Introduction Chapter I, Anatomizing the Making Of

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Introduction Chapter I, Anatomizing the Making Of Notes INTRODUCTION 1. While the Colonial Administrative Service was not established until 1932, the administration cadres of the Colonial Service were identifiabl e from 1895 until the closure of the Colonial Office. Hence the chosen chronology in Chapter S, of 1895-1966. 2. Robert L. Stevenson, 'The Lamplighter',A Child's Gardell a/Verses, 1920. 3. Rumer Godden, Black Narcisms, 1939,223; informal speech by Lord Wavell cited in Philip Woodruff. 17le Gllardians. 1954,360. CHAPTER I, ANATOMIZING THE MAKING OF THE GENERIC D1STRICf OFFICER I. Apart from the lenninalogy of subjective insiders' opinions. an unusual encomium is to be found in the judgement of a top 'home' civ il servant on one of the overseas civil services as 'the fin est body in the world' - l ord Va nsittnrl, Foreword to H. C. Jackson, Suda/l Da),s alld Ways, (954, vii. 2. Philip Mason (pseud. Woodruff), The GI/ardiam, 1954,270. 3. For example, the influential W. Guttsman. The British Political Elite, 1963; T. R. Bottomore, Elites a/l(l Socitty, 1964; and G. Parry, Political Elites, 1969. 4. E.g., P. C. Lloyd, ed .. 17lt Ntw Elites of Tropical Africa, 1966; Jossle}'l1 Hennessy, 'British Education for an Elite in India', in R. Wilkinson, ed., Goveming Elites, 1969; INCIDL Prob/emes des cadres dans Irs pays tropicaw: et SIIbtropiclllLt, 1961. 5. G. M. Trevelyan, English Social History, 1942; F. M. L. Thompson, 7711' Cambridge Social Histo!)' of Britain, 1750-1950, 1990. 6. G. D. H. Cole. Studies ill Class SlnlcUlre, 1955. See also J. H. Goldthorpe et aL, The Aff/uem Worker ill the Class Stmcture, 1969. 7. Arthur Marwick, British Society since 1945. 1982, ch. 2. See also P. Stanworth and A. Giddens, Elites ami Power in British Society, 1974, and A. H. Halsey, Change in British Society. 1986 ( 1978). 8. O. Mosca, 17,e Ruling Class, 1939; R. H. Ta.... 'Iley, The Acquisitin~ Society, 1943; Hugh Thomas, 17,e Establishment, 1959; C. Wright Mills, The Power Elite, 1956; Michael Young, The Rise of tlte Meritocracy, 1953. 9. A major text was H. Gerth and C. W. Mills, Essaysfrom Max Weber, 1948. 10. For example, H. E. Dale, The Higher Cirit Sen'ice of Great Britain, 1941 ; R. Kelsall, Higher CMI Sen'mllS in Britain, 1955; C. H, Sisson, 171<' Spirit of British AdmillistratiOlI, 1966; G. K. Fry, Statesmen ill Disguise: the Changillg Role of tlte Administmtil'e C/au of the British Home Cil'i/ Sen'ice, 1969, and 'The British Career Civil Service under Challenge', Political Smdies, xxxiv, 4, 1986, 533-55. 11. Sources are cited in Chapters 4 and 6. The attack on the elitist nature of the Colonial Administrative Service came earlier, with criticism from the socialist Harold Laski in 1938 and the Fabian Coloni al Bureau's refomlist report of 1942, Downing Street and the ColOllial Service, The fact that each Service had an element of stonny petrels and angry young men within its own ranks, some of whom were prepared (especially in the mid-1930s) to resign and go into print (d, Chapter 10) 292 Notes 293 tends to reinforce the thesis that these Services were indeed cO/ps d'elite and never pretended to be anything less, 12. See T. Bottomore, The Administrative Elite', in I. L. Horowitz, The New Sociology: Essays in Honour of C. Wright Mills, 1965. 13. Wilkinson, Govel71ing Elites, xiii. 14. For Nehru, the ICS created another caste in the land of caste - Humphrey Trevelyan, The India We Left, 1942, 20. 15. It was not until after the First World War that the property qualification (an annual income of £400) was abolished for prospective diplomats. 16. These were the nine schools which formed the subject of the Clarendon Commission into the Public Schools, 1861-64. They were: Eton, Harrow, Rugby, Winchester, Shrewsbury, Charterhouse, Westminster, St Paul's, Merchant Taylors. See G. Shrosbree, Public Schools and Private Education, 1988. 17. Peter Parker, The Old Lie: the Great War and the Public School Ethos, 1987,54. 18. Asa Briggs, Victorian People, 1965, 119. 19. Philip Mason, The English Gentlemall, 1982,61. 20. Cradle of Empire is the title of Meston Batchelor's history (1981) of the notable Temple Grove preparatory school. 21. J. A. Mangan, Athleticism in the Victorian and Edwardian Public School, 1981, 136-7. 22. P. J. Rich, Elixir of Empire, 1989. 23. In Elspeth Huxley's Murder at Government House, 1937, it is left to the Superintendent of Police to sniff out the social antecedents of the DO promoted to the Secretaryship of Native Affairs: 'Seemed a decent fellow ... Matter of fact, I always had my doubts whether he was really a pukka sahib' - 220. 24. Parker, Old Lie, 54. 25. H. A. Vachell, The Hill, 1905,58. 26. Rupert Wilkinson, The Prefects: British Leadership and the Public School Tradition, 1964. 27. P. J. Cain and A. G. Hopkins, British Imperialism: I Innovation and Expansion; II Crisis and Deconstruction, 1993 28. Ibid., II, 209. 29. Mangan, Athleticism, 139. 30. A. H. M. Kirk-Greene, 'Imperial Administration and the Athletic Imperative: The Case of the District Officer in Africa', in W. S. Baker and J. A. Mangan. Sport in Africa: Essays in Social Histo/y, 1987,81-113. 31. Clive Dewey, Anglo-Indian Attitudes: the Mind of the Indian Civil Service, 1993, chapter 1. 32. James Morris, Farewell the Trumpets, 1978,425. 33. Kathryn Tidrick, Empire and the English Character, 1990, 1. 34. Ronald Hyam, Empire and Sexuality: the British Experience, 1990. Cf. Anton Gill's companion volume to the BBC television series of the same title, Ruling Passions: Sex, Race and Empire, 1995. 35. Ronald Hyam, Britain's Imperial Century, 1815-1914: a Study of Empire and Expansion, 1993 (1976), 272. 36. David C. Potter, India's Political Administrators, 1919-1983, 1986,34. 37. Ibid., 66. 38. J. Goldthorpe, 'On the Service Class, its Formation and Future', in A. Giddens and G. Mackenzie, eds, Social Class and the Division of Labour, 1982, 162-85. 39 Lord Cromer, Political and Litermy Essays, 1919,4. 40. Viscount Swinton, I Remember, 1948, 12. 41. Sport is one of the attributes of 'character' which have survived the end of empire, although an earlier insistence on the display of modesty in victory has not. It fea­ tured in Prime Minister John Major's 1995 list of 'lessons that other things at 294 Notes school cannot teach or teach well: discipline, commitment, team spirit and good sportsmanship' - The Times, 14 July 1995. 42. Kenneth Bradley, Ollce a District Officer, 1965. 15. The phrase 'empire oblige' is used by J. A. Mangan.Athleticism. 137. 43. James Morris, Hem'en's Command, 1973,8. 44. Ralph Waldo Emerson, quoted in James Morris, Pax Britallnica, 1968, 196. 45. G. Santaya na, SoliloqlJies in Englalld. 1922. II has been revived by James Morris for the title of a chapter in Farewell/he Trumpe/s. 1978. 46. Quoted. in full. in J. A. Mangan. The Games Ethic alld imperialism, 1986, 7. 47. A useful start is Simon Rallen, 77le English Gelllfemall, 1961.58-9. See also Mark Girouard. Relllm 10 Camelot: Chivalry and the English Gel/tieman, 1981. and David Castronovo. 77le Ellglish Gelll/mum: Im(lges alld Ideals ill Literature alld Society, 1987. 48. Mason, Gllardialls, 21. 49. Philip Mason, 77le Ellglish Gelltiemall, 1.982, 170. 50. From a letter from Furse to Roberl Heussler, 15 August 1960. quoted in Heussler. Yesterday's Rulers, 1963.82. 5t. Furse was equally enamoured of Oxbridge for its capacity to tum oul the ideal product for imperial service, •... like wild blackberries. Little or no cultivation of the crop was considered necessary ... Our business was to pick the ripest black· berry available and send it out by the next boat' - Aumparius: Reflectiolls of a Recnlitillg Officer. 1962, 18. 52. Among many, Sir Penderel Moon (ICS 1929-44) traced his Indian family connec­ tions back to 18 14 and David Symington's (ICS 1926-47) great·grandfather had been on the Bombay establishment of the East India Company. Among the mili· tary, the Mayne family (of Mayne's Horse) could trace its Indian connections back to the 1760s, as coul d the Rivett·Camaes. An impressive fam ilial continuit y emerges from the list of names in Charles Allen, Plain Tales from tlte Raj, 1975, 265ff. 53. From the 19205 there was a discernible Service shift by ICS fathers towards the CAS for their sons, as the prospects for a full career in the former began to dim. 54. Cf. Jeffrey Richards, ed., imperialism and Jlweni/e Literature, 1989. See also L. D. Worgraft, 77le Imperiallmagillatiol', 1983,55. 55. Martin Green. Dreams ofAdvelllllre, Deeds of Empire. 1980. See also his analysis of the Robinson Crusoe story as a stimulus to yo ung men to go oul and join in the adventure of the British Empire in Richards, imperialism alld JlIl'enile Literalllre, 34-52. 56. Personal correspondence. W. l. Bell. posted as a cadet to Uganda in 1947, reveals, in hi s unpublished reflections on his career. a similar infl uence. He experienced 'a considerable degree of uncertainty as to why I was there at all. I was 27, had no degree or any ot her recognized qualification, knew nothing about Africa, had received no training, no Devonshi re Course, no prellious contact with anyone from Uganda. The fact that I was there (as opposed to why) reflected sellen post-school years of active soldiering, deep uncertainty about the future, a superbly drafted Colonial Office recruitment pamphlet, and a picture compounded of Sanders and She' (personal communication). 57. Tidrick, Empire alld Chamcter.
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