The Legacy of Stephen A. Ross
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THE JOURNAL OF PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT OF PORTFOLIO THE JOURNAL SPECIAL ISSUE D E D I C AT E D TO Stephen A. Ross EDITORS: Frank J. Fabozzi | Bruce I. Jacobs | Kenneth N. Levy CONTRIBUTORS: Jonathan B. Berk | Stephen J. Brown | John Y. Campbell | Ludwig B. Chincarini Maggie Copeland | Michael Copeland | Thomas Copeland | Philip H. Dybvig | Edwin J. Elton Frank J. Fabozzi | William N. Goetzmann | Mark Grinblatt | Richard Grinold Martin J. Gruber | Bruce I. Jacobs | Leonid Kogan | Kenneth N. Levy | Marcos López de Prado SPECIAL ISSUE Ian Martin | David K. Musto | Dimitris Papanikolaou | Konark Saxena • JUNE 2018 IPRJOURNALS . COM EDITORS’ INTRODUCTION The Legacy of Stephen A. Ross FRANK J. FABOZZI, BRUCE I. JACOBS, AND KENNETH N. LEVY FRANK J. FABOZZI tephen A. Ross was a towering intel- Many of his former students and col- is a professor of finance lect. He will be remembered for a leagues have contributed to this special at the EDHEC Business body of work that has transformed issue of The Journal of Portfolio Management. School and a member of the EDHEC Risk Institute finance and continues to influence Their articles discuss what they learned from Sand inspire financial research and practice. Steve, how Steve’s ideas influenced their in Nice, France. [email protected] His foundational concepts include agency own research, and how these ideas are being theory, the arbitrage pricing theory (APT), adapted and refined for current and future BRUCE I. JACOBS risk-neutral pricing, and the recovery the- financial markets. Ludwig Chincarini and is principal at Jacobs Levy orem. His contributions to the Cox–Ross– Frank Fabozzi’s “Stephen A. Ross: Excel- Equity Management in Florham Park, NJ. Rubinstein binomial option pricing model lence Beyond Recognition” and John Camp- [email protected] and the Cox–Ingersoll–Ross model of the bell’s “The Influence of Stephen A. Ross: term structure of interest rates are also Reflections of an Empirical Finance Econ- KENNETH N. LEVY among his notable achievements. He was omist” provide overviews of Steve’s most is principal at Jacobs Levy awarded numerous prizes, including the 2006 significant contributions. These articles illus- Equity Management in Florham Park, NJ. Smith Breeden Prize, the 2015 Deutsche trate that one of Steve’s most characteristic [email protected] Bank Prize, and (posthumously) the 2017 and valuable talents was his ability to translate Wharton–Jacobs Levy Prize for Quantita- economic theory into rigorous but intuitive tive Financial Innovation. concepts that were useful in the practice of We think Steve would have agreed that finance and that blazed many trails for fur- prizes were less important to him than the ther research. impact his ideas had on his students, coau- A number of the articles here explore thors, and colleagues. In a career spanning research inspired by the APT. The Cox– almost five decades, Steve taught at the Ross–Rubinstein binomial model has been Wharton School of the University of Penn- equally fruitful; Stephen Brown [2017] sylvania, the Yale School of Management, described it as “the workhorse of most, if and the MIT Sloan School of Management. not all, options trading concerns and options He authored or coauthored over 100 arti- strategy implementations.” Steve’s work on cles, as well as one of the most popular text- agency theory and risk-neutral pricing has books on corporate finance. Somehow, he also prospered; Ian Martin’s “Options and also managed to find the time to serve on the Gamma Knife” discusses the influence numerous advisory boards and to start two of risk-neutral pricing on his own work and investment firms. how it inspired his own suggested approach 8 THE LEGACY OF ST EPHEN A. ROss Downloaded from by guest on July 6, 2018 to inferring joint risk-neutral distributions from option returns to those characteristics. It thus opens the door prices. to numerous opportunities in research and practice. The power and longevity of Steve’s insights are in David Musto, in “The Role of the APT in the Hunt part attributable to his meticulous attention to research for Alpha: An Insight from Long Ago,” shares an insight methodology. “Stephen Ross’s Contribution to Ex Post about the APT as a prescriptive technique, gained from Conditioning and Survival Bias in Empirical Research” his time working at Roll and Ross Asset Management: by Stephen Brown and William Goetzmann extols The key question to ask when implementing the APT Steve’s contributions to “the epistemology of empirical is how many factors are priced, not how the factors are research,” including his insights that sources and treat- defined. ment of data can affect the implications drawn from Nevertheless, in the more than 40 years since the them. Philip Dybvig’s “What Steve Ross Taught Me publication of Steve’s seminal APT article, there have about Contracting” discusses Steve’s work on agency been hundreds of papers exploring the factors driving theory and its applications to areas such as portfolio per- security returns (some written by Steve himself). Edwin formance evaluation and compensation. Steve’s financial Elton and Martin Gruber, in their article “The Impact research has had real-world implications. of Ross’s Exploration of APT on Our Research,” discuss Steve brought to finance the disciplines of their forays in this area, such as empirically developing economic theory (for which he received his PhD from multi-index models for a return-generating process and Harvard) and physics (for which he received his BS from applying the APT to estimating the cost of capital and Caltech). Jonathan Berk, in “What I Learned from Steve evaluating mutual fund performance. Mark Grinblatt Ross,” remembers Steve as a staunch proponent of equi- and Konark Saxena, in “Improving Factor Models,” take librium theory who had the talent and curiosity to look one of the APT’s insights—that factor portfolios can beyond the theory to the intuition behind it. Steve, he be repackaged into a single-factor portfolio—and pro- notes, “emphasized that you needed to start by thinking pose a weighting scheme that results in a single-factor about what happens when everybody reacts to prices. benchmark that is better at pricing assets than traditional How do markets clear?” factor models. Steve’s work with John Cox and Jonathan Ingersoll Leonid Kogan and Dimitris Papanikolaou’s provided a general equilibrium framework for asset “Equilibrium Analysis of Asset Prices: Lessons from pricing, in which their well-known model of the term CIR and APT” notes that Cox, Ingersoll, and Ross’s structure of interest rates was developed. Nonetheless, (CIR) general equilibrium framework for asset pricing Steve’s most famous “discovery,” the APT, does not fills some gaps in models such as the CAPM and the hinge on a traditional equilibrium argument. As Steve APT by introducing real-economy considerations, noted in one of his last published pieces: such as production processes and capital accumulation. The CIR model of a production economy can produce the APT differs from the capital asset pricing insights into the economic content of APT return fac- model (CAPM) on a fundamental level—and tors. “Industry Rotation and Time-Varying Sensitivity not just because it models many sources of risk by VIX” by Maggie, Michael, and Thomas Copeland that can be priced rather than a single one. The examines the cross-sectional relationship between intuition that motivates the APT is based on the industry returns and changes in the VIX—the Chi- strongest force in economics, the absence of arbi- cago Board Options Exchange Volatility Index. They trage, which differs from the traditional demand show that industry sensitivity to changes in the VIX is and supply equilibrium argument of the CAPM. time-varying, which helps to justify multidimensional (Ross [2017]) factor investment. As Chincarini and Fabozzi point out, the APT has The APT frees asset pricing from a number of the provided a theoretical basis for the multifactor models strict assumptions underlying the CAPM. For example, that are standard in the practice of finance today. It has it does not require that all investors be mean–variance- certainly influenced the adoption and growth of so-called optimizing, rational individuals. The APT also does not smart-beta strategies. Steve himself voiced some skepti- specify the characteristics or the sensitivities of security cism of these approaches (Ross [2017]); he suggested in SPECIAL IssUE DEDICATED TO STEPHEN A. ROss THE JOUA RN L OF POrtF LI MANAGEMENT 9 Downloaded from by guest on July 6, 2018 his editorial that requiring a t-statistic of 5 might curtail To order reprints of this article, please contact David Rowe at the exponential increase in the number of factors that has [email protected] or 212-224-3045. led to so many spurious results. Perhaps a remedy can be found in machine learning, if common pitfalls are avoided, as suggested by Marcos López de Prado in “The 10 Rea- sons Most Machine Learning Funds Fail.” Or perhaps improvement at the portfolio level can come from a more dynamic approach to trading; Richard Grinold’s article, “Linear Trading Rules for Portfolio Management,” offers a linear trading rule that can provide a portal into the dynamic portfolio management space. The authors in this issue represent only a fraction of the many (including ourselves) who have drawn from the well of Steve’s insights into financial economics.1 They can only scratch the surface of his contributions. We expect that Steve’s works will continue to inspire and influence financial research and practice for many years to come. REFERENCES Brown, S. J. 2017. “In Memoriam: Stephen A. Ross.” Finan- cial Analysts Journal 73 (3): 5–7.