Structure Warm Up

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Structure Warm Up SKIPPING ROUNDS (3 Min Rounds – 30 sec. Breaks) BREAK BREAK Burpees Pushups Regular Skipping Interval Skipping Mixed Skipping Work on not breaking rhythm 15 seconds – Every 30-45 using figure 8 Speed/high-knees Seconds work in movement with the shadow boxing to rope break up the 15 seconds – rhythm recovery (regular speed) TECHNICAL WARM-UP ROUNDS BREAK BREAK Burpees Pushups 1-2’S – Slow 30 Slow Jabs x 30 Slow Cross' x 30 1-2’s – Fast 10 Double Jab X 30 Double Cross x 30 1-2’s – Medium 30 Hi/Lo Jab X 30 Hi/Lo 2’s X 30 (no weight) Fast 1’s X 30 Fast 2’s X 30 (use 3lbs weight) (use 3lbs weight) *** Beginner Boxers – Focus on centerline (stationary) Advanced Boxers: move around your space using defensive and offensive footwork *** SHADOW BOXING ROUNDS BREAK BREAK Shadow Shadow Burpees Shadow Boxing Pushups Boxing Distant Boxing Distant Close range & Close range range defense defense and defense and and offense offense offense (Parry, Trap and (Blocking and Ducks Focus on defense Slipping – Jab – Hooks, Uppercuts First and Cross) and Body Shots) *** Move around your space – Remember to plant your feet while throwing combinations and defending (beginners) *** TECHNICAL BAG ROUNDS BREAK BREAK Boxing Distant Boxing Distant Burpees Close range Pushups & Close range range defense defense and defense and and offense offense offense (Parry, Trap and (Blocking and Ducks Focus on defense Slipping – Jab – Hooks, Uppercuts First and Cross) and Body Shots) *** Move around the bag using left foot to move to the left and right foot to move to the right (never cross the feet) Also work on accuracy – the bag should not swing (don’t hit hard when starting out (causes shoulder injury) *** BAG CONDITIONING ROUNDS BREAK BREAK Technical JUMPING 1-2’s 10 sec 10 Hi/Lo 1-2’s SQUATS JUMPING body shots (Switch) LUNGES (or hooks) Power Body 10 sec 10sec on 10 shots 10 sec (Switch) sec off Running body shots *** 10 sec Always finish with abs and stretching! ***.
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