Albert Formation 25, 28 Antrim Lava Group 288 Apatite Fission Track
Index Albert Formation 25, 28 impact on Mesozoic 391 Antrim Lava Group 288 setting 388 apatite fission track analysis 175-6, 176-7 Broadford Beds Formation 37, 58, 102, 318, 319, 324 experimental results 177-81 Bundoran 460 experimental results discussed 181-4 Bundoran Shale Formation 205, 208-9, 213 implications of results 184-7 burial histories Applecross Formation 98, 106-7 N Ireland 250 Archaeonassa 221 NW Seaboard 3-5 Arenicolites 221-3, 236 Scotland 75-7 Arran Basin 78, 85-6 burrows 234 Assaroe Lake 459-60 Asteriacites 223-5 Atlantic Basin evolution, North calcite see carbonates plate motions 401-5 Caledonian Orogen 422-5 plate reconstructions 405-10 Camasunary Fault 98, 106-7, 114 plate reconstructions discussed 410-17 Canada, continental margin of plate setting 397-401 lithostratigraphy 191-4 Atlantic Seaway evolution source rocks 28 Cretaceous 441-3 stratigraphy 25-8 Jurassic 432-41 Canice Basin 377, 381 Triassic 428-32 Canna Formation 306 Permian 425-8 Canso Group 26, 27, 192 Palaeozoic 422-5 Cantabrian Basin 399 Aulichnites 225 cap rocks see seal rocks authigenic minerals 245-8 carbonates concretion studies Bakevillia Sea 428 methods of analysis 145-6 Ballycastle 243,245,455 results 149 Ballycotton Group 61 results discussed 149-52 Ballydeenlea outlier 260 leaching 85,246 Ballymore Beds 205 precipitation 81-3 Ballyshannon Limestone Formation 205, 211,458 Carboniferous Barents Shelf and Sea 425 source rocks 449, 451 Barra Formation 306 Canada 28 Barra Volcanic Ridge System 381 Midland Valley 23 baryte 86, 87 NW Seaboard 7, 7-9,
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