from New Jersey words, easily a tine cottage on Maiden Lane and prices dinu tour .and have never visited are to arrive this as to almost make one feel low as the expected week. the pres- this makes her sixteenth summer lowest. Prompt Bailey Island and are much ence of a real Sybil. esi»eclally so with us. Several other members of service and satisfaction al- charmed with its attractive views wheu old Harpswell is to have the her family will be here the and walks. nonor during ways. Fresh invoices of pleasant In company with HILL CREST. of finding that so much talked season. Misses Bird MacLain of N. about stick the Meat, Fowl, Game, Pro- Passaic, among Northlands. Charles M. Y. and Eva Kerr of The Clary was in Portland visions and Titusvllle, Pa.. HOUSE IS NOW OPEN FOR THE presentation of gifts, by Myr- Fruits received took a tle Monday. th«-y drive to Brunswick Tues- M. York, was almost in the form and SUMMER TOURIST AND daily. <~igar4 Tobacco. Cigar* the box at We the dny, Completing the a of a will and its Dr. George S. of by city prices. carry day by side provisions were so Littlefleld, M. D., brands of to New PLEASURE SEEK- South was leading Hardware, I'aints Oi s etc. Hard Wood for fire a tup Meadows Inn for dinner. I delightful as to leave no room for Harpswell here one day open places last week Misses Harriet and Elizabeth Brew- ERS. % contest. examining three applicants specialty. Dry Goods, Boots Shoss and Rubber Goods. Fishermen Supplies. Our ster of | The for insurance in the teams visit all Summitt, N. J., who have the Valedictory was akin to all Connecticut Mu- parts of the Island Public Fine house lots tual Life oaily. telephone exchange. Barnacle cottage and take their otht'r parts in its excellence Insurance Co. for sale in best Familiar Faces to be and well localities on the Island. meals at the Inn Many Her*. delivered entertained their by James Edward Thomas. Frost P. Bailey, superintei^tent of .brother, Mr. James Mr. and Mrs. T. In the was Brewster over J. Bissell of New- intermediate class the parts schools, among those that at- the week end. ark. N. with taken tended J., their two daughters. were all very gratifying and the graduation exercises of Mr. J. Leo Hertrais Misses Nina and Viola too much credit the of New York is and son Cyril cannot be given Miss Grammar school evening are Friday stopping at the Inn. This is his first expected to arrive July 1 for the Jones, the principal, and Miss last. Mr. was CHARLES Black, Bailey registered at S. THOMAS visit to this entire season. the part of the coast. Mr. and Mrs. Bissell assistant, for their untiring ef- the hotel. and The Misses Brewser gave a tea and have been tourists forts in behalf of Carpenter Builder family regular this, the first grad- Rev. Frank \V. Smith of afternoon at here for several uation on Portland Monday their cosy years past and they Bailey. was here on the island rooms In are Friday and Bailoy's Island., Mo. The Barnacle to which always leaders in the social life Ice cream was served at took they cl ise of part in the graduation exercises invited all the ladies from of the house. Mr. the the Inn. and Mrs. Bissell exercises and the disi>osition of given by the Estmates on ali kinds of A served school. He was the cheerfully given pleasant social hour was on the Field Day committee such a large was guest of enjoyed quantity proo! of its Frost P. at Daiidiug and All work under my personal in delightful last season and did Bailey the hotel repairing. supervision. surroundings. everything in goodness. The class is free of all ex- over night. their power to make it the penses and are to grandest be congratJlated. Mr. and event Mrs. William L Savre of Chebeague ever witnessed. The May their future be as succesi'ful as is Philadelphia, Pa., with their son. Al- ROB1NHOOD THE SEASIOE. Breeze pleased to have them here their island school life is the heart- INN. fred V. Say re and are again this season. felt wish of all. m * wife, expected > Sunday next for THIS Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Blcknell of Dor- evening the summer. BAILEY ISLAND. HOMELIKE BOARDING They will chester, Mass., with their children occupy the Hugh Johnson HOUSE ON BAILEY'S ISLAND IS cottage as has been are expected Sunday for a sojourn of their custom Miss J. E. NOW OPEN. at for several years Massey, Prop. least six weeks. Mr. and Mrs. past. Mr. William Say re is of the The most delightful ted exclatl.-e *pot on Hicknell were here last year for the principal Central the island. Situated on t*ie east end Successful Season is entire season Manual school of in lull Assurred. and they also were Harbor Training Philadel- Cundy's view of the Ocean. lt-autiful s phia. and pine grov* interested in all the Pa., Alfred V. Sayre is prin- last Mrs. Fran- greatly social af- and walks around Saturday morning fairs cipal of Horace the h»u»e. The bou»e is ces E. given here. Mr. Bicknell will Binney Grammar Cram the proprietor of this school of that modern in every respect. toilets, hatbt and join his family as often as his city. favorably known house arrived on busi- Last week was sewerage. Kate* on ness affairs gala week in Harps- Miss Elsie application. Circul- will permit. M. York, Miss Jennie ar* this island and Monday morning the well with Its several graduations on application. .Mr. Charles Black. William E. Leeman and James house was opened for the season. Weber, formerly chef and we doubt if at the interest was more E. the of Falmouth Hotel, will have Thomas, graduating class of Already many the better rooms pronounced in other parts of town charge of the culinary our grammar school, with their popu- have been engaged and judging from department than here in Cundys. which, while be- this season and from the lar teacher. Miss I>ols E. Jones, are the number of applications that are high r#Mira- ing only a mock regular tion he he will progression, in Portland to for an being received the enjoys do his%ut- was lay outing. THE daily house will yet symbolic of what the near SEASIDE most to sustain the be crowded the entire season. Mrs. reputation won future has in L. M. York carries a fine line of At Maine is a this house store for this place of Bailey Island, homelike with annexes Cram will last season by Chef Lovell and Covell's famous choco- cottage give her entire time to the I)^V. education. where sea Bailey of Portland, who is now ooo- lates. good food and comfortable rooms are management of the Seaside and all I-ast provided at ducting a resturant in that Mrs. Wednesday evening, June 20. the tourists here are assured of city. all Friday and Saturday sev- reasonable rates. Charles Weber will have paths and by-paths led to the evening having every attention possible. charge of eral yachts of the Portland Yacht the dining rooms. schoolroom which was deco- prettily Club, which were For Terms to Mr. and Mrs. T. E. C. Robinson and rated for the in cruising in these Apply Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Robinson with occasion class colors Mr. and Mrs. S. Poland of of red, white and waters, were at anchorage here at firs. F. Milford. her two daughters. Misses green. The west- E. Cram, Propr., Mass.. are to arrive Dorothy ern wall was Mackerel Cove. Bailey Island, He. exacted July 2 and Helen Robinson are concealed half way by for a booked for an ten days outing. Miss Gertrude extended the stars and stripes, above Mrs. Carrie Bibber of South sojourn commencing July 1. which, Harps- Partridge of Newton. Mass.. will ar- in evergreen letters, was class well with her young daughter were They were here last season for a long motto, David P. Stetson's Ice Cream Parlors. rive Sunday to remain the entire sea- visit. "From the life of school to the school visiting friends here, returning home Sinnett, son us. of Bailey Island. with Miss Patridge will Mr. lifts" The remaining walls were Sunday afternoon. BOAT BUILDER We Claude H. Phillips of Salem. make oar lc«j Creaio from pure dairy Bpenn ner spare moments partially banked with dark Albert cream and crushed fiuit. pa'n ins Mass., Is clerking here at the house green Paul Willis of Philadelphia. l)»IH»rMl in bricks ehlna and branches from the BAILEY'S ISLAND MAINE. by quart or gallon to any |>art of the island. bric-a-brac, sbe being an this season tree emblematic of arrived here on having commenced his Pa., Sunday evening Presb ( and) made on da\. expert wltn the brush. our state as a Nntnr and p'eaau'e of all kind* prmi*fi every We duties last. back-ground for roping the boat and. as last season, he will marie carry ths best line of Sunday Mr. Phillips is a to order. It »*t» to let the o Onfecilonery, Fruits, of bridal wreath relieved the by day neaaon. Nats and Hod a a to b* found, Harold C. Cram has arrived home violinist of great by brilliant g|>end entire summer In this vici- Private wharf at Mackerel <>»»e. *» bar! I"at»ers, Maga- promise being a prl%- zines, Ktc. Headquarters for Casco from of coloring of |»eonies. while streamers nity. Mr. Willis is to let at returnable Hrwm llajr . Mass., where h»> h;»s pupil Arthur Flelden Luscomb, the owner of the yawl lligea priera. been of red. white and green which at considerable of his time In the celebrated teacher and soloist of crepe paper Alga, the present time is employment of the were gracefully suspended from walls being In Modern Woman's Boston. Mass. It Is to be hoped the put commission at Herbert to center. Potted were In E. Magazine, making designs, etc. Mr. guests will have the privilege of hear- plants Wilson's, the boat builder of Orr's Cram is a ing as and added much to the Inland. Mr. Holman graduate of the Eric Pape him, no doubt several musi- abundance White, principal AUCOCISCO HOUSE school of and his cals will be prettlnflw and cheerlness of the of the Xfcomas designing work has given again this season. G. Morton grammar CLIFF ISLAND, Walter A. received marks Mr. stage. school Castner, Prop. high from comi»etent Phillips will have charge of the .pMfeiladelphia, is expected to critics. He will remain at home the social affairs. To strains of music the graduates: arrive next week. On his ar- c^^L This entire season. Misses Mildred and Marcla Holbrook, rival the^Hll start for several short first-class hotel will open Nellie Brigham. CrUtlne Crosby. Bi- cruises to The nearby resorts In these June 15 for the reason of 1906 hav- MERRICONEAG HOUSE. lls Skolfleld, George waters. Both Barnes. Vernon gentlemen are ardent ing for it« manager Walter A. Toothaker. Herbert and Warren sailors and all their s{>are time CASCO CASTLE. they Castner. The house will be con- (Continued from Page 1). Benson, ushered In by the six little spend aboard their craft. Mr. Willis flower-girls consisting of Is connected with the ducted first class in every partic- LtHIS 8UPERB HOTEL 18 CLAIM- Rdna Brif- Central Man- ham. Pearl Harris, Vldle ual Training school. ular. All modern ING MANY and Mrs. C. H. Mr. and Skolfleld. Philadelphia. improvements. L PARTIES. Mitchell, Asenath Brigham. Pa.. Mr. White Is a Mm M. J. North Klsle Holbronk member of the Rates on Collins. Yarmouth, and application. Alice Eastman, marched down Philadelphia Yacht Club. are Mr. C. O. They tourist«b6oked 'or the McCllntock, Castlne, Me., the center al*le and took their registered at the hotel Address, of places for the sea- the Yawl Skldoo, P, Y. C., spent on the I hotel has stage where they were wel- MM, WALTER A. CASTNER, H«Miw^»n"wn ojxiH'd In the harbor and was a I days comed by two members of Minn far the Reason. June 18th. the school Elizabeth Slinn wan In Port- Cliff Maine. (rcqotn; Kuest at the house. The tioard, Harmon O. Island, for bualneaa *«-etn to Coombs and Ho- land Saturday Mrs. Foapecta Skldoo Monday morning. ward D. visiting Miller, this In All«*n. with Supt. Frost P. returning here on the flonally good year. Messrs. Kd ard Woodman and morning boat Bailey also the teaelier, Miss o. the unfavorable weather Jam** C. <>1 the M. Sunday. fox P, Y. C. were m rh#» caa- Sawyer. and '/4kl!»•'! ancient also here Mr. Mm. Robert Potter were Friday to dinner. Then-the In of their fam- salufitorlan. Ml** Marcla Portland on a IQ/Aiue Miss Harriet E. Ashcroft. Monday biialnoas trip. partaken known an be- superin- C. Holbrook In most cordial Lowe Bros. Standard TKnner. w#^l tendent of word* Rer, I*. M. High Paint |KT^ he McKay Institute for leave her afelrcs* of Roberaon, who Is atop- h.it value on the Maine welcome. plng at the Roblnhood Protestant |jeaf Mutes at Montreal A Inn, left Tuea- For Inside and Outside Use. arrived T'i< very jpjod history of the day to aU«-ud the stlay for a vacation ao- wan claM Commencement ex- given Christine erdaea Floor and new ftidhy Trto Mre been engaged >» irn^ by Crosby. at Harvard at which hi* clan* Vernlrnl Yarnliiti Rtaln for or old. hard or soft i«mon and The clan* will wood. Covers bad and renew* finish •e f6r the give poem by Harvey '82 be represented. He after- painting that has been marred during ham and claa* Brig and worn al high clans concert* song by Ueorge ward upent about a week at Narra- The MERRICONKAO AND FOREST were Harnes and In the evening. rendered moit satisfactorily. ganaett Pier before returning here have alao managed to hold QUEEN OUT. While the Prophecies of L. Ml is Mildred M. York wan In Portland Mon- £. Ooold ncea aa her<"»oter*. Holbrook were well J. ung ladles w%re all rented the mat Qib rm carried a (rood crowd to In dressed Wells cottage on the eaatern cater fr< over 150 of the up white, whfle the entire class shore A bridge for a ahore knots wore and they will entertain of of tip* Bowdoln College £urn**t dinner, of ribbon in class friends dur- Large Variety the w« not of colors. the seaaon. e nther waa the brightest ing Mrs. Wells has de- Htffi'^r 1*>3, 1905 etc will The were 1'it wag an diplomas also tied In cided not to tske Souvenir Post Cards, Ices and Cold »en» d. On 29th appreciable Improvement three the boarders this sum- College Soda, Prlday ♦vt huea were snd In n* prerloaa Sunday and a pleasingly mer. conaequence she New Eng-1 by Harmon O. presented and her our the new drink. " )!«■»*» ni time waa Coombs, directly danghtera will spend the Try Cherry-Ferri, »rtle* Theae are singing class ode; her new cottage. Fruits and Fine win hold their nnnn.il trip* fine onea, ing Is the Follow- Chocolataa. rt» on thA >«rt|f the Gurnet program given as a ground* of C»»c^utk darly aall which whole: Mr. A. V. Hathaway of •""l »o be made Music Mechanic m# Hotel In by the 8tr. Pejeps Falls, who Is here at his ,, At The Head of the Wharf. quite booked up *»t cottage at for certain when ahe waa on the J. Salutatory. the Eaat end for a w»fcks In July and running Marcla abort outing. Is and there l« August He Donald line. there Recitation. Holbrook a few erery a f. Recently Martin making Improvements ord pro*pert of rec- lave been no Hunt about season. Mont of Sunday aalla to thla Recitation, Levi the property. the jcue*t* are Eastman C. M. from PHnt or Bath either, the boata con- Recitation. Mrs. Cobb, Philadelphia. New York and Pearl Harris Herbert Slnnett and Boat on and themaelvea to the nearer daugh- Cliff laland, Main*. return from fining !•- ter Mildred, were In season to ■Mt. (Continued on Portland Mon- Page t.) day on business. GASCO BAY HOUSE CASCO CASTLE SOUTH FREEPORT, ME. JAMES A. FULLER, Prop. The opening week at the Gem theatre This superb hotel has accommodations for 100. Situated on a high bluff was in a measure responsible one for the hundred feet above the sea and only three hundred from the waters of many arrivals of summer cot- t'aaco Bay. Twenty private bath« with hot and cold spring and sea water. tagers last week. By the end of the in room. Unexcelled and beauti- Telephone ©very cuisine, orchestral music present week the of the ful grounds, are features of this bouse. and Two majority Bathing, boating Ashing. regular cottagers will be here for the round trips daily front Portland on the Steamer of the Maquoit Harpawell tcason. The Steamboat Line. THE DAZZLING FARM. outlook gives promise of being a season of great pleasure. Miss May. «u quite unused to Rates: $3.00 to $4.00 Per $14.00 to — country Mis.* Day; $21.00 Per Week. «f)i; Parsons, the principal of the school, has Oa the farm she a few ncatioi been spending a few days ^ spent In days; previous to her de- Wiiter Resorts: Hotel Maitfeiilie. Masdeville; And Mootego Bay Hotel, Mootego she lost herself one morn. parture tor a trip lo Europe. It is In a her B. W. I. little field of corn. Intention to remain cn the con- Bay. Jiaaica. For it wss, to Miy't amaze, a maze o' tinent until late maise. In the season. C. H. Barker and family are here for —Kans.111 City Tim«. the FULLY EXPLAINED. remainder of the season. C. A. Hanson of Westbrook. Me., are **Pa. what U an entente cordiale?" among the early arrivals at their cot- house on this ••That's a of Leading is'and, a fine view of the polite way referring tage here. They are usually among commanding bay. to Pine the it when a couple of fellows who the first to come down. grove alongside house where rockers and hammocks are Earth's Put at haven't been Mrs. for the use of Age Now (lie best of friends decide Phineas Ayer is at the Air Cas- guests. Bathing, boating and fishing. Clam Bake tle to let bygones be bygones and step in for the summer months. House accommodates 400 with Finest dinners H. O. dancing privileges. to have a drink on IL"—Chicago Rec- Whltten and family of Port- served here. Open June 15 to Sept. 15. Two steamboat lines. Bates Years land a»e here for the summer OverlOO,000,000 ord-Herald. months and circulars on having rented a cottage on Kelloac application. street. PARTLY REMEMBERED IT. By Charles Upllin Keyes. Mr. and Mrs. L H. Bryan are here Teacher—'"Marcus Anrelius was one at their summer home and will, as best of the greatest tost ever in Granite Hotil am geological estimates of the age or our globe are In pagans lived. years past, remain the entire sea* Spring Casino Remember son. close agreement. From the time when the record of the that. Tommy." lor nun stratified rocks begin to the present, the figures are some- Tommy (at home a few hours later) Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Thompson of Mass;., thing over 100.000.000 years. While some of the estimates —"Markasaw Reelius was the biggest Milbury. have rented the Adams X). that -ever cottage and are now ponosi, Prop. vary both above and below the men- pig lived, mamma. Teacher occupying it for considerably period the ssys season. tioned. the general results are not materially affected. so."—Chicago Tribune. Largest Hotel on the Gaa W. E. Marshall of Arlington. Mass.. Bay. A generation ago. calculations of the earth's age were has and every accommodation. Mineral HER rented the Willington cottage on for the most of the POSITION. part, vary much less than one-half figure Elephant avenue and is now here Spring- Water. Bates on Nell—"She talks a deal applica- given al jve. Dana, for instance, computed the length of good about for the season. tion. Open June 15 to 15. Paleozoic her grandmother's In Sept. SHEtime at about 30,ooked Me. consists of so much more than the daily bread. These are Littlejohns Island, for as soon as he can — get it the opened. New store. New stock. Call and in- tUmill Questions: Mr. and Mrs. BOSTON Lincoln Skillings of spect. We call for and deliver Is my repulsion for any form of the a real orders risque feeling Portland opened up their cottage on on Cousins and and instinct with or is it the NORFOLK & Littlejohns me, result of breeding? "Oak Lawn" last week and are BALTinORE stands. now RK8T BOVTK fronintly Are here for TO my reserve and my self-respect sufficient to win for me the unpresum- the summer. Ing and chivalrous manner which I Mr. Walter B. Elwell and mother will Washington, Richmond and have always been shown by men in my All Running; Water mother's drawing-room? occupy their cottage as unuai this Points South. summer and are now here. rovK SAILINGS Is what I call my tolerance the result of sober and a broad look WKKKI.Y In House aid Bam Judgment Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Whitten and fam- at or am Accommodation!*and cu'sine life, I so of that some • now unsurpassed. The proud being tolerant, of my attitudes towards '» «#*•* ily are located at their summer for Mile Niagara Hy- •ffl Tick«U at B. A M. R. R. office. draulic what others do, and border on looseness home which fur Ram is' a believe, of vision? has a very pretty loca- s»-m. illustrated booklet and fares. Tlobln—"Yea. we're coins to move. tion. A. 1. complete nuccms Have I the judgmrnt and to as when I GRAHAM. Agent, Ronton, Mau. where the poise reeognize ugliness ugliness Our the W. windmill see neighbor, mot-kin? is •>ir. J. B. Burke and moved TURNER, O. P. Md. is it. and not to let myself be taught that some ugliness is in alien bird, try- family A., Baltimore, impossible. If beauty to imitate a Kiss down lo guise? lug drum." his new cottage on Oak lj»wn vou have • run- last Saturday. ning stream or Is tip their It easy for me to tell a lie? It may be that I do not lie often, but is it Mrs. Charles cottage "Orand View." for sprine within * HIC.HER QUALIFICATION. Sumner Carleton en- a for me the summer mile, we will undertake to tbe eu3y to lie when it. is convenient? tertained Miss Katherine l>ewis sev- Saturday. put E. G. water where you want it. Our Cutten—".lorgins Ih eral last Robinson has leased his pret- catalog The pity is that a young woman always brajj- days week at her cottage on free. It tells how. usually does not know that these ques- about bis ty cottage "Nestledown" to you Thousand!* in fflnic wife's cookery. Is she the hill. Mr. Cha*. use. I'ufd and tions exist until experience has revealed each one to her. of It is Crockett endorsed by Fenn. R. R. The pity •urh a famous cook?" Mr and for the summer. Mr. and and IT. 8. that when Mr«. Henry Merrill and Government. the wise one who has been through it all and knows the Mr*. Alonzo Height will the truth.— Dryde—"No; she's more (ban daughter of the Kastern spend v/iien such a one that. Prom°nide summer Niagara Hydraulic Engine Co. tries to tell her how vital these are, there to with their daughter. Mr.*. questions spring She's a hypnotist. She has moved down to their wimmer home 140 Naaaiu St., New York the would-be teacher's Joreinx Crockett. lips only the old cant phrases which the girl has heard under SUcli last week. perfect control that 1m»"1I F. I/. Saunders from her childhood.—Success. Mr. and Mrs. W. and family are now eat anything she no L. Blake, soil and rook*, mat'.er how located at their cottage for the sum- daughter, of the pastern are daughter* of Portland imd it Promenade mer. moved down this is."—Chicago Tribune. now at their cottage for the summer. week to their cottage. Mrs. Mr. H. f>. Patchen and of H. L. Williams of the l*eerinu family Major Williams and wife are now- Monument street moved down to their ASSERTING IIERSRLF. District spent part of last week with here for the summer. summer home and entertained Mr. and Sirs. Upmore—"A learned her daughter. Mrs. I.ottle (Mummer. Mr. and Mr*. Fred A. Drlnkwater scientist Mrs. Charles Norherg last week. Mlfs Mr. and Mrs. Herman moved and son. are now at their Himmer The Best Man any* everyl*>dy eat* three times as Dyer MaMe and home down to Elinor Morgan of State hut on touch a* he their cottage lust week. account of the rain and really needs to e.it." street are to the summer fog Mr. and Mr*. F. N spend with have not heen ahle to do Mrs. -"Let him Calderwood. who Mr*. much t>oating I*ap*ling speak for own the finest Patc-hen. yet And the ftlinsetf. He's cottage on th«- island got no ri«ht to \ vscrilw are Mr. J. A. Jeffrys and Iea*?c1 Corporation's down now for the summer. family Mrs. Heuben Wescott moved down to for other When it the "Fields" cottage for the people. to Mr and Mf& will summer her summer home last f/nes WlltCf B Loekfl and week and en- fellinsr me how mnrh I oi *' to soon are now here. to Him. eat move down for the summer. tertained her daughter. Mrs. K. Skll- I'll take uo Mr. and Mrs. K. M Gardner and Duty man's Ypsilanti."— Chicago llngs of Vermont this meek. Tribune. daughter are now located at their cot- By Pre:ident Eliot, of Harvard. EVERGREEN LANDING. Mr. and Mf». H. K. Morrison are tage fc: th«* Hrmmer. hrre for Mr. and Mrs. the seiron and will as usual Oeorge A By nan and Mr. and Mr*. Ro'enl-erg and I.I K F! family occupy the White HE bent man lor any large service Ik the man who has such COMBTIflNG IT. children of Oak utreet. mo\e«| down In ha\c leai>e«| the cottige "Highland" and are Mr, and Mr.». K. ft. Kiden a natnral t»Hto and their summer rottage last week. now and fam- facully (..<• that kind of work that be Marryat—"Hello! old man, here for the summer. and you're Mr. and Mrs. ily Mr. and Mis. H. W Stewirt would take It and It without Bil>t*r anil son opened Mr. and Mr*. Osrar keep any very keen attention looking pronperon*." Skillings and are ? Boaton. Thl» houl I* n«w The new rifle differ* jroti." nppo«ii« Mn»», and ahMluMly teata. from all Flume haw Ja»t delivered to the fffn tb* Attn- **s othera the kind Ita exclaimed b. d. you following uan IndtK^ement !• of by principle of trallan aorernment a at our hnur. A ra- catting 7' hot and oold water Mid fm llo httbi. I1M and W»l tor one of the for •wo pub day |MM. BOO and VHl day fa exploalon producing auto- dlu* of action of twelve mile* porsous K«om< with private Imtn II M and K.00 a for one W W nod M.W a la "Tbat'a all the land- day person; day for two i,. rofaaa action Thla la none right," rejoined plan W||| make a rate for rooms with pwrsoun, mafic in a way claimed for It. All the otit.-r weekly hot and cold water of tAftl to flfl.flr. with pi-Irate bath M il to I10 W. fortu oL lord. "That fellow's the handleat of two rooms with bath M >/<>.«s« chap fl4 to m.«l The oafe and room are and ara oaoduuted om which detracta nothing from the pro- th*» of Pola are to dining flr*-olaaat tbr Kuropeaa pl«% port be provide* for miles round with the abeara."—played advertising, ha\e tfce pniltjic cf weekly inser- harm. Enclosed in an and of course we all know how delight- tion of names under the airtight his guests' classification of Register of Touristf,*free of charge. receptacle, atmosphere ful It is to look upon fine, heavy table a undergoes change so slight that it linens. Then, If they are umre eco- HOUSE i« commodious and cannct be imputed to Hut homelike in every particular. Fitst-class 10 breathing. nomical. why shouldn't we all have every re»|»«t. Tin* view from JUNE OUR tbe broad piazza* and ctuimliers in THURSDAY, 28, 1906. circulation does not cease. As res- them at our as in tbe unsur- meals well as country. Toilet roomsi ou each tl<>«■ r. <• daily Dining m accommodates piration diminishes the of {tassed20. Fine prove in rvnr of the bouse. irritability when we have company at our tables? Tenuis Court* on lawn.*. tat>le is with the l»ert the adjacent Our the muscles of the h*art and supplied market affords. Hue lieach increases, boat inc. V i-it tiiis island for batbinc aud the bone and sinew, the eye. brain, which is considered bv the thus. without the stimulus of oxygen, s|»ot iu New 'I'wo lines physician* inost healthful MINIATURE heart of our future civilization, now to wash parasols. England. of steamer* from 1'oMlai.d. ALMANAC for. much mere utes' walk front Only three min- although slowly, the heart llamiltoirs I^tudinp. Hook if "Wash your parasol? Who ever You will ttnd to early you desire choice rooms. continues to beat. In the absence of plenty make the hours pass "Whate'er the land, though all heard of such a Etc. only" too'quickly. Dancing, Card Week cf June 28 to July 4. things the thing?" Parties, else conceiving. fresh air drawn into the iungs in Sun length of High tide "I never did. but that didn't k«*|i Unless it breeds great men it is times of activity, uncleansed and un- Rates on Day Ris^s Sfts Day Morn. Even. not me from trying it. and I want to tell app!i:ation Accommodates 103 Jc2 151? great.'* revigcrated and venous blcod passes Op:a October I i£8 4.06 7 2\ 15.16 3.15 3.43 | you it is a great succe**." I on to till the whole system of circula- 29 4.t»7 7.21 15.15 4.15 4.45 "How did you do it. and didn't the Season of 1906, Jane 15 to 15 American Medicine in a current is- tlon. Sept. CO 4.07 7.21 15.15 5.15 5.45 colors run or fade?" sue has an excellent article on 1 4.MS 7.21 15.14 6.15 6.45 "Sleep A profound lethargy tnsues, only and Study." Reading it with interest "No. indeed. They look as fresh and SUMMIT HOUSE 2 4.08 7.21 15.14 7.15 7.45 distinguishable from death by the we were "given pause" by this |iara- bright as when new. The wetting stif- CHEBEACUE ISLAND 3 4;<«S 7.20 15.13 8.15 8.30 slight of the heart. The waste >h: beating fens too. On 4 gra them. They didn't fade and the iwt of t he Mope, choeen 4.1* 7.20 15.12 9.15 9.30 is very small. The fa; accumulated "Theoretically a student should be they didn't run. 1 just took a nailbrush by of the hotel* a* an ideal as freerniit gained for devine. Then the !■;»t flies forth once more less effort, but will prevent the ex- Grocery and Afternoon tpa lias be as es- haustions from the* hollow tree in the to grown to Provision Store M which so frequently follow wood, <»nlipht night made to order. tablished a custom in America as in school courses." After careful and find the warm dusk teeming with in- Chebeague Island, Me. England, where it has to make V. hat's lengthy thought on the subject we sect life, and the hedgehog conns, it helped "doing?" Look in the Breeze life have felt called upon to submit the l»e from pleasant for generations. may the» cavity under the We in our to At lirst on this carry line of trade and our following other "laymen" who. we roots side of the water we everything are aa Vll wait impatiently for the next gnarled below, to find beetles, low as the lowest. Fresh prices feel, do even greater "damage" to were inclined to make of it a formal invoices of Meats, Fruit aud -J:op." J worms and slugs once more among the ries Fowl, Ber- scholars during the summer vacations. function, but now it is more received Slices. spring grass. Hibernation has saved becoming daily. Boots, Rubbers, Hardware, Those who have charge of the and more a Goods aud Fishing Lots of pretty girls—seme dandy fel- boy him from habit in many families to Gear, Fancy bummer Hats. Our teams cover • ami much that here follows starvation; but if his nook all parts lows. may also have a tea just as regularly as dinner. of the island several tunes All be to had not be< n snug and chosen, daily. orders delivered free. applied our girls) during the wisely In aud Come in it summer, when the days have l»eon see us if you want to secure a summer cannot or will not see how could net have preserved him from House Lot. We have the Aren't our pursers perfect gentle- to outdoor there is finest mm It of death from given up sports, sites on the island and our men? tine intellectual growth can frost. prices will please you. be nothing pleasanter or more refreshing lost in two months of sport that is The hiding-place also must be se- than a of tea and a sandwich wheu completely divorced from cret cup The bathing was never l»etter any- thought. and free from intrusion, for the Island him a one comes in warm and tired from the View where. They give breathing space from hibernating animal cannot bear to be Cottage, which he catches a mental cold that golf licld. tenuis or canoeing and just suddenly aroused. Even the little Great Chebeague, Me. holds him for six months: they let him before starting to dress for dinner. Still they come and—the more the dormouse, which comes out at inter- L. F. KM <>i» the oars until he drifts out on In the tea is to be served HAHILTON, Proprietor merrier. vals to country apt the wide sea of feed, when in deep sleep «Ioes ignorance: they pro- outdoors—any where, in fact, that LOCATION and first- not too fancy everything vide him with a shady upot on which survive hasty an awakening. clin. Veiandaaaod li*t you stay longer than you In dictate* or the family hapiH-us to have IjMNE large airy rooms. he takes a The heat of the hand Hates on tended to. refreshing Rip Van Winkle gradually passing nnplieailon. Cottage-annex huilt gathered. this season (or rooms sleep from which forty professors through the nest or to be carried in- only. Open June As it is hard on a maid to ask her to 15 to 15. could not wake him. doors to Sept. Have you read Clara Ixniise Burn- the warmer temperature of Then the often carry a heavy tea tray out under the ham's stories cf the Bay? boy loses his man- a room is well enough. ners. For. as he is not tree* on a lawn, or perhaps, even into expected to He awakes refreshed, full of activ- think (not being a rational creature the woods, the tea wagon tills a very HAMILTON Nice paper v eights are free for the and w!th a VILLA, Island for two ity. dispo«dti'»n speedily to Chebeague months of the year) he need real need. Near the east end of the inland and taking on Pebbly bea'-h. Bailey island. become tame and make friends. But equally distant from north and couth shore*. not pay attention whatever I Ins ik a of any to his wagon provided with han- Plenty amusement and recreation at hand. Fresh farm and orein on if you warm him product* our behavior. He l>e as suddenly hack to life table. \Ve have a select clientele and our house If you tan Think of anything and may prlmitively dle. by which it may l»e easily pushed will please you. The beat of refer- wild as possible. When the two before he had gradually breathed the ences given. Kales on application. Accommodations for 40. can't get it here let L. M. York know. months from place to place on its two front are past it will all come back to torpor out cf his Idood and establish- him. wheels. Two class shelves give plenty AIiFRBD S. HAMILTON, Yes. in the form of a dream. < :i an between his Prop. R*al estate on Casco Bay is selling equilibrium respi- of room for even a rather elaborate When a goes to he does ration fast and prices are going up. Move toy «-ollege and muscular irritability, his so for a tea service. purpose. That purpose is to heart will l«at a quickly! at tremendous rate, Another convenient invention for af- have his mind trained and his morals ami in a ft w minutes he is d»*ad.— directed and strengthened. If anv oth- ternoon tea is the little wicker mufHn Bet you've forgotten to send your London er be had in Spettator. stand. often called the "curate's de- friends nice little souvenir cards nr.«de object view, he should not be sent to in from birch bark. college. From the moment light." playful reference to that CARE OF THE EYES. he steps within the college portals he time-honored fallacy that the young di- is in training, as much and more than vine is the man who Our attention has be*n called to the A Few only really enjoys any athlete that ever trained. Rules Which Each and All fact that the article in our last issue Now a cup of tea. mis training is not to tx> a Should Observe. Mating that "these ledges appear spasmodic Such stands, which are used to pass affair, a thin? of shreds and While trying to tieautify the not to he charted" in referring to Cioo- patches. eyes the craekers or sandwiches usually It Is to 1h» a steady and gradual land- in many way* is or gln's hedges near South Freeport. was altogether harmful, served at tea are of di- For Your Vacation Your See How We Can a careful time, wicker, Outing a ing. and continuous leading there are a number of rules if to certain extent Incorrect in this which, vided into three or four onward and an endless compartments, Add to Your Comfort. Vieit Our statement. In a letter from the inspec- upward, chain, persevering)? regarded, will be of the Outing Exhibits a seamless fastened together by a rod at the hack. We have a exhibit of tor of the first garment. Times there must arranged special if xnl-time ind'*pen«able*. lighthouse district. greatest benefit. Half l>e of or les* They are so light as to be man* the pleasure in the outing in tne way (or it. a Commander U. S. he state* that greater relaxation: but easily .vou prepare Many N.. The enormous increase In cases of «;a« b_«en these times should never with one hand and avoid pl<-a-ant trip spoiled hy inappropriate api*re!linir«. are charted and we are to lose sight of agetl crowd- th»-y willing imperfect sight can be noted on Here are tittinjc* and Axing* tha: will rtt th? orrin, the one great purpose, the training every ing the tea table proper. specially adapted accept the correction graciously. Chart lor the trip to the country, or t he bea.-b, or the rea* to all that is hand. Two out cif every three wo- rail,--and very >nably No. 315. of the Coast and Geodetic sur- greit or noble of the prlced, too. higher fa'-ulties of the men nowadays are obliged to wear vey doe* show the presence of som»* ob- student. They The OutinT I>i*plav* include cri»p. White Suit*. cool White Wai*l«, should never blur the 1* places. Yet the women brink Hat«, Veil*, struction in this part of the Bay. picture that who rejoice Outing breezy pretty Fjra«ol«, Bfli*. «iery--and [Minted, nnr dim the finest in w ha: not! line* that perfect vision go on their way dis- j'Srs THErxV"^, Mo«t ne?d fo? the vacation reason will have been drawn. the everything you I# found here. CHARACTER GROWTH. regarding find principles of wight L"t ua ahow : What fhall we then of the yod say hid- culture. There are a few simple fcPlCUR&AN'S >lrn"» Itafhlnc Still* eous gap of two months In which tin- WaUt* a man have rules if Though comparatively which, tauglt in the Two for a student does absolutely nothing to re- nursery, piecc Bathing Suit* Men We have fnll line of Wai«t*. Ia<;e littN- culture. slender abilities and but would at 1.5> and 2.50 trimmed tain the training he has received dur- strengthen eyes which in later \l/CO fl.OO. mid hmui tmbroldrrrd, sm.ill wealth. yet if his character »*• effect*. Prlc •«. ing the foregoing ten months: In which years cause their owners acute suf- Tvro pio-r Bathing Salt* for Boy* dainty filft to 25.00 of sterling worth he will alway* com- Ht ft 10 ui. 2.KS. 3 SO M the ctirro." Implies |1 grace »»f motion in human form, ]. When you are reading hold tho frankfurter* or *au*age* In l>l««-tilt It it ening forward, a progressing upon a hint; Bit* and Xe«-ea*ary Article* foe »hc Tour* so the harmonious exercise of all the took some distance from rriiftt and bake. Serve either Lot or i*i m( the march for the citadel of your eyes, Water Win** ....25c each Toilet (iuiHl* faculties will a beautiful Journey—a Drpl. produce and it nearer co!y in a chain and form Belt*. Leather Belt* H a fait. 25?; Viole. petition, arnl »h»n writing little *a!t ami pepper ami «ugar. When from 15c Ammonia, 15c; h!a hea»l down over a book. No. we are arrange tof 3.50 Witeh Harel. 25.-. DAYS ARE OVER. also on the SCHOOL not (treat your paper slope. the illuli l« foil, *ift fine mimlin on the Purae*. Pocket Card believer* In tooka for vaca- Book*. ('»*», All kind* of Tooth Va«e- 4. Avoid reading in a of the content* ami eorer Mann Bar* in white. Mack and col- Powder*, tion. except In thoae of a aomewhat moving top eloaeljr. line Camphor lee, Va*elii»e Cold The closing exerci**♦->* «»f our Bay v*-hlele. or*, from 60r to f12.00 lighter rein But what we would In- Hake, covered. until heah'd through, ('ream. Mind*' Aim no Cream, and •chools. the graduation and commence- k|«I rtH la 5. Toilet Traveling C'*«e» f»om aeverai other well known that the ntudent retain a Directly your eyea begin to then uncover ami brown. make* ment exerci*** of fit her 1 n«f I- % 00 to 25.00 larger habit of thoiieht—of aome- smart and 91 deliberate, burn, if you are Hweet Wafera—Beat the Perfume* of different make* In a*- tutlons of learning, haw bf»n held. undertak yolk* anil Vacation Xeceealilea Irom the , tlme^ nerloua thought; that he con- In* Mine fine aorted odor*. The have been needlework, put it white* of *is egg* *ep rately anil thor- beiond floor spoktn duct himself an v.«ledlrtjpries nteadlly. though hi* away. Lie bark in a Machet with a glad iMnh of relief, book* have chair. Close oughly. Cream two otin<-e* of butter, White P. K. and Lint n Huita. lace Powder*. including llud- actlonn were the renult of not'a. Met call'* and been closed and—Caaoo Bay knows Urn judgement your eye*. I-ay a kandkerchief with one and one-half and Inaertton trimmed Eion Jacket*. Pi*er. All kind* and not of Inoulne. To do thla he ne^d soak melted, cup* of ot Ar.icle*. share of the who will ed in Price*. Toilet youth week here not be cold water on the eyea. *ngar. ami beat the Milted or affected. He may do Remain powilered yolk* 50. 9 60. 10 00. 12 15 18 00 to regain vigor for another scholastic In this for f7 60. 00. and It very naturally and himnelf position ten minutm Into thl* mixture; adepe 75c tof3.TO fly. to roam abroad quantity Collar Extender* 25- to constantly, like a thing hla biiiiin*** wa« that Lon* Kimono*, made of colored AOr should realize that there must be no wben be ta*k)*«| and wb*n smooth add on* «nur hundred years ago last Sun- day. May 20. at Valladolid. Christopher Columbus closed what doubtless seem- ed to "him an unsuccessful life. He had discovered a new world. It Is true, but festead of the looked-for rewards for his achievement disappointed hopes, chain seven, had been his lot. Far from the sea he loved, and on which most of his life had been spent, he died, little dreaming that four centu- ries later his name would be familiar as a household word to every one of the millions of schoolboys and school- girls in the new world which should have borne his name.—Youth's Com- panion.

UlSpern ancntlvouMd. No fltoornfrrou*- t«»f after tli»t da>> in- c>Il»r. Klloe>Orrat N« r\«- Kr»tor*-r.f2 ftialbottk- andtr«*ati*»:Ir*« 1 r. It. II. Klisk. Ltd., 131 Arvbtit.. Pbila.,!^

Whitney, the inventor of the cotton gin. did not make a i-ent out of his Idea. NB20

Kir Wit»!ow>Krc>tkiiip Syrup tor Children tr«tlntu.nilt* k!| r|!un>.i*'dui«►iutlamnia- licu,kii(}> |kiD,coio> vtiLdt vlir.^vBMlle

Captured Monkey-Faced Owl. A monkey-fared owl, the rarest specimen of a bird ever seen in these parts, flew through a glass window of the schoolhouse Friday morning and was captured alive by the janitor, who presented it to the landlord of the Temple Hotel, where it is now on exhibition tefcre many wondering gazers. The owl is of a beautiful gray color, but its face is the characteristic fea- ture. In pla


Coulil Not Do Houtrwoi k For Wrfki at m tune —Currtl byllir Cutirura Itnu- r.OU.

"I have l««n troubled with »■< rema oa my hand<> lor twenty year*. Havr Ufo m> l-ad that I could not dre*s my*elf or do any houMwork for week* at a time. 1 u*ed several different *alve* and washes, tut they did not Nt-m to «lo any pood. At last I pot a treatment of Cutieura St b[. Ointment, and Resolvent, and in two month*' time my hand* were all healed and have never troubled me sin«*e. 1 also nsed the Cutioura Remedies for my little girl when she was euttlap her teeth. Her head and Ja«e w^re covered with WELCOME teethinjr sore-. 1 don't think 1 |-aid out Littlefield & Grocers over live dollar* for the Co., Cuti<*ura l!t*me- 1C9-1I1 Commercial St., I'ortland die* l>e!ore we were all cured. 1 think Cuti^ura iiiitl I'mk'n Inland. Me. Soap is just lovely for the ••oiu- I piexlon. keep it in the toilet for my own WHOLE?5 AI E AND RETAIL special use. Mr*. H. E. Oilman, Box S95. Listen, X. II., Sept. 14, 1103." Groceries, Heats and Provisions How He Kept His Promise. OF ALL KINDS The story goei, pays Tit-Bits, that a certain non-» onfoimist divine noted for hiv smoking iiowrrn was s^nt for WELCOME Are tlie most i»erfect aud natural tliat Dental by Science can We nmke ft specialty of the Boaid uf The !*ortlitnd Institute. re- We do produce. supplying Examiners just before his Kjre PAINLESS WORK. Our methods are Hotel*. CMtam, fejchooners and Yacht- cojjnired for at t h«- Most Rk* the most Hp- ordination. year* aud our ing Partita. In fact we have liable Pua proved PRICES the LOWEST. everything for Ola— ofwwy in our line. Order Teams visit "Mr. F.," taid one of the extend* Silver all part* board, description, |(a HlAfflMf Fillings 50c, Gold Crown of Peak's Island several times o :r are Welcome to the Fillings $1.00, and daily. "> i>apers excellent. but there- esteemed St'MMF.R $4.00 a Bridge Visitors of Fort Work, tooth. Teeth Extracted without Pain is one thing we object to." land mid vicinity, FREE. Im- Our Prices Ire wishing them a very Pleasant and proved PJates with Right Prompt Service Mr. F. asked lightweight Natural Gums $4.0o. Lowest Price what it was. Health Brinuino Summer. No ever offered in Maine. Eierjlhing First Class "You are addicted to thn evil habit doub;, Hundreds of Satisfied cus- of smoking." tomer*, who Honored us with their Vihits last are with 478 Mr. F. that h* year, attain us, explained saw no evil and this Old (tellable Portland ORIiril FOSTERlUOILIlj PainlessI CIIIIG00 in Dentist.UGlllldl) Cfle* Hcuri: 8 to 8, SsnJLHJ.tO to 2 New Base Ball Goods New it. but taking a large plug from his Kye Institute will be pleaded to Lady Attendant Tennis Goods po: ket. said: them again, and to place the Most Scientific and Pleasant service of New "In deference to your TacKle opinion, gen- it« Mr. J. at the Fishing I Principal, Jacques, tlemen. promise- you this: As soon as command of Thousands of New AUSTIN E. New I have smoked the Customers. Our Service is PINKHAM Bicycles New plug I hold in my Known Cameras all over the State in the Most hand i will cease forever." Reli- South smoking able, Accurate and Harpswell, Me. Don't were scientific, waste t'm*» to find They satisfied, and he was or- and we haveAddedtiie Latest and trying something you w*nt in email dained the next Best »o stock*. COME TO day. Instruments. that we are US. We are the Dealt r* able to state : " THe Only Only A Now as he refills bis he There Is Not a First-Class Currying pipe chuckles Better i Complete Line in tliis Our and tells Equipped Eye Institute locality. Prices Are .Lowest as we you: in the State, where Can you Get Livery and buy liom manufacturers unci save "I've kept my word. I've got that Your KYEsmore Accurately Test- Boarding middleman's profit. very plug yft£frngro mnrke-a:ion on the inland. Two HarpswelL from uteamboat wharf. Office, Instruments, New Goods round d«ilv are m«dr the fcay an* don't nhtop me. Oi'm trip* bjr the »te*m«-r PRICES THE Maquoit <>f tlx- Harp«weil Meaml/oat Co. LOWEST III MAUL Ihryin' to get through before me paint Wharf at Portland. I bare thoroughly remodelled and reforniahed Blven out!"—London Tribune. my fine optical office* ;>ver the new tanking km ni« of he Tru«t Lots Fidelity Co. (Opp. Treble llou«e) and I in- A Oil Cottage For Sale vite you to call and inaptct them, whether nniMT your eye* tioutle or In order to more you not. THE DOCTOR'S W1F£ thoroughly advertiwmv bualn«»a and mv « south od* of and up-to-date meth- i»»« With Him Alx.nt B examining fitting tbeejc*. ! ahall for the I «»<. SI'AUIjDINCf, Houlli I ^ J InrpHM't'll 00 many in favor of points Grape-Nut: K!;2aS'dR"/p,,«s;Si Eyir'au Chains 96 food th.it I .inh«-sltatinKly recommend >ir»t Quaaty Leotet 60c Like £k* ex andana op "Ncthing Leather.'* pin«* to Ik* prf'ctfil on up It to all my patient*. lltKTljr pole. tbr RRMKMOKIt ! I never hut the and uaeanvthing very hear quality of frame* Knr nonif rampja of l he Iowa Stale I lenaea; and 1 guarantee satiafactioa in "It I* delicate and pleading to the TiiP r*a*on hf»r». r1v«?h pr«.ml*#» of l*- considerable time iiaxt. Agrlcu!- every caae. Kyea Kxamined Free. ♦ iiiK of and tural College here. nyi the Arie# palate (an Knentlaltn food for the sick i yr*4t aitluty «nat th* keenly awar»> of the reprehensible Dispatch. W0RTHLEY, JR., demand for th«*m that now it In »m- 4TS M or the aged when deficiency of teeth pr»ctlr» of leather adulteration. The tree wax COHBRESS Moxulhlf to find any to t>* ha«l for ihf planted forty year* BOTH PHONES STREET, (Upataira). render* roastlcaticn For The Tanner*' .Mr. impossible entire «umm»r. Aft#r th#» Fourth of Federation ham decid- ago by Amen, whoae name this fever or tho** on ed patient* liquid diet I July th»* M>ial mwm here will (» to take up energetically thl* matter city bear*, la one of aa fine a gro*e and find Grape-Nnts albumen water w»ll nnd*r way. .Many prMty pirilc* of adulteratkin. with a view to prov- an ran be found in the pine foreata. very nrftrrl^hlnK and refrenhlnx. This hav* bc#n Inx to the hoot and ia already arranged for and manufacturer the ex- frequently uaed aa an object COLORS IN IMITATION I* own Idf-a and Is made an th* younger H*m»*nt of th* JEWELS. hen lately dliroTmd In recipe my nodal mi tremely j.oor wearing and water re- leaaon by the agricultural college Rhodes- a wlil And to la. It In l-elrtved that the m follows:"HoaR trtiapoonfnl of Orap;>- plenty occupy their IHmire flating qualltlea of the momewhat low- aa Indicating what New Gems *♦ will bom. profraaora the From Rhodesia—Diamond Nuts In a rim* of water for an American aole twrnif fashionable. Few of the hour, er-prlred leather. Eight- thoughtfulneaa of one man haa done Found In Canadian Wood*. serve Mr. Wallace ha* ondon Time* of Canada, and coal having one of the netalllr oxides as al of their make more expenalTe?" a»k»d one laat a *tone "Pfr»«rmlly I rritnrd a dish of Grap*- many frlenda during the ■A ld up by an rummer ro<«itha householder. wa* to with frssh or st*w*>d fruit a* th# Indian, «cld a white mm for Nnta Good LtMon In "Throe oxides give the gem It* col- Kdward Ro«« la clerking for Morralt Wc9«try. -| don't know whether a Rtrlke Sb r+nin. The white man |d*al breakfaat for aayon*— well or will or. The diamond hurried to 4 Roaa. Mr. Rtmm la a atudent at There In • preltjr iientlinent In the being rolorlron, Name Post urn do It," an*w*rert the other. "But notne- Detroit with It and got $1.!»no from a pick." glr*n by Co., none of the oxide* «re used. The Brown Unlveralty. Ion of • foot white for hi* Creek. Mich. thlnn will."—Washington Rtar. In made J^well'r Investment. It I* he- Battle Mr. and Mra Paul R. Htevena are ruby by mixing the *tra«s ease of stomach Ik-Ted hy «Mentl*t* that a diamond In any tronhl*. n#r- h*r» at their cottage. with a «mall proportion of glaes of e*i*t* lr the or brain fair, a 10 Mr. T. H. hed north, end that the Ton* prostration Thorne and family of antimony, purple