COVID-19 Rush Journal Club NOVEL CORONAVIRUS SARS-COV-2. Transmission electron micrograph of SARS-CoV-2 virus particles, iso- lated from a patient. Image captured and color-enhanced at the NIAID Integrated Research Facility (IRF) in Fort Detrick, Maryland. Credit: NIAID Available at: bum-72157712914621487/. Accessed April 19, 2020. This document is a collection of efforts from students of Rush University. It provides brief reviews of research articles regarding COVID-19. We hope that this will be helpful to clinicians, students, community leaders, and the general public. This document, however, does not act as a replacement of the original source documents. Please use the DOI on each page to read more. Student Editors Blake Beehler, MD Alyssa Coleman, MS3 Kelsey Danley, MD Shyam Desai, MD Joshua Doppelt, MD Lindsay Friedman, MS3 Danesha Lewis, PhD student John Levinson, MS2 Luke McCormack, MS2 Diana Parker, MS2 Ayesan Rewane, MSCR Lance Shaull, MD Audrey Sung, MS3 Jackie Urban, MD Student Editors in Chief Beth Hall, MD Bijan Zarrabi, MS2 Faculty Editors and Mentors Frank Cockerill, MD - Adjunct Professor of Medicine Mete Altintas, PhD - Associate Professor of Internal Medicine Graphic design Sam Auger, MD Beth Hall, MD Is there a study you’d like us to review? Do you have questions or feedback? Please email:
[email protected] COVID-19Reviews are provided by students at Rush University and edited by Rush Rushfaculty. Journal Level Club of evidence in each study, if applicable,