Biodiversity Studies of Insect Fauna Order Coleoptera of Ajmer

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Biodiversity Studies of Insect Fauna Order Coleoptera of Ajmer IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS) e-ISSN:2278-3008, p-ISSN:2319-7676. Volume 11, Issue 5 Ver. II (Sep. - Oct.2016), PP 08-14 Biodiversity Studies of Insect Fauna Order Coleoptera of Ajmer Dr Rashmi Sharma Dept. Of Zoology Spc Gca Ajmer Rajasthan India Abstract: Ajmer is located in the center of Rajasthan (INDIA) between 25 0 38 “ and 26 0 58 “ north 75 0 22” east longitude covering a geographical area of about 8481sq km hemmed in all sides by Aravalli hills . About 7 miles from the city is Pushkar lake created by the touch of lord Brahma. The Dargah of khawaja Moinuddin chisti is holiest shrine next to Mecca in the world. Ajmer is abode of certain flora and fauna that are particularly endemic to semi-arid and are specially adapted to survive in the dry waterless region of the state. Coleoptera. Availability of beetles were more during the night hours and population seemed to be Confined to the light areas.Beetles mean sheathed wings means two pairs of wings are present. Beetles have been Studied for centuries. Following Beetles are recorded in AJMER. Key words: Ajmer, Faunal diversity, Coleoptera, Aravalis. I. Introduction Ajmer is located in the center of Rajasthan (INDIA) between 25 0 38 “ and 26 0 58 “ north Latitude and 73 0 54 “ and 75 0 22” east longitude covering a geographical area of about 8481sq km hemmed in all sides by Aravalli hills . About 7 miles from the city is Pushkar lake created by the touch of lord Brahma. The Dargah of khawaja Moinuddin chisti is holiest shrine next toMecca in the world. Ajmer is abode of certain flora and fauna that are particularly endemic to semi-arid and are specially adapted to survive in the dry waterless region of the state. Coleoptera Beetles means sheathed wings means two pairs of wings are present. Availability of beetles were more during the night hours and population seemed to be Confined to the light areas. The order contains more species than any other order, constituting almost 25% of all known animal life-forms. About 40% of all described insect species are beetles (about 400,000 species), and new species are discovered frequently. The largest taxonomic family, the Curculionidae the weevils or snout beetles), also belongs to this order. The diversity of beetles is very wide-ranging. They are found in almost all types of habitats, but are not known to occur in the sea or in the polar region They interact with their ecosystem in several ways. They often feed on plants and fungi , break down animal and plant debris, and eat other invertebrates . Some species are prey of various animals including birds and mammals. Certain species are agricultural pests, such as the Colorado potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata, the boll weevil Anthonomus grandis, the Red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum, and the mungbean or cowpea beetle Collosobruchus maculates while other species of beetles are important controls of agricultural pests. For example, beetles in the family Coccinellidae ("ladybirds" or "ladybugs") consumeaphids, scale insects, thrips, and other plant-sucking insects that damage crops. II. Methodology Field observations were made during March to April and September to November in different areas of Ajmer East, West, North and South AJMER with varied habitats like gardens, hilly areas parks mountains, vegetable areas , open fields, agricultural areas and other cultivated areas. III. Observations and Results During the course of present field investigations 180 families have been reported. The detail of Family, name of species and common name are given below . Tenebrionoidea was found to be most dominant Super family , followed by Super family Cucujoidea , followed by Elateroidea and then Scarabaeoidea followed by Adephaga. DOI: 10.9790/3008-1105020814 8 | Page Biodiversity Studies of Insect Fauna Order Coleoptera of Ajmer Some species were found in all months except extreme winters i e December and January February and extreme summer May June. Some species were quick fliers others were shy in nature. The present study reveals that Carabidae and Dytiscidae Were the first to emerge (March) and Curculionidae was the most late arrival emerging in the month emerging in the month of April. The peak Beetle activity was observed in the month of July to October. Order Coleoptera Suborder Adephaga (Schellenberg 1806). Amphizoidae ( Aquatic beetle Trout stream beetle Amphizoa striata.) Aspidytidae (Cliff water beetles Aspidytes niobe.). Carabidae (ground beetles ). Dytiscidae (Water diving beetles). Gyrinidae (Whirling beetles). Haliplidae(Water beetles crawling ). Hygrobiidae ( Aquatic beetles native to Europe, N. Africa, China and Australia ). Meruidae (Aquatic beetles Meru phyllisae). Noteridae (Burrowing water beetle). Rhysodidae (Wrinkled bark beetle). Trachypachidae ( False ground beetle leaf litter conifer). Suborder Archostemata Kolbe, 1908. Crowsoniellidae (Monotypic sp ) Italy calcareous soil base of chestnut tree. Cupedidae Tenomerga mucida . Jurodidae (East Russia). Micromalthidae (Telephone pole beetle). Ommatidae (Australia and South America). Suborder Myxophaga Hydroscaphidae(Water b Skiff Hydroscapha natans ). LepiceridaeMyxophagan beetles. Sphaeriusidae (Sphaerius acaroids). Torridincolidae (Torrent beetle) SubOrder Polyphaga Infra order a. Bostrichiformia a 1 Super family Bostrichoidea Anobiidae Bostrichidae Dermestidae (Skin beetle). Jacobsoniidae Nosodendridae a 2 Superfamily Derodontoidea Derodontidae b Infra order Cucujiformia b 1 Super family Chrycomeloidea Cerambycidae (long horn beetle) Chrysomelidae (Leaf beetle) Bruchidae and Cassidae Megalopodidae Orsodacnidae Superfamily cleroidea Acanthocnemidae Chaetosomatidae Cleridae Melyridae Phloiophilidae Phycosecidae DOI: 10.9790/3008-1105020814 9 | Page Biodiversity Studies of Insect Fauna Order Coleoptera of Ajmer Prionoceridae Trogossitidae Super family cucujoidea Alexiidae Biphyllidae Boganiidae Bothrideridae Byturidae Cavognathidae Cerylonidae Coccinellidae (lady birds) Corylophidae Cryptophagidae Cucujidae Discolomatidae Endomychidae Erotylidae Helotidae Hobartiidae Kateretidae Laemophloeidae Lamingtoniidae Languriidae Latridiidae Monotomidae Nitidulidae Passandridae Phalacridae Phloeostichidae Propalticidae Protocucujidae Silvanidae Smicripidae Sphindidae Super family curculinoidea Anthribidae Attelabidae Belidae Brentidae Caridae Curculionidae (snout beetle true weevil) Scolytinae bark beetle Ithyceridae Nemonychidae Super family Lymexyloidea Lymexylidae Super family Tenebrionoidea Aderidae Anthicidae Archeocrypticidae Boridae Chalcodryidae Ciidae DOI: 10.9790/3008-1105020814 10 | Page Biodiversity Studies of Insect Fauna Order Coleoptera of Ajmer Melandryidae Meloidae gyllenhal blister beetle Mordellidae Mycetophagidae Mycteridae Oedemeridae Perimylopidae Prostomidae Pterogeniidae Pyrochroidae Pythidae Ripiphoridae Salpingidae Scraptiidae Stenotrachelidae Synchroidae Tenebrionoidea (Darkling beetle false ground beetle.) Tetratomidae Trachelostenidae Trictenotomidae Ulodidae Zopheridaer Infra order Elateriformia Superfamily Buprestoidea Buprestidae Schizopodidae Super family Byrrhoidea Super family Dascilloidea Superfamily Elateroidea Artematopodidae Brachypsectridae Cantharidae ( Soldier and Sailor beetles) Cerophytidae Drilidae Elateridae (Click beetles) Eucnemidae Lampyridae Lycidae Omalisidae Phengodidae Plastoceridae Podabrocephalidae Rhinorhipiodae Telegeusidae Throscidae Super family Scirtoidea Clambidae Decliniidae Eucinetidae Scirtidae Infra order Scarabaeiformia Superfamily Scarabaeoidea Belohinidae Bolboceratidae Ceratocanthidae DOI: 10.9790/3008-1105020814 11 | Page Biodiversity Studies of Insect Fauna Order Coleoptera of Ajmer Diphyllostomatidae Geotrupidae Glaphyridae Glaresidae Hybosoridae Lucanidae (Stag beetle) Ochodaeidae Passalidae Pleocomidae Scarabaeidae Dynastidae(rhinoceros beetle) Trogidae Infraorder Staphyliniformia Superfamily Hydrophiloidea Histeridae Hydrophilidae Sphaeritidae Synteliidae Superfamily Staphylinoidea Agyrtidae Hydraenidae Leiodidae Ptiliidae Scydmaenidae Silphidae Staphylinidae (rove beetle) Scaphidiinae Pselaphinae SubOrder Protocoleoptera Super family Tshekardocoleoidea Tshekardocoleoidae Labradorocoleoidae Oborocoleoidae Superfamily permocupedoidea Permocupedidae Taldycupedidae Superfamily Permosynoidea Ademosyndidae Permosynidae Table 1 Beetles of AJMER S. No. Family/Scientific name M Abundance Habitat 1 Amphizoidae Rs C A 2 Aspidytidae Rs C A 3 Carabidae Rs C A 4 Dytiscidae Rs C A 5 Gyrinidae C A 6 Haliplidae Rs C A 7. Hygrobiidae C A 8 Meruidae Rs C A 9 Noteridae Rs C A 10 Rhysodidae Rs C A 11. Trachypachidae Rs C A 12. Crowsoniellidae Rs C T 13 Cupedidae Rs C T 14 jurodidae Rs F T 15 Micromalthidae Rs C T DOI: 10.9790/3008-1105020814 12 | Page Biodiversity Studies of Insect Fauna Order Coleoptera of Ajmer 16 Ommatidae Rs C T 17 Hydroscaphidae Rs C T 18 lepiceridae Rs C T 19 Sphaeriusidae Rs C T 20 Torridincolidae Rs C T 21 Anobiidae C T 22. Bostrichidae Rs C T 23. Dermestidae Rs C T 24 Jacobsoniidae Rs C T 25 Nosodendridae Rs C T 26 Derodontidae Rs C T 27 Cerambycidae Rs C T 28 Chrysomelidae( bruchidae and cassidae) Rs C T 29 Megalopodidae Rs C T 30 Orsodacnidae Rs C T 31 Acanthocnemidae Rs C T 32 Coccinellidae Rs C T 33 Curculionidae Rs C T 34 Meloidae Rs O T 35 Scraptiidae Rs C T 36 Tenebrionidae Rs C T 37 Cantharidae Rs C T 38 Elateridae Rs C T 39 lucanidae Rs C T 40 Scarabaeidae Rs C T 41. Dynastidae
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