New Zealand Gazette
Bttmb. 45. 913 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. WELLINGTON, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1918. Bouruiarie8 of Districts under the Marriage Act, 1908, altered., by that stream to the Rakaunui Creek, by that creek, Kawhia __ Harbour, and the sea to Aotea Harbour, the place of commence- [L.S.] LIVERPOOL, Governor-General. ment. W AmARAKEKE DISTRICT. A PROCLAMATION. All that area in the Auckland Land District bounded N pursual!ce and exercise of the power and authority towards the north by the sea from Albatross Point to Rakau I vested in me by the Marriage Act, 1908, I, Arthur nui Creek in Kawhia Harbour; thence towards the east gene William de Brito Savile, Earl of Liverpool, the Governor rally by that creek and Te Toi Stream to Section lA, Block General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby abolish XV, Kawhia North Survey District; by that scction, Sec the existing marriage districts known as the Kawhia, Wai tions 3, 2, and 1, Block III, Kawhia South Survey District, harakeke, Raglan, and Ngaruawahia districts, and do pro and Sections 4A, 3, and 1, Block VII, to the southernmost claim and declare that the territory heretofore comprised corner of the last-mentioned section; thence by a right line within the said districts is hereby divided anew into four to the easternmost corner of Section 2, Block XI, Kawhia marriage districts, the names and boundaries whereof shall be South Survey District, and by the south-eaStern boundary of as follows :- that section; towards the south by Blocks XV, XIV, and KAWHIA DISTRICT, XIII, Kawhia South Survey District, to the Marakopa River, All that area in the Auckland Land District bounded and by that river to the sea; and towards the west by the sea to Albatross Point, the place of commencement.
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