The High Pressure Coolant Injection System (HPCI) is provided to ensure adequate core cooling in the unlikely event of - small reactor coolant line break. The HPCI System is required for line breaks which exceed the capability of the be Control Rod Drive and which are not large enough to allow fast enough depressurization for core spray to effective.

One set of high pressure coolant injection pumps consists of a condensate , a feedwater booster pump and a motor driven feedwater pump. One set of pumps is capable of delivering 3,800 gpm to the reactor vessel at reactor pressure. The performance capability of HPCI alone and in conjunction with other systems to provide adequate core cooling for a spectrum of line breaks is discussed in the Fifth Supplement of the FSAR.

In determining the operability of the HPCI System, the required performance capability of various components shall be considered.

a. The HPCI System shall be capable of meeting its pump head versus flow curve.

b. The motor driven feedwater pump shall be capable of automatic initiation upon receipt of either an automatic turbine trip signal or reactor low--level signal.

c. The Condenser hotwell level shall not be less than 57 inches (75,000 gallons).

d. The Condensate storage tanks inventory shall not be less than 105,000 gallons.

e. The motor-driven feedwater pump will automatically trip if reactor high water level is sustained for ten seconds and the associated pump downstream flow control valve is not closed.

During reactor start-up, operation and shutdown, the condensate and feedwater booster pumps are in operation. At reactor pressures up to 450 psig, these pumps are capable of supplying the required 3,800 gpm. Above 450 psig a motor-driven-feedwater pump is necessary to provide the required flow rate.

The capability of the condensate, feedwater booster and motor driven feedwater pumps will be demonstrated by their operation as part of the feedwater supply during normal station operation. Stand-by pumps will be placed in service at least quarterly to supply feedwater during station operation. An automati c system initiation test will be performed at least once per operating cycle. This will involve automati c starting of the motor driven feedwater pumps and flow to the reactor vessels

8603070053 860304 PDR . ADOCK 05000220 P...'' PDR '3 t Table 3.6.2k

HIGH PRESSURE COOLANT INJECTION Limitin Condition for 0 eration

Minimum No. of Minimum No. Operable Instrument Reactor Mode Switch of Tripped or Channels per Position in Which Operable Operable Function Must Be Parameter Tri S stems Tri S stem Set-Point 0 erable

C r 0 6) CL 0 4- M C CJ S CY n5 a l/) C/)

Hi h Pressure Coolant In ection Initiation ~ (1) Low Reactor Water Level 2 53 inches (a) (a) x (Indicator scale)

x (2) Automatic Turbine 1 (a) (a) Trip

Hi h Pressure Coolant In'ection Tri

(3) High Reactor Water ~ 95 inches (a) (a) x Level (Indicator scale)

(4) High Reactor Water Level 4 10 second (a) (a) x Timer


Table 4.6.2k


Surveillance Re uirement

Instrument Instrument Channel Parameter Sensor Check Channel Test Calibration

Hi h Pressure Coolant In ection Initiation

(1) Low Reactor Water Level Once per day Once per month(b) Once per 3 months(b)

(2) Automatic None Once during each None Turbine Trip operating cycle 'i h Pressure Coolant In'ection Tri (3) High Reactor (c) Once per day Once per month(b) Once per 3 months(b) Water Level

(4) High Reactor None Once per month(b) Once per operating cycle Water Level Timer

(5) Flow Control None Once per operating None Valve Position cycle


(a) Required when the reactor pressure is greater than 110 psig and the reactor coolant temperature is equal to or greater than the corresponding saturation temperature.

(b) Only the trip circuit will be calibrated and tested at the frequencies specified in Table 4.6.2k, the primary sensor will be calibrated and tested once per operating cycle.

(c) The motor-driven feedwater pump will automatically trip if reactor high water level is sustained for ten seconds and the associated downstream flow control valve is not closed.
