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IN ,

With Some Accotjkt of the ,

BY John Hill Martin,

Of the Bar,

A Member of the '•' Moravian Historical Society." And of the " IliatoiiCiU Society of Peuasylvania."

PHILADELPHIA : (Printed /or Orrin EogeRS, By JOHN L. PILE, at No. 422 ^A7alnut Street.

1872. V^5. '- ^'^frl \J

Wintered according to the Act of Congress, ly John Hill Martin,

In the Office of the Clerk of the District Court of the United States in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in the year 1869. INTRODUCTION.

Tcis work is not a full history of Bethlehem, l)ut simply an historical Sketi;h, for the use of the traveller. It is intended to supply .1 want which is felt by tliose people who desire to know something of the origin of the Town, the character of the peculiar people who first settled and built it, and of the dificrent Institutions they founded in it.

No one can visit the Town without desiring to know more of it than can he derived object this sketch. from mere enquiry ; and to render such information is the of

It was written entirely for amusement, but from the most authentic information that could be obtained b^' the Author; who became much interested in the Town, its people, its institutions, and its historic mementoes.


PaiLADELPDii, March ist, i86g.


Table of Contents.

Chatter I.

of the first house ; origin of name of the town Settlement of Bethlehem ; buUtUng ;

Riime account of the Moravian Church ; sketch of Count Zinzendorf and his family Anna Kitschmann, - - - - - 5

Chapter II.

;• the Indian Chapel The descendants of Zinzendorf, Louis David deSchweinits Old ;

the Unity, Doctrine and Missions of the Moravian Church ; a list of the Inhabi- - - - tants of Bethlehem ; the Indian Troubles, 12

Chapter III. The Married People's House; the Indian AVars of 1755; as a

General ; his account of Bethlehem ; Penu's Walking Purchase the cause of the Indian Troubles; Longfellow's Burial of the Minisink, - - 19

Chapter IV.

The Old Mill, built in 1751, burned in 1SQ9; the Bethlehem Water Works; Revo- lutionary times of 177G; Washington and Bishop Ettwein; Pulaski's Banner;

Washington ; Lafayette ; Mrs. Keldesel's Account Longfellow's Poem ; Visit of

Manufacturers ; Main Road to Ohio ; the Stone Mrs. Friday ; C(^tton ; the Fishery ; - - - - Ridge ; Views and Scenery, 26

Chatter V.

" ;" ; Dr. .John The Crown Inn the Sun Hotel ; Marriages in Olden Times the Choirs ;

Schopfs Account of his Visit ; a Sketch from the Boston Magazine of 1784 ; Extract from a Paper read before the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, - - 36

Chapter VI.

The Schnitz House; the Farmer.

Moravian Church in America ; Rochefoucault's Description of Bethlehem ; the Music Bethlehem Souvenir; Simplicity of Moravian Life in the Last Century; ; Bishop Spangenberg; The Fifty Year's Celebration, June 25, 1792; The Old - Bridge over the Lehigh, 1792 ; Sketch from the American Gazetteer, 4-1

Chapter VII.

The First Moravian Store ; Bethlehem in 1797, from Ogden's Excursion into Bethlehem - and Nazareth In loOO ; the Ancient Insiitntions of the Brethren's Church, 50

Chaptek VIIL

Description of the large Moravian Church, erected in 1S03 ; The Bethlehem Archives ;

The Gemein Hans, or Congregation House ; The First Moravian Church in BL'thlc- Moravian The Old Ciiapel, Second (.."hnrch ; Tlie Old School, or the First hem ; or

Seminary for Females ; The Official Seal of the Church of the United Brethren ; The ;


Addition to the Old School; " The Sister's House ;" The "Widows' House;" Origiii

of the Sisters' Houses; Marriage by Lot; Lieut. Aubery's Opiuion ; Kxplnnatiou " of the Lot ; Account of it in the Historical Collections of New Jersey ; The Gre it

Marriage Act" in Bethlehem, April '20th, 1757 ; Miss Mortimer's Novel of the

ALarrying by Lot ; Married Women, and Ancient Customs ; Remarks in Stroud's

History of Pennsylvania ; Act of Parliament of 20 George 2d, C. 44, for the Natu- - - - - ralization of Foreign Protestants, &c., 57 . ,

I Chapter IX. .;1 The Betlilehem Alphabet; the Old Water Works; Dr. Mease's Sketch of the Mora-

vians Derby's Gazetteer, 1827 Mrs. Royal's Account, 1829 ; Prince Masarailian ; ; Gordon's Gazetteer of Penn- of Neuweid's Visit, 1832 ; James N. Beck's Sketches;

sylvania, 1832: The Centennial Celebration ; U. S. Gazatteer, 1843; Incorporation " ;" of the Borough, 1845 ; God Save the Luckenbach's Act of Parliament Recog- " nizing the Unitas Fratrum," as a Protestant Episcopal Church in 1749 ; Origin

of the Moravians ; Some Account of the Settlement at Hope, New Jersey, from the Historical Collections of that State, - - - 03

Chapteii X.

Moravian Memories; Modern Bethlehem ; the Old Grave Yard ; Funeral Ceremonies Anecdote of the Chief, the Figure on In- of the Moravians ; Tschoop ; Tadeusknng,

dian Rock, on the Wissahicon ; David Nitschmann ; Dr. Rjbert Dudley Ross ; Mourning Dress not Worn by the Moravians; the Passing Bell; Easter Morning Bethlehem Maurice Celebration ; Drives, Walks, and Places of Interest near ; Dr. - - C. Jones and the Fremdeudiener's ; Moravians in Early Times, 81

Chapter XL

The Moravian Parochial School ; the Moravian College, founded, A. D., 1807, charted

April 1863; the Bethlehem Male Boarding School ; Nisky Hill Male S.?minary 3, ;

the Old Barn of the Congregation Farm ; Sketch of the Bethlehem Seminary for Young Ladies; the Military Record of Bethlehem durinj the Rebellion, - 97

Chapter XII.

The Enterprise of the Moravian Church; their schools ; their Publications; the

; Text-Book ; Birth Days, and their Celebration the First Printing Office ; the New.s- papers of Betlilehem in the Past and Present; " Pennsylvania Dutch ;" "Love- " Feasts;" the Moravian Christmas Pntz ; the Young Men's Missionary Society," and Christian Association of Bethlehem, - - 110

Chapter XIII.

The Society for Propagation the Gospel among the Heathen ; Statistics of the Unity 1. North- of the Brethren, January 1809 ; List of the Churches and Missions in the ern Diocese of the Chnrrh of the United Brethren in America; an Old Passport " Christian Frederick Port ; Sister Polly Heckewelder ;" Rev. John Heckewelder,

anil his Writings ; the Ilorsfield Papers ; History of Northampton County, from a Pamphlet; Ofhcial Seal of the Moravian Church, a Correction; Travels of the

Marquis de Chastellu.N; in America, 1780 ; Chas. Thompson's Theory of the For-

mation of the Wind-Gap ; Curiosities; the Old Iron Stove Plates; Indian Corn CJrinder; the Old Sun Dial; Old Tiles; Old Water Pipes; the First Market

House; Old Grave Y'ard, South of the Lehigh ; Zinzendo.f's visit to Wyoming ; Formation of Northampton County, - - - - 127

Chapter XIV.

The Litany of the Moravian Church; "Barlow's Path;" Niskey Hill; Friedenshuetten ; the Indian House; the German the Stations Burns ; Tecuraseh ; Indian Missionary ;

Haidte's Painting of the First Fruits ; Seheussle's Picture of Zeisberger Preaching

to the Indians; The Lehigh, its Freshets and Fishei-ies ; A ride on the Switch- ;


back; American Tea; The Old Perseverance and the Fire Apparatus of Bethle- Streets Social Life; Census of hem; The Hotels; The ; The Old Tannery ; 1870;

Powder Magazine ; Height of the Lehigh Hills ; May-day ; The Masonic Societies of Bethlehem, - - - - 141

Chapter XV.

Music in Bethlehem, by Kufus A. Grider, of the Bethlehem Moravian Congregation, - 157

Chapter XVI.

Lot ; An Ac- Borough Authorities ; Lawyers and Doctors ; The choice of Bishops by " count of a Vesper" of the Moravian Historical Society ; Old Map of Bethlehem in

the Historical Sooiety of Pennsylvania ; The Married Peoples' Houses ; Mano-

kasy ; The Apothecary Shop; Pottery; Tobacco; Silk; Public Buildings; The

Vineyards ; The Pennsylvania and Lehigh Zinc Co. ; South Bethlehem ; The Pa-

per Bag Manufactury ; New Street Bridge ; Volunteer Companies ; The Lehigh

University The Freshet of First Roads ; David ; October 4, 1869 ; The Public

Nitschman and His Company ; The Great Minnisink Trail ; The First Post Office " " The Mode of Travel in the Olden Times ; The Crown Inn ; Stage Route, Wind Gap to Philadelphia, .... 174 V —



First House, Bethlehem, built 1741.

IIISTORU'AL SKETCH from its mouth at Easton, on the river Dela- OF ware, and fifty-two miles from, and connect- BETHLEHEM, ing with the city of Philadelphia by tha North Pennsylvania Railroad; which forms Pennsylvan ia, a junction with the Railroad WITH SOME ACCOUNT OF THE MORAVIAX at that point; thus placing Bethlehem witliiu CHuncn. two hours ride by railroad of Philadelphia, —tXl*— and three hours from Harrisburg and New York. A quiet town, embnwered by patriarch trees. Bethlehem was settled in 1741 by Moravians Around wliich sleeps an atmosi'liere, ba sweet

As airs of Paradise : wliere tiny feet from . It is a place of great resort Tinlcle. at twilight, on a balmier breeze. in the summer season for the inhabitants of Than ever blew from Ceylon's ppicy seas Philadelphia and New York, and is chiefly And where throughout the long and languid daj's Poised on the Sycamore's silver-rinded sprays, celebrated for its dry and salubrious climate.

The Oriole swings his nest, and flntes his p:Ii es. It is particularly adapted as a place of resi- Far statelier spots may beam beneath the sun, dence for invalids, especially for those suffer- But none so bland in beauty—none so bright With Eden's own Asphodel, that, exhaling liglit, ing from weakness of the lungs, being at the Blooms in her paths, while, like a kneeling nun soutliern end of an extensive plain called Hearing High Mass, she looks with revcri'nt c'yes. the " Dry lands," and sheltered on the west Through clasping greenery, on smiling ^kii s 1 —Henrt B. Hirst. and north by the Blue Ridge Mountains,

its CHAPTER I. twenty miles distant. It is famous for Settlement op Bethlehem.—Building of schools, its beautiful walks and drives, and THE First House.—Origin op Name op the open-hearted hospitality of its Anglo- the Town.—Some Account op the Mora- German population, numbering at this time, vian Church. —Sketch op Count Zixzex- about 7.000. DORP AND HIS FaMILY. ANNA NlTSCHMANN. To the better understanding of the appear- tETHLEHEM, Northampton Counfy, ance of the town of Bethlehem, and the cus- to give ''-'^Pennsylvania, is situated on the south- toms of thepeoi>le, it willbe necessary ern side of a declivity rising from the nnrtli- a short sketch of the rise and progress of the crn bank of the Lehigh River, twelve miles Moravian Society. 6 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF

lu the early part of the year 1741, a small stands was j^urchased, and in the spring / party of German Moravians, seventeen in aGBi'etcd in crttt'ntg down thejirst tree and founding number, under the leadership of Peter Boch- the jilace. In the fall of the same year came ler, left Ephrata now Nazareth, in Northamp- the blessed follower (Zinzendorf), several ton County, Pennsj:lvania, and settled at that days before Christmas. He came to our new point on the Lehigh or LccJia river, (as it was built place ere it had a name; itsohappcned named by the Indians) where a small creek that we celebrated Christmas Eve in memo- called the Manockasy empties into that ry of the birth of our dear Saviour, and as stream. This place is now called Betule- there was only a wall between our dwelling HEM, the Society having purchased there and our cow and horse stable — so the StUgc 4100 acres of land for the purpose of forming a JVuHjer went into the stable in the tenth hour Eetllement. with us, and sang with feeling, so that our

The first house, with a stable attached, hearts were melted. was erected that year, and within its walls ' Nicht aus Jerusalem, sonderu Betblehem were assembled on Christmas Eve, 1741, Aus dem Eomt was mir fromct.' the pious inhabitants of the little settle- And thus the place received the name of

ment, (added to whom were Count Kicholas Bethlehem. The impression which it made Louis Von Zinzendorf and his daughter Be- upon my heart will remain to niy latest nigna, who had just arrived in this country hour." from Germany,'* for the purpose ofcelebrating Geo. Whitefield purchased 5,000 acres of the coming anniversary of the birth-day of land A. D. 1740, in Upper Nazareth Town- o\ir Saviour, and from the coincidence that ship, which he transferred to the Brethren the celebration was partly performed in the in 1743. This domain was known as the

Btable, the name of Bethlehem was given to ' Barony of Nazareth,' and was nominally the infant town ; the proposed name had been the property of the Countess Zinzendorf; it Bethlechem,or the" Jionn^ii2:)on the Lcclta," hut had the right of Court Baron, and was the in commemoration of this eventful evening only manor sold by the Penns with the priv-

it was changed to Bethlehem. ilege, and it was and is yet held on condi- The following interesting sketch concern- tion of rendering service to them and their ing the settlement of Bethlehem, was written heirs, of a lied Jiose in June of each year. by John Martin Mack, a Moravian Mission- The first house was a large log house, such ary to the American Indians. He was born as are common in the wilds of Pennsylva- in 1715 anddiedinl7S4. "On the 13th of April, nia, even in these days. It was intended as a 1740, we concluded to break up our settlement temporary residence for the settlers, until a in Georgia, on account of the war, as we had more substantial building could be erected. no religious liberty, and remove to Pennsyl- It stood upon the site of the present stables vania, where we arrived the same month, of the " Eagle Hotel." Numeroils drawings and were engaged as mechanics and day-la- of it have been made, in which it is represen- bourers by Mr. Whitefield at Nazareth, in ted as a one-story log house with attic rooms order to build a house for him at that place, or garrets, having two doors and two windows as he had purchased the land for converted in the front of the house, and two windows in people in . We had a pleasant house- each gable end of the first story, and two ir- hold, every one laid hold where they could, regular windows in the gable ends of the and the Lord was with us. garrets. When the house was torn down "luDec. 1740, Bishop David Nitschman Fa- some of the wood was preserved, from which ther Nitschman, and his daughter Anna, Sis- canes, rules, and pen-holders have been made, ter, Mother, and Charles Friihlich arrived and are highly prized. from Europe with a commission to locate a The existence of the religious society of settlement for the Brethren, and they did so the Moravians, or the church of the United in 1741. The ground whereon Bethlehem Brethren, the ancient " Vniiaa Fratrnm," is KETIILEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. nowa matter of histor)'. They are the oldest of the peoj^le; those eliosen were Mathias of known Apostolic and Protestant church, Kunewold, Thomas Pizelaucius and Elias coming from Bohemia and Moravia; its Bish- Krenovins, and as it was necessary these ops justly claiming Apostolic succession, au- Presbyters should properly administer the thoritatively recognized hy the Established rites of Ordination, they decided on seeking Church of England, and by the Protestant Episcopal ordination from some pure source

Episcopal Church in the t'nited States. accordingly, some time after, the Brethren To sketch briefly a history of the rise of resolved on sending three of their priests to the United Brethren, it will be necessary to the Waldenses, (who still had their churches begin in the year 117G, when the Waldenses, and bishops in Austria,"* to receive their sa- a religious and primitive people, first made cred ordination, one of whom was Michael their appearance in Bohemia, and settled on Bradacius, who was with two others, ordained the borders of the Eger, where they soon by Stephen, one of the last remaining "Wal- united in friendly and religious communion densian bishops, who, within a year thereaf- with the Bohemians and Moravians. The ter, was burned at the stake, and his follow- early history of these persecuted people is ers fugitives. involved in much obscurity, although their About the same time the persecutions of origin is dated from the eighth century, and the Brethren began anew, and they struggled sometimes earlier; they inhabited the valley on long weary years against civil and ecclesi- of Peidmont and took their name from a cel- astical power, tmtil at last a patron and a ebrated leader of their sect, Peter "Waldo. protector was raised up for them, under They were undoubtedly, however, the ear- whose influence, bravery and goodness, the liest advocates of Christian Truth, and suf- society has become great and prosperous in fered the most terrible persecutions; their this country and in Europe; where they have descendants are still found in Peidmont, built many pleasant towns, from which they Switzerland and France. They traced their send out numerous missionaries, who go

Episcopal ordination to the Apostles, and on about the world doing good to all mankind. B5ttling in Bohemia, finding their doctrines Nicholas Louis, Count von Zinzendorf, to and practices assimilating with those of that whose protection, fraternal friendship and country, they finally became united into one pious exertions the Moravians owe so much, church. and which they repay so fully by cherishing From these united people, sprung the Bo- and keeping ever green his memory amongst hemian John IIuss, who about the year 1400, them, was born in the city of Dresden, on brought the doctrines of his people before the the 26th of May, 1700. His father was min- world ; and in consequence sufliered the per- ister of State to the king of Saxony, and a secutions of the Church of Rome, and was nobleman much esteemed, he married the finally burnt at the stakeas a Heretic, on the Countess Eeuss Von Ebeisdorf, by whom he 6th of July, 1415. Then followed the great had this one son, and died soon after. His Hussite war. widow then retired to the residence of her Finally, after many persecutions and secret mother (at Hennersdorf, in upper Lusatia, worshipping in caves, George Podiebrad, of Saxony,) Henrietta, Baroness de Gersdorf, a

Bohemia, about the year 145fi, permitted the learned and pious lady, who devoted herself Bohemians and Moravians to form themselves to the education of her grandson. "When quite into an association, (the " I'nitas Fratrtim,") young he was sent to the University ofHalle, and to settle in the principality of Litiz. then under the direction of of its founder, In the year 1467, a deputation of seventy Francke; and afterwards in 1716, he went of the most respectable members of the Mo- to the University of Wittenburg, to complete ravian brethren mot at Labota. Nine of his studies. He left there in 1719, resolved these were chosen, from whom three were to embrace the Ecclesiastical profession, and selected by lot, to be the sjnritual advisers traveled throughout Northern Eurojie, inclu- niSTOUICAL SKETCH OF

mon. He was subsequently consecrated a

Zinzendorf took great interest in the infant It is said to have been Zinzendorf's wish that settlement; and assisted by a Lutheran min- the Moravians should adopt the liturgy of ister, Rothe, instructed the settlers and edu- the Episcopal Church, instead of the one now cated their children. He conceived the idea in use; but he found himself so violently of founding a religious community, embrac- ojiposed by his Brethren, that he abandoned ing the doctrines of the martyred IIuss, the idea. which was soon accomplished; and it is from In the year 1737, Zinzendorf visited Eng- this time that the Moravians date the renew- land, in order to confer with Doctor Potter, al of the church of the United Brethren. the Archbishop of Canterbury, concerning

John IIuss, the great reformer, was born Moravian aflfairs, and the Episcopal ordina- in the village of Hussiuitz, in Bohemia, in tion. It was there that he met General Ogle- the year 1373, and is regarded by the Mo- thorpe, and other gentlemen interested in ravians as the founder of their faith. As the settlement of Georgia ; they solicited the early as the year 1500, the United Brethren Count to send missionaries to that colony ; he had over 200 churches in Bohemia ; tliey Iiad objected on the ground that his Brethren published their confession of faith, tlieir edi- were not acknowledged as duly ordained by tions of tlie Bible, their hymn book and tlie Established Church. The Arch-Bishop catechism. Luther, with great justice, styled was consulted, and replied: "That the Mo- them " The reformers before the Reforma- ravian Brethren were an Apostolic and Epis- tion." It was the descendants of these Unit- copal Church, not sustaining any doctrines ed Brethren, the remnants of that once large repugnant to the thirty-nine articles of the religious community, to whom Zinzendorf Church of England ; that they could not gave an asylum at Hernhut ; and convinced therefore with propriety, nor ought they lobe that their doctrines were of the true faith, he hindered from preaehing the gospel among became a member of their " church, passed the heathen." He also said : That no En- his examination as a theological candidate at glishman who had any notion of Ecclesiasti- Stralsund, and preached there his first ser- cal history, could doubt their Apostolic sue- —;


cession." The bench of Bishops in England in the year 1749, agreed that these Brethren 79 (referring to the present Moravian Church then known by the nameof the"Unitir3 Fra- trurn at llernliut") were an Episcopal Ch ;ireh, and an act of parliament was passed June

6, 1749, which granted and secured to them certain solicited privileges. Copies of the act were printed in English, Latin, French and German, and distributed among the Brethren; one of the original printed

copies in English, is now in possession of B. E. Lehman, of Bethlehem, Pa.

In the list of Bishops of the Unity of the Bohemian and Moravian Brethren, commen- cing with Michael Bradacius, consecrated in 1407, by Stephen, Bishop of the Waldenses and ending in 1044, we find fifty-five names, adding to these the Bishops of the Unity in

Poland, taken from Jablonsky's letter to Arch-bishop Wake, in 1717, down to David Nitschmau, (consecrated in 1735, by Jablons-

ky, at Berlin,) the first Bishop of the renew- ed Moravian Church, we have sixty-seven

Bishops; and from that time till the ordina- tion of Samuel Reinke in 1858, no less than

eighty-nine more bishops were added to the

list. Making the entire number of Bishops of the Moravian Church to that time, one hundred and sixty-six. .Some writers in- crease the number, but Crantz makes David Nitschman the sixty-seventh Bishop, and he has been followed as the best authority. The Rev. Edward De Schweinitz, in the

Moravian Manual, gives a list of the Bishops of the church, constituting the Episcopal suc- cession of the Viiitaa Fratrum. In the Anxikst Church from 1407 to 1734, he makes the num- ber of Bishops to be 70. Since then, up to 1800, he gives 97 Bishops of the

Renewed Chcrch.

No. Biahops. Conscci'atioD. 71 1735 Divid Nit^ 72 1737 Lewis C)untde Zinzendorfl 73 1740 Pol.vcarp Mueller.

74 1741 John Nitgcluiiiin, sen. 75 1743 Freilerick Biiron Do 'WutteTille, 70 1744 Miirlfn Dobor.

77 1745 Augustus G. Spangenberg. 10 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF


support of tlie Austrian dynasty. From its the Count, Maximilian Erasmus, emigrated founder Elirenhold, to his descendant, the from his native land and settled at Oberberg subject of this sketch, were reckoned twenty- near Nuremberg, esteeming thelossofall his two generations. The dignity of Count of estates more than counterbalanced by the

the Holy Roman Empire was conferred on it superior liberty of conscience which he thus by the Emperor Leopold in the year 16G2. obtained. His son George Lewis, the father of the Count, having The first member of the family who embrac- moved to Dresden, en- tered into the service ed the doctrines of the Reformation, was of the elector of Saxo- ny, and died as stated in the narrative, in John, the second of the name who died in the year 1700. The head-ship of the family 1552. Of his descendants, several families re- which fell to the Count in 1756, on the de- mained in the Austrian dominions, and were cease of his elder brother, he ceded with all distinguished by their adherence to the Pro- his rights and immunities to his nephew, as testant faith, not less than by their civil and soon as the necessary forms could be gone military services. It is a remarkable fact, through. that Luke Bakeneister, Doctor and Professor The motto of the house of Zinzendorf, de- of Theology, who in the reign of the Empe- rived from Count Albert the Prime Minister ror Rudolph II, held a visitation of the of the Emperor Leopold, was : " I yield to no Churches in Austria adhering to the Augsberg one, not even to the whole world." See a Confession, found four flourishing Protestant note to a poem by Count Zinzendorf, on his congregations, duly provided with Pastors brother Frederick Christian's second mar- established on the estates of Zinzendorf fam- riage, German Poems No. 63, page 176, in ily at Lung, Charlsutten, Pottendorf and which he makes a striking allusion to this Orth, near Karkfeld. The grandfather of motto. ,



CHAPTER II. losophyandthe celebrated Botanist, was born The Descendants op Zinzesdorf, Louis in Bethlehem, Northampton County, Penn- David de Schweinitz.—The Old Indian sylvania, on the 13th of February, A. D. 1780. Chapel.—The Unity, Docthine and Mis- He was the eldest son of Hans Christian Al- exander De Schweinitz, and his wife sions OP THE Moravian Church.—A List Anna OF THE Inhabitants of Bethlehem.—The Dorothea Elizabeth de Watteville. His father Indian Troubles. was of an ancient and very distinguished

family in Silesia, in Germany ; he came to gnSijOTJiiT ZiNZENDOP.Fleft behind hira three this country in 1770, and filled at Bethlehem r\£^ (laughters, the only survivors of a family the office of Superintendent of the fiscal and of twelve children, (six sons and as many secular concerns of the Moravian Brethren daughters,) most of whom departed in in- in North America. fancy. The eldest, Henrietta Benigna Jus- On the 4th of July, 1787, Louis David De tiua, became the consort of Baron John de Schweinitz was placed at Nazareth Hall, to

Watteville ; the second, Maria Agnes, of be educated, and remained there as a scholar Maurice Count Dohna; the third, Elizabeth, eleven years. About the year 1822, he became of Barou Frederick de "Watteville. By the the Senior Cu-Ukoi the Society, and also took two alliances last mentioned, the Count has charge of the Boanling School for young girls, no surviving descendant; the only son of at Bethlehem. He died February 8th, 1834, Count Dohna, Henry Lewis, having died and his remains are interred in the old Cem- without issue in 1S33. etery. He left a widow and four sons, name- To Baron John de Watteville, and his lady, ly, the Eev'd Emil A. De Schweinitz, Fiscal- were born two sons and two daughters ; the Agent of the Moravian Church in North Car- sons died unmarried ; the elder of the daugh- olina; Eev'd Robert De Schweinitz, Presi- ters, Anna Dorothy Elizabeth, was married dent of the Provincial Elders' Conference of to llaus Christian Alexander von Schwein- the Moravian Church ; Edmund De Schwein- itz ; the younger, Maria Justina, to Henry the itz, Minister of the Church, and President of

Soth, Count Eeuss, of the house of Kostritz. the Theological College at Bethlehem ; and By these marriages there are now living four Bernard De Schweinitz, deceased, who at the great grand-children of Count Zinzendorf. time of his death in 1854, was Ministerof the Louis David De Schweinitz, Doctor of Phi- Moravian Church, on Staten Island, New BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 13

York. These, and their issue, are the only Moravians. And in tliis old chapol, they of Hving descendants the Count in America ; were taught, and preached to in their own in Europe there are living, some four or five language. The village was situated about cousins of the De Schweinitz family. three miles north-westof Bethlehem, in Han-

In Hazard's Register of Pennsylvania, of 7or township ; and upon the removal of the

June I3th,lS35, page 369, it is alleged that Indians in 1765, from Nain to the Susquehan- "Count Zinzendorf in a Latin speech at na, the old chapel and a number of the houses Philadelphia in 1742, formally renounced erected there for their use, were moved to original his title of Count, and resumed his Bethlehem, and all traces of Nain soon bo- of Thiirnstein." tliTs family name Vou Be eanie obliterated; its site is however yet as it may, Zinzendorf did, certainly, during pointed out on the " Geisinger Farm." The his .'isit to America in 1841-42, go by the next building to the west, owned, andat pres- name of S. Lewis Thurnstein, Knigiit. ent occupied by Ambroise J. Erwin, is anotli- There can be no valid objection to a noble- er of these old log houses. There is a third, man using, or travelling under, his family standing at the south-west corner of Cedar if he feels so disposed although name, ; and, -Vlley and Market Street. These old houses the Count may have honestly intended were objects of great interest and curiosity, to renounce his rank and title, he will and it is to be regretted that the Old Chapel, in in always be known history, and the Mo- and the one beside it, had to give place to a ravian Church, as Count Zinzendorf; and his more suitable modern residence. eccentricities and peculiarities can in noway It is related of the Christian Indians resid- alter the fact, that in his life and actions he ing at Nain, that whenever a child was bap- the that his did much good in world ; and tised in the Bethlehem Church, they always memory is revered and fondly cherished in claimed the right to kiss the babe after the the Church, and by the descendants of the ceremony. So, many of the old inhabitants people among whom he lived and labored. had the honor of being kissed by the Bed On tlie monument erected to his memory people when they were christened. The rite in the famous and beautiful cemetery at ^<,w;i- of Baptism was then invariably performed in " hutj is the following : Here rests the re- the Church. mains of that never-to-be-forgotten man of The proper title of the Moravian Church, God, Nicholas Ludwig, Count and Lord of so called, is " The Unitas Fratrum," which ZiNZENDonp and Pottendorp, who by God's was the name adopted by the Ancient Society his faithful efforts, grace and own MUtiring of the Brethren, and is retained by the renew- most re- in this the 17th century, worthily ed Church. It includes all the provinces, and vived and re-organized ihe United Brethren. missions, of the Church, wherever they may " He was born in Dresden, the 21stof May, be situated, as one confederated ecclesiasti- 1700, and entered into the joy of his Lord on cal body. the9thof May, 1760. During Zinzendorfs lifetime, the govern- " He was appointed to bring forth fruit, ment of the Church depended in a great and fruit that remains." measure upon him, and his two distinguish- The Old Indian Chapel, a view of which ed assistants, his son-in-law, John Baron de illustrates this chapter, was an old log house, Watteville, and Augustus Spaugenberg,both torn down in the fall of the year 1868, to bishops of the Moravian Church. Since his make room for the erection of a new struc- deatli, a more positive ecclesiastical constitu- ture. It stood in Market street, on the south tion has been adopted. The Synods receiv- side, the second house westof the Old Grave- ing the supreme power; and the executive yard, and was occupied by William Busch. administrations of affairs being committed It was formerly used as a Chapel for the In- to an elective college of bishops and eld- dian Congregation at Naiu ; which was a vil- ers, which, in 1769, took the title of "The lage of Christian Indians, established by the Unity's Elders Conference ;" and subordinato 14 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF

Boards were appointed for the superinteud- turbed, but those who settled in Georgia ance of the affairs of the American and Brit- suffered so many persecutions from their re- ish Provinces. fusal to bear arms, (which was then one of

The Moravian Brethren's Unity is at pres- the tenets of their faith) that most of them ent divided into three distinct Provinces. finally came to Pennsylvania; although it The American, comprising the Moravian was admitted that they did much good Churches in the United States; the Conti- among the slaves. nental, including those on the Continent of The establishment of Foreign Missions by Europe; and the British, embracing those of the Church, was begun in 1732, ten years af- Great Britain and Ireland. ter the first house was built at Hernhut, and

The American province is sub-divided when the entire congregation there number- into two districts, the Northern and South- ed but six hundred. The first mission was ern. To the latter, belong the Moravian among the negro slaves on the island of St. Churches in North Carolina, and to the for- Thomas, in the West Indies. Leonard Dober, mer, all the rest of the Churches of the Breth- and David Nitschman, the first bishops of ren in America. Each district has a govern- the renewed church, were the pioneers in the ment of its own, consisting of a Synod and a good work. They have founded missions in Provincial Board. Greenland, Sweden, and Russia; among the Formerly, there were several Church set- Hottentots in Southern Africa; in Persia; in tlements in the United States, in which all Australia; in Surinam; and in many other real jiroperty was held in common by the places. Brethren; this was especially necessary in The pious intentions of the Moravian Breth- the infant state of the Church in this coun- ren, seem to have had their effect upon nu- try, when poverty, persecutions, public wars merous other branches of the Protestant and civil tumults, required a union of labor Church. Many of the followers of Wickliff to provide for the support of each little Soci- left England and joined the Society, as did the "Waldenses ety, as well as to enable them to perpetuate in earlier days, and as many the customs and regulations of their relig- otiier religious sects have done since. ion. This peculiar feature has however been All these things have been enumerated abandoned, the common property has been here to show how old and honorable a Church Bold or divided, and the towns are now is that of the United Brethren, and how are its objects. thrown open to all who choose to settle in praiseworthy them. The Moravian Churches are now In the Pennsylvania Archives, volume 3d, page 70, under the date of without exception, ordinary churches lilie November 29,1756, those of any other Protestant denomination. will be found '-a catalogue of all the men, All the Congregations receive the Holy women and children who, for the present, belong to the Bethlehem Economy." Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, :vs the only standard rule, both of the doctrine Bethlehem, Nov. 29th, 1756. and practice of the church. And they have I. OF THE MAnniED PEOPLE. fintttieb Spangeuberg Abralium IJiininger, agreed that no doctrines shall be delivered Alls, I'eler liiihler. Josepll Powel. in any assembly of the Brethren, which are M;itthseus Hehl. Jnliii Chriwtoph Francke, Anton Lawatsch, Jiispar Payne, repugnant to the Augustine or Augsburg Con- David Nit^chm!lnn, Jtobt, Ilussey, Abraham Iteiucke, Nic. Sangerbanaen, fession. Slartin Mack, Cbrietian GottlV. Eogel, Ji>h. Michel Graff. (Jcorge Partscli, One of the most laudable objects of the David Ileckewfelder, Peter Moidyk. Jbtttha'us .Schrojip, Michel Mucksch, United Brethren, and their chief aim, is the Christian Henricli, Jacnb Eyerie. conversion of the Heathen, by the establish- Tlinnuu Benzien. Kphraim Coulver, Bernh. Adam Giube, ItuJ. Christ, ment of missions in all parts of the world. Prank Christian Lembke, Peter Brown, George Neuser. Jnh. Cliriolian Richter, Their first appearance on the American Con- John Jacob Schmlck, Gottlieb Bernt, tinent was in Georgia and North Carolina; John Kdwin, George Kaske, Jacob Rogers, Ilartman Verdries, the settlers in the latter place were not dis- George Weber, John Levering, ,


John Bobner. Ilenrich Beutel, Catharina Wl-Ikt, A. Mar. D.-niuIb. Erust tiambold, Kichd. Utley, Sanvh Ligbton. A. Elis. Leiubach. Albrecht Eussmeycr, Peter Gotje, Kosina Shut-in, George OhnebLTg. Christ. Fr. Oerter, No. of Widows, IT. Timothy Horseiield, Joseph Muller, Jnhri Bechtel, Thomas ScliJiaf, No. of Children, 18. Philip Christian Bader, Martin Luck, 188 persons, 322 Children.—Total, 510. John Okely, Nicol. Schiuter, Henry Rpck, George Scbneider, iWa. There are 96 children more with us, Fioderik Otto, George Christ, Mattlia?iis Otto, Henry Frey, some Orjihans, others belonging to gome Frank Blum, Joh. Nic. ^\'einIaud, Tobias lliite, John Christian Wctnert, Brethren and Friends, who are not of the Paul Djh. Bi-yzelius, Martin Lieb^ch, Bethlehem Oeconomy, and therefore their GnoiKt? Klein, Joseph MoUer, Wm. Th..ii,.', Adam Schneider, Names are not mentioned. Job. Vab-ntin Haidt, Paul Fritsche, J'hnJorde, Henrich Fritsche, IV. Single Men. Will. Dixon, Melch. Schmidt, morav., Chrifttiiiu Stoz, EUas Flex, Nathaniel Seidcl, Carl August Ludwig, Wni. Edmonds, Wenzel Bernhard, Gottlieb Bezold, Andreas Ja^ncke, Christian Egbert, Enert Euerson, David Zeisberger, JuHt. Jansen, Thomas Fislier, Joh. Henry. Segnor, Otto Krogstry. Matth. Bacher, Daniel Knnckler, Job. Matthew Spohn, George Solle, Detlofif Delflfs, Carl Schulze. Frank Steup, Frederic Weber, Mich, Lindstroehm, John Schmidt, Valentin Fuhrer, Joseph Haberhmd, Anton Stiemer, Melrhior Schmidt, Joli. Burstler, John Schwiesshaupt, Joseph Hubsch, Bernhard Muller, Abraham Bomper, Gottfried Roesler, Aug. H. Francke, Gottfried Koenielt, Michel Haberiand, Carl Friederich, Carl Weineke, George Pitshmann, John Brucker, Samuel Herr, Martin us, Vi'm. Werner, Samuel Isles, George Meiser, Henrich Zillman, Job. Georg Goitner, Thomas Yarrel, Andreas Hoger, Jens Wittenbei'g, John Stoll, Nic. Garrison, Sen., Gottfried Rund, Peter J. Pell, Anton Sclimidt, Salomon Schumann, Jacob Herr, Jacob Schneider, Michel Schuall, David BischoflF, George Scbindler,__ Curtus Ziegler, David Digeon, Mathi. Krause, Cbristoph. Kioze, John Thomas, Cliristiau WiToer, tJoh. Fredr. Beyer, Andreas Albrecht, Clau Colin, Andreas Horne, Andreas Brocksch, Ludwig Hubner, Samuel Lauk, Sanuiei Maw. Albrecbt KIoz, JottL'ph Lemmert, Jacob Meyer, David Tanbeberger, sen., Henrich Muller, Gottlieb Lange, John Kuccht, David Taaneberger, Jun., George Zeisberger, Cliristian Petersen, Lucas Fus, John Scliebosch, (jottfr. Schulze, Adam Hossfeld Loienz Nilson, FrederikBoeckel, George Gold, Andreas Weber, Job. H. Herbst, BLttthgeiis Wittke, Daniel Oesterlein, Andreas Seifert, Jacob Ernst, John Brandmuiler, Rudolph Strffihle, Christian Hoppner, John Klein, Cbr. Fr. Steinmann, G. Stephan Wolson, Jonh Seiffert. Wm. Okely, Abraham Ilessler, Pllilip Meurer, Richd. Poppelwell, Wm. Edwards, Lud'vig Stoz, Daniel Neubert, John Merck, Michel Ruch, Christian Frilsche, Michel Jab ra, Paul Schneider, John Jag, Job. Jacob Ilafuer, George Nixdorff, Michel Odeuwuld, Jolin R »gors, Peter Scliuert, Fredr. Scblegel, John Musch, Abraham Bless, Cbiiatiau Anton, Joh. Hantsch, Joseph Hopsch, Caspsr Fischer, Andreas Kremser, Joh. Cbr. Uoepfner, Daniel Sydrich, JoSfph Giersch, Matth. Hancke Henrich Biefel, Andreas Rillmann, John Wurtele, Phil. Transou, Carl Opir, Peter Drewfl, Heiir. Qerbtherger, Martin Bohmer, Wm. Graps, Paul lleunig, Zach. Eckart, Andreas Schober, Cbristoph. Schmidt, G. Wenzel Golkobsky, Jens Kolkier, Joh. George Jungmaun, Kuuaeit, Christian Wedstadt," Michel Muaster, J no. H. Sloellei, George Schmidt. Jacob llisder, Andreas Hotter, Autou Wagner, Joseph Boelen. Fredr. Ziegler, Joh. Andr. Borheck, Jacob Schoen, No. of Married People, 157. Christ, Steiiner, Benjamin Brown, No. of Childrefl, 288. John Heur. (Jrunewald, Chrisiian Giersch, Midchior Conrad, Uem'ich Seidel, Abraham Uasselberg, Schmaling, 11. Widowers. Ih-nrich Schcen, Hans Jac. Schmidt, H. Wm. Schemes. Ernst Mensinger, David Xitschmann, Sen., Andreas Shout, Christ. H. Lollier, Casper Hellermann, Jacob Till, Joh. Fr. Post, Nic.Matthiesen, Joachim Sensemann, Matth, Weiss, Ellert Korts, Henrich. Lindemeyer, Joh. Mich. Wolfgang Michler, David Richard, Hippel, Joh. H. Richling, Mickel Mucke, Rubel, John Rothe, Philips Meyer, B. Boenighaus, Daniel Kliest, John Micbler, John J.ihanes Ortlicb, MuUer, Jouas N'ilsou, Gotlieb Haberecht, John Abraham Andres, Michel Ruch, Jolin No. of "Widowers, 14. Stadtner, James Staal, Jens Sherbeck, Henr. Ollringshaw, No. of Cliildren, 16. George Walter, Jacob Frus. Phil. Wesa. John Nic. FuDck, III. M^IDOWS. Marc. Kiefer, Gottfr. Schwarz, Edward Thorpe, Lorenz Bage, Catharine Hiiber, Magd. Elis. Reissin, Joseph Willis, George Iluber, Gcrtraud Bonn, Maria Hausin, Christ. H. Baremeyer, Joh. Mich. Bizin inn Cathoriue Brownfield, Elizabeth Herzerin, Samuel Saxon, Job. G. J^tarck, Rosina Endtean, Judith Schnrer, P. Christian Stauber, Martin Scbenck, Ana. Mar. Lehnert, Regina Hantsch, Samuel Johannes, Joh. G. Green, Elizabeth Uonuer, Rosina Muuster, Peter Jurgensen, Kic. H. Eberharti, 16 HISTOKICAL SKETCH OF

Peter Wurbas, Adam Weidel, Prepared at Request of Gov. Denny, by- Ilt'iTinanu, Dorflfer, ,Ini'..b Rev. Mr. Spangenberg;—^see Min. I)ec. 8, AdiiMi Knfflt-r, Henr. Strauss, Pliil. II. Uiug, Stephen Nicholaus, 1756, Vol. VII. p. 353. Matib. OiiimiL'li, Ciiristian Seidel, Loesh, Joh. (i. Kriegbaum, Jacob Jiic.ib Heidt^cker, (lottleb Hofmaun, 3Iemoraytduiit. Uavid Kimtz, Adam Van Erd, Hirst, Joseph Bulitscbek, Ji.lm 1. Bethlehem makes out a certain Religious Martin Heckedorn. Balthasar Hege, Joli. Adam Wap;cuseU, Jacob Prising, Society intended for the Furtherance of the .1..U. (j. iJitterlich, Ilenr. Sproge, as Chris- J.fh. H. Merck, Cbr. Mattiiiesen, Gospel, as well among the Heathen Abraham Steiuer, Martin Fryhube, tians. Martin Hirte, Andreas Brocktsh, Joliaiiues Sell, ffler, Franz Clir.Diemer, 2. Forty-eight of the above mentioned .lob. Theobald Kornman, Jnb. II. Leiizner, Carl Jac. Dreyspring, Juhu Lisher. Brethren and Sisters are actually employed Christian Pleiffer, Nic. Anapacli. only Christian Schmidt, Jacob Lung, for that End among the Heathen, not Fr. Pfeil. George Lash, on the Continent of America, as Pensilvania, Wic. Fleissner, Ehvhard Ilickedorn, Matlieus Kremser, S imuel Wutlie, New England, Barbice, Stiriname, &c., but Ji)li. Q. Masner, AuiireaaGros. rr. ToHner, Ciiristiau Merkly, also in Several Islands, as Thomas's, Crux, Ludw. Dehne, lleur.Feldbausen. Marc. Kalfs, Kvich lugergretsen, John's, Jamaica, A-c. Cliristoph Bambey, John Beiosli, 3. Besides them mention'd just now, there Cliristoph Schmid, Chiistiau Triebel, Peter Wenzzl, Melebior Munster, are Fifty-four of them employ'd in the Pen- Dan. Kamm. Melch. Rasp, tieurge Caries, Johannes Kanke, silvania, New York, New England, Jersey & J.-lin Kalberlati, Andreas Bez, in preaching of the Hf rman Ltesch, Jacob Steiuer, Carolina Gevernments Juhn Nagi'l, Nic. Anspach, Gospel, keeping of Schools, & the like. Tliomas Ilnfinaii, Michel Kancke, (ieoige lliilder, George Baumgarten, 4. Sixty-two of them are meerly emidoy'd Jacob Kap|>. John Richter, Abraham Strauss, George Renner, in the Education of our Children at Bethle- fieorge Oieplert, GiHtlV. Aust, & Nazareth as Attendants and Tutors. "VVm. An^;.!, Adam Kramer, hem Chr. Bachuff, Cliristoph Kirschner, Lmtwig 5. Fourty-five Single men & 8 Couples of Miclirl Siiut.-r, Stephan Meyer, Hans Petersen, Jac. Van der Merk, married people, are gone to Carolina to make Cottliel) FoL-kel, Joseph Muller. Jeremias SUaaf, a new Settlement there, and fifty-more, who V. Single Women. have come for that End from Europe, will Anna Rosina, Maria Pfingstag, go there Soon. Anna Ramsberg, Dlizabtth Cornwell, are Seventy-two of the above }l:iiinali Sptrliach, Maria, I 6. There Inclians. f^chulius. Chnstma, Kn-iiia / mentioned Brethren in Holy Orders, viz: Juliana Ua'Uler, Mar, Elis, Minier, Catliariua Bender, Ana Merz, Four Bishops, twelve Ordinaries (Priests,) Anna Antes, Magdalena Schmidt, Christina Morhard, Elizabeth Steioer, and the rest Deacons; And as many Acoluthi, A. Mar. Krause, ffaluine Burstler, are preparing for the Ministry in the Margaretha V\ ernhamer, Cathariua Biez, who A. Mar Sclimuter, A. Mar. SL-lienu-l, Congregation, and now and then are made Wargaretha Seidner, Johauna Burutt, Cathaiina SbugasUu, Maria Loesb, use of like Deacons. Catliariui Kochin, Hi-gina Neumann, Martha, ElizaUetll liurnet, 7. About 90 of the Children at Bethlehem \ j^jj^.ug. Maria Beroth, Iheoilora, / & Nazareth have their Parents abroad, mostly A ana Burnet, War. Barb. Hipndcl, Barbara Kiausiu, Kosina Schwaiz, on the Gospel's Account. Henrietta I'eterman, Magdalena Kederberg, Martha Mans. Agnes Meyer, 8. 425 of those in the foregoing List are M;Mi;iua B.yerle, Cathar. Klingensteiu, (iit tr.iiid l'..ti-rson, Cliristina Luesh, under Age. Eii/"-tli Bur.siler, Anna Bender, 9. Not all who are named in this Catalogue Anna Vander Bilt, Sarah Preis, A. .Mar. Beyel-, Cith. Elis. Neumann, live iu Bethlehem Township, but some in Mar. Elis. Loerich, Magd. Steiuer, Ana Scha^ler, Cathar. Gerhard, Sackona, Some in Liehy, and Some in ano- FeUcitas Schuster, Johauelta Salterbach, ther Township joining Bethlehem Township. f Magdalena Negii), W'l ' Ciithaliuii llfil, Ana Kebi-cr,i Lan^lv, 10. There are 82 Indians besides those ^ *• \ ^ , Ciirliarnui UuttHotter, Salume Duck, 51ar. Itiiilciiii Eierleh, Cornelia, young Indian Women who live with our IP Jl.iriii Z. Ill, Anna Wrif^Iit. KlizaLieih Palmer, young Women, and besides the Savages who

The single men and single \^*

Timothy Hoksfield to Gov. Denxt, 175C. Inform your Honor of this Afl'air, and Doubt will Bethlehem, Nott. 29, 1756. not you take the matter into your wise Consideration. May it Please Your Honour, I am with all Due Eespect, Sir : —According to your Commands, I herewith Inclose a list of the United Breth- Your Honour's most Obed't, ren & Sisters & Children, i-c, &c., Now re- Humble Servant, Bethlehem, Nazareth, &c.,

I beg leave to mention to your honour^ Timothy Horspield to Gov. Denxy, 1756. that a few Days Since as one of our Indians Bethlehem, Nov. 30th, 1756. was in the Woods a small distance from Beth- lehem, with his grm, hopeing to meet with John Holder came here this Evening from a Deer, on his return home he met with two AUemangle, and Informed me that last Sun- men, who (as he Informs) he saluted by day Evening, ye 2Sth Inst, three Indians takeing off his Hat; he had not gone far be- Came to the House of a certain Man Named fore he heard a gun fired, and the Bullet Schlosser, and Nockt at the Door, the People whistled near by him, which terrified him within called who is there? Answer was very much, and running thro* the thick made, A Good Friend ; they Within not Open- Bushes his gun lock Catched fast, and went ing the Door, they Nockt Again, they with- off, he dropt it, his Hat, Blanket, i'c, and in not Opening the Door, they Nockt Again, came home much frighted. The Indians they Within Answer'd Who is there ? No An- came to me complaining of this treatment. swer being made from Without, Then one of Saying they fled from Amongst the Murther- the Men Named Stouebrook,Lookt Out of the ing Indians, and came here to Bethlehem, Window, When an Indian Discharged a gun and Adresst his Honour the Late Governor, and Kill'd him on the Spot. They then and put themselves under his protection, Open'd the Door, the Woman *fc 2 Children which the Governor Answered to their Satis- Endavering to Escape, and the Indiana

pursued ; faction, Deeireing them to sit Still amongst & took Both the Children One the Brethren, which they said they had done, of the Men Fired at the Indians, and Saw One of them fall, of Gairls he and given offence to none. I told them I when one the would do all in my Power to prevent such had possession of. Made her escape from him, the other they Indian yt Treatment for the future, and that I would but took away ; the fired at which fell write to the Governor and Inform him of it, was Cryed out very Much, and that they might be Assured the Gover- but in a Short time he got up and made off. nor would use proper measures to prevent The above said Holder Informs me he had this Aeeo't from good Authority, said Schlos- any mischief hapening. I thought at first to ser's is situated write a few Advertisements to warn wicked House in AUemangle. people for the future how they Behave to the TIMO. HOESFIELD.

Indians, for if one or more of them should be An old chronicler says that "During the kill'd in such a manner, I feer it would be of Indian troubles in 1756 and 1757, Bethlehem very bad consequence; but I have since con- was in great danger from the savages, every sidered it is by no means proper for me to precaution was taken to guard against it. The advertise, for as the Late Governor's procla- town was surrounded by palisades, which mation of War against the Indians I conceive were made by putting poles from 15 to 20 feet is still in force. I thought it my Duty to long, into the ground, close together and se- * The remarks are recorded in Colon. Records, Dec. cured above by hickory withes. Watch tow- 8, Vol. VII., p. 3o3, but tlie names and letter are not, ers were also erected, built of logs; one of it; is thought best to keep them together. This was prepared at Gov. Deuny's request. these was back of Louis F. Beckel's store, and 18 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF aniitlier north of the graveyard. Bethlehem cautions taken. One dark night, a senti- was then the frontier town of the white set- nel fired at an object which refused to an- tlements. Those settlers further north and swer his hail, it jiroved to be an ox, but it west, came to the town for protection, in ad- was afterwards ascertained that his alarm dition to several hundred christian Indians, had driven oll'a hostile band of Indians, who

making the number of stranger in our town were aiJjjroaching ko assault the jdace. about seven hundred, all of whom had to be The Moravians seejned to have had some

fed and clothed. The whole malepopulation lingering doubts, about even taking ujj arms

took turns in watching, and everything was tf) defend themselves, for the sentinels were

conducted as if the place were besieged; ordered to fire at the legs of an approaching

excellent discipline was kept up by bish- oljject. They were to ^vound and capture,

op Spangenberg, and the ])reservation of and not to kill their foes. the town was altogether owing to the pre- —




CHAPTER III. cilso. It was constructed for the use and oc- The Marhied People's House.—The Indian cupation of the Married Brothers and Sisters, Wars of ITio. P>enjamin Franklin as a who were not percnitted, during the first General.—His Account of Bethlehem.— days of the settlement, to reside anywhere Penn's Walking Purchase the Cause of else. The Ministers and their wives lived the Indian troubles.—Longfellow's Eu- together in the Gemein Haus. The house KIAL OF THE MiNISlNK. was also called by some, "the Ancestor's House;" although the German words were

' H E picture at the head of this chap- used, that is the correct meaning in English.

ter, is a representation of the Mar- Yet it was more generally called " the Mar- ried People's House, with the Water Tower ried People's House." In Bondthaler's life attached, at its west end, which once stood of Heekewelder, page 33, it is referred to, on the knoll, now the site of the present large thus, " The old School House has disappeared;

Moravian Church, at the corner of Main and it was a log building, erected on the spot

Church Streets, in Bethlehem. The drawing, where the church now stands ; and this house of which the wood cut is an exact copy, was and the apothecary's shop, were at that time made by Mr. Eufus A. Grider, of Bethlehem, the only buildings on the east side of Main fn)m the original slictch of llr. Oerter, now Street. On the west side, was the " Farm," in possession of the Moravian Historical So- with its stables, and several other hous- ciety at Nazareth, Pa. es; the rest of the hill, and the whole of The Married People's House, was erected the site of the present town being covered among the first buildings in the place, with a dense forest." This was in the year and built of logs, as was the Water Tower 1754. : ;


Tlie Water Tower, which stood at the west '• May it please your Honour, end of the Married People's House, was the These are to return your Hur, our most principal reservoir into which the water was humble thanks, for the Favour of so kind a forced from the celebrated spring, situated visit of y Hnrs at Bethlehem. As we are a on Water Street, at the foot of the hiU near people, more used to tlic country, then to the old Mill, to give it a head for distribu- cities, we hope yr Hur will excuse what may tion. From this tower all the lower part of have been amiss. So much I can say, and the Tillage was supplied with water. The this from the Bottom of my Heart, that yr same spring still furnishes all the water dis- Hnrs Person and Place or Station, is sacred tributed in the town, by the Bethlehem Water unto us. We all do wish unanimously that

Company. The Tower is said to have been yi' Hnr may prosper, and meet with a bless- as high as the steeple of the present church, ed success in all undertakings for the good but the statement is evidently erroneous, as of this Province. can easily be seen from the copy of Mr. Oer- Mr. Horsefield having told us, that yrHnr ter'a drawing, and from the fact, that the wants a compleat catalogue of all men, wo- water works were only calculated to raise men and children belonging to our oeco-

the water seventy feet in perpendicular nomy ; I have ordred one to be made, and height, when first erected, in 1764, although have added some Memorandums or observa- the power was afterwards increased to one tions, whch I hope will give you a clear idea hundred and fourteen feet; besides which, thereof, I recommend my Self, and all my the spring was at the foot of the hill, on the Brethren, who live in this Province, again banks of the Mfuokasy, at least forty feet in yr Hnrs Protection. below the foundation of the Tower. As for our circumstances, we are at a loss

Crantz says, that Pennsylvania was very how to act with those Indians, that come out much desolated by the Indian War, which of the woods, and want to stay at Bethlehem. began in the year 1755. The first event They are very troublesome guests, and we which materially affected the Moravians, should be glad to have your Hnrs Orders occurred on the evening of November 24, 1755, about them. Our Houses are fvill already, when the savages made an attack upon the and we must be at the Expences of building house and plantation of the European Breth- Winter-Houses for them, if more should ren, on the ilahmy, near Gnadeuheutten come; which very likely will be the case, eleven persons were killed in all, some of according to the account we have from them them shot and scalped, and the rest burnt. who are come. And then another diiSculty

The buildings, cattle, furniture, implements arises, viz., we hear that some of our neigh- and stock, were entirely destroyed. The bors are very uneasy at our receiving such

Christian Indians, who lived on the other murdering Indians ; for so they stile them. side the Lehigh, took flight, and most of We tlierefore, I fear, shall be obliged to set them got safely to Bethlehem. watches, to keep of such o^ the Neighbours There was formerly a large Log house, who might begin Quarrels with or attempt standing on the west side of the Manokasy, to hurt any of them. opposite the old Tannery, in Water Street, Now we are willing to do any thing that which was called the *' Indian House" It lays in our power, for the Service of that was built in the early days of the settlement, Province, where we have enjoyed sweet pease as a lodging place for the Indian visitors, for several years past. But we want y Hnrs great numbers of whom constantly visited Orders for every step we take, and we must the town. In 1752, six hundred and eighty humbly beg not to be left without them ; the

Indians visited the place, at different times more so, as we have reason to fear, that some during the year. In 1756 and '57, the num- how an Indian may be hurt or killed, which ber was much greater. Bishop Span genbere, certainly would breed new Troulilos of war. in a letter to Governor Denny, says We had at least a case last week, that some BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 21

one fired at an Indian of Bethlehem but a by the fear of the Indians ; most of these peo- little way from Bethlehem in the woods. ple were entirely destitute. Not only Beth- I hope Mr. Horsefield will give y Hur a lehem, but Nazareth, Friedensthal, Chris- particular account thereof, and so I will add tiansbrunn and the Rose, were asylums for

no more. these fugitives ; the houses of the Brethren Yr Ilnrs were crowded, and the empty school-houses,

Most humble and mills and barns, were alloted to them for Most obedient Servant, residences. SPANGENBERG. The Moravians, and their Indian converts, Eethl.,Nov. 29, 175(i." were peculiarly situated about this time. The hostile tribes were burning and destroy- As the Bishop feared, so many Indians af- ing the white settlements on the Lehigh, terwards took refuge at Bethlehem, that it while, on the other hand, the Irish inhabi- became necessary to assign them a piece of tants of the Kittatinuy Valley, were e.xas- land, where, with the Brethren's assistance, perated at the Brethren for protecting the they built themselves huts. The settlement Indian refugees, and giving them an asylum; was called Nain. The first house was erected they also charged the Brethren with being June 10, 1757, and on the 18th of October, in league with the French, because they 1758, all the Indians were removed from would not take up arms, and engage in of- Bethlehem to the town, and the " Old Indian fensive warfare. TJiey abused the mission- Chapel" was consecrated. The war had re- aries, and threatened to kill the Indian con- tarded the progress of the buildings at first, verts, so that it was dangerous for the friendly but by the year 1760, the Indian inhabitants leave the of Nain, had increased so rapidly that they Indians to towns. In the fall of the year 1756, the Govern- could not all be supported there, and the sent proposals of to the Indians, Brethren were obliged to send a portion of ment peace them to a tract of land on the north side of and a proclamation was issued at the same

the Blue Mountains, on the Wec7i.qiiatanJc, time, that all who were peaceably inclined, about thirty miles from Bethlehem, where should have a safe escort to Bethlehem,

they could live by hunting, and dwell to- Col. Croghau was very desirous that the In- gether under the direction of a missionary. dians should be accommodated at Bethlehem, In January, 1757, public religious services and the treaties held there, but the Brethren began to be performed at Bethlehem, in the justly fearing that all kinds of disorders Indian language, the liturgy having been might take place among so many savages of translated into the Mohican, by Jacob different nations collected together, by which Selimick, the missionary. Part of the Scrip- the Indian Brethren might be led astray, tures, and many hymns, were translated into and their young people contaminated, they the Delaware Indian, for the use of the chur- persistently refused, and induced the au- ches and schools. thorities to order that the treaty be held at The Moravian towns were great obstacles East

to the designs of the hostile savages, in their 1757, conferences were held with the Indians

warfare upon the whites, because they could at EtiH-town y and a treaty made in the name

tj use unfj, not prevail upon the friendly Indians to of the Ten Nations, with Teed king destroy the missionary establishments, nor of the Delawares, and three hundred other prevent them from informing the Brethren Indians, most of whom belonged to the Mun-

when any attempt was to be made upon the sys and the Delawares. settlements by the warriors, and thus many During the time, however, that the Indiana schemes were frustrated. Great numbers of were at Easton, they made many visits to whites, also, took refuge in the different Mo- Bethlehem, and proved very troublesome ravian places, being driven from their homes visitors. 3 f>'7 II I S T IV I C A L SKETCH OF

A gentleineu of Bethlehem has an old Day- In Gnadenthal there are 2 People employed book, of the " Crown Inn," in which the char- as a Night Watch.

ges against some of the Indians, and tlie cre- All the Inhabitants, except 5, have dits given them, are very amusing. Arms and are kept in Eeadiness as In the Penna. Archives, 3d volume, 242, aforesaid. will he found a list of the alterations in the In Christian's Bruu, there is one Singlemai^ return of the Brethren, dated July 20, 17j7 ; kept as a Night Watch, and 18 of the are of interest; but tlie hut ihoy not material Singlemen have Arms as aforesaid, concluding part of the statement hasadirect and frequently go out with some of the

bearing upon the events of the times ; it is Indians, who are paid for that Pur-

signed by Matth. Schropp, and is as follows : pose, in ranging Parties, for several " The Widow Benezet, since the last Tax, miles round the neighborhood and in has sold her two five hundred acre Tracts of the Barrens, to see that no Indians are Land, adjoining Bethlehem, to the Brethren lurking about, if possible to prevent for a £1000, and has taken a Mortgage on the their coming upon them by Surprize. same for the whole Consideration Money, In Friedensthal-Mill, They have all Arms they paying her yearly 6 ^ cent. Interest, and are constantly on their Guard and &c., as niay be seen in the Publick Records. Watch by Turns. This the Brethren were induced to do that Besides the above, the Brethren, for the they might have a convenient Place, near Summer Season, have for the most Part thir- Bethlehem, to place the Indians upon next teen of their Indians in Pay, whose Business S[)ring. it is with some of the white Brethren to In these times of Trouble and Danger, range from Place to Place and be a Guard to hiring become the Frontier, the Brethren for their People in their Harvest and other work the Defence of themselves and neighbours, where they might otherwise be exposed to have, under the Governor's Commission for the Incursions of the Enemy. that Purpose, established Military "Watches Now, considering the above and the pre- in all their Places, and been at a very great ent helpless and exposed condition our poor Expense in providing themselves with Arnis Country has been and still is in, it may with and Ammunition, and in strengthening and modesty and Justice be said, that it is owing, securing all their Houses and Plantations in great measure, to this care and prudent against any sudden Attack and Sur2:)rize from Circumspection of the Brethren, that the the Enem}'. whole Fort has not long ago been over run 5 Persons, namely, In Bethlehem there are by the Indians; and therefore it is presumed 2 Married, and 3 Singlemen constant- a Belaxation of Tax proportioned to the ly kept as a Night Watch, and tlxereby Trouble and great Expenee they have been

rendered wholly unfit for any Labour at, cannot be contrary to the Sense of the in the Day Time. Law, which expressly directs the making Besides the above there are 44 Single- Allowances in Extraordinary Cases. married, have Arms, men and 25 who Added to this, the extraordinary Expenee and are always ready by night or Day the Brethren are and must still be at, in in case of any Alarm. maintaining the Indians, who fled to them In Nazareth there are 3 Persons who are kept from Gnaden-Hutten (now wholly thrown as a constant Night Watch, Besides upon their Hands and left unprovided for by whom all the Inhabitants, mentioned the Government,) for whose Subsistance in the return, except 7 Persons, are alone, this year, they have been obliged to provided with Arms and Ammunition, let them have upwards of 50 Acres of their and are always in Eeadiness for the best Land, (cleared and fenced for them at Defence of themselves and neighbors. the Brethren's own Expenee,) to plant their ,


Indian Corn,

ness, are Hardships, which constrain the military duties in the colonies, I had suppos- Brethren to declare, that they find themselves ed they were conscientiously scrupulous of utterly unable to bear the Weight of the Tax bearing arms. He answered me, that it was as they have hitherto been rated, and there- not one of their established principles, but fore humbly beg the Hou'ble, the Commis- that, at the time of their obtaining the act, sioners and Assessors, will please to consider it was thought to be a principle of many of

them accordingly, in laying the Tax not yet their people ; on this occasion, however, they, raised." to their surprise, found it adopted but by a

Benjamin Franklin, in his autobiography, few. It seems they were either deceived in writing of the eventful occurrences of the themselves, or deceived the Parliament, but common sense, aided Indian Wars of that period, says : by present danger, will

" The Governor prevailed upon me to take sometimes be too strong for whimsical opin- charge of the North-western frontier, which ions. was infested by the enemy, and provide for " It was the beginning of January, when the defence of the inhabitants, by raising we set out on this business of building forts. s troops, and building a line of forts. I under- » » The Moravians procured me five took this military business, although I did wagons for our tools, stores, baggage, &c.

» iS -s not conceive myself well qualified for it. He "While at Bethlehem, I enquir- gave me a commission, with full powers, and ed a little ill to the practice of the Moravians, some of them a parcel of blank commissions for officers, to had accompanied me, and all of them were very kind to me. I found that be given to whom I thought fit. I had but they worked for a common stock, eat at com- little difficulty in raising men, having soon mon tables, and slept in common dormitor- 560 under my command. My son, who had ies, great numbers together. In the dormi- in the preceding war, been an ofl^icer in the tories, I observed loopholes, at certain dis- army raised against Canada, was my aid-de- tances, all along under the ceiling, which I camp, and of great use to me. The Indians thought judiciously placed for change of air. had burned Gnadenheutten, a village settled I was at their church, where I was entertain- by the Moravians, and massacred the in- ed with good music, the organ accompanied habitants j but the place was thought a good with violins, hautboys, flutes, clarinets, &e. situation for one of the forts. I understood that their sermons were not '• In order to march thither, I assembled the usiially preached to mixed congregations of companies at Bethlehem, the chief establish- men, women and children, as is our common ment of those people. I was surprised to find practice, but that they assembled sometimes it in so good a posture of defence, the des- the married men, at other times their wives, truction of Gnadenheutten, had made them then the young men, the young women, and apprehend danger. The principal buildings the little children, each division by itself. were defended by a stockade ; they had pur- The sermon I heard was to the latter, who chased a quantity of arms and ammunition came in and were placed in rows on benches, from New York, and had even placed large the boys under the conduct of a young man quantities of small paving stones between their tutor, and the girls conducted by a the windows of their high stone houses, for young woman. The discourse seemed well their women to throw upon the heads of any adapted to their capacities, and was deliver- Indians that should attempt to force into ed in a pleasing, familiar manner, coaxing them. The armed Brethren, too, kept watch, them, as it were, to be good. and relieved as methodically as in any gar- " I enquired, concerning the Moravian rison town. In conversation with Bishop marriages, whether the report was true, they Spangeuberg, I mentioned this to my sur- were by Lot, and was told, that lots were ; ; :


But soon a funeral Hymn was heard, used only in particular cases; that generally, When the soft breath of evening stirred •when a yuung man found himself disposed The tall gray forest; and a band to marry, he informed the Elders of his class, Of stern in htart, and strong in liand. that govern- who consulted the Elder ladies, Came windiug down beside the wave, ed the young women. As these Elders of To lay the red chief in his grave. the dillerent sexes, were well acquainted They sang that by his native bowers, tlie dispositions of their with tempers and Ele stood in the last moon of flowers;

respective pupils, they could best judge what And thirty snows had not yet shed matches were suitable, and their judgments Tlieir glory on the Warrior's head, were generally acquiesced in, but if, for ex- But as the summer fruit decays,

ample, it should happen that two or three So died he in those naked days.

young women were found to be equally pro- A dark cloak of Roebuck's skin per for the young man, the lot was then re- Covered the Warrior, and within made, curred to. I objected, that if these matches Its heavy folds the weapons For the toil of war were laid, are not made by natural choice of the par- The Cuirass woven of plaited reeds, ties, some of them may chance to be very And the broad belt of shells and bead«. unhappy. ' And so they may,' answered my Before, a ^ark hairesl virgin train, informer, ' if you let the parties choose for

Chanted the death-dirge of the slain ; themselves,' which, indeed, I could not de- Behind the loog procession camo ny." Of hoary men and chiefs of fame, The Indian troubles and wars, which be- With heavy hearts and eyes of griof, gan in 1755, were caused by the dissatisfac- Leading the war horse of their chief.

tion of the Minis i and other Indian tribes, Stripped of his proud and martial dress, " at the result of the "Walking Purchase," so Uncurbed, unreined and riderless, called, and the encroachments of the whites With darting eye and nostril spread, upon their hunting grounds north of the And heavy and impatient tread, came, and oft that eye so proud, Blue Mountains. Conrad Weiser, in a letter Ue Asked for his rider in the crowd. to the Governor, as early as April 22d, 17-11), They buried the dark chief; they freed called his attention to the matter, saying Beside the grave his battle steed, "The Indians are very uneasy about the Anil swift an arrow cleaved its way white people settling beyond the endless Tu his stern heart, one piercing neigh mountains.** Arose—and on the dead man's plain. Longfellow has written one of his charac- The rider gratfps his steed again. teristic effusions, (which, by kind permission " of Messrs. Fields, Osgood k Co., of Boston, The history of the Walking Purchase" lf)8G, bought Mass., the publishers of Mr. Longfellow's is this: —William Peuu, in of the Indians a tract of land, commencing on Poems, is inserted here entitled the line of his former purchases, and extend- TUE BURIAL OF THE MINISINK. iud northwestwardly as far as a man could beachen swell, Oo Bunuy elope and ride on horseback in two days; this was not The shadowed light of eveuing fell carried out until 1737; when, at a Treaty And when the maple'a leaf was brown, held with Indians by the Proprietaries, Willi soft and silent lapse came down Penn, on the 25th day of The glory, that the wood receWea Thomas and John At enuset in the brazen leaves. August, of that year, at Durham, near Eas-

lun, it was stipulated, that the purchase of Far upwards in the mellow light, at Rose the Blue Hills, one cloud of white; 10S6, be consummated by commencing

Around a far uplifted cone Wrights', in Bucks County, and terminating In the warm blush of evening shone; at a spot a man could reach in one and a- An image of the silver lakes, half day's walk. Edward Marshall, one of By which tliL- ludinn soul awakes. the walkers, started from Wrightstown at ;

BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 25 sunrise, on Septenjber 19th, 1737, and atsun- fury of the white people against the Indiana set, had reached the foot of the Blue Moun- settled at Nain. On the 8th of November, tains, and next day at noon had reached 1763, the Moravian Indians there were sent to Tnbihanna Creek. He walked 50 miles the Philadelphia by order of the Governor, for iirst day. Although not an extraordinary protection. And the Indians from the Mis- performance, the Indians were terribly ex- sion at Wyalusing, were also sent to the same asperated, as they had no idea of selling place, for the same reasons, and all lodged in their land beyond the Endless Mountains the Barracks. as it was, a rectangular line, drawn from the Wechqimtaiilc was burnt by the white people terminating jjoint of the walk to the Dela- on the night of November 18, 1763, and some ware River, robbed them of nearly all the incendiaries endeavored to destroy Bethle- Minisink country, their favorite hunting hem. The Oil Mill was set on fire, and en- ground. Their dissatisfaction at last ended tirely consumed, and the fury of the flames in open warfare on the whites, in 1755, and was such, that the adjoining Water Works Marsliall's entire family were among the were with difficulty saved. first victims. Peace was finally concluded with the hos-

Bethlehem is therefore within the limits tile Indians, in 1764, when the Moravian of the Walking Purchase Indians returned in safety to Nain, Wyalus- In 1763, the frontiers were again overrun ing and Bethlehem; but were soon after, ia by the Indians. The massacre of the New 1765, removed to the Susquehanna. England people at Wyoming, increased the —


The " Old Mill."—built, 1751. burned in 1S60.


CHAPTER IV. The following pleasing account of the" Old lnK Old JIill, built 1751, burned in 18G9. Mill," and the more ancient structure, erect- —The Bethlehem Wateu Works.—Revo- ed by the Moravian Brethren, on the samo lutionary Times of 1776.— ^?ASHINGTON spot, is copied from The B^thUlicvi Daily T'tme-'j AND Bishop Ettwein.—Pulaski's Banner of January 27th, 1SG9, a newspaper editeil by —Longfellow's Poem.—Visit of Washing- David J. Godshalk and Wm. Haekett, Jun., ton.—Lafayette.—Mrs. Keidesel's Ac- gentlemen who appreciate the historical count.—Mrs. Friday.— Cotton.—The Fish- mementoes connected with the venerable ery.—Manufactures. — MainRoadto Ohio. old town in which they live; and who take —The Stone Ridge.—Views and Scenery. pleasure in recording in their spirited daily,

all matters of interest concerning its antiqui- t the head of this chapter will be seen I ties, and its local history. a correct view of the " Old Mill," " lately destroyed by fire, which was consid- The Old mU.—Bmh \1-A.—VuT

taken excellent pictures of all the old build- Nathaniel Irish's Mill, on Saucou Creek,

ings of the i)lace, and handsome stereoscopic near its confluence with the Lehigh, (now views of all the beautiful spots in the vicini- the site of Shimersville.) Mr. Irish was a man ty. He deserves much credit for the love of of some note on the borders, an agent for Wil- art, and pride of place, which have induced liam Allen, Esq., merchant of Philadelphia,

hiiu to take and preserve fur the future, so in the sale of lands, and a Justice of the mauy objects of interest. Peace of the countv of Bucks. : ;


The erection of so important a building as Moravian Mill, were made early in 17.01. a grist mill, for an agricultural people, en- The masons began with the foundation-wall gaged in the establishment of an exclusive on the 14th of June, selecting the best of the settlement, was taken in hand by the Mora- limestone that was quai'ried on Nisky Hill, vians of Bethlehem, in 1743 ; and on the 2oth for this part of the work. As harvest was at of January of that year, a site for the struc- the door, and the entire force of the settle- ture was selected. In April the work was ment would be needed during its continu- already under roof; on the 24th of June the ance, every nerve was strained to make machinery was put in running order, and on headway in the important undertaking just the 28th of June the first grist was ground. initiated. By the end of August, the build- The wheaten loaf, eaten next day by the ing was under roof, the works in running brotherhood, was altogether of their make. order, and on the 2nd of September, 1751, the This achievement was a matter of congratu- first grist was ground by the mill, that ground lation to the infant settlement, as well as to its last, on the 27th of January, 1869. the neighborhood, which in those days of The structure was 90 x 31 feet, and con- scattered farms, embraced a wider area than tained in addition to one run of stones for at present. For, we are told, in February of grinding grain, and a granary, a fulling mill, 1847, there came neigJibors from beyond the a clothiers shop, and a dye-house, all under Blue Mountain, (adventurous German farm- one roof. The limestone was quarried in the ers who had hewed them farms in the very Nisky quarries, and the laths sawed at the heart of the Indian country, on the borders Gnadenhoch (now Christianbrun,) saw mill. of the Aquarishiecola and the Pocopoco,) to Durham Furnace supplied the iron work of have the fruit of their toil converted into the machinery. The water wheel and mill bread at the Moravian Mill. One Adam stones were new. Above the former was the

Schaus, else unknown to fame, was the first mill room. In May, 1753, a second run of stones was added. The ground floor was miller. He ran but one pair of stones ; but they ground well, and won Adam a goodly laid in tiles, the roof covered with the same reputation; and many came from the East material, and the building furnished with a and from the West, and most came from the sun dial and elevator.

' North Countrie,' from the land of pines, and Mr. John Jungmann, a well known mis- swamps, and scrub-oaks, to have their grain sionary among the Indians, who died in made into fiour; and in 1744 there was taken Bethlehem on the 17th of July, 1808, tells us from these barbarians, as the Greeks would in his autobiography, he was the ''rst miller say, toll as follows in the mill of 1754. Of wheat, 222 bushels: of rye, 170 bushels; During the French and Indian war, in of Indian corn, 27 bushels ; of buckwheat, 12 1755, and again in 1758, when the part of bushels ; of barley, 2 bushels. Bethlehem, long and still known as Water Mr. , of Frederic, (now Mont- Street, and the workshops and institutes on gomery County,) descendants of whom are Main Street, were palisaded and put info a still residing in and about Pottstown, was state of defense from fear of surprises by hos- the millwright employed by the Moravians tile Indians, the old mill was the eitidal in the construction of the mill in 1743. It within the city, crowded with panic stricken was built of stone, and well-built, too, as was refugees from the unprotected frontiers. the fashion of those days; yet its walls gave When, in 17C9, the Moravians in North way under the pressure of the swollen Ma- America abolished the quasi commuuistio nocasy, in the freshet of March 30, 1747 system of which Bethlehem had been thji and although repaired, in the course of a few central point since 1741, the mill was work- years it was thought advisable to supersede ed for the benefit of the settlement solely, it by a new and large building. being one of a number of industrial pursuits Preparations for the erection of the second retained as sources of revenue. 28 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF

In 1830 it was purchased by Charles Au- poured in one continuous stream, was at last gustus Luckenback, of the Bethlehem con- run out. gregation of the United Brethren, and of And because the life of the mill was a long him by Jacob Luckenback. The late pro- life of good to the family of man, hence these prietors, David k Andrew Luckenback, have chronicles and hence this pious requiem. the sympathy of the community in tlie ca- The original mill-stones, used in the ' old lamity so suddenly befallen them. mill' when it was first erected, in 1743, were In the sad loss of property occasioned by found by the Messrs. Luckenback, in remov- the disastrous conflagration of last night, is ing the ruins left by the late fire." involved the destruction of another of the The Water Works of Bethlehem, are cele- few remaining monuments ofearly Moravian brated as the first of the kind erected in this domination in the forks of Delaware. The country. They were planned and construct- old mill carried us back further into the past in the year 1762, by a Danish Moravian, a Christian Chria- than ])erhaps any other remaining old time resident of the village ; Hana landmark here, excepting the ' stone row' ou tianson, a shoemaker, and a native of the city

Church Street. It weathered the storms of of Copenhagen ; and were first put in operas one hundred and eighteen years, and outlived tion on the 21st of January, 1764. The ma- the changes that have since then came over chinery consisted of three single acting force the country in which, and the association by pumps, four inch calibre, and eighteen inch which it was erected in 1751. Pennsylvania stroke, worked by a triple crank, geared to was then a loyal province of the British the shaft of an undershot water wheel, eigh- crown, and the Moravians in North America teen feet in diameter, and two feet clear in a society, in an extraordinary sense of the the buckets. The total head of water was water shaft word, organized to a man for missionary ac- two feet. On the wheel was a tivity. Its erection supplied the urgent want wallower of thirty-three rounds, and gearing of the settlement, and proved a benefaction into a spin- wheel of fifty-two cogs, attached to the country around. It was alwa3'S a busy to the, crank. The three pistons were at- place, the old mill down by the creek, with tached each to a frame cross-head, working its face to the sunny South, and yet cool in in grooves, to give them a parallel motion the shadow of willows. It was always busy with the pump, the cross-head was wood, as

within with its whirring stones, and drijiping well as the part containing the grooves, as wheel, and trembling hopper, that poured guides. These works were in operation until

out untold wealth of golden grain, to be 1832, when the present works were erected, principle of the transformed into the staff of life ; and I can and remodelled, upon the even now see how busy the scene without present Water Works at Fairmount, Phila- already in the times of Adam Schues, the delphia, where the horizontal d-juhle forcing

first of a long line of ' dusty millers,' whore, pump, the design of Frederick Graeff, was on ' mill days,' a cavalcade of settlers from first used in this country. the outskirts of Pennsylvania civilization The first raising main of the Bethlehem

would dismount, and, tying their jaded beasts works, was made of Gum wood as far as it was with rope halters, each shouldered his grist, subject to great pressure, the rest of pitch

and, as he crossed the threshold within the pine. The first forcing pumps were made of

precincts of t)3e famous Moravian Mill, did Lignum Vitae, the water was forced up into homage to the mysterious dial that stood the Receiver, in the High Tower, at the west " ;" sentinel above ; and thus each succeeding end of the Brothers' and Sisters' House

generation repeated the busy scene without, from thence it was distributed into Water

with only a change of masks. But the life Boxes or Cisterns, partly above ground, from within the mill was the same; and this ceased which it was drawn ofi"for use. The water-

when its restless hour glass, from which the boxes mentioned, were six in number, and golden grain of over a hundred years had were situated at the following places. ;


of the Creek, which 1. In the yard of the Brethren's House. the water Manockasy runs through that part of the town. 2. In the yard of the Sisters' House, on Church The water of the Spring is very cool and Street, and still in use. clear, slightly impregnated with lime, but 3. At Simon Bau's, still used. not enough so as to affect its taste ; it is per- 4. Market Street, opposite the Old Grave- In fectly healthful, very pleasant to the pal-

yard, and still in use. ate, and has no perceptible cfl'ect upon the hu-

5. In the Old Farm House Yard. man system, that is at all injurious. A largo

is erected over the Spring, 6. .-Vt the " Sun Hotel." frame building

which is used by the people of the neigh- The first pipes laid for the conveyance borhood, for the purpose of keeping cool and of water, were of leather, but not proving preserving their meats and butter, during very serviceable, wooden ones were soon the summer season,the water passing through substituted; in 1780 leaden pipes were intro- it, keeping the building as cold as an ice house. duced in their stead, and in 1813 these were The reservoirs in the town, into which the changed for pipes made of iron, which are water is conveyed for distribution, are cov- now used all over the town. ered from the sun and dirt, so that it is car- In constructing the first Water Works, a ried to the houses, free from all impurities, very curiously made crank had to be invent- and comes out of the supply pipes as clear ed, in order to work the three pistons, itwas as crystal, and does not need ice to cool it, at first thought to be impossible to make it, even in the hottest days of summer. but a celebrated blacksmith of the place, Before the Water Works were erected there Stephen Blum, accomplished it, and named were many attempts made to obtain water, thereby. gained great credit by digging wells, butas thehillon which the Spring from which the supply of wa- The town is built, is formed of rotten lime-stone, curiosity in its way, ter is obtained, is quite a all was labor in vain. There exists at jire- and that it is able to furnish the constant senf, in the middleof BroadStreetnear Main, demand, is a matter of astonishment to all one of those wells arched over, instead of

who examine it, for it is a very small aifair, being filled up ; its exact position will be dis- not more than three feet square, and two covered unexpectedly some day. " feet deep, situated near the Old Mill," on The Rev. C. F. Seidel, thus speaks of the Water Street, opposite the "Old Tannery," Bevolutionary Times of 1776. " During the yet, small as it is, and despite the constant Revolutionary War, the Moravians were di- use of its waters, there is never, even in vided in opinion. The clergy mostly sided summer time; any perceptible diminutinn with the Tories, hut a portion of the Breth- in the quantity of water in the Spring ren, and nearly all the Sisters, sided with there being a constant, and almost imper- the Whigs. Brother Ettwein, leader of the ceptible flow into it from some unseen congregation, sided with the Whigs, and was source. And although in 1S68, steam power a great friend of Washington. He was fre- was introduced to supply the increasing de- quently consulted by the noble General, and mand of the growing town, the Spring still the Bishop ever found a ready and a stea 1-

continues full, without any signs of inability fast friend and protector in him. to meet all the wants of the inhabitants, ex- "The people were prejudiced against the cept in cases of fires. Brethren because they refused to bear arms.

The lower Mill, where the forcing power is (The Moravians held it against their con-

located, is the Mill where the celebrated science to engage in ofi^nsive war, resisting

Bethlehem buckwheat flour is made, which armed force was regarded as a duty.) but

is in such demand in the cities of Philadel- when their position was explained, and their phia and New York. The forcing power honest intentions made known to reasonable was, previous to the year 1868, furnished by persons, no objection could be made to their 30 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF

Course. Tlipy nursed the sick and wounded, " Bethlehem, September 22, 1777. gave up their houses for hospitals, and many Having observed a humane and diligent even died from the contagious camp fever. attention to the sick and wounded, and a They visited the siok, supplied them with benevolent desire to make necessary provi- clothing, and showed them every act of kind- sion for the relief of the distressed, as far as

ness. Eeligious services were held twice the powers of the Brethren enable them ; we every week; but arms they would not bear, desire that all Continental officers may re- deeming it wrong to kill their fellow crea- frain from disturbing the persons or property tures." of the Moravians in Bethlehem, and particu-

" ' Bishop Ettwein, says : In those years, larly, that they do not disturb or molest the when the chief Hospital of the United States Houses where the Women are assembled. army was located at Bethlehem, I was a Given under our hands, at the time and visitor to the sick, and a preacher in the place above mentioned. Hospital, and preached twice each week to John Hancock, Richard Henrt Lee, five or six hundred soldiers, and had the Mathan Bkow.vsov, Hexry Lacrens, Nathaniel Folsom, William Bder, pleasure to observe good fruits.' CoRXELiiis Harnett, Richard Law, " Washington admired the character of the Benj. Harrison, Samoel Adams, John Adams, James Duane, Moravians, and during interview with an Henry Marchant, Eliphalet Dyer, Ettwein, expressed himself to that eflect. Joseph Jones, Wm. Williams.

' saying : I wish I were a simple Moravian.' Belegates to Congress."

.'' " —' Bletb an ico du hist —stay where you The Brethren's House" was taken as the are, answered the Bishop, ' you can do more Army Hospital, of course the Society object- good where you are.' The Bishop had great ed, but in vain, and the Brethren had to influence with Washington, he spoke in such live with their friends and relatives in the a blunt, straight forward way, that he gain- town, a necessity which finally led to the ed the General's good opinion. Washington entire abandonment of the custom of the

detested unnecessary fuss. Single Brethren all living together in one

" The Bishop was the first Fremdindiener, establishment, although not till some time

(i. c. Guide or Strangers' Friend,) in Bethle- thereafter, for it was not till 1S15, that the hem, from 1776 to 1779. An anecdote is told " Brethren's House" was handed over for the of him, which shows his active measures in use of the Girls' School, and occupied that

religious affairs. While speaking to the year for its new purpose, for which it is still congregation, during the Revolutionary War. used, being the centre building of the Semi- on their duties to their God and their coun- nary, fronting on Main Street. try, he remarked that they should not forget It was on the 3rd of December, 1770, .nat to pray for the Government, and ' Wir besser the General Hospital of the American army

tathens gleich,' i. c, ' We had better do so was established at Bethlehem, and on the

at once I' and fell on his knees and poured same day. Doctors Warren and Shippen ar- out a fervent prayer for the protection of the rived, and took possession of the " Breth- Almighty over our country. Then, as now, ren's House," and made arrangements for the whole congregation done as their minister 250 sick soldiers, who came into town the

did, fell on their knees also. In prayer, none next day, gaunt, destitute and famishing, but those who are sick or disabled, are al- and had not the people supplied them with lowed to keep their seats." food, many would have perished, no gov- Among the Archives of the Society, are ernment supplies having arrived. During the preserved many original and valuable papers winter, 110 of the soldiers died; and were

and letters ; a copy of one of the letters is in- buried near where Levin J. Krause's large serted here, as confirming the foregoing state- barn now stands, on the west bank of the ments, and redounding to the credit of this Manockasy, on the north side of the road

ancient Church. leading to Allentown. !


On the ITth of December, General Lee's has immortalized the incident in a beautiful

division of the army, consisting of 3,000 poem, which is printed by permission of his

men, reached Bethlehem, and encamped for publishers. Field, Osgood & Co., entitled the the night on the south side of the river, HYMN General Sullivan in command. the Moravian Ntiiis at Btthichein at the conse- On September 2d, 1777," The Large Family Of cration of Pulaski's Banner. House," was taken for quarters for 260 Eng- " lish prisoners; the Brethren objected, but When the dying flame of day. Through the chancel shot its ray, without avail. On the 23rd, the whole of the Far the glimmering tapers shed. heavy baggage of the army arrived at the Faint light on the cowled head , place for winter quarters, the train consisted And the censer burning swung. of 700 wagons, and an escort of 200 men, un- Where before the Altar, hung der the command of Colonel Polk. And the The blood red banner, that with prayt-r " Brethren's House" was again used as a Had been consecrated there, the nuns' hospital till June, 1778. And sweet hymn was heard the while, Sung low in the dim mysterious aisle. In the history of Lehigh Valley, it is writ- " ten that, " In consequence of the removal of Take thy banner I May it wave the hospital to Bethlehem, in 1776, the place Proudly o'er the good and brave; When the battle's distant wail, was visited by many persona of distinction, Breaks the Sabbath of otir vale; among whom were General Washington, the When the clarion's music thrills Marquis de La-Fayette, Count Pulaski, Baron To the heart of these lone hills. De Kalb, Generals Armstrong, Gates, Mifflin When the spear in conflict sliakea, and Schuyler, John Hancock, Henry Lau- And the strong lance shivering breaks.

rens, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and '* Take thy banner I and beneath others." The battle cloud's encircling breath,

Guard it I till our homes are free I "It was during this time that Count Pu-

Guard it! God will prosper thee I laski was complimented for his gallantry, by In the dark and dying hour. a presentation of a banner, embroidered by In the breaking forth of power, the ' Singh Sitters/ as a token of their grati- In the rush of steeds and men, tude for the protection he had afforded them, His right hand will shield thee then.

surrrounded as they were, by rough and un- " Take thy banner I but when night

couth soldiery. The banner was made of Closes round the ghastly fight. crimson silk. On one side the capitals U. S. If the vanquished w.arrior bow.

are encircled by the motto, ' Unitaa Virtus Spare him I by our holy vow, By our prayers and many tears fortier,' on the other side, the all-seeing eye By the mercy that endears, of God, in the midst of thirteen stars of the Spare him I he our love hath shared! Union, is surrounded by the motto, ' Non Spare him I as thou would'st be spared alius regit.' These designs were embroidered " Take thy banner 1 and if e'er, with yellow silk, the letters shaded with Thou should'st press a soldier's bier. green. A deep green bullion fringe orna- And the muffled drum should beat

ments the edges; the size of the banner was To the tread of mournful feet. Then this crimson flag twenty inches square. It was attached to a shall be Martial cloak and shroud for thee. lance, when borne in the field. The banner was received by Pulaski with grateful ac- " The warrior took that banner proud, knowledgments, and borne by his regiment And it was his martial cloak and shroud."

through the campaign, until he fell in the The piece is very beautiful, but it is very

attack j upon Savannah in the autumn of 1779. certain that Longfellow never visited Beth- It is now in the possession of the Maryland lehem, or any other Moravian town. Historical Society at Baltimore. Longfellow An old Sister, writing of Revolutionary 32 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF times, says: "General Washington visited Holy Land, in which is a town called Beth- Bethlehem but onec, he intended coming a lehem, where we found a right good tav- second time, but did not do so. When here ern. he visited the manufactories of the Society. " In Bethlehem, as in all other Moravian The Woollen and Fulling Mill, ,then in the communities, there are separate houses for

old mill on Water Street,) the ' Brother's the Brethren and Sisters. In the latter es- House,' the 'Sister's house,' and everywhere tablishment they made magnificent embroid- that manufactories were established. At tlie ery, and other beautiful handiworks, and we ' Sister's House,' he stood for some time in bought at these places several articles. A the southeast room, now occupied by Sister Miss Girsdorff, a German, who afterwards Sally Horsfield, he expressed himself much resided at Hernhut, had taught the Sister's pleased with the product of their industry, all these kinds of work. The houses of this and desired to purchase a dress for Lady community are well built, and there were at Washington, but the Sisters presented him this j)laceall sorts of manufactories. Among with the materials for one for her, a dress others there was one which dressed leather, pattern of ' blue stripe.' His officers pur- which was as good as that of England, and chased finery, but the general supplied him- half as cheap. The gentlemen of our party self with useful articles, among which were bought a quantity of it. There were also two pairs of stockings." very clever cabinet makers, workers in steel James Hall, in his manuscript, says, he and excellent smiths. While at Bethlehem remembered Washington well, that he visited we went to church, and enjoyed the splendid Bethlehem twice, and was welcomed by the singing." music of trombones, playing in the belvedere During, and after the Revolution, says Mrs. " on the Brethren's House." Friday ; times were very hard, wages poor,

La-Fayette came to the town on the 20th little to do, and everything high ; 4-4 chintz of September, 1778. Charles Beckel, in his sold at $3 per yard. Tea was a luxury none journal, says : " This young French general could enjoy. The sisters collected herbs in lodged at our house. He had been wounded order to test them as a substitute for the tea-

in the foot at the battle of Brandywine. I plant. Tea was three dollars a pound, Conti- had an aunt, who was then about 17 or IS nental money. A species of Sumac berries years of age. She was the Marquis' nurse. were used to flavor meats with, as salt was Being very handsome and lively, my grand- not to be had, and provisions were of a very

father became very uneasy for fear of her bad quality ; even as late as lS2fl. forming an intimacy with the volatile and ' Cotton was not then raised in the United witty Frenchman." States, but was brought from Jamaica, and Mr. Beckel lived in the house now occupied the best from St. Thomas, W. I. The price by Ranch, as a confectionery store. per pound paid for new cotton averaged soon after Revolutionary Frederica Von Massow, the beautiful about 60 cents ; the wife of Major-General Hiedesel, who com- War. Among the Sisters, spinning, weaving iiKiuded the German Auxiliaries, (Bruns- and needle work, were the sources of revenue. wicker's,^ in Burgoyne's Array, at the time West India cotton was spun for the city and

of its capture at Saratoga, during the Revo- home markets, the cotton had first to be lution, thus speaks of Bethlehem in her pub- pulled apart, and the seeds had to be picked

lished Letters and Journals, l>age 163. " Af- out, then (secondly,) carded into flalvcs, and ter leaving York, Pennsylvania, we rode (thirdly,) into rolls by hand, by means of a through a magnificent country, and passed spindle. Cotton so prepared, was much among others, a very well cultivated section stronger than when machine manufactured. inhabited by the Moravian Brethren; one Working cotton, knitting cotton and thread

place 13 called the Holy Sepulchre, and were also made; to earn seven cents a day another district gties by the name of the was considered much. BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 33

*' Board at the '' Sister's House" cost seven I am, with great respect, your F'd and shillings and three pence per week, includ- Hon'ble Servant, ing board for dinner, rent, night watch, sick T'Y MATLOCK, Sec'y. room, and the privilege of taking boiling Directed. water. Breakfast and tea they found for Rev'd John Ettwein, at Bethlehem. themselves." The manufactories of the Moravians in Fish were caught in the Lehigh in great those early times, made them independent quantities. Shad were caught between the of the outside world. They raised hemp, Islands and opposite Nisky Hill; they some- flax and wool, grain of all kinds, from which times sold at two cents each, and very large they made starch, flour, and the buckwheat fish ; many were salted down in barrels. meal, which is celebrated even in this our Tlie Lehigh abounded in shad and bass. In day. From the flax they made Linsey- the Church Diaries of Bethlehem there is woolsey, for the females to w^ear, and the frequent mentjon of the fact. In the year woolen for winter, with the changeable stripe 1741, the statement is made, that, "at the or plaid of two colors, blue and red. These end of August we were blessed with such same goods, when fulled, were worn by the abundance of Rock Fish, as to enable us to men and boys. They had good weavers, provide for our guests and friends in profu- even in the " Sister's House." Letters are sion." In May, 1752, one thousand shad were still preserved, which contain orders from taken on the 10th of the month. May 18, merchants in Philadelphia, directing goods 17S5, nine hundred shad were caiight. May to be made for dresses for their wives. 6, 1786, seven hundred. May 21, 1787, Sister Langley, an English Sister, had "fished for the last time this season and " caught one hundred and eighty shad and charge of the Sister's House," and they superior thirty rock fish." The fishing gro\ind used produced some very handsome and to be below the upper bridge, the fish being needle-work. Dyeing, spinning, fulling, driven into a pond opposite Mr. Beckel's weaving, bleaching on grass, making glue carried to a foundry ; this mode of capturing the shad and tanning were on much

was learned from the Indians, and is des- greater extent than at the present day. cribed fully by Loskiel, in his " History of The first Tile and Brick Manufactory was the Indian Mission." established soon after the settlement of the The Manockasy and Saucon creeks were town, in 1742, at a ]ilace about a mile north both at one time celebrated for their fine of Bethlehem, on the Manockasy Creek, on Unangst, on trout. Some are yet occasionally caught in the farm now owned by B. G. both streams. the opposite side of the creek from his mill, a'nd near the Indian town; it was then known The Manockasy takes its name from the tribe of Minissink Indians who once hunted as Queer's place. The first bricks used in Bethlehem were at this place; after- on its banks, and is a corruption of the name made tiles in the town at the of that tribe. wards were made occupied D. Bishop, at Wafers seem to have been a scarce com- house now by Henry modity in Revolutionary times, judging the corner of the Main Street aud the road by the following order from the Honorable leading to AUentown. Earthenware was Executive Council of Peimilvania. also extensively made, and in great demand. " cows Philadelphia, April 5, 1779. An applicant was asked, How many

Sin : — I must beg the favour of you to send have you got?" and if more were asked for by the first good opportunity, half a pound than deemed necessary, told, " You must of common sized wafers, 500 for the Great do with less." Seal, and 500 or 1000 for the less seal of the In those days an old finger post stood in

State, and I will pay you, or your order for the open space opposite Bishop's store, point- them on demand. ing down tlie hill along the narrow, winding ;

34 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF road, between the two old stone houses, lead- boards to keejj out the dirt, so that all the ing west to Allentown, with the following lime became thoronghli/ slacked by exposure very indefinite direction inscribed upon it to the weather, and when used, it became as in quaint old fashions letters. soon as it was dry, a cement as hard almost "MAIN EGAD TO OHIO." as stone.

A journey to Ohio in those days was a very The view of Bethlehem and the surround- serious matter, as it took from three weeks ing country from Ranch's mountain farm, to a month's time, according to the mode of back of the Stone-ridge, is very fine. The travel, on horseback, or by a Connestoga Blue Mountains, about seventeen miles dis- wagon. Now the guide post says, " To tant, lie in the form of an are of a circle, Reading 40 miles." distinctly visible, with that peculiar blue

The stone used for erecting most of the haze hanging over them, from which they old stone buildings, and for the Old Chap- derive their name, with indentations in their el and the Church, was brought from the otherwise regular formation, known as the mountain to the southwest of the " Islands," Lehigh Waler-Gnp, The Little Gap, and the at the present day known as the Stone-ridge Delaware Water Gap. In the centre of the it acquired that name from the German word picture looking north, half hid by a high to slide, {Die stein riitscht.) Immense quanti- projection of land, called the Camel's rump, ties of good building stone were there lying lies slumbering the Moravian town of Naza- loose on the side of the hill, and it was only reth, plainly visible to the naked eye. To necessary to slide them down to the water's the right, and almost at the foot of the edge, float them across the river on flat boats, mountain, lies Moravian Bethlehem, and and haul them into town for use. her lovely islands; between and around Houses in the olden times were built with wliich winds the clear waters of the beautiful great labor, no saw mills existed, the heavy Lehigh ; on the north bank of which is seen logs were all dressed by the axe, even the the canal and railroad of the Lehigh Naviga- studs for the partition walls had to be cut tion Company ; and on the south, the Lehigh and dressed in the same manner, the plas- Valley Railroad; while the broad exj)anse

tering laths were split with the axe, the of the "Dry Lands," with its now richly

boards and laths were sawed with a whip cultivated fields, and its clumps of woodland,

saw, the wood used for all purposes was oak. lie mapped out before the looker-on, forming The excellence of the work of the mechanics a scene of surpassing beauty.

even in those rude times, was surprising, no The high hills around Bethlehem in the such substantial buildings are erected now. month of October, present asceneof gorgeous

All the other necessary work was done in beauty almost beyond description. The foli- the town. age of the trees contain all the tints of the The mortar used in the old building has rainbow, but are even more beautiful, if that

often created surprise, after over an hundred is possible, because the colors are more dif-

years, all of it is still in as good condition as fused. Some trees, the pine, the hemlock

when first put on, despite its exposure to the and the laurel, still retain their vivid green.

weather all that time, and the plastering The sycamore, its sombre brown ; the maple,

inside the houses is smooth and hard, and the beauty of the wood and valley, is parti-

has not chipped off, as it does in modern colored, its leaves green at first, soon turn

houses in a few years. This, however, is into a brilliant red and yellow; the stur-

easily accounted for; in the old times people dy oak is clothed in purple ; the gum is

were not in a hurry, they made haste slowly. dressed in brilliant red ; the sumac bushes

The mortar was prejiared in the fall of the are covered with leaves of brightest crim-

year, in a pit in the ground, where it re- son ; the beech, with those of a delicate pale mained all winter, covered only by a few yellow, almost white; the chesnut, a buff; BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 35 while the noble hickory hangs with golden and wanting some one to share my pleasure, pendants; the dog- wood has its deep rich I said to the Old Moravian grave-digger and red leaves, and clusters of berries, of a bright- overseer, Schmidt, busy at work near by, how " er red. beautiful the mountains look to day 7 Yah I Walking one day of perfect beauty, in the Yah!" he replied, "They look just like cali- Old Cemetery, during the time when the co."—and so they did. Lehigh hills wore their glorious autumnal The splendor of the sunsets at this season livery, and the sun threw his golden light of the year, are only equalled by those of the upon them : spring months; and for a wonder, the in- " Through a smoke, habitants seem to enjoy those grand displays As from a thousand wigwama telle. of nature as much as the visitors. The Indian Summer." —


'^ -^-:;

(From the Nortli ) BETHLKHEM, rj.

• CHAPTER V. Culver, in 17G3, and afterwards by Valentine Fuehrer. The old Inn was torn down in TnE"CK0WN Inn."—The Sdn Hotel.—JIak- 1854, and its former site is now occupied by EiAGES IN Olden Times.—The Choirs.— depot of the North Pennsyl- Dr. John Schopf's Accodnt of his Visit. the new Union —A Sketch from the Boston Magazine vania and Lehigh Valley railroads. Previous of the bridge, there was a Rope OP 1784. Extract from a paper read to the erection river at this point, under the before: the Historical Society of Penn- Ferry over the charge Warner. stltania. of Massy The Ferry across the river was of such par- "he first Tavern in Bethlehem was the ticular contrivance, that a llatboat, large '' Crown Inn," a view of which heads enough to oari-y a team of six horses, run this chapter, made from a drawing by Mr. Ru- upon a strong rope, made fast on each bank,

fusA. Grider. Itwa.s built in 1743, near where and stretched across the river ; and by the the old Lehigh bridge now spans that river, mere force of the stream, without any other

on the southern bank of the stream. In assistance, it crossed the river backwards and

17y-l, on the completion of the bridge, the forwards; the i^'to always being put in an

Inn was converted into a farm house. It oblique direction, with its foremost end verg- stood on the lauds of the " Crown Farm," ing towards the line described by the rope.

17(!fl, Brethren completed so called, which consisted of 1200 acres ; In the year the ' and from that circumstance took its name. the erection of the Sun Hotel." It was origi- While a Tavern, it was kept by Ephraim nally keptby Matthias Schropp, and its lirst ; ;


" license is dated June 20, IJCiO. There are the pavement below, saying, God bless many incidents connected witli tliis famous meiner soul, I drowsyou over de bannisters." hostelrie, tliat should not be forgotten. Grubb was quite a heavy man, and being Nearly all the patriots who signed the Dec- very good natured in the main, was satisfied laration of Independence, have eaten and with Johnson's display of strength, told him slept beneath its roof. Washington, La- who he was, and why he had visited Beth- fayette, Pulaski, and many other great gene- lehem, and so together they made themselves rals of our Revolutionary army, hare par- merry over the occurrence. taken of its cheer; all of our Presidents Tlie " Sun" was also the " head-quarters" have passed beneath its hospitable portals of that famous land speculator, Nicholas

Lincoln, Johnson, and Grant, only except- Kraemer, of AUentown ; who held weekly ed ; anil the fairest and proudest daughters " cimrta" there from 1800 to 1817. He bought of America, have graced its halls with their and sold lands at exorbitant prices, and in charms. It is one of the piost famous Inns immense quantities. Sellers and buyers met in all this fair land of Liberty, and although here in great numbers at the " Sun" on his little is left to remind the traveller of its ap- meeting days. He was well acquainted with pearance in ancient times, it is still as cele- the value of all the lands in the surrounding brated as in days of yore. counties, and his purchases were made at In 1777, Just Johnson was the landlord of once; in selling he named his price instan-

the " Sun," and upon making application for tor, and never varied. He was entirely un- the renewal of his license for the next year, edhcated, and could not write his name or

it was granted on condition that he took the even draw a figure, yet he could reckon up

Test Otilli: this he refused to do. The "Test his purchases or calculate his loss or gain,

law," which passed in 1777, rendered it mentally, in a few moments. His liberality obligatory on every man over 21 years of was proverbial; on his court dai/By as they

age, to take the oath of allegiance to the were called, he paid all the expenses at the United States. About 69 of the Brethren re- Hotel, amounting often to hundreds of dol-

fused to stand the test professing to have lars. His bills at the "Sun" amounted to ; conscientious scruples against taking an thousands every year. The moneyed troub- oath. The Ministers and the older Urethren les of 1S17 entirely ruined him, and he died opposed the taking of the obligation, while quite poor.

the younger members of the church sub- In 1S.35, a third story was added to the great excite- scribed willingly ; this created original structure ; in ISoO it was further en- ment in the church. In 1786, after the war larged for the accommodation of the increas- was over, Johnson, and the other 68, took ed travel, by the addition of the present ex-

the oath ; having forgotten that they were tensive back building, and in 1857, it was scrupulous. again enlarged, by adding a fourth-story to Johnson was a man of a powerful frame, the entire building, so great was the demand

a host ! within himself. Christian Grubb, an for rooms by summer visitors to the town, iron master of Lancaster County, having and the growing travel arising from the heard of Johnson, and being himself notor- opening the. rich products of the Lehigh ious fur his great strength, and also a cele- Valley to a market, by the different railroads

brated boxer, visited the " Sun," on purpose built and projected through it.

to get up a fight with the giant Moravian The old building, as it appeared in former

Brother; but it was not until he had been days, no longer greets the eye of the traveller grossly insulted, that Just lost his good tem- but the curious may see, neatly framed, and per; then, suddenly seizing Grubb by his hanging in the reading-room of the hotel, breeches and his coat collar, he threw him the original plan and elevation of the an-

over the iron railing of the tavern porch, cient famous structure ; this careful preser-

(which were some feet from the ground,) to vation of old relics, has been from the early :


greeable to look at, and exceedingly uncom- days of its settlement, a peculiar feature of sit upon. as there was no the people of the ancient church who settled fortable to But such the town. earthly reason for continuing the use of back breaking machines, and it being ad- "Sister Sally Horsfield," thus describes a mitted that true religion does not require us wedding in Bethlehem in 17S0. to do penance in church, more agreeable " The couple were married in the ' Old arrangements have been made, adding much Chapel,' which was open to the whole con- of the interior of the building, gregation. After the ceremony, the friends to the beauty comfort to the congregation. and the invited guests proceeded to the small and giving more entitled, chapel, {Kleine Saal,) which was in the se- Dr. John Schopf, in his book " Incider.U Travel, &c., in 178.3 and '84." cond-story of the * Gemein Hans.' The Brothers of relates his visit to Bethlehem. and Sisters walked in and sat down on bench- Thus " From a distance it rises most impressive- es without leans to them, each sex separate. ly on the traveller's view, and after having The bride and groom proceeded to the minis- passed the last half of the way from Phila- ter's room, which was in the same house ; delphia through a tedious sameness of forest where the bride was divested of her rose- and underwood, with only an occasional colored ribbon, and a blue one placed in- lowly cabin, the effect is almost overpow- stead. The newly married couple then pro- ering, on suddenly seeing before him in an ceeded to the Chapel again, taking their seats anticipated wilderness, stately buildings, in the face of the congregation, when wine, rising aloft, side by side. There are ur- diluted with water, into which nutmeg was wards of fifty (50) houses in the village. grated, was handed to them and the guests. The principal building is imposing, large, When they entered, all eyes were fixed on the and has two wings. One of the latter con- bride, in order to see whether she had lost tains a capacious place of worship, and fur- her ribbon. The cake eaten with the wine nishes a place of residence for the ministers. was pretzel." '• In the centre is the school for children, The females were divided into five choirs, and in the right wing the sisters live. Op- each choir having its distinctive ribbon, the posite stands the Widow's House, and further order was as follows down the street the Brethren's House. These, or Children wore in their caps cherry and all the other buildings, are constructed scarlet — girls wore coclico or crimson — sin- of the limestone of the neighborhood. An gle sisters pink or blossom —married sisters air of superlative cleanliness prevades the

light blue —widows wore white ribbon. Thus, Sister's House, spinning, weaving, knitting all classes could easily be distinguished by and embroidery, occu2>y the time and atten-

the color of the ribbon they wore on their tion of its inmates. The Si ngle Brethren are caps. The Elders of the choir were called employed with various trades. In short,

choir laborers. the arrangement of these houses is the same

Seats without leans to them were invented as that adopted in similar institutions of the to keep the worshipers from going to sleep, Moravian Brethren in Europe, bearing the an excellent remedy; yet improved upon in impress of order and industry. Bome churches in ancient days, by having '• The congregation numbers about 500 souls, the seats of the benches revolve on pivots, the majority of whom are Germans. There BO that to slumber and nod, gave the sleepy are but few English; and yet almost every

victim a violent start, or if the only one on individual is conversant with both langua- the scat, a fall over backwards. ges,— so much so, that a discourse in the The large Moravian church till ISCS, had English language is held each Sunday. As hard wooden benches, of unpainted pine, most of the Brethren, and especially their

with backs to them, for the congregation to minister, are of Saxon origin, it is a matter

Bit on, very primitive in style, very disa- of no surprise that the purest and most cor- BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 39 rect German of which America can boast, is nations of a truly delightful region, are spoken here at Bethlehem, and in the other crowded together a number of the most Moravian settlements. beautiful North American shrubs and trees, " The Right Rev. John Etwein and the which, with their shadow and boughs over- Rev. .John Andrew Ileiibrer, are at present hanging the banks far into the stream, im- the acting clergymen. The former was ab- part to the picture a glow of richest ex- sent. In the latter I found an agreeable and uberance. *" * "• The river does not ex- amiable gentleman. He is an ardent lover ceed a hundred yards in breadth — a gentle, of botany, but his pastoral duties leave him clear and sparkling stream, flowing over a little leisure for the prosecution of this sci- rocky bed. " ence. Dr. Otto attends the community in the We visited the interesting factories and three-fold capacity of physician, surgeon and mills belonging to the Society, and among apothecary. There is only one I.s.v, and it these was a well-arranged Oil Mill and belongs to the congregation. Its accommo- Grist Mill. The former is newly built, on dations are not inferior to those of the first the site of an old one, which was destroyed hotels in America. Everything about the by fire a few years ago. On the upjjer floor establishment is excellent, and the traveller of the Grist Mill is a crane, in connection is surprised at finding in this remote and with the mill works, by which the heaviest secluded village, what he cannot obtain in burdens are raised aloft. There is besides, a towns as large, and even larger, on the pub- profitable tannery, with the requisite bark- lic highways. The house is seldom without mill, and an extensive dyeing establishment. visitors, in addition to transient travellers. " As Bethlehem lies high on a limestone Philadelphians are wont to make excursions ridge, it is supplied with water from a single hither, with the two-fold object of viewing spring, which, however, is never failing and the institutions and social arrangements of pure. It lies far down in the valley, near the congregation, and also enjoying the su- the river. The Water Works are admirably

''- perior entertainments afforded by this house. contrived. ' '^~ -' ^' -i^

"While sojourning under its hospitable roof, " N'ear the river is an ingeniously arranged

I made the acquaintance of Baron Hermelin, brewery, erected under the superintendence an able Sweedish mineralogist, who had of Sigmund Leshinsky. The water used in come from Europe to examine American the brewery is pumped from the Lehigh. mines. The boiler is at such an elevation, that the " In the spring of the year the Lehigh is boiling water flows downward over the malt, wont to swell considerably, from heavy and is thence pumped by hand into the vat rains and sudden thaws,—according to the which contains the hops, from here the in- gauge at the Brewer3-, generally from seven fusion is drawn off in pipes leading to the to eight feet, and on one occasion, as much cooling vat, and finally led by others into as eleven feet. These freshets frequently casks in the cellar immediately below; continue for some days, and aid flat-boats these arrangements, under one or two men, laden with grain and produce, to pass over sufiiced for all the necessary work. The the rocks and shallows, which usually ren- malt is dried in the air. The beer is of su- der the river unnavigable for such craft. perior quality. ''' » s:- •» -S" The Lehigh empties into the Delaware, and The author of the following sketch, copied alTordd by these spring freshets a convenient from the Boston Magazine, for May, 1784, communication with Philadelphia. (lately reproduced in the Moravian,) not "In the Lehigh and its tributary creeks are having properly understood the purposes of found muscles, which occasionally contain the different Moravian establishments at tolerably large and pure pearls. -* » ® Bethlehem, has made it in many particulars On the banks of the Lehigh, around which almost as absurd as parts of Longfellow's gather in bewildering beauty, all the fasci- imaginative poem on Pulaski's Banner. 40 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF

There is no such a jjcrson as an Abbess, ourselves upon the banks of a winding river, connected with Ihe " Sister's Houses" of the and the beauty of the prospect that immedi- Moravians, in any part of the world. They ately presented itself to view, left us no room were of course, under the charge of an El- to doubt that we had arrived at the end of dress or Matron. They did not live in se- our excursion; in fact, Bethlehem was situ- clusion, and although the rules were strict ated on the ojjposite side. " in former daj's as regards the association The view of tills place strikes the traveller with the other sex, they visited their rela- very agreeably, it is in itself beautiful, and tives, received visits, walked out every day, the pleasure arising from a view of its beau- and at a proper age got married, if they felt ties, is not a little heightened by the reflec- so disposed, which most of them did. The tion that you have attained the end of a death-like paleness of the Sisters, existed in very disagreeable riile. ' a great measures in the writer's imagination, The town is built in a verdant valley, although it is a well-known fact, that the plentifully watered by the Delaware." The complexions of the inhabitants of mountain- Lehigh River was originally called the west ous parts of Korth America, do not become branch of the Delaware. ' tanned by exposure to the weather, like that The banks of this fresh water river af- of those who live in the , and on the ford a most romantic spectacle, as they are river and seashores. And in regard to their covered to the very water's edge with shrubs want of exercise, the writer forgets how the of myrtle, and other verdure, which shoot Sisters worked in levelling the Minister's up in all their natural luxuriancy. The garden. almost impenetrable woods on the surround- The peculiar dress which the women wore, ing hills, serve not only to give an idea of was, in reality, one of the fashions of that an entire seclusion from a wicked world, day. Every religious Society in Continental but restrain the eye and fix the attention Europe had then their own peculiar costume, upon the many beauties brought into one or uniform dress. A fashion, rule of their point of view. I believe there are few who order, or a custom, which is still adhered to, reach this spot, but stop some minutes to even in this, our day, in the United States, regale the sight, that most delicious of the notwithstanding our republican simplicity senses. of dress, by the Quakers, Shakers, and many " These reflections occurred while crossing the many singu- short strictest other societies, not forgetting the river j during this passage, lar costumes of the different religious orders silence was observed, each seeming absorbed of the Roman Catholic Church. Now, how- in the contemplation of the surrounding ob- ever, in America, the Moravians dress, act jects. Upon reaching the tavern, we could and live as all other reasonable people. I be- not help congratulating each other upon the

lieve it is now an admitted fact, that the dress full completion of our most sanguine expec- worn by the members of the Society of tations. This building, (the 'Sun Hotel,')

Friends, was not adopted by them till after is neatness itself, it is built wholly of stone, the death of William Peun. See Atlantic even the partitions between the apartments Monthly, October, 1SG8, page 488. are of the same materials, these are plastered " My last informed you that we should and whitewashed so exceedingly white, as proceed homeward by the shortest course, makes looking ujion them painful to the but the pleasing accounts which we heard of eves. The house is divided into a great Bethlehem, greatly excited our curiositj', number of rooms for the accommodation of

and to gratify it we altered our intended travellers. We were attended with a cheer- route to visit that (eJ-cs(rj'«^j)«rfTf/)'se. On the fulness extremely pleasing, and had each afternoon of the second day from Philadel- wish gratified in so obliging a manner as to phia, as we were passing solitarily between fully compensate for the bad entertainment two overhanging rocks, we suddenly found on the road. After a refreshing night's sleep BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 41

and a social breakfast, our whole party, eon- sisters'* work, and so great is the general ducted by one of the Ministers of the place, admiration of every thing belonging to this went out to view everything worthy of no- enchanting spot, that few depart without tice. purchasing something.

"The town contains about 100 houses, be- "Such is the Single Sisters' house; neat- sides the public edifices, all built of very ness and simplicity are its characteristics, and rough stone, in the simplest manner. The piety and industry distinguish its inhabi-

Church, Single Sisters' house, the Single tants ; but notwithstanding the pleasure re-

Men's house, and the Minister's house are ceived from the visit, I cannot say that I the most striking objects. We first visited formed a wish to partake of such a life. the Single Sisters'. At the door of their " To the sisters, their luxuriant valley and

house, we were met by the abbess, who with romantic river, seem to have no charms ; the the truest politeness, conducted us into every want of exercise and continual sedentary chamber; we were much gratified with the occupation have given their countenances a sight of this temple of industry, each cham- deathlike paleness. Their dress, though per-

ber, which is large and commodious, is set fectly neat, does not serve to adorn their apart for some branch of useful manufac- persons. Their habit is a short waistcoat

tures ; in one were five or six looms, at which which covers the neck, and a petticoat of

the sisters were weaving linen of various white linen : their hair is carried back from qualities, in others, numbers were carding the forehead, and covered by a linen cap of

wool, spinning, knitting and making various most unbecoming form; contrived to cover parts of wearing apparel. After looking into the ears, and tie under the chin ; their only

these rooms, we visited the kitchen and bed- ornament is s plain stripe of muslin about rooms; here neatness is most particularly two inches wide, surrounding the head, and observable. The kitchen, where two young tied in a small bow behind ; this I call their women were preparing dinner for the whole only ornament, for though the caps of the sisterhood, was perfectly cool, clean and single women are tied under the chin with neat, a number of coppers built in brick, a red ribbon, and those of the married with a serve to dress each day's provisions, which blue, I found that this was not intended as are either boiled or baked ; roast dishes I an ornament, but merely as a distinguishing found they were utter strangers to. The badge. bed-room extends over the whole house, and " This particular account of the Sisters' in it are placed about one hundred beds, house, has anticipated my observations upon regularly disposed in four ranges, two on that of the single men; as they are both each side, so as to leave a clear walk in the built upon the same plan, and in general the middle; this room has an open window at same economy observed ; what we most re- each end, which serve as ventilators; a marked in the latter, was the absence of that large lamp is suspended from the centre of extreme neatness so much admired in the the ceiling, with an opening over it to let former. This want of neatness in the men's out the smoke. Two young watch women apartments arises principally from the ex-

there every night ; the duty is performed in clusion of females, and I think, proves the rotation, so that each undergoes an equal advantage, if not the necessity of social in- share of fatigue. tercourse between the sexes. " After your curiosity has been gratified by "We made a short visit to the Minis- a sight of these it apartments, is their cus- ter's house, there being nothing about it tom to lead into you a room, where a number that merits special attention, except the gar- of women are busied in embroidery and other den; which was laid out on the declivity delicate work here they ; spread before you ot a steep hill, but had been made quite many neat and curious pieces of nuns' (the level by the industry aud indefatigable per- 42 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF

severance of the single sisters; who with infallible, tending to the best. It is the their own hands raised the lower part many custom of the abbess to entjuire of the feet. women if any of tiieni wish to marry ; the

" Each of the public buildings has a large minister does the same with the men. The garden where nature maintains her place, names of the candidates are placed in two and suffers no encroachment from her hand- lists, and the first of each list proposed as

companions .for life ; if the parties do not maid art. We attended at their devotions approve of the proposed match, they have in the church. This is built with the same right to dissent, have no other choice disregard to ornamental architecture as the a but of rest of the town. About twenty paintings till the next is formed. This privilege great is representing the principal passages in our refusal is seldom exercised. So veneration of the commands of their Saviour's life are hung upon the wallsj but the superiors, and so firm is their reliance on that it should not appear they were placed Providence, that they think the persona there with a view to ornament the building, out, must be in every respect best they are without frames, even of the sim- pointed suited to them. I am informed that there has plest kind. The service was in German, and never been an unhappy marriage. This must consequently not very edifying to me, but arise in a great measure from their high the music was excellent; this being, if I

sense of duty ; for we cannot suppose, that may be allowed the expression, the language persons thus arbitrarily joined can feel any of nature, and addressed to the feelings, is love for each other. As soon as a couple is intelligible to every nation. The church is married, the society build them a small built near the Single Sisters' house, and the passage between them enclosed with a very house, and advance some money to enable high wall that the sisters may go into church them to maintain a family. Their children unobserved. The seats for the men are dis- pass the first years of their life with their tinct from those of the women; and this parents, and are instructed at the public attention to keep the sexes separate is ob- school. At a proper age the girls are ad- mitted the single sisters, served even after doatli ; for even the bury- among and the ing ground is divided into two parts, one for boys are apjjrenticed to various trades ; or the males, and the other for the females. provision is made for them in the Young

This repository of the dead is laid out with Men's house. the most exact uniformity, into beds of seven " Industry is no less a characteristic of the feet in length. It is the custom on the men than the women. They have establish-

death of a member of the society, to place ed a brewery for strong beer, which they sell in the body a small building at the corner at a profit lower down the river ; they have of the burying ground, until marivs of disso- a Fulling Mill, and Oil Mill, and most lution are perceptible, then the body is in- handicraft trades are carried on here. They terred in one of ; these beds the smallest are exceedingly ingenious and well versed infant being allowed the same space with the in the principles of mechanics; the water largest adult, to avoid breaking in upon the works are a proof of this. A stream of water much loved regularity. Perhaps you have turns a wheel with great rapidity, which no idea of children iu this society ; or the working four forcing pumps, raises a body of distinction between the single and married water into a reservoir more than one hundred sisters, the keeping of the sexes entirely separate, you look upon as an insuperable feet high, from this the water is conveyed bar to marriage; indeed this is one of their by leaden pipes into every house in town. most peculiar customs. Their ministers or These useful works were con trit'ed and ex- priests rule over them with an unbounded ecuted by a German, one of the society, and sway, and their decisions are regarded as so simple is the machinery, that tlicy hi^ve BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 43

been continued free from obstruction, and Christ, Ye ought also to wash one another's without needing repair, for upwards of thir- feet.' " ty years." The most singular custom, is the assemb- ling of the congregations in their respective In this connection the following extract burying-grounds on Eastek Monday, at sun- made from papers in the office of the Secre- rise, when the Litany is performed. tary of the Commonwealth at Harrisburg, " The United Brethren are remarkable for and read before the Historical Society of their honest simplicity of manners, industry, Pennsylvania, March If), 1826, may not be economy, and neatness in their habitations ; without interest. kind and affisctionate to each other, living "Tlie adult unmarried men and boys up- as Brothers and Sisters/ They are consider- wards of 12 years of age, in the settlement of ed a great acquisition to the Province." the United Brethren, live mostly together in Au emigrant passing through Bethlehem a house called *Tlie Oiioir house of the Sin- fn 1788, says: gle Brethren.' That also the adult unmar- '* We saw the young females just coming ried women, and girls upwards of 12 years out of school, their dress was a short gown of age, inhabit 'The Choir house of the Sin- and petticoat, while their heads were covered gle Sisters.' There are also choir houses for with sung little white linen caps, giving the Widows and Widowers. them a very neat appearance. The school

*' Marriages in the congregation of the Uui- for the boys was kept entirely distinct, and ted Brethren are made by general agreement, no intercourse was allowed between the sexes, with the advice and approbation of the El- except through the intervention of the teach- ders. Whenever a Brother wishes to marry, ers. he signifies his intention to the Elders. If " 'The Bethlehem Seminary for Young they have no objection, his proposal is sub- Females,' was becoming quite celebrated, mitted to the Lot. If the question proves and was patronized by many Southern men, affirmative, and the Sister proposed, andher who sent their daughters there to be educated. parents, all give their approbation, the wed- It was one of the earliest schools established ding is performed. for the education of females in America. "At the baptism of children, both the " On leaving this pleasant and well-built Witnesses and Ministers bless the infant village, we crossed the Lehigh by a Mope- with laying on of hands, ferry, which was the first of the kind we had "The pedilavium, or washing of feet, is ever seen." used by some agreeably to the command of — — —



CHAPTER VI. extensively used in the winter for picn, by The ScHNiTZ House.—The Farmers in Old the inhabitants. There was formerly a large Times.—The Object op the Establisu- orchard of apple trees surrounding the house, MENT OF the Moravian Chuech in Am- and in the rear of the" Sister's House." "Willi erica.—Eochefodcailt's Description of the Germans of Pennsylvania, pics of all Bethleuem.—The Bethlehem Soutenir. kinds seem to be considered one of the abso- —Simplicity op Moravian Life in the lute necessaries of human life ; they eat them Last Century.- Music.—Bishop Spangen- at every meal ; as well as cakes, preserves BEBS. The Moravian Historical Socie- and pickels of ail sorts. They also drink ty. The Fifty Year's Celebration, June strong coffee three times a day, and are not 1792. The Old Bridge over the Le- 25, a nervous people. The Eethlemites make high, 1792. Sketch from the A.mei!1can many kinds of domestic wines, of a very su- Gazetteer. perior quality, for family use, of which they at the head of this chap- justly proud; all the fruits and berries ! H e wood cut are

ter, is a correct representation of the of the country are^jressed into service for this " &hnitz Home," so called from the German latter purpose. word, achnitz, to cut, or slice. It is a long, The farmers who first took up the lands one-story log house, plastered over on the around Bethlehem, were very poor, not even

outside, in imitation of stone, and is still able to buy harness for use on their horses. for that purpose, made out standing ; hacli from the street, on the first So they used ropes used to draw lot east of the "Sister's House," on Church of their own hemp. Oxen were of wood, and Street. It was erected in the early days of their wagons, which were made wheels they the settlement, and used hy the Sisters as a entirely without using iron, for bored holes in place to cutand dry ajijiles, which were then s.".wed logs cross-ways, and BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 45 the centre for the axles, aud so they came it was not until 1742 that the settlement was into town. The women often came into town begun. One hundred and forty Moravian on horseback, without any saddles on their Brothers and Sisters arrived from Germany horses, and riding a-straddle, like men. and settled there. These families were poor, The European settlers were few however, had no other dependence but their labor, and thinly scattered around the adjacent and everything was to be done to form a set- country. Some of these were Irish, who. tlement in this desert. They lived there in

Bays Bishop Spangenberg, the Moravians one general community, contrary to the rules dreaded more than the Indians. It was by and usages of their Society j but only from the them that the Moravians were first called necessity of circumstances, which would Hernhutters. have rendered the general progress of the Mr. Henry, in his history of Lehigh Val- Society more slow, and the situation of the ley, says, that the establishment of the Mo- individual families more inconvenient, if ravian congregations in America, had in their labors and productions had been divid- view the siiiylc object of the propagating the ed. This deviation from the construction of gospel among the Indians. No doubt that the Unity, (for thus they call the whole So- was one of the objects of the Society, but not ciety,) was prescribed by the Synod, which by any means the only one. They were makes and alters the laws of the Moravian desirous of escaping the persecutions in people.

Kurope, and were induced to emigrate to " Thus, under the orders of the chiefs of the

Georgia. From there they came to Bethlehem congregation established at Bethlehem, they as stated, and thus it became from its beauti- cleared the woods, made roads, and cultivat- ful position, fine climate, and the rapid in- ed the lands ; the women spun, wove, made crease of its population, the chief town of the their clothes, and prepared their victuals.

Society, and naturally its central station, One single will animated the whole, and the and as the Moravian church was, and still product of each individual labor served in- is a Mission church for the conversion of the discriminately to support the whole Brother heathen, it was from this place that the and Sisterhood. The fathers and mothers Brethren took their instructions from their being constantly employed in labor, could superiors, and set out to the different mis- not, without inconvenience to the communi- sions of the Society, on the Upper Lehigh, ty, give their attention to the children. The the Susquehanna, aud finally into the dis- Society therefore, set apart some of the Sis- tant wilds of the Juniata, and the Alleghany ters to take charge of the whole. The au- mountains, as well as the inhospitable re- thority, however, and the superintendence gions of the Ohio. Many of these mission of the parents, was neither taken away nor posts, " Huts of Grace," as they diminished. were called ; originally thinly scattered through the wil- " At that time, even, notwithstanding their derness, have become in the present day, community of goods, the Brethren that re- prosperous and largely populated towns. ceived any money from their families or

The Duke de Eochefoucault, in his travels friends, had the predisposal of it. If any of in America in 1785, volume II., page 397, them invested their property in the common &c., gives the following facts connected with stock, it was voluntary, and the effect of a the temporal government of the Church in zeal and disinterested act, of which there Bethlehem, at that time. were few examples. The Brethren possessed

" In 1740, Count Zinzendorf purchased of of any private property, h.T.d frequently their

Mr. William Allen, who held of William children with them ; they clothed them bet> Penu, the district now called Bethlehem, ter, and the care which they took of their with the view of founding there an estab- infancy—a charge considered a relief by the lishment for the Society of the Moravians. Society—was a proof that at Betlilehem the Although some trees were cut down in 1741, children were not, as has been alleged, the 46 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF property of the community, and that it was tration of the property of the Society, but he no part of the constitution to make members must advise with a committee composed of renounce all private property. from eight to ten members chosen by the of the Inten- " In proportion as the settlement advanced Brethren at large ; in the name their labor became less urgent, and the vir- dant they carry on all their transactions, tues of man have nearly everywhere the grant leases of houses and lands, securities same character. The active Brethren killed for borrowed money, discharges,

EeUection, then had the same eil'ect upon The amount of this rent is two pence the the industrious, as natural disposition had foot in front, by twenty feet in depth. The built the Brother is his absolute on the idle ; the ardor for labor no longer house by chil- continued, and the society did not prosper, property ; he can leave it to his wife or and most of its members were discontented. dren, in the same way he can his other ef- These joint considerations induced them, in fects, or he can sell it, only he cannot convey permis- 1762, to change the system of the Society. it but to a Brother who has obtained Directory to it, with the The Society at Bethlehem was now estab- sion from the buy the rent attached to it, and which lished on the rules of the societies in Europe, burthen of perpetually remains. and, agreeably to the new system, it has been regulated since that epoch, as well as " The Directors having the government of all the other Moravian congregations estab- the Society, must admit those only into their lished elsewhere in America. By the pres- territory, who they think will not disturb ent ordinances, the communism of property the Society. In the contract of lease made is done away in favor of the individuals, it by the Intendant with the advice of the only continues as to the government of the committee, to those intending to build a

Society, and exists partially. house, or to those who purchase a house, it

" The territorial property, as well as the is always stipulated, that if the proprietors profits of the tavern, the store, the farms, shall be desirous of quitting it, and shall not the saw mill, the oil mill, corn mill and find a purchaser who may be agreeable to fulling mill, tha tannery and the dyeing the Society, the Society is to purchase it at manufactory, belong to the Society, which, a price declared by law, which also fixes the from these funds is enabled to provide for terms of payment. Garden ground, or land the poor, for the payment of debts, and of in the country, is let at six shillings the the public taxes. In all other respects every acre. Brother enjoys the absolute property of " Besides the government farm appropriat- whatever he can earn by his labor, be it ed to the benefit of the Society, there are six or what it may, and of the gifts he may receive. seven smaller farms belonging to it. These

Tlie government of the Society is vested in are let to tenants who pay a third part of the Bishop, the Minister, and the lutendant, their produce, and who also pay six shillings and the Inspectors, male and female, of the rent for their garden grounds. These ten- diiTerent divisions oi the Society, which are ants are all at present Moravians. Some- five in number ; the young men unmarried, times the farms are let to other persons, only the unmarried Sisters, the widows, the mar- the Society must be satisfied as to their ried Brethren and Sisters, and the schools. character and behavior. The town of Beth- The Intendant has the exclusive adminis- lehem is inhabited by between five and six BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. hundred inhabitants, all of the Brother and the sweet voices of the little ones, in the Sisterhood." good old town of Bethlehem.

In the Bethlehem Souvenir, " a History On the 18th of September, 1792, the venera of the rise, progress and present condition of ble, beloved and celebrated Bishop Augustus the Bethlehem Female Seminary, by Wm. (Gottlieb) Spangenberg, died in the 89th year C. Eeichel," published in 1858, it is very of his age, having been born on the 10th of justly remarked, that "the spirit of pious July, 1704. The Bishop was, during twenty simplicity which characterised the social years of his life, from 1742 to 1702, the vir- and religious regulations of the early Breth- tual head and superiutcndant of the Mora- ren, while it astonishes us at the present vian affairs in America ; he was educated for day, cannot fail to elicit admiration of their the Lutheran Church, and became a Profes- honesty of purpose and determination to sor of Divinity at the University of Halle, live the life of ' every day' christians. No in 1731, (having received his degree at the occasion, however triHing.but was sanctitied University of Jena, which he entered in with the ceremonies of religion." 1722,) and was discharged the ne.xt year, his " In connection with this pastoral sim- views in religious matters not being agreea- plicity mentioned, Spangenberg, in describ- ble to the direction. He then attached him- ing Nazareth farm, in 1740, in his own quaint self at once to the Moravian church, and be- style, says in regard to the Brethren and came Zinzendorf's assistant at Hernhut, and

Sisters engaged there, ' Never, since the finally a Bishop of the Unity, and in influ- creation of the world, were there made and ence second only to the Count. He was emi- sung such lovely and holy shepherds, plough- nently qualified for the performance of the ing, reapers, thrashing, sjiinners, knitters, onerous duties devolving on him in the in- sewers, washers and other laboring hymns, fant days of the Society in America, during as by these people. An entire farmers' hymn the Indian troubles, and in the pecuniary book m.'ght be made by them.'" See Ris- difficulties with which the church had at ler's life of Spangenberg, page 221. first to struggle.

James Henry, in his sketches of Moravian In a note to page 9, of the history of Naza- life and character, page 137, writes on this reth Hall, it is alleged that, " A century subject, that, " When travelling, the Mora- ago i t was the custom for its Bishops (of the vian of patriarchal times had his ' Rehelie- Moravian church,) to take official names," der,' or travelling hymns. These, sung in and a note from Spangenberg to Brother the solitude of the chamber, before retiring Sogers, dated July 19th', 1700, and signed or at rising in the morning, or performed in " Joseph," is given in evidence to prove tho agreeable chorus by several pilgrims, added assertion; but no other instance is men- solace to the journey, and if on a mission of tioned, and no other authority adduced for evangelical labor, assuaged its toils and the statement. The learned author of that hardships." book has been led into an error by making

It will be observed that the Moravians are es- the peculiar case of Spangenberg, a general sential ly a musical people, even at the present one. The Moravian Bishops did not as a day; although in the olden times music was rule, nor even as a common practice, assume more generally cultivated and used by them official names. The case of Spangenberg is than at present. Hymns and music were an exception. He had generally acquired used not only in the church and on all festival among all his Brethren the name of " Jos- occasions, but in the family, at meals, in tlie eph," for the reason, " that he cared so well fields, the work shop, while travelling for his Brethren ;" in this way, he became and ; even yet the good customs in this regard generally well known by his Brethren as have not passed away, and the Wietje fiecfer, " Brother Joseph ;" and finally assumed it as or cradle hymns, may yet be heard sung by an official name, signing himself simply 48 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF

" Joseph." It was at that time very usual men smoke and listen, and the women sew

for the Brethren to use simply their first or or are quietly attentive; many pleasant stor- given names in addressing each other by ies of old times are told; and only darkness

letter, as it is even now the custom among breaks up the happy circle.

intimate friends. Joseph, is a Hebrew On the 25th of June, 1792, Bethlehem hav- name, signifying, " He shall add." The ing stood fifty years, or half a century, the " name of GotlUth, means in English, God-love. occasion was celebrated by a Love Feast," In Eitter's history of the Moravian church and a pyramid was placed in the enclosure where the reservoir of " Sister's in rhiladelpliia, is a portrait of the eminent the House" stands, Bishop, ** Brother Joseph," with a/'^c simile now which was decorated with scar- let, coclico, pink, blue icJtite of his signature, thus, ** Joaeph, aUae, Angus- and ribbons, em-

blematic of all the choirs i the congregation. tiia Gottlieb Spangenherg.'^ n the evening a procession, consisting of In the published transacticns of the Mo- In the whole congregation, passed through all ravian Historical Society, in the year 1S6S, the streets of the town, accompanied by music. page 72 ; in a note, it is said that the name The settlement of the town was commenced, of" Brother Joseph" was given to Spangen- as is well known, before the 25th of June, berg by Count Zinzendorf, as an affectionate 1842, but the complete organization of the appellation, " on account of the excellent care congregation as such, dates from that time. he always took of his Brethren." If this is The Lehigh Bridge Company of Bethle- BO, it finally disposes of the statement that hem was incorporated in the year 1792. The the Bishops of the Moravian church in for- bridge then erected was an uncovered struc- mer times took official names. ture, made of wood, but built in the most The jirinted transactions above referred to, substantial manner, resting on three stone are contained in a pamphlet of 80 pages. It piers, with a side walk, similar to the pres- is the first publication ever issued by the ent ones; for foot passengers; and the old Society, which is located at Nazareth. rope ferry was then abandoned. The view In the year 1867, a number of Moravian from this old bridge is represented to have gentlemen met together at Nazareth, in been impressively beautiful, but few build- Pennsylvania; and formed an association, ings were erected near the stream, none to which they gave the name of " The Mo- were on the south side of the river but the ravian Historical Society;" having for its " Old Crown Inn ;" so there was nothing to object the elucidation of the history of the obstruct the vision, or to take away the beau- Moravian church in America, in particular, ty of the scene. The river, its banks cover- and the history of the church in general, ed with verdure; the surrounding hills and and its missions, wherever situated. mountains, covered with the forest trees ; the In the month of November, A. D., 1858, the islands, so dear to every Bethlehemite, and Nazareth congregation of the United Breth- Bartow's path winding along beside the rip- ren, presented the Society with a room in pling waters of the Lehigh, formed a jjicture " the old stone mansion known as the White- of quiet repose and wild beauty, seldom, if field House," erected in the year 1743, and ever equalled. Modern improvements have in this building the Society have ever since partially destroyed, but not entirely eradi- held their annual and special meetings. cated all traces of the former beauty of the Nothing can be more interesting or charm- scene. The freshet of the Sth of January, ing, than to attend the annual Vesper of the 1841, washed away the old structure, the Historical Society at Nazareth. The mem- wood work of which had become gray with bers are accompanied by their wives and age, and worn with travel. During the same

daughters; all partake of a meal ; and after year the present covered bridge was built, the cakes and coflee, a veritable " love feast," the southern half of which was washed away historical papers are read, during which the by the freshet of June 5th, 18G2, caused by the BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 49 breaking of the dams of the Lehigh Naviga- Sisters, and the other for the Widows. The tion Company, above Mauch Chunk; heavy literary establishments, as well as the relig- and continuous rains occurred on the 3rd of ious regulations, here deserve notice. In a the month, in the mountains, and the splen- house adjoining the church, is a school for did dams used to feed the Lehigh Canal, gave females ; and since 1787, a boarding school way one after another, before the great pres- for j-oung ladies, who are sent here from sure of the water, the dam No. 4, at "White different parts, and are instructed in reading

Haven, being the first to break. The destruc- and writing, (in the English and German tion of property was enormous, and the loss tongues,) grammar, arithmetic, geography, of life very serious. The dams were never needle-work, music, &c. The Minister of rebuilt. A very interesting pamphlet was the place has the direction of this, as well as printed in 18C3, giving incidents of the fresh- the boys' school, which is kept in a separate ets. That portion of the bridge destroyed house, where they are initiated in the funda- was soon rebuilt, and the new part roofed mental branches of literature. Tliese schools, with slate. especially that for -young ladies, are deser-

The American Gazeteer, printed in 1797, vedly in high repute ; and scholars more " Bays of Bethlehem : It is a celebrated set- than can be accommodated, are offered from tlement of the Moravians, or United Breth- all parts of the United States. of the ren, Protestant Episcopal church, as " There is a genteel tavern at the north they term themselves. It is situated on the end of the town, the profit arising from which Lehigh River, a western branch of the Dela- belongs to the Society. There is also a store, ware, fifty-three miles northerly from Phila- with a general assortment ofgoods, an apothe- delphia, and eighteen southerly from the cary's shop, a grist mill, and on the banks of Wind-f}ap. The town stands partly on the the Lehigh, a brewery. lower banks of the Manakes, a fine creek, " The Lehigh Eiver rises in Northampton which aftbrds trout and other fish. The County, Pa., about twenty-one miles east of situation is healthful and pleasant, and in Wyoming Falls, in the Susquehanna Kiver the summer is frequented by gentry from and taking a circular course, passing through different parts. In 1787 there were 60 dwel- the Blue Mountains, empties ling houses of stone, well built, and 600 in- into the Dela- habitants. Besides the Meeting House, are ware River on the south side of Easton, eleven three otlier public buildings, large and spa- miles northeast of Bethlehem. It runs about cious ; one for single Brethren, one for single seventy-five miles," HISTORICAL SKETCH OP


CHAPTER VII. was erected in 17S4. Christian R. Hecke-

The First Moravian Store.—Bethlehem ix welder was the store-keeper after the remo- Owen Rice, 1797, FROM Ogden's Exccn.sioN into Beth- val, for many years ; then, senior, had charge, and was succeeeded by lehem AND Nazareth.—The Ancient I.\- IS22 STITT7TI0NS OF THE BRETHREN'S ChuRCH. his son, Owen Rice, junior. In the store was removed to the building now oc- HE illustration which heads this chap- I cupied by thefirmof Wolle, Krause & Erwin. ter, is a correct representation of the the successors of Augustus "Wolle. to \\-honi fii-Ht slurp belonging to the Moravian congre- the church in IS38, sold the stock and biisi- gation of Bethlehem, eoj)ied from one of il. ness.

A. Kleekner's photographs. It was origi In the " first store," the salesroom was in nally kept by William Edmonds, an Eng- the western apartment of the building, jho lishman, and a Moravian, who came to Am- house being a double structure,) and can be

erica in 1763. This ancient structure, erected easily recognized in the cut by its large win- in the substantial style of tlie last century, dow, with diamond-shaped panels of glass. is still standing, and is situated on Market Some of the nails and spikes used in the Street, immediately opposite to the western erection of the store, and which were taken

gate of the old Graveyard, on the north side out in altering it into a dwelling house, have of the Street: no information can be obtained been preserved as curiosities, from their

as to the time when it was built, but it must immense size. The house, judging from the

have been during the earlier days of the thickness of its walls, would have made a settlement of the town, as the " ncio store," good fort in the olden times ; it will now

now the Eagle Hotel, which was the second make a good stone quarry, for it has been building occupied as a store by the Society, allowed to go to ruin, although situated on BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 51 one of the finest building sites in Bethlehem. needful to pass the ford, which is safe and

It is a quaint old building, very picturesque easy. The flat grounds open a way to the and beautiful. hill, which is ascended by two principal

The old store room is now occupied tem- streets, the road being adorned by trees. A porarily as an office, by Captain Owen Luc- large and acceptable inn was reached before kenbaek, Collector of U. S. Internal Revenue the setting of the sun, and an interesting for tlie 11th District of Pennsylvania. chain of objects presented to call forth curi- The dwelling house next door to the east, osity and enquiry on our part. adjoiui'ig the " old store," was built in "A venerable man, one of the fathers of

17.50, and was the first building erected on this town, is devoted chiefly to attendance

Market Street. It was the residence of Timo- upon strangers, that the hours of business thy Ilorsfield, an English Moravian, a noted among the inhabitants may not be unneces- and influential man in his day, a Justice of sarily disturbed by visitants, or the stranger the Peace, and an eccentric character. His be under undue restraint and embarrassment remains repose in the northwestern part of for want of a guide who would give full in- the old Cemetery, in the third grave from dulgence to a prudent curiosity. the west path, in the first row. On the north- " The inn is a stone building, with four ern side of the second walk from Market large rooms on the first, second and third

Street; and upon the tombstone the following floors. Those on the second and third floor, words are inscribed. are in part sub-divided into two small, and TIMOTHY H0R3FIELD, one large room. In this way, parties or gentlemen with servants, are accommodated Born April 25, 1708, almost as separate families. Fifty persons IN LIVERPOOL, OLD ENGLAND, may be quartered here conveniently. Departed March 9, 1773. " Mr. Thomas indulged us with his com- Some of his descendants, (great-grand- pany around the village. This benevolent childreu, by the name oflCiimmer,) are at this attendant upon visitors is possessed of a large time, living in Bethlehem, and his old resi- share of that primeval simplicity which be- dence is now occupied by the widow of the comes an Israelite indeed. He is saluted late John Oerterjandis a substantial old with a smile, and soft word of affection, under two-story stone house, with massive walls the paternal title of Dad'ly. The morning like the old building next door. after our arrival, he introduced me to the The following graphic account of Bethle- Bishop, an aged grave personage, of great hem and its inhabitants, is copied from an suavity of manner, such as embellish a father old work now out of print, entitled, " ^ii in the Church, and become that primitive

Excursion into Bethlehem and Nazareth, in sincere Christianity, which is professed by Peunsi/tvtinia, in the year 1799, with a succinct this Society. Assuming no pomp, he appears

Hiato't/ of the Societi/ of the United Bretlren, to live only to do good, and make others commonly called Moravians, by John C. Ogden, happy. His residence is in the Congrega- a Presbyter in the Protestant Episcopal Church tional House, devoted to the Clergy, and in the United States, printed by Charles Cist, united to the Chapel. Being a widower, his

ATo. 104 North Second Street, near the corner of daughter is mistress of the family. His an- Race Street, Philadelphia, 1800." swers to enquiries were made with frankness The writer eays " The town of Bethlehem and very acceptably. These related to the is approached through a large wood, and we foundation, principles and economy of the beheld it with agreeable surprise, at some Brethren, and the general state of their afi'airs distance from the summit and slope of high throughout America. grounds, which are formed parallel to two " It appears that this is a branch of the rivers or streams. The bridge, built in 1791, Greek Church, which has preserved Episco- across the Lehigh, being out of repair, it was pal succession,withcare and circumspection 52 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF holJing an union with their Synods abroad. " Devotions are attended every morning.

Three Bishops reside in the United St^ates. An Eldress presides and ofiiciates. She

This person's name is Ettwine. sometimes delivers a lecture upon piety and " Obtaining permission to visit him when- morals. We were permitted to see the dor-

ever liis time would permit, we parted. Kot, mitory, in which forty of these women sleep however, before he had favored us with a in an upper story. This is a large, lofty, view of the Chapel, and a contiguous Hall. airy room, with a lamp suspended in the

The first is a plain arched room, furnished centre, which burns during the night; over with paintings upon canvass, between the it is a ventilator in the wall, which causes windows. These present the most distin- the circulation of fresh air. " guished events in the history of our Lord, Before we left this house, we visited a beginning with the visitation of the Angel room called the Store, in which are deposited to Mary, and the Nativity, and ending with upon shelves, and in large drawers, collec- of the of industry, the Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ascension. tions specimens female they constantly vend. " The seats for the attendants are movable which " Our design was to have the Female and divided into two parcels, one for the seen School, erected for, and devoted to the in- men and another for the women. No jiomj), children from other parts of the no display of pride, ostentation or wealth, struction of

States, and the West India islands ; with the are attemjjted. An organ is in the gallery, girls of the fraternity, who are of the same and other instruments of music are often age. But the accustLmed hour for this priv- joined with it ou festivals. ilege had not arrived, and the friendly at- " The second apartment was a Hall adorn- tendant took me to the great reservoir or ed with portraits, a half length of Zinzen- conduit, which receives the water from the dorf, and about twenty of the most distin- machinery at the bottom of the hill, and guished ministers and missionaries of this conveys it by pipes under ground, to many fraternity, who have served among them, public places. from their first establishment in America. " In a building formed as a pyramid, Portraits of some of the wives of these de- about fifty feet in height, we saw the pipes ceased Ministers, who had attended them in which convey water to the tavern, the con- their missions, are also seen in this Hall. gregation. Sister's, Widow's, Brother's, and " From these scenes we passed into the several other houses. We ascended by lad- house devoted to the single sisters. One of ders to the upper part of this edifice, and them being called to attend us, we saw their saw the summit to which the water was, and habitation. They have rooms in this ' Sis- yet might be conveyed. The constant cur- ter's House,' of about twenty feet square, in rent prevents freezing in the winter. which six or eight women malie their resi- " From thence we went to the Common dence by day. The employments of spin- School for boys, who are under the care of ning, reeling of cotton, embroidery, painting masters in a house adjoining that of the and schooling, are in separate rooms. In Brothers. These children are taught read- the needle worli they excel in figure and ing, writing, arithmetic, and accounts, as shades, both with silk and cotton. well as the catechism, and music connected " The Chapel of this choir has an organ with the religion and devotion. and several pieces of instrumental music, " Ournext visit was to the Brothers' House,

which are played upon by the Sisterhood at which is but a counterpart to that of the Sis-

their devotions. Indeed, in almost every ters'. Its hall for prayers, apartments for room we saw some musical instrument, an tradesmen, and a dormitory, are in diflerent organ, harpsichord, or piano-forte. These stories of this building. They have their are in many private families in this settle- meals togetlier, in general, some take their ment and other villages. dinners only at the common table. Ap- B E T H L E n E M, PENNSYLVANIA. 58

prentices frequently board with their mas- under the care of their tutresses, where ters iu the town. They all sleep in the com- they learn reading, writing, arithmetic, em- mon dormitory, and every one in a separate broidery, drawing and music. bed. " Since the applications to receive pupils

'^ Their morning and evening devotions from abroad have become so frequent and are under the direction of a single Brother numerous, a new building has been erected for their use, or a clergymen. The office of Warden, and upon a similar model with the Sister's House. small court or that of this clergymen, are often united iu A yard grass plot is between these buildings. one person, when the number of inhabitants In the rear of this is another small enclosure, which in such houses is small, as is at present in forms a broad grass walk, and is skirted on Bethlehem, Nazareth and Lititz. AH boys each side by beds devoted to flowers, which from the age of twelve, reside here, as well the girls cultivate as their own. as all the unmarried men, unless the cir- " In the vicinity of the Chapel is a cumstances of a par.ent require the presence Corpse House, designed to receive the body of his children. previ- ous to the sepulchre, in order to relieve " From a walk on the top of this house we the poor, and those whose houses are small, were entertained with a view of the gardens, or when the deceased fell a prey to some in- neighboring fields, mountains, and the rivers fectious disorder. After this, iu suitable Lehigh and Manakasy. The mountain in weather, it is attended with great solemnity the rear descending gradually to the lower to a grave yard upon the summit of a hill. grounds, and heightening the view by its " That neatness and decency which mark verdure. everything here, are conspicuous in the " The variety of walks, rows of trees, and place of burial. It is surroujided partly the plenty with which the gardens and with a stone wall, towards the street, where it meadows were stored, displayed taste, in- cannot be enlarged, partly with a neat dustry, and economy. To preserve the banks wooden fence, on those sides where it may the common willow is planted, and not suf- be extended from time to time. The graves fered to grow to a great height. are laid out in perfect order, and each forms "The Manakasy is crossed by four bridg- a flat hillock. The grave stones are about es, for the convenience of the gardens and fourteen inches square, and present only other places, besides two others, one above the name, age, and native country of the and another below the road and gardens. The persons, without any other monumental epi- sloping banks formed by nature, and the taphs or ornaments. This stone lies upon walks by which we mount the hill, prepared the grave. The departed members of the by labor, join their varieties to convert this different choirs or orders are buried together ' fertile spot into the appearance of a pleasure in separate rows. The funerals are attended garden. with great decorum. The females are dressed " In a plain gallery or summer house on in white, and black is not worn as mourning. the side of this hill, built for the shelter of " My guide, Mr. Thomas, brought for mj' the children, who may be permitted to re- amusement, Mr. Brailsford's experimental create themselves in a rainy or sultry day, dissertations on the chemical and medical was an aged missionary busy in preserving properties of the Nicotiana Tubaccum of Lin- certain seeds and medical herbs; retired from uaits, commonly known by the name of To- the labors of hia functions for many years, bacco. among the Indians, he resides iu a part of "This disposition to oblige, has made Mr. the Congregation House. Thomas very dear to all who are acquainted "The hour being convenient for visiting with him. In the Bishop's apartment in the the Girls' School, so much celebrated, a Brothers' and Sisters' Houses, in the schools, pleasing groupe appeared in different rooms, and among the inhabitants and strangers h« 54 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF

greatest respect and attendants. A clear stream, convenient i.-5 saluted by all, with the ami aflection. In the girls' school, in par- shoal and bottom render the place safe and ticular, he was received with peculiar atten- useful. tion by the instructresses ana pupils. Upon " At some distance in the rear, behind the the visits of their parents, he escorts them, trees, is a distillery and saw mill, whose that they may not pass the streets alone. works are set in motion by tlie small stream This he punctually observes iu the evenings. of the Monakasy. The mechanism of these

" The cloistered life and single state of the works is not peculiar. nuns in the Roman Catholic countries have " The Widows' House, we were told, was been subjects of many remarks. The insti- conducted upon the same plau with those of tutions here are not of that nature, as the the single brethren and sisters. Retired Women marry, and the single sisters walk from the world and in the decline cf years, abroad and visit their friends and neighboi-s their quiet is seldom disturbed by the visit when they think proper. of strangers. This is signified as their wish.

*' The instructresses are treated with due ' The following morning we visited the respect. All females are educated by them, more laborious employments in this colony,

but all do not leave their fathers' houses, such as those of the grist, oil, fulling, hull- and families, to enter the Sisters' House as ing, snuff and bark mills. residents. " These works are erected under the banks ' At one end of the room, in which we saw west of the town, upoii the waters of the Mon- the portraits of Zinzendorf, the ministers akasy, whose stream is not large, but the

and missionaries, a painting on canvass is water is husbauded with great care, as it hung, which presents the divine Saviour in passes through the various reservoirs, pent

the clouds, attended by angels, descending stocks and wheel works ; the waters of this from the superior regions, and surrounded stream decrease yearly. by the various converts among the heathen, " The spring which furnishes the town is who were the first fruits of the Brethren's at the foot of this hill, and enclosed within missions. a small stone vault or cellar. It affords a '•'Among the varied enjoyments of this redundancy of water, which is raised to the

settlement, is a pleasant walk ou the banks height of one hundred and twenty-five feet, of the river Lehigh. Nature has furnished by forcing pumjjs, which are in constant a shade by means of the trees which grow movement, by means of a small water wheel near the margin. But this is improved by supplied from the Manakasy. The main. a row of locust trees between them and the tube which conveys the water is of lead, and road or walk. Thus, a thick shade is made of the diameter of four inches. It is so cold

• for almost the whole day. Seats are placed that the hand cannot rest upon it but for a for rest, and to enable the visitors to view few seconds.

the river at leisure. An island also assists '• The brewery is a large building, not far to give beauty and variety, as well as to from the river and bridge. It furnishes two afford a retired bathing place. Xot far from kinds of beer, which are purchased by the

these seats, and in full view, is a large bridge, Inhabitants of the neighboring settlements. supported by piers of stone, and some farm " While the society of the Brethren were houses on the opposite shore. Canoes are few in number, and a combination of labors stationed here, for conveying such as wish and interests were needful to make settle- to visit the island, which is frequently done. ments, property was held in common. This

" Near the river is a large brew-house, and rule is now broken down in part, and indi- l>athing-room, devoted to the female schools. viduals may follow their private and sepa-

This last is surrounded and sheltered by rate business, retain a station with the trees in every direction. No one goes into Brotherhood, and receive the benefits re- the water without suitable bathing clothes. sulting from the public property, and public BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 55

institutions, according to known and estab- seat, next the wall, on the right hand of th > lished rules. They appear to be a prosper- minister. One half of this chapel is devoled oua, but not a rich people. to men, and the other to women. Each

*' The "Widows' House is more immediately choir or fraternity, and sisterhood, sit to-

the object of public care. Forty are in it at gether. The children, both boys and girls, present. Many of them were the wives of are placed in the seats in front of their res- the Ministers aud Missionaries. Funds are pective sexes.

connected with this institution, which arise " The minister upon reaching his seat from deposits of a certain sum, paid annually near a table, opposite the middle aisle, gave by their late husbands, and as a fee at en- out a psalm in German, line by line, which tering into the order of ministers. was sung by the whole congregation. He " These women are industrious, and treated then read a chapter in German, out of the with great respect. Making Bethlehem the Gospel, and a second hymn was sung, ac- asylum for aged ministers, their wives, chil- companied also by the organ, and the as- dren and widows, affords an opportunity sembly was dismissed with a benediction. for gaining information from every quarter, The whole congregation stood until the min- aud explanations of facts and events con- ister left the Chapel. He was followed by nected with the general welfare. the Bishop and other old men, and then the " Seasons are appropriated to the reading congregation at large, the men passing out of letters and reports, from every part of the at one door and the women at the other. world, in order to cultivate a general regard The gravity, decorum and melody in this for every branch of their church. place are more easily imagined than describ- " pleasant, visited The afternoon being I ed. the island above the bridge. It is not large, " In the shop of the barber, who is also a , but affords fine walks and an area for exer- shoemaker, were glass globes filled with cise, as well as seats and shelters for visitors. water. In the evenings they are hung Tea parties sometimes select this for an ex- around a lamp, according to the number cursion on a pleasant day. The locust trees who want light. This increases the bright- are planted here to assist in forming shade. ness occasioned by the lamp, the glass and "It may contain twelve acres, and is water, equal almost to the light of day. capable of receiving many improvements These globes are used by the stocking weav- which wealth and fancy might suggest and ers and other mechanics, and by such as form for embellishment. A small school of sew by night. boys with their preceptor, were on a ramble •' In the public buildings and most other here, after their hours of study. Walking houses, we find German stoves, made of tile, appears to be the principal recreation for all which are in general use. Some are totally ages aud both sexes. On our return to the formed of tile, and others are part of cast main land, we met another party from tlie iron. These last are in greatest esteem oa female school, with their tutresses, walking all accounts, as they are not so liable to bo in the gardens on the banks of the Lehigh. injured by putting in of wood by careless " This evening we went to devotions at the

persona ; the tiles upon the top are so placed Chapel. Previous to the arrival of the min- to form species of flue, in perpendicular ister, a voluntary was played upon the organ. as a While this was doing, the Bishop came and and horizontal forms, which retains the took his seat under the gallery, at the head heat, while it circulates longer, and heats a of a number of elderly men, some of whom room more pleasantly and more durably had been missionaries. This appeared to be than sheet iron. the only seat of distinction for him and the " In the building of the potter who make.^ clergy. the tile for this stove, he was employ.?d in " We were placed as strangers on a similar making cheap pipes of clay, which are in 56 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF

great use among the Germans, and ought to reading a lesson out of the bible. After the be extended for the purpose of putting an sermon the meeting is concluded with the end to the importation of those articles. Lord's prayer, au hymn, and the usual bless-

" On Sunday I attended divine worship in ing. the Chapel, and had an opportunity care- " Sunday is entirely devoted to religion. fully to observe the mode of worship. Di- In the afternoon communications from dis- vine service began at nine o'clock. The tant congregations were read, and in the members of the Society and different choirs evening a sermon was delivered by a. minis- were j^resent, and in their respective seats. ter about to set out on a mission.

According to au universal practice, the or- " Discourses are delivered from time to ganist played a voluntary previous to the time, at these meetings, to married people, arrival of the minister, and beginning with widowers, widows, single brethren, single their church litany. This compendium of sisters, and the children. devotions is not unlike that of the English All the congregations call themselves The church, but bears a greater affinity to the Unitae Fratrum, or Protestant United Breth-

Lutheran, it is composed of short sentences, ren of the Augustan Confession. They re- versicles, and responses read or sung alter- ceive the Holy Scriptures of the Old and nately by the minister and congregation, New Testament, as the only standard, both the responses made with the aid of the organ of the doctrine and practice of the Unity. and singers. " The first emigrants into England and " The congregation appeared iu plain hab- America, removed from Moravia, from its, the minister in his accustomed garb, whence the have commonly obtained the without gown, robe, or surplice. The women name of Moravians." were generally dressed in white, and different It would not be within the scope of a work colored badges distinguished the respective like the present, to go into any details re- orders or choirs. All of them wear a white garding the government of the Ch'''ch, their cap, and under the ehiu a ribbon. That of community of goods, and the reason there- the widows is whiter of married women blue, for, in the early days of the settlement of and the single sisters pink or red.

Bethlehem ; but the foregoing extracts have "After the celebration of this litany, the been made to give a general insight into the congregation retired for the space of an half manners, habits and customs of the commu- hour, when the bell was rung, which was nity of the Brethren in those ancient times. the signal for the attendance of the children Many radical changes have since then been and schools upon a service in English. This was introduced by the organ and a psalm, made iu all these matters, but few of the fallowed by a sermon, and succeeded by old customs have been preserved entirely another psalm. unchanged, and in manner of living, and " The female school now took the seats gene- habits of life, and in dress, the members of rally occupied by the single sisters, and the the Society, in no wise differ from other peo- sermon was principally addressed to youth. ple of our day in America. After this the children gave place and took Of the ancient institutions of the Church possession of the seats at the further end of in Bethlehem, only the Widows' and Sisters' the Chapel, and those who were present be- Uouses remain iu operation ; and it is to be fore the litany, with others, came to attend hoped that they will ever be continued as offices, which were in German. The order homes for the aged single sisters and widow- was au hymn, prayer, sermon, psalm, and ed mothers of the Brethren, where, safe and benediction. secure from the cold charity of the world, " This Society observes the accustomed they may live iuquieteomfort, and pass their festivals and solemn days of the church. delining years in peace, happiness and con- Certain meetings are peculiarly set apart for tentment, carefully guarded and cherished. — —



Yin. CHAPTER his chapter is illustrated with aline DeSCRIPTION OF THE LaRGE MORAVIAN ChURCH, view of the large and handsome Mo- ERECTED IN 1S03. ThE BetHLEHEM ARCHI- ravian Chui-ch, situated at the corner of Main VES. TheGemein Hads, or Congregation and Church Streets, and the Oemein Haus, Hodse.—The First Moravian Church in taken from an old drawing found among the Bethlehem.— The Old Chapel, or Second papers of an old inmate of the " Sisters' Church.—The Old School, or the First House," lately deceased. Sister Sally Hors- Moravian Seminart for Females.—The ficdd. In the drawing, the roof of the church Official Seal of the Church of the is represented as it was originally construc- United Brethren.—The Addition to the ted, but which was afterwards altered to its

Old School.—" The Sisters' House."— present form, as it leaked during all rain The " Widows' Hodse."— Origin of the storms. The erection of the church was

Sisters' Houses. —Marriage by Lot.— commenced in 1803, as is set forth on its

Lieut. Aubert's Opinion.—Explanation vane, but it was not completed till 1S06,

OP the Lot.—Account of it in the His- when it was said to be the largest house torical Collections cf New Jersey. — for religious worship in Pennsylvania. The " The Great Marriage Act" in Bethle- cost of the edifice was $210,000 ; and in

hem, April 20, 1757.—Miss Mortimer's 1803, when it was begun, the community

Novel of the Marrying by Lot.—Mar- had only a population of 580 souls. It is ried Women, and Ancient Customs.—Re- the third building in which the Moravians marks IN Stroud's History of Pa.—Act Iiave held their religious services in Bethle- OF Parliament of 20 George 2nd, C. hem. From the centre of the roof rises

44, for the Naturalization op Foreign a belfry, containing a fine toned bell, the

Protestants, Ac. cupola is surmounted by a spire, the base ;


of the belfry is occupied by a clool; wliicb gold edges ; once the property of the Baron- strikes tlie hours and the quarters. In ess Benigna de Watteville, Zinzendorf's the eastern end of the building are seve- eldest daughter. There is also a rare old ral large apartments, one of which is for the quarto hi'nin book, in good preservation, use of the Ministers of the chureli, and in which was jirinted in ItiOG, " B?/ the Eldcrt anotlier there are preserved portraits of Count and servaiitB ftf the Churches of the Brethren in Ziuzendorf, and other celebrated Fathers of Bohemia, Moravia and Poland ;" on one of the

the church, and their wives, together with fly-leaves is the following entry, " This book the historical records relating to the Society, our dear Brother Paul Muesster, when he the church, and the town. In the centre of left all and fled for the Gospel's sake fi-om

the building is the auditorium, with apuljiit his fatherland, Moravia, in 1 729, brought to

at the eastern end, and in a gallery at the Hernhutj strapped uj)on his back, deeming it

western end there is a fine organ, with am- the greatest treasure which he owned. At

ple room for the singers, and several rows of Hernhut he gave it, to Anna Nitschmann, seats for thecongregation, under this gallerj- (the celebrated Deaconess of Moravian His-

are several rooms, used in preparing coffee tory,) who presented it to Anna Joanna

fcjT the " Love Feasts ;" in them can be seen Seidel,) the wife of the Rev. C. F. Seidel,) some antique chairs and tables, that have from her Paul Muenstcr again obtained it, done the church some service. when he had come again to this place, (Beth- lehem,) and at his death bequeathed it to The Moravians of Bethlehem have care- our Church Library. He entered into the fully preserved all the records relating to joy of his Lord on the 4th day of October, the settlement of the town, as well as all 1792. On the title page is the autograph of books, papers and documents regarding the A. C. Nitschmann." history of the Church, and its missions But the most valuable and interesting of these precious records are stored in a large all the records to the Bethlemite, are the room in the second story of the eastern por- Diaries of the church, kept since the year tion of the large church just described, the 1742, written with great minuteness by the apartment has a lofty arched ceiling, with Ministers, giving a history of the Cliureh four windows to admit the light ; on one side affairs, of the town, and of the whole coun- of the room is the shelving which holds the try, from day to day. Similar diaries have library, estimated at about 2,000 volumes, been kept in all the -Moravian churches, of old, rich, rare, aud carious works, all missions, aud settlements in America, from bearing u])nn the history of the " diitas their earliest origin. Frutruiii." Those books are of inestimable

value. Here are to be found all the publica- On one side of the library are neat closets, in which are kept with great care, many tions of the Society ; a full collection of the writings of Count Ziuzendorf, the Liturgies valuable and original letters and documents.

of the church, and the hymus used at differ- -Those of the Revolutionary period, from General Washington, and others in authority, ent periods. A rare set of old Bibles, in " several different languages, numerous works during the time that the Brethren's House" of the Fathers of the church of the United and other dwellings in Bethlehem, were hospital of Brethren, and many valuable records relat- used as the "General the Ameri- ing to the History of Pennsylvania, aud the can Army," give great praise to the Breth-

treaties with the Indians. There is a lar"o ren for their attention to the sick and wound- folio edition of the Sacra Biblia, in the Ger- ed soldiers, and are very interesting to the man language, printed in Cologne, in 1630. general reader, as well as extremely grati- But one of the most valuable works in the fj'ing to the members of the Moravian whole collection, is a thick little hymn book Church.

in English, bound in red morocco, with The Gemein JIuiifif or more j)roperly, '• The BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 59

Congregation House, "is situated at the corner ed. For nine years the congregation held

of Cedar Alley and Church Street, immedi- their services in that room ; and it was there ately in the rear of the large church, and to the first Indian convert Dnvid, a Mohican,

the east of it. The corner stone of this, the was baptised on the 16th of September, 1742. second house, (and now the oldest,) in Beth- His remains repose in the old graveyard,

lehem, was laid September 28th, 1741, and where his tombstone can be seen, in the first the building was completed the following compartment allotted to the men.

year. 11 is a log-house, that is, it is built of On the 19th of September, 1742, the corner hewn logs; it is two-stories high, with a steep stone of an enlargement of the " Gemein roof, with two stories of garrets, and was for- Haus" was laid, and the addition completed merly plastered over on the outside, with a in 174.1. heavy coating of mortar, made of lime and On the 5th of April, 1751, the town having sand, and lined in imitation of stone, but in a population of 200 souls, the community 18GS, this coating was removed, and clap- began the stone addition to the " Gemeia boarding substituted, much improving the Ilaus," now known as the " Old Chapel." looks of the building. The first fioor contained a new hall for the

The Oeiitcin Hmis was erected as a dwelling " married couples," the second floor being place for the Ministers and their families, the chapel. The large buttresses of masonry and is still xised for that jjurposc. Fallier on the outside of the building were put up Nitschman was the master builder, as he at llic time of the erection of the edifice, and '• First is was of the House." He sometimes not since, as is generally supposed. The called the founder of Bethlehem, wliicli is an dedication of this, the second Moravian error, as his nej^hew. Bishop Nitschman, was Church in Bethlehem, took place July 10th, the founder, having been sent out from Eu- 1751, the ceremonies were performed by rope e-ipressly for that purpose, by the Bishop Nitschman, the building having been authorities chureli at Ilernhut. entirely completed. In the afternoon, at 1 " An old writer says : The course of the o'clock, a general "Love Feast" was cele- Gemein was love and simjilicity. Pride did brated. Love feasts were held every Satur- not exist, and hence wants were few. The day in those times. supplied with table was what they had, and From May 10th, 1806, until 1815, the " Old what things they had not, they longed not Chapel" was used by the Boarding School

to get; all were alike in the congregation. for females, as a place to hold tlie exami- "When the grandfather of doctor Huebener nations, exhibitions and daily worship. It came to Bethlehem, he had to cross the Le- was next used as a library, and a j^lace for high, and he hailed a person on the other keeping the archives of the church; and side, who was watering linen on the bleach, afterwards as a concert room by the " Betlile- (then liuen was worn altogether,) the jierson hem Philharmonic Society;" and finally,

came and took him across, it proved to be ' in 1856, restored to its original purpose, a the noted Bi'other Petkus Boehlkr, who place for worship, and became then called,

tended the bleach; all were required to be " The Old Chapel." In 1864, it was renovat-

busy, he, as the minister of the congregation, ed, enlarged and improved, as it now ap-

set a good example to the others." pears ; and on Sunday, April 2nd, 1S05, it re-dedicated The first Moravian Church in Bethlehem, was by the Eev'd Edwin de was a large room on the second floor of the Schwinitz, to the worship of God. " " Gemein Haua," and was called Der Saal," a{- The "Old Chapel," whenfirst erected, was terwa,Tds," SerKleineSaal." Its low ceiling provided with an organ, and at a later day, was sujjported by four wooden pillars, whicli its walls were adorned by many interesting are still to be seen in the partition walls of paintings, the works of the Moravian artist the four rooms into which it has been divi.i- IliiDT, representing incidents in the life of —


our Saviour. These valualile paintings for of the title page to De Schweinitz's Moravian some unknown reason, were afterwards sold Manual, published at Bethlehem in 1869, is by the Eev'd Mr. Cunow. drawn in utter disregard of all heraldic Adjoining the " Old Chapel," immediately rules; it is unlike the seal it purports to rep-

to the east, is the stone structure known as resent; many things being omitted. The

" The Old School," or the first Moravian banner is a streamer, and the lamb faces to Seminary for females, the erection of which the right, instead of the left, which is the was commenced in the year 1745, and com- invariable rule.

pleted in the year 1746. It had a door and In 174S," The Old School" building had an

two windows on the first story, and three addition made to its eastern end, and in 1749 windows in the second, fronting the open one to its western gable, connecting it with green space, in which now stands one of the the Old Chapel. In ISIa the Boarding School old water-hoxes emi:>loyed for supplying the for females was removed to its preseufloca- " town with water, and which is still used. The tion on Church Street, and the Single Sis- lower floor of the building contained a kitchen ters" took possession of the old edifice. for the " Married Couples," and " Single A school for girls was first commenced in Brethren;" and a dining-room for the married Bethlehem, in the " Old School" building, on people, who all took their meals at a common the 5th day of January, 1749, with sixteen table. The upper floor was occupied by the scholars, daughters of the Moravian mis- married folks. sionaries, ministers of the gospel, and of On the 0th of June, 1740, the belfry was brethren of other Moravian settlements in completed in its present form. The base of America, forming a distinct household in

the turret was occupied by a clock, made by the community, which was expected to de-

AiiffiofiiB Ncisser, of Germantown, Pennsyl- fray its expenses by contributions from the vania; showing outside a brass face. In the church and individuals, and by the practice cupola hung three bells, cast by Samuel of a prudent economy. Powell, one struck the hours, the others the On the 2nd of October, 17So, the school waa quarters. The gilded emblem on the vane closed, and arrangements made in the House of the belfry, of a Lamb with a Banner, is the for receiving pupils from abroad. The five device on the official Episcopal Seal of the remaining inmates of the school, viz: Anna Moravian Church. and Maria Unger, Susan Bage, Rosina Fried- The official seal of the church of the Unit- man and Maria Heekewelder, daughter of the ed Brethren, is slightly oval, and three- celebrated Indian Missionary, the Eev'd fourths of an inch in diameter. In the cen- John Heekewelder, and the first white child tre, on a cartouche shield, which is enclosed born in the State of Ohio, and fifteen day by carved scroll work, is a Holy lamb, with scholars from the town were placed in charge a delicate tracery of vines and flowers en- of three Sisters, as teachers, and the room at circling it. The whole surrounded by the the southwest corner of the second floor was

motto : " Vicit Agnus unsler : eatu fiefjuamur,'> assigned to them for a dwelling and recita- t. e.y " Our lamb has conquered him will we tions; all these continued at the school after follow." the reception of scholars from other places. The Paschal or Holy-Lamb, passant, with On the 2l5t of May, 1786, the first scholar a staff, cross and banner, is a typical figure from abroad entered the Seminary, in the of our Saviour, who is understood to be that person of Miss Elizabeth Bedell, of Staten Lamb mentioned in the Apocalypse of St. Island, New York. A full history of the John, or the Revelations. The banner is school will be found in the Bethlehem Sonceit'

always charged with a cross. See Clark's ier, printed by J. B. Lippincott & Co., of

Introduction to Heraldry. The representa- Philadelphia. The work is full of interesting tion of the seal of the church on the reverse information, and contains a full list of all BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. Gl the pupils entered in the institute since its families of several members of the church. foundation, with some beautiful views of There is a fine picture of the old building in Bethlehem, of the different buildings occu- the Souvenier. pied by the school, and fine portraits of the The "Sisters' House." principals, and other persons connected with The corner stone of the stone structure the institution. which forms the wSstern end of the present One of the regulations introduced in the "Sisters' House," was laid August 8th, 1742, school, was the ringing of the bell in the and the edifice was com2:)leted in December belfry of the " Sisters' House," for school in of the same year. It was immediately oc- the mornings and afternoons, and a quarter e-jpied by the " Single Brethren," who lived before 12 o'clocli M., for dinner, a custom there till November 15th, 1784, when they which is still continued, and although the removed to their New House, the central regulation is no longer applicable to the building of the present Boarding School fur Seminary, it is to the scholars of the Mora- Young Ladies. And the " Single Sisters," vian Day School, and most of the Moravian who had until then, lived at Nazareth, took families, who still continue to dine at noon. possession of the old building, which has In 1789, finding that the nuinljer of appli- ever since borne its present name. cants for admission to the school was increas- In 1752, the eastern wing of the " Sisters' ing so rapidly, that the building used could House," opposite the " Old Chapel," and like not accommodate all who applied, it was it, supported outside by heavy stone but- determined to erect another building, to tresses, was finished, containing a large sleep- give additional room ,* a site was selected in ing hall for the " Single Sisters." ' The wing the rear of the old school, and on the 2nd of was occupied for the first time, on the 10th May, 1790, the corner stone of the new build- of May, 1752, and the occasion celebrated by ing was laid by the Rev'd Bishop Hucbener, a shad dinner, to which one hundred bloom- in the presence of a large assemblage, in- ing " Single Sisters" and " Great Girls" sat cluding the pupils of the school, and the down. children and members of the church. In 1773, the western addition to the " Sis- The building then erected, afterwards ters' House," was erected, and the row com- known as the " Old Castle," was a fine old

pleted as it now stands : it was first occupied stone edifice, an ornament to the town, and October 19th, A. D., 177.5. presenting an interesting and venerable ap- pearance in adistantviewof Bethlehem, and The "Widows' House."

ought to have been carefully jireserved, but On the south side of Church Street, directly- it was torn down in 1867, and the present opposite the "Sisters' House," stands the Moravian Day School, for the use of the " "Widows' House," erected in the year 1768,

children of the Bethlehem congregation, with an addition made to its eastern end in

erected in its place. 1794. It is a large, long, two-story stone The "Old Castle" was 52 by 40 feet, crown- house, built in the most substantial nianuor.

ed by a heavy trip roof, whose lower pitch, The building is, as its name imports, the overhanging the eves almost vertically, gave residence of the widows of the members of

the building on the north side, where it was the Moravian Church. The inmates of the of one-story only, (being built on the de- Widows' and Sisters' houses, are not, how- clivity of the hill,^ an air of uncommon ever, supported by the church, but are de- strength and solidity. AVhen vacated by pendent upon their own means, or the gene-

the pupils of the Seminary, in 1815, it was rosity of their relatives and friends. The occupied in part as a day school for the girls church furnishes them with rooms at a nomi- of the Moravian congregation; (the boys' nal rent, in all else they are made to find

school was in the Married Peo2)le's House,) themselves, if they can afford to do so, if not, and partly as a dwelling place for the they are supplied outof the Poor fund of the 62 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF

CuugrcgaUou. There used to be set a2:)art iu them these monuments of their love for their the ' Widows' House/* a room iu which the wives, sisters, aud daughters. When those Bisters and Widows exposed for sale, many old piles of masonry are no more, Bethlehem beautiful artic-lesof fancy works, of their own will have lost tlie most interesting oijjects

make, and from this source some of the more within its limits ; and the Moravian Church

dq)endent added to their little means; now, its crowning glory, which, more than aught however, the articles of their handiwork are else, wins our love and admiration. sold at the *' Eagle Hotel," through the The Sisters' Houses originated out of a motherly kindness of Mrs. Mary Yohe, wife voluntary act of the Sisters at Ilernhut, iu of mine ancient host Caleb, who has presided Germany, in the year 1750, who combined to now fur nearly twenty-six years over the live together under one roof, agreeing to varying fortunes of the Eagle, ever ready serve the Lord, and receive no offer of mar-

" to welcome the coming, and speed the riage unless it were brought to thorn by their

parting gue=t ;"his hospitality is unbounded, Ministers. The " Single Brethren" soon and as one of the" Jli/stic Tie," he fraternally formed a similar association, and from the greets the Brethren of the craft, and grace- mutual agreemeut in respect to matrimony, fully does the honors of his Lodge. in the two associations, arose the " Marriaye •* ^Vhen the Juuior AVaiden to refrcshmeut calls us, hy Lot." The sexes in the earlier days of And the sun is at Meridian height, the Moravian Church, were separated as Let us merrily, unite must cheerily;

In social harmony, new joys invite; much as possible ; the Sistei'S were not per- One aud all at hits call mitted to pass the " Bre'hren's House;'" nor To the feast repairing the Brethren that of the " Sister's," if they All aroundjoys resound. Each the pleasure sli'iring." accidentally met, they were not allowed to Many of the Widows and Sisters who live look at each other. The Sisters were for- in the Congregation Houses at Bethleliem, bidden to meutiou the name of any of the are in comfortable circumstances, and aid Brethren. Both sexes grew u]^ in ignorance frequently the friends and comi)anion3 of of each other, were timid in meeting with youthful days, who are not strangers, and the Moravians then were, in- their so fortunate ;

so that they never want for anything ; of deed, a peculiar, religious peo]do. course, the church authorities would extend Lieutenant Aubery, iu his " Travels iu assistance to inmates of the Houses in case America," published iu 1778, says of the

of necessity ; for these are the jiet institutions Moravians. "They have adujited a sort of

of Bethlehem. Here, iu their old age, free a marriage, but from the manner of its cel- from poverty aud care, live the " Single ebration, you cauuot suppose those mutual,

Sisters" aud widowed mothers of this fine tender endearments aud happiness, to sub-

old town, aud ancient church ; many reside sist between the parties as with us. A young there from choice, whose families live in man feels an inclination to marry, which

affluence in the town, there they receive the does not proceed from any object he is en- visits of their friends and relatives as at amoured with, for he never sees his wife but

home ; and surrounded as they are by the once before the ceremony takes place, it be-

playmates of their youth, time glides not ing contrary to the principles of their relig-

unhappily away; and we can but admire ion, to suppose it is from the passions of their the affectionate care that is bestowed on nature, but merely to uphold the Society,

those old ladies, and the loving attention of that it may uot sink into oblivion. The their children. May the wiuds of heaven young man communicates his inclination to deal gently with those time-honored walls, the parent, who, consulting with the Su2>er-

aud may the more vandal hand of man long intendent, she produces her who is the next respect those venerable halls, built by the in rotation for marriage. The priest presents affectionate solicitude and labor of those her to the young man, an^ leaves them to- who have gone home, yet have left behind gether for au hour, when he returns. If they :


both consent, they are married the next clay. of the lady to the board of Elders. If judged

If there is any objection, their cases are very improper from pecuniary disability, or other

pitiable, but especially the woman's, as she reasons, recourse was had to the lot to decide

is put at the bottom of the list, which am- the question. This was always entered upon ounts to nearly sixty or seventy; nor does with solemnity, and preceded by prayer. the poor girl stand the least chance of a If favorable, the young lady had the privil-

husband till she arrives at the top, unless ege of refusal. In extraordinary cases it is the man feels a second inclination for mar- even now resorted to; for instance, when a riage, for he can never obtain any other wo- young lady receives proposals of marriage

man than the one he had the first interview from a missionary, and is undecided, she

with. This, I am induced to think, is the sometimes requests the lot to be taken." reason of there being so old many women It is undoubted that there were many im- among the Single Sisters." pediments thrown in the way of the Breth- There are many absurd errors in the state- ren and Sisters marrying in the early days ment of Leiutenant Aubery, which have or the settlement of Bethlehem, why, is now never been corrected. The parties marrying, a hidden mystery, yet tliere were some rea- were chosen by the consent of the Elder's sons for the restriction. Most of the Breth- Conference, with reference to their fitness ren were poor and unable to support a family. for each other, and then submitted to Lot. The Society only allowed one married cou- The Brother had also the right to name a ple of each trade to settle in the town, be- Sister, if he knew one personally, or through sides which, the church had not the means hii friends, if not, one was chosen for him; to build houses for all the married people. in all eases the matter was determined bv The authorities at Ilernhut, being informed the Lot. that matrimony was notproperly encouraged Mr. Henry, in his sketches of Moravian among the Brethren and Sisters in " America ; life, says ; It was the genius of Moravian- determined upon sending a visitation to the ism to submit all decisions to the Supreme churches there; accordingly, the will, and, in so doing, the Lot was the most Eev'd Bishop, John, Baron available agent." de Watteville, was sent by the direction of the UniDj's El'ler\ Cjn- The Lot was not, however, used only in ferenee," in Germany, to America, in the year reference to the marriage tie by the Mora- 1756 or '57, his visit resulted in " The vians, but is still resorted to on many impor- Uhkat Wedoinq Act," at Bethlehem, on the tant occasions to determine both worldly and 20th day of April, 1757, when fourteen couple religious matters. It is done after solemn were married, at the same time, in the face prayer, asking the mediation and direction of the whole congregation, of the Lord and Saviour, in imitation in the old place of worship, "DerKIeine Saal,"iu the of the Apostles, when choosing Matthias as second " one of the twelve, after the death of Judas. story of the Gemein Haps," sometimes called the " Minister's House." The " Atid they gave forth their lots, and the lot fell names of the couples married, and the vjton Matthias, and he was numbered with the ministers eleven Apostles." See the Acts of the Apos- performing the ceremony, were as follows, tles, 1st chapter and 26th verse. viz

In the historical collections of the State of 1. Maria Eedenbergor to John Schweiss- New Jersey, edited by John W. Barber and haught, by the Eev'd Auton Lawatsch. Henry Hume, published in 1847, in the ar- 2. Samuel Johannes to Magdaline Mi ngii, by "^1-i ticle upon Hope, New Jersey, once a Mora- the Eev'd Frank Christian Lombke. " vian settlement, page 495, it is stated : The This couple were Africans.

young of both sexes were not generally al- 3. Elizabeth Cornwell to EichardPoppel well,

lowed to associate. When a young man by the Eev'd I. Michael GraiT. wished to marry, he would hand in the name 4. John Henry Merck to Catharine Eliza- ;


beth Iloil, by the Eev'il Paul Daniel gether, and were entertained by some musi- Bryzelius. cal performances. The Brother, Petrus Boeh- 6. Regina Neumann to Matthias "Weiss, hy ler, then sung an original ode, and Brothers the Rev'd Abraham Reinclre. Graff, Ettwein and Reineke, read original

6. George Meiser to Judith Schurer, by the compositions; copies of all of which, are still Rev'd Augustus Gottleib Spangenberger. carefully preserved by the Moravians of

7 Rosina Sehultz to Jacob Till, by the Rev'd Bethlehem, as well as of the address deliver- Bishop Augustus Gottleib Spangenber- ed by Bishoji Spangenberg. ger. This incident, one of the most remarkable

8. Otto Krogstry to Anna Burnett, by the that ever occurred in the Bethlehem congre-

Rev'd Petrus Boehler. gation, is often spoken of by the older Mo-

9. Barbara Krausin to Wolfgang Michler, ))_v ravians, as an event never to be forgotten.

the Rev'd Bishop Petrus Boehler. It was a triumph for the young people of

10. George Huber to Anna Maria Lehnert, both sexes, in favor of their marrying in by the Rev'd John Christopher Fancke. greater numbers, a privilege which had been

11. Salome Buerstler to Abraham Steiner, by previously denied them. the Rev'd John Ettwein. " Marrying hy Lot, a tale of the Primitive

12. Jacob Rubel to CatharinaHoetter, by the Moravians," is the title of a work by Char- Rev'd Bernhardt Adam Grube. lotte B. Mortimer, the daughter of a Moravian

13. Salome Dock to Philip Wcsa, by the niinister, who was at one time a teacher in Rev'd Phillip Christian Bader. the Young Ladies' Seminary, at BetliK-hem,

14. Martin Hirte to Maria Beroth, by the it was published in New York, by G. P. Put- Rev'd John Martin Mack. nam k Son, in 1S6S. Perhaps some infor-

The".4f(" was preceded by the entrance mation can he derived frfim it in regard to

of the fourteen couples, accomiianied by the this interesting subject, although it is not as ministers, into the hall of worship, which clear and explicit as the curious reader could the account says, " was a very respectable desire. prospect;" while the trumpets and trom- The married women were known by wear- bones were played. The Liturgy No. 92, ing light blue silk ribbons, as cap-ties under from the Moravian Liturgy Book, was then their chins. The cap fitted close to the face 6ung. and head, was made of cambric, with a

'* Wie bring it-h's dock ztl ireye." broad baud of lace tied around the forehead,

to keep it in place; it was called a Sihucp/en By the choir, till the second verse, when the Haiibe, to its being cut in the shape whole congregation joined in. Then follow- owning of a aiiipe's bill. This cap was worn by all ed an address by " Brother Josei^h," (Spau- the females over the age of twelve years geuberg,) upon the text of the day; " / am and remained in use in the American con- the Vine, you the branches.'* After which, the gregation till 1818, when it was abolished, to entire congregation arose, and sung the hymn tiie great joy of the married women and sis- *' Ach Gutt iia Keittfchett Litiiiiuelein,'* ters. The Great Girls wore dark red ribbons During the singing the fourteen couples for their cap-ties. The Single Sisters used

were united in marriage, in the order given light pink in theirs ; and the Widows wore above, and Bishop Spangenberg then impart- v?hite ribbons.

ed the blessing of the Church U23on the newly But all these restrictions to marriage, and

married people, to which the congregation all these ancient costumes are now but me-

responded. Amen I mentoes of the past. In those days nearly

Then followed congratulations, refresh- all the religious societies originating in Eu- ments and an intermission; after which the rope, had their monkish costumes, and pecu- newly married couples, and the married liar dresses or uniforms; and those of the people of tUe congregation, assembled to- Moravians were no more singular than those BETHLEHEM, P E X X S Y L V A N I A. 65

of many other orders of Christians, some of Whereas, by an Act made in the thirteenth year of his present Majesty's reign, entituled which still exist ; and who, unlike the Breth- " An Act for Katuraliziug such Foreign Pro- ren, do good to no man, or woman either. testants, and others therein mentioned, as In Frond's History of Pennsylvania, vol- are settled, or shall settle in any of his Ma- ume 2nd, page ,155, it is written, speaking of jesty's colonies in America ;" it was enacted, the Uiiitaa -Fro(rwm, or United Brethren, that, That from and after the first day of June, in " By this name they were acknowledged hy the year of our Lord, 1740, all persons born out of the Ligeance of His Majesty, his Heira Great Britain, in the year 1737 and 1739, and or Successors, who had inhabited and resid- by several other nations and states about the ed, or should inhabit or reside for the spaea same period. In the latter of which years, of seven years or more, in any of His Majes- they received a general toleration, by an act ty's Colonies in America, and should not of the British Parliament, encouraging them have been absent out of some of the said Colonies for a longer space than two months, to settle in the American plantations, litc, at any one time during the said seven years, by allowing them to take a solemn affirmation and should take and subscribe the oaths, and instead of an oath, and dispensing with their make, repeat and subscribe the Declaration not being concerned in military affairs, on appointed by an Act made in the first 3'ear payment of a rate assessed, i-c." of the Reignof His late Majesty, King George the I, entituled, an Act for the further se- The dates should be 1747 and 1749, respec- curity of his Majesty's person and Govern- tively. The first mentioned Act is so inter- ment, and the succession of the Crown in the esting and curious, that it is given here en- Heirs of the late Princess Sophia, being Pro- tire. It was passed in the 20th year of the testants, and for extinguishing the hopes of Reign of George the Second, 1747, and can be the present Prince of Wales, his open and se- found in the Statutes at Large of England, cret abettors ; or being of the people called Quakers, should make and subscribe the 7th vol., chap. 44, p. OS, and is as follows : Declaration of fidelity, and take and afiirm ANXO REGXI, GEOEGE II, REGIS. the elfect of the Abjuration Oath, appointed and prescribed by an Act made in the eighth MafjncB Brittannice, Francim and Hibcrnice. year of the Reign of his said late Majesty, VICESIMO. entituled, an Act for granting the people At the Parliament begun and holdcn at called Quakers, such forms of affirmation or Westminster, the first day of December, Declaration, as may remove the difliculties Anno Domini, 1741, in the fifteeirfh year of which many of them lie under; and also the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the and subscribe the Profession of his Second, by the Grace of God, ofGreat Britain, make France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Christian Belief, appointed and prescribed Faith, (tc. And from thence rontinned hij seve- by an Act made in the first year of the Reign ral Prorotjationi to the eighteenth daj/ nf Novem- of their late Majesties, King William and her, 174fi, being the sixth session of this present Parliament. Queen Mary, entituled, an Act for exempt- ing their Majesties' Protestant subjects for (The Royal Arms of Great Britain as they penalties of certain Laws, before the chief now are, 1SG9.J 'Judge or other Judge of the Colony wherein LOSDOS. such Persons respectively had so inhabited

Printed by Thomfis Baskett. Printor to the King's and resided, or sliould so inhabit and reside, most excellent Majesty: and of the Assigns of should be deemed, adjudged, and taken to be Thomas liaskett. 1747. His Majesty's natural born Subjects of this Kingdom, to all Intents, Constructions, and (035.) Purposes, as if they, and every one of them, Anno Vicesimo, had been or were born within this Kingdom : GEORGE II. REGI.?. And whereas, many of the People of the An Act to extend the provisions of an Act Congregation called the Moravian Brethren, made in the 13th year of Ilis aucrust Ma- and other Foreign Protestants not Quakers, jesty's Reign, entitnled, An A

sirous to transport themselves thither; and this Act, shall be transmitted to the Com- if the Benefit of the said Act made in the missioners of Trade and Plantations, in like thirteenth year of his present Majesty's Manner and under the same Penalties, as Eeign, were extended to them, they who arc the Lists of the Persons taking tlie Benefit now there would thereby be encouraged to of the said Act are thereby directed to be continue their Residence in his Majesty's transmitted. Colonies, and others would resort thither in Provided always, and be it enaeted by greater numbers, whereby the said Colonies the authority aforesaid. That no Person would be imjiroved, their strength increased, shall be naturalized by virtue of this Act,

and their trade extended ; be it therefore unless such person shall have received the enacted by the King's most Excellent Ma- Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, in some jesty, by and with the advice and consent of Protestant or Reformed Congregation, within the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Com- some of the said Colonies in America, within mons, in this present Parliament assembled, Three months ne.xt before his taking such and by the authority of the same. That from Affirmation, and making and subscribing and after the 25th day of December, 174", such Declaration, and shall at the time of all Foreign Protestants, who conscientiously his taking such Afiirmation, and making and scruple the taking an Oath, and who are born subscribing such Declaration, produce a cer- out of the Ligeance of his Majesty, his Heirs tificate signed by the Person administering or Successors, who have inhabited and re- the said Sacrament, and assisted by two sided, or shall inhabit and reside, for the credible witnesses, whereof an Entry shall space of seven years, or more, in any of his be made in the Secretary's office of the Colo- Majesty's Colonies in America, and shall not ny wherein such Person shall so inhabit and have been absent out of some of the said reside, and also in the Court where the said Colonies for a longer space than two months Aflirmatiou shall be so taken as aforesaid, at ?-ny one time during tlie said seven vears, without any fee or Reward. and shall malie and subscribe the Declaration And be it further enacted by the authority of fidelity, and take and aflirm the Eft'ect of aforesaid. That the Provisions contained in the Abjuration Oath, appointed and prescrib- the said Act. made in the thirteenth year of ed by thesaidrecited Act, madein the eighth his present Majesty's Reign, with Regard to year of the Reign of his late Majesty, King the Certificates of Residence, and of having George the first, and also make and subscribe made and subscribed the said Declaration, tb-i Profession of his Christian Belief, ap- and taken the said Affirmation, and as to pointed and prescribed by the said recited such certificates being made evidence in the Act, made in the first year of the Reign of Courts of Great Britain and Ireland, and also theirlate Majesties, King William and Queen in the said Colonies, and all other the Bene- Mary, before the chief Judge, or other Judge fits of the said Act, shall extend to Foreign of the Colony wherein such Persons respec- Protestants, who conscientiously scruple the tively have so inhabited and resided, or taking of an Oath, and who shall be qualified shall so inhabit and reside, shall be deemed, as aforesaid. adjudged, and taken to be his Majesty's Provided always, that the said Foreign natural born subjects of this Kingdom, to all Protestants shall enjoy the Privileges of Intents, Constructions, and Purposes, as if natural born subjects, and all the Benefits they and every of them had been and were of this Act, and the said Act of the thirteenth

born within this Kingdom ; which said affir- year of his Majesty's Reign mation and subscription of the said Declara- Provided always, and be it further enacted. tion, the said Chief or other Judge ef every That no Person who shall become a natural of the said respective Colonies, is hereby en- born subject of this Kingdom, by virtue of able and empowered to administer and take ; this Act, shall be of the Privy Council, or a and Ibetakingof every such afiirmation,and member of either House of Parliament, or the making and subscribing every such capable of taking, having, or enjoying any Declaration, shall be in such m.anner and Office or Place of Trust within the Kingdoms Place, and at such Times and Hours, and of Great Britain and Ireland, either civil or such Entries made thereof, and for the same military, or of having, accepting, or taking fees, and under the same Penalties, as in the any Grant from the Crown to himself, or to said recited Act of the thirteenth year of his any other in Trust for him, of any Lands, Majesty's Reign, are mentioned: and Lists Tenements or Hereditaments, within the of the Persons who shall take the Benefit of Kingdoms of Great Britain ur Ireland, anv- r F, T II L E H E M, PENNSYLVANIA. 67 tliiiiv; liiTi-inl.cfiirc pontaiued to the contrary Pennsylvania, ss. thereof, iu any wise notwitlistanding. T EDWARD SIIIPPEX, JuN : Protlionotary of the Provided also, and it is hereby further •-5 Suprram Court of Hie Province of Pennsylvania, enacted by the authority aforesaid. That DO hcreliy certify, That at a Supream Covirt held at Philndclphiu, nothing in this Act, or in the said recited for the said Province of Pennsylvania, the fifteenth day of April, in the year of our Act of the thirteenth year of his Majesty's Lord, One thousand seven hundred and iifty-four, Before William Reign contained, sliall extend, or be con- Allen, Lawrence Growdon, and Caleb Cowpland, Es- strued to extend to naturalize any Person or quires, Judges of said Court, between the hours of nino Persons whatsoever, who, by virtue of an and twelve o'clock in the forenoon of the same day, Act made in the fourth year of his Majesty's George Hoffman, of Germantown, in the County of Philadelphia, being a Foreigner, Reign, (intituled, "An Act to explain a clause and having inliabited and resided for the space of seven years in in an Act made in the Seventh Year of the Reiijn liis Majesty's Colonies in America, and not liaving been absent out of Iler late Majesty Qiiecu AxNE, for Natnraliz- of Homo of the said Colonies for a longer time than Two i)»^ Foreign Protestants, whicli relates to tlie months at any one time during the said sjven years ; of children natural born Subjects of the And the said George IIofTmau hr.ving produced to the Crown of England, or of Great Britain,) are said Court, a Cerlifleatc of his haviiiR taken the Sacra- ment of the declared and enacted not to be intituled to Lord's Supper vvitliin three niomlis before the said Court, took the Benefit of the said Act of the Seventh ai.d subscribed the Oaths, and did make and repeat the Declaration, (appointed by an 3'ear of her said late Maji*sty's Reign, but Act made in thefir.rt Yuir of the Keigu of liis late Majesty, that all such Persons shall be and remain in King GliOPGK, tlie Tiist.) according to the Directions State, Plight and Condition, the same to all ofan Actof Parliament, made in the thirteeuth year of Intents, Constructions and rur]ioses, what- his present Majesty King GEORGE the Second, in- sover, as they would have been in, if the tituled, ^In .tc(/or Nuluraiiiing such Foreign Pro- tatants, and others, said recited Act of the Thirteenth year of therein mentioned, as aresettled in liis ang of MoJest:i's Colonics in America ; and his Majesty's Reign, or this Act, had never there- upon was admilted to be his M^esty's natural born been made; anything in this Act, or in the Subject of the Kingdom of Great Britain, pursuant to recited Act of the Thirteenth of said year his the Direction and Intent of the said Act of Parliament. Majesty's Reign contained to tlie contrary, in In Testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my Iland, anywise notwithstanding. and ath.\ed the Seal of the Supream Court, thelifteent;i Day of April, in the year first above mentioned.

The following ancient and interesting EDW'D SHIPPEN, JR, I-rot.

Naturalization rajier, speaks for itself. [Seal of the Court.] — ——— —



CHAPTER IX. D stiind.s for Dnstrr, the dyer in wuol. ^ " who works the siiw. The EETnLEiiEsr Alphabet.—The Old Water ^l/ff^i't, with F '• Friday^ his Father-in-law. Works.—Dr. Mease's Sketch of the Mora- " G GiicttcTy who keeps tlie 'Wooi'-.vunl. vians.— Derby's Gazeteer, 1S27. Mrs. II " Ililhnan, who always works hard. Royal's Account, 1829. Prince Maxabiil- J " John, Jacob, Jundt, and his wife. lAN OF " Neuweid's VisiT, 1S32.—James N. K Kam2)man, the oldest in life. Beck's Sketches.—Gordon's Gazetteer of L *' Lange, both Father and Son. Pa., 1S32. The Centennial Celebration. 31 " Maslick and Milchsacl; alone. " U. S. Gazeteer, 1S43. Incorporation of N A'cisSfir, whose house is but half. " Oertcr, who iu calf. the Borough, 3S45. "God Save the binds books P " PfiiJ'cr, who tends the bark-mill. Luckenback's."— Act of Parliament Re- '* Q Quigloj, who married JaAc Till.

COC.XIZINGTnE"UNITASpRATRUM,"AS A PrO- ** II Ranch, ]{ id:seeker a.Tid Bice. testant Episcopal Church.^Origin of the S " ScJitieller, who teaches for price.

Moravians.—Some Account of the Settle- T '* Tomhler, a Boat is his sign. ment OF UoPE, New Jersey, frosi the V *' Vaipttt:, his shop ia his mine. " Historical Collections of that State. W Warner, the maker of Combs. X "a letter which nobody owus. " THE BETHLEHEM ALPHABET. Y Touugman, who has toys for Siile. Z '* Zfillcr, who takes around the Ale. By the late Htv'd Louis David de Schtceiiiitz.

A stands for Anders, both Bishop and Brewer. Tlie wood-cut at the head of this chapter, B " Bochhr, and Bier to secure. is a view of the " Old Water IIoWj* of Bethle- C " Cristf whose lady keeps school. hem j'' or rather, of the old building in which 1

K E T 11 L E II E iM, PENNSYLVANIA. G9 the first works for forcing up the water were expelled from the Dominions of the Elector erected ; taken from one of Kleckner's fine of Saxony, they resolved to go to America, large photographs. Tlie machinery was af- and the Trustees of the Colony of Georgia

terwards removed to tlie Oil Mill, so often having offered, through the Count, to grant spoken of in the accounts of the town, where them a tract of land, they set out in Novem- the celebrated buckwheat meal is now made, ber, 1734. and which is situated directly to the west of " The written instructions given by the the old building, on the opposite side of Count, were, 'That they should submit them- Water Street, on the banks oftheManockasy. selves to the wise direction and guidance of

A path runs along the south side of the God in all circumstances ; seek to preserve

house, up the hill into Main Street, between liberty of conseienoe ; avoid all religious dis- Ihe residences of Captain Abbott and Mr. putes, and always keej) in view that call John Fitz. This old house was the last given them by God himself, to preach the

building held by the Moravian Society, Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Heathen ; and when selling out their property in the town, further, that they should endeavor as much and it was finally disposed of to Mr. .Jedidiah as possible to earn their own bread.' These

Weiss, who still retains it; and whose son principles they have ever strictly followed.

now occupies it as his residence. " Having met in London with General

Ihe oil originally manufactured was Lin- Oglethrope, the Governor of Georgia, they seed oil, made from the seed of flax, which were provided with all the necessaries for was raised in large quantities by the Mora- the voyage to his beloved colony, where vians, previous to the Revoluti.on, and before they safely arrived in 1735, and settled ou

cotton came into use. the Ogeechc River : here they obtained the Ileckewelder says in his Indian names, character wiiich they so properly deserved,

*' of a peaceful, pious people. Another colony that the word Manockaey , means in the In- in the dian language, a stream with lonrj heads, or arrived course of the following sum- mer, and settled in Savannah. But in the many windings." And he spells it Maua- tjasfii following year, 1738, upon the attack of the Colony by the Spaniards from Florida, they Eeeently, in grading Market Street, the workman came upon the stone foundations were forced to leave their flourishing planta- tions, {having early declared that thei/ ti-unld not of one of the old Water Towers, in use for- he concerned in war and retired to Pennsyl- merly to give a head to the water in siipply- j)

vania : part in 1738, and the remainder ing the village. The main lower stood in came in 1740. They settled in Bethlehem. In the rear of the " Married Peoples' Houses," 1741, Count Zinzendorf arrived Pennsyl- as already stated; smaller towers were erect- in vania; after pious labor, particu- ed in different parts of the town; and the and much larly the Indians, returned one above mentioned stood in Market Street among to Europe opposite thesiteof the " Old Indian Chapel." in 1743. Morse's American Gazetteer, published in "In 1742, the Brethren erected a churcli 1797, says, that Bethlehem in 1787, had CO in Philadelphia, in an alley running north dwelling houses of stone, well built, and GOO and aouth from Mulberry Street to Sassafras inhabitants. Street, between Second and Third Stre^li-. Dr. James Mease, in his work called " The and hence called J/bi'atitaii Alley. The church Picture of Philadelphia," published in 181 is 40 feet by 30 feet, and will hold about

page, 209, s,ay.s, in reference to the Moravians three hundred persons. It has an organ. or United Brethren. Pastor, Rev. Joseph Zeslein. "The first congregation of this Amiable " The principles of the Moravians are con- Sect, that settled in North America, came tained iu 'An exposition of Christian doe- from Berthlesdorf, a village belonging to trine, as taught in the Protestant Chureh of Count Zinzeudorf, in U2iper Lusatia. When the United Brethren or Unitaa Fratruni, by A. — :


G. Spangenberg, with a preface by Benjamin in Philadelphia, in the year lS20,by Charles La Trobe.' They do not difl'er in the great Buck, volume II, page 82, Ac, there is an cardinal points from other Protestant sects. exhaustive article on the Moravians, tlie man-

They hold occasional ' Love Feasts' in tlieir ner of tlieir Church Government, Missions, churches, for the purpose of promoting friend- iSc, which, notwithstanding its great inter- ship, mutual love and kindness among one est, would be out of place in the present another. The aliment is of the most simple work. It was compiled from Craiitz's Ancient nature, wine is indeed sometimes used, but and Modern Hislori/ ^i. Dr. Ihtweix's Chnich en, of the means of salvation by the Re- Ilistori). Vol. HI, p. lSi,d-c.; Cranizs History deemer, a primary object of duty; and their of the Missiitns in Greenland, LoskciVs DinUn ij zeal in this respect is truly astonishing. of the Missions to the North American Indians ; Every part of the Globe has been visited and OldenJorp's Hiitori/ of the Brethren's Mis- nay, settled by their Missionaries; even the sions in the Danish West Indian Islands. inhospitable shores of Greenland and Labr.a- In Derby's Universal Gazetter, issued in

it is stated dor ; and the most unhealthy climates of 1827, in the article on Bethlehem, Africa and Asia have received the benefit of among other things, that the population of the their pious labors ; the frontiers of North the town in ISOO, was only 543, and in America, which, even at the present moment, Township, 1343. In 1810, the number in the are the hunting grounds of the savages, Township was 1436, and in 1820, the numlicr were settled by them more than half a cen- in the Township had increased to 1860 indi- tury ago, by a colony under the venerable viduals, nearly all Moravians. The number apostle, the late Rev. Mr. Zeisberger, and of dwcllinij hon-es in the town in 1820, was 72. others. No danger, however great, no priva- The population of the town itself, is only tions, or personal sufl'erings, however severe, given for the year 1800. deterred them from steadily pursuing their From Mrs. lioyaVs Pennsylvania, p ii.tcd in benevolent designs ; and although the hor- Washinijlon, D. C, in 1829, the following rors ofapredatory war carried on against the amusing and really entertaining sketch is inoffensive converts from heathen darkness, extracted of Chris- by men who disgraced the name '• Betlilehem is comparatively a large town tians, often interrupted the tranquility of and though mostly built of stone, has some their settlements, and occasioned their per- handsome brick buildings. It is regularly secution yet they availed themselves of the ; laid ofl' into handsome streets, and like first opportunity to recommence their labors, Nazareth, stands on a considerable eminence. and have joyfully seen their example follow- It, however, sinks in some places, and rises ed by other denominations of Christians. in others. The new buildings are showy, " The members of this Society are few in and built in the modern style ; but the origi- number in Philadelphia, when compared nal buildings are roughly built of stone, and sects. The head of their with those of other those where the Societies live, are huge

government is Hernhutt, in Germany. : the masses of great size, small windows, and of their church. Bishop subordinate power stone or brick floors, on the lower stories. Penu?ylva- Loskiel, resides at Bethlehem in The Church, however, and the Young La- uia. dies' Academy, are two of the finest buildings " For a full account of the labors of the in the United States.

Jloravians in Nortl> America, see * The His- " Theirgraveyards are peculiar; instead of tory of the Mission of the Unitas Frairum putting the tombstone perpendicular, it is among the Indians of North America, by the laid horizontally and loose on the top of the " Eev. Mr. Loskiel, London, 17114.' grave, as an emblem of death which levels In Buck's Theological Iiictiouary, printed all things. They have a house where the BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 71

dead are placed and locked up till they are heavy made, full round face and pleasing

interred, and the friends of the deceased countenance. In lii.s manners he excels, if

l^roceed from tliis house to the grave yard, possible, Bev. Van A'leck. lie is a native of

with appropriate music. Germany, but has been in tliis counti-y

'•Tlve Water Works of Bethlehem, hy several 3'ears j no one, however, would pei--

which water is conveyed through the town, ceive from his dialect that he was a foreign-

are a great curiosity. It is forced from a er. I have never seen an American whose spring 100 feet high into a deep well, and a demeanor and manners possessed the sann*

number of pipes le.ading nil" from tlio well ease and grace of Dr. Seidel, and it woubl under grouHd, conveys the water wlierever be mockery to attempt a description of the

it is wanted. They keep large cisterns full man. His conversation bespoke him a man

in case of fire. of high attainments, and upon the whole he *Dr. Steekle, of Nazareth, recommended me is one of the most fascinating men I ever to a Br. Green, at Bethlehem, whom he said met with. I would find at the stage house, kept by one r 'The following day I went to Church in Crist. Dr. Green, though he paid me a the first place, as I wished to see their mode great deal of attention, was not the gentle- of worship, and when the sermon was over

man his friend represented him. Nor was I I was to be admitted to the Academy, it

at all pleased with my quarters. The tavern having been so arranged. The Church is keener was from home, and his wife was an very large, and has a handsome organ. The impertinent, disobliging woman. men and women sit apart, the men taking '' Bethlehem, as well as Nazareth, has long off their hats. These sit on one side of the

been distinguished for the excellence of its house, and the ladies of the place upon the

schools. The Young Ladies' Academy at other, face to face, ahd the pupils sit in tlie

Bethlehem, is so well known throughout, middle. The pupils have, however, a place not only this country, but the world, that of worship by themselves, their seats are at

nothing I could say would be of any advan- right angles with the others. The daughters

tage to the Institution, its fame having of the citizens (single ones), sit with the

reached all parts of the Union. pupils. " I have seen numbers who were educated '•This was a good opportunity to see the at Bethlehem, and have often seen tlie work customs of the whole. Both men and women done by the pupils, which, no doubt, has were fashionably dressed, excepting, as in

reached every part of the United States, and otlier cases, the aged; but nothing could c.k- is doubtless superior to any needle work ceed the taste and neatness of the whole. done in our country, at least. They differ from all other peo|de in coun-

" I unfortunately called at Bethleliom on tenance, manner and dress. They all have

Saturday, and the first thing I did after -my a smile on their countenance, and none of arrival, was to inform the principal. Rev. (he sameness of the Quakers or the Shakers Chas. F. Seidel, of my presence. He, very in their dress, nor the sadness of the Metho-

gentleman-like, waited on me in a few min- dists, or the fripping flounces of other sects,

utes, and, after communicating my views, and still less the studied grimness of the Mr. S. said he would rather I would postpone Gray Coats. Some of the citizen ladies were my visit to the Academy till the next day, dressed in white, some in lead color, some

as the young ladies were always in undress in calico, some in bombazine, and some in

on Saturday, preparing themselves for the silk; their hats or bonnets, (if you please), ensuing week. That Saturday was the were neat, fine and small, and those of the usual day for cleaning up. This being the young ladies were trimmed with ribbon, but case, I liad to submit,as I was resolvedupon chiefly they excel in that art which conceals seeing the pupils and the interior of the art. For although most of them are learned, Academy. Mr. Seidel is a middle aged man, the most learned amongst them approach 72 II I S T K I C A L SKETCH OF nearest to nature. The congregation accom- which pLan of all sleeping in one room I do panied the organ in singing, ami both men not ajiprove, for though the room is high and women have books in their hands. But and airy, I am of the opinion that many nothing that has gone before can give any human beings, inhuling, as they must do,

i lea of the heavenly smile which sat upon each others breath, cannot be healthy. As t lie face of the preacher, and the beguiling resi>oct3 this Academy, nothing would be case of his gestures. If he is not perfection, more easy than to throw this large room into there is none on earth. Though I am chamlicrs.

.strongly prejudiced against priests, I could '• Tlio cooking department is also in tlic almost be brought to believe this man was same building; this is the best constructed a Christian, his face was never without and in the neatest order of any I have visited a s:nile. in the Atlantic country, excepting that at "They have none of that silly getting up the Hospital at Boston.

:iml getting down, and continual motion of " As it was Sunday, I lost the pleasure of other churches, and if I were to believe, hearing the young ladies play, or of seeing what I do not, that there were any Chris- 'them at work, though they were all in the tianity in the United States, I would say it rooms occLijiied in common for study. had fled to these Moravians for protection. "This was certainly the capstone of the In saying this, I wish to be understood that climax, and what I had for many years I hiive found a great deal of liberality, back ardently longed to see, and though generosity, and good feeling, but no Chris- fancy was raised to the highest stretch, tians agreeably to the requisites of the gospel. fell short of the burst of innocence, beauty, Those who have and are making so much and elegance which met my eye at the noise about religion, as they call it, seem to opening of each door. The retiring modesty be more upon the Jewish plan. But this is of some, the polished urbanity of others, the no more than an opinion,— to return, if there snowy arm, the delicate hand, the soft be any of the meek religion of the gospel in friendly smile, the spiral ringlet, the dim- our land it is amongst these Moravians. It pled cheek. I lingered at each door, lost in was not the Eev. Seidel who preached, nor admiration. As at Nazareth, they severally do I know his name, he was quite an orator. arose from their seats, and made a graceful • The only singularity I saw was the men courtesy as they were introduced. There and women go out of the Church at oj^posite were some from all parts of the United points, doubtless to prevent the young gen- States, and some from the Islands, some tlemen from gallanting the young ladies. were small girls and some were grown. I This was the only church in which I ever was much pleased to find Miss Bibbs there, saw window curtains used. The windows from Alabama, with whose parents I had are of amaziug height and width, and every formerly a slight acquaintance. one has a large, line, white curtain before it, with lead fastened to the bottom to keep "There was at this time a tliin school, on it in its place, otherwise the Church is with- account of a vacation, from sickness; if I out ornament. The pulpit is very high, and recollect, the first time the institution was the priest walks into it from another portion visited with sickness. There are, however, of the Church. more applicants than can be accommodated.

" After Church was out, Mrs. Seidel accom- This is much to be lamented, as it is cer- panied me through the Young Ladies' tainly the best female seminary in the

Academy, which, like that at Nazareth, does United States. It is wholly under the con- not consist of one entire large hall, like High trol of the United Brethren of Germany, schools or some Academies, but every class who, it appears, do not seek to enlarge it, has a hall or class room to themselves. They though the profits go to establish other

dine in one great hall, and sU-eji in another ; seminaries elsewhere. ,


" The young ladies showed me their frames and 1833, (a fine work, handsomely illus- with the unfinished work, which surpassed trated with eighty-five superb engravings, heauty. They have introduced what is translated from the German, printed in Lon- called ribbon work, recently taught by a don in 1843, and sold at the rate of $200 per German lady. This is very ingenious, and copy,) thus writes of the undergrowth of has still a richer appearance than the com- immense Mountain Laurel on the Lehigh mon way with floss silk. The ribbon work Hills, on the south side of the Lehigh Eivcr, is shaded like the floss, very narrow and near Bethlehem. " We saw here a thick curiously worked into flowers and figures of covert of the tall lihudodendron Maxrmvm

all sorts and shapes ; it is richer and much which was still, (August 2nd, 1832,) adorned easier done. The ebony work is a very use- with magnificent tufts of flowers."

ful work and a groat curiosity; everything Neuweid, also calls attention to the Ctc-

almost is made of it. The worsted work is Jiorium Iiiti/bus, with its beautiful flowers, also beautiful, hearth rugs, or anything you white and blue, which grows so plentifully

fancy is made of it. But the literary part of on the roadsides in the vicinity of Bethle-

the education is by far the most important." hem ; it would make a handsome garden "'Bethlehem ison the river Lehigh and a flower. small creek called the Jfanakes, bi miles Prince Maxamilian remained for some time from Philadeli)hia. The town begins on an at Bethlehem, at what is now known as eminence, and descends to the banks of the " Fetter's Hotel," then kept by Captain

latter, a handsome stream. The prospect is "Woehler, an old soldier of the great Na])0- not so handsome as that of Nazareth, as the leon, and a Westphaliau by birth. The Lehigh mountains approach too near the veteran's remains now reposo in the Old town, and confine the view within too nar- Grave Yard. In his life-time, the Captain

row limits. It is, however, a lively town, often spoke of" Prince Max," whom he drove the people pursuing a variety of business as all over the surrounding country, during his in other towns. It owns a great number of visit to Bethleheni and its vicinity.

mills, tanneries and breweries, and contains Captain Woehler occupied the fine old about 3000 inhabitants, (1S2S;. There are stone house in Water Street, opposite the also handsome flower gardens, shrubberies Tannery. He was a Moravian, and his house and pleasure grounds adjoining the academy, was kept with true Gei-man neatness, and all of which, with pure air, fine water, and there he dispensed to his guests Lager beer,

a rich surrounding soil, but above all the wine and pretzles only. His liquids were refined and pleasing manners of the inhabi- kept as cool as ice, by the waters of the cele-

tants, render it a delightful summer retreat, brated Spring that supplies the town with and to which numbers of the Southern water, and which was on his premises. The gentry resort during the warm months. All massive walls, the solid oak floorings and those who travel for amusement or curiosity staircases of the house, are well worth a visit. ought to visit those interesting towns." No such private buildings are erected iu Mrs. Ro}-al writes more at length about these degenerate days.

Kazareth and Bethlehem, and seems to have James N. Beck, in his pleasing little sketch been much prepossessed in favor of the es of " Music by Night, and Trout in the Moravians, which speaks well for them, as Morning," published in 1865 ; eulogizes the " all she handles the world, and the rest of polite old Captain ; and of his charming

mankind," without gloves. She, however, neice, writes thus: "Luischen, modest, full over estimates the population in IS28. In orbed waiteress of the Carivansera, a comely 1830, the town only contained 800 inhabi- German lass, whose good tempered noncha- tants; and in 1840, but 1,622 souls. lance, at times recalled to my mind Johann Prince Maxamilian, of Woid, in his trav- Ludwig Glein's stanza in ' Das Maedcheu els in the interior of North America, in 1832 Tom Laude." !


*' Wie fliesst (lie-. diT JIaeJcben gation; reading of a salutatory letter from the So ruhig daablut Board of Elders at Berthelsdorf, in Saxony. Der MacJchen vom Laude, Address in German and English, both by Wie bist der so gut," Rev. John G. Herman.

" I accent, Louisa she of the pure German 3. Second service, at lOi A. M. Reading of ever anticipated our wishes, with a grace as a Historical sketch of the founding and ])ro- charming as it was unassuming; may the gress of Bethlehem, in German, by Rev. P. murmuring, rippling waters of tiie Monoc- n. Goepp. kasy outside, serenade her for many ensuing 4. Third service at 3 o'clock P. M. ; a Li- years." turgical service; singing by the congrega- The only copy of Neuweid's work in the tion, and anthem by the choir, and an United States, is owned liy Mr. Wni. Theo- address by the Rev. Mr. Hecht, Pastor of the dore Roepper, of Bethlehem, Professor of Lutheran church at Easton, Pa. At this Mineralogy and Geology, in the Lehigh service. Rev. Charles F. Seidel, presided.

University. 5. Fourth service, 8 o'clock,?. M. Held

Gordon's Gazetteer, of Pennsylvania, 1832, in tlie old burying-ground, which was illu-

says of Bethlehem, " The situation on a ris- minated by more than lOilO lanterns of col- ored paper, and consisting of Liturgical ing hill is particularly romantic ; a fine mill- stream and the Lehigh Canal passing through offices by the congregation and choir. More the lower part of the town, affording con- than 2000 persons were present. siderable facilities to business. The number 6. Sunday, June 26, at 9 A. M., fifth ser- of private dwellings in the year 1831, am- vice, for the children, held by the Rev. Peter WoIle,of Litz, ounted to 112. The public buildings con- Pa.

sisted of a remarkably large church, a board- 7. At lOi A. M., service by the Rev. G. F. ing school for young ladies, established since Bahnson, of Lancaster, Pa., in German. Text, the year 1788, a school house for boys, and John, 15, 16.

two peculiar establishments, in one of wliieh 8. At 3 P. M., seventh service ; sermon in a number of widows find an asylum in their English by the Rev. David Bigler, of Phila-

old age, and in the other, unmarried women deljihia. Text, Habak. 3, 2.

chiefly, likewise of an advanced age, board 9. At 7i o'clock, P. M., the eighth and last together under proper regulations, and the service was the ordination of four Deacons of guardianship of the Society. The town con- the Moravian Church to the Priestliood, by

tains 800 inhabitants, &c." The account is Bishop Andrew Benade, as a fitting conclu- verv long, and particularly interesting, but sion to so eventful an occasion.

it contains nothing not already related and The United States Ciazetteer, printed in described. New York in lS43,say3 : " Bethlehem, which

On the 25th day of June, A. D. 1842, it be- is characterized by great neatness and order, ing the Centennial celebration of the settle- is on tile north bank of the Lehigh river, at ment of Bethlehem, the occasion was ob- tlie mouth of the Monokacy creek. The served in the Moravian Church witli a])- ground rises gradually from the river and propriate ceremonies, of which the following creek, and gives a commanding situation to built a street is a brief account, kindly furnished by the the view ; it is compactly on Rev. Edwin de Schweiuitz. running North and South, and two other

1. June 24, 1842. In the evening prepa- streets running east from the main street. ratory service was held by the Rev. JohnG. It contains a large stone church, in the Herman. Gothic style, 142 feet long and 68 feet wide,

2. June 25, 1842, at 9 o'clock A. M., the with a small tower rising from the centre,

first service of the Centesimal celebration. and surrounded by a dome. There is a bury- Anthem by the choir; hymn by the congre- ing ground to the north-east of the village. —


laid out with great neatness and taste, in so as to miss the morning stage, and was wliieh the graves have the head to the upon the point of giving up my plan, when

North. I was informed that a Mr. Luckenback " There are a.bout 200 dwelling houses, be- (David) from Bethlehem, who kept a hack,

side other buildings. There is a bridge over was ready to start for that place, having but the Lehigh 400 feet long. This place has one passenger. I eagerly embraced the op- long been celebrated for a female school of portunity, and found that passenger an old high order, conducted by the Moravians, in friend of mine. As my friend was intimate- which many highly respectable ladies of ly acquainted with Bethlehem, and its im- the lliddle States have received their edu- mediate vicinity, I gladly acceded to his ca ion. proposal, when we reached the summit of a

*' The Lehigh canal passes along the river hill within a near view of the town, to alight foot, through the lower part of the place. It con- and walk on in order to enjoy the de- lightful scenery. After walking a few jiaces tains 4 stores, capital S1G,500 ; capital in attention arrested manufacturies, SSS.DOO; 1 college, 8 students; my was by a young man in the adjoining field ploughing unusually 2 academies, 175 students ; 2 schools, 109 scholars. Population, ]fi22." deep furrows, and remarking to my friend that they Bethlehem was incorporated as a Borough appeared so to me, he replied that Mr. Luckenback (George) was noted for his on the 6th of March, 1845 ; and the first elec- tion for Borough ofBcqrs, was held on the deep ploughing. "Continuing our third Friday in March, 1845, and resulted as walk we soon arrived at the bridge over the Lehigh, were civil- follows : and Charles A. Luckenbach, Burgess. ly stopped at the gate by the toll-keeper, an old Mr. Luckenback, to Philip II. Goejip, Councilman. (Adam) receive the Benjamin Eggert, " toll, and while we were making some inqui- ries of him concerning Ernst F. Bleck, « the rise of the river John M. Micksh, « at the late freshet, a young gentleman on Christian Luckenbach, " horseback came up, whom my friend shook Charles L. Knauss, " hands with, informing me that he was a Mr. Luckenback, Christian Weber, Treasurer. (Charles Augustus) who had recently purchased the Samuel Brunner, Clerk. Mill property. I confess I began to wonder at the Matthew Brown, Stipervisor. frequency Augustus Milchsack, " of the name, and was just going to remark on it, when we came up with a person Charles W. Eauch, High Constable. car- rying a fowling-piece, accompanied by two The late Rev. Louis David de Schweinitz, dogs, whom my friend addressed one of the most learned and eloquent divine as Mr. Luckenback, (Samuel) telling of the Moravian Church in America, wrote me he acted as Forester to the town. some interesting and instructive little " the bridge across sketches for the amusement of his children; On the canal we stopped to admire this fine work, and one of these, the Bethlehem alphabet, has were contem- plating a new house just erected there, already been inserted, and the following, re- when I was surprised to hear person lating to one of the most influential and nu- a Mr.

Luckenback I (Jacob) to the master builder, merous of all the families of Bethlehem, is who was sitting full of wit, and proof of the assertion. on the rafters, and make some inquiries of him. Wethen went down Mij Firet Visit to Bethlehem. the tow-path of the canal, and walked up to " On my late journey to Wilksbarre, I was the Lock to see a coupleof^ris just passing. pleased with the prospect of spending an The lock-keeper, I Immediately understood, tfternoon at the pleasant village of Bethle- was a Mr. Luckenback, (Samuel, Sr.) and I hem. I had been detained at Quakertown, observed to my friend that it was strange —

7G lIISTOmCAL SKETCH OF that we should meet all the Luckenbaoks of Society', anil all descended from old Mr. the town before we entered it. I found my- Luckenback, who had been dead for upwards self, however, mistaken, for the first sign- of 80 years. Gnd anvc the LiickeiihncksJ''

Tjoard which struck my sight in town, in- The following Obituary is copied from The formed me that there lived a Mr. Lucken- Moravian. back, (William B.) a coppersmith. "When "Died, at Bethle'hem, Pa,, December 1, we approached the " Eagle Tavern," we saw 1867, very suddenly, Mrs. Elizabeth Luck- a number of persons assembled befoi-e it, and enback, relict of the late David Luckenback, iinderstood that they were the Committee, in the 85lh year of her age. under whose care and superintendence are " The deceased was one of the oldest mem- the various water-works, by which water is bers of the church at Bethlehem. For 35 years introduced, and my friend, with a smile, she lived with her husband on one of the pointed out to me a Mr. Luckenback, (Chris- river farms, belonging to the church, in the tian) the Chairman, as a person remarkable old homestead, the site of which is now oc- for his knowledge on such subjects. cupied by the Railroad offices of the Lehigh " By this time it began to grow late, and Valley Eailroad in the present borough of the church bell ringing, I learned that a South Bethlehem. marriage was to take place in the church ac- " She was the mother often children all of cording to the Moravian custom. Desirous whom are living, and had si.Kty-six grand- of witnessing the ceremony, I repaired children, and forty-three great grandchild- thither, my friend accompanied me, and ren, together one hundred and nine child- took pleasure in increasing my astonish- ren's children, of whom, however, thirty ment, by informing me that the young man died before her. Direct descendants to the who was to be married was a Mr. Lucken- number of eighty-nine survive her." back, (William Jr.) a cabinet-maker. Being The Act of Parliament of 22 George the invited to remain when the meeting broke Second, 1749, in 7th Statutes at Large, Chap. up in order to be present at the ceremony 30th, page lj5, i-o., hereinbefore alluded to which with the Moravians is in the place of as recognizing the Vnilas Fratrum as a Pro- a wedding dinner, I accejited. After some testant Episcopal Church, is as follows: time, the company being seated, a middle- " act for encouraging the people known aged clergyman entered and occupied the An by the name of Um'taa Fratrum, or United usual place of the minister; after he had ad- Brethren, to settle in his Majesty's Colonies dressed a few words of congratulation to the in America." young couple, he commenced singing, du- " ring which wine and biscuit were handed Whereas many of the people of the around. My friend told me that the clergy- church or congregation called the Vr.itas man was the Eev. Mr. Luckenback, (Abra- Fratrum or United Brethren, are settled in ham) a highly valuable missionary among his Majesty's Colonics in America, and de- the Moravian Indians in Canada, now on a mean themselves there as a sober, quiet and others of the visit to his friends in Bethlehem. And I industrious People ; and many ceased to wonder at the number of Lucken- same persuasion are desirous to transport baeks, and their various occupations, when themselves to, and make larger settlements their own expense, I was informed that at this wedding all the in the same Colonies at relatives of the parties had been invited, and provided they may be indulged with a full there was present on the part of the bride- Liberty of Conscience, and in the exercise of groom, 1 grandfather and 1 grandmother; 3 the religion they profess; and several of the conscientiously scruple the great uncles and 3 great aunts : 1 father and said Brethren do

1 mother; 17 uncles and 18 aunts; 10 bro- taking of an oath, and likewise do conscien- thers and sisters, and 21 first cousins, ma- tiously scruple bearing arms, or serving in king 80 near relatives, members of the any military capacity, although they are —


willing and ready to contribute whatever tain and Ireland, and also in all and every of sums of money shall be thought a reasona- his Majesty's Colonies and Dominions in

ble comjicnsation for such service, and America, as if such person had taken an which shall be necessary for the defence oath in the usual form." and support of hia Majesty's Person and There are seven other sections of tiie Act.

Government : — And whereas the said Coujrega- Penalty for false affirming. Not to extend tions are an Ancient Protestant Episcopal Church to criminal cases. Moravians summoned which has been countenanced and relieved to do military duty to be discharged on by the Kings of England, your Majesty's payment of the rate assessed; and that any predecessors. And whereas the encouraging person claiming the beneiit of the act should

tliii said People to settle in America w\U be produce a certificate of membership, signe'd beneficial to the said Colonies; therefore by some Bishop of the Cliurch, &c., all of

may it please your Majesty at the humble which are now without interest to any one.

petition of Abraluim, Baron oiGnsdurff ; Lewis In a worii entitled iha " Pictorial Sketch-

Baron Schrantenhack free Lord of Lindlieim : Book of Pennsf/h-ania," edited by Eli Bowen,

David Nitachmann Syndic; Charles Scbachmann and printed in 1853, is a note on page 30G, Baron of Hermsdorf, and Henri/ Cossart, agent, on the Origin and History of the Moravi-

Deputies from the said Moravian Churches, ans, from which the following extract is

in Behalf of themselves and their United made; the first part of which must be taken

Brethren, that it may be enacted ; and be it cum grano salts, as no authority is given for therefore enacted by the King's most Excel- the statement. The Ancient Brethren's lent Majesty, by and with the advice and Church dates only from the 1st of Marcli, consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, 1457. and Commons, in this present Parliament " In the 9th century, a sister of the assembled, and by the authority of the King of Bulgarvia, being carried a prisoner same, that from and after the 24th day of to Constantinople, became a Christian, and June, 1749, every person being a member through her means, on her return to her na- of the said Protestant Episcopal Church, tive land, a Christian church was estab- known by the Name of Unitus Fralrum, or lished in her native cou7itry, of which the the United Brethren, and which Church was king of Moravia and the duke of Bohemia formerly settled in Moravia and Bohemia and were members. A part of these churches also now in Priissia, Poland, Silesia, Lnsatia, were afterwards forced into the Roman

Germany, the United Provinces, and also in Church, but a select few still refused to be llis Majesty's Dominions, who shall be re- merged into it. This little remnant, adhev- quired upon any lawful occasion to take an ing to the pure and simple doctrines of the oath in any case whore by law an oath is or primitive church, suffered a variety of per- shall be required, shall, instead of the usual secutions for several centiiries, but were c\t form, be permitted to make his or her sol- length permitted to live in a wasted pro- emn afBrmation or declaration in these words vince on the borders of Moravia. Here they following : established a church in 1457, on what they

" ' I, A. B., do declare in the presence of deemed the rule and law of Ciirist, calling Almighty God, the witness of the truth of themselves at first, '^Brethren of the law of what I say.'" Christ," and finally, the " United Brethren." " Which said solemn affirmation or decla- As there are other denominations styling ration shall be adjudged and taken, and is themselves United Brethren, they are now hereby enacted and declared to be of the usually called Moravians. same force and effect, to all intents and "The celebrated missionary, Count Zin- purposes, in all Courts of Justice, and other zendorf, was not the founder of the Mora- places where by law an oath is or shall bo vian church, as many have supposed; but required, within the kingdoms of Great Bri- was merclv the Protector of some of t!;e 78 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF

members when driven from their native This structure was erected in 1781, and was originally the Moravian church, being sur- lanil. T!iey were allowed to settle in his mounted by a cup 'la, which has since been village of Eethelsdorf. He assisted to re- taken d.iwn, and a portico added. their church, and after fruitless organize " In the village burying-grouud at Hope, are them to join the Lutheran attempts to induce the graves of about 40 or 50 Moravians ; a sbib church, he became himself a convert to their of grey stone about two feet long is plac-ed lio- grave, each with a simple doctrines, and subsequently their leader rizontally over each recording the name, birth, and and guardian, especially in temporal af- inscription death. The following is a copy of two of the in- fairs." scriptions. several The Moravians are referred to in No. 33. places in the same work, and a mythical an- CONRAD OMENSETTER, related of Count Zinzeudorf, copied ecdote is Bolts December ISth, 1740, History of Wyoming Val- from Chapman's In Germany. ley p. 246, lie, of a rattlesnake which crawled , DEPARTED over his feet, without harming him, while Jiilj/ 2, 1792. he was sitting before a fire in an Indian

tent, during oue of his missionary visits to MARIA SALOME BLUM, the Shawanese tribe of Indians of Wyoming Born June lllh, 1718, Valley. An occurrence not at all unlikely, as In Hope,

it was a cool evening, and the snake was DEPARTED,

seeking the warmth; but the story sounds August 30, 1778. account of St. Paul shak- very much like the "The United Brethren, or Moravians, derive ing the viper from oif his hand into the their origin from the Greek Church in the 9th

fire, on the Isle of Melita. See Acts of the century. The Society, as at present, was on permanent foundation in 1722, by Apostles, 28 Chapter, and the first six versos. placed a Count Zinzendorf, a German nobleman. At Chapman says in a note, that the occurrence the commencement of the last century, after is not mentioned in the Count's memoirs, more than 200 of their congregations had been that the lest the Brethren should think destroyed or dispersed by persecutions in Mo- conversion of a jiart of the Shawanese In- ravia, a small remnant found refuge on his es- diaus was attributable to their supersti- tates in Saxony, and through his patronage built llernhut, now Ihcir hirgest settlemenJ. ti'lU. Count Zinzendorf, the instrument of renewing aceouutof Hope, The following interesting their church, was subsequently consccratod one is copied from the "Historical Collections cf of their Bi.-bopa, and from thenceforth devotjd theStateof New Jersey," by William Barber, his life to the cause. Individuals of all relig- and Henry Howe, published in jS'ew York, ious denominations united with tbem, and gave rise to such a diversity of sentiment, that it was in the year 1S4T, p. 491, &c. considered judicious to unite upon some general "In 1709 the Moravians from Belhlobein, Pa., rules of agreement. Accordingly, under the purchased a tract of about 1000 acres at Ibis guidance of the Count, certain articles of union place of Mr. Green, who lived in a log house on were concuircd in, which omitting the distinc- the liill, a few rods from the Christian church. tive doctrines of the various Protestant denom- Tlic Moravians who liv^d here were reuiarUably inations, alopted only the generally adniUted honest in all their dejftings, but by trusting fundamental truths of Scripture. The United too much to the honesty of those with whom Brethren, therefore, object to being considered they Lad business, suffered in their pecuniary as a separate sect, inasmuch as their own pecu- affairs. In 1S05 or liOO, they rehirned to their liarities arise principally from their social or- EBltlcmenls at Bethlehem and Nazareth. While ganization. Individuals of all Protestant de- here they erected a church and a tavern, which nominations, consequently, have always been

last stood where the Christian church is now admitted into their communities without re- erected, and was burnt a few years since. The nouncing their peculiar creeds. Discussions anne.ved engraving is a representation of the relating to the Trinity, and other speculative Union Hotel in the village, built of limestone. truths are carefully avoided, but they make BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 79 the merits of the Saviour the principal tbeuiu others nearly ^/(y years have elapsed ere they of their discourses, and the only ground uf sal- saw any fruit; yet they continued to labor, full vation. High wrought emotions engendered of faith, struggling against misrepresentations, by momentary impulses, are not considered as suffering and loss of life. sure testa of piety as a daily upright and hum- " The number of missionaries, with their ble deportment. The Moravian Church is wives, employed in 183S, was 230. These had Episcopal, and has a liturgy, but their Bishops 51,000 souls under their care, of whom 16,000 possess no pre-emiucni authority. were communicants. Owing to their simple attention •'The Brethren early turned their mode of living, and the practice, ia some in- propagating to this country, with the view oT stances, of supporting themselves by personal the gospel among the Indians. In 1735 they labor, this great scheme of missionary effort temporarily established themselves in Savan- has been conducted on a very economical to Penn- nah, but abandoned and returned (?) scale. The annual outlay of the Society for being obliged, if sylvania, in consequence of the support of their 42 stations, pensions to they remained, of taking up arms with the returned missionaries and widows, and the Spaniards against the English. Here it was, education and apprenticing of their children, it is believed, that the great founder of Metho- and other expenses, amounts to about $50, dism, John Wesley, became acquainted with 000. them, from whom he imbibed some of his pecu- "There are at present in the United States liar sentiments. In 1741 they settled near the several societies of Moravians, besides their in- forks of the Delaware. Count Zinzendorf, then dependent communities; but as they do not on a missionary tour in America, visited this come under their social regulations, cannot iu place at Christmas, in that year, and lodged in the fullest sense be considered as belonging to a log hut attached to which was a stable. From them. Their communities are at Bethlehem, this circumstance the name of Bethlehem was Nazareth, and Litiz, in Pennsylvania, and at given to the settlement. Salem, in North Carolina. "The Count was undoubtedly pre-eminently " Bethlehem, their largest town, has about fitted for a pioneer iu the cause, lie is repre- 1000 inhabitants, who are mainly of German sented to have been one of the most extraordi- descent, and speak and worship in that lun- nary divines that has appcare-' since the Re- guag.\ The village is romantically located, formation—a man of fervent piety, powerful compactly built, and combines the attractions imagination, original genius, and extensive re- of both town and country. Their government

quirements, and a sound, though perhaps, is administered by a Board elected biennially. eccentric theologian. In his portrait he was The land belongs to the Society, and is let out dresseil in a plain, single-breastod ccjat, a man- for building-lots, and other purposes, at a tri- tle partially thrown over the shoulder, and a fling annual rent. This enables them to keep white cravat, gathered in a simple fold; the their village free from unworthy persons; but hair dark, smoothly parted on the left side, and they ever admit of the temporary' residence of hanging in graceful ringlets down the neck such as are willing to conform to their exterual

and shoulders ; the forehead high and even; regulations. The inhabitants are engaged in eye penetrating; nose, long and aquiline; the usuol mechanical, mercantile and agricultu- mouth large, but well formed, and the general ral employments, and some have acquired con- expres!>ion highly intellectual, denoting purity siderable property. It was formerly the custom

of thought and benevolence. When here, he here, and is still in Germany, to have separate travelled much among the Indians, generally establishments for sueh as had not families,

on horseback, but not unfVequently on foot. viz., the ' Single Brethren's House,* for young Once or twice he narrowly escaped being slain men and apprentices, where they lived and by them. carried on their respective employments; the

'' No people have probably done so much in ' Sister's House,' for the abode of unmarried

the cause of missions, in proportion to their ' females; and the * Widow's House.' But as

means, as the Moravians. The sufferings and , the Society has increased ia wealth, the ncces-

devotedness of their missionaries have been sity for them has vanished, and it is believed j without a parallel, and many interesting anec- they do n>.t now exist any where in the Ui:inn.

dotes are given of them. They have gone I "Meetings are held every evening in the

forth single-handed and unknown, among the I week. Sunday mornings the litany is read, savage population of the West Indies, tl»e sour, and a sermon delivered in the church; services

licentious hordes of Greenland, and the savages are also performed iu the evening. Ccrtai i of our own country. la some instances (cm, in festival da^s, such as Easter, Penticost, Christ- 80 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF

mas, Ac, are celebrated. As usual among the they always do, upon the still morning or even

Germans, great attention is paid to music j and ing air, must have a singularly melancholy

almost every dwelling has its piano, and it effect upon the hearer, reminding him that ho forma one of the most interesting features of too is mortal. Their funeral services are usually their public worsriip. Before the Lord's Supper performed in the Church, from thence the con. they have a Love Feast, when all assemble ex- gregation march to the grave preceded by a pressly to listen to vocal and instrumental mu- band of music. If the deceased is a female, the

sic, interspersed with hymns, in which the con- ladies follow first after the coffin, if a male, the gregation join, while they partake of a cup of reverse. They ci'nsider death as no evil, but coffee, tea, or chocolate, and light cakes, in the entrance to eternal bliss, and therefore do token of fellowship and Ijrotherly union. Easter not mourn for friends, nor wear insignia of

morning is devoted to a solemnity of a peculiar grief. In alluding to the departed, they use kind. At sunrise the congregation assemble in the expression " hiitu gehcn," signifying that the grave-yard; a service accompanied by music, they have gone home. The grave-yard, like

is celebrated, expressive of the joyful hopes of most of this denomination, is laid out as a gar- immortality and resurrection, and a solemn com- den, and planted with trees, under which are memoration of those who in the course of the seats for visitors. The graves are void of the last year, have gone to heaven. disagreeable coffin-like shape of our own, but " Soon as a person dies the event is announced resemble flower-beds, and in many cases are by solemn instrumental music, from a band covered with myrtle and other ornamental stationed in the church tower. Different tunes plants. The monuments are small slabs, laid are played, signifying the sex, age, and condi- horizontally on the graves, the inscriptions

tion of the deceased, so it then usually is known uppermost, and bearing simply the name, age,

who is dead. These death hymns, sounding m and place of decease," — —— ;f—; —!

B E T II L E II r: M, 1M-: N N S Y L V A N I A. 81


CHAPTER X. Ilath liL-re the reaper paused,—forever gleaning Moravian Memories.—Modern Bethlehem. Amongst the dead? —THE Old Grave Yard.—Funeral Cere- Yes; to a holier, calmer meditation monies of the Moravians.—Tschoop.—Ta- Some soul has passed—some spirit of our love Wakened amidst that wondrous revelation DErSKUNG, anecdote OF THE ChIEF, THE FI- That w.iits above GURE ON Indian Rock on the AVissahicon.— David Nitschmann.—Dr. Robert Dudley Gone,—gone forever ! Brother! well betide thee 1 Sing on where lioUer lays shall call thee blest Boss. Mourning Dress not worn by the Singon 'till we attoUL' our harps beside thee Moravians.—The Passing Bell.—Easter In peaceful rest. Morning Celebration.—Drives^ Walks, And eacli departed hath its own sweet token, AND PLACES OF INTEREST NEAR BeTHLEHEM. AVhippered to loved ones in that trumpet tone, —Dr. Maurice C. Jones and tueFremden- Distilling dew o'er hearts with sorrow broken eiener's,—Moravians in early times. From Heav'uly home. consolation MORAVIAN MEMORIES. Memento beautiful ! that breathest No shrieking, clanging, horror-broodiug knell, Nor hail'st despair, nor sick'niug desolation BY GEN. WM. EMIt DOSTER. 1S5G. Like tolling bell.

There yon Church tuwer'a summits high and ho;iry, glorious ritual ! Essence of Heaven's creation Point, like griiy-inantled Prophets, up towards the eky In melody to mourn the sainted dead. "Where speaks yon dome Moravia 3 olden glory, Pouring, like Israel's bard, his harp's oblation S9rene and high. O'er Absalo-ii's head.

There sounds mysterious, soul-enthralling numhers, * Elysian lyres, ye are fountains forever flowing Melting in sunlight, as sad Mcmuon's voice of old O'er drooping flowers—echoes of angel's choirs, Soft as the mermaid's strain tUat wooes the twilight Where white-robed souls are chanting, and forever slumbers, glowing

- Are geutly rolled. With Heavenly fires I

And still sublimer far, ya sound to sad afl!liction Ye have heard them blendiog with your matiu dream- As wild as trump, triumphant o'er the blast, Shall sound to our great final resurrection Yo have caught their carols lingering o'er the lea. Creation's last I Ye have heard thtm tell, in voices more than seeming' "'Tis well with me!" That Grave-yard chant on resurrection morningj Floating like peon towards tlT uprising sun^ Yet fraught, thoss strains, with wild and fearful mean- Emblem of Christ's triumphant Earth returning ing, The slauchtersd One I The list'ners pause, and muse with wondiring tread f Each class has itspeculiarhymn tune performed by * The Tromhnne choir aunounting a death from the the Trombonists. There are eifiht classes. steeple of the Church. JEaster morning celebration in the Grave Yard, !


once upon a time," "ary's ivpcpi'is- It is related, ••That Thoee voices, too, nppocr !il:--> Saviour's tomb- at night- Her tearful orring o'er her when a br.nd of hostile Indians had miustrel's sleepuii; Singing above the beds of themselves on the south bank of In ritavenly bloom, fall secreted destroy the the Lehigh, witli the intent to Christmas even,* TlKit ttraud oU; anCieni, rii.le of one of place, and massacre its inhabitants, Around you Church's arches carolled near and far : hailiug on orient died, the trombones, as .^ueh snug th' angelic hosts, the brethren having of the heuvi-n usual, were sounded from the belfry That morning Star 1 in- Church, to communicate the loss to tlie like the dewcf morning. Phnll these all perish Those sad, sweet dirges, Islaads far away fant settlement. To vapory homes recalleJ,—to ; Earth adorning the sex, age, Or shall their fragrance hallowed three in number, announcing Endure for aye? breath- and condition in life, of the departed, breathe their nurabers- cadences upon the evening Yes, let these melodies forever ed in mournful to purer, nobler love. tones of an .^olean ICxalt my soul air, like the wailing harp that never slumbeis. Till I awake the the ears of the lurking In realms above harp, falling Ufon superstitious savages—who were watching with entrancing emotion, Then 8W(cp o'er my soul jl/«»—seemed to wave. the rites of their Medicine When they carry me there where the willow's sad in Lethe's ocean. the Great Spirit. O. chant one last dirge, ere I sleep them to be a warning from the grave. it's last echo in the gloom of their am- And dicam Thrilled with terror, they deserted as in clays of old, project, Bethlehem is not no-sv, buscade, aUndoncd their murderous south through a wood, into the approached from the and with silent, rapid steps, plunged the rough stage route, behind by a bridle-path, or by depths of the forest, and soon left far innovation of the they but by the more modern them the spot and people protected, as " Railroad." The train, North Pennsylvania supposed, by the great JIanllou." famous for its trout provocative of a on leaving Hellertown— The air of Bethlehem is winds around the eastern that inul trout suppers— good appetite, and it must be confessed, Mountains, on the south as pos- base of the Lehigh the inhabitants encourage it as much that name; and to the the utmost side of the river of sible, and then endeavor, with you see have ex- north-west, situated on a declivity, success, to gratify the desires they churches of that are all excellent tlie houses, schools, and cited. The housekeepers Visions of famous old town. cooks, and provide abundantly.

object that particularly attracts aiifjiir cake," and The first " ajiple cake," •' Mo.avian situ- is the imposing school edifice, provoke the ihe eye, other delicacies that continue to of the hill. Near it looms still ated on the top appetite after the solids have been eaten, distance, the spire of the large Mo- living, bettor up in the linger in the memory. For good church, and the belfry, from wliioh Hotels ravian cannot be had than is obtained in the sound the call to that joyous the trombones of this ancient borough. announce the festival, llie "Love Feast," or iu Bethle- The first visit of the stranger death of one of the members of the breth- Cemetery, hem, is naturally to the Moravian church. Sounding from on high iu oc- ren's situated near the centre of the town, and sad, yet sweet dirges of the trom- th3 air, the cupying about five acres of ground. It is fill the hearer with a pleasing melan- bones, handsomely laid out with walks intersecting religious It is one of those outward va- clioly. each other at right angles, having trees of ob- ceremonies which the Moravians still borders, principal- rious kinds planted on the cherished, and ever serve. May ii long be Locust, Maple and ly consisting of Poplar, as a mark of their gentle faith, far remain Dog- wood. the forms and time-honored cus- tco many of ^hade, " Beneath those rugged elms, that yew tree's Church, have been abandoned, heap toms of the Where heaves the turf iu many a moulJering ; laid— by the town and people becoming American- Each in his narrow cell forever The rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep." ized. Hasan's beautiful authi'm—'- Morning from all *liev. F. F. This sacred spot is entirely free gtar the darkness break."' E i; T ll L E H S M, P E N N S y L V A X I A. £3

those ghastly momunents usually erected in have failed ; and it is very pleasant to know-

burial grounds, to beautify them; but which that it is so. Each grave is marked by a render them j^laccs to be avoided by the sen- small marble slab, about a foot and a half by

sitive, and fill tUocasual visitor with a thrill two feet in size, laid flat upon it; emblematic

of dread in the day time, and with sensations that death levels all, and that all are alike.

of horror in the night; and sometimes scare Each stone has cut upon it the name, age.

the wits out of nervous people. It is said and birth-place of the departed. If a mar-

that on one occasion lately, it being neces- ried woman, her maiden name. Sometimes sary to change the place of repose of a de- a verse of a h3'mn,or a quotation from the

l>arted brother, the grave-digger took advan- Scrij^tures is addeil. Elowers are planted on

tage of a fine moonlight night to effect that many of the graves, and vases with wreaths

purpose; it was quite late at niglil, and on and bouquets of flowers arc common tokens of

reaching the coffin he found it would be ne- affection to be seen on the little slabs that cessary to have a rope, for which he dis- cover the remains of some loved one, gone

jiatched his son, who was assisting hiiu, but fi'om the earth forever. Time soon takes oil who remained away so long on the errand, fi-om the marble tablets their glaring white- the old man became very inij)atient; hear- ness ; the grass grows around them, and they ing at last footsteps approaching on one of are almost hidden from the sight, and the the walks near him, he supposed it was his visitors see only blooming flowers, trailing

dilatory assistant; stripped of his coat, in vines, luxuriant grasses, waving ti'ees, and his white shirt sleeves, his hat off, and his comfortable benclies to sit upon. They hear long white hair streaming in the wind, ho the songs of the birds, see the children play- raised up from the grave his tall white ing upon the walks, and lured by the beauty ghostly-looking figure, and with his deep and novelty of the scene, forget entirely voice sarcastically said, " Komat den laid?" where the}' are, or to be sad and mournful. (i.e.), nrc yov. coining soon? Imagine the ter- And thus the Moravian grave-yard becomes belated wanderer, ror of the who was taking a place of cheerful resort to the living, and a short cut home a yell, a rush of footsteps, — the sweetest spot on earth in which to place and a wild jump which cleared the paling of the remains of the loved ones who have gone

I ho enclosure, was the answer to this sum- home. Beneath dear Bethlehem's sky may mons from the grave. my remains to earth committed be, when

this life's weary journey 's o'er. Tlie bravest-hearted would naturally hesi- Although has so sadly, yet so sweet- tate about passing a night alone in the Ceme-

ly sung in immortal verse : teries of Laurel Hill, or the Woodlands, in '• wird eiust des Philadelphia, or in any of those in our large W(! WaLilermmlen Lotzte ruhestatte seiu ? cities, no matter how beautiful they might UiitcT Palim-n in di-m Snclen?

tJnter Liudea ciem Rlit-in ? be in broad daylight ; but in Bethlehem, the an

children play all day in the grave-yard, and "Werd' ich wo ineiner'Wustn go home at night with reluctance. Ladies Eingescharrt von jrenider Hand? Oder ruh* ich an der Kn^to sit on the benches in the shade at their sew- Kiues Meere3 in dem Sand ?

ing, at all hours of the day; and at night " Iraniorhin ! mich wird uragebon

lovers oft wander under the trees, and linger Ootteshimmel, dort wie liier, Uiid als Todtenlarapen schwebeii si

are in a jdaee sacred to the departed. All '• Wiicre fliall tlien this weary wanderer,

this is easily accounted for; the Moravians Wlien the sonl is parted, lie ? have striven to make their gt-ave-yards as Under cool and dusky Lindeuji, M'itli tlie bhie HIiiDO sweeping by? attractive as possible, and they have succeed- Or wiiere stately Palms are waviu;; ed in that in which all the rest of the world 'Gainst tUo tdoudlesa Southern sliy ? —

84 II I s T r, I c A L s K i: T r n of

' Shall a grave be f isliioned Tt me, ren. Nothing in Bethlehem is more illustra- anil alien haiiil— By :i cold tive of the peaceful character of its people \Vlierc no bird will sing iibovf nii^ than this icene. The birds seem to know In tlult wild and dcaert laud?

Or, till' lonely shore receive mo that they will not be harmed, and the place the sea-coast's barren sand? 'Xeath is always full of them, even in day time, es- " above nic, Let me rest^God's heaven pecially the Robins, which arc so tame tliat Full of love, Bliall ever be— they scarcely seem disturbed by the jiroseni^c In this world—and that immortal. will free Ah ! my Spirit be of human beings. lamps will quiver, And like Dealh's pale Immediately adjoining this grove in the Solemn niglit-stars over me.'' garden of Doctor Abraham Stout, stands an The men and women are placed in sepa- old majestic ^I'ne tree, which, although shorn rate divisions of the ground, in regular or- of some of its lower limbs by vandal hands, der, the heads to the north. The first and a portion of its upper trunk by the interments of the bodies wore evidently fierce storms of winter, is still a prominent oommenced at the north-west corner of object in an approaching view of Bethle- the grave-yard; and one can read the names hem, and a thing of great interest to the of the ancient fathers of the Church, or of towns people. In the early Spring, flocks some Indian convert, buried there. At first of Black-birds fill its branches with their the tomb-stones were very small, and con- nests, and the Orioles swing there their tained only the number of the interment on gourd-like Summer home; where high in air them they are secure from molestation. A very Those who love the neat simidicity of the handsome stereoscopic view of the " oldPine Moravian system of burial, will perceive tree," is included in Kleckner's views of with regret, that in later years the Memorial of March Bethlehem ; and in the Moravian Stones upon the graves are being made larger 22d, 1800, the "oldest inhabitant" thus re- and larger; and are led to fear that the lates its history: Church will at some future day depart from " Aboutthe year 1703, twocitizens of Beth- their ancientcustom in this regard, and adopt lehem, viz.: the late Joseph Horeficld and the monumental piles of masonry used by Frederii:k Fuehrer, made a trip to the Poco.»to other sects, which are only evidences of the Mountains. On their return they observed pride and wealth of the living, and not many small Pine trees growing at the way- marks of esteem for the dead. side. Mr. Horsfield said to his friend " come At the eastern extremity of the Cemetery let us pull up a couple of these, and plant large grove of trees, a famous resort for is a them when we come home, we may perhaps flocks of birds of all kinds, but particularly live to see them grow up large enough to the Black-birds, who make it their especial furnish wood for our coffins." Theybrought at nights; although you may roosting-place two along, Mr. Fuehrer planted his a short Baltimore Oriole, see there the beautiful distance east of the late "Old Crown Inn." Cedar-birds Robins, Flickers, Thrushes, and lie survived the tree by three days. It was other kinds. Towards sunset they begin to blown down by a storm. The other one now arrive by flocks, squads, or in pairs, and set- standing was planted by Mr. Horsfield. The

tle in the trees, each kind of birds take pos- ground upon which it stands was formerly session of different trees, from which they known as his nursery. make raids on each other, causing the air to "Have pity on the Black-birds! they are resound with therushing noise of their wings becoming more domesticated than formerly. as they wheel in rapid flight, or with their They may steal a few seeds from your gar-

twittering cries and songs, till the evening dens, but at the same time they relieve us to is far spent; in the morning the ground, and from the thousands of insects more be walks are covered with their beautiful feath- dreaded than all theharmdone by the birds. ers, which soon become the S])oiI of the child- Prudent farmers of the present day welcome : —


tlie appearance of the Black-birds, ami even Chief was on a visit to Philadelphia, after entice them with food. his conversion, he was found one Monday " May we not, with very slight change, ad- morning, by a well known Friend, Anlhoni/ dress Bryant's words to the water fowl, to Benezet, sitting on a curbstone, in Market these birds in their migrations hitherward street, with his feet in the gutter—very

- AH (lay your wings have fannM, drunk. " Why, Tademkung, I thought thee .\t that far height tlio colt], tliin atnioephere, was Moravian ?" a good said the Friend ; Yft stoop not weary, to welcome land, " Thongh the dark night is near." Ugh I Chief no Moravian now. Chief joined Quaker meeting yesterday," replied the fa- * .\nd soon that toil shall end, cetious savage. Soon shall you find a Summer home, and rest; .\nd scream among your fellows— bend Pines shall Tadensknng is described as having been a Soon o'er your sheltered nest." tall, portly Indian Chief, proud of his posi- And add the moral tion as the leader of the Delawares, or Lenni

lie. who from zone to zone. Lenape tribe ; an earnest talker about his Guides through the boundless sky your certain flight State and Nation, and over-fond of " fire- In the h)ng way we must tread alone. Will load onr steps aright." water." The Delawares once roamed over In the north-western part of the Cemetery, our hills in pursuit of game, or held their in that portion of the ground allotted to the Councils in the valleys of the Wissahieon men, will be found the graves of many In- and Manatawna, as the Schuylkill was origin- dian converts. Among them, conspicuous by ally called. Man-a-taw-na, (i. e.) the place where they drank. having at its head a rose bush, that in Sum- mer bears a white rose, which was planted On the eastern side of Wissahieon Creek, there by Miss Mary Eyre, a daughter of the nearly opposite the "Indian Eock" Hotel, late Manuel Eyre, lie the remains of Tschoop, may be seen the figure of an Indian chief

said to be the father of Uncas, who, under tlie fastened upon the face of a high perpendicu-

name of Ckin rjacli gook, is one of tlie char- lar rock, which commands a fine view of the

acters in Cooper's series of novels, called surrounding country. This rock is peculiar, " Leather Stocking Tales." The tomb-stone having a pulpit-like recess formed by nature

bears the following inscription. in its perpendicular front, with astone table

"In Memory of 'in the centre like a pulpit desk, which tra- Tadeus- Tschoop,— a Mohican Indian, dition says, was used by the Chief (

Who in holi/ baptism, April ITih, 1742, kimg) when addressing his tribe. From the receiced the name of papers of Joseph Eastburn Mitchell, one of Jonx. Philadelphia's antiquarians, to whom tlio

One of the first Jruits of the public is indebted, in a great measure, for

Mission at shekomeko, and a this memorial to that celebrated Indian

remarkahU instanct nf the power Chieftain ; much of the information here

of divine grace, wherehy he given concerning him is due. Mitchell spells hecame a distinguished teacher the old Chieftain's name Tedi/uscung, but I

among his nation. have preferred to follow Cranz ; see his His-

He departed this life in full tory of the Brethren, page 476. The figure assurance offaith at Bethlehem of the Indian Chief was placed there on

AugustTith, 1T47. the 18th of July, 1856, in commemoration of

'' There shall be one fold Tadeuskung's last visit to the spot, which oc-

and one Shepherd. John x. 16.'' curred just 100 years previous, and is said to Tlicre are altogether 58 Indian converts be a correct representation of a Delaware buried in the Cemetery. A ludicrous anec- Chief. This "Indian Kock" and "Indian dote is told of the celebrated Indian Chief Hill," as it is called, on which it is situat.d, Tadtuskiinij, a ^loraviau convert. "While the was venerated by Indians as a place sacrtd : ; ; ; ,

HISTORICAL SKETCH OF to the Great Spirit, and Tadeuahung and his the class, or choir, of" Single Sisters" of the band of warriors often frequented the spot Moravian Church. She was buried in the endeared to all the tribe, as the place where (then) exact centre of this old burial ground, their forefathers had offered up their sacri- in the middle path.

fices to the great ilanltoti ; for the Leiini The middle path was then the second one Lenape's were the former owners of all these from Market Street, running east and west. lands, from the Delaware to the foot of the Mrs. Nitschman was the I53rd person buried " Endless" mountains. in those grounds. The mound over the grave

Of the old Chief it may be said was subsequently levelled, owing to the fact,

that it was the ** Once a mighty Chief, whose many bands in path, and became en-

Hanged freely o'er these ahadcd lands croached upon, and the tablet defaced. She

But now there's scarcely left a trace was laid there because of her exemplary

!'' To inind us of that faded race christian life and character. She was then

And of the Bed Men who once lived here, and still is called " a hand-maiden ofthe Lamh ,•" ' it truly has been written : and by some, The Congregation's Mother;"

and her memory is honored in the church. " that all have passed away, The noble race—and brave She was thus buried, not at herown request, That their light canoes have vanished. but by those in authority, as an honor, and

Prom off the crested wave a bright example to others. Her grave is where they That 'mid the forests roamed. directly opposite (north of) Ko. 114, and There rings no hunter's shout ; south of No. 109. But, their name is on your waters, In the north-eastern portion of the Ceme- Ye may not wa^h it out.

tery is a stone, on which is the following : Kear the grave of Tschoop, towards the " Louis David west, are interred the remains of the Foun- De SCHWEISITZ, der of Bethlehem, and upon the tablet dedi- Senior Ctvilis.

cated to his memory, is engraved : He was born " PAVID NITSCHMAN The 13th of February, 17S0, FOUNDER* at Bethlehem, Pa.

of Bethlehem, who felled the first tree, and Departed this life

built the first house. the Sth of January, 1S.34." Born September 18th, 1676, lu the southern section of the ground, set IS MOHAVIA, apart for the males, beneath the shade of the Died April 14th, 1758. grand old American tulip trees, which orna- This second ment this quiet homeofthe departed ones,l;e Memorial was erected the remains of a boyhood friend and fellow 1853." June student— Robert Dudley Ross, M. D.,a neph- On the 22nd of February 1751, Johanna, ew of John Eoss, the late celebrated Chief of the first wife of the very Eev. Bishop John the Cherokee nation. The grave of the old

Nitsehman,Sr., dejiarted this life at Bethle- Chief's eldest son, James McDonald Eoss, is

hem. Her husband was then the ruling near by. The inseripaon on his tomb is very spirit liere, being the successor of Upanrjen- singular. herij. She was an extraordinary woman, one Bethlehem was until very lately, the resi- of the eighteen single women, who at Hern- dence of many families, descendants of the hut, formed that covenant, out of which grew American Indians.

* The above, commonly known as '• Father Nitscli- Among the Indian converts buried in this mnn," page 6, was the Master-builder. Ills nephew. old Cemetery, there is one particularly de- Bishop David Nitschman, was the Founder, see p.age

serving remembrance, namely ; the aged 69, also the '-Transactions of the Sloniviau Historical

£ociety, ' page 125, in a note. Brother Micuael. In his younger days, this : ; : ;;

n K T II L E n E M, PENNSYLVANIA. r7 old Savage, was one of the most experienced moves on to the place of interment, where and undaunted warriors of the Munsey tribe, the corpse being placed beside the grave

lie was baptised in 1742, and led until his tlie Minister says :

deatli, a consistent christian life. He was " Lord have mercy upon us." styled of the Indian Mission." "The crown And the people respond : serenity of his countenance, when laid The " Christ have nxerzy upon us.

in his coffin, formed a singular contrast to Lord Lave mercy upou us. the warlike characters scarified and tattooed Christ liear us'^

upon his face when he was a noted Indian Then follows the Lord's prayer, with the brave. his right cheeli was On and temple solemn Litany :

the representation of a rattlesnake ; from LordOod, Son, Saviour of the world,

theunder lip a pole was drawn, passing over Be gracious unto us.

the nose and up between the eyes to the toji By thy human bir:h.

of his forehead, ornamented at every quarter By tby prayers and tears,

of au inch with round marks, intended to Bless and amifort us. represent the number of scalps he had tak- Lord and God.

en ; upon his left cheek two lances, crossing Lord God, Holy Ghost,

each other appeared ; and upon the lower Abide with us forever. of wild-boar. jaw was delineated the head a Then follows the prayer, beginning : " I

All these figures were executed with a re- am the resurrection and the life, saith the markable degree of artistic skill. He died Lord, Ac." After which the assembly sing, July 25th, 1758. to the aeeompanimcntof the trombone choir

The funeral ceremonies of the Moravians a re " Kow to the earth let these remains,

of a peculiar character. The coffin contain- In hope committed be.

ing the remains of the departed, is generally Until the body- changed attains To immortality." placed in the "Dead House," a neat little building back of the church, and in front of During the singing of this verse, the body

the "Old Chapel." After the funeral servi- is deposited in its last resting place; and ces in the church, appropriate to the occa- after the Minister has read the remainder o sion, the coffin is placed on a bier, covered the solemn service, the people sing

with a white linen cloth, and taken part of " T/ie Saviour^s blood and riphteousnrss,

the way up the path towards the cemetery, My beauty is, my glorious dress ;

where it is then set down atthe northeastern Thus well orray'd, Ineed not fear, corner of a square plot of ground, in the cen- ^yhen in His presence I appear."

tre of which is growing now a magnificent And then the congregation are dismissed Pastor with the usual weeping willow ; each side of this square is by the benediction bounded by gravelled walks, on which the and some linger long around the sacred spot, mourners take their stand, forming in mili- endeared to so many of them by sad and tary parlance, a hollow square, the family tender recollections, of their loved ones bu- of the departed one, forming the eastern ried there. line. The Minister stands at the head of the The mournful accompaniment of the trom- bier, and reads aloud the following hymn, bones on such occasions, never fails to remind of line by line, and the congregation sing it, the hearer the beautiful lines of the Epis-

accompanied by the trombones copal burial service : 1 Cor., xv, 51-2. " Behold I show you a mystery : we shall " Oh, let me when expiring, not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in Recline vpon Thy hrcast a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the Thus I shall be acquirinf/. last trump ; for the trumpet sh.all sound, and Eternal life and rest," the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we When this is finished, the procession shall be changed." — —


*^^ I'd gladly hear the trombone's sound, 37. A. for The Single Sisters

I'd gladly sink heneath ^he ground^ 23. " Youths. And mingU with (lie dead who lie, 14. A. " Maidens. So still beneath this BethUhem sly." 39. A. " Little Boys.

The Moravians do not put ou mourning fur 82. D. •• Little Girls. the dead, they consider it wrong in princi- The following interesting account from the ple, deeming Heaven the final abode of all Moravian of September, 24th, 18G8, will bet-

God's choseu creatures j they esteem it a terexplainthe meaningof the funeral dirges, lilessing "to go home." which are as interesting to the strangers This is an example which it would be well as they are dear to the Moravians : for all other denominations to follow; for *' We will say that a brother in the middle independent of the fact that the wearing of age of life has departed. The sad event is mourning is but an outward show, it is an soon after touchingly announced to the con- useless expense, even to those in comfortable gregation, by the trombones, who ascending while others can circumstances, many who to the church tower, play at brief intervals, ill in this spend afford the outlay regard, three solemn dirges. How affecting the soft the means to be in the /atshion, which, are funeral tones, attracting the attention of the needed for the common necessaries of life. most careless; the busy hum of life is for a parade, expense, of funeral The pomp, and moment arrested, as the hurried question is their ef- displays, are much to be deplored, asked:— *' Who is dead?" The notes of the fect is vicious, for the poor will imitate their music are not blown at random. They give wealthier neighbors. utterance, as it were, to a livingvoice. Each

It in the custom in Bethlehem, to an- dirge has reference to a special hymn, which nounce the death of a member of the congre is expressive of particular declarations in gation by the music of the trombones, per- reference to the departed, or of the prayerful formed in the belfry of the church ; no matter wishes of the survivors. Thus the first where they may die. hymn makes the announcement of the de- parture, which freely translated from the " And each departed hath its own sweet iolen^

original German, is : Whispered to loved ones in that trumpet's tone,

Distilling dew o'er hearts with sorrow hroken, A pilgrim soul released From heav'nly home" From sorrow, care, and pain,

e'en now left our covenant, Three dirges are always performed, the Has " Gone home .'" with Christ to reign. first and last being the same air, (T, lal. A.) The hour of consummation and are selected from the appropriateness of For him has struck,— thrice blest I those hymns for such an occasion. The se- "We wander still, —all weary, cond air is varied, as it designates the sex, Our lov'd one is at rest. and condition in life of the deceased, or in The second dirge denotes the class, and pe Moravian phraseology, the choir to which riod of life to which the deceased belonged, the departed belonged. In the German Li- and intimates what are the sentiments of turgy Book, where the order for these an- the dying Christian at the hour of depart- nouncements of death are given, (pages 217, ure. The tune here is varied to suit the age 218 and 219,) the hymn which suits for each and sex of the person. In the present in- choir is appended ; and by the old Moravian stance, that of the man of middle life : i s at once recognized. They are as follows :

Jesus Christ as I go hence H.T. D. for Married Men.

Still is near me ! This inspireth 79. ^' Married Women. Ever HviugconfiJenco 1^2. A. " Widowers. Yea,—even as his love requireth 149. A. " Widows. Hope with dust, rests on my grave;

185. *' The Single Brethren. Ills full likeness I shall have. ; ; : — :


The closing dirge is to the same solemn boyhood. So that the announcement of tune as the first, and is the believer's practi- death by the music of the trombones, by the cal response to the sad announcement Moravians, is but an observance of an an-

cient custom of the Christian Church, al- Lord at my dissolution, though in another form. How old a custom Do not from me depart it is, it would be difficult to say, but as horns Support at tlie conclusion

Of life, my fainting heart were used before bells, it is without doubt And then, though I be dying, the more ancient. 'Midst sickness, grief and pain, On Easter morning at sunrise, the Mora- I shall, on thee relying, vian congregations assemble in their respec- Eternal life obtain. tive grave-yards, and sing their Liturgy. A From June 2Sth, 1742, to February 9th, friend thus wrote on April 19th, 1867: "On 1853, or daring 111 years, 1672 persons died Easter morning you will recollect, that we in Bethlehem and its Ticinity. in Bethlehem generally go into tlie grave- bell at fu- The Moravians do not toll the yard, singing our Liturgy for the occasion. nerals, but before the services are held in Mr. Jedediah Weiss, and Mr. Charles F. the church, the bell is rung in the usual Beckel, will have played as members of the manner to call the congregation together. trombone choir for fifty years this Easter On the tenor bell of the Parish Church of morning. This is a rare occurrence." Both Abbott's Leigh, Somersetshire, England, are of these fine old Moravian gentlemen are

the words : still living, in e.xoellent health, and have

" I to the Church the living call. played in the choir three Easter mornings And to the grave doth suninion all." since the above was written ; may their The " Passisg Bell," was so named be- days be long in the land.

cause it was tolled when any one passed In this connection, the following may not

away from this life. Hence it was sometimes be without interest

called tlie Soul's Betl, and was rung that ( Correspondence of The Press.) those who heard it might pray for the soul Bethlehem, March 29, 1860. of the dying person. This custom was con- Yesterday morning being Easter Sunday, arose tinued till the time of Charles II. ; it in the accustomed Litany was performed, with the darkest ages. The ringing of bells was other services, according to immemorial lo- supposed to drive away the evil spirits which cal practice, in the Moravian church, con- might assail the dying; the tolling of the ducted by the Rev. E. de Schweiuetz, assisted by the Bev. L. R. Huebner, These services bell, it was thought, struck them with terror. began at 5 A. M. in the church, with singing " Now the Passing Bell" is no longer rung and the litany for Easter morning. By day- in England, but on the morning after the break the whole congregation, consisting of 2,000 persons, proceeded to the death of any person, the bell is tolled; and burial-ground, preceded by the trombone choir, and a large at the end of the tolling in Yorkshire, and open square was formed, after which, with Dorsetshire, 9 knells are tolled for a man, 6 musical accompaniment, the choir began for a woman, and 3 for a child. In Somer- with setshire, 3 knells are tolled for a man, and The graves of all His saints Christ blest. only 2 for a woman. Anil Boften'd evei-y bed ; Where should the dying members rest. of it In some the parishes of England was But with the dying llead. customary to ring out the number of bells There is another verse, after which the corresponding to the age of the person who congregation joined in with had died. So says the author of " A Brave in chapter 12. the Lady," And such was Then let the last trumpet sound. custom in the parish of St. Paul's Episcopal And bid our kindrtd rise Awake, ye nations uniler ground. Church at Chester, Pennsylvania, in my Ye buints, aaci-ud the tkiea : ! !


Theu the minister followeil, with excerpts site; and also a handsome Catholic church, from the Holy Scriptures, the congregation and a fine large Moravian church. The '• the choir again chiming giving the Amen," building known as " Christmas Hall," on the in, and the congregation, minister, and choir grounds of the Lehigh University, was for- thus alternating to the close of this singu- church. larly interesting service." merly a Moravian congregation a large The following Obituary of a departed The Lutheran have at and Church Sts., Brother, copied from the " Moravian," is in- place of interment High Nisky-Hill Cemetery. It only serted here, that all may see how among the adjoining needs a small expenditure, and someexercise Moravians, a friend who hath left, is mourn- ed and honored of taste to make it a very pretty spot. " Is Memoriam. Bethlehem, proper, covers quite a large

Dej^arted this life at Bethlehem, Pa., Octo- area of ground on both sides of the Manoc- ber 14th, 1S68, Amos Comenius Clauper, son kasy Creek. That portion of the town south of the Rev. Henry G. Clauder, and manager of of the Lehigh River, being called " South the Moravian Publication Office. Aged thir- Bethlehem," and incorporated under that ty-three years. name. The most interesting part, however,

" Our deceased brother has left behind him is that portion occupied by the old town, a record of sterling virtues, and christian on the hill to the north of the river Lehigh, goodness, which will long remain a cherish- which is the old Bethlehem of history, ed remembrance. Exemjilary in all the containing the old Moravian buildings, relations of domestic and social life, of a churches, schools, stores, and the old tav- bright and cheerful temperament, an hon- erns, made famous by the writings of trav-

orable and industrious man of business, a ellers. There are many handsome resi- conscientious and devoted agent of the dences, and many more very comfortable

church, his loss will be widely felt, and felt ones in this part of the town, nearly every more deeply as time elapses. dwelling has a fine yard and garden attached,

containing many varieties of fruit trees. * Sleep in peace Fruit is raised in abundance in this section All thy earthly toil must cease, For death's night hath closed around thee, of the State, and in riding through the coun-

And its peaceful slumbers bound thee, try around, and by the hill farms, the stran- 'Till His voice all eyes release. ger cannot fail to realize the fact. In the Sleep in Peace mountains, cherry trees abound, both wild

Sleep in peace I and cultivated, their fruit serving to feed

'Till the eternal morn appear ; the small birds that are so numerous in the By the risen Saviour's merit — hills, and the country around Bethlehem, Thou endless life inherit, where they are not much disturbed fortu- By the power of His word nately, for game birds are very scarce in the Called to life. Lehigh Valley, and consequen tly the country Besides the large Moravian church, and is not infested by sportsmen, who generally, the Old Chapel, there are Lutheran, German when they cannot get better game, slaughter Reformed, English and German Methodist, every insectivorous bird they come across. nd Catholic places of worshii> in Bethlehem. A few partridges and squirrels, are occasion- An Episcopal church is now spoken of, as ally to be seen in the fall, these, with some intended to beerected atthecornerofMarket wild pigeons, are the only _game to tempt and High Streets. In South Bethlehem there the gunner to a " day's shooting in the coun- is a handsome Episcopal church, and par- try." The valley and the mountains arc, sonage adjoining, occupying a prominent hrj%vever, beautiful, and the lover of nature * Sang at his funeral by the AuiON Socie- cannot but enjoy the many beautiful walks

ty, of which he was a member." and drives in the vicinity of the town, and

BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. PI will not soon lire of the many charming schools of a like character in the United viev.-s that ojien around him in every direc- States, military tactics are taught; and (he tion. pupils are dressed iu a grey uuiform, some-

The favorite ride for visitors to Bethlehem, what similar to those worn by the cadets in is to " Batter^s Jiuck,'' tlie highest point on the U. S. Military Academy at West Point. the mountain range to the south of the town, There are some quaint old buildings in and about eight miles distant. It is about Nazareth, and a day or two can be profitably 1060 feet above tide water, and from the two be passed there by the stranger in visiting high rocks which crown the summit of the the many places of interest in the town, and ridge, there is beautiful of a view Sauoon its vicinity. The drive to it from Bethlehem Valley to the south, and with a good glass, it is through a very beautiful country, and fine is said, Chestnut Hill, near rhiladeli>hi;i, views reward the beholder on all sides. The can be seen on a clear day; while to Iho view of the surrounding country from the north, are splendid views of the Blue-ridge, old Moravian grave yard, is especially wor- the Lehigh Water Gap, and the mountains thy of note. beyond and around Mauch Chunli; the Little The Pcdar/nghim, or Boarding School, bet- Gap, Allento\vn,and the Lehigh Kiver wind- ter known as Nazareth Hall, stands on a ing in the distance like a silver ribbon. commanding site in the western extremity From here,aride to Allenlown.and a visit of the village, its front having a southern ex- to the curious spring which furnishes the posure, with a fine large lawn in front, in- town with water, is the usual programme. tersected with walks, embracing to the soutli At the spring the water rushes out of the a view of a landscape of exceeding beauty. side of a hill iu an immense volume, falling In front of the Hall stands a handsome first into quite a small basin, clean, cool, monument, erected iu 1868, to the memory sparkling and delicious, thence flowing into of the graduates of the institution who laid a small pond stocked with a large number of down their lives in theservices of their coun- trout. From this pond the supply necessary try during the late rebellion of 1861-65. A for the town, which has a jjopulation of 17,- fine old piece of woods to the west of tlie 000 inhabitants, is drawn, and yet enough Hall, partly on the rising hill, has been re- flows off from it to fill quite a large dam, served as a play-ground for the boys, it is which furnishes sufficient water power for neatly laid out with wallis, having a spring the use of several large mills- In its way and a small stream of water running througli it is a greater curiosity than the spring at it, with some small ponds of water, seats aud Bethlehem; a handsome hotel was erected arbors abound under the old hickory, oak in 1S68, near this spring, for summer board- and chestnut trees which ornament the ers. grounds ; the Moravians beautify and adorn there is Die drive Then to Ilellertown, some such spot as this in all their towns and about four miles from Bethlehem, where villages, quiet, shady retreats, attractive there is a hotel, with an e.'ccellent cook ; par- alike to the young and the old. ties go there to enjoy a trout supper, wailles " Nazareth Hall," was erected as a Manor and spring chicken. JVIake your first drive House for Count Zinzendorf, in hopes of his here, for trout are very scarce, and very ex- taking up liis permanent residence there. pensive. It was intended to accommodate tlie Count To the northeast of Bethlehem, and about and his coadjutors, and was designated as the

ten miles distant, is the quiet Moravian vil ' Pilgrim house." The corner stone was

lage of Nazareth. In this latter town is laid on the ",rd of May, 1755, and the struc-

located the Pcdagoijium, or Boarding School ture completed in 1756. The Ilall is a mas- for Boys, instituted by tlie Moravians in the sive structure of blue limestone, now rough- year 1759. iu which, now, as in many other cast with mortar and gravel, with anunsight- 92 HISTOKICAL SKETCH OF ly brick addition, lately added to its eastern still the property of the Society, but no long- wing, out of all architectural proportion and er the seat of a Moravian Congregation. taste. The ancient portion, with its double Christian Spriiifi, about two miles to the pitched roof and two rows of dormer win- south-%vest of Nazareth, was formerly a small dows, with the balcony and belfry which Moravian settlement, and was named in surmount it, give it a venerable appearance honor of Christian Eenatus Zinzendorf, a son well becoming its antiquity. On the east of the Count. It was built in a quadrangu- side of the open square in front of the Hall, lar form. On the north were the chapel and stands the old " Sisters' House." dwelling houses; on the east the different workshops, and a grist and saw mill, pro- On the 6th of June, 1759, Nazareth Hall pelled by the waters of the Manockasy. All was opened as a boarding school for the sons the buildings enclosed are square and of of the Moravian Brethren, with 92 scholars. considerable size. During the Indian wars In 1779 the school was closed, owing to the 1755-56 it was stockaded, and put inability on the part of the Church to defray of and 57, defence. Govern- the expenseof educating, as they did, almost into a condition of The

t.o the place, gratuitously, so many children. The Breth- ment attached great importance principal outposts of the ren, having about this time involved them- it being one of the buildings are all selves in so many expensive missionary en- white settlements. The mills. It is no terprises, this step was indispensably neces- still standing, except the the sary. But on the 3rd of October, in the year longer a Moravian settlement, although the Society. 1785, the institution was again opened as a property is still owned by

boarding school for boys of all Protestant GiNADENSTHAL, 1. e., " The VuUei/ vf Grace,"

denominations, and has ever since enjoyed is situated about half a mile to the north of an increasing patronage, with successful re- Christian Spring. It was formerly a Moravi- sults. Boys are admitted to the school from an settlement, but is now the property of Nor-

nine to fifteen years of age. The necessary thampton County, and the County Poor expense of the scholastic year is $280. This House has been erected there.

does not include music, drawing, painting Fricdcnstlmi, or " Vallei/ er year. two miles east of Nazareth ; but the place is The situation of the town, and the liealthy no longer o%vned by the Society. See Bond- air of the adjacent country, render Nazareth thaler's Life of Heekwelder, jniblished in school S4. a very eligible location for a boarding ; Philadelphia in 1847, in the notes to page town cannot well but a more quiet country The drives to Freemansburg, Bath, Cata- " lively be imagined. Sleepy Hollow," is a sauqua, Easton, and Nazareth, are very there a few place in comparison; by staying beautiful; the lovely scenery will alone Bethlehem days one gets an idea of life in repay the visitor to either of these places, a hundred years ago. passing as the roads do, thr jugh the " Dry- of In the American Gazetteer, published in lands," presenting varied views river,

1797, there is a very interesting sketch of mountains, valleys, and richly cultivated Nazareth, to which the reader is referred. farm lands.

And a full account of the Boarding School On the south side of the Lehigh, near will be found in William C. Reichel's " His- Bethlehem, situated on a plateau of the Le- " torical Sketch of Nazareth Hall, from 1755 high Hills, is the celebrated Water Cure Oppelt; during the to 1869," published in the latter year, by J. EriaUisliment," of Dr. of patients, B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia. Summer months the house is full from a distance. The situ.ition Otn Nazareth is situated a short distance and boarders

; the grounds are beautiful, east of the present town of that name. It is is very retired BETHLEHEM, P E N N S Y L V A N I A. 93 and the view of the surrounding country Bethlehem, it has been customary for the

from the hills in the rear of the place, which church authorities to appoint some one to

are covered with fine forest trees, is exceed- wait on all strangers visiting the town, who

ingly fine; near the Establishment is a desire to see and inspect the schools, and the never failing spring of water, gushing up various buildings of the Society. John Et- out of a crevice in the rocks, around which wein, afterwards a celebrated Bishop of the are fixed seats; close hy are swings and a Church, was the first " Fremdeudiener," or bowling alley, for the amusement of the guide to the visitors, more properly perhaps boarders. This spot would be a splendid translated as " The Strangers' Friend;" he

position for a hotel. Adjoining this Estab- served from 1776 to 1779, and was succeeded

lishment to the south, is the handsome resi- by Kicholaa Garrison ; how long the latter

dence of the late Mr. Fiot, once a celebrated acted in this capacity I cannot say, but music publisher in Philadelphia, now de- Chastellux mentions him in his work, which ceased. The house has been enlarged, and was printed in 17S2. After him, John Bonn

is now occupied as a Boarding School for was the guide till 1788. He was better

young ladies, under the auspices of the known as *'' Pa^ypy Bonn," an alTectionate Episcopal Church, with Miss Edith Chase as appellation bestowed upon him by the young Principal—and is called " Bishopthorpe girls at the Seminary. His successor was .School." Francis, more familiarly called " Dnddy Tho-

mna," at first by the girls, to whom he carried There are many objects of interest in the letters from the post office, and afterwards Bethlehem worthy of a visit; and as in the by everyone. He was a very amiable and days of old, the stranger was shown over the courteous old town and through the Brethren's buildings man, a great favorite with " all who knew him, and full of old fashion- by Fnther" Thomas ; so in these later days, a worthy gentleman has been found to sup- ed wit. He departed this life in 1822, being then in the ninetieth year of his age, and ply the place of that kind old patriarch, now his remains repose in the old grave-yard the departed. The writer, and so very many on Hill. held his position as guide, and visitors to Bethlehem, have received so many He remained in the employ of the Seminary till marks of attention and kindness, from this

his death ; since then no one has been named fine old Moravian Brother, that these sketch- toperform such duties. But courteous gentle- es would not be complete, without mention are always to be found in the congrega- of his name iu connection with this ancient men tion to act as the " Strangers' friend." old Burg. Dr. Maurice C. Jones, is now the cicerone of the visitors to Bethlehem, a self- The Moravians were once a very plain, constituted Fremdeudiener. He is a retired unassuming people, forbidding vain show physician, of ample means, a Welsh Mora- in dress, and economical in all their habits ; vian, who loves Bethlehem, his adopted their apparel was simple, clean and neat. country, and his ancient and honorable The straight, unlappeUed, dark brown coat, church, taking great interest in all the offi- the broad brimmed, low crowned hat, the ces of the Society ; and is an agreeable, esti- knee-buckled small clothes, the broad round- courteous gentleman, of fine mable, and toed shoe, were consistent characteristics of conversational powers, justly proud of the a Moravian Brother; whilst the plain ilrab venerable old town in which he lives, and or black silk bonnet, the three cornered its historical mementoes. The same aSec- white kerchief, the plain silk gown, the tionate regard is shown to him, in our comfortable hood furnished cloak, the stulT modern times, by all who know him, as was shoe, for comfort and convenience, were the formerly shown to Mr. Thonias, in the days Sisters' attire; and their manners wero his usefulness. of bland, courteous and winning. This costume

From the early days of the settlement of was continued inviolate until about If".",; 94 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF since then the Moravians have not bct-n dis- at Bethlehem, was the accommodation of tinguishable by dress from any other denom- travellers at the " Sun Hotel," which they ination of Christian people. sold in 1S4S, to Charles Augustus Lucken-

The air of Bethlehem seems not only to be back.

very health-giving to invalids, but also con- " On the othef side of Jurdau," at the foot of

ducive to longevity, of which there are many South-Mountain, nine miles from Bethle- instances among the inhabitants. Eighty- hem, and five miles south-west from Allen-

four is not an unusual age for the people to town, is situated the Moravian settlement of

attain, as may be seen from an inspection EsiMAUs; it is built on a single street; the of the tomb-stones in the old grave-yard. town contains one store, about thirty-five And there are now many residents of the dwellings, and a Congregation House, which

place whose ages exceed that number of is united to a Chapel. There is also a tavern years. in the place. The land on which tlie village

For the first twenty years after the settle- is erected, was bequeathed to the Society by ment of the town, all property was held in two members of the church, for the support common by the " Economy." But in 1762, of a minister and a school. Ogden, in his the Society began to dispose of ]>ortions of old work, already referred to, at page 55, " their real estate, to such of the Brethren as says : In this place was one of those accom- were desirous, and able, to purchase home- modations for the lodging of a married cou- steads for their families. ple, which cause so much conversation. * *

The number of people belonging to the According to constant practice, single beds

Economy in 175fi, was 953. They did not all are used by unmarried persons, from their live in Bethlehem, but some in Sauco», some youth upwards. When a couple are united at Liaby, and some in the other Moravian in holy wedlock, and become heads of a fam- towns in the vicinity. The Indian converts, ily, these two beds and their bedsteads, are

numbering 82, are not included in the enu- placed so contiguous to each other, that they meration, nor the young Indian women who are covered with one general blanket or lived with the Sisters. There was quite a counterpane. This outward covering desig- nates the lodging of some married persons falling off in the number of the inhabitants, ; after the abolition of the Communist system but this is not an universal custom, as many in 1702. In 1756 there were 219 "Single use the common large beds. It is conveni- Brethren" living at Bethlehem, Christian ent, in case of sickness of either party, the Spring, Kazareth, Gnadensthal and Fried- nursing of children, and the poverty of cnsthal; but in the year 17S2, the number young housekeepers, who n^ay not wish to was reduced to 39. be at the expense of exchanging or altering tlieir single beds, bedding or beadsteads. But one person of each trade or vocation The bedstead is not different from that in was permitted to settle in any Moravian common use, except that it has head, foot, town in the United States ; this system was and side boards." kept up till 1828, the object being to prevent rivalry in business. The secular affairs of lam unable to perceive anything singular tlie town were govemed by a Board called or curious in the above related custom, which the " CoLLEGicv," who regulated all matters it is said, excited a great deal of impertinent of trade ; and all members of the Society in- curiosity, and in consequence the usage was tending to commence any business, had first discontinued ; because I know married peo-

to get their permission to do so. The stores, ple who now sleep upon nimjle beds, arranged taverns, and several other branches of trade, just as the old iloravians fixed theirs, and continued to be owned and carried on by the for some of the same reasons, although they

Society, until within about 25 years ago. are persons of wealth ,• besides this, it is well

Tu8 last business conducted bv the Brethren known, or ought to be, that in the better — ;

BETHLEHEM, P E N N S Y L V A \ I A. 9,o circles of society iu England, and Continen- shaded walks in the European fashion, and tal Europe, it is customary for man and wife, seem to combine with the most complete sep- although living together amicably under aration from the world, all the comforts, and the same roof, to occupy separate sleeping even many of the luxuries of polished life. apartments. At one of these cleared out settlements in the

On the 28th of April, 1870, I received the midst of a forest, between Bethlehem and following communication from my friend Nazareth, possessing all the advantages of

Bertine S. Encin, of Bethlehem, in reference mills and manufactures, I was astonished to the "Old Pine Tree," mentioned in this at the delicious sounds of an Italian concert chajjter, which had become so decayed in but my surprise was still greater, on enter- its upper branches, as to be unsafe; so the ing a room, where the performers turned old land mark had to be destroyed : out to be common workmen of different

" I have a sad communication to make, trades, playing for their amusement. At inasmuch as the old pine tree departed this each of these places, the brethren have a life, this A. M. at 8. 05. The chief mourn- common room, where violins and other in- ers, the Blackbirds, are congregated in the struments are suspended, and always at the grave-yard surrounding the garden. service of such as choose to rela.x themselves,

" The age of the tree is 70 years, or therea- by playing singly, or taking a part in a con- bouts. It took four men 28 minutes to fell cert." it. Knowing your interest in matters per- This old work brings us back by easy taining to Bethlehem antiquities, I thought stages, from " Moravian Mill" to Bethlehem, it might interest you to hear of this sudden from which we have wandered. The trans- tree "pining" away. This old was only 80 lator, an Englishman, who announces that feet in height, although it looked much he resided iu America during the period of higher, it had, however, lost about 20 feet of Chastellux's travels, says in a note to page its top in a storm some years ago. The low- 321, vol. II :—" The first time I visited Beth- est limb was 44 feet from the ground." lehem, was from Philadelphia; and after In Chastellux's Travels in North America, travelling two days through a country alter- vol. 11, page 311. The Translator in a note nately diversified with savage scenes and " says : It is remarked that on the lands cultivated spots, on issuing out of the woods within reach of Moravian settlements, the at the close of the evening, in the month of cultivation is superior, and every branch of May, found myself on a beautiful extensive husbandry is better carried on, first from the plain, with the vast eastern branch of the emulation excited by these industrious peo- Delaware on the right, widely interspersed ple, and secondly from the supply the coun- with wooded islands, and at the distance of trymen procures from them of every neces- a mile in front of the town of Bethlehem,

sary implement of husbandry, &c., fabricated rearing its large stone edifices out of a forest, iu these settlements." These remarks are situated on a majestic, but gradually risiug as true to-day, 1870, as they were in 1780. eminence; the background formed by the

" Besides those the Marquis speaks of, I visit- setting sun. So novel and unexpected a

ed some others, not far from Bethlehem, at transition, filled the mind with a thousand

one of which called iVazarc^A, is a famous gun- singular and sublime ideas, and made an smith, from whom my friend bought a pair impression on me, ntver to be eftaced. The

of pistols, many of which I saw there of the romantic and picturesque effect of this glo- most perfect workmanship. Nothing can be rious display of natural beauties, gave way

more enchanting than these establishments ; to the still more noble and interesting sen- out of the sequestered wilderness they have sations, arising from the reflection in the

formed well built towns, vast edifices all of progress of the arts and sciences, and the stone, large orchards, beautiful and regular sublime anticipation of the "populous cities," 9G HISTORICAL SKETCH F and " busy hum of man," which are one day in short, I ever saw; and notwithstanding to occupy, and civilize the vast wilderness the difficulty of procuring good wine and of the new world." spirits at that period, throughout the conti- Speaking of the " Sun," Chastellux re- nent, we were here regaled with wine and " marks : This tavern was built by the So- brandy of the best quality, and exquisite ciety of Moravian Brethren, to whom it old Port and Madeira. It was at this house served formerly as a magazine, and is very that the Marquis de la Fayette retired, to be handsome and spacious ;" and in a note the cured of the first wound he received in fight- translator adds : "This Inn, from its exter- ing for America; an accident, which I am nal appearance, and its interior accommoda- well assured, gave this young nobleman tions, is not inferior to the best of the large more jjleasure than most of our European

inns in England, which, indeed, it very petite maitrea would receive from the most much resembles in every respect. The first flattering proofs of the favor of a mistress." time I was in Bethlehem, we remained there The whole account of Bethlehem in the of the work, and in the notes, is very two or three days : and were constautly body interesting but both the writer, and trans- supplied with venison, moor-garae, the most ; delicious red and yellow-bellied trout, the lator, show a lamentable ignorance of the highest flavored wild strawberries, the most life, manners, customs, and religious belie luxuriant asparagus, and the best vegetables, of the Moravian Brethren.

" <;*. E E T II L E 11 E M, PENNSYLVANIA. 07



CHAPTER XI. tion imparted in this school is of a very su-

TuE McRATiAS Parochial School.—The perior character, and well qualified to fit its

MoRATiAN College, founded, a. d., 1807 pupils for the active duties of American life ;

CHARTERED APRIL 3, 1863. ThE BeTHLE- not professional. In proof of the above

HEM Male Boardixg School.—Nisky Hill statement the following short paragraph is

Male Semi.vary.—The Old Bars of the inserted from the Moravian of November i, CoSGREGATIOtI FaRM.— SkETCHOFTHE BeTH- 1S69. "On Saturday evening next the pupils LEHEM SeMISAHY FOR YoU.N'Q LadIES.—ThE of the Moravian Parochial School, assisted Military Record of Bethlf.hem during by the church choir, will give an entertain- THE Rebellion. ment in the hall of the school building. The recitations in concert _^ssuiNGfrom the Old Moravian Graveyard programme consists of by the different classes of the children, in «fe by the eouthwestern gate, the stranger English, French, German and Latin, and the stands in the rear of the Moravian Parochial singing of hymns. Among the contributions School Ilonse, a very large, handsome brick of the choir, (which need no praise from us,) building, four stories in height, erected in to the entertainment, is the magnificent 1857, and capable of holding in its recitation solo, 'I that Redeemer Livei;h,' rooms over 300 scholars. The upper story know my from Handel's Messiah. The entertainment is used for concerts, lectures, &c. In it all commences at seven o'clock." the children of the members of the Bethle- hem congregation of the United Brethren, The Moravian College in Bethlehem, a view

under 14 years of age are educated, all until of which is given at the commencement nf they reach that age, receive the same ad- this chapter, copied from an old circular of vantages, and at a very trifling cost. The Mr. Vankirk's, is situated on Church Street,

Moravians take an especial pride in this In- near Nisky Hill Cemetery, it is a fine large stitution, and very justly so, for the educa- commodious brick building, painted load ;

HISTORICAL SKETCH OF coior, commanding one of the handsomest organized as a college, and incorporated as

E;tes in the town, overlooking the Lehigh such, by an Act cf Assembly of tha Common-

i;:vc-r and Mountain, and the rapidly in- wealth of Pennsylvania, of the 3rd of April, creasing town of South Bethlehem. It is 1863. See Pamphlet La^s of 1SC3, p. 277 Furrounded by a well laid out garden, and a and also Beitel's Index of Corporations; witli

fine large pleasure ground for the recreation the power of conferring the usual and scho- of the students. This institution, in the form lastic degrees, and in 1864, thrown open to of a Theological Seminary, was founded in students of all other Protestant denomina-

tlie year 1807, and located at Nazareth, Pa., tions. The act referred to is in these words.

and was designed not only to give the young An Act to Incorporate the Morcvian College ami

men of tlie Moravian Church, desiring to en- Theological Seminarif, at Bethlehem, Pa. ter the ministry, a complete course of Theo- logical studies, but also to prepare them to AV.UEREAS. The Church of the riiitt-.l Diethrcn, (formerly called Moravi;ins.) had, for a lung time, a enter upon it by a thorough classical educa- Collegiate aud Theological institute coimectcd with the tion ; hence the institution embraces two de- bearding school at Nazareth, but in the jear 1858, rt- partments, a, Preparatory School, and a Theo- moved the same to the Borough of Bethlehem, acJ lorjical Seminary, In 1850, the Seminary was established in said borough a college fur the education

jnoved to Bethlehem, and the house now oc- of male persons in the various branches of science, cupied by Adoljih Conradi, in Broad Street literature, and the ancient and modern languages, as and near New Street, taken for the use of the likewise a department of the game for training preparing of young men for the gospel ministry. And Institution. In 1855, the school was taken whereas, It is deemed by the authorities of the Baid back to Nazareth. And in 1858, the " Mo- church, to be desirable and necessary for the conve- ravian Sustcntation Diacony," i. e., the Ex- nient management of the concerns of said college, to ecutive Board of the Moravian Churcli, pur- have said college incorporated; therefore, chased of Mr. Benjamin Vankirk, the pre- Sec. I.—Be it enacted by the Senate and House of sent building and surrounding grounds, Representatives of the Commonwealth ofPennsylvauia,

and the Theological Seminary was again re- in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by

moved to Bethlehem; its present location. authority of the same. That the Riglit KeverendJoha Christian Jacobson, Bishop, and the Reverend FranciJ In 1S51, Mr. Yankirk purchased the build- Florentine Uagen, and the Reverend Sylvester "Wollc, ing in Llain Street, now occupied by Charles all of the Borough of Bethlehem, duly elected by Iho

W. Eauch, of Ernst F. Bleck, and continued Synod of the Northrrn District of tlie American ?ro-

there tlie "Bethlehem Male Boarding School," \iuce of the United Brethren, a Board of Direction ( f the Ecclesiastical affairs of said Church, insaid District, the project proving a successful one ; in 1S55, and likewise constituted by the virtue of their office, he purcliased the grounds at Nisky Hill, and the Board of Trnsteeo of said College, and such otlur erected there tlie same year tlie present persons as may be hereafter appointed their associates '• building, now known as the Moravian Col- or successors, according to the rules and regulations (

asassistantiu the Seminary for Young Ladies ehall also be capable to accept, and lake, by devise, at Bethlehem,) which comjjelled him to dis- grant, bargain, sale or otherwise, any estate, or pro- posa of his building, as before stated, and perty, real or personal, and the same to hold iind enjoy, to sell and convey, lease, or mortgage, as fully and break up his school. or absolutely, in all respects, as any natural person might In the year 1863, the Theological Seminary do. Provided^ however, That the clear annual income and its Preparatory Department, after un- of the estates and properties of said Corporation, exclu-

dergoing thesd various changes, were re sive of any lands and tenements that may be occupied B L T II L E II E J:, pen N S Y L V A N I A. 09 hy s:\:d College for its accommcdntions, or that of its the professors. Ko student is admitted into offiiers or professors, and exclusive of income from the Institution under 13 years of age." Etudents, sliiiU not exceed the sum of Ten Vioitsand the course of studies in simi- dollars. Besides usual lar colleges of like character; any student Sec. II.—Thit the Trusters already apjiointed, or can, without extra charge, take lessons in who shall hereafter be appointed in accordance with the fundamental statutes which govern the Church of Drawing, German, French, Natural Philoso- the United Brethren in the said Northern Province of phy and Chemistry; these are, however, the United States of Amer'.ca, shall hiive the care and elective studies. For instruction in vocal or mauagement of CoUeg", and its said of estates and instrumental music, an extracharge is made, properties, and shall have power to make all needful for the number of lessons taken. The scho- laws and regulations for the appointment of competent lastic year is divided into three terms, of professors and teachers, for the fixing and payment of from twelve to fourteen weeks all salaries, for the fixing of tiie prices of bo.ird and each. There tuition of students, for studies and exercises of the stu- is a short vacation at Christmas, and at Eas- dent,^, and for the general well being of s.iid College. ter, and one of seven weeks in July and Proviuedy That the said statutes, by-laws and regula- August. A limited number of students can tions, shall not be inconsistent with the Constitution reside in the College. No student is per- ftDd laws of this Commonwealth, or of the United mitted to board at a hotel, and in all cases States, or the enactments of the Synod of said Churcli the boarding places are subject to the ap- of the United Brethren. proval of the faculty. The expenses of a Sec. III.—That no uusnomer, or luisdinction of the student residing in the College, including 8.aid Corporation, in any will, deed, grant, or other in- tuition, room, boarding and washing, is about strument of writing, shall vitiate or defeat the same, $100 per term. Those boarding outside, pay but that the same shall take effi-et in the same manner ai if said Corporation were rightly named therein. only $25 per term to the College for tuition,

Pravidedf That it is sufficiently described to ascertain use of room, light and fuel. Payment of the the intention of the parties. regular expenses are required in advance.

Ssc. IV.—That the Trustees, in conuection with the The Board of Trustees is the Provincial f iculty of the College, shall have power to grant and Elders' Conference, and the members of the coufe: such degrees in the liberal arts and sciences, or Faculty are the Rev. Edwin de Schweinitz, such branches thereof, to such students of the College, Pastor of the Moravian Churches at Bethle- or others, as from their proficiency in learning, they hem, President; Professors, the Rev. William may seem justly entitled to such honors, and such as II. Bigler, Rev. Charles B. Schultz and Rev. are usually granted by institutions of a similar kind, Edwin G. Klose. and to grant diplomas and certificates under their com- mon seal, as may authenticate and perpetuate the The old stone building on Main Street, memory of such graduation. mentioned as having been first used by Mr. Approved April 3, A. D.. 1S63. Ernst F. Bleek, for his "Bethlehem Male

From the catalogue of the College, issued Boarding School," was originally the barn in 1848, the following additional facts are of the Society's farm. It was struck by derived. "To the two already existing de- lightning during a thunder storm in the partments was added a third—the grammar summer of 17G2, and set on fire, but it was school. The design of this branch is to pre- extinguished without materially injuring pare students to enter upon the course of the building; which was afterwards altered study pursued in the College. In it particu- into dwelling houses, and occupied by three lar attention is paid to Latin, Greek and families. In tearing down the northern part Mathematics. The grammar school and of this old structure, in 1869, lately occupied College are in the same building, and under by Michael Stuber, the manufacturer of the same faculty, thus enabling a student to tlie old fashioned Bethlehem chairs, now so pass through the entire course with the same much in vogue; the rafters of the old barn instructors, and rendering attention to the were found to be blackened and charred, and known wants of the individual possible to the evidences of the fire as fresh as on the 100 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF

clay of the occurrence, one hundred and the town never touch them, without the ceven years before. Mr. Bleck founded the permission of the owners. School 1S39, Eethlehem Male Boarding in This is another beautiful illustration of the it on with great success until and carried character of thcfc people, once so little un- sold out to Mr. A''ankirk. 1851, when he derstood, but now, each day becoming to be

The old farm house was originally attach- more fully appreciated by tiie good and think-

ed to the barn to the north, and it still stands ing in all classes of society. Bethlehem has

iu excellent order, quite as good as when it ceased to be a Moravian settlement, but it is

was first erected. It is now used by Am- to be hoped that their influence may long be brose Ranch, as a confectionery store. And felt among the jieople of this pleasant town. but few of the gay and happy throngs of The boarding school for girls consists of beautiful women and gallant men, wlio re- three large adjoining buildings on Church

sort thither to flirt over ice-cream and cakes, Street, with a handsome chapel in the rear. know what sacred memories are connected The centre building in front, three stories in with the old building, wherein once lay height, with its steep roof, and two rows of wounded the gay, noble and chivalrie La- attic windows, is a well preserved relic of ftii/ette. the old style of Moravian buildings. It was originally " The Single Brethren's House," On the south side of Church Street, facing and reminds one of a first class '"'Man of Main Street, and opposite the large Moravian Church, stands the celebrated " Bethlehem "War,", (before steam came into vogue,) on Seminary for Youug Ladies," where, not the stocks, the windows resembling her open only the daughters of the members of the ports; it was erected before the Revolution- Moravian Church, residing in the town, re- ary War, of 1770, and was used during that period as the general hospital the ooive theireducation j but hundreds of others by Ameri- from all parts of the United States, the West can forces. Many distinguished American Indies and the Sandwich Islands. During oflncers were inmates there at different the session of 1863, and 1864, this school had times, either as patients or visitors; among suffering 2G3 pupils, and the total number that year them, General Lafayette, from the attending the schools in Bethlehem, includ- wounds he had received at the battle of ing thejjublic school, was 985. Brandywine.

The Moravians make the education of the On the brow of the hill, to the right hand young, one of their specialties, and there are of the public road, leading to AUentown, Gchocls for young ladies in each of their and west of the Manockasy, lie the remains principal settlements in America, namely, of about one thousand American soldiers, who died in this hospital during the war; no at Litiz, Pa. ; Salem, North Carolina, and at Hope, Indiana; and at Chaska, Minnesota, monument has been erected to their memory,

for boys and girls; and one at Nazareth, Pa., and no stone marks the place of their repose.

for bo3's. From the annual catalogue issued by the

for Ladies," The children of the Moravians are so edu- "Moravian Seminary Young cated, that they are not only kind and cour- the following facts that cannot be refuted, teous to the stranger, but they are loving, are gathered. It is an establishment under

obedient children. This is not only evinced the direction of the Moravian Church, and by their amiability at home, but by their has been in successful operation as a board- correct, deportment abroad. Grape vines, ing school since the year 1','85. and is believed loaded v/ith theii* treasures, (the favorite to be the oldest institution of the kind in the place for them seems to be over the doorways United States. Located in a healthful section of the dwellings,) and trees whose limbs are of the State, in the midst cf the charming Jaden with ripe fruits, stand temptingly in scenery of the Lehigh Valley, among a peo-

the streets, yet the children and poo]ile of ]'Ie distinguished for a high moral tone of


as 1^


ORDER OF EXERCISES AT THS c'laraetcr, and of a superior education, this school possesses external advantages that MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT surpassed. The Seminary play cannot be Given by the Voting Ladies of the 3'oravain Seminar}/ grounds are large, and laid out with taste. at Bethlehem, Wednesdai/ Evening, Jult/ 12, lS6a, The many lovely places of resort in the Ti- Chorus—95th Psahu. Mendelssohn. cinity are frequently visited by the scholars " 0, come let ua worship and kneel before the Lord.'' under the care of their teachers. Recitation—Far away. " The land that is Since the foundation of the Academy, more very far off." Is. 33. 17. ' thousntul of its Alnmn(K spread thanynx- have Mary McOrn, New York. Union. its reputation over all parts of the —" Rose, how enchanting art thou." Jlore scholars are offered nearly every year Spohr. than can be accommodated. The course of Mary Ecky, rhiladelphia. instruction, while it keeps pace with the Piano Forte—Reigen der Sylphen. progress of society, and the advancement of Mary Geissenbainer, Bethlehem.

science, has in its leading principles and Song—Das bettelnde Kind. Gumbert. mode of government, been in no wise changed Kate Selfriilge, Bethlehem.

since its establishment, and anything that German Recitation— Dergerettete Juengling.

would give it the reputation and character Herder. Baker,Quincy, 111. of a fasJiionahte hoarding school, has been Sallie Piano Forte Unefleuranimee. Carl Mayor. carefully avoided. Everything is done to — Jennie Sensemau, Nazareth, Pa. discipline and develop the mind, to instil Trio—" Hearts feel that love Thee." Men- moral and religious principles, give a heal- delssohn. thy physical development to the body, and 1st Soprano—Sarah Henry, N. Y. fit the pupils for a useful life. The school is Ernestine Schmid, N. Y. conducted on religious, but not sectarian May Sanl, N. Y. principles. The scholars attend service only Mary Chew, Millville, N. .T. their and in the Moravian in own chapel, *2d Soprano—Marie Belloni, Il.arlem, N. Y. Church. The scholastic year begins in Sep- Jennie Seuseman, Nazareth, Pa. tember and ends in July. The total charge 5Iary Holland, Belhlehem. Lizzie Adams, Newark, N. J. for the year is about $275. The educational Alto—Julia Baker, Quincy, 111. books are an extra charge. The foreign lan- Larry Belloni, Uarlem, N. Y. guages, music, drawing and ornamental Kate Glover, Ilarrisburg, Pa. needle work, are considered elective studies, Recitation —The Evening Walk. for an extra compensation is required. which Lizzie Mitchell, N. Y. One of the most interesting occasions at Quartett—Piano Forte a 4 ms.. Violin. Vio-

the Seminary, is the annual "entertain- loncello. ment," generally held about the 1st of July Annie .Stein, Bethlelicm. Bethlehem. of each year, when the town and hotels are Kate Selfridge, Forte Chant du Bivouac. Ketterer. crowded with anxious mothers and fathers, Piano — Mary Holland. Bethlehem. and other relatives of the young ladies. The French Recitation—Noces et Festius. exercises were formerly held in the large Georgie Davy, Newark, N. J. Moravian Church, but are now given in the Agatha Seburz, Bethbhem. " Chapel" attached to the school, which Xew AliceE. Pine, N. Y. was built during the summer of 1S6S. As a Quartett—" As pants the hart." Thomas. matter of course, a programme of one of these Amelia Furman, South Amboy, N. J. great occasions is given. Bethlehemites Maria Wnndorling, Nazareth, Pa. are great on programmes, every thing is Messrs. Rait and Goth, Bethlehem. done decently, and in order, in this good old Piano Forte—Etude. Carl Mayer. Moravian town. Facnie Jenks, Brookville, Pa. —


Song—The Wanderer. Schubert. Pecitation —Midsummer's Eve.

Julia Bilker, Quincy, III. Lizzie Arms, Philadelphia. riano Forte Duett—La Balladine. Lj'sberg. Piano Forte—La Juive. Prudent. Lizzie Adams, Newark, N. J. Mary Jenks, Brookville, Pa.

Lizzift Kenton, NeWitrk, N. J. Recitation—The Owl. Chorus— From " Paradise and the Peri." Isabel Lange, EetUlehem. Schuman. Chorus— '* 0, hail us ye free 1" from Ernani. llecitation —Story of Blue Beard. Verdi. Pauline Demonet, Brooklyn, N. Y. ^Ilymn CHllie Spivey, Savannah, Ga. Lord, dismiss ua with thy blessing. Ernestine SchniiJ, N. Y. Fill ourliearts with joy and peace; Althea Scbmid, N. Y, Let ua each, tby love possessing. BtTtba Balnier, St. Louis, Mu. Triumph in redeeming grace ;

Clara Downing, Downiugton, Pa. refresh ua, :||: Trav'ling through this wilderness. Ada Spivey, Savannah, Ga.

l!):ibel Roberts, Philadelpbia. One of the young gentlemen who was at Larghetto—From 2dSym2^honie. Duett with this entertainment, after his return home Melodeon accompaniment. Bethoveu. from the visit, thus described it in the Eue-

Carrie Cessna, Bedford, Pa. ton AryuH, a few days later, heading his ef- Mercur, Towanda, Addie Pa. effusion: Duett—" Speed my bark." Neukomm. " * Brother Charlie's' account of his visit to Mary Ecky, Philadelphia. the Bethlehem Seminary entertainment. Maria T^'uLderling, Nazaretb, Pa. • * The man that hath not music in himself, Piano Forte—Eruanh Prudent. Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, Nettie Corey, Nt-wjirk, N. J. Is fit for treason, stratagem and spoils,' Trio—" Lift thine eyes." Mendelssohn. " Shakspeare's ojiinion is ours also. Music 1st Soprano^Mary Jenks, Brookville, Pa. always has charms for us, and beauty in- Fannie Jenks, Brookville, Pa. invariably attracts us; therefore, "we deter- Jessie Davidson, Yonkers, X. Y. mined to attend the entertainment last week. Sarah Henry, N. Y. " half-past six, arrived at the Kate Selfridge, Bftblt-bcni. About we

2(1 Soprano—Mary Belloni, IIarlcm,N. Y. church, and found italready crowded. What Laura ^YoUc, Bethlehem. a galaxy of beauty, was there assembled!

Mary Ilolland, Bethlehem. Jennie Sensemeu, Nazareth, Pa. *' The stage was very tastefully decorated Ellen Laubach, Danville, Pa. with greens. At the rear sat a number of Kate Glover, Hiirrisburg. Alto— gentlemen assistants, while on either side, Juli.x Eaker, Quincy, lU. were the young ladies, looking very happy, Georgie Benueson, Quincy. III. and very, very beautiful. Larry Belloni, Harlem, N. Y- Pecitation—" The Little Ileartease." *' The exercises opened with ashortaddress Agatha Schuiz, Bethlehem. bj' the Principal, the Pev. Francis 'Wolle, Arie— From Freischutz. "Weber. in which he gave a summary of the last Mary Jenks, Brookville, Pa. year's work, and stated the prospects of the Piano Forte Duett—The Huguenots. E. WollT. Seminary for the ensuing year. Sallie Baker. Quimy, III. " Then followed both vocal and instrumen- Prof. Agtbe. tal music, interspersed with recitations. Song—The Erl King. Shubert. " The pieces were all so well executed, that Jessie Davidson, Yonkers, N. Y. to make particular mention of one, were to Pvecitation—" Along the Path of Life.'* do injustice to the others. Nettie Corey, Newark, N.J. Chorus—''Come, enjoy this day of pleasure." " Upon that rostrum, all the divisions of Concoue. our glorious Union were represented. Penn- Madam DiessUr's Pupils, sylvania and her neighbors may well bo B E T 11 L E II i: M, P E N N S Y L V A N r A. 103

Iiroud at being able to say, that such an in- Artillery, which was commanded by my old stitution is within their borders, and that so friend and comrade, Colonel Augustus A. much beauty and talent can be displayed by Gibson, of the regular army. their daughters : while our elegant and ac- Bethlehem also claims amongst her heroes, complished "Western sisters can never be Generals Schurz, Sigel, Schimmelfenning surpassed. The Southern States may be and Doster, whose families lived iu the town glad that they have yet some to show to the during the rebellion. The latter is a Mora- world, what they were, and might yet have vian, and now a distinguished member of the been ; while, with our Eastern friends, it were Easton bar. impossible to find fault. Several other military organizations, be-

'At the conclusion

104 11 I S T 11 I C A L S K i; T C U OF

John Pntridi, and partlcij)ated in ail the subsequent cam- T;ikun iiiisum-r May 2, liC2. paigns of General Sherman through Georgia Ttaniel Bi'.liai(). and the Carolinas, ending with the surrender Eli ward TrcxvU— iiiusiciau. of Johnstone's Rebel Army, and the march Piivid Kiicliniaii —wagoner. from thence to Washington, where it par- Trans/erri^d. ticipated in the Grand Jicviciv, May 24, 18G5. Josep'i Macliett, First Lieut., to Capt.lia of Co. I. Mustered into the United States' service IMniund Craniaie, Sergt., to Secoud Lioiit. of Co. U, PromoU'd. September 4, 18C1, at Ilarrisburg. Re-m^is- at IIoraCL- r. Jones, to Second Lieut. Co. 0. tered as veterans, January 13th, 1SG4, Tliomas C., to Sergt. Major. Dcchcrt, Tennessee.

Levi Tice, to lleg't Quarter Master. Engagements. Cliarles B. J.'cCarly, to Serg't Mnjor. ^\"inchester, Va., March 23, 1861. James T. Adair, to Ass't Surgeon 77Hi P. V. Middlotown, Ta , May 25, 1861. Franlilin M'eaver, Corji'I, to Veteran Ilescrve Corps. Winchester, Va., May 26, 1861.

liUcharQcd. Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1802.

Lnclieubacli, October 2,J, 1862,. fjr Owen A. Captain, Sulphur Springs, Va., August 27, 1862.

wounds. South Mountain, JId., S-'pt. 4, 1862.

William B. Tliomas. First Lieut., March 4. ISC:;. Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 18C2.

John C. Fetter, Second Lieut. Chancellorsville, Va., May 1,2, 3, 1803.

Hubert B. Deutr.v, Serg't, December 15, 1862. Gettysburg. Pa., July 1, 2, 0, 18C3.

Uenry B, Levers, Serg't, November 22, 1SC2. nesaoa, Ga , May 15, 1864.

Benj. II. Weaver, First Serg't, Oct. 21, 1S62, wouni'.s. CassviUe, Oa., May 10, 1864.

r.ob't E. Williams, Corp'l, Nov. 10, 1S62, wounds. Dallas, Ga., May 25, 1S64.

George A, Yohe, Corp'l, December 12, 18G1. Tine Knob, Oa., June 9, 1864.

Ga., June 2'2, Our space will not permit the insertion of Culps Farm, 1864. Peach Tree Creek, July 20, 1864, the lionnrable record of the private soldiers. Atlanta, Oa., Sept. S, 1SC4. On the Memorial it is staled : Cypress Swamp, Oa., Dec. 8, 1804. " The regiment arrived at Camp Kalorama, Savannah, Oa., Dec. 21, 1804. Washington, D. C, September 18, l.Sfil, and Chesterfield C . n., S. C, March 2, 1S65. were soon after assigned to General 'Wil- Averysl'Oro, N. C, March 14, 1805. liam's Brigade, Bank's Division, on the Up- Dentonsvillc, N. C, March 19, 18C5. Coon Eun, N. C, April 10, 1865. jier rotomac. The regiment took part in all

in is the campaigns of General Banks ; and was The Soldiers' Memorial printed on a (he Division when it was assigned to t!ie handsomely illustrated sheet, surrounded by army of Virginia, under General Pope, suf- warlike implements and scenes, including, fering severely at the battle of Cedar Moun- spirited sketch of an engagement in the field.

tain, losing fully two-thirds of its number. J.4S, L. Selfridge.—Captain of Co. A, 1st Pa. Vols. Took part in the Rappahannock campaign; three months service—April 20, 1801, Be-entered as Lieut. Col. of tho 4Cth regiment Pa. also, the Maryland campaign, ending with V.ds. August 8, 1861 i.romote.I to Col. May 10. ISC", Antietam. The old division of General ; served in the Army of the Potomac until the fall of tho Banks having been transferred to the 12th year 1863, ^^heu his reginr utj.ined the Army of tho in ' took part corps, under General Slocum ; Cumberland under G neral Sherman, and formed a

all the varied campaigns of the Army of the 1 art of the forces who made the grand march to tho

Potomac, until the fall of 1S63, when the sea. IIo was promoted to Brig. Gen. by Brevet, M.arch 11th and 12th corps were transferred to the 16,1865; mustered out of service July 16, 1865. lie of Internal Revenue for tha Army of the Cumberland, was afterwards Collector 11th District of Pa., and is now Clerk of Ihj House The regiment re-enlisted in January, 1S64, of Representatives of Peuusylvauia. and returned to Pennsylvania on a 30 days' IlEV. "W. IlENRy IlICE,—Chaplain of the 129th regi- furlough. In the Spring of 1SC4, the 11th ment Pa. Vols., entered tho nine months' service Aug-

and 12th corps were consolidated, and form- ust 16, 1802, ith army cor]is of the Army of the Po- ed the 20th corps, under General Hooker, tomac; mustered out May IN, liXO. ;;

r. i; T n L E ii r. m, r i: n n s y l v a n i a. 1C5

The Rev. Mr. Price was the only Moravian niiaister Thos. B. Gorman.—In the three months' service with who acted as an army chaphiin during the war. 1st regiment Penna. Vols. In three years' service with Capt. R. MoULTon Godndie.—In the three months' 4Gth regiment Penna. Vols. Promoted to First Lieut. service, Second Lieut, of Co. A., 1st regiment I*enna. Co. H., February 1, 18C2. Disnu>sed the service by

Vols., mustered April 20, ISCl. Re-enlisted in three verdict of a Court Martial. lleavy years* service as First Lieut, of Co. G, 2nd Pa. Ortille a. Grider.—Entered the nine months' ser- with Artillery, promoted to Captain, and mustered out vice August 15, 1S62, as Second Lieut, of Co. C, 129th

regiment. Now civil engineer, Bethlehem, Pa. Pa. Vols.; promoted to First Lieut. March 28, ISGG ; Doctor Frickhardt hud two sons in the 2nd Pa. Ar- mustered out with company. tillery, Augustus and Frederick, who died in the ser- Robert E. Abuott.—Entered nine moutlis' service vice, aged respectively, eighteen and twenty years August 15, 1802, as Captain of Co. G, 132tid regiment they were privates, unused to the hardships of a sol- Pa. Vols.; severely wounded in the face at the battle of dier's life, and diedin c mp before seeing active service. Antietam. Honorably discharged January 13, 1SC3, William IL Stolzenbacii.— Entered the service April on account of his wound. Now one of the proprietors 17, 1S61 a private of Co. A, 1st regiment Pa, Vols., of an iron foundry at Bethlehem. three months' service. Entered the three years' service Edward IIammann.—Enlisted as a private in Knapp's as First S:-rg't Co. C, 4Gth regiment Pa. Vols., Septem- celebrated battery of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, and rose ber 4, ISCl; promoted to Second Lieut. September 5, to the rank of First Lieut, of artillery; mustered out 1S61; First Lieut. March 4, 18G2; Captain, November of United States service with his company. Now a 1. 1£62. Served xinder General Banks, Hooker and conductor on the North Pennsylvania Railroad. Pope, of the Army of the Potomac; and re-enlisted un- Dr. Abraham Stout.—Entered United States ser- der Sherman with his regiment, as veteran volunteers, vice October 1, 1S62, as Assistant Surgeon of the 153rd and was painfully wounded at the battle of Peach Tree Pa. Vols., of the regiment Army of the Potomac ; mus- Creek, July 20, 1SG4, losing all the lingers of his right tered out July 24, 1863. Now a practising phy.

ment Pa. Vols., March 17, 186-5 ; mustered out with as First Lieut. Co. C, 4GtIi regiment Pa. Vols., August regiment, June 12, 1865. Now Physician at Bethlehem. 17, ISCl; promoted to Cnpt. Sept. 4,1801; discharged on surgeon's certificate, October 2 J, 1SG2. Having been Alexander W. Sslfridge.—Private in Co. A, 38th regimeut X'a. Vi.U., June, ISPl; promoted wounded at the battle of Cedar Mountain, August 9, Second Lieut. Co U, 40th regiment Pa. Vols February 1SG2, and his right leg amputated. Now United States , 0, 1802. Served in the Shenandoah Valley under General Collector of Internal Rev.uni! f>n- the 11th District of Banks. Pennsylvania. Was twice captured, escaped the first time; on the sec- ond occasion, accused of violating his parole, but John C. Fettee.—Entered tlie three years' service ac- quitted of tho charge and sent to ' Libby Prison*' with August 17, 1S61 ; promoted to Seconrl Lieut. November the rest of General Pope's officers. Exchanged ia four 1,1862, of Co. C, 40th regiment Pa. Vols.; resigned months, joined his regiment in the September 10, 1803. field, and was pro- moted to Captain of his company. Served with Sher- Owen B. Sigley.—After the three months' serv'ce, nuin during his great march to the sea. At Altooiia entered the 46th regiment Pa. Vols., August 17, 1801 was appointed acting Commissary of Subsistence on promoted Second Lieut. M;iy 22, 1SC5; mustered "out General Knipe's staff. Then on the staflF of General with his company, July 10, 1805. Now publisher of Broughton, in the same capacity, and afterwards the " Weekly Progress," of South Bethlehem, Pa. on the staff 01' General Sel&'idge, (his uncle,) Breveted Charles D. McCarty.—In the three months' service; Major March 13, 1S05, for his galhmtry during the war, entered the three years' service with Co. C, 16th regi- Vols.; and Iioaorably mustered out of service August, lSO.'j. ment Pa. promoted Seru't M^or February 12, Horace B. Jones. Entered tlie nine months' servicis 1863 ; mustered out with regiment. He died May 20 — September 1803, as First Lieut, 1S67, and on his tomb-,toue in the old Cemetery, is the 1, of Co. G, 4Gth regi- following inscription. ment Pa. Vols.; resigned September 23, 1864.

In memory of Charlts B. MCarty, late Joseph A. Fry.—Entered the service October 7, 18C2, Sergeant Major of the 40th regiment of as Captain of Co. B., 153 regiment Pa. Vol.^., Army of Penna. Veteran Volunteers, the Potomac. Mustered out July 24, 1SG3. Born March 24th, 183S, Died May 20th, 1SG7. IIexrt J. Oekter.—Entered the service as Captain

| Forever with the Lord. of Co. C, 153 regiment Pa. Vols., OctobL-r j 7, 1SG2; mua- ;


tereil out July 23, 1863. Now deceased, and buried in in his day a prominent man, and a popular mt- niber of iLtoId Moravian grave yard at Bethlehem. the Masonic fraternity.

The Rev. Mb. Nevin, late Rector of the Protestant Bexj'n F. Boter.—Enteied tlie eervice for uiiie Episcopal Church of the Nativity, in South Bethlehem, iiiODths', as Second Lieut. Co. C, 153id regiment I'.i. was the commander during the war, of Nevin's cl-c- '\'ul3. ; resigned January 22, 18C3. Kow merchant in Betlilehem. brated Battery uf Lijjht Artillery. Hi.' is now in cl ar^^o of the American Chapel at Rome, in Italy. Joar» Frederick K. Trueauff.—Entered the service The following short sketch of company A, April 20, 18C1, as Fir&t Lieut., three months, afterwards in the nine months' service, with the 153rd regiment 4th regiment Pennsylvania Cavalry, is in-

Pa. Vols , aa Mnjor. Assistant Inspector General for serted, to give some idea of the nature ami General McLawa; mnstered out with regiment July extent of the duty performed by our soldiers

21, 1SG3. Now attorney-at-law, Litiz, I\i. in the field. It was in this company, as Owen Rice, Jr.—Entered tlie nine mouths' service will be seen, that General Wiiliam Emil in lJJ3rd regiment Pa. Tols., as Captain of Co. A, Octo- Doster entered the service. ber 7, 1802; mustered out with regiment. July 23,1863. Company A, 4th regiment, Pennsylvania \Vouuded at Chancellorsville. Now a druggist at

Lancaster, I'a. Cavalry, was recruited on the** Sand Island," Bethlehem, in August, 1S61, from Bethlehem, Andrew A. Luckenbach.—Entertd the service as private in Co. A, 1st regiment Pa. Tols., April, 1861, Easton, "Weissport, Summit IliU and Maueh three months; re-entered service August 16, 1SC2, as Chunk. The company left Bethlehem IIG rirst Lieut. Co. C, 129th regiment Pa. Vols., nine strong, and was mustered into Harlan's Cav- months; promoted to Captain March IS, 1SC3, and alry, (afterwards the 11th Penna.,) at Phila- mustered out May 18, 1863, Now miller at Bethlehc-ni. delphia, August lo, 18Gl,with the following William D. Luckenbach.—Entered the service for oflQcers. nine months, August 12, 1802, as private in Co. C, 129th Capt. Doster, Bethlehem. Pa. Vols.; re-entered service September 4, 1SC4, as Wm. Emil

I'irst Lieut, and Adjutant of 202 regiment Pa. Vols, for First Lieut., Herman Horn, Weissport. one year; promoted to Assistant Atljutant General to Second Lieut., Edward Tombler, Bethlehem. General Albriglit, of the Army of the Potomac ; mus- The company was transferred to the 4th tered out of service August 4, 1865. Now attorney-at- Penna. Cavalry, commanded successively by law, Alleutown, Pa. Cols. Compbell, Childs, (killed at Antietam,) Captain Jonathan K. Taylor has tlip fullowing re- Kerr, Doster, Covode, (killed at St. Mary's cord engraven on his tomb, in the old Bethlehem grave yard: Church,) and Young ; and served to the close "To the memory of Captain .lOXATIIAN K. TAYLOR, of the war, in 2nd Brig. 2nd Div., Cavalry Co. C, 129th regiment Pa. Vols., eon of David and Corps, Army of the Potomac, being at differ- Hannah K. Taylor, who received a mortal ent times under the command of Gens. Kcycs, wound at the battle of Fredericksburg, Stoneman, Averill, Pleasanton, Kilpatrick, December 13, 1862, and died at Georg - Gregg, Duilie and Sheridan. town, D. C, March 28, 1863, aged It participated in the following engage- 20 years, 11 months and 20

: Gaines' Hill; days. By his comrades ments — Charles City Cro£S

in arms."' Poads ; Iledgeville ; Antietam ; Markham

Station ; Kelley's Ford; Chancellorsville; Cut upon a shield, surmounted by the American eagle, Upperville; Middleburg; Aldie; Snicker's and ornamented by the national flag, and thcbatallion colors. Gap ; Gettysburg ; Sheppardstown ; Bealtou

Lieut. Col. Samuel Wetherill entered the United Ilhappahanock Station; Beverly Ford; Cul-

States service as the Captain of Co. II, which he raised pepper; Trevilian Station ; Totld's Tavern; by his own exertions, on the 25th of September, 1861, Sulphur Springs; Deep Bottom ; St. Mary's and served with distinction until the end of the war, Church ; Peam Station ; Stony Creek ; Boyd- when he \va3 mustered out October 2, 1864, bavin" ton Road; AVyatt's Farm, and Bellefield. attained the rank of Major. On the 13th of March, Eighteen of the company were 1865. He was breveted as a Lieut. Col. for distinguishpd captured services during the war. He is a son of the late ec- at Sulphur Springs, and died at Anderson- entric John Price Wetherill,of Philadelphia, who was ville, including A. Walion, cf South Eethle- B E T II L i: n i: Ji, pi: n n z y l v a n i a. 10 hem, First Serg't, and Josiah MoHoee, of on the third, for either of which posiMons he was well Hanover. qualified, saying that he cjuld be of more service as F, rst Sergeant. Now one the proprietors of the old Mill at Capt. Tumbler served through all the eam- Bethlehem. aign before Eiohmonil, noted for bravery 1 From the Bethlehem Daily Times the follow- and discipline. On the march before Gettys- ing account of the proceedings on *' Decora- burg, heeucoumbed to chronic diarrhoea, and tion Day" of May 29th, 1869, is copied, viz : was transferred to the Veteran Reserve Corps, " Decoration Day.—In all ages of the of which he commanded a batallion to the world and in all nations, it has been thecus- close of the war, at Evansville, Indiana. tom of the living to honor the memory of Capt Andrews succeeded Capt. Tombler, and the dead, who lost their lives in battle for was breveted Major, he commanded the the defence of their country. Yesterday and company until tne death of Col. Covode. Saturday wore set apart by tlie highest au- Capt. Andrews was succeeded by Capt. Ilynd- thority in the Grand Army of the Republic « was also breveted man,ofMauch Chunk, ho for the decoration of the graves of soldiers Major. who lost their lives in the Union armies Capt. Poster was, in October, 18(il, pro- during the late civil war, as also of those

moted to jMajor, :u March, 1862, assigned to who at any time fell in the defence of the

duty on the staff of Gen. James S. Wads- country and under her flag. In this exer- worth, and ajjpointed to succeed Gen. Porter cise it was designed that all citizens should as Provost Marshal of the cities of Washing- unite. Owing to the fact that comjjaratively ton, Georgetown, and Alexandria. In March, short notice had been given for praparatiou 1863, he took command of his regiment as for the decoration of the graves of Beth- Lieut. Colonol. During Stoneman's raid lehemites and strangers who lie in soldiers' before Chancellorsville, he was put in com- graves in and about the town, it was feared mand of the 2nd Cavalry Brigade. At Up- that the turnout of citizens would be meagre; perville, Va., during a charge on Fitzhugh but such was not the case. A goodly num- Lee's cavalry, he was captured, but by kill- ber of those who thought they could spare a ing his captor, succeeded in rejoining his quarter of a day from labor to honor the command. He was subsequently transferred graves and memory of those who died that to the Colonelcy of the 5th Penna. Cavalry, they might labor whole days in peace and and breveted Brig. Gen. for gallant and safety, were present. For some reason, lo meritorious conduct at Gettysburg. Now us unknown, the citizens were not marshaled attorney-at-'aw, at Easton, Pa. in line, and therefore did not add their num-

Col. IIenkt Coppze, L. I. D., President of the Lehigh bers to the line of the procession. A drum

Uuiversity, and now a resident of S-juth Bethlehem, corps with fife, members of the G. A. R., was, during the rebellion, aid de-camp to Governor young ladies with boquets for the graves, Curtin, of Pennsylvania, and in that capacity, heing a and numbers of the firemen from all the graduate of West Point, was of great service to the companies, formed the Order of procession. State, ne also, during that time, edited the United We have only to add that those who partici- States Service Magazine; and after the war, wrote an pated in the decoration of soldiers' graves in excellent life of our President, General U. S. Giant.

JoUN n. PilCE, of Bethlehem, wag the Second Lieut, and about Bethlehem, on Saturday, May 29, of Co. tl, nth regiment Penna. Cavalry. 1869, were abundantly satisfied with the David A. Lcckexb.\ch was the captain of a company exercises, and that, now that Post 182, Grand of boys during the rebellion, who were handsomely Army of the Republic, is fully organized, equipped, and exceedingly wlII drilled, and deserve they expect on all occasions of the kind here- mention. He served as Orderly Sergeant on three after, to be fully prepared to do honor to diflerent occasions in the companies of militia raised in their fallen comrades. Bethlehem during the rebel raids on the State; when " he declined the office of Second Lieut, the first time, When the last graves had been decorated, that of First Lieut, on the second, and that of Captain in the old Moravian Burying Ground, Gen. ; ! ;

108 n I S T K I C A L S K L T C II OF

Selfridge, the Chief Marshal, introduced Rev. vet Brigadier General of U. S. Volunteers, Mr. Kevin, of the Church of the Nativity, of was then organized as a company of Infant- South Bethlehem, who made a short address ry. There was also a company of Cavalry, full of comprehensive patriotism, of honor known as the "Bethlehem Cavalry," under

to the dead soldier and sailor, and of hope Col. Geo. I^c?^«CJ.

for peace and harmony in our great country, In this connection I cannot refrain from

and of exhortation to be true to the spirit of relating an incident which occurred during our institutions, the permanence of which Lee's advance on Pennsylvania in 1863, just depends upon the citizen soldiery of the couu- preceding the battle of Ceiti/abuir/. One Sun-

try. day morning, in the latter part of June, whilst the congregation were at worship in " Via cannot more fittingly close these the Moravian hasty words concerning what Bethlehem church, a telegraphic message was received from Governor Curtin, calling and her surviving soldiers and citizens did for a company of volunteers from Bethle- to honor the memory of their dead comrades bem. The church bell was rung, creating and protectors than to quote these words of the most intense excitement the con- the poet Montgomery: among

*' gregation. The rfruni coj/M ordered out, Give me the death of those was

"Who for their country die marched through the town, arousing all the " Awl oh I be mine like their repose, inhabitants, who flocked to the Eagle Ho-

When cold and low they lie tel." As the people came from the church a Their Invcliest mother earth meeting was organized, the wishes of the rnshrines the fallen brave; State authorities made known, volunteers In her sweet lap, who gave them birth. called for, and enough men to form a com- They find their tranquil grave." pany, quickly enrolled their names. As each " The following is a list of those soldiers gave his name he hurried home to equip w-hose graves were decorated with flowers in himself for the field, and say good-bye to the the old Moravian Burying Ground. loved ones there. Some, however, came Capt. J. K.Taylor; Capt. J. II. Rice : Lieut.

ready to march ; the long roll of the drums Merrill; Clarence Kampman ; F. Fickardt; had told them their country called, and like Hiram Yohe; Henry Haas ; Capt. H. J. Oer- most men of the day they were ready to take ter; Lieut. E. Doster; Serg't Maj. McCarty the field at amoment's notice, for none knew E. A. Slolzenbach ; A. Fickardt; Jno. C. how soon they might called. Hagen; J. B. Vail, (navy.) be So like the old soldier all were ready to "fall in" when In Nisky Hill Cemetery.—Albert C. Cort- the order was given. right; John Jones. A company fund was freely subscribed the In the Lutheran Grave Yard.— E(;ward by citizens and paid over to a treasurer selected the meeting. Troxell ; Tobias Jones. by Company officers were elected, viz., Frank In the Methodist Grave Yard.— I'rias C. Stone, captain; Wm. H. McCarty, 1st Bodder; Hess ; Schwabb. Lieutenant; Henry Schelly, 2d Lieutenant; In the year 1S60, the Military Companies together with five of the town, consisted of the "Bethlehem sergeants and eight cor- porals. One gentleman, i)«tJid 0. Luckenbwk, Artillery," Cajitain W!l/lmn Wilson, 31. D., was nominated for 2d Lieutenant, now deceased. The company had a fine ar- but de- clined, saying, " I would rather mory in the large brick structure in Broad be orderly sergeant, I know the duties of that street, east of Kew street on the north side; position best." He was accordingly elected the building was erected for that purpose. to the desired The Masonic Lodge of Bethlehem now hold position. their meetings in the upper portion of the In oue hour from the time of sounding (lie house. The "Washington Grays," comman- alarm, ninety-four men fully equipped and ded by Captain James L. SelJ'riJge, now Bre- ably officered fell in, at the order, ready for ' ,

BETIILEnEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 109 service in the field. A short, stirring, and nation's gallant sons rushed to arms, and patriotic speech was made to the company, we astonished Foreign Nations by showing bv the eloquent physician. Doctor Frederick them that a free people could assemble a

A. Frickhardt; ending, "God bless you well-disciplined militia force in the field boys ! Go I we know you will do your duty with the same marvelous rapidity, that they to your country." Then the druma beat; could put in motion their large standing parents, relatives and friends cheered, many armies; and we afterwards increased their with tears in their eyes, and choking sobs surprise by disbanding a million and a half in theirvoices, as they heard thestern com- of soldiers in a few months ; returning them mand, " shoulder arms," " right face," " for- quietly to the pursuits of civil life, and pay- ward march I" and saw those they loved ing all expenses of a gigantic civil war, going from their sight perhaps forever. So without foreign aid of any kind, but nuuli many of those who but a short hour before opposition. It is only in a republic, such as were engaged in the service of their God, ours, where every man is free and unfettered marched ready to serve their country in the in mind, body and estate, th^t such things hour of her direst need. can be accomplished.

Reading, it When the company reached 0, thus be it ever, AVhen fr* eman shall stand was incorporated into the 34th Regiment of Between their loveti homes, and the wars desolation Pennsylvania Militia, under Col. Albright. Blessed witli victory and peace, may heaven's rescued land; Abm. S. Schropp, one of the members of the BlesB the Power that hath made and preserved us- a Bethlehem company, was elected Adjutant Nation. of the regiment with the rank of Lieuten- ant. Edmund Duster (now deceased) another Bethlehem was full of soldiers during tlie private, was elected Regimental Quarter- war. Recruiting offices for all arms of the master. service were open. Recruits, veterans, sol- On a previous call for volunteers by the diers and officers, sick, discharged, on duty, authorities of the State, a full company of or on leave, gave the place the appearance militia was raised on a few hours notice, and of a Garrison town; and the uniforms of the dispatched the same day to the front. The U. S. cavalry, infantry and artillery were company consisted of eighty-six privates common in the streets. And during tlio and non-commissioned officers. David 0. long winter evenings as we gathered arouiul Luckenback being 1st Sergeant. The com- the fire at the Eagle, "old soldiers" of twen- missioned officers were Joseph Peters, Cap- ty-four or younger, related the stories of tain | F. J. Ilaus, 1st Lieutenant; Abraham .their battles to their friends, and to each

S. Schropp, 2d Lieutenant. other. May thoy all live long to tell their

It was thus all over the country, that the stories over again for many years to come. 110 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF


CHAPTER XII. Boarding School for Boys, went into opera- The Entertrises of the Moravian Church. tion in 17S5, and and has been in succsssful —Theik Schools.—Their Publications.— operation ever since, at Kazareth, Pa., with The Text-Book.— Dirts Days, and their an average attendance of ninety-six pupils.

Celebeation. — The First Printing Opfioe. Linden Hull j at Litiz, Pa., a school for Girls, —The Newspapers op Bethlehem in "•as founded in 1704, and has an average of the Past and Present.— " Pennsylvania 100 scholars per year. Sulem- Academt/, for Dutch."—Love- Feasts."—The Moravian Females, at Salcni, Korth Carolina, where Christmas Putz.—Thk " Youns Men's scholars were first taken in 1802, has had to Missionary Society," and Christian As- this time over 4,000 pupils. Hope Academi/ sociation of Bethlehem. at Hope, Indiana, was founded in 1866, anil Llnaska Acudcmtj, at Cnasha, Minnesota, wus HE enterprises of the Moravian Churca, established in ISCo, bt>th fur the education ^If are Home and Foreign Missions, Edu- of females. cational Institutions, and Publications. The publication office, and store of the The Educational Institutions of the Mora- Church are located at Bethlehem, Pa., of vian Church in America,are vcryjustly much which my good friend, Henry T. Clauder, is esteemed, and enjoy the public confidence in the amiable and eflSeient head, where all of a high degree; their schools are liberally pa- the historical and religious works of the tronized, and many thousands of pupils not Moravian Church, can be obtained. belonging to the communion of the church, The publications of the Church in America have received their education in Moravian are " The Moravian," in the English lan- hoarding schools. The Moravian College, and guage, and " Der Brueder Botschafter," in the Seminary for females at Bethlehem, have the German, the former a weekly, and the already been referred to. yuzanth Hall latter a bi-weekly newspaper; and both now B L T II L E II E M, PENNSYLVANIA. Ill ably edited by the Rev'd Ilerman A. Brick- for the day, as will be seen by reference to enstein. the " Text- Book" of 1870. The first verse or " Ber Brueder Botschafter," or Brotherly " Daily Word," contains a short sentence of

Messenger, is intended for the German Mo- prayer, exhortation or promise. The second ravians. It contains exhaustive reports of or " Doctrinal text," is intended to enforce the Missions of the Church, and copious ex- some doctrinal truth or practical duty. This tracfs from apjiropriate German publications- custom arose out of another, which was ob-

The first number was issued in the month served in the first congregation of the Ke- of September, ISfifi. newed Church, at Ilernhut, of ai)pointing

" The Moraviau," in 18jG, took the place for each day some persons, whose duty it was of •The Moravian Church Miscellany," a to go from house to house and greet the in- monthly publication of the church, which mates with a text from the Bible, which was was issued from 1850 to 1855, inclusive. At to serve as a subject for meditation during first it was an eight page folio, but in 1S62 the day, and furnished the topic of discourse it was enlarged, and then again in 1864, to in the evening meeting of the congregation. its present size. Previous to " The Miscel- This arrangement afterwards gave place to lany," the church printed " The Missionary the annual issue of this little manual, which

Intelligencer," from the year 1821 to 1850. is now (1870) in its 140th year. It is thus The Provincial Elders' Conference, having prepared: "the Elders Conference of the been authorized by the Provincial Synod, Unity," at Hernhut, select each year many are now erecting a building for the use of hundreds of suitable Texts, from these they the Publication Office, in Bethlehem. The draw by Lot, one from each Testament, for site selected is on Main Street. The build- each day, of the coming year; to each of ing will be four-stories hJgh ; the book-store, these Texts is added an appropriate stanza counting-house and editor's office being on from the Moravian Hymn Book. Then the the first floor, and the composing-room, and Text Book for the coming year is printed and bindery on the fourth. The press-room will furnished at a trifling expense to the Menr- be in the basement. The middle floors not bers of the difi'ereut Moravian Congregations, being at present required for the uses of the and Missions throughout the world. There establishment, will be fitted up as offices. appeared in 1869, in the German, 39,750 copies The present expenses for rent is quite equal of this work. In English, 4,800 copies. In to the interest of the morfey to be thus in- French, 5,600 copies; Negro-English, used vested. And the rent of the offices will pay in Surinam, South America, 600 copies. all the necessary outlay required for repairs Nearly 50,750 copies were printed. Being to the building, insurance, taxes, &e. usually read at the early morning meal, or The Moravians were the first people who in connection with the private or family emploj'ed the art of printing for the publica- devotions, the texts affijrd food for reflection, tion of the Bible in a living tongue. And and often prove of the most striking appli- from the Moravian Publication Office at cation, and encouragement to the pious ami Bethlehem, they print and issue all Devo- attentive heart, (see appendix to Text- Book tional boooks of their Church, Sunday- of 1869.) This ancient and beautiful custom

Schools and Missions in the United States. is still retained in all true Moravian house- It of has been the custom the Brethren's holds in Bethlehem. - At the breakfast-table Church, since the year 1731, to issue annu- the selections from the Text-Book, are read " ally a little volume called the Text-Book," before eating, and the " DIrth-daij Bonk" is consisting of a selection of verses from the laid beside theplateofthe head of thefamilv, Bible for each day, with appropriate collects with the " Text- Book." In this latter book, taken from their hymn book. To which has or on the margin of the " Text-Book, is gene- been added a reference to the Bible lessons rally entered a record of all the birth-day.^ —

112 HISTOniCAL SKETCH OF of the members of the family, and all of their Sufferings and Death, his guardianship of friends, so that, if on the way to business, the Christian Church, Love to Christ, Uoli- life. Surrender of the heart to him, or during the day, the relative or friend is ucss of Confidence in God, the Happiness of the life met, he or she can be congratulated. to form the contents. These As an exanijilo of Ihc daily devotions, the to come, Ac,

*' yearly volumes have done much towards following is copied from the Text- Book'* of unity of spirit and simplicity of 1870, under da'e of April 7ih, viz: promoting faith in the church. In the earlier times of " Thursday 1. Num. xi., 21-oj. the Renewed Church of the Brethren, these " ' He shall come

itself. SufEcient unto the day is the evil Among the members of the family and their

thereof.'— Matt., vi. o-i. friends in Bethlehem, it is the universal cus- What tuou shalt to day provide, tom to celebrate all the birth-days, by pres- Let me as a child receive. ents and a little home Love-feast. The an- What to-morrow may betide. niversary of marriages are also celebrated in like manner. These little social courtesies Calmly to thy wisdom leave : a *tls enough that thou wilt care, render life more happy and attractive to the to the little ones these are Why should i the burthen bear? older ones ; and

—104. 2. periods of unalloyed happiness.

17."j. — Departure of the first Missionaries to Sometimes these social festivals have a Surinam. deeper meaning, taking the form of a " Sur-

17."..^). — Arrival of Spangenberg with the first prise Party," with music and singing ; some- Colony of the Brethren, at Savan- times presents to a worthy minister, at an-

nah, Georgia." other time to celebrate a father, mother or From Itoudthaler's Life of Ileckewelder, friend's fiftieth birth-day, or the Golden

page 141, t lie following in format ion contained Wedding of some beloved old friend or con-

in a note, is copied. nection. On such occasions, the friends and

" The volume of* Daily Words,' or as it is relatives of those to be honored or surprised,

called in the German, the Watchword o( (ho are all in the secret, a meal is prepared and

congregation, is published every year. Its floral tributes adorn the well loaded table.

contents are two texts for every day in the I remember such an event, a friend's fiftieth year, one taken from the Old, and the other birth-day had arrived, and everybody retired

from tlie New Testament. To each is sub- to bed early, much to his annoyance, so at joined a suitable verse, or part of a ^crse, last, ho went grumbling off to rest, as he iVora the Moravian hymn book. Nothing supposed, and when the light was out in his finds a place in such a volume that does not room, busy hands prepared the festive table,

tend to real edification. All texts that might with suppressed voices and half-choked

conduce to useless disputing, or subtile dis- laughter; at midnight, beneath his window, " tinctions of doctrines, T^hich those often un- the old Bethlehem Band played Should old derstand the least who busy themselves most acquaintance be forgotten;" and then, until about them, are omitted. Inspection will morning, music, fun and jollity reigned su- Ehow such subjects as the Li.ive of Christ, his preme. BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 113

From the "Moravian" of February 25th, munications in poetry and prose from absent

ISfiO, is inserted, here, from an editorial item, friends, and cordial interchanges of thought a beautiful description of and feeling. There was 'holy joy and children's " A Goi.DKV Wedding at Litiz, Pa.—The glee/ merry laughter, and sometimes to a brim- following account of tho golden wedding cele- ming eye, as allusions were made to the * loved bration of Brother and Sister John Beck, of ones gone before.' The remembrance of those

Litiz, was prepared at our request. The friends sainted ones was no check upon our happiness;

of the jKiir :!rc so many in all parts of the it only served to hallow the joy and remind us

Ciiurch, that it will be read with much interest that we have a ' better country, even an heav-

and hearty sympathy. enly,' and that tlih is not our rest.

''Dear Moravian.—The name of the 'Old "Then followed the grand dinner at the Litiz hotel, tho dining-room of which was for the Seboolmastor' of Litiz, is a familiar and beloved time exclusively at the service of the school- one ill many a family throughout tho length and brcailUi of our land, and his occasional master's family. Around one table the older communications in our church-paper have been portion of the company were gathered, children, pursued with interest aud delight, so that a friends, and all the resident ministers with their the other, brief account of the celebration of his Golden wives. At the sixteen grand-chil- Wedding, whitdi took place on Tuesday, Feb. dren did justice to the profusion of good things, which bespoke not only tho liberality of 2d, in the dear iild village of Litiz, may not be our venerable friend, also tho culinary out o^ place. but skill of the hotel hostress. Before partaking of the ' The afternoon and evening of the previous meal, the pastor, Kev. E. T. Klugc, proposed day brought children, grand-children and that the company unite in singing, in the old friends to the old homestead, where, for fifty Moravian style, a liymn expressive of our good years, from the very beginning of their married wishes for our old friends. Accordingly all life, the now vcncrahle couple have resided. It present with united voices sang, was a delightful reunion, and the usually quiet "'Be thuir comfort which ne'er faileth, kc* rooms were full of life and gladness. After the old people had retired for tho night, loving "After the repast the old schoolmaster was hands made tho preparations for the morrow's called upon for a speech, which he made in his celebration. Kind friends iu town had con- happiest style, relating various experiences tributed freely of their floral treasures, and connected with the first opening of his school, these, with wrcuths of evergreen and ivy, were and giving God tho glory for all tho success with which he had met. request, used in decorating the parlor. There were flit- By Kcv, E. tings in and out, mysterious whisperings, and Frucauff replied in the German language. Ho stifled laughter, lest tuspicion might be awak- had been one of tho old schoolmaster's first scholars, paid an ened. The table was draped with white and and eloquent tribute to his the gifts spread out to the best advantage. At former instructor's faithfulness, interspersing last all was done, and with bright anticipations his remarks with some incidents of the olden for tho morrow, the company dispersed. The time, which caused bursts of merriment. quiet of the early dawn was broken by the " Later iu the afternoon the company gather- sweet strains of tho trombones, arousing the ed again in the homestead, when two little dear old folks from their slumbers and calling grand-children received the riteof huly baptism, down a benison upon their heads. The choir from the bauds of the pastor. was led by one of the ?on3, and the beloved ^*At 7 oVlock, P. M., the congregation had mother's favorite tunes had been selected as tho been invitcl to partake of a love-feast in the first sounds which should greet her ears on this church, a printed psalm for which had been happy morning. Then followed the delighted prepared. The pulpit and altar were tastefully surprise as the parlor was entered ; the happy decorated with flowers and evergreens, and a morning meal, the lovin;^ congratulations, com- delightful feeling of joyousness and love per- 114 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF vailed the whole assembly. The relatives of On the 27th of January, 18G6, D. J. God- the old schoolmaster occupied the front pew?, shalk commenced the publication of a weekly while he and his beloved wife sat on the same paper, called the ''Lehigh Vallci/ Chronicle," spot before the minister, where they had plight- of which he was both editor and proprietor. ed their troth fifty years before. AVe would On the 22d of December, iu the same year, it fain speak of the beautiful humility visible in was discontinued. And on the 4th of Feb- every feature of htr face, but we know these are ruary, 18G7, he first printed and issued " The flowers which love best to bloom in the shade, Bethlehem Daily Times," which has been three a d so we forbear. Before singing the psalm several limes since then enlarged. And it the pastor in a very neat address told the con- has been so successful a publication, that its gregation why they had assembled there: then editor began on the 20th of June, 1868, the spoke to the aged couple about the faithfulness publication of a weekly issue, under the name with which their Lord had led them through of the " Wcekli/ Times and Educator.** Under days of prosperity as well as adversity, and the latter head embracing articles in favor finally pronounced over them the Old Testament of, and support our liberal principles of pub- benediction. The congregational singiog was lic school education established in this State.: every seemed tuned fcr the and of interest to those engaged in teaching. delightful J voice occasion. A serenade from the Litiz Sextette, Which paper receives, as it very justly de- later in the evening, closed the happy day, and serves, a large and increasing support. Mr. with peaceful and happy hearts all sought their Godshalk, in connection with the issue of rest that night. It was a never to- be -forgot ten his papers, has a large printing office for the time. Not the slightest thing occurred to mar miscellaneous purposes of his business. the festivity, and the true, old Moravian spirit The peculiar dialect spoken in many parts of unfeigned love and simplicity seemed to per- of this state by those of German and Dutch vade the whole day. The Saviour's presence descent, is called " Pennsylvania Dutch," more and His approving smile was felt throughout properly it should be called, perhaps, ' Penn- the day, and those who returned to their homes sylvania German," in some parts. A late next morning, did so with hearts encouraged writer says that it "is a South German patois, and refreshed. a cross between the soft AUemanium or Swa-

'* God bless the dear old couple. May the bian, and the hard glib low German more or light of His countenance beam upon them, less intermingled with Germanized English

localities in State is smoothing their declining years, and granting words J in some the there them at last an abundant entrance into His little intermixtureof English in the dialect." kingdom." Thi.^ may all be very true, but the name of

** The first printing office was established in Pennsylvania Dutch" originated from the Bethlehem by Henry Muller, a Moravian, patois spoken by the old residents of Reading in 1762. His place of business was in Mar- audits vicinity, and originating there. Dur- ket Street, in one of the old log houses near ing the Revolutionary War of 1776, the Am- the old Grave Yard. The first newspaper erican forces captured a brigade of British printed in the town was issued in 1S45, in troops, at JRed-Banlc, below Philadelphia, in the German language, called " Die Biene," New Jersey, commanded by Count Dunop and was edited by Dr. A. L. Huebener, and i. € , Done-up, and so pronounced, which was printed by Julius Held. Commencing brigad:; contained three regiments of Hes- iu the year 18J3, an English newspaper, sians, these were sent to Reading, then a called *' ieAf'y/t Valley y/wfcj*," was published depot for prisoners, and remained there ever for five years, conducted refusing to by E. H. Rauch. after J the English government After its discontinuance, a weekly paper en- pay the expense of their transportation to titled " The Bethlehem Advocate,,' was their homes. So they settled, married, lived printed for several years, edited by II. Reudo. and died there. And their descendants I I — " !

BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 115 mingling with the Americans, and being The following piece of poetry, in " Penn- without education, naturally acquired the sylvania German," by L. A. Wollenweber, of patois, which has extended over the State, Philadelphia, is copied from the ll'eeiVy anil although now intermixed with German, Prngress," of South Bethlehem, under date of is called " Pennsylvania Dutph," aspecimen June 23rd, ISTO, and will be found in one of which is contained in the following copy of the interesting and very amusing letters of of an advertisement, of an old acquaintance. "Danny Kratzer" (Edward Ebermann,) " !" Tlic first line means Just look here once " Ains fun Jfihuiii/ aciiui toova," which are a A favorite expression in and about Bethle- marked feature in the weekly issue of that hem. paper.

"'I bin au ti) [\'ini.s}Ivitui(T COOK YUSHT AMOHL DO II D'ruff bill ich Stolz uuJ troh.

Monsleit un Weibsleit! I Dass Land ia slu-iy, die Leut Bin nett ECW.V UN MJED YUNGY UN OLTY. Bei Tacliinks I ich mach schier en'ge wett,

ATTESTIO.N ! I 'S biets kay Land der VTelt.' DEE EAGLE DRUG SHTORE Wir Stamme vun die Deutsche her,

Der Besht under Wholfealsht I Dniff bin ich a recht stolz, \V.M. S. SEAGEil, OBaADE.iKEl;. Die Deutsciic sin arg brave Leut In der Drift Shtrose, Sued Bethlehem. Sill Sparaam. fleissig lind gesheit, Olsfort uf bond, oily sorta fun de beslity Sic biet kc Folk der Welt. Drugs uu Meditziena, un ou de wholfealshty Do guk nnr nU de Kart^v au, prices. Also, Paint, Oehl, Glaws, Varnish. M ic Peiiusy vany haist, &c. Her hen aw an ueier article dos gor net "Wadist do net alles shay un guth, gebutta konn weeri'a ; es is de bareemt Un butt net yeder g'sundes Blut "SALTED SODA" ' S biets kay Land der Welt. Ua net allainich utTdcr Erd uu wierd g'used for seaf kocha. Prowiers Wachst alles shay und guth, aniohl —de directions we mors braucht An drunne gebbts so fiel ilir wollt, geaua niit. Cm Eagle Drug Shtore Koble, Eise werth wie gold, is aw der plotz for —may ' S biets kay Land der Welt.' PATENT MEDITZIENA, BITTEES, ic, There is a very interesting article in the Ac, itc, Atlantic Monthly of October, 1S68, entitled Fun oily ort, un ou de wholfealshty prices. " Pennsylvania Dutch," page473, i-c, which Also, Coal-Oehl, Lompa, Waugba- is worthy of perusal. shmeer, &c., &c. The ancient and beautiful Christian prac- Now mind was mer sawya ; mer hen olles uf bond was mer denka konn in unser line tice of holding Love-fmrta as a religious of bisness. AVe g'sawt, unser prices sin ceremonial, has been continued in the Breth- wholfealer dos in ennichem onnera Drug ren's Church from the earliest days of Mo- Shtore im County. Ferges't net der platz, ravianism. Lnxsc-fcmfs, and the Kiss of Peace, l.V DER DRITT SIITROSE UNNICH DER LOCUST were originally connected with SUED BETHLEHEM. the Holy Communion. Saint Chrysostom says, " Upon Now is de tseit; macht eich bei,un judg'd certain days, after partaking of the Lord's for eich selwer; kummt in foor weasa, uf Supper, they met at horseback, uf em Eailroed odder tsu foos a common table, the mer sin gor net particular wie, yusht so dos rich bringing provisions, and the poor who der kommt on had nothing, being invited." The same DER EAGLE OERADEAK IX SUED BETHLEEEM. spirit that actuated the early Christians,

Un bringt eier greenbacks mit. Wholfeal still animates the Brethren of the Moravian All for Cash —sell is unser style. Church. the members of the congrega- tion are invited to •VriLLIAM S. SBAGER, the Love-feasts, of the Obbadeaker. different choirs or classes, and the expenses August 28, 1SC9. are defrayed by a general collection taken IIG HISTORICAL SKETCH OF up after the service, to which all contribute vate meeting, at 9 o'clock, A. M., in the who are able, that feel inclined. Formerly, church, at which there is generally an ad- after a Love-feast, a collector called at each dress by the minister, suitable to the occas- house, asked how man}' had been to service, ion, and to the condition of those present; and collected the amount due, so much be- concluding with prayer and singing. ing charged for each. Now, tlie collection In the Episcopal Watchman, volume I, page

is made at the door, where the "church 143, of the year 1S,21 , is published a sketch servants" are stationed, with small baskets entitled, in which such as choose, drop their offerings. "A MOHATIAX LOVE FEAST .'•

AVhatever balance remains unpaid the con- '* The following is an accountofone of those

gregation fund is taxed to make it up. feasts at Bethlehem, Pa., at 7 o'clock on Sun- In the case of the "Single Brethren" and day morning, five musicians announced the

" Single Sisters'" Love-feasts, at their festi- day of the feast from the church steeple, by vals, they invite whom they choose, and pay a solemn air on the trumpets and trombones," their own expenses, so much for general ex- thi'ee airs are always played. " The ordinary penses, and so much for each invited guest. Sabbath exercises were performed in the The stated times for holding these Love- morning, and at 2 o'clock a large assem- feasts, are upon festive occasions, which occur blage was collected for the festival. The

annually; the different choirs celebrating church is large, containing several apart- their own festivals, and inviting the rest of ments besides the room for worship, having the congregation. These Festivals, Prayer- a lofty ceiling, and large windows hung with days or Love-feasts, are held in commemo- white curtains. One half of the church was ration of revivals, or some other interesting occupied by the female j^art of the congrega- events in the early history of the Brethrens' tion, including more than 120 scholars of the Church. The refreshments furnished on boarding school; in white dresses and caps,

these joyous occasions, consists of jMoravian trimmed uniform, the sisters' and tcidotrs. iugar bunns, and coffee only. " The other division of the church oc- The appointed days for the annual Love- cupied by the males, among whom were a feasts of each of the different choirs of the number of school boys, arranged according

Jloravian Church, are as follows : to size. So large a collection, orderly seated benches, preserving an entire still- April 30th, for the Widows. on and

May 4th, for the Single Sisters. ness, had an imposing appearance. • June llh, fur the Older Girls. " During the performance of the choir, in Jnly nth, for the Older Boys. which the organ was accompanied by violins August ITth, for the Children. and trumpets; six women and four men en- August 29th, for the Single Brethren. tered the church, each couple hearing a bas- August 31st, for the 'Widowers, ket of soft cakes, which they distributed to Septemher 7th, for the Married People (Parents.) the whole congregation, co.mmencing with The widows and widowers are generally the clergymen, when these were served, the associated with the choir of the married peo- same persons brought in coffee in white ple and parents. mugs, on wooden trays; which were distri- These festivals are always celebrated on buted in the same manner, and of which all Sunday, and in the church. The services present partook; during the continuance of commencing at 2 o'clock P. M., and lasting the services, which consisted entirely of sing- about half an hour. If the anniversary does ing by the choir, the officiating clergyman,

not fall on a Sunday, the succeeding Sabbath the females, the children and the congrega-

is the day on which the festival is held. tion, alternately in chorus, excepting two On the d.ays of the celebration of the mar- hymns, the words were German, as was all ried people's festivals, that choir hold a pri- the music. ! "


" Singular as the description of such a ment upon Aaron's beard, which flowed to ceremony appears, it was conducted with so the skirts of his garments : like the dew o f much solemnity and propriety, that no other Hermon, and like the dew which descended appropriate feeling could be excited. Typi- upon the mountains of Zionj for them the cal of that fellowship which is the bond of lord commanded the blessing, even life for- the Moravians, and from which they derive evermore.' their appellation of Uiuias Fratnim. This For a more proper understanding of the occasional festival is an opposite emblem of exercises and manner of conducting a Love- the social love which has received the beauti- feast, a copy of the Fest Psalm sung at the ful ecomium of David, ' Behold how good Single Sisters' Festival in the Moravian and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell to- Church at Bethlehem Pa., in the year A. D.,

is gether in unity ; it is like the precious oint- 1870, here inserted.


lij^liral of i\n Sintj^ fisliir^,


2 tturgug. Wd. 90.

£) Stjcr beg §ei-rn, crmuntrc ^ic^

3u frozen 5?obi)c|augen


^reif beinen §cilaub inniglid}

2}Jit iiiBcu orcubcnflangcit,

2)a iir bid) abcnnnl ciii d'cft 3ii ©einem gtieben fcicnt lap.

Sisters. T. 151 G.

Head of Thy congregation,

Kind Shepherd, gracious Lord I Look on us with compassion,

Met here with one accord : Accept our thanks and praises For all Thy love and care, Which we in various cases Eepeatcdly did share. ! ; !

118 nisToniCAL sketch of

G I) c r.

grciicii mtb fi-o:).i:f) miiffni fciii in Dtr, bic iiacf) Dir fragcn, nub

bie 3)ein $eil licben, miiffcn iinmcv fagcit : §ocf)gdol)t fei O^ott : O

iucr mir immcr bet Tag unb 'Jfadjt Xitin jit gciiu-Bcii i'ed)t roiir' be=

bad)t, bcr ^att' o()ue tSnbe Don (iHiicf ju fagen, uiib iOeifa unb Sccle

niujjt' immcr fragcn: "-bin ift inie Vn?

Sisters. T. 5G.

Nought but blessings :1|: lie for us intends,

And His mei-cy :1|: never, never ends; Let us look unto the cross, Where He died to ransom us,

On that offering :||: tiiith alone depends.

Guests. T. IG.

Happy is the virgin's station Whom he kindly owns as his. And who counts his great salvation As her highest good and bliss.

Happy who thus find in Jesus AH their wishes satisfied; Ah, to them bow dear and jirecious Is that friend who for us died. Choir.

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God of Sabaoth. Full are the heavens ofThy glory. Praise the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me praise His Holy name, Hallelujah Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits;

praise the Lord, and bless His holy name ! Ilosanna in the

highest 1

©flfte, mi. 14L

fvrtcbc tl)au' Poii Obcn

<£clig(5 (il)or, ouf Did)!

i'icbeii, banfcn, lobcii,

Stitt unb iungfriiulid) 3unu uov 3t)m erid)cincn,

Uutci- Scincm S'u^, Siinbcrjdiaamrot^ lucincu —

©ci J^ein gcftgcuiijj

Sisters. T. 1G8. LTnto Thee, most faithful Saviour, We ourselves anew commend ; O look down on us with favor. To our prayers and wants attend ! !! ! ;


Grant us all a tender feeling, Of tliy love and gracious dealing, That our hearts may truly be Fill'd with fervent love to Thee.

a«cl. 22.

?Id) jicf)' in iinfre .Picqcn etn,

Hub lajj fie Deinc iBol)niiug fein SJiiiim

a3cn)o^rc fie uor atlent Sd)ab'ii I

.'pcrj G« ifl cin foftlid) 1)ing, bafe baS fcft mevbe, >DcId)e« gcfrfjtc^t burc^ @nabe.

^'/.y/*?/-.?. T. 585.

Though unseen we love the Saviour, lie almighty grace hath shown, Pardoned guilt, and purchased favor; Ilence, through mercy, we're His own.

Give Him glory :||: Grace and glory are His own

2Kel. 119.

?ful)r' unS biirrf), :|1:

giit)i-' un«, ipGrr ! buvcf)'« X()vauent()at,

!I^eiiicv .SpcnUd)fcit entgciicii, 3n ben fd)bncn Jyveubcnfaal §ilf bci unfcrm UnDcvmiJgcn,

®ib ,5um Xrcii=fcin ^'raft, jum ili?Qd)cn 9Jiutf),

©aim Qd)i'i gut. :|!:

A//. T. 246. Blessing and power and majesty Through endless ages bo to Thee, "Who us by blood hast bought, In mercy sought, And to Thy fold us brought.

Amen, Hallelujah

Hallelujah I Amen, Hallelujah


One of the most interesting of these oc- "A Liturgical Service is t:ie Moravian casions, is when, during the evening of the Cemetery at Nazaretu.— On Sunday even- uay of the celebration of the children's festi- ing, 21st inst., a novel and beautiful sight val, they are all assembled in the open air in was presented to the spectator, standing out- front of the church at Bethlehem, and sing, side of the southern gate ivay of the Mora- to the accompaniment of the trombone choir, vian Cemetery. I do not allude to the ex- their Fest Psalm. Nothing can be more in- tensive view of the lovely landscape from teresting, nor more pleasing; the eweet the top of this hill, but to another and most sounds of the voices of the little ones, the lovely spectacle, which was exhibited this solemn tones of the trombones, breaking evening on looking down in the direction of upon the air of a still quiet evening; the the Moravian Church. In front of the church scene lit up by the torches of the choir, the a large number of children, and the pupils streets and side walks crowded by the peo- of the Sunday school, accompanied by their jile, friends, parents and relatives of the teachers and many members of the congre- children, vpho join in the singing, as the gation had assembled, who formed into a minister gives out the hymns line by line. procession, which ascended the hill to the Formerly the front of the church was on cemetery, the children going before, and these occasions hung and lit up with colored singing several sweet songs of Zion. This lamps, much increasing the beauty and in- day had been set apart for the celebration of terest of the scene. the "children's festival." All their special On the last occasion at which the lanterns services, including a Love-feast, had been were used at the celebration (outside) of the held in the church. But the evening service children's festival, a stranger at Bethlehem, was appointed to take place in the cemetery, no doubt pleased with the scene, wrote a as had been donft last year. Punctually at sketch of it, entitling his effusion, " The 6 P. M., the procession started from the Feast of the Ijanterns." The Moravian church, after singing a hymn of praise. minister in charge of the Bethlehem con- Upon entering into the cemetery, the choir gregation at the time, became thereupon played a soul-stirring choral. The small dreadfully alarmed for fear the world would army of children having taken their position think that the Brethren worshiped the lan- in the avenue of evergreens, flanked on both (erns, so they were abolished; and iheir use sides by the brethren and sisters of the con- has never been resumed since. gregation, the service of God was opened Ly The lanterns used at the illumination, the singing of the verse: Gott istgegenwnerlii/." were made of tissue paper, red, white, blue (God reveals his presence,) and, truly, the and yellow, pasted over a wire frame, and a congregation sang with unction and deeply lighted caudle placed in each, and these feeling the presence of the Lord on this sol- suspended from a long wire drawn from emu occasion, and standing around the ofour sainted dead. appropri- tree to tree in front of the church ; the effect graves A very was very fine, a mellow light was cast upon ate air was then sung by the choir, accom- the crowd of spectators, upon the neighbor- panied by instrumental music, whereupon ing houses, the street, and open square, and the pastor invoked the throne of grace and glimmered among the trees, while the chorus made a brief address. The congregation of childish voices, and the peculiar tones of were then requested, by singing several the trombones filled the air, sounds, which verses, to commend our dear children to once heard, are never forgotten, but linger their great and best Friend and Saviour. still on the ear —in memory. From the This impressive liturgical service was closed

Moravian of August 25th, 1870, I insert a by the chanting of the Benediction on the description of the children's festival at part of the whole congregation. When re- Nazareth, Pennsylvania. turning from this sacred spot, our children ; ;

BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 121 sang with cheerful voioes and hapjiy hearts their new associates in their self-imposed,

' Lord, dismiss us with blessing,' ttc., and and meritorious labors; and the newly ap- ' f?iug Hallelujah, praise the Lord,' Ac." pointed Brethren entered into the duties of

It is customary on the Sunday immmedi- their ofBce in January, 1S69. ately before Christman of each year, to have Among the Moravians of Bethlehem, there a Love-feast for all persons engaged in any is still retained many of the ancient customs capacity in serving the Church, This festi- and usages of the Church, and of the people

val is however, somewhat different in its from whom they are descended. Man}- of character from the festivals of the different these customs are simple, child-like and choirs or classes of the church members ; as charming, making life more sweet and

a portion of the time is passed in social con- pleasant, and reminding us every day, whilst versation, touching matters pertaining to we are among them, that men and women their several duties, the changes to be made, are but children of a larger growth. It is and a general discussion of church affairs this charming simplicity of character that within their sphere, and improvements to be renders life in Bethlehem so pleasing. With made therein. This makes the occasion one Americans, life is real, life is earnest; and wc of the most interesting kind to all those who are too apt to forget in the social circle at take any interestinthe welfare of the Church. home, those little tender, loving kindnesses, li must be distinctly understood, however, and gentle attentions, that are so dear and that the Moravian Brethren who do occas- so acceptable to those we love. ional duty in the Church, like that to bo Numbered among the many surprises that presently mentioned, do not ask, or receive add to the enjoyment of the Christmas holi- any pay for their services, any more than days at Bethlehem, there is one that carries the knowledge, and the hope, that Ihcy are with it pleasure both to the young and old performing an acceptable service to their for be it known, that the Moravians observe Brethren and their God. the Christmas holidays with peculiar zest, great are the It was at tlie close of such a Love-feast and preparations for the enjoy- immediately before Christmas, in December, ment thereof. In our principal Moravian ISGS, that the following changes were made settlements, the Christmas festival lasts a in the "church servants." Brothers Ruben week, or rather eight days, from Christmas 0. Luckenback, Christian Belling, Herman day to New Year's day, included. It is a Yost, and Edmund Peisert, having served season of free, joyous, social intercourse, such frcra twelve to eighteen years in the Churcli, as no other denomination of Christian jioo- asked to be relieved from their positions of ple attempts. And one of the great essential

" Saal Diener's." So Brothers Cornelius AV. features of every well regulated Moravian

Krause, Orlanda B. Desh, Ashton C. Bor- household, is the Christmas Piifz, heck, and Sidney S. Schneller, were named All Christendom has adopted the Chrlnlmaa to take their places. Those gentlemen per- 7*/ t'c, but the Moravians have brought with form the duties of ushers, that are in other them from the Fatherland, a charming im- churches fjlled by paid and obsequious sex- provement, denominated " a Putz," which in tons, in list slippers; may they long live to the German means an embellishment, or an fill their positions acceptably, and to do hum- ornament, but in Bethlehem parlance, a bly their duty in their Master's house. large Christmas decoration. It is generally There are eight " Saal Dieners" or chapel a miniature representation of some loved or servants in the Moravian Church at Bethle- beautiful scene in nature, an entire indoor hem ; four of the number did not ask to be landscape. Some of these mimic scenes retired from duty, namely. Brothers John C. are of the most pleasing character, dis- Weber, William Leibert,Benjamin F. Schnel- playing great artistic taste and talent. A ler, and Isaac Walp. These gentlemen choose varied scenery of mountain and val!cy, a 122 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF tumbling water-fall, near which is often a it does not convey a correct idea of the Pu!Zf

mill, with its great wheel in rapid motion, which is not a festooning of the rooms wiA Bometimea a quiet lake, with living fish, a garlands and wreaths, but a miniature repre-

distant "village, with its ancient church, sentation of some scene in nature, imaginary

whose tall spire is reflected in a peaceful or real. As we have said, the art displayed

stream flowing near, a!l forming a quiet in these mimic scenes was frequently very summer scene; oft again, one with the creditable. Mountains and valleys, tumbling snow clad mantle of winter; then again a waterfalls and peaceful fields, lakes and night scene in the dear old Fatherland, villages, in the bright green of summer, or lighted up by a mimic moon. These are the delicate snow covering of winter, were represented with a faithfulness of detail, and represented with a faithful minuteness of

a genuine skill of arrangement, that excites detail, and in really artistic groupings. in night, were our admiration, as much, if not mere than Many evenings, until late the a beautiful picture, giving frequently a plea- devoted to the making of them. Who wi;i sure that can be exceeded only by some say that it was labor thrown away? Xov.- charming scene in nature. a-days we fear, you could scarcely gather together a dozen men who would be willing Behind the bar of the Eagle tavern, at to devote themselves to the preparation of Bethlehem, in the common room, there has one of these grand Pntzes of the olden time, been a large ajjerture made in the wall of the just because they loved to do this sort of thing, house, ten feet long, by four feet high, open- and the time is now to them so precious a ing into a room built outside of the house, thing for business, that they cannot spare it about ten feet square, covered over with a for the purpose of pure and innocent amuse- glass roof, as in hot-houses. In this room, ment. Are we any the happier or better now? William W. Yohe, son of mine ancient are boys any more frank and innocent, or host, Caleb, erects each fall a FnU; some the girls any more loveable and modest than miniature winter scene. In the spring he they were then? When, even on a Christmas replaces this by a summer view, sometimes Eve, the great Pii/i-seeing evening, they imaginary, oft times real. On one occasion came home at nine o'clock, and were thank- he made a view of a town in Western Vir- ful for the privilege of being allowed to go, ginia, the scene of one of the earliest battles and to be an hour later than usual, of the late Rebellion, which a Union refugee " Besides these Pntzes which were made on at once recognized as the home he had just a grand scale, there were smaller ones in fled from. Mr. Yohe is quite celebrated in abundance; the humblest home having its Bethlehem as a Putz builder, of much good little table, covered with a white cloth, and taste. backed by branches of evergreens, from In the 3Ioravian of Christmas week, 1867, which were suspended glittering stars, wax writer thus refers to " an old time Ptitz." a angels, bright colored candies, ic, in pretty " IIow far back they date we are not pre- confusion, illuminated by many burning pared to say. They were in the full tide of candles. Who, that ever saw or played at their glory when we were a boy, twenty-five them, will forget those bright Christmas years ago, when we weresufliciently advanc- scenes? The cave from which issued the ed to lend a helping hand, and then the great monster bear or lion, the looking-glass lake, /"iifz-makers were men well advanced in on which ducks and geese of various sizes years, so that it is fair to presume that Puiz sat in motionless propriety, the silver-sanded

making is amongst the ancient institutions road, on which was ranged the contents of of this venerable town. The tasce and in- a Noah's Ark, with the patriarch and his

genuity displayed in these decorations was family walking first, and the animals fol-

often very considerable. We use the word lowing two by two in solemn procession ;

' decoration' for the want of a better, though the little village with its church and rows of BETirLEKEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 123

etiff poplar trees; the pleasant minglings of Augustus "Wolle. Treasurer, 'K'illiam "War- bird and beast and fish, all in perfect peace ner. Directors, A. A. Eeinke, E. H. Eeichel with one another, as became them at Christ- and Albert Butner. Soon afterwards. Dr. mas time; the stable where the 'blessed Maurice C. Jones was made Correspondincr child' was born; the mill hoisting up its Secretary.

bags and letting them down again, as long The following is the list of the original

as the hidden machinery remained in work- signers to the first constitution.

ing order, whilst the miller smoked his pipe, Da via Z. Smith, L. 0. Tombler,

and his dog kept up a very energetic, if George W. Perk in, Christian II. Belling, somewhat methodical jumping at his feet; "William II. "Warner, Francis D. Schneller, Amudeus A. Reiuke, all these, and a thousand other recollections^ "Wm. F. Rauch, Albert Eutner, Owen J. Rice, rise before the memory, and force us to the Andrew G. Kem, Mortimer "Warner, conclusion that Piitzes are a great institution, Edward II. Il'eicliel, Wm. L. Erowu, and ought not to be allowed to die out. And Ileury J. Van Vleck, Maurice C. Jones,

' there are other memories associated with George A. "Weiss, "Wm. S. "Weinland, them, some of which are of too sentimental Augustus "Wolle, Samuel P. Geehr,

a character to be mentioned. The e,xpedi«- Simou Il.'iu, Levin J. Krause, Joseph II. Kummer, Benj. tions in search of moss, the pleasant prepara- r. Schneller, J. Kdward Luckenbach, Charles Schneller, tion for the great Ptttz, the mysterious dark- Reuben 0. Luckenbach, Reuben Clewell, ened and carefully locked up room, the anx- Francis "W. Knauss, Alfred Ricksecker, ious suspense, the joyous surprise, the happy Edward C. Peisert. hearts and smiling faces, the sweet inter- Meetings are held every month; and the change of precious presents between the reading of mission reports was made the cus- juveniles, not of the same family or sex, the tom for several years, but has of late years fortunate and often repeated meetings whilst been abandoned. On the 24th of January, going the rounds of visiting the Ptttzea, many lS41,the first annual meeting of the society which it was necessary to see. wonder "We was held, and an address delivered by Ed- whether the young ones enjoy Christmas as ward n. Eeichel. Annual meetings have thoroughly and innocently as they used to been held ever since that time, and the so- do when Bethlehem was only a little village, ciety still continues in successful operation. and the outer world was quite shut out." In 1S41, the project of forming a Museum The lament of our friend is uncalled for, as a source of income to the society, was first there has been a revival in Putzes since he proposed, and at once adopted. In 1843, a wrote, and the young still enjoy them, es- liberal gift of books from Miss Mary Allen, pecially the lovers, as much as they did in formed the nucleus of the library. The as- the good old times of which he writes. sociation continued to hold their meetings And if my readers want to have some happy in the old town school building till 1S5S, hours, just let them go and pass the Christ- when, through the kindness of the Moravian mas holidays at Bethlehem once. school-board, a large, convenient room in

There is one institution in Bethlehem the new school house was assigned to the which is deserving of more than a mere society, and suitably furnished as a reading passing notice. That is the "Young Men's room, library and museum, and the first Misssionary Society." The first stated meet- meeting held therein on the 17th of A[iril of ing of the society was held September T, that year. 1S40, in the old Moravian school house, and The constitution of the society, which had the following offioera elected. President, been remodelled in 1842, with the motto, David Zeisberger Smith, the founder and " And above all things put on charity, which originator of the society. "Vice President, is the bond of perfection."—Colossians, iii,

Henry J. Van Vleck. Eecording Secretary, 14 ; was altered, and an entire new constitu- :


society being direction of the Christian Association, by an tion adopted ; the objects of the arrangement made between the two corpora- stated to be " The furtherance of the Foreign tions. The third story is fitted up for, and Jlissions of the United Brethren among the in which the societies Heathen, and the Religious, Literarj' and used as a lecture room, Social Improvement of Young Men." hold their meetings. In the -n-intcr of 1858-59, the practice of The thirtieth anniversary meeting of the having a course of lectures given by popular Young Men's Missionary Society of the speakers before the society and its friends Bethlehem congregation, was held on Sun- 1870. The Mora- was first inaugurated. These lectures were day evening, January SO, delivered before numerous audiences in the vian report states that Citizen's Hall, and the number of members " The annual report was read by the retir- increased to one hundred. ing president. Brother A. J. Harwi. The total

In 1S62, the society removed to the build- membership of the Society is 315. Monthly ing now occupied by Dr. Jacobson, for his meetings are held, the interest of which dur-

office, in Market Street. And afterwards to ing the past year was considerably increased Broad Street near Main, and finally in 18GS, by short addresses by different brethren on to the building in Main Street near the Mo- the history or present condition of the mis- ravian Church, erected by the society in sions of our church. The direct donations conjunction with the Young Men's Christian of the society were made to the congregation

Association of Bethlehem." This building at Estridge, St. Kitts, and the Missionary

is three stories in height, the first floor being Home, Kleiuwelke, Saxony. The officers of occupied by the publication office of the the Society fur the ensuing year are, Presi- the rear of store Moravian Church. In the dent, Eugene 'Weber ; Vice President, Edwin

of the Missionary Society, ; Treasurer, is the Museum Bishop ; Secretary, Aug. Leibert very tastefully arranged, consisting of many Aug. Bishop. The anniversary address was curiosities from different parts of the world, delivered by Bro. \Vm. Vogler, of the Theo- the presents of the Moravian missionaries, logical Seminary. May his earnest words and numerous ancient relics of the first set- find a response in the hearts of all the mem- tlement of the town, added to which is the bers of the Society." fine large picture of Zeisberger preaching to The ceremonies attending the laying the the Indians, painted by Schusscle. corner-stone of the building of the Mission- In a note to page 232, in the History of ary Society and Christian Association, were Lehigh Valley, there is a pleasant descrip- performed on August 26th, 1SC7, and it was tion of the contents of the Museum, in which finished and occupied during the next year.

it is said, " Several of these curiosities de- The exercises were began by singing a hymn, serve special mention. The old ' Sundial,' followed by a prayer by the Rev. A. A. the 'old Cannon,' and the 'old Spinnet or Reiuikc, a lesson from the Scriptures were Piano.'" To this list might be added the read by the Rev. Mr. Kemble, and an ad- "old Cradle" and the " old Chairs," like dress delivered by Henry J. Seamen, presi- those used an hundred years ago in the town, dent of the Christian Association; after

and still in use in Germany, and sometimes which, another hymn was sung. A list of

seen in German paintings. The collection tlic contents of box deposited in the corner- contains many rare and curious things. The stone, was read, then followed a hymn, sung

second story is occujiied for the purposes of by the congregation, who were dismissed the Library, which is free to all who desire with a benediction by the Right Rev. Bishop to avail themselves of its privileges, except Jacobson. the taking out of books for reading at their The following members of the Missionary

right is confined to members of Society were killed, or died in (he service of houses ; that the two societies. The Library is under the their country during the late rebellion. —

B i; T n L E II i: M, p i: x n s y L v a n i a. .:>

Sauitel Bean, of Quakertown, private in 1855-56—President, A. J. Erwin. " company C, 120th regiment Penu. Vols., 1856-67- A. J. Erwin. 1S67 68— " A. Erwin. killed at the battle of Fredericksburg, J. 1S68-69— " - Joseph M. Leibert. Dec. 13, 1SC3. 1859-60— " Joseph M. Lciber*. Joseph L. Clewell, of Sehoneek, company 1800-61- Edward Rondtlialor. F, 132nd regiment Pcuna. Vols., killed at 1801-62— " Herman A. Doster. " Antietam, September 17, 1862. 1862-63— Abraham S. Schropp. Edwin Pfluegcr, of Seidersville, private in 18C3-04— " Joseph A. Rice. " 2nd regiment Penna. Heavy Artillerj', 1S04-65— Joseph A. Rice. " Col. Augustus A. Gibson, commanding. 1865-66- W. J. noli ind. 1866-67- " Henry T. Clander. Wounded at Petersburg, May, 1S64; died 1867-68— " Henry J. Seaman. of his wounds. 1S6S-69— « Alfred J. Harwi. Clauexce Kampman, clerk to Admiral Leo, 1869-70- " Alfred J. Harwi. U. S. Navy; died June 4, 1SG9, on board 1870-71— " Eugene E. Weber. " IT. S. Hospital Ship Eed Rover." The speakers at the Anniversary meetings IIagan, private in 2nd regiment John C. of the association were :

Penna. Cavalry; died August 7, 1865, at January 24th, 1841...Edward H. Reicliel. Bethlehem, of the Camp Fever, contracted " 9th, 1S42...A. A. Reinlie. " in the service. 8th, 1843... Ed. A. De Schwcinilz. " 14th, lS44...Edwin E. Reinke. Aktbue Van Vleck, company C, 12Gth Ohio. 2Cth, 1846. ..E. H. Reichel. Taken prisoner at Culpejiper, October, 14, " 25tli, 1846...Franci3 Wolle. 1863. Died iu Libby Prison December 21, " 17th, lS47...BernhardDeSchweinitz.

1803. " 30th, 1848...Max Goepp. On the 21st of Ajiril, 1SC4, on application « nth, lS49...Lewi8 R. Huebener. of the members of the Young Men's Mission- " 13th, 1S50... Lewis R. Huebener. " ary Society of Bethlehem, the said associa- 18tb, lS61...Bishop Van TIeck. " 18th, lS52...Parmenio Leinbacli, tion was duly incorporated by the Court of " 23rd, 1863... L. F. Kampman. Common Pleas of Northampton County, Pa. « 2Sth, 1854...Clement L. Reinke. petition was signed by Joseph A. Rice, The " 28th, lS65...Eugene Leibert. Bertine S. Erwin, Joseph II. Treager, 'Wil- " —th,lS50... . liam A. Erwin, Herman A. Doster, Robert " llth, 1867...Clement L. Reinke. Rau, Geo. H. Luckenback, T. M. Rights and " 10th, 1858... Eugene Leibert. " 16th, 1869. ..Herman A. Brickenetein. J. Albert Rondthaler. " 15th, 1860...William Bigler. The following is a list of presiding officers " 20tli, 1861... Samuel Reinke. of the Young Men's Missionary Society, " l:th,1862...W. Henry Rice. since its organization. " 26th, 1S03...J. Tlieophilus Zorn.

lS4a-41—Presidunt, David Z. Smit'j. " 17th, lS64...Edward Rondthaler. " Simon Rau. 1S4M3— " 29th, 1865...Ed. A. De Schweinitz. 1S42-43— " Owen J. Kice. " —th, 1866...J. Albert Rondthaler. iS4a-ii— " Owen J. Rice. " —th, 1807...i;dw.Eondthaler. 1844-45— " Owen J. nice. " —th, 186S...Eugene L. Schaefor. 1345-16— " Owen J. Rice, '• _th, 1869... Edw. Regennas. " n. F. Sohneller. 1S40-47— « —th, lS70...Wm. H. Vogler. 1847-48— " Fiiincia WoUe. To insert a list of the active members of lS4S-ia— « Francis WoUe. the society would not be interesting to the 1849-60— " R. A. Grlder. general reader, so it is omitted, but a list is 1850.61— " R. A. Grider. given of the 1851-52— " L. R. Huebener. 1862 53— " K. P. Krauee. LIFE MEMBERS. 1863-54— « R. P. Krause. James Leibert, John Jordan, 1854-55— " J. Burilge. Mrs. Jane Jordan, W. H. Jordan, 1-20 II I S T n I C A L SKETCH OF

Miss Helen Bell, Miss Sophia Henry, KcT. E. E. Reinke, Rev. Edmund Oetcr, " Abm. S. Schropp, Jos. A. Rice, " Wm. C. Reichel, H. S. Bachmau,

Jos. 11. Traegor, Ewing Jordan, " E. P. Greider, " S. B. Simes, " liev. Henry Van Vleck, Miss Emily Bell, " Joseph H. Kummer, H. S. Hoffman,

Edw. Bell, Miss Laura Bell, " n. J. Tan Vleck, " Chas. B. Shnllz,

Eev. Sylvester Wulle, BtTuhard E. Leliuiau, *• L. F. Kanipman, " S. M. Smith, Schropp, " " Henry Coppee, L. L. B , "Wm. G. W. reikiu, Eiiw. Rondthaler,

Julin C. Schropp, Col. Foreslcr. ' II. A. Erickensteiu, Mr. W. Spaugh. John Hill Martin, Mr. n. Ruede, The society issued in 1SG5, an historical The " Young Men's Missionary Society slietch, and an address by the Eev. Edward and Christian Association,'* was organized de Schweinitz, in a neat pamphlet, to which February 6, ISGG, but by a resolution of Sep- I am indebted for most of the foregoing in- tember 3, 1SC7, became two'distinct societies. formation, particularly the lists; to complete At a monthly meeting of the Young Men's them, I add thatcontainiug the names of the Christian A3sociation,held on Tuesday even- ministers and missionaries who are members ing, September 13, 1S70. The following of the association. gentlemen were elected officers of the As- J'.ev. DuTid F. Smith, Rev. E. 11. Leibert, ' '' E. A. de Schweinitz, P. II., sociation to serve for the ensuing year; ' B. E. de Schweinitz, " E. T. Kluge, President, C. W. Krause; Vice Presidents,

*' '* George Weiss, Emanuel Roudtlialer, ffm. C. Ferriday,C. H. Kidder, "W. R. Smith, •• Warner, " L. RciDke, Wm. H. C. G. V. Snyder, Michael Bitler, and II. T. " Edward Bond thaler, " A. E. Home, Clauder ; Recording Secretary, Aug. II. Lei- " E. H. Reichel, '' James Hiiman, bert; Corresponding Secretary, AVm. II. " A. A. Reinke, '' P. Rommel, Recording Secretary, Eugene A. " Sylvester Wolle, " Joseph Romig, Vogler;

•* Francis WoUe, " TV. Heury Rice, Ran; Treasurer, Franklin C. Stout. —

15 E T II L E II E M, P E X N ? Y L V A N I A.


CHAPTER Sin. Lehigh.— Zixzendop.f's visit to Wyom;sc. TnE Society foe Propagating the Gospel —Formation of Northampton County. AMO.NG THE IIeATHEN.—STATISTICS OF THE

UsiTr OF THE Brethres, January 1, 18C9. he illustration at the head of this

List or the Churches and Missions is the chapter, which is coijied from one oi Northern Diccese of the Church op the Kleckner's cabinet stereoscopic views of United Erethren is America.—An Old the Lehigh Valley, presents to the riglit Passport.— Christian Frederick Post. — hand, looking at the picture, a representa- Bister " Polly Hickewelder."—Rev. tion of the southern portion of one of the oM John Hickewelder, and bis 'Writings. — .Economy buildings of the Moravian Society,

The Horsfield Papers.—History of which I have heretofore described as the Northampton County, from a Pamphlet. "Old Nursery." It stood on the east side

Official Seal op the Moravian Church, of Main Street, a short distance north of tl:e A correction.—Travels op the JIarqdis Moravian church, and has just been torn Bs Chastelluk in America, 17S0. Chas. down to make room for the new publication Thompson's theory op the Formation of office of the Moraviai» church, a splendid THE Wind-Gap.— Curiosities.—The Old large four-story structure, with a Mansard Iron Stove Plates.—Indian Corn Grin- roof. The northern part of this old relic was der.—The Old Sun Dial.—Old Tiles.— demolished in 1S67, to make room for tlu Old Water Pipes.—The First Market building of the Young Men's Christian As-

House.—Old Grave Yard, south of the sociation of Bethlehem, a view of which is —


and by living examples of the Missionaries and tJ:e also given in tlie cut. This latter building converts, the Savages may be induced to turn iln-lr was erected in 1867-GS, at a cost of $16,500. minds to the Christian religion, industry, end buci-.i It is 28 feet front by 70 feet deep, and three life with the citizens of the United Stales. stories in height, built in the most substan- And Whereas, This House fa disposed to exorcise tial of brick with brown sandstone manner the powers vested in the Legislature of llie Crmmuii- and facings. On the first floor is the store wealth, for the euconr g-'ment of all pious and charita- olUce of the Publication Society of the Mo- ble purposes. ravian church, and in the rear the Museum of Sec. 2nd.—5e it therefore enacted by the Eeprestntiz- tives the Freemen of the ComTtwnweaUh Penn- the Young Men's Missionary Society. Onthe of of sylvania in General Assembly meJ, and by the avr second floor the Library of the Christian As- thority of the same. That the Rlv. Jolm Ettwcin, sociation. And in the third-story a Lecture- Bishop; Frederick William Yon Mursh:dl, gontk-m-.n ; ronin, ccipable of seating 400 people, and the Rev. Andrew Uut'baer and Paul Mucnster ; Uana which is used by the two societies thaterected Christian Ton Schweinitz, gentleman ; tlio Uev. David the building. Zeisberger, Jr.; Jolin August Klingsohr; Jerenu;;h

Among the many societies formed by, and Denke ; Charles GoUholJ Reichel; Daniel Koehler; composed of Members of the Moravian Christian Benzion and Godfrey Brezel, tfio present Di- rectors. The liev. Denhard Adam Grube; Frederick church in America, none are more ancient Peter, Sr. and Jacob A*an Vleck. the present Asjistr.nt or honorable, or more deserving of commen- Directors of the said Society. The Rev. John Ilcrbst; dation, than the "Society for Propagating JohuMedcr; Fiancis Bodilor; James EirUby; Lewis Heathen," incorporated the Gospel among the Boehler and Abr.iham Reincke, and nthi-rs, the Miuis- Representatives l)y Act of Assembly of the tLTsin the different Brt-thren's Congregations, and thi ir

of the Freemen of the Commonwealth of Successors, and all other membL-rs of the said Society

Pennsylvania, on the 27th day of February, who have and sha 1 hereafter subscribe to the Rules of

the faid lie, they are hereby }7S8. The first, second and fourth sections Society, and madc.dLclarud and constituted, to be a corporation and body politic only, of said Act, are necessary to give a in I.iw and in lact, to have continuance forever, by llio sketch of the purposes of the society; the name, style, and title of ''The Society of the United others relate merely to the business opera- Brethren for Propagating the Gospel umong tJie tions of the corporation, and its power to hold Ileathen,*' estate, receive bequests. real and The third section empowers the society to S::c. 1st — TVIiereas, it bas been represented to this hold real estate by purchase, gift or devise, II..use, by llie ReT. John Ettwciu, one of thy Bi«hoij3 and to receive bequests of all kinds of per- uf the Church called Unitas Fratedm, or Uuitt-d sonal properly. rritlircn, and the Rev. John Meder, Pastor in Ordi- Sec. 4tli. And he it further enact :d hy the authori'fy n:iry of the Baid Church in the City of Philadcliihia, aforesaid. That all donations and contributions, rents, tliat since the yearof our Lord, 17-1'), when said Church interests and profits, arising from the real and personal began to make settlementB in America, the princiiial estate of the aforesaid Corporation, shall by the said aim of their members coming over from Europe, was, Directors and their successors, from time to time bo to carry the glorious truths of the Gospel to the applied and laid out for the maintenance and support Indians here; that they have without intermission of their Missionaries and other Assistants; for building continued their labors among the Indians, and not- supporting places of public worship and schoob, withstanding the increase of expenses and othrr difli- and providing books for the better educating, instructing cnlties, are resolved to pursue and support this com- civilizing the children of the converts and others mendable work, and for this purpose have formed a and among the nations who shall be desirous to commit Society for the Propagation of the Gospel nmrng the their youths to the care and in:itruction of the said Heathen, and entered into certain ruk-s of association Blissiouaries, and for such other pious and charitable (a copy whereof they have subjoined to their Petition,) uses as are conformable to the ti ue desigu and iuteut and prayed to iucorporate the said Society, of the said Society. And Whereas, The propagation of the Gospel among The fixed seat of the said Society is at the Indians of America, is of great imi)ortance to the Bethlehem, Pa., where the Board of Directors citizens of this and other of the United States, and may, stated general meetings are by the blessings of God, be conducive- to the peace and meet, and the security of the inhabitants and settlers of our frontiers. always held. I! E T 11 L K 11 i; :.:, i" i; .\ n s y i, v a n i a. 129

Article X, of the Stated Eules of the Society, Members of the Society for Propagating the the date of says : Gospel among the Heathen, with

''As we h.ave no other vit-w or aim but tlie fiirllit-T- their enrolment. niicc iiiiil [.rupagatiou of tho knowledge of JegnsCbrist ISIO. reterWoIle. iiinaii;^ tlie poor beuightcd heathen, and esteem it a 1518. Peter Kicksecktr, Jehu C. Jacobson. ?amuil high privilege to support that praiseworthy work to r,einke. tlie best of our abilities, btuug constrained to it by tho 1519. Jcdidiah Weiss.

Ijve of Christ. All tho Directors, Assistaut Director?, 1S22. Charles C. Tombler, Charles F. rickcl, Henry

::nd CiUcors of the Society, renounce for ever all de- Huebencr, William F. Giericg. mands and claims for sahiries or compensation fur 1824. Geo. Henry Bute. their set vices." 1S25. Jolin M. Miksch, George W. Eixion, Chr. D. The 8Ist Anniversary of the Incorporation Busse, .Tohn Beck, Fred. Roraing. 18J6. orgo Gonndie, Kern, Charles, F. of the Society -vvas held at Bethlehem, Pa., G. n. Andrew G. Klnge, Abraham L. Iluebcner. on tho 9th of September, A. D., ISliO, when ISiS. John C. Brickenstein, Eugene A. rrueanfT, tile following officers were clecteil for the l:ln^l F. Eleck, David Biglei-, John J. Giering. ensuing year, viz : Jacob F. Slgmund, Geo. F. Eiduisen, Henry J. Sylvester WoUe, Prnhhi^t. Kluge.

Robert dc Schweinitz, 17ce Pivnideiil. K-^Z. Jonas Meyers.

Edwin G. IClose, Sfcrcttiri/. lf,34. Charles B. Peter, Herman J. Titze, IVm. L. Lennert, Ambrose EoLdthalcr, Philip A. Cre- William II. Bigler, C'ln-n-ji'mdinj Srcrelari/. g::r. Ernst F. Eleck, Trca^tucr. If.Co. Julius T. Eecklcr, Philip H. Goepp. Charles Augustus Luclccnback, Henry B. ISGO. Ileury P. Luck nbach, JIatthcw Crist, Amoa Luckenback, James T. Borhck, and John Dealer. C. "Weber, Assistant Virectai-a. IHZI . JohnKrause, Pylvcster Wolle.

James II. \Vollc, Charles F. Beckel, and 1S38, J. Chr. Weber, Lmil A. do Schweinitz, Lewis F. Simon Piau, Aiidiiors. Kampman. 1540. James Henry, Wm. Theodore Roepper. Sylvester AVoIIe, President of llie 1541. Simon, Jos. H. Kummer, P.obt. do fchwriu. Society, conducted the introductory devo- itz, John Regennas. Francis Wolle, Ferdinand tional exercises, Bro. E. F. Bleck acted as Lennert, Abr. Lichtenthaeler, Timothy Mass- Secretary. The following members deceased licli, Philip Cann, Jacob Stnrgis, Francis AV. during the past year, Thos. C. Lueders, of Christ, George Grider, Ambrose H. Pauch, John

Indianapolis, Ind., George Thomas, Litiz, Graeff, Ferdinand P.ickerl. and Amos C. Claud^r, Bethlehem. A number 1842. Chas. Aug. Luckenbach, F. F. Hagen, Edw. II of new members were elected. The report Reiehel. 1S43. r.enb -n 0. Luckenbach, Augustus WoUc, H. A. of the Board of Directors, containing a re- Shultz. view of the condition of the Indian missions 1844. Samuel Tost, Benj. F. Rehneller, Samuel B. Clew- in Canada and Kanzas, was read by Ecv. L. ell, C. Edw. Peisert, Oliver Tombler. F. Kamjimann. The receipts of the Society 18t5. Henry J. Van Vleck. last year wore $11,659.04, of whicli amount ISIO. Edwin P. Wolle, Nath. S. Wolle, BenJ, Wilhelm. $10,500 was forwarded to the Mission De- 1S47. Jar.ies T. Rurhek, Edmund D. Sclnveiuilz. partment of the Unity's Elders' Conference. 1813. William C. Reichcl. At the love-feast in the afternoon, as during 1849. Augustus Belling. JIaurice C. Jones. the morning meeting of the Society, addresses 1860. William Pear, William Kreiter, Henry P.auch. on various subjects connected with the work 1S51. Charles Stnrgis, Aug. Stnrgis. 1852. A. A. Reinke, Charles W. Ranch, Herm. Ruede, of missions, were made by the Brn. Eobert Ales. Stnrgis, J. L. Eysenbach, Wm. N. and Emil de Schweinitz, A. A. Remke and Moench. Herman A. Brickenstein, late delegates to 1S53. James H. Wolle. the General Synod. 1856. Eugene Leibert, Herman A. Brickenstein. In the Jloravian of August 26, 1869, the 1867. E. Linke, Benj. Ricksecker, H. C. Bachman, following is given as a Roll of the Living Eugene P. Oreider, Henry 0. Clander. .


1858. Willium Leibert. Tt)tal of Congregations iu the Foreign

1559. J. Phil, Rummc-l, Lewis li. lluebner, 0. T. Uueb- Mission Field, • C9,123

niT. II. T. Bachman, 0\vi.-n Kice, James II;i- mau, Albert L. Oertcr, John Ceanick Harvt'y, 114,101 V,'. II. Bigler, Ernst Salathe, Jacob Moerscli, A list of the Churches and Missions of the Fifd. Berger, Fred. Andreae, \ViUiaiu SniyUi, Northern Province of the Moravian Church F.-ed. AVilbelm, E. E. Ilcinke.

1560. rdwurd Keller, r.icb. "NV. Leibert, Sanmel Weiu- in America.

liind. Bethany, Minn., . . Henry Reusswig. " with Oakridgo, Minn., . " 1561. Clem. L. Keinko, John F. FrucaufT, J. Ldw.

Liickenhach, Wm. Ileury Bice. G. F. Oeliler. ] Edm. A. de Schweinitz Bethlehem, Pa., . jand Lewis R. Hucbeuer. 18G2. Jacob Luckenbach, Fred. R. Borbek, Jubu J. Brooklyn, N. Y. . . Edwd. Rondthaler. Bettercr, Gilbert Bishop.

Canal Dover, Ohio, . Stephen M. Smith. 1803. Edw. T, Kluge, Lawrence J. Oerter, P. II. Gapp, Chaska, Minn., . . Clement L. Reiuke. Thomas D. Luckenbach. with Northfield, Minn., " " 1S64. Richard Wolff, Chas. B. ShuUz, J. J. Crocnfeldt,

Ebonezer, Wis., . . John G. Kattenbrunn. "W. Herman Frupauff, Herman Yost. Egg Harbor, N. J., . G. R. S. Eeurig. ISGJ. Ambrose J. Erwin, Allan Ilamilton, M. A. Erd- Elizabeth, N. J., . . Christian Nen. man. Enimaus, Pa., . . Julius Wuensche. ISCG. Ilerman Doster, Edm. A. Oerter, L. P. Clowell, Ephraim, Wis., . . JohnG. Groenfeldt. II. S. Hoffmann, F. II. Holland, J. C. Isratl, with Sturgeon Bay, Wis. *' *' A. M. Iverson, F. W. Kuauss, J. G. Kaltcn- Fort Howard, Wis., Andrew M. Iverson. brunn. Freedom, Wis., Gottlieb Uecke. 1SC7. JwliQ Praegcr, Isaac Prince, Joseph Romig, Ed- Frv'd Valley, Ohio, James B. Hamau;

Ward Rondthaler, Henry Reusswig, Dav. Z. '* '• Gnadenhuetten, Ohio, . Smith, Stephen M Smith, G. F. Uecke, J. E. (jraccham, Md., . . Henry T. Brachman. "Wuensche, Jno. M. Warman, Abr. S. Schropp, Gracehill, Iowa, . . Benjamin Ricksecker. H. J. Seaman, Joseph Rice, David Ran, Cor- Greenbay, Wis., . John D. Detterer. nelius W. Krause, Rud. F. Ranch, Cyrus Bre- Harmony, Iowa, . Lewis P. Clewell. der, Jos. U. Traeger, Oiville Grider, Edw. T. Hope, lud., William L. Lcnnert. Jleyers, Robert Ran. Fred. A. Clauder, Henry ' *• with Enon, lud., . T. Claudtr, Thood. F. Levers, Wm. A. Erwiu, Hopedale, Pa., . . Charles Na:;( 1. Jgbn Schmid, James K. RauLh, Jacob Fulker- witli Coveviiloand Oak-l (. „ Bon, Adolph Cunradi, Herm. Jacobson. land, . . -J" ISCS. Francis Jordan, Christion Ken, Charles Nngic, Lake Mills, Wis., . . ThilSp F. llommell.

Joseph Ricksecker. *' " with Mamre, Wis., .

Fenrig, G. Klose, II. " " 1EC9. Gustavus Edwin William and Now Salem, .

Jordan, Ludwig Scbeele, Haydn II. Tshudy, Lancaster, Pa., . . D ivid Bigler.

Uenry E. Weinland, Albert T. Doster, George Lebanon, . . Edmd. A. Oerter.

W. Perkin, Alfred J. Harwi, Ashton C. Borliek, Litiz, Pa., . . . Edward T. Kluge.

Augnstus 11. Leibert, Robert Poysert, Theodoic Moravia, Iowa, . . Francis W. Knauss.

Fradeneck, John Simuid Krause. Xazareth, Pa., . . Henry A. Shultz.

The statistics of the Unify of the Brethren, New Dorp, S. I., . . Francis F. Ilagcn. " " with Centrcvi'.le, S. S., January 1, 1SC9. New York, N. Y.English, Amadeus A. Reinkc. Provinces. Communicants. Total. New York, N. Y. Germ'n, Theodore Sonderman. German, 4,895 7,270 Olney, 111., . . John F. Warman.

British, 3,280 b,US Palmyra, N. J., . . Philip H. Gapp. " " American with Riverside, N. J.. . North, 5,SG0 Philadelphia, Pa., 1st eh., Jo.seph II. Kummer. Philadelphia, Pa, 21 ch., IbTinaii 8. Hoffman. South,' 1,0SS fi,7G8 11,885 with Harrowgate, Pa.. " "

Schoeneck, Pa., . . John J. Regr^nnas. 14,871 24,573 Sharon, Ohio, . . David Z. Smith. Missionaries among the Heathen, 305 South BethU='hem, Pa., . Henry J. VanVleck. Children of Missionaries, IQO with EngUsh, S. S, . E i: T 11 L E II E M, P E N N S Y L V A N I A. 131

Praeger. Utica, N. Y.. . . John of September, 1868, aged eighty-seven years,

. . John C. Israel, Watertown, "Wis., , five months and two days. She was the only West Salem, lit., English, Joseph J. Ricksecker. (laughter of the famous Moravian Missionary West Salem, 111., German, Herman J. Titze. to the American Indians, the late Rev. John

York, Pa., . . . William Henry Rice. Heckewelder, and was born on Easter Mon- INDIAN MISSIONS. MISSIONARIES. day, April 16, 1781, at Salem, a village of New Fairfield, Canada, . Edwin E. Reinko.

Kew Westfield, Kansas, . Joseph Romig. christian Indians on the Muskingum Eiver, the Rev. lu this connection, the following copy of and was baptized the next day by minister at a jjassport issued during the French and "William Edwards, Gnadenheut- ten. iirst child in Indian war, hy Gov. Denny to Kev. Freder- She was the white born is State ick Post, 1759, will not be without interest. what now the of Ohio. A few days William Dknnv. after her birth, occurred the events which ended in the breaking up of the Indian To (ill 2>crsou8 whom it mai/ concern , Greeting. congregations on the Muskingum. Whereas, Rev. Frederick Post, a Deacon in the Church The

of the Uuitas Fratruin, lias gignifled to mo that now Wyandotte Nation took all the settlers prison-

peace, through the Divine Blessing, is likely to he ers, and they were compelled to march on established between hia Mig'esty and the several foot to Detroit, which they reached after Indian Nations with wliora wq were lately at war, many hardships. In 1785 she was sent to he has an earnest desire to go amongst them with the Female Seminary at Bethlehem, where some of Ihe Brethren of the said Church, in order to she was educated, and in her twentieth year publish the glad tidings of salvation obtained by our became a teacher in the Moravian School Lord Jc3U9 Christ, aud whereas, I have had good

for Girls, at Litiz, Pa. ; five years afterwards experience uf the loyalty, integrity and prudence of

the said Frcdoriik Post, having employed him on her loss ot hearing compelled her to resign several important occasions during the war in ne- her position. Her father died at Bethlehem gotiating with the Indians; I do therefore very in the year 1823, and having then no home, authority and full lisence readily graut him my she found a safe retreat in the "Sister's and permissiim, together with one, or more, of the House," where she lived a quiet, peaceful said Brethren, to pass and repass as often aa he shall life, and passed her allotted time on earth. think fit in the Indian country, unmolested and for She was a great favorite with the peoj^le of the purpose aforesaid, that is to say, to preach the gospel amongst any of the said Indian Nations, in the town; and many visitors to the place

alliance with bis Miijesty, he continuing to demean called on her, to hear her recount recollec- liimself well, and giving me in every journey, or tions of the past. immediately on his return home, an account of his Her father, the Rev. John Heckewelder, doings amongst the said Indiiin Nations, to whom was even more celebrated as an author than lie is hereby heartily recommended for a kind re- he was as a Missionary. ception and gi)od treatment. Given at Philadel|ihia November 5th, 1C50. In the first volume of the transactions of By his Ilouurs command, the Historical and Literary Committee of Richard Peters, Secretary. the American Philosophical Society, heldot Christian Frederick Post, was a Moravian Philadelphia, for promoting useful know- Missionary among the Indians, a very ledge, published in 1819, will be found the courageous man, undertaking the most dan- following works of Rev. John Heckewelder, gerous journeys cheerfully. lie assumed "An account of the History, Manners and during his travels, the dress of the Indians, Customs of the Indian Nations who once In- artd was much beloved by them. His jour- habited Pennsylvania and the Neighboring nal was in possession of the late departed States," occupying 350 pages. In the same Sister "Polly" Heckewelder. volume, will also be found 100 pages devoted

Johanna Maria Heckewelder was an in- to the correspondence between Mr. Hecke- mate of the Sisters* House, in Bethlehem, welder and Peter S. Duponeeau, Esq., res-

Pa., where she departed this life on the 19th pecting " The Languages of the American 132 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF

Indians." And an article No. Ill, entitled, Among the books in the Library of the ' Words, Phrases and Short Dialogues, in Philosophical Society at Philadelphia, there the Language of the Lenni Lenape or Dela- are numerous works " dcpoailed by the So- ware Indians," by the Rev. John Ilecke- ciety of United Brethren at Bethlehem." welder, of Bethlehem, these take up the rest why they do not reclaim them and keep of the volume, 12 pages. Preceding these them in their own church Library, is a works, which are invaluable to the histor- mystery, they would be much safer in the

ian, is "The Report of the Corresponding church, than in the old building in Fifth Secretary to the Historical Committee, on Street below Chestnut, in Philadelphia. the Languages of the American Indians," " The Ilorsfield Papers, a large collection and a "List of MS. Donations to the Com- of original documents aqd letters from the mittee, concerning the Indians and their principal characters in Pennsylvania, relat- Languages." Among these donations are ing to Indians business, at and about the the following, by Mr. Heckewclder. period of the war of 1750, deiionited by Joseph

1. A vocabulary cf the Jfachiciuut, taken Ilorsfield, Esq., of Bethlehem," are also in down from the mouth of cue of that na- this Library. They ought to be withdrawn tion, born in Connecticut — by the donor. and put in a place of safety. 2. A vocabulary of the 5/iau-a»o, taken down The Eev. Mr. Ileckewelder also wrote " A from the mouth of a white woman, who Narrative of the Missions of the United had been 20 years a prisoner witli that Brethren among the Delaware and Mohigan nation —by the donor. Indians," which was published at Philadel-

3. A vocabulary of the Nuiituokc. taken down phia in the year 1820. from the mouth of a Nanticoke chief in From a small business pamphlet published 1785 —by the donor. by Frederick & Co., at Lancaster, Pa., in 4. A comparative vocabulary of the Lcuui 18C9, the following brief " History of North- Af^oitqittn tlie donor. Lenape and —by ampton County," is extracted, viz ;

o. Same of the Lenni Lennpe proper, the " Northampton, formed is 1751, is north by Carbon and Monroe counties Jlinni dialect, the Mahicq^nnij A'atik or bounded ; east by the river Delaware, separating it from A'*it/(7.-, Cln'pj)eic(ii/f Shaicano and Xanti- New Jersey; south by Bucks county; west by cole— by the donor, Lehigh county. fi. Same of the Lenni Lenape and J/ianu or *' The southern portion is mountainous and Tici'jhtwee—by the donor. uneven, being traversed by the irregular chain

7. Names of the various trees, shrubs and of hils called the South Mountains. These are plants, in the language of the Lenni chiefly composed of gneiss and other primary which are overlaid by limestone in some Lenape or Delaware, distinguishing the rocks, of the narrow valleys. Magnetic iron ore is dialects of the Unamis and Jlinsi—by the found in several places on (he hills associated donor. with the primary rocks. North of these hills

5. A short account of the Memjwe, Maqna or is a broad belt of the great limestone formation Jlinf/oes, (as they are called by the white of the Cumberland or Kittany valley, which people,) according to the sayings and stretches from the Delaware south-wcstwiird into Maryland and A^irgiuia, hariug a soil of reports of the Lenni Lenape, Jl/ahieanni, the most productive character, aud a compara- and other tribes connected with these, tively level surface. Iron ore of the brown ar- 4 to 25 yip. presented by the author. — gillaceous and hematite varieties is abundant south side of the Lehigh, near the !). A short account of the emigration of the along the this limestone with the primary nation of Indians calling themselves junction of rocks, and is mined in many places. It is also Lenni Lenape, and improperly called by occasionally found within the range of limestone whites, Delawares, as related the by further north. On the Delaware, above Easton, themselves, 4 to 28 pp — presented by the limestone belt is divided by a high ridge of the author. primary rocks, called Chestnut Hill, having BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 1C3

along its southern side serpentine and other these two rivers is a singular opening called the mngnesian rocks, associated with which nre Wind Gap, through which no stream passes ; but fuimd talc, asbestos, tremolite, arogite, neph- the almost level crest line of the mountain is rite, zircon, tourmalin and a variety of other here depressed nearly as low as the country on interesting minerals. There are few places in each side J forming a notch in the mountain of the State which offer so inviting a locality to peculiar convenience for the passage of travel- the mineralogist as the neighborhood of Eas- ers and teams, and towards which the leading ton. About three miles north cf Bethlehem is a roads on both sides converge and pass through small insulated ridge of primary rock, protrud- in one great thoroughfare. ed through the limestone, and nearly in line '* The Delaware river flowa along the eastern with the range of Chestnut Hill. Between Al- side of the county, in a direction nearly south, leutowa and Bethlehem, along the north side of but with a meandering course. The Lehigh the Lehigh, is a hill in which these rocks also runs south-eastward along the western boundary appear, having on its northern side some de- to within about five miles of Allentown, where tached portions of sandstone between the pri- it passes into Lehigh county, one township of mary rocks and the limestone. The northern which lies east of the river. At Bethlehem it border of the limestone formation extends east- again enters into Northampton county, having ward from the Lehigh at Siegfried's Bridge, by now a north-eastern course to the Delaware at Bath and Nazareth to the Delaware, at the Eastoa, Bushkill creek is a considerablestream, mouth of Martin's Creek, appearing alsc on the rising by several branches- near the Blue Moun- north side of the river, to a point nearly oppo- tain, and flowing southward to the Delaware at site Belvidcro. From this line to the base of Easton, Its mouth is but a short distance above the Blue Mountains the country is composed of that of the Lehigh. This stream supplies power a slate formation, with the exception of a nar- to a great number of mills throughout most of row point of limestone on the Delaware, about the its course, Martin's creek runs southward to the mouth of Cobus Creek, below the Water Gap, Delaware, seven miles above Easton. The Mon- which, after extending a short distance west- ocacy has also a southward course, falling into ward sinks beneath the overlaying slate. The the Lehigh at Bethlehem. Saucon creek flows surface of this slate region is generally hilly, north-eastward from the southern part of Lehigh and the soil but moderately productive j being, county, and empties on the south side of the however, susceptible of great improvement by Lehigh below Bethlehem. All these streams, the use of lime as a manure, when aided by ju- together with a number of smaller creeks iu dicious cultivation. Extensive slate quarries different parts of the county, supply abundance have been opened at different places, and an ex- of water power for mills and manufacturing pur- tensive business is carried on. Hoofing slate of poses. In addition to this, the surplus water a superior quality is obtained in large quantities, from the dams and canal of the Lehigh Naviga- and school slate manufactories have been estab- tion Company, is let for uses requiring water lished, in which, by the aid of ingenious ma- power. chinery, slates of neatness and excellence arc " Easton, the county town, is beautifully situ- produced at a moderate price. Some of the ated at the confluence of the two rivers, sur- lower strata of the slate formation, near its rounded by picturesque hills, having on the junction with the limestone, yield an excellent east the majestic Delaware, on the south the hydraulic cement, which is manufactured on the wild and rapid Lehigh, and on the north the lit- Lehigh. These strata are finally exposed on tle Bushkill, winding its way through the green the east side of Martin's Creek, near its mouth. meadows, and having its banks studded with *' The Blue Mountain now forms the northern busy mills and substantial farm houses. This boundary of Northampton, and is capped by the town is favorably located for business, being in compact gray and reddish sandstones of the the midst of a fertile, well cultivated and popu- formation nest above the slate last mentioned. lous region, and at the junction of the Delaware The Delaware and Lehigh rivers both pass Division of the State canal, with the works of through this mountain by gaps apparently torn the Lehigh Navigation Company. It has com- by the mighty force of the gushing waters from munication with New York by several rail roads the country above precipitous and the Morris Canal on the opposite side of the J with high and cliffs rising almost perpendicularly from the wa* Delaware. The town is rapidly increasing in ter, and presenting magnificent views of wild wealth and population, containing about 14,- and romantic scenery on the rivers, as well as a 000 inhabitants. The Court House is in the widely extended and beautiful prospect from the centre of the town, and other fine public build- top of the mountain. Near mid-way between ings, and a number of churches, some of which IZi HISTORICAL SKETCH OF are spacious and handsome edifices. Lafayette fore they were undertaken the Lehigh was use- Cnllejje is a noble buildiDg, situated on the bill less fur the purpose of navigation—produce be- north of the Bushkill creek, and commanding a ing sent from Easton in long narrow boats, fine view of the town, the rivers, the canals and which descended the Delaware at high water by the picturesque and flourishing country around hazardous voyages through the falls, and were f'-T miles in extent. pushed back against the current by the inces- Bethlehem, on the Lehigh, eleven miles above sant and fatiguing operation of "setting" or Easton, was founded at an early day by the propelling the boat by means of long pules Moravians or United Brethren, and the town is pointed with iron. stiil chiefly inhabited by their descendants. The roads are generally kept in good condi- They have a large church, a female seminary, a tion for traveling, and bridges are built across school for boys, a widows' house for the support the Lehigh at important points. The inhabi- of indigent widows, and a sisters* house for the tants are mostly of German descent, :ind in support of indigent unmarried females, Ac. All their familiar intercourse with eaeh other gen- these institutions are admirably conducted, and erally use their own language, though there are

a degree of neatness and order is everywhere ob- few who do not understand and speak English

servable which is highly creditable tu that church. sufiiciently well for the common purjtoses of con- The schools enjoy a high and deserved reputa- versation. We cannot make this hi^iftory com- tion, and have a great number of pupils from plete without giving a passing notice of some the city and various parts of the country. The of the principal business houses of Bethlehem delightful situation of this place, the charming and South Bethlehem. In the dry goods busi-

country around it, and above all, the quiet and ness we find C. M. Knauss & Borhek, Bethle-

order observed by the inhabitants, with their hem ; Dr. J. K. Roney, of Pennsylvania Dental politeness and general attention to the conveni- College of Philadelphia; the Photograph Gal-

ence and comfort of strangers, have rendere I lery of Messrs Osborne dfe Malthancr; taking Bethlehem a favorite place of resort during pictures from carte de viette to life size, they du summer months. The day may be pleasantly work equal to New York or Philadelphia. E. passed in riding through the beautiful country C. Kickfccker's spacious music store, where a assortment of around, in walks among the hills, in boaticg or full musical instruments and fishing on the river, while the evenings arc en- sheet music is always kept on hand. Again: livened by music, the inhabitants being distin- the jewelry establishment of James K. Ranch, guished for their attention paid to music, and which is equal to any in the larger cities. To the excellence of their performance in this art. those contemplating going to housekeeping, or Bethlehem, or old Bethlehem, contains about wishing fine furniture, will find it at Messrs. 6,UO0 inhabitants. Zimmcle

Eouth side of the Lehigh, is a very enterprising selected assortment at John B. Zimmclc's. V. town, containiugabout 4,00Uiuhabitauts, There E. Luckenbach, dealer in stoves, tin and house are zinc works, rolling mills and numerous other furnishing goods; II. M. Ivrausc, dealer in hard- works of note; also, an extensive mercantile ware; Jos. A. Weaver keeps constantly on hand business, conducted chiefly by young and enter- books, stationery, &c., and the daily papers, op- prising business men. The Lehigh University posite the Sun Hotel. Anthony Goth, dealer is in its limits, it is an ediuce that has btit in wall paper, and pnper hanger. Any person few equals for beauty, healtlj,

BETHLEHEM, P E N X S Y L V A N I A. 135 thority. They do not govern the church, volume, will be found Mr. Charles Thom- and the Seal not being used by the Bishops son's interesting account of the formation of exclusively, is not an Episcopal Seal. For water-gaps in our mountains, in which par- this correction I am indebted, to the " Me- ticular mention is made of the Wind-gap ; morials of the Moravian church," vol I, p. which he thinks was formerly the bed of the xiii, where the following description is given Delaware, or rather an earlier outlet for a of the Seal of the church, viz : " On a shield vast inland lake, once existing to the north of sanguine a Paschal Lamb argent, passant, the Blue Ridge ; but that afterwards the wa- carrying a cross resurrection argent, from ters of the lake having freed another and which is suspended a triumphal banner of easier opening in the ridge at the Delaware the same." Water-gap, which entirely drained what was

I beg to observe that the color eanguhie, once the great inland sea, the Wind-gap be- murry, or a dark red, is in heraldy a eiainecl came what it now is, a dry thoroughfare, or dishonorahJe Color, see the Encyclopedia about one hundred feet higher than the Metropolitana; the color should therefore present bed of the Delaware. be f/iffes, red, expressed bylines perpendicu- Among the books written by Mr. Charles lar from top to bottom, in a drawing of the Thompson, afterwards secretary of the Conti- Seal. The color represented by the book- nental Congress, is a rare work, a copy of I plate of " The Moravian Book Association," which have in my possession ; showing is argent; the banner is without the cross the manner in which the Minisink and upon it; the staff is entirely too long, and Munsey Indians were defrauded of their improperly drawn, neither extremity of it lands, having the elaborate title of "An should touch the edge of the shield. Enquiry into the Causes of the Alienation of

It has always been my intention to ]>lace the Delaware and Shawanese Indians from upon the title page of this work, the official the British Interest, and with the measures

Seal of the Moravian church; and with all taken for renewing their Friendship. due respect to the association, I shall carry " Extracted from the Public Treaties and out my original design; although the wood- other authentic papers relating to the Trans- cut will not express any colors, because the actions of the Government of Pe»nsilvaHi

impression which I have of the "official and the said Indians, for near forty years ; Seal" (furnished me by the proper authori- and explained by a Map of the country. ties of the church,) does not bear the heraldic "Together with the remarkable Journal marks of colors. The true blazon of the Seal, of Christian Frederic Past, by whose Negotia- furnished me by Mr. Charles J. Lukens of tions among the Indians on the Ohio, they

Philadelphia, a member of the Historical were withdrawn from the Interest of tlie Society of Pennsylvania, and the well known French, who therupon abandoned the Fort c.X2iert in heraldic art, is " Gules, a Paschal and Country. (or holy lamb,) proper, upon Lamb, a Mount "With Notes by the Editor, explaining — Vicit Atjnus, noster, Sc- Vert. Motto: Enm sundry Indian Customs, &c. qiianntr, ' Our Lamb is victorious, let us fol- " Written in Pennsylvania. low him.' London. In an old work entitled, " Travels in Korth "Printed for J. Wilkie, at the Bible America, in the year 1780, *fcc," written by in St. Paul's Churchyard. the Marquis de Chastellux, will be found an interesting account of the author's visit to MDCCLIX." " the Moravian Mill" and Bethlehem, com- On an old cast-iron oven plate, taken from mencing at page 306, of vol. 2nd, and ending the cellar of the former residence of Chris- at page 334. tian Lange, deceased, the following words

And in a note to page 401, of the same are cast, " Eiclite nicht Auf Das Ihr," i. c, ICG HISTORICAL SKETCH OF

name, in large capital letters, joined "Judge not least ye bo judged." The sen- lowing together, forming a kind of monogram, tence is not complete, as will be perceived, the words " Nkht yericlited wird," being lAlIX POT. lower of the p'.ato is omitted. Ou the Meaning John 1'ott, who was one of the first deposited the date of its easting, ITJO. I iron founders in Pennsylvania, and the the Young this old relic in the Museum of manufacturer of these cast-iron stove plates. where there are Men's Missionary Society, He lived at that time in Germantown, and character. These several others of a like was of German descent; his father, Wilhelm 26 inches. On one of plates are about 22 by Pott, having emigrated to this country in picture of a minister in a them there is the 1734, and settled at that place, see Eupp's his hand, witli a pulpit, having a boolc in History of Schuylkill County, Ac., page 272, above his head, the arch crown in an arch in a note. From Jhis family the town of supported by columns on either side being I'ottavUlc, Pennsylvania, takes its name. of the pulpit, on the right is a female figure, The Germans pronounce the name Putt : I entering the church through an apparently have this from John Vogel, of Philadelphia, open door, to the left is the figure of a man, late of Bath, who is of German descent, .and representing, I presume, also entering, this was well acquainted with some members of marriage ceremony; below on the jjlate is a the Pott family, andlike them, is engaged in inscription. the the same business that they were then. Mr. says he has one of the old stove plates " Wer bar iber nur wil laches, Vogel above described, of a very large size, bearing Der mag es beser machen, of 1745. Nearly every one of these Taielen kenen ia ser vil, the date jilates have the representation of flowers ABEK beser machen 1ST DAS RECHTE SRIL." old in pots, on them; this seems to have been

That is to say : the trade mark, or the crest of the family of " Whoever chooses to laugh over this pic- Pott.

ture, lie shall make a better one. Anybody Mr. Edward II. Rau, showed me one of is the can make fun, but to do better, that these old relics, now in possession of his

right way." family, on which there is the representation

There is another plate, bearing the date of the temptation of Joseph. Potiphar's wife

175G, on which is the following distach, is in the act of springing out of a high-post, " Las dich das bese nicht," meaning, " Don't curtained bed, clutching with both hands

let your anger overcome you," or in the the flying cloak of the rapidly departing

vernacular, keep cool I a cool proverb for the Adonis; below the picture are the words, cook, on a hot plate; for these plates were "DAS "WEIB DAS SVCHT used on the front of the ovens, and the sides

of fire places in old times, to ornament them, JOSEPH ZV aNTZVNDE. while being useful. There is one side plate IM. I E. MOSF 13 C 1749." in the museum, taken from the " old Family woman she seeks House" or "Nursery," as I have called it, Meaning literally, "The to inflame." In the first Book of on which is the figure of a stork drinking Joseph 1749." out of a high, long necked urn, while a Moses, chapter 13, Among the numerous curiosities in the .Mu- thirsty fox looks on disgusted. Another seum are some that are rare. I purchased front plate, dated 1751, is so broken that the Thomas Milchsack, a few years inscription cannot be deciphered, although of a lad, A. ago, a large stone, pear shaped, resembling the plate is the most interesting of the whole cheese, only in size a collection, being ornamented with arches, in form a pine apple been used columns, festoons, boquets and flowers in trifle larger, which had formerly with, the under pots; in the upper dexter corner is the fol- by the Indians to grind corn BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 137

Bide, or larger end, is polished smooth from with bark on it, and the branches still re- constant use. It was found in the old In- maining some three inches in length, with dian House, on the west bank of the Manoc- a hole bored through the trunk. The hole kasy, when they tore down that old building. had become much enlarged by the action of A gentleman at Nazareth has a large and the lime water, which had eaten out the

valuable collection of Indian relics and curi- heart of the tree. The bark helped to pre- osities, numbering G,000 pieces. serve the wood, which is sound and perfect, The '• Old Sun Dial," made of soap-stone, except the heart, although the bark crumbled is another curiosity, this was formerly on to dirt on being exposed to the air and the south side of the Brethren's House, it handled.

its at the has on face the date, jidccxltiii, In demolishing the old (Economy Build- b<.>ttom of the stone, and at the top the words ing on Main Street, to make room for tho ' " i. e., to the GLORIA PLEUE^," Honor erection of the new Moravian Publication pierced side of Christ." Buildings, the rafters of the old structure In the Museum there is also many old were removed sound and in good condition,

Tihs, made in Bethlehem, a part of one has they were of oak, of large size, 24 feet long, burnt in on its face, 174, the rest of the date each, and six by eight inches in thickness ; being broken off. These tiles were used for and were sold for joists, to be be used in

lloors, mantels, stoves and roofing. Some another building about to be erected in tho were colored, and highly ornamented with town

figures and flowers, impressed on them and There were some curious customs in tho burnt in. A specimen of mantel brick or town in the old days of the CEconomy, one tile, black in color, and ornamented,is among, ofwhich would sound singular in these times. those preserved in the Museum. Some speci- The store belonged to the Society, and when mens of the roofing tile formerly used in the any one called for an article, sugar for ex- town, are also carefully treasured. ample, the person was asked : How much do In tearing down the old residence of Mr. you want? If, six pounds, was replied.

Lange, above referred to, to make room for How many have you in your family? Or if the erection of the large building and hand- the storekeeper knew, he said, you have only some drug store of M. M. Selfridge, on Main six, you must do with three pounds, we have others Street, opposite the Eagle Hotel, he discov- to supply beside you, we don't get goods from ered under the pavement in front of the town, (Philadelphia,) every day. dwelling, two sections of the old pitch pine In the open space of ground to the south water pipes, laid down there in the year of the Eagle Hotel, now an open green, there 1766, to supply the Sun Hotel with water. stood in the early part of the present cen- One section of it was carefully removed, and tury, an enclosed frame Market House, found tobe in a perfect state of preservation. which was torn down about the year 1824;

He had it sawed into short lengths, one of and an open Market House, with brick pil- which is deposited in the Museum at Bethle- lars erected in its stead, on Market Street hem, and another portion sent to Frederic C. near to, and east of Main Street, here meat Graff, the engineer of the Fairmount Water- only, was sold every morning to the people. works, Philadelphia. This latter piece has Shortly after the incorporation of the bor- still attached to it the original iron connec- ough, it was determined to grade the streets ; tion or hub, by which it was fastened to the in doing this it was necessary to cut down next section. The wood, after having been Market Street at that point very considera- in the ground one hundred and five years, bly, so the market had to be demolished. emitted a strong smell of turpentine when Since then there has been no public market taken out. This section appeared to have in Bethlehem, although one is sadly needed. been made from the trunk of a pine tree, The stone Water Tower, which stood further 138 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF east on Market Street, opposite the i^resent have been the first white person that ever residence of Ambrose J. Erwin, was also visited Wyoming. He was the revivor of the torn down about the same time, and lor the ancient church of the United Brethren, and same reason. had given protection in his dominions to the There was a grave-yard laid out on the prosecuted Protestants who had emigrated south side of the Lehigh River, in the year from Moravia, thence taking the name of 1747, fcr the interment of persons attached Moravians, and who, two years before, had

to the Brethren's Church, who lived in made their first settlement in Pennsylvania.

Saucon. It was on the hill near the ferry "Upon his arrival in America, Count Zin- and Crown Inn, on the spot now occupied zendorf manifested a great anxiety to have by the hot-house of Mr. E. P. Wilber. the Gospel preached' to the Indians; and al- The town of Easton, Pa., the seat of justice though he had heard much of the ferocity of Northampton County, was laid out in of the Shawanese, formed a resolution to

1737, by Hugh Wilson and Col. Martin, com- visit them. With this view, he reiwired to missioners, and Wm. Parsons, surveyor. Tulpehocken, the residence of Conrad Weiser, The Moravians had at this place, at an early a celebrated interpreter, and Indian agent

period of its settlement, a Brethren's House, for the government, whom he wished to a large stone edifice, now one of the oldest engage in the cause, and accompany him to buildings in the town, forming a portion of the Shawanese town. Weiser was too much

John Bachman's hotel, but it was never used occupied in business to go immediately to

for the purpose for which it was erected. It Wyoming, but he furnished the Count with was rendered famous in the Colonial times letters to amissionary of thenameof Mack,® by the councils held therewith the Indians and the latter accompanied by his wife, who and the treaties concluded with them, es- could speak the Indian language, proceeded pecially those made with Ccin-ima-sat-e-rjn, immediately with Zinzendorf for the pro- the chief of the Six Nations, and Tedue^cnn'j, jected mission. " the celebrated king of the Delawares. The Shawanese appeared to be alarmed on the arrival of the strangers, who pitched ZiNZENDOitF's Visit to Wyomixg. their tents on the banks of the river a little " Zeal for the propagation of the Gospel, below the town, and a council of the chiefs caused the foot of the first white man to having assembled, the declared purpose of tread the soil of Wyoming. Long the resi- Zinzendorf was deliberately considered. To dence of kings, it may not be improper to these unlettered children of the wilderness, relate that the first white visitor should it appeared altogether improbable that a have been of noble birth, and of kingly* (?) stranger should have braved the dangers of extraction.'' So admirably is the event re- the boisterous ocean, 3,000 miles broad, for lated by Mr. Chapman, that I copy his the sole purpose of instructing them in the original and well authenticated narrative means of obtaining happiness after death,

entire. Wm. Penn Miner's History of Wy- and that too, without requiring any compen- oming, page 38, &c. See also Wm. L. Stone's sation for his trouble and expense; and as History of Wyoming, page 100. they had observed the anxiety of the white " arrival of the at Soon after the Delawares people to purchase land of the Indians, they Wyoming, and during the same season (the naturally concluded that the real object of of the year 1742,) a distinguished summer Zinzendorf was either to procure from them foreigner. Count Zinzendorf, of Saxony, ar- the lands at Wyoming for his own use, to rived in the valley on a religious mission to

the Indians. This nobleman is believed to * John Martin Mack, a missionary then, and after wards a Bishop of tho Moravian Church. The idea of * I never before hcirJ that Zinzendorf wa? of kingly "Weiser introducing Zinzendorf to one of his own peo-

descent. ple, is absurd ;

B E T II L i: II E M, P E N N S Y L V A N I A. 139 search for hidden treasures, or to examine applied to their chiefs for leave to visit the the country with a view to future conquest. Indian villages, and instruct the natives in It was according resolved to assassinate him, the doctrines of repentance and salvation, and to do it privately, least the knowledge through the merits of the Saviour. He could of the transaction should produce a war with not have been received and replied to with the English, who were settling the country more politeness, at the most refined court of below the mountains. Europe. The answer is so beautiful in its

"Zinzendorf was alone in his tent, seated simple, yet dignified eloquence, that I take upon a bundleof dry weeds, which composed pleasure in translating it. his bed, and engaged in writing, when the "'Brother, you have made a long journey assassins approached to execute their bloody over the seas to preach the gospel to the commission. It was night, and the cool air white people and to the Indians. You did of September had rendered a small fire ne- not know that we were here, and we knew necessary to his comfort and convenience. nothing of 3'ou. This proceeds from above. A curtain formed of a blanket, and hung Come therefore to us, you and your brethren upon pins, was the only guard to the entrance we bid you welcome among us. Take this of his tent. The heat of his fire had roused fathom of wampum in confirmation of the a large rattle-snake, which lay in the weeds, truth of our words.' not far from it; and the reptile, to enjoy it " The Moravians who had established more effectually, crawled slowly into the themselves at Bethlehem, were indefatiga- tent, and passed over one of his legs undis- ble in their labor of love to christianize the covered. Without, all was still and quiet, Indians. Neither the heatsof summer, win- except the gentle murmur of the river at the ters storms, the dangers of the entangled rapids, about a mile below. At this moment forests, nor the toil in ascending precipitous (he Indians softly approached the door of mountains, could check the holy enthusiasm his tent, and slightly removing the curtain, of the missionaries. Eight or ten made contemplated the venerable man, too deeply themselves masters of the Indian languages, engaged in the subject of his thoughts to with their kindred dialects, that they might notice either their approach, or the snake be understood. Two bishops, Camerhoff which lay extended before him. At a sight and De Watteville, traversed the wilderness like this, even the heart of the savage shrank on foot, visited the various tribes and settle-

from the idea of committing so horrid an act, ments on the Susquehanna, preaching the aud quitting the spot they hastily returned Saviour, and exhorting to repentance ; the to the town, and informed their companions former sacrificing his life by exposure to the that the Great Spirit protected the white man, behests of duty."

for they had found him with no door but a By virtue of an Act of Assembly of March blanket, and had seen a large rattte-snake 11, 1752, the County of Northampton was crawl over hia legs without attempting to formed. By the Act, Thomas Craig, Hugh injure him. This circumstance, together Wilson, John Jones, Thos. Armstrong and with the arrival soon afterwards of Conrad James Martin, were authorized to purchase

Weiser, procured Zinzendorf the friendship land at Eastou, on the Ltlieitan, to build a and confidence of the Indians, and probably court house, ic, for the public service. contributed essentially towards inducing The first court was held at Easton, June of many them, at a subsequent period, to IG, 1752, in the 26th year of the reign of embrace the Christian religion. The Count George 2d, 4c., by Thos. Craig, Timothy having spent twenty days at Wyoming, re- Horsfield, Hugh Wilson, James Martin and turned to Bethlehem. Wm. Craig, justices of the Lord our King. "Count Ziuzendorflearning the supremacy Previous to this time, Bethlehem was claimed and exercised by the Six Nations, within the limits of Bucks County, which 140 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF formerly contained all of Iforthampton, Le- Lehigh, Monroe, Carbon and Schuylkill high, Carbon, Monroe, Pike, Susquehanna Counties; copyrighted in 1S44, and printed and Wayne, and parts of Schuylkill, North- at Harrisburg in 1845. G. Hills, proprietor, umberland, Luzerne and Columbia. Lancaster, Pa. ; also, the History of Lehigh Valley, 31. See I. D. Bupps, History of Northampton, page — —


THE widow's house. BETHLEHEM, PA.

same Litany CHAPTER XIV. from the ancient forms. This previously by the ancient Uiiitoa The Litany of the Moravian Cnuncn. was used Fratriim, and will be found in their hymn "Bartow's Path."—Nisky Hill.—Fried- book, printed in 1566. It is also to be found ENSHUETTEN. The InDIAN IIoUSE. ThE first hymn book of the Renewed Gehmak Barns.—Tecdmseh.—The Indian in the published at Ilernhut, in 1705, (for Missionary Stations.—Haidte's Painting church, translation, see the JIaravian of August 3, op the First Fruits.—Scheussle's Picture a the congregation at Hernhut be- of Zeisberger Preaching to the Indians. 1S65.) As to assume a more assured position as a —The Islands.—The Lehigh, its Fresh- gan it was felt that a Litany more ex- ets AND Fisheries.—A Ride on the Switch- church, the special wants and freedom back.—American Tea.—The Old Perse- pressive of the members of the congregation, verance AND jHE Fire Apparatus of of spirit of to be substituted for, or added to the BETHLEnE,M. The IIotels.—The Streets. ought Litany. Lconhanl Dnhcr, while —The Old Tannery.—Social Life.—Cex- ancient Elder," waS the first to give ex- sus OF 1S70. Powder Magazine.—Height "General pression to this desire, and John de Watte- OF THE Lehigh Hills.—May-day.—The ville, (Langut,) one of the moving spirits of Masonic Societies of Bethlehem. the church in bis day, made the first draft the direction and ^^^HE first Litany that was Tised in the of the new Litany, under consid- oils Renewed church of the Brethren, dictation of Zinzendorf, who is to be was Luther's, which was compiled by him ered as really the author. In its first form. ;


as it appeared in tlie appeudix to tlie hymn be sung, not spoken, as is the custom in the book of 1742; and printed in almost the same Moravian church in America."

form in the book of common prayer, edition Bartow's path, frequently alluded to in of 1744, the evidences of Zinzendorf's style, these Sketches, was a lovely walk a mile and and his peculiar method of expression, are more in length, along the banks of the Le-

iiuite j)erceptible; "while the spirit and main high River, commencing a little westwaril portions of Luther's Litany remain. This of where Doster's saw mill now stands, con-

first Litany of the Renewed church, is es- tinuing eastwardly, and overshadowed by sentially the same in arrangement and sub- the cliffs of" Nisky Hill;" seats were placed stance as that now in use. along the path at intervals under the fine

"The ^]'iimlru Litati'tc, which was composed old trees that lined the river's edge, for the

later, in 1744, at the commencement of the promenaders to rest upon. The walk was

" time of Sifting ;" is of an entirely ditrerent partially natural, and the remainder along character. The Litany was not altogether the foot of Nisky Hill was laid out and con- uninfluenced by the spirit which prevailed structed by a gentlemen from Philadelphia, during that i>eriod of fanaticism, as will be whose name it bore ; and extended to the foot of" Jones' Ledge," seen by reference to the Liturgy book, edi- from thesummitof which there is a magnificent view of the winding tion of 1755-57. But it also received some river, Bethlehem its vicinity improvements at thesame time, one of which and to the west. But this beautiful work like others, was the introduction of the Lord's prayer. many has disappeared before the destructive march The unhealthy elements were, however, of commercial afterwards removed from the Litany, during enterprise; it was destroyed by the construction of the canal of the Lehigh a revision of it, which took p'aee under the Navigation Company; the ornamental in direction of Bishop Spangenberg. The Lit- this country has to give place to the useful urgy book of 1790-3, contains the Litany as lately the now used, almost vcrhatim. and but Lehigh and Schuylkill Railroad has been cut through the eastern "The names of Luther, Zinzendorf and part of Nisky Hill Cemetery, a desecration Spangenberg, are connected therefore in- which might have been avoided by making dissolubly with the history of the Litany of a slight curve in the road. the Moravian church. Traces of the style Freight and produce, to and from and mode of expression of thought, common Phila- delphia, before the Lehigh Canal was con- to each of those great minds, can easily be structed, were carried by the way of the distinguished in this beautiful service, whilst Lehigh and Delaware rivers in Durham boats. in its general form and spirit, it is similar In olden times the country people called to the more ancient Litanies of the earlier the canal boats, arks. Christian churches. In point of excellence —

and beauty, it compares very favorably with Situate in the southeastern part of Bethle- the Litany of the Episcopal church, to which hem, overlooking the Lehigh River and

it assimilates in its Catholic Spirit; its peti- canal. South Bethlehem and the Lehigh

tions for all classes of mankind, and in its Mountains, is the famous " Nisky Hill," intercessions for all the daily needs of the once a beautiful park, now a cemetery, a individual, and the church, and protection portion of the grounds being retained by the

from all dangers that encompass life. In it Bethlehem Congregation for the interment the Brethren's church have an esj^ecial of its members, the remainder sold out or treasure, beautiful and precious, and of which for sale to any who choose or buy, and man v they are justly proud. The Kjrii, " Lord not Moravians, have availed themselves of have mercy upon us," at the opening, and the privilege of purchasing lots m this lovely the Afjnvs Del, '* thou Lamlj of God," at the spot, and already some ghastly monuments, couclusiou of the Litany service, should both in execrable taste, disfigure the grounds. BETHLEHEM, P E N N S Y L V A N I A. 14[

One tomb looks like a fire plug. Hill, but the most attractive of all, is from And another like a lounge; the western walk, looking to the southwest One, a large slab of marble, the Lehigh River is seen in the distance, Sticking iu the ground. winding on its course like a silver ribbon, These form a strange contrast to the old with its lively islands, and in the further style of memorial stone, laid flat Moravian distancetheoutlineof the mountains covered upon the grave, "which is rectangular in form, in summer with verdure, adds to the beauty the stone being only twelve inches in breadth, of the i^rospect. In the fall of the year, when and eighteen inches in length. The church the trees put on their autumnal livery, the Diary of the Philadelphia Congregation of variegated colors of their leaves make the June 28, 1757, gives this as the size of the scene one of gorgeous beauty. tombstone, and says, ^' Et int bo in B^tlilcliem In a note to p. 227, " History of Lehigli au8 'jamat'ht." It is so made iu Bethlehem. Valley," the reader is informed that A7«/.-ei( It ought to have been made a condition is a Delaware Indian word, implying a that all graves should have been marked in swamp, or a wet place, in allusion to the the simple Moravian style, and no enclosed swampy grounds at the foot of the hill. If marks of ownership erected around the lots this were so, then " Nisky Hill" would be an sold in the cemetery. anomaly ; but the simple fact is, the place a place, Kisky Hill is charming laid out was so called by the Brethren, in remem- with walks in good taste, and thickly planted brance of the village of NM-ij, a settlement with trees, some of the original forest trees of the Bohemian Brethren in upper Lusatia. have been preserved, and add much to the On the same page of the same work, it is beauty of the grounds. The original tract stated that, " Along the brow of this hill was extended down to the Lehigh River, and the Indian town of Friedenhutten, i-c." along its banks for nearly half a mile, but This statement is erroneous. Friedenshnct- the Lehigh Canal cuts off the approach to the teii, or " Tents of Peace," was built on the river. A few years since, a long serpentine flats below the hill on which the Gas Works path, similar to the " Lover's Walk" on the of Bethlehem are now located, on the banks bank of the Hudson River at West Point, of the Manokasy. And the Lehigh Canal ran along the banks of the canal, the entire now covers a portion of the former site of length of the grounds, from which there was that old Indian town, erected by the Breth- a fine view of the river, and the Lehigh ren in 1746, as a temporary home for their mountains to the south ; but even that has Indian converts who came to Bethlehem iu been partially destroyed by the track of the that year from Shekomeho and other places.

Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad, made in But soon finding it inconvenient to maintain the year 1SG8. Nisky is one of the most de- so large an Indian congregation near the lightful spots it is possible to conceive, in town, the Brethren some months later, pur- which to take a quiet ramble; seats are fixed chased a tract of land near the junction of on the borders of the paths at intervals, on the 3faho7ii/ creek with the Lehigh river, and which to rest. On Sunday afternoons the the Indians were removed to that place, and walks are thronged with crowds of the young the huts on the Manokasy flats torn down. and old people of the town, that is the only The settlement on the Mahony was called day on which they make it a place of resort, Gnadeitliuetteii, or " Tents of Grace ," and was during the fine weather of the summer, the deemed a more suitable residence for the In- young ladies from the school, under the care dians, who could there build, plant, hunt and of their teachers; and the visitors stopping live in their own way. Their Missionary, in the town, add largely to the gay throng. John Martin Mack and some white Breth-

There are some beautiful views of the sur- ren accompanied them, laid out their town, rounding country from different parts of the and remained with them until the terrible 144 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF jiiassacre ou the night of November 24th, keeps the clear cold waters of the spring 1775, when the settlement was attacked and from mingling with the waters of the stream. burned by the savage Indians under the Some good Samaritan keeps a tin cup placed French, and eleven of the inhabitants, all on a post near by, so that the thirsty travel- white Moravians, were murdered, viz. : Gott- lers may drink of the cooling waters and be leib «\.ndreas, his wife and child, Martin refreshed. Nitschmau and wife, Catharine Senseman, As a specimen of the splendid barns erect- George Sugart, Christian Fabricius, Leonard ed by the Germans of Pennsylvania, that of

Katermyer, Martin Presser and Frederick Mr. Krause, above referred to, is a fair sam- on the Lesley. The Indian congregations ple in size and color : afterwards col- Mahoning and Lehigh were These large red barns always remind mc to Bethlehem lected together and removed of the story about the Fairmount Engine of of Indian re- for jirotection ; the number Philadelphia. At one of the Company's soon became very large, and their fugees meetings, preparatory for a grand parade of presence very inconvenient, so in 1758, A'aiii the Firemen, a discussion was entered into been built, they were all removed Laving as to what color the "FAIRY" should be to that place. painted for the occasion. One of the mem- has been before " The IiicUuii House, which bers, a genuine B'/ioi/, arose and said : Fel- of described as situated on the west bank lers, I'm willin' to paint hor any color, so is now the Manokasy, was located in what its red." barn-yard of Levin J. Krauae, where he the The bodies of the Hessians who died in the the fire-place, com- found this summer (1869) General Hospital of the American army at bricks, posed of quite a number of the large Bethlehem during the Revolution, were bur- for that purpose in Eeth- such as were made ied on the left hand, or south side of the road and specimens of which Ichem in those days, leading to AUentown, and on the west side yet be seen by the curious on the en- may of the Manokasy ; the place of their inter- tries of the first floor of the " Sister's House." ment is now partially covered by the barn In the first volume of the Memorials of the and house of Mr. John Krause. Many re- Moravian Church, page 230, it is stated, mains were found while digging the founda-

'• House" that had been built in gath- the Indian tion of the barn ; they were decently October, 1752, on the west bank of the Ma- ered up and carefully buried elsewhere. The nokasy, for the entertainment of visitors statement made before, that these remains from Gnadenhuetten and elsewhere, just were found on the right hand side of the above the stone bridge that crosses the creek the road in digging the foundation of levin

at Water Street. It was 52 by 40 feet, of one J. Krause's barn (a son of the venerable John

story, and of stone; and yet within those Krause) is an error, growing out of the fact narrow limits " ike above scventi/ who escaped" that the father's barn is on one side of the were domiciled. In the summer of 175C, a road, and the son's on the other. The re- log-house, 63 by 15 feet, containing a chapel, mains of the American soldiers are buried besides apartments, was built due south of on the ri(jht hand side of the road, opposite, the other. * * - It was removed in the but further west. The early part of the present century. The Indian converts spoken of as residing into the creek immedi- spring that empties for awhile in Bethlehem, were chiefly of the rose then in the cel- ately above the bridge, Delawares, or the Zenni Lenape trihe, i. e., the " lar of the Indian House," " Original people," as they have always call- only remnant of this The spring referred to is a curiosity; it ed themselves. The tribe, whose sub- rises, or rather the water bubbles up from once great and powerful Kalioiis has always been the bottom of the Manokasy into a well form- servience to the Six interested in the Red ed of planking in the bed of the creek, which a great mystery to all B E T II L E U E M, PENNSYLVANIA. 14; men, now live at Moraviahtown, or New palms in their hands, given to them by an rail-field, on the river Thames, in Upper angel, with the superscription out of the Canada, seventy miles from Detroit, a place Revelations, Chap, xiv., 4. ' The^e were re- " made memorahle by the death of the cele- deemedfrom among men, beiny the first fiui's.' brated /S/iawiiee Chief, TEcnsisEH, shot to death The names of all the converts—heathen in there in (he Eattle of the Thames by Col. all parts of the world—represented in the r.ichard M. Johnson, now deceased, late picture are given, and the account is of much

Vice President of the United States. Tecum- interest. This ancient painting is carefully sch, at the time of his death, was about 40 preserved among the Church Archives at years of age, six feet in height, erect and Bethlehem. It was the work of IIaidt, a lofty in his deportment, with a penetrating Moravian artist; a valuable relic of the olden eye, and stern of visage, artful, insidious and times, and of the success attending the Mo- bold. He was the pride of the Indian war- ravian Missions among the heathen. riors of the west. There is now on exhibition in the Museum This, and two others, are the only Mission- of the " Y'oung Men's Missionary Society" of ary establishments of the Moravian Breth- Bethlehem, a splendid painting of " Zeisber- ren among the American Indians. The Mis- ger—the Moravian Missionary—preaching to sion was formerly under the direction of the the Indians," by C. Schiissele, of Philadel- Rev. Abraham Luckenbach. They worship phia. from printed books in the Delaware Indian There was formerly many lovely walks tongue, translated by that Missionary. in the vicinity of Bethlehem, on the banks

I have in my library a book, printed in of the Lehigh, some of which have been al-

New York in 1S38, the title of which is ready described ; but none were more at- •^ Forty-six Select Scripture Narratives from the tractive than the upper and lower paths on

Old Testament, embellished with Engravings ; for the south side of the river, west of the old the use Translated into the of Indian Yputh. bridge ; these extended to the brook running

Delaware Indian bt/ A. Luckenbach" down by the Water Cure Establishment, and

The Rev. E. E. Eeinke is the present Mis- emptying into the Lehigh; and around which sionary in charge of the Station. One of there reigned an undisturbed forest stillness. the other Indian Mission Stations is among The spring was a favorite spot near which the Cherokecs, at Spring Place, near Marys- to loiter on a warm summer's day; now ville, Arkansas; and the third at New West- it is arched over, and the hundred trains of field, Kansas. A concise account of the past the Lehigh Valley Railroad daily thunder and presentMissions of the Moravian Breth- over what was once the quiet haunt of the ren among the American Indians can be old Moravians; yet the stream still trickles found in De Schweinitz's Moravian Manual, down to the Lehigh ; a few noble forest trees (2nd Editic,n) page 44, &e. rear their heads over the small reservoir be-

Crantz, in his History of the Brethren, side the tract on the river bank ; and the says, (page SGS) "About this time, (1747) curious visitors who read about the beauties

John, the first fruits of, and a teacher among of the spot in days long past, visits in one of tlie Mahihanders, departed this life. This Fah's boats the spring, to taste of its cool and gave occasion to reckon up all the first fruits limpid waters, hunt for the remains of the of the heathen that were brought to Jesus famous cavern, and view the ruins of what Christ through the ministry of the Brethren, was once a sylvan haunt of peculiar loveli- and, to the year 1747, were fallen asleep in ness. the faith; and to represent them in a pic- Of all the former quiet retreats around ture in their natural colors, and in the dress Bethlehem, the only one left to remind us of their country. They are painted as stand- of the old times, are the beautiful and fa- ing before the throne of Jesus Christ with mous "Islands" in the Lehigh, a short dis- 14(3 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF

taiice above the North Pennsylvania Rail- of innocent enjoyment for old and young, and

road Bridge. There are three Islands in the those who care not to play, can talk, feast,

group ; the two smaller are seldom visited ; drink coffee, row in the boats on the river,

but the larger, Cnh/pm Jsland,-' is a famous or recall together with their old friends the

place of resort for old and young; every visi- past days spent on the Island. An evening

tor to Bethlehem makes the necesjary jjil- on the Lehigh, after a day at the Island, has

griniage to its quiet shades, and lingers long its charms, floating lazily on' the river, sur-

beneath its grand old shady trees, wanders rounded by our friends, music and song

through its open glades, its sheltered coverts, naturally following ; such are the happy mo-

and at last with lingering looks cast behind, ments of life. The charms of Bethlehem's

siglis to think they must leave so much quiet Islands, and the beauties of the Lehigh, are loveliness of Nature. What a hidden, quiet still unsung; but the dear remembrance of place it must have been fifty years ago, we hours passed there are engraven on the can well imagine, when it is so beautiful memory of many with an impression that

to-day, although to the north and to the can never be effaced, but will remain a joy south the screaming whistles of the loco- forever. motives, and the heavy thundering thud of The following items are copied from Tlte laden cars, bearing the wealth of Lehigh Weehhj Prorjrcsa, of South Bethlehem, August

Valle}^, and the treasures of the" Blue Hills" 18th, ISTO :

to a market, disturbs its former calm repose. " The CniLPREN's Festiv.vl.—On Sunday The Island belongs to the Bethlehem con- next, the ' Children's Choir' of the Moravian gregation, and it is there that the Moravian ciiurch, will celebrate their festival accord-

schools hold their annual Pic Nic's, and ing to a time honored custom yearly observ- nearly every Moravian family take their an- ed from the earliest days of Moravianism

nual meal on the Island, to which their to the present time. Each distinct ' choir' friends are invited, and only those who have of the church celebrate their festivals at dif- attended these kindly festivals of the Breth- ferent periods during the year, being divid-

' ren, can tell how pleasant they are, or how ed thus ; first, the Married Choir,' to which

dear is the remembrance of sucli quiet, hap- liave been combined in later years the 'wid- py, joyous hours. To the children these .are ower's* and 'Widows' Choir,' ' Single Sisters'

periods of unalloyed joy, thought of for ' Single Brethren,' ' Children's' and ' Dieners'

weeks beforehand, and enjoyed on the —or ' Servants of the Church,' —all celebrat- day of the festival, with games and song, ing tlieir respective festivals with a* Love laughter and childish shouts of pleasure, Feast.' Several of the festival days of the mingling their happiness with the rippling cliurch are being observed during the pres-

How of the river, and awakening the echoes ent mouth. The ' Gemein Fest,' or ' Love

of the hills. And tlie parents and friends Feast', for all 'choirs' or classes of the con- must be old indeed if they do not join gregation united, having been celebrated

in all the youthful sports, for our German last Sunday afternoon preparatory to Com- Brethren do not look on and sigh over munion services held in the evening, and at- the pleasures of childhood, but enjoy tlie tended by communicant members of the present while recalling the past. But the church only. Next Sunday the children will great event of the year is the annual PicNic celebrate their love feast in the afternoon, of the Sunday Scliools of tlie Bethlehem con- and in the evening the beautiful and at- gregation. On that day every true hearted tractive open air exercises will be held at Moravian visits the Island; it is an occasion the west end of the large Moravian church immediately after the evening services have *Tlie name of the larger Tslaml is properly Cai/rljKi, not Citlypso, and \v.ig so CJilIeii !>y tlio oUi Moravian?, ended within the sanctuary. These open air from the great number of Catnlpu trees which were thea, and still are growing, upon it. services consist entirely of singing selections BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 147 of such anthems and hymns, which have ties of drift timber, trees, houses, and canal been committed to memory by all members boats, these destroyed the walk, left by the of the congregation, the officiating clergy erection of the canal ; wounded the fine old merely giving out the opening lines. A full trees along the water's edge by striking and attendance of instrumental and vocal music tearing off the bark, so that now some old by the Moravian Church Choir is also given patriarch yields to every severe gale, and on this occasifln, which renders the effect soon none will be left, for all were injured more soul inspiring and impressive, blend- more or less, about twenty feet from the ing in sweet unison with hundreds of youth- ground, and the large scars on their sides ful voices out in the free open air of a calm give evidence of internal decay. Many new and quiet Sabbath evening. In former years trees had been planted to the north of the lighted lanterns of paper in variegated col- pathway, and in the grove. Seats were ors were strung up in front of the singers, placed on the river side of the walk for the which added considerably to the effect, but jiromenaders to rest upon, but all these were the custom has been abandoned. The sim- damaged or carried away by the flood. In ]ile and beautiful ceremonies on Sunday 1868, the bridge connecting the North Penn, evening next, should the weather prove i>ro- as it is called, and the Lehigh and Susque- pitious, will be largely attended, as they hanna Railroads was built diagonally have been in the past, bj- various denomina- across the river, completing the destruction tions within and without the limits of our of the Path; and in the grove where the town." younger trees that had been uninjured by the

" The Island.—The ' Old Bethlehem Is- flood, were growing beautifully, they are land,' or 'Calypso,' as it is perhaps more now lauding from canal boats, sandstone familiarly known by hundreds of visitors to curb-stones, and cutting them on the ground. Bethlehem, has this year been more fre- It is thus all the beautiful walks around quently visited by Moravian families, and Bethlehem have been era,dicated by com- bined attacks members of families of other denominations from land and water. It was this path, in the river, in of this place, than has been the ease for the along that former times were moored the pleasure boats, last few years. "We think no better enjoy- own- nearly every Moravian family, ment, for one day in theheatof summer, can ed by each gaily painted bearing on the be better appreciated, than by members of a aud stern some family, or a group of friends congregating in historic name; now few are left, except good old pic nic fashion in this cool, shady those of Mr. Fahs, who hires his boats out such desire and secluded spot. by the hour to as to visit the " or row the river. Above the " Old Bridge," leading west, are Islands," on

yet to be seen traces of a handsome walk, The Lehigh is a broad and shallow stream that leads along the banks of the Lehigh of clear, cold water, flowing over a rocky

to a fine grove of trees. The path formerly bed, from springs in the different spurs of extended a mile or more along the stream, the Blue Ridge mountains, in Luzerne coun-

and a walk along the tow-path of the Lehigh ty, near "Wilksbarre, and flows one hundred Canal as far as the first lock above Bethle- miles to its entrance into the Delaware at

hem, shows the visitor how beautiful the Easton. In its upper part it is a rapid, promenade once was, and how charming the mountainous stream, with many falls; and

scene still is. Along the edge of the swiftly like all others of a like character, is subject

flowing river grow fine large tree of various to floods after all heavy rains. The destruc- kinds, but many of these were blown down tive flood of June 5th, 1862, was not the first in a terrific gale in the summer of 1869. The by any means, that caused great suffering to disastrous flood on the Lehigh, of June oth, the inhabitants along its banks, aud destroy-

1862, brought down the river large quanti- ed much valuable property, but it was the :


" most severe ; at Bethlehem the water rose Various laws were passed before the Eevo- to the height of twenty-one feet, and the lutionary War, tending to the preservation back-water flowed up the Manockasy to the of the fish in the Delaware and Lehigh Riv-

mill dam back of the " Eagle Hotel;" it tore ers ; one of which had a singular penalty at- away one half of the northern portion of the tached— in subjecting the seller of rockfish

' Old Bridge" over the Lehigh, and covered under twelve inches iu lengtli, to a fine and the "Islands" with sand, logs, trees, and all the forfeiture of the fish. In the early period kinds of debris, to the height of twelve or of the settlement along the Lehigh, before

fifteen feet, so that it took over a year to the erection of dams to render it available clear them off again; it entirely devastated for the transportation of coal to Philadelphia, the upper end of Calypso Island, leaving it was the resort of shad, which found their only a sand bank, where once had been way from the ocean up into iis fresh waters beautiful trees, waving grasses, and lovely to deposit their spawn. wild flowers. It will be many years before The Lehigh in the vicinity of Bethlehem,

the slow growth of Nature restores the island has many of these fish-weirs, or fish-korps,

to its pristine beauty. built in difierent parts of the stream ; they The mode of catching fish in the Lehigh are formed by long dams built with the nu-

in olden times, is thus described in the South merous pebble stones which form the bed of

Jjethleliem Cuuservative the river. A line of stones are erected diago-

" The mode of catching fish was borrow- nally across the stream, from each bank, ed from the Indians. The Indians ran a down the river, and converging to a point, dam of stones across the stream where the in the manner described above, where the is to depth would admit of it, not in a straight weir placed catch the fish; the weir line, but in two parts, verging towards each resembles in form the body of a cart, the

other in an angle. An opening is left at the hinder part up stream, and the bottom form-

point in the middle for the water to run ofl' ed of lathes, placed close together, so as to ad- —at this opening they place a large box or mit of the water passing freely, but retain- basket, the bottom of which was full of holes. ing in it the fish. In the spring and fall They then make a rope of wild vines, reach- large numbers of suclcers and fth are caught ing across the stream, upon which boughs in these weirs. But the dams on the Lehigh some feet in length were fastened at the dis- and these fish-korps have destroyed all tance of two fathoms from each other. Then other kinds of fish; and there is nothing to

a party is sent about a mile above the dam be caught by the angler on the river, ex-

with this rope and appendages, which there cept some small chub and sun-fish, and an

begins to move gently down the current, occasional stray trout. 'When Bethlehem some guiding the ends while others keep the was first sett'ed, and for many years after- branches from sinking by supporting the wards, trout were plenty in the Lehigh and rope in the middle with wooden forks. Thus Manockasy, and in season, shad and herring they proceed, driving the fish before them, were numerous, there was a fishery near while other Indians with poles and noise the town and on the 10 th of May, 1752, for in- drive the fish through the opening into the stance, 1,000 shad were caught with the box, where they were caught and put into seine. Now these kinds of fish are not to be

canoes. This method of fishing was adopted found in the river at all ; the dam at Easton and long continues by the settlers. Strang- interrupts their upward course from the ers often inquire what these angular stone Delaware. The people living on the Lehigh dams are for, and few are aware that they ought to petition the legislature of the State

are the remains of the ancient fish dams, re- for an Act, compelling those who have ob- paired time and again, by the fishermen of structed the course of the stream, to put up modern times. schutes, slopes or steps, at the breast of every ;

B E T n L E U E M, P E X X S Y L V A N I A. 149 dam erected on the river, to facilitate the Act of March 13th, 1S66, from the owners of free passage of the fish up stream to spawn, real estate bordering on the Susquehanna. and their return to the ocean afterwards; On the 16th day of April, 1S58, an Act of and to remove th

18G6, (See Pamphlet Laws of 1S66, page 370,) on the grounds that it would be impossible and its supplements, are very stringent; in to raise fish in the Lehigh, as the sulphur general terms the provisions of the law are, water from the coal mines destroyed the that there shall be made at all dams, or fish; but as they are caught daily in the weirs, or other artificial obstructions in the river that objection is evidently subsersvient river, sluices, schutes, slopes, steps or other to the Second: That the Lehigh Navigation devices, for the free passage of the fish, and Company would not like it. their fry up and down the stream. The The cobble stones with which the "cart- of Philadel- dams are to be deemed nuisances unless the ways" of the streets of the city still are devices are made, and a failure to comply phia are paved, were, and taken Delaware and with the conditions of the Act is to be deem- from the beds of the rivers ed a misdemeanor and subjects the owner to Lehigh, without any perceptible diminution quantities in them. The a fine of $10,000; and it is made unlawful of the contained rounded water-worn into many for any person or persons to place any fish- stones are and curious shapes, such as geese eggs, bird's basket, fish-trap, or any like device, either cannon balls, and marbles. I have permanent or temporary across the river, or eggs, one the size and shape of a loaf of domestic to draw any seine or net within half a mile rye bread just out of the oven, with the of any of the sluices made for the passage of of the pan, in which it was baked, the fish, either above or below the same, or marks it; and another in to fish with any seine or other device for apparently marked on jewel case, for catching fish in numbers, within a given dis- the form and likeness of a a it is often mistaken, as it lies on my tance mentioned, of the sluices or passage- which table for use as a paper weight. ways over the dams, or in any manner to passes frighten the fish, or spawn, (?) or fry, or in The Lehigh Canal which through any manner to prevent their passage up or the lower part of the town of Bethlehem, down the stream in any part thereof, under formerly connected the head waters of the the penalty of a heavy fine, of not more than Lehigh river, with its mouth at Easton, S1,000, and imprisonment not exceeding one where it empties into the river Delaware, year, at the option of the court. Some of the and by the means of dams, looks, and canals, counties make it unlawful to fish their streams navigation was open to White Haven, in County, eighty-four and a half at certain seasons ; others to fish otherwise Luzerne thirty half miles consisted of than with a hook and line ; and some put a miles; and a heavy fine on the use of poisonous bait, cast pools ; thirty-nine and a quarter of canals nets, or any other device to catch the fish in two and a half of locks, and the remainder numbers. The right of fishery, over half a of sluices. The freshet of June 5th, 1862, de- mile from the schutes, is not taken away by stroved all the canal, most of the dams, and 150 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF all the improvements above Mauch Chunk; side of the car, should it start backwards and the canal now only extends from that these points would then enter the earth and jilace to Easton. It forms a most important keep the train stationary. These arms are communication with the coal regions of this also assisted by a rachet provided for the same section of the State, to which railroads are purpose, to prevent the descent of the train

continued. At Lehigh Gap, where it passes in ease it should break loose. This ascent through the Blue Ridge, the mountains rise takes eight minutes. Mount Pisgah is 1000 on each side of the river to the height of feet above the bed of the Lehigh river at its

1200 feet, and the scene is very grand and foot. The view from the mountain top is

Ijeautiful. very fine, extending on a clear day to School- The Blue Ridge, or South Mountains, are ey's Mountains in New Jersey. From here the eastern range of the Alleghanies, branch- the train starts on the gravity road, on a

ing off from the main range in North Caro- down grade of fifty feet to the mile ; after a lina, crossing the State of Virginia and ex- swift and exhilarating ride of six miles, the

tending to the Highlands on the Hudson foot of Mount Jefferson is reached. The

river. The Indian name of these mountains ascending jilane here is 2,070 feet long, over-

in Pennsylvania was the Kittocktinny , now coming a height of 462 feet. The train is called A'i'Hafiiin^, meaning the endless moun- again attached to a safety car, and drawn up

tains. The common name they now bear is to the top of the mountain, 1,144 feet above

the Blue Mountains. the Lehigh ; and after a short ride of a mile, Mauch Chunk has been called by some the cars arrive at Summit Hill, a dreary- writers, " the Switzerland of Tennsylvania," looking town of 7000 inhabitants, with a dis-

which means that it is well worthy the visit mal Town Hall, which looks like a French of the tourist. The ride over the Gravity Bastile. The once celebrated switch-back

Railroad, or " the Sioitch-back" as it it called, railroad begins here, and runs through Pan- although there are no switch-backs on the ther Creek Valley to the many diflTerent coal

Railroad now, is one of the most exciting mines. Leaving here, the cars descend at and beautiful rides in America. At the foot the rate of 221 feet to the mile. The descent of 3Iou)U Pisgah, the visitors enter small was formerly made by switch-back changes passenger cars, each holding twelve persons, from one track to another, but now the track

and the cars are drawn up the ascent by a is continuous ; instead of a switch-back the stationary engine on the top of the moun- cars are carried around a curve by their own

tain. This plane is a formidable looking momentum. At the bottom of the Valley

affair, the track seeming to be nearly per- the train generally stops long enough to

pendicular; it is 2,322 feet in length, with permit the passengers to visit the coal

an elevation in that distance of 664 feet. A breakers and the mines. The grade of the

tliarjy grade, railroad men call it. Every jire- track through the valley is sixty feet to the

caution is taken to prevent accidents; the mile. The immense mountains of useless

train is pushed up by a safely car fastened coal dust fill the visitor with surprise and

behind it; the conductor sits on the front regret ; it is to be hoped that some inventive car, where he mans a patent safety brake. genius will soon suggest a mode by which

The safety car is made fast to two steel bands, this can be used with profit, so as to enable

each seven and a half inches wide, either it to be transported to a market; it is a great strong enough to hold and draw the train, waste and loss at present, and gives a dreary which never exceeds ten cars; should both look to the valley where these mounds are bands break, the safety car has attached to piled up, killing the trees, and causing the

it two immense steel arms with sharp points, creeks to run streams as black as ink. which, an arrangement made for the purpose Leaving here, the train soon reaches the releases from their horizontal position on the foot of Panther Creek Plane No. 2, 2,030 feet "

B E T II L E II K JI, P E N N S Y L V A N I A. 151 in length, with au elevation of 2jO feet; be- " The Statititjion Xews reports the re-discov- ing drawn up this, the cars go several miles ery of a valuable mineral spring, about a further by gravity, through mining villages, mile from Lehigh Gap, and four miles from and past mounds of coal dust to Panther Slatington. The spring was known to the

Creek Plane No. 1, in length 2,436 feet, with Moravians at Gnadenhiitten a hundred years an elevation to be overcome of 375 feet. Af- ago, and the water was hauled to Philadel- ter ascending this plane, the train arrives phia at one time, to cure au epidemic which again at Summit Hill, having made a circuit was then raging in that city. Dr. H. 0. Wil- of eight miles. It was near here that coal son, by means of an old draft, succeeded in was first discovered by a man named Gon- again finding the spring, which had been TIIER, in 1V91; and it was also here that the quite covered with stones and earth. The first mine was worked by the Lehigh Coal spring is marked on the original map of the and Navigation Company. They supplied Province of Pennsylvania, made by Nicho- the market without opposition till 1847. las Scull, Surveyor General, in the year 1759. From Summit Hill the cars run by gravity Dr. Franklin mentions having camped at nine miles back to Mauch Chunk, without this spring on his way to Fort Allen. The any stoppage; that distance has been madein plot of the property on which it is situated, thirteen minutes. The cars descending on contains a certificate from Thos. C. James, an acquiring impulse of a down grade, aver- dated Philadelphia, February 24th, 1806, in aging ninety-six feet to the mile. The train, which the statement is made that the water however, seldom makes the distance in less is "a pure Chalybeate, the iron being held than thirty minutes, giving the passengers in solution by carbonic acid and fixed air.' time to enjoy the beautiful distant views, In the first volume of the "Memorials of magnificent scenery all along and the route. the Moravian Church," issued at Philadel- One of the coal mines near Panther Creek phia, in 1870, at page 30 it is stated that, fire for thirty Valley, has been on now over " This spring was visited as early as 1746, by years, all efforts to extinguish it and have the Brethren, and its waters bottled by them failed. of As an effort engineering skill the for the use of invalids in Philadelphia." jjlanes are unsurpassed, but I at loss am a to One evening, in the latter part of August, understand why the fact that the cars de- 1863, we had on the supper-table at the the grades the scending by impulse of their Eagle Hotel, in Bethlehem, an infusion of weight, or in other own words, run down hill "American tea." This tea was made from rapidly, is considered so very wonderful a the leaves of a plant, or shrub, which is in- feat. The ride, however, up the planes, digenous on the mountain's side, in the. down the grades, over the mountains, and vicinity of the town, and in other parts of through the coal regions, is one no visitor to the State; it has been sometimes called Bethlehem should miss; the trip can be " New Jersey tea," and was so named when made in a day without fatigue, leaving that used during the Revolutionary War of 1776, place at seven and a half A. m., and returning as a substitute for the Chinese tea, which at six p. M. to supper, which will be very was then an expensive luxury; it is still heartily enjoyed, and the day's trip will be an used by many persons in the country, who episode in the most adventurous life. few A consider it quite equal to the imported arli- years more and all this cannot be seen or en- cle. I am informed that it is prepared in joyed, as it is the intention of the Company Massachusetts in large quantities, and sold to cut atunnel through the mountain ; it will to whaling ships: it consists, however, only be 3,900 feet in length, and the work has al- of the dried leaves, which are not properly ready been commenced. prepared. The botanical name of this plant

The Moravian, in its issueof January 20th, is Ceanothus Americamts. 1870, had the following interesting item. The tea which we drank was, however. 11 IIISTOKICAL SKKTCII OF

made secundum artem^ ill the true Chinese ever, the oldest hand engine in the United

*' style ; that being the only way in which the States, for the Fellowsldp Steam Fire Engine real virtues of the leaf can be retained in Cumpany" of Philadelphia, have an old Hand perfection. It had all the apijearance, taste, Fire Engine, six foot long, and five and a and aroma of tlie finest imported tea, with half feet high to the top of the gallery, which the exception of a slight herby flavor, in runs on wooden wheels, and can throw a consequence of its newness, not being quite stream of water through a three-quarter inch three weelis old. This peculiarity, we were nozzle, one hundred and fifteen feet high. It informed, would leave it when it acquired was made in London, by Ham & Eag, in the age. year 1C04, and is, therefore, four years older than the Old Perseverance. Nor was the A choice sample of this tea was deposited Perseverance the first Hand engine import- in the Museum of the "Young Men's Mis-

ed into the United States ; for the City Coun- sionary Society," in Bethlehem, for preserva- cils, of Philadelphia, imported two Hand En- tion, as a specimen of the first and finest gines from London in 1730, where they were American Tea ever manufactured. first invented in 1663. And previously, on This tea was made by Dr. Spencer Bonsall 14th of December, 1719, the city purchased in the early part of August, 1863, at a p'ace from Abraham Bickley, a Fire Engine, which called " China," in the mountains, near Lock was also, no doubt, imported from England. Haven, Clinton County, Pennsylvania, un- See Weseott's History of Philadelphia, Chap- der the auspices of the " American Tea Com- ter 66, Sunday Dispatch of April 5th, 1868. pany," incorporated by an Act of Assembly The Perseverance Fire Engine Company, of this Commonwealth, of April 14th, 1863, No. 1, of Bethlehem, was re-organized in which had for its object the cultivation and 1848. They have also a fine Hand Fire En- manufacture of tea on an extensive scale. gine, made by Agnew, of Philadelphia, and At the time the tea manufactured was made. an excellent Hose Carriage. Dr. Bonsall was the Chief Superintendent of The first hose used in Bethlehem was that company, but the undertaking was not made of hemp, and was brought from Ger- successful. That gentleman was for several many, in 1S18. The first leather hose was years engaged in the manufacture of tea in purchased by the Ecliance Fire Company, the Valley of Assatit, situated to the west of No. 3, in 1838 ; this latter company had the the Province of Yanuwi, in China; and on first Hose Carriage in the town. The only his return to this country, he wrote an in- other Fire Company is the " Diligent Steam teresting article on the subject, which was Fire Engine Companj', No. 2." published in the Agricultural Report of the United States Patent OtEco, for the year 1S60. There is also in the town a handsome Hook and Ladder Company, called "The Prominent among the ancient relics and Niskey." curiosities, so abundant in Bethlehem, there The Borough authorities own all these is one of which the citizens are very proud. difiereut fire apparatus but one. It is the " Old Perseverance Hund Fire Enfjine" which is preserved, very properly, with Bethlehem is well supplied with Hotels, " " much care. It is one of the oldest appara- of which the Sun," and Eagle" have al- tus of the kind in this country, having ready been described; there still remains been built in London, by Brooks, in the year unnoticed the " American," situated at the 1C9S, and was purchased there by Captain north-east corner of Broad and New Streets, Christian Jacobson for the " American Mo- the highest elevation in the town. It is a ravian Society," for the sum of £7" 12«. 2d., fine large building, formerly a private house, and brought by him to America at an ex- but with very extensive back buildings now pense of £6 18«. 3t/., and delivered in Bethle- added to it; its rooms are quite large and

hem Decembei 10th, 1703. It is nut, how- airy, and the view of the surrounding coun- BETIILEnEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 153 try from the windows of the ujjper stories of be obtained, there are no market houses, the house is very fine; from them the entire either public or private, in the place, and range of the Blue Mountains is distinctly the inhabitants are compelled to buy their visihle. The scene from the top of the meats from the butcher wagons that drive house, at sunset, on a summer's evening, around each day, and their poultry, butter presents a panorama of exceeding heauty. and eggs from the farmers, or from the

The " Union Ilotel" is situated one square stores, where such things are taken in trade, further east, at the north-east corner of Broad as is usual in our country towns. There are and Centre Streets. It is a fine, large house, some small " Provision stores," where veg- and seems to be the resort of the people from etables only are sold. The town does not the surrounding country, whilst on their need market houses so much as provision visits to the town ; in fact, a veritable coun- stores where everything necessary for the try tavern, in all its outward surroundings. table could be kept for sale. The expenses

The " Penns}'lvania Hotel" is a large brick of living in Bethlehem, before the Rebellion, building, on the banks of the Lehigh Canal, were very moderate; but for the last few in what was formerly called " Old South years they have been nearly equal to those of Bethlehem," in Lehigh County; the road in a city life. front of the house runs along the banks of The streets of Bethlehem are lighted by the Lehigh, and leads to the old Bethlehem gas, but the lights are extinguished at ten bridge, over which all travel passes to reach o'clock, p. M., a capital arrangement for the " Union Depot" of the " North Penn and thieves of all kinds. Until quite recently it Lehigh Valley Railroads." was the boast of Bethlehemites, that they never hart than one There is also a good House kept by Mr. more Watchman in the oonn Schilling, in the north-western part of town at a time; those halcyon days are, the town, attached to which there is a fine alas! no more; the town has been divided

Lager Beer Brewery, and if you wish to into Wards ; they have now a High Consta- taste that article in all its purity, you must ble and several Policemen, whose presence go to " Schilling's." seem to excite in the unruly a desire to keep them employed. In old times in this ancient There are several Restaurants and Ice borough, "the night-watch patrolled the Cream Saloons in the town, which do quite town with a spear in his hand ;" this contin- a large local business. " Eauch's" is the ued till about the year 1804 or 1805. Rose favorite resort of all strangers and people of was then the Watchman, who on leaving his the town who desire to enjoy Ice Cream and beat in the morning, called, " Ber Glock hat cakes. It was in this House that Lafayette Sechs Schlag," {. c, Die Glocke hat 6 geschla- lived whilst in Bethlehem. In the saloon

geu ! Brother Rose superceded Brother Stolz there is a small fountain, whose marble ba- in 1801, as Watchman." sin is surrounded always by flowers, kept The streets were lighted at nights fresh by the falling spray of the flowing with lamps before the year ISOO, and so continu- stream, which is continually thrown up ; it ed to be until Thursday evening, July 13th is a tasty little affair, and attracts universal they were first attention and admiration. Mr. Ambroise K. 1S54, when lighted with gas. Ranch, the owner of this large confectionary The expense of lighting with lamps was establishment, resides in a fine old mansion borne and paid by private subscription. The on Market Street near Main; attached to lights were put out at ten o'clock, as they still are. Each housekeeper had then, which he has a handsome conservatory fill- and ed with rare and beautiful flowers and plants. still has, a lantern for use on dark nights. And although there are many fine, large There are some queer old streets in the stores of all kinds in the town, where all the town, that branch off from the main thor- necessary comforts and luxuries of life can oughfares at an angle, winding around the 154 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF hill-side, and ending very abruptly against six p. M., supper. These customs are not yet abandoned by all the Moravians. it, or turn off by some unexpected outlet into by-path. another winding street or road, or The census of 1870 having been complet- foot-paths Those streets were once evidently ed, gives the population of Bethlehem and of the settlement, and are in the earlier days its suburbs as follows : on the western declivity of the hill on which Bethlehem, 4,512 town is built, and nearly all lead down the South Bethlehem, .... 3,556 to the Manokasy. There are many pleasant Old South Bethlehem and West old " short-cuts," or by-paths in other parts Bethlehem, 890 of the town. Market Street used to end at *nottlesville, 200 Outside borough limits of South Jukn Oerter'a house, thence east a lane ex- Bethlehem, 450 tended, on both sides of which very large ap- Street for- ple trees were growing. Church Total, 9,C0S merly ended at the "Sister's House;" and The Old Water Works, illustrated and from there a lane called the " Sister's lane" mentioned before, were used during the

extended eastwardly to Jtoth'n farm ; on both Revolutionary War as a powder magazine sides of this lane cherry trees were planted, for the American Army. which bore excellentfruit. Fruit trees of all The Lehigh Hills, where the Old Phila- sorts were more plentiful in those good old delphia road crosses the mountains, is 430 times than at present. Apple and cherry feet above low water mark on the Lehigh trees lire indigenous to America. Eiver. The highest point of the mountain Water Street was so swampy when the is 700 feet above low water mark of the river. Tunner'a House was about to be erected, that The Canal level is 200 feet above the sea; it was necessary to lay large logs of wood on and Market Street, at the corner of New ihe surface, then stones, and earth on top of Street, is 110 feet above the Canal. these, to form a firm sub-stratum on which Bishop De Schweinitz, in his " Life and to build the foundation walls; these were Times of David Zeisberger," in the glossary six feet thick, and immense labor was re- says, "the Indian name of Bethlehem was quired to complete the building. The whole Mena-gach-suenk; of the Lehigh Eiver, Zcc/i- vicinity then being a swampy wilderness, au-week; of Kazareth, Wela-ga-mika." See full of large rocks, brush and trees, amongst also Heckwelder's Indian names in the which the wildrose grew in greatabundance, Bulletin of the Historical Society of P-'., a::d the "Cats-tails" so much used in mak- 1 vol., 121. ing beds, in profusion. Among the days formerly celebrated and The splendid old willow trees, formerly made a holiday of in Bethlehem, was " May growing near the Old Stone Bridge on the Day;" but of late years the weather has Manokasy, were cut down in January, 1855, been unsuitable for out-door enjoyment; this to make way for the new stone one erected A-ear, however, the weather was so delight- during that year. ful on the first of the month of flowers, that In olden times the inhabitants of Bethle- the Editor of the Moravian thus grieves "for hem were early risers, as many of them still the good old days of Adam and of Eve." are, they took breakfast at six o'clock, and " It has been many a year since we have as they then all worked together, they were had such delightful weather at this season summoned to iheir meals by the church bell; as during the past three weeks. ' May Day' at nine o'clock they had their malce-peacc, a jast light repast of Moravian cake and beer, on * nottlesTille is a new town that is erringingnp of oiitside of the nortberu limits of tlie old boroufth the principle of our hmcJi. The dinner hour Naz.ireth road westward, to tlie Belblehem ; from the still is, twelve o'clock m. At two the coun- was, and road leading to Bath. Pronounced Bass by o'clock P.M., " Vesper," cake and coffee. At try folks. ; ; ; ;

BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 155 has got to be one of the things of the past, A. I. 2400. au imaginary season of flowers, warm ver- ZINZENDORF CHAPTER. nal airs and sunshine, on which the young No. 216, H. R. A. M. people kept holiday, and chose their queen, aud had a procession. This year the boys Meets Second Monday of each Montli. and girls might have celebrated it without OFFICERS. any risk of catching colds or making them- Comp. A. N. Leinbach, M. E. II. P. selves ridiculous. Bethlehem used to have " C. C. Tombler, King; such a spring-flower festival,—a good many " H. A. "VViltberger, Scribe; years ago it was, and many of the flower- " C. M. Knauss, Treasurer crowned girls are now substantial matrons, " Bernhard E. Lehman, Secretary. with boys and girls uf their own old enough to go maying, and the grass has been grow- PAST HIGH PRIESTS. E. Lehman. ing for many a year over the graves of oth- Jesse II. Morgan, Bernhard ers. But alas I with our railroads and mis- CONSTITCTED 1868. cellaneous other ' improvements,* the old vil- ANNO DEP. 2870. lage has grown into a miniature city, and who thinks of ' May Day' now?" BETHLEHEM COUNCIL.

In the Chapel of the Young Ladies' Semi- No. 36, R. S. E. and S. M. nary, I noticed this summer at the entertain- Meets First Thursday in each Month. ment, that the bellows of the organ were blown by water pmoer, the machinery being OFFICERS. the invention of the Principal, the Rev. 111. Comp. R. W. Leibert, T. I. G. M.; Francis WoUe; and I noticed also that the M. C. Fetter, D. I. G. M. organist was a very handsome woman. She " Jesse H. Morgan, P. C. of W. " is a "Single Sister," from Salem, North C. M. Knauss, G. M. of Exch. " Theodore F. Levers, Recorder. Carolina, I believe. PAST T. I. G. 31, The following Masonic Societies hold their regular meetings at the Masonic Hall, in Bernhard E. Lehman. Bethlehem, Pa. CoNSTirnTED 1868. The town of Bethlehem was formerly A. L. 5870, within the limits of Bucks County; and on BETHLEHEM LODGE, the 10th of March, 1746, the inhabitants pre- petition to the court for the forma- No. 283, A. Y. M. sented a

tion of a township, which was granted ; al- Meets Wednesday, on or before Full Moon. though it was not surveyed and laid out until the year 1762. When it was done by OFFICERS. Geohqe Golkowskv. The names of the pe- Bro. Morris A. Borhek, W. M. titioners were Nathaniel Seidel, Henhv " Homer Stanley Goodwin, S. W. Antes, John Bbownfield, Samuei. Powell, " Allen J. Lawall, J. "W. Matthias Weiss, John Okelt, Frederick " Marcus C. Fetter, Treasurer. Cammerhoff, George Neisser, Christopher " Bernhard E. Lehman, Sec'y. Pyrlecs, James Bornside, Joseph Powell, PAST MASTERS, Jasper Payne and Joseph Spangenberg. Samuel WetheriU, C. M. Knauss, After the dissolution of the " JSconomy," Nathan Bartlett, Marciis C. Fetter, Jesse H. Morgan, Bernhard E. Lehman in 1762, lots in Bethlehem were sold to the Ernst F. Bleck, Abraham Stout, M. D., following individuals, each of whom erected Hichard W. Leibert, Adolph Conradi, Louis F. Beckel. dwellings thereon for the use of their famil-

Constituted 1854. ies, via: 156 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF

Andrew Borheck, Weaver; William Bueh- Some of the houses already erected by the

LER, Wheelwright ; LnowiG Huebner, Potter; Society, were also sold, Henry Kradse, Daniel Kdnkler, Shopkeeper; George Sbind- Butcher, aiid Gottlieb Lange, Saddler, aud ler Carpenter; Francis Thvmas, Joiner; some others, each purchased a house. Dewali KoRNaAH, Skindresser. :

B E T n I, E n E jr, p e x x s y l v a k i a. 157




CHAPTER XV. The inscription was put there when the it was MCSIC IN BETBLEnEH. house was erected in 1784. When plastered over is not known. The porch was ^ji^ HE illustration at the head of this chap- taken away, and the doors changed to their ailb ter, presents a view of the "Single presentposition about 1814, so say Jedidiah Brethren's House," as it appeared previous to Weiss and Charles Schneller, two of the oldest the erection of the adjoining buildings, to inhabitants of Bethlehem. To the west

158 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF has a fine collection of views of the town, man. The Bishops of the Moravians were twenty in number; also, views of many of nearly all musicians, and many of the Minis- the old buildings, and the jjlans upon which ters took their part therein, frequently play- they were erected; all fullof interest. Being ing the first violin iu the orchestra. The an artist of no mean merit, his pencil and musical performances were either in church brush have enriched the collection with or concert music, but one was distinct from views, taken in the streets of the town, and the other. in the vicinity. His journals are full of in- " In the Brethren's House, and the ' Sis- teresting records of past events; and he has ters,' music was the principal amusement. a valuable accumulation of poetry, both in The Single Brethren had music every even-

German and English, descriptive of life and ing, the married people went there to enjoy events in the history of Bethlehem. Free it, and to assist in the performances. use has been made in this work of Mr. Gri- " As an evidence of the love of music, and permis- der's ancient treasures, by his kind the simplicity of the early Moravians, it is his "Historical Sketches of sion ; and from recorded in the Church Diary of July 8, 1754, Ml-sic in Bethlehem," written iu 1870, at that, 'Our musicians of the church choir, my request, for this history, the copious ex- performing hymn tunes, accompanied the tracts have been made which compose this harvesters as far as the river, on their way chapter. The beautiful and quaint language to cut the rye on the new farm, which was needs no ajjology, but his sketches are en- put under cultivation last fall near the titled to the highest praise. Crown ; as the weather was fine, all who Mr. Grider has been connected with the could assist, repaired to the fields, men, wo- church and concert choir at Bethlehem for men and children.' " more than twenty-five years, having been In his later and more extensive work, en- per- in former years the leading tenor, and a titled, "Music in Bethlehem," written in former on one of the flutes iu the orchestra, 1870, Mr. Grider thus discourses at large : and is therefore, entirely competent to speak "It is not known when music in an or- on the subject about which he writes. ganized manner was first performed here. It sketch written in 1S54, Mr. Grider In a is recorded that instruments were used by the states that Moravians in Bethlehem in their religious " Bethlehem was perhaps, the most musi- services, in 1743, and that the noted Indian cal of all the Moravian Congregations in chief Tschoop, was buried amidst strains of America, in proportion to its inhabitants. music, in 174C- An attack by Indians was There was no place in the United States that unintentionally averted about 1755, by play-

could compare to it. Music was one of the ing a dirge on the trombones, the Indians

institutions which gave character to the supposing it meant au alarm. Thus, music town, afforded intellectual amusement and may possibly have saved the town, aud the

pleasure, both to the performers and hearers lives of its inhabitants. spirit, and the in- the children imbibed the " Benjamin Franklin, in a letter to his distinctly seen in the fluence of it could be wife in 1756, says, that he heard very fine inhabitants. music in the church; that 'flutes, oboes, " The Brethren's House was the great French-horns and trumpets, accompanied nursery where the males received their edu- the organ.' Hence, we may infer that music cation, and although kept very strict in many formed, previous to his visit, an essential things; in music full scope was given, and part of Divine worship and social entertain- ment, and was cultivated to a great extent was indulged iu by both young and old ; and

if ever democratic principles were practised, by a well organized body of musicians. first obtained the it was in the Moravian towns; all were alike, "The organ was when respect was paid to the office and not to the present chapel was built, in 1751. BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 159

" The first orchestra performers, whose violin and violincello ; they were used at names are known to us, existed in 1780 :^ Christian-Spring. The with his name

Rev. Emanuel NiTSCBMAN,ieadei;Eev. Jacob inscribed on it, still exists at Nazareth, and Van Vleck, 1«( t;io^VH / Abraham Levering, the latter is now in the church at Bethlehem.

Matthias ^Y itke, 2d violin ,- Fbeuehick Beck, Having gone to Europe, he was sent out as viola; David Weisland, Joseph Till, viuleii- a missionary to , where the Turks celto's ; Wm. Lembke, Tobias Beckel, French- punished him with the Bastinado, from the horna ; Samuel Bader, Joseph 0ERTER,y7u(c«/ effects of which henever entirely recovered; David Weinland, Tobias Eoeceel, (ri(m^e(»; while laid up in that country, he consoled James IIall and Frederick BotcKEL, ohoes. himself by composing quartettes; when con- " In 1795, a select party, consisting of Rev. valescent, he returned to Europe. In Vienna John Fedeuick Frueauff, 1st violin; George Antes made theacquaintanceof Ilaydn, who,

Fredk. Boeckel, 2)^rf violin; John George together with other musicians, jserformed Weiss, viola, and David Weinland, violen- his compositions. cello, constituted an organization for per- " In the year ISOO, Federick Bourgvin, a forming Jos. Haydn's Quartettes, then quite new-comer, and a perfurmer, brought with new. It will be perceived that the music of him the first bassoon. In 1S06, a double bass that period, though lacking the variety ex- was added, it cost sixty-eight dollars, it was isting at the present day, included all the paid for partly by a donation from the instruments then used by European orches- church funds, and by proceeds obtained at tras. The trombone, double bass, fagotto or a benefit concert. The Rev. John C. Beckler bassoon and clarinet, not having been gene- performed on it the first time, but as he re- rally introduced. It can be truly said that sided at Nazareth, Jacob Wolle, one of the instrumental music here, has kept pace with violincellists, became the player; who, after that in Europe; the various new instruments having perfromed on that instrument, both being introduced as soon as used in the lat- at concert and in the church, for a period of ter country. fifty-seven years, was called home in 1863.

"As constant accessions were made to the " Haydn's greatest work, the Creation, was colony from Europe, the same statement is obtained in 1810, and partially performed in true as to compositions; no opportunity was 1811. It is believed that was prior to its neglected to obtain all the newest music performance in any other part of the United which the Brethren in Europe possessed It States. This was the case also with his Sea- is known that the Rev. Emanuel Nitschman, sons, the Song of the Bell, the Seven Sleepers, when he came from Europe, brought the first Paradise and the Peri, and other German copies of Ntii/dn's Quartettes and Si/nipJionies. compositions. The copies of the Creation

It is said that , if not directly, were made in 1810, from the score, by John was at least, indirectly, in communication Federick Peter, and are still preserved. with themusiciansof thisplace. John Antes, When the piece was first performed here, the born in Frederictrop, Montgomery Co., Pa., orchestra was thus constituted: ist violins, where the Moravians had a preaching sta- David Moritz Michael, Leader, John Freder- tion, was apprenticed to a wheelwright in ick Peter; 2nd violins, John Christian Till, viola, Bethlehem; being a youth possessing much John Frederick Kauch ; William Dea- talent, he devoted himself also to the study ler; violincello, David Weinland ; contra-has/i, of music; performing on all the stringed Jacob Wolle; flutes, Joseph Oerter, J. F. instruments ; he also studied it as a science. BoDRQDiN ; clarinet, John RiCKSECKER ; bassoon, The Musical Library contains fourteen of his J. Samdel Kradse; horns, Jo.skph Till, compositions. He was a skilful workman Daniel Kliest; oboe, James Hall; tnmpet, also, and partially supplied the then existing Frederick Boeckel. Soon thereafter, were want of instruments, by constructing a viola. added as new members, Jedidiah and Timo- 160 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF

thy Weiss, Charles F. Beokel, Jacob C. Till, " Practiaingi were first held in the Breth-

George Fetter, Christian F. Lucls, and others. ren's House; after it was abolished as an in- " The separation of the sexes was a dis- stitution of the church in 1814, they were tinguishing feature in Moravian Congrega- held in the large room in the west end of the

tions, until about the beginning of the pres- new church, now used for keeping the ar-

I'Ut century. We now regard it as an error. chives of the church. In 1824 they were Its effects upon music were such, that no removed to the present dwelling of the vocal performances could take place in the Principal of the Moravian Day School ; after concert room, except those in which male that place was required for school purposes, voices alone took part, until its abolishment. they were nroved to the old chapel; at pres-

] t exercised considerable restraint even upon ent they are held in the hall of the Moravian tlie performance of church music, since the Day School. " female singers were required to occupy the Whii-JIonrhnj has ever been held a holi- northern part of the church, the present day in this community. It became the chapel; while the male performers gathered anniversary day of the " Philharmonic So- around and in the rear of the organ in the ciety" in this manner ; among the accessions gallery, situated at the southern end. to the colony, was a professor of music, a ''From existing printed and written member of the church, named David Moritz psalms and music, used on festal occasions, Michael; he was a ff'^^ioso on the violin, and dating from 1768 to 1795, it is evident that performed well on the French horn, clarinet Uco cluiisui singers existed, a male and a and other instruments. The young players female, each complete in itself. Some pieces all took lessons of him, and were greatly were sung by the first, others, entirely by benefitted. He was a composer also, noted

the latter ; in some compositions they were more particularly for compositions for wind made to respond to each other. instruments, then in vogue, called Purthien

" The building of the new church in 1803, or Harmony Music, composed for five or six ended this exclusiveness. It was no longer instruments, generally two clarinets, two deemed improper for Sisters to sing at con- French horns and two bassoons. Such music certs. At first, the married alone were al- was generally performed in concerts from lowed to sing solos, but in time these gave the balustrade on toi^of the Brethren's House, way to the Single Sisters. on week day evenings, in the summer, for " While the former strict rules were in the entertainment of the town's people. force, the Single Sisters had in their house, "One of these compositions was especially for many years, a complete string quartette, composed by the professor for a diversion on consisting of first and second violin, viola the river on Whit-Jfonday afternoon, when and violincello. The performers were mem- the whole population could enjoy it. This bers of their own choir, they performed for was called, "Die ]yansei-/art}i," or the Bunt their own amusement, and assisted at the Ride. The idea was practically carried out music in their own Prayer Hall. for a number of years, and resulted in mak-

"The sources from which the young peo- ing it the musical day of the year. lile received their musical knowledge, were, "The inhabitants assembled on the river the Boarding School for Females, the Sister's bauk,west of the old bridge, about 1 o'clock, House and the Single Brethren's House. P. M., a large flat bottomed boat or jtat, pro- Instruction was generally imparted free of pelled by four men with long poles, and charge. Talent was sought for, and when provided with seats and music stands, re- found, was developed. Persons who prac- ceived the musicians. A procession was tised music were looked upon as servants of formed by those who intended to participate the church ; every one was expected to assist in the pleasures of the occasion. When all in performances, whenever called upon to do was in readiness, the boat started, the music 60, by the director of church music. began; the party moved up the Lehigh, ac- BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 161 companied by hundreds of listeners, enjoy- and noted as a destroyer ; its floods tearing ing tlie music, social concourse and delight- away the sodded river banks, uprooting the ful prospect. The scenes on that partof the beautiful shade trees, and at times causing the lover of Lehigh were truly beautiful ; the banlis were scenes of desolation, over which studded with buttonwood, oak, hicliory, the beautiful laments. water-birch, and other trees whose graceful " That a musical community existed here, branches extended beyond, and dipped into may be inferred from the following circum- year 1800, the town con- the silent stream. Islands covered with stance ; about the vegetation, trees and shrubbery, whose shad- tained about 500 inhabitants, yet that small ows were reflected in the water, added to the number furnished six persons as organists, attractions. who were able to serve the congregation, and

" The walli was level, bounded on the north did so, without recompense. Such organists by fruitful meadows, and cultivated fields were required to know about 400 church in any key and orchards, on rising grounds ; on the south tunes, and be able to play them by the river and adjacent mountains. The the officiating minister m-ight start them. season of bloom then often at its height, the (The minister generally commenced the apple, peach, cherry and other trees, being singing of the hymn without announcing then in full blossom, the meadows covered the words, theorganist and the congregation with violets, the river bank with honey- joined in as soon as they could catch the suckle, lupin, and other flowers. The party words and the tune.) They were required continued westward one mile, to an eddy to perform concerted music at sight. Now, caused by a turn of the river, forming a the congregation is about three times larger, miniature whirlpool.'" The poles no longer and but three persons are found able to do touched bottom, the waters being too deep. so. It was deemed not only au honor to be The composer, poet like, supposed a case of able, but a great privilege to serve the con- great peril, caused the music to convey the gregation in that manner. The names of the the busi- idea of fear and terror ; the boat was kept in organists of that time, as well as the whirlpool long enough for the musicians ness each followed, are here given. to act out their part, when it emerged from JoH.v George Weiss, Watchmaker. the eddy into the placid stream ; ihe sounds Joseph Oerter, Bookbinder. changed to lively airs and graceful melodies. Jobs Frederick Peter, Clerk. The boat meanwhileglided with the current, Joseph Horsfield, Nurseryman. and the party wended their way homeward. Anton Smidt, Tinsmith. " My principal authority for the foregoing, Marcus Fetter, Blacksmith. the late Wolle, was Mr. Jacob who said, The organist of the large Moravian church, ' that about the year 1809 to 1813, he assisted at this time, is Ernst F. Bleck, and of the performer of the Boat-ride, and on one as a Old Chapel, Theodore F. Wolle. The or- occasion, the performers were John Rick- ganists of the Lutheran is Charles Swartz, 1st clarinet; David Moritz SECKEn, Michael, of the Eeforraed church, George K. Hess; clarinet ; Christian Luckfnbach, 2d Peter and of the Catholic, Professo. William F. ScHNELLER, French horns; Samuel Krause Gkaber. The vocal performers are now Baaaoons.' and Jacob Wolle, well drilled, resulting from weekly practis- " Things have greatly changed since then, ings, which have been held for a period ot the walk has been entirely obliterated, a several years by Ernst F. Bleck. canal has been scooped out on its site. The " The Moravian church has adopted choral considered gentle in its cliarac- river, then tunes, deeming them the best suited for ter, has, owing to the construction of dams congregational singing, 'and although there used in feeding the canal, become violent is much sameness in style, yet, they are capable of much variety in expression, and * Called the deep hole. 16;; HISTORICAL SKETCH OF indeed many portray in peculiarity of ca- style changed in Europe, the Moravian com- dence, or in combined melody and harmony, posers were allowed to furnish compositions a diversity of emotion suited to the expres- of a higher order; the tastes of their people sion of those feelings in which a believer de- gradually improved, until the elaborate lights. Their beauty exists not so much in productions of the best masters were regard- the melody as in harmony, hence they should ed as appropriate. Their tune books be sung iu four parts. '* The J/nsical Lihrary of the Moravian contain 495, of which about 400 are about church at Bethlehem, contains about 750 used. They have been gathered from many compositions, 146 with English text, and 611 countries, from every available source; they with German; composed by 89 difTerent au- use ten of Luther's and fourteen of J. C. La- thors, all are in manuscrijit, the greater part trobe's composing; the church owes the lat- having organ and instrumental accompani- ter a debt of gratitude, not only for his com- ments. Besides which, there is a large col- positions, which are truly devotional, but lection of bound books some containing collec- for the impulse ' which he gave to many tions of pieces, and others containing Masses, musical members of his church, in guiding by various authors; the latter have English and elevating their taste.' See Lecture on and Latin texts, and have been more recently Church Music by the Rev. Lewis West, of obtained. Among the manuscript music Rrockwier, England, Fraternal Messenrjer, composed by members of the church, or by February number, 1858. others not members, but at the request of the

''Herein Bethlehem it has been customary church, and not known outside of a few Mo- for the organist to play interludes between ravian congregations, there are many that the lines, which custom has grown from a may be classed among the gems of musical simple turn, into elaborate and highly color- compositions. The favorite authors are ed passages. Such interludes not only tend Bishop Gregor, J. Christian Geissler, Dr. to obscure the melody, but those features Soerensen, Graun, Bergt, Naumann, Freydt, which caused the adoption of choral music by Reissiger and Spohr, of Germany; Bishoji the churches,— its grandeur and simplicity. J. C. Latrobe, of England, and Bishop Herbst Many object to their use, and they are now and Bechler, of the United Slates. present organists. frequently omitted by the " Before the choir sings, it is usual for the " Interludes between the verses were first minister to rise and announce the piece, and introduced here by one of our present organ- read the text of the composition. It has ists, Mr. Ernst F. Bleck. It was a decided been, and is at this time, customary for the improvement on the former method of pas- choir to sing at every funeral; several times sing from verse to verse without any reliev- at every Love-feast, and on otiier festal oc- ing separaiion. It is not customary here for casions, such as Christmas, Easter, Thanks- the choir to lead in congregational singing, giving, i-c. Recently, the choir sings every the organ alone leads. Every member of the Sunday evening at the opening of service. church who is able, is expected to sing loud In addition, there are Musical Singii.g Meet- and heartily. The choir sings only concerted iugs, where no addresses are usual, the choir music, and alone. Anthems are sometimes and the congregation singing alternately ; sung by the choir', and by the congregation. these are delightful occasions, there is no

" Concerted Church Music, with organ and rule as to the compositions and hymns, the orchestra accompaniment, was performed officiating minister selecting such as suit here soon after the settlement began. It was the occasion. There are also Liturgical Sing- at first, very simple in its style, being chiefly ing Jlcclings, where the choir, the various the compositions of their own people, who classes, and the congregation, sing alter- composed under instructions of those in au- nately or all altogether. These are in print, thority, requiring them to simplify. As the and are only with organ accom.paniment; B E T U L E 11 E M, PENNSYLVANIA. 163

and are in the German language. Suck with a general review of the whole congre-

services are generally held in the evening. gation, and a comparative statement, as to

" The attractions of the services of Christ- its numbers, its increase and decrease. The mas Eve are made more interesting by music. reading of the Memorabilia, at this time, Many suitable compositions exist here. For takes place during the first week in the New

a series of years, the services on this occa- Year. At Hi o'clock, r. sr., the congrega- sion have been opened by singing that gem, tion assembles for watch meeting. After the 'Stilly night, silent night,' by the choir, a officiating minister enters, the choir sing

sweet composition, calming, and preparing Bishop' Gregor's solemn composition, ' Lord!

the large audiences for what follows. The Lord 1 God,' and then the congregation sing;

service lasts about two hours, during which after which the text for the day is read from

the Rev. F. F. Ilagen's ' Morning star the the text-book, and is the subject of the dis-

darkness break' is sung, alternating between course which follows. Meanwhile the mu- the choir and the children, always to the sicians in the choir consult their time-pieces, great delight of those present. The anthem, and quietly assemble in front of the organ. although simple, and intended for children The organist also watches the hands on his only, has taken deep root in the hearts of the time-piece, and sits ready with his feet

congregation, who never seem to tire of its poised. As the Year expires, the New is performance. welcomed by a loud crash of melody from the organ, and a double choir of trombonists, "'For unto us a child is born,' — Handel. by p'aying tune 116, Text, 'Now let us ' Sey Wilkommen,'—by Haydn. 'Lift up praise the Lord.' The performance your Heads, ye Gates,'—Handel. 'Gloria,' generally 12th Mass,— Mozart, and other compositions, leaves the sentences of the speaker unfinish-

ed, ' are sung. but Time waits not.' The congregation rise and join in singing, followed "At this time the church choir numbers by prayer, the reading of the text for sixteen female and eight male singers. The the first day, and the singing of a hymn. These meetings are accompaniment to the singing consists of always largely attended. the organ, two first and two second violins, ** Pansion Wec/c Services viola, violincollo, double bass, two French- begin on Satur- day evening preceding horns, two trumpets, trombone and flute, Palm Sunday, with introductory clarinets are not represented for want of an address and prayer, and competent performers. with the reading of the history of the inci- " New Year's Eve, in Moravian congrega- dents of our Saviour's sufierings. Upon tions, has ever been the occasion of special which occasion Dr. Soerensen's exquisite services. Formerly the adult portion of the composition, ' Bethany, thou Peaceful ha- congregation assembled in the early part of bitation,' is generally performed. It was the evening to hear the JiJemorabilia read. specially composed for the services on that This was a statement made by the minister evening. It ought to serve as a model in of matters of public interest, or such, relating refined taste, in simplicity, in accompani- to the congregation, which transpired during ment, and in melody. the year, and were worthy of record. The "In the services on Muiindy Thursday

paper is made up from the diary kept by all ffoorf Friday, Great Sahhalh, and Easier, musie. Moravian clergymen. The subjects treated forms a prominent part, most of the compo-

of, embrace the general features of the sea- sitions then used were composed to suit the

sons, harvests, health, peace and war, losses occasion by devoted Christian men ; many by fire, new buildings. All births, deaths, of them persons of high musical culture, marriages, removals and accessions, each whose works have borne the test of time, and name being fully recorded. The number of are greatly esteemed by Moravians, who each class, the losses and accessions, together always look forward to their performance ——— — ,

164 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF with pleasure. Although various composers evening meetings, close with congregational have written for the same occasions, and singing without organ accompaniment, the changes are sometimes made in those usu- organ after starting the choral, gradually ally performed here during a number of ceases playing, this is an impressive feature. years, we will notice the favorites! For On Easter morning, the church services be- Jfaundy Thitraday, '1 see thee in thy soul's gin at 5 o'clock, A. M., and will be fully de- deep anguish,* di Freydt. Soprano solo, and scribed hereafter. chorus, with Obligato Bassoon, carrying a " By the Moravians music is regarded as mournful melody, an accompaniment to the suited to every occasion in life, the last soloist. On Good Friday, 1. 'Jesus bow'd his moments of the dying are soothed by the head and died/ di Gregor. 2. ' The story of singing of hymns at the bedside, oft-times

' joined in the departing one. his passion,' di J. C. Gelsster. 3 . The Lord selected and by

departure is known to of life 1 now sweetly slumber,' di Latrobe. After death the made

The first, is for Soprano Solo and Chorus, ten- the congregation by the performance of a derly accompanied by the organ and orches- trombone quartette from the church spire ; tra, while an Obligato Flute continues its at the funeral, when the congregation leave mournful strain uninterruptedly throughout the church, the trombonists head the proces- the entire performance, The second, opens sion, who perform while marching, and lead

with a duelt for Soprano and Alto, and ends the singing at the grave.™ The trombones with full chorus and orchestra accompani- produce a peculiarly solemn eflfect when per-

ment. The third, is for Tenor and Basso Solo, formed upon, better and softer melody could

duett and chorus. This is one of Bishop be produced by more modern keyed instru- Latrobe's best compositions. The instru- ments, the Cornet and Alt-horn, A-c, but the mental accompaniment is very fine. Two trombone was originally selected as the sym-

Obligato Clarinets and two Flutes are promi- bol of ' the last Trump,' and on that account nent features therein. The services on Good has held its place. Four diflorcnt sizes are Friday evening are intended to be a spiritual used, known as the Soprano, Alto, Tenor and gathering of mourners around the grave of Basso. The two smaller have Trumpet Tones. the buried Saviour. The three compositions " Trombones are also used on festal occa- have been jierformed here for many years, sions, to announce the festival, from the and have become precious to those who have church steeple, the time being about 7i

heard them once each year since childhood. o'clock, A. M. Again at the opening of the " In the Love Feast on Great Sabbath after- service at the Love feast, at 2 o'clock, p. jr

noon, three musical compositions are per- and at night, if open air, meetings are held, formed by the choir, among which is Bishop as upon the occasion of the children's festival. Latrobe's ' Holy Redeemer,' for Tenor Solo, The tunes are varied to suit the occasions. Chorus,and double Chorus. This composition, The services on Easter morning without good judges of music deem equal to the best the accompaniment of the trombonist's, of Handel's works. would lose much of their solemnity and in- "The Sabbath evening services are simi- terest. On that occasion the choir is often pre- lar in character to those of the evening increased. Formerly all the instrumental are sup- vious. The assembled worshippers performers, whether string or wind, took at the Saviour's grave, posed to be gathered part; latterly trombones only are used. The to their feelings by and give expression musicians pass through the principal streets strains of sorrow. The choir usually per- of the town, beginning about 3 o'clock, a. m., forms two pieces, one for female voices in in order to awaken the members of the eon- two parts ; the other, one of Latrobe's com- positions, for the same, considered the best * A full deEcription of the funeral ceremonies will be hero. of all his works. Text, ' With thy merito- found in chapter lOtb, and are tnerof re omitted rious death, ko.' Both Friday and Saturday —J. U. M. — ;

BETHLEUEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 1G5 gregation, greeting them with Hymn, No. " Trombones were formerly used to greet

9-15, represented by Tune 83. The text: celebrated persons. When General Wash- ington visited Bethlehem, he was wel- " ' Christ is risen from the dead, comed by the trombonists, as a mark of Tliou shalt rise too, saith my Savior, respect. They were also formerly blown

Of what should I be afraid? upon the arrival or departure of clergymen,

I with him sliall live forever. and distinguished members of the Moravian Can the dead forsake hi3 limb. church. General Sullivan of the Revolu-

And not draw me unto him?' tionary Army was so greeted when he visited Bethlehem during that war.

' Half an hour before service the spacious " It requires not a little self-denial to serve church is usually filled wiih the congreation as a performer of the trombone choir. He and visitors, who engage in praying the is required to attend all the services when

'Easter Morning Litany,' which embraces the they are used. He is obliged to assist in an- creed of the church. At the passage, ' Glory nouncing every death which occurs in the

be to him who is the resurrection and the congregation, to play at the funerals, to play

life,' the minister dismisses the assembly on every festal morning and afternoon, to per- with the announcement that the rest of the 1 it- form before the celebration of the Lord's sup-

any will be prayed in the burial ground. The per. He is in duty bound to go to the grave-

musicians having left previously, greet the yard, or climb to the church belfry at all sea- people as they leave the church, with appro- sons, and in every kind of weather; colder priate hymns suited to the occasion. A pro- rain must not be heeded, he goes through all.

cession is formed, led by the children of the Oft-times the intense cold congeals the mois- schools and their teachers. 2d, the church ture of the instrument, and renders playing

choir singers. 3d, instrumental performers. almost impossible. Yet he is ever ready. 4th, the clergy. 5th, females. 6lh, males. This is done for the love he bears the church.

They then move on to the grave-yard. The Although much is required, the congregation

males then occupy the first j^ath running has never been without such a choir. " parallel to Market street. The clergy and We cannot dismiss this subject without

all the musicians the second path. The fe- citing the distinguished services of several males the third path, and part of that ex- who are still serving the congregation in this

tending north and south from Market street. capacity. There exists a photograph, called

It is so timed, that as the procession enters the ' Three Trombonists,' the fourth, being

the grounds, it is met by the brilliant rays of represented by his instrument, he having

the rising sun, emblematic of the time of the ' gone home' The three entered the service Saviour's rising, and our resurrection. As as trombonists, on Easter morning, in the Boon as the multitude have reached their ap- year 1818, having served without interrup- propriate places; the services are continued tion, to this date, a period of 63 years. The

to their close. The singing is led by the in- names of the surviving three are, Jedidiah strumental performers. In case of a fair Weiss, Charles F. Beckel, and Jacob C. Till, mild morning about 2000 persons usually the missing brother, Timothy Weiss. attend this really grand and impressive ser- "The trombones are not, we believe, used vice. The grounds, which are always kept in the religious services of any other deno- neat and tidy, shortly before Easter, receive mination of Christians in the United States.

a special refit. New tombstones are placed Those in use here, were made in Neukirchen, on the graves of the newly buried, old ones Germany. The Brethren who constitute the are cleansed, other graves are newly sodded, performers at this time, are, Ambroise H.

and many are decked with wreaths and Rafch, Robert Rau, Soprano, or JJ iscant boquets of blooming flowers, as tokens of Charles F. Bcckel, George M. Beckel, endearing affection. Alto; Henrt D. Bishop, James H. Wolle, "


Tenor's; Jedidiah Weiss, and Charles N. " ' Aller lifbste Cbristal Beckel, Basso's. Ilente kriegBt du, Keine Fest epistel, " Serenades have been customary here Wie die vor'ge war fnjiu the founding of the town to the present Die icb du vor'm Jalire date. During former times more frequent Au3 d(?r See gesandt to were for- than now. Visitors the town Denn fur die zeit faliro merly greeted with a serenade. Birth-days Icb auf trockenem Laud.' were so celebrated. The date of the birth of " It was written in 1771, and contains an each individual in the community was for- account of Bethlehem, Nazareth, and other merly known to all the inhabitants by a cus- iloravian congregations, but the most at- tom which existed, and which is still ob- tractive portion, is the description of his served in Moravian congregations. We refer visit to the Indian congregation on the Sus- to the keeping of a Birth-daij-Bookj a record quehanna river, called Friedenhulte}i, now containing a blank page for each day in the Lawrence County, Pennsylvania. year. In it was recorded the names of every " Special pains were taken when the jlst member of the congregation, and friends, birth-day came, then surprise fo' lowed sur- and relatives in other places; distinguished prise. Serenades were a part of the pro- members of the church both here and else- gramme. Formerly hymn tunes were per- where—both living and deceased— all such formed, such music being constantly prac- as they desired to remember, often also, dis- tised, the musicians were at all times ready

tinguished names in the history of the world, to perform them." Here follows an interest- such as Luther, Melancthon,GaIlileo, Colum- ing account of the celebration of the Golden bus, Washington, the Presidents of the Uni- Wedding of our friend, Jedidiah Weiss, and ted States and others were found therein. his wife, which occurred on November 26th, "Iha Birth-day- Book ^ni Text-Boo!: were 1870, copied from the next issue thereafter

placed on the breakfast- table each morning; of the Moravian, which is very pleasing but after the text was read, and while the family too long to be included in this brief chapter. were being served, the record was generally 'The first special organization for sere- consulted in order to ascertain whose birth- nading* which we can trace, existed here in

day it was. This custom served as a bond 1840. It coijtinued during many years, and which held the inhabitants in social union. produced some sweet music; mostly fan.i- No one, no matter how poor or humble was liar airs, arranged by three of the members,

forgotten, every one was greeted with good viz. : CuAHLES F. Beckel, E. F. Bsckel, and wishes and attentions. Such books of record Matthew CunisT. Their collection embraced also suggested subjects for conversation often about thirty pieces. The members—Charles

tending to entertaining and useful informa- F. Beckel, first violin ; Christian F. Luch, tion, particularly so, to young persons. Dis- second violin; Matthew Christ, clarinet;

tant persons were greeted by letter, those John Siglev, bufjlc ; Lewis F. Beckel, _/Ztt(f;

near were visited during the day, and saluted Ernest F. Bleck, viotinceV.o ; IIeney D. 'Qis.n-

with kind wishes, sometimes by the singing op, trombone ; and at a later day, the same of hymns ere they left their bed-chambers. music was rendered, existing vacancies be-

Poetical effusions were composed and sent; ing filled by Ambboise H. Rauch, ingle; many specimens of which, still exist in this James H. Wolle and Charles N. Beckel, community. The best composition of this trombones; and RuFUS A. Qrider, jlutc. class was written by Bishop Gregor, while " When the era of brass music came, an- residing in America to his daughter in Eu- other club was organized, and performed for rope, giving a description of his American several years, during the existence of the

experiences, it is in the German language, older; and then finally took its place. It was and consists of thirty-six verses, the first known as the " Sextett Club." The instru-

verse is as follows : ments used were cornets and tubas. It was — ;


Militia, that if the Society will furnish the constituted as follows : Lewis F. Beckel, Leader, George M. Beckel, Charles N. regiment with military music on the occa- Beckel, Bernhard E. Lehman, Matthias sion of Battalion parades, the said Musical shall not subject military Weiss, Jdlius N. Weiss, and William II. Society be to any Boehler. The music performed by them was fines, and as said Society has accepted said mostly of Professor GrafuUa's arrangement. offer, they agree to be bound by the follow - ing Constitution. Article I. The This organization did the community good Company shall be known as the Columhia Bnnd, &c. service —the inhabitants of the town received many a musical treat between their dreams. To this instrument are attached 52 names, some of them, among the most prominent " Vocal serenades have been customary citizens of the town. In the early part of its here from the town's commencement. One formation the band numbered 12 performers, organization for that purpose existed here but it afterwards increased to 24 members. about 1S50. Another called the 'Abion' ex- following is list of the of the isted here for several years, using the Arion The a names as they stand recorded in rotation collection for miinnerchoir It sang its ' last members,

lay/ at the funeral of Amos Commenius in the book:

Clauder, one of its members, who died Octo- Samuel Luckenbach Christian F. Lucli, John Rickseeker, Benjamin Eggert, ber 14th, 1S68. Lately the members of the Jedidiah Weiss, William Rice, Moravian Church choir have serenaded seve- David Peter Schnellcr, Charles F. Beckel, John F. Ranch, Samuel Luckenbach, ral of its ijrominent members upon their en- John Oerter, eon of Adam, tering the choir of the ' married people.' Christian Luckenbach, George W. Dixon, "J/i7t"(a)-y niMstc took its rise here in 1S09. Timothy Weiss, Charles Williams, Jr Jacob Till, David Weinland, Under the existing military laws, all males Daniel Luckenbach, Charles C. Tombler, between the ages of 18 and 45 years were re- Gottlot Ouetter, Samuel Shultz, quired to exercise in military tactics, twice John Q. Fetter, John C. Weber, Ernst F. Bourquia, Charles Neisser, year, or a fine. first called each pay The was Samuel Weinland, Charles L. Knauss, Exereiaiiiff, it embraced one of the districts Christian Laugo, George II. Goundie, Uenry Ilillman, John G. Clewell, of a brigade. The second, included the en- Samuel R. Eggert, Jacob Luckenbach, tire brigade, and was called 'Battalion drill.' Charles F. Kremser, Samuel Brunner, On such occasions nearly all the males re- Phillip Dealer, aiichel Kreider, William B. Luckenbach, William Luckenbach, ported for duty. Females also came as spec- Herman Ilillman, Aug. Belling, tators; it was the gala-day of that j^eriod. Charles S. Bush, Jos. 0. Eeitel, Lewis S. Knauss, Shows or circus i^erformances did not then Benjamin Whitesell, Francis Lennart, Matthew Christ, exist. Fairs also were of a later date. A Augustus Milchsuck, John David Weiss, nodding plume was an admirable appendage Andrew Vognitz. Francis Knauss, John Alex. Bourquln, Jacob WoUe, i n those days. To be an officer of the brigade William Neisser, Win. C. Luckenbach, was deemed a great honor. Persons attain- John M. Miksh, C. Jacob Till. ing such positions endeavored to excel each C. F. Youngman, other in display. Fine uniforms, bright but- "At the beginning of the present century

tons, large epaulets, plumes, cocked hats, Military Bands were rare ; few existed out- cities few and attractive music were required. side of our large ; performers were

"The formation of the 'Bethlehem Band' it was difficult to obtain instruments and was the result of the militia system of that suitable music. The present great city of period. In the book in which the members Philadelphia had at that time but one Band.

recorded their names is found the following Frank Johnson, a noted Bugler, a colored

' Preamble to the Constitution' of the Musical resident, had organized a Band from among

Society of the 97th Regt. Pa. Militia. As his own race; it was the Band of that city this society has been offered by the brigade for a long time. During the earlier part of

inspector and colonel of the 97th Regt. Pa. its existence it accompanied the Fencibhs, ;

1G8 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF commanded by Col. James Page, when on a made to re-organize, but without permanent visit to Bethlehem, which they reached via success. At this time another attempt is the Lehigh Canal by boat. On that occasion being made by persons who have not belong- the Bethlehem Band assisted iu we'coming the ed to other organizations of the town. Philharmonic Society visitors to tlie town. Many of the members "The of Bethlehem of the Bethlehem Band were skilled orchestra was the result of previous musical culture, former prior performers; some of them able to compose and organization. There was a organization the Collegium Jluticiun suitable music. Their most effective com- known as Bethlehem. position at that time was a Grand 3Iarch, of Music had been practiced in composed by their leader, C. Jacob Till, the the town during a period of seventy-eight skilful rendering of which did them great years ; as an art era the new name was as- credit. The band was successively led by sumed. About (he year 1806 an effort was JoHS RicKSECKEH, C. Jacob Till, Cqarles F. made to revive the flagging musical spirit. Eeckel, Samuel Luckenbach,''' and again A benefit concert was given in 1807, after during a short period by Mr. Beckel, until it which $19.15 was collected, which at that was disbanded. It existed during a period time was deemed a large sum. Iso tickets of thirty years. The excellence of its music, were sold, and no admission fee charged; and the high social and moral standing of persons deposited their gifts at the door in its members, gained it great celebrity; its a tin box, painted green, and marked ' For services were sought for in distant parts the Suiiport of Music' " and it was regarded as equal to any Band iu The Treasurer's accounis, which have the Atlantic cities. been preserved, show the number and date

" The first Brass Baud was organized in of the Concerts given during a number of the year 1839. It was led by Jobs Sigley on years, and the amount received after each the Biajle, and existed only during a short Concert. From them the following informa- time, about fjur years. In 1845 an excellent tion is gathered, viz:

Brass Band, led by Peter Pomp, of Easton, Datt. visited the town; they performed with much taste, the well known Ltn-e Nut Quicka'ep. The visit was long remembered by the peo- ple of Bethlehem. The immediate efi'ect was to arouse a spirit of emulation; it was re- marked by the young musicians here, ' Eas- ton shall not outshine us long.' An organ- ization was formed at once by young per-

sons ; an existing Reed Band was converted into one for Brass instruments, with the fol- lowing performers :

Ambeoise II. Rauch, Henry D. BrsHOP, Amos Bealer, Charles N. Beckel, Wm. H. Boehler, Harry BouRgui.\, Lewis F. Beckel, Jplius N.Weiss, Matthias Weiss, Henry I. Oerter, Julius W. Held. This organization was continued uuder the lead of Lewis F. Beckel for about 15 years.

After it was disbanded, several attempts were

* Samuel Luckenback w.a3 not a performer, he was the captain of the baiid. i.*:.. Drum major. He always dismissed the pi'rformers with the remark, '• Geutlt^ men, the baud is dismissed I thiuli." EDTULEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 1G9

"Leading members of the Musical Society represented; yet so modest and childlike, and learners practised daily on their respec- that she has been regarded by those who tive instruments from fifteen to sixty min- heard her, as unequalled in the part in this utes after dinner and at night. Quartette place. The Bishop of Ephesus was repre- Clubs also existed, -n-hieh met regularly at sented by the Rev. John G. Herman, a Bishop the houses of members and at the Brethren's of the Moravian Church, whose deep, rich House, bass voice, had a great effect upon the audi- " On the 19th of May, 1823, The Creation ence. His official position was poetically was performed by the Philharmonic Society, true. It was also a pleasing and unusual on a larger scale than ever before in Bethle- feature.

hem. Seventy performers took part. It was "In 1S40, William T. Roepper, a skilful sung in the original German text, and the piano-forte, organ, and violin performer, and Concert was deemed a great success. In 1S24, a good tenor singer, became an active mem- Concerts eight weregiven. OnWhit-Monday, ber of the Society ; and soon thereafter was

in 1832, Schiller's ' Song of the Bell,' with elected Conductor, which station he filled for Eomberg's music, was rendered for the first about thirteen years; during which time time here, to the great delight of the public. greater efforts were made than ever before

The person representing the part of Master, to improve the quality of the music render-

was our present veteran Basso, Jedidiah ed. The practice of music, however, like all

Weiss, now seventy-four years of age. The other undertakings, is subject to ehb andjlow. Tenor Soloist was TiMOTHY Weiss, whose fine The Bethlehem public had been surfeited voice, skilful rendering is still remem- and with music ; the audiences became slim and with pleasure those heardhim. bered by who indifferent ; under such circumstances it The soprano soloists were, Miss Susan E. was but natural that the performers should Stotz and Miss Lizzette Bleck. The alto lose their interest also, and practicings ceas- soloists, Miss Charlotte Beekel and Miss ed for a time. Brown. Caroline " In 1S5S, an effort was made to revive the " Things went on prosperously under the dormant Society. J. P. E. WiNDF.KiLDE,a vio- direction of Charles F. Beckel, Matthew linist, was elected leader, Frederick Agthe, Christ, Jacob 'Woi.le, Ernest Lehman, and LoFis F. Beckel and Rrpus A. Grider, Direc- Jedidiah and Tuiothy "Weiss. Perfect unity tors, and James H. Wolle, Secretary. Miss of action existed, and rapid progress was Eknestina Hahn (afterwards married to Juli- made. The compositions given for a series us N. Weiss), a noted soprano singer, and a of years at the annual festivals were, viz: Teacher in the Boarding School, gave instruc- 1833, The Creation, Ilaydn. tion to the male and female singers of the So- " 1834, Spring and Summer,... ciety, using the ' Social Glee Book.' It was Winter and Autumn.... " 1835, intended for open air recreations on the river 1836, The Song of the 'Be\\,..Rnmherg. in the evenings. 1837, The Seven Sleepers, Dr. Lowe. 1838, " " " " " In May, 1863, the Society again perform- Creation, Ilnydn. 1839, The ed The Seven Sleepers, and repeated it the fol- "The Society was now in the zenith of its lowing month. Three Concerts were given

; glory ' The Seven Sleepers,' then quite new, in 1864, and the same number in 1865. In was repeated at public request. The repre- 1866, Mr. Eoepper reappeared, after a retire- sentations of tlie Seven Brothers was deemed ment of several years. He gave the vocal highly interesting; but more particularly performers an opportunity to practice Shu- the part of the boy, Malehxts, performed by man's Paradise and the Peri, in order to grati-

Miss Lizette Bleck, who possessed the rare fy a taste which he had acquired for the faculty of forgetting self, and throwing her works of that author, and the pleasure it whole soul and feelings into the part she would afford others. The offer was eagerly :

170 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF embraced. Mrs. J-ine E. Kracse (the eldest Eobert Eau and Edwin G. Klose; 'Fac ut daughter of Mr. Eoepper) took the difficult Portem,' Mrs. C. W. (Jane) Krause; ' Inflam- matus,' Miss Ellen Lichtenthaler. and prominent part of the Pen, and sustain- A repeti- tion of the last was enthusiastically called for. ed it with great success. Miss Annie Stein,

1 1 was superbly sung. Miss Ellen Lichtenthaler, Miss Kate Self- The solos and choruses were ridge, and Miss E.MiLr Sieger, also sang each given with admirable precision and expression. It was a most enjoyable evening. Bolos; Robert Rah was tenor soloist, and Jedidiau Weiss and Anthony Goth, bassos. Why cannot the Concert be repeated? We The accompaniment was performed on the believe the public would heartily welcome a repetition, and have all piano, by Mr. Eoepper. It was intended for we no doubt that the social recreation only; but the performers performers and singers would enjoy it as circum- desiring to sing it in public, for the benefit of well. It is certainly a gratifying some charitable object; a Concert was given stance that there is still so much musical in February, 1SC7, and with such success, taste and ability amongst us, and it will not that the public required two repetitions. be questioned that both ought to be cultivat- *^In 1869, a re-organization was effected. ed. It is a pleasant thing to see, and a hope- The Society was placed under the direction ful symptom of the healthiness of social life of Professor William K. Grabeb, as leader; in Bethlehem, when citizens of all ages and during that year, Eossini's Siubal Mater, and classes meet together to rehearse such classi- Sjiohr's Last Judgment, were performed here cal music as that embraced in the above pro-

for the first time. We copy from the Mora- gramme, and when without any parade or' aflfectation, the same is publicly rendered vian, of March 6th, 1869 : for the enjoyment of others and for a charita- "'The Concert on Saturday evening last ble purpose. The Philharmonic Society has was iu every respect a gratifying success. a mission to perform, which we trust it will The programme was a choice one, the ren- not neglect.' dering of it admirable in every particular, " first Concert for the benefit and there was a crowded house. Part I., of The of the the programme embraced the following: Young Men's Christian Association's course Overture, La Cenerentola; Fautasie, Piano, of Winter Evening Entertainments, was given

Chopin (Prof. \V. Warner) ; Trio, Piano, Vio- on Saturday evening, November 27th, 1869. lin and Violoncello, Mendelssohn, (Messrs. The musical reporter of the Jforavian, in the WoUe, Graber and Bleck); Marchia, Piano, issue of that paper of December 2d, writes

RafT (Prof. Warner) ; Quintette, Larghetto enthusiastically of the performance, thus and Eondo, Bethoven (Messrs. Wolle, Graber '"The Philharmonic Concert on Saturday and Bleek, Charles W. Eoepper, and B. E. evening last was a delightful success. We Lehman); Prof, Warner received a well-de- have seldom had a Concert in which the pro- served eticoi-e, to which he responded by play- gramme was so uniformly well carried out.

ing the L'Ecumedu Mer. It is seldom, indeed, The selections were a'l more or less familiar,

that more finished and brilliant performing at which some may be disposed to cavil; (to on the piano is heard than that with which the our taste this was one great merit of the pro-

audience were favored on this occasion. The gramme^, but no one could have failed to be

* Stabat Mater,' which formed Part II., was entirely satisfied with the manner in which never sung better. The parts were distribut- they were rendered. Excepting our memo-

' ed as follows : Cujus Animam,' Mr, E, rable 'Paradise and the Peri' experience

Eau; ' Quis est Homo,' Miss Kate Selfridge some winters ago, we have not, for many and Miss Otelia V. Clauder; 'Pro Peccatis,' years, had so full and well drilled an or-

Mr, Anthony Goth; ' Eia! Mater,' Mr, Jedi- chestra and chorus. Very great credit is due

diah Weiss; ' Sancta Mater,' Miss Ellen to the conductor. Prof. Graber, and to the Lichtenthaler, Miss Mary Ann Eice, Messrs. members of the Society, who have suflTered : : ;


themselves to be drilled— a rather rare vir- the Concert was an event, and the public

tue iu volunteer performers, be it remember- asks for many more like it.' ed. The evidences of careful rehearsing "In the jVoravinn of May 12th, 1870, the were manifest throughout, and there was a following interesting notice and statement

promptness and correctness in time and ex- will be found, viz :

pression in which our orchestras were for- " ' The Philharmonic Societij will this even-

merly rather deficient. 'VVe welcome this ing render the Oratorio of ' The Seven Sleep, Concert as the beginning of a new musical ers.' It has been performed several times era in Bethlehem, which shall do more than by the Society, the first time being in 1837,

restore its ancient renown, and as for our- when the solo parts were distributed as fol-

selves we vote for dispensing with the lec- lows : Miss Lizette Bleck (afterwards Mrs. tures announced iu this course of Winter Israel Ricksecker), Miss Susan Stotz (after- Evening Entertainments,' and substituting wards Mrs. Rev. H. J. Titze), Miss Phoebe Concerts, even though these could only be Bleck (now Mrs. Wm. Brown), Miss Louisa had by repeating some of the previous per- Pietsch, Mr. Chas. F. Beckel, Mr. Timothy

formances. Music that is worth hearing at Weiss, Rev. John G. Herman, Rev. Julius all, has nothing to lose, but much to gain by Bechler, Rev. J. C. Erickenstein, Mr. Jedi- repetition, and that not only once, but many diah Weiss, Mr. Eeckel being also leader of times. the orchestra. As the text of the oratorio will be for sale at the Concert, "'The orchestral contributions to the pro- we need not give the plot. The distribution of the solos is as gramme were the Overture to La Dame follows: Sopranos, Mi-s. Laura Clauder, Mrs. Blanche, Op. 44, Kalliwoda, Ileimweh (Jung-

C. W. Krause, Miss Kate Selfridge ; alto, Miss man), and some of Strauss' Waltzes, (the Cornelia F. Boner; tenors, Mr. Robert Rau, latter, the only portion to which we take Mr. Henry T. Clauder, Mr. Bertiue S. Erwin slight exception). The Quartette, from Obe- Bassos, Mr. Jedidiah Weiss, Mr. Edwin ron, was sung by Mrs. Jane R. Krause, Miss G. Klose,andMr. Anthony Goth. The Otelia V. Clauder, Messrs. Robert Rau and choruses are numerous.* B. E. Lehman. The Flute Obligate was "At a meeting of the 'Philharmonic So- finely performed by Mr. Charles W. Roep- ciety,' of Bethlehem, held on Tuesday, Oct. per, accompanied on the piano by Prof. 6th, 1870, the following gentlemen were Wolle. The duett from Mendelssohn's elected ofiicers of the Society for the ensuing 'Hymn of Praise,' was sung by Miss Annie year Stein and Miss Kate Selfridge, the chorus being very full, thirty about singers. This rresidmt,, CH ARLFS F. BECKEL. was unquestionably the gem of the evening, Treasurer, JAMES II. WOLLE. and so the audience seemed to think, but it Directors, failed to accomplish a repetition. The ' Glock- TnEODORE F. WOLLE, KoEEKT RiU, ChaELES TT. ItOEPPER. Conductor, entoene,' ( Proch), was sung by Miss Kate Self- Prof. Wm. K. Geaber. ridge, Mr. B. E. Lehman accompanying on the French horn, and Prof. Graber on the "The society seems to have taken a new piano. It deserved the encore it received. lease of life. Efforts are now being made,

The Trio, ' Die Sanften Tage,' was very beau- not only to improve the rendering, but also tifully sung by Mrs. Krause, and Messrs. to bring in new material; much progress has Robert Rau and Anthony Goth. The chorus already been made, under the industrious was composed of male voices. It, too, we and genial new conductor. Prof. Graber. want to hear again. The Heavens are Tell- The number of vocal performers at this time, ing,' was splendidly given by the full chorus, belonging to the society, is 62, consisting of at first a little too slow in time, but the Con- 33 males and 29 females. The orchestra ductor speedily remedied this. Altogether numbers 26 performers, viz 172 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF

' Conductor, Prof. WM. K.GRABER. which he did as follows : I took the trombone Wolle. r Prof. Theodore F. home, and when I got there, the sitting room Jlr. S. Erastus Pettee. Firf:t violins. cozy; the curled in Charles F. Beckel. looked very cat was up

1: Emanuel C. Ricksecker. front of the fire ; my wife was up stairs, and

Viida, Robert Eau, Matthew J. Schmidt. the baby was asleep in her cradle. I sat

Alfred C. Roth. down to try my new instrument; I blew C ,, . Charles Reieel. J 7. vigorously, a discordant blast was the result, Charles Luch.

[ Augustus Gugatsh. the oat sprung to her feet in aflfright, with

Violincello, Ernst F. Bleck, John Luch. her hair on end, and her tail much enlarged,

Contra-Baaso, George JI. Beckel. she gave me one astonished look, then tore Bassoon, Jedidiah Weiss. furiously out of the room. I made another

Charles N. Beckel. attempt, with the same result as to sound, rlbon Wolle. James H. which awoke the baby, she screamed with Augustus H. Leibert. terror, I laid down the trombone, and walked Cornels, Lewis F. Beckel, Adolph Degelow. the floor for an hour, with Miss Roberts in French Horns, Ambrose II. Ranch, Bernhard my arms.' The report created great laugh- E. Lehman. ter." Flutes, Charles W. Roepper, Harry II. MoNeal, Rufus A. Grider. These brief extracts from Mr. Grider's in- Kettle Drums, Frank A. Stuber. teresting work, will give some idea of Music Organ, Mrs. Louisa Huebener. in Bethlehem, and of his interesting work. "Although the state of music in Bethle- In 1859, Mr. Lewis H. Weiss began to hem, embracing a period of 128 years, has write ' The Annals of the Music of Bethle- as removed the been sometimes over-rated by visitors, we hem." But he had from

town, he abandoned the work ; being too far believe that up to the year 1S25, the Bethle- from the necessary materials, which is much hem orchestra compared favorably with any to be regretted. I have a copy of his unfin- other amaleur organization of a like charac- ished manuscript, and the ability displayed, ter in the United States. When the 'Musi- leads those who have read it, to hope, that at cal Fund Society of Philadelphia,' perform- some early day, Mr. Weiss will complete a, ed the Creation, {01 the first time, about 1S19, work so well begun. the trombone parts could not be filled there, the performers were from Bethlehem; Mr. In 1870, a new band was organized under Jedidiah Weiss being one of the three who the name of the Bethlehem Cornet Baml, with performed on that occasion. Mr. Richard the following named persons as performers.

S. Smith, the well known veteran Under- Edward Benner, Leader, E cornet ; George writer of Philadelphia, lately remarked, 'I Beers, i? conie<; George J. Maltuaner, E was one of the originators of the ' Musical clarinet; William M. Sigfried, E cornet;

Fund Society,' when we gave our first f/?-a?j(/ Henry Slider, E cornet ; Otto Grovner, B concert, in which Trombones were necessary, cornet; Lewis S. Lilly, alto ; Edward Hunt, we had to send to Bethlehem for the per- solo alto; Benjamin Weber, alto; Matthew formers. They, and their large instruments Weiss, solo tenor ; W. Bachman, tenor; Phillip were the centre of attraction. Trombones Sink, barritone; George M. Beckel, solo were a novelty in our orchestra, few in the larritone ; Samuel Simms, bass; William Ortt, audience had ever seeo or heard one.' After hass; Robert Heokmak, bass; Eugene Jacoby, the concert, one of our members said he bnsa drum; Edward Clewell, snare drum; thought be could learn to play on one of Jacob Vognitz, snare drum; Stephen Kom- those big things, if he had one, so one was miller, cymbals. accordingly purchased for him, and he took The Bethlehem Liiderlcranz held its first it home to practieeou it. At the next raeet- meeting on Saturday evening, October 29th, 1870, in the hall of the Moravian Day School, ine he was called upon to report progress ; ;

BETHLEnEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 173 agreeable to a call of Charles W. Roepper, the Frank L. Wolle, Joseph J. Bcabm, Samuel Solt. Quietus Jacoby, original founder of the "Kranz." Twelve James M. Schnabel, Franklin L. Sussdorff, Augustus H. Leibert, Frantz Koeglcr, persona present, and the society was were Theodore F. Levers, Cyrus K. Breder, Caesar Spiegler, duly organized by the election of the follow- Henry G. Borhek, Charles Proeser, Frederick Miller, ing officers. Joseph A. Weaver, Edward Welden, George Hess, Oliver A. Clewt'll, President, CHARLES W. ROEPPER. Charles Schwartz, Ammon Gardiner, Scc'yand TVras., GEORGE U. LUCKENBACH. Clarance Crist, Milton J. Hess, Clarance A. WoUe, Adolph Begelow, Directors. Frederick J. Rice, Matthew J. Schmidt, Matthew J. Schmidt, George H. Luokenbach and Bertine S. Erwin, M. D. Frederick J. Rice. The society meets every Friday evening Conductor, William K. Graber. for practice, and frequently serenades its Owning to the bad health of the secretary, members and friends. It assisted at the of Matthew J. Schmidt, a director, the resig- concert of the Philharmonic society, which nation of the president, and the insertion of a was given on March 2nd, 1S71, singing the new clause in the constitution, authorizing followingGermansongs,^6scAi*e(£vo7rt Walde, the election of a vice-president, a meeting " Farewell to the Forest," by Mendelsshon of the society was called, and a new election Die Wacht am Mkein, the German campaign was held to fill the vacancies, which resulted song, which took the audience by storm, an in the following choice of officers. encore was demanded, but instead of repeat- President, ABRAHAM S. SCUROPP. " Vice President, UENRY G. BORHEK. ing it, thesociety sung Mein Wunck, i. e., My Sec'yand Tineas., AUGUSTUS H. LEIBERT. Wish," which gave great satisfaction. Directors, Frederick J. Rice, Theodore F. Levers and James T. Borhek, Jr. This brings the history of music in Bethle-

The following is a full list of the members hem down to the present day, imperfectly, of the society- it is admitted ; but full enough to show how

Charles W. Roepi^jr, James T. Borhek, Jr., deeply the love of music is inherent in ita Abraham S. Schropp, George H. Luckeobacb, "William K. Graber, Benjamin Riegel, people. — "






CHAPTER XVI. The First Post Office.— The Mode of Borough Authorities.—Lawyers and Doc- Travel in the Olden Times.—The " Crown tors.—The Choice of Bishops by Lot.—As Inn."—Stage Route from the Wind Gap Account op a ** Vesper" of the Moravian to Philadelphia. Historical Society.—Old Map of Bethle- hem IN THE Historical Society of Penn- Sjl^^isT of Chief Burgesses of Bethlehem, sylvania.—The Married Peoples' Houses M since the year 1S45. — Manokasy.—The Apothecary Shop.— Pottery.—Tobacco.—Silk.— Public Build- Chas. Aug. Luckcnbiirh, Eenjamin Van-Kirk, John Matthew Miks-cb, Kdwaril II, Riiuch, ings.—The Vineyards.—The Pennsylva- Ernst F. Bleck, Ira Cortright, .Tucub Wolle, Nathan Bnrtlett. nia and Lehigh Zinc Co. —South Bethle- JtHlidiiih Weiss Clmrles F. Beckel, hem.—The Paper Bag Manufactory.— Phillip H. Goepp, C. Edward Peisart, Ambrose J. Erwin. New Street Bridge.—Volunteer Coji- — The panies. The Lehigh University. — S.iMUEL Brusner has hern clerk of Councils since

Freshet of Oct. 4, 1869. The First Pub- 1S45, previous to which time, the municipal affairs uf lic Roads.—David Nitschman and His the town were ucdc-r the direction of the Moravian Company.—The Great Minnisink Trail.— Church. B E T II L K 11 E M, P E N N S Y L V A N I A. 175

well those of the present day, have'been LIST OF COtTNCTLS. as as Philip TT. Goepp, Charles W. Rauch, noted for a high degree of professional skill Hi-uiy U. Uuflter, Louis F. Beckcl. their calling. Some of those now depart- Bi-M.j;iminKgsert, Solomon Stecki-l, in George Steinninn, Lewis Dwter. ed, were not only eminent lu their profes- Krnst V. Uleel;, Henry T. Milclisnck, William Luckelibach, Jacob H. Lilly, sion, but were ce'ebrated for their witty say- J.ihu M. Mik cl], Jonas Snyder, Cli;iile3 L. Knail-s, Merritt Abbott, ings, or eccentricities, which have caused Cliristian Luclieubach, William Leibeit, their names to be household ones in the Joseph H. Tavloi-, Josiah George, Blank, MiittliewKrause, Charles place. Among these old time doctors may Cli;irles Ang. Luckeubach, Ambrose J. Erwin,

JnliM F. lianch, Charles Boiider, be mentioned : William R. Huffnagle, Henry S. Sellers, Dr. Matthew Otto, Dr. Abraham Stout,* Jncub Luckeiib;ich, Francis E. Huber, " Rudolphy, •' Frederick Martin, .Matthew Broivn, Lewis Doster, Jr., John Fred'k " Juo. Fred'k A. Steckel, " Abraham L. Huebener, James T. Borliek, David 0. Luckeubach, •' Eberhardt Freytag, *' William Wilson, .*\;ivon George. Isaac Walp, " Green, " Benjamin Wilhelm, Ambroisc H. Rauch, D. Henry Bishop, Daniel I'bristiaD F. Lurh, John K. Dech, The following Physicians are at present Join C. Malthaner, Richard W. Leibert. John Krause, Charles Fred'k Kberlin, located in the town. Charles F. Krem'ser, Wm. Frankeuiield, Dr. Maurice C. Jones, Dr. Charles E. Humphreys, Dri Abraham II. Huebener, John Opp, '• Fred'k A. Fickhardt, •' John U. Wilson, William Bu>Ji, Jacob J. Hoffman, " Augustine X.Leinbach, " John J. Wilson, Chri-^tian La'nge, Simuel Snyder, " Abraham Stout. " Bertine S. Erwin, ( harles B. Daniel, Rufus A. Grider, " Jacobson, " George S. Engler, William F. ratter, John H. Yost, Edward H. John Uerger, Charles E. Shoemaker, Dr. John R. Goodman. l;an, John B. Zimmele, Simon Among the notables of Bethlehem there is Kdward Weinland, Ei'^in Mushlitz, I'eier Kleckuer, Simon Kemmerer, an artist of no mean merit, De Witt C. Bou- Aaron W. Rudley. Louis Gei lach, Charles Kdward Peisert, Datid H. Taylor, telle; his picture of Niagara is the best repre- Charles F. Beckel, Joseph Wendell, sentation of that famous natural curiosity John ^V'alp, Jeremiah Bieher, Ruben o, Ltickenbach, William B. Rico, yet painted. It embraces a view of the Xatlian Barclett, Jacob Fries, Daniel Desh. entire Fall, presenting a truthful picture,

CONSTABLES. faithful to nature, and is exquisitely beauti- Ricksecker. Chas. W. Rauch, Permania ful. George Reigh. Gilbert Van Fradeneck, Av.gustus Belling, Chr. Lewis Jiidd, The celebrated German painter, Gustavl's Joel Shitz. GnuNEWALD, resided for many years in the JUSTICES OF THE PEACE, from 1741 to 1S71. town, but has now returned to his native Timothy Ilorsfield, John F. Rauch, William Okdy, Rcubeu S. Rauch, country. David Kliest, Samuel C. Shimer, Mr. Retjeen 0. Luckenbach, who is a na- Joseph llorsfteld, James T. Borlick, Jacob Wolle, Benjamin F. Schneller, tive of Bethlehem, and has his residence Joseph Rice, Samuel Brunner, William Rice, Abraham Myers. there, has painted many beautiful pictures LIST OP LAWTERS. of the charming views iu the vicinity. He

Charles Brodhead. Esq., J. Howard Burke, Esq., is teacher of Painting and Drawing in the William Emil Doster, •• Lewis H. Stout. ' " Alfred Clirist, " Frank Reeder. Young Ladies' Seminary. William P. Hackett, " Walter S. Heilner, '• The following official notice will serve not In March, 1S71, Adolph Coneadi was ap- only to complete the list of the Moravian of the Saal Diener'a of the Beth- pointed one Bishops, but also to show that the use of the lehem Moravian Congregation. Lot is still continued in the Church. is stated that Polly Hecke- At page 131, it " We are officially informed by the Unity's weMer was the on?y daughter of the famous Elders' Conference, that on the i?lh day of Indians, is erron- Missionary to the which July, ISVO, that body took into solemn con- daughters, eous, lie had two younger one sideration the request of our late Provincial of married Joseph Rice, the other mar- them Synod to have two new Bishops appointed Luckeubach. Nor was she ried Christian for our Province, and that after mature de- the first white child born in Ohio, as stated, * Dr. Stout, the elder, was an uncle of the present but she was the first white /e?;iaZe child born Dr. Stout, and of Lewis H. Stout, Esq. Dr. Maurice in that State. C. Jones studied medicine in his office, and waa his as- The Physicians of Bethlehem, in the past. sistant. 17G HISTORICAL SKETCH OF liberation it had been resolTed to m5,ke use at Litiz, Lancaster County, Pa., September of the Apostolic lot in deciding which of the 15, 1854, In which ofiice he served for the four brethren who had been nominated last time at the consecration of Bishops, in should be appointed as Bishops. According- August of the present year. ly, after fervent prayer, the names of tlie The funeral of the departed Bishop took four candidates, viz : the Revs. L. F. Kamp- place on Sunday, the first in Advent. The- man, F. R. Holland, E. de Schweinitz and solemn services were conducted by the A. A. Roinke, were submitted to the Lord's Bishops, De Schweinitz and Shultze. The decision by lot. The first name drawn was choir of the church at Bethlehem performed that of the Rev. Edmund de Schweinitz, and with wonderful power and pathos, "Blessed then followed that of Rev. Amadeus Roinke. are the dead which die in the Lord," from " These two brethren. Revs. E. de Schwei- Spohr'a " Last Judgment." The coffin was nitz and A. A. Reinke, having therefore been borne to the grave by six clergymen of the constitutionally elected and confirmed as Church. Bishops, they will, (D. V.) be solemnly In the Morat'ian for October 27, 1870, will consecrated to their sacred office, here at be found the following interesting account Eethlehem, on the evening of Sunday, Aug. of an "Annual 'Vesper' of the Moravian 28, 1870. Historical Society." " We hereby cordially commend them to " Many an uncertain mind was gladdened the prayers of the Church. Let it be our as the morning of the 19th of October, 1870, united petition to the throne of grace that dawned bright and clear, and the sun poured our Episcopacy may remain precious in the forth its cheering rays over the varied au- sight of the Lord, and that He may endow tumn landscape. This was the day on which these brethren, with a large measure of His the annual ' Vesper' of the Moravian His- Holy Spirit, to- the end that ' they may hold torical Society to be held, and whose ad- fast the faithful word, and be able by sound vent had so long been awaited by all those doctrine both to exhort and to convince who love to spend an afternoon in the old gainsayers,' (Titus 1. 9.) and that they may fashioned Brethren's style; in talking over ' feed the Clmrch of God which he has pur- the scenes of former days, and learning from chased with his own blood.' (Acts 20. 28 ) the experience of the pioneers of our church "In the n,ame of the Provinical Elders' in this country. Already in the forenoon Conference. Robert de Schweinitz, the familiar faces of brethren and sisters President. from other congregations could be seen in Bt'tlikliom Pa., August 27, 1S70." the streets of Nazareth, all wending their

On Thanksgiving Day, November, 24, 1S70, way to the old church edilice, where the the Right Rev. John C. Jacobson, one of the rooms of the Society are located. After spend- senior Bishops of the Moravian Church in ing some time in examining the museum, the Northern Province in the United States, with its numerous and interesting relics of departed this life at his residence in Bethle- ancient times, whose history alone would hem, Pa., in the 76th year of his age. In fi 1 volumes, our thoughts were suddenly Bishop Jacobson the Church loses one of her called away from this subject by the ringing most devoted and active servants. He had of several of the old bells, mementoes ofsome consecrated himself in early life fully to the of the first Moravian settlements in America. work of a minister of Jesus Christ in the This was the signal for all to repair to the Moravian Church, and the completeness of tables, and there to enjoy all the pleasures this devotion kept him during the long ser- of a genuine ' vesper.' A few minutes after vice of more than fifty years always active two o'clock, the sixty-two members present and diligent, always cheerful and hopeful. were called to order by the President, Rev. He was consecrated a Bishop of the Church Eugene Leibert, and after singing a hymn. B E T U L E II E JI, PENNSYLVANIA. 177

were informed that every one should help piece of wood and some mortar from this himself. Never was business more heartily ancient structure. The latter gentleman and cheerfully engaged in. With such likewise donated some Indian relics found tempting pieces of real Moravian sugar-cake, iu Wyalusing, and Miss Clara Ilenry, several

bona fide rye bread, and fresh apple butter wild plums, plucked from a tree in the set- before him^ how could any one be backward? tlement. A photograph of the Whitefield " While the vesper progressed, various House was presented by Bro. Wm. Jordan. subjects of interest to the Society were dis- Another very curious relic, presented by cussed, and under the blue clouds of smoke Mr. Lehr, was a Moravian catechism of the that soon overhung the assembly, many a year 1730, as the title says, 'for the use of peal of laughter resounded, as some gray- teachers who do not know better.' In read- haired sire recounted some adventure that ing the list of contributions of the last year, he had had many years ago. Nor was more the President remarked that their number important business neglected. The proposed seemed to grow less and less as the Society

purchase of the old ' Ephrata property' oc- grew older, and urged each member to strive

cui>ied a considerable part of the attention to add to the museum by his personal exer-

of those present. This, comprising as it tions. does, the venerable Whitefield House, would "As Dr. Jones had, during the course of be a most desirable relic for the Society to the year, made a visit to Wyalusing, he was

possess, both to preserve it from the impious called upon to give an account of his trip.

hands of modern * improvement,' and as a He said that his party had explored the old

suitable place in which the Ilistorical So- ' Kingsley House' from cellar to garret, and,

ciety could have its museum and rooms that nothing had escaped their curiosity. permanently situated. Although all appear- From a tree which Heckewelder had plant-

ed to appreciate the liberality of the price at ed, they gathered some apples, which they

which the property is offered ($1,500) and the pronounced excellent, but Dr. Jones, as he appropriateness of our having this interesting did not get any, considered them rather property in our hands, no further action was sour.

taken than to recommend the subject to the " A very interesting account of the fire de- favorable consideration of the Board of Mana- partment of former times in Moravian set- gers.* tlements was given by Bro. Jedidiah Weiss, " While this question was being discussed, who had himself risen from the ranks of a a cable dispatch received by the Provincial common fireman to the distinguished otEce Elders' Conference was passed around, and of Fire Inspector. At first, he said, all the perused with great interest. It contained a responsibilities of this office rested on the laconic announcement that Bro. Augustus clergy; but later, when ministers were no " Schultze had accepted a call as Professor iu longer as smart" as formerly, a special ofii-

the Moravian College at Bethlehem: ' Skulize cer had to be elected, whose duty it was to hat angenommen.' visit every house in the settlement, to in-

" Several relics also were at this time pre-- spect all the stoves, chimneys, &c., and to sented to the Society. A nicely framed advise all the house-wives to maintain con- stant caution and vigilance. photograph of the old 'Kingsly House' at " Wyalusing, built in 1768, by Moravian Indi- Thus, divided between pleasure and busi- ness, interspersed ans, under the direction of Heckewelder with a plentiful supply of wit anecdote, the was, presented by Bro. Ed. Welles. Bro. and afternoon passed swift- and Wm. Jordan presented a smaller copy of the ly by, after a resolution had been pass- ed, requesting the President to appoint same, while Dr. Maurice C. Jones donated a some person or persons to prepare papers on his- The property has since been purchased by a well- torical subjects, to be read at the next annual known Moravian gentleman, and presented to the Society. Vesper, the meeting adjourned. Slowly and 178 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF reluctantly each one prepared to leave for hanging in a conspicuous place in their Li- liis home, and as we separated, there was brary rooms in Philadelphia. The houses none who did not say that the afternoon had and farm buildings on the west side of Main been pleasantly and profitably spent, God Street, and the mills on the Manckasy are willing, there should not one such anniver- not represented on the plan ; it contains only sary in the future be held at which he would that portion of the town situated on the east not be present." side of Main Street, together with some pro- At this meeting Part IV. of the "Transac- jected buildings, including the T.avern, (now tions of the Moravian Historical Society" known as the " Sun Hotel,") which were af- was issued. It contains a "Sketch of the terwards erected, but not altogether in ac-

History of the Bible in Bohemia," by Wil- cordance with the plan. It is quaintly writ- liam G. Malin, a very interesting and valu- ten in German on the western side of the able paper, and " The Establishment of the map, that " The rest of Bethlehem is down Moravian Congregations in Ohio," by Jesse below here." Blickensderfer, a sketch that contains much The chief point, however, in connection new and interesting information. All mem- with this old relic, is the fact, that upon the bers of the Society are entitled to a copy of lot where the large Moravian Church now the Transactions. stands, there was, as appears on the map, two The town of Bethlehem was founded with- large log houses, and not one, as has been in the limits of Bucks Cuimtij, and on the 10th hereinbefore stated, at page 19. One stood of March, 174C, the inhabitants presented a at the south-east corner of the lot. near the petition to the Court for the formation of a Gemein Haus, and was called the Jhrrkd

Township, which was granted, although it Men's Souse; the other stood at the north- was not surveyed and laid out till the year west corner of the church lot, and was known 1762, when it was done by Geobge Golkow- as the JItnrried Women's Boiiae. These houses EKY. The names of the petitioners were, Na- were used by, and called The Harried Peaplc's THANIAL SeIDEL, UenHY AnTES, JoHN BllOWN- Houses. Having sought for more light on the riELD, Samuel Powell, Matthias Wetss, subject, I received a i;ote from Mr. John Jor- John Okely,Fbederick: Camjierhoff,George dan, Jr., of Philadelphia, thewell known An- Neisser, Christopher Ptrleus, James Burn- tiquarian and Bibliographer, in which he side, Joseph Powell, Jasper Payne, and sa}-s, " You are correct in your surmise in Joseph Spangenberg. regard to the oecupance of separate houses by the married people After the dissolution of the " Q^conomj-," after the time Bethle- was settled, and I in 17G2, Lots in Bethlehem were sold to the hem think the custom continued until the following individuals, each of whom soon change of the (Economy in or thereabout. erected dwellings thereon for the use of their 1702, The separation was families: Andrew Eorhek, Wearer; AVil- of course but partial, and worked well so as the LIAM Boehler, Wkeelwn'yht / Lldwig Hceb- long enthusiasm which distinguished ENER, /'oHtr/ Daniel KuNKLER, Shopkeeper; our early settlers lasted."

George Shindler, Carpenter ; Francis Thom- Thi? explains the foot note to page 1.^9 of as, Joiner; Dewalt Kornman, Skindresser. the History of Lehigh Valley, which is as Some of the houses already erected by the follows: " Married people met together onlv Society were al.=o sold; Henry Krause, once or twice a week. The Brother lived in

Butcher, and GoTTLEiB Lange, Saddler, and the Men's House, and the Sister in the TN'o- some others, each purchased a house. men's House. For some years there was a lack of dwelling houses." There is a very valuable and excellent old map of a part of Bethlehem, drawn on the The Bev. Wm. C. Eeichel, who is now en- 12th of January, 1757, now in Ihe possession gaged in writing a full and exhaustive his- of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, tory of Bethlehem for the Historical Society BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 179 of Pennsylvania, a Moravian minister, a gation, detailed for that purpose; hence the resident of Bethlehem, the author of the common name of the old House, torn down " Bethlehem Souvenir," and of the " Histori- during the summer of 1S70, to make room for cal Sketch of Nazareth Hall," who examin- the new Publication Office of the Moravian ed the old map with me, say3, " The prac- Church. All the old residents of the town tice of keeping the married people separate called it " The Nursery;" I have followed was aholished about 1747 or 1748. their example. It was sometimes called (he

On the map it will be noticed that Main "Old (Economy Building."

Street, as now laid out, is called The new road Mrs. Friday says, "The Nursery was an in-

to JOuniaide, and that The old road to Burnside stitution which was formed by the necessity

is also indicated. James Buhsside was born of circumstances. The great amount of labor in Ireland, in 170S, emigrated to Georgia in to be done in the building of houses, clearing 1734, and in August, 1746, became a member the lands, farmiug, procuring building ma- of the Moravian Church. His farm (now terials, Jfcc, besides keeping constant watch

Benjamin G. Unangst's) was situated near night and day, made it necessary that every

Bethlehem, and the road led to it. He was means should be taken to bring all the re-

the first member from Northampton County courses of the inhabitants to bear. The fe- in the Provincial Assembly. He died at his males could assist in farming, such as rako farm-house on the 8th of August, 1755. hay, spread grass, plant and hoe potatoes and

The illustration heading Chapter 3rd, page corn, husk corn, load hay,

19, represents the " Water Tower," as attach- were prevented by their children. A Nur.s- ed to the west end of the " Married Men's ERY was thereupon instituted, where child-

House," which was not the case, it only ap- ren two j'ears of age were taken and raised peared so iu taking the view. The Tower, under the supervision of the Church. To

in fact, stood in the centre of the church lot, this institutionmany objections were found; and between the Married Men's and Wo- it did not work as well as desired, and as men's Houses. soon as the GJconomt/ was abolished, (having There was a bird's eye view of Bethlehem, things in common), the Institution was dis- dated 1755, published for sale at the Fair of continued. It must be said however, that the U. B. Sanitary Commission, in 1864, held although the children so raised had not the in Logan Square, Philadelphia, which gives parental feelings as those raised by the affec- a correct representation of the two old build- tionate mother, yet some of the best citizens Bethlehem ever were so brought ings referred to, and their position on the had up. In those days Economy ruled; in order to save Church lot. The " Married Women's House" paper, pen and ink, the children were taught was iu 1754 used as a school-house for the at school to write with uncut quills on press- boys. (See Life of Heckewelder, page 33, ed sand." showing that Mr. Reiehel is correct.) The building on the old map, referred to In the same " Explication," on the old map, in the " Explication" thereon, as the " Boy's " The Corpse House" is called " The House

Institute," and which I have called the for the bodies of the Lambs of God," at least " Nursery," was, so says Mr. Reiehel, "built that is the literal translation of the sentence, for the use of the Married J/en, and was at for the "Explication" is written in the Ger- one time occupied hj jive divisions of them." man language. Near the corner of Main and During the Indian Wars, all the children Market Streets, standing in the street, is an were gathered together from Nazareth, and erection marked 0, which was the " Watch the other Moravian towns, and brought to Tower," built during the first Indian Wars, in 1755. Bethlehem for protection ; the smaller child- ren were placed in this building in charge of A company of gentlemen have recently

Bome of the Sisters of the Bethlehem Congre- purchased the high hill and plain west of 180 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF

Eethlehem, wliicli is separated from the Store in Bethlehem, was kept in the house town by the Manokasy Creek, and have now owned and occupied by Simon Eau, on built a handsome iron bridge across that Main Street, near the Moravian Church, and stream at Broad Street, connecting their land, which he uses for the same purpose. Dr. which is now being laid out in lots, with the Matthew Otto was the first Apothecary in the This part of the is town. new town called town, and in the County. He established his ITest Bethlehem. Laboratory about 1745. The medicines were

The Maxokasy (this mode of spelling is prepared with great care, and were sent to

my own, and is in accordance with the pro- Philadelphia, where they were in much de- nunciation of the name) Creek runs through mand. The profits from this source by the the town and empties into the Lehigh at the Qiconomy were larger than from any other

foot of Kisky Hill. The old Moravians call- kind of manufacture carried on in the vil-

ed this creek the Jl/o/ta/res, with an acute ac- lage. In 1782, Timothy Horsficld is spoken

cent over the second a. Heckewelder says of as having been in charge of the Apothe- the Indian name was llenarjass!, with an cary Shop, and after him,Eberhardrreytag acute accent over the first a, meaning "a conducted the business for the Society. creek with many bends." The Rev. \Vm. C. There are now many very handsome Drug Eeichel, the well known Moravian author Stores in the town; the most extensive of and antiquarian, writes the name Makakast, which is owned and conducted by Matthew

with an acute accent over the first two a's in M. Selfridge, on Main Street, opposite the the name, this gives the word in the German " Eagle Hotel." His business is both by pronunciation the same sound as my spell- wholesale and retail. Edward T. Myers iug, Manokasy. The name has of late been owns also a fine Drug establishment on

rendered Monoccacy, while it is pronounced Main Street. He occupies a portion of the

Manokasy, which is absurd. There is a building as his residence. His lot was for- river in Maryland, and an Island in the merly included in the " Sun Hotel" proper- Susquehanna, near Wilks-Barre, both called ty, and was purchased by him only a few

the, and I hope the Bethlehemites years ago. will call their creek by its proper name here- Themanufactureof Pottery was extensive- after, and write the name as it is pronounced ly carried on by Lewis Huebener, about the in English and German, Mmiokasy. 3'ear 1782, and previously. It was one of the

Manockissee, is another erroneous mode of first branches of industry carried on in the

spelling the name of this creek. Almost al- town. Apple-butter making in those days ways during the summer months, the bed of was universal in the vicinity, and when the the creek, a few miles north of Bethlehem, fruit was abundant, the demand for the becomes as dry as the surrounding " Dry- earthen crocks, in which it was put, was

lands," through which it has its course. It often so great, that all could not be supplied. owes its existence entirely to the springs in A most excellent preserve is apple-butter;

like the is its vicinity, many of which are in its very but nothing quantity made now, bed, as can easily be seen during the dry the apple trees seem to be dying out in Penn- spell of any one of our summers. Monockiccy, sylvania; ploughing up the apple orchards is the way Rupp, in his History of North- injures the trees and retards their growth. ampton County, page 79, spells the name of There are in the old gardens in Bethlehem, the creek. apple trees still bearing immense quantities There was an old Indian Chief, called Mo- of fruit; the size of those old patriarchs is something astonishing. nokghichan, living about 1737, it may be pos- sible that the name of the creek has some Mr. Huebener manufactured tiles for the connection with him. floors in houses; some can be seen in the " " ;" The Apothecary Shop," or first Drug Sister's House also tiles for the large : ;

BETULEIIEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 181 stoTes, made after the fashion of those still was a Swedish Physician, who resided for in use in Germany. Tiles were also made a number of years in Bethlehem. He was for roofing purposes; and the hardware store full oifun, wit and anecdote. His language of Henry S. Krause, in Main Street, is was an odd mixture of Swedish, German and roofed with some of them, which are as per- English, and it was said that " Dr. Steckel

fect as when first made. Some other ancient spoke no language." The following lines structures are also covered with these old are attributed to him, or what is more pro-

tiles. Pipe heads were also made in large bable, are written in imitation of his peculiar quantities. Occasionally small quantities of mode of speech. tobacco are raised in the vicinity of Bethle- FAREWELL TO BETULEUEM. hem, and the manufacture of segars engages By Dr. John Frederick Augustus Steckel, the attention of a large class of people on the November 24th, 1826. line of the North Pennsylvania 'Bail Eoad, Oh Bethlehem dou'rt not the leasht. at the present time. In .Tudas Coundry in de Eiisht, In 1771, the Society for the Culture of Silk, Don Bethlehem here in Immidashon, located in the city of Philadelphia, awarded Were Bilgrims come from every nashon To see the wonders dat are dolt the premium of £10 for the greatest quantity Wit dose gued friends I oft did go of cocoons above twenty thousand, to Joanna To show and dell them all I know, Elwein, of Bethlehem. Reeled silk was ex- Of Judas lanti could not dell tensively manufactured in Pennsylvania Where Sheperds mil dere sheep did dwell this time, sent to to about and England be But as dia is a new creashon woven and returned. The Society prepared Of harmless lambs of every nashon, during this season, one hundred and fifty Who know dere Sheperd's voice and view pounds of reeled silk of such quality, as sold De Bath he leads, and him persue Dat Basture wich did feed dat Flock in England for twenty and twenty-five shil- Bermitted friends at tree o'clock lings per pound, exclusive of the Parliament- Do witness all dere Educashon bounty. ary Dere science great and recreashon The following article, cut from the Eaaion Mit music charms—Angelic strain Sentinel, for June, 1834, introduces a well Were Joy and bleasure banish Bain, All dose enjoyments I dit view known inhabitant of Bethlehem and "a Must leave them all and bit Adieu mammoth trout. General Cadwalader and

Oh Lehigh I dou shweet stream dat rolls, lady, of Philadelphia, being on a visit to Eulivent by dine Arls wit Coals Bethlehem, Pa., Mr. George H. Goundie pre- May prosperous dy commerce free sented to Mr. Zeigler, of the Eayle Hotel, one Dy floating arks returning be, of the largest tirook trout perhaps ever known Wit passengers from ev'ry nashon in this country, which was served up in his To visit Bethlehem's situa^hou; more dose scenes I shall sui^ey, best style, at a dinner on last Monday to the No Dy burling stream dat flows so gay, General and lady, and a party of ladies and Dy Croves, dy Isle, dy Crysbtall Spring gentlemen of Bethlehem. The trout meas- We wistom shtrengtb and beauty sing. ured 22 inches in length, 19 inches in cir- Where Choirs of Angels by us glite

cumference, and weighed 7i pounds; it was Wit dere fair purses by their side

raised by Mr. Jacob Schneider, of the Lehigh Embark in safe Abbottos' barge

Water Gap, who has kept it for the last si.x And on Kallihso^s Island march. years in a trough in the second story of his Enjoy dere habbiness and sing, Make rocks and vales shweet echoes bring house. We understand Mr. Goundie, of Beth- Dose shweet delights I oft dit view lehem, has about 400 fine trout yet in his JIust leave dem all and bit adieu trout house, measuring from 10 to 17 inches And since stern fate has bit me go,

in length." Do all my friends I bit adieu

Dr. John FKEDEnicK Augustus Steckel, I leave you all wit great regret ;;


Your blessing shall attend my speed The name of the Society does not fully ex- Your Bymbathetic sorrows klaini press its object, which is, to insure to the My warmest tanks, accept de same. widows of the deceased members, a yearly dividend, the income being divided pro rata Farcv.'ell my friends, fate bits me go,

FareiiveU my neighbors all —Adieu among the claimants. Members are received

No more I'll see dose tender scenes at any age, the custom has, however, been to Were lovely youts widen dere deona permit young men to become members upou Mit dears of Joy dere frients did meet their marriage, on their paying a subscrip- Or part wid dem wit sore regret tion fee of fifty dollars. There are no other My heart dit melt wit tenderness payments to be made to the Society, except Do see their Joy or sore regret by such as join after they are fifty years From scenes like dese I now must go, old, in that case, they annually, in ad- And bit my dear young friends adieu pay Your joyful hearts wid mine dit glow dition to the entrance fee, one dollar.

On all cccashons you dit show The Society was organized January 1st,

WhenjoyfuU med on feshdel daya 1771. The firstpayments amounted to £950, To celebrade Saviour's praise our Pennsylvania currency. That sum was AVit muBic, joyful hymns dit sing loaned to James Burnside, on a mortgage on De glory of our heavenly King, the Nain Indian Mission propertij, which had But all is lost I Fate bits me go purchased Farewell fair sisters all—Adieu, been by him. Now Flora, beautiful and gay, In 1S21, the Society was chartered by the De dime is come, I musht obey, Legislature. The invested assets of the cor- I worshib'd dee all day and night, poration now amount to the sum of $32,000. Dy fragrant blushus were my delight Any male member of the Moravian Church Not mine alone, but all mankind in Americaf in health, Did by dere bresence pleasure fint being sound may be-

But fate decrees dat I must go. come a member of the Society, and his widow And leave you now, and bit adieu. after his death, will receive her pro rata No more I hear the serenading, share of the yearly income of the Society Mitin thy Bowry consecrating, during the remainder of her life. Mit soft harmonious symphony, The present officers of the Society are : Mit bleasing notes and cheerful glee. No more dose airs, dat gentle dell, John Matthew Miksch, President. De shweeteat sound, De Convent Bell Rudolph Rauch, Treasurer, From all dose scenes mit grief I go Rev. Ambrose Rondthaler, Seeretary. And bit fair Flora now adieu.

De signal sounts, it calls me fort, Bethlehem has some few public buildings It points to Sout, I have de Kord; viz:—The Citizen'Sf Concert, Masonic, and Perhaps to Eaaht, perhaps toWesht, Christian Association Halls, used for the Wich bleases God is for de best, meetings of the respective societies, and for No wife, no child, laments for me, such other societies as are common in Ameri- From dose afflicsions I am free, Farewell my fronts, fate bits mo go can towns.

Farewell! Farewell I once more adieu. The first National Bank of Bethlehem has a handsome banking house on Main Street, On the 2nd of January, 1871, " The nearly opposite the Sun Hotel, with a fine "Widow's Society, of Betldehem,^* celebrated dwelling attached for the cashier. Charles

its lOOth Anniversary, at that place. One Augustus Luckenback is the Presidentof the Inindred members of the Society from Nazar- Institution. eth and Bethlehem, were present at the The Vineyardsy on the west bank of the meeting and partook of a social Love-feast; Manokasy Creek, where the attempt was the Right Rev. Brother, Bishop Edmund de made to cultivate the grape, and failed; has Schweinitz, presiding. been cut up into building lots, and is now BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 183 covered by the houses and gardens of the In 1864, they erected the first sheet zinc thriving village ofWest Bethlehem. rolling mill in the United States. And on

In 1S53, the Pennsylvania and Lehigh the 1st of April, 1865, the first sheet zinc Zinc Company's works were erected on the ever made in America, was rolled there un- lands of the " Crown Farm,"' and have be- der the direction of Professor Alexander come the nucleus of quite a large town. It Trippel. was first laid out by Cliarles Augustus Luck- The Company's mines are situated near enback, in 1849, and called ^wjii8(«, the name thevillageofFriedensville, inSaucou Valley, was after changed in 1S54, and the town about four miles south of Bethlehein, on the called Wetherill, out of compliment to Col. old Post Road to Philadelphia, and close to Sainuel 'Wetherill, one of the projectors of the southern side of the Lehigh Hills. The the place. Subsequently the name was again ore is hauled to the works, over the hills by changed to Bethlehem South, and finally, in horse-teams. The largest mine is known by

1SC5, it was incorporated as a borough under the name of the Ueberroth Zinc Mine. Thi.; its present name of South EExnLEHEM, and deposit of zinc ore was first discovered by Louis F. Beckel, elected Chief Burgess. At Wm. Theodore Roepper, (Professor, now, of the present time, Elisha P. Wilbur is the Mineralogy and Geology, in the Lehigh Chief Burgess; and the town contains a popu- University,) in the year 1845. " lation of about 3,656 souls. The structures erected by the Bethlehem Iron Company," in South Bethlehem, for The Zinc "Works were put in operation in their Iron Works, are a splendid series of the fall of the year 1853. These works were buildings, of magnificent proportions, and built by Col. Samuel Wetherill, for the pur- attract great attention. works have now pose of making the White Oxide of Zinc The been in successful operation for over ten under his Patents. Sjidter was first made years, under the very able superintendence here from Lehigh ores, in 1S54, and for seve- of Mr. John Fritz, of Bethlehem. ral years thereafter costly experiments were made by Col. Wetherill, to discover mixtures A Paper Bag Manufactory was started in of refractory clay which would stand the Bethlehem in 1854, by Mr. Francis Wolle,

heat required to make zinc; in 1S5S, he dis- the inventor, and is called the Union Paper covered a satisfactory mixture, and adopted Bag Machine Company, a plan, which was not completed when the Bethlehem baskets, very handsome and " Great Rebellion" broke out. Then the man very strong, are a specialty with some Mo-

of science, like a gallant gentleman, dropped ravian folks in the vicinity of the town ; they

his crucibles and retorts, and entered the make them of all sizes, and being very dura-

service of his country, as a Captain of cavalry ble, they find a ready sale. in the 11th regiment of Pennsylvania volun- There are some comfortable old fashioned teers, September 25, 1861, with a company chairs manufactured in the town by JJichael raised by his own exertions, and served with Stuber, called Bethlehehem chairs, which until he was mustered distinction out as a have quite a reputation in Philadelphia and JIajor, on October 1, 1864, after having par- New York, and are in much demand. Some ticipated in forty-two battles and skirmishes, of the queer old chairs made and used iu witliout having received a wound. On the Bethlehem when it was first settled, are still 13th of March, 1S65, he was brevetted a to be found in many old residences, and iu Lieut. Colonel for his services before Rith- the Museum of the Missionary Society; being mond, Va. made of boards, they look stiff, and are hard

In the meantime, the Zinc Company had and uncomfortable to sit upon. They are of imported skilled laborers from France, and the kind quite common to be seen in German put in practice the French process with great paintings, even of the present day, and are

success. still iu use in some parts of Germany. —


Bethlehem ha3 many handsome private resort for all visitors to the town. The origi- residences, but the most deserving of notice nal cost of this bridge was $G5,000. in that respect, is the one erected by Dr. The Broad Street Bridije, which was com- Frederick Martin, at the northwest corner pleted and opened for travel in the month of of Marljet and Eight Streets. Dr. Martin, April, 1871, connects the old portion of the also built afterwards a very handsome house town with the new part, now rapidly build- on the highest point in South Bethlehem, ing, called West Bethlehem. The new struc- now owned and occupied by Eobert F. Pac- ture is of iron, extending across the deep Iter. John Leach has erected a very iiue ravine down which the Manokasy flows in private residence for his family, on Market its course through the town. The bridge Street; as have also John M. Miksch and is a very high and graceful affair, with a John B. Zimmele. Weston Dodson, Augustus roadway for vehicles, and side walks for Wolle, Abraham S. Sehropp, Cornelius W. passengers; and from it there are exten- Knauss, Charles Brodhead, Esq., Ambrose J. sive views up and down the Manokasy. This Erwin, Eichard W. Leibert, and others, have bridge was constructed by Samuel E. Dick- handsome residences. son, of New Haven, Connecticut. It is 400 There are but few indications now of feet in length, and 70 feet above the water. Bethlehem being a Moravian settlement. The superstructure is of wrought iron, upon In 1S42, the " lease system" was abrogated, cast iron piers, the parts are fastened to- and the land sold on irredeemable ground gether with hot rivets, of which there were rents. In 1845, the town was incorporated 38,000 used. The entire cost of the erection as a borough j and in 1S51, the ground rents was about $50,000. were made redeemable; since then the town The handsome Episcopal church in South has rapidly increased in size and population. Bethlehem, was built in the 3'ear 1SG4, and Portions of the old town alone retain in some the Eectory in 1866. The Eev. E. N. Potter, degree its ancient characteristics ; the manu- son of the late Bishop Alonzo Potter, of factories being mostly confined to the vi- Pennsylvania, was the first rector, and was cinity of the river, railroads and canal, while succeeded by the Rev. Mr. Nevin, better on the Hill are built the residences of the known during theEebellion as the comman- increasing population. der of " Nevin's Celebrated Battery of Ar- In 1S67, the" K ew Street Bridge Company" tillery." The Eev. Cortland Whitehead is was incorporated, and the bridije, 1170 feet the present incumbent. in length, was constructed of wood, standing Since the insertion of (lie Military Eecord on eight piers, spanning the Lehigh and of Bethlehem, there has been quite a revival Susquehanna Eailroad, the Lehigh Canal, in martial affairs in the vicinity. Gen. the Manokasy Creek, the Sand Island, the James L. Selfridge, having been appointed Lehigh Eiver, and the Lehigh Valley Eail- by Governor Geary, Division Commander, road, and connects the two towns of Bethle- with the rank of Major General, and several hem and South Bethlehem. It was first volunteer companies formed, viz : Selfridrjc opened for travel on the 21st day of August, Guards, Company A, organized Dec. 15, 1870,

1S67, although no tolls were taken till the James R. Roney^ Captain; 0. C. Zeigen/uss, 1st first of September. The toll-house, erected Lieut. ; M'dlon A. Beahm, 2ud Lieut. ; Ser- in 18(59, is a iine brick oflSce, with a com- geants, Frederick J. Rice, Orderly, ClintonT. fortable dwelling attached, for the family of Weaver, George, D. Myers, Ammon A. Gard- the toll-keeper, it stands on the east side of ner, Victor A. Desh ; Corporals, Geo. B. Fick- the northern extremity of the bridge. The art, Joseph P. Miller, William F. Beckel, bridge is a very handsome and graceful struc- George M. Wilhelm, Charles Keller, Albert ture; and the fine views from it of the sur- Kleckner, Edward Borhek, and 48 privates. rounding country, make ita place of frequent Sef/ridrfe Guards, Company B,, J, A'fred ;


Mohr, Coptain ; Daniel Fatzinger, 1st Lieut. 11. Sayre erected at his own expense, an Francis Engle, 2nd Lieut., and 49 men. Astronomical Observatory on the grounds of And in South Bethlehem the Wilbur the Institute, for the use of the students. Ottaida, organized in. August, 1870, II. J. The course of study lasts for four years. Whertie, CajiiaXv.; Michael Boyle, 1st Lieut.; The first two years of the student are devoted M. J. Ryan, 2nd Lieut., and 45 non-com- to such elementary branches as are needful missioned officers and privates. to fit a young man for any profession or The LEHIGH UNIVERSITY is located in business in life he may afterwards see pro- South Bethlehem. The college went into per to follow. The last two years are given operation on Sep. 1st, A. D. 1865, with a to the study of any particular branch the class of forty-three students, (See programme pupil may decide upon as the one necessaiy of Examination of June 25, 1SG7,) with Col. to success in the business he intends to pur-

Henet Coppee, L. L. D, a graduate of the sue during life. The approximate expenses U. S. Military Academy at "West Point, as for tuition,* board, books, and washing, may President. be set down as a maximum of $350 per year.

This magnificent institution owes its ex- There are two competitive scholarships in istence to the generosity of Asa Packer, who each class, which entitle the gainers to room of his own volition, in the year 1SG5 appro- rent, board and tuition, free for the success- priated out of his large private fortune, the ful academic year. It is to be hoped that sum of $500,000, and fifty-six acres of land the college may be endowed by men of on the north side of the Lehigh hills, for the wealth with more such scholarships; the purpose of founding this educational insti- rules of the Institute permit it, and the tute. scholarship will bear the name of the person making the endowment. Partial The design of the founder in making this courses also taken to munificent endowment, was to provide for may be by such as desire study only some particular the young men of Lehigh Valley the means branch taught in the College, in which they desire to become pro- of acquiring such a complete professional ficient. education,as would fit them for the practical The faculty of the consists and active pursuits of this country. This University at present, of view is to be kept continually in mind, so that civil engineering, mining, chemistry, Hexry Coppee, President, metallurgy, agriculture and railway cou- Professor of Uistory and English Literature. truction, are to be the chief branches. PROFESSORS. " University Day," June 24, 1869, was held in the chapel of the magnificent pile Eev. Eljphat,et Nott Pottek, M. A., as " Packer Hall," where first known the Professor of Moral and Mental Philosophy and of pupils of the college graduated, their names Christian Evidences. were J. Haynes Corbin, Barbadoes, J. N. ; CnAKEES F. Chajs'diee, successor to Miles Eock, Lancaster, Pa.; Chas. E. Rou- Charles Mayer Wetherill, Ph. D., M. D.,t aUlson, Philadelphia; Charles W. Roepper Professor of Chemistry. and Clarence A. WoUe, Bethlehem, Pa. HiEBO B. Hebb, in place of Previous to the erection of Packer Hall, * By a late further gift of Judge Packer, tuition is the lecture rooms and students' quarters, given free of charge. were located at " Christmas Hall," once the Dr. Charles Mayer Wetherill, Ph. D., Professor of Moravian Mission Chapel in South Bethle- t Chemistry in the Lehigh University, died suddenly on hem, now included in the grounds of the Uni- Sunday morning, March 5th, 1871, of disease of the versity. Charles Brodhead, Esq., of Bethle- heart, at liis residence, in South Bethlehem, Pa. He

hem, presented the University with seven was a son of the late Charles and Margaretta S. Weth-

ad'^i'if nal acres of ground, and Mr. Robert erill, of Philadelpdia. 186 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF

Edwin Wright Morgan, LL.D., deceased* Mr. Wm. H. Sayre, Jr., South Bethlehem. Professor of Mathematics and Jlechanics. Mr. Robert A. Packer, Secretary, " Alfked MAESiiAiL Mayek, Pii.D., G. B. Linderman, M.D., " Professor of Physics and Astronomy. Mr. John Fritz, Bethlehem, Pa. Wn-LLiM Theodore Eoepper, Esq., Mr. Harry E. Packer, Mauch Chunk.

Professor of Mineralogy and Geology, and Curator of Mr. Joseph Harrison, Jr., Philadelphia. the Museum. Mr. Elisha P. Wilbur, Treasurer. H. Stajs'let GooDwrs, C. E., Mr. Ed. Tuckerman Potter, Architect. Demonstrator of Civil Engineering. Capt. James Jenkins, Constructor. Benjamin W. Feazier, Professor, and Homo Minister et Interpres Naturtx. C. E., ElCHARD P. EoTH'WELL, The Lehigh University is now under the Demonstrator of Mining and Metallurgy. auspices of the Protestant Episcopal Church, Charles F. Kroeh, A. M., and the buildings are handsome and in good Instructor of French and German. taste, except the wooden erection covered with Mr. Siiapleigh, Waidron slate, forming a kind of a steeple on the Instructor in Chemistry. stone tower at the western end of " Packer J. N. B.\JtR, S.B., Hall." This should be torn away, and the Instructor of Slathematics and Drawing. top of the stone tower, which is a model struc- William A. Lamberton, A. M., ture ," should be embattled, like those of an- Instructor of Greek and Latin. cient castles, from which on " High-days" Founder of the University, and holidays, our starry banner could be Hon. Asa Packek. given to the winds. Why a university should Board Trustees. of have a steeple like a church, as was the

Eight Rev. Wm. Bacon Stevens, D.D., original intention, I am sure I don't know,

Bishop of Pennsylvania, President. unless it is because there is a chapel con- Hon. Asa Packer, Mauch Chunk. nected with it. It was once the intention to Charles Brodhead, Esq., Bethlehem. put a steeple on the Masonic Temple at W. F. Conyngham, Esq., "Wilks-Barre. Philadelphia, as will be seen by the original Franklin B. Gowen, Esq., Philadelphia. plan, fortunately a protest in the Sunday Dis- Mr. George W. Childs, " patch, prevented the Temple of our Honora- H. Stanley Goodwin, Bethlehem. ble and Ancient Order, from being mis- Rev. Cortland Whitehead, " taken for a church. Eckley B. Coxe, Philadelphia. SnjDEXTS or THE FIRST CLASS.

J. I. Blakslee, Mauch Chunk. From the fourth page of the Programme Chas. 0. Sheer, of the Lehigh University. Rev. L. Coleman, " First UNIVERSITY DAY, June 25, 1SG7. have been in attendance Hon. I. W. Maj-nard, Eastou. Including those who Mr. Rohert II. Sayre, South Bethlehem. from Sep't 1, 1866 to Se}>'t 1, 1867. Howland L. Ashmead, Philadelphia,

* On April 16, 1S69.—Colonel Edwin Wright Morgan, Leiiman Preston Ashmead, PhiJadeljyhia. Professor of Mathematics and Mechanics at Lehigh Edward C. Boutclle, Bdldeliem, Pa. Brodhead, South Bdldeliem. University, died at the Sun Hotel, Bethlehem. II-' r.ichard

entered the U. S. Mililary Academy at West Point in William K. Butler, Mauch Chunl;, Pa. 1S33, and graduated third in hi* class in 1S37. Served Richard J. Carter, Tamaqua, Pa.

as Lieutenant-Cnlonel of the Eleventh Infantry U. S. J. naynes II. Corhin, Barhadocs, IT. 7. A. in tlie Mexican War, after which, he accepted the George L. Cummins, Louisville, Ky. Superintendency of the Kentucky Institute, which Milton Dimmick, Mauch Chunk, Pa, post he filled to the opening of the civil war. Colonel E. Albert Dobbins, ^Vcio York City.

Morgan, hy hid high attainments and skill, did much J. T. Reynolds Evans, Fort Wai/7ie, hut.

to produce and give excellence to the public works Frank E. Forster, Muncy, Pa, of Pennsylvania and Kcntuckyand other States. Charles W. Forster, Mauch Chunk, Pa, — ;


John Iluut, Catasa2tgua, I\i. For the doctor he call'd—for the doctor he bawl'd, George A. Jenkius, SouOi BcihUhan. To bo knighted at once on the spot, Sir;

Henry C. Jenkins, Soidh Bdhhlion. But the doctor was wise, and cnst down his eyes, William H. Jenkins, Wt/oming, Pa. And the honor of knighthood declined, Sir.

William J. Kerr, Jr., iVew Tor?: City. Said, " a boon will I crave, with your majesty's A. Nelson Lewis, Savre-de- Grace, Md. leave, * Peter D. Ludwig, Tamaqua, Fa. And a grant of it hope I will find. Sir; Lawrence B. McCube, Havre-de-Grace. In the course of my life, and that too without a wife, Charlea McKee, Princeton, ITL I ne'er could save a poor shilling, Sir. George McMullin^ Mauch Chunk, Pa.

Asa A. Packer, Nesquehoning, Pa. " Now, a great Joe I have saved, and the boon I crave.

Harry E, Packer, Maiich Chiml; Pa. Is a little Joe, if you are willing, firl William L. Paine, Wills-Barre, Pa. The king in amaze, at the doctor did gaze, Wi/sox, Joseph M. Piullet, Pa. And soon cro?s'd his hand with thegnid, Sir

Harry R. Price, St. Clair, Pa. Then jiacked up his purses, wentoflF willi his horses

Henry B. Reed, Phtladtljyhia^ Pa. Leaving naught but the tale to be told, Sir. Richard H. Roberts, Bethlehem, Pa. Among the many illustrious travellers Charles W. Roepper, BethUhcm, Pa. who, about this time, visited Bethlehem, Wm. R, Donaldson, Phi'addpkia. mentioned the of Weimer, Jeremiah Ryan, Soidh Bethlehan. may be Duke James K. Shoemaker, Mauch CkunJc. then a fine, handsome looking man, who John M. Thome, Palmyra, Pa. was entertained by Dr. Steckel, at the '* Eagle Josiah Wertz, Bdhlchem, Pa. Hotel," and was serenaded by the *'01d Baruet West, Bdhlchem, Pa. Bethlehem Band." The Duke wrote his Robert P. Weston, Mauch OtunJc, Pa. travels in America, and mentions Bethle- Charles Wetherill, Phccnixvillc, Pa. hem, Leibert's Tannery, its steam engine, William C. Wetherill, Bdhhhan, Pa. and Dr. Steckel. copy of this work, in Clarence A.Wolle, Bdhkhcm, Pa. A

Russel B. Yates, Waverly, J^. T. the German, was presented to the Bethlehem

Miles Rock, Lancaster, Pa. Library Company ^ but I have been Unable to

find it. I came across in the library, how- During the Summer of 1821, Joseph Boxa- ever, an old and valuable History of London, PARTE visited Bethlehem for the benefit of his health, and put himself under the medi- presented to the Library Company in 1847, cal care of the late Dr. Daniel Green, an by Dr. Thomas Horsfield, a former resident eccentric and noted physician of that day. of the town. It not until 1745 that the first public The doctor and the pure mountain air eflcci- was roads in this part of the State were laid out ed a speedy cure of the ills of the former king of Spain, and he paid his physician "what yet, even after that, for many years the for- was a handsome fee in those days, a golden mer mode of travel remained the same; in fact, until 1782, all business was carried on by expresses on horseback. A visit by any The incident was thus recorded by Judge of the people of Bethlehem to Philadelphia, Franks, under date of August 23, 1S21. was an event of rare occurrence, and was King Joe, it is said, took it into head, only undertajien once or twice a year, and To Bethlehem air to repair. Sir; then only by those whose affairs rendered To exhibit his wealth, and to better h.'s health, such a trip absolutely necessary. Under Doctor Green's medical care, Sir. David Nitschman and his company, con- Nest morning at dawn, king Joe gave a yawn, sisting of about one hundred persons, came expecting And his aches —ope'd his eyes. Sir; to Bethlehem in the year 1742, on foot, hav-

Bnt noble Green's skill had cured every ill. ing pack-horses carrying all their worldly And the monarch rose np in surprise, Sir. goods; along what was known in those days

Johannes—a Portugese gold coin of the value of as the Great Minmssink Trail, which had about (SS) eight dollars. been used for many centuries by the Min- 188 HISTORICAL R K E T C n OF

nissi trib3 of Indians, (who lived in the re- the Moravians,) with some of the Delaware In- gions beyond the Blue Mountains,) in their diaTS, and some Jfohickona, converts also of tie

journeys to the Delaware. This trail or path Moravians; and though their native lands were crossed the Lehigh River at " Jones' Island,' so vastly remote as the latitude 6.41 and 65

aboutone mile east of Bethlehem ; and passed N. yet they observed thateach others hair, eyes through the Blue Eidge at the Wind-gap, and complexion, convinced them that they were into the wilderness to the north. all of the same race. They could find, how-

Jedidiah Irish built the mill at Shimers- ever, no similitude in their several languages." Unitas Fratrum, ville on Saueon Creek sometime prior to the See the first number of the Philadelphia, July, 1S70. year 1740. It is the oldest mill in North-

ampton County, of which we have any re- On the first of July, 1792, the first Post-

cord. In the year 1743, the Moravians of office was established at Bethlehem, and Bethlehem petitioned the court of Bucks Joseph Horsfield appointed Postmaster, a

County for permission to lay out a road from line of stages was then started to run between their settlement to Saucou Mill. The mill the town and Philadelphia; the trip occu-

and land attached to it was not long after- pied then nearly two days, but the time was wards purchased by John Curry, a Philadel- alterwards reduced, (in the year 1798,) to one phia lawyer, who resided at the mill for day, by the mail stage. The stages continued many years, and established a ferry over in use until the month of January, 1S57, the Lehigh River near by, which retained when the North Pennsylvania Railroad Com- regular (he name of " Curry's Ferry," until the year pany commenced to run passenger 1S16, when Henry Jarret built the bridge trains. writer discourses on this subjectas over the Lehigh at Freemansburg. Conrad An old

Omensetter was the Ferryman at Curry's follows : " Ferry during the Revolutionary war. In regard to travelling by private mem- bers of the Bethlehem Moravians, the rules The following interesting event is copied of the Society made it incumbent upon them from the jVeio York Gazette and Post Boij, of to have the consent and approval of the June 19, 1S49. clergy to leave the town for even a day's " The beginning of this month three natives time; and the undertaking a journey to o^ Greenlandj two young men and a young wo- Philadelphia or New York, was first taken man, converted to the Christian religion by the into serious consideration by the Overseer's Moravian Missionaries in that country, were in College, as well as by the clergy in general this city on a visit to the Brethren here. They conference assembled. loft their own country about two years since, in " Very few of the Moravians availed them- the ship belonging to that Society, which had selves of the public stages in the early period carried a ready made framed church to be erected of their use. Their retired habits made it there, Greenland offering no wood for building. very uncongenial to them to be in the com- This vessel sailed from this port a few days a


a journey; iu this wise, sis or eight persons river, where now stands the fine Union depot. associated themselves, and hired friend Adam We will picture the place as it then stood, in all

Luekeubach and his stage. To carry out its rural simplicity. Toiling over rough roads this intention, frequently required several for many uays, indeed, a three days' journey weeks' negotiations until the company was from Philadelphia, the eye was gladdened on

formed. Bef .Te starting, several days more coming down the mountain, and following a

were consumed to make the needful prepara- small silvery brook, shaded by overhanging

tions for the journey. All manner of cakes forest trees, and on taking a short turn to the and p'es were baked, hams boiled, cofiee west, this old hostelry came in view, an old ground, Ac. The event created great interest log house, two stories high, with those small

in tlie town; and in the f;;inilies of the men windows so common in that day, the low porch

of the party, a commotion w.ns observable with carved pillars, the peaked roof, tlie well that portended an unusual occurence. This sweep, and many different objects that met your preparation was necessary. Our travelers eye on approaching this old retreat, gave a

did not stop at any of the taverns along the charm to the landscape around. Down by the road. The stage driver touU with him a bug river stood a large sycamore tree, and upon a of oats, which was Fufely stowed u:^dcr the hook ilrivcn in the tree, hung the horn to sum-

seat of the stage, a bucket fjr watering the mon the ferryman, if you desired to visit the horses, swung under the body of the vehicle; Moravians on the other side. In those days of

and a trough for feeding them, was tied on loyalty to the house of Brunswick, it bore the

behind. Thus provided, he fed his horses at crown of (Jeorge II, on the panel of the double

a spring or brook jilongside ite road; whilst door of the main entrance to this humble the pajsengers regaled themselves out of the hostelry. On the conclusion of his lonely for-

store of provisions in their baskets. Upon est journey, the trave'.ler could enjoy the frugal arriving at a tavern or a farm-house, in the hospitalities of the house, at the following

evening, they .asked the use of a coffee or a rates tea-pot, the exhilarating beverage being pre- Breakfast, with tea or coffee, 4 pence ; din-

pared by them; each recurred to his or her of S ner 6 pence, and with a pint beer, pence ; basket, and appeased their appetites out of it. supper 4 pence, or if hot, 6 pence ; lodging 2 This manner of travelling was consonant to pence; night's hay and oats, 12 pence. In the

the feelings of the Moravians." long, low reception room, at the farther end of

The Moravians were always careful in for- which was the bar, with its few decanters and

mer times, to locate their taverns at some glasses, among the rest of bar room furniture distance from their settlements, to keep their found about the bar in those days, were pow- people free from contract with the world der hrns, bullet-pouches, guus, deer horns,

and to avoid as much as possible the prying Ac. In a little 6 by 9 frame, hung the License, curiosity of travellers. At Bethlehem, the which was granted iu 1746, in the 33rd year of first iini, "The Crown," was erected on the the reign of the Sovereign Lord, George the south bank of the Lehigh. And r.t Nazareth Second, by the Grace of God, king of Great the first tavern was built at the distance of Britain, Franco, Ireland, Ac, to the Moravian a mile from the town. congregation of Bethlehem.

In the Northampton Conservative, of Feb- It was at this house George Washington ruary 16, 1870, a weekly newspaper publish- stopped over night with his staff o.i a visit to ed by Milton F. Gushing, iu South Eethle- Gen. LaFayette, who lay wounded in Bethle- hem, which at that date had reached its hem. seventy-third number, we find the following We have still in our possession the old front interesting account of the " Cnow.v Inn." door of this house, and t':e door of the room iu " In 1743, one hundred and twenty-seven which Washington slept. The difi"erent land- vears ago, the first tavern was built near the lords, who acted both as landlord and ferryman —


at diiferent time?, were Ephraim Culver, in settlement sprang up on the south side of KG3—Valentiue Foubrer, in I7S2; and in 1791 the river. A school for girls, and subse-

llie tavern was converted into a farm bouse quently one for boys. An/ clcr Gcdnldf was the old Sun Hotel being built at tbat time. temporarily conducted here."

Several years ago the bouse was bought by When the Moravians first settled at Beth- our townsman, D. I. Yerkcs, who removed lehem, Loskiel states that there was but two it to mal^e room for the Korth Penn. Eailroad, houses in the vicinity inhabited by white

but the old structure still remains as the Conti- people. It is said that the two families re-

nental Hotel of this place." ferred too, were the Kieahtcins, and the Let's, In the 1st volume of the " Memorials of The former lived at the foot of the Lehigh the Moravian Church," beginning at page mountains, south of Bethlehem, not far from -02, will be found the following interesting the ])rescnt Zinc Vforks. Some of the family

statement relative to the old Inn. were buried at the foot of the mountain on the north side, and the graves covered by a "The Crown (Die Krone,) originally the large heap of stones, on llic place now called cabin of a Swiss sinatter, Ritsche by name, the Ti-'tve property. The Lee's lived on the who settled on the south bank of the river, top of the mountain, south of Bethlehem, in 1742. In February, 1743, the tract of 274 their former residence is called BiUnnl's acres on which he was seated, was purchased place. Mrs. George Keisling and Mrs. Levi by the Brethren of Wm. Allen. They bought Fenner, of Bethlehem, are both dcscendents the squatter off and out, leased the premises of the Lee family. to one Anton Gilbert, from Germantown, then to one Adam Schaues, and in 1745, after It is said that a family named J<-'iiiti>ijn, lived having enlarged the building, opened it owned and upon the property now for public entertainment. It was stocked known as Gehsinyer's, above Bethlehem, at in May of that year with gill and half- the time of the first settlement of the place, yill pewter wine measures, with 2 dram and may be one of the families referred to. See Weiss' of glasses; 2 hogsheads of cider; 1 cask of Lewis H. Annals the Music of Bethlehem, and a note Rufus Grider, mctheglin ; 1 cask of rum ; 6 by A pewter plates ; iron candlesticks, and whatever else could in his History of Music in Bethlehem. minister to the creature comforts of thetired South Bethlehem has two v.-cekly news- The WeekJj Pniijress its fir.-t traveller. Here he was served with a break- papers. made the fast of tea or coffee at four pence, a dinner appearance during week ending March 19, 1S70, it was edited by Daniel E. Shocdier, at six pence, a pint of beer at three pence, a at and published by 0. B. Sigley & Co., it supper four pence, or if hot, at six pence ; became a daily in April, 1871. The other with lodgings at two pence, and a night's paper is called ** The Sutith Belhlehem Con- hay and oats for his horse at twelve pence. servative, and its first number was issued Jnst Vullert was the first landlord for the in 1S70. Brethren. The succession of publicans to sometime the end of this piece of history were as fol- The difference between the mode of travel lows ; — Hartmann Verdries, J. Godfrey in the last cenlur}- and tha present, is ad- Grabs, Nicholas Schaeffer and Ephriam mirably illustrated by an old advertisement, Culver. In 1794, the sign-board, emblazoned which hangs framed in the office of the Eagle witii the British Crown, that had often served Hotel, at Bethlehem, cut from the pages of as a mark for the arrows of the wild Indian the J Iiilinle/jjIiMi Adrerti'scr, of April 5th, boys of Tredi/utcui'f/^s Compaui/y was taken 179S, with the insertion of which a labor cf down, and the oM hostelry converted into a love is ended. farm house. « « s » » ® " PniLAnKLPHIA, Allentown, Betdlebkm At an early day the Brethren built several and WiNDG \p Stages. houses near the Crown, and thus a small " The subscribers respcotfiilly inform the BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA. 191 public that they will start a line of stages ler's (Windgap) to Bethlehem, for each pas- to set out at the Wind Gap at Mr. Jacob Hel- senger, seventy cents; from Bethlehem or ler's, on Saturday, the 18th of April, 1798, at Allentown to Philadelphia, three dollars. one o'clock in the afternoon, and arrive at Way passengers, si.^ cents per mile, fourteen Bethlehem said evening. Another stage will pounds of baggage allowed each passenger, start from Bethlehem at five o'clock ne.xt loO cwt. the same .as a passenger, and tho morning, at which time an extra stage will same for returning. start from Allentown, from the house of Mr. 'Parcels ta'.;en in at the Stage Office at Jacob Hageback, and fall in with the line at Mr. Chandler's, Phihulolp'iia, at Mr. Laver-

Mr. r>. Cooper's; then proceeding to Mr. ings, Bethlehem, at Mr. Hageback's, Allen- Samuel Seller's, where another stage will town, and at Mr. Holler's, Windgap. The set out immediately, and arrive at Mr. Ely EiiKTlIcst parcel twelve cents; two cents per Chandler's, Franklin Head, Philadelphia, pound that exceeds fourteen pounds, for same evening. Set out from E. Chandlcr'3 which the subsniLcrs will vouch for their (Franklin Head), Philadelphia, on 'Wednes- delivery at their respective places, if proper- day morning at five o'clock, and proceed ly directed. the same route back, and arrive at Allen- " The subscribers, from the liberal encour- town and Bethlehem same evening. Anoth- ngemeut received from the public last sea- er stage will leave J. Heller's at one o'clock son, and now by providing several sets of said day, and likewise arrive at Bethlehem the best horses and commodious stages, so- same evening ; set out from Bethlehem ber and careful drlvcro, they fl;;tter them- Thursday morning at five o'clock, and both selves that the luiblie will continue to give stages take their respective routes, and ar- them the preference, as the line will run rive at Philadelphia same evening, and at through from Bethlehem to Philadelphia in Mr. Heller's at nine o'clock the same morn- one d.TV. ing; set out from Mr. Chandler's on Satur- George Weavt.r, day morning at five o'clock, and arrive at Sasicel Sellers, Allentown and Bethlehem said evening, and Philip Sellers, BO alternately twice a week from the Wind- EsoOH Roberts, J.\coB Hrllep.s. gap to Philadelphia. "The fare for passengers from Mr. Hel- April 5th, 1798. -BJe i4


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