her Daughters, jet it will be her Consolation His Grace Charles Duke of Bolton, to be to iee them lo deservedly placed at tlie Head Captain of the Band of Gentlemen Pension­ of the most considerable 1-rotestant Families ers. in Europe. The Right Honourable Algernoon Earl of We most earnestly implore the Giver ofall Hertford, to be of his Majesty's own good Gifts to bless your R- yal Highnesi with Royal Regiment of Horse Guards. a numerous Offspring, and his most Serene The Right Honourable Charles Lord Corn-- Highness and them with the long Enjoyment wallis, to be Constable ofthe Tower of Lon­ of so inestimable a Treasure, as his Majesty don, as also Lord Lieutenant of the Tower- has now bestowed upon them. Hamlets. The Right Honourable William Earl of . To which her Royal Highness was pleased Jersey, to be Chief Justice in Eyre on this to give the following Answer. Side Trent. Am very thankful to you for your Congra­ His Grace Charles Duke of Marlborough, I tulations upon this Occasion. Tou may be to be Captain and Colonel of the becond assured of my fincerest IVtfhes for the Welfare Troop of his Majesty's Horse Guards. and 'Prosperity of the City of London. His Grace John Duke ol Montagu, to be They had likewise the Honour to kiss her Colonel of the Queen's Regiment of Horse. Royal Highness's Hand. Henry Hawley, to be Colo­ nel of the Regiment of Dragoons lately com­ AT the Court at St. James's, ttie 12th Day manded by his Grace Charles Duke of Marl­ •"* of May, 1740. borough. PRESENT, General Thomas Whetham, to be Gover­ The King's most Excellent Majesty in Coun­ nor of Berwick upon Tweed, and of Holy cil. Island. His Majesty in Council this Day declaring Lieutenant General Philip Honywood, to his Intention of going out of the Kingdom be Governor of Portsmouth. for a fliort Time, was pleased to nominate the • Lieutenant General James Dormer, to be following Persons to be Lords Justices sor the Governor of Hull. Administration of the Government during his Sir Robert Rich, Bart, to be Governovjr of Majesty's Absence. the Royal Hospital near Chelsea. John Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. His Majesty has been pleased to order a Philip Lord Hardwicke Lord Chancellor. Conge d'Elire to be sent to the Archdeacon Spencer Earl of Wilmington Lord President. and Chapter of the Cathedral Church of ohn Lord Hervey Lord Privy Seal, La*ndafF, empowering them to elect the Re­ iionel Cranfield Duke of Lord Stew­ verend John Gilbert, Doctor of Laws, Bishop ard. of that See, in the room of Dr. Matthias Charles Duke of Grafton Lord Chamber­ Mawson, translated to the Bifhoprick of Chi­ lain. chester. Charles Duke of Richmond Master of the His Majesty has been pleased to appoint Horse. the Reverend George Stone, M. A. Dean Charles Duke of Bolton. of Londonderry in Ireland, to be Bishop of William Lord Lieute­ Leighlin and Ferns in that Kingdom, in the nant of Ireland. room of Dr. Edward Syngc translated to the John Dulce of Montagu Master General of See of Elphin. the Ordnance. His Majesty has been pleased to appoint Thomas one of his Ma­ the Right Reverend Dr. Joseph Butler, Bi­ jesty's Principal Secretaries of State. shop ot Bristol, to be Dean of the Cathedral Henry £arl of Pembroke Groom ofthe Stole. Church of St. Paul, London ; in the room of Archibald Earl of Hay. Dr. Francis Hare, Bilhop of Chichester, de­ William Lord Harrington one ofhis Maje­ ceased. sty's Principal Secretaries of State. His Majesty has been pleased to grant the Sir Robert Walpole Knight of the most Place and Dignity of the Deanry of Exeter Noble #Order of the Garter, First Commis­ to the Reverend Alured Clark, Doctor in sioner of the Treasury. And, Divinity, and one of his Majesty's Chaplains Sir Charles Wager, Kt. First Commissioner in Ordinary, in the room of Doctor John of the Admiralty. Gilbert, promoted to the Bilhoprick of Lan- His Majesty having been pleased to appoint daff. - the Right Honourable Henry Viscount Lons­ Whitehall, May 1 z. dale to be Lord Lieutenant ofthe Counties of This Day the King was pleased to confer Westmoreland and • his.Lordship the Honour of Knighthood on Dudley Ryder, this Day took the Oaths appointed to be ta­ Esq; his Majesty's Attorney General ,• and on ken thereupon, instead of the Oaths of Alle­ John Strange, Esq; his Majesty's Sollicitor giance and Supremacy. General. This Day the Right Honourable Charles Lord Cornwallis, was, by his Majesty's Com-** Whitehall, May 13. mand, sworn of his Majesty's most Honour­ This Morning about Six a-Clock his Majesty able Privy Council, and took his Place at the left St. James's, passed in his Barge from Board accordingly. Whitehall to Lambeth, and from thence pro­ ceeded by Coach to Gravesend, in order to Whitehall, "May 12. embark for Holland. His Majesty has been pleased to appoint, His Grace John Duke of Montagu to be Master General ofthe Ordnance.