Official Register of the Officers And
OFFICIAL REGISTER OFTH1~ OFFICERS AND CADETS OF THE U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY, WEST POINT, NEW YORK. JUNE, 1861. BOARD OF VISITORS. The following named Gentlemen were invited by the Hon. Secretary of,War to attend the Examinaticn of the Cadets of the U. S. Military Academy, in JUNE, 1861. 1 PROFESSOR CHARLES DAVIES, (PRESIDENT) - - - NE\V YORK. 2 HERMAN HAUPT, Esqr., (SECRELIRY) MASSACHUSETTS. 3 HON. JAMES S. ALBAN, WISCONSIN. 4 JAMES H. BLAINE, Esqr., MAINE. 5 ASAHEL BUSH, Esqr., OREGON. 6 REV. JAMES CLARK, DISTRICT COLUMIIIA. 7 HON. DAVID COOPER, MINNESOTA. 8 ALEXANI)ER CUMMINGS, Esqr.. PENNSYLVANIA. 9 HON. i)AVII) 1)AVIS, ILLINOIS. 10 COLONEL FITZ HENRY WARREN, IOWA. Ii HON. JOHN WOOI)RUFF, CONNECTICUT. 012 GENERAL H. H. CARRINOTON, OHIO. *13 HON. JOHN J. CRITTENDEN, KENTUCKY. *14 BRIG. GENERAL JOFIN GARLANI), F. S. A. - - - *15 HON. ANDREW JOHNSON, TENNESSEE. *16 JOHN P. KENNEI)Y, Esqr., MARYLANI). *17 HON. FREDERICK P. STANTON, KANSAS. 0 Not Present. EXTRACT FROM AN ACT OF CONGRESS, APPROVED AUGUST 8TH, 1846. SEC. 2. And be it furl/ocr enacted, that the President be authorized to appoint a Board ofVisitors to attend the annual examination ofthe Military Academy, whose duty it shall be to report to the Secretary of War, for the information ofCongress, at the commencement of the next succeeding session, the actual state ofthe disci- pline, instruction, police, administration, fiscal affairs, and other concerns of the Institution—-Provided, That the whole number of Visitors each year, shall not exceed the half of the number of the States
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