information for authors

he Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy® on publicly funded research are made (JOSPT®) publishes scientifically rigorous, clinically available in digital form to their authors relevant content in print and online for physical therapists to provide to central databases such as Tand others in the health care community to advance NIH’s PubMed Central for public access. musculoskeletal and sports-related rehabilitation practice globally. AUTHOR PERMISSIONS JOSPT accepts manuscripts for review work, scoring JOSPT a 4.48 on a scale of JOSPT accords its authors most-favored from any discipline that addresses ortho- 5, when comparing it to 12 other journals status where reproduction policies and paedic or sports physical therapy from in the field. copyright permissions are concerned. any relevant perspective, including clini- Authors receive an e-mailed PDF of their cal practice and outcomes, kinesiology, DISTRIBUTION article once it is published and may pho- motor behavior, fitness, gerontology, neu- JOSPT is distributed monthly in print tocopy or deposit their article in their roscience, or epidemiology. While clinical and/or online to more than 35 000 in- institutional repository (intranet only). implications should be discussed in all dividual and institutional subscribers Authors also have permission, with manuscripts submitted for review, JOSPT located in 60 countries around the world. no fee, to reproduce material they have recognizes the importance of all research JOSPT is available online through its created for JOSPT for use in books, book types in advancing musculoskeletal and website,, which enables chapters, or articles for other journals, so sports-related practice and so publishes content delivery not only to desktop com- long as copyright credit is given to JOSPT. research spanning the entire spectrum of puters, but also to mobile devices. Website Uploading articles to public-access web- clinical, basic, and translational science. traffic is approximately 100 000 visitors sites (eg, ResearchGate) is not allowed. each month, 71 000 of whom are unique. MANUSCRIPT REVIEW TIME JOSPT is the official journal of the INDEXING JOSPT makes every effort to provide a American Physical Therapy Association’s Several well-known services—in particu- rapid and efficient review process. In Orthopaedic Section and Sports Physical lar, Index Medicus (PubMed/MEDLINE), 2014, new manuscript submissions were Therapy Section. It is also a recognized Excerpta Medica (Embase), and Cumula- reviewed in 79 days on average, and re- journal of 35 professional organizations tive Index to Nursing and Allied Health vised and resubmitted manuscripts were in 27 countries. (See JOSPT’s masthead Literature (CINAHL)—index JOSPT. reviewed in an average of 40 days. at the front of this issue for complete Submitted work (randomized con- partner listing.) KUDOS FOR JOSPT AUTHORS trolled trials, systematic literature re- To ensure that the high-quality work views, and mechanistic studies) that is DIGITAL ACCESS of authors reaches the widest possible considered by the editor-in-chief to be JOSPT’s online article archives are com- audience, JOSPT partners with Kudos, of exceptionally high significance to the plete and include issues and articles from a service that provides tools for authors literature will be fast-tracked, with an ef- summer 1979, when JOSPT was first pub- to maximize the visibility and reach of fort to complete the initial review process lished, to date. All articles are available published journal articles. within 30 days. in PDF format and many in PDF Plus, Authors who have previously pub- For the past 2 years, half of the accept- which includes available reference and lished in JOSPT can sign up for Kudos ed papers JOSPT publishes come from other links. All articles published from and begin using the service immediately, authors located outside the United States. January 2010 to date, all musculoskeletal at no charge. The link to Kudos is https:// imaging articles, and all clinical practice IMPACT FACTOR AND USEFULNESS guidelines are also available in full-text Based on the 2014 Journal Citation Re- HTML for easy display on mobile devices. RESEARCH AND CLINICAL ports, Science Edition, published in June All material from JOSPT’s launch to PUBLICATION AWARDS 2015, JOSPT’s current impact factor is within 3 years of the current issue is pub- JOSPT bestows 2 annual publication 3.011. JOSPT’s 5-year impact factor is licly available, or open access. In addition, awards: the JOSPT Excellence in Re- 3.627. Based on the current impact fac- articles published in the last 3 years that search Award and the George J. Davies tor, JOSPT is ranked 4th of 134 journals are clinical practice guidelines, that are – James A. Gould Excellence in Clinical in Rehabilitation, 8th of 72 journals in the basis for current Read for Credit Inquiry Award. Orthopedics, and 10th of 81 journals in continuing education exams, and that Complete Instructions for Authors Sport Sciences. JOSPT’s readers regularly rely on publicly funded research are also and other tools can be found at http:// rank it first in usefulness to them in their open. Accepted manuscripts that report t

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45-09 Info for Authors.indd 728 8/19/2015 5:23:01 PM instructions to authors

OSPT® supports fully the public access policies of such to the text and tables must be highlighted governmental entities as the US National Institutes of in the manuscript. Health (NIH), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Protection of Human Subjects the UK Medical Research Council, the European Research J The name of the Institutional Review Council, The Wellcome Trust, and the Australian Research Board that approved the research protocol Council. Accepted manuscripts that report on publicly funded involving human subjects must be includ- research are made available in digital form for public access ed on the title page and in the Methods to central databases such as NIH’s PubMed Central and on section. The Methods section must also the JOSPT website as soon as the manuscript is published. contain a statement that informed consent was obtained and that the rights of the MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSION subjects were protected. All manuscripts must be submitted on- Submissions that do not meet the It is mandatory that clinical trials line at above essential requirements will be re- initiated on or after January 1, 2013 be JOSPT, which either can be accessed di- turned to the author without review. In prospectively registered in a public trials rectly or through the JOSPT website at the peer-review process, JOSPT reviewers registry. In these cases, authors should Please direct questions are unaware of the author’s identity and provide the name of the registry and the about online submission to the JOSPT of- institutional affiliation. Associate editors registration number on the title page. For fice at 1-877-766-3450. are not blinded to author identity and vice clinical trials initiated prior to January 1, versa. 2013, prospective clinical trial registration General Requirements is desirable but not mandatory. All manuscripts must meet the following Author/Reviewer Tools and Resources Case reports should include, when re- basic requirements to be eligible for review Authors are required and reviewers in- quired by the appropriate Institutional by JOSPT: vited to take advantage of the author and Review Board, a statement that each sub- t Written in English reviewer tools and resources section of ject was informed that data concerning the t Include a cover letter the JOSPT website (, which case would be submitted for publication t Present findings or data that have provides useful links related to writing and or a statement indicating approval by the not been previously published either in reviewing manuscripts. These materials Board. In all cases, patient confidentiality print or electronic (online) format or were created to assist authors in ensur- must be protected. widely disclosed in a form other than ing that key methodological information published abstracts of oral presentations relevant to the conduct of their study Use of Animals at scientific conferences and meetings is included in the manuscript. This sec- Manuscripts with experimental results in t Undergoing exclusive review by JOSPT tion specifically provides a link to the animals must include a statement on the t Address scientific, clinical, or profes- EQUATOR Network website (http:// title page and in the Methods section that sional issues relevant to musculoskel-, an excellent an animal utilization study committee ap- etal or sports-related physical therapy resource designed to help authors report proved the study. practice on health research that includes links to t Written in accordance with the “Recom- resources such as the CON­SORT, PRIS- Use of Cadavers mendations for the Conduct, Reporting, MA, STROBE, and STARD statements, When applicable, manuscripts with experi- Editing, and Publication of Scholarly among others. mental results on cadavers must include Work in Medical Journals” by the Inter- a statement on the title page and in the national Committee of Medical Journal Revised Manuscripts Methods section that a relevant utilization Editors, December 2013 (http://www. When the editors suggest that a manu- study committee approved the study. and script be revised and resubmitted, the same urm_main.html) guidelines outlined for the preparation of MANUSCRIPT CATEGORIES t Formatted according to AMA style the original manuscript apply. All resub- Research Report guidelines (American Medical Associa- mitted manuscripts must be accompanied A full-length report of an original clinical, tion Manual of Style, 9th Edition), ex- by a cover letter. The cover letter must basic, or translational research investiga- cept for the references, which should be include a list of all revisions with regard tion that advances the clinical science of numbered consecutively in alphabetical to suggestions in the review materials pro- musculoskeletal and sports-related physi- order. vided by the editorial office. Changes made cal therapy. This category also includes sys-

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45-08 Instructions to Authors.indd 428 7/16/2015 1:38:13 PM tematic literature reviews with or without cal therapists are also considered research similar patients are also considered in meta-analysis. reports. Accordingly, systematic literature this category and should be formatted Authors submitting a randomized con- reviews must have a structured abstract accordingly. trolled trial must consult the CONSORT and include a Methods section detailing statement (revised in 2010) and its re- the search strategy, inclusion/exclusion Resident’s Case Problem lated extension for trials of nonpharma- criteria, evaluation of the quality of the ar- A report on the process and logic associ- cological treatments, checklist, and flow ticles, etc. The editor-in-chief must invite ated with differential diagnosis (ie, clinical diagram (http://www.consort-statement. manuscripts submitted in this category; decision making). The Background sec- org/ and http://www.consort-statement. however, self-nominations for an invita- tion includes general clinical or research org/consort-statement). JOSPT further re- tion to submit a systematic literature re- information pertinent to the case. The quires that a flow diagram illustrating the view are welcome. Self-nominations, which Diagnosis section provides patient charac- progress of patients throughout the trial must include a cover letter addressed to teristics and history. It then details the ex- be included as a figure in the manuscript. the editor-in-chief and a current curricu- amination and evaluation process leading In addition, authors must include a copy lum vitae, should be sent electronically to to the working diagnosis and the rationale of the completed CONSORT checklist ap- [email protected]. for that diagnosis, including a presentation pended to the manuscript, with the under- Authors submitting a systematic litera- of medical imaging studies and the results standing that the checklist will not appear ture review of randomized controlled tri- of other clinical tests. Interventions used with any published paper. als should consult the PRISMA statement to treat the patient’s condition and the Authors submitting manuscripts and related checklist and flow diagram outcome of treatment may also be briefly for observational studies (cohort, case- for quality reporting of systematic reviews described at the end of the Diagnosis sec- control, cross-sectional studies) should and meta-analyses (http://www.prisma- tion; however, the focus of the resident’s comply with the STROBE statement JOSPT requires that a flow case problem should be on the diagnostic ( diagram illustrating the progress of study process. The Discussion section offers a php?id=strobe-home) and should submit selection and exclusion (as well as reasons scholarly, critical, and referenced analysis a completed STROBE checklist together for exclusion) be included as a figure in of how the diagnosis guided the care of the with the manuscript. The checklist is used the manuscript. Authors must include a patient. to facilitate the peer-review process but is copy of the completed PRISMA checklist not published with studies accepted for appended to the manuscript, with the un- Clinical Commentary publication. derstanding that the checklist will not ap- A scholarly paper containing opinion or Large therapy or prevention studies pear with any published paper. Prospective perspectives having relevance to musculo- that use a case series design should also registration of systematic reviews protocol skeletal and sports physical therapy. Clini- be submitted as research reports and be information in a database such as PROS- cal commentaries submitted for review submitted with an accompanying STROBE PERO ( require an abstract that is not structured. checklist. is recommended but not required. The editor-in-chief must invite clinical Similarly, preparation of studies inves- The above is not a full list of study de- commentaries. Self-nominations for an tigating the diagnostic accuracy of clini- signs and the authors are required to use the invitation to submit a clinical commen- cal tests will benefit from consulting the appropriate checklist for their study design tary are welcome. Self-nominations, along STARD statement, checklist, and flow dia- as available on the EQUATOR Network with a cover letter addressed to the edi- gram ( website (­ tor-in-chief and current curriculum vitae, JOSPT requires that a flow diagram illus- should be sent electronically to jospt@ trating the progress of patients throughout Case Report the study be included as a figure in the A detailed description of the management manuscript. Authors must include a copy of a unique clinical case. Case reports Narrative Literature Review of the completed STARD checklist ap- must include the following 4 sections: Literature reviews on topics that are not pended to the manuscript, with the under- Background, Case Description, Outcomes, conducive to a formal systematic review standing that the checklist will not appear and Discussion. The description of the but are relevant to musculoskeletal and with any published paper. case includes the relevant patient charac- sports physical therapy may be considered Systematic reviews of the literature, teristics, examination/evaluation, diagno- for publication. The editor-in-chief must with or without a meta-analysis, address- sis, and a description of the interventions invite narrative literature reviews. Self- ing a topic of interest and relevance to that were provided. Manuscripts describ- nominations, which must include a cover musculoskeletal, sports, and manual physi- ing the management of a small group of letter addressed to the editor-in-chief and

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45-08 Instructions to Authors.indd 429 7/16/2015 1:38:13 PM instructions to authors (continued)

current curriculum vitae, are welcome and t Name of the public trials registry and t A list of suggested study design names should be sent electronically to jospt@ the registration number and the Oxford Centre for Evidence- t Corresponding author’s name, address, Based levels of evidence table and e-mail address are provided for reference in the Au- Brief Report t Word count of the text portion of the thors section of the JOSPT website. Suitable for high-quality, high-impact re- manuscript t All abstracts should end with a Key search reports that are less than 2000 Words section, containing 3 to 5 key words (excluding references) and have no Anonymous Title Page (separate page) words that do not appear in the manu- more than a total of 4 tables or figures. The t Title of the manuscript script title. number of references should be 20 or less. t Statement of financial disclosure and Potential exists for additional supporting conflict of interest (see item 6 of the Text material (ie, tables, figures) to be included Author Agreement and Publication t Research reports, systematic literature as appendices online if needed. This cat- Rights Form) reviews, and brief reports require the egory of papers can be used for all types of t Acknowledgements (on a separate page) body of the manuscript to be divided research reports, including the description into 5 sections: Introduction, Methods, of a new instrument, technology, or meth- Abstract Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. ods relevant to musculosk­eletal physical t Structured Abstract: Research reports t Case reports require the body of the therapy practice or clinical research. Fol- (including systematic literature reviews) manuscript to be divided into 4 sec- low the instructions for research reports, and brief reports require an abstract tions: Background, Case Description, using the additional information provided containing a maximum of 250 words, Outcomes, and Discussion. above to prepare the manuscript. divided into 6 sections with the follow- t Resident’s case problems require the ing headings (in this order): Study De- body of the manuscript to be divided MANUSCRIPT PREPARATION sign, Objectives, Background, Methods, into 3 sections: Background, Diagnosis, All manuscripts submitted to JOSPT Results, Conclusion. The abstract for and Discussion. should be double-spaced and have 2.54- case reports should have 5 sections with t Clinical commentaries and narrative cm (1-in) margins on all sides of the page. the following headings: Study Design, literature reviews do not have specific Pages should be consecutively numbered, Background, Case Description, Out- mandatory subdivisions or sections. starting with the title page. Pages should comes, and Discussion. The abstract For all manuscripts, the text should be be continuously line numbered, with line for resident’s case problems should have less than 4000 words and be supple- numbers starting at 1 on the abstract. The 4 sections with the following headings: mented by a reasonable number of figures font should be 12-point Arial, Times New Study Design, Background, Diagnosis, and tables. Roman, or Courier. All measurements in and Discussion. the manuscript should be presented in SI t Unstructured Abstract: Clinical com- Key Points units, except for those of angular measures, mentaries and narrative literature The brief Key Points section of the which should be presented in degrees rath- reviews require an abstract (called syn- manuscript (needed for research reports er than radians. The manuscript should be opsis) that is not structured and that only, including systematic literature re- arranged as follows: contains a maximum of 250 words. views) should be provided at the end of t All abstracts should include, when ap- the text, prior to the references. These Title Page (separate page) propriate, a line item called “Level of points should be written in a user-friendly t Title of the manuscript Evidence,” which indicates the study language, consist of brief sentences, and t Names of each author with their high- type and level of evidence, according summarize the most important informa- est academic credential (ie, PhD), or to the classification system listed at the tion related to the findings, implications, most relevant professional designation Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Med- and caution directly resulting from the (eg, PT), or both (eg, PT, PhD). Limit icine website ( work. These 3 subheadings should be used: credentials to these 2 items only This final line in the abstract should be t Findings: One or 2 statements on what t Institution, city, state/country for each in the following format example: “Level the study adds to current knowledge. author of Evidence: Therapy, level 2a.” When t Implications: A statement on how the t Statement of the sources of grant sup- the study does not fit any of the study results impact clinical practice or re- port (if any) type and level of evidence descriptors search on this topic. t Statement of Institutional Review Board included in the above classification sys- t Caution: A statement on the most approval of the study protocol tem, this line may be omitted. important limitations of the study, es-

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45-08 Instructions to Authors.indd 430 7/16/2015 1:38:13 PM pecially external validity (what may pre- t References that have CrossRef Digital Paper Presented at a Symposium vent wide utilization of the results). Object Identifiers (doi) should include Nelson-Wong E, Gregory DE, Winter DA, them at the end of the citation. Callaghan JP. Postural control strategies References t References must be verified by the during prolonged standing: is there a t References should be numbered consec- author(s) against the original docu- relationship with low back discomfort? utively in alphabetical order, according ments. American Society of Biomechanics An- to author last name and initials, title, Reference style and punctuation should nual Conference. Palo Alto, CA: American and year. Where the first-author names conform to the examples that follow: Society of Biomechanics; 2007. are identical, references with 1 author Journals precede those with multiple authors. Wilson T. The measurement of patellar Tables Where all the author names are identi- alignment in patellofemoral pain syndrome: t Each table must be self-contained and cal, the title is the next ordering compo- are we confusing assumptions with evidence? provide standalone information inde- nent, followed by the year. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2007;37:330- pendent of the text. t All references in the References section 341. t See AMA Manual of Style, section 2.13, must be cited in the text. 2281 to organize and format tables. t References must be cited in the text by us- Books t Table titles should list the table number ing the reference number in superscript Portney LG, Watkins MP. Foundations of in uppercase bold (eg, “TABLE 1”), fol- at the end of the sentence or the refer- Clinical Research: Applications to Practice. lowed by a period, then the title of the enced portion of the sentence. The refer- 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice table in sentence case. ence goes after the author’s name when Hall Health; 2009. t Abbreviations used in each table must the author’s name is listed (eg, Davies1). Organization as Author and Publisher be spelled out below the table. If there are only 2 authors in the refer- US Food and Drug Administration. Guid- t Footnotes must be listed below the ence, then the text should include both ance for industry: patient-reported out- table, after the abbreviations, in order authors (eg, Davies and Ellenbecker1). If come measures: use in medical product of occurrence in the table (left to right, the reference has more than 2 authors, development to support labeling claims. row to row). According to AMA style, the text should include “et al” after the Rockville, MD: FDA; 2006. footnotes are cited with the following first author’s name (eg, Davies et al1). Chapter in a Book superscript symbols (in this order): *, t In the Reference section, when a refer- Jones MA, Rivett DA. Introduction to †, ‡, §, ||, ¶, #, **, ††, ‡‡. Where these ence has 7 or more authors, list the first clinical reasoning. In: Jones MA, Rivett symbols are unavailable, superscript 3 authors, followed by “et al.” DA, eds. Clinical Reasoning for Manual numbers may be used. t References must include only material Therapists. Edinburgh, UK: Butterworth- t All tables must be referred to some- that is retrievable through standard lit- Heinemann; 2004:3-24. where in the text. erature searches. References to papers Master’s or Doctoral Thesis t All tables go after the reference list. accepted but not published or published Langshaw M. Cervical Spine Mobilisation: ahead of print should be designated “in The Effect of Experience and Subject on Figures press” or use the PubMed/MEDLINE Dose [thesis]. NSW, Australia: The Uni- t Figure captions should list the fig- [Epub ahead of print] status until an versity of Sydney; 2001. ure number in uppercase bold (eg, updated citation is available. Doctoral Published Abstract of a Paper Presented at “FIGURE 1”) followed by a period, and and master’s theses are considered pub- a Conference continue with the text of the caption in lished material. Information from man- Chen YJ, Powers CM. The dynamic Q- sentence case. uscripts not yet accepted for publication angle: a comparison of persons with and t All abbreviations appearing in the fig- and personal communications will not without patellofemoral pain [abstract]. ures should be defined in the caption be accepted. The use of abstracts and Proceedings of the North American Con- for each respective figure, and abbrevia- proceedings should be avoided unless gress on Biomechanics. Ann Arbor, MI: tions appearing only in the figure cap- they are very recent and the sole source 2008. tion must be defined at first use. of the information. Universal Resource Locator (URL) t Digital figures must be at least 350 dpi t Abbreviations for the journals in ref- NFHS Associations. 2007-2008 National (dots per inch). erences must conform to those of the Federation of State High School Asso- t Charts and graphs generated from National Library of Medicine in Index ciations Participation Survey. Available spreadsheet programs must accompany, Medicus ( at: Accessed May 17, or allow access to, the data journals). 2010. t Photographs must be in JPEG file for-

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mat (JPG) and graphic art in GIF file Photograph/Video Release Statement articles published in the Journal. Letters format and at a resolution of at least Signed photograph/video release forms will be reviewed and selected for publica- 350 dpi. should accompany photographs/videos of tion by the editor-in-chief based on the t All figures must be referred to in the patients and subjects. A photograph/video relevance, importance, appropriateness, text. release statement should contain the fol- and timeliness of the topic. Letters to t Each view (eg, A, B, C) within the figure lowing: (1) manuscript title; (2) names of the editor-in-chief are copy edited and must be defined in the figure caption. all authors; (3) statement placed below the correspondent is not typically sent t Color figures and graphics are wel­come. the manuscript title and author names as a version to approve. Letters to the ed- t All figures go after the tables at the end follows: “I hereby grant to the Journal of itor-in-chief should include a summary of the manuscript. Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy the statement of any conflict of interest, in- royalty-free right to publish photographs cluding financial support related to the Videos and/or videos of me for the stated journal issue addressed. Letters should be sent Authors may wish to consider including and the above manuscript in which I appear electronically to [email protected]. Authors supplemental videos to be published on- as subject, patient, or model, and for the of the relevant manuscript are given the line with their manuscript. These videos stated Journal’s website ( opportunity to respond to the content of can describe intervention or examination I understand that any figure in which I ap- the letter. techniques as well as surgical procedures pear may be modified.”; and (4) the original or other material pertinent to the manu- signature and date signed from each subject Invited Commentary script. Intent to include videos may be who appears in the figures. This original An expert’s point of view concerning an mentioned in the cover letter with the ini- signed statement must be submitted to the article published in the Journal. Commen- tial manuscript submission or may be dis- JOSPT office with the manuscript. taries are invited by the editor-in-chief and cussed with the editor-in-chief once the immediately follow the article discussed. manuscript is accepted. Videos should be: OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS Authors of the manuscript under commen- t MPEG-1, MPEG-2, or AVI files. Musculoskeletal Imaging tary are given the opportunity to respond t No longer than 2.5 minutes. This feature focuses on the use and inter- to the expert’s point of view. t Introduced with a title screen and in- pretation of medical imaging related to clude audio narration. a case scenario relevant to musculoskel- JOSPT’S EDITORIAL POLICIES t There is no limit on the number of vid- etal or sports physical therapy practice. In 1. The recommendations of associate edi- eos that may be submitted. most instances, these cases will emphasize tors, editorial review board members, how information from imaging can af- and reviewers concerning the status of ADDITIONAL REQUIRED fect physical therapy management of the manuscripts under review are advisory DOCUMENTS patient. In some instances, however, this to the editors. For submissions to qualify for review, feature may be used to share informa- 2. The final decision concerning the pub- the following documents must either be tion on unusual medical conditions, or to lication of a manuscript is solely the e-mailed ([email protected]), mailed simply illustrate commonly used imaging responsibility of the editors. (JOSPT, 1033 N Fairfax St, Ste 304, techniques and their interpretation. Con- 3. Manuscripts are treated as works in Alexandria, VA 22314-1540), or faxed tributions should include no more than 3 progress and are viewed as new manu- (1-703-891-9065) to the JOSPT office. authors, 250 words, 3 figures, and 3 refer- scripts each time a revision is submit- ences (if any). Submissions, including text ted; each time a manuscript is reviewed, Author Agreement and and images, must be submitted online at new issues may be raised for the authors Publication Rights Form, to address. This document must have original sig- which can be accessed either directly or 4. Authors should expect to make multiple natures of all authors. Author signatures through the JOSPT website at www.jospt. revisions of their manuscript before may be on separate copies or 1 copy of org. Please direct questions about online formal acceptance of the manuscript the form. The form is at the end of these submission to the JOSPT office at 1-877- for publication. instructions. Please submit the form when 766-3450. See the Figures section of the 5. Manuscripts submitted for review are you are submitting the manuscript on the instructions to authors for technical speci- a form of privileged communication manuscript submission website at http:// fications for the figures. between the authors and the Journal Please and the authors and the reviewers. Re- contact the JOSPT office with any ques- Letter to the Editor-in-Chief viewers may share the paper with other tions. A letter related to professional issues or professionals only with the intent to

432 | may 2015 | volume 45 | number 5 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy

45-08 Instructions to Authors.indd 432 7/16/2015 1:38:13 PM seek information intended to enhance the review. MANUSCRIPT CHECKLIST When submitting a new or revised 6. Authors are not permitted to make Name of the public trials registry and the manuscript, please make sure to include t  changes during the proof stage of pub- registration number on the title page, the following: lication except to correct inaccuracies. if applicable. t Cover letter identifying the phone, fax, 7. The editors may refuse to publish a and e-mail address of the corresponding t Statement in the Methods section that manuscript if the author requests sub- author and the manuscript category. informed consent was obtained and the rights of subjects were protected. stantial revisions of the manuscript con- Author Agreement and Publication t  Properly structured abstract. tent after the paper has been through Rights Form(s) with original signatures t  of all authors. t Continuous line numbering throughout the review process and accepted for the entire manuscript. t Photograph/video release statement publication. signed by the individual(s) in the t References listed and numbered 8. The editors may solicit additional re- photograph/video. in alphabetical order and cited with superscripts in the text. views to supplement the opinion of t Full title page. Inclusion of the appropriate checklist the assigned associate editor and t Name of the Institutional Review Board t  reviewers. that approved the protocol for the study (eg, CONSORT, STARD, PRISMA), on the title page. if applicable. 9. JOSPT welcomes reports that include findings of no statistically significant differences. However, in the event of a authors may make personal photocop- CONTACT INFORMATION null result, the authors need to provide ies or deposit their article in their in- Journal of Orthopaedic additional information about the statis- stitutional repository (intranet only). & Sports Physical Therapy tical properties of the analysis that led Authors also have permission, with no 1033 N Fairfax St, Ste 304 to this result (ie, evidence of reasonable fee charged, to reproduce material they Alexandria, VA 22314-1540 protection against type II error). created in the past for JOSPT for use Phone: 1-877-766-3450 10. JOSPT accords its authors most-favored in books, chapters of books, or articles Fax: 1-703-891-9065 status where reproduction policies and in other journals, as long as copyright E-mail: [email protected] copyright permissions are concerned. credit to the Journal is given. Upload- Website: Authors receive e-mailed PDFs of their ing articles to public-access websites articles; once the issue is published, (eg, ResearchGate) is not allowed.

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45-08 Instructions to Authors.indd 433 7/16/2015 1:38:13 PM author agreement and publication rights form

Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

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Signatures below certify agreement that each author is in full compliance with the statements that follow. Original signatures are required. This original signed form must accompany your manuscript submission to the Journal editorial office. 1. Transfer of Copyright. I understand and agree that the copyright for the manuscript entitled above, if published by the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, will be taken out in the name of the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. As such, I agree and understand that all rights to the manuscript are assigned and transferred to the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. I understand that this agreement covers revisions of this manuscript, including modifications of the manuscript title listed above. 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434 | may 2015 | volume 45 | number 5 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy

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